LATER FROM TEXAS. The mail" from tbu interior of Texas kriuR "" 'lems ' iDterc" which w Lave not bffor receired. (ikbaT Immiobatim. Tbe Columbua Ciiisen, of the 12th ult., siva i Our town, for a few weeks past, bas j,ffn unusually full of strangers j some pitching upon Columbus as their future omc, others going to different portions of our beautiful State. Almost erery sts(f frjiu below is crowded to overflowing with sUsllDgOM." , Immigrations FROM Mexico. Tbe San jntouio Citizen, of tbe 10th ult., has tbe flowing ! ... There is quite an immigration to San Antonio, of families from Mexico, line the ,.e defeat of tbe Liberal party. This h mother practical illustration of tbe waut of , 1'rotectorste over that country. Old !ini Houston is right about tbat measure. Tun Indians. A letter from Fort Tex ,, dated 10th February, in the Sun An t.iiio Ils,r ani Texan, of tbe lHtb, has iho following in regard to tbe movement of ,! Iudiaos in that neighborhood : (Id tbe afternoon of tbo 8th, a party of Indiana, to the number of Gfteen, aa near as could he ascertained, came into tbe raoobe 0( Mr. Muitques, within four or five miles of this post, and succeeded in driving off all bis (took, which amounted to 2(1 bead of cattle and II) bead of horses and mules. Mr. Mtisqum i abseot from home, I be Weit, on some busineaa in Mexico ; the few men he had in the rancbe were unable to p'Mtl the Indians, but came into camp and reported to the commanding ofljeer, Lieut. Fii-k, obo immediately despatched a lieu tciiint and eight or nine men, mounted on muli. as good as could be furnished. l.'icj proceeded aa far as the rancbe on ti.i'-ime evening, and on the next mor o:r early, cotnuienoed their pursuit of the trail. After traveling some few miles over bills and mountains, (several of which they were cllyd to dismount before ascending,! they f .unJ thirteen of the cattle dead in tbe ra i and ilill warm. Afterwards, it was Impossible, as it was r. ported, to trail tbe savages further, a i country is so broken and they are so ciutiout about bow they travel, breaking (.J in oucs and twos when tbey know they jre pumued. N jw, w hen driven from tbe lower noun try, may txpect but little mercy from i.e tivsges, as they are well awsre of the fratjiM of the troops, and tbat we had not (t o had a home to mount in this and some j!hr of the adjoining potts. ne tame paper contains an aecount of urrible outrages and wholesale depredations rmu.itlcd in Chihuahua, by robber chief--.i n, who is ni-re formidable to the peace-1 citiins than Coronas baa been to the ihahitanU of tbe Kio Grande. Some so- -jjiil of bia action has been given by as, I ,:,rougb tbe medium of the telegraph. 1 be j.-tails are a bloody history of savage fi roil-, whicb oannot but convince our ("or--anient tbat meaiures of the most decided irartcr must be taken to proteet the tin border. There is more than one jrlina afoot. V tbe capture of the mio- town of I'arrol, after the defeat of tbe 1. at or of tbe city in tbe battle of which we j .tre before made mention, tbe following' urocitiet were committed, American citi- tens, as will be seen, not meeting with any I ritt-etioo : 1 The band of robbers under command of 'tpt t'ojin, the robber ehitf alluded to, by ' i forced loan, took from the eiliten of (he j iro $4il,000 ; alio at tbe cit y of El Valle I tr took t",)t. Tbey then resumed j t'..'ir march, committirg the most atroeious i rraeltiea as they paused through the court-1 t-j on their way to Chihuahua. A panic' j Traded tbat city, and ail foreigners and i -l'hy Mexicans nave abandoned their i ) intra and rone either to I'residio del Norte J i- to Kl Pao. At I'arrel and at Kl "Va'.le, defeoceleaa females, msrried and ' i ngle, were torn from their homes and ta- j V'o to the quarters of the troops where, a'tcr bring defiled in the most inhuman' ii.nnrr, were turned loose in tbe strteta. la sjiuo families, consulting of Several fe- .iln, ignt were taken with tbe marauders j u their march, and others left behind in j ki moit distracted state of mind One! ajtiful woman of a wealthy family, a li rwly made bride, was dragged from her 1 j-btnd's sida aod forced into tbe foul em- 1 rare of tba villain Ojin. The American jana fnrnign citifna of ( lnhnabua on leav p :g, hardly had time to take their chattels ' tii the tu. and even now may have been ti'k-n and massacred. Such are about tbe J "iculars as we derive them from sn emi i nt merchant doing business in Chihuahua, ad who is largely interested in the silver kine. of tbe country. Ldfis Naiui.bin and the Catholic Wrhhohop Dixon, the Roman Catholic i'nu.alc of all Ireland bas issued a mani 'to to the Catholics of Drogheda, in which denounces Napoleon I II, aud his course to su n the I'ope. He declares that the pria n of Ham, rather than the palace of tho Iji'criea ta the proper plica for tbe Knipe- r, and concludes bis letter these "ords : " liut let us hope tbat a voice will reach ' m, hichtly the awe that it shall inspire, 11 have th rffi cl of paralysing tbe hand "tetched out against the lluly Kalhar. 1 ""an the voice of indignant Catholic Chris '"irtoui, which rising above the jubilation of tin eni'inies of the Church over the world, -'i fail on his esr in some such words as i ; ' Robber, tske your band from tbe o.toat of the Vicar of Christ." A I'iei e of Judical Advice A High ' I Donald vss tried for a capital offence, 'I had a rather narrow escape ; but tbe 'J found him " not guilty." Whereupon f judge, in discharging, thought fit to ad- "'I'll Imn. " Prisoner I Before you leave bar let me pive you a piece of advice. ' in have got ctf this time, but if ever you '""I before me again I'll be caution (sure ; 1 you'll be banned." "Thank you, my "I," anawered Donald, " thank you far 1 "ir (food advice; and as I'm na' ungrate i I li.'g to gi your lordship a piece of ad '' in return. Never be caution for any !.v ; for the cautioner bas often to pny the : i.alty." The Kentucky Opposition. At tbo 'if-OMti,,!, State Convention held. at Frank- '',on Wednesday, a full delegation to the "tional Union Convention was appointed '' I an eleetoral ticket put in nomination ''iior('ritt mien wss recommended as the M'l-ition candidate for the Presidency. ' "'h no public expression wss given as !' ""''ond ohoice, it is stated that both Mr. "'Hi of Tennessee, and Mr. Hates, of Mis wre favorable spokcu of by mem "" 'Jf toe Convention. InTERESTINQ STATISTICS OF Till Me THuDIM DENOMINATIONS THROUGHOUT THE World. The New York Christian Advo oato furnishes tome very interesting statis tical information in regard .to tbe number of communicants in tbe Metbodist church throughout the world. Tbe following are the most accurate estimates of its members in America : M. E. Church (Nnrlh.) 95G,5n6 M. E. Church (Mouth,) 7(10,0(10 Canadian Wesleyan Conference, Eastern 3rilih American ('onferan-M, K.tt3A M. E. Church, Canada, 13,353 American Wealean Church, UI.OOO M. P. Church, 70,018 African M. K. Church, 30,000 African M. P. Church, 6.203 Albright Methodiata, 81.070 Total lay rinuibcra in America, 1 ,808,8! I Travelling preachera (except Albrighla,) 11,456 Total American communicants, 1,880,269 The Me'.hodinm of Europe except tbe British and American colonics and Euro pean missions, included above exhibits similar though not equal vigor. Tbe latest accessible returns show Total British lay membere, CCD, 397 Add travelling preachera, 3,257 Total communicants, 672.B53 These items do not include tbe Welsh Calvinistio Methodists, who, according to tbe statistics of the 1'ritinh Qovernment for 1955, amounted, to 62,670 lay communi cants and irJ preachers. liesides these divisions, there are minor ones whose statistics eannst be exactly as certained ; an authority gives them an ag gregate of 10,000 members and preachers. Summarily, then, Methodism throughout tbe world comprises 2,044,190 lay members, wnd 1 4, (j8M travelling preachers sn aggre gate of 2,50:1,091 couimu: icsnts. Coffee, Tea, and Suoab. The con sumption of coffee in the United States has increased from fifty-four millions of pounds in 1H34 to two hundred and fifty one mil lions of pounds in 15!). In 124 tbe con sumption wss three pound per besd ; at the present time, it is eight pounds. Its price waa lowest in 1910, when in was sold at about the same price as the duties levied upoo it at the custom house prior to 181)3. 1 be average price for the last thirty ye"i has been below nine cents per pound, 'the consumption of tea has increased during the same period froir thirteen millions of pounds to thirty-six millions. Its average price for the last twtuty-Gvo years has been forty eight cents per pound. Tbe average duty levied upon it at tbe custom bouse prior to 18.')3 was thirty-two cents per pound. Tba eonsumptiou of sugar during tbe same peri od baa increa'ed from one hundred and ninety five millions of pounds to eight hundred and eighty-four millions. Its price waa lowest in 11-', and for three years was below four cents per pound. Boston Pott. Total Abstinence from Marrugb. Grscc Greenwood thus describes tbe climax of heroism in ( tivalo life : " Tbe young man, ardent and tender, who turns from dear love of woman, and buries deep in his heart the sweet instinct of pater nity, to devote himself to tbe care and sup port of sited parent or an unfortunate sis ter, and whose life is a long sacrifice in man ly cheerfulness and tnajestio nneomplsint, la a hero of the rarest type tbe type of Charles Lamb. I have known but two such." The Solid Men A memorial was pre sented to the N. Y. Legislature a few days ago in favor of some improvement in health rrgulstions of tbe cities of New York aud Iirooklyn. It was signed by ouly 33 per sons, but they are ssid to pwn real estste of the vslue of more than one hundred mil lions of dollars 1 These were Williams B. Astor, A. T. Stewart, Auguste lielniont, James Lennox, Shepherd Kaapp, Hamilton Fish, Moses Taylor, Daniel Drew, Cornelius Van Derbilt, (o capitalised by himself,) Stephen Whitney, and others of tbat ilk. Iron Intbrektu Of Chattanooga are commanding the consideration of different parties aud capitalists outside of the State, and preparatory steps are being taken to put the iron interests of the town on a prac tical, operating and substantial basis. Tbe Kip Van Winkle snooie under whicb our town bas been doting for the past few years, has been broken, and daylight is sending the first grey approaches of brighter days. Chuttiiriaiga Autocatt. lltAi THLu Definition of IIoi-e. A mong the South Sea Islanders, the com pound word for bnpe is beautifully expres sive ; it is uiadaolana, or the swimming thought, faith floating and keeping its head aloft abore water, when all the waves and billows are going over one. A strikingly beautiful definition of hope. French Silver Coin. The French gov ernment, in order to stop the immense ex portation of silver money from Franco, is about to call in and change this money, in order to diminish tho amount of silver in each piece, and thus reudcr their metal va lue le than for their recognised value. llYMibtiiHiiiL. Married, In Lancaster District. S. C.on the lat mat., by tho l(r. Mr. Hrown, Mr. J. P. HEATH, of llns pl. re. to Ml. LOl lA VTi-W AKT, ol York Di.tnrt, M. f. Also, on Ilia same darsnd by the same, Mr. W. T. MII.I.KK to Mis. MAKY A. II K.ATII, ail of Lancasif-r District, S. C. (P Notice. Taitsi ass's drrn a A., T. At (). K. it. Co. fnVli: first instiilinrnt of Ave dollars per share JL on all the sturk atibacribed to Una road in Mrrklrnhurr county waa iinilti due a id payablo un Ihu ll.lli J mu irj last. A gnat many canie up prninpllr and pud. 1 lie Trensurtr slill haa hlans rrn-iita rraih, rilling and vailing to rill them up. Call up, frrnilemen ; you know you aubacribed, and yuu f.irtlier know tits work cannot piogroee wuhout minfj. Ilanila are at work, and we luve frr r prnie t of a aperdy completion of the ruad it' you will onlv dr. yrnir dut. M. L. WHISl'ON, Treaturer. Mate 6. 1M.0. I.M ifcf -Notice. 1(L jnllE eel. hr it. d Jack, Fl'I.TON, will nlwsys Ji, be found ul Ihe stable of the subscriber, 9 miss from Charlotte, on tlia Yorkville road. j. m. rui rs. I Uaitk (, JH.-0. Sptcial Nolicrt. , GREAT KUnCDIESI To core a severe Cough or Cold nae Dr. WiBtar'g Balsam of Wild Cherry. To cure Yi hooping t'eugk. Croup or fironcAitis.use Dr. WISTIR'S DaUam of Wild 11IFBRY. To arrest predisposition to Censtimpiien, use DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WiLD CHERRY To Cure Vypeptia ur liidigtitwn, uit tiii: ()XYtii;,tiii) iiitti:ks. To Cure Aitlima, Acidity or litart Burn, use 'i he oxy;i:nati:i urn ehs. Those Reniedica perform all they promise. They relieve sutlering, cure disease, restore heulth, thua affording consolulion and coinftirt to the aick and aflllcled, where discouragement, and aulfuring ex. iated before. Ctrus, Wayne Co., N. Y., March 1, 1857. Meaara.8. V. Kowle&Co : I am hippy lualate that 1 hive uaed the OiygenaU-d Hitlers in my practice for the Uat three yeara in the treatment ot Dyspepaia, Uencrul Debility, liidigi-auun and Affections of the Liver, with the most satisfacto ry results ; and would cheerfully recommend to those sull'cring from these distressing diseases ti. give this vuluabla inedir,; e a trial. Uespeclfully ours, J. E. SMITH, M. D. ExtTsa, Maine, Kept. 30. This certifies that I have recommended the use of H iilar'a Balaam of Wild Cherry for Diseases of the Lungs, tor two yers past, and many bottles, to my knowledge, have been used by my patients, all with beneficial results In two cases, where it waa thought confirmed Conaumption bad taken place, the Wild Cherry effected s cure. B. HOYDEN. J'hyiician at Ezeter Corner. The only genuine Balaam haa the terittm sig nature of " 1. liL'TTS" on Ilia wrapper. frepared by S. V. Folwe Ac Co., Doaton, and sold by t. Wye Hutch nor. Sl 'o., Charlotte, ti.C Dr. liostetter's Bitters have received the wram. estenconiiucms from the press and people through, out the Union. As s valuable tonic for the cure of Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Constipation and gen. erai ut-rvoua aebility, it cannot be- approached. Kvery day new caaea of ita great trl. i.t are chron. iclcd through our public journala. There is noth ing equal to the enjoyment, to that which the af. Dieted experience when uaing thie taluable apeci. ric. Jta mild tone, its sura and vigorous action upon a disordered sloinuch, and the cleansing of the entire human body, should rucommend it to all classes of our community. Ail that will be necessary tu convince the skeptical of lis healthy effects, la to purchaae a bottle and be convinced ttoid by drupgiata and dealera generally, every where, ror ale by t. Nye liulchiaon 4. to.. Charlotte, N. C. Ud THE GltEAT ENGLISH KEMEDY. Hilt JAM IS I.AItKI.'N rn.i uu t ri D 11.1; pim. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D , Fliysicisu Lxtraordinary to the Queen. 1'his well knowu medicine is no uiiKjsilinti but a aurc and salt remedy for f emale Dillicultiea and Obsti uctions, from any cause whatever; and jil. though a powirtul remedy, they conlaiii nothing hurllul to the constitution. Tu itlMrris-d I.arlira It ia peculiarly suited. It will, in a ehort time bring on tlia monthly period with regularity. Ihkss rii.14 hsve Nrvca inn asowM to raiL WHsaa thc disictioks on ma Jv not or riurH lst ii s ill oessavED. Kur full particulara, et a pamphlet, free, of the agent. . B. 9 1 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any autnorixed agent, will insure a bottle, eoittainiog over aO pills by return msil. )lti MUSKS, R Chester, N. Y., General A;ent for the IJ. Slates and Canada. Sold in Charlotte by SCARR & Co., and all rea. peclabls Druggists. SJTPee the sdverliaement of Sandford'e Invigo. ralor, in another Coiunir.. CT See the advertisement of Wood'a Hair Dye, in another column. STATE OF NOimi-CAUOLIXA, MK AI.Kia'RJ COUNTY. Court of Vitas and Quarter ctstons, Jan uary 7ermt 100. John Hnderaon Petition for S. tll.-ment and Diitribution. A. M. Mrim and Eliza. brth hiiWifo.ind A. A. Mmtre and Jnr hi wife. tN Ihi'f caae it appearing to the rittfirtion of th iourl, that the iJeft-ndMfita A. M. Marhu and Knaabrlh tna wtle, and A A. Mimre and hia wi.e, are not ifihabiUntR of thia Slate, ( ta there for Ordered, tint publication be made lor 6 werka tn the North Ciroliua VV'hijf, a ntwviupr publiah- d in lha town of ( harlutle, fur the aid dctfii. danla, to be and appear at the next Court of IMcmi and (siuartrr 8eaaiuna, to be held fur Utr county of Mchlrnhurr. at the Court-Mouae in t hitrlotlr. on lite 4th Mttmlajr in April nrxt, then and tnere m plead, answer ur demur, to plaiiititf'a petitii'n. or jottgiiifnt (ro confraao will Le rendered affainat tht-m and Die caae heard ri parte aa to them. Witneae, Wm. K. Kcid, cit-rk of aaid Court, at office, in ChurloUe, the 4 ill Monriaj in Janu&rv, and in the 84th year of American Independence. WM. K. KKlD.c.r.c. Printer'a Fee 6. t3 Match 6, 160. IROM tht aubacrtbrr, living on the head vi 1 trra of Mollurd C'retk. on Friday ia.t, a buy mare Mule, with trunmed mane and tail, three yeara old next Autil, about 14 or 15 haiuia high a number ono anunil. Any tnfnrniatoin will be thankfully received and all reaennnbte expenaea paid. Leltcra can be Hirer tod to me at f'hurlotte. 11. AMZI IIUN1ER. March 6, I8C0. SUtf Notice to Builders. T HIS Hoard of Directors of the Branch Bunk of North Carolina, at Charlntie, mule seal. ed proposala lor the erection of a Baitking Mouse in Una town. I'Uiia and specifications for proposed building can be seen at the Branch Bank. Proposals will be received up to the )5th day of March. TIIOS. W. DEWEY, Cashier. February as, lf6U. t51 II. JOII.V, Heneral 4 ollect itt g .Igrnt, I iiiontonn, Trrry foiiuly, Aliibnms, "M MIX attend promptly to the collection of all V W claims placed in his hands. K.sUtc Claims looked slier, (.and Cluima ferret ted out, and absconding debtors looked up at res. aonitble uhargna. TEXAS CLAIMS. KT Collections msde in Texas, as heretofore through my attorneys in that State. Proniptnrsi may be sati-ly depended on. February 2n, ISI.0. 49-1 y Notice. 3i A LL persons aubject to pay u Pull Tax tn the i Mate ol Hi I arolins, who resided within the limits of the town of Charlotte on the First day of February, lfGH.or who had been principal, ly employed in any prnleasion or vocation in ssid lown lor three months or mora immediately pre ceding the said First day of February, snd all persons who owned or were possessed of Taxsblo Property within said town on the first da; of rebrusry, are hereby notified to give in to tbe Town Clerk, before the LAST DAY OF M ARCH, 1 Still, I.itt of their aaid I'olla and Taxable Vro. party. The said list shall state the number and local situation of the Lots given in, with the value of which they are assessed for tsxalioa by the Stale ; the number of while taxable polls, of tsx. able slsves, and nf free negroea residing on the 1st ol Feb'ynn the lands of persons giving in aaid data. Call at the Branch Hank of North Curoli. na from 10 a. tn. till 5 p. in. T. W. DKWEY, Town Clerk. February 28, I860. 152 WITNESS TICKETS, for the County and Superior Court, tot lale her. Died, in fihelby county, Ttnn., nn the fith ult., Mrs. KLKANUIt IRWIN, about 45 years, wife of Jmnea lrwm, and daughter of the late II. II. and Jane T. Matthews, of Mecklenburg, N. C. Mrs. Irwin was, before her runnvnl to the west, for aeversl yeors, a consistent niember of the Me ceder Church at Hardia, and I have no doubt died the death of the Christum, She had been greatly tried, und we doubt not will be richly bleased. Muy Gnd eanclify this aud bereavement to an only son, who returned to North Carolina two yeara ago with the author of this notice, to pio cure a suitable education to prepare him for the Ministry. Thia waa her desire. Though she ia gone, may her earthly anticipa tions be realised by eurviving frienda. J. P. R. HARDWARE. Mr E DEFY rOMPETlTI(JN AS TO STOCK T AM) PRICKS. WehN-ev,ryil,ing kept in such Stores made of IRON ur ftTEKL, and we intend keeping, st all times, a full supply in our line, at the very lowest prices We invite all to coine and aee. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. At the Hardware Store WILL DK FOUND Anvils, Vicea, Bellows, Nails Wood Screws, Hingea, Locks, Butts, Pocket & Table Cuttlery,Saws of sll kinds, Hammers, Hatchets, A sea, Spadea, Khovels, Ac , Ac., of every variety. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Chains, t LARGE Slock of Trace, Log, Breast. Stay, Lock. Well ann Pump, and Small l H A1NS, to be found at the Hardware Store. COCHRANE fi SAMPLE. Tools. . T tOOI.S OF ALL KINDS ot tlx HARDWARE E. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Carriage Materials. EVERY variety of GOODS for Carriage.Ma kera', at greatly reduced pi ices, at the Hard ware Store of COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Picture Cords, Tassels. CU RTAIN PINS, I I'RTAlN HANDS, WIN- DOW CORN ICES, Ac., &.C ,at Hie Hardware Storo. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Iron. p.VGUSH and AMERICAN, of all siics aud Vj the ll.iruw ire Store. . COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Thoinpaon Plnuehs, at the Hardware Store. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. Guns. V LARGE slock of GL'NS, from tl 50 to 10U. PISTOLS, I.iWULIt SHOP, LEAD. At the Hardware Store. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. "TcTfhe Ladies! fHV.HO' exrluaively a llurduare fsloro. JL we du not rlc lu.le the Ladies. We respect, fully invite them tu call und examine our Stoca of Goods for their uses. We sje in rcci ipl o. a large stock of House-kccping and other Gouds. that can be found in tins Stale, allot Mill be sold LOW for CASH. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. I I.rorimM i.s iArl.t. F'kruary ill, 17ti0. 4ftf Clothing Manufactory EMPORIUM OF FULL1NGS, SriJLNGS k CO. 1 V E "AVE t-Ol'XD IT NECESSARY TO V f ADD A Merchant Tailoring iVparlmrnt to our Urge and rxlt nvivd READY-MADE CLOTHING HOUSE, and we respeclfully inviteour friends and patrons to call and examine our Slock of i i(i:c ii. i:.mii a GritH i CLOTHS, ltl.A li, FKICII Maid CiLltn A Doeskin Cassimeres, ru i:cii, v.yui k.iintici Fancy CasM'mercs. A beautiful lot of i im: silk vr.sTixr.-s. Black snd Colored. All of which have just been received, and are of the latest slylce. A good stock of hock iL4M 4riLi:i, kept eonslsnlly on hanJ. if We have secured the services or Mr. D. L. REA, as "utter, who is uell known aa a master of the art. ILT Orders from a distance solicited, ITCALL AND SEE I S. E. 1TLL1NC.S, JNO. M srKINGS, JNO. V. HEATH. February 31, 18(10. 4Slf WIl.THXilO BY ORDER OF TII E HOARD OF DIRKC. I'ORSol the Wilmington Charlotte & Rulher lord Kail lioad Company, the undersigned offers tn Capitahata, aa a sale and sure investment, 'I'll E BONDS OF THE TOWN OF WILMINGTON, issued to said Company in discharge of nssuhscrip liun In the capital atoek of tbe same. They are in denouiiitationa of live hundred and one thousand dollars each running, some ten and others twenty years from their respective dat;e, with coupons attached for the mlereat at six per cent perannuuin, payable on the 1st day of Febru ary. Proposals (or these bonds are invited lo be ad. dressed to the undersigned at Wilmington, 1). S. 00 WAN Treasurer, W. r.fc R. R.Ca. February 14, t.'3 mm If THE LAST I nirnnmifiim .nvrii uimi i huiim W HUE RES TD OIR STORE TO Messrs, Elias & Cohen, TO ARE TO TIKE P OSSSSIO.V ON THE FIRST DAY OF AXD AS WE A HE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK OP liV THAT TIME, VE WILL SELL THF..U REGARDLESS OF 0ST. T. II. BKi:.Tl A CO. Februaiy 14, 16C0. 47tf RsllinOVAIi. Our rririitU anil iittoiiierg WILL FIND US AFTER TnE rinsT iv or airil .xcxt, in tub STORE sow occvpied nr ! Messrs. T. H. Brem & Co,, FROM WHOM WB HAVE RENTED THAT SPACIOUS ESTABLISHMENT. UNTIL THAT TIME WI BflALL RE ! PLEASED TO SEE ALL, XO- 2,.'ltAMTK ROW. ixi.ts & toiii:.'. February 14, 1660. 47tf Notice. 'ITHOI T being offensive, but in all kind. must inform ail person indebted have all been due more than twelve months, and a I. though many nf my friends have paid nie, 1 am alill j in debl, and feeling satisfied that I shall at eome I time in lit'. wish to make an investment, it is my j duty to get my nieune in some form that 1 can I control an 1 command Ihcm when 1 want to do so. j I therefore give broad, plain and general notice, j hoping that every i nc who owes mc anything will ' conaider the nisetves speciully dunned and pay off ! witiiuut further trouble. Very respectfully, . S. M. WITHERS. February 14, 16C0. 149 To Stock Ilaiscrs in North-Carolina. f1HE subscriber having pur. M. cfinsid the celebrated Mor. gan Horse BLACK HAWK, in forms those desiring superior blooded slock, that thia Horse will be before the public during tl e ensuing Spring. For particulars, see large bills. A. 11. DAVIDSON. January 31, I860, 4.Hf JOILN S. W I L E 7 " HJKrrACTl'RER AND IMf ORTER OF iHAYASA SECARS, AND DEALER IN Tobacco, Snuff, Matches, Paper, fee, MFERSl il u n I'll't'S. acrouaianil) onliand. Januaryi ,IHCD. 42lf New Steam Saw Mill, f BlHE Subscribers having got thier Steam Saw JL Mill, in operation, are now -prepared to fur nish all kinds ol Lumber at the shortest notice, either at the mill, or in Charlnito Thoae wishing Lumber can leave their Orders wilh J. Long at Oak Uruve I'uionl'o. or with I'.Saurs in Charlotu. SAURS k LONG. Charlotte, Dee. 3, 1P.19. 3!UI ( .iwti for nlr. Hoes, best Circular Saws, (Warrantee,) from 2 feet In 4) feet in diameter for sale, 1. 1 villi.!!, will be taken in part payment for Ihcm. P. SAURS. Charlotte, Pec. 3, 159. 3'Ji( 3Iecklciibiirg Hotel. Xezt to the Post Office f,,'l TBIHE subscriber informs the public ""I B. JL that having purchased the bllllumg known as .Mecklenburg Hotel, he has relurnirhrd it and is now prepared to accommodate transient and regular Boamers. He has good Siablca and efficient Ostlers. Horses will be kr pi by the month or day, or fur nishdd uh a single leed, on moderate terms- JOHN DOKAN. Kot 7.1 ".19. 3.stf Last Notice. sjY Notes and Accounts are now in my own jjmx handa, and I once more notify those concern. ed tbat 1 will be at my office id floor.) Bulletin: Building, until the 10th M ircb, tn'wait auun tliem. I .411 who do not avail themselves of thia Notice will have to tattle vi'h a .4rmrnv. II. M. l'KITCUARD. I Jaiuary 31, 1660. 147 joii. m:iiv wayt, Surgeon lrisf, (Oaaoi'sTE in ManiriNit and DENTisTar.) OFFICE in Brawlty'i liiilldin?, lp Main, Oppo site Kf rr'i Hold, Cll iltl.OTTn. . c. '.r arjCIIGICAL OPERATIONS, such as PLKFT PALATE, HARE 1XiILU ; p l l'MOKS of mnutli snd Jaw performed. KKACTUKKMand DISLOCATIONS of the J:iw treated. Teeth filled Willi OOl.D. SILVER, TIN ur AMALGAM. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted in the best manner. L-A very superior TOOT 1 1 i'OWDKR und TOOTH WASH constantly on hand. I r Teeth Extracted. ILTPliK F.S MODERATE and all work done satisfactory tn the patient. 13" FAMILIES wuited nn at their If A stock of Dentist's Materials alwnya on liund. ILTfJOLD and SILVER Plate and Wire of any fineness gotten out. ITOrders from ariistance attended to promptly. February iil, I SCO. 4Hlf The Corner DRUG Store, cii iicro i Ti:, k. c. V.. N VE Ill 'I C 1IISOX CO. " rtlL'I.D reapectliilly call the atlnntion of the W .,H.,. i., II,,,,. Inrun .n rl cm ol I- lr Stock now licing opened for the Spring Trade, consisting nt Urugs, Medicines, 1 neniicsis, reriumery, unej Articles, Oils, Turpenlino, Burning Fluid, Aleo. I,l p,. I..H,e.l V,n. and Hrandiea. Canton Teas, Field and Garden Seeds, &c., &c. January 17, ItrtiU. 83' Heinoval. "JY Frienda and C.-v a are resm etfully j.1 m. inforiiiec that I hav " . rved my Tin Shop to Springs' Brick Ruilding, 3d door from tlie cor ner, on Tryon street, where he will be pleased to see tliem. S. T. WRISTON. Jnnuary 31. ISfil. lf Dr. T. P, Boyd I AVIXG permanently located him. M.M self in Providence Settlement, of. fers his Professional Services to thecit izens of that neighborhood snd vicinity. He may always be luuml, wlien not proicssiuna.iy cnnged, at ihe house o I .Mr. N. M. Stilt. February 14, iBiiO. 47tf 1KP0RTANT NOTICE OF THE CLOTHING EMPORIUM! f Oil E uniierkigne") having a large slock of W IX. I 1 TER CLOTHING on hand, and being desirous ! to run it eff to make room fur the Spring ami Sum-1 mer trade, off :t their entire stock of sullinet, cus. simere and cloth Over Peltncs anil Sacks ; s-jtlinet, j cusMHicre snd cloth business Sacks and Sdcl.ttes;j Pints of all grades; black allk and cnssimere Vests; . Shirts, Druwers and Furnishing (Joods ; Trunks, I Hats, Caps. &.c.,ot (irmtly Reduced I'ricea. Buy-1 ers and cuiisumers will greatiy iiilvance their in- teresls by examining and purchasing from our extensive stock. J jWe would respeetfully announce to our ens. tomcrs that their Accounts ore rcsdy for settle, men I. and we feel assured that our frienda will come forward and relieve our ncceaailiea and save a great deal of trouble. We return our sincere thsnks for the very libe. ral patronnge bestowed nu u for the past year, and hope to merit a conlinuuiice of the same lor tiie coming year. FULLING S, SPRINGS k CO. February 14, IfcGO. 47lf 'l IIOU" AIM ASSOCIATION. I l'llll ADI I.l'lll A. t A Benevolent hatitution rttabliihrd by tjireial En- doirmciit, fnr the Relief of the Sick ena IJutteiscil, afflicted u-ith iiulent and c''itlrmic Uu'atet.avd especially for the ( uie of Viseutei of tnr Sexual Orpana. i TAf EDICAL ADVICE eiven gratia, by Ihe Act i ilfl. ing Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with , a description of the ir condition, (age, occupation, ; habits of llle, &.C ,) and in cases of extreme pov. 1 erty. Medicines furnished free of charge, i VA Ll'ABLK REPORTS on Sperms torrl ceo. 1 and rther Disens-s of the Sexual Organs, ami on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispen. sary sent to the atilicted in sealed letter envel opes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for pus ! t.,ge will be acceptable. I Ao.iress, DR. J. SK1LLTN HOL'CIITGN. Ac. , tir.g Surgeon, Howard Association, No. it Soulu i Nintli Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Diaectors. GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary EZRA D. HEART W ELL, rrendent. Feb. 7, ltfliO. -tC-lV Wm, J. Kerr, A TTORXK Y A T LA ', cut it i,ot ti:. c. "TlLLpractiee in the CourtsofMecklenburg f f Imonand C abarrus counins. IT Orlice in the Browly Building opposite Kerr's Hotel. Jan. 24, IfiO. 4ltf mnSlUTE to FLOlilHA. THKOKJIl l FIITI.EN 1IOI HS. TIIE vTs. MAIL C A II O L I X A , AND (OltllOV, IEAVI'. CHARLESTON DAILY (SUNDAYS J excepted.) at G.3U P. M., for Fernandinn, FI i., c innecting through the Northeartern Kail Road, with the great seaboard lines gon-.g North to Port land, and going South, connecting at FVrnannina with Rail Koad to Jacksonville, Lake City, and Gainesville, and by stages to Cedar Keys. Micun. opr. Ocala, Tampa, and other points in the mte. no'r of Florida. AlfO, at Cedar Kevs with strnm- ers to Havana, Key West, St. Marks, Apaloclncu. la, I'cusacola and New Orleans. Passenger for St. Augustine and points on the St. John's River, will take steamers at Jackson ville. The "CAROLINA " and GORDON " arc first class steamers, commanded by experieiicid sea. men, full branch pilots ot this port, with line stato room accommodations, and every comfort will be found on them usually required by the travelling public. Passage 85. Freight taken at lowest rates. For engagements and other particulars apply to II. L. C11IS1IOLM, Ag'ttl, Charleston, S. C. Pec. SO, 1P.59. 41 -3m . I!, . niXKWITII HAi OrNCTANTI.Y ON HAND , I'LATLU WARE, if, 1 OF THE BEST ENGLISH ANn AMERICAN BANi rCTl'R. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elscw here. lo Farmers and Country Merchants J. Y. KKVICA CO.. IKE now offering to tho puhli- tht luge.t and j best usso.liiienl ol ii It Ot IK 1 1. ever: brought to this market, cutiai.ting ol COFFEE, Sl GAR, MOLASSES, SALT, Ae. thr arsT aiso or ! BAGGING, ROPE and TWINE. A I SO, I S 00 pounds g.ioil country cured Bacon, lO.OUO " " Tennessee Sides, tf.OOtt " " " Lard, all of which will be sold low fur CASH or Coun. try Produce, Come and See, wt dun't ehirge for lookirg ai them. JuySe ly The MnrkrlK. rfittRECTEft Bf OATE8 & WILLIAMS. CHARLOTTE. MARCH 6, lt60. BACON, Hams, " Sides, ....... " Hog round, " Shoulders, . Bagging, Gunny, .... Beef, Butter Beeswax, Beans, Brandy, Apple, Peach Cotton, Coffee, Ri" -I" 131 S 00 lb "11 f.- 121 .....I0J 0i) II ....12 .,.11 ......I0J 00 18 S m Ill) 75 "0 J 14 17 S5 40 -lb..... 00 fa Or) f 00 0 lb lb ...bushel, irai.... , lb lb.... lb.... f) rs f7 ae Cp oo (aj 100 (aj 10J ft, 15 f.y U0 fa, 30 i 00 Java, Candles, Adamantine lb. Sperm., Taliow, , Curn llnckcns, Cloth.Copperas... Lindsey, r'zg Flour Feather Hides, Green, Dry Lard Mutton Mackerel, lb Ih bushel.... each yard.... yard.... doxen ... , bbl b.g lb lb lb lb lb ....bhl.Nol.. Kill Kl ..40 (a) 25 .05 ....Wl ...15 ....25 10 ...G ...3 ....30 C 12 ....12 ... S ..111 ..:iou ...70 ....40 ....90 .... .... 5 .... 5 ...60 .... 7 ....SO ....150 ....50 ...4 ...15 ...10 ...10 ....150 ...H ...125 ...120 ...45 ...55 ("-, 15 ft) I6 to 30 ("i on (aj 650 319 f'j 35 D C (n. 121 (... 131 (.") b f m (: 40U H 73 ( 10 f.) 00 (r, 00 (. 00 Molasses, N.O ... " W.I gal feal bushel.... Mnllets( Wilmington) ...bbl Nails, Northern lb " Southern lb Oats, - bushel... Pork II Peas bushel.. ., ?otuloci. Insl bushel... " Sweet, bushel.... Rice bualiel.... Sugar, I .oaf, lb Brown lb Mone.Ware, gal S- It, sack Tea lb Wheat, while bushel.... " red, ....bushel.... Whiekey , Northern gal " N.Caroliui g.r Wool, (best Georgia ) washed,. .... ' " " unwushed... Yarn bsle f'J, 71 (-. 00 (. 00 On 10 tr 00 (aj 00 ( 1135 (.. 125 (a, 55 (, 61 (-.1 28 (j, 93 (aj 00 ...27 ...22 .100 REMARKS. COTTON. Sales nf the past week shout 200 biles, opening briskly, the week closing rather null with a mcline of 1 to je. We quote good niiiiiiluig 10 tu K'lje.; mid. 9 to 9J; ordinary 6 to 7J cent.. I OlIN. The ueniand - good and supply hea. vy, during Ihe p.i.-t wei-k,ti wards tbe close prices ratiier receded. We now quote fc5 and dull. OATS. Demand good, wiib but a light supply, would rtsdily command Gi to 70. W HEAT Suimly light, with heavy demand, at qboiaiions 1 .:!) to 11.30 fur white. Ked $1 8U tut 15. COLI M BIA MARKET.' Columbia, March 3, lPf.O. COTTO.N.In the early part of tbe week our market was quite flat, buyers wanting a conces sion, which sellers were unwilling to submit tu ; consequently the sslca were small. Towards the close a bet if r feeling existed, and pricea slightly advanced. The ss'es for the week amount to 7s!7 bales. Extremes 5 a I0c. BACON, hoground II) fh 11 CORN, IUB (. 111 PEAS 100 (a) 110 OA'l'S ,.'5 (r, SO FLOCK 3, t3J CHARLESTON MARKET. ' iiari.mton, March 2, 16C0. COTTON. The transactions to-day were nnii ted lo some 1, 50H bales sl U a I '2 cents. KUUL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next urdinsry drawing of the Royal Hava na Loiter v conducted by llie Spanish Oovernment, ui.der tin; supei vision of the Captain General ol Cuba, will lake place at oil THURSDAY March 22, 1SC0. $860,000, SUHTEO M MEliO 033 OKDINARIO, cati ru. riiii; ioo,ooo:! 1 prueof100.00 I SO " 1,000 I 5U.OOO I fin " SOO 1 " 'JO.OttO I 1 03 " IOt 1 " 4O.0O0 I in Apr'xim'aS,00 I " 10,000 j 4 Approxiiiiatioiis tu ll.e IOtl,"(iO C00 each, 4 of ilnil to .)H,iMiil : 4 of till) to 3U,0Ut. ; i of 4"0 to -J0.000i 4 of 4II0 tn IO,iuo. Whole Tickets f-'O j Halves 110; tiuartera 15 Prizes cushed ul sight at 5 per cent, discount Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded us eoon as the re sult becomes known. Communications uddrcssed to DON RODRI Gl'EZ, (care uf City Post, Charleston, j. C.) un. til l lie- i'-'iid of Match, will be utlended lo. Persons ordering Tickets will please write their names plain and give llteir post othce, county and stile. A VAIXAWLi: WORK. E shall issue, ill a few oays, an entirely ? new work, called THE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN RECORD, tu which we respectful ly invite stlcntiun. II will be an authentic and complete book of reference on all current religious topics, and all religious events of the year, and will contain A classified and statistical Record o! Religious and Moral Asaueiat.ens in the I ruled States and EurojK.-. The Histoty, Confi ssion of Faith anu present Statistics eil'taeh of the Religious denoiniusliuna ol the I' n i ten Slates ond Europe. Bem volent and Eucational lnslllut ens in the I n i ted States. A classified list Mil the Poi-t Oilice Address of Clergymen of all ('ciiutninutioiis in the I'mtcd I. ml of Leading Con tril.iitore and Teslr.'.o'a to Rtliglnus anil lielitvolint Knterpnses. Record ol Di-slhe m the Ministry for the year. Ni.t ib.e Helps tor uiiuerhlauuiiig the Scriptures. Religions ol Asia and Alrica. Religious snd Moral Teachers of Mankind. Sacred Books of all Nations. Missionary Societies. Bible Societies of I lit) I'mted States and Europe. Ri iigioua P.-riuuicals uf llie I'mted Slatea and Europe. Enun.-ct Christiana who hare died during tba year. Beliefs nf all Nations. Liat ol Generuua Conlribulora lo C hrislian En terprise during the year, &e , iStc., iSlc. Tlie above ia given no-ie to convey an idea of the general character of the work, loan aa an in ,:ci 1 1 a vuiuiniuous couti ms. v. Inch will euibraca every Hung of inter e.-t loini. Hi grol religious in mrfa W e believe a g. n. ral reeoru like Ibis, to which every litis niighl turn lor auineiitiu inlorinaliun on all topics ut cuirent religleus mli r-st, bas long been wautid, ami woulu ne tuuiiu of great eonvti. nunce, ool only to eli rgymen anu other Church vnirers, but tu sil interested in the and ro. I.gious ii.venients of Ihe age. It haa been tha aim u. tne publishers to auppi v tins waul, and in THE AMERICAN CHRISHAN 3E(ORD to present a work which would ennlile all Christiana lainiliarlv to uinu rotund one kiiotiur's faith, ef forts and tlrergth in whicii each should be able to read the pasi and present story ot his purlieu lar ut iioimitalion and compare it Willi that of oili er. ; aorl in v.luch ail might perceive at a glance, first, the rdorla af individual institutions, sud then the result of thtir united operations thru' oui the tnttrc world. In conclusion, we reoyjre to say that so at an umount of varieilajilrtriiiatliui ou religious sub jects baa never 'before been brought v. itrim tha coinpu.s of a single Tnlume. Large li'no , III clear brevier tyne, nn good PA. par, snd neatly bound in muslin. Price. l rii. . Copies ma i leu, prepaid, ou receipt ol 91 .-J. Hj'Agi'nla wanted in ail parts ol the country. W. K. B. CLAKK k MEEKER, ruoitshers, Nr.. 43 Walkar-ai., New-York.