Mm true to Got?, io iioui fiotVii. ano ;o iiour Sqili." VOLUME 3. THOMAS J. HOLTON, Editor Sl Pbophiitcr. T Kit MS: Tin-Srth-Carolina Whig will be afforded toanb. ,l,er. at TWO DOLLARS in ilniteijTWU I'hil I.AK-" ANU '1"I'V tKNTS if payment be I uvrd lor Hire monlhe; and TIIHKK IMil.l.Alttf ,1 lar end of "IU year- Nupapcr will be diacon. , ,,,.J until all arrearagci are paid.cicepl at the .ti.niiMlieKdilnr. ionarpereouaro j f (IGlinraor ri"" In," nd i2I cuula lor each cimtiiiuaiice. Court id-.'"rll.i-iiirnle and Sheriff's Bale charged ti per high" I a deduction of 33J per cent, will br'niadr from the regular prices, for adverti raby ,,,, year. Aderlienienla inserted niontlily or arU'ilv. at 1 per equare for each time. 8emi I, .ntlily" ' ce P' aquercfur each time. ', ,! when lending; in their advertieemenU t in irk tHe number of inerrtions deair'jd or , , , ,!! be inserted until turbid and charged ac. 1 r'.tma.tert area uthniitrd It. acta, egenta J. (J. WILKINSON ti. CO., DEALERS IK , WATCHES. JEWELRY. s ... - IT SILltK arm iiiilu Hit, ;, i,tiranile riange,opp..aile tlie Mansion llnu.e, mi a ti t i iTT IT VI1 A'1'Hli-n riven loKi.pairi.ig Watches A Jewelry Jul l-VJ. I3lf T. II. I5KEM & CO., W IIOI.lJ il.KAr It r.T A 1 1. llFAI.KRH IN B3ITISH FRENCH k AHERICAN di;y goods, r.ticri'.TM, li fiioi:w. A uvHinvAin:. t ii iia, ri:, . . J A S.ui a, Ja , 1 I rrr.Tit Aidi'in. ( nrr TMIrr T rillK ub.enlH-r la mann f .er or n p and ke p. -nn.ianlU n hand, Hop lor iuer, jvio ... U i n aitir m . a od ffMl to waaii ailh lor rjolherak.n di.."'. Il will alao Uae al.rna t.ut of n ainu oi i H nj '"j , u hae it to H ata. cutiI price. Th l"p ha ..,.1. and i.e. I I ad he hm4 I be. n tried by r capon. a errum cure. The Sp -.n be had at lr L. llutcma..o 4t o.'a l"ru Smre and fr.m Hie eub.cnr. CI1AS. T. KliKKIl AUI). .Vj, 31. 1 M.-.9. 1,,f -.... in i isi:: ! ! Hrl niMli Jit ifauuf Iwrer.' 1'iittn t AMI I'KH t I'.'J eta. per fo. .15 " ...IT ' " K A M I . I -! LKI.TSr .nuf ielurrd to order .rt ' ..I., e. .. , I.-1IVO IIII.S' . f' l.r or atriw .r. aaure,arde,,J aliee( .a l " - ar.'errrf . AIJiO IM lal laaol allu..cnpl ' centa ' J. It F. liOONr: Vay II, I .'. Vllf Removal . f 1 1 1 L,i.r roi. his frimu. and the 1 public generally, tn 'I he l.,s rm.ovrd his Sn..p I., the o"d -1-n.l ol A Byer y, under I.. M. W lill.n,.' Wore, on Trad. ." h i. prtoared lo attct,.: t" "II rnera I" h.a line. He I... still a few articles on hand .u. h aa Golden Cook.Oolden Star.PUnter'i and Fiemlnra c oiik vrovi.s ami a variety of rAIHsOK S'I'OVI'.N. A ! . ... .Ki ssaorlui. ut of i n. mi.iI lloJ::--r'. Vr. All of aht.i. I will .-Il 'i-r for CASH or Coun '.ry rro.tuc. It. II. J r-niai Jim II. IM.'iH. Cf 'Notice. f IlllOSi: ol my fro lida who are indeUletl io me fl by Nole or Aeroiint. .ll pha.e observe that I retired from the Drug, l this ,,'aer and imWaWa sell.aiearfa I. SJeiy qtlf Mv lltH.i the haml of Mr. V. 8,i during my sua. ith, II. M. I'KITCIIAKD. 33lf ( k,rlotll, on. 9i, pm:vfiiM. i f 11111. nn.lrr.ignrd having entered into ( opsrt 1 ... r.hip for the purr- of carrying ou lb. ( (iinleetioiiarvjlakery, Fruit, AM) Retail Grocery Business, It. , I. ivn to call the attention of the ciliaaiis of .' . ..' -r. ..i..t. ,.i I,.-1 ween Hrein'aand Frank- .1 Siirnt A D.litel'a oltl Stand, .... i.i I.. to a. a all their Irien here anu rr,a,M..e... MOonY Si NISHET. fthruary 1, U. 41,11 HAAVKS'sS History of North-Carolina. rlK ' volume I- now puhlt.I.ed II em. I brace Ihe period "f ' Propficlary Oov erctn. lit, lenoi Ibh3 lo . Il l.trius a handsome Mvo. volume el SJI pagea. Th, .ub.cipt.on price a, half actil . page; but Ihe price nl tin. volume is lesa, aay -J 7a in cloth binding, 3 in l.ibrury aheep. and tJ Sa m half calf. I r wil l. ..t.u nsi.v ma asa. Owing loth., .itllicully of securing Agent, in many parte of Ihe Stale, wewl l lotwardil by liinl or otherwise ree f por.lg f. on of Ihe price i or both voloraca lor elolh, 4 511 sheep, or .5 hall calf. A hber-il diseounl mad la Ageula.or othera, wlvi huv lo sell again X K. J HALK k HON. V.iynumllt. tot. lfif. 3..U-S Piano awJaSBc Store. r MIK f-ub.crtbcr kcepe continually, on hand Pianoe nude by t-lcinwav fi Co.. Nnnn'e A Clara and other makers, of NewVutka. Which he will aril at the lowest rates Tor fi.v,or W.od pa. KT. Alan, Hie latc.t Mueic on hand, at No. IhO ain atreet lirlwren the F.aehange. Bank and the American Hotel, Columbia, . C. SAML'KL GARDINER. Ny i Of ip.'.e. (r . L. KEKBINON, HERMAN L. LEIDINQ Ki:i.inso a Miiimr., imi-outrks Foreign fnd Domestic Dry Goods, W IIOf.KSAl.K AND F! ETA 1 1., Nn mm, um do.. a raoa aifiu, ( ll tlll.liMO.V, . C, jlwii 2h, ir.jD. 7-i r l.nrhillr Mutual t il' Iiiiir i mite omp.-iiiy. ( II IU ( O.MI'A.V V continues to take naka a. ir-in' lo b) fin, on llouata, liouda, fro. duce, Ac., at u.uai rate. I I Ofiire at the Drug Plnre of K. Nye llutcln aon At Co orricEKR. j A. C. STKKLE, i'rttidrnt. j C. tiVKhMAi, :': I'retiiUnt. K.NVKJlL"lCHISU.N,.S-cy.rf Trtat'r. I IIH( T'Kl. j A. C. S'l KKLK. J. L. liKOWN. M. H. TAYLOK, K T. WKISIO.V, C. () KKM AN, F. OAKK, WM. JOHNSTON. i John L liuovt s, 1'. Starr and S. T. I IW'bihtiiN, Eiftulitt Conmitllee. I Anu at,, iyj. ;tf !i?:U)0,000 1 Fruit Trees ! rois nam:. WESTBi-CCKS It nEWDEKHALL, Ytt-rirtuii of the Wat G'rrrtt Xursrriei wd liardiHttt,rur dretuslufo. C, til I.I) .rry r. .pecllully call the attention ol the i.lm r.. of I lie Southern to ,).,, (.ry fr ,, f uudve and acclimated a,.,,, T,,rt. f the f-all and W inter Trade. This Urge and handaome aaanrlmcnt has been prnpugated fr.uo tnritty heating trees, and work ed upon the be.t seedling stocka, which is a aure guarantee of fiuiltulnca and longeyiiy, U prorm. nrnt eharaelcristica in orcharding which should not be overlooked by person, wialung to plant or stm mtier to' n.keting or family use. The .lock cno. i ih, l.,ll,ng ireeaf I2.IMMI Plum ; S'UiO i:.nue IbUU Alniund ; I OOO y moer it'll G ie Vna. ausoilioent of C urrant, a, l.ooeebcrrns, etc., all of Ileum. very fi 8ir.wb,rrie.,KalH - rr ahicli will be e.l: ti aery reasonable terms lor eaah or approved paper. All packages put up in Stipe""' a'ylr.and a eon.ulcte invoice sent to each patron, and so ar. I ranged that the invoice will be the register ol Ihe d atlrr Ihe tic. a are Iralisplanuu. u io'J naplaiitrd aa e..rh one apwara on the lial. re tr Mr. T. ) llolton I" set aa agcnl lor in.- iur. nial.iog of the -..ple ot Merkli nborg and n. .gh. benng on Mire a.'h the .b. .e Fruit Trees and nil lake pllta. "tlt. S" I '. aiuing orotra lor the 31tf. Dr. II. M. l'ritchard I . t IK.I.DI.NtJtollieaolicitationoflita. I M. ny friend. , reapectlully sun mn. a'ayf r" octi-runnaiion io ri.i." r may be eon.uli. dat his Hire. 1 r The !'! V" scribcil lor a .inoui cr -rge. .!,.( .11. It.f.f. 25ii Till'. I.1VI1K i M(ioi!A roi:i raaraaKt. nv pa ( onpoanard rnlirtly from Gl MS, a mi nr thk iifT ri aoATiva m uvea I III. r.M . S r"S'.-. vt trt-iror. TT"rt'r y'.'t's.'-.w b..' a .r" ",r' 1lrt'h.T 'Jt. a. trH-irssil ra;iUlrcT f th (Ti). rw , wlrnd Tha..' ir',ir "Ti't ui IT) .'. flic t.l.t ol S.xaa , ..I. what riiU"ate. j M' 4.M 0bf ntM .e ..... Uy.WtaU ..lialrsrllns tnaa th. i"..'m I...H. , ahila . ..... ri. kit t hulera, ai holrra. i,,.,.. in thr.. an, nt lbs .iNiio.ller .rai...a. all t S t-a.",Vi..lBi lvM n .r. I hcl.le flee- l.k Itea.larlar. In.. I-.I. !. I c. M IS. Siw y, bv sarlllng th. tii..'. All ah. aae I) teaUni....- Io a Sill H .l.r I atalit,. "oil aal ulvln fhrle asanlmna. TUB LIVER INVIOORATOR . i. ll Itlsi t.VKKV ! F:B '".".L .iii SjSr-nllll S I'o . Priori"... MS H liolraale Aenl 1'. SCAltKACO., ( harlotte, N C. A LAKGK SUI'PLV OF Constable AVarrnitts JUST riUNTKD. Hymn on the New Year. ir a. n. raaii.-k.t-. 11,31. k (ind ! I tin I eternity TI Another atep ta woo! Oh. hinging turoa my heart to Thee Aa tune llowa alowiy ; Thou Fountain whence my life waa horn, Whence I boa rich streams ol grace ara drawn That through my being run. I rounl the hoi 'I hat .In Irli , tire cay, the years, I'nlil. Oh, l.ili ! Ili.t hour pear. J ny louch ilinur, Wbel.'ir la inorl..l now in ine ISb.ll U coo.ilNirri r..r aye ill Tl.n, And de.thlca life be luine. Si rlowi Thy loe within tin. frame That, touched with ki i inl fire, My whole aoul aionlea in the fljnie Of one ioti nae drmrc. To be in Thee, and Tln.u in me, And e'en while yet on earth, to bn Still pn tm ng cloai r, hijh. r I Oh, that I awn ni'glit Thee Uhuld '. I ci.Uht the mon.l l ie n'er ; Ah, come ! ere yr t my heart growa e And c.iniiol e.ill '1'her ir. Come in Thy flory ! f..r "I I y Unce II. th girl h.r for ti r holy.ij ., And K.lteth at llir ihx.r. And, llierefure, do my than., o'erlln Thai one je.r more hn. gmie, And of tine lime, ao po.r. .o !i,w. Another .1 p i wnrri ; And, with a l.e.rt that miy not wait T' yoniler ilial.nt g'liileo gate I j'.urney gi.oiv on. And In n the w ear.' il A n.l wciiri. 0 It ne. a u grow weak, To sinking l.nlli. Hi, quiclily s And make T ime .rui my slay That ao my hi art dunks in m w And I .need on, nor fee! the It ng Nor at.-epni a. on the nay. Oh. Je.u. all mv ...ol hath flu Alreauy ui to Tine, for 1, in a In no i- '"vr a . nr wln.ily ct r.nuer.-d In-. Farewell, ye pliant'. ms, it iy .'ind Lter"il ie round me here, Hint;.,., I.or.1, I live in 'l itre. -k, tr. ng-.h. llliscclfancous. a. .(KOFiaSSlai) r,l)tlv. BV FANNY SMITH. cuffei lumpy potatoes, and juice'ess meats lid juice ess meats. and burned off t o my great disap i; but, leaving word I rut on my botuM t. secure the trea-ure T point mi-in r-ne was ii-n io , ui, for her to call iu the evening. I went awsj, hoping that Ihe gueM. who were to arrive1 in a d,v or two, would not find mc cook. ess, as I had at first feared. i Kvenine came, and with it a cook, t had been running over in my miud the vari - ous questions which I blended asking her,! and the various duties which she was to be told she must perform, determined that her, should be no excuse hereafter for any ' omis-iou, because she did not know that such ; and such a thing was expected of her. I I went into lbs dining room, (where she had j been ushered,) and f.und her standing in the middle of it, deliberately surveying it " This is Margaret McNuliy, 1 suppose?" ' I said, as I went in. I Vis. ma'am." was the anwer, with a slight brogue. " Are you the ould lady's datitjbter?" I smiled at this, no doubt; for bow could I belr feeling the flattery ? I who had been married more years than I chooe to tell. " No. I am the mistress of the bouse," I replied. " Oh '. vis, I jist supposed ye wis the mis tress of the house from ycr seeing me ; but isn't tlrere an ould lady, too"' No," I answered, forgetting, in my as touishmeiit at her questions, to put any of toy own. ' Thiu this isu't Mr. Gordon's house'" she said. "No. Mr. Gordon hasn't lived here for some years." "Oh! well, he did live here, and I knew the ould lady eouldu't be you ; for, yju sec I was well acquainted with the family." "Can you give me good reference!'' I said, asking ihe first question I bad been a- Lie to do in Ihe interview. "Oh ! yis, I can jist give you the bet ference in the city. i ou see, ma am, I m ref. a professed cook. I can do everything in the way of cooking in the world. I can make all kinds of soup, and pastry, and fancy dishes you can name ; and as for des serts, there is nothing I cant do. My heart fell. I began to tear ttiat sue could do too much ; but I thought of my expected guests, and determined to give her a trial, at least. If you can do all those things, I ought lobe satisfied," I said, "tan you mnae I Charlotte Russe !'' , , "Well now, ma'am, you see Charlotte Hushc is the only thinp I can't make. My! baud ain't good at Chtrlotl, somehow ; but I ..n n.aliA Italian creams, and French creams, ami syiiyuut and souffle iverything you can mctitioo, ma am, but Charlotte; I ain't good at Charlotte. What wages do you give ?" " Two d'ollars aud a half a week, I re plied. Will, I hare lived out for two dollars and a half a week ; but 1 mostly have been getting threa dollars, ma'am. You see I'm a professed cook, and can do iverytbiug.' Wo need not lata uiruirr o. .v, ...... Margaret; 1 shall not pay more than two dollars and. half, week." antf.i, a siiuaumi uy vv.y-.. uillrs, w ncn i wasseni ur, aim iouu'i an efm suj mMy 0ht.r. (riendiy to human at oue time c.rtain papars in nts scuooi InorL, cornln0 Seti- and eninmon nonc-ty in cook. The best ci'y references given " the pot-, and kettles, and, iu fact ev. ry kiud il)(,r',y Indeed, it is not at all improbable boue t0 which he endeavored to obtain those who control our national affairs. That "The very thinp," I mei.tilly exelainied, c,f enkiug utcn-il, out iu the middle of the t1!it ', a yoar we might double the above ,' ,h .... beinc Dttilious to the corrupt!.'!- .and exfravaganeo of the it mv eje fell on this in a fijor. number I have just sent to New York for "'bnatuu. , inc. t rs t v IVmoerncv. and th- f .na.icism and sectioo- morniup paper. " Yes, I'll iry a professscd .. I ,,, wetj particular, ma'am she began, anf)ther box of Helper's work, to supply the Congress praying the extinction ol slavery i,.rui.H.. ,.t,. d-mon-trate that cook this time, fori verily believe that ,i,ou( the llnugs 1 cook wuh. You'll have jriCrt..,,ing demand. A slaveholder, who and the repeal of tic fugitive slave law n(,jtm.p of ,!., ut d. po-u.ors of power nno.l r.lain cook' is rulv a sviion wn for bad , , , , ...u another sort of a tin kitchen ; I i . . . ... i i.: . i,i. ; ..l-; V.; newrh. ti ....;.;... ; snr no.ed were sent ......r ...l ...t ... LnUtr-r thn nfl'iirs of a " Well, nia'tni, as lHk jot, I wouMn"! I A VILE SLANDER COHRECTED. let fifty cents a wirk y I frictvls j I'll take ' During all lat summer, the cliarjre was two and half, liut I Tie jou my word of, aoain and afrntn reiterated against Mr. Gil honor, tn'a:n, that 1 ftve an oifiT at Dr.' mer, that he was in posacaslon of Helper's HoweH'a' down the utrt, at eleven dollars' hook, the " Intprmlitin Crisis," ami n moi.tb. ?lr. llowpr,aiil she had nevr pair! more than ten (lollra; but the doctor,' he said In; liked my fact ifa am, ao he anl " Newton ! Oh! jis, Ive Ward of it : it's a very ret-pectahle uoi . Lidccd a very . jjoorl faiiiily, ma am ! " J!ut jou hare not iottTV. yet, Margaret, I where you have been livrp; I am not wil inpto laaeaoooi, witnouiarecomennatton. "Oh! here, a bitof pper, ,,,.. that I pot from Mr.. U lUon, were I lived hat a Kin i oi recommeiiu, tu me -lor when b nit. pettitip rlesr, Mrs WiUon live?" I aked. "Oh! she's moved. She lives on atreet, on the rixht hand m.U ri t!,o way ; on.y a moderate sued bou-s, Lut you II Dnd it nately furnished Yo'j don't think we could klrike a barpaia now, do you? I would co tn e and st.iy a tvek, mid yju could try tiie, and in the mnrt tune you could rpire my cb.iracter. nid if we didn't tuit cucu otb' r, any no bjrni done. I as breathless with all this volubility so, cpenin- the door, I told her to call the 'fttxt day, at noon, fir la r ati-wer .-he hail pone halfway down the l.a'l, whin she turned at.d isked, " II aw y ou stationary wash-tubs, in a 'am !'' ; " No '' " Nt htitionary wa-h tubs ? That's strange; there's always stationary wa-h- lUtjs t the Lrst ItllllltS-s. 1 suppose yOU VO a range, and hot and Bold water pipes in tho kitchen ' " Yes " " Weil, tna'aiA, cnjld I see th kitc!;cn ? I always like I ) s.-e a kitehiu bi fjre 1 en gage to go to a pined." " It will be time enough for that when I make up uiy initid that vnu suit me, I ausaercd, walking resolutely to the front 1 Nothing but the fi-.r of my frbnda com ing and tin. ling me without a cook would have induced toe even to inquire into Mar garet's character. The mi-tre-s of t tie V moderate sti -d hou-e, nately lurnisheil niem. a u.. .Iltts 00(l re!ll,tilt'.oi. to had been insti.'.t-Ca trtl, ,,r nn ,rl1 , roast wtlb this up and down thing t a.i ' (Mv Ust cook had di-c..r!.,l the olJ-fa-h- ;nlJ,;, llu kitchen for aa upright otic to Ct mneu tiu aiicneu jot u u .rirui uuc io us ,),,, r,,1:;e ) .. An,j t ii a beef-stake br -tier, why it ain't fit tJ c00i, Bjt, a , gentl, n. n. s funiiy." So she went over neatly every kitoben article before her, ioinetitue" condescending j,u pr,.,i l thibg very fait. y, or saying that prruar she could make it do, but ri quirin ,,, tJ .. .bd twenty do lor nt arti- Ofv'-nir-e I waited for the first dinner, with much anxiety, and I hted hardly say- that it was a failure. The soup had a my Trench 1 iok, to be -ure, fir it was thiund black, but utterly in-ipid ; the polatoesjatne on iu fancy pyra- mids, but were he.iv and cold ; the cram- hemes, beaut:luily lii .iouide.1, were hurnt , and the meat cariy warmed tt.riugn. Howi t-r, I conscltd rly- 'f by ihinking that perhaps is the dessert if ghl prove more sue- cessfu . Jut alas tr" ra-trv was i tough as leather, and the ceHtard lie water. 1 worried through a week with my "pro fessed cook,'' but at the end of it we all had dy-pepsia, and my store cio-et was not near ly so well filled as when she came. It may be that f r f-s-c 1 cooks require more arti c'.cs to get up th.'ir meals with, are natural ly more i x'r iv agatil than other, but I sus peet lhat Margaret had sisters and friends, to w hom she was benevolent at my eipeti'e so I dismissed her, and I am sure that I shall never again have the temerity to try a rtloFfcs-ili ClMJK. Snt- TiiEKS Shoes One of our contcm- -ks: " What is to hinder us from poraries a manulactunng our -noes . i o .uu we answer, tne want ot .s, ,u.-u- j ,an,ia of bushels of shoe pegs are brought i f ,i V ortb and sold to Southern shoe- nakcrs Is it possible that there is no wood naacrs is ( makers in the Southern States suitable, or that th manufacture of a shoe peg is beyond South ern ingenuity! We know tho contrary, and we think that llios who very properly ad voonto the manufacture of Southern shoes, had better btvio at the beginning and let ti,eir motto be, Independence in Shoe Pegs. ,,,,,;.,. ' - The celebri'ed slave aacbt Wanderer is again before the public nd,r peculiar cir cuintneea. She was cirricd off from Sa- i. , , .. ,l..,r ln.t .,.,f was shrewdly su-pcoted, witlKiut the knowledge of her owner, though be made a public pro test against the act. On Vcr way to Africa for a cargo of slaves she touched at i'lores, ami while the captain was on shore the mate, with a portion of the crew who had been carried of against their will, took pos- session of iho vessel, and brought her to the "' ' I port of Uo-ton that he would (;ive me tfv, ti dollars if Id waa ;o supremely ridiculous, and tho authors aoutberti country, nonexiiy w u.u.. .1 The Chairman briefly, in a Uv perttm po j fun mil hlty ceutselkn t p irt u, ma am. of the charpe no well known, that we did ( went my .muuauo - remarks, explained the object ol tho men- What's your mime, iiia' li! I dou't think I not aeo proper to even allude to it, being aeted honestly with the hip party, ga appointment of deleirites tJ rightly heard it. ' well convinced that it would return to plapun conservative party in the outh. In l le Convention, to meet at Iialcih on "Newton," I answetf , ti,uek amued. the inventors of the lie. How much truth discharge of a conscientious duty 1 uiner February next ; and after arf- i j ue ....u".u-, ..u.u i, ..v.. . .... ....j . ,,., , D, ,imous swindle, ror That will not.nsw.r. I to.ver take a ' . , I'tie reason that I have not acted wh .be erv ant from a writl. ,, r-comniendatiou ; I '.".r ? ' , v' T r.Ilv. t ,.,..,. ,J H-mocratio party South but or the more u,u.t .ee ao.c with ah.m has lived." ' . -J"'? '. 'reot one apparent reason that did not " I intir. lv ai,r.r.v ofrt ma'am intirelv , T- V V -p'' j ,-t wl:h then upon this L-econipton ctrug- i iniir. ly appr.iv.ant, ma am, iiiiirny , g0, ,, w,ich I abor is wonderfully open- , , . ,i, , i,r have been t.ur. ides, it's not f..M,io.ble now to have . ... ., ...-, of ..: .;u,L pie, ever since t.iat lour I ha t bet n pur itt.n characters Ih.'i, ve " V K olanti slavery truth. , wj , the fl.rocty of Dper, and the in. n ttiaraet, rs i t,. i. ve. I am a native of this State, and have faith- .. . , . -, i t . occasion fir, I waa nettitiL' rlesrertte. "Where does , i . I malipnity of a devil. 1 tabu ocea .ion, sir, uiicerahle nttenint made to create tho mi pros - lion, from that fact, that Mr. Gilmer I was tainted with ahohtiiniMin. 1 he charge I then was in thecharpa wnTatTpear Irom the followinp taken from tho Daily Globe, and wl,ie the t ieh waa crowded out of our h-t issue by ' Ie.B. i PERSONAL EXPLANATION. . . ' If G1LMKR. I rise to a question of ri(;,e t0 t,0 clerks desk an 'jtract which I aak to have read. fully preached an uncompromising po-pcl at ' very point of my work. .Not satifi.-d, how- ever, with mere verbal effort, I determined , in(r0(ur.0 anti-slavery books. Many ,nou llt hazardous iu the extreme, in view of the ahonno itile laws on that sut jeet ami preatly feared my enthrallment. 1 i maintained that he that will Dot ri-k some- j thing f ir ("lui-t is not woriny of him ; h .i,,,,".;: ., his life shall lose it. etc : and the success fir exceeded my expectations These I, neks were i irrn! ater! at 'sf rnthrr Cl,verff . ,t pre.,ly dislikinp this covert operatiou, 1 came out Ml, atsdainmg mi rum t,il nit nlt and my book agencies are pro bah y doing more than I have been able to do by prearhinp. Amonp these books, hnv i iri.uliiii'i nmKrjiesor in imprint- inn CnsisoJ the South," hit llrljirr, it-hick !. like fire in ill y stuhhie. An ex ym- V,,,l). n.,rnlin,l n .11.111 nl tin ririr,i nnwlmitii. Ins one of these i-nnies. he is n hire ihtvliolli r.) ami J. Oil tun ni'iiiifr Inr th's -.'.'. rict m Consresr. frls ai,iitfr an,l nmr, or nil iriiincc ot' slurrrti ami snre Inus, vonr hnm'-le ser vant las liaidlij liriuil a tlirrnt. Is not this wonderful? Is it not the hand of Iliin .. I, I... 'll, wroth of n.un shall r,raise ,nd the remainder of wrath he will restrain: Pevoutly thanklul, 1 trust, my soul is to my God for these signal mcr cies. And now let me say to the American Traet Society, through you, its officer, that I have no doubt of our ability to distribute neeessfnllv at least six thousand tracts a, ,p tc K,t.lci to winch you amine. "o Mulierrt .'cnurcu mem- i,ors , hat he luu-t Jo with his slaves. Are t:-t. these Hessed portent", my brother!" Jjnilll . A .l,o) Tract Ja,a!. u-p ptjiiihed ,he al)0Ve in June last .. n.jblished the above in June last vg re.j,Uuij,h jt for tue purpose of sue- j,,,, wlnt Mr Oiliuer has to say about the cllrirgo implied in the above article. It is c)aiir,p,l iat Mr. Sbrrniaa our-ht not to bt3 Speaker beeaus! he has indorsed Helpers :,.I110;1S book, but here is Mr. Gilmer, a s. illi-m man, aho. it st.cuis, knrie that a hi inci ndiary pamphlet was being circulated in hi State more than six months ago. We calKd Mr. Gilmer's attention to this matter at the timn this article first appeared in the l!,sm Tret .1 vurual.hut he never relieved bimsrlf from the implications it contains xo or three points are very apparent, if ,j i. article be true. First, Sir. Gilmer had -,,,, fi,,,, 0f Helper's books that this . :,,..-. emi-arv had etrculateil. Second, , .;.,,. niu,t have known the tmstness ,-.his j,,Cendiary teaehe r of revolution and bloodshed ; and third. knowing it he did : no'r'i' t i pi rye,, iruif til Ii -ii'k'iliii lii hi in liis course of We say these dei ,;, fair inferences from this article ons are lair mterences irum iocs .h. lT ;,Biii.i,o-, .i. on me -. . j ' hich appeared more than six months so, ee ( time uts. One of bo witues.-es on the ' pointed Colonel W. . W aUup, H r. Hou nd the truth of which Mr. Gilmer j, Mr Crulcbficld-served for a ton. Ks,, , Col. W J McCain, Maj D. A. ever itemed. He cannot plead ignorance , , ,y Covingtu. K- Howard, I-.sq . ( olotiei J. ,.l he never saw it. If the article is true, 'while as one of the oniniitlee for the Pis- .j.,. (, .,, ,,eCauey, Ksn , K. C. whn and we d.fv Mr. Gl'ir, :t to rid himsel! of Ihe e I,... made. Let those " A- d. fv Mr. Gl'ir, :t to rid himsel! of the retices we have made. Let those " A- icans" in Congress who are supporting mit that it i. hi-h time the South looked mericatis" him can -i . i...r a..o Jhether she has not trai- , i ... tors ou her own son, q nie as u.icsn. any at the North. This is a tune of stern ahti.-s e are. perhaps, opon tlie tirina of a new war for the great principles cf our . tr libertv : and. as there were men not he jQ . T,Tei..h i,e crusade ol ho preach the crusade of, .. fr,.0doiii'' have got to be taught, by , al to arms, if necessary, that the white men of this country will never submit ,,, be the eq i iN oi negroes, and if Mr. (.il- or Mr. Ktheridge, or Mr. Anybody I'l.e is helniui!on this infamous auJ traitor- 0. j,,,,. 0f revolutioni-ls, let them b en live, whether n i-e 1 O m iner w lie .North or outli ot .ison auu '. o the inflexible and eternal principles of rijit and ju-tieo must have their ""ay. no matu r who they cut don o" who is crushed to powder "b-n.'ath them " Mn. Gii.mkii In reply to this pubiiea liou I desire simply to say that so lar as it applies to me. or tends t.i implicate me with Helper, or abolitionism, it is an infamous, nialieious, latin.-.itc'i laiseio-o.. ., u... ... .... nin. to end 1 ,l.,..ra i.t I.,' T.-rv hnet and ' ... ' r...,i,t..,l in mv reply lucre was an in- famous art.elo of lhat kind which came to my notice during the cimpaign ol list sum mer. Il was then published for eff- ct. A lit, was publi-hetl-I treated It then with the contempt which it deserved; and my 'A .i.'. .....I it iii the same uianuvr. ho arc slave holding peop.e, u Ifevcr I had the Helper pamphlet, I am not .-arc of it. I certainly never received i, iu the way or sense falsely attributed lo mo. It may bave leefl acnt to me in .omet way by the mail. I received a number of atieh works to which I gave no attention. I I have no knowlcdpo of ever rece.nng .acb . a book, or of e-cr auy j my poeton. Mo.t certainly tru,J - y, that 1 never read that look. .t,e 1 it naa neon my lormoc, .... with Dotiiocratio Irienus in tne cur e they no doubt Irotn a similar sense o. conceived they oupht to pursue. hey ana- ."V1 "'"nute bi" PW"rt'!'g ;r I '!?10n f ",t0 ,hn Vroted tinder the Lietompton couatitotton. I voted honestly and eoti"cientiouly apainst that tlil. 1 then believed ; J vis then sunji-i, as till turn tire time mti.shed, it was oi tn ' , . , e tllc wMa of thi , ,',,, t. a .. intended to t ffjft ' , ', ' ', :IIir,iitfatP.s or charges anvthitiL' aoainst me, as a lie from be-initip to end: ard I would jave all those would circulate it with a view to lessen the confidence of the country in me, to under stand di-tii ctly the estimation in which I bold them. I Thr Ahiili'.itltlM. Ii W. Vrslill. j ()liv(.r Xewl.n, K-q. D-futy HharifT of i rhlfhlim (sountv, arrived in this Ci'j on ' . . , ... Ihursday morning la-t, with . rcorge " Vestal, of that County, arrested by virtue ,,f warrant issued hy Ins Honor, o uuge jsanI,.r on the charce of having uttered abolition or incendiary setititnonls. Judge Saunders bad Vestal brought before him iu the courthouse at ten A. M , on Thursday. Three witnes-es were examined by the Juloe to wit: Knoch Crutclifichl and John KdJanls of Chatham, and Richard A. r.uwari. , oi Heard, of Alamance. II. . Jliher, l.-q. appeared fjr vestal, iiel cross examiueu ll;e itI1P,.es It was proved that Vestal had declared "'"'m a u in.ioi.i-., principle he was with Crooks, Mclhide a- C0I, (U( Worth. It was also proved by his .. ,.. r ,i, that ...1. ,.;.;,, n n,,.. of the witnesses, that . ,- (M ,. ; oorresiudencc wiiu uo- z ni:outvs. n .imjintu. frHn OWo ,Q c;eorgc W. Vestal's father, ! , . , ... t ,-;nr : who 11 an aboll,lon rrcnct"r. aui ,M-orc took them in hand to get signatures to them.i iou " t-- e ( No proof was prouuetd that he had cir- culatcj Helper's book, or that he had ad - - , .nnroved iuurreetion or servile 11 . ,!. "ar. u mr iuu..aii,.. . he had said he was a man of peace, and ,uat JU condemned the conduct of J-jUH jjrown j ' -r i-.. :..' J Saunders required htm to give, bail iu the sum of M HOO, to appear aIld j answer at the uext term of Chatham Su- perior Oourt. I-hain Cox, a Quaker gen - , d bis brother W D Vestal, at 11 ' ' ' . .. once stepped forward, sati-Ued ills nono that they were worth the amount, and then became his bail. He left for homo on Thursday evening. ' , fc , This is the same young man who was re- cently disii.ised as a Common School teach- ,.r ju Alamance, on account ol nis auoniiou trict, and ia'.iorcd unavauingiy wuan , i.s- ml .li.o.Used twelve uioulh ago. I'ailiug in met, and labored unavailing!) io nave i cs- ttl dismissed twelve mouth ago. I'ailiug in ' , . ff aDd not wishing to be re-potisiblc teacher, Mr. ( rutehficd resigned his olhee of Gomuiittee man. and removed from ill ... .c.. - , ill. nti,,hborhood mto .iiatuaui vouo.j.. ... (. stundunL - another Case. The N. Y. correspon- gf .. Intl,lligl,ncor Wntes- ... ,,, .... Df the rash aud wick u.,on the rights of our neigh- c ' ' ,.. ,,..,,, its bors, wni.u i.; centre, is bcgiuuitig to be I. !t in a ptcuuia ry way here. -An rmiueni pio..i"S , house has had the circulars of its valuable Kucvclopwdia raurued, with a message to the eff.ct that the South will not counte nance or support any thing which comes trom tho-.- who do not "re.sp.-ol their institutions . i.t:..!.;... , an I no sy ,,, siuinaihiie withtiicir assailants. i We in a v con. I lain at a r.. -motion .vhieh h to be u-ed in s.-lf d. fence, but we must re ' gr.-t that the innocent should have to suffer wkh tlie guilty. AN ITELI.IiiE UTH A writer in ;,,. f .h,. pit leseiibes a , mn ... n... - I. f I i . 111. jug in nan. , nun. j you...-. met in travi Img whom h.- asked was then iu ? .lorahlv. Il tbr.m -h leiilie-see, and oi the name "f the county he After be "is' ami ""'':..,.. ,., to be hoist-d on id II Uc t'h' l- :! " He (hen asked Ii t 1 -hi.Lv were selling t what bran- lie bright ! encd up i.;. ..e,.s l.e.-ati to sparkl nd he ! repno d m quick is worth , 6 1. ... ! sell. -I'- ck tone oi voice nu.snj re is not any brandy to WMfi JH-rHnK in Noi.roc. . ) ,),e , dy 0f January, A. D , HOO, Whigs of tViofi County met at the Court Mouf0 bei Court weeV . d unon tllB g of (Jen. S. H. W.lkop. c'0,onpl j; 1oeM ws, called to the Chair, and K. C. Stewart, Kq , was appointed .Secretary. ncrji propriety of unanimity at of action, and the expediency of J,ow that the genuiue old Whig principles and party was still a living body, eouM never die lonp as true palriot- . j .i ism had an eaieiiuco, ho auuoutieed tho nicctiui! as ready for business. Whereupon Gen. W utkup mrrvei) tlret th Chair appoint a comniitteu of three to draft resolutions cxpresivtf of the feelings and views of the body. The Chair appointed as said eotnmitteo Gen. S II. Walkup, Major 1. A. Coving ton and IJ. V. Houston, K-qrs., who. haf ing retired for a short time for considera tion, returned with the followiug resolu tion", via : Whereas, The dangerous extremes to which the dominant parties of the eoutitry nre carried, threaten ile-triletir-ti (0 our lib- holcrties ami I'uion ; then-lore ' 1. Hrs i'i", That we sincerely deprecate ' the so frequent of exciting ques 'tiotis, thrust, unnecessarily, upon the eoun I try, and long for peace, harmony and I fraternity. I 'J .'rurivif. That we disapprove of soo- tionalism, fii'.il.uteri-m and all other hcreti- !0tt ,.,,, everywhere, and would bo pleased 'to see a little more chanty in all sections, I ,,, ,;j , nlliineos with none; and (-,1(,,nn( hn lu fu0. uni, ? . ,.-r(..i,stantials, liber- ; tj . j n iliinos, charity. ' : .v.wW, That se'cei ton, on the ono hand, and Abolitionism on the other, arc both extremes and evils to be deprecated ; ., n,l thni into virtue lion betweeu them : (Rt W(i 1(,;lV(, ,(. preservation of the Cou- titutinnal Union as it is now as it has been and as w trust and hope tho intel- Ii-'"'"-" and vir.i.e of those who constitute this great lt-puhlic will always prove It to j,n ,ue triIC i,d proper medium upon w,;e, m-ery patriotic Aincricati can stand with safety and with honor. ,4. .esore,, lhat we have no sympatny ultra fire eat. rs cf the South, and De- )i(,e (.nt l ol1 irt, tH ; c t f d with a mania for officer ; that in our opinion the surest w iv t j destroy both ihe: u ivi i destrnv hoth these monsters, and . r liesolve I . hat we tit-ire to see a iiitto ereat and patriuic people; and therefore that the nation:,!, conservative, and patriotic Whi pnrtJ. , avi! heretofore brought (q ,j;i( js 0l)y party l,ich peace to the no j caQ a :t j rc.tre hariiior.y and prosperity ito theruation. 0- H'solvxl That the conservative cle- I ruents, constituting a large majority of the country North. South, and Middle, bavo , j,,sc,.nt ju , enough, and that wo think and bi licve the time has now come when they will arouse and crush ail noisy agita- tors and deitn.-ogues, and save the North, ,he Co-tittio, the Uniuu and liberty together. l;fslvl. That the formation of North- ' ern and Southern sectional parties give the North the advantage in numerical majority, :,Utl the safety of the South ot the I tnon ro- conservative national party houlj be fi rmed upon a b.sis broad enough fnr ,,Vrry tiue pan lot of every section to ; stand side by side. ; .'rso'V".. That the '. hatrman "prs.ut dele- , f ..,., ,i,e Whigs of Imon i n tUe State Conientiou at Raleigh, 0n the -"Jd l ehrunry next, inevnair Hp- s,l(.Brrl, K-q, iMIItaui Hudson, r.s.j , nugu l'atkes. K-u . Captain A Winchester, J. vsl .;.,, iitnui Hudson, r.s.j , nugti l'a,kes, K-q, Captain A Winchester, J. Hlliott. J 1. Helk, l M Fespermau, 1 . 1. j, Kl.l)wilR, all.l Renj imiu ('hears, and ral S. II Walkup; and upou motion, ,i.. i'i,..;.,.n ... stltlnil to the committee. ........... ...... -- , , , 'hail i t ptlO tllOllOO, . ceed'nps and resolutions of this meeting n r.nlilislied in the North Caroliua Argus, the jrlh Carolina Whig, the Kaleigh Register ami the other big papers id this Male. I'pon motiou of Major D A. Covington, the thanks of the meeting were tendered to the Chairman and Secretary for the efficient m-iuuiTin which they had discharged their duties iu this meetiu. I'pon motion, the meeting adjourned U. ROGKRS, Chairman. C. Stewart, Secretary. A I E.uiNKn He t.i. At the Albarubra l'ahoe, iu London, an educated bull, who his received the distinguished appellative of ' Hon Jjan." nightly displays some extra ordinary feats At t'-.e bidding of his mas ter, Mr'. lou Castello, he leaps through hot-p-. and over hurdles, rubs his nose on i he tlior; kneels down, or jumps upon three to imitate lameness, stauds upou a pe- (, (B in ,lie mo.t picturesque attitudes, aud shutter and so carried arouu-i tne mni o ,he shoulder of a number ol men whom ha views the while with an air of conscious dig nity worthy of a county member on the day of his " ohairiu "