CONKIDENCK IN TUB CAPTAIN. A fw years ago, a fine ship set oat on b'T voyage across the Atlaotio ocean. The firt day after leaving port was exeeed inly pleasaut. A gentle breese which io- vitcd the spreading of all the ship' Cjsiiji, j wafted ber smoothly od her course. The , passengers remained od dock till near mid - j night j when they retired to their state : rooms with pleasant anticipations of quiet j and prosperous voyage. j Before morning they were awakened from I el-ep by the violent motion of tbo vessel,; aud the tramping of feet oo the deck, and J the roar of the wind through the rigging. A violent squall bad struck the vessel witn of L,a(l. gome writers say there ii an a- leeamg wet iooa wunoui mepors.. ber sails all set, and it was some little time DUDdance of material on every man's land I Commence with a piece of pork say a eu before they could be taken in so as to bring , impr0Te 0;s Farm. I say the man thai bic inch, chopped very fine and mixed with the ship under control. The fears of some .ch an assertion is mistaken he is the wetted grain or cut feed, twice a day of the passengers were greatly excited ; but' the decided jlcar tones of the captain's voice beard above the bowlings of the winds as be gave his orders, ejuickly inspired con- fidence. When the sails were taken in ; the ship resumed bsr upright position, aud became obedient to ber helm. During the succeeding dsy, there was a succession of squalls, which to the ineipe- rienced eye brought danger with them, but the composed and energetic manner, in gtrong stable manure on sandy land, is like which the captain gave hia orders and saw j giviDg warm water with a hot fever. Ws them executed, gave a feeling of security, j nee(j cgTi or muci out 0f tue jow grounds even to the most timid. j 0f t creek or river to put on our land. This coufid-nce in the captain was ot;TQen we could improve it and mako fine misplaced. He was a man of great native cr0p, every year on the same land. talent and energy, and was one of the most 1 11 1 , ' skillful seamen living. , We are all vovarera unon an ocean more . tempestuous and dangerous thin the Allan- j tie oeeiu. But we are under the guidance 01 a cap.aio iar more wormy 01 cuuuutuuc 1 than the most accomplished seamen. To ;f knowledge and skill be adds tbo possession , Tl . , ... . o. A....;sh,y power The storms o, life . ocean are ail under bis control. He never - 1 slumbers. No sudden danger can overtake I those whom be has in charge. We oujht therefore to exercise perfect a ) .u. f - wuuu .u .uC ..F...u u. -u. We cannot be m danger while under bis ! protection. The wind, of adversity may j biow, but be hiiit tbem in bis fis', and will - not let them harm ... The wave, of .or- j row may rise and roll, but be will net let : them overwhelm us. ! We cannot want while under his guid- : ance. No gsoJ thing will be withhold from them that walk uprightly. II.' will freely give as an luiugs. We ean never be ot while ooder bis protection. He is able to keep that whi:b ' is committed to bim. No sool committed to 1 bis haud was ever lost. I L"t us la; aside then, all solictude, and a'.l fear. Let us base cooti lence in the ' captain of oar salvation. I-et us haDor him , . , , and secure a stable peace to our souls, by . . an unfading trust in bim. Nothing is mora displeasing to bim than a want of confidence in bim. Have faith in God S. S. Union. PRESFNT roURsELVES " FREELY." I v . r , ( iou are kj ouer jouneiitj y'piy, vou- , j ; , t t. are to oner yourselves daily. l beseech: yen',' says the apostle, 'that ye present' yourselves. Do Dot wait to be obliged to came to God's altar, bat come of your own accord, and lay yourselves upon it "pre seut ' yoat.eivet. Now, the principle of all this is that of love. If you love God as yon should, you will present yourselves to God Oh, when will you see it? He wants vou to give yourselves freely to Hiat, freely to do it. Do yoa not understand the differ ence between giving freely and giving grudgingly T Suppose yon have a friend who is poor, and that friend comes to you to ak for a small sum of money, and you bate the means of g'ving it. If you love y jar money better than you love your friend, and act upon that feeling, you will keep your mobey and let yoir friend want. If you love your money as much as you love your friend, you will most likely, bail a .J waver doubtfully for a while, and if at lav you give the money you wiil give it grudg ingly. But, if you love your friend bi tter than you lore it, and aet under the ii.3u ence of that love, you will give the money freely you will neither refaee nor grudge tie gift. Now, we beseech yea, by tLe m-j.'ciea of God, that ye neither refuse to! give yourselve. to God, but give yourselves! ma6ure ,hd g00d loam. In the Spring 1 fraely io the fuloebs of affection to the Lord. I turn aj COnipo-t hrsp thoroughly, so as lo j to be laid as sacrifites upon His altar. You ' LaTe jt Weil iucarporated. j remember how the apostle says elsewhere, I narrow the ground ones with a heavy " Yield yourselves to ijod as those that are ! .pike barrow, aud afterwards harrow or' alive from the dead and your meoibers as pulverize with a larjje four hcrso cuitiva-im-trurueLts of righteousness unto God." I tor, working it both ways. The ue of :he And you remember too, how the Lord Jesus .pa barrow is then cotinuud uulii the rejoiced to give cp Ills body, His soul, His j rouod is perfectly tueilow. j will, and ills life to the Father, saying, " I j The grouud is marke'i out four feet each delight to do Thy will, O God !' My dear , way, sod a shovel full of the compt a.rea- j friends, all you want to enable you to do dy referred to, divided between tt.e.e hills,1, is to have the love of God sUd a-I or I apply a I. Jut fur tahlespoonafull of' 1: .ad io your hearts by the Holy Spirit, j Baugh s Haw-boue PtiOaphate to each hi!.. ich is freely giveo to all believers. It 'From six to eilit grains are pla'ited it, the w .a Curiet's love, His love that paaset koowl-j bill. When the plants bare aiuihed the' i WLieu ujaae mm ueiight w uo uga a w..i in this, and io all things. And only iuve can lead you to fjilow His example Love mkea uur willing feet la ewtfi oUcdic uca ruwc ; And new eupu n a each h or we meet. While prea.ii.g on lo Ood. "SAY JivSUa." As the let. Profesaor Hope, of Princeton, ' l t'aliit I i i r I '''"a l be breathed bis last, a fur sayic, "Mj wrk is dune ale lakcD OUt," The Lios of the tabrnacle i , , ... ,.ir. be began to repeat the lines, etk, sm hc.plaae aaia, - A t-uilly, weak On toy kind area. I fail when bis power of utterance seemed to fail. His sorrow-stricken wife, who was by his bedside, finished the etania thus, Be thon my strenifth and righteousness, My Siviour and my all." Say Jesus," said her dying husband, and 'ben breathed his lait. Agricultural. From the N. C. Planter. Rrotheh Farmers : There has been great deal written about the Improvfment nnacquaiDte(j with piDJ woods land where ttcre j. no, , pond, branch, creek or any tiaioiT of ba kind to net the material to make . maDure . his only chance is piue straw, and ,jje ouv g00d it does, is to bold the drop- pngs 0f ,te gto(. together. As a general thing, ibe clay 03 a--, osndy land is two or three feet deep, au d the manure that we make on such land does not improve it, for :t ;s BOt the kind that it needs. Putting yow the question is, what must we do, ' , , , , or roust we do, to ki-ep up our land ! l. n,.,i k nnn Un.l ' eDOUgb to tend it one year and rest it two ; ' 4D(j iy s0 ,j0ing our 1D(J w;n gtSD,i drougltj , grea deij tetter, and improve everv jaarj oil miMmd: hcaua the vegetation lbll u on the land teeps the summer's sun! ... ,' froro penetrltlng .0 deep tnto the ground , - nj ,).;-,, un .he moisture auu uryiug up iuc muiamiB. 1 w; how g,e vou my plaT1 0f ,;ou . the spring when I g-l 1 cuUita- spring when 1 git reaay 10 no to such a ficid. fthe oue I intend planting v j - 1 . .1. 1 A or8li; ,Da go ODe rigm .iter .ue vc. .. as the fence runs, and finish in toe middle; - by .0 doing I leave no water furrows tr 1 make gullies ; and if you want a heap of plowing doue in , little time, pot the fa-test ' horses tthitd and tell those before to ke p out of the way. When I get ready to plant ; corn, I have my rows laid off fourand-a-l half feet, and I have a grown hand fellow- iBg behind, droppiug iu tha samo furrow,, every lime me rigoi loot maara , iuc j 'corn is dropped at the toe, and the corn is aboi't Eve feet that way. I care not tow; small the boe is that the corn is covervd i with, nor how laiy the band is that covert it, no the corn is covered deep enough to keep the birds from seeing it for the moss . of corn is covered too well the belter it j i. , . is covered the worse it comes up. I til When the corn gets large enough to plow, j ' I run foor times 10 the row, tl in and and j I chop. That answers far the first working, j but if any of the middies get foul, I split : ' h.m ,nt ti.. nil rlnwin j In a. DOUt t'iree "eeks from the time of the first I! T J I. - . . L - I. piowio, l u i . u pea. ueiwtcu iuc l. of - - eorn, the same way the corn was dror t.ed, . J ' " as I never cross plow, and then plow out , , ,i . a,.-. , the whole row, if the middles have not been nlouehed before. The siding fu.TOWS COV- ers the peas. By p. anting peas in this man- oer I always secure a good crop ; they are in good soil and out of danger of wet wea liter, (borne of my neighbors compiam of malrin a rer,r. of r.... and I am nnt ---6 r r 1 surprised at it ; for they cros plow their corn and drop the peas in the water furrow after the soil is ploughed out.) I continue p'oubiug as long as I think it will do any good. I make as Lice large corn as any of my neighbors do on their low grounds, but not quite so much to the acre. I will say no more as I fear I have worried the pa tience of those of more experience. J C B. CULTIVATION OF CORN". i to prepare for corn planting and c-jilivatiou, a word or two ou the lulject, based upon J practisa!, may not prove utiititcr-' reeling to some of your readers. .My plan ia ac follows : 1 plow the ground in the Kail to the depth of six or eioiit iiich ea. I then prepare a rich coiupost of hog , ueigni oi lour iucu-s. i weeu oui o lourj ' stalks to a hi.l, and keep tue ground lueilow with the cultivator. , bj this simple method I have iocr:ad my corn crop from fifty to Seventy bueheist to the acre. This increase I attribute to' two cauoes. First, the deep, ploughing aud j ibo.'ougb pulverixatiou, and second, to tue f"J"-,l,uu "" -u,"p" .......r. , The young piahts start al once, aud vigo-: ... . rourly. Having aomethiug to feud upon, , "Bu " wc" V'V " pcneiraie, ids wire-worm is ue.ueu uu, auu j r ' ' i the birds but so likely to diaturb the k'faius I . , I as when the geraiiuatrbii is slow BROKEN WIND OR HEAVES. j Eilitors Country Gentleman: Heaves the oonimon nanio for broken wind in J the horse, is susceptible of great alleviation J by attention to the character and quantity: of food to be eaten by tlio animal as every j J one knows. If a horse suffering from this; disease is allowed to distend his stomach at his pleasure, with dry food entirely, ond I then to d'ick cold water ad libttum, he is ! nearly worthless. But if his food be mois- ; teued, and he be allowed to drink a mode- i I rate quantity only at a time, the disease is J much less troublesome. A still further alleviation of the heaves : may be obtained from the use of raw, fat( ' salt pork, from timo to time. I do not say that the heaves can be cured by the use of lt pork, but alleviated still more than by fr l or lbri'e d,J- Then from day to day ineiease the quantity and cut less fine, uctil, there is given with each feed, such a slice as usually by a farmer's wife is out for fr)ing, nearly as Urge as your hand cut in- to fifteen or twenty pieces. Continue this for two werks, and the horse is capable of any ordinary work without distress, and without showing the heaves. I have expe rience and observation for the past fro years as proof of the above. J. Burlington, Ver mont. Country Gentleman. AVING Cerlilicate. issued to me, fur FIVE II AKKS .f Stock in the Charlotte & suth Caroit Km! tlit I will nt-Ke anulica 6edl, arcrulIlff tu SluothoiiJera. Ri! Road, I herehy giee ni.tice lion tor a Uuplicatct crii. reiuiulioo pataed ty the Caharn, eauntv, Jan. 3.60 llx' '. .. . J. . -p r o rp fl T t1 O I Ji iii u a waauw i(X- Fi I n 11 1 T. O" Ft:l1l1 ivlltllfilt ' l-N't'IV Jiiltllill li. ICllil. 1J11II. Ill ' Two Doors tibou llrun.h Bauk, ia New Build :iu rrar of . B. SUnlfj'tl bins Hull, COM .Mill , . C. The above Ksubliahment ia now in full opera uii oprr. Hun. ami rrceivmg a loll I;LaNK PAl EU anu BINDERS' MA TEr I ALS. I 'in t a.l mnea recy to fill all or. .Z -'IZlX .ten to li r. ra vim i.--.n I mat be tavored. Zf ?X?KZ ,,. w and olu PR IN II. 0 vt oKKS, I flatter mraeif l"1 1 "'i.""" '"""" g,. r!w,,cirVi.a' U.,.,ki. f rD.atrict Otfiwa, t.enff.', irtlin Eo.ui. ... u ..- ii r in..... Hi .1 it i. ... 1...1. Urrii , ,y ,,, ot auornor paper, - 1 ri;i. 1 t.ii nuiisn. Mu.ic'IVioka, 1'ernMiwJis. Pamphleta, Magasiaes lmi U,.,., j'S' y oepcriuln.D, bound or repaired, 1,1 iv!r. i K .li be cT.-ciit.-rl with deapalcli, ..n lie tine c.whtre. E. 11. STOKES. January 17,1 "fiO. 43tf . IT . ,,, .... SlAIh (If .MMt I Irl-C AM K1.. MR. KLFMllEvi rol'MT. Jn jy.ul,y j0 Sprinq Term, A. L). 1-GO. j-,ie jj,,; uf Compiami uf Richard M. Aihaon, fNinniT, ji,n r Dmii 'a Sjn.iiT.'y'ior. the Bma of Char- lolte, of the cunmy ot Merait nburg, John A'l.aon, of Utv countv i m.i of South Carolina, Iiefmdanta .jru.arin lli.oeft rurrla.oT tne Lite o In t, peirin ia Ihe atif irtion tie M a'tr u.dt ll n Ii. ,''.'.. . ' w-ia not, at the tuna of i: lief, i lint, Robert ll.rrn. t of the DUiutifTs bill, and ia not now an nihiMUnt of the State i.f N -rth Crohn, thi. .lotic-, of ti.e filing oftU sd Blil rr ,tI .;,k, ln tht , ( ir. ; liua W a nwp.p -r puhliahed in the town of . mb;, ln ,uc , ',., ' ,.'..,. .... Ihe sani Robert Hirrie, personally to be .-nd ap. p. ir at lit- m ll Itrm ol II., n morable I ourl, to Hem ir.r tne countv ot .tt'-ca'cnonrg, at the Court-l!u. .n Ch .rl .ti l" ' " X-ay in t i ti.e 1 I'M M-.nii.i af. lary, A. U. 166l,'.nd ' nti I .. -r noon lo. r. ,tu.r.. o.ll, t.i and tru.y trie Ii. 1 ; olnrw.a', on altTu tion of the I'i pr'jV t ( lt-r pub. Call' trt wnt procv-fd 8i if j fried -n him, no tiff's n of thia proceaa ne liad rder tne keau.h and w ut ol III! orm: thereupon t) d 1'"' '."i II !. deeriini juat. iii.en. eler tid maaterof .11 Court. .1 oH'.i-e. in I hrlol!'. the 1 llh Mn. y atir tiie 4. it Monday in Auguat, A. l. lj'J, r4tti nl Ao,.rii-n Inil. pnol. r,.... A O. WILLIAMSON. C. M. g. Printer'. I f. ti. Hi, ' I il IS I OX KFF.PS ror.alant: t.ii, a lull and nd. whoia.iile and ra le aaaorluicbl of j ," ) J f, ') ri-1 ii' i vj p 1 II ilitLi .. ii wlI he aool W V, lOl.MKi: fci Al.l.-, KnoifilK . St.w l-ana, l.iue Fola, Waffle by ft. T. W F.I -S TON. TOILET SKTa. aupenor article, for a. JL at a up, S. T.WKISTOX'S. and iJreaa.i.e KOXK.S for c 1ASII. De d.Sp:' S. T. WIU8TON. rui;rjs a. vi:i;'i .iiiai:s. a stum: & f v. r . I.., Fruil.. VV.el.ble.. Alc. Ihe bi-l artii ie now in uae, lor aale by 8. T. WUI.-STON. cook i. m; stoyi:n. . ' v - 'i U I I. Asol VENTof VlXtKISU and HOVhS. w.ll be cnnatiiitly on hand. arm . .m iow aa i ,.,., t fcf I ' ' ' i liny can ba affurutd in line H. T. WKI3T0.V. Mil CUrluut. Jutu 14. leSH. rt tt ' -. Tod fil.ASf! JAKH Oiiiitiii?llAiiM A I ma iia c. mm ill!,;! !,!,?;! :WJ mm Ju. I. I S! 4 t t islisiu i 10 II 3 il'J-.JS b)ai,si,..i... ...I... H . s."M SI Utttlill iai,),4i... .. .. ... FA ... ... ... I I 3 4 S f 7 S t 10,11 liMSllVlll7ll in j. ;i a ti as S;i...M... u ij'ii i is it-II le -ii aiUiti I a-sh'-.. aS.S, 1IUIU H i.vie I; is'Pijri :i a u 14 I ltM.71 at ; t " "i";"7 9ft April ..I "i "S"S '41 ! 7 B .HI 111. 12 13 u'ldlir i 19 ii ; 1st s,t as tila i nils 'is'i;li!is ' IlT t. M i ... 1' I S ll S 'v 4 51 Si T 8 1 10 IIJ.lillH t 17 119 ll'is'is'll'l'lu'l? 11 19 . jiijj a u Lu ji taasa 27.U.19 .JII-.I... II 'l a! 4 ,?'' s . J id'll 13 S t4 IS IS II? IS'lS S 51 t! II iuraM T as a jo i ! ... I IS, i's!'i till 11 -1313 H 13 n i; i i i ji n a :t 13 30 .S- tt I20KT. II. COtVm. FNF.I! AL COMMISSION MKKCHANT. j O m WlLMINOTOK, N. C. llJ' OtEce, S011U1 Corner Market and Water Sis. up atnira. I Otioter II. 18.9. 31tf I - 'I lif Old aVU'lll M tie, I'orrvrr W 01 )K HERK.FRIK.NDS, CMK HERK.f KIK.M'K. aod I lel.ow eiuien. , M.A will vou bui llva noble STATE OF NOR TH Ah uberib lo the Counly Agent, for thia New l.arsr mill .vlnsnilicriit Map. And you will get the whole State, with her Rivera, Uailroada, Gold, Cupper. Uad, Iron and Coal Mi:mw, and all the Ciliea.Towna and Villgea. her noble Mountains and, and her Fielda and Flowers. ii you want this COI.DF.N PRIZE, lew ia tiie ti'me. Man aeveii feel by 6vo. Border viewa of the SU.U House, Intane Aajlura, Chapel IMI, M i li- and Female Collegea, Ilc, 4c, one of the ekeapttt and lift Maps er pobliahcd. FEAKCK 4 KEST, llillsboro', N. C. AGENTS WANTED for every county in the State. Terms iberal. Apply a abova. CIIAKLOrfE HOTEL, I II A ll LO IT t, !S. C. fV,IIK Proprietor of this Hotel is . .,.11 .. h.. no.l r,.d toful. ffiij fiHbedutieaof "nnna boat" lotha ( I gg3asa-al ..... 11.- nublie and others who "'.nd"!?. natter. u,D,..,f thai .. -.......rtahta n.iirirn can be found with him aa , i any where in tine vicinily. Being eitualrd near. ( ly in the rehire of Charlotte. Buaineea Men will i fi'ud this Hoiel a rat convenient and deairabie j locution, lie has been encaged in the buaineea ; thi. aland near Iv eie litre n veara. and in that ...... ... ......... .,,,... ... ,..:"" . . ... . .1.. ...1 or n,ontii at the proved, preacnitng in iroru a two wwrj r.n a., vr Jul) feet in length by 12 fret 10 width, handsomely .haded bv trees 011 tne aide. walk, affording a plea. sant promeoaoe at all nour 01 me oay Tue House haa beealhoroup hiy furnishe.I thro'. out, and in every pari of it creature comfort, are abundant and tangible. eapecially in ihe DINIMi ROOM, wnere Ihe "inner man" is "renewed" day by day. Connected with this ara M.hleaaffnrding room for luO horata, ahuiuianllj lurniahed witn t ...1 h..,tk'rr. " ' mi innwi. - 1, ! experience aiio many nrw - , drtire to pieaae, he is prepared to offer his friends nd the ' real of mankind," aa many eaniforls and as much good cheer aa will be found anywlirre. prrhap. a little V Al any rale vav the Charlotte Unlet. I. B. KERB Oleier 19. 1808. 3S.if In p'eaenting you with DR. E ATHN'S 1 N K AN- 5;Ai.;.-'r. ".r ;:r:. hreriofora offrred v u. r r.l It ia the ' T. paralion of a regular phyai. eian. who i. well qu ilifiad. from much eioenrm-e in ii.f.nlile eomolair.u. lo ore.cnbe .r t'lem. He. condiv ll U entirrly free from pirer ric or opi. ale of ,ny kind, ano conaequenlly relieves by re. ,, U,e aoff. r,, g of your in.U.d ol dr.. Cenins; lUaenaihiht ia. Thirdlv 1 1 ia put up wilh ie , r ,-,,.,. ;n,D.,n ,!! .how: ihe very r'ia from winch it is dulilM being dajr from ihe forrata on"!er tne dm-elion ol in. mim, many i them bv hie own na,:.. rooriniy o n .. Iv harnileas and can-.t injure the moat delicate in. l.r.t.and is a eeru.n eur and relief in all ll fol- nm...a l..rl. ellltl UlCrit OVeV .Ver V other preparation, v i: FUR A I.L COMPLAINTS ATTHMHNG TtKTHINs iti'1 &c; .leu, for aollming I ho gum. and relieving pun. Kor r'gnlalo g the bowel, it ia nn.o,iiilld. For (old in the lleao ma a aure relief. For U IIP, the nu.,1 fatal and irymf of, it can bi re. iieo oo wild perlecl conndence; ano being a pow. erlui anti.eoaamodic in all eaaea of convulaiona or fiu, we eameally recommend you lo loae no lime , procuring ll. I.-. ally It coal, ao n.utli more Hun "liier pieparal.on. ol llie amo, inai we can. not afford ufh long adertiaemenla aa can Ihoae wnuaej whole ripenae ia llieir adveriiau.; ; lor Ilia amne reaaon. it commend. ile!f . the mo.l reua ' b.e lo all mother.. In all eaaea, Ihe dirrrti. wrap .ed arnond earn buttle, mnat be atnctly foi , l-jwrd. Price. 3j cel. la pel bottle. a;noq Jenjji3 aas 'snniiaajip jrj joj 'jaani njMpuoia i ajs ,ooia ;;o Jo suowtaAy, una it i Ml mi oi injq pua jop,a pua 'ipoq aio oi quuaJie .Mill jj -i,an ail ' pjjttjiuq I j upaiuuii air r;;np pur eai;i,j oaitJm pa ',! 'aimaid un.l, ami iaiio pua aojnjojjy lr?,' 'soi)J 3 jo .... ic ui nu.iaai (IH)A (I(M)'I.. . ., . ,:. . . ..u. l.JJ it. 11 'uiaa a.piusj iai(Jo XuiXji laija 'J3j:.jjna u ...... ... ..iiauiiiJ a. i.i.a UI -.nioa fut ZuZln i... paiiuauldsa .... si LjuuiK, ! V J-.-J h... pu lu,:iHa ... a.,, pity aia,, I um vnnid am pljditiJ jo aivjawaut tinui i -ui uf uo'iue inii.iiiiu pua Xi.jai oiut ti utiq j pua .I..A..UI o, aji.. -( im s-jH.-, ei ao n. -ia I -alM lau itiu ilia Ul paaaaatp Jo hi'luo, al' anoa'ji tJojp u. mias i'liDuamiiioa iq 'ipauiaj a.iiijon u a. in ui pui) )liaa no P'l'i'H tuna JO inni jo pt,M4i,i a s;unv twoi ji 'paymi in sua ai iBoi ju tni"i'(I moaiitf uoij 2uujt.. ,t not j fliKi.l ill Kl HI wil io auii r ui amii on . 'apia; ayjui itaef j 'niwUv S ttvl WH 'I J "wivlin,l ''J'P' 'PI'J'I3'"'. '3U"IIU"1 ei.luinaiioo . jo .lufejduioj a ua pua J -i q nJna Xani.j a'l.iuiu.uoj puaauoqi oi 'uui:npoii ail jsij. aiiuoui lllqliM 'ii;eM I'JJad u p uoiajj na u..,wa" -J1 'quiitw jo aen aq uiojj ..'OIKM flOlr-HI .. S'MI iwimnanpojd aqi uaaq aaq lt.aaj uX Olalaia pua ll"J,t "l V"1" l",11 M1 "l J" I V ooil'iauiji. aitinaiiiuii ql oi aaopoaaipt jo .jalqna ai Jliiaild. pua ntHi-i'i am. firA'ivMV i" ? -o'-j -.o..j -,. . . aailJii'l ajvai Aiunat) n il.i.,i.(ud J' nJ..j a jiaeuilu i'l o pile 'U'MaaaJ -ojil c jijuoi -on jo )u.iiiiui. )oiu a. I Xq Ijaaoaai o ddoq a puoaq p.j.pienoa o) .a 'umiduina -uo.i jCj paunpaj ji-j oa ua-aq Juiaaq uoauoifl J(j Hold by CIIL'R'.'H A M'PONT, PruPgits o. :iti. Maiden l.ane. New Vora, And sold by ail re.pctteble Driit' throughout the country. Aea, IS ly WITNKSS TIL'KKTS, for the County and tsuperior Court, for sale here. A Great Battle to be Fought I E f f BIIIE subaeribera inform the eitiaenaof Char fi I0IU1 and vicinity, that the j line on hand and nre constantly receiving, a auperb assortment of Elegant FURNITURE, superior ti any thing thai baa ever been offared in tl.ia aerlimi. Tl.cir stuck cunsiau in part of Ihe fulloT.ii a-liek-ai Sofi a Teto Tetes and Divaas, Cane Bottom locking Chairs, Mahogany and Cant Seal Fur lor t'limrs and Kuan bottom l-haira. Mahogany and ('ana Bnllom Rocking Chairs, Wardrobea and Bureaus, Marble and Wood Top Ct-iitre Tables, Marble Wath Standi and Sinks, Card and Work Tables, Mahogany and Walnut Extcnaion Tables, Mahcguny, Frrnch and Eliiabeth Bedaleads, What Nola and Parlor lVika, Looking Ulaaaea from 14 to 170 a Pair, .ckinj Cradles and Reclining Chairs, Tucker l atent Spring. IJottom neiiaieaaa, c, lr, Laro Nettin, and Mo)ueto Bars, t'otluve Kurnitura by he aet. In n and Wood Hat Raeka, Gilt Moulding 'f all aisea for making Glaaa and pielura Frames. iTan ofnialeriala for a.le renerall f u.ed hv Cahinrl Mukera, sucn ai Clue. Locks Knuba, And last, thongh not laaal, wa keep always on hand a supply of r'ik'a Mrtallie Uurial Tasts. J. M. SANDEHS A CO. CAarJolu, Af 3i. lbo!. l1,r WASHINGTON HOTEL, (CHANUl Of PROPRUT0B8.) nuiuiia-illKIT Ne Mltl UN. 5. C- J0HW F. JOKES, Proprietor. 's2Z&E& i. now prepared U '""'."".t ''X vale faiiulica with bt-id by the day or monlb, on .1.. m.-l eenmmodalin ti rillS His TABLE will alwaya be furnisnra win ma pro,wni .L.thoma .od foisign maikeUeaa Dr",r . Xn Hltahiiigton llnlrl has Urge 1 neurer the depot, the co"rt houae, and ineaa alreeta than anv other it the city. An ttm.mibui will alwave be at mo depot and ,Buinf, -a the arrival of Ihe ears and steamboat, IO cnfry psaernrers lo the llolel tree of el. arte, g, ,ipp,nf at thia Hale!, paeeengere will have ,nipie , to obtain meala. ll,vm alao a larre and eomrnodioua Biania, moat reaanaoia raica. JOHX F. JONES. w 1 , itio 5 1 tf I (las Works, ' f HV.HE aubacribera reapectfully inform the pab I il,t thcy are prepared lo erect l.a .. . f ,,hl,n t it.. Tuwai. VMIarea. Cl- . . ii.r',. Thev have ereol.-d work. , 1 harlulta and Rakish, N.C., which have given entire ettaactii.n lo the rii.teaa uf ihow pucca. As to qualificatioca, prtaipmraa a no aonny 10 lo qualificalioca, prtaipmraa and aOlllly ' urn, ,, c,lt,tr.cii entered mio, they reier iu f fi,in. : It. I'.iua. Prta.t bar. GaaWorka, Char.. N.C. Wm J..l.naU;n, free. that. S. C. K. R. " " lr. T l llogcfrre R.l. lie. A... Col. U II. Young. Waverly, Miaa. A. G. Story, rre. Ca. W,ka, I -lit. Fall.. N. Y. K. T. Story, cupt. aa H orka, .lerlowa. N. Y. W. S fchoener 4. t o.,2il Pearl St., New York. Audrcas the iuheribei- at Ralngl.. N. C. WATEHHOUSK 4 HOWKS. Srpt. 14. lC.'.o. 37if THE ONLY ARTICLE i:uivali.i: I) IN . A It KKTt with inatnas ; bom akd lurui-ean dehard. I The r.wii wSy, thai by .Nator.'a own proee.a I il r..l.,rn Ihe i.amrl vo:oi pertoanenl.y alter lit hair bcrouiea ray ; sappiiea Ihe natural Dame. and Ihuam.k.a it gro on bald head.. rannves , uaiiilrulf. itehii'g and h-al from Ilia acalp, qui. t. .nu loot, up llie nerver. .d lliu. enre. all j ,.,.. ne.n. c..e...n.. ..... i. relied upon lo cur. I .ji ,n.c...t ol Ihe scalp . hair j it w ill slop and ' , d b,.wut. ...d n u by i. young io. ll.i.e tioita wk, I i'l never tall or btcme . gray ; i.i'i. re.ucr, rru .n .ui.u...., .... j Hn iuujkm", rrw toil.Ja VrSR.S. O.J. W OUD it t O - al'Moea; aor W o.ed. 1 1 .1 V .1 t lie t U a IfVU lie I a OO U I I TOI nd niy I. air Umg quite gr j. J made up u.y imnu to lay .aioa the prejudice, which I. in common with . gre. I many ptraona, had itg'i .nal :i .1 of putenl o.ediL-inea, and a .hurl luii ago I commented uaing your article, to tret il fur ii. yet If. The r.auli be n M very aaliafariory that I am very glad 1 did a... and in juetice lo you. aa well aa lor Die eneour.geii.tnl ol oltitre who may be aa gray a. 1 wa, l.ul who navio. y prejudice with. oe, ara unwil!og out my reaaor.a lor aeuing ii ; to give your iivMurauva iri.i tin uiey n-. .i l.,r prm.l, and toe beat pri,f being oceular Be. , nionatration. I write you line u tter, which you may lo any audi, anu ai direct them to a for lurihrr proof, who am in and oal of the v . I. J W're R iiluif Katahliahinent every day My hair now il. natural color and much proved in .ppearanea every way. Ix-n.g gioa.ier and lincer and much more iM-aitny looking. I a m tuu''mVrlr"u' II K.Mi Y JKNhI.H. t or. Colmnhia and Carroll .U.. Brooklyn. I.ivimibtow, Ala, fib. 14, IS.'!). I'rof. Wooo Ileur Sir ; Your Hair Realorative tua ,'cma murti good in llna part ol li.e country, My hair haa oe.ii alighlljr uiimniahing lor aurr.l year., cauae.l 1 auppo.. from a alight burn when I wa. quile an inlaiil. I hava beeo uaing your i'ealoral I weaae and I und thai $ ba.a a fine head of hair now growing ifter bnv. '"g aea II other riuediei known, Ui do rffcel. ' '" 't ' ""' v.lo.ble remedy now, , "' all wild art .fli.cUd that Way to ti.. your remedy. You ean puuiieh thia if yon th'iik proper, Yuura, dtc, S. W. MIUUl.K'ION. Pilll.aul ruia, Siepl. . 18i8. prf Wood Dear Hir : Your Hair !(. . lor. live , flt ,ur oeorfici.l lo me. 1 ha Iroi.l and , ,K r.a pari of my head a I moat lo.t ila co. j tfinK waa in fact sat-D. 1 hava ased but two hail, pint bottle, of your Keatorative, and now lha I Ulp u mf nt,,j wrll etuduad with a promiaiog . crop of youns- hair, and Hie front is also receiving j , uutl. I hava tried other preparation. Willi. i oul benefit whaUver. I think from my own 1 aerl,,nal recouimend.lion, I ean induce many ulh cf, t u. ,, Yuur.,re.ectrolly, U. It. I AS,.I.U. No. 4U4, Vine atreet. The Rratoralive ia put op in bolllea of 3 nai, vis: large, medium and small; Ihe email hold, i a pint, .nd retail, for one dollar par bottle; lha medium holda al teaat tvaeniy per cent, more in proporiion thun the email, reiaila for two dollars a boti.e ; lha laiga ho da a quurt, forty per cent, more in proportion and reUila tor 3 a bottle. O. J. WOOD Jr. CO., Pioprielora,444 Broadway, New York, aud 114 Markel Hi.. Hi. Lou.., .Mo, and aold by all good Druggl.laand Fancy tjooda Deal, era and ia Charlotte by hi. Alt R Jr. CO. Cash Paid for Hides, V S. M. HOWtXL,3 dour boath 01 MP M .Mi I M)tl liiUr. L Muriate, Aprti b, iH- &lf SUIil'KNAS for sale at thia Office ULANK DEEDa for sale at thia office. mi WAIT FOR THE WAGGOL "Ti"." 11 Y ia u .-m. m. m mim-mum' t Because he bayes bis SIX) YES from the A. A. I. HI. Would respectfully announce to the inhabitants ul t II Alii CI 1 F ai d ai he ha rnwvc from their Old Stand, to No. I, Granite Row, here he has Dow on exhibition, jual recalled liun. tin North, ona of ttia moat eitenaive aaaortmcnla of verofl'arad in North-Carolina, among which will ilina, among which will be found the celebrated mWrH'cjim .-av at ' " m M whith has earned auch a famous reuataiiun in the ! Thia Stove ha warranta suprrmr to any Cot.kmg Move in in l aia le 11, u, arrai f tt7, i coneumee leas fuel, and doea mora work la a given lime, than any .ther Slut now ia ait. c ,n ! put up ona beaide aay olher Stove of the ean.e aise in the I'nilrd Slates, and if it doea act do nr, jworkia a given time, ha will forfeit the price of the Stove, and quit selling and go hia aeaih ig, ma eeiicr one AI-SU, AIjI- Klilii it I PARLOR & BOX STOVES. Ha has, and eon.l.ntly l p on hand, an .Hen..v and v.n.d .lock f j ' r TIN AXI S1IKKT IIIIX HAT HACKS, CHADLES, &c., &t, Allal Mlilrhwlll br saalil, t bolfsaaln aud Kt-lnil thrnsi r Ihaskai rrrr been lla ra d 1st ihla Ylrlaallt, I would return my thanks to my friends and eaaiomrrs for the vary liberel pa tr,tf, ihry ,, beatowed upon na, and ihsy may real aaaured, that I shall endeavor, by eloe allci.l.i.n u bo,,t, f "' wilh a eelrrmmation lo pieaae. 10 iry tner wilh a determination lo pieaae. to Iry (Ladies and .lentlr men arc partirularlj AllWSU 01 JOB W02E Atmill) 10 THilzlliUUt. D I will leil yau why I head any ailtertiaen.i nl " W aiv eoa vn W aii.," u we hava three waggunaconatantly travelling brougi. the caoi.lry with Plate.. W .1 ontrr trill bt faithfully nrf pi iiniiitly Hllinrtrrt to. A.A.N. II. TA Y LOU. Ckmrlaln,Jmtu IS, 1851. f CAXDY FACT0KY. fresh Coufa-liontTics, Fruits, Ac, e. tllEaohaenber rrapeclful'y laforma the citi A sena ol Charlotte and aurrou- mg "oanlry, thai ha haa on hand and ia eonatantly raeatvmg from New York, Confectioneries, Fruits, FA MY (;i(()(F.ltlK.S,(l(.'AKS TO II At t O, S.M'FF. TttYS. Vliinia-nl liialriiliifiil, I IK: vvOltlaw, IIOIUIV UOItM'ft, Va lorlpa d s, i lllwv v M(aisa, Chutra, W u i kliiii1, A Itiid g a j af aserj sanely. I J. V. I'AL.MKH. iVAer 9. Iei. 4 Jif i Ala, be intend, to ananu'ar iar. i a. in r..i oi all kmda, free Iron, po..iii ua euloring anuke New York Kleam It. fined t andy. I all and see. .J A 3 IKS .31. Kl F.Y. COMMliSlUS MK11C11AST, HI I 11 ft'l lit 11, . . BL YS and forwar-is every kind of merch.n disc for tf per eral av.aMSa. Reiere In Gova. Kwam and More head, . Vv . W ooo hi, J. tv . Oaborne.l . P. Mi-imenhall, A. M. t.oiman, Keqa. and Kev.C. F. Ilrema. lion. W. A. (.rah.n., ai.d other., 'eater ia Fiatx, Mi-loilrun., Organ., II,.. l.u.l.r. h. win. Iron , h.,r,t Fumpa, Kngii.e., e. A pemled f ,n thc dillereul ma.ira, kmoa and pricea isenf .ee. I'ubii.her of au elegant lithograph ol ... ihek.rJ Al op,"N t. fl,) .nd lha - HSao. tf i,,,,,,,, ot,Uulkn (;,., TO llaai.T." 1 This nivaluabli jamt,y adeiaer ahould be in every 1 , huu.a. ll Ire. I. of ail dneeiee, ha. a eopiou. ' g0ary and preatrihe the remediea Irom nature's bounUou. atorea, (or all our infirii.itiea .nd una. rrturii a. ll ia punted on fine white paper, hand, j : ,00,ely bound tourlh editiou, 3UU pag, and ia mQll,J f, ( ... Wo Iar. Sew Rn.ewnod Piano., 1 1 SO. f tt. 16. IBS Hotel fur Sale, at .monrof., north C arolina. 9 1 11 K auhai rihcr being de M. of changing hie biiaina. V fer. lor aala lha LMON HO. 'I'FIm" llouaa ia aita.ud in the thriving Town i i Monn-e, N C, conveinenl lo th. buamr.a portion of t Town, and within alniil on hondred yarda of the track of the W , C. eV. K Railroad. It ia neurly new, contains aevenlnan rooms, wall fur. i mahed. (lha furniture beiiiv nfl'ered lor aala wth the lloueel a hre.pijce leevery room, airo, conva. Bienl oat IhjOsm b, hUbir. & e Alu tum Hun 4t4 Acrn ol Lend ftdjHniri. Ilia mg diHuali6a I'lin lor lonf r publie life, he will ihertfor wrl low, mf any rrnntKI lim fur pnytneftl. Vur lrihr mtdrmation -pp'y lo it muhmur.bft, or ny frirud, Kv. fc. A. Lni Biuiid, CfiisJeut Ho. fa. JAMK8 15ICKKT. May 24.IHS9. Hi Ult. II. 71. fill It TILL be plea.ea to re.riVe Pn.fea.ioi. 1 Calla tha drpartnirnt. of MKhll IM. and MIM.I RY. I nleas pralesainnail v ah-nl, ne lo a v be louimal hi.rcaidenca, tort Mill Depot. Y-'rk Di.lnel K. . fa I J. IS.'if. I if Wanted, 1,000 : t OR Dm OF TAN BARK. Inch the caah will li pa. I M. U. TAYLOK. liiif Jg31,18itl in 'Ihia I S.B.RANSOM, tit ft. Mannt'aciurara. sails Stoves cheare.iT TAYLOR be found the celebrated S .utl.rm Counuy for the laataia hiera ai.o mem a coiiiinwance 01 me e.n.e. imiUii lo rail and rxamiue liis Mof,. r3lRK3IOVAIi.-Kl j It iff Confrs-tioivr d Kmiiij Ortvfi P'mi JL of J!H Sl .MBKT Um Wt.. f.WM-wfi u llv; sUnd cj.oH lbc Jr y Urn ft i Uutth.mhtrt Ihtj mrw rrrritirif tjireel ttvm .Nc Yuih Ut ildition la lltif sltck of ( OMTI't T10F.UIt:s. I Attn. Y (.HOI l.ltll., A. An.ung their sloek wi.y be luni riirili..i1( bU illy kept in a .tare of ll.i. kind. A t . ... mewl ol C.ka 'I rin mioga, Y illuw W .o, tr. .. . wave ow hand. Il.ej hava in llieif employ aw tare'leM Et KI R.aad are piepared to loroiah tn.otea I'sitica with I akta af all k.. da at '-' i- . . 5IUOLY A M.-litT. Nuv-mber IS, lii. We have alawnpar'ai a btineh of ear !. il !i.r oli.lon. W Mr, Montiy will a u -e - I. s the baa. area, and hope, to vtrure . ahare M ti4 public patronage ia thai e.ein. MOODY i M?I'ET. Aa. IS. ItiS. 3M r. SAIHS, . r lilts I ft ml llmlitrr, II. I. furnuh I'eaigna. 1'i.e.a and l(aii for I'ublie llu.liiii.j , I'rivale ll.iiii" ' ami Villi... I' all. at" ailietrlla baihiing lh.rmg Mule. loin Mill., e. i'rrxi in 31 .lor v ol Aiesaatiar'. fiuil.ina. iroal rti. . ,., i ,,n .. Otfktr J6. 1(C t! 33tf v(lKIIIAHOI.IVI dutnal Life Insurance Companf- Of I. HAl.klt.ll A I T llllh I . u p.ny maun. Ihe live, of in.n" ia ..r one yei, u Irrin ol yeara, or lor h i .Mutual I'riaciple, II.. aaaured h ' hx r licipatu.g ia lha proln. ol ihe lomi-ny, ' poiieit. granlcu lot Ibe w'-oic Urm '' when tha pr.u.iuiu tl.rr. lor .n.. ui.ia lo tote m.y ba givin lot one hall ti.e ano unl I' preaiinm, baaiing ii,lr..l at per eenl. witiiui gu. runty. lha wanner in ail lo.aea bai Ban. pal by 1 1. 1, colli p. I. J . ! ( t r.ti aol prriniani, pn aa nt great U'.iunnta to aoeh .. are dl.xa lo inaure. Man. are in. urn. or term ol liounJ " Ave tars, lor twu t'iiid. lh u i.iue. All lt.". a are paid within HU aaya alUI i facto, prool ia preaenliu. DlkKt OH I h.rle. F.. Jol.i..i... Wm II Jnra, " II..I...U W. D t J. t.. Wlllus a. H II... i... U... bu.liae. P. g. I '"'"., II Mi he, It. P. Itallle. t l-arlaa ll. Roolt f - rowli, liith'tf II. ll.tiu. OFHOItS. I)r. Ch.rle. I.. Joiinaon, Pre.idenl W. W . Ilolden, Vire Pre.ldil.l. R. II. Ilallle.rttrtetery. Williau.a II. Joi.ea. 'lrnaaurer. II U llu.i.d. A i tor in v. lie. W . II. Mrkee. Medir .1 F.iamie" II Ker, I.. lira U, Rool. t Mrdit.l lltmrd a easaialiaa - 1 '' o Johi....n, M. D-. William H. A"'""' Kirl.'d ll. llaywmnf,M. D., Kor further in'ma-atu n, Ihe public a red lo tha pamphlet. .end lorn., ol pmi may be al lha ol the npa-J umcat.ons should la si.rsad. (I' P10)'"- t ,ntv. 11. II. HA I iir., ' SrplemUr 8, lnr.7. -if (4ff rv n; . m pEiimia-. Oil PRINTINW uf all kinds wiil "",., EXECUTIONS for the 8. Court for u