"ilortb (talk W$i Tiirsdny : : March 19, 1861. Mooting at Treloar nail. Thero wa. a large ami .utbusiaatio m.et jnjj of tbe citiaoni of Charlotte at Treloar ,1,11 on Wednesday- evening last, Tbe ..... nr,yi,iii?d bv oallitiir (ion. Jolin i . .1.. I'ulr mtn .r.. . f. I A-!o-Bv,::7..::7::;:v:: britt rewaras, innu v.u,uo. JudL-e Oaborne commenoed by remark-. l01r tbat it wa. ungual for ono occupying: L,0p jBt0 lue Convention, like pack mule. , pj'iiimi like bia, to take any aotive part j crossing tbe doaert, I tbrought to niyaelf in political disunions, but that in a oriaia i that eaob onoe of u. might have a airing hkaibat iowhiohtbe country at pre.ent n'i ". Pul1' "ll ut.yb. many of 1 , . i . ' . o might hv aev.r.l string to bie hew, ab. find, itself, be did i.otdctn it.n.ppropn.t. U , Lm n0 um fg ". bj fci-- or out of plaoe for any man to exprcaa bt j ooyrae, ab. My motto alway. ia to tell tbe ,jrm and conviction iu regard to matteraj truth and ahauie tbo devil, ab an inatitu .ouiorueutous, involving aa tboy did, the j ,ioB ol and wickedueaa aho ia aUay , j . :, r ,v. i.i. I wauiiDK about like a roaring lion seeking peace, b.pp.n... and ecurtty of ,h. whole L Hulj mj br8elb.ringi ; eautitry. Ha tlioo alluded briefly to tbe ,bu j,0i,iM tq( rej2i0B btv, got l9 ,, Jcf'Mt of the Conventiou in tbia Slate, re- mixed up that yon can't tell en. from tbe narking tbia gave uo eauae for deapair, but other, I thiuk it would be good for pa to let 0,ba other hand an in.-nliv. to re- f " olt., .xc.pt one, a.d go our very " , . , . i beat upon a harp of a aiugle atriog, apiriu Krd activity and vigor; that it wa not ; of wLjti mea miit b)tek( lb. m to eii ooted that io great a revolution in i Mj breetheriuu 1 1 auppoa. vou all public opinio, ooulit ( enacted in afw;nave neara 01 a renjjioua aocieiy oanea L f d.J. i tu tb. acople of North Cam- i K,ow S-tbibg., ab. Wall mj breetb- , "r ' ' , , . , i ering I lay it, who aboaldn t, I ve alway iB1 bad been taught from their inf.n.y to I bpo enc J( lb,Bbul brerli X oow jtfuti the tmon a a aaeroa inneritanee, f,eI u b.i,tt, lbiti ,bal riUg moa't d to tnd that bor aona were loth to give it up. ' tie to, ah. For it i. liable to break in tbe Ha bad no feara ai to the line of policy I middle, and let u fall aeveral waye for ,h.t North Carolina would aoon.r or later , "UBd b No- w' """i H " , . , , oan at tbe onaet gave proot.a of minor- ,doPt i the revolution bad commenced, and , u,itJ j y,t jn ieM Utur d,J no pocr upon earth could reiiat or atay it ba aou of the aire learn to atray off, ab, ,n ita courte. far beyond the travela of tbe prodigal oo, He alluded to tbe recent action ef tb ' tai il don t Iook out ,Lo flUd "lf ,, j I . . , be eronn lo be a ballock before be come Vioo ('oinuiiaaioui'ra, and thoubt the plan .7. . . .... , ., 1 ' c r baek again, ah. 1 berefore, my breetberi.g tdapied by tbem wholly inadequate to meet ui )( t0 our bun,,D9 boaom tbe weet tl.t fiiganoifi of the time ; that the whole acented form of Sambo, that dark colored llnuh' a i-cffud anJ jMered at by the very emblem of equality, ab, aad let ua piay up- . wb- bad ai.i.ted i. framing it, and B borfVf "' 'f"iU f , . i n" made black, ab. thai it bad utterly and entirely failed to j . KrtetberiD We abould'.t be a.ham irfompli'b tbe purpoaea for whiob it wa ad or afraid lo own color, ah. It ia a very iutioded. lie warned lb people to be-1 wicked thing indeed to turn np tbe human wtr. of all Compromiiea that might here-1 nt b work of nature, ab. Who e.roa . , u ii i j i fuf color in a dog fight! A roae by any after be propoaed ; Ibey would all be dan- . ij n . u " r r i other name would iumll a wet, ah. rnu and deluoive, and intended only lo Whlt ,heBi j, j, fjol ,h foroigneM J i: ure and beguile the people of the South. 1 What if we do kiae the nigger kabiea, ab ? Th "ioveniment tit no in tbe band of I Tb Egyptian wiummie alio have been A 1 i ivmrn anil ll iha i ueans and annliaaees thai could be devised i b; artful and subtle demagoguea, would be ' Irott -ht to ber to induce the border , e ' .... won -Inch North Crohn, bad iitr n ela.aed, to com mue their allegiance : io the old Union He could ace nothing f,r N .rtb Carolina to hope for ia uch a :,r. II .r..l. h.r a.mn.lkl.a snJIonC. . ... , i'j . i i ... I.i,n ir a ika fnrhid that alia anv Ion. ;ir remain in It. All the luterestr Ol rtb M hr. tkarin ' Tkara ia another atria-' j - - , . . , , o . . ' ore.tnering . "r. """'f ,rlB6 milled in Paleatine on two American trav Carolina were with the Sou a; ake wa. nhich we bave all been Dullini! at for these : n i. i 11. r , fcsibd t. her people by tie which could Lirsr be severed. Iu tbe Southern Con- .,i,.,;ilnivH.Ml .U . . j j . j a. r u lonored and respected, aad tb. Stale, - " .n.iead ot rairoerading, as ebe neoariiy a aou J unJer ihe present OsvclnleDt, .,.1. go forward with .....wplaa r. , -,-y, and aec.mpli.h lb. great work i.irt li-s before her. Jjdt-e O.borne concluded hi. eloquent a-ldr... bv enjoining ealmnei. aud medera- .,. np..'ib. p.M of the friend, of Stat, , Y , Y ,. . ... 1. gbls ; that nothing was to be gamed by lisrd words, but that tbe reason of all roe. Hi t be appealed to, a.d when one. con- ..ud. no.biog would deter tb. people - - ... r Inm n.ing.n tboir might .nd ...erl.ng is ,r independence ol Black republican a rale. : We bare not attempted to give more than brief outline of the remark of Jude borne, relying .olely apon a somewhat Tb. following, by a correspondent of tbe ireselierous memory. Tb. Jedja wa. in-' iMto Cirf'ivplor, is worth a trial by all lo ttrrupted during bis remark, with frequent ara of lbe delicious fruit t Urt of applause, and at it eieae received pod bearty "round" from all present. I At th conclusion of Judge ()borne's sliircis, there were loud call, for Mr. Wm lohiiion, the associate of Judge Osboroe spa tbe recent Convention ticket. Mr J-ibun coincided with Jude Osborne's tfnsrk-; thought that North Carolina oe ejpied a wrong position befor the country,' i that something ought lo fce done to flueuces attending th growth of the common sec her right, but was rather afraid an poaoh. They can be obtained from fifty I. nra seiMnrj of lbe LRisUiura would not seventy live cents per tre. and you bad bet f,ii,.,. ,, , . , , ter pay five timea tbe ainouut, than not I. matter, a ,;,e.t d.al. 11. thought , , b, flertlit ,f ptMti, tr, "I" people were competent to call a Con- JMr rr. iti ,nd our word for it, yon will '-u'.ion themselves, but did uot reoonimeud be satisfied with tbe result. lal'. Or anv nthsv oniirsn nrnrrins In arait I . -. , r.. a unltl some plan was matured that would nsLle all sections of tb. Slate t. act to 2't'ier in harmony. Mr Joseph 11. Wilson wa. then called po.i, but b.gged them to excuse bint. Tbere were then loud call, forth. I're.i-! 'it of th. meeting, Gen. Young. Tbe . ensral thought that the defeat 01 the ( o.nti ... .,,!-,. I.- -;,.,...... !jr the best; for, if tb. Conv.ution bd,lM l"u", ' ,u"" 1 . . , - , , , , . , to gather the graia bat these two httl. lad.. 'a called at ibis time, tb. day of North ji,' jBu. fjtiiber strength aer .kill to use lb. 'telma'. r.dempti.o would not bav. been I .radio, tb.y gra.pad tbe .iokl. with r.solut. tasteocd but retarded. He thought that hand, reaping what tbey could each day, North Carolina would vet do ria-ht. and' persevered until tb. whole fo.r aores were ,Bm.,, ' . . ',- I " "mid be well. After paying th. ladies handsome compliment for their preaeuce id siieouragotnunt, tbe (Jennral declared tbeni.cling adjeurned. lrs Partington is id to have anxiously tfd if Uncle Tom ia a better man than Enoch, of biblical memory. She grounds "f re .sous for making thia inquiry, upon I'C faut that abe bas beard that Uuele Tom bas h een ir.o.l.t..) ...... .I.;iJti: ..- j j 1. r : kin sl 1 . " ""-i "'oil was traualatei bat onoe. n iaay naa just taken her moruing batb, "lieu to ber surprise b. found bar invalid .'band Staodinir at tfta door. Sha n. , aiiuesi 1 ' What ar you Lore for ? I thought you "er0 asleep.' He replied ' 1 beard an augc! troubling the water, aud tituubl 1 would step ia and get boalad.' POLITICAL SERMON. A .ketch of tbt remark luppos. to bav been mad by a Political Pr.her al a late! Black Kepublic.o Co.v.ution 1 I j br.tbering W. ar. lo.d .o.ewb.re I -I needn't be particular wher.-tb.t lh J Paalmist of old could pla, oa a b.rp of a I ih.....,,i ..Li. t ,i ! S'.T"1'""' b'Vth1Q- . . c . t. .j.j i urtoe. a nauiiat am I ifia id ta dn ah Th.r.fore. .... I.,..il,.ri .,, .n l.i ;.. .i. .1 ...j ., . .,. , ,, .u . i., i : i i ' wb. .h.u .... . h..rt beatw - - -r-- j ...''... . "nuiiaied the thoaaa.d yeara, are ao.e it. .n,.. , tb. .i.er now. for aovthn-;"" .l.. .i;j .k. ...I. .k l ..n be the .am with ua, my br.etb.ri.g, io tbe ' lap. of a few eent.riea, ab. WheaUa- , br,,i .b,n blow bi, iramp,! ,h when the ..J""1b, r" tuo b! aod when th" j ... ... ,, . . ,i, j ' . ..,n l ' tb'. tll0 Visaing of a few little ioaoeenl'aig- ! ger., aad tb running aaay of a few bucai will com back a a wl smelling vor, ai.d viva a a liek forward, toward ' ' Jnr.l.a ali ' ma.y years, ah, but which in tbe languaSe ' one u"r E"u" s b 1 n,e,D P.'. "'"'"'gi lhV Dieva OI low twist eaucu seaauarauca. au - - . ' ,. 4,0r, my breetbering, ha. .olor a well twang, an. caa run uiggars iig 00 the und. rground railroad unless we .lac ,de frce. Them most b. cur .entim.nl., !rn'ua bii r0lv.r bul it missed fire, ab, We must he consistent, ah. I cosies. . .b4reUp, ,bc Arab, took their watches, i that 1 have beea a great Temperaaee man jeBtfT toi c0tbea, and diappeared acros. "d tBl 1 " l"u fMlllin iUt J"ftr- the river, l.king two of their horses, wbioh TJll 4 ,Zl' "r't'JT'l ,'rb ik,b around like a thief in Ibe night and prying t(J ef- w Jtrioho for help. Mf. Low was jLto lbe ,ffuir. of my neighbor., and every forUe en0Bgb ,0 Hi.eovor an Arab eloak, now aud then, je-kiag tbem op with a round H(j be au(j bjf Conipinion, .eatitily clothed, lru for violation the ' "bi-key laws, b ; mide ,bs be of ,Bejr 0 Jeru,8l,a,. ';-. 1 'J1' Mr. Page. United State, eon.ul, took imu.e-1 huaioea. don I pay b tnd for tb b,.s.c iuille f for ,bt diseove ry of the robber f ra? HtJ. I m going ,. play o. a harp of , u(, thre,tllalion 0f tb' it. He de-! mgl atriog, ntjg.riaw tnnmpliani lor- ever, an. How to (Jaow Peaciieu Evert Year. Procure your trees graftad upon ihe wild plum stock Tbe tree partake, of the na ture of the pluus, beiog bardy, and will never winter kill ; and putting out late iu the Spring, will never be injured by the frost; a.d it is a certain preventive against tb. workings of Ibe peaab grub, wbile tb. natural life time of tbe Iras is beyond that of oar own ; se you may drpend upon poach e every year, and for a long period of tiose without the destructive ana aiseouragiog in 1 H nur-rBsis,n,3. n .'ism. uri , a goon .tory o. tson j.-.n.,,.,! .. tbe other, eleve.-who.on account of tb. . ickersi of their father, war left to work the farm. They thoroughly ploughed and ero.. - plougb.d tbr. e.r. of '-','l.h 8ro"nd' ,w.h,cl! ,hef ' heB ,0" 't,... j in ,..rinff ...,. 'f n.l.d. asaiated in clearing one acre of new land, wbioh waa aown with wheat. It grew esneciallv that first .owe i bat at barv.at, tbu. harvested by tbeatalon.. Tb. produo. ,j ..j . l.. ttt OI toil srop vvsis cveiaisuH is bisisvi vvu, and tb.y d-d a good d.al of work on tb. " J. PP' g '"on a farm besides Thia bow what boya caa tabu of gotog out befor. aue.nug is oloaed, do if they really ct about it, and aiak that jl aeeuia to b aa imposition on a .Iran work of work and play ef play not trying af" . to do both at one. I " If th' 1 u,t "d od ' aad preach for jou, wa. Mr. Moody ' re- To Kixp Applm If apple, ar. oar.- r.ii. .t.J:. J...t n... ny rn ww .w . , j will keep through our coldest wiuters. iSii v. sis m, ssn id.v nrar strisiu- ty. Io packing, ear. must betaken that; nnne of ihe anrilea touoh tha barrel, uor each other. e bav. bad the as open in Due order, when tha packed, long aftet those in tha nallap atara Ultimo nr aa withur.d aa .a La u.alMaa. if yen invest your money in a good farm and do net cultivate it well, itistke same aa marrying a good wife, aud so abusing and enslaving bar aa t. (brush her eoergi and break ber beart. t'. S. Journal. ! I Stimulants. Th. Loui.vill. Journal baautifulljr say. i . , . .. . . ' T , ,,?V V I h' -.""f b"!t ''T' " "',7 ' .pint .1.. lb. .I.D, apparaully, D0"' w,'k' ,ta . T of 'D( tbe window abutter are closed, .nd the door hung with tbe invisible crap, of l melancholy ; when we wiah tbe golden atio I . - ' . Pcoj "rane... ana are winmg . no elouda be.' Thi l a atate of aickoea when physio may bo tnrown to me aogs. lor we win nave noue - wu.i. again, and tbe pulses dance to it through all the myriad thronged hnlla io our bouie o! life! Tliat iball malie tb. tun kis tbe Eastern bill again for u with all hi old awaking gladness, and lbs night overflow with moonlight, muaie, love aad floweret Love itaelfi the great ttima- laut the meat intoaioatiog of all and per- form all the miracle ; but it i a Wiiracle it self, and it ia not at the drug store, whatever they say. Tb. counterfeit i in the mar - ket, but the winged god i aot a money chauger, we aaiura you. Mea have tried many thing but till they ask for itimulant. Tbe we nae, tut require tb. aa. of mor.. Men try to drown tb floating dead of their own souls ia the wiue cup, bul tbn corpse will riae. We see their face in the bobble. Tb. intox- ieation of drink aeta tbe world whirling i might find it advantageons to procure there again, and tb pu)i.t playing -wildest intis j, portion, at least, of what lby may require.! i, aad the thought galloping but the fast I the unlooked for emergenoy of an armed dock rea dowa ooner j and lb unnatural rupture with tbe North, Havana might ap atiuiulation only learaa the house it fill ! prove itself of very great importance to this wun in wuaeai revelry more silent, more ad, mor dtierted, mor dead. i " Tber. ia only one atimalaut that never ' fail, and yet never intoxicate Duty, uuiy puts a oiue y over every man up in bia heart, may be into which tbe akylark, Happinaa, alway govs linging. Wl WILL ALL meet IN THE MoR.Nl.so. We'll met in the morning 1 Such w- tb exclamation of a dvina child, sava the New-: arx ereury, a. in. reu ray. oi tne aun.et atreamed on htm through the oaeeiueut. lljt,,! .....l.-.. u. come for me to uigbt j don't cry, papal we'llail meet again in tbe morning !" It was a if a. ans-el bad snokea to that father, aud bia heart grew lighter ander tbe burden, for aoiiiCtbing asaurtd him that bia little one , had gone to Him who said, "8uflr little i children to com. unto me, for of such i the kingdom of heaven." Tbr. i. lemelbing cheerful and inspiring to all who are io trouble here" We'll all meet again ia tb merninr." It rouse up - -u- frighun away forever lb dark abadea brogiDg the avenue, of pure life. Cloud. " -ry r- rr . tutM gather around ua like an army with J bi not destroy tb. bene with aa, if e have tbe motto upon our ''P " " wil1 b ri!bl ' the moraing." " , , "v . j,..,v..,.. . Amerieaa of tbe 9ih iast. y i ' .r. i . , i lbe' g,0i,weDl baiug on their way to the ,,td ,.a( ,or0ki tbe wilderneas of Kngedi bad baited, for refreshment, on the atith Ull., ou ids sBvres oi lue troruau, wueu suu- d.nl. , prtj of Aribg( ,Q0 of mboi b,d ' b h.in . rr.u.. ...k ik.ir , Ar,b .bcikb, ruah.d upon tbem from au !T" aBdcd 0f the p.icba that the Arab abcikh should be kept a. a boatsge, which was done. Tbe event will undoubtedly lead lo the demand for guarantees for tbe belter security of American travellera. Stop Mr Papck." Sons, people, when tbey see an item in tbtir p. per not exactly suited to their way of thinking, take it in to their bead that tley can top the " con cern " by " atoppicg thir paper.'' Tbe New York Expreec, of Friday; baa tbe fol io w tog : T the Llitort of the N. Y. Drprets : Stop my paper I do.'t like your New York, March 7th. Yours, Sit. No reader nd take tbe trouble when be don't like tb Express. Tbe carrier or tbe uewamac wiii do hi. .topping. Wc don't prtut a paper to be liked. Our aim i. to print the truth, liked or not, aod to pursue that oonra. and onlv that eoursa wkieh aa we think, tbe beat interest of tbe oountrv aeinano. me ivxpres. aoe. not represent any pariy or auyDooy aua noooay out lu. editor are responsible for anvtbinr in it. . , ,i, , , ., di.like a great deal of th. now. they . ' - . ..-,;.,, ' were right to aappr... it. : . r 1 KunM y0LM . MgIrl,0.When Mr' Moody-H.udtcr.bief M.ody-wa. jouraaj in U we.srn part of Ma. f .. , brother in tbe " 3, . '-- "P" .1.. c.ki...L :.u l: it li. ti.. :Mh9 appeared T.rv clad lose, bim, and "" 9Vr v.ry tisa I " ' b 'J -'d - 3 p -d preach for as tomorrow ; but I feel . M"?d 10 V J"' " "7. wa.s ia in. mailer ..ia .nr. Mood. a t J W.n th. Sabbath day ..me, and Mr. Moody bid opened th. meeting and named (a iexi, be looked ar.und 00 th. assembly .-J..:j ssa ssiu ' "My hearer, I am goiag to apeak to two kind of folk to-dav. saints and .in- ; ner. btao.r. 1 am going 10 give you your portion first, and I would bav. you iaa nnli attantinn " Whea he bad preached to tbem a long 1 aa h thought beat, h. paused aad said" "There, sinner, I bav done with you now ; yeu may tak. your hate and go out , of lb usee ting bouse aa soou a you please." Hut all tarriod aud heard biaa thrjj.u. Havana as an Entrepot. Tbe Mobile : Advertiser, of Tburaday morning, throw cut the following u;getiiu Our merchant, we arc told, anay find a as.it convenient and a very well stocked market for the purcbaae of Kuropcan goodit at thia time, o convenient that their con aignmenta .an come to band within three or four day after purcbaae. Thia entrepot with wbioh we aretuppliod, in caae of need,' tiona of uoh patent iball be prohibited. ia Havana. Merobandiae can be purchased W. know of no influence which was con of tbe importer of that city, for sbipmeut, tribuled more to tbe demoralization of tbe without liability to any custom bouae National Legislature than the aurus spent ebargea, a a wareboune lystew uiaiutain in lobbying lo exteud tb. large patent mono tboro. Tbene bouded good are liable to a poliea. It ia inipoaaible lo estimate the warehouse charge of ouly about one per- centum, we are informed. Mercbandii. j en tbua be bipped to u from Europe, by i itegmar to Havana, if ucoeanary. . I, , ,llej bjr t,on9 ho are in- formed, that purchase of very many taple tnd faucy commoditie of nei:ot.sity to our trade may be made to advantage in Havana, The imnoi ten of that city select good for ' . market very similar iu its demand to our, 1 iud makes alua to dealer on quite as fa- vorable term a New York importer, while j jibe freight aud iuaurante on them would be Usa, and tbay would come to hand more 1 quickly. , If our merchant find themselves .mbar- raancd in the matter of replenishing their, Il0ok. therefor. Havana offer a resort which could te-led. and verv crobably the oountrv. upd1v ui? uot oolv au etsetmal eu- trepot for trade with Eurepc, but an exten- si,ly patronized alea market also. These uggestious are, we think, worthy be of of eutertaiumunt uow, aa they may action at a near period. I Let is Have the Best. A farmer liu an adjoiuing .ounty, once went to kis cler- gyman and inquired of the " why he d'd BOt Pr" V ,DU0D 1Mlln M ur"" " lu A. A L k J 1. t,an. nn . w fc f (uch X presumed you could understand, and I did BriiDi.rJ .,a rauld unilerstsnd and I did: uu aujipu.. ssi inc ii lucia g.ue. -u- dtrstood Latin aud Urrek." "Oh," said tbe farmers, " I pay for tbe best, and let u bare it : a-ive u as muub Latin and UrecK a you can spare." Beneut or a Powerful Example On coinmuuiou Sunday, au old Keutuoky oldier, who had fought uuder Oeu Jaok- son at New Orleans, and knew well what maBt,nr of man be bad been in hi fighting dav. attended the Hermitage church aud i ltw ,oe agea warrior aocei revarei.n.uj before the alt ar. He was transfixed with toniHi.ment. After tbe eervioes wereover, 1 . w w"w w.i.nj" thoegbtful and upsu being questioned, ro- I.ud what be bad seen. He concluded hi. narrative thu : "When I aw tbe mau wba bad fought ariuiea, ebinets, aud had never fought without conquering, got down , ou i. ! in is cusicu, U,J , sell noil, wueu .inarew oacasuo ikuen.a,! 1 tell you, boya, 1 lUitiE It I about time lor m. to knock uuder." Four week alter he joiued the church, and lived and died an et"pUry Uieuibcr Ilf-nrv eountv, Vs.. sinrcn ix in, i?oi, .nr. M AKGAliKT C. DII,i,i!0, sged 3U year, snd .. J,.hu IJ n.ii-i daughter of Mr T. M Bruwu el this town, bus IcaVua ail atr:ctiuiiatr husband and three sweet little chil lreii. all girls. Denrrst sister, thou hst left ns, Here thy loa we drep'y feel; But 'lis Ud Inst him berri't ua : lie cr. all our sorn.w heal. 1 Yet again we hope tu meet iheo Wi.rii ih dav f lile is fled. Tie 11 in heaven witiijuy lu greet thee, W iirrc nu farewell tear is sluu. iNLV AHVEnTISEMKsN'rS. Plantation for !ale. ON Tursrisy, th 12th day of March, at the Puulic square in C'barlutu-, I wiil im-U that valuable I'l.mtatiuu on which the late A no re w Springs, t.q , lived. It is situated un the Atlsu tic, Tennessee 6l Ohio Itailrtad, one hour's ride from Charlotle and 3i miles from Datidsnii Col lege, aad contains sbout HOO sere The land is in a high state of cultivaliun. On the premises is a hsndsume and cunvenient DWKI.LIMJ snd sll necessary nut houses. Tne location la he.il. thy ann the neighborhood agrceaule. Terms, twelve mouths crcuil Willi interest .'rum d T. 11. BREM, Ext. March 19. 1861. 41 Tne sale of Andrew Springs plantation is post. d to march a'6th, at which 111110 it will pusi- Kn lively be told. Msirch 19. Ieol T. U. BHKM, Ejct. 10 l orK icaim;i:. SHE subscriber, with a view tu improve the stock of horses ill this section, purchased Ihe celehra. ted M irgan Horse, BLACK HAWK, ind 11 lor ins those desiring superior ki.. .. ..... k thst this Horse can be found al his stibie, 14 nle west of Charlotte, 011 Mon. slid Wedncsd.i nd at the sta- -ff" ;nj. M,irrow un Ti.ur.day-, Em.a,. 4d s.,turdays. K.,r oarii:ulars. see large bills A. li. DAVIDSON. 41 .Wire IJ. 1661. rt.s .f TtAtl ns. Tinn itai" UUl 01 JJtJUU UUl Ul JJdllftCl. .1, persons, IN and Ol T ofTuwn. wh. 1 I m have not settled their accounts aue un tne 1st ei jsnu.tr iui, . ouc.ted to CALL A 1' O.NVE and pay the money ur aiva their notes, .is we arc detcrillllicd to close np last year s bu.,ne, ni last vaar'a bu.ines. and ureter to do so uh- r. ' . u .11 ..., ...... MORE ti.an we have snu. ;i;oWN, TaTE A i t). 1 charlotte, M irrh ia, Iftil. at - lwv.. . " v iT" r i7:l '"v ' 1 liOA l) AALI 1 UL IV AT 1 3 EXE. L'l'OK ol til E.tato f Andrew A Springs deltas square in Ciiailolie, I will sell at tiie public 0 , on Tuesday, the ltd of April next, IUO Shares uf Charlotte Sl S. C. Rallroa.l Slock. ol jUJ each i iC. li.ilro.d - Uonds. Stuck of the Bins of Charlotte. Stuck ol Hie Bans ol North Carolina. Stock Allanlie, l enn.At Ohio Railroad . , i iKkit.: ,11 bi m ule on a credit of I ne aoov.i munlhs, wit ,Ccuniy. anaw tW JL interest from dale and approved ' ilupCj oy integrity and atricl alteiiliun lu hu.i T. H. OREM, Execuior uess, to merit ihe same patrosnge heretolure iibor- 01 a. nprings, ueceasue. March Ibbl . EXAaUlNaYTiON. IHE Ciiiiiiniilee ut Exi Hun lor Meek- M. lui.burg lounty will iiiget to examine Teachers un Saturday, the 3ilth . t March. JOHN P. KO-iS, E-q. E. NYE IM Pi IIIMi.V, i .M'H.VsruN. Marca li, lfi. , Source or Corruption Extinguished , Whatever may have keen tbe abort con- ingi of ibe Congress joat expired, it baa pat a t'J oue measure for which it ia entitled lo ths tbaukx of ebe country We allude to tbe anifcdiutnt of tbe patent laws, whioh provide that all pateala hereafter (ranted "hall remain iu foroe for seventeen yeara from the date of iiana. and that all eitan amount that bas been lavished in ihi way within the laat doxen vain but it ! in l, counted by million. For the fnlure, thank God, thia aource of toinptilion will be re- moved, aud we shali be .pared the digraoe of seeing the votes of our Hupresentaiivcs publicly old for tbo support of these uu- juiifiable privilege. Tii only ol.j.ottion to tbe tmendment ia in the length of time given to a patent. Ten year would have been a lon enough time In Keutueky, a ploughman became en ainorcd of a milk maid, on a neighboring farm. Ilia addreaae were rejected, and tbo disuppoioted awain, full of mdaucholy aud reveuge, procured a rope, went to tbo barn and tied all the cow tails tothr. . Tl.irkrla. COHRKCTEO 0ATE8 Si WILLIAMS. (. HARI.OTTK MAUt'H 1 , lL,. BAfON , llama. urw......!b.. " Sines, ib.. ' Hug rouuu, Id.. " Shoulders, lb.., 19 r. UU .... 1-i (.i. lid . II fe. Jl, II ( uu 15 (a, 16 4 (a, 6 li , Ull it, as !j 3.. 6a ( 75 I I ltd (n; l.'l ? (a, JUl '1 ( t"4 !ii ( I 0 ...-ui Vf; au sU (u, 1)0 .Ml (a, U.', S3 (a, Hi li, (; li io Iu Id I JO it, 37 i to Hi! ....750 ui 7 7a ... J75(ir ' 3U (a, J5 i 0, H I K te 1-4 U'i to I .... (a, ti . 14 (, UU ... 450 (3, UU t5 ( 75 411 (n', tu U (n, t5 3 tu 5 (a, UU , 5 (s 50 & ii 3 (, 'i ' ...UU yjj j ...auu ( t'U j 4U .o, .lU j 4 la, (Kl j 15 UU 10 (A u I U '. UU .....175 (, '-'UU i (a, UU j 160 (a 155 ! I4U (a, 150 6i to ;u (5 au I 27 to -0 i U to ' ...iuo y, 09 i B"gf'f.,iunnJ. .. yo. ...lb., ...lb. Ijutu-r, IjCCSWSX, Ueans,. .bushel, ... -a-al -fal ...Ib Ib Ib Wrnuy, AiOe lotloll) ".".'"'.'.'.. K. I.... t:,...., A.u,uue lb. " periu. l.illuw, , Ib ...bushel.... CurJ) oiucaena cluili,t'uisrui. jrsru. ..yuru. ,""U"I'J ' r luur, t'edtliers Iliden, Gruen, , tiry Lard, Multun, .Vl.uKcrei .lb ib Ib ..bbl.iNuli. ....Kltlr.... ,N.O., W.I.. ., M..i Mullei.iW.I,i..gton'...bbl Nwrtlii lb lb ... husliel... Ib ...buslirl... ...buabel... ...uusliul... ...bushel... , Ib Ib. ... l Lck ib ....Iiunhel... .. .bushel... ....gal uthern...... ' Oats,.. Turk,. I'otatuea, Irish,., ,Sweet' sUirur.U.r. llrown,.. oUme-W are, Suit, Tea, Win- while, " red, Whiskey , Northern,. N. Carulii.i uul,,,bestUeurgiu) washed,... Varn Ullivjalied.. bale nu.vjAnitii, -Our coltnn market ia COTTON. dull, and unrea eem lo liav. advuneed a lalie 1 OK.N . I here hue beo a good cienl oi corn coming ,., ana show decline. lOLl MHIA MAItKKT. I'uLUMsis, .'.1 irch IK. IS01. COTTON Tr.e saics lor the week have been Iig'it, s.lhuugn prices lu loriner quotation. i'he Oales. tllreilies Salic, i UACON.hug round,.. ; toK.,, r-LASi OA'JS, KLOL'K uvonced Inily e sinuuiitcd tu 4'J iaj ft- 13 , 1 05 110 .... tllU (a, UU ..... 8U () bo ... 3j (j, (4 CHARLESTON MARKET. '"Misi.tsTON March, 15. It-bl. The transiclions to-day were Imited tu 973 bales, at the extreme of yjal-'jc , of which 43 bales were at prices dot transpired. Market firm J. X. HUNTER. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND (icneral Collcctin"; Agent. I A I L produce shipped here for my dispoa .l a aV iliail receive pruiupt ttention F.-est care ...... ,n II... I.... 'WIIW IfA I Nules snd Aecounla put into my hands for col- I lection shall receive prompt and immediate at- tcntion.j-j Ourloue, leb. i. ItjGl. 4Jll" jjNotice. A LL persons suhjecl to pay a 1 oil lax to the th ln,,u o( ,he , Qf charlotte an the lirst day ol Kebruaay, ietil.or who had been princi pally employed in any professiun ur vocation iu ssid town lor three mouths or more luimeuialely prcceeding the said lirst day ol Eebruary, and all persona who uwned ur were possessed of T.ixa. ble Pioperly within said town 011 the lirst il .y uf Eebruar v. are liercbv noli hed lo wivs into the Tow n Clerk, he lure tne LAS I' DA Y OF MARCH, letll , . IA,lof their, aid Uit ,aU TaxMe I'raperty.- The said list shall slate the number I lueal "lualion ul the lots rts of Lois given in ; able polls, of taxable residing un the 1 si uf alavts, and ul tree negroes i.i..,tMPV ,, ih. Li,j. of -ersoiis 1.1 J 'X"b Bs'n '..,. ,,, . giving in k ul .orth Irum IU a. in. till i p. m. T. W. DEWEY, Town fieri March, i 1661. 41 (.Notice. f j W1E account, due John Harty'a Kstste have JL been placed iu my hands lor collection, bt T. II. Brem, adm'r All prisons indebted by .c count. Will please cail al Clnna Hall and settle before the tir.t nf April a'ter that time they will bo given lo an otticer. JAMES HAKTY, Agent. .Wares o, IBlil. lol DISSOLUTION. T1.0 him of El LLINGS SPRINGS de Co w. uissulved by limitation 00 the 1st January, ISul. '1 he business will lie bunlu.uet: under the uan.e snu sivlr cf t I'LLINGS Jt SPRINGS, sno they towed by liieir uuiuciuua Iriends and cus- tumera. Pne pre-'iit financial crisis and iha uucerlianly of buiness, lor Hie luturc compel us 10 shorleu our time ut credit from twelve to six month lu prompt paying customers none other need ass, it. All porsoti uidekred lo Iha udd hrm ol Euihlig, Springs v t must emiia Inrward aud mas. uli ,.di.,lu selllemlil- sa il is ali.ululely necessary thai Ihe nisineas he spucuily eluaed up. " A Word lo Ih. wis" is surlicicnl." leb IU lxil. 4Ttf. snor. .W-WW, THE SuUcnbcr ) t. -. I" o(, ,h OmJSi W STAND lurmerljr occupied bv JOHN HAKTY. .no !.,. h, ,ici aiuuii.n to JiUaSIiNKSrS and L'SULN'G every KXKH'l'IOX to please TO OB'I AIX A aSHAKK ol PUBLIC PATRON. CIO. ALL NEW WORK WARRANTED 12 ytm E ' ta za a 9a Particular nttentlun isid ti mL M:Z aVl-,sxv aj agK H 1 h.vc ou h.. nils aa jfnod a. lot of e4aioiied OJ jb db m-J IK aa caa be started. ( ii t it l.i a wil.ooi. Jan. 15 43 3iuos i:v si ppi.yof VtileliesJevelry.SolidSijvt,ri ' - Plated Ware, rBS.Hr'. subacrinrr has lately ratarned from the K N'trlh where he lias p-irchsspd a very ea- 1 tensive siiuuly ol ihc ilwtr srlicirs. II ih uurcha. I eiiit. mn.r oireetly Iraui ths uianHclun r, he is tuerelitre anahled tu sell at a very biiii.I sc- suneeun cost and persons msv rest assured that all his srlielea sre wsrraiitt-e In be whst he rip. reeenla tm ru Iu br. V'tciiea snj t'incks carefully rcpsirrd and a ill receite tuy personal alieniion. 11. VV. BECK WITH. Or(..ier 9. IB60. a-Jll Wilmington, Charlotle aD(i IsUlhlT- . i ., ii i ford nail Koad. 1 E&'aJ''3 fSrLiii ' ysgr- -sg1 - -sa3i Wcstkrn Division, 1 hari.ott. Dec. Ti, ihbU. ' IJA.SSI.NUKR.S will be aciuilinifiuatru to Slid Irum Ihe head o! the Knsd u.ily, Sui:d.iys ' excepted, as tolluws : tiOl.Nt; W K.ST. Leaves fhiirlottc .il 11. A. M. Tuek.eeve Staliun II. 15 " Arrive i Bnvard'a ' IU.3n ' OOlMi tASl'. Leave Hrt-Tarri'. .-Uliull St 4. I'. M. " '1 licksergc " 4, 4j " Arrive at Clisrllnlle " i. Hi " Pruper 1K( signals heltig given .it ililernieitlate puinls, psst-ewgers vilt be t.kcn uo. WM. HAHTV, Antnt At tbe tint, of the Uu.a . luur-hore Vovi t'oncli. ea will be t'ouno r-tuj ti uko jsenger jna L. e to Iinco!ntn, c.nn cling rcyulurly Willi Uio Irointn. At ijinctilnton lour-liorno coaenca run trtwerkly to .Newton, Dt-nmr, umi Abingdon, Vir fini.i,-.lpainp ia M(niJ), VVeiitittltjf nnd 1 ri- j fletyw, in lbe inorninj', nmi rrtuamiig to Lim fin.) ton on the ereninr ot the taiine day. j C. A. SUTHKKLAX1) A CO, j Mg lronirlor. ! Vecnnbtr 1 1, IHGO. 3 ti. sow ()im:nlng. FAT T WINTER klias k conn UU now prepared to ciitpUy to their cuatom- ers it 11 a trienui. niid the public generally. ,,e ni'' f. X t HS i V e Olid be St SClCCtttl ! .STOCK OF GOODS, Ewr offtrtd y one Film in H'eirren A'oria Cere, j Una I There is nu humbug abuul the sise and; pricia ol' our Slock ul Goons, l liey will speak j tur theiiiselvi'S. Lvcry department is lull and cumplete. DRV GOODS, Foreign and Domestic, CI.UIHI.Mi A.ND HKMSIUM. UOOUS, HAKDWAUE AND CUTLERY, BOOTS AN D SHOES, HATS AM) CAPS, BONNETS AND MILLE.NERY C.OODS, 1ANL Y GOODS A.ND NO' IONS, GROCERIES, dtc, ic, A call aud ezau,uiation of our Slock i respect. fully solicited at BKEM'S OLD STAND, Trade Slreel, Charlotte. N. C. t!9lf Dr. E. 11. And ews, ft" trim T4 OL'LD inform th public gen ifcu JsTt WW crally, auo the citiens of -a T.I IJ .M.ckieliLiug 111 particular, thst he has icsumcd the pr.ictiie oi DEN'lTsTRY, and may be found at his Old Stand. He ia prep. red tu insert Artificial Teeth on Gold. Siivcr. uicanne or . neopiasui. piutess, natirnla HIS dCSirel ISG Oil IOCIH Willi UUU, Tin, Amalgam or Os.Arlificial. lie is prepared tu perlorui any operations oeiongmg s and net 11 nat say tnat he will he pleased tu wa ; umin auv ot" his old Irieneis, ur new one. eilhe j you may lake that lor grahleu, Feb. o.l Kb I. 43 If rSotice. A'co is indebted bv nute or book ac Ihc Estate 01 tne Ulu Tncina. J. Itnllon are requested lo come niwatHano sm the same as indul. ncc cannot be given and ail person, having ciaiiua .gainst sid Thomas J. tloilon's Esiaic wnl present the same within the time prescnocd by law ur this notice villi hi plead in bar ul Hit 1 r reenvery. E. NYE. 111! TCI! IN SON, Lztr. of XHOi. J. lioLToN. Februnu 5, iPbl. 4o TO Till: IT lJIsH'. ilh tins notice terminates the term actor dine lu aertellieltl ot the gt eral 1 teiiuance ul Mr. liusr misw. over my bu.ms.s 111 tne Ssdlery snd Harness line. All indebted sre nqutaitiu to make scilkimiits ifit mt .ne, as uo other, until lurlher aeviseo, will be aiiawcu m H. M. ntlTCHAUD. frh. 2n, Itbl STATK UF NOHTll-CAUDLlNA, CALIIW ILL Ctlt.MV, In Lenity To ?prttiS l?0l. James Harper, 1 r' ' Nero G. BradlorJ, James la E'nl;. H. PostelUuu Samuel W. Melluu, I'elendanls. J IT being made to appear to ti e satislsetioi ol" the Court that Ine seicda.lt Samuel ," Mellon, 1 a nonre.iuei.t aim uv.s be,u.,u the l:m its of Una Si.le i rueieo by lue Cuilit. thst n. l, lor ill wee as 1" a talc lor ihe said de- tn,dai.t S.muel W. Mellon 10 s,.pear al the 111x1 ' " ..." u ,. ui Eomiv It be held lor the couniy ul 1 a lu well, a I the luurt Hou ia L.no.r. on the bth M.moay stur the 4ui Monday in Alarca next, then an Ih.re u. pli.d, answer ur u.u.ur lu cumpt.inaiils 01II, otnerwi-e juogcuicnt pro con. l.s.o w'H be taken against hint. Wilu.s. William M. Puett. Clerk and M sler , .umi court ol tuily lor th. county ol I alu. ws.l. tne villi Aloliu-y alter tne sin .l-uu-y III Sicvlcuiber, lObJ. W.M. l'l.Kl'T, C. M. K. (,,,,, . tJ. M ts,- 5, icti.. til u A S BIT ! ! i m I We respectfully inform our frieed. J oulni.,r iV,.i , . Iriend and , ou8lou'er tb' owing lo tti stringnncy ia w will be compelled to sell for CASH AND DUlUNiJ Til K VKAR Having a large i.inck on Und will rtduo tbe prices to suit tbe times ''Uo" . ,odi1b,e'1 obiig.B, making iiumeuiate aettli ineiit. klias a Cohen. January 1st. 1861. The Truth. OWlNli TO THK I'KKSKN T hlFVIriT ; .' ' lr' "L ft and the disturbed atate of BUSINESS in ord.r to continue, it beow B9C,litr, 1 for us to make au appeal to our I ... in self defence ; i!ioh- indebted to will do ua a kindness by coining forward promptly aud pacing up. Jan. eitb, 1 rl?l. 11 2m 1? JL eilsl .Notice .M .inu . lt r tin 11 n.ty ui J inniry nr jt, t M ill bt: p.'di.i j lu M il HI Ifirnot ni i-r nd Itir r-. ot niirikiiu: lor t ah und cb oi.ly, ny .trticit in iMir ime i Ouiiik-ih that we nitty have op liund. Any per n on ending or cttiiiin lor ft'tiit a Iter Hir abtivtair without y, will pit - ft ticusc in, il itittend ot ftiJing ttinr i rn, wt luininu lurnith iltrin with copy rer litstiiit itt , a we arm Urltrinmed not in pie dftit-ie m crrtiil. And trtu in i,Cbteii tuu. rtquevlcu to coil mio p-ty w Kanl the i-f jh, rj UA'IKS i WILLIAMS. iu if l4'l tart-4'lk Alll M l it'S. :30(),0i)0 Select Fruit Trees i iik ti r.. 4 li K iiie riiiiins ol the Southern St. lis avk ire tlut the .ci.plc uf the Nnnhrni (I .Nnrthvinlrr" State ne in u.eir le-disg sflicli s il Iraet, .-IM. li".l Hi s elimote and soil In a great eilsnt very unpn.pitious ' ir Iruit cul ture 7 1 hen hv hhnuld not iha cilisrns al Ihe Southern States 111-ke I ruil, dried and green, one of Itis r lenoirig staples. Emits ( rown unuer our ai iuth' rn sun arc m leu lor Ineir sue, fine flavor, snd boauli:nl colnr. '1 no above statements .ire lull v sustained by premiums taken uvi r Northern 1-ruits, snd the greal suiuui.l ul gren. snu mieJ Iruil sent Ne tj and Northncst by the uthern Slates during the Issl few years. Tl.cn 11 the shove stuleineni are lull sustained, and it it is no sin, according to the Itible, tu m.ke money ny ral.uig I ruit, then send lurvti.ru juur or.iers aim cash to West, biouk and Mcnceuliall an-, tu. y will furnish you wilh giKio marketing ireharu.. WKSTUUOUK i. MLNUEMIALL. Grctiisbero', 1 oi,U. 33 if. Mecklenburg IIIUS Works, A LKXA N HliT5cDuL"G ALL. f s II L uiiaer.irncu ben have tu niorni the cili. : JL sens ui l karieiu anc; n. inily ana tne pub. i he geiier-illy, that they ii .vcupeueu the above Es. tablishnienl at the fuol ol l'ra.ie atrtel, jdjoiiiing I the track ul the Nuitb Carolina Rsii Roao and op i posite John VVnhes' Steam Mills, and are prcpar. ed to lurnisti all sinds ul' MACHINERY, I at abort notice and on reason. .bie terms. SIEAm L H u i ri 11 3 Fruui ? lu llvrw PoBfr. AD BL tt ri.ninr uoiih or ALL SIKDS. k 1: P A J it s in ll..u !i-ic promptly all. nded lo. I heir lOl'N DRY is in lull operation, and Cast Regularly twice a Week. Wednesdays snd Saturdays. Tbey sre prepared to furnish all sines f CASTIXsS l IKO.V ltet.4, tc, acci-aniso to nspsa. SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING, GIN WHEELS, SAW DL'sT Bl li.NtUS, ANTI EXICTION PLATES AND BALLS los tOI TON PKESal ;. CAST IH U.N n Ai LI Mi, Kor Garden Enclosures, Dwelling Houses. Tu-.i Buildups, Purlicoca, Cemeiry Lots, a.c. 1 neir I.lirisKMl'l-M'S Eor c.rrvmg en the business in all 11. "'" have b,en sELLC TED Vt 11 H Is K a. AT CAKE, anil rj urutiueu with all tne I.Ml'KOV Required to uo tncir wors 111 a FIMt' Rt I E ' t18- Agents. :'..r lr L. O I in"', '"' vVimer'a Pat. e,.rMui.,s.w Mm.. 'x!; ..., others.o, - . much wark.ano oomg it unltr, msn , Mm . usit ca.. n. run ny M Hors. P. r- Tne 64 "a al lB """""".''hkmiy ALLXAM'KB. M U ll'LM M- DotViALL. Oln Iru... Bra... 1... -e.. nagni ef tek.n lu "" WJ Clilsosr 30 ISIRi. V Vlalt lltH'fi-'- the a-kin m B' a iVr...ir.eior leriinn. ul rci.i term , M-.y 11. xt. t e 1, to a man woo cjO otsti iieesi a'"'.1'.) ' I it will he so kipl as ui.tun which it sue i his pupu give sueh relereliee .ill salist lue not lo uelroel lri.m is large and in L.t.n, aad esi.tD success, 11 pro The Palion. s...g. Em Ii..use lislicu cnaraeiei llllu,,lion .in d. f-'y eo.iduele... -',... tall will oe ,' T .y. W ALToN. M Hganloll. N. C. uo - M ' Ft 'ii-