Spjortb (Carolina SolbigJ fs? .v? fm i B5 jesCSrr 7 iZS NaJ aMJ Tuesday, (tclobe r n. 160. . . . . fo-R. ft. Vvk, field, fsq ,,. I . i.f ii. Us cn iiUil lo aei, anu i nor .ulii r:a. rn I w iil fTi. ., r tr tp w H,0 bi.,,,,,. t.r l( tiaem. nt. nu receipt lor tliewmr. At y pcrtui ub. nMri(r p.T I., hint within Unci- nion'l Bio for ti l.'l..r. FOR PHIliET, Hon. JOILN HELL Df TESNEsMK. Foil VICE r-HfrlDLT, IlOili Ai(l) L KliK l T fF MASSACHUSETTS. I l.i: 1 ofts. For the State at large : Tk.N- GEO 11 BAUtiKU.of Wake. La. U K SPKEL. of l'a-.i iotaiik. For the Districts : 1st ristrict.J. W. UIN'lON.el Pasqaolsnk. d 0. V. CLARK, rf t'ra-.eo. id 4ih iik (nk "ih i-ih 1, n 1,.,. l-l i.v -r i'. i do. do do. do. do. L I' F.I V. Alii S, of Grauviiie A tl FUS11.K, ol Raniolph. . f 11 Y. WALtKli, ot I'avidson WM. P BYNVM. of f.iicols Gen. K. M HEM1Y, cf Maeoa FSK .V 1:1.1: AMI HIM'I.ll Hl Aud v otf''Mri'ifi'li. fy titr e' lae t ouitiinttunal I xiui Af 10, Irbi. Mutaua, Kxia-iann hits Mll..iiua W ' l. 1.3 the f rl tl.e t"Ui:U h 1.. liar 1 tui .?t.. j.n.1 ci.i our-gr. !-!, l ol j; -. l r.r f-1. . ui. Mdicmal p-sf .1 I.i-.n-t' re K'lr-i, '1 11.1 11 1, lioili tire p rl .. (uin.l.si liii) olculi, tu iiviiMt i.w oi.ti-.il rint..t i.t:..r ti.an ' ihh r.-s.iiTrr'OK o Tilt tnr.iir, riiL i.mo.n tie mi -:aiis SNU Tl HM1C..TIJF Tl!r l.W " Ami that... tl- r. (jre.rntstn. s ot tlir ("ontilu tw.( t ni 'U w tti. eountr v. .11 Nii.n...l I o vtnl.n .sr. ...t-l, we i. rr p , . j;.- currivts l, uiinui... p.-uir. t .ud r. m (..f I. . -1 c urn .iv. lli- fr-i pr.i.e "-. .. liberty am hi,l .11-.I slr:j. f;i.n.al a.i t it (nu tt t l.itlj.e aiti .hiA.'a' b.iir:liv llrn.y f.r..rt- ...ay 'uc in'ire b r. l..rrd lu te. v.-unlrv. ti-. j.l 1 .i.l. tnr pey lc mi "I i. Sun. r u.. -t... nii i..c t'" cm, 0. el . j, 1 . '..in! ir, th-l tri,o t,ii. u( luetic? tr ... rte U.I Ir, hi ..ft ..I our 1. l Hit I 1 Uli'J',1.1 ,f, ,.r,H., cli, UBur tl.e '.Ii jll.ela. iu. ."Uln..(. it. a M.lo 10 uiu ji., t l. tl;i. ;ust;ct . i.i.ure n H.t tr in. e..-ii un at ' rai weil-re. ana rrore the ; wrseie. .ud eur postrny. j f. lift, pr 31EETLXC. t., Ctf liwr'.0iv j W Tlsre will be a tjTA'l K Ma.-S Mr.'l iNi cf the flieiids l. P.K'i f. and of the A liKKE AND LM"N, at the '1 ow n of Salisbury, cu the I l .h and Ivtti of Outoktr next. Every eount) in the State is desired and expected to send delegates. Tbe UNION MEN of Kowan.tbrouinihe Ex Committee, exield a cordial luviiatiou to UN iON MEN every w bete, lo he who tficiu oa that occasion. SI'.iN II ROGKl'.S, f.'!:a.'n. PubUc Speaking. Viit have been requested 10 -tale That the Electors for the Seventh Congrei-.iotiai Di trict, Mit-rs M 1 Elii, Bv.NLMai.d Fi.X, will address Le p'.-c-fle at tie foiljair.g tin.es 'i j'a-e, til : Wadesboro', TWdy, Oet 9. AluTuar.e, Ihursjjy 11. Coieord, Mcnd.j, " l'j Newton, Tuesday, " 16. Saii-uary, Saluruay, " Charlotte, Tuesday, " 'J'i Llricoiuton, eaturiay, ' -7 Dai..', Mouday, " Z'i. ''., ander-tai.d that Mr. Bynuni cannot be at Munr'.e and Ci-ailotte; aud Mr. l ox vabbot be at A oeliur.-j. Magic Lantern. A . exiiihitiou of the Magic Lantern will 1.? f ace to night iu La.uiri.t of the t w l .. Cbureb. See adtertis-metit. Kew Goods, Jewelry, &.c. Atteotiuu is cailtd ta the sdverti-etbcnta of Me-sr Euss Cohen, ib another col u iiti. It wi.i be aetn that they La-. e ju-t re ved a uio-t splendid stock of Tali and t mler '-oo-iu, to wii.cti tuey ca.l ti. ai'eu tt ou of t'.e publrc. A!-o, Mts-rs J. G Wl'' jir.soi) k Co , and Mi I',. W li ckwi'b, Lave r.-aned a fie;h aupp'y of Wattles, Jeweiiy, At , Lc '.',! aud txau.il e ir.c.r tl.x Aud though ii-l U4 least, we irn.ie at Vent ion to !i o'j-tou II unter ad leiticem. nt here a variety of weet things .re offered t j the putUe ; and " old Nick iu B.-ll Had Everett Poles and Fla?a. are pleabed lo Itaro lhat two more B.I. and Everett Pole abd Flag have been ti.iown to tbe breeie iu old .Mtcalenburg, a foi.ow. : On ibur.Jay last, tbe Pll and Everett axes of tlauds I'rburg, io Mecklenburg eoun- ty, u.(t at Irwiu's Sior for the purpo-e of ti. 1 f u g a p ne aud flag in honor of our can eiat.i... A loodiy nu timer were present, and fer every preparation was completed up a.btlhe pOie and unfurled auutuer F.ag inset. Led wiih in ttai .ud air, pes and the U.un a of the I 010U Candidates. After the pole wa brtnly Lied, Gu Y oung ad d r. sa id ilm people pr. . nt iu . soul stirring speech. We ar pieaaed to iearti tl, .t ur I.kikI are aious.d in tbat neighborhood. And anoifa. r Pol ase.eeted atjarri l u'g al ml mile, fi.-m Charlotte, ct, wat- r. wat- ft tbe H' i-1 U-l, t, I , I 1 .n-f, bean stars sod stripes nd the nsmc of Bell and Everett. After .11 tbe srrangomenta were completed, tbe friend of the Constitution Candidates rot ep the role in 12 minutes after commencement, amid shout and cheers A number of ladies, ho Here present, en- ccor.ged the mm by their smiles. After the pole was secured, Gen. Youcg delivered to the people snother soul-stirring speech. A fii.Ltl who was pres.nt said Gen. Youug ! dPi:.ri.rl nne of tl.e Uki f-rufehes be eer rtel.t.red our ol tl.e Ust p(fvnes t. eer i t.esrd bim make. And thus u;ay the j O'tr lie .'hna oi I lie- lin mi: iSe h.-rtie ff the I brav. I And yet Another. I While our own county i warming up iu ; the ood cause, we h arn lhat iu Cuharrus 'the people are mo ii. We learn thut on 'the yytu of September, the liiends uf liell aiid Kverett met at the houie of Capt. John K. Newell aiid formed a lull and Kterett Club. After the Club was formed thenuui- b.rs piocecded to hoi-t a splendid Flag, .r.rrA ,. .1,. l.ndie for the occsioU.,.l,r,b li n i 1 ii i 11 tr iii ootirss of ereoliou in the V...M.,., ...r, .nd strines of our cloriou Iiion with a beautiful beil attached to the lead of the pole. Wicu all was ready,' ll"Ct ci'l fTe cre P'0" for '" '":r- tt.-aid us went tne poie auau mo iuouis ! of the crwd. After the pole was secured, I . salute of thirtvtbree cans was Srcd for ; the 1'niou candidates. The Ciub then ad-. journed, to meet at tbe house of J. M. Swar- ' iri'en, 011 caturuav, lue oin 01 uciourr, 101 I., r .1... k'l... tbe r urriose 01 ruumc uo numuti I 1 . iii - iLf r- 1 1 njatiou, say s, " You n ay f..l . a .1,,. urta, i..t rsos e ot Cacarru coui.iy are wiu awake and lull 5 Vive for tne nion one and in- ., At,. .' Tkti ,,.,J. s.taraLIe.iiOwauafuieef. id. .-ir.iui t 1 the good work. Atd we It am frcm the f ayettcvil.e ie-tr', wLose Koitur was returning from a lenUrti tour tjrcUj:b lb. mountain rc-;iou of tl.e old Notll. Slate, that the fjisl cam paign flag which It had seen was at lhck. ory Tavern, in Cataw la county, (not Burke) and that, as it lore the na 11.es ot litll and LiLiett, Le considered it a (.ood omen ; aud as the Editor relatu a circuuistai.ee which 1 i.t- nrfom.tr ctsiitd to have tutiisLed iu ,1., C U l.i. rhe the Eaitor'a re- .ark.- Near by stood a ktct of four or five coun- ly lu.iticuins, among w nom one very Kieiu- , el liell aLd Kvtrett man was telling bow he had iLis n.oiDing " - r"i the pole " to ad jutt sotLtihitg tLat bid got wioi.g about ihc flag, lie aaid be was 07 )tars o.d, aud he w.Litd it put iu the North Carolina W big, which his son takes, that a man of 01 had "cij that -M." As the Editor of the Whig was not there, i take the iiUrty to Itcord the fact in Lis tttad, with ite fur ther ibicitbcc of n-y own, that our. Btii and rtitilt tiLLil could Lt ba Letu quite e.'i Jl.ii i wLeu Le c i 1 111 the pule itt he bad since LtcCBie in 9elebrliD; toiniai.ee cf to TahaDt a (iced. the l'. Chances for Bell and Everett. j Ficitu the erst nouiinalisu ol the Consti tutional Union Candidate lor the 1'resideo- "J "- "bo ct.ai.ee for be.l and Eivrett.-' 'J he cioud U.eu was not larger than a mau a Land it b;ia increaned iu xe until it bear. ly cover, the whole heavens, yet our oppo- nei.ls stiil in?ist that litre is lo chai.ee for ur candidate.. Wen, iel us hear what . , ,, . . . , ., . . Judge ill L. b, . verv wfijiutial Uemocrat, of c ' , Alabama, .ays. lu a letter to a friend, be ' statea that Le bad heretofore declined to commit Lirti.eSf to the support of any one ' uiil.l be could be better iniorruvd as to the individual who im-Ll Le most successful iu defeating Lincoln, at then adds: " In my rre'.'bt visit to several watering lie . in ttie mountain, ot irginia 1 had an Lpp'rtunK y of seeing and conversing Willi a nuM.ber ct geutic&ien of mteiiig. utv, frcn. RiOst of tbe ivutliwiti S'.at-.s, and auion tluBi were the trienos of B-eckii.ride, DjUsjI.. and Bell, and lak;tig the aggregate of lb 1 .1 tuition thua oLUiued, 1 atu .all. tied tuat 15. n a el.. .i abd Kverett stand tbe best cbat.ee .1 the B ack Uebubiiean Lii.coin. e ticterB.ibvii to -n tLtui Uij sop Late Foreign lieu .. The Ltw. Iroui Europe, esp.ciaiiy ht 0: the most ibtetcating eharacter. Italy, Gari- haldi carries everything before h in, and Las ebteii'J Nj..ta witbo'.t af:J opposition. ittor Luianuei siii, we Lake no doubt, be proclaimed King oi Italy. A battle took place on the l"!ib ult. be tan. 11 ilc Pope's troops and the Sardinians, in which tne former nas complete d-Kal-ed anu tl.e army capilulattd. Ibe Pope has D'j troop, out of Ancotia. Ganta.di uttt Count Caver's policy is ao diSerenlthat I'.Vv ir tiisen:aal was de manJeu -, but ittor Emauuci 10 far has au.iuri lo aceeue to Lis Ueu-abd. infection ., , u ," , ,,. . i o-uy rebbsviv ania, Indiana, Onio and Iowa vote. The result, iu tbtie Stales will tnrow some light en th Pri-lbtial eiee- UjO, especially I'ebbsylvabia. It the fuiiou llc""-t w defeated iu that State, may eou- lJi;r 'he election o( Lincoln almost certain, e.ptciai.y if Indiana ebould go for bim. 'Aebope tuvijod of our fatter Will tare " tmui tui. uire calamity. fcouth Caroiioa toted yesterday; arm there ie bo excitement txcepl in a few dis trict, growing out of lovai er ptr.onai la auea. She wul vile for Brecki.lide, Gen. Wuiker Shot. Late accounts from Tiuxiiio confirm tbe capture and death of Gen. Wa.ker. Before bis txecution be admitted that the war 00 ilontlot. was wrong and be only wa. to blame, lie asked pardon of the peopl lie died lb tbe faith of the lioluao Catholic rt,!.; jo, and was (ei 'tied to hi. fate. Florida Eiec'ion. Petyn,. ao f.r are unfa.orahln to tl.e euccs of the Bell and Everett ticket Lord BeniVew.' His royal highness, the Prince of Wales,. . i i j 1 or l.ora iientrew, oas ueen receivea ai , Washington with every respect. He visit- ed Mount Vernon, and will vi-it Richmond, ' V., td Jamestown. It is right and prop, " btrtom uf oa the Prince all proper re spect. Gold Dollars T, ?ecr(lrv of ,Be TrcaMirv has order , . -,,,,. , - ej three n.illiou of Sold dollairi, now lyinS 1 ,1,- ,;,. . be melted un into The public has lorg been oua hapes, were cither hissed or their voi Lincoln were elected?" Mr. Yancey did into torchlight procession, displaying a . . , , c ccs drowned bjlbe hootings of the crowd, not answer the quesiion, but left it to be; bout one thousand torches. '1 he di play is doul !e f sglea. I tind of this coiu, and the order of the Sec. 1 retary to rc coin them will be rather satis-f.i-jk ry than otherwise to the public. FOR THE s. C. Wlllvl. 1TBLIC MEETING. At a meeting of the citisens of Charlotte, iN. C., called Del. 4th, 100, at the close of the Course of lectures ou Geology, deli v- .re,) ht i'rnf F . S. Holme, of tlm College 1 f .u..- g. C.. for the benefit ot a new i town. Wm. Johuston. Esq.. was called to the Chair. i ne loiiowmg resuiuuons, ire."i-nitu i'jr tioti J. A. louLg, aud seconded by h. A. j Yates, E.-q.. were uuauimously adopted : 1 lusiuira, 1st, lhat as citixcns oi 1 har- lotto, we hereby assure our generous friend, . rrot. tlo.i..e, 01 oar .ry ii.tf a( Prw- t I- I I 1 . coljviclion ,bat bi, j.bors j-or te pr0niotioi of ecological science will result in cniargeu ana ptrmaueiii inieresi mi il.ni inlieet amor.a us. -- r llri't'Vfit, U'u, lhat we are deeply im- -".- -j " f ' Ujjt we hf.Ttl elpres9 our grateful ae- nr....! I.v ..nu nf nh loaiinti at-.d snow leiigineiiis 01 1.1s jiaiunuiij iuu uiv interested lators, Ly his lectures, ror the en - laretueLt of the church accots modatioua of e o.,r .-.. oi.tl u , .tm.i nnt 1.11 b may hnally bear the tiiviue approval, "YVeU done, cood and faithful servant." irswrvf, '!' .", That these resolutions he I ublished in the papers of Charlotte, and in tho Cb-'leston Coon. r. WM JCiliNSlON, liiiiirman. f 'R THE N. C. It 111. MEETING OF 111 K BKI.L AND EVER ETT CLUB. A regular meeting of the Bell and Ever ett liub was held at the Court House 0B . J ,liLMr Friday evening, S.-pt. JSth, 1CCU The Executive Coa.Uiitu.e presented ! report as follows, which was accepted 1 " The Eiceuiive Committee have arran eJ (oI Sj.nk,Ujf lu the Eastern part of tbt f)..trict as follow. : Monroe L'ew et s October 2 4 Proiidei.ce, " 5 V kite 'a Stoic, ' S Wadesboro', " 9 Cedar Hill, " 10 Alberuiarie, " 11 Mt Picaaut, " l' Concord, ' 13 And at the Court IIou'c of the other Counties of the Distriot, 011 lb? Thursday ef each Cosrt ; and the Cotuuiittee-tnan in ' each County bas ben requested to arrange lor the caiirass of bis re.-pectiie County ; 'J'tiC Committee are happy to report that our townsman, Gen. J. A. loung, baa con- V Mass Meeting h.s been appointed in ."Iieiby for the rtiday an! Saturd t'leeiaiid County (October) Court. of A Mass Meeting ha also been ar.pcintcd ti te held iu Charlotte on the .'-nti of Oo- ther. t I:,19 "commendc-d I, the Committee that tU i. lowing RlsoIuiiou be adopted : , , ,, 1 1 , ,1 , , ., U-t'jiien, I hat the Irieudi of the ( ,onsti- ution-1 Union Candidates in Mecklenburg County, be and aie hereby united to joiu U'" .Ciub ,u(i 't-nd tbe Salisbury Mass M-'eting, on the 1 1 th and l'Wth October. 1 he (,'oti.uiitice on By Laws reported, and their n port was unat.nn ;u-i adopted. Geo. i'oui.g made some remark", and in troiluced tin., J. M. MoreheaJ, who deliv ered a hoe speech (a notice of which was published in the N. 0. Whig last week.) Oa tbulioo, the meeting then adjourned. L. L HY NEMAN, e. JJ. If K Unl. A regular meetiiig of the B-.U and Ever- 'tt Cluu w as Leid ou Friday ev: Sib, at tbe Court Hou-e. Oct ine minute, ol la,t meeting were read and adopted. '..u.Wm )j. L'avtdson aroe anl made some very wc.l tised remark, a'-rtin tbat it had always been tbe fault of the old nig party to be inactive, and urging the Lnioo party not to folio iu their 1 iot.i p, and that it behooved every man of the par ty, who posesed one spark of patriotism and love for bis country, to " a I.'' Geo. D. was followed by Messrs. P. J. Lowrie, J. M. Morehead aud Dr. Graham, who ai.-o urged the Club to action ; and they bopud that tbe meatier of the Glib Would turn r.nt in atrn.. . ..,,. I,..- ... .. ,, , , 5 la,s Meeting ,n S4h,bury, on the 1 1 tb and 1 iiu 01 ucioovr. Jl jved and seconded that a notice be in sarted in the Whig, and posters be printed and circulated, to inform the pnc.ple of the lia Mittir.f to be held 011 th- oul. ir.n CTr;d. Mr. J. F. David-on reported that Bell Di tverett ,,,jle r '"g t'1 been raised BaudelUburg, Mecklenburg Co. t,i , , , , , , B, ,. Gloved nnd seconded that the Exeutlve Coninutt -e be authorized totaxe charge of, the cannon belongi,,; to tb, old Whig par- ' ty of thi place. Carried. P . I .,, ,1. . .1 , , (In inotiori tl. rt.tn... .w. J 1 J Bite, vu u.-v lu jLuij morning, tne llth Oetober, at the Ipot, at 4 oelocs, to tike tbe train for tl.H Aaliahurv ... Vl..;,.- L L HYNK.M N. Ii d- i: Club. eoe the n. :. wmi. FACE THK MUSIG' Say the We-tera Democrat. Well, here is some of hit on a music, let us see bis face it. H AM. JUST AS WE EXPECTED. We copy tbe following from the Raleigh Standard. Mr. Holder) was at Charleston be knows what be sa;, and we believe what be say i true : " Charleston ia a nol!e Southern City Tbe inhabitants are intelligent, spirited and ho-pitable. Bit notwithstanding lhi, it is to be regretfrd tbat the national Conveution hei'J in ','hai le.ton. 1 ho outside pre- sure on tbe delegates was against the I'ni- . . . . w 11 , on .g.irist the nationality cf the .emo- ...tic party, and therefor, anfator.bl. to calm deliberandi and fortunate rcsnlts. Tba diauuiontst, ;lr Yancey, was at home in Charlpatnn Ki.rht f...r nii.lit larno - , "7 " r ,, . ... ...j f0oweM beinKt conspicuous among th speakers, Nea'y all tho sppcohe which we heard were tltra .Southern in toue, and -. ri 1. 1... M.-.i M.. wocrat Could e.reely obtsiu hearing the rresi.ienfe orgn, is governed entirely .preohe were made )-y Kicl.aril a ray, Men wbo have Mood bx tbe Constitution by tho wishes 6f Mr. Rreckinride ; but j Ksq, linn, fleor-jo L ( urns, ami lion Hob aud the Union II the hot-bed of Noithern what will they (Link of Mr. Yaucrya refu- frt 0 Winlhrop, who hua but recently ro treason and disuiioo, aurt wno hare conleii- ded for years fe to face aud hand to hand1 ;.!, Hl.W l!,lini i.m it, it ..,ni ; lAnderenio the Cunventiou, Maj. Terry, i w ho n fused to secede, bn' remained for a time and cast one role for Mr. Hunter as a delegate from Saith Carolina, whs hissed by persons on the floor and iu the galleries, ' Free speech and lre action were, therefore, ' Tirtuallr denied to those delegates who re- gnroVd denunciations of tho star spangled bUDpr as unpatriotic and treasonable, (e 10jrd the American flag bitterly detiouuced ! nl ik. .,1. mhioK .1 ni,l,t in Ircnt of tl, rharleston Hntel.i and -iT..J ... ,1 v.. ,on. Democratic rartv as the crest bora I of the I nion, and to rebuke the spirit of dis- uuion wuicu tnrebteuea to uiviue SLQ acs- trov it. j Northern Demeyrats cf course felt acute- , ly this colininoa 01 tilings, nui tncy uore ' themselves likejjriots aud gentlemen. ....-,.,.,......., ,,..1.1.. ,,rQ..i,rA l.vnt-.i.ht Irt hpip imrtn Ihpm It had no. fleet upon thtm but to confirm them iu thiir devotiou to their Candidate, 'ir. uuugom. .urj uo w,ru .u. ... . 1 titive slave law thev hai to reveal the . . Missouri restriction they lad voted to an nex I exfts. and a.ld theret'V three tnousanu . - square miles of .lave holdup lertiiory to me nn"n ....j .w.v.. ; live tarin laws, 01 wnico c.uiu -r"" once compiamed so bitterly, aid on account .1, . i .l i- - of hieh she was about to eale the Lniou . they had ftruggled in their respective i States to prevent the enactment of laws to shield ana protect fugitive slaves, ami tui-y bad recently honored one of South ( aroli- !' prominent sons with the speakership of ; the house ol Ur resentatives. I mur these ; circum-tances, not to menlioo other, these i gallant men deserted better treatment than they received at the bands of tbe South Car : olinians. For our part, we bave uo hesita tion in sating lhat we will not go with South Carolina, nor Win. L.Yancey and his fj lowers, in their attempts to dissolve the I'ni- oil. The star spangled banner is not yet cd ous in our 'i.'t.l, nor do we hy any means despair of the K.-publ.e. W e still have cou fidence iu tha National Democratic party I We look to Baltimore for continuation of that -01 fidence, aud for . ticket tbat will ' trii.tnph in November next. Meanwhile, ur 1 ure I'rr the Constitution ami ike I mont and against all who would trample on tt.e n j and dissolve the other. A lor Mr. Yancey, j we leave bim to tbe tender mercies of Ibe ; Alabama Democracy. They wiildispoae o" 1 siiiu." I - . I Pol THKUN Dilir -T I'RAnE with EckoI'E. TLe Hon. Joseph Barbiere, who was ent to Eurcpe in June lal, as Comniisiinif? from the State of Tennessee, ou the vi.-s tion of " direct trade,'' was a peai.ger by tbe Adriatic, at New York. It is stated in the lltraiu lhat o far a the initiative is eon" rned, tLo mission ii a complete sucoees :ty manufactories in Belgium and Germa nj.'.nd succeeded, b p.r.onaily presenting .the surject to the iniuufae'urtrs, in induc ing them to make a trail kh.puient. Ac cordingly, the Il-.nry leaves Antwerp tbi month fur Senanuah. 1 i'orgia, wiih .cargo of assorted goods of Ijjiuui and (jerman manufacture These fibrics will be exhi bit. 1 at a fair to le bel l iu December next at MjCju. 1 I the Sun Growi -'I Cm n and Dark There arc now more spit on the tun than have been aren t fore for many year-; some of tbee are ti:iie through a siiiok. d glass to the nak.id eye. Several ftars some of tbttn of gteat briiliane; , w hicb from their acrtained distance, n.'jst bave been a large a. our sun, Lav: totally disappeared from the iky; and tl.e q action bas been railed anions astronomers, whether the light and h'-at of the sun are gradually fiding away As this woul l be acoouipauied by the detraction of a I the plant and animals on the eartL, it is rather an interesting ques tion. Tbe sua'a light and heat arc dimin ished by tl.e dark spot at the present liino ..bout 1 per cent. .i'i,tjjc American r VAtiKIN l'.IVEa NaVHIATION ComVAIV. '1 be. stockholders iu this company met at CIi-Bionsviiie, Daidon Co , on the in-t. i. iv. j juu-oa, J-.-q., 01 i;aic, anu .aooo Griffith, E-q , of David.ou, were elected di rector ou the part ot the individual alocK- idual stock uo.d.r. tn eauesuiy last a r guiar meeting of the Board of Directors was held ,Utr 0f Kulai,d as well a of Viri- at M .eksvill.-, when G. W. Johnson, E-q , j,f f,Jf bi, ar.l iou. voyages, surveys, and was ehoseu President and ex officio Secrc- rxploratiou in that country, and hi vaiua tary and Treasurer. We under. tand it lo Lie suggestion iu regard to its .dtabtt;es be the object lo wind up the affurs of this , tr fi..riis, proved of the greatest practi company a--p. to ,;rre'llde,ing p-euuy a ponsio.e, -nu a view ing the eh. titer to the next Leg- irlature. SuiiOMy Jl inner. An American I'ai'kk ti Lo.mdn Wo : arc at length gr.uirjed by tbe pub.icatioti of an A nut lean bewspipcr in London. 1 bit I j lurnal is issued weekly ou Wednesday, un- j der the title of "The London Americau,"! including in its scope and design ' pontics,! eomioeroc, iuveutions, aud literature. It is a folio sheet of eight pages, aud very f' V" ,u 0,,0VA u ?' V" ' V " '" in ew York by Km i. lousey. ...i....i 1. ....i.iiui...,i ... i....,.i.. .Uhlished ljj'iil'jrt .Vii. Fei.1. Ahi.em-while Eviaoeij Ii A VKKV SEMIGl'ft Ol-EMrio-i lu Taunton, Mas, on Mouday night, man named Seward in timated to bi fuiily that h probably wouiu noi oc sceu at'ain m this world. In the eo.,r,e of the night he provided himself with a ci iii.e lin.-, and went irit his wood bo'i, where h: was afterward found in a' .ttting po.ition, with the eord a-ouul bis! ueek, and the other id atlacbc-d to a beam j overhead, he being hit ar,l. p. A WIKt fUMsllEfJ ff.lt EXTRAV'IAN'CS! I TLe wife of the A i.iruo General Enyatti-n, , . , . ., ------ -. ( .... e..i.ii.1. u suin.il upon u.e aieoy.ry .of hi. gigantic fraud, during I h. late Ital-j hard ljhor. lnr kiih.. ,m h;.l,,ia ttcouraged her hushand iu hi aets of de' predatiou In oi.si laration of her children, ber sentenco wai eoinmuted lo three months' imprisonment, and the giddy Baroness i ' ' ' now serving out the puni.huient meted out to ' her for ber reck!,., conduct. , MR. YANCEY REFUSE TO ANSWER. I I Tho Washington Strifes and Union in al- . .1 k .1-1: ..J I.. U. V.n luumgiotne ipwtn ..; cey at Washington last I riday night, from the. balcony of Col. Hoover, says i ' Our eitiirns arc are that Mr. Brcekin- ridge cannot or w f.nt iniiiar niicDtion '.I.... II. ..,. lKiitllieroWW. t.i 10 ro mini 10 a rrr; ,.,.T.. iuuku .. ... , ry last night : A centleman aked 9lr.r. At the conclusion of the meeting, the V,.e ' lot would the South do in case I uuuicrous unit'ormed cluha present loriucd answered by the gentleman hitiiarir. alter paiti'iug the probable evils to bo inflio.'ed on tho tWb by Abolitionists and Black K. piillionns. Mr. 1 atcey should have made a response. cannot imagine why ' he did not do so, unless his mouth has been scaled on the subject of disuuiou by the en treaties of Mr. Breckinridge. We add tho following communication, for the information of our readers: ., 11-.. t v ... u. . I- 1 . . ; : m"r" J0U D," ,""K8 10 " 6,""on. ,ue tks you niBy tiiakfl in aehington, the following is desired : ' N il! he elnlion of Abraln lM!eon as 1 rcsmeiu, 111 your ju..f:i-un-i.i, .n ju.-.m.- Lie cause for d;ssoluliou of tho I nion 01 ! these States, or for the secession ot any of : mem ; or win mej jusuunmj ulUii mc judicial department to arreat uucou.litutioo- Verv respectfully, O S. II. TEEK Sl.PTl.VllKR -1,1 00, 1 bonded a letter, addressed in pencil to- I Mr. 1 ai.ee,. 10 Hoover at his bou.. ; last evrnu g. containing ine anove inquiry, , ,. .. v .. 1 1 j uenver n 10 .i r. 1 aneej ueinre ue coiiiuiciia . .. ,n,..h t .llino. doui,. be did de- peech. 1 caunot ooutu ne o:a ae- ... .. .... ' liver it Jlr. t snoey r. trained Iroin giving ; bi judcemeut " iu tbe premises I it 1. i vy.-.ii.. FOR Hei.L AD EVERETT-The ('C"I;th" b' f,,r, ,no,ber ve.r'b.d ra.-ed away, ( 110 1't mocrat has taken Uown the names gf j,rec iuri!g and Lsue ai.-l put up those - ., , f. ... . . . ... , ar i on. s...nk 'v"i'.' ." ...... The A exai.dria (Tei.n ) Iudepeod. nt, has del. rtt.iix d during the present ciipli cn!. d c nn a to giv.- its sup oil to Btii ad Evei.it It laij; I h. ic is no chance for the success of rt(,ui,r ftu ll. ,,.J proved true eaudi jste f,f ,he tru D. moeracy , and to afn.iate , ll.l.ti,,Ijai p.,,., Ur never u iti; but will use our influence to defeat such, let them gerti.il at" in th. N. rtb or in the Joutb. " T here is but cue course lift f . r Tennes s. eans. Of the two i ctional lick. t pre - s.nted iLi.re is but l.ilie pr.f.r.nee. J Le i-i,ii, i:,-.. , ,r, il. o:.v dill 1 :., in ! tb4 neat.s emplo)ed. j yjlb . Ul ,,;cu mt g.lppt only I aeer ej., ,)t j cr, ful eor.-i.t ration, un- ' tl.-d by any motive, but li.e coii.o on j good, arr e -nip. I!ed ta go for hh.il, Ev - ; irett, the l u. ui, 4ini the L.ws." S. . - t.. r...... .... . e . ick ; . , , ., 1 tecl and on other auLi.cl., were net long miu was brought to this r.iaoe from reel'', . . u " i . . . h .. , ' .. ; afterwards fnrihcniiiiiig ; lue.tiog al r.aetr- ' . ', ., ,, , t , ' . to the I'tail Koad ll:.nt.l and I'r. E B ! Sii.itb wa caiied to see bun. II. was 11 ti - ! ?e'iliei.,n 'ite' pat'eut liinl fn" tTiearteVnoorT ! "or'"'1 1 was found II' to hi physician tbat bn name wis Forney, that h was borne aud r.wd in I.ineoln County, North Carolina; that be had been working ou a boat at Savannah, Georgia, whence tie nia.l I.M way to t'bvrir.ton, thence to Mar Blufl on foot; that he bad be.-u lick sevtial dayswheu be came to this i piace. He bad no money save .'l cents. He; was declintly buried by the Town Couneil ' He died . .airangir i.h;ii stra n; er-, but if this artice cnai.ee lo ane.t the' eye of hi Inruds or relatit. , it i!l he a eousolatioti to thrru to ku s that alter he 1 arrived at thi. pi ice, ail that inidica! .kill aud ability cou.d suggest, wa done fjr his re .it f. -If irimi rtur. THE PKINCE OF WALES TO VISIT JAMEsfOWN. It i announced officially by the British Consul at liiebiiiond lhat tin- Prince of Wuie, will visit lhat city on Mtur-lay week and th-nee proe. ed to J.uiestoar., th firt set- liemi n; lu British Auirtica. n May 1 h I0i.'i. t'i.t tatu Siimh snd iii rrmnauio... vtui-.i at Jamestown the seed of Anglo . sjxon civil, x.tiou. Ttii was one hundred 1 u,l ulu, ,4fJ fr.,,u Ull. di-co.try of the ( jrln .lu.trto.u Continent by Cabot and thirteen ye.i. before the landing of th- Pi- t,ti,u I'.-riM.i at I'.an.outb Rock. Captain . s,i,itb 1,1. m .011.0 ( r ti... V . c4 tioue tit la thoso by whom it w a settled. Its very name ot Sew England wa given to il by the K.ng at the .uggo.liuti of Cap. tain Smith. The lat-st proiect of th people of Chl-a go is one to connect th water of Lake1 Michigan with those of the Gulf of M. xiio by an uninterrupted channel of stesmho.t navigation The original scheme of the Il linois and Michigan canal, when first pro- j'j'Cted by tbe Slate government of Iiliuois, j . r nunscu a snip canal ol sunioictjl Capaei- ' 'rgr,i c'a-s 01 vessel mat ' could navigate the Ii.inoi river, and a cou- to Doat the j siueraOK; poiiiou ot i!,e worx was construct-1 cd upon tnatp.jn, but upon the failure of .the mean the dinign wasjiivuu up and the' j work completed for oidmnry cauil boats' only. No, however, that Chicago has be- ! come agreitand flourishing city, central .1." , . . , , f(it .J jf rpvjvc(, f,r two fold purpo,,,; first, to .urve the ends of commerce, and second to carry off tbe drainage of the city of Chicago, aud thus) improve it. sanitary condition. There are j two propositions having the.) ohjects. t.li.a j is to cut down tha summit of the Illinois and Michigan eau-.l, while the other is to make' , ii,:w cnatinel ll.rougli .lud i.aku to the A(JX f, i 0 river, aa r J th. 11 to deepen th uUulJC, of ,c ,trclim .ul,luieIlt j to .n. wer the puipo We learn that a serious railroad accident ocourreJ on Friday last, 011 the Wilmington and Weldonrail road bi whir!, th. I.l,. .j u,v. 1 .no iini.. man -us instantly killed a.d th. conductor seriously injured. MAS8A0IIU3ETT3. A Union Psikinsthatiuji in Boston l'urMe Spwh ofll-n. Koljrrt C. '!'. .',, The Union nicu 0 i'U ot noston ami vi- ; . . , rt:(!,j tne i.te nominations of the p,,r,y, Bnd glorified the cnue generally by j crnnd mas nircting on 'luesday evening. : M.,uin Hull was densely erodi-d, and a re ! t,,.rl:rJ, pill ll UKl ns 111 pleVlllrd. firCUlle 1 reported to the Boston papers to Bave ncen j exceedingly impoxing and brilliant. Frow the eloquent and powerful address of Mr. . mthrop, we select the following Comoro hensivo and forcible eitract! I have said, Mr. President, that ercry tliinu which 1 had heard from my own Uud, during my absence, had confirmed my at tachment to tba cause iu which you are as sembled t l 11 t . .1. ,,.,:, I ... . , t.m, V-.enna. last November. 1 snail not won nri-ri iud iim'"u" . ,, .;, .ff.ir at r f ... .,..;, .ffa,r ll.rner a Ferrt, They came in the form of ame in the form o .....1 I rl , )tt f telegrsphio dep tail, - wi.hout eipl.nationa- simply an- . j ..J ....... .J IlkiI , .l.li.i b.d taken foicible' , . ... 1 :. f,,,. iher.nc. of a concerted in.urr.etio'n of the bUcka, and that blood bad already begun ; in . I think iber. could have been no1 1 k . L-. ...... .1 it.. 1 n,n true American heart in r.urope at that mo , I.l,.ij not throb and thrill with hor H..I I iufi.. B.wn,.a .,:.. K.rdlv less y -r -. - . h-r...... ... aecount of a meetinir in this I..M I k.li.r. .. r..iel. the ..How.. j "-"t - ... , ,1 i'i...i . .. . :.. ...... .1 lilt....! in 1I1. i I """ ,u" " (;'-, 7 . ium on.nii;, ." ..--- -r- - ly declared, tbat lbs nngleader ofthat dee- perate ano wicseu consp.r.cj w n(. u:. :e I...I I,... ..... ,.n,l m ih. n tnr nreidinit officer at th it mieting would bave bee. deliberately nouiiaatrd by lb. Republics, party of Ma.Ahurtts for tha ! Chief Magistracy of the oiinni-oscallU, j ,j,ouj iiafe repelled the id.-a as not within 1 ,b. pro,p,ft of belief as uttetly transcend- ' ing ny pitch of extrav.g.uce, which even i the wildest and moat ultra members of that vttly bad ever prepared u to anticipate i be catidi.l.te, 1 am told, la a bjoi au-iable and respectable gentleman, and I bare to I wish to say an unkitid word of biui or those 1 who endorse him But I should be faise la ; every io.pul. of my heart, if b.mg here al I all thia evening if opininn my bps at ad j doling this campaign, 1 did not Miter my! I bumble protest as vne to w hotu the eau'-e ! of Cbiistiauity and of social order i. dear , ' a one w ho wnu'd see the Word of tiod aud i tbe law of tha lnd rci peeted and obeyed I if I did not enter tot hu.ib'u but e.rni.al i protest against such an attempt le give the ' ming .auction of the p. opie of Mach ' Srit. lo aafitimeuts so impwas and abuB.i j liable. But I am u'ad to remember that the re- . 0rl ' cl'ier '"'tinjia, 011 tha same sub- i il llali, Convcuic in at Baltimore, aud rati ficatioo lueetioe iu all .arts of tbe Ovuntrv. It was in l'aris, if I rcn.en.bcr right, that 1 received tl.e aeeeunl of the raitictie itiij kiu.iou g.ii.rmg at ahieb John IW l and Edward Evereit weie bominated for the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the Uui- led Slates Wherever il was, yow may be sure that 1 ratified lhoe nou.io. lions al S joe lijj nu an .ui noil mil u.uii:. bad been selected which represented no ex- treme opinion, which recognised beta ends of the I 111.0, and for which Uien of 11 ode r a'ton aud justice could t'te with a clear conscience and a bcarty good will. (Pro longed applause ) I have bad tbe good fortune to know Mr lleii for more than twenty year, and bave '-pen an huuihla witn.ss to hi. lab irs and lertico. iu the CiLlnvt, and iu both branch es of Congress. Stiame, sh.ias upon tbe perversions aud n.ir. present. ti,iu. which would impii.ale bim it. ti. ultra m or rl ravi,.aO' 1 1 of cither scctiju of Ibe Union. Ibcre is no truer friend to hi whole rouo 'ry tbsu John Bell j not one who would be more anxious, or more able to administer the Govtroment with au even band, upon ' the 'rue principle of the Constitulun, lib out fear or favoritism ; not one who is e ' Uipoe. to gite any undue pr. pooler .nee : to tbe peculiar in'lilutiotis of the section ' from a ni- b he conic: not one whose re : cord contains nobler ei. ienee of his com. ' age to stand up a.:.gly and .lone, if need be, ak-niii.t the Sjtith a well aisg.iu.tlhe Not th, wii-nnrr . art,, ol justice and ol 'duty should call upou btui to do so ; not on. I whose election at this nun. I would do .0" ! much lu restore harmony lo our national eounril, and giv u four year more of as- tured prosperity a.id peace al Lome aud a broad. As to Mr Kverrtt, it is for other in otb er t ac-s to speak of bim. 1 1, need no com nii-udations here. Hi spotlra. character, j hi unrivallt-d aecnni nlislinients. his 111. toh- e( eloq-ienco, bis ardent palriolim, are ail j too familiar to us to require an ailusiou. j uut jt t nol bcre alon lhat lie i kuown j it j j, Bot ltr ,ll0 tbjt be i appreciated. 1 ! pre no ot! hand, unoonsidered individu ' opinion, but the deliberate juUgu.eiil ol thousand at home and abroad, wm u 1 say that the result of Presidential eleciiou which should place Edward Everett iu eith er of the two highest offices of the National Government, would do m or even than bis own masterly address, on the lib. of July more than any words or sol of any or all other men to vindicate our country in tb estimation of the world from tb impression which bas been s lamentably prevalent of l .te tbat our national character and our na tional career are already marked by degen eracy and decline, and that .11 honorable, accomplished aud virtuous men are praoti r.m ik. D,...,i.i,M.inrn. public affair.. He b. himself furm.hed . "u Lc"' ,!U-'"'t against many of M f"' aulu but th people ol lie I' ' Stales, in electing him to one of the bigbest officos in their gift, would upply lJ' I"0"f. illu tration and living example, ,!l,t the pi"'io is not where a man wa "K"i u" wiir.w 11 1 now ll boin be l now acting in w hat direo '9 -ovinj-to wbo.u and t, what be is now commuted Old record are nothing. Name are nothing. Men are uo thing, in a eampaign like the present. There 1 but one, simple, but all suliici. lit, and .'embracing consideration, certainly, which' ;n .. ...... I 1 h 111 govern n. v own tote at the cum mi; elce j tion ; -nd if it oould govern lb. vote of et- cry oth.r ,, in tb. Uu.on, 1 should h,,.! no fears for the result, it u do quemi,, , nersonal or of pally tiiumph. It in a.,,' viction that has tukeu poseHion of fcl wholo lieiiri. aun ui ami mind, tht ti,'t tiest ano pij;i"-i ii"ivi ui o.jr eoum,, anu 01 every uiimii ui-m nu Hjn it,H,0 country yes, I wiil not acniplu to ii,eill black as well us wtiiie, nomi as m I a f,. tint all our nearest moral Hid rii ,;, social iinei.sis, nrmiu'i a iruue, 1 jf. truct if possible, a 6unl t:nj i t ut ioll 1 be fratricidal strife which baa Lcrn.i H Lli!ii the North and - " ' um. 1'eace, concord, the reaioraocn of nr.ij-, harmony, of mutual good will am 0f vidual gooo nature un is me one WBIII- ui our ii"i, u .v" . riniion, t tbi, moment. Nothing, nothing hut tnischi, f .M ( 11 us i ir resuiien num 111c necimnai crj nations and reoriminationa which have Innir formed the whole web and n,.r,f put he debate. Enravagant and unii-.,,', dociriue bare neen auvanceo anu aiUis, tt-d, both at 'be North aud at the South ; tiiere spile towards each other, ami i'n are have been et on foot which woiilj , ' ver hare ncen oreaiiieu 01, exci p in , ,. . .. . , ..... r ! 01 '-" f'"- hlood kl, been engendered Dad laniao ba, U, been engendered, bad lanuac b . fr.om liP educated to better utterance., , blowa have followed word j , r7 " , "r, , " I'oih the North, ru and til t'"1 '' anu repoe fr ,ue fr"J " recent d. inettic struggles have produced. (, j yean' Iruoe to .11 these dismal and irr "J ".'"f "" ...hj. hou squatter sovereignty, and Ured Sc , decisions, and luthertl oligarrhie . - 1 - -, - I Clival agere.Mooa. wu uo more . , "'J anu auut- ins. view. 01 ir j"" ; ??. '!" baranguea and philippic abiuh have fonipo-B ..... . -u ..u. a.r. t nio.lbeuc. and licero. . 1 j .iaiiisu l. i'iuli ... .'.ii Al. I j 01, rtpe, tbis tlpttiinent, ahieii I not loua ot, lor your aaae, M. is, ..i.t - I er..,fr.. il,.t Iho.wl, 1 .... ure of the r.sull, 1 al.ay. f.el . rU; . l.ieh 1 e.nnot Oi-pel. ' " It that tt 1 ease," I r piicd, " suppose it , brliev. your woid." ' No, nn iIl4 ,0 , i to show you Ibi. curious pt.rnoniti.on Is by tha way, Ibe learned doctor addrj.-, me see your bands." He took tl , , , t "Hang it," he went on, " they an- ion n for our eipetinjem." " You tlmk i , ' '" Ccri.iniy " " 1 ben it is daicro,,.' " It might be so. " la lhat ease go," 1 .aid, turning to Ihn du.-r. " I... would be a pity," n.y eompaann r-ii.! holding m tack ; ' st.y dip yoi.i ,,v, 1 il ls bucket of water, dry thtui wcu ai,J 1 b y will be tufficient'y daim." ( must eMioe) that, to eoure ti,s ,M eeea of 11. i. marvellous exptrni.. nt, n o t r conuilieti riqui.ile thai, to tut !i. baiiJ. .Iietl, uau.p. t bad kcarcc fin-lei wiping n.y band. hen the furnace ... peod, aud a jet of luoiteii met. I, .'"jui t:. thickness of my am., burst forth. Si .k, fl.w ju every dirvctiou, a. it it aura a U t work crfotuiaoei. " S ait a f. n.n.'it.i. , 1 Houligny said, - till tbe metal fcj.. ed, fur it would be dangr rou to try our ti peritttenl at this inonn U Imv a .nates later tbe stream of liu-. i . , , . . 1 . . , . Bra lift off bubbling aBd einutit. tit, - it bee.tiis, indeed, limpid and br... that it seorcL.d our ee. al a lew off. Ail at ouee any cou.panion a,k- i .; tb Ims.r. .lia V.H.a ...; bi banJa in th metal a it it bad beeu ui? a.ru. water. I make no pretence to h ue ry. 1 eonf. at tin. mom. nt tuy b.ar; .. if u would bur-l, and yet, h.u M I- i Hnj ended hia strange ablution, I , .! uirwa.'u in mv lorn aitu tbat provvd a eerl.m slrenjji of wi.i 1 i ii.iru my tofe..or a movem-..; ; nd, m niy jsy, i look a handful of tba Uo-ni .1 j threw 11 kgk iu lb air, aud it fill fcsci ,q a bre .lower ou tbe ground. .V-.-!'. ' litjeit U'ni.nn. Made Lantern Kxhihitinii. 1 tllf.KK ..II 1- n rif., 1. ( Sr, .;. .rr,( .1 uV I h.h.rr.. h.if (ilir O. ImJ.tr . I !. !. I T!." V I HiS will t ma.!e t. jfialtufr .Soft., t sroiiftJ, in U ,;rl a K - .1 II ,rt Ir .i.i ( ',.,., ,11. H..t Vi I ..f Iratnli. ilctut.'t 9, IM.:'. - - fU' VV'lflwS Si If'Vl ,V " ' ' ilVK UX" X Jl " v Hi. WILKINSON V ( t. Vl K , .-. ,i'i' a nn.i well .eo rti 1: -1 u! liiH Ilm c Iii.ji ot WATCHES, CHAINS, P-IIAC FI.11TS, BHEAST-PIN3, EAR-KINGS, KIN-GEIl-KINGS, St'KCTAC'LES, Till ' ULKH, c, o. asp aio a 1 .iv - .TW.sr ... 1'urc Silver are. I'lalfii Ware, 4 orts), illing 1 tititu, AlU Li.TJ uu ua r xj II - f .'.irra ij. Call anil ea.niino our Meek, ju.Ik f " "r ,,, i iiiUimI l ...I I.IIW l,. ' tll Altera. .111 fiv-n lo lt.pirin( Walrlira aue J- elf V, au aa In V; IVS Mr t. r a. ti!,int.nf. . J. i. WILKINSON A CO, No. VHiihiti It.M.s. fl.atUt l I.. P. S I lii Hilvsr taken in 1 .. 'i inKr fu t.o"'!" Orlmhrl 'J, IBbU. I U FALL OPLrVLNC-. New Store, New Goods! Lcowcnsleiii & J'ro. ( ourt II , .here th- J 11 h. t. n.e .I'.ck at III!) (:IHI!. r: a o ru 1 X (, IIOO IS, a 13 O i;.a l i AND OJAIP-i, anj a larjrs ..iriet; "f DOMESTIC C-(MM)S AMD " " ' ' " ' , fit-s. will do civ a call tn-fore , ''" ",( IV V TVl S t. BIB). 0,u .jJ" ''VmiN 'V