' ' 1 ', . :,i;niiie. and wroma. baa I then I would re.oorflmnnd th .enilinr- r,-. that would tend tothe Morv.n.on ,o e .... portal of lb. liloo road, .nd tb.t of a very imperfect ch.r.c ; The vacancy lb, caused, tcmpof.. .hould bo kept in view in the .h.pi..g of a tfl' ".ed Vvdeor... . rl Jrj.i ..il.. !-., ubiUi., mer.re.ent tear w. b.ve b4 : rily fill, d by governor and Council of proper system of revenue, wholly locon-ist. expulsion of th s . aoi c or i.oor, iron. nr h rt 0( 0ur .ttgressor. with the view .of seeyrit,., conoer, of ,u,io. ,h;;?; -v V "A- ''v;;,:, "-'V' ''ici?;; "--."f .1ih- ru;: .; J'm ,r , .' b' ' rDfT' ' .v. T!-. b.s pur u-d . policy. ; the f.c.rcy. 1 their families, . ...that oiJ impose eiituiioo I" ccntM-qucu,,.. to en.U. 1 ' 0 , ' 'f of pur- ,.H I m-cw..ry in .n ,,.,, like " Cp.. The Hon Pavid F O.M.cl. ... the . ... upon every ..tide of proper,, . ,,. h.l would inevitably Bow iron, ,h.,, act, -' J thctforc recommend tlml i,'oii ,.,"" V i f l'h"r.,Hr O . '"" 1 - lion JeeO Shepherd, lso, resigned their ! distinction, would hve the effect to dept-ive would sdd .Mother .ml powerful influence .word lo V ,, -.,, ull, I f tho'poopio of the State be cill, p, I hsv reatricrinn haw ln.erno.4 serion ter. ' . . j .. 1 -I.... mIivIv to I he 'tnces oi i r , . . ' 't f.l .t.el.i the proeres of ibH tre.t work.. .lid e.n no longer uberTe but um ful pur- '0. I theiefr .-re t c , m tin nd that toe J h riti:ovrd bv the Lrelalure. The ininortanre of u.-ii !rcill'OB will t k .. C.H.. m r . w r a it l Ul 111 .iud th.t the .eeond diiiMon of the road xtend. to the weMern portion of tbo Illue l'.iiije tatinel. and eon.i quenlly embr.ee. ht is known a. the mountain aecnon, hicb i be fr the most eotly p' t of the 1. V.". ,f !. t.. .A,.irJ to full- Com. r! le tbi !itiio. before lrttititf the work tevnt.d ,1,, ,no,,t.i.,..o eotitr.rt. that part: of t.,e road lyin, within th. Iin.it. of the ; mountain Mett.on. ..id co.ttngonie rotUioB . i a half of dollar. .HI be rendered .0- t-W u. V,,. . hi'e ,,c division beyond the nioiii.taiiia t t ettif; con-.ructi a. It was original')- rloiifned to extend thia red o .i- to form 1 connection with the cbn of roud pini; thronu'b the. Slate of Trnne.ae to the li-tippi Hirer, and the work ha now proi;re.-e;i to tbot poiM when ol.l t 'licy indicate, the proptiely of lo- eating !he western contiicliou and allowing the ( o!i.p..Dj to progre-.. with the wor . rat to be entirely practicable at conipara! a oiodera.e cot. The ore lies in almost a '-y d t course, through tne counties of: Haywood, Macon, Jack id (herokee. , teruiiri.tm.' at Cjwanv tl'uek row:.). and .be other ia a r.irthnly direction, along tbe French Broad Kiver. and teriuin.tiuir at the Paint Kock, 4G miies below A-heviile. At both of these points of teriniuaiion. con to ctious can be bad with tne Teiitevee roa Js. The selection of either one of these route, to the t xc'iuion of tb- o'ber, wouid fail to aceoimn ulaie a iarje number of our l- iiow-eiiix-n, re.'Oini Irimi the ii.ae Uidjt , who nae !:ertrofre ch.-erfuily contrtnuled i i' raiebi part toid. appiopriatioi. Iv, ;t,e i..i..l.i.i"ion rf road, east of th-t.,.-ui.t..iu.. i-L. n iO'ii-r adva'i'aiie to them . ivi . than t'lir nit re b' pe n-ld Out of tb. ir rxfnst .n-'ti-f tl.e tit at a lurure aay. 10 :tii. re.sonat.-e expectaliou, no have been ip-nded to ever- e:uie ttie et ni'.utitaiu barrier, wou d pruve a -r-a d :-if oii.t tiienl to ibetn, and wo.;li. in r.ti opin'on, be a departure from a true eeco coifai p i t ry . Thee route, point in t (f-dr.ctioii., and consequently . aeb would secure a buil.es thv. ttij other t- . it I pot. an! b'h w..u d srrve as vaiua- s enrri! ut - r. to the main iioe of rud ( .-t ol A-b. w:'e. T w-i-' i. tb. r-forf, ea'r.e-tlv recommend that !. We.r.-rt. North ('aroina Kaiiro-.d t' ut .iy r over both the it to c-i,-truot t!-eir road jt b.v .lt-.iei.ated, and tint ihe t.t eonirt pji;i u as heretofore 1 11 foe same pro- . every deiajin formtna tbe9 conoee-: 1? w-H result io it j..ry to iuve.tm.-ut. al- Hv made, I wou-rt su-je't no other re. . st ic'i.ii opci ti.e progre.s of tbe wotk than . simple liini'atioi. as to that amount of uiou k 10 be paid ai.njaii- by th Slate; such . limitaf..) l-a-it. ; io 111) opinion, txce-sary to t safe .d aiibi-'r.tioti of the public tinan- The Atl.ntie and North ro!io Rail road i an unu.m'.ly ill roc-iru.-t.-J work, tobd in gucecssfu! operation As waa tb" cr.-e with o'ber. of fur road., for the first f. . jfrs afir c.mpetion, it ha., as yet, fielded no divideod. to ihe stockholder; 1 it '.he p-eent earning, of the road. a r-pjrt-fd ti tne, .;iv aatl-factory a-suranees tf.at it wilt at i: eariy day be elasasd . B.er or dividend p'ymg roads Tlis t'ouipany will, a. I am ir.f.rtied, a-k that the ritate loan of Sl''".'"tt. wuti tn- ba.- intere-t, ani'uiiting to ?T J limi, h COOfefted IH9 preferred stock, ali i tl.e roa-i re eaed from lue uiortaL'-? upon 1: in fa or of the State. The .ceediu lo such . proposal would tend to facilitate the op- ra-ti-au. of :ne Company, aud ou.d tut re-u.l in any iniury to the S'ate, as u) rea-o: a b e oojM cau txi.t tint the Ciiiipany ou d oa aole lop.y 8 p' f ctot aunuaily ou u h jr-farred t.ck, aftir t:e present year. A . rnt-ar policy was purued toar-ia ttie N ): (!i t.'iroj.oa Railroad Company witu trai.ed I eu-.-Scial coti. q lenc-s. The ri pott of tbe in un.; oner to exam ine into tne aff sir" ol tbi cixpany has ne-.-ti h.oird in wuuin the pi-t feat days, and is b rewilh tr atjtuitld The Wilruifigton and Maocbe.tr road, in wni'.'L tte .Mate ha a small interest, ha a vet yielded uo di i Jnds. iu cou-eq ieoce, a. in beiieved, of p euniary eiiiOarrassuj-nt-iocurred 10 it eou-tructiou Tbe eonditiuo of tbe other Companies, in which tttf State is a iloek holder, will more satisfactorily ( pear from tte I j.ioaing ex bitjit t! d;vtUeii'is paid 6 ine u in tne last aud pres. tit jeais : i.'.a-ci. Hv N '". K . K ( 6 per et - .'T),te.r) :i '.t)Ci . Kr W-I. 6t We.a. K K V ci.t . U . A. l-si It. K t o. 4 ... G ar cut.. ST. 30 1 be fact of lue J'v. ' iu i 'j-too Kail rj.d Company J.y'"g but t .ur p.-r cent di-viJeb-i iu I" I", is to oe ...-coubted lor by a 11, an. c of their fiiianciai y..-ar, Lieh eui br.es but eigbl moulds ot that period iu support of tl.e policy b':r rvcoinnien d.d as me proper one tt be pur.uej toward- out work of internal improvement, bu u. .re weighty argumeul eoui I be otfer 1 1 : u.u ibe eto--ral beueh'.s rtaul.tb from sj-mi a. have a.ready Leca Completed 1 'I t.a ar everywhere tu he witu..-el, aud 1 j..t-i..i y io tne luerea-CJ tun of re a! e ti e lho ed valje of r. e.tale iu N tth C.i iua, at the several perivds nail'- rd to In I -I ' ?"'d 1.317 -lo l - ", .i.rtfi I - 1 1. il tl.ua si ear .M..rii:J -Iu l-'.n. h ' .! i,it'" 111 S'j ', v 1 '-0 ' 'l'0.0l0. :bat l.oiu l-l-i to a peii.J of t leai estate a. w "in v a I. 1-!' lo'i-'. r.,,111 l--.il I 1 tity -''. mere . p-. 1 'li it our ther-. e, ,f I I ,J of 11.11 01, tin y D.e u 11 y aia, tl.e 11 C ea-i i. r.een 4H I 101 I. .Now 11 am b te tJiv as the ctrcuinstanres 01 tne county . hrvd . wouiil be a wise t xpenuiture 01 luc , I he puncit.le ot taxing property, irf ir 1 .. . .. c 1 . .1 r , , cr. n.t lie. a against their oppression.. j ... ... . ; , . p.. oeen eotisiiiere.i w nn retr renew ... I.-. 1 .10 .a ui'o.i mi... 1 i.mi. r ,. . v m . .. - . 1 . I ! 00. . ti put. ic moucv. ; 1 tii: to value, may, cert iiuij. oe iiitrouueeii 1 . . , , , . ,. .:., i, ' It true that Anrahaui 1. ncoiu is .-i.-c- , ,. , . , ' , r 1 i - I app.ieatiou to the variou. obi-ell of prop- eetits on the hundred dollar, vaiuc. ucll 11 I ru. , ma. n . r roan the present terminus or the romi. FAuralian. , w lib ad vantage to . luiitteii extent, 111 eve " , . n , , 1 j 1 1 . . . . ,1. . ., . .v, Pre. i, lent accord ill' to the forn.a of tint . 1 i... .r 1 ' .111 I erty arid the rtiff.rttit mode, of the einpl.y a reriueilou I deem nece-sary to the est .! ten 1 re-iurin aeeor... j. lit ar Aiievi:!e, two routes have beeu sur-, r T ,,;.l,i,ir ry re venue sy-tein ; and oould wo iiiiaine1 ' , . , -. . . r . 1 . 1 . ...1. : . .. ,1 rr iit ..1 ion H i. f oually true, that tiroiee ' . . ... , ., ,- Nnee tie lt ftesstou of the L,egt-iaiure, . 1 in. nt It is propo.-d now to cou-iUirtba lishinj of a ju.-t relution 1 et e 11 the tami t or.itituiioii , 1. j . s Vrted tj the I eutie-'ee lire, anu h.'tti lout u , .. , ... 1 . a coiiilition ot .octet V where the ci.CUtlisUU - ... e . . . . , .. .. ti :..i -.j .1... .i .l.iful n..eui...t.l l lltc'.ed ibai mist of ear worxa of luter I I be rei.reu.eui ut tun .0. and faiiblui of ,! 1n.priie11je.1i bare been cMtrijrted tier, laini.i., t a suiiabl oei;.iu lor a .ce lav y.ar I -oil pub.ie acknowledgment ol tb lue.liui.bie It, tkai year we b bat 1 tulles of raii- ' ol t.ia ersiuo. tu Bute. grtclttture. , D ipere.fe in the value of resl eji.te t o.tur.lly .cccnpai.n 1 lj impioveuu ins ..Ticulture and .11 it.crr.re m the retul Teturut ' cr .,riCul'oral labor. Amono the moM in . ..U.nn.l .if tl, IfilllhrS 111 . d lUl .his br.neb of our industry, olid of the pir- ; j, rn.nifested iu tb cultiv.iion of the noil, ,re the aerieultur.l f.ii now held in in ' n- r.rt. of tb State. TbrhO as. mriiuti of : t,e people greatly tend to the dt-i initiation I .... Tl. .. . ... ..t nr.Mi.l i..frvn.,.lion upon the hubiect of fat mint;, and It Is well wortby 0f J0urt0t)Mr.lio hetber they le JdeJrti..be patronage of the St.te. Further to p-ve 011. etiou to tndivtduul en,,rpri. I would re-peet.ully reoomu.end ,he eiubH.,e,.t ot 1 Ko.;d of Agrtcul lure, with the power to dmde the Mate in- to .jjricultur.l ditriet, and to make suit ' ty,e protisioos for the jiiilU); of im-truction jn ibi. branch of neietico. The ereatton of uCh a Board would be attended witn a tri ! fl,n2 expei.he, and the a propriatton of a ,1,,,!! amount tor.t t)e i.lnr) of a teach- 'cr U caeb oitriet. in aid of iuuividual and eounty cnntributiouM, 11 i eootnieully tie- puu'.o t.tiM, upervisiou of the able and xelou s"!"r' : A -f ,.. m,r. Sl,n,,l h.a ,.r..i.eal one- ueen , , , . .... , ration, Ilia alleunuu, peruap., wii.i , . ... . I'ii US. I MOCSS lU.n I. .Ol luimi. ft" - - j . ...i.i.-Mii 11. .u der tnis avsietu tuc means ot lUucaiuu, iu .u . u.. . -u... ...... I m. ii.ii. ihe reaeii o( every child ot the fciale. There was distributed to tnu several coun ties, !or schooi purpo.es, by the Ouruwis totier of the Literary b'uud, iu l?5y, 510, wjoo tie. aud a like amo it.i the prvsvut year. I!y virtue of a provision c otiiaiucl iu Ho' charter ot the 15auk ofNortu Carolina, ihe Public Tr. a.-urer subscribed lor the Liter- rv Fund, tie ca:ilai .toek ol that Hat.'-, an ........... in ihe ki.;.k heioneitiir to the,1""-11' 1-ui.d iu tUc Umk of tue Male ot Nottii Larohna, the chatter ot w men expired on 1 , I .....el. . I.. nt,i..r ..-1 ni.iP niv , I -l January last. In order lo u.aae pay , m-tit o the nrt anU mcoii-i lu.taiinciibi 01 u,e newly subscribed stock, that officer vis I :tcd tl.e city of .New Voik and negotiated a icier ur k:u l. Mot n- u-es to wbtcb it may temporary Joau in spicie, upon highly fa- b "f't'1"-"'. whether H be employed in err vorahle lerui-, and sucu could not have 8I") muittfi.yinjt th- tue-.n. ! hutuau br.-n procured otberwis lV,n l.i l,i. r.r... 1 sence tbee. This lo.u u... been since paid oil by payments made upon the Sl-ek in ti..: liaok ol tae State ot North t'aroitn.. A renort from the CVuiiuissioners ot (be Literary Fund will be laid belore jou. O.ir l OMitiiou School System w:.. e.tab lished in tue year belore Which time ti.rrc was no instruction impirliU iu the State at the put.lio ixpen-e. After an ex pcriencr ol twenty years it will not prove uiiinleresiuif to ob-erve the extern ot U.e tnUjence 01 tni. .yxcin upon me general interests of education. Ami while it wi.l uot be pr. I. ndeO tbat ttie progress man ittiin teal petiol is aboi'.y attributable lo our Co:jiiiiou Scnoel. ; yet, K must be cow feed that they have b.eu Uiaiuiv iustro meutai iu awakettiug uuioiij our people a lively spirit ou tne subj et ot euucatioii. 1 be U..J.11 j; c oupai alive Stait U":iil ex hibits, with re-.-oi.able auciracy. lb'.' extent ot lliat j..ro gre.s. 1-40 J I 1 II ) ti Id X,i 111... I i-i'i'J N ituVer of small Culleea, UO Feu. a.e On, do Acid's acd .elect Sc'i". Ud I'timary '.(br'0:s. While No. sciiOoisaud CO.iees 1-'l 1-HU .C', I'll Ul 1 I'.'. l. :i) rbooU, 4.:'Ji lootni 1 t'Jd'J 1 t.tl.UUll No. of Scholars at Col d j at l e.iiale Hi j.j t Aci's and sc'o-ci d j al 1'. unary Hv ti o Whole cuu.ler Scholar., 1 --1 177,4 it) Mj.t ot our Oo.;gi au l High Seioois 1. a v..- Oeeu e-u'j;i-l,i-J by, at.l ire now uu .ler lue coutrol 0: ihe several denomination "f c'm Ktta.i., wh.c'j 1. a tact uot to be re gretted, i-M.ce thu natural lii.n l. ot educa-ti-.u are to be towiw among tno.e who are engaged in the au 1 ancea.eiit 01 re.iyiou and mora:.. 1. I -re clo-ing with this "ji jct, I would make brief mention of tt. two .Ui itary In- liluti.ti. r.c:;.l.y t-tab.lsnui at (Jliariolte .Liu iL.isto.ro. iuouaiu Pol so eias-ed, ttiey maiutaiu a stan dard of education, 111 tin. braui.'I.es lajgLt, fully as high ast.iat which obtains in our best Co.Seje. 1 re-pectlji-ly coinuiepl tbese iusliiution. to your la vor.bie c insMel all'jn, as worthy ot It...- pa tronage of th. State. bouniiirt Lt'i'. An Act of tne Legislature, at its lat e siot,. uia ie provi.iou fur r ii.ii.ng ana re- marking tne boubuary line betceu Nortti (Jar o ij. and irgiui. Jiy virtue ol me powers invest: j it. u.e by tbe Act, 1 ina'ie several ieff-:vlua. vtirts lo procuie a Com ujti-.iuer lo act ou lu part ot this Mate aiub sucn Couiujis.i oner a. might tie ap pjinied iy tu tjovcroor of Virginia. ill. be. 1. ved, 11. al conip.-b.atiou ai.uat'l by Ho lW, is lUd.;l Jt to ploe jt.; .e kmhiij,;, ot a c.'tiipeUnl per.ou to d..,cbarg-; m Uu ty .'signed. 1 tie importance .no U.;iicacy ol ine otlice, c . uuot wen be o l e r est 1.11 j-.eu , abu toe p. st twieul buoui.t be . inp.jyi-J 11 us execuliou. iu .v. "'J ..a.iespui.u. nee wiin US Oalltll.lt Ul Hslbla, ou Ibe ruij.ot, 1 wus advucl that 111. re was loco a piopu wtiou hi I jre the Legi.iatura ol tuat Siale tor ruun 1..' thu llbe inrosghout it. enure leliglii. Leib-r ibe prp xiliuu w.a-Jop led or not. 1 have u .1 be- u lulorineu I ui wai was the Dr. I iniiinatiou 1 bad Heard lul tne l.ue wasa.iea ly Ui.tmel,jr maike.J 1, other palls Ibau tbuau dcsigbalasd 111 our A;t. It l ttuportant that the locatiou of ibi nnesi.oail be c.eany uuderolood by lb. people ol Ibe two ftistta, lor wbicb r. a-u. 1 wouid resp' c:lu..y .ugest tne adop.101 ol auctt ittiaiallou a may be InougUl be cea.ary to kccumplinh lliai ohj-vi. c.nce tbu la.i uj jurbibebl ( llie LeSgi 1 .tore, tbe liou. li.ua. as it u til i reigned b. othe of Judge of tb ftvpieiue l.ourl, . in eou-.Oji.oee ol hit a.a;tb a taping lu ' " vxteni as 10 eoi.lirt.t, iu hi opinion, 'tu u eliici. ui Wucbar ol bis dutiea r ffii c s J ihIim of the Sp rior t'ourt 'I he llou J. V )borne - uppoitited to fill the ciev cud by I lie rvii.B t iuii 'ol ' r the llou. Kaberl !?. r rr neb thl ol l be laller. " It will devolve upou you, lit your present i - ""'. taoat.cie. by perm. '" apFotuiuieutn. ' Taxation avl ltvenue. ; Durinff the rre.etit ve.r. the Q'lestionof ' iazHtitii, tid the principles upon bieh , I... .1.1 I... ; ' .1 I A ,n , vcrv coniderable txtetit. the intention of : lho '., Prop.,eii...i., have been pre ' .,d, it. the public .licuMio, o( the L, f.votiui-the mode of t.xm,! property iceor ' ,0fc ,,. . j,, hOIIie u-fe. with a : i,,,, powtr j,, ,be Le.i.la.ure of UUerim- ii,;liijU, aud in other-, without the power f , ipcriiiiiuatin either in "favor of, or j.gjniit any particular cia of persotm or all n.rticuUr pecies ol property." All 0f ih,..,. proposition, involve, a an incideut, , ,ueh au alteratioij of the loh.tituttoti of lho j!iate. a. to nq jire of the L-i:Mat ure to tsx ,lave according to value, instead of by etiuineration, a. at pr-etit , , . .- , ... ., . ,' , , , ... - . r - - ''ke nature and kind, it tnilit be intro duced ietierallv. with eouity and iu.iic.-. - ..... lit it is arpr. ii nuMi tt.at sueli a state ot . aoctety Hi I not be touiiii stivi here to exist, . j .,,,. : and certainly not in North I aroliua. The ki 1 of property own. d by our peo pie, and the uses to Inch apt lied, .re lue '.,. j . J ly ariant in their character , too, with ,J. , ,- , , . , .1 thur mode ol lite, their occupation and . ' . , , pur,ui.s. S own property ol a u-eful 1 ant 11. ccss.ry Ml.il, auo wi.ieli letols, 111 Us! ' . ... ,,. , ., 1 uee, to mer.. a-e the put HC wealth and the general ccmtoMs of l.te ; other,, such as ..: no, neees-ary. a-.d wr,c:. ,0 U. employ inetit... fu'ters the xroiub ol luxury, minis ; , . . . 1 . , ter. n. rely to the p -ea.ures and loo olleu,1 v ., f ' , and n.ces-ary kn.d, anil which tends, 111 us genera rely t the p -cures ai.M, loo oileu - - .sow, lo act upon tl.e general I.rinc. pie ol r t r - . - j r --.' - r- "P ,b "". "bout repaid u 11 ch .r X I - te N Ce , Or IU lije Wa.llll . ul I l! t)'l II. V eu. r ail ll ot U.e v: ca..ri-biiig luiunou In the L-ncoui .ig- me try um sirct.iu.'i.i " p-ael in lulem t of in it I huh hod I loan, by s, wbetb.r uc.t ii-dus-and miud, or the gto.ti of vice and idleness, that weak- 11 both, is, to my blind, to Violate the piaint-t pi it.ciplrs ot p.j.iticil icoi.utuy . to Ci. regard the m'eiligebl . xp. Ilebed oltnab kind, and to sac-i nee thi b -I Hi It re.-ls o! soeiety the deiu-i.e tiacuuig. ul a false pi.i.Oso! by 111-, claimed for tif plan of taxitiin thai il iu.o..e a priue.p e of e.jui ity. Jl Certain, y Co- , ai.d IIP 1.1:1 ilea ihe argu uieLt against it il koiiu treat a. cijjui '' lh j.-e tbing. wbieh, in t'.. ti.s.-l ve., are uot jj is!, .nd wl.P-li tbe pubrc w.ll.re re l' qjires should riot be tre.ie'l woii Hjul ft ' vor by tne e.u.. mo.. 1.: li auu. l 1.0 (. o.-.-' an e i j ia, 1 .x -n fci . . u s tu . unt in ve -le 1 oy the merchant 111 .ogar ai.d c- fl-e. which ire am lig tl.e l.n.' K.r- ' I iife, an 1 the .'111 amoju' it.ve-tid t; ti.- r.-taiier ol ar'i.-nt spirit-, in the tu- ieh itoii-e p. rtamir.j to his Vocation, 11 iijia! lax 'Jj oil Imi. ol u-et 11 m-t: uctioti, and others ol like va u.-. trial tend t tbi cu ti; a:i .j. rf a vrir.t ; taste ; in tin- it woitid obiit. rate tin- or .'i b iry dis'ii.c'ions betiV'.rii vntue and vie, widen a moral pe'l noild k.-ep coi,.t.,nt ly in view, in every br .ro- ; ot ! ,i-l iti-.n I; is ai I, ho sever, by .me ot tlie ad vo Cstes of this plan, that pr..p. ity, win n vui ployed in a way t ) lead t ) v and oil to .uouid betjici at a higher r.t- th.o wl.eu otheriei-e u-ed, an I that thi. liny bo d..ne by r-'j'jiring p.-rsot. thu.. . tujii-iyiti it 1 1 pay a luI for iln license, or Ihe ptiviege ol so u-;t.g their projirty. This, certainly, woiil be an iifgeniou node of ccapiiig from -otue of the cih e b sequences of a piactlea. application of thi. pt.ncip.e and carii-s wt'.h il tne a I1111--1011. tlut il is uot 1 princ p:e tnal si.l a lo.il ol a g. ii.-tJi, but only a limited and qia iti-d . mpioy n.etit. A fui t h-r ex animation of the -uhj.-et, wi'.l JisCuy. r siii. other eon. , derail m. tn.t wi.i r. ipiire a departure from ti t- pnio i,.!- According to our present r.-n-nue law, in -l ol 1 lie bank n.' r ipii 11 hear- a ., l-'i'; ou the share ot c'" ', in ad li i.n in .n.jitit paid upti loe p. of) a of t, . 11 k 1 11 j , 'jial to tlie lax upon tne pr. lit. of 111 iu: 10 Hied at interest I he t.o-ii.e-s o bank , Ibg, as is well known, u-ua ly yni.l. u. a ciear protii ol f: otu ei, hi to Cent annually, wlnl- p i.ou. ha.i.. in ,. .a inte.'.-at .re prohibited, by ia, Iron, re c.jiving more than -ix per n.-nl. No, bere i. an in-latire ot a di.erirniira tioii bttweeu property employed iu d.S-r- ut ways, wi,ii;ti it is be level wi general ly be c jbCLOeO lo he j i-l. Il ia a .ii-t.i.i.-iiou f , Hided iu the f .ot that, though both 1110 ic of ciiiply iu -nt may l.e e'juily us.lu. to It..- piMie. the one yp hls a .a.g. r pi .fi-. tii.o toe oin. r, .nd cm-e- IJI-l.llj I- cp:..e of b aim.' a heavier t.X A ui-cr.miiiaii'.ii stioaol be m. I, n i- 1 , Jh ,, : ( 'l.e .1,. ,. t kill ... Ol (.opeity, witti r. I. r. n-.'e I. it,, ir renti.e a'lvaillajrea to Ihe pi', 11; l Ur 'e F .r III .ut.ee, by our nue 1 1 v , a tax of one uoilar on the i.uii -led 11 .oar. vaiu - i;u- po-fd ..poi. p.i a-U".' Cir.i..,;,,.l I ,,. ver piale, j. , iry and iux nie- uf lue j,o km 1 ; l.l.e w l. ot p ji i e, ii's 1. lu.pj. eU on a bundled .loar,' aurlli ol la'il And is m-r. ib.s, beeaj .; ot tnt f.el .ial Ihe olie luxury, wiiije me oilier la a m-oes 1 he one 1 1 111 . ui a-e- It ip ioi.c aealth. ' n,H other Vet tb principle of ,l Vulorrm uxation' WOU.vi Ul tmetioii between in. mi, but p ace au q 111 ou e .ch Au l shall li be .aid mat land upon which ho uiau b.biia'i.b. a..; i.uni, and hie.-l p mUe I ar lue su-lelian.i... ol 'lie, a.i'l Iron lib pr..0oclloos ot Wiileil cm. tij.-1 Cl mil u.anulaetuie. and, in oeeup llolia 1 I men. d.ll.e vilitll. anil .,,,..,..11 ,4, he pi.ced upon a lojti,..- ol .ria,t a. re.ai a. u. .i.,j, with r,., .,., gol't an I .lis. 1 plat", ao.i in.- 1. a 1- arti Cie of prop.-iljr in. 1 11 iiii.ier luxurious ta-les, and wi'iolii iy to oui Ul U-elul emplo; ments lUe .nau.it ol c.pi'al luteal ed iu thciu '. r. , . . ,, , . . flter. ....nil -uer -u...ie, a.iou. that ttn ui of koiiiu of the tirinie iiece.rie l (if- Thu intereMn' of the people of thi Sinte r, qiire, in my opinion, lb. I many ur Hoi troin I rul our 'cnuo m. "I"- "i me i vision. 01 that liw impose . texot one per . . . .. j ce," ' : I-'1 r ; cent, on .lie incotn Ironi .he T.riou le.rn rofe-ion, the larie. of Stale and . of the officer, of corpora "U"J, ,.u,.r"'.1" "" " 'on. .... tt.a.vt..,.:.! e.npioj -tie,,,., wti.n . ' J'''" 0Ue P"rs0" "Ce,"U v' . ' ... ,. , . . ,. . , T ! ' " j" ; tU mth .'i. J' ' '! ,.l,,.;i . ..,! .1,. m.r.... .K.. Stain or ('.unity officer, who-e labor i. peifjruied within d )om, and the railroad engineer. h in coiiductiiiif the locomotive, is exposed to the iiicleti.enric of the weather, and the many danger ituy'. nt to hi. ptolewion ; ihy are all tre.J alike under ttii y-tetn ' T...1. far. the nrinoinle r.non which it is 1 rule . a ral occupation r..airiuir the empioy mint (,!,. ...i.l ..J ni.;,. of the n.ental and nliv.ical nower. .lone. The proportion that in Ihe collection of revenue it i. ut.ju.t and inexpedient to die criminate in favor of or agau,t any panic ularcla.sof person... " it I. aubmiltcd, will ! 'j- ...... ..- . , ..... .... u. r. i i r.ii..: k;k , .. , , . d.fl.r.nt kiu Is of property. , . &uc 1 a tuie, l Uaii.talti, IS erroneous in . . its .pplicatiou to .Olsons; that It I. emt- ,'...; : 1 V f. . , . 1 J ' . r . taxes to disciuii.lia.e in fnvor ot patlicui.r of etfe., j,, cert4,u pur. U bile I regard it as altogether prop J r r .oils .'HL-aic. d in mti.y of the lea.ned p.o s , ' , , f... ion-: upon salarieil officer, of the Stale ,:oui,ti., and of some corpor.tion., to ... , r 1 ffoiisi.i r It a. iu. xtedt. ul to iiupo.e ny tax 1 " rJ , iin tit-, lor the reaions th.t the former a.e capable of burinj . tax, while the latter . r.i,. r.sMUi..,.k ..iiplnyme.it. are a. yet in their infancy vv.lii u, and u-oialty yield but little more th in a bte support for the person, ei ga ed in tin-111 "1 lit-t are raili.-r proper ob- I "t. of the fi-tviiag care and prnieelion of liii goveriitnein inn 11 ni .unjeei. 01 laa tnuu In the collection of revenue fro.uthe pro C ed. of llldlt.du .1 OCe upa iol.s. . -J e.-lal le far l sh.'U.d be baJ, l.t, lo .i- lociativc cliar aeter of the employ III. nt - ; 2d, the Com Inrative es.e and tr.-rd. -m fiom ri-k w.'h i.iv'h the iab'-r pertainin.' lo them is p. r f jrti.-d ; Iti. ir rel all ve ad v ant agi . U the pol'li" at largo, and coo., q -nt Claim upon the toverttiotit for protection., and .ii-.-riintn .tions shou d be u. 1 : for or a 111-t lli.- p imc oar c! i ol per-hi. .11 ced itii nr.ii. .rcoroHi.'lv as ill eon-pl i-r itioii- may tn lie.l" it a. le u 1 the -ill, li.d.ed, to lay doan any g-ll I.! til 1' Ol tat ill HI sii.t .b.e lo erlv .onlr. hi uf eo.1. iy ad a lapte I lo (he rv r rfaLgo j. eitc nii-t .r.ees ot a p..-ople. li. v.v.i tt.i- m.y ,b , 1' i contjiei.tiy to il '. d that upon a.fu.i c )U-i 'eratuu ol t .e -..' je 1, it ail. cl. arly ..; p.-ar th.t . gen. r ..I and unq iaiitied st-t. ill of ml Viunm t .lull 111, 1. nol ad .pte I 1 til- coii-HioMi ..I or p. -. pie ; iu which event there ou I t... no n e-s-ny lor an am nlin-'i.t r Ho u -t lo'i in to proi'ic-; ci.lotmity to sucu a It w I be borne iu mind that there is in th. c Jb-i 11 11 Hon no i -ni tal ion upon Hie po . r of 'lo- L- eisiature to increas.; or reouci the l ue. upon s a-e on.- ot tiie other tiny p. rty , w henen-r lb- Come necessary to p,od. .1 tal of p.- ni- a i-j-t re. allot- between ll iliuunl ... r .i.ect. d 'rom that ami oilier kind, p-ily. I'lie limitation Coii-i-l. tu le- 'i In 1 11 a uniformi'y ol the poll lax upou !,:P: p-rson. and sue-., while .11 lies only 10wr.11 the ak'.-- of V!l and 41 year., and a I -i.e. between Hie .'ea of and !l . -ar-, bejii.' wuject f sucu a tax. V h-tin r thi. pra.i.i ti be a just on or not, can no way be nurc .ati-f.o'only d t. rmiio-d t'.an by c :,-i deration of it. prac 10 al operalion. Ihe slave, of the State, 11 e inline to an estimate mail.: from the C o u. may be rated at ,'JI ,(iil in tium' er, . ;b-the while p puiati.u uuruber some ! .ii.ini.i I h - snio out of taxes coilecti.'. froi.i the fonn- r. a. appear, from tbe coinplr do-r a h 1 k. i- ?IZ;,)li'i, nd from lb laller i'l'.i, .'l t'i. for the pre-. ityear. l b. -. uiii. w lo u a( porlion. d ali.onn our entire populali-iU, .-arh wou d ailo i) Cents lor every iave, and vi'l c- tl's for e.cti white persou. N'jw, when the ilvantages derived from the gftveriimi'til b; the variou. uiasse- ol our eitn-.i. be con-idered, it is .ununited thai lb" provision of our coii'tituiioii refer red to, !', iu it. practical application, a. a in v i.iu-trated, x.b-lautlaily ju-t tow.rUa a'' ll is not, boaever, a financial, but - a -out, I 'pi-.tioii, that this proposiiion ..n.'ii.iii.. 1,1 a-snui.s 11. duel Itupoi lane-. Ihe etilire . xp .r.s of ibe surplus product of Not th C.ro.iha .inoiinl in value, as lar a. a ea.ef.i inn niv enah.es lue 10 .1. termibe, t-, c 1 ti n ,11 annually, ol which ?l I O'l'l, at lea-t, m .y be slated a. r. su.i ing di roily and linn,, "li.iiel y I rum slave labor 1 io. tit mg tan- ti as torn ct, 11 app- ar. iio-ij thai tlo: wt, ,: cm! fabric is P.. and .u-taiii'-d by slave labor, scarcely an uecupatiou of the p op; -r lu-ehanic .1, manuf cl ut In.', upou The u, tiesh rcai.iiie or professional, tn.t does uot mainly d.i- -pen-! epon ,i for a -uport. vS ittio it 11 not . ran.oa I -soiji I ,e bunt, and of liiu.e al- P"h'i - poi. ,1 P,r a -p,.ort. ...... I. 1...1 "'") cobstr ict-d Ihele wo-t.d uot exi-l in means 10 prevent liieir going tu u.-c.y ' I""' thi" lat.or re. Is tbe put.uo credit, and without it the .-"ic euui l 1101 pru-iji a doi ; ur in Hie tunrk I, ifc jgb lor in. m o-t u.e lil purpo e, because .lie wool 1 be wi.ul.y una'iie to piy tlie nr.efe-i on tne pun, 10 iieblairi-. lv contrau ed in 4 woro, ina . s'icihI III t .-1 la 1 .nl pro-p.i.ly of ur "--' pi.-, a l.O th u means ot living, greatly iw pel.. I po(l,:, .peep, j labtir. Ill- loss, sun u-, eouid never b-i lupy a ippn.nl ; l..r ti... m t pioou. 1 1 v povr'iou ol oiir leirit.j ry would 1.01 awl u jui I not be cuiliVal, 0 Uj the while race. I li tj. W Ol f .et. , . , , part of a p,ud..,,i Ici.i.uo. ,o avuitl care- e of property ohouUI he eimi. ly l-inpt " 1 Ul ' ''. tn"M"""u"i " r V . , , .i . Wither of l hem be uij. i t of our mtliinry , f, ... ,.. ..' tion. 3 i-. i-co..M-.e..i with i.Mlf All freinieii tie policyof MS il Im fift.-u ! rei.irt your early .tleiition. I ' I he ifjuMie. ...4 inexpediency cf .ueh . h.-c the of voiin,. for m. mbeM of both r. eetvc.1 . r ... r a(l .,, . ,,,or, (, reornix,,!,,,, . e c..i,.ot bemorecle.rly.lluMr.ted .Inn brtnirhr of th. LeKi,.l.turet .nd .11 8r r. .outhern 8t.teH, 1 iini wr r .n,i. n.il.ti. lud the euroll.neut of . pfr,n eitiny .0 inntanc. of it- .ppli.ion in o. tired .0 p,y poll tax to..U the -up tered. .n many of . , ,0 pow. ,,.,, the .ee bf H .,4 ye.r,. I a.iIIm... ti. m rwui.oM of .lie S.m.ii mil.lie K....,e.s will d mil o f a red uot ion of lo secure us trout ueleitnu. our F.vr.., f S..i. rine. ,,ot to urind. y" . . 1 j 1.1 . .1... 1- p. men, .... re wou... ri- n.-v .. ..-., tree overi.nieui ot .tie power t. iiupoMiiji tx. a re-tioj? with one ponton of our peo pie. while the duty of p.yi, then, would .1... t. .1.;. r. .. .n . ' ' ' , f; r; "to". " .Iron H ,i' i ,!.! .... ...I nrnteet.o.. 10 .11 kind, ' 'J" fXtlm n..u . ' 'Z. f I would H. lf.re o.-iic ut tin.' l ilt ibiecl. 1 wnuM yepecil'uily suj.vc'l 0 revision of our reve nue law, with view to it. anx-ixl n.ont in such particulars .a the publio iutere-ts 111 ly rtqmre.. I would especially reeoii.11. end an .lnetirfinent of the clause imposing tax up- on iiiconii'K and salaries, upon the prineiple It i believed (bit the condition of the a like kind. 1 would thut I oould. consistently wuh due regard t the public ineresf, conclude this communication, wiih a reference simply to our domestic .ff.irv U i. iaipo.sibie. however, to clo.e the eye. to the perilous .1..:,.. r .1.. -..rJ.... ........... ,... V ... . ,1...... 7 ., . ' , . . -Icon kept op against the in-liiuti on of Af- , r r . . 1 U . rican si .ver y a. ext-tii.g at t lie u' h .r. .. i- 1 1 t 11 . fhe Hepublic ba .t last fallen upon those ;. l,il, , , t'., l.r ,.f .i... t'oi. j .. ;.. u: , j l- i try .0 .01.111 til y w amed u- in hi. pai iin ad y..-it i. d,-c.,y divtded by " panic founded upon geographical di.cr.min.ti.,,,. - f I o w fc 1 it th. ru and S .iiiliem Mm.;, ui.teilain diamel , . , . ... ally O.po-tie opiuo ns up oi, Ihe .uhj. ct ot Afticaii navery : the former, tb.t it u 1.0 rial and poUii-jai nil, a a i . sin, the I itt. r, thai il I. a sy-t. in ot Iiuor eitii'ieiilly a. I I iapted to our Climate and soil, rijlit and proper within its. Il, and 1 1. a t o f .t from be- ! ; ;.. .i.k.i. ,..... ....is...,.! ol the Providence, of (1 d, cm ox. 11 an Cbn-li ainXii.g th at b. night, d r.c. Were thee s ntim. nta r 1.1. rn.iin'd . ah struct opinions iu. le y, they would oca. .01 Put liv'-.c Ui-turbmc.- to the .HHtiiiunt It i. lar otherwise, boaever This 111. hi, with ibe pi op .Ullo li ( l.e I r 111 Ol of tbe North, lias as bold and ag .'res-i.e t ana t ie 10. r ti sr.-k the atiiiihi: at ton ot -lavery in ll e South al all h.-tiri!-, aai re jfard.e.s f con.. t iet.ee l b it io' I- it. ami, the olject .lid ihe end of il. d.tiv .n l h urly labor, can bo longer be the . iPJ-c of . Oouht. In. p., I.J by this ; itil. tl.a North, rn State, have r.oialed our right- lo an 1 xteot that wont I sea1 eeiy have hren borne by any ot her p. 1, pi. 011 eat 1 b 1 b-y h.Ve d. privetl os ol our property, through lawn., mobs, ..cui.. utoler the tacctitti -f hi.ii f-uni:c 0 pu iyu, and oft. 11, too, wiin the connivance ol their coti.tnut.-d ulb t'ti. it'uttn -oe.etli ., H!i lh ut, have -enl eii.nis 1 1 au.oiij u- I 1 beil s'a 1 e- 1 0 in-urreetiou and to l.l .odsi.ed. KB .11111. .lory pui i c.tion-, Cans. I. in.' - .ve. to its e sgnu-t tneir ml'. I. r-, l..e I on -y -i i-inaMCaliy cireu-ated 'l.iO'i.''o it in. ,-uo 11 . Hi-- dim 11 .nt par l ol the Noil", sanctioned and eieior-ed by II- o.o-l ll.fl ientl ii leader. The l,eg... atur. s ol a laie iii.jitity of the lion . a.e bol.iing H'al. a have by s,i. inti ciii.ciiiiei.is op. uly aud sti.nn l. s-.y annol .-d . ron--10.1 ol tl.e Constitution ol Ihe I'nited St, le. for the tebdili hi of log tne .lave-, and have egi-ialed Uir. e.lj view In prevent lb nd p n it. d. y . w 1' 1 1 L. owner tr- in rec.verii.i: urli proper, y . Court, of ja.nce amoog them, have, up 011 more Ibau one (iC"-.i-.;on, tolaity ili.r. ganl.-d by a ia of Corigrc-a, enacl-d . i-tc ire our tigi.t- of property, and deliver tii over lu'ltive a'.ate. 10 attendant moi.s, with a khol.d,-e of ip.ir p:. rp .su 10 pre , vti.l their r. oiatn ition by force. I loll lull more than a year since, an arm 1 e J or.'xiotaiinti was deiito-ra'.-lv p an 10 I and a. 1 on foot by po .t-ml . 1 llieu blgll III putilli; eoiifj letiee al Ihe No. III. I lor the p'lip.iM-of bea.liin; an itj.urr. el 101. ol slave, ac.i'irl their nia-t. r I tie inv. del Came, .ml 111 th'- nilit miov fell upon a weak and un.'l-p' c'rti.' raii.111 uui 5 , and murdered peace a hie ami .inarmed rim 10 I Vhen Captured and executed for il.eir trea-oti and murder, they were lamented by , the great body of ti.e people of the Noith, 11. though they hd fallen in tbe perform anee ol some ii.enlor.o 1. p ibiin -rvte" i It may be doubted wh- tn. r hi'tory furnish i es anotlo r in-latiuo among a civiln-.l peo plo where Ire. -on and murder have been so -yuipatlnt d with and applauded ? me an Kb tinn". 11. en mo-t prouiiiien. tu th''-e demonstration- b.v been elevated to ih-hie-l .iffiee. ol Slate, thus evidencing , I deep and peteading e.itim'.it of ho.ti ity ,,,,, Ilh i ,r,ls the 11,-1 11 utions of the , p. op,e of the South. -jjel, o! the invader, a. e-eaped, were ( harbored in tbe Iioli--lveholding Stsle., ; and upon deiuaiid made, arcor'lin 10 the I loi ma ol the cotislilution, the executive, of , l wo of these -Males, 1 Ihio .ml low., pointed )y relu.ed lo perform their .worn coi'stitu lioual obligation, by surrendering then, lo , 1 t,e ju-iire tin y bad U nl , Kuotlllllle. like til could not have been peipeir.'ed towards the people of any for eign nation wit bout involving the country in a war. Indeed it i no but loo mam le-l that the p--ople of tho Soulhertl JHtafe. t , . coiilederao, .hat p.oteolion lor their nr,i...rt .t.1, ti.. ...i. . 1 i,r.i Isritiiiu, Fr.nce, or any o'h.-r foreign country can clu 11 and vnfureo ajain-t u. Soould the siit.jec's of any foreign govern went b- ile-pon. U ol tb, ir propeity by the people of Mae.oii.sH, or any other lion ....vehoiuiug Stale restitution arid iudu.ii - i.lty woi.l.1 b iu.de by our foverniiient, up i Cued S:.u-. would enforce indemnity. Uu ill ll, m.u ,.r i ..1. ...,.. (... - r .-..""-....-..-.... ctl u. .......... s V... I. l 1: r j . ., ... ........ ,,.,uiiu- ui hi. prop, rty, ho would have no such renin ily, and indeed no rttuedy at all .nice the I i,. i..... .1..1. ti.. i i.. .i.. ti . .. ,, j ..,,. Uj o.a.a .i " , i he lo, be.r.ne. with which the .South H. Vice Freidei'. .iclu.v.ly by the p i f .eenon cf the cuniry, upon priu . .' i. 1 f 1 1 1... ....iml ;.... HWlmiit. aurnecilll? iiiiiibh w ... v.. - . - , -rill71UH Uf.- A clearer in- . - 0nld ........ .... I ..... ,n .he inMiluiion- nd douies-J live mn.m.ieo c.c or loreten 00..1. . -ittLe! I would tlx', r-oome nd the fr,; . not ,, be P'"'" BeeiirrclcV. ud . l,,i.,inatioii. pat oecnrrciice. unq ,he cirC...n.u..ee. under wh.chthe, have !, en eTecled, forbid . .0 doobt. That ...y people b.vintr.due appr.cintiou of the , 1. itil of liberty, eo.'.id Ion, .ut.mit to Leb 2 do.nin.tioo it i. io-poeMbU .0 -p me - p They now tell u that this election has been eondueled .cconln.g 10 tlie lorms the (Constitution, and. tb.t tbelfloie. (hi people of the South should t.ke no eieep ti.-t. lo the fact. They. wl.O thet.i.-rW, , have utterly r fused to be bound by th:, Con-titution, now hold it op to us, bond tb" liritish Ibrone, )et our l.tln-r. sudii ii ted no. to lit- autroruy n-j " L-ain.t the man, beoau-e of any dele.t ol bis title to the croa.i. but .tfaiM.t ihe i..oie j sub.tatitial fact the tyranny 01 b. ter. nd I'alllaiii'nt i Ual "b.linid IL.) llimiie. U LlCll 111 " '.I.,.... lt..mi.led lo d.pnve ib.-ii. of lb. tr ; 01 , rli 1 hi y iir.p ; lihertie. i the one win. wium i.hj 4. v .1,1 o 1. .1 . It 1. n-jt l he man. pVd- Ho 11 is w itn u.. " " " . ... 1 ;-.,: il.-awt r. .rd b 11 'to- . Abraham l.tncom, 11... I ', " , , no . er t hat . lev au d bl.ulo oHe-. an I . b el. ..il, n1.11.111n a cuiur. I. Hi !i fl J -.1 U- ....... inn a eunu. I'liw li.flu , wi,l n.luraily mainuin a conn. 10.14 ence in this Adm-hi-t, anon And ... . ' rea.onably U expected, .bat bo have ulaU ai., .eir Ml -anoual oh 1 ...... .,1 .n .i..,.,, iu, m u.c : Itgalioo. and pro.e.l m i.i.oi. in , ,, ,.t ,i,... iiai-riHtei.l. I a lmi..istrtion ol tli. ir " "'", ..., . nl learn mooeraiion :y .' w gi at 1 lira ti ti f ib ir lu.t of power and oon.ni.on 7 Wh- n it i. coi.-iler.d tb.t !!.' m ni'mr nt ! of bo-li.ity to Aftirau . lv.ry is de. j .y llX'd in I l.e iritii'tr of tne .a .rine.u pe-p. that f t iw. hiv five tear, ti h-. .,rm. d e..,. nf li.e.r . dneati ill. b-.1. ll.UlCat. d - t in the fami.y circle, and mught U. ia tr.ou the I'.jij.it, a. a leading principle ol lU'ir r.liiftob. together w.'.b tbe d..ty of Its prae Heal eiif.rceiii.-nt "everywhere and outti 11 must be conle. d th.t the le ei..u but tittle g.oui.d upou wb.cti 10 rest hope liut our njbi- wiii be secu'td lu u. by the li. iitr.il Uuvetnu.cnl .Jti.iiiilid 11 th. ir hands. Tni. c otol.'ion of pubic affiirs a waslo have be. pi orable .Viie.d, n ex t-eetcd, thr.-iien. the ni"-t d.' .1 i-necs I. the Confederacy. i- rendered tno.e thin proba ble, tti.t several ol Ib-J JUl:.elii ..'ale-, in th. exercise of lho niul'i. tight, of iiati.ni. wnl separate from th.- l'VHetai L't t in. be fme the ieMi....s'i n ol yo ir p.-eni ee...oa Sich an . CCarr.uee, wou'i l pr. -n.t a jjtare slab-ol fact- c -..11111 an.lio! your yiu-l cri ou. and '. mil itu of lvls .mu.andiog your in -t s. nol- and .0.11.1. d.-i.b. J.tiou. ll e inn -t lot a uiti.ei.t be u, o-c l, I'.si r mii sunmil to lime ttiu po .cy ot inu I.O1H10n putt, upou wnl i. U.e.. ta.i'll tate for lit 're.l-le.ey Um- been rlcrtv.l. cwrne.l out in to. A I Mini-t an '., as It oaid re- so I in tl.e d tl.e pi.CH.i t petli ; ante men u "I our properly an I ;ive. ol 0 tr p.. - pie 111 d .ny n In iugt. in I- shou1 I tut b- llllliie. I, v.. : V alt. Ulpl' 'I, y I. l.t at. . ki rt lo .-in- p.ov tl.e n.i.it.ry poa. r r f tn i.-t.ry p. Ig a 111 -I ot tal Lo . ri.tti -nl 1 "' " I'" ot It.. H c- ...in .-.la'c. -nil an . .u.-roei cy .inn .noing 4 decided a.-Uotl OU IIUI pf U iu.tii!e-t tbst a b... tuu-a in d prompt ai r .11 ! ut t it one ol the S .uthe'ii Sun o 1 he whole e unity lu cm. w 'riiuit.e coii 1. nc s of hcii .:i y be c .nli 1 led by our ..bun., lo le-i.i th is,, enra.e l in waging it ll.e ei.i! X nt 1 ol lue age, sir. ly. oar,t lo be a sulbeienl guaranty lor llie pi. vu ,on of") great a calamity as I 'lue war. oven though Mi. id poliiic.i cl.ai o 1!.. naiMiit'i le of th'.-e U'..iii; on around U iii.t, should the incoming A lini.,i-t r .1 i.n I .- .'lilt w of the lolly nd l. wlukelb' s ot Ihe swold l any uitiei .. O-C people ti -0 lo - K in .1 pret. cfon out ol in. I' -'l.i-.i I, ..pin -hci i. dini.d to I he 111 in it, lion we ol Not III 'ar olmi, would oe It 10 oursel ., t 1 I llherm . we have luhetited fr.u our f 4' t -r-. 10 lb.- p- ce of our home, and lam IP -, d. ar er to u. 1 1, .n .1 go ve 1 u tne 11 is, I J resit it tu ihe la-t extremity. Uursi. a goieinilient of public opinion and not of force; and fie empi-.y m- nt nt military force lo coiiirol Hie popular win, would, ll -uee. s.lui, re-ii.l Hi a galling 1.11 I inexorable ile-potisiu. llie prevention, tin II, of ci.ll w.r .nd Ih-pre-crv .Hon ol p.-.cc .mong-t u, ai n.s lire. 1 obj Ol. wliion .Sor.il t.aro.ina shou; I resolve upon seem 111.', whatever change the lioverinueiil may undergo. . Iu view of 1 hi perilous cm li'ion of .1..' oouiitry, H is iu my opiu on, uecoii.m . pr-.per that we should have -oine eou-u lion with those Stale, idetitili.d wttb us interest and iu the wrotuf. we have -u tj r nd c pect illy llio-e lyiiii: in.iuediai.-ly ij ' to us. As any action ol our. Woui-l ut neeeasity materially alb ct lli' iil, ll would but coii-tstenl Willi the III lea til); I that have ever existed between u """ 8 0 1 4 tnat so deeply .11. els us tall, rroiu a calm and dellber.t consideration of Ihe beat holds ol avoiding . oummou danger, 111 net, good might result aud no evil could. In thus proceeding, wo would show to the world a di-po-iyou toixbau-t every p. acea l.le lem-idy lor the solution of our ililli -ui-n., and a firm d.-teronnation tu niaiiiiain 1 our right., " in the I'uion, if p ible. and out (.1 11, it neoe.sary. Snel, a step, too, wouid be but . beSomin; , 111 arch of rc-p.rt to the cm-ldei able por tn.n of the people of the mm .laveboluiug k..,.l,'le. . ,. , ,...l. i 11- l'i.. ....1 , . 1 ... ' . ,,' ., ,wnu navr, on niaoy occasions, eaii.ini y .. , ,. .. .. '. .iroggi.oi 10 secure our i.ioitsti'uii'inal rigiiu I therefore, rc.peclf.illy tecuii.i,iend, that you invito the Southern S'riic. to . confer eiilO- Or SUCH Ol (IH'lll 4. UI1V II IllClllinU Ij ' . enter Into CoH-ulun in wuu u, upon Ilia I resent coti'iuiou ol lb louiitry. .-liioul-l ku(!, . confv.refce b. found ,n,r.,;,ie.ble. t.einlie in.nii'di.ltl y fl-f llie l'ri r,o.,fl. - , .u.......i v - ..u., :.uen reuuiaito.i, our itin-irr m . ... coi.t.tn near ft nuurWud .il ttu ti.o,,.. ' n.eti. 1 ! . corp. of ten thousand ,olu,eor-, corp o ten luot.un volunteer-, , j orn.X.nou eepurat, ffout , id. , ,,. o. th. m.lt.U, ...d th.t ,be, be a.i,. j .rnied and equipped.. That your p.oeeedm,. m., be c 1- in . pir,t of b.rtnony ...d coneiti. ,,, ,M that they will redound to the honor an I .... fare -f North C.tolina and our Co, 01 , eon ..1 . j , . w ) ..... v-' JOHN W. Y.'.A.u KXB LTIVK Dl.rAllTMHT, tUi.titjii. N. 't'th, l -;. ?brilj (Carolina oolbiii, CTfABI-OTTI': 1 lit'MldJ . . Vf!)lPf J7 I I ! I;, fl. Uo. ti. le, f.a; ,,.f 1 . ... PS. no nil .O'srhl- will ... i.t 1. Mt l it I . Iu v'ew of ihe prc-eM ait.' l : the e.o.iitrj, and the palitift.i ii.-, belwren tne Njrlh and t'e S-j i"i r. ne.t y .I'.lf-d itut all lb ro . I t .: 1 Meek rnnurg County, wi.h. ai il.-t t... ptty, mm-el at th" Court H i-i-t; in ih Charlotte, 00 SAICKuW, Hi, i-l IUY OF liKcKMULlt A I i 1 fl M , to con-l lor the p.ucy lo i.e pur. , tbe Sooth, and te Aifr ri;,r'.-u, 1 i enter I alio-d by us upon ttie . 1 al i-swe. November S M A N V 1 1 1 17. Lock Hfro! I.imK; F-lk-' Uu I ti ir..lay alt. -in .011 1 ti n v. ' : l'sy ) .1 I o clock there will be ar,-. 1 Lilaiou w,lb thf MA'lIt' LA.li:.t ScitplUt all ! wlbei l.lirt.;-Hug Vie a . .1 1.. lia-eueiit f tne l.e M-!hoOi.t i.-.-r', -A iit.iilao.-e 1" cents fir groan at! .., . f"'k all the ehidr.ii -,- '1 Ih.r-.lay lilxht at lb same pia.o-1', , be an tibibittoH f..r ikf s. rtinia. 1.. lanee, .nio as ah ie A 9u. fueled AbolUtunlnt in our X, tlu H iturrlay enniog iai, a man 1 ... biiii.eSI J K llerrick, arrived iu ei t a 1.4 cestui CuU-Pierahle exc.liui nl : C nv. reati iti it.eeui.be pas-, d t i ll, re tu.w io or ipree ilij, ,g , 1;,. , to 0 to Florida, but, . lie ftp"- 1 I (biniu i; llial bis sOi'-itncula w i-j! I t 1 set: , u ih c i-t'ji. ij o .1, 1. 11, IK uu nol iii Houih Caru.lua, bv 1... -"ttl 1 -.jin.og ur.i. ihe Notib. ar. II" 1. p(.jU'i him.e.f to be .11 ri,. - ant how. .ny amount of lit' p . it,!.t. nl K a but fit.cubvtr.it n, la lug ipa.-st loned, g a vo rise to lue optbt -a I1 -oine 1 I tnt 111 wtre t rged. Mi. luliuyul biio ibis p i nt 11 i''i t'.at be an a iiltit luuriiri . .t '. U A c .iinnii'ee cifgontltlnili wait. I t, -1 an I ..to. in! hi a 10 leai by Ihe IK'l H ' w hie j w ..s d ,i..-. Our eilixeii- cannot be too vte '1 ' ' and over .ueh characters : " Ki- tin- -1 lanee Is the I'l.ce u Liberty' a"1 1 -ueli of hi. stamp .fi ou.d l.e sunon ,r: ) ' ' ' wild J'uiy ll 1 I'tt't. Watt l.iiinn, Whut of tlio Nn" t We answer il! is no' right lb Hoi. o Lincoln bas uu. tiled ii,e Iu'.' u ,.,, , r t ti 11 I Ibe pubi.C in - It. vague aud audiiemed tfliri- I' '''fS ii., Hf upon soruc sum an! steePa-t If uf hope, 1. fl outiileriiig 111 every "' " upon tbe wavea of pui.lical ruin, ' uncertainty. It has accompli-'1 d an .:" ver-al auciiatioo o( love for ihe I hi '" "' ' th" South.-ru p.-ople, wb-e P"!"i;c ' 11 "' ri'e tteti thrown bacn 17 lite popular heart, Wounded, ii.U.'d, " ' 0. d, and liied with a ileKree ol lio'i."-"'" .nd de-p.ir, th.t tit it for any revol t J any change in gnvcriitii-Dt that lulu'.' tiiiiistanetn my coii-pire to iliv''1!'' tVb.t 1. to bo done by the peoj e of rl Carolina In this mighty HM- 1 occupy . cowardly rear po.uiuo i" ,tl maioh of tho.e mighty evciits, e' 'f 1. roauliinj sh.ilows alle.dy dark. 0 ll' r 1 ,j -,..1 bonxont No. I-l tl. ! btr con. pi., now dliber:ir b. r ec ll.l ..,i tone, of ind. psiidetir 1 -" ' e - - . . . if .1... o.rl"" stini he reverboratwu n'"i rv .SuutheiH State, and all will ' ' ' mfr tjl j,. .,,.t party D."'"" ab .1 .... ,ii.i;niin. 1.. ci fl1'" I f i I J th r0 ! 'en , wnu i-i tu - ,i he dis.in.nt.hed .a th. fr-iw f e"h'