r p,, vjseavajaSaaaBMavjtvaaawa-vavaM t Jrqe to 6od, lo ijou. Gok.iji, to tiou. Duty." VOLUME O. CX3A.2FLILOTBriI3, 3NT- C., QCTOIQEIOL 3, I860. THOEIAS J. HOLTON, Editor A PoPBiroa. TEUiMrf: J T1s,,rth CirolinWhigWillbeWddt.ub. j Tilt" " ........ i,HiB9,. . nn uil I Alii AN l rir I I iriv io .. p;'"'i i V'd li.r ,l" i"nd TIIKKK DOlXA US , n'.e end of lh. y'- Nopape-r " di.oon-lum-d until all arroaruge. ar. peid.eicepl at th. iniwnut tlie Editor. A,lt,rll,finliiiiwrledalOiir)ollorperiqur ,cUt;t ItM.thUiijed type) for the firslni.cr. mil io cents for each continuance. Court ad. ..r'l'ia.n.eui. and Sheriff'. Sale, charged ii per , ni.i,er ; end deduction of 33J per cent, will r nu.lc frnir tlit regular prices, for advertie. r by lit 1''"- Advertisement, ineerted monthly or uartrrly. ' per .qu.re for eachatime. Semi luplbly - eenlepo' equate for .ach time. farwii. whoa .ending in th.ir dverliri'iiiei.ta mart ran number of ineerlion. deairod or l ., ill be in.erted unlil forbid and charged c. ,rd.i,fly rj-Po.tm.ter. .reau.horised In art .gent. J.(;. H'IIlvl.S(V DCALEIi JH WATCHES, JEWELRY, ' fv ind PLiTED W IRE.raiLii . , - i y . Zufiil"lJ9ifK0J.VJK 5 Cinnile Kiir,o:.(iait tlir Manaiou lluoaa, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Vt. ntion r'"n " K't"""! Walchee A Jewelry. ' J. 7, Hit . W. BEGKWJTI1 naa conitihtii oh hm "ATGHES, JE vls LEY, Mill) HBE, If, i mi T stKiLiaa o anraiciN aatarrac-rcas. 9 -aTTZX-- I'lIK .ut.crilier Ukf p.iarure in anrmuneing f.rl.eal.r attti-n is p.id to hie TABLE, i nil evrry eotaforl la provided io hi KOOaMS.' Hi. STAbl.l are abanoantly aurpUw and al- 'td by c.relol o.ll i prnptu lor five. In. ra ; and to ail nep.f tnicni. nrr.un.l !! nt.mi. l.rl-bW OM.Nllll S runs rrgalarly l" Ihe erf.il on It.e .rnvl ol ll ears VI. 'b thraeeAi.ria la pU-.-a.e liberal ah.te of lir public p4.;n"ge la eonfidfntly Siihrtlrd. WM H0W7.EK. A.r-a,lr 15, IS '9. 3b;f "THE UNION,' AIM II bI RIJT AHOVK-IIUItn. PHILADELPHIA. I PT'-N S. NEWniMKR, l'ttiettr. Jxm. r 1 1 1 K un.kr.icned having p.irrha jTT,.!! JL a4 the ii.trreal of hie former I'Ht'J p.tti.ir. Evan l.v.ria. in lha b..va jUitim Hotel, would rail the atlei.tion of the p.ii.ic In H. c.-nveniriiea lor Ih.iae f mting Plula. 0' ihia, ntder on bu.m... or ptraeure. I', silu.ti'.a .King but a frvr alcpa from the s-.ncifiil v. nu ol irde, ..fTra irifiuoritif nt. lo 11:: -r nn tiuainr..; while lo Ihosa in a-.r:i. j ("j.-e. Hie eos.i.ii.iy paing and r.p.n gt fiii w4y care and IhoM- ill cl.-.e pr-.snnity, rl..rl p . .-.nl rule for Aj.a m re nominal auiu of half j nine ... all pl.eea ..t mlrre.t mo; ab.ul Hie nly. Tne Proprietor givea aaauranee that ' 7 I " .mil be kept will, aueh eliaractif aa will meet I" .lie (..t..l,li.,.., and wauld reapccllully aul.i N .fill ( 4r..lna p.tron.ge. Term. a 1 SO pri ly. LP I ON S. NEWCOMER, AugHit Ifi, Irtj'.l. 'J3-ly roraisTia. ( iir lor Trllcr & !t-:ilii llcnd ''UK suh.rriber is rnannf.erantig end hrrps I ron.l.ntly on bind, H.p for Teller, Hcald bad or Kingworm, and go-.d to w.al. with f", i y tiihrr akin diar.iae. Il will alio luka alum, oot of any kind of Clothing. If any peraon de. "' l.i have il to aril again. .1 ean be had al re. d'l-'il brna. The S.mp haa hern tried by ro.pon. I "' prr.ona and la aaid lo be a certain cure. The ""p rm be haf1, al l"r. B. N. llotohi.on &. iUi.'i l''ug Htur. and from Ilia awh.enber. j CHA8. T. KliEIIIAKP. I 11, 149. '' I J. s! PHILLIPS I Wf.fff if.l.y T T.ltl.OKi HAVING located ill ( llarh.tle, rr.necllul. ly aolicita a share of public pdlr.in.ig-. A complete aaaortment of Clothe, I 'aaaiini rea and Veatlliga alwaya oil hand, which will be mode to or. del at tlir aliiirtral notice, afler ih latat fj.hn.it - Shoo tine. door, (south of t.ia Mansion li..ii-. I 'J'JU A'aVaiwr H'i , l.'iS. (i! and eaaniina ma stoca Dcrora purcnaa.ng ,ue,. We eprea in ll.ia matter 'IJA1 V t. i . Z. ; vKimuuiiiiu. ' T"" OlBers run a lICKet in spite 01 you, It Will ; , ' . ' . " , , tr..Pt a rlUirraoe thv were forturatelv ,a,. I,KNvV e...ru year.' re. A.NU j lu.onisl. North and Disunionists South, who ' said : j Dot poll voles enough to rank among the re , competent security in a sUrmy ".''''. 'Zil,' J 'tb. i ts i" , at T ;1Y 'lllMtV?LiliK t'rVJ d0e,riDfi '"d -"i""Dl I " If there are any member, in this Hon.. ' spcet.ble scattering. You, and you alone, i "J heltr ,'u ' 1 18 ; t'brou -h the v kc" in. n l i ii . 1.... HLMtM or w IIA 1 fc. Ili.Kt. via LAKt. which if carried out sou d nreeii. lata owr ' r l i t i . l .i -. .i , t v , i who sees to her own house, has a large Held orove ltirou6n tne city , receiving on an snit-s 3leCklCIlIlUr:llOICl. .li...i.yi ...mm .... " "I ' 1. -Wh l i.tlt ff th clB f Pollt,eiau t0 hom tbeKeD- can now uu.te the Opposition of tbe North, D0 1 e 1 The best wav to make ber com - i the plaudits of tbe populace, finally di,ap. ft k.ing ir..n. p.n t.h... ..h.i.ill far eontrvnto cml war-w ar with all it s bor- j t, from North Carolina (Mr. Saunders) and forbid the election of a Northern, see- ' "TC ln- . lu ' ,,,r 1 nearim. ieavin- the ctator, tirmiv con- yttalht Post Of. lounJ... mtn or twenty n..nuit. alter me ayrup j 'rs. Tbes. two sect.on. bs.tlmg with e-,b aUudej ,M blvin(f tU dispoM.ion though tional, geographical President, purpcely ' PrLend l for berp,0.k8, ? " 'C0U,,t f I ? " Q .a ie v bad Lh I e v 'ril.bl. f r.HIK. aub-criW, if.,.. .... public ' " , . . , other, it Dow b.oome. the duty of.verylov D0t tb. power, to disturb the comproui,0.e selected to make war upon organised socie- current expenses. Probably not on. w.fe; v. cd lha t , h. h iZ 0t i , 1 T 'ha, h,."r Pureh.d buL.n, I J ftrrNO uZ'IZuit "' 'J tiuk w.l before be acts. C0Duj,d d (b Constitution on this point, ty ,n lo State, of our Uni,n. Will vou, in Q 'u h" !dei .hfow ufoh . ' cT"r uuoleasa it ruiiiu. of a "sell bet an r. .a.. M,e.le,.Mff ........ h. h.a ve.urwi.He. .u". iVguo'.o IT. U tanner npon wbos. fold. .,. inscr bed , be lbree.fif,bg rprc(ema,i principle,) I New York, as in Maine, shoulder this friht- ! Pnd.turc. of herself and fannly Where ; vcr "up e ""J ei i.eu ci v , ..a ,. u, accinm.v. trannwil tM . AJU Ul , the D.n,ti of Jek Belt and Elv,ard Ever , m M of ,u Neilb,J '0'ne ful responsibility ! frum 0De ,0..tW0 J0""" I ""1 fu 1 v .war .of he K' " c c' Tfr;rrhU..,.d eff, 0.,:er. 1 l.o. AM,H . ; c A J. ..lb.-- which ever, American j of thM citileDS of llie Nortb t0 wb . Yours, respectfully .. , ,111m- k.,.. by ihem-mth ord.y.nrfur. I. ml only r.l.tv.. the child i...m p.m. but ,n- can rally. other honorable msn.ber lately referred, in J AMES BROOKS. 4 ,T.l f tTi.i . The nri..,P mover in tbe above enterprise r... mgehU -; rnrv.i. urvas; ...,..,.. ..on... h and bo t... ,,,u .,. Member, of all parlies, do you have to t public.tion io wuich Li. J, ."ub. "ads. Let the housewife take the idea, 11 pr, , e .... - . m rrih.pi inprftiinrfintf hr T V..hA Un. r I .1, .. ... u LI. L -,.. ... .. -.. . Isim fl' U. SOU Q HBiarmz IUB luuuuiuuu - - a a 7. I'vS'J. Jilf I '. . . asikriinl MIOAMIIUllJi IM s. h.. Ukaw th.a .... .l-bli.l.ed and well kn..a i O l llr.hf., aland bMw..U yo and vou, aullerii.g .. " . . prP"." I- d....d l..e rei.. . t.u,t will be M lU-y... Al- It." !,.' Oav-lliN, .td vi.u.n, M.I.LTKI-, btKt-U MU., ... ..c a, .Ui. u... . "Zt, lha pob.ic. m lha n.o.l .al.a.'.clo. y e.c.i... .. Un.,1; ud. I oil dir. Mio... for u.iug f il.. i.t in ma puu.ix, , . , rath b..lue. Nuo fetiuine unle.a . WHEAT -WASTKI). I t'l K planting Community will take notice that their V lie.. Crop will ba puroliaaed at the ' barlotia Sle.m Klouritig Mill, at market pricea. Iboae having Wheat for etile may find il to their !, Uge lu call al the Mill tmfnro cl.-aiiijr a sal. JOHN WILKK8 & CO. J"lv J, ISiu. smf I A LARGE SUPPLY OP j ('unstable Warrants JUSTP1UNTED I lliarlollc iTlulual lire Intui. mice C um putty. 1.1 HIS COMI'ANV continue, to take rinks a. Ja, guuift lota by fire, oo tiuuaa, Good., Fro cuili. Ae.it usual ratea. IJ Ofliue si. tbt Drug Store of E. Ny Hulclij. aou 4V Co. orricicBs. A. C. STEELE, J'retidetil. C. OVERMAN, Vice J 'resident. K.NYE HUTCHISON, Hec'y.f Trtas'r. D1HKCTOHH. A. C. STEELE, J. L. BROWN, M. B. TAYLOR, S. T. WRISTON, 0. U V E KM A N , K. SCA RR, i WM. JOHNSTON. 1 John L. Drown, P. Scahr and S." T. Wrihtok, Ezeeuttve Committee. AfiU U6, ISU. 7tf . MRS, WINSLOW An .xperienced Nuree and Teniule Phyateian pre. nta to the atlenlKju ol mother, litr SflOT II I S lllIP U V U 1 11 1 ii U UlllU 1 1'OK C II 1 1 Dlil.ft 'I l.l.'l III .NU, wliicli graaily fi.ciliii.tii the prociaa ol lecihing, by .nenu.g tne guu.a, reducing .:i i..ili,u,i.,ai.un will alia; ALL. 'A1 ana apaauiooie aclien, and is and M Hi. iu iju.L1.ai . mi. lit v i.i a. I)i pcMd 0u it, luoihiri, it Kill gi rial lo your aelvn, ana fctlirf and Dralih to uur lufanli. U v have put up alio aoltl this artiele h.r over ten yaw u I AN .NAY, IN IUM-11'L.NCK AND J I I Hi if :t. wh.i , have ver hccii able lo ssy ol any other NMKlt II AH, .niitv. LIlLOIV's S1 III I. m e d i cine I I rAll.fcD l. A HNGl.t. JO Lr't'tcT A I i mi a i y umu ,l ffi AM t jl I'Kfc. wiiru Never old wa know a'i malaiii ol oiaaellftl. lin by any one who Uaed it On Iha contrary, all ara veligliled With Ha operalioi.a, ai.U apaaa iu taiana ol cam. I. will ali.iu.l in.ianlly reiieis tfipi.il i'i iLe Boarls, sod UidsI lulie nd itrleaaii- . . ' n a I . o.a- ! which, H ihi .... ,, ... paodiijr r auo- 1 died, and it.. i ...in. W a k hft.it ii..; itiiin-Mi. ! iK.r am Sllll-T RL.MKUV I.N III r. WOKI.U, in all cm. ot YfKN1KI.Y ANU UIAKKIIO.A IN i I.II.IlRI-JS, ha Hit r U ariwa Irani teeib.i.g,or .ruoi aavolber cause. c would aav lo every u. oiler lo me a t u . .n ui. nog " r, cMyl,Mii-Mi MH LtT lul l CKUt l.i K.-. MK '1 11 K fhUl I'M rJ Or the f.e .in.ile ol 1 1 H I Is A r.-Khls, n lora. la on Ihe uulce wraputr. Nld by lrogg.(U in.ougtiout lha world. pBiNcii ALOrri" t. 13 Cki'ab SiBr, N. Y. J rue vnly Wo itnti per liottie. Kor aalr ir. t ii.rlutie, ly L. Nye llui luion A. Cj. ...dl. fea.r. M-tcb 13 1 $ J -INoticc. ffIIK Ts I... la for 1K.9 are now in r..yh..nc!a jl re.oy for ln. cli. n, anu I itqui.t all per. anna V. in loin, n.e ol any T.xebiee wmrh may i.ut be li.Ud. tome n w and py your T.i.a. E- C C-ltlLK, i-lie'ij. Af'ilt. 1M.0. Dr. 11. yi rritcliard V T It.I.IIM- tothe aoliciialionofma. ny Irieiioa, reK-ellutiy announ. c.ea hia ueitrmin jtmn to rr.uine tne riwll - wl .'It dK '- hi y be coliaU;H'rt at hle'.nin. I "The poor pre.enh.d for wiiliou larbarge. ga.3l,lb:.l. -l' LIVER UlVlGORATOn, NENEit iiKBii.rra i .. T t e e . m paa o rt 'Jr 1," "J't" a" a.al apj..."! a.1 Ui-i. i. .. m-.i n "yi" J fcirk?."T!i3 ll.wa.,.1. 5j Ukn U hrf . V" ly. ho.l al.a. .e .l ! W a. Ia n...r..Hui an..lko-irurk-.u.l..i tj .-.... kvii.ri.io.in ft ..1 u. j H va i au Maoriaal.lVKIl la-lJ.VK.OKA-l .III tor. Liver Com- V 'l.l.a, HI taeka. llr.prila, 13 hren.le 1I ,m aiw t .lll.a .in HI In... A- tl.tvfvera. liiaaii(iin-!H t . r tj. lropa7, Sottr1 ;S-loanarh.lli.l C'Mtlvet.ee., hoi- 1 I-, I hol.ia, lraMtr ll.bllual Hole tuna, lane-e, Jawortl... aa, ati.l au; ea "l " rr Fanilif S...II- rrmlvlly aa aa Olillna- l.ir. llwillaaraWK K 1 la Iw.nty anloeilea. If ima.rali are t.Sv ivvnoe Ihvra 'I'.a- . " 1 1 Ail aeatowae It are: 4 lvlB Uat a.ulm MIX WATr.1 I" TIIK Mill Til WITH TIIK HVIUOKAIMI, A.NU aAl.LOV BOTH TtHlKTIIK.lt. Pr.ra Una Uollar pee Bottle. !'. KAVIII.V CATHARTIC PILLS, is.iiriirMn rai.w Par. Veeelabla Kvir.eia, ami nl vp In M.wl AWKW, Air llaht. ' will " an.llr Ca- I ai.a lih. 1 aia pnwtl.'" a. Jft .ta,h ,,.,.,ur kaa m.i. rr.1.11 it"i Ha a i,l II.- wt.-ia iiia. lii. k aa, I)juilw1lr.l in.UMii'a tat itllWrool OaOiar-aV. a V rr " mtt rni. ii.. .ii .-i.biuh-.. ra-.. Kvll. f K-l r""?"' i. raw 1 ar h. Mr, pl- ...rf I. ulna, I ...li t-alt.a In the Ik. whole hn.lv. ftiirll. II ariir.1 .r. Iaaa of Alio M llle,aCrve.l..ai e... t Ihrl.orty, tlr.jlr.a- M wrlHhll.1 tl.r h.'i.rt, "V, in.. .... .. w 01 "1 C II l.rl.tl. a ar... Mr-.., Ileatlorhe, w all I 11 A.in ......r) I hllHrrta or Ailnlla. urlHrrvIlM III.hmI pmum TiiHw-.st riivjn Tk. J.lvrr li.vl ....I .'a...'llp C- abiaVawM-aalr bs th- Trad u .11 il l..r u. a. t.nv. sAwroHiv. si. jwu. jh in A.i . j 'v, .no .. .o. iuv.7 v...o ...v.. .j.m, en a.iue anv ereat Tjrirjoir lo to suroort the i ..::u.j i :.i ,i l :. ; ..i .,i .. F. SCAUR A CO., - Charlotte, A'. C. The Union Bell, let ita echoea aounH From hill to hill, from vale lo aula ; And all the people for L'nion bound Ita cheering niuaic bail ! FOR Tilt N. C. WHNJ. LETTER I. . . FELLOW-CITIZENS OF NORTH CAR OLINA : It ii Dot my purpose to dictate to you in I regsrd to your actions during the approach- -,iog Presidential contest. Neither i it my mimosa to denounce those wkn ma rliffur ("i'h io e prinoiples I advocate. Neither do I purpose denouncing tbose gen - llemen wbosa names accear before the Deo - ! pie of North Carolina ae candidates for the ; bjpbe,t offio. wilii ,b. gift f tbe Ameri - i . w ... .... , . eaa peopU. My object la to conciliate, and, if possible, bring about a greater onaoimi- ty of sentiment in regard to this one bap- ting down tervie tttunectton at the ', few exceptions, dared to speak, or act with py but now distracted country of ours Huuth.'' " There is do cause," be bravely any efficiency, even in a mere State election. Our country is upon the verge of a revolrj- and patrio.ically proclaims, "in which I , Heuce a beroio army of rank aud file, going lion ; a revolution too painful for even the J would aooicr buckle a knapsack to my back j to battle without their customary Generals, hardest heart or the most depraved mind ' aud put a muftket on tuy shoulder, than "ill be routed by the well drilled enomy. to think upon without briaging up within that' j Upon you, is all the responsibility. One word bis breast emotions of the most borrid char-i A correspondent of a Southern contem-' from you, and we all oould bave merrily acter. porary recently called attention to a speech ung Waa there ever a time in the history of made by Mr. Everett during the earlier j " Mrn breakctii in the Eatt," 4c, ic. oar beloved country, when it behooved l prt of bis Bertioe in Congress, when, with The same responsibility is now restim: up ery man to rally to the stars and stripes ! arophetic viion, be foresaw the deplorablo on you in the Empire State. One word from Was the good old Ship of State ever tossed ooasequences of Abolition agitation, and el-: you, and we bave but one Electoral ticket anout upon suco a tempestuous sea, wun I'niosj, tbe Constiiutioo and the so, desert that party, for its lead you to ruin. What bas lose by supporting the Union sa.r, Nolbiug: but every thing am a soatn.rn taao, born opon nouthere sou, ana i snow me .on.iuution protect. tne in an my right., ana i we, then, sup-1 . ..J.. e. . . rights No; for by .o doing you aim death blow at American liberties. "I TIT" r'u k . peak lightly or the heritage tons by the Father, of our ry foot of Ihi. happy land ba. call tbesn fpeak bauded down Country. Every been baptised ia blood queathed to is tbe richest legacy that wa. etr teste acd upon aoy nation. Did they YoUnfL..r. Lear ...en madmen I ahould'r..: i ii...: I.. .1... ..r.,1 ,.,a nf nana 11 oowo io ue oougui aa ia waa oyiotber way ty wbicn tne lorin oi tms servi blood, and bedewed by the tetI "'"""t - --fc---- - -j 1 .:.. .k. ..... .r .1..;. ik.ial Being upon tbe a.tar of tbeir eouutry Itieir u.u ...v. . w. - j - -1 Ood forbid ! Yoo, my fellow-cilixens, atre responsible to your children and your .bit dren's children, for tbo manner iu which you execute the trust thus bestowed upon you and better will it be that you bad never been born, than that you should trans mit to your childien only the fragments cf a once gloiioua Confederacy. In giving up party to save your country from this direful c.lani.'v, you surrender uo prin ciple, but rather prove to the world that man ia capable of aelf-governmeot, and that when danger, of whatever Kind, may tnr.ai- en be i. ablo and willing to meet it. I know, my fellow-c.t.sous, that you have tbe eood of this Union at heart. Then, why not, I ask, resolve that, come what may, you will make tbia one great effort to res- cue it from lb. bands of fanatics and see - tioualism T llow can ibis b. done? Cast! your vote, for John Bell and Edward f.v - .. .1 V . I J J . .. 1 L k... erett, the ..'loual candidates. 1 ney nave , f , . Keen tried and hav. n.var heein found want- ing in tbeir duty. They are true to ihe Uoi- . .... ... . ., then if destruction shall come, you will bave the proud satisfaction of knowing that you did your duty. ' From the National In.e'ligencrr. MR. EVERETT THIRTY YEARS AGO. There is a peculiar Ctn.fS in the candi dates of tbe Union party to stand before tb. propl. a. tb. exponent, of tbe platform of :, it ... .1 j .1 r.. tne union, inevouaiiiuiiuu, ana .-o on. ".vd- merit .f tb. laws. From th. commencement of their publi. eare.r, throughout all tbeir aervic. in the councils of th. nation, and io every publio snd private oapacity, they have both been distinguished for tbeir strong de votion to tbe union of tbe States, tbeir un wavering maintenance of tbe Constitution of the country, and their rigid requirement that tho laws should be justly euloroed. Upon tbe vexed and vexatious slavery ques tion they have occupied precisely thit posi tion and no other. They have car.fully a voided lb. extreme prejudices and opinions prevailing in their respective sections of tbe country, and have preserved au inviolable nationality. Mr. Dell, representing in Congre.s and in the United Stale Senate a Southern con stituency, has novcr faltered in his defence of the rights of the people of tbe Southern State, from any assault, and his record pre sents no singl. point of objection to tb. national-minded m.S) of tbe South. His past career ia to iheui a sotliciout guarautos that in his hand, and t.der hi. aduiini-tratioo of publio affair, tbeir right., their iut.reau, and their honor will be.afeacd well protected. But, while he firm in tb. dfuo of Stale . . ,uU lcu suu - . ng f,r0!ipnC a, Vielr election, .k. oflicer arrested him. tlu at nrsi aa- laawe lor iu proteotloD 01 a. . laiae men puasaulrJ 0f i0me of the most prosperous 'Uor otherwise." .,.d an air of iniured innocence, but final- minht be and patriots, tb.y have stood by their c.un- , SutM ot tbo C0l,.,nent c! Europe, to con- ,;,, a0 be give to Breckinridge ' ly acknowledged his gu.lt, and admitted suffice lor th tr, in every try.og emergency. J , hen come , sider ,b h ka on population read Mai-; J. , q , east aaida all nartv nreiudica. and make , .1 u'i... k..a nm n . 1111 down T I ov- " rr 1 0 c. ... , ' ' ... ..iiluu"- " r ' W 11,1 Lincoln: AifA. ntg. ue of tH each. iSrush coniessea 10 an iu one treat effort to save .our country and .,, ,t.rvanou. disease, aud a.l the, 0 . ... ... . . ..; A right, bin course bai Wo guided so truly tod utideriatinirlj by 'tb provieiooa and compromises of the Cortitution, that bU emtneDt justice asd oatipBftlity pu patriot- lam ban codeared bim Uofe tbao any other Soutbero atatesmao to the conservative, Union-loving, Conrtitufea-abidiiig citicens of the North, and they have far bim a re peot aud admiration tbaV defy the calum nies and assaults of any ioppouents. Side by side with John hell in the main tenance of the Union, the Constitution aud the equal right of the States, stands Ed ward Everett. Upon the slavery question no fnortbern man oceup i mora national following letter to Mr. Buchanan, as the re position, or is more ac;;ptable to the peo- 1 6UH 0f his observations : pie of the South Ajr ad again, iu re-1 To lke j,resi,ent 0j lht UtlileJ Stat . Terence lo this subject, has expressed his i n ideterminstiou to abii'.d faith, by the oompromises or the Uoimtitution. Upon all fiMKUirv nrnu.inna bn hiknl.lli7 ad vnKit,.il tbs prompt and faithful execution of the fu - ! gitive slave law and sternly opposed the ag - ii.iinn .lni,.r. nii,. I n r..r..r.n. j to attempts to sxcite servile insurrection in ! the Southern .States, no orator has ever nuo - ! kn ninra elonuentli rir in triiia nfmnra da. . cided reprobation. T 1 and maulv lni;uake. t ' , ; far too iua) Nortberi mant Northern Dsome do. that it immoral and irreligious to join in put - j oquently deleuded the compromises of the ; , , ni0Bk,, 0D BJ Kboulder, than that. ou,j oede tba ,bole co comment to any one u nM ..!, Kmland to Keanp b? "ouldtake it-to tngland, to trance, j l0IU 0f tbe cce.n, before I would see any j I nart of ibis hue America converted into a Laws? If I ralioinoa In inin in nutlin.r down a sarvila I .'... ;n'. p ' r-----o , ... i non tvoger a. t ryor, oi Virginia, uas .h. Soo.h i'BtUm'Ct;0D " tht !!0U,l, 1 Dosoller' been playing Uoman at Norfolk in that State. Tislft ? I an ! ,ir ' b"b,,', Dd ed JC1"0D re,u"ul,lu- He " brought down lb. house in that city ticket I 1 BD- . l.. hrr. .a nn eausA n w , rh I won d - -,fa . to train I ! I . J 7 7 i j ,0,r "'i-'"" air'0 tllB declaration tuai u 1 .eontiucutal Hayti.by that awful process ofi()ut of tbe wiy thcn ()d Abe dieg spout - ; boodslR.d ,ud desolation by which alone iu& b!ood ,nd sbakcspeare as above, and , ,uch , Ca,,,tropbe could be brought on. ,be b tho .. lean and hungry Cas- lb gTtU r.iall0. t0 ,erv,tude in souie form ; siu, ., u lUifined or other, with greater or less departures ; e.am tb8 theoretic eauainv of man. is in se p av. r aa L t s from our ualion. 1 know of no : tude shall be fixed but by political in.litu-1 lions, ijiueo.iu aiavoi 1, munja . vwmh-oo . ., . , . . :...i. i...u ) u0, lb., forul 0f eerwitude which seems to ; rje toe most ueuuuciai w iuD nia.wi j tminlj iliat waLioU is most beneficial to the slave is not, in my judgment, to be set 0f ai and burst his mighty heart." The dowi as au immoral or ii religious relatiou. : wbol flourish was probably merely intend " I cannot admit that religion bas but one ' e(J to announce in tragio sty le that Mr. Pry voice to the slave, aud t't this voice is, or will challenve Lincoln if elected, and pub ' Rise agaiust yo.r rrialer.' No, sir ; the j,b bjBj aa a coward if be declines, or if be New Testament saya, slaves, obey your a0cept and names bowie knives as weapons, masters 7 and though I know full well, that I'ayttuville Observer. in tbe bcniiruaut oi erati jus of 'hri-.;.uiiy, ; which gathered master aud slave around tbe tamu commuu.oa table, this unioriuuate : iu!li,itutioD iiiss pcared iu Europe, yet I can-' j not a(iuiit lbul, wbi, it ruhsists, aud whore u nhtiW, M duties are not presupposed and kiluctioued by religion. Aud though I ,r(lll,lv am uo, called upon to meet tbe ,Vt; . the ' j cbargCS brought agaiust this institution, jtraih obliges me to say a word more ou 1 ub; . .. 1 tU0W tbe condition of working classes 1 jQ 0lbtr C0Uutrijs ; I am mtiiuattly aequaiu I . . . . It ,..1 ,i. :. n some other couutnes ; aud i tea w.iu ii iu aume u.ue. , 1 e .. . 1 Ka n.r 1 It at I he nova J the slaves iu ,,i, country ar. better clothed i"" in.tu.i" i" -j a Ills .1 1 1 V .1 1 r-j'tLruued se.;;s:;;rri".B;. .be.ring in. thau tbe white, master, mciud.d. .. wi... .1.. ;,,f,r. en a. io th, nbvsi. 1 coupon of Z ' l.o classes of aoSi.ty ! These are opinio., 1 have long entoitaiued, and long since pub.icly prole.sed on this subject, and wucuinu.rep...,u. to the intimation to which 1 have already alluded. But. sir, when slavery comes to . .. . Ik,,..i .1 uler into the Lo.i.ut.ou a. a po-i.tic. - , .1 , . .1. euler mio me - make '.u agreem.ut on this subject, 1 wi.l .There Io .1 like a mau ; but 1 will protest araiust anv iufereuco beiug made irom it of the kind which was made by the houor-! " able mover of theso resolution.." Tui Gaoivru or tub CuLntry. lb. These noble aud patriolie sentiments of growth and prosperity of this .ountry, ia Mr. Everett will be appreciated. They will population, product, aud enterprise,, sound eratefuily iu the ears of the couser- j sliowu by the censas returns wbica we give valiveTuen North aud South. They ar. in i. atiethur eoiuma, arc something marvel marked ooutrust with th. .xpres.-ions ofllou. to coatemplaf. If oar for.U.h.rs ot an.i-alavcry acaluts, and iadeed ar. quite; two genaration. past eoald b.bold tb. won different in tone from any ol lbe expressions derful in.r.ase in population, the .xt.ut ot ol Northern ..ntiiueut that hav. been utter- territory under culuv.tn-, h. abuudaul ed recently by promiueiil .sea of any party in that section. Tuis speech of Ed ward Ev erett, coutaiuing tha boldest, manliest, and moat iuat viudicalio.) of the South evar ut tered by a Northern aaao upon tbe floor of Cuugress, will carry conviction so m. uca... of Soulheru aieo that iU author will b. guid ed ouly by sound, aud safe, aud atous.rvauv., and patriotio principles .a tho performance of every publio duly- I he Union such oonservawve suae of all parlies in the South j sod in the North may be proud to givei their eupport to candidate who present record of suoh proud nationality as John lie 11 and hdwaru Kverett. THE ELECTION IN MAINE. Mr. James Brook, who has been spend ing some days in Maine, his Dative State, addressing publio meetings, in the large oot ton manufacturing towns of Biddeford, Saco, Lenifton and Aueusta, and in such lumber- inf, agrinultural Dintricts as Watervi'le, or i commercial Districts as Bath, has setit the EW 10RK' BCPl- 3 ,,ou- I Elaine votes lor Aooiitiomsin .ionaay next, the 10th. Sill Vttt are TfSltOnsihle luf j The same Northern lievoiutieu, that . rescued Rhode I.iUnd, aud almo.it rescued ' (loniiHOticut. waa ro-niiimr t!m aliin hiiiMinir freighting, manufacturing, trading State of 1 Maiuo, and you have put a stop toil. The : boats of vour offiuB-holder. that line, for o use bis own bold hundred.t of miles, Elaine a indented sea be does not think, as coast, and the boati of postmasters that dot isievurv vii;aire 01 tne interior, treniDliui; in ' fear of removal from vou, bave not, with to run against the common enetnv. Or. if " Et la Brule 1 TllE.N Fall,' Old ABE ! si resists his inauguration, and if Lincoln un - dert.keil l0 enforce tbe laws arainst it. aud , , .,, , , , 7 s : ' , ;f ?Ue do tho bloodjP dced) be, , o( rlt- tnd ,;, , daggcr , his p... i ii.-. i,., I Tha fnnr wi ' -- ' ,T " llnvr miny sgea henee. Shall this our lofty .relie De acted rrl, In Ma ea unuurn, and accent, yet unknown ! Ifs, however, are sometimes obstinste.- Four 0f lbf ,n sre I10t likely to remove them- selves lor .-ir. trvors con venie nc, UU " . ... . ... . .rarcalv nrohabla that he will do ud the enaracier 01 nruius, or tnai via ao ks Ccosar will receive " the most ?-inJest cut No Prosi-ict FOaBwaVKWRluai-Whilst the papers iu tb. .ervi.e of tho pet par'y are trying to convince tb. publio that Brack- .nriJ .g"ht on, Bdid.,, tba, itaU(., aDy , v 1 chane. of beiog elected, apart from Lincoln, w. would commend tbo'm to the sentimeuts " , ,, . , , , , ... . of Ihe well-informed leaders of their party. Col. Orr, of South Carolina, in a rcc.utlet- ur, says : " ' -'IS. 1 snail fit. 10 ennmim;. .uu - r .1 . u 1,: r1-.. Lane, the uoaiine. of tbe Baltimore ton - 1 ... , tt..-i.. t .t.-it n...i.:..:.l. ..4 i r ..J . h, Jn4 oordil, ,up. veuliou t I n. r,,;s. Everv da v revolution going uu throughout tn. eouniry in favor of Bell and Everett. 1 hey are re- coguixed a. lb. ?..l, available national can- - "and fa" " di.nnion nartv iu tb. South, while ,,,, oi 7 their own section. u...... j . j -. .itirn n la p nprnrl nnrt .r a .onrnprn .-stall r - . " . . i-P..i .aV. racy since the Baltimore Convention hate d.splay.d n.thing but a Urge b.ut.-l're. ttce. returas irom iu. .011, mo ua.uue. uitude of oities aud towus thickly cov.riug .1.. oooatrv. th. vast mineral resource, be ing daily duvelopod, th. railroad .ad th. steamboat cnt.rpns. flunhiug .very where ther would ba l.k. lb. anoi.at barhar.e . oa Hon. could Ih.y b.bold tb. m.rv.U which acieuoa aod kaowledge bave wrought ia our Jar. Io tha history of lb. world iber. .. truly no asrall.l for tba rapid growth ef , th. Uuited State. X 1. lkM. How to tell a Lady. Ten women tball gtt into an omnibus, and, though we never saw oue of them before, we shall aelect yon the true lady. She does not titter wbea a gentleman, hauding up her fare, knocks off bis bat, or pilches it away over bis no;. ; nor does she receive ber " ehaDgs," after this (lo him) inconvenient act of gallantry, in grits silence. She wears no flowered bra- jewelry, nor rose tinted glove. ; buttb. l.oe frill round her face is scrupulously fresh, and the strings under her ohiu have .. dently been handled only by dainty fingers. She makes no parade of a watch, it she r iss or i ..no:,, wouiu, ... . . a, . ,ve . Ar. ..I.- dr.. AfThrda-k St. Lou'.s by tho Alton and Chicago Kail wears one: nor does she draw on nsr aa.it, ' , . .1 i i . . 1 c 1 i;ni.. ,.io,,(.i;,w road, on Monday next, the J liu wntant. neat y fitting glove to duplay osiontslious . . Jt n,tlitw in tbe straw W hen, therefjre, it w whi'p-red around rings. Dim we aotice, uesniu bfimitb us, such a trig little boot, not pa per soled, but of an anti-consumption thiek nes ; the bonnet upon ber bead is of plaiu straw, simply trimmed, for your true lady never wears a " dress bat '' in an omnibus. She is quite as civil to the poorest as to the rultfSt person who sits beMde her, and e qually regardful of their rights. If she at tracts' attention, it is by the unconscious grace of ber person aud uiauucrs, not by the ostentation of her dress. W are quiia sor ry when she pulls the strsp and disappears. If we were a bachelor we hould go horn to our solitary den, with a resolutiou to be come a better sod a married man. -V J'. Ledger. Turn tii Wdmem to Save. There's the secret. A saving woman at lb bead of a j waving meir uais, ac. family is the very bet savings bank yei To all tbe maintesiaiions of the admiring established one that teceives dtpe.-dt dai- j crowd, tho Pnuoi bowed bis profound sc ly and hourly, with no costly inachiuery to; knowlediremeius, raUiug Ins military chv manage it. The idea of saviug is a pleas-j pu ilb winning grace and complaisance, nt mm and it t ha women wouia im- bibe it at once, they would cultivato and adhere to it, and thus, when they were not) wjil ,.va i,,nT dollnes oerhans many hun- ...... i i: .i l..: I i iMu. tai Hrtiitr tha vi me tnrnu.h Iha drads where berore she thought it itnpos .; iorun r prscticai juaea u.- i.u uu.i cuu.i.. M.U Thi. i. a dote not a nromntine- of erable local noioiia-tv- Tb. I' elorit was avarice a moral obligation, that r.ats up on tbe woman as well a. the man. 1 VnribiuiKi A tr.da.man waa wait. .i k. . ...n..r..l .rtir.d u upon iu ma auup vj -r""; ".-- rmS. .hflu, he DpUtelyaddressud. and de- bi"J;h. n,ui . i - i. u:j . . L.nj.Ama ;. 1 tirnaUj j0 a Btyle corresponding with ber 1 dre tbst, bearing there was a vacancy in j tb , EentlemaDS service, she do.ir.d to be engaged by bim as a housemaid. van, wuieu u.u .uo.-u-.u-.v-. -v., The gentleman stated mat his " better half" was at her residence in the suburbs., Tb. following dialogue ensued : I w . .'.-1 .- . mi. .ml di.af. J wue) Then you reside in the couu - i, 1 t try to at 1 . .1 u... ..... ... ...,. r..n.. . towu. Servaut Girl- Aud the washing. I am given to understand, is dona al home, which I don't much like. Gent. But then we could give that oat. rjirl And are there any children ! Ueut T welve. Girl (in great excitement, and half inclin- ed to faiut) Twelvs children ! Geut. But then, to oblige you, we could drowu a few of thetu. the iauy servaut lurueu upon nc. uti, auo ai-covereu mc son. and swept from the premises with the air of Tb Doctor was also in tbe habit of drs C.sopalra. ing himself as a priast and oirculating about . toirn iu au intoxicated conditiou, greatly to Aihv.t im a Kaar YuUNG Man John tbe scandal of the priesthood. Atoneiime, S. Brush, a youth 19 years of age employ, ed as entry clerk in the store of Mills & R New Votk, has been a. rested, cl.arg d w'ltb baving) withiu the past lew weeks, taken shawls lo tb -regale value ol i-oiu r .. 1 1.: 11.. I,..-. irom IU Bioro Ul ui: ciiiuiuiii. 'j . ,r f , j 1 ..- 1 dav niht au officer followed hiiu to a pawn 1 3 o . . . I .. . .. 1.. .... 1 .,. ...... ,nJ M be Wa, receiving the money, ' deal of money Sometimes, be .aid, his :!--:1:o:Q: 11 aud bis live- week wa, Sill. .y Im..VLMJNT OF tVd ZZ impr'ov.meuU of Uhiy's (Cotton Gin, whicu very greatly reduce, the . . power required to ope at. th, gm. Providence Press ssys ibat tho new ma ; n.-,Ai.;.. f. ctuallv with ouo or twj horses, au l mat .. .,k, . .n and o.int.i the lorin of lb. r.c.iv.r so as to reuder the action of. ik. aaira more aoeadv and slfieieUl."' At au .xbibitiou of this machine, "oue hundred pounds of cotton, packed as it came from th. boll, wen weighed aud fed to the gin, wui.b ia sixteen iniuutea, c'.earxd the cl ou from the seed iu th. baudsomest uiauuer." J)W,. rtuvcller. Anvirn Too Lai I "I meant to bave il rl ,n nf that hoi.." .aid a man to bia I Iri.ud wbo was walking with bim iu hi. gar d.n, aad etuuibied iuio a pit full ot water. ' No matter, says b," blowing tbo mud .ml ..tar out af hi. mouth. " I v. found i;." TBI IltNOKRSOM ISCXND. ARIES Ht'StU W. learn from lha Henderson ( lex ) Tim., that after patiaut aad pratra.ied invealiga tioo, tb. vijjilauo. committee found Green lierndea and bi. eervaut girl guilty of burn ing the town .f Hend.rsou, a-id they w.r. huug on Saturday August '"'.h. I THE UOCilh ritlNl E OF Al.IIS. His Enthusiastic Reception at St. Louis. .V IMMEysK " SELL." The citii-ins of Sk Louis wero cleverly " sold " on Motiday morniu by oue who claimed to be H. R II , but who turned out to be at) importer of the basest sort. It ap pears that a despatch was last week receiv- . ; by in MJJ ot at. t,ou,s irom v., or W tworih of Chicago .nDOuncing thatHh. j Prince of AS ales bad abandoned the acgn ! of spending Iwo days in shooting on the prat- on Sunday evening that the Prince was ex pected to arrive the nest moruin', ti.oe who beard the rumor readily concluded that Monday the 17th, and nut the llh, was the correct date telegraphed, accordingly the depot was thionged at an early hour on Monday morning. Upon the arrival of the cars a splendid open barouche, drau by fjur atiractive horses was on hand , containing an ancient looking gentleman id white hair and exten tive beard, who was piintcl out as the Duke of Newcastle, aud llii Ko) al High tiDs, rigged off iu a pr.jfiiMon of ribbons aud regimental, al bis aide, and others in tend, d to make up ihe traveling iir. The crowd at tbe depot bonoied the royal party with an enthu-iaaiic rrcogniliuy cheering, tun.u u "..u u. . .n. throng that it wa with difficulty they ere prevented from removing lbs horses and cated Irishman, au incorngib.s a;, who-a Lo personated the i'ulo of Newcartic on the occasion. The llepublicsn thus refers to some prior exploils of the Doctor : Kormerlv, Doctor B. was frequently in the habit of ' going Oi: a bender "' On on. oc- v....... ..... J ,pr ' 1... un(. tb.r liquor or bread. Passing by the Bart- , liBg House, which was formerly located on Third atre.t, betweeu Pino and Olive, be ,aw a party iu the saloon partaking of a lunch, and plenty of beer. &c. al hand. Noiieing a keg of blaok sand iu lha .aloon with tb. bead partially store in. the Doctor at onoe laid bold of it. made towsiJi a 1. 1..,., fi... (oWr.n para in tha meantime to ' make known the fact that be bad a keg of owder iu bis banils. n. ..,v,.rl .),. V,l,iln umbeM an with a wild and somewhat savage expres sion exclaimed. Now we'll see who's alraid aud who has true couraa ;" and with that be threw tbe ke into the fire. Instantly the saloon was vseat.i by every living soul, except the Doctor, who q iietiy sat down : and helped himself to lunch and driuk while the crowd outside wer.j anxiously awaiting the anticipated ex lusion. B it no explo- 8ion took place, and one by one the frigh- teued 1 occupants of ihe ...ood ra-,a in on the ocr. ion of a military , ,.r.d e. the Dr. bid bis h.ad beneath an umbrel.s. ani in a ioud voico g-.ve tbe ord, r to lia.t." The company immediately obeyed, but at once receive- marciung cruers huj. .... plain. The order - halt was given twice nu and obeved. The raptain was noti- ..!..... 1 R,..:i detoeteJ the source Iroia whe.,oeV,o order came. Numerous other Hici.KDiJ relative io mo un.cuv..v .... enumvra'ed, but tne alove wi.l present. Mn.ssTKR Press The Scientific A- : .1 .1 ...... .-il,.. minuter steam c c , s Heach. who ha. V" . ' Vn . st Jusl. rcul,u "Jui work : alraction ,f , ,:e.m printingVre-. by which 11. .be sh.ets are cut from roll b J Pntcd po n hotn s.ues at . ... IB tlk.)UJ&nil IIJDItSfllulli. aa i'v. eounled anu ue ivared from ti.e mac!) f. reaiy forth, carrier aui tae '" ..;. .. . 1 as a common two si m .".-- - - . . ;.i h u as a e.iiiiiiuu " . ..j lie 11 nsry specimen ot mechanics skill and in- g.uuity. Am EluPEMKNT Al UlKir'Vl , u.LB W .. .h on l,,t Saturday n.ibt, au eupe- : merit took pliC at I of the South Car 'n! the li al.out llii I 1. one miles from Carlesioo, unicr v-ry I ..n,.u..r e,reuu... ...c,s The Tarl.i. "era i a widower auJ the of a h-gl.ly ' d cii ivu of Kidubc. wno w... times, absent from l.ou.e The w. lo.ver bas abandoned six ycim ehild-ca, and the part- o.r 111 his gu ill leaves three, one or wo... i, .a inf.ut. The p.ir.ie b..ie..d to av. ,-oue off by tbe North ...stern Ka.lroaU The faithles. wife left for her hu-b.nd a sbor a.te. in wbieti " aot fies him of ber intentions and consign. ,r ehiMran to bis .ar.. Ihe aff.ir in c,u. d a deal ot horaol wsere 1 .'nt iu the iKikh- nrred Vi,r 'o.'r.i