. i- . . i nt. tha ! 1 Un.'l ICUOn pier nuiri n.u I obiuc " iIud of !sao Jud, a well a lo protest j ibem against I be incursion of the Indiuna. ! M jcIi excitement prevailed for some time j a: peace ma mas rcpuuiio, oat " o mr as cuawisneu pouoj, wu iuvivi t'.rou hont that rppi"!), and serious dinger; tbe interests of oar commerce or of our citi- tlie intervention of any European Power in ( f collision between the parties was sppre- i xons who hate visited the couuiry aa mer- the doiuestio concerns of that republic bended. Tbe Riiiish bad a Urge naval force ! chant, shipmasters, or in other capacities,1 Tho wrongs which we hare Buffered from in tho vicinity i and it is but an act uf situ- j are concerned, we wight aa well have betn at Mexico nre before the world and most deep pie jo-ihc to the sdmiral on that station toiwar." Life has been tusccure, property uu- ly impress every Americnu oitixen. A gov. state thai he i-elv and discreetly forbore I protected, and trade impossible except at a eminent wbicb is cither unable or unwilling to commit any hos'tile act, but determined j risk of loss which prudent men cannot be to redress such wrong is direlect to its t refer the whole sff.ir to bis covcrntneut and await il.eir instructions '1'hi aspect of the matter, in my opiiiton, demanded serious attention. Tt would have been a great eahmity for both ostious had they been precipitated into acts of hostility not on the question of title to the island, but ( tbe oountry. in defiance of ireaties.sn.i r-y the el in all tho important posts anu mrougu mrrely concerning what should be its con-1 mere force of arbitrary poer. Kven the ,' out the sea coast of the republic, its power dition dminj the iutcrveninz period whibt ; course of justice- bs not In en safe from con- j dots not extend to the city of Mexico and the two trovernmcuts might be employed in Bottling the question to which of them it he longs. For this reason l,ieut.-Gen. !$cott was despatched on ihe 10th September last, to Washington Territory to take immediate .............1 nf i.. 1! .4 ir nn rh Ptflifia i eo.-t should be deem this necessary. The j main object of his mission was to earry out the precriufiotiary arrangement between the late Secretary of State and tbe British min ister, and thus to preserve the peace and prevent collision between the two govern ments, hiiti-rtaimng no doubt ot the valid ity of our title, I need scarcely add that, in any event, American ciliiens were to be; placed on a footing at least as favorable as ihatof Rririh aobjeets, it being understood that Capt. Pickett's company should remain on the island. It is proper to observe that, c.Mi-ie rine tbe distance from the scene of action, and in ignorance of what might have j tranpi.-d on tlie spot before the General's srrival, it vas necessary to leave much to lis discretion and I am happy to state the event ha proen that this discretion could not hive heeu intrusted to more eompcleut l ands. (Jen. Scott has recently returned from his mission, having successfully accom plished its ol jeets, and there is no longer any good reason to apprehend a collision between the forces of the two countries dur ir E the pendency of the existing negotiations I regret to inform you that there has been no Improvement in the affairs of Mexico sir ce my last annual message, and I am a piu obliged to a-k tbe esrnest attention of Congress to the unhappy couditiot, of that x. pi.bHc. The constituent Concrrss of Mexico, which adjourned cn the 17th of February. 1-57, adopted a constitution and provided fir a poj ulur election. This took place in the followi'g July, 11 S"7 1 and General CemoLfort was chosin Prtsident, almost vitho'it or:ositioo. At the same election a l.cw Congress was cboen, whose first ses sion commerced on the ICth of September, l-o7. ar.fl cof.tiuued for four years. On t'it day fii iK-ral fVjr.iivoufcrt appeared be- f-r the a-cruh!rd rnress in the city of, Mex co, taok the oath to support the new c n-titution, and was duly inaugurated as President. Within a month afterwards be had been driven from the cariial, and miiitsry rehillion had as-itied the supreme power of tie lUpublie to General Zaloaga. Tbe eon-titu'ioo provid.-d that in the ab ftuce of tl.e President his rfS: should de volve upon the t'bief Justice of the Su-pTi-tne I'oart, and. Gen. Comonfort having 1. ft the country, this functionary, Gen. Ja-ar-:, proceeded to form, at Guanajuato, a co-titubunal goverumeot. before ibis was officially known, however, at the capital, the govtrnnitut of 7. Joga bid been recog ii 1 by tbe entire diplrrcatic cerp, inciu ibo minister of the L' -S. as lb Jf J.w 1 1 ..ver:i!nent of Mexico. The constitution tl Pr-.-siJent, nevertheless, maiatain-d U. po-i'iou with firmness t.J w a- soon estbb-li-V.cd with bis cabinet at Vera Crux Mean while, the government of Zjloags wa esrn estly reiste l iu many parts ot the republic, and even in the capital, a oortion of the ar i mv bavin cronoubced ai-ainsf it. its fane-1 tioas were declared terminated, aud aa as-(belief here is ton there is noshing to be ' rCl1 ltioBS of the Indians, as well a of law semhiy of eit'x-n was inviu 1 tit the choice ,p;,rebeuded from the Govcrumei.t'of the j 00 tl:lt remote region. Tbe cs- cf a f ew President. This assembly elected! rutlti States, snd that local Mexican ola- 'al'.ihiciit of one such post a point called Oeueral .Mirauson, tit tbit otia.r re-pu-lta-1 Ud tbe pun ur;i. r wb.ca be was cboscn,;cill ciiix-uS with ab-olute iui and Ziolaga was thus restored to bis previ ous pos'uijti. lie assumed it, however, ou ly to withdraw from it, anl Miram-on bav i.ig become, by his af p j.ttment, " Prcsi dtut .Sals'.itute," continues, with that title, at the head cf ihe insurgent party. In my ia-t annual message I eomminica ted to Cougress the circuj-ttices undnr which the i3te Mi.ji-t -r of the United States au-peuded his official relatious with the cen tral government, and witLdrw from the country. It was impossible to maintain ffitB lly intercourse with a government, like that at the capital, under whose usurped au thority wrongs wtre constantly committed, but never redressed. Had thi been an es tablished eovernment. with it cower exten ding, bv tha consent of the Deonie. over the i who.e of Mexico, a resort to bostiliti.a a-1 -. . j l 1 .p . f. . " "V" JJ'"UU '"'I aci indceU litceasary. tut the eountry was; a prey to civil war; and was bop-d theth in aacc-M ni u coDstiiutionai rre.iaem , ini'.t ie id to a eonditioo of ti.iu.'S less inju nous to tbe L niled Mates J his success t-1 Csujs so probable that, in January lat, I . employed a reliable agent to vLh M.eo. rt.m;in in Mexico, allhoi.h the life 3r,d ' !' ' o- aud repottw me the actual coodiiion aud I prjp,.rtv 0f eTerv American ci iz n ouhl " c :n,n"t lbo g'ernments or por these i-a-ci, I recommend tb p project, of the eon-endin- parties. lajfo be sacred in ever, quarter of tb world I C?"1? R;? 5"CMU Vn j ge of a bill, at M early a day a. may be eou.enier.ee of his report, snd iuformitiou j Bat it u a question which r.-laUH lo tbe fj-' ' lho,iiSb thc' re f're,'d ,D ,n ' i practicable, Ut provide for the payment ol which reached me from other sources, f- j tlJre t0 tne pTtDl and ihe pstiar)rl ' "'""". wuLoul hr.pe of succe. the amount, with interest, doe to lbes last vorsbie to tbe prospects of t:ie cjriititutiou I -j.i.i. i.,.),,, ;,.,r.r. .il .t l.a.t th. A.i. i 1 """ " 10 u' '"T m" "'"f'T mentioned contractor, as well as to make al cjse, I f. U justified iu appointing a new j niiiiUta-r te Mexico, who wight embrace thej ear.it.isun.n.e ojportuu.iy oi restoring our; uipioir.at.c reiatiou. with that repuh.ie. r ,.r mis purpose a oisiiuguisoeo citiz o or Maryland as eieete-H, who proceeded Lis mission co the hu of Marcti last, w.tii tii cretiunary au'hor.ty to reeoguise tiic goe rbinetit of PretiOet.t Jure, if oo his arnral in Mex.co he snuu'. l hud il entitled to ueh ree-egnitioo, ae'-ording to the ts t..b!ihed prittice of the L'uit4 ,st'ites. 1)u th 7th of April foiioaiog, Mr McLan.: r resented i.i- credenii-jla to l'ridetit Jj- sr. i, Lasing no hesitation iu proug jiic.r.,4 . Qf ,iueral w-ii'b. b'.e occupies an imp r , :. me goiernuiiut of Juar-X to be the ouly j Uot LCritiou between thy gu.f and the ooeari ,' x . ii-ling gonrnmeot of the Kepuhiij." f,r traa.it routes an 1 for'eomme.rce. U it : J,," lie war cordially received by the autbori-1 possible that such a country us thi- ou 1- ' ,,., i era iua. aud they hare e ver aince g eu up to auarchy and rulu without an .ir-toaiiifu-ted tiie most frieodiy disposition to- j effjrt frtiu any q tarter for i; rescue an V T wards tbe U L'obappily, however, the ' k safety ? Will th. commercial niiii o","Ji. Culi.lituti.M.al ticvernnieut ha uot been ' the world, which bavo so msny in:er.-i , auie to e-'abliah its power over the whole conntcted with it. remain .S-.i'y in i . ffu r . f j t ..o repuUlie. It is supported by a large mi- jonty of Ibe people snd ibe Stales, but Ih.-re are important purl of lb eouutry sii ere it em enforce to obedi.-i.ee. Uene i il Miratuon maintain biius-,f at the eapi tJi, aod iu o;,bc of tbe distant provinces ilieti r military iroverrior who bav littl n f;t lo tb decrees of enbr government lu the meantime the excesses which always ft, i.d 04100 civil war, epes-inUy iD Mexico, . e cibs'sully reeurmg Hutrageaof the r ,rs desesjpiioo sr.- eorxnoittea both up 1. aod pep lbere is scarcity in? form of iniiirv which ha Bat been uf- - j fcred by our oitixen iu Mexico during the Iat few yearn. We bare been nomiually expected to incur. Important contracts, in-, volving large expenditures, entered into by ' iheceutral government, have br.e ut,at de- .may tu vain apply to ttie constitutional gov fiance by the locil government. Peaceful ; eminent of Vera Crux, althongb it ia well American resident, occupying their rightful disposed to do us justice, for adequate re possessions, have been suddenly expelled i dress. Whilst ita authority ia acknowledg- trol, and a recent d crec of Miranifin permits the intervention of government in all suits where either party is a forei -ner. Vessels of Ibe 1'uited States have b-en into the interior before we can reach the of--ifi,i i , . ,,.! rffi.n r fi nders, and this can only be done by pae- ..;., .,., .i.r h. I., . n ' fincd nd imprisoned for di-respect to the , .,, ihnr.fi... .Milit.rv sni.li W on Lave k i.;j .;!.,:, nt rrin-irle r.:.i. .-.I .i,. i...:....k..;.i..l h he American who resisted the d has had bis rropcrty forci- h and has been bin,.. ban- lawless demand l.L l.l.n .... ihed. From a coofixt of auihonty in dif. , ferent part of the country, tarif duties ty, would rot be me less imperative, for which have been paid in ona place havo 'these reasons, t recommend to Congress to been exacted over .gain in another place j Ps "law authoriimg tb. President, ngder Large numbers of our citixens have been such couduions as they may deem expcdi arrested and imprisoned without any form rnt lo, employ a euJBcieut military force to of examination or any opportunity for ' enter Mexico for the pirpo.e of obtaining hearing and even wbeu released have only indemnity for the past and security for the obtained their liberty after much suff ring f'ttre. I purposely refrain from any ug and it jury and without any h-pe of redrew. g:siif-n as to whether this force shall cnu The who!esle massacre of Crablc and his si t of regular troops or volunteer, or both, associates without a trial iu Soaori, as Will This question may be most appropriately & the seixure aud murder of four sick A- left the decision cf Congress. I would mere nigricans who had taken shelter iu the house 'ly observe, that should volunteers be seleo of an American, upon the soil of the United tl, ueh a force could be easily raised in States, wa communicated to Congress at its 'this couutry among those who sympathise last seasion. Murder of a still more atro- ; with the auff.-rings cf our unfortunate fel cious character have been eomumld in tu ' low cititons in Mexico, and with the unhap very heart of Mexico, under the authority p' conditiou of that republic. Such an ao ofMiramon s government, duriug the pre- .cession to the forces of the constitutional cnt year, iome of these were only worthy ' government would enable it soon to reach of a barbarous ae, and, if they had not j the city of Mexico and extend it power o been clearly proveu, would have see un d , vcr the wbold repuhl.io. In that event there impossible iu a country which claims to be , is no reason to doubt that the just claims of civilixed. Of this description was the tru- .our citizens would be satisfied and adequate tal massacre in April lut, by order of redress obt .ined for the injuries mB.cted up Geo. Marque, of three American pbysi J up thctu. The coust.tut.onal government cians, who were seix.d in tbe hospital at ! have ever evirced a strong desire to do n Tacubaya while attending upon the sick ; ju,iiee, aud this might be secured in ad and tbe dying of both parties, and without : vat.ee by a preliminary treaty, trial, as without crime, were Lurried av.iy It may be said that these measures will, to speedy ex-cuticn. Little less shocking j t least indirectly, be inconsistent with our was the recent fate of Ormand Chs-e, who!ise and settled policy not to interf-re in wm shot in Tepic on the 7th of August bj J tlie domestic coueern of foreign nations. order of tbe same Mexican general, not on j does not the present case fairly consti !y without a trial, bgt whhout a trial, but j'ute an exception! An adjoining republic without conjecture bv his friends of the . is in a state of anarchy and confusion from cause of bis arrest. lie is represent, d s a which she bis proved wholly una' le to ex voung man of good character and iu'elii- i ficate herself. She is entirely destitute of gence, who had made . numerous frieuds it. ! the power to maintain peace upon her bor Tepic by the courage and humiuty which J der, cr to prevent the iucur-ions of bandit be had displayed on several trviag ccca-j i into our territory. In ber fate and in ber aiona. and his death was as uneir.c-e.ted as , f-M r.: in her power to establish and main- it was shocking to tbe whole comtuunitv Other outran might be enumerated, but j d-eper interest, social y. commercially aea ; , ","r"y ,1;,, "iiuu.ly 6i'-a by Uw. these are sufficient t-s illu-trate tbe wr tch- j politically than any other cation. She ta ,n )B rtfuUr confM ,, ,lf lhr Mr, w.,ulrt ed state of the couttry and tbe unproUc-' ow a wreck upon the ocean, dnfting about . nol eiec, an(i mfltt u,, b,rll,nir.c of Aiirn, ted condition of the persons ltd pre p.-rty she is impelled by different factions. As j and five ol thes. ten out until (KMki and No of our citiiens in Mexico I a good neighbor, shall we not extend to her I vernber. 01 our ciuxens in . Jex.eo. ? Tf .1, On tl olhi-r h.od. whm I rim to eismina lo all th-. se cr.s-s our rrinlsters have been ! ""l t0 thV. her ' , ,we d0 I c.r.fuii, ih. c..n..,t.,0 uf the P, offi.. D-s,t- constant aud faithful in their demand fori11 ot be srr,r,n .hould m,t. t mc ,....,.. m.T t a. rt,t d.fie.l. . . . , , . .. . 1 t-r nation undertake the task, and tbas force! tm I his lunsgnird. Had the bill wh.ri. redresa, but both they am thi-s Government. :ftf.,r .t nnrll.r -;rplim-l.n.,, f.,i,d ba eo,.n.d to annronristiona for Ih. fia- , . . , - , 1, ,u I !.;. !..,. u.. ,.r.....,r . demands eff -ciive. 'J beir testimony in this respect, and in reference to the oiily reme dy which, in their judgments, wouid meet (the exigency, has been both uniform and . .,r,.r.)..M , f.ut . ,,;f, .i,,;nn I rl. r.n.er nf th. r.n.eri.in.nt nf the Vut.-d i 1 wrongs, ue f wrote our Ute miuist. rs in .n nf ,.s n..h th. -u r-.n .ill ...;i I ,i th., ,.:.,.,,,. i ei ean comu.it these outrage s upon Aiiri. ' r..,.,r,ire I boie the Presideut '' ( arrote Our preseul i mi'msu-r in Augn-t Ut) ' wiil f.el aatbori- i ti d to ask from Congress the poser to enter Mexico with the miiitary fbrc;s of the Ui.i ted States, at the e,l of the constitutional authorities, in order to pro'.-ct the citize-us and the treaty rights of the I'niled State-, Unless su;h a power is confened upou bin.. neither the one nor ih o'ner v-ili be rc peeteu ;u toe existing itate of auarchy anl . disorder, aud the outrages already p.-rpe-j tr.led will never Le cha-ti-td ; and, as I aured you in my nit-oaaue No. S3, ali these ceil. n. i.t ir:erp. nniil ee.-rv ps-i,' nf nr. i der aod government disirpear, fro.n the' . . , , , . 1 country." I bave been reluctantly l.-d to , ihe same opiiiion, and in justice to my co.iu-! trviuen who suffer.-i wron n from Mexico, and who may still suff.-r tbciu, I feel bsuul '. 1 . . , u announce ;uia colc.usiou 10 v.ongress. ) Jbe case presented, Lowever. is not mere- - . .... of imiiviJual elaima : alil.oh oor yl.t cai ,a10.t Mexico have reach 1 ed a very large amount Nor is it mer.-ly tha case, of nrotection to the iives and t.ro-I p(.r,T 0f tUe few Americans who may still wM..e, 0f 00, duty to Mexico as a ueijbor- i jog sw. Tbw exercise of the poeer of.ii n,e Uuittd States in that eour.try to redr ,b. mfsut ,d pf,uct the rights of our! 0WD Cit;.:n is none t.ie less lo In d id,: becu effi.-ient and necessary ail in . v thus be rendered at tbe psme li.ae to res tore peace and order to M xico it-c.f. In the acco.nplishmebt of ibis result the people of the LuiUil Slates mu-t n.c-ar.ly feeljl.nt a deep and earnest interest. Mexico oujht ( to be a rich, and pro-perous, aui po-.vtrf.il ' ri public. She posses.,.- au ext-:n-ivo Urri-. ,'. t'ori. a fertile soil, an 1 an iucaleu'ahle .tore ... to sues a re-uit: Laa tl.e Lulled. State, . e-fjecisilv. wbicb Ought to share most a.---- 1 - . y iu it commercial intercourse, silo tn.-.r .Uitnediala neighbor thus to de-troy il-elf and inj ire tbeto? Vet, without supp irt from soiue-J q tarter, it is iiuu-siiile W per ceise bow Mexico can re-urna b r p i-i- tion among nsiiotis aud inter upon a ca- ' r-er whieb promise any good results. The aii which she req tire, and which the inter- cuts of all Commercial countries require thit sbe shou.d hare, it hstlougs lu It. is govern in'-ui .0 render, not oa'y by xitt'i'-'of our neighborhood to Mexico, aloojr wboC tcrrt o - , . tury we have a couliuuou. frontier ot nearly thousaud miles, but by virtue, also, of our highest duties. The difficulty consist to selecting and enforcing the remedy. We the States in its vicinity, where nearly nil the recent outrage have been oommitted !cn American citizens. We must penetrate sim through a territory in tbe occupation of the constitutional government. The most aecerT.oo.e inn irm iubii ibuuj ui " coinnlishinc the oVject will be to act in eon cert with that government. Their consent , ' ',ie'r ''' niitrht, I boliovc.bu obtained i jbu, if not. our ob!if , ion to protect our own cert with that eovernment. Their consent citix - ns in their jt rishu aecured by tret, tai j a .filled government we have a far " - s - of increased diSculty, for the maintenance of our eitsbli-bed policy, I rtneit the recommendation contained in my last annua! message that authority may . ' . . n - i . . , 10 1 ' I bi given to the President to establish one i or more temporary military posts croS the Mexican line in S .nora and Chihuahua, where these may be necessary to protect the i . , , ; . i . I nves arid property of American and Mexi- I can cirizns against the incursions and dep Ara pe.iu S )r.ora, in a country now almost depopulated by'the ho-rile inroads of the In-! , riU fr0:D 0"r '"e of ,1,e ''uei would, it M"4. VV"' mueh 'lt'inr' sn.d . .. m n s w.ltli.B rlnrlr.-. 1I0 Ti-t aa.n K st-.t,.- of Uless,.ess and violence prevail on luat uistain irouuer. nue auu prvperii are there wholly iusecurc. The population of Arizina, now numbering more than ten tbou uul souis, are pracficiti'y destitute of gov trijn: .nt, of law, or of any regular admin- ul J""-"' .smuci, f'"- 0,fifcr crin'ts " committed wUh impunity, 1 thefe-f re Call the .t'entioo of Congress to t, e n city for e-ULIishmg a territorial uvernniCbt over Arizona. i TLl' ,rr,J "ith of ,Gt" j P,.;,,,,,,.. 1',7 o, .hiA I r'rr,.,l : n,. vnr....r. 1 ,, to wb'eh I re.errtj in my '"'i" message, lanea to receive the ratihc-ttioti of tbe government or that repub- i !lc for rvt'iu which I need not enumerate. IV s..,,'!r i-j,i, has io-en sine, eoi.elinld I - - , " . w-.l i ,, V , , . . . , . .. . j . S d by ths Nicaraguon CongreiS. This will be immediately submitted to tbe S,;nata for .' ... . ' tL.rir ntifieation. Its nrovisi-ms cannot. I I U,i . t"s C0( P'"'lc t0 tlje P0!" j n7''i-r 1 J!,.i'Z i i-i tlx ' ' ' -".p.-J i"e u..,i ...rce :.'..n..:.i'l n.r Hie p.irp-.se ot prou-cting the j . pr.,,,.r'y -f Am.:ri-sn c.t.sans pss..ng ... ,.;ro.. l.u P.,i... N,riu...iTehu. r ui s, )iiii.t U'l.:-n and lw.es. out I r..t ..roreosi.. ns. 1 -h. l not r. p.t the i r.iarni uytu in ior,ur urueasgee m up- l ... r.M-i-.ire. rw.Tirc it to thai lie : ny ! ...ir people, sn.t trie arcjr.ty of - ',.' o, 'i ',f V".- Tou'i'e.'ttuTh.'At' I ,y b. )(! jfivolvtaj lii tlie hi''irifi to Citnerrn ,iiMin .or'eT.. r,.,eci Ao-.er.c.n,,,.n,.t,J er-ws snd er, .-a, .g i.i.al v.u.ent and i r and c-:..n-. l; Sp.n.-h An ' may l ... a . i'h4o be. n eon rVr red, sa'l have 1 1 lie :j !.(. 1. ..-....if iu..f. it. a treii degree, i has expired, it wiil bav been productive of ? 1, 170,101) on account of tbe loan autbonx oiihr...'. .Nc.t'i.r w,.i!d tnis r.rnr. so; I great good. Io a time of udden and alar- j ed by act of Jane 14, 1M making 0, .n.i ,,.r.,;.r,,r. ft i. navl ser.ie.. I jsnKer foreig0 0r domestic, which all 0:!0.4"0 from these extraordinary loorce. ... c.t ..l.;ect.4i B'g"d against th grant of . . . . .. ... ,. ,,, ,tJl ,ir. ss. I., oi.i- rr.n n u"uc must expect to ncounter in their aod S43,i0(l,0u0 from tbe ordinary sources. .u' i ti..; ..- ma cor.st.t.u.oi. tint ti wul.t be s j progress, tbe very salvation of our institu- snd of tha public revenue making an aggro ir r ol t'.e wnr m.k.i.g, or, .ir.tly suaknir. I tion may be staked opoo the assembling of gate, with the balianee in the treasury on in. r-.i- .!-'., z p-".t ti Esw-oiiv-. 1-1 t'ongr without delay. If onder such cir- the 1st of July. IViS, of 173,384,911 bO II. s wra well tua.ided, it wou.d, of e.ur-e, be I r ,L. i .i i, e i l , j t .l , e....c!,.Te. a vr r b'" ( rt iinin.uoa, i.awever, cumstances, tbe President sboubl Bui him- for the estimated mean of the prs.ent fia w.il .. ..'.- ti... .j uon at rest. ' . self in the condition iu which be was placed ' cal year ending 30tb June, 1M)0, d.r.jf r. .. p p ti e sole and eiclus.ee pow i at the c!oe of the last Congress, wilh half j I he expenditures during the first quarter " " t'.'S ui.i r i.. c ,..i. iui. . ii, .. "d.ci.ra w.r." They ; ..i.i ripi.ir'i.Fi, .nu - iiro- t id sod rr. .rLin a my " I! it anVr " wgress siill h va dceiarfcj ai.r. and bo...i a fore iui. . ..ar; i , c.rry it on, tut I'r. s.deiit, as tnni,M. to carry Into effect the provisiot.s of th I lio debt and tbe redemption of the iaaues of der-in-i'h.r .' ..f itv s my an I r..vy. e.o slne sm- j flonstitution ou thi subject, and to pass a treasury notes, and the remainder, being ,.;..r th.i . :..rs i , ,k.ng war. (. , nst enes,, . tw lp,0in.jn ,om-d rioo to the 4th f l9,S4'i,JO, were applied to ordinary ex 1 n.s .. i,u-o'.-n i.igtge, and hi.trrr. praves that i u L l j . . w r . .l j- j .l . in el WS. ll,e ..il.kwr... .n.enl.of U.. fr.rn.rs of th (xinsntutiou It will not be denledthat th frnsral power 1 President, and this measure baa been ap- to declare war" ia with ut limitation, and enibra. 1 prswed by the OOUUtrj. . cea within lla.lf not ony what writer on the law j " j d . expre8 a B0.t decided O of nation term a pubis fit perfect war. but alao wouiu wgwiu "r . , p an imperfacl wo,Z,i,di .hurt .very a-ic. of pinion in favor of the construction of Pa hi.siil.ly. however cos d or limited. Without j ciQo railroad, for the reason tated in my ll.o aulhontv of Conirea the President eannot .H. .nmial messavo. ' When I reflect UOOO tiro a hostile gun In a y oaae, eaoept lo repel the J aiucks of ,1. ill "jt ifwJ.tod h. 1 proper, autboriav lhriidrt lo em piny the tore at hia eoimiiond tu a vessel bi-liiiiging to an American eihacn wticli had been illefally and unjustly cnplured ira foreign port ond restore it to ,la owner. Bute.nl i.ii(rcsa only act after the fact after Ih mi .ef lia heel, done! Have they no power to eoiltr apn Ihe Pieaidenl the. authority in advanrl to furnish instant redrew should auch atbrwi.nl occur t Muatthty watt until the tiii.chrl hi a brrii done, and can they apply Ih reuie.y only whan ilia tools la? To confer this aulho.ty to meol future caaea Hn. ddr c.rcuii.stui.oea alictlj specified, ia clearly within tl war.lncarii.r power aa such an au thority oiiiifurresl un the President by act of Congress after Ihe ded had been done. In the progress of a great mtinn many exigenciea must ariae imperatively retuiring thatt'onfre (linnld authoriae th Prraidert lo act promptly on certain enn-Hons which may ir may not afterward aria. Our history ha alrs.dy presented a number of auch cesea. I aliall rfrr only to the lateat. Under the resolutioi nl June 3, 1858, ' for the adjustment of d.lKcol.i-s with the republic of Pa. rsuav," th Preiij.t Is authorised to adopt auch incisures and u such fore aa in tan juiig inclll muy nerrvi.rrlii(,vi-ihlo in tbeeveut if a reiuwlnf jut i laaiou by thr rnvernmer.t Water W itch," wow "oilier nml'era referred to in j CBi. lUnforc, to be f.trusted to in mal inesaaceif the Prrsidenl." Here the I , ho i. eapre.al ffr,,lcd upor the condition Ih.t i corporated eou.panics.or other agent es w ho the annua nower is eiDresalv o-huled uuor th Ihe government of irsgay ahaltwefuie tolcnuef llila " junt satisfaction." In tin and oincr aim,, lar case Congrxs bave eoaferred opon the Preai cleut power in adviwas to employ lha army and nivy upon tha happnint of contingent tutuie events; and thia moat certainly ia embraced with, in tha power todeolars. war. N-iW, if thia conditional and contingent power coaid t ennsliluitonaily enrrd upon the Pre sioent in the esse of rarsguay, why may it rot he conferred for tha purpoav of protecting lha live and property f American cttitena in Ihe event that they may be violently and unlawfully attacked in passing tver Ihe transit routes to and from California, or assailed by the seilure of lhair teasels in a foreign awtT To deny this power is to render the navy is a great degree uaelraa fur the prol. clion of in lives snd prosrrtr of Ameri can citixena in countries whera neither prolactiuD uor redress can be oilier w me obtained. The Thirty-fifth Congrssa terminated on th 3d of Murch, 1 85s), without hsving paaed the "act making apj.ropristi.su for the service of the Post Office Department during Ihe fiscal year emling the 3Jih of Juiie.lHCU." Tins set also containea anapprnprialion - I supply deficirneiea in tha revenue of the Post Office Department for the year ending tlie 30l of June, Ifa'J." I believe thia ia the first insUl.ce since the formal. no of the Fcderul government, now mora than seventy year ago, when any Congress went oul of exist ence without having paased all the general appro priation billa neet-astry lo earry on the govern, ment until the rego'ir period for the meeting of a new Congress. THis event imposed ou lha ex ecutive a grave responsibility. It presented a choice of tviia. Had thia oiuisi of duty occurred at the f.ral rsstoe of the last Congress, th remedy would hava been plsin. 1 anahi then have instsntly re Called them to complete their work and this without eipei.se lo tl.e government. Bui on tl -Ith of Msrch list there were fifl. en of Ihe thirty, three Sutes whih bad nol elected any repr'sra. lative to the prevent Congreaa. lUd Congress been ca, led together immediately, ll.esa Mutes would have been vsriaaily disfranchised. If an intermediate p.r;cl lud lieen selected, s. erl ol the Sl.les woul.i bsve hern eon.Kll d to hold ex. Ira of lortr I,..l.iare, al jrr.t inc..,. , , . .. cal yrr ending bo Ihe 3 llli In would hva been so reason of presaingtimporuner f..r the c-.11 of a extra sesvion. N-.toing wnnl become coc on eSntracts (lha with railroad corn p'"only exciptec) for e.rsy.pg tha mail for Hie first qusrierof tha present fiscal year, com- ,tafinia , of svaiJ , UD, lh. tX f 1V. ember lea thtw on week balor tha meeting I Ihe preeent Csrgress. Ihe re 1 son is that II. r "" contractors for th.s tl.e current year did not euinp-ete their first quarUi'i aervir anti! the 3Dlh u . J fcj lllt ltrDl. ,., ,hlir e,. trjc.s stitv dsvi n.ore are allowed for the u.ei.t of their accnuots Uf'-re the Department could he called Ipon for payment. The crest d.ffaoultr and the (rest hardship f'.o tcij in the failare to proide for lha paym-nt of e dchciencv ,0 Ilia hsesl year ending lh J'Hn inc. IS.jJ. Ti Ueptitmci.l had ei.tvred into rontr.cls, in obeiiem-e to existing lawa, for lha "":cf "', tb"?T.' "" . "I"?"."!' wre i4 ir It ntitlfd Irt their cmiprftid tsofi aa it uluanUll to M.Tfi. but, after a e.r.ful . til. I ,.,, r . ,1.-,, ,Cciuiit.i. it has been ascertain ed in. I it aoMunts tu t J.2';G.nO!. Wilh the sc. Ij means at his command I'.a Poslnissl-r fie n r al has ea.nssed lo pav thai portion of ih.a d-ft etencjr wkicii weearred in tl.e brst two qusrlers of Lie fiscal year, ending on le 31st UfCoioer laat. In tlie mean lias tl.e Contractors themselves, un der these trying cireui.istunera, hsve behaved in a manner worthy of all cun.inendat.oii. They had one resource in tl anidsl a( their embarrassments After tbe amount dpe to each of ll.s.n had brvn aseertained aud Snally sellied according to law. ,'" .""'f ',6e "J .Z Lulled gut. , whiert tnsblsd them l. borrow nio. B,.aa.u.n.blo seer.!.. Hull the. wcre obliged to pay interest m cms, quei.ee ol ihe ,, f,u!io( Congress, and 01. every prine.ule of joa. lice ogt,i nr-weiv. inte-ren Iron. Hie G-vrmni't. mu-rest alio.. Id eninnienc. from th djt: whea warr.nl would have ..sued fi.r II.. us.n.aot of U principal bad an appropriation been ma.ie for inis purpoae. t s.rui.ieaup 10 lei iwrrmne., 11 will mlncred $96,60 ! a sum not lobe tyksn into account en contrsu.i with the great tlifli- " ,m P" t" 'l ehir-ieter. both to ins ...., r, Is and the Sutra. whirl, would have ..suited from c..nvenmg and ,h ",-r appropriation, for tbe service . , .a-,- 1 , .,,.,. f, ,t. ,,,, -"c--.-.v. .v. rent fiseal year. Xb p,. ,ie Vofi Office bill ., . , . - necessarily give birth to seriou reflection, Congress, by refusing to pas the general ar.bronriation hill necessarv to carrr on the (;n.-rt,mPnt ma. tint onlv arre.t ita action. I "' uiKLt "eD ",rJ 'U 'lite' M" Tbe army, the navy, tbe judiciary, in short eve- rv der.arti.ent of tha Government, can no I longer perform tbeir functions if Congress ! refue mol"J wrj for th. ir up- i port. If thi failure should tesch the coun- si in t:.c p.rtaofjtry tl.e necessity of electing a full Lon ncan Stales when grcs in luflicieut time to enable the Presi turbedao4rev..ia . j j . eou,.M .,em in anv emerrencv. even immediately after ibe old Congres, I the 8ute of tbe Uiiioo destitute of repre- "' ' aentativea, the eoowequencc might be di.as- 74. f 1,004 3I0 70 ef thi sum were p 'ut. I trous. , I, therefore, reeouimeod to Congres plied to the payment of interest on tbe pub- '"aery id escn Tear o, ou.. nu.nucrs ..rr ...c election of elector for President and Vine would- be the defonocle Condition of Territoie. west of tbe Boo- kv mountain in case of war with a naval power sufficiently strong to interrupt all in tercourse with them by the routes across the Isthmus, I am still more convinced tbtn ever of tbe vast iuiportauo of thia railroad. I have never doubted tbe constitutional com petency of Congress to provide for its cop. truotion, but tbi exclusively uod r the war making- power. . Besides, the constitution expressly requires, as an imperative duty, that "the United Statea shall protect each of them (the States) against iuvasiou. " I am at a I os to conceive bow thi protection oan be afforded to California and Oregon against auch a naval power by any other means. I repeat the opinion contained in my last an nual message, that it would be inexpedient for the Government to undtt'take tbi gveat work by agents rf ita own appointment and under its direct and exclusive ooutrol. This would inorcase the patronage of the Kxeeu live to a dangerou extent, and would foster a system of robbing and corruption which t.o vigilance ou ibe part of federal offiriala Ani.1,1 ir.i.nt. The eon.-tr uotiou of thi uouid exercise that active auu viguaot su pervision over it, wbiob can be inspired a lone by a cense of oorporatc and individual intereat. I venture to assert that tbe addi tional cost of transporting troop, munition of war, and iieoessary supplies for tbe army across tb vast intervening plain to our pos session on the l'acifio coast would be great er in sucb a war than the whole amount re quired to construct the road. And yet ibis resort would, after all, be inadequate for their defence aud protection. Wc bavcyet acarcely recovered irom toe K.l.it. Afe.tr aaa.rant eanenditure. Dsoduced i by our overflowing Treasury, duriog several 1 transmit, herewith tbe report of th years prior to tbe commencement of my ad- Secretaries 01 War, cf Ibe Navy, of the In ministration. The financial reverses which 1 terior, and of tho Postmaster General. we have since experienced ought to teach as all to scrutinixe our expenuitures wuu tne greatest vigilance, and lo reduce them to tbe lowest possible point. The Executive De partments of the Government bave devoted themselves to the accompHshmcnt of thia ob ject with considerable success, as win appear from tbeir ditti-rent reports ana estimates. To these I invite the ecrutiny of Congres' for the purpose of reducing them still lower, if this be practicable, consistent with tb great public interests of tbe country. In aid of the policy of retrenchment, I pledge my self to examine closely the bill appropriating lands or money, o that if any of these ehould inadvertently pas both Houses, a must sometimes be tbe ease, I msy afford them ! partmeot during tho past fiacal year, ending an opportunity for reconsideration. At the' on tbe 30tb of June ls59, exclusive of pay same time we ought never to forget that ' n,.uta for mail service specially provided for true public economy consiista not in withhol-J by Ctngie. out of the General treasury, ding the nicau neeesaary lo accomplish im-j amounted lo $1 4.004,493 .13, and it veeeipl portent national object confided to us by 1 10 7i(jfiHl4,4 07; showing a deficiency to the Constitution, but in taking care that the I be supplied from the trsury of $8,9Wl,tK)9 money appropriated for these purpo-e shall , 20, against $5,235,077 15 for tb year tod be faithfully od frugally expended, jing 30th June, 1953. Tbe increased coat It will apaear from Ihe report cf the See-' of transportation growing out of tbe expao relary of the Treasury that it i extremely; sioo of tbe crvic reqoired by Congres ex doubtful, to say the least, whether w shall plain thia rpid augmentation of tb expeo be able to pass through the present and tbe ditures. It is gaatifying, however, lo ob oextfiesl y.arwiihout protidii.g additional' serve an increase of receipt for lb year revenue. Thi can only I accomplished j ending on Ihe 30th Jone, 1)5, equal to by strictly confining lh appraationa within j 91 ,091 21, compared with those in the the estimste of the different Department, year ending on 30th Jon. 138. without making an allowance for any addi- j It ia estimated that tb. deficiency for th tional expenditures which Congress my otirrent .8fel yar will be $4,Vii,424 04, think proper, in tbeir discretion, 10 author- j but thV for lb year ending 30th June, ixe, aud without providing for tbe redeup- l-Ol, it wifl not exceed $l,34i,472 00, tion of any portion of tbe 8-'0uO,iH)O of should Congress adopt the measure of r Trrasury notes which bave been already is- furm proposed aod urged by th Posima. sued. In the event of a deficiency, which I ter General. Since tb month of Mtrch, consider probable, this ought never to be , supplied by a resort to additional loans. It would be a ruinous practice in the day of peace aud prosperity to go 00 increasing the' national debt to meet tbe ordinary expense of the Govtrnment. This policy would crip-1 pie our resource aod impair our credit ioi case tbe existence of war should render it i.uir to borrow n.onev. Should such I a deficiency occur aa I apprehend, I would: recommend that the necessary revenue be! raised by an increase of our present duties: on import. I need not report the opinions expressed in my last annual message a to tbe best, mode and manner of accomplish ing tbi object, and shall now merely ob serve that these bsvc sine undergone oo change. Tbe report of tbe Secretary of tbe Treae ury will explain in detail tbe operation of thai department of the government. Tbo receipt into the treasury from all dorirgtbe fiscal year coding 3utb June, 1 30, including the loao authorised by the act of I4tb June, 1000, and tbe is sues of treasury note authorixed by exis ting law, were al ,69,41' I 01, wbicb sum. with lbo balance of 10,30,310,10 remain ing io tbe treasury made an aggregate for tbe service of the year of 89,(100,7 s7,l I. Tbe publie expenditures, doring the fiscal year ending 30tb June, 1J30, amounted to 8-sn,751 ,SI 1 67. Of thia sum 17,45,'t"!-V 44 were applied to the payment of interest on the public debt snd the redemption of the i'ues of treasury note. Th expendi ture for all other brtnebe of the publie service during tbe fiscal year were there for. lll.yiO 13. The balance remaining in the treasury on the 1st July, 1359, being Ihe commence ment of the present fiscal year, was 1 1,33'J,. 4" 3 '.t. Tbe receipts into thetressury during tbe 6rst quarter of the present fiscal year, com mencing July 1st, 1 .'., were f .'0,01 9,86."),- fr-V Of this amount 13.921. 300 was re eei.ed on account of the loan snd the isaua of lr"urJ noU th0 n0unl of $19,707,- ann.co having neen received daring tbe nuartef from the ordinarv sources of nublie revenue. Tbe estimated receipts for tbe remaining three-q.i.rter of tbe present fi. cal year lo the 3itb Juue, 11 '0, ara 9'tO,- 4'0,4'ltl. Of this amount it is estimated that 8-'i,7il0.400 will be received for treasu ry note which may be reissued under the fifth section of the act of 3d Marco last, and of the present fiscal year were 80,007,174 pennnare uuring IBS quarter. ine CSlI mated expenditure during tbe remaining three quarter, to June 80, 18.10, are $40,. 0(13,65(1 53, 0.' wbicb um .',886,61 84, arc estimated for the interest on the public debt. Tbe ascsrtaiuod and eatlmuted ex penditure for tha 6cl year unding 20th Juue, 1600, on acoount of the public debt, arc, accordingly, 7,S5tt,UU0 ltj aod for tbe ordinanary expenditure of tho Govern ment $53,451,744 80, making an aggregate of 801, 002,7 8'4 00; leaving an estimated balanoe in the treasury on tbe 30th June, 1800, of 814,841,808 40. The estimated receipt during tbe next fisoal year ending June, 1801, ar $00,3'.'5, 000, which, with the balanoe estimated, a before ctated, a remaining in tha Treasury 00 tbe 80th June, 1800, will wake an ag gregate for the torvioe of tbe next fiscal year of $$0,606,807 40. 1 ' Tbe estimated expenditure during the next fiscal year coding 30tb June, 1 80 1 , are $00,714,028 79. Of tbi amount, $3,:i8fl,. 621 34 will be required to pay tb interest or, the public debt ; leaving tbo sum of $03,. 3J8,au7 43 for the estimated ordinary ex penditures during the fiscal year ending SOih June, 1801. Upon these estimates a balance will be left in the Treasury on the 30th June, 1861, of $13,891,878 61. ' But this balance, as well a that estima ted to remain in the treasury on the 11 Ja in 18110 asill be redueed bv inch ancronria- Hons a shall be made by law to earry into J effect eertun Indian trestle during the present fisoal year, aked for by the Secre tary of tbe Interior, to tbe amount of $530, 350, and upon the animates of th Post master General for tbe service of bis Depart ment the at fi-cal year, ending 30tb June, 1830, amounting to $1,206,(UO, together with the further estimate of that officer for the sertii'K of the preseut fiscal year end ing 30th June, 100, being $5,520,321, ma king an aggregate of $10,261,583, Should these appropriation be made, aa requested by the proper department, tb balance in ibo treasury 00 the 30tb June, l'-ei, will uot, it 1 estimated exceed, boy 530 1 1)0 Ut Thev each contain valuable information and important recommendation well worthy of the serious roBsid"lion of Coagres. Il will appear frout tbe report of tbe Sec retary of War that tb army expeoditurea bave been materially redueed by a system of rigid economy, which, in hi opinion of fer every guarantee that tbe reduetion will be permanent. The estimates of Ibe De partment for tb next yer bave been re dueed nearly two million of dollar below the estimate for tbe present fiscal year, and a half a million of dollar below the amount granted for tbi at tbe last acision of Congres. Tbe expenditure ol tbe t ost umee 1 retrenchment bve been md in the ex - penditure amounting f .82M noally, wbicb however, did not take ettcct until after the commencement of lb prcnl fiscal year. Tb period seems to have ar- rived for determining the question whether thi department sba.l become a permanent and ever increasing cbarg opon tbe Trees-1 1T1. or (ball b Beroiitted to resume th self sustaining policy which bad to long controlled its admini.tratino. Th sr of legislation recommended by the Postulat ler General for lb relief of th department from it pre sot embarrassments, aod for tbe restoring it to its original independence, is deserving of your early sod earnest con sideration. Io conclusion, I would again commend to the just liberality of Congress lha local in terests of tbe district of Columbia. Surely tbe city bearing Ibe name of Washington, ! and destined, I treat, for age lo be tb j "pi'0' 0U' noiled, free aud prosperous confederacy baa strong claim oo our fa vorable regard. JAMES BUCHANAN. Washington City, Dec. 18, 1830. Sl'BYlVoM Or THI KXVOLUTIOM. -The New York Herald publishes a list of lb sur vived of tbe Amerein Revolution, who ar pensioned on the roll of th stveral State. Oo th first day of Jaooary last thnre were but two hundred tod seven living beroc of the Revolution on the pension list in Wash ington. The old soldiers ar fast passing a way, aod it caooot be many year before the last ooe will be gathered to hi eonirtdea Tbe following is a list on th roil of the State of North Carolina, with tbeir age : Cornelius Clement, Rutherford county, 103 year. John l'rooki, Robeson county, 102 years. David Cockerbsm, Surry county, 00 years. Fdwio Hickman, Stoke county, 07 year. Most Jones, Orange county, 07 year. Alexander Lcniood, Rockingham couo ty 0-J year. Jame Nicholson, Stokes eounly, 07 year. Adam Philips, JJuncombe couuty, 00 year. George Roberts, Buncombe eouuty, 101 year. A New IlAtr Dollar. A ow half dol lar ha been got up at the United State Mint, to be sobmitted lo Government for ita approval. The new eoio, although of tbe same diameter a that now iu circulation, is much thicker at the rim in eonaeqoeno of the deeper linking of th die, and broee much more durable. Oa one aide i a me dallion portrait of Washington, with lb bead wreathed with laurel ( the word M Lib erty' upon a scroll over the bust ; at Ihe bottom of the piece is tbe date, IH50; snd arouud the whole, the words " United State of America," in plain and well adapted rais ed letter. Oo tb reverse aide, a wreath of grain envelope th words " Half Dollar," in the unii beautiful Utter. Tb coia is very handsome. Wxtb Caroliitagatij. MS in si V Sfr' v;. CHARtOTTE: T u e 8 d a j J a n o a r j . 1 7. 1 8 5 9. ErR. R. W.kefield, Esq.,of Lnolr. ns. . anted ta set, and i our authorised agent. ( will reeeiv order fur Ihw Wuu, blanks or a'dver. tiaimvanta,and receipt for thasams. Any peraons subscribing who pay lo him w.ll.in tl.rt. months . will roeeiv tha Whio fur two Collar. CANullUTIS roR SHERllrT W ar authorised lo snnnanee R. M. WHITE Esa , csndidale lor tha omc of r-berilT of il.ll,burg eouoly, at th aoa.ing Ausust aUetioa. tar No ptper was i.sued from this of c last week, owing to our roller becoming on- ot tor wors too late to make a new one. Thi ia ao accident that may happen to anv oflioe. We bave, however, mad a n aod we hope no upeosioo from the like cause will bappeo to u again. To the Whig, and Amcrioana of Meck lenburg. We would remind the Whig and Ameri can of thia eounly, that next Tuesday, the 24th instant, ia tbe day aeleeted some two month go,(for holding a Whig and Ameri can meeting for lb purpose of appointing Delegate to attend tbe eppoaitioo Conven tion to meet in Raleigh, on tbe Hi of Feb ruary next. It i to b hoped that a large, oumber will be present on that day. 3T The attention, of miner ar called to tbe advertiscioen! of Mr. J. A. liigs, in another column. Tbe Mill he advertises if on of vast importanc to miner and thry should examto into it merit. It will eus a new era in mining operation if it will do what tb ioventor claims for it. Tbe Weather. Since our last issue we have had txeetd iogly hard weather and the cold was severe aad long enough to enable cur citiieos who have ice bouses to fill them to reple tion. Tbe weather then moderated and w bad rain we bate ainc badao abundance of mad. But if w have a few more sucb day a yesteiday aod tbe day before, our atresia aod road will be io good order again. Tbe road bave been 'so had that very few wagons hav visited ear loa llly. Book Binding. Attention is called to K. It. Stoke'l ad vertisement offering bis services to the pub lie. Mr. Stoke' ha lately executed a job for us, aod w cao recommend bis work to , our rede. Person having works of soy j kiB4 lo bg bound can base them attended , . j Pern Ihey m.y wish ad at aty : price at Mr. Stoke' Bindery, - - Temperance Addreea Oa Frii'ay night lat,our community wis W Moffalt, M. W . L. Th. weather very uotavorabl but tb Lourf lloti was crowded.' Mr. MofftU i considered on of lb best Temperanc Orator that ha been in tbi section. II ha been delivering Lecture to a number of th Ih visions i this county, and w bop be msy be tbe csui of adding many to tb Son of Temperance. No Speaker Yet. Up to our Iat dates oo pesker has been elected. W learn that a joint meeting cf three parties ws in Mssion except tb Ulack Republican for tb purpose cf eeing if they could not barmooix their views io regard to lb organisation of the House. Goveroor Wioslow, of North Caro lina (Governor MoUo,of Mississippi, Craw ford, of Georgia, aod Robiosoo, of liliooi', represented tbe Democratic parly ; (iilmer, of North Carolina) Ma'.lory, of Kentucky; Hill of Georgia j aod Nelson, ef Tennessee, appeared oo behalf of the Americans. Clark, of New York, aod Rigg, of New Jersey, rpreseoled ibe auti-Lr complouitcs. Muoh good feeling was nieuifealed. Vari ous proposition wr discussed, at length, but oo definite aotion was coooluded upon It i said another niMtiug will be held very ooo. There was a decided opinion against tb adoptioo of the plurality rul. The who! matter ia lft in as much uncertainty John A. Gilmor. This gentleman come in for a fall of th vituperation of the Dernoeretie prcM. iu leadera and underling. Rot Ihey ai'buk just a wall cease, for be i like a g'"e- tb more he ia rubbed lb brighter oa bin, lleeause le eoti Lecouiptooius otud fear him fur Sosaker torn of lh Dem ocrat believe, or rather tbey profc U' liv that ti ha leo playiug into tbe hands of the nbo!itiooit. John A. Oilnter, 8outhero man and a larg alate holder de fending to play into tba hand of boli tiooists. Who h.lieve. thi I For co, we do not believe It. He is too honorable man to do a thing of lh kind. Rut the Temo oraU are rather too apt to charge uch thing on their opponent, wbil tbey raally guilty of the charge themselves. -They forget that iu M..saobuctU the Demo crat and frenoiler united to dofeat

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