Front the Iredell Enpn ts. isni:ssiov r movg intox. ' . IWllKE COUSTY JHOUSEIH - join FOOL TiUUSFilAVr!! We t.ieu:cf tha rlisca-siou of the enili J-itc f.r GavTrnnr John Joo and Johi. V. Ellis which lock plsee bet n ibem t. Morganton on Saturday, 2.'M insteni. Ld took ropiou notes of i lie speeches tbat ere made by both gentlemen. (jot. Ellis opened I lie debate, and tb following is about of bin re Trrks: lie ci me as a noniln of tbt rsornoeraTie party, and thanked the pcoplt ot Hurke for the vol which the; gave bun at the last election He had endeavored to discharge hi official duties to tie salia faction of the public, aud congratulated the people of the et upon the completion ol ibeir woil of iirternl improvement at ai early day, that would prove so bct.ficial tc ti labor and industry of ibe West. He raid tbat a ties question, surprising iu its nature, bad btea prcstDted by tba Oppossi lion party before tbe people of the Stale fir publio favor, which wa overlooked since 162, and now is hi opiuioti otily brought forward for political purposes ; and tint ii adopted it would be only brought for ward Tor tbe purposes; and tbat it adopted it would be only calculated to of pre the inlerestaof tie country. That it would ar racone clas aataim-t another tl, and luak down the compromise which was en t. tid into in 1 9:l5, between the Ea-l and V"e-t. Got. E:li advanced an argument show that the Et wa taxed beau!) . ... . - miDj ior iup lenrmw c ft, r taxine foils all thev would I ear, laud : w e mu-t put I ltd same tax on that as on lfVi,e anything ih Ttluru for tl, aud thai Vl c.'nts. there was sii,l i land. c. which is not brought from a it would be very ui just to impose a heavier, d(Bej Tbev taxed, Doc ! broad." He blows two wiys ou lLi ques L-irden oa tie Last by taxing ll.eir 1,le. i orSj Jl,culiiea aid School masters, audition. ovir fifty it;J under twelve years of t'. ; f gjces slld clikj in stores, and overseer.! The government protects every niau in cri.xii.jj slaves between those ages ""'fl cn ,'very fllHl, of tlnir receipts from I the enjoj ment of hi. properly and every .u the prertnt rate 611 cent ou tbe poll. Hi- charged the Ad Valortm party with a ccj-igu to tax every sptciv if property., ii.-l itbslanoing ibeir plsiferni nuke a imiit.i'Oit in favor of imtiv pro .u isuftiir yiutect U ihdvs'iiul purtvi; Cf iin iiUlfhi '' Ik- stiJ ihat it was pal j i-le if tl.ii- wire tot done, ont section or t: . otfcer 4 i.! l e ci-it -bvd. lie en i' . veiled to lighten ibe people UiSt te t -.Ll by savit g it would, tW a large eutn Id sld itui d ti.d a-M-s iu Burke at.d t L 1 1 ii w Ke an iiuni-iticn v i eb 'he peof wouM net like. He then v-tit into the u-'ie' ridicuious caleuiatiou of laid t .hh i iMe.-Lm..' machines, picu hi'te a: A rtCt-r. lUj.mrs, piaocs and wLeat J. t.. ii.ii nst r.i. iu l ey. iawji-i", doctors' a ' r'.fii-' . la 'lies i.;ct., cV. i.ov said t' -.i-i - r. H ' fouiih i f a'.l li'e l; Xes: py near id ad VI 1- wouM raise to nose t'e , rted lit strtrte atd alu-id tit ory c 'ursce li e ii.dustr v cf a coui.tiy, : io tn- !' prrperty should 'A be pi .ci d npfn an Kjftiity i;b regird to uxa'icu Gov. Ki:i" Tiili 1:0 ailuslr.l, li tl e plat tol til uf cL wi icfc h' i- rr.niiirg. but endeavored to biid tiiueh fault wth I. u c mpttitor's. He re -.., ril In I. la tialesvi le sDeecb. abJ en- r.....,r..A , iai- i,..iat l.&r of ihe 'cse-I.fh" bv sir2. Le artli.d it v to the t ); o-i;ion ieajfi" iu 'l-r West Lt no ot.e cu believe that Gov. KUu did liol des'tn to icinpare ull the est to a I'or-e Le. eb." cry ii-g (ine 1 Gie!l ?ljie!V. 1 are !:'.'. ' lie had aided " iLe W". .N C Iiai rd atid en'dearored to get rock taken, but did t.o' do much. J be tin tiovemor ought to have Maied k:tc tuuih, ai.d the tim' when he did aid Ibe Road ; bu be did no such ihiia' i and no one Las a r. coileciion of such aid. Mr Pool drew the bill for the charter wotked bard witb itie ha.teru member to get it ittiougn aevond aassa in tbe Senate and but for Mr IVnl . .nir,ria iu its behall the bill would bave been o,t 1 l.ov. Ellis repeated would bave been it . iiov. r.i.i r , , IA I .in, "i.-c.c TaXaTToMI! He said the reslnctiou ia tbe Coti-iitution exen.piing slsvea fiom tsx?, would cperale aa a eneca upou s.i meu, sgainst extravagant sp prcpnv.ious tor in ternal Impratemeots. We here put Ibe q.jetiou, 1 there any sentence required piiur to show tbat Gut. LlUt iiS t o jn tidihip for the Railroads now building in tbe Stale or that hereafter aLail be pro- jectd! . J .1,. nr,tc onnnlnsinn which we eouid deduce from the remarks of Gov Ellis upou Uia ubieet of Hai. roads was, that tj Uiry U kUi ULlhaut weu. then construct lnflll : "('"-v El i.'s speech, as msy be supposed. ani, indeed, was tbe fact, wa made up of fa'-e iuci uullu-biLg mi.slatemt nts ol Mr Pool, throughout and dodging ot per tir.ent questions pressed upou bim by ni c u pernor. We will recur to our notes f it istue e bave Lot room fjr inorej Mi. TooPa Eeply. ' y.r. Pool said : I am pleased to see so it. . : . of my fvilow-eitizna cf the county ol J!.ri:e asfieuti'ed to ber me, aLd I Uesire I j . r ies my tb'-uks t) the ladie Kr tueir i... . ance aud wbi Uoiug so, I fel kj'i or :ed t? return t-) tbem the tnatiks ol r..T e u.p-tli'.r also, fji 1 kuow he thai.k tt. ij. al'.houh it forgot to say so before tal i . I. is si at J he tii-cusi" 1 ol the sub ; j. i .,t tsiai.. u ! ctifc in which 1 1 : people ol t . f-n stem tv take j-rcat tnfi iet. aud I t .ar i-tt plea-urt it. txpr.-s-ing my views' op' .. :t bt f-re tie p ' f .e. T ... le t a pro-; p'.M;u to cbtt gs the Ccnst'.tu'i'n of the! nt .1 tli, cLatii'f si.', , ) tol be made j t' ...jt the fu l ut.ner.tai.dii g and ton m i .fre'-tj e j i,e totisiitution debue-j t:-i I o..;a tit .ffin.-llvd power Whet, j ,- 1 tl tut ib Legi-iafaf tu co ar.) thing, ii j . t i t be dni.e, eien ih'.ub ti e r i op'e Ins) i o,. rj it. 1 he only we) to cany Out tbt.. i wii-i's, i to change ibe i'oi v i t. Ai pre-nt tbe t'on-tituiioii tciitds the Iae'i- (o tsx slave uU'Ur 1? year- ur ovei i C ) vt-ars at ail, aud wbto il tcii.t lo lilt t ,o-e letw-etj tboa att, r. ii.fel tl- i islalure lo place the aan.e tax ou tin! t kd ol the puoitsl white p - i t' p'aret .i tie. ruott vaiuable Le'to, owned ty tilt; tlibitt man. 'i hw pW'V white uii.Br! .it i tt ui a ahieid t-iaeeti tiie tax u .an ij .jae trct.eitv. 1 io-iit Ilia i- the p'fir wl.He li.n l.aJ, boiteij tiaui'b any c-Ii or may cl j. tl to my re I f. iruia' to ll.e i kitht rnau s bead l-o Fo j lie a.alihy msL ahead nyuid le no shield j J be Leiis.ature wruid not he.ilaie to tax It ucb o.aii's bt ad, bul W ben the poor rnau , j Lead la lu the way, II ! obllji'-d lo Lt-ital. . and to. bear, li i akt-d, by i ibis or-. i I- iban IU la'i.anat aLere lelhe in C i-H . j for a i bsnge ? i i -1 answer. Iu li-i : nnbuiiio iff ibf Siaie wa on'y ahou J ;."i,m a year. Ibeo sUve ptoperty j r .j. i be made to pay IU protorliuu t; p -.ii. g about 10 cent on tba poil, am. 1 1 4t eould be borne, and .i.vea were made Ic J y ibeir full proportion. Lul tiOW it . - have to r.i. between $000,000 and t7tV . j .i.. f . .... h. ..reailt iuoiea.scd and in order to make .hen. pay thrir proportion now, by a cap.-, "tax art.cltt broaKM from abroa.l bigber n.ion tat, a tax would baea to be placed than tho-e wade in the State." how, ail ..Pn the heads of poor wbite men beyond I ver plate, and walchca, and pianon, tie , are h. ir ability to bar, a tax that would be j made out of the State, and if hia eoiiKtruo. tyratitiical and opposite. And aa tbe i lion of ibe jdatform in comet hia arcumeut pro-prctie debt of the Stale becomes ae- j fall for they might be taxed higher than ual debt, and ihe iniereMa baa be to met, , land, Sic. titl bo aaya e would loxe on ihe difficulty will become greater and prea- j Katik clock, billiard lablea, circuses, law ter. The lt Levi-lature bad to raie near ( vera and doctors, Sie. In there any man Sitt) 000. or the credit of tbe State iuutjbre who does not kti) tbat we te ruined and her houor fotfeited. ' tax pri,priy aceorniii;! to value, that is no I'hey put 0 cis. on the fK'O taluation ol 1 rea-on why as should full to tax Ezclutiv land ; -J4 cents on money at iiiurcfl, and j 'rt i!es unit Licrncrs f We do not per on lae property tin cents on the poll, I mil every man to tank, or sell Liquor by hich is only 6J cents on SltiO valuo. liut I retail, or keep a billiaid table, or practice they knew that HI cents im all the poor (law or medicine. . If one man ia allowed a hita poll would bear, aud they could not j privilege, which U relumed to others, be place il higher on negroes wiihoul putting outhl to pay for it and because we lax hi it ul.-o on ihe poor white an. Hi head ! property aceording to value, i no reason wa iu the way, and they did not dre. to 1 why he should not pay for it ; Slid my com ot preM hint, ilia head the t-iiit Id that ; petitor nlut kuow this. Vet be couiiuues protrcteJ t l!-t',0:itt,ii('t' of alave from more j to put forth the argument for the want of lhau i cents on the 81t, wbile laud bad Uouiething better to say lie peks of play. io bear 'i cent, and thu money of widow ing cards, pisiols and boaic kuire ihey aud otplian at interest '-'l c.Mits on the j are not taed now. The men who sell flt.0. The Lfgiluture was forced into j cards are taxed for selling ibetn aud right- this ineaualitv by the coulilutlonal prous- ion interposing tbe poor white nif.ns head I propose to take hi beaU out oi toe way, so that, slave propel ty may be made to i property according to va'ue. pay taxes equal with other property. It U j liut my competiior wakes much ucise a necessary that thi ehould be done to enable bout foreign liquor, and say mi VuJ'iitm ibe State to sus'eiu its credit, and to rqual- would t.i tbat no higher tb n land, Sir. ite tax s upou different kindi of property, j Hut r. in uiher my competitor's construction It was rot necessay in lSJio but is uow j of our platform lie sys, il mean "to and will continue Io be mot" and more o. j lax articles brought from abroad hither I hope neer to tee ihe State iu ti c sin.e iiiii-mnia u w aa uuring ine ,,.p-i..,....u.u(... -v... - --i . . j . .1... I . . I . ..f..r- llmir hard cartiinc aud still tliere was mau Miouia pay iu propurnon io me proiec defici?lcy. They" linn taxed sugar and j tiou be r ceives, for the suj poit of govern ccfiee aid calico and tverjthing tbat is ! uu nl. My competitor olject- In this fair purchased from a ttoie, OO cents on SI 00 j scheme. He would strike from the Ameri vjIuc, and n. any ui ju-t and unequal j can U-iriiier Floi'ula, whicb taxes ,'iillu ne nrov iion aere rut ia the tcvenuu bill, w b;cb groe from ibe cradle to ihe grave Ucor- made it the mod ii.i('iitous measure that J tia, Kentucky, Louiiana, Marlaud, aud 1 t ver as pa-sed. Hut the Lcgii-latute wasjTexa. All slaves of all ages are taxed up forced to il bicaute :!.iy couiu not resell ! ou their value iu those States. My cou.pc- I "0 ( 00,1 00 ol elave nn petty, and make ; titer says lhal iilile negroes ield nothing it rat its fair prcpoitiou. This difficulty o :.l.i io be t( iiiotd so that the Legl-la- ture may pioteet the credit of the tMate wnhout iioii such iijusiice to the ciiitB aud I leave tLe prcpo-itiou now before ilie peojle tieiy wise Legislator ati-s S:ntisui:m will lock to rrcsent wants aud necessities of a State iu passing aLd pro-fc-ing for its goveruiuent. Lut itt the people under.-taud the propo- Miiou oi.-nnciiy. My competitor ha.t read tbe aorus ot our pisuoiiu coiitcuy , uui but Vou UiU.-l have iiotictd that be sal uou w.ibJul rur icaUin a .ocd reai-cu lor ihia ou.i-ion. Iiiaspeeub was a stroller one againi-t bis on plaifjiUi Ibau agaimtt i'ir, and It aa Well that he tint not read it belore this assembly. 11 be has bol represented our plalluiui comcUv. ho '): it is cuntcbUed bcie that we purpose to la only tbe He f ,ro j or auy- I r,.r.o.. I Ctitaibiy to bonesi mau iu liume or title, ei.-e baa tvtr made aucb a propos tiou. Il my competitor has ever braid any mau lake tbat position, let biin name tb-. .....I .1 . ...... .. and I .ill 1 r. - prove thai bi man bad Ltt-n uriLkint' some - l 'be foreign l.qucr of a Licit be speaks ao loud.y. An pitptrty la cow suljeel to lax anon, tic. pt .-lave properly. Abe change lli make slave pitpeily stand OU the esme tooling iib all oilier properly. Aud it ai l nqjire the Lcgi.-Uiute lo tax slaves 1 ; i . , at ii i re r and ait tiie 8 icaumg rut j. ci o. cap.... .ecu. u.,.g tu ... toval-i"" ue-bul l.ave Jt lo tbe d.scretlou of the 1 Legi-iature lodi-c.imi talc iu favor of na 1 . fc . , , ,ri ,, i . 1 r . ., . . . I uustry no are nii-eu UJ laxaliuu. uui wiui ui'ieuuoua and ba-cd mainly ou n.i.-rtpre M) ccmpttilor sa), tbe di.-cnm . . . .:.. i bto-ht Un abroad higher tnan tbo.e prouueei IB tbe State 'aud Dot noticing ' ibe part lu rtlerence to iudu-tnal pursuit., ' proceeded to say that we would compel tbe I I,,.,,, ot e.etyibing. He .a), 10 dlscr.mi- ! Date means to tax No Oic.t,.. ary that defini.iou. li means to make a u.tUr- cute. Tbe best way to uiaka- difference i iu favor of ULor ia to exempt from tJli. ; tiou thote ibiugs necessary to carry it ou. ' best disc. .minatiou iu lavor of tbe, or tanner would be to exempt uiir ioia, a. u impitm.u..., .a- o.t caries ot lue from taxaiiou : aud tbe L- i-iature wouid have a diicieliou to say bow tar this elt Uiptuu sbou.d go but ad mit, lor argument, that ouci lu.uniioii doe meau lo tax tome. Apply il. lax all tbore ariiciea iu Rutke county whicb tbe Lej;iiure desires lo t. uipi, one cent. Ibal ausatrs my cou.petilora bairspl.ling di buitiou, and amount- still 10 au tl- u.ptiou lor one cebl divided sl.iolig the pe p.e Ot liuike wou:d le sofboitnl Ij sanely my comp.tiiura d tiui'iuu ol ui-ci ilninatiou. ill 11 1 upou tbi-i thai aii tLe capital u at tempted to Le made aaiu-l tqja. laxa'.iou as propo-ed ty our plaituitu. ilu says the Eatt umler.-lai.da Ibal ever)tiilng is lo be tax. d. He la tuifiakeu. Ibe Ea.-t under- no aucb thing. o paper, nor any iu tbe r.-ot, ol our party ba takeu "ucb a Losiiioii. 1 bi-y il tepu iiate tbe tit t..p slander lijl .Mr. lutber inotiou iu toe convention 1. tefetied to as piot thai c mean to tax tin cups. ibe proposition 10 change ihe cobsiiluliou ai.'l lo insert in il a gieki pimcipie of eq iailty and ju-i .Mr. luiner moved tu instil a piumt ton (hat tin cups should not be ln.i. 'la t ivii pi tb. m Iroui a toii-it.tuiioi.a, ptovi-iou. aouid It bavt. looaeel in ibe Cn-tilU 1. on ? tl. Itcaure tLe convention r. ln-i.0 10 propo-e to ih-erl a c lUstiiution.i probib iiioo ol tin c .b, my comntuior says, .1 s I .root ( 1-1:1. e that ae mtaul to luice tbe j gts.aluie 10 tax thtUi! And Ibis I li.e I .1.: aijjbiiici.t. Aou my competiior says j ue Ikx uu b-'iihants ot cnls on Ue -:10.i va.ue, i paid by the purchaser, ai.ti j .t, ju 11 ci, on ine gsoda. 1 u..- L .nocratic i J.i -i.'1-ialuie p u-ed 11. is law. iiucops ale 1 iicoi'tJ iio.u ti.e sioitf, ai.11 aie mere a H. mocr'atic tax of fitl ' t iviaiw u, i J value. Co u.) ttti i ivie bow ui.otr .ents ou lie J100 ior aud bia baity already 1. 1 t.u cup cut- OU tbe i I HO, abuelne) lax nlavt-! l.jl i cents ou I tj - ilUO. ll tin cups were 1 ii- u u' i ..'" i, uiy competitor a Jmita il ..uld Le. only 10 Ctnis tu the f J IO. fco il ae ale lor laX.n th Ul at all, H Only 1 d c. ni, and thai ki.i save 4J c bt 011 toe iU0 ou tin Cups, Jijl liny intend this boie matter lo mia.ead ln peop.u from 1 Of U ue Issue, iui be aaya mueb w.ll be lo-t by the tax OU sliver p'ale, go.d wstcbea, piauos, Ac , ll . .1 t i .. w. Uiea mgner man t.oe, 7 , ciiimplitor aava our piauorm means ut ui. criui.inaliiig in fivor of oativa product to ! I v, and !boc wuo wear uulaatul weapotix 'are taxed for wearing them, 1 hi I taxing rij.ui, anu nas noitung io uo iuu ; than tno-e in tbe Male. foreign liquor ia I. ..,.,),. frn. ..l.r,,l tl.oi, Ui H,in l.p to their owners although they increase in j value S each year lint bow much land has tbe farmer which jields him uothing ! unon which he nav taxe. swamns old fi.lda ..nlli-all,.. ..PVPr.ill n.nraase in --" " - value, aa Ihe little negro. 1 am charge d t y my comreiiior tor nev- er bating vcti d tor any nailroads in tbe West. 'Ihe charge is '.l.Si.' I voted tor every Hailroad charter in the West. I drew ibe second hill for the We.-tern N. C 1'iailroac", uhich iiit.shy my iom prtii or t . ' ' "'""" . r I IIAVK N KVKIt VttTKI) AUAINST ANY W 'KS'IKHN IMPHO KMYSYorJp pripiii.imn for oe 1 AM IN F.WDll II Y i;L'-NlNtj TlIK W'ESTKIiN N. ( KAIL ! l!t).D Tt Til K 'I KNMoiKK LINK IN I THE EARLIEST PKAC1 P'AHI.E TIME, i My competitor never voted a cent for j '" '"ptovuient iu hi life! and be is1 the stiui'ic.-t man in the aoild ! Devoted st.ugi. eveii lo strike out 500 from the I'uu : combe Turnpike, after it had been given. a voted a'auil aid to the Road , ... , ...... i .... e-i-n i.iiii ! lor tiie River 1 uirro veuient, aud I was un ",",y '"'.v willing to oraw ao largely upoo the public mouey fur a rival line, which I tbeo believ ed aouid destroy the success of the first eo-ter-prixe, before it bad time for develope- meiil. 1 voted to tax llailtoad stock, and lEilIB 1 u,u rigni, ine money vo uu.iu inia . . "ou P3'" ' 'P"V" " " Ju"' Ib"1 xul !",0o'a "e uta ,or ,De ,UP io:t of Kovernmeut Droc aim it here lo dav the East hi. si ... ' pended l for Hailroad, ? here the Went has expended $1. Of the Ci4 Uiile of Railtoad iu the State, 410 miles are East of Ra'ei-b, and only 'MX miles West of 'or ''," V. u"jcl' Kl'oad as the West My f" h, "'k'd k " 'Ae tueAGAJ.l the II. si! and such m"'0l""es as be sent do.n to lb ha-t, ; v,ould ,0P :i futh" Appropr.aiious entire-1 1 ue '-onstitution siiouia ne amenoeo so as to remove the tax from the head ol tbe pool j man -unacatiuo.ueaon. otherwise. ",tutir fuio ..clljIeui at tbe following limes oujjht to le land upon ibeir value aud that cannot ba done before an amendment placea : shall have been made iu the Constitution. ' vVyi.e...lle, Hywol. Monday. 2J. July, vi . j.i- W eh.n r, Jjtaa.m, I ucao.y, 9j. My competitor is opposed to miking a y M CUB weUu.y, 4 u. change iu ll.e Coustiluiion ; and be ii op-. ntl,u, .,,,,;, ir,jti., ., .Monday, UHu " pond 10 taxing slave-property upau it va-Ouiumiiua, Puis. 'I ucau .y, IU111 " lue. I take no portion here. that I did not' Kuiutriuruto..., Kaiuer.uiu, Wednesday, l.tb- occupy in the J-,ai-t, bicU"ii; my speeebes il siio ; but my competitor ha cban-cd ; fr l.-.,. .1 ,U tc.,.., -t ,l.a 1 ., , t j j j 1 torious J. Parker Jordan, aud Oeuouucud Jjrdan, for wbal most pcrotij'1tttisj him to be, an Uusrin-jinied man and ii.Uiu-.iui LIAU. iieman. (Joy Ellis said Jordau waa a gen- Mr. Pool ked, " )i you endorse Jordan as a eeiiileman ? ' Mlesiiatiu.') 1 do, sir." Mr. P. said, " ll )ou endorse thote principles, I say that be (Jurdan) has lied aud auy one that endorses them. Mr. Pool concluded bis remarks by say ing that if elected be would be tbe liover nor of the State, aud not ot a aeetion ' anowiug bothing but the whole State. He 1 would ue bo diei f liou for th purpose of oltaininj I he v ote ot any man and uerired ihe soflra i'i-i ot ihe Deonle only unon the belief that bi clai.j.i Were founded upou the immulab u piincible. of Ju-t.ce and I'rutb. Hu appeared before them ai a mau coming from Ibe eitretn East, hut one wbo Could eompr. In rid the whole S ate, and to add to her eiurr, a I. ether he was elected lur t'hi-if Msgfirate or not. would ever b : uu nii:u amt iiou anu ebn 1 p asure. c ' ! The eonc'u-ioii of Mr P.iol's speech. f 1 1 1 .. r. 1 j .1 j 1 ri ter be bad finished the d laiU of the delale, a a di-play of aa lofty and pairiolie elo q.ence a. ae bate ever beard drop from, tbe li" of the u;o-t o.-liujui-li. d orators iu the Li.ioti; and bi sp. tcb left 1.0 douht upou Ibe liiiniii of any preent, of whatever 'T' ' i"!"V ' T' .1 I and sound .pj.lgiuei.t l one ol the foremost mm iu the State. W ith such a inatj nse.ip.. I fa. 111, that Mr. Pool, for intellect ipy- uig ll.e Kxecuiive Chair. North Catoltna aiilluaici. aieadily onward lo.tbe of her g'or) the sun cf her pro-pcrity will blue forth in merrdiau splendor, aud her sousaiid daughters love thtir bill aud Val ieya more than yet they bave done and cease .u.u wiudering as alraugers seeking homes i iu loreigo lands. Mr Pool held hi auditors spell-bound f.r tb 10 hours tbat bi speech occupied, aui undoobtrdl v. be made a fiu iuibrea- mou, aa b do everywhere, wbeo Le ad i. .J it. .it :.?-.. .11.! - T'a paramounl neoeMly for ompleting the Kailroada now progressing Wcetwardly at an early day. Bflrtb Carolina Sclbiff. Tuesday, July 3. I860. Oil. R. Wakellvlit, Ki-q ,i'f I has con. i. lei! In act, nnd ia onr ullmrilid agent, lie I will receive ornera lor li e v ir.j, ciuna r cr. tiaemenla, and receipt In.- Ihecinia. Any penona will receive Die Wmo for two dulUra. - -C, you la'tsiDiNT, lion. JOHN BELL, FOR VH I THESIPtNT, Hon. EbWAKD EVEKETT, If MASMl HTSEII8. rt'B OuYtRMlH, JOHN FOOL,, ml. Vt I'AsQt OTAMt. LCOK UPOW j nun ricTuttit. p on this. Wlinna Ureal inr ftew'eof, 'I i.t we arc j quaint txil in the . re. n.pwa Iu unlurl.n g a. ml mime ot Wxalim.,' njr ut Hie toiu. and it ia juat tin ri;hi iii.iiu-e i.l uur all ()r..M ity al.uun I lulmn, Stale nr Naliun. , contrltiulc it pn(rti .l.alm tnal we eatKtially .......I. il.. hnr.i.i.. .! i...irr.l.. I I.l; It. Ir.H. u. . ! Sulr. :lluu at time by tin- Kmlttd. That we r I tiiipoailiuli faily ol N V'miiua inlu uur buie alliea of a quetliuu nl : no 1 1 tutmnal auit li. neut i.8'- eimx bala iui.o wbicii our fevmut I o. nple ol ihe M.U jb called nn the ltd. rai b.i.ia a early aa prae i ncuU.e lot itie .ui.e lyme li.e I or alt l a raiaeu, b. lit vug it Iu tutmii liil every spcen t urnt-lur, impohiic. nl prn fly may taLetlj .anytroua aim unju-l) -1 according Iu ita val jt.ii the n.e tune wr uetm il with uowtr tu tii-cnnti J tle duty ul tbe LigisU. Hale vnlv in l .tor .! lie lure paan.; acta native uiuoucla nl out i"T tne raiaine revv- puf.uilt nf ..ur c.l itna. i.ou.aa Iu b. ar a., quaily Tinl'-mk JrVar.M " piaelicauie wil n.t . u. uiyu.n rt ut lb. l-ii.tiiiu iiuii. uin tbe vari. ua Inlert'ta and tl.ntl t.r.HH-rlv in ..II at-cll"a nl I l.i, Suit II Av.ol.uon Vewu,.tuim,m. I Ij Keuirmlier lhal JOHN W. KLI U compares tiie W est to a " l!oata Ltacw." whoa..- eternal cry ia " Givi ! Givs '." and the lo a Ouost thai ibe n cil ia u'ae alt the crga she laya. tTIIememoer lhal JuilN W. t-LI.IS ia is fatm of raiainf Ibe Pdll '11 on Slave., wl.m be ki.oaj. lull well tbat by Joliif o ibe uxtu IMTK Pods will be cir.-epnitdiiikMy incrrastd. IT" 7 nr 'ee jttem it m erf bail mt. mmt bt admilltU l,f rwt .Srnarar waa ktJ ia li t Iht tlifliittt intttugMitn " Kxtiael iruiu ci.Ujr Ult-usuc'a Sttcli. Ad Taleri iu Ci.i.4l.lMl-. We'are aaliiunxad tu announce tul. 11. W. A. LhX A.NDKK. aa a cau:uaie lu r. (.naei.l .Vleca. kituur cuunly iu Ibe Atiiaie ul the ntal Utuer. al Aaacuibij. V: sre aotiiurixed tn announce JUSLPI! R. lilM-KSr-IK, ta., as a C ale lur a seat III the llou. off .I Hie next Lejilalur. "e "'' ""' 'l"'iM"- gj- w. are au.l.or.ied tu ..mount lapt. MO. H 1T.S, a. a eandiu.u tu I ro. COUIll,, ,B ,, Uou ul Cu.u.un. t.l li.e nexi General . .. ... . . oj-jvimmcuia. 1"Le caudidatea for tjovetuor will address rr- u-. .re auiboriied to state that S. J liVrrybiil baa withdrawn Iruiu lha canvass a a candidal tor, ti An Inccndiarv Amooc IT. Ou Monday -.tiefngou abuul 4 o elock,1" u alarm ot fire was given, whicb originated iu au attempt by some one lo br No. i ou tjrauite tow, lately blicd up lor a Shoe Store. A piece ot water ptool fuse waa igoilad aud placed among a parcel oi shavings, and a cbuuk ot hie aa. aiae pla- tJ Uljiivt tne couutt-r and covered over Hb liav. This i certainly tb boldest It'll place tbat we bave ever kuoau. lu broad day light and tu a siiuaiiou where person are continually, lor au at tempt of ibis kiud to be mau, shews lhal au bave a rccltlcs aud lawk-sa act among us, wb.cU our lou authorities, by every means in tbeir poaer. ouubt to eudcavor to Lve ferreted uul. There Is uo letting abal . . . 11 . amount of damage our lowu would have , , . ., , . f,.,i,i,i 11 suffered had ibe Lr 10I a foothold. Ho 4 thankful w ought to ba toUodfor warding offsuvh a disaster, Where ia the Democratic Party 1 Aud eebo ausaer where! Why split UP lud to a.y d,sb...ded, " . but ae will stop, aud aa) tbat it bualed aud then formed iuiu 10 separate Couveuilous, 4ud each ban: put fontt a ticket for lb support of their Irieud. Judg LrouUa and Mr. Fiupatnck were nominated by tb regular lAmocraiie Convention; .Mr. Pita- ; patnek declined aud (JuV. Johusou, ot lico. was appointed by the Exeuutivu Commute iu bi etead ; and the t cession, or bogut Convention, beaded by tbe Hou. W. L. Yau- ty, of AUbwa,Bomiuated Jirvckcnridg 5 'ym halotti:: " and Lane, a their candidate, for Preideat T .TV.' .. t . It w .s..U, how aoon men ohaoire their ,.., .i a oronect thai r" " Douglas was iu the ascendant ot ' were ready to upoil liiui, if nominated, yet, as soon as au cpportuiity effem, or without wailing to nee what the feelings of 'of the people were on lha sulject, ihey tip . hi III tbe cold shoulder. la Petersburg, at a meeting held to en dorse lha r-tccidcrs, ihe lion. W' li. Yeney ,is teprcBcntcd as making a real Southern ! Speech. W bal doe lhal n.eau ! This ! gentleman ha becu charged with being iu 1 favor of a dissolution of ibe Union tf fa I voting a revoluiiou of tbe cotton growing States. This be takes every opportunity now to deny, supposing, we have no doubt, tbat the people have forgotten a letter be wrote to Mr. Slaughter, frout which we take tbe followiug exiract, or perhaps he thinks tbat the SuutLiru Siaica are ready for be ing placid in tbt category be rcfeta to. Head ihe ixtracl. " but it we could do as our fathers did oigubiie " committees ot aalety " all over Ibe cotton Slates (abd it la only iu tbeitt that we can hope lor any iflVciive moveuieul) we thull ore tbe Soutbttu heart, inalruct Ihe Snuibetn mind, give courage to each other, and at Ihe J'lti PaH Hu.MM dy one oiguhiicil coiiceilrd action, tee can r eel pilule the cuilon ttulrs into HEYuLU IIU.S." The uniou men should bear in mild that nearly every diaunionial iu the country fall immediately luio I lie support of lircckeu ridge aud Lane. W hy it this t Can any satisfactory reason be given than tbat tbey ixtect to ucciu.plisb ihe oljtct nearest 1.. ir I... .rt r.1 tui.i.iiiit ttii lirael at the i South of preciilatiug a revoluiiou in the j cotlou Stale. Lei Ibe Southern people re 1 fleet betore the) ivu their adbeaiou lo tn. 'i.atiy. Let Ibeiu read lha extract above aud ponder tbe meaning well. .. r. 1 aiicy uow denies being a iliauuieutat. What did be uieau b) ibal extract ? Let some of Li llltbda suawer. l our year ago, when ibe Democratic par ty waa ubitttl, the cry from tjie Soutueru poiliou lo li e Nt bigs w as, eome over and beip Us, aa that ia tbe only Way to save the, as lie Souib ought to be united iu sentiment. Many wete seduced logo oter, hut l he Union ia not yet aved. To pfove tbat they will nut practice what ihey prearb, ' I the party i bow divided aud ilia a fact j tbat Cannot be dtuitd, neither section ot , . , j of electine I heir I ' . ' man, Jet ibslead cf now offering lo join the "!. .,.,, .,..1 Ii.ll h'r.r -j . .... .. ; ell, acceptable caudidatea, botb North aud Soult( BO , ori i, .bout a united OUUIU UOW. 1 I II. 1IHUU BUI IU uiqiu danger now as lour yrr sg! Cerlaii:! liul, iu lha language uf Mr. Calboun Ibe " victory would not inure lo ibeiu '' Of tbe Douglas wi.ig of I Ueinocratie patly we have ouly to say, that we ars op- posed to ibeiu loo, sq jailer sovereignty and ail ; )el we aie glad to sea tbat the f.iet.d of Judge Douglas ate not to be bluffed cfi by ibe a eessionisla, even it b li.e Hou. W L Yancy at tbeir head, who ibe Columbia Curohhiun cou.-ider tbe "leading spirit iu tbia wbctu tuoveuielil." It will be seen b) tbe folio ing resolutions, adopted by the Hougla National Couiiiiiliee at W'arbingion, ibal ibt-y iutei.d 10 full) organize for ibe ap proacbing Presidential cauvass, vlx : l.fioi'vti, Ibe etisis utmauding that the orgsuitaliou cl ibe demtciaiic party shall be preserved iu tail aga.ustopeu aa welt a ! secret eueuiies ol the aousliiulion and tbe I Union, II is tbcrelore recommended 10 tbe 'lieuetat Slate Couimitteea Ibal tbey t.k I measures to secure tbe adoption of an elee ! loral ticket io Ibeir lei-p-Ulve Slate, pledg I ed lo ibe unt quivocal support ol tbe i.otui j uees ot the National Heuiocratie CoBveu 1 liod, btepbeu A. Douglas and II. V. Jobu- aou. heioreil, Tbat if any Stale Committee shall omit lo lane the pr per alepa for at-eur ing sucb au ehctoral u.K.l, thru tbe nuiu I Icr ot : lii couimiltce iu that State la hi re I by auiboriied, either iu cunjubctiou will. I member ol ibe Stale (J0.11u.Kiee, or by Lis ! own act to lake sucb acliou as be ma) j deem necessary and proper for that pur 1 pose. JcrdtD'a Letter Attention i called lo tbe di-eutsion at j Motgabton. Il will be aeell lhal nfereocc 1e. by Mr. Pool, to Jordan Idler. a bicb be gives, ia a very decided manner, bi opit.iiu ol Jordau character. Uov. El.ia, 11 wt.l also l seen, asid be wa a gt-uilt-meu aud endorsed bim at aucb. W'e bate htfoi us a It-tier from a respectable living iu lb town of Hertford " bo u. some information in relation to I Jordau a character, from ubich w will giv a lew Items. li says, lu Ibe brat place, that be is ao infamous liar and au unpar alleled cowaid. living a lanyer, be ba. di-gr.ced bis pi of. s.iou b) extolling a note trom a man when drunk ; of coilectiuir bi clieut's money anJ never paying il over; of canvassing bia out ol door and talk m 'lu u,eD l" "seeiisiu tbtir opiuions aud thus slock tho Jury ; be is aUo guilty ol obtaining busiuea by unprofessional mean. II got up a subscription al lirrilord lo pre I sent to himself a .ilvt-r pitcher for hit ui- j lingunU'd poltlie.itl tei nets iu and out ol the Slat other people subscribed about Jour dollar aud be paid one huudied dot .r. h.m.elf-bougbl .be pi.cber and bad e. r it presented 10 bim.elf while at lb North uv urole bom Idler Ibat bo was lb guest 0f Cov. S.-ymore and J. Uordau lienuet, I ,Ld bad parties giveu lo him by them, wbeu ! ti knoan Ibat tbey weretu Hon J beu Le came bom b ixhibiled during a bole Court, a pair of China va-e, which be ettd wa present ftoni Gov. Ellis winch wt, a fi , r avrdw knoan to bave been bought iu KdentoD, Uov. Ellis never having seen or heard of ibem. What say tb people to ll.UI Uoe. these facta comport with the J eh.r.eter of a .,,.... ! If .he, do, do wot know what make a gentlemen, i. I C,o. Elli waa not really acquainted ib j ....t i i .!... if morgan a, in i . i ha was acquainted with him, and then vouch ed for him as a geutleman, he dcsanee the ooutt nipt nf all decent men. A Proposition -with two Faooa. We learn from ibe kegiittr, that a demo cratic, meeting was held at Kalcigb, on the 25ih ull., which waa presided over by Hob. 1). Uarriuuvr Iu l.i- remarks on taking the chair, he told the audienoe lhal although things tli'l look upmlly for the Democratic parly, yet ha bad a plan which eoiild get them out of lha kinks, lo ait 1 L I each Hcmocrat vole for the same electoral ticket, but write on the ticket the nam of lha can didate he might prefer, Douglaa or Breck enridge, aid then when ll.e votes wera coun ted out, Ibe electors would vola for the tnau designated by the majority of lha voter. W e wonder if the Hon. obiainsd thi Janus faced plan wbil ou hia mission to Rqiublican Spain. Capi. Walker of this couuty, happened 10 ba at Raleigh, aud delivered a speech The Register aaya the Captain caught grce dily at the proposition. If tbi ia o, Capt Walker must bave changed after h left Kaltigh, for it fouud no favor with tba eessiou meeting which wa held lat week, all bough lha Captain referred toil. Tbia proposiiiou i one of tbe most outra geous that aotld ba uiada by any parly a real double faced scheme l)ougla btiugjeba-ui ihu. created iu tl fluur, wbeu io favor of squatter sovereignly and Hrcck iuridge opposed. W find ibe Standard fa voting this project beeats in th Peo ple's Ticket wa run and wa lo favor uith er Jacksou or Adam. Now, if our memo ry aervea u right lb People's Ticket ' wa eot on to prevent Mr. Adam or Craw- as. go. up .u j fold from gelling th vote of ihe Slate. Ad Valorem and Billiard Tables. ., 1 1 1 T he oM.onciits of ad valorem seem 10 be ' considerably c xereid by lb fear th.l llilliard Table and spirilou liquor will only be taxed according to the ir value. It Mem lo ua Hiat any one wijb half aa ey eould ae into ibi. Pul as none ar " ao blind a iho. who will not see," it i like throwing pesrl. b, for. swine to tell , , jtii . . Ihose. bat under tbe ad valorem sy.Um Ihe, will Lav lo psy a double ts and sueb will be tb ease, la the first place, a bil- liard table if ii is worth $-0ll, will pay &0 cut. tax. ibeo for lb. prtvilege cf using ... .... .1 pobliely, 11 will ba l.led ag.ic, f a il rsy now. So iu relation 10 li quor, it will pay au ad valorem lax aeeor diog 10 vslue aud a lax for a lieen- lo re tail. If Ibia was not tb eist, we should; fitl disposed to cbarga sgaiusl cur party the deposition lo encourape rice iusiead of nlrr beat- about " for " popularity or f at lo tuppreu tt. W look apaa Ibis j rousg " lak.u iu connection a lib lb tact argument a. only an ad c.ptatuui on.,,,' " 'M.yU J,o,.t and jo.ued lb. , . , . , , . , Uiiyiium purlu show tbat be must be Ib bicb l calculated lo deceive. . ......... . . ... , bead and Iron! ol lb eonetru stand asid The Standard in a Quandary. Tb Editor of the Ststdard, wh wis a deli gait- to lb lSaitiuior Conveutioa, has come bom completely boo plu ed, 10 much so, ibat L i bol prepared lo " indieato a choice tetweea lb two ticket." Ws.wait, be says, " the acliou of the Ht-mocraiic par ty ol tb Stal." W'e feel for tb Editor for Le ssy bs feels gloomy y, aaJ, ana out "Uoa mi Ibe country !" So say ac, aud a believe God is at tbi tim doing a good work by break ing up tbe corrupt part, which has had contiol of th- 3.crs3.:,t so long tbat cor ruptiou ia sicking out, and will L-riug iuto power ibe only Nalioual P.rty thai is now in existeu, beaded by Hell and Everett. holaitbslsiiditig it still erie out " Let ut ehct oar Stole titkil, no matter what ticket wa support for Pivsideul." ; Another Democratic Conventon. The Salisbury Burner ba ibroauoul a suirgraiioo tbat il will be neee.ajry to call' another Democratic Slat Coi.veniioit, and Thursday, July lUth, i suggested as the; nrout-r tun j. Tbe (Jreensboro Patriot thinks that Uo. Ellis will do ba nominated. dee.iue aud Mr Hoi Arrival of the Orcat Eaatern. The alcamer Ureal Eastern ariited si New Yoik on the a?lb and aa iu ber dock . . .... . bv 6v m.nute cast o, amidst the greatest uj ut. y 1 eieitemebt. She ... out IU da) and '.i hour from Needles to tb bar. She bad ou hoard A'i passenger. Ibe stemr sail- ed 3,JV0 mi.e. wiihoul stopping ber Every thing women aum.r.b.y sar.aie.t speed was 14) knots. Uu dsy made JU3 mile. More Kail Road Iron. Yesterday some seveu car loads of iro a received iu lowu, lor lha Wilmington aud Hutbeilord road. Pout mile ol lb road was finished ou Wednesday last. row Tli M. C. WUHJ. Mr. Editor : Your correspondent X must I a sorl of ubxiuiluu. li.umdu.l, or else how could bs bat penned au article! tbat aa so iu time, preUtuiiiig Ibal lb liul. (elm aou'd has lb rxaltlu aud Ibe Ueiuueral would bav lo play second li Jd. lo ii. I0 tell. Mr. Editor cant )ou just let me know wbo your currespoudunt is. He U Certainly som punkln and 1 would lu uu, Wt,,ol.f. '1 u wind is er.ri.iuiy takeu out ot lb sail ol tbe Democrat cum pi.leiy, anu me v.mor. a, u .u ...c.r .eve.. A ,lir0Uf.r. NANtY. , ibtl Mj ou b;W4,jtlt ro tor Wssb. 1 iugton, with dispatches from Utah, coi'l'"" Wonder if ilia " Democrat " is not It noun tug ptopo.iiioi. iroui Hngbstu oil 10 by t' fruit about tbi lime be seem tolc'l In iloimou pioptrty at Sail Lak have rrr Houglaa " Itigbt s.'I. np with lb l ulled Mate., tb Saiul lo teuiov. car." liul Alaal W hile uiau mighty uu-I sou. poiut tb p.e.ifio eoast, t-iiher s.rt.D, King thai" 11.11." X. J tb li.niU Pos...iou or Ibe Lulled Slu . FOR THR K. C. 5VHIO. DKMOCUA ITO M AN AOKMKST OP HAIL 1SWAI. Si:BXK. Wmtmi X I'- .Kuit Vowl jroi , !ritlny to thtkaty 'Intern. Knter whig with a Utile girl 8 years oM tare , " Kmer LVnoerat with two litlla girl 8 and I'.t year o6lurr Jusl vulhifg ut ull, l ie whig had taken atock la the amount of 2,60.1. Tho democrat f-ViO worth Vi mom ha ago, oolhe 4b of July, large train of car In III Cbailotla to t'oueord . rigulur Jun both tj charged. Uu i1( same occasion trains trow Salisbury to Con cord with on Jure only charged. Probably tbi i Deuiocralio ad valorem ati'l a fair sample of tbo idea whichjjov. j yt 1(i ..nellite have of Equul isn-s and show ihut favoritism, incompetency and uiismauageuiei.t follow in ll.e uttke of the Democracy, lei thetu be placnd in what ever situation they may be. - Jonathan Worth will please take a note. SAM. rit tub s. c. tv 11 10. Sec no in the Baltimore Dtmucratio Con vention. .asbsul avsuass neuvass ma-Mir. When partial order had been restored, after the giving way of the fl )or, th Mar shal xpiessed b hope that ibe Convention would not become alarmed lhal It ass nut lb platform which had gone doau, bul aim ply a plauk of il. A Voice Which plank! A Heli-gai re-poiidt-d tb nigger plank I Anoth.-r Helegai responded thai ibis break a only Ihe loreruiiuer of the grand break lhal would soon folio iu the Conven tion ilself. Tbe seal of the Pennsylvania and New York delegations wi re also tumbled iuto lb Mr Jol.u Cochran, of New York, remark ed, " P.uns)lveuia and New York go Uou logell.ur.'' Ou of the page also remarked that when be heard lie crash, be thought it was 'he aroedt-r coming up through ll.e d f ,ul B Uoaveunou, a toey wouiJ 001 ad ' Basic caav ur TH r.aav ai.SHXHTa. Huring the delay of lb II wring, tb Keys ton liakd of Philadelphia t,.o j look Ibeir statiou in tb gallery, and one more ineti in. u. u.ui, ou. mu e.- r , It-cl ibeicof can be dieerueJ trom Ihe ue- : ece,41 proceeding, of tb uubarinouuui j Convention. j Tie musie bad 00 rflVct. The habitnsla r unl.u.eabie ibey act cf tb H "'l"'- A J j -V. Lav no tie Lcadtr-w. are but be.likg about lor popularity or patronage. , J)tJJut ., J , lb, toui.i.llor ' waa al ibe lialtimors Pow wow, "bt around. " lt-i.l know j wbeiber be slated tba grounda of' i Com-iiluiional Lniou Av.-labilii, or not 19 lb convewliou. An, bow Ik cobvenim , MOU,.. j bin.. 1 Ho I a.eau 1 Mr. M- Uea say in hi Raleigh sprteb last 1'uug- l.a received il I J elec.oral votes, mo.e thaa t.o third of the Electoral College, ki lb seceedvra, or d.aunioni-ta, only gave Hreclmride and Lano 1"J voles. 11. Councillor bavl.'K "DO fil leader." aid Yancey -lb " Couueilloi " ba uo ' lea da.. 1 be log iu and aboul the Cunventiou had som. effect, perhaps lb " Ikll " i Sucb ea, therefore, wbo belong lo the Yancey school, need k oa lo read them uul jot tb Party, 'lb tresis know by Us ' truii. Hut Mt. PuUgla ataads apou differ J cut grouud, and ao far (row leading biui oul of lb party, wc bat never read biut any , ber onlv w here has found biut bv bn ; 0aj0 ieUf t,l upou ibe quustiou of slate ry aud iu favor of a Ci.-iiiuiioni L'uioo. H tttern iJemocmt " Jm.e 5. If ibi ia true why have you deserted Huuglaa and taken up lin-ekftuf idg aitli Yauce,, tb dl.uuiouiat al lb bvad. X. Tbcr i W'to. L. Yancey a mm ale ,,ut. to precipitate lb eotluu Stales lb a Kevoiuiiuu, and tbu d.olve lb Cuiou. v e coudeuiu bi. course aud ditappiote of bl ecbe.u.-s bow a aa did last S0U.U.1 r wbeu be mad. a Q -ry -peerb ia Cbatlulle . ' il 1 tier h lirtnmrut ' ij June 5. W Sere ia lb " licmocret" now ! Cher's by jol wtib Yancey Tb aloreaaid W id L. Hiunioii .ebt-me. rierv speech in tb. nolle. Eu ! Ou ! wbal a beauty 1 did gro, toil tbat " lkii. ' X. Tb New York Herald says : " There i.. not one ol lb expuauirs made btfor lbs Covude CuluUilllee, wbicil ia al all 10 t euii.p.rt ii iu gravi.y aiili ibe ("u eoutaiit- vu iu l'o.i.iia.tir Ueueial Holt a letter f'akrot ibe Hou, ol Kepre-eulatives, ou tiie lecebl Puat Office di laletion. lie' , a list a slat ol llilug dep lo a bleb, trilufe l0 Jf uul bud , ; ulivd uuoer any .uui.ui.irsin. .ysieui iu lb wuilu. Pur lb. penud ot Bv )rat, aucuruii.g vo iiu.iasf.i. uienv, u.tse ue- ; Lb jjuu,fUuiu, U,l(g lu (UB lu.,t J . Ueui." ! Aki'Thxii Uu.i Spiki.d lion. L. O'H. Branch eaunol suppoil lb liieckci.ridge ; in !. 1" bi late Inter lo bi coustiiu enia, ' aa Well a. lu ll ill, b take gtound against " Inter vet.lion." 1 be LnckenrHij; it au " iiiietvtbllou " ticket, and our wuitny I. lend, i' .tlier Larry,'' uiu.t a nt a " p' total " declining 19 go it. Tb fullowiue i taken from the report of ibe piueeediiig. of the Connecticut L gi'' lure 1 " Hut lu la ges and luehtlui takeu up. Mr. liai.i.ou wa opposed to in pruiialou taxing l.ebeloi. 1 bt re a l.x ausad) l.tu upou a goose, and an mau bo bad l.tnty b.e )vara anu oul being mallltd could b I a led uudtl tbat avcltuu. lb btii waa poatpoucd." riiroBTkD t)rra or Khiuiiam Yti'1' 1 n mil I.i.r I... St l.i.u.a l'eu.ocisl