.rue io dod. fo uooj '3our,.lrH, qnd to Hour Dqfl!.' CHARLiOTTB, 3XT. C, HECEMBBR SO, 13S9. rrTJ3vsc33E;x. 41, TH0PIAS J. H0LTOIM, Editob L Pbopbietob. TKKM3: TniNorCi.CaruliBi Whif will be afforded to sub. adhere at TWO IMIM.AKH in advance) TWO DOl.I.AKS" ANI HKTV CKNTrt if pevmenl b gVlaved f..r three month, ; mil T1IIIKK lMJi.LAKtt ,1 as end of III your. Nopaper will b diaeon. until all arrearage are paid, except at I In itino( the Editor. Ailifrlijiiiili"'l alOne Dollarper square (10 line or lr"a, tlm unil type) fur I lit firal ineer tinn,"!) 2'i eenle Tor each ootttin limine, Court tod mrturii.enla and rtlientl'e 8. It s charged WS per cent mgi"" ! end a deducito.i of 33J per eenl. will Ik mane I'r th "If uUf prices, lor advertiarra by lha rear. A.lverliat ...elite married nionlliljr or qiirtrrly, 91 per aquar fur rarh lima. Semi. Monthly centa per aquurt fur aarli time. Prraune when sending in llicir advertisement niu.t mirk the mr.ir t.r ine.rt.ui. dea.rcd nr (iry will be married unl.l forbid and charged a. tufUmijIy- . JT-Pualniealer r autlioiiaed to art a a agent J. ii. VILKI(. At ( ()., dcalxbs 1M WATCHES, JEWF.LRV, JllTE! ind PUTEU WAIE.i A WD Jin, S.GmniU Range, npptunl the Mansion House, CHARLOTTE. N (J. Vunliofi given to Repairing Wstrhral. Jewelry. Uu 7. Ij9. !'" T. II. IIKKM & CO., : tniOU MAI.l: eV IIKI All. DKAl.t.lt BIUTIn FRENCH & AMERICAN , D11V GOODS, I I AitriM, ii moi, I AND II AIMYAIti:. ! T il. Bam, I! A Itl.O I 'I I , 1. . , J. A. fam a. Ja , T. Laravarra Ai.axaanr. j hit ! I rll. r A ;ilil lit int. f fVlr. aubacribrr ta maniiarruriog ana rn I r.,n.liMliii haid. Koao lor I cllrr, ht-ld I1IIK .d or Kiogwn'O". d t""" ,u ali i. lor n.rullur Il will lo.a un.a out of anr kind ol t li.llni.f If any p ra.in dr. irri In hate it to aril fain.it ran b )d al a rr. I nuerd puca. 1 b tiap baa Ihi n tnid by rf'n. n.ir r,.na an.( la ani t- b- rrM'iii run. The (i..pr..n be b.dt lr Y..S. II uic lna.n & t g.'e liruj Kioia and Ir-ui Hie aulwenlwr. j Cll AS. T. KBF.KUARD. .Via 31. iVi.iais! ui:iis::: I i Kin Ili- IIn lt IM'npHii, Al JctM'i' I'titfi (AMI l'MI(ll J inch rla. par font. .14 .17 i ply. 1 r hK.AMI.KS8 BM.TS manufactured to order ah.rt i...l.re. CO.V.MC77.VO HOSF.nt ill aura, for water nr .ii-jim prrsauir, ndritj diteft raen lie Mej.. aflarrra. A IMO t' i 111 U of ail dtscriplmne at 5 cents Sr, tH'Uno. J. B. F. BOONE. Way 31. I r-5(. i'iW Itcmoval. ffVIIF- ubnbrr inf.onn hia frienda and the IL public gnrrally, that be he removed bia Sh..p i.. ll.r old stand of M.ire A llyrrly, under I.. S. Wiiliama' S:..rr, on Tia.la alrert. wh. rc he ii nrmari-d to attnid to all nntrra in hia line. He has still a few amclra on hand such as Golden Cook. Golier Star.Flanttr'i and Premium COOK tsTovr.s, nd vmtt ty of I'AtziaOi: vrovi:N. A'pti, t jmxh! HPtorlfiirnt of I mi :iimI BIoII.w arr, Xt: All of whit h 1 will m!I cheap for CASH or Coun 'ry Pioilucn. D II. BTKRLY. Jaall.lBiH. J f faiHK. ot my fnin.ia who are imleblrd to me jj. by Note or Account. Kill please observe that I h.ivn r.tiret from the Drug llusim ss, at this pl .t-r, and itn.arJiala erltl, mrnlt it aMulrly rr- oatt-st 1 U.H.ka are in I'm mla ol .Mr. J. r. Kniiin, o . in. hi l ersona cn call, during my ind t Ulc ii. m. ritrrciiAHD ( k;lotl, Oct Sl, (pNKWFIKaM. fiIK umlrraignrd having entered into Copsrl. B, neraliip for the pura,a ol carrying on Ih ('(iiiectionary, Hakery, Fruit, AND Retail Grocery Business, II leave to call tbe attention of the eililana of ( iitiloiu and aarroumung e-nntry to their New Hindoo Tra.ls Hlrert, b. twern llrem'a anil Krank. snlhiiirs, at .rl . Duniel'a ul.l Suiul, where Ihey would be pleased to are all thrir frienda ana .cnuHinlancea. MOODY & NISI1KT. Fthtvry 2, 1858. HAWKSVS History of North-Carolina. 'IIIIC 2..U solum is now piiblish.d. It em. .1. brii.ea the (wriod of the I'ropneUry bur. eisiiir.,1, Iroiii IliliJ l I7'.'H. It fo.liis linn, I. e Hvi. volume of 59 1 pagea. The aiihtn. iptio.i price waa half a cent a P'gej but lha price nf Ihia volumo ia leu, any 7j in el, 'Ih biinhng, 13 in Library sht'i p, and I I '-' m ball eiill'. It wil l, aa bolu oni.t roa I aH. Owing to the dilti.-ut'.y of assuring Agenla in raany par la of the Slute, wa will forward it by tail or olher wise fitt pos'ega, on receipt of lha P'trs ; or both volumes lor 14 cloth, $1 SO aheep, or Ii ball Clf. A liberal tlierount mads U Agent. or others, wliu eu. , n ..,, K. J. HALE k SON. t'tflUwUU. A.. IKio. Jilf-f Piano and Music Store. fHK Subscriber krepa Continually, on hand JL 1'isiioa man by Htoinway Sl Co., Nonu'a Jl lark aiidolhcr make, a, nf New York. Which he will aril at the lowest ruin fur CASH.ot good pa per. A Wo, ih Is teal Music on hand, at No. 160 Mim slrel between lha Kirhenge Bank and the American Hotel, t ninmina, K. . SAMUEL GARDINER. May 10 J 858. if B. L. KEnBISON, HERMAN L. LEIDI.NO. ivroiiiKiis Foreign god Domestic Dry Goods, WIIOLKSALK AM) II b'l All., mill. iiatTT, om iHM.B raon Kino, t IIAItl I SI Oft, h. , April 96, .i9. 7-lr 4 liail.ille tin I iiit I lire Iiimii jiiu i' ( ni:iii y. VII HIS OMr'AN V ciilmo. In tube riaka A ginct li. b) hrr iiuir, &r.v at uui rutr iljU;ii, GuoUa, tlQ- 1 1 I'lfii at tlie Uiug htore of K. Nje Iluttlu. aim i l orrn KKN. A. C. 8TK.F.LK, I rtudmt. C. OVKIi.MA.N, lire frnuUnt. K. NVK Ml) 1 I'll 1SON, .src y . f Trea . I) 1 11 It I TOltH. A C. STKEI.K, J. J. l;i:(iVN, M. TAYUtK, . T. HISION, C. V KHM AN. K. MJAKH, W.M. JOHNSTON. John L Uhuwn, Y. cabb tod S. T. WmaTON, Ktetulive Commtllee, Apitl b, li5. 7tf $:j()6,()00 iNo. 1 Fruit Trees roi: sai i:. WESTBI C CKS ti nEKDEKHALL, Yrojiritlor I 1 H 6V" XuTteriet ar-d (Jantn,teur (jrrttulnjfu,S. 6'., Ol'l.l tr rrr-cllult call the alLi-nlion f il a cl.n i. of I lie Snullitru Sulra to n,,ir rry latge aim-k of n.lnc and acclimated Kruii " r. , a, lur ti h all anil W n.t, r Traiic. Tbieligi- no linil'ine aaairiiiniit baa been ,r..,. g.i, o limn inr nt i bra ling trna. and work. "V ' '' ' '-"n" t t--ka. i . a aur. 1 if abnuld i.l be i by I ' plant or. ue. Ibe iline r ...i lly slut k g I ret a i l.'ill.UCU Apple trera ; Itili.l tiO hearh treea 10,. Iltll fear trus; U .Unit Apricots ; 1 11.(10 t l.el r 7 i 1 7,1" 10 I'luin , AihiIi . . i.rmr ; I11K) Almond; IIHHI Quioo ; t'li'H l.i... 11 i s. Ilrsnirs a xry hut a.soilmtnt nf Curranla ftraw Ih rrira, If a.U rro a, (i,rlH-rr.ta, elr., all of hull will he ink! uii vrry reasonable terms lor c.ah nr pi.riivca p -i r. All pjrfcagrs pul Ui in ti x r n.r s'ylr.and a coniiirte .nvoice stnl In rarh istron, and ao ar rancrd lh. t the invoire will be Ihe rrg.att r ol Ibe orchard alter lh Irrra are tranaplaiilt d. if tacy re Iransplanlea aa r-cb nne appears on tl.e I. at Mr. T. J. Ilollon will a. I aa ag. nl f..r tut- fu. nihing ol Ibr proplr of Mi t S b r.' urg anil nr.gll. bering c. until a ih li e sboe Fruit Trees sml will take pleasure in forwarding ordira lor the Ocl. "fi I MB. 33if. , M. riitelmrd I K.I. PI Nf! to the solicits lien of ma. i hia del. munition to rrtume the Prnrllrc e( .Tiliriii-. v be consulted sl hi ollire. I rThe xr prearribcd for wilbvul charge, .'ssl 31. le.Sf. Sjlf Tin: Mint JVI(i0i: V TOI!! (orapoHndrd f nlirtly from tl .MS, ,tvlutsaj 1 ,nia!h t Jt t,T(ta.a. tl. M.al I h . yin. i.tl'lnkaM4ssr tW Mffn kw I.lrrr- 'saVi.r nl ats. tHmHT . W twi t.f-a il Mi rvuiaiwsM i it mM mtuj 4i ( .mm Uut Il la l.ta t (w H b)w mi l.lvrr lem- plnlnl, t. m ( to faMB-j, ha K.M a a. at ,,1 ...... ..t ..... t rltm Ihraiatasfii Bi.pitlft tn 'hfir 0 plait likftMb lk el bii, iurtr lti Ihv IiIimhI, srf. otl, srlsat r l,l( Klajht sa ls sawala i llyaisrvalsi .sslae .., lull I. , .Mia a . a.. i liulrrw , ln.lrra. ia .,. aa. aT lbs Jnu.t.ltrr issia.a. ail asl- .lalil inia'ta.1 (Ha. .1 t l.n.iilr IMs,- hila IIISIIII. aial lli Una, a.i.1 a siiii, r o's i, o.a sSm-ui .4 ia-tl f, e-iK.a l-Hila ,. bt ?" 11 a.Ta. at H a.r, s, at- V m bL-olas Vtpr. I iHai illii.S a, tsatlty s All who nee II are citing lltrlr wnanlmona ieall.notir lit l&a lor. a-Ml! Wsfrr l ' nioiilli llh Hie Invl Hoialttr. noil swallttwv UwlH lourlltrr. THB LIVER IMVIOORATOR M Sl ISKTICH' HIHUl I. IHW'lUKKV. Sn4 It 4allf niSlsf m,M. Slnnaa Shi aiaa.lo hs!ia. 11 Mia aa llSf aaa s.aila la Ta.itrr la m.a ast knal iS l.lvrr .'..Biplan-t, rr.MM Ilia wtM Jtw.'i't a, if, .,....! la a ,n,ma all ol shifS a.a lha .aaalt .a-a Dlarstnl l.lrrr. Ssica Aaa atitxaa ssa BoTT.a. SAsroan a u . r.i.saa. au iti. M holraals i-ola. Rtssas S riaa. Kr Va. T W liroTt l "tt (h,.. a s His.a.s . ii.... ii ii ii.tai... J I fitt 1'larli.sall. lii.lnsri H.as .ss.1 rit,i.i,ii ii,,..,,.. i. j ,,i,a i. F. SCARR & CO., Chtirlotlf, !f C. A L ARC K Sl'lTLY OP Constable AVarranls JUSTil'KlNTBU. Dr. II k,f cc. 3 lis 11 ntirvt " Jesus Wept." A bumn grief an early gh om, Tlie Suvioura apint iw pt I And by the cold and tilcnt tomb Of Laiarua, He wept. Yea, " Jeaua wept" and lot on high The angcla ceaacd to aing. While evrry acraph in the aky f.ow drooped hie abiMlig wirig. The Son of Cud with grief had etriven, lljd niourn.d o'er uiorlel ill, And every voice vai huabvd iu Ilraven, And in ry harp waa alill. Tlie Saviour'a rye grew nioiat and dim, And sari with human teara And all Ibe angcla wept with Him Through countlcaa glittering rphrrea. Oh. holy grief! that thua could move Thr Goii wbotn aainta rcvcie. And con. -titrate a boumiliaa lovr, Within one human tt-ur. Dricht, virwlraa walchira bore away The! apirilnal eni To brjin tine more iinmortil ray In Ooda awn diiidc'n. When many a deep and crimhing wmnj Waa heuprri ufion him here. He mourned o'tr thr mieguided throng. But abed no eeifinh trur. Tlia croaa to Calvary He bore. Within a niarger ah pt, Thr torturing crown in nirtlncae wure. But only enrt He wrpt. What wonder, if the atnra nf rvn Hud wandered from thrir aohrrea. To ti ll the eturtlrd boats in licavt n Of Ihrir Redccnirr'a trnra f If bur. nng auna, whieh huve grown bright In (.Hta perpetual pmile, To ace II i in me.p, bad vcihd Ibrir light. And paused in tri.-f tbe w hile 7 And waa it strange ihe t U-inul Cboir, Ainoxrrt, alinulU ccaar Io aing ? That trnra abould ateitl o'rr rvrry lyre, And dim encti godlcn atring ? Well might the roai-a of the aky In their immort.il bba.in. Grow pale lw hear the Saviuur aigh, lb-aide a morta.'a toinb. I'erchanre, where unknown yyatema blaze, Ol which we can nut dremn, iHirnortal aoula t'irorgh endl.aa daya r-till chant Ihia wnroi'roiia thftne ; IVrrlunrc, with awert and mnuruful thtill, t'uffvrr onward aa.rpt, F.ti-rnul ethos nmrinnr alill, The gentle Ji-aua M lisccllnncmis. Frotu Feter ion's .Vi'i'aiiwe. Til 1: II A It S II LOO K- bt MAHY A. DKM.-OS. ' Maggie, Maggie, how could you " Why, what have I done but look at tbe child ?" " But, Msggie, you looked at her so harshly !' " Well, and if I did is she too good to be looked at !'' " Ob ' but, Maggie, she is an orphan." Maggie Lill u(,- tossed ber head lightly, affecting disdain at ber sister's trembling lips, hot, nevertheless, the words aud tbe tearful glance sunk into ber heart. Id a chamber, richly furnished, two little beda stood side by side. Both were dainti ly shaped furnished with soft linen aud delicate netting like lace. Refinement float ed in the air above the in hung in every fold of drapery about them touched the rare adormiiL-s of the room laid in each dimple of tbe rounded checks iu each care less curl of hair, threading it golden way over the pi .low , There were two of them two darling lit tle girls, one in each soft bed ; but one was ruddy and bealthy, the other pale and more slightly formed. They slept the beautiful sleep of infancy ; but, beneath the lashes of one were traces of Oars, and the infantile lips curved downward slightly, as with grief. It was very silent there; and, in the si lence, soon a step sounded. Mary Lilburn, a penile, graceful creature, came softly in, and, pausing, looked at the children. She ki-sed ibe brow of tbe rosiast rluinnerer ; but over the other folded her bauds, as it with a benediction, and gated with a long, yearning glance. " I'oor little darling '" she murmured, at last : " how ran any one speak harshly, or give one cold glance to so gentle a child I I'oor little orphan ! Ood bless you !" and she bent over and kissed her lips, ling, ring long on tbe fair face they pressed, and thcu she went to ber own room. Shu had scarcely gone before another step sounded along the chamber ; and Mag gie, the young, healthful, happy mother, came forward. As she stood there, a shade of regret stole over her beautiful face, and she sighed, " I suppose 1 haven't got the patieneo I jl(.iiI to bave with her, poor or. i,h a u !" but she kissed neither of the chil dren. It was the dead of night, and Maggie Lilburn, worshipped wife, happy mother, tossed restlessly upon ber luxuriant couch. She had not yet slept. A little figure, look ing mournfully out of dark eyes, haunted ber. Occasionally she beard a short, quick sob coming from the dim corner in wbit-b were outliued the beds of the two sweet children. At last the great clock of the ci ty struck twelve, and Maggie bad found tbe boon ber nature craved she slept. Slept, bnt not in peace not in quiet. Her bead turned uneasily, her hands moved, the lips quivered, and sobbing sighs and tears at tested a troubled dream. Still deepened the quiet gloom, and lar ger grew the shadow in t'no chamber. The babos were moved away; foomicps and whispering voices disturbed the aileuce. A sombre man, dressed iu black, bent over tbe bed whereon lay Maggie Lilburn. A gen tleman, much younger, stood further back, giving passionate way to some strong grief. He was half bidden by the pale blue hang, inga of tha bed. Mary, pale ai marble bar beautiful whit fa an awful surao I in itf anguUb : tlie ret alt of utrife for elf- eoinponure knelt, cluepicg one lund of the uflercr io ber own. A sorant crouched in the dinttnce, hiding ber face, and weep ing iu (ilence. On (he bed la; Mapgie, the I young " ,fe and mother, no louder restless, but white, faint, and still. Her Hue eyes jw.itlull. wandered irouj lace to tace j and. the lips, .o beautiful id r. poe, were diMor- ted d ber ...nefforlB to -peak At la. the eyes closed, tbel.pswereat.il. Shesl.pt lijpbtly, gently; it was, alas! the sleep that wi.itfulljr wandered Jroin lace to face ; and " ' " . ' . . . She Bill be abl.. to Peak when aha a- wanes, wnirperea te aoctor. i liuriinniuiiai uwjer iu me vyuwuiuu- His words were t"ie. be dying mother j wealth, for his opinion. Mr. Tucker exam awoke with rcnewri strength a suddeu ', 'Dcd tne 1" very carefully, and, as will be meteoric uru.ioncy nasuea tne premo- ninof .rit'll ' J- wU. 4frettfs of jh. W-rent. ,AB-lt.f wu ,nVlllDe hM bee0 patent "Huahandl Wary!" she said, slowly conflict of jurisdiction between the btate and eJ . a e . Id ber eyes wsndered tromtbem and her whuo lips murmured, "My ehid 1 my little Mag ''" !" 1 hey brought tbe little gitl, who wept be cause her mother was so pale. " I bis is tbe bitterest cup !" said tbe dy ing woman. "Oh! Mary oh ! my bus band, bow can I leave Maugie T Oh ! this bard world tLi cojd, crael world how j propagating Abolition doctrines, is tent to, A man who had made a slight improvement can I Maggie!' j, p,.rS0D through a post office iu Virginia, in straw cutters tonk a model of bis ma- "Hie ball be as my own,' wlii.-pered . bat is the duty of the postmaster iu the chine through the Western States, and af Mary, the tears raining down her cheeks ; pr,,,;, ? , tcr a tour of eight months returned with for- " she cliall beloved as you would lovelier: n. l. nf A'irinia rro.ln nf Virginia, tr il.,C!.,1 ,Vnllra Another man had a cared for as tenderly. God will give me Mrei.gth an. 1 paiiei.ee." Her voice failed ber, she could only weep. Quietly lay the mother ber life ebbing out a troubled expression gathering, and deepening upon her lace. Again she essay ed !o speak. She turned ber dim eves to ward herstst.r; her lips were quivering ; piTe uoticp thereof to some justice, bo shall lectrical whaling apparatus, by which the the ast tears drained from the fount ol lile, j,qujre into tbe cirumustauces, and have whale is literally " shocked to death." An as she said with a touching maimer of self- sueb jj0ok or w rii,n burued in his presence; other is an electro magnetio alarm, which rebuke, and to so,, innly, -f jt Bppear to him that the person to whom rings bells and displays signals iu case of "Mary, jem wout look harshly at my it wag directed subscribed therefor, know- fire and burglars. Another is an electric poor orphan . jts ei,,,,... or agreed to receive it for clock, which wakes you up, tells you what "God helping me, never!1 cried Mary, circulation to aid tbe purposes of Abolition- time it is, and lights a lamp for you at any Her voice siemed to ring with supernatural istHj jutjce tbBll C0U)njil BUCD ?t.re0n t0 hour you please. distinctness through the chamber. ::. If an v nostmaster or denutv nostmas. ; Th.-r is "sound r-atherer." a sort of The dying woman struggled fearfully, and awoke 1 Springing up in her bed, she clasped her bauds together in an ecstacy of jny. The gray dawn crept through the shutters, pal ing the light cf the dim lamp. " Living! living.' she cried. " my child is not motherless I And oh I my heavenly father, help tae to probl by tbe vision thou bed in ,ie 8ec,jon quoted. I Another goes through the whole process bast sent. Aid mc to remember at all times Tt is gtate aw ; entirely constitutional, of civir makins, taking in leaves and turn that she tbou hast entrusted to my care is nl)(, does not properIj( considered, conflict ing out finished cigars, motherless. 1 hat just as I have, the being wjth tle Ft.dcr 8Qtbority iu the establish-' Oue m ichine cuts cbetJc ; another one who gave her birth, louged for her bappt t,ient of po.lcmce and post roads. This ' scours knives and forks, and another rocks ncss, wept tor ber, praytJ lor her. Never, ft(jeral powcr ts transmit and carry mail the cradle; and sevcu or eight take in nev rer ni I forger Ihci who art tbe ood of the fathtrlt s, aid me in doing my duty by my sister's orpbau child." Stepping sonly to the trib, Mie lightly kisssd the brow cf the mo'l.triess little one. The child awoke, ai.,i fiui. its arms round her neck, and in ihnt silent embrace, Msg- gie asked God again to aid her, th.it she might know no difference temeeii her babe and the 'ittle charge be had given in her protection. GEN. JACKSON AND Till'. " TURTLE." Among tbe many charges brought by the opponents of General Jackson against hint to prove that be was not lit for the Pres. - det.cy was that he was i.'i tootc, and was the bouest belief of a great many every upre- , , During bis administration, a vessel "- ted at Norfolk, f-om the W'e.-t Indies, and on the deck were several sea turtles. A- mong them was a giant of a reptile, which aiiracie.i iu ai.ciiiiuu oi ci.-ry nuoj "uB0t i went aboard. J be osptain bal them ail la ken on the wharf aud exposed for sale. A niotig those who adiaired the fellow above metitioned were several leaders of tbe "uu tvrriGed," four or five of whom made up a pnr.se, bought the nigustcr, aud by the next Washington boat sent it up as a present to Old Hickory. , He was much gratified at such a present, and the inmates and visitors at the White House enjoyed a rale treat, in the way of "tuitle soup," of the most uiaguiticeDt des cription. The General wrote a very polite note, ac knowledging the receipt of the preseut, which was duly received by Dr. A , who had sent it in the name of himself aud bis other Democratic friends. Shortly after tbe receipt of the General's answer, Dr. A. was hobbling along on Maiu street, ami just when nearly in frout of Mr. H.'s book store, he was hailed by five auti- J aeksnuiana as follows " Well, Doctor, have yoi heard from the General about the turtle " Yes," answered Dr. A., " and i hav his reply in my pocket. Let's see if! let's sec it!" they all cried in breath. " Here it is." Dr. A. replied. He produced the noie, and l bey read : "Gentlemen : 1 thank you for the very fine tortoise you kindly sent we," c, io. " There," said one of the gotitleiui-n, "we had always beard that your great .nan could not write Engii'h, and now we know it. Who .err ht.rd of a turtle beim' called a tortoise!" " Will you take a bet on it!" said A. "That we will," answered they, " and we will decide the poiut by going into our friend B.'a. So in they went, and both parties M'"1 to abide bf the definition of a certaiu die- tionary then the standard of tho language. tbe ortb cau do little to influence the re One of them turned over its leaves till hej(ut The public authorities, we hope, will readied the word turtle. The definition was , eZercise all due vigilance to prevent, so far " bird of the dove kind ;" and iu the next 18 pos41blc, any farther infraction of 1 1, line, " ihia word is sometimes used to desig- j rj)lta 0f the South, aud will aid in publish nate the tortoise found on tho shores of the jD whatever crimes may bave already been West ludies. It is a corruption used by 1 committed. For the rest, we must wait up- taiu s an-i illiterate people." I " Are you sati-tied, gentlemen ?" exclaim- fld Dr. A ; "I know you are not sailors i ao, by your authority, you are tlliterutt.- i lie pleased to r'-Y Jour bc, nd never ai-1 ter thi. a.y that Gen. Jackson can t write Knli.h Thry' did as requested, giving each an order lor six bottles of Madeira; and as they went out of H.'s a bystander observed that there was in tbe ear of each a very larg. flsa. SUunlon pctUr. Interdict npnn Ihe Drlivrry from the 31 a i Ik of i the .cw York Tribane and olbrr Ibolitiou pa.r5 l'lucr" Richmond, Va., Voyember 29. A post matter in the county of Doddridge, ...... iL v:Z. ... "T' - 'B imormatton as 10 nai a.-posmoo ue j -ho-W n.ake of such incendiar, newapapers ; b the New lork Inbune, and others of that Manip from Ohio, reee.eed .n that coun- : lj- 1 governor referred the matter to L, . . f .. ' . ' j uentr.i lor the ata e, ni prob.b y the a iecu uj un uiiuuuu, wuiku i urrcwuu iri reaerai autnor.ties mvoivea in tins que.- of sherry aud produced blocks of ice the Ricumond, Norember 20, 1859. of a cubio foot( wnen the thermometer Sib: The qucstiou is submitted to uie for ; was up to eighty degrees. It is calculated an opinion as to the effect of the law of that for ev ry ton of coal put ioto the fur Virginia upon ibe distribution of mail mat- nace it will make a ton of ice. Ipr win n it w nf an itif LiiHiars ilnriKlir ! .',Am Ma kr.minpr 1) ili.'a renort WC ! 1 newi-rmrwr. nrint..d in the Sir nf ( H.in cn8p , tcc m provides that " if a post - . m&fUT or dejlutJ kUOw that any such book ritit)L frcfi-rriiiflr to such as advise or jcj,e throes to rebel or make insurrection, or inculcate resistance to the rivrht of pro- perty of masters in their slaves,) has been rir.ier..l nl l.w ofTixia in the ...nil ho thill u,r vioUte ,,lj9 scctiolJi be uali be fiued not excecdmg two hundred dollars. locomotive, bringing to too engineers ears This law is obligatory upon every post- all the noi-e ahead perfectly distinct, Dot master and deputy postmaster in the com- withstanding the noise of the train, njouwcalth ; and it is his duty, upon being' There is an invention that picks up pius aware that such book or writing is received from a confused heap, turns them around at l,ia nfTioo In nntife a iiia-ipe of tha f.-iet .i.l. llw.lr hnsila tin and then Sticks them ,,jat Le take ,be proceeiiins3 prescri- nistteri ,)of not ctrrv it tLe power t0 publish or to circulate. This last is a great There is a parlor chair patented that can State power, reserved and absolutely neces- not be tipped back on two legs, and a rail- sary to be maintained ae a, eteuriljr to ito tray ehnir tbos aao bo ipp(t baok in any citizens aud to their rights. If the State position without any legs at all. had MirrendiTed this rower, it would, in Another patent is for a machine that ,i,ese jn.p0rtant particulars, bave beeu at the mercy of Ihe Federal authorities. j nilvc b0 hesitation in saying that uoy aw of Congress, impairing directly or indi- i rectly this reserved right of the State, is unconstitutional, and that the penalty of the u,e u; ould P;1 f"P , master offending against it. though he should pcad du(r t0 otew guclj UuCOustitutiou- a) ac, of ougre4Si j jf tLere a collflict) therefore, between ; the postal rogulations of CotiKres8 and this law o yirgiuia, it i? because tbe former I have traiicendcd their true constitutional hnjits, and have trenched upon the reserved fi ,,ts of ,he Slatl! j,, suoh a case tl)e cit. iIt.D, though a postmaster, niu-1 take care j , obey ,i,e legitimate authority, and will it be exempt ;rom the penalty ot tbe state w py reason oi any otingatiou io perioriu ,J . .. t- i i it. i- u the duties of a Federal office, which aro made to invade the reserved jurisdiction of the State in matters luvtmug ber safety and her peace. It is eminently important that the provi sious of the law io question should be rigid ly adhered to by all the postmasters iu tbe caused them great amusement as well as State, and that .he justices to whose notice wonder, so it was determined among them the matter maybe brought, should firmly to solve the mystery; accordingly, one of execute the law whenever a propcrca.se pre- them practiced tl.e following ruse : Ile qu-ck-seuts itself for their decision. With high ened his pace to reach the lady s side, and respect, your obedient servant, -hen .bout to p.,, her be partly fell to the ' ' j i TUCKER ground. While in the act of filling be For the Governor. ' ' ' clutched her dress, the only means with- in reach of saving himself trom the tall; The New York Pulpit and Conserva- xksm -The New York Times makes the fol- ., "iruTuJTl 1 11 indicated the sliohtest sympathy with Abo- lliiioi.isiu oritsscli.'tm-s; we venture to pre- I diet that nut one of these lepreseutai'.ve ut- terances of the e,m,orvatis,n of tl.e ! vortil wili be copied bv anv Richmond jour- ,ia!, at. ! that Mr. Cheev,r s diatribe, pn-aeh- i e,j t0 congregitim. which looks ti British j ,;, f.jr its sUpport, will be given at full ; U.Ui,thf a au ju ox of the prevailing tone I auj seI,tiiiie.it of the city of New York. A- 1 ainst Jc.',birato and intentional injustice , of Mi sort , against the mischief ' it Uli- ork, it were vain to reason or pro-. 1 ,.,, If the Virginians persist in ih. ir mis- 1 0()n0cpi,o.i of the nUte of Northern feeling, j, n,i ,"ct pou it, they may do themselves LBll u, senous harm. If they will wait a lil0 while, they may see reason to distrust the good faith of their counsellors aud the truth of their representations. Meantime 0D time and the good sense and patriotism 0f tbu crc:it body of the American people." iA..r-. au.u. .... ' trio Medical Journal the editor remarks that young balies often cry from actual thirst. Their natural supply is intended as food, pet as drink, and makes them thirsty without really .ruehing their thirst, a. a exl liduid wguUd. Uy ery, he thiuks, ' fr "-Id war. MARVELOUS INVENTION'S. Amonp; the numerous marveIo;s inven - : tions which Americao genius has produced I . i . r. ...... ... riin.iff , " IIHII lilt) llini ICW yemo aio .-B, compiled from the Patent Office Report : im n purs c The report explains the princples of celebrated Ilobbs lock. ., d d a secondary or false .et , &ph ,oucbe) thJ rctj 0De8. MorB0?er ,n8 ,ook i8 powder pr0Jf, and may he d fc fc k f,ole ,Dd fired ff burUr U tired of his fruitless worl. or fears that t ie exolos.ons will bring - . e iuieDta more witlie6,e, than periuients he desires. A harpoon is described wbiob makes the whale kill himself. The more ho pulls the .. , n !..... ilnpuU, tria jt froze 8everal bottles ' n.bn, U... nf iho value of natent ! machine to thresh and clean grain, which, in fifteen months, he sold for sixty thousand dollar. 1 hee aro ordinary cases, while ' such inveotioin as the telegraph, the plan- j ing machine, atirt nulla, rubber patents are worth millions each. I ' r ,,,.,;.. r I.sna'a rennrt describes nCW B- huge ear trumpet, to be placed in front of a in papers in regular rows. washiu,, and ironing. counts passengers iu an omnibus and takes their fair. When a very fat man gets in il counts two and charges double, There are a variety of guns patented that load themselves ; a fi-biug Hue that adjusts ita own bait, and a rat trap which throws . "dr fh" b.! Use'f "Dd stands in the corner Tor anotuer. There is a machine also by which a man prints instead of writes his thoughts. It is played like a piano forte. Aud, speaking of pianos, it is estimated that iine thousand are made every year in the Uuited States, giving constant employment to oue thousand uiue hundred persons, and costing over to miuions 0f dollars. Wearing Hoops in Jerusalem. A la corrC!)poo,ellt of the Jjjston Travel!, r, - r- , . . ,, ..., . vtrL.ing from Jerusalem, says : "While passing down the main street I witnessed a vet) amusing incident, occasion ed by the appearance of a lady iu hoops. She waa overuken by a group of Turkish soldiers, and the bulky form of her dress but his true object was very eviaen saw l,.m go to his companions and - nZ -fidered in the Fast' absolutely sinful for ITZXZ but bis true object was very evident, lor l j this Oriental novelty they could not , nor did she escape the.n by turn.ng o0 ano her street. 1 hey stopped at the lower end o the steep iilley iuio woicu sue u. wont and watched her until tlie giootu ot a uars. aud distant archay bid ber Iroiu dare s..y, however, should oue ot these sheeted women of t.ie hast appear in the s-rerts of one of our cities the merriment ; and wonder created by ber ghostly appear- auce would be cquaby as great as thai witn "b.ch Oriental tashtons are .egarrtca iu this cwtjj. 1 his lady was visited Dy score of I urki.-h ladies, who, alter Pauaung this curious portiou of ber wardrobe with lireat amazement begged to be pointed ou either the beauty or utility of a hooped 'skirt. The Frank lady brought all her eloquence to bear upon the advantages of her favorite articles ol dress, oat mey ex- claimed. ' Allah save us from this great uiu brelia which you Frauk ladies consider so indispensable to your beauty and comfort; and Allah, grant, also, that we may be spar ed the pain of the tightly-fittiug slothes with which you torture yourselves '.' They then commanded tha slaves to tuako pre parations for prayer, and tha tus having beeu spread aad their faces veiled, they immediately commenced their iutrieats pro cess of prayer, no doubt thankiug Heaveu that they ware ex.mpl from theso Strang fashions." Msj. French, agent of the Treasn.-y De partment for tbe exteusiou of the Capitol buildings, was arrested on Saturday by a Deputylluited Slates Marshal of N'sw York aad takea to Washington. I COUNCIL OF STATE. r t-j -j- n :i o... -e 1 ' "I, ' luo vuuuu" vl i Nortbtarolioa, 1. That the prompt. Tteoroua, and etTec- i . w t.ye measures adopted bjr the Oovernor of hel J thlltsute atHarner'a Ferry. h.Te our warm aud unqualified approval. That our fellow-citizens of the State of Virginia are hereby assured of our entire sympathy in their present disturbed condition ; that the cause of Virginia is the cause of North Carolina, and ber de.-tiny is our destiny. That we will be prepared at all times to sus tain her in ber efforts to maintain and op bold tbe rights and vital interests of the slave holding States; that those rights and interests can never be surrendered without dishonor and disgrace, and without causing a state of ooufusiun and anarchy which ajar 1 1 1 mark the destruction of the liberties and happiness of the people of both States, That our thanks are due and are here by tendered to the President of the Uuited States for the promptness with which be bal sustained tbe Governor of Virginia in up holding the laws and in restoring tranquili ty to tbe people of that Commonwealth; and that our oonfidence in tbe devotion of tbe President to thx Constitution aud the rights of the States, ia undiminished. :i. That the Union of the States can only be perpetual so long as it eontiuues to be Union of equals. U e are still devoted to it, and would behold its dissolution with pro found regret ; yet if we cannot hold our slave property, aud at the same time enjoy repo-e aud tranquility in the Union, we will be constrained, in justice to ourselves and to our posterity, to establish new forms and provide new guards for our security and well being ; relying for sucoess io so doing on tbe righteousness of our cause, aud on the support of that Providence who so sig nally guided aud succored our ancestors in times of danger. 4. That while declaring our sincere de votion to theUuion according to the Consti tution, as it was established by our fore fathers, and while we are ready to uphold and maintain it as a common Union of e quals, we arc not unmindful of the fact that tbe disturbers of our peace bave received aud are receiving tbe active sympathies and the substantial support of large portions of the people of the non-slavebolding States; and that it behooves the people of the non slavcholdins States, if they would restore " domestic tranquility " and perpetuate tbo Union, to rouse themselves from the condi tion of indifference -nd lethargy which seemi to prevail among them, and to adopt such measures aud take such action as may be uecessary to prevent a continuance of as saults upon the South, and as may assure our people that they arc still faithful as con federate States to the coiumou Cou-titution which still unites us 5. That the sense of insecurity existing among our people, in conseq'ieuce of a waot of competent military organization and ef fective weapons with which to arm tbe mi litia, iu view of the threatened disturbance of our peace, imperatively demands prompt actiou ou the part of our State authorities. That we advise his Kxcelleucy, the Govern or, to cause the militia of the State to be ef. ficiently orauii,'d, by eucouragiug the for mation of Voluuteer Companies, aud by such other measures as he may deoiu proper; and that he apply at once to the President of the United States for a sufficient number of effective weapons to arm thoroughly tbe militia of the State. ti i hat inasmuch as certain papers aud books of an incendiary character, calcula ted and having a tendency to excite slaves to acts of insubordination, are being circu lated in this State through the post office of the goverumeut by fanatical clubs and soci eties in tbo Northern States, we advise hia Excellency, the Governor, to take all need ful action to prevent the same ; and that all post-masters in this State be forbidden, un der the penalty of tbe law, to deliver any such newspaper, book or other publication, whether written or printed, from his office to any person to whom it may be directed, as such conduct on their part will be regar ded as a circulation of such paper or b)ok. 7. That, whereas, uuder the cover and disguise of pursuing peaceful occupations, many d ingerous emissaries from the North ern States have traversed this State, secret ly instilling their insurrectionary passions j the of i hu Ex. Meil.. ,lie Governor, to require oor Jus- i -a ofVe Peace, and other peace officers, of merchandize, or solicitors for the sale of , whatever, to be 8ub- ,ed'.0 tbo tstrictcst scrutiny; and, wbeJuev ,uch ,crutiD. ,ny iU9pi. . k,. ,KU,. , th cacan4 observe the laws of this State, of Mw tQ - ,h(J re lir(.d borjdj i(j R M QS daa. , of b Kloeco ,be 0',rnori be Mtej t0 ,en(i copit,s 0f tbe foresoing j . u ou. Scuatora and R.-presen- jn Con-ress, ta the President of the Unite ' States, and to bis Excellency, the Governor of the State of Virginia. Horn on tue Road A lady passenger ou the South Carolina Railroad, from a point about scveuty-five miles East of Mem phis, Tenu., while at the White Pond sta tion, in this Stale, gav birth to a bealthy female child. The mother and child are both doing wall, aud were transported to Blackville, thirteen miles, where they were provided for as their condition demanded. Iu consideration of the circumstance atten ding the birth of tbe little Miss, the name of Caroliua K. Rbod has bu proposed for ber christening. Chat. Mercury. noos AT Looi8Vii.LB.-A f.w days .so. hos were selling at Louisville, Ey , at Jo to6l per lnO pounds. It appears thai 1C3 :t3S bos ha. been killed iher. ao far this aeasonr '' l"'383 " tb "U1 tine last ysr.