pcfcrrrtr Articles. A Matir k NtsT. The Raleigh Press has the follow ii g : " J 'hn I mil Trading fur a rat i'i the turfed '' St-trs H'hrie ?.v tltr 1st- t'r t It is curret.ilv rumored, we learn, ufirn lrninl.il. authority, that a younif man, in Pj.q.oisnk comm. who ha bnn rea- iiiir aw under Mr .lohn Pool, and who M has chur-eof hi nfli -e iu Ei'ailuth fit wrote, a certain letter to Mr Prank Chillies, of that cout.ly, who ..loo) promt fuMitly before l hi Ij-p isitinm.ts f.r a noun laiir to seat in the next Legislature, in Mori letter nu ffut uhs made to put the pnrty screw to Mr. Onirics by making him ladje, in -Wai.ee of a iiomiiiattoii, that he would support Mr Pod for the I'nited Slates Senate ill c-e he (ihe aforesaid JkI) as not elected i jveruor. It is said that the letter reads thus : " . rTr i. understood that you are cp0. let, of as a car.didate of pi os'ilion to n p- rc-int thiv coiiity'in the tit xt LeLi-lature. !a. i. factory answers from you to the follow, iui qiiesiions will enuie your unanimous liotniiiaiiou : J-t. Are you in favor of the promotion of John Pool ! 2 1. In cas-e of the defeat of John Pool for Governor, will you use ev.ry i tljri, both in caucus anil cut of it, if you arc a ti. ember of the next Li-jMslature, to si cure his noniinatiou for the Senate of the United States !" "Thi- letter, we learn, was banded to Mr. Charles, but be replied that he would t::ae no promises. i.erenpon, tue Couo ty convention met, aud Mr Pool' friends ued every tffort to d. feat Mr. Charles' r"n iiiatimi, and they succeeded in doin; so; they succeeded i:i prot:ii!,u g a tt'.an Imnivse he v-inn'il hot p.'e-i'g hiinf f to V ite J'tr Jritui I'i'iil fur the l'ntfe-l lntes Senate Pi 1 the " young mm " hive no name ! If he bad. why rrnt append it to the so call ed " letter The only rea-on th :t occur to u for such a remark itie oiuiN-ion is the f-iet that sii-ninz a mti' name to a letter wr.irh be n. ver wrote VBJK T Til SIOS ER TO IM'li 1MENT. Jt 19 perfectly plain ll.st the letter i not j;eiiui:.e. If it were. fay," ' tssit'i that the liter read And why a?k, "where U the tl 1 'ter : ' Ti.e olj :' the n-ahiifuctiir ef this, pre Ii ndod iet:er sho iise'f in a subsequent p ,rsraph, here the t ress say - : Thu pubTic will c-'nclud at once that Mr Pool and bis fnrnd bnve already lie s' aired rf lis election, and ffjrts are he itij made to a cure bis e'ec'tuti to ib-.' Sen t in cse the t 'ppo-iiioii -liou! J get a Ui j irity iu tbi next I c'islature." Now we have to say in reply to tha a- n s that ten das at' -. t t'bipel Hill. Mr. IV)! was eniirely cot.fi.-ut of ids election a (..ovcrt.ir, aud th it we did no: aee or t i.i ar oi a t nig -i ni.-i ai tnit p.aee (snrre t' ere were mmy from ciiff-ient parts of the State.) l,o did wot confidently believe t:i it be will be tUeted an opiuiou iu which we concur. The Press doubtless fears such a result, ar, 1 therefore endeavors to procure an itn prv.-ion that Mr 1'joI and his friends da s air. It jjM be a very filae aud uu . auct-d- ioaprtSfiotl. t T.AP FP.'M THK ANCIENT KKVE .UE SYSTEM OF THE STATE. I, mil not be auiis in tbee linie, (lis Ito .'iiisbed for deep research iolo Ihe mod. s - tea Ly our turelaiLen lor the purpose coiriiizedi as twin those of the tutor, and c-:' rai-ir r venue, to invite public aiteu- the other we very rightly cotjectured he I n 10 at, act of As-ciibiy immediately sue longed to the late proprietor of the relics e c. ir.g our r volutionary struggle, li seems : around us.. t. imr tam wholly overiook-'J in i'. e learn ' Here was a fjx for cs. Enouih of the ed financial essay b'eh. som t ne sit ee, ' si-o left to convict us, acd do place io w bieh ean-.ted from tiie Executive Committee to conceal it. of (he Peii:eralic parly. We al'.ude te the act of ''I, chapter 7. etjtit ed, " Af net for nicert'iinii.g ti hit Jjr-)irlij in this St ite shall i.ciitnt ii''r jicop'rt ii tl.r mellio of asfsm.g the t ; ie, an I cj'l'cfii'g jiu :.Uc t tZct." lredi.li a i-al, p-4.-- 4-6. ; . sectioi.-, 1-t. 4th and 5:b it is enacted, "That all hH. and Ian ;s. wll'i 1 teir i.i.arots. m t;..s. at .V a Ul.- er ihe agr f at f ly yea r , MS .ll tw b'-nl alii Oeeflie'l l.,z.b;e prf,'.iert V " At Slasi u--1rr set, , ,r.,r f.f' a ge, atl.l all W o are ts IW, , l:ie aga id fi tv, and a lly, shall od- b. t; ag'a of tWrty .,d fiity. , ul be r 1. 1 at f.rtv A H all ah.ves. forty, , cd. th. ,!ia I be r. .t eigitt v p-.unds.' a io. c by o..iiy ii.ti'oil l:. e,p,e,ty to e yl :j am ci-r!i6 -d by Vl.i ui ly Court, shall ot hJ ; u.irii.o I'l't.i projierty." If'-re is a f.ure ad valorem tax on slives a' properly, laf -d wiib iai.d and other pro , p. rty, aase-sed by the legislature iu the ve- i ry mode no used by one or more of the ' Sju'herD States. As our le'i-iature sits every otlu r year, : It is obvious lbat by muKiply'tig the classes . r,j ivea aecrdtn to ae, it t very easy ' , lr tiat body to as-r,'n to each class an H'iike va!. .tioti of practical o nu ;y. in e jiihi t' luii with this we find, as far back as ins liey- f tiie " Kee'ilaM jo," the in ba: iiaiits of Otat's j Howan eoumies " pi t.!. .iiinf tiov. Tryoti, the council and gi r 'li-nieli of the House of Assembly, " a In a, i' other li. in. s, ' to pas. au act to tax every our? ID pr,pnrtiuu to bia estate,' 4.C l.idrih l.rrit-er. iJkLL A-U EvtuflT 1 Cfe.1 i n0 Jn Ntw Y .ieK The fri. trls of li i! a'.d Kvi r :t b.-'d a very I a r r sti Ic t i-;u nii'i ' iti ,n New Y ) 'i cr'y on Friday cv i.in,.', J ane 1,1, Hot. F. A. l a .de. pr.-i led. and ..!,. freest w as I. ail, d as ot.- of the it- Presi 6 nis, tut w ii 'it present 'I be n-r,-rt of Ihe doings of tie Ha.llu.'jrw C ,nv nn ,ti acre read by H'n. Erastua lir .f ka. Sf,. clie were made by Hon JaiM M Qi.ti. j and I .i, t uslavus A lleury , of Tennessee, and 11 li. Z. bulot. !' 'atiee. of North Carolina The folios It extract cf 3 letter !r .n, ig 'r. si !ei,t I ininre was r ad to the n.eit.ty. s , J was rec ited with real enthu-ia-iu ; " I regatd the u-e? of i y nsuie by the I;-!"M ,iean p e-s as fra j 1 ll-tit and lui" . ...win', ai d shsll vole for ,i a-.i Ever e i whether any one eUe in the Slate does ao or not.'' Tu iui Mti.iiAiir ir Nhktii Cavl'U A -M.l.taiy Com eniiou i:i bo h. ,i the town of (oid-boro', on He !i.i;'1j, b of July. I'bll. Ad the vol i.i.ii riipaliK'S of the Slate are i p, t-ttd lo en i i-.teo iu lui d ri ss uniform. An inc-s i arraiifc'ea.eirs for the lueitim; wi,i be i.e 'll.e V. A V ,HI,i N. 0'. Ra.ilJo. l . i a I.i. w .ii I ass di ii a!e for btte late I .it her f'"'t tanie' are tgli.eted to do i.ne Tne ffi.-i r . y Sel ool- tnroujl, " in .led to be pi -.-.fa f ll.e Mi.itia an. I ,,it the Stale are -.ut IVti'iii"- LINCOLN ENDORSES THE TTtKASON ABLE SENTIMENTS OF SUMNER. Despite the endeavor of the more wiljr of .lilacs' Hopulilirnti leaders, to cover over, or to entirely conceal the real designs of that parly upon the peace aud diiMiity of 'he South, their caution in now and theiide feated by tht) aval of lusi discreet coatlju- tors, and the true objects of black Hrpuh- licani-m revealed in all their atrociiy. Thus long John Ventworih. Major of Chi- cago, the intimate friend of Abe," a ml the earne-t ad voc.it of the election of Lincoln lhd Hamlin, in coiiitneiitinir through his paper, the ' Cilktiga Democrat," upon thoj recent treoniiile speech ol the castigated poltroon, Chnrles Simmer, says , ' This speech is ibe embodiment of Re- pullicau'lMii. The spirit which it breathe i tbeepirit which animates and gives vitnli- ty and force lo our crgatiigation. This fjir- it ha never before been so faithfully and powerfully embodied as it now is in thia speech. Here, is iu a uiiror, can be seen the barbariMii of slavery, painted in all its hideouMiei.s, aud the weapons with ahiohl ; Uepubliean party assail this monger; of iniquity, by the Hretigth of which itt.buU filially be slain. j ! -The Speech of Mr. Sumner, expresses, "' thoughts thut brenthe mul vonlt that Wn,.,e sentiments of Lincoln ,avd Hum., m"n 01 every true nepuwican, on ine preat principle of antagnnisui to slavery, hieb binds our parly toeiher. When remrtnber that Lincoln, nntirij,ntitig ami -Vr. SrwruU in his eiiUHCftwn of the truth th.it ni irrrprsih!e cofln-t teas wi ping urittren titrtitiiii ami pivrt, tie clared that all the Slates of thia confedera cy must become all one il.it. jr, or ail the other must become all Slave or all Free he struck the key note to the sublime de nuticiaiioti of the c'u'O'tie wroti.' and harba rini of shivery, which has just fallen from the lips of Mr. Sumner." Hunting it a Skin One nibi as my friend P and myself, who were both students at old Yale, were out taking a h; tie run around tl.e city we found ourselves, - ' I at a rather lale hour of the tiifht before the i door of a we.il kuou grojir by the tame I of -".' Stop a iroBict t," said P- turn ing and poz n' at Snip's fancy sin tint was . fi:s;iu to and fio in the brcite. " What's up !" I a.-ked, after bad eyed it for seme time contemplatively. j "Xjlhiritf in particular, Hob," said he;' 'jut give n,e a little hoist here, and I'll' fetch that picture don in double qiick time. That Snip is a scoundrel, for be pre- j Milled mv bill this niorinnj and when 1 ro- , 4 .. :. 1 .l. . . I , : r . .i ' V 3 1 c ulu m uo 'Uor 1 No soont f asked than received: the sicn .as down aud we were off in triumph. Sudiienly a window opened and out copped tne in.n 0r fnip, crun : j Hrios that back, you infernal youne 1 Tiiaua, liriug tlut ere back liow miud, I ,tel ver." ) So answer was returned, but a specimen i 0f very tall walking took place, tt'e were oon in our room with the door locked, and the olttterinif prige before us. for we had i,,.nr t.s it llt J-..!, !.. .h. .:j of axe that chanced to be at hand, it was soon reduced to Dieecs remarkahlv adon. ltd to our stove, ,io which It was di-ap- ' ,, .... i p-ar.ne as ume would permit. Kre It had ps.sed from sight, we were stsrtled by the cautious triad of two persons apoarerlly nearing; our door Jbe step, of one we re- , Hap, door. ap, rap, rap, was sounded at the I ;:ave myself up to fate, and was about to go and unlock it when I was arrtsted by the voice of -eicUiming iu the Uiost solemn tones imaginable : " From rverlastiiis to evtllasti Tlou, oh, Lird of !1 j.-ts." rl Turning round iu astjriislinj-rit, I behclj riiy friend on his kriess cnaoed in prayer. The out Md-.-r were evidi ul!y astonished, ai no forth-.-s tick cu the door took place. Snip s coti6deuce at the precise iudi . id.i ils was douhlleas shaken in sjme deeree. Iu the meautime, I t ok the hint and went to piling in the -lrti w i!b a vetieancc. -puu out bis prayer ti'.l the la-t piece was reduced to e-t.es, and then r.isin his voice to a liitfb key, he Cuishcd bS with the a jo- . tatioa : " And oh, have mercy upon this wicked r,d adulterous petn ration, who oo ahout ekio' for a skji, but ahall have bo aiti l.eli 1L. in. An eu. i This iast rei.rwed the su'ticion of the out-H1, rs, tii. y repeated the knockii' We d theujur; they entered, a, id afier a uiiu'j'e searcu iu every corner, they gav' it up aud decided that we Were not the gut.'jr ones. 1 1 1 I i.otteed as our victim diis j eartd, hi- last g iz-j turned ujO-1 wist lu to ojr e'. j'.e. Th CahijLina U'i.mkn op 17t . The virtue au'i ii.ananiii.ity of the Charleston id, ei vice wiih the ."partaui of o.d. No-! tniiiJ can equal their aiibtreuce to the iu-I dependence of America. 'J'he vat.q oi-hers j Mine ali iu their power to ioduce in em to ; pari.ike of l!., ir aj.u-. tiii i.ts, but all their j iuipoituuit.es cauuot prcia'l upon any of, tinui to add a lu-tre to tht ir bails, etc. I hev. sensible of the di-treslel of the fonee ! hapt..)) country, stem to take no pleasure hut iu retiring frfiu pub,ic ,iet to Lemoau the I eaur of aulferiii) liherlf. lieu 'tiol hiiii I lui tyrannical ue.truct.on appesr, to be i '. 'I hovering oer eiery friend to freedom, thev, ! , e a- . . I ine true heroine,, di-eovr r au invincible ! la Mi. i. ess U'i resoluuon Were the men ba.f so steady to their country-! good as ihe wo- I men, no bath.u cuuld toast more iilusirious ualirea tbau t.'a.uiiua. Jo tiie everlasting oli'v of ihe si i uiai.v ss.n, f.r. .,1 d itedof ladies exburiiu tbur dearest coo h'tUviii to ii l.n sun a beeouimg forti tu ie ; annoui lor their honor, earne-tly urjj ii,i' Un til to per-everanee, while they, by a iau iab.e econ'aiiiy, are sopporliUjj their fan.i- li, . Ate not tbee thius enough to n-ani- I mate the t'l'olini ans to recover their op j j.res-ed oo.it. try J - frank Mj-jre t Jjiny nl ihe IU it Mut i 'tit. I A NfcW Hf:i.l';i'ii.s Sg T ' 8o'll Sleep is Hie name ol a ii.-w reiiioua sect re.ii.t.y ma le lis appearance at I .a four men aril one woman. Fa. "I"1'1 " u! toe t, hive been tarry iii j at Ihat pi.ee, and sleeping in t.-nt '1 hey aie oj pj.ed io cnurche", d.-i.j liie divinity Ol l'l,ll-l. leach that lh,: ,,! , mat, llal aubstauoe, an I s,. . p, ihe bojy ubiil : the resurrte.iou. JOII. II i:IiY WAVT, , Surgeon Itrntist, (fiAKt T IN MlDICINR 1NO PlNTISTT.) OFFIl L' in nrnw!ry' nmiilinf, I p Stuirs, Oppo Irrr n II Mfl, - rn t it M'i tk, n. c rrr-v CjC'RGK'AI. OPERATIONS, aach .'te&f$ a.r.rr palate, hark. nilXJi.lp. Tl'VOKS t mouth and J.w li. rfnrn.nl. I R Al'I IK ES and DISLOC ATIONS of lbs Jiwa United. IV, I h filled wild COLD. SILVER, TIN r AMALGAM. AKTIFU 1 A I. TFKTll inseilcd in the heat manner. IT A ver superior TOOTH POWDER and TOOTH WASH constantly on hand. E''J, j mo'iVk U" PRICKS MODERATE and all work dona S.llnf.ClnrV to the patlctlt. IT FAMILIES wailed on t their houses. I " A stock of Dcnl.sl'e Materials always on li.nl. If GOLD nd SILVER Plate and V.'ira of any fineness gotten r.ut. I rOr.'.ers from a distance attended to promptly. Ftbntart SI. I eCtl. slSlf PP I VI) ( 1 I V VllliVll 1 V,A liitimi OF C2"D"F? X"TTC RSk'JL -jlJ-' VSaT AND N T"T TT" Tf m i ' XViXVXJJX. iMiV ON TUESDAY 'I'll K 31 OF ELI AS Jt COIILV WILL Ol'KX AT THE STORE rOfUERLT OCCIPIED CY T, II. Brem & Co., . n n fn rti TiT n t irrrT ernece ad OAK It 1 U f. HALM J.tU LtlibtM JIUtii Of 5 "IV Kit nflerrrftn the public in this vicinity. A. 1J iiii.uk our Ladies Ureas tnatos will bo lound Kioiineii Silk Robes, ("rape Marets, on. It.rege do. Plain and Tig'd tlarrges, do. French Organdies, Best French Organuies, do. do. J ,fR..:.. t du. Oslllalilles, R jbes Euatnia &. Lts- llcloise (siei.adinta, bia, do. do. Imperatrice, Rlack and Col'd Silka, Jaci.nel Org .mlit s and Tauijriniea, tj.rests. n.ibes ia every viriety, GrrnaHine Pnplins, Krench J icnels, ilk Harp fhalhes. Enelih. French and di.m. sue PKILLIANIS K"IJ French l.INUHAMS At l..tSS, l.lii:llll, Trent ll aiul Alltf ric.Ht riiixxs . in every variety ami alyle. ! White Goods. Mull, Swiss. B k, Nanioaik aud Jaconet Mai. lin.. B d Lmen Lawns, Limn ll, ,i Dlaeers, L'lien Table Cloths aud Da- 1 . 11..!.. .... L)..,H. A.. Slirnvls aud .Mantles. r,'i""'i ' L ntles.L.re toint. & Shaw's. Lire M ha M.awls, l.n.btoiuered Lice I otnU, ,,., jiui,ana and Pitailomn,,,., rto S.Ik .no ..;ee .M nties ane Mantillas ..t' every description, Lu.en, Birege and Cotton Dust. ra. g,K IVi IK X: St'ttc. .. IV.V,l.. v vimi.. vv s;vn Valenceiues iaee, U.sik, .ea.nit M .orning Linen and P. que with i beaoiitol stock ol Eiuhr.ndi red 11 .niiherclnc's, l-i:ants V,., an. R .lies, Elnull. cii) j, E, g'tij;., Ina, rlings lnj L'leiia Tiiunuings Uoiincts. In our Irintmrd B-.noela cur taste ia acknowl. e'.ged. 'te have a teautitut supply. Aiso in French Ei.'wers. Rneoea sn l Ribb,na. FRKNCU IMPOUTKD r.inisols, Fans k Head Dresses, ih tin uuu-u.ily lt muck of lOKr.lti.Y Hint IHK1I i:TMt DBY GOODS. i.o Tin. y tv, ii.iuuhm n noo i si,s,i:oi .tnii ii a i , gener il s.sortinent of Mrchaiidii, wliieh ei.fc.' fT- ring loeur frieiiusatid eusi-ainera sl prices wi.icii dely eonipelito.u. NO CHAlttiE FOR SIIO.VING oOKDs: IltmcmbiT Ladies, Tuesday .April d, ELIAS & COHEN, At T. II. Lrem .j- Co s Old .-bind. WE HAVE A LaHC'E STOCK OF GROCERIE $tnre H tuse lormeriy ma Al 1 o, '(.(rf,ite. rUitt. Mmck a-:. I 60. upicd by II. B. Itf jj3 ia) isso I ut io ii . t nil L. hnn ol T. II. i em k u. . tins day die. A soiteu by malual cjh.-i.t. J'i BiauKS and papers arc In the hauds of T. II. rlrem, at the II ,r,i w are r-i.,r I Mr.nt 6l S,i.ijt. All per. en:. Ii i. . bled In sal, I tirin will Call and settle tnr raine Willi him; and ail person, hiitlllg claims will prteeul tiieiu to hnn lor payment. T. II LitKM. J. A. SADLER, Jr. T. L. ALEXANDER. .Hares 26. 1 SCO. iu Z. II. JOII.V. titer II I tuilftltttS lgCHt, loiepltfWB, Ttrry luonly, lULnma, ... "'1L I":'"1".'' '." "ie eol,""oa ' ' II eta, ma placed iu his hinds, ... , , . . , . . ... . ' t'te t laims loosed a'ler. Land Claims ferret, ,ru out. and .b.c....n..g osbtr. l,i.e up at rea. auuabw ciiargas. 1KXA.S CLAIMS, ITfoMeeiions i.ia.je in Tea is, ss heretofore, tl.r'Hli'h my attorri. y Ulay IW Sbftly (ll pel,,; rromp.i 43-lg Wm. J. Kerr A T T U II . E Y A T L A IV, I II l It LOT I i;, I ., ' ILLtffaeiiea in t ne Cnurtso) Mecklenburg, w Loioii ana i:.,burrijs eoiintus. ll'U.h't iu me Brawl Iiuiluing opposite 0 I-eiiiov.-il. Fn.rnja sn! f'uaiorneis are resicf fully ..torii.er: toil 1 have removed my T u Shop ,g.' H,.ea lluileu.g, 3.1 d.a.r Irum th-e-.r Tryon slrc-.t, wln.r l, will be pleased lo S. T. Wilis TON. If atanaery 31, Ifcl,.. A.AV. AU-XA.l)liIJ, ( u n a t: o .1 r tm s r, FFFRS hi aervieea to th eiti. ! nnl t'ns aud aitjuininv chum tins ill 111- t'ealllient i.l r."i( In I . lies of llio teeth." Diseases f tlw inuutli.' leeth filled in Mlltul anil aalislaetury manner. Ar. tirle.ial twill inserted nn Gold or Si vcr ilale, also India Rubber vuleamaiil base. This style el work lias many arivinl.irra over the Swaged wirk. It can Ik arialed to I lie infuilli Willi le irril.ten llivn the Kvtaed -'k it is also clieupef, II is Tree frmii any unpleasant "dor or taste. Hitvtiiir heroine aent tor the Aim. iirun Hird Robber e.mipnny hs will supply Denlisis with f fice rights la iiiaMul'-.tiuru Plalea snd Uuina lor Art. final Teeth and the Apparatus and Mtenul. lie will alao iva iiislruutimia in the art on mod erate terms. As he apect t- do a travelling ku-ire-i per. suns desiring wink dmir, can be attended to at thrir rcsideiiera, ky adiltessinf him at 1 ucka. eeee P O., Meeklcnburf Co., N. I". Li' All work warranted. Aj,i,l3.mo. 9if The Corner DRUG Store, CII Kit I.O IT i:, C. v.. ' V v. nuiTTns() & o. MlL'I.D respeclliillycall th attention of Ilia W ? public In their l.iige uneeimipleleMirtik n.iw being niirned lor the S,.nnj Tra.le, consisting t Drui;s, Medieiiies, 1'iie.nieals, Perfumery, Fim-y Arlielr., Oils, Turientins, Hurniiiu, Fiunl, Alcn. hot, ',,ro Medical Wines and B.anilies, Calilmi Te is. K.e'd and (S'ird, 11 Seeds, die., Ac. Junuar 17, I8tiU. 43lf IIOU'Altl) ASSOCIATION l'HII.ADI I.PMI A. A llinernlrnt ImlilutioK ttlubiiihrj l.y tp'cint liiivmnt. fur ('. Utluj Ihr Sick nud llistirttij. mj)!ictni with Vnultnl awl r..K'SMV Ihimtn,. nil rt)cwUy Jut the are of 'irrairr Iht S'jiiat V'gnnl M1 fclMl At. ADVH E given gralis.bv Ihe Ae. IH' S"urgri.tl,lii all wh" apply by h Her. Ith a inscription i ir cnilition, (-.ge, ncrouatmn, h .bils nl life, Scr ,) jnd in Rase ol rllrrnie pov. ertv. Msiltrtiiea l.irniphed tree cl charge. VAi l AHI.K KKPOUTS mi rlMeriiiat.irrl.osa. and i.ilur D.re.iss nl' lh eiriual Orgnia. anil "D Hie NKVV KK.MF.IHt: eniit)ed iu the Diaen. aary sent to the olllel.d in sealed letter envri. opes, tret Itt charge. Ian or Hires sStsup for pus. tag r:..Me. Address. I.R J. tKII.I.lN IIDl'GHTGN. Ae. t'ng sarfmn, nowaru asmhmmihiii, o. j iiuio J,,i, Mrert, Philadelphia, Pa. By order ul lha t.ng hurgeon, Howard Aaaociatmo, ro. J ixiutn Diaeclors. GEO. FAIRU11LD. SfcrrUi EZIIA D. IIEAliTW ELIa, Prsdal. Ftk. 7, IShO. su-IV ( ih:koivi:i: kimii.dv. AX INFAILIXi; I I RE FOR Cooorrbtti It til Diuuxitf the Iriii.iry Or;na. T HIS REMEDY' cures when all oilier preps, I) u er eeniMunt ; cuotaiuining NoAliitr.aaL Pulsus ,r N 4t'ssoLS Jlstu; as tl is prepared si.teiy lr,,m Roots, Basks aud Lcsvta, and haa been handed cnwii, fiom one gel, i ration to another, ny tha ' . " " '"""-"" r ' ' 'quieiily ann thoroughly. Tnc L'seosTt.'.Ta, t either sti will be repaid by u-.r.g this hsMsuT, ' instead '. placing theuisa-lvrs st tor mercy ol soma Q or l'-,,l,ss.,r. nis I.'imskv sirista at I lie veiy Rout of thk d:.easr ; lis I. hueoef m not aim. p!y to sus-Sld the lanaoo. Out to RlMOVK T1IK t'susa on which It ih je-nda, t'u'l dirertn.ns III , loiiiaiili I form, aceoii ai,y e.cli laottli I he spe i d y and pt rota.. t e 1. 1 aif.i.ued Ly tu a R, on oy , snimnr,, (.lsst. l.sivti. Stsic. vr aa. Ft-Coa Ai.sls. I VI hitls is r sw.i .nd all Di-.;a... l tor L'rinary O gai.s, lias ..bnii'lied toe "noal scienl.Ro nun ot" ll.e ag. Tills Re'lltdy nol onlg erad. rales all Puiso.s I'role U.rM.Tlal but lsviooaaTra 'hr .,, .t nehcatr e.inai.tun .o. U It d'a Not ArrtCT Ihe Baaseu or Istvs rraa with any t Lass id L'lsissss, of require any urn. iimn Iro.n the uuil uiti. XT It rirjotrea no a.s.slaiiee from other medi. cine. l And what FsH4i rs its Vairt. is T.a Tirr AaatNca-.f all .N ie-r ea I asti, being a I'i.S4Sast and DaLieioes vst r Pin t rra H .TTi.r. nri 'liiara Borri.ra log ". P., IT EH i MEkW.,Sole Pronrietor.. St. Louts, M i. Sold in Charlulle, by Dr. V. scare. " K re II ii:chison & Co. Columbia. F in r & Heioilsii. .ad all Druggists in Ine i,ui,lry. Van Sehaaea A tsrirrson, Charleston, Apr, I it, IHbU.-ly VViiuhmsIc Dealers. YKS Kill aMalY L'iE OR KECOMMENH Heimstreet's Inunitable 11 AIIJ t IH.OKIM,: AUD fiHB IT TJ A PERFECT HAIR RESTORATIVE, promo. tng the strength and growth of the Ha r, ,..I g,vn,g it sll the beauty ul y 0lli. Do yuu nouhl itf 1st. 'i (I ! lCt .nl ! IU;il! H.hsoos Last, E-.ta I o , N. Y , trilmmrlf b, tOart. t W. fc llaaan.Truy N. Y ., ll.ar i II vmg used your ll.nr Coloring or Itestor-ilive, ana being uiuC" Ira.eu M,(h ll, 1 lasc ptea.lire 111 making loo loihiwiog slatemeMl i from the el. leeta u. a Very aevere bl of siesoess, when almul in years ofa,,gc, my Ii iir cooi.iieiieeo turiiing gr. y, and so cool, 11 oed to grow u,.t l it Itcumt ptijtcuy ic'.ife, being very tiaran a.ui coarse. LaMt.-suii.nier I had reached my hl' y Ih.rdyear, w.ie.i I was in. ,.u e,l by all lend to purtll.se l h,.llu ,,l ll.oui. ireet'a tl..ir Uesloralive prep. rid by y,.u. 1 cm. oienecd using it according to niri-ciioi.M, and iii a lew days waa surprised tu lind that my i.air tro.o the tools outward was lurni, g line t,, its ur.g.iial color, ll so coolinu. d to g roar unlit it waaaa tru ly brown and glos.y as it was In ll. JT youlhlbl days, hud ii nvs" 'uiiv restored l its iiigimtit color. Mll.A M.,l.lt.V. I'.tt'X to .tl My la Seaman came before n.t ano w is uuiy a atom. a. to ays toal Ihe asui statement la true, una Gin u ly nl p'enruiry, ln.ri. JULL F. I'll I I EU, Ju$iut Ue I'mct. PiTTsroau, Vt , Aug. I, ij7. I hereby certify, that ov hair having becnine quite gray, I U-, O lielinelreel's Hair Kealnral.ve, I (prepared by W. K. Ilaoas, ol J ry, li. Y ,) fur lour weeks, and my ,,r was in that tuna re stored to ita origtu.l color. 1 call ful,y rccoei. uiend lha article lo b all .1 claims. WM. HIN-aSLtY, 'eser of tht Hnptitt dure. I'tlitfoid, t l. Mr. W. E tlsaaa: 1 have used 11. i.o.lre. l' H,ir Reatorat.ve lor ihre years, an i li.,ve tound il lo be a most eicellent article, ll not only re-si- red ttie Co. or ot nil hair, giving .1 new llle and strength, but it eureo myseil sou wile ol moat i b.ti.ia le er notion on (he scalp, wnieli fternnf er tcmtit It trnrit. J Lilly believe it l" be iiie best it. .. loin use. Yurs Heaiieet lolly, h.NiJAL'Ki.N HO.VLA.VJ. The above are but a few of ihe many letiers l recoiiimt nuatioii which have been ten-nereo to Ihe proprietors of llcl. Hatred's It ,ir i:.,loruig o, Kea. tnrslive. It has Been O.SU by IhoBa lBoa ol p op e, nd it uevrr I., .is lo re. lore ihe eoh.r au.i growili ol the hair. 'Una singular . d'-el le nol produced as hen d es are used ; l,.r il acts up. ii the uaiu t .l .ccrstiolis ul eoloi.ug ii. liter sl the i.a.t., ,,,d thus rt-el. the r ,iat gn. 'for color pi win r 4 im nol a rounltifnl, but Iht muttat thuiit of yaul. it dote nut culor the skin. PriC'SlleinWtl liU ,o-r b-Hile H.ld evrrvwhere. W. E. II WAX Ii :.,. Proori. tors. Troy. N Y. Sold in t hirl.itte by Dr. F. c.,rr. and all Drug gisla io Ihe Ui.ih it M , , , V m H, naaek and tirier. a.n.l li.iliii ai. VVhoi... la Agsnla. Apnl ,t, IsiaJ. 1 Y S A !ltL'V I- i'" - wwaasft.wM'BMt travelling pontic anil others w no H. . fi.yiAv'M 2 I may eall on him, ann he fl-tters himsell that aa I M v f"i'r'!wt i I i : euinliiruble qu .ners can t Inuiirt Willi hnn aa I t-i 'Tv? "'"t Y'J-si.J ift m ; any wherae in tins viemily. Being ailuatrrt nea r- j " I Ji-tUckX 'JtS-'"-L V s i. ' i Iv ia tlw centre of Charlotte, Business Men will I OtiMitiiiff-llr!! Alinminc. kit I I'll 111 S -5 -5 ;-S 1? is -ii " Sl Si III II i.iitnii7is rj,ii'si;i.Ka J),.W.Sli... ... ... ... i , .. .4.. 1 i s 4 .Ilug. s r s elnt'ii 1 1 11 4 BjlO II 1 h 1 1 7 : 1 h iiiirit'isiiannis 1 1 j 1 w irj ... I... -. ...I..J I I; 4 e! r s1 s'iii Ir 1 Sl 4l S "I 7l 11 im 41 m j . OcL a guiiiitiiiiin 11 laliailt'lHilii n 21 -a . - !ja,ju... ... 11 ... j; a 4 s ,:c I .: 1 r j'j 1 ii sl 71 s 11. llMl 14 isiir. 1; lien ijiniii i , in 'Tit" I'J,:'..'i:j.' 1 1 i 1 j H i.1 is 11 .s is GOODS. II R subset iber baa received a large aud ri JL cd asurtmeiil of lor Spriug and Suinmar, which fur cheapness and ealnva,eslif be surpassed, eoliaialii.g in part of IILick ai.d e..t..'ed t l.OTII.S, lli .ea DuKsklN, 1'h.i.i, lli .ck and Fney rASIIKREs, Kr. tirh Drub D K l K-S. I PI. in Hi ck .on F gi.red Silk VF.STINtiS. F.. ey L.i.en DltlLM. I .ml It ihrr ii..ni nu .lly f'.und in a first rh.ra T f.i ( E'lahlirbmcut. Alt nl which will be . made tu iiruer or so.d by the y.im on arceiouioda. ting terms. J. 8 PIIILLEPS. In returning my thanks to the HM-ns of Thar ' luite, lor the vr kind ann lilHtal p.itimagc llity ' have bestuwed un me. 1 weuhl r.q.iesl a rolitititt- j ante t the same, wub the assrMiiee tn.it all or. nrr, entrusted to me will be at. lly a.id .r..n.i.tly rairoten J . r. rai-eoten. j Ajiritll, I860, CHAKLOTTi: llOTJ-Ia, a. mnum. (II AKLll lTKe Ik. t . location, tie has been engaged in the ba at this stand nearly eighteen yeara, and in that! tune lie baa wiaue several adititimis to his former I house, and It has been grastly nilarr anil ni. 1 proved, presenting in front a two atnr y r.H AMA ' ,uu leei in lengtii ov i lest in wiuin. nanus.ineiy shaded by trees on the side-walk, affording a pica, sant promenade at all hoars nf the day. j The House has been thoroughly furnished thro. . out, and in every pert of it ereaiura eomforla are abundant and tangible, especially in the DLM.NU 1 ROOM, where Ihe "inner uiau " is "renewed" ' d.y by day. 'onnected with this Hotel sra Stables affording J room 'or lOu hnrsss, sbandanily turmshed with , grain and provender, attended by faitbiul ana o, ! blig.ng hitters. J The Proprietor feelseon6dent tlutwith his'nng eiperienee desire to pi. d many new adVanlages attrtrd to bis e, he is prepared to vlfer his Irienoa and ine restni mansmo, as many eonuoris ana ( ss much gixsit cheer .swill be luund anywhere. perhaps a little more so J" At say rale Tar Ilia I narnnte niei I. li. KER.R 3alll i Thousand are diily aieakii.g in Ihe praiaeof ! Dr. E.itoii a Iiil'iiitile Cordial, vby ? b ci u fItf I ... ('i ..fT-rd i ...r. hsvri.- trit.1 i t troe. Sit l'.uiKa.oiiH'.wtni'i rr.. j of any kieu, ,d eirt-rslors rrlo-ses by respiting lha autf rings of y,,ur ehiht, iitsle-d ol by deaden. I lug t. a. .-...l.ilinea. F. ll. is reason, It rooimeii.ta ' iIm-II . ealr reliable pn nar .lion ro w known , fr I HILI'hfcM 'I EE I tl I Mi. Dl Ml K f U IH E A, I jlJV shN i miV ;t:tl lMi in i..e t:tiJ 1 1, a. i it 1DI I V of ti,a sliiVt M II. VVINII, i OLD IV ( j 'I I! K HEAD. ..i..i I hll l',ai.. h r. alien. ng the I . go lis. reducrg ihA hiiiii ,lio, n gulati ng the B,w. j j e.a, anil relieving p,ln. It ba li,i iqu itbeu,g an ' , ai,li.SMs.i,rHl.e il is nai.l with isnlaihi g ..sr. rn I I sll ca.es ot t UN VI lliiNrt ott OI'llKR Fl I'sv. As you value ihe lite ano bealih ill sour eli.ldrvn, i ami wi.h to ave them Ir ih e aad and hhgut- I ing coos, qiiei.eea ivmrli .1. ni,,s ro reett t-,m j j Ihe iik ol nareollci ot' wmeli all nth. r mn i.si I for Lilaltlile I oi.i.l.i, t. are l-,.n,.a,-,l t.ka l,.,ne but Dlf EA ION J INKAM II.Ei IHIMAl,. this I y,-w r. ly U.on. It is ri.el y h ,rn,h snd j cai.iM.l jore Hie mot delieale inta.il Prier, .t eriita. r'ull oireetion accompany each bottle. Prepared and Sold by CHl'liCH k DUPONr.Pruffgista, No. M, V,le,, Y.rk, and by K. N.c Ifulelii.Kan Sl Ci Charlotte. N. C. I . Ho.rr. Healthy human B.'d upon being A S AlaY7al.l. alwiys pre-enta us Willi ll.e s ine eeicritln! els. ineni., uui g.vee ot course Ihe lllLE TAN. DaUD. An .l)ie the Ul.aid ol a pi r a. ,11 eutf -ring Irooi l oii-umptMn. Liver C,.n.(.lai.it, fly.pipala. d in every ii.Uati car. rsd globules of B. a .tie eficivnctes. ,1,,,l t t'lese d Tiie HI.UttD (U JU I. lounde.l up... this Thcutf nctice lis astoinsuiiig success. There are V ii I) Tcp.iriilions 1111 adapted to the Hi neiet.eii s nf the Wood in H.fJ, t. ent nl.e-ses. ! t (it'till.-S, I OLDH, llltO.Nt H-ITa-i or any stT elion what verm the " HIlDAT ni Ll Mis inomng t IJN.s.'.MP H)S, use No I, which la also Itiu tin. f,.f llepriasion ui fpilits, . ,. nf Apsl te, sd h.r all t hluoie I'umpla. lila. arts ni IrtMii (in r.n-e,( nerai D.V.Iity, and Pier rru rat,, i 3. for Liver t omiilaitite. No. 3, for DysH.ia, llemg already prep. red lor absorpiion it is 'J'aken by Dr..4a and carried i immediately into Ine eireula-ii,n so that what you I g un ret.im. The No. 4 is for F.-nmle rregul.,ri. l.es, Hysteria, Weakness. Ac S. - sotiial nine j I oris lor litis. rr rS.ilt Ithenn., Erupt on. S, ro fuh.na. Linn, y and lil idiler Cmupl .mis, t-ke No. '6. in all e.seethe direetio.is oiii-i he stractly j loll ,wed. Pr.c of the lil.HD FUOD, II pr bottle. Scld by CnUKCII A DL'PONT, Druggista No. 3i. M ..... n Line, Ni w Yoia, I snd a , Id bv E. ,Ny Hulchiaon At I o. ann P. hear i, Charlol.e N. C. tht ly EXECUTIONS for the S. Court for tale. SL'LPEN'AS for aal at tbia 0fl.ee. ! ftJlllF.Pruiirietrirthia Hotel ia 9 aJLrfVwi - Still al his post resdy U. lul- n r. t l BrTT'litj fiitl.rd..I,eanfm.neho.l,'liitll - 1 & aJ .".) - " " ,. .-. . I " " "s Important to Mill Owners,: ( V If T TlliS OUT. ) JNO. A. 'MAMA JTllX'S Celebrated Emnt & Screening machine 111 AM'FAl'Tt'RED at Soul Ii Lowell, K.O. a mi LtM. shipped to all parts ol the I'liilen rU iles Liberal reductions niadu to those who have used my M-iehiii and wishlhsiii r.bi.nged. .The Pah. honruoauli..ni'd again! ii'"io and Impoiillum None genuine unless aei oinpi'liieu by my bill, sod eaid, and sold by my legally uulhuriatd tgehls. Adilresa r " " ' ' JNO. A. M. MANNKN, . i. i ..ulh 1-oweli, ti. C. Morck 20. fr,a. , . . f-iu i .. WAIIINGTON HOTEL (ohanoi or pnopRiiToug ) v ItltOADSIHKI T M HlltltV.N.t, J3atI P. JJiE3. Pronrietot. ,, , . .r i. ' . fllh Undersigned respectfully announees to Jl the travell.og public, that ba ha. lake. charge ol this old snd popular esianiiaiinieni, ana ia now prepared in aeeoinnimlate travelers and nri. ! vale lan.tliea Willi board by Ihe day or month, on the most aeroiiimodating I ri4i. His TAliLE will always be (uimshed with the best prnvisioua that home ud fureign markelaeati an" I'd. ' The Wllkhliiltlnn Ilst4-I has large rooms, is nearer the depot, Ihe court. house, snd the business streets than any other in the city. Aa Omnoui will always be at the depot and ; binning, on the arrival ol Ihe airs and eteanib..ul, la convey passengers to Ihe Hotel Iree ol charge. By slopping at this Hotel, passengers will have ample lima to obtain meals. Having also a large and enmmndinus Stable, and an eicellent Ostler, ha ia fully prepared to board horses by the day, week or month at the must reawmablc rates. JOHN. F. JONKS. Vtrck 1, IIW9. t . 41if . A i t It i.t t I niHl lltiililrr. m ILL furnish Designs, flans and Drawine V V I'-r ruhlie liiiiliiiiigB, Private Keinli nr, !..r Puhl and Villas I'artieul.r stt.ntioo will be paid bwihtmg Flouring Mills, t iwn Mills, die. timet tu 3d slory of Alexander's Iiuiluing, front room, over I hma ll-ll. Oc(rr 36. 1 8.'.8 . 33tf Wanted, 1g4t riHiw of tan Bark, i. a W X F wli.th Ihe ea.b will he pa I. M. 11. TAYLOR. foJl.lHiH laTll Cnsif riiTd llIWt'iV- Y S. .M. HOWELL. 3 doors South ,4 the J M-n.,o. it i rs.rr. April . Stf AycrsSarsaparillu A co iipo'in J r-m- ly, in whi.-h we bav. la Ii i. .1 to , i.i... Ui luo-t eif.-cluji alt.mtive t!; i: , .hi Ii iu el.-. I: i. a Millie titrated evtrm-.l of I'.na Sar tir.lU, so ro n'nii J with odi.r s.i'i t in ... ui' st. 11 gp aur al'.-rutiv mw,rat to a fir I an c T c l.- tuittd .a bar Uui d s -as . i. r-,1 f:.l tu cur,-. It la h Lev ei tint si h a r-n;.lj iawm! d by t!iWaj who suS . f o n S-rii:i..i-.it cn .. .la:. its and tint cute vtd-h u ill at,-en. hi. h th-ir cure mu.t protra of eniii ii.- -rt- lo tin. I.irxj rUi, of tur a.H. t I f ilj v n , How to'ii.iU-U-iy ttua ci-,,iiu.m1 iv.ll .I.i t hi. beii p.osr ii byevp-r-itu ut on in my of th- wort ii. to U,- fouuil of 'h f.hiow.n t ersn;d t;:i Js -K.nru. asti Se.ri-UH s OuwriavrNiTs, E l. . nos. n Em I'tisk Duta-sas L'ttlBs, I'i lit r... Pi..r nr.. Tmoiis. bur li.u. inii i. ile.ii. venri.ts on sirrmllTlc jf.m rserniNs. MaBfi mil in .r;isr. Oiwu.ag.Ncv a tr. ii v o.i Tu, I) ii i. ., -im . Oi-hi i.i rr. It rieuv ssii Isiiini:.rius, Euvsieaus, Hoaa u Si. Attn .ii'. Fiua, a . I m I -.1 the whole cl:iut r, nplauiU anuai from l4an'ativ ie lilH illai l. i .is - ii m.'iti will be frind a great pr. m v r h -il-h, wli.-n t.k n in the spring, to np.l the f.iui hum -us whi-.h N r ill thr i.lo 1 1 s- that S.-S1IU of th. y ar. Ity th- tun ly ct;'il.'in of th-m many rsnkling dxord r are ni-y , m th; bu I. Mullitud -w run. hy th.- 1. ' of t':.s r-uieJy, spare thems Iv -s froii tb miliinn of f i ij erti,i'i.m an 1 ulrrmi4 sors,, throu,'! wlueh the y.U-to w.,1 striv.' to r. I ita lf ..f cirru it.oiis. J not n,.i.l. il to da tin. throii;h rtm n.ifuri! i-'iaiin !. of th' body by an a.; rauvj m luuie. Clwusc oul thi v t. it .1 h.o 1 1 h fi.-r you fin 1 it. impurifbi bur.'ii. j thriuh th-skin in f.imol w, eru;rinns, or r.r; c!esn.c it whti yn find it li ob t;.i t d au I lu ji.h ui th j v 'ina i tl am. it S v r it i f 1 1 , ami your f (m il w ill t ll y e.i 'vh'n. Kr il h r .- no ;di, it -til.tr d.-sjrd r u f :', p'ojil.' injiiy b iter Innlth, and bes I n.' -r, for ilaSB.i.i. th,' blo-i I. K '-n tb? hood h.ilt'iv. an I all 14 v. II; 'mlw h thi, ri'iolii'i 1.1111 ilii'ii of I if ilior I r ,1, th rj run b no !h. So-ei r or In -r srtm .hin-x mu.t gi w on-;, ant ih' ;r,il ma hinery vt I.i: I. diaord r -d of ov.rthrown. .Sr.r.Siri!!s li i, and U'-s rvs n.iicli, h r-,i.i i'io i of a - o n il.-hiti,- th . en U Hat th.- wnr I hi. !,.)' ,.r-;1,r ,,reiv,. (,y ps "mi i'io.i. of it, psnlv life. the drug ai. t' ha. not s.l lis- vutii! th.vt is lI.o.ii d for i. not tn.ir.' b"ra'i e nuny pr.:iit4r,-i'ions ji' nb.it to !.' o.;i - -irrv'el es'racts of it, e i'siii hot lit'l - of the virtue of har aiari.li, or any thinr else. J',,. 1.14 iaa- y a,, ll.e public have bin mis h i l.v luie left 's. 1" t u.lmt t ' Kiv. a ouait F.nUs. I rsf awr iiisirul.i (or on d ..iur. i 1 I of the.- Ihv b-.ii f.uuJ. u,.oii tl.e sick, f.r lls y not only t-tiiiuin li.tb', if any, S-ar ri.Li, loU 0I1 11 isiiaiHiv rrnini..a wluit.'v r.'. 11 11 e, IkU. ' s',lilill u.sap,mituia.it fi I follow I I1!' O .' of the VUIIOU. i-StlaHt . ft' raarsiipririlki he h tl ij th ratk.'-s, unr;l th B inie its. .1 is ju 4ly si -11 s-il, an 4 bs t.i'o:n svitiii.yinou with inisi 1:10.1 au t i hw. tS:.li wecnl tin. eooisiui. I f-.irsaosr ii::i. ami uit. tid t su,i;ily su.-h a r ra ity a . shu I r.'-eue th.1 n.iui fiom tl".' bis.il of uoki.iuy win. U ret ti, .011 it. And we flunk "" k..v.- urouinl f .1 K Ii vui it A is vu tu 4 whi li nr ire I -tiul bv the ordinary run of the di :in il i 1 im it ! ed to eur.'. Lt nrrl r to s ur! tle ii cmiiileln cradi ntion from llio ay 4 111, the rcimsly si.oul I b- judi' loitaly tak.11 u.i ord.n Ui la; xtM.-tta cs: tl.u Is. Ulc. rnxtMHru nr jii. j. ;. av;;ii a co. i.s'i:i.ia. M S s. Pries, fl per llottla Bis lioltlc. for Q1, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral f-,r It h 1 for th rc,y vuriel, of i it i. eiitirelf uttie- la. .d I.. .a.iry f.rr II. to r it li 1 h 1 loot. et.d'-.i.e of ita .rtue-., wher. pi urd. As it h is lon-t l tl.' i.iKh'Mil t 111 anelimi, stl, a.'.ne t,,,! .e ,,!e it. noalitv 1 . k pt .. it ever ll -a ls-.n. .ii I Ih I ll I do for llinr ri oei a, I it h .a t.ier Uw fou id to do. Ayi-r's Catljar'ac Pills, roiintcs-jo? Coitimirtt, Jii'imlirc, l)jy-,i:it, lnl.THo lljntlllr.ii, Imil Slo n ich, .' , 1,1.1-, 1 n ml ic'ic, I'it.'M, Cn ll,lw'io. r. ill'IniK !:' 1' hieo.e.. Al'ear rm;i,r,r, D,o;". Itlf. T I'Uirt mvl S'i'J Ithcum, l('oe,, ei', ,V mtlit, at a lliiuirr I'iU, nivt f ir I'linfjuti t.'io ; . 'Ihrr are ni' r a - it' I, so th.l the t ,0 . seno tire esn take lh"n pieasiintle, atel tio ar-l'te be a? stieriettt in the world for all the ptfp,,c. of a f ,;ly phy.e. P. iii 21 ce.il! per rn ; rivi bixsi for CI 00. fire.lt litirohersnfCI-rniliien, Tin .1:1 ,ns, Statsa- men, and eiot'i'.t ierao4int.es, hare hat ih'-ir D imes lo i ertify tiie unp ir.illulrd iisefolneasof ihese r- neilie-i, hot isir ap .ee In re e.ll not permit Ihe liissrtion of then,. I he A't-nts Is-low ni.n'd for. m-.li eratwoiir Axs.uiotN A i.u K M- in whii-hHiey ar" given; Vllh al-.l lull deai'il,t o ia id the alane r-i-noi ilnts, and the treatiiniil that slioulj he f,.l lorr d for Ih.or cure. Do not he p..t otf hv uiipriiiciple.1 drnlers with other prep iral one thev m .ke mo a piofit on. lteinirid Avs.n's.itnd laSo no other. Ihe siek w nit the bv.t aid there is fur thrm, and the) should " hit.- it. All our remsdies are for sile hy ' For aalw by - I NV'E HUTCHISON 4; CO. V. S '.Villi .t (., I Chnrhd't. IIAVJLAND, STEVEX?ON k (JO , iharen'on, H. C. BLANK DEEDS for sale at thia office. . , noDT. II. COV4.", . VkxrraI. tlMMlSiION MKRi IIANT INOTON, N. C IU' OlBe, South Oirner Market aud W .ter bu! up sl.iirs .. . , , ... , , , . '"OeLtW 11. 1859;' ' -Sltf ' ' IT 1$ NOT TOO fllUrli T KAY ., . SIXCK ALL, OLD AiNJ) YOUNG, V;t : 'ihut Frtfuisor Wood's halt Ttct ' torative Will preserve infallll-f the reie(A and color nl the hair, it Unit twour three turns a week, tu .. . I imaginable age. - Perf. etly, reslmt the gruy.ei.v.r luake it iin.rt toll and besulllal ihsii uny m, ' preserv the seslp Irie Ik iii all disei.se to llir gfl al. est age. ei Kesinen, JU 'ges, .Slleriieys, lii:ri stergyn-r-ii, rroiessionai men and Oei.ll, in. i, ,,, vthK,t u frr iha world. b,Jf i... miM1, ,., we du Mot av loo uiueti Hi u. u4, mony thai we do not say luo Uiutlt in ua Jut Keau the toihiwii.g, and juuge. Itiiaoav UaovK,Si.('hanest.'t..M'i.,l:i. I6.'7 nor u j. v oon Hear r. o.v i.ihi- .t suiiiim r w were inoueeil In ua sun.e m y ,,, II ir llesiorauve, ami lis tui.cia were mi w,.i iu , wa leei it uui uu iu J'm aim 111 alll.Utll, to r eri n. Uur little son's bead fur seine t:me had b. , teeily envrreo w lib at.n-s, and some eslU n it M head. The hair almost I nltrely rune fl' in t..n. s.jULi.ie, win a a timid, sien.g Ins auflering , .id. vis d us tu use your Resterativv, we uid s. sitli htile hope ot suiiecss, but tonur surprise, Shu ttili ol all our In lies, a v. i) ft w a pphi at ions remevi d Ihe disease entirely, snii a lifw and luiuriaot ei..p ol hair atioii started out, and we can lo.w say tti..t our buy h-s as heahliy a scalp, and as lui nri .i.i , Ciop ul hair as any oilier ehi d. Wi ea n , In. tora, and no hereSy, reeiiiniiienrt y.or ltei.ir..itr ae a p. rl t n no oy h r all die.us nl' the c ip and ban. Wt nr y. uii if. t.lnl.j, I.F.O. W. II M I.N Ml 1 1 II A M. H All A. IIU.I.IMJUI HAM. Taor Woun-1.. i .ir : My hair h.u. (.,, t'i Jiars, i. ba coiling pn imiiun ly gr.y ,c. ompaiiH O by a h 'lainit s Inch n niter, . i ii c e.int.,ul appiiralM'ti of cil neetssary m iue..i,a It l..n I e., ....e. ,1 .., ...... ll ... ll... . tol,,,e Mb,,u, u,,u. . n ,.. n,..i , ' !,,, . !,,., , ......j ,i. ., .,ii ... ,i . last three Week. .1 has turned In ita natural 1 or, ana assuiweti a stdtiiesw sntl luaire gre.ny i be preferred to HhisC prodwrcu by Ihe applicaii. a of oil or any other pr. uaraln-l. I havs 1 Ver u.. ... I r.gard .las an Ibill.pensa ble article 1,-r , 1. j l.i-y'a It i:. I. whether to U, used as a Hair lie..,,, raliva or It.. Lite simple purptase at .tle.i.eg ..r itauli'yi.ig l.e hair, Yoe have .c:ini.Pa, 1,. all Sim I sit ll ll. any Cubl uf ll. -r,.rii,,j .u that ia 1 Uinieil h.r it. MR r HY MOi4, CinciBltsli, t). r.U In. IB .7 114 lh.ru st. Vt Sl.ll4t. l4, .tin., re. A, lei7. Paor. W..-li, .i fu: lly Ibe a,..,t ,1 , l'r,ttii.i of mine, w bo b d ben ws.ng .,ur II .r I KrsloraliV. , I w.s Inn need In lry,t. Il.adtr i levrr, siasa ta lsl May, and nearly sv.iy h.r .in my he.i . ..wi- how a.y bair I, a. r..i,, ,n la greul oral tli.i'.tr ll.in tt.r .1 w.s. N.nh.if : but s duty and si wipatl.y 11, I ir. I lo Co. lal loeli.ets sin are lUI.elt d as h , I, j Would inowve bi t g.vs mis wbitcai khnwle, wieal 41I lhebsB.lt I have lermveu. Irtmi I lei. Vtuou's Hair llr.i r.loi. 1 Yours ns pei ilBilr. A ll i M tills. 1 The It. aloratisc is ,nl Oi ia hollies of 3 I vial large, n.r.t.uu! and small; the small hoi.,, j ,s p.nt.aoii rsla.ia lor owe dollar ier Boll e ; liai rnetliuisr Boiua sl least twenty par Cent. Blair ,n piou.,riii.n IhaB law smll. rels.ia f.r two . .r ) a boll e ; lha la.ge bods a q.t..rl, h.riy par ni.t. i mora in or. s rl. .H ami retails lui 13 a Imitir IXi Mlslltli! l O.Pr, fMo-aoi-s.ttt Hr..,, ... New Yirt-a.and 114 Marsel Hl .lil la-lals. .tl.i. a, a atdd by all goorl DsuggivtsaiiU Fain y O.M14S Ih-a, ers and ih I harli.tic bf aV Akl a, I 1) M.rel. 1",. IB.. . 1 In E. R. STOKES' I)(iok IJindiii EhtablhliHici!!, Two Duun itteve ftrai.i B,mk in h Build il 1 a rtar ml U. B. Mikity tl biui Hall, Ciil.t .villl ,. V. Timi sbuss Es4.bliahu.eBl ii nw ia fall opcrs. lion, basing, .nu .till iec. is.ng a lull aupo.y I lis. lar.l ail. AM. PaPEK n, 1 tilNDEhr.- Ml. 'I kill AlaB. I a.M .1 all I, HISS rr ,Ug till ll ' 4t ia sy end al Ine auusa l.ua sol.eii a snare Dl p.lroi.aue. My prraunat etOrnliull will it given to all oru.ra wtln ah ch'l (nay be H .r, ;. Having had l.ioa prai l.ral raper.eaev IB Hie ,, .11 ai-eiwraul fit. A Ml HMlK.-s, . int.. Hti.,.n.( f new sua um rwIN i e.u (.!( kn, I ri.tn r w... 1 thai 1 U, IB ail ans,giv tslirt salMlacliuo. llLAMk Ptit'kH, Bank li.N.ks,t lerks'Wo-.ks, f..t D sine. Ome... 8irifl.', 4i.uio.rj'. . a, 1 ( 1 i Et,u ly'a B.s.s... l 1(1 LED a,.u linl ,N D lo a , y p Urn, ita lite vtry Is, at Inannrr, sr su.i n.r p-f f, aiMi Paged bi.u It.o. aed witeii reajiiired. I hl.M EH HtM.ks, Meaie II.Mks, IVro.o.e.l., P .r.,,i,l. t., M'(i .0 ana Uooas wl set.ry 01 ciplM,i, uuuau of r. ei re.!, lo est ry Vans-ia ul style. :- H A.I ur.eia Will tae ea ratted With dtapslcn, a.lU as low as lau Us Uolia la. wltera. e. jt. aroKK.s. Jaauarg 17. If til. 4 Ji Asslt I li-t A U1. y. lTutual Lite Insurant Conn any- t tit I.. H tl.l lt.H. , , r mi if 14B shy itisuri livrs ( nu). JL aia lot t.lHi )eal, a 1.1 11, , .1 yt.r. b, .i.c Mutual I ril.Lliite, II, e kaauieu tot lit llllpal.l g IB S.4MJ proBIa ut 14M. t OBI.,l.y , f -.l piit.isa gr-i, Uti lot lha ai.ua: I. I, it 4.1 wnen Ills pr-w.iu.ii Ihaltu,! an. mil, la lo 1.'.', a ooia may lac gia iur ui.c liall 11k- amount ol ll.s oihiiuih, bsa.n.g interval al b per r.ai. w un. ul tuar.uiy. ilis pru.upt uianbsr in which all iossaa hac orell p-io l.y tola uou.paliy, ltll-l a.,111 Ihe lots .airs ul pit iiiiuin, priaint .rial u.Uuutii.t i, Is lo .uch as srv uisp.,a.u lo ll.auit.. fttaves si4 iisaureo lot a urm .f from . .ie to n.e y.ata. iur tu th.n.r 11,4 ir value. A ,1 losses ate i, 111 Wllhili tfu 4a)s slUl aalis lactuly prus.1 is prvseuUu. Dlh El ii.hx. t'l..r!es E Ji.1,1,.1. ii, W ii . II. Junes, Wni. IV Holueli, VI . i looks, J. la. tkillinnis, II. VV lluslau, (alUelilll'S llusl-.e, P. I. Iistl.i., VV ni It Mik, k. P. liall.a, Lharles It. Uiail, li. l tuwle, llllli' II. I)..lll OfrllHiS. Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Presiilent. W . VI . lioi.uii. Vice Prvsidc-rii, 1(. II. li, ll.e, rsecrt tai,. W,l H.Jnn.., Treasurer. ' II. W . II u-la , Attorney. Dr. VV ui. tl. Meket. Medical Eiannnsr. iiaterutire t sa.m1ltrr.-l4. buahn, VV . II. M Ker. I I,.. Ill . II. il,H,t. Mrdieol tUatd tf rmnlloti.n.i I a, I. a K Johnun, M. D., WHImm ll. (Vli Kte, .VI. V ttici.'ii li. Hay wood, M. ll., For further information, the pukhe la refer red lo Ihe pali.pbii Is.anu loiti.a ul proi- I, w Im b lay be 4ihl.ni.4.l at th OHice 4.1 lb (iN.tpa.iy or any ul ita Ageoci. s. fe.iionnicjtii.ns sin, aid he addressed, (oa paiuj u. R. H. BATTLE, Strreleirf. SrtttmMr H. I n.1'1 . unit JrV.aaJi-f-a.. sot-. s, ,,. ae,--.." f Jd 1 aT.li'l a. iS U . a! (IK PKINTIM. ne eiitefiitions, lis aV ir ItlKe. if all kn.ds will be n-s' v sisemes tt-t North a WITNESS TICKETS, for the founty and Superior Court, for sale ber. -Tr; sail-MfiC

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