w ft I jy jf v' T ''r'1f I llDull (LirOUnl (I'ClUMI.I C' 1 OHBLOTTE: . I Tuesday, October 29. 186.1. tTR. R. Wakefiold, Fsij., ef l.rnnir, haa con. ..j . . i . II. will receive orHrra fur llie Whio, bin' or aivrr- li.en.eM,. and receipt fr theme. An, per.nna ,uhcr.b,,e wh..pv i" h,m w.tlnn three month will receive tlie Whig for two dulUra. FOIl rUFPlPENT, J r V '.U) I)A I S ct wisaissirri. FOR VICE riU'SID"NT. ALEX. II. SThlMllIXS, OF QEOIIUIA. FOlt CONURESf, WILLIA3I LANDER, Cr IINCOLSTON'. Fe-nerabe:', That tee t.ike all kifrfs of country pro duct in exchrivfe for the Whig. E?gf Butter . Laid. Chickens, in fact anythixe that ii in the market. I Wood. Those of oar coar.fy fiiends who intend paying their f ub sripti ons in wood, will eonfer a favor opnn us by tricgj it in as soon as possible. tar Tbe report that ther ha 1 ben "r'""" " lue t'l.iu-uia lums out ij be uiitrae. It is to be regretted that re- p.rts ot tnis a.nn anou u fa atartea. 1 hey - are productive cf no t.oo J, snd s.-rve only : to excite and alarm the parents and friend ' ...... ... .. . , ., : si iiiose wlo are tiaiionea laere. : ! rrost. ' Uid JaeK maaes bis appearance aimost every morning bow, an! as a couseqience there is ej lite a. Cereent iL'.e tinned in the ' atmosphere. Those who have potaloea . Bliil in the rround bad better hara an ate I t..i. v'. w.uvm.,w. hvujj i,. ilcui . ui v.- lore iney are aware 01 it. ne nope tbe . old fellow will not play any of hi pranks OButhia year, for wa are bad ecoub j off already. j When the Election for the President and ' Vice President of the Confederate States shall take Place. j Uy the brst section of the Act to pot in , operation tbe Goverument'uuder the Per- j tuaneot Constitution of the Confederate States,-' the States are to appoint Klectors j for President and Vie- Pieideut, on the Jirtt it c'-ei'lii in X'jiemLer, eighteen: hundred and sixty one By the second -enoo, it is provided, that, " the Ei-ctor for Pra.i ient au i Vic Prei 1 dent shall m-ct in ihi-ir rc-pscii.e S'.a'e en the Ji'it !l'e tn't -lay in Uicn i 'jer, th teen hundred and 1 x'y ens. and proceed to' ote for Presideat and Vice Prvaident. ' High Prices What are we Coming to? Uar cil aeo. are again complaining that ; there are tbo-e it our tuidl buy'ii u: whatever they eiu Uy ti.. ir Lauisupjn and shi;.piri' it at ex'i rb:tait pr it. Tne aupreeedeutel hiih pries of provisions in Cbarbue is h .-eoiu 04 tr 'y a ifu . Wt do noi kn!iatoirp:op'ew.;i ,) iia few daya more, uuies tuty pill up atakea and rtmove to aorta ui jre favored locality ! The truth is, they cani't stand the present ' exbrtittnt prices. If there i no other way to stop tbi nefarious practic-, which i ecuipels our eiiitss to pay double price j the mountains, and wo venture the prcdic for ail that they buy, re hope that they ! t on that ia a 111i.ib there would not be left wiil ferret out the blood sucker aid tar , 10 Kentucky enouitb of Liucomiiea to tell and feather them. This mi'-.t Lave a the tale of th-ir defeat salutary ii. flue nee, atd unless the thing is J When the bi-tory of this war shall be atopped immediate. y, wa Lope thi txpedi- j wri'Un, the name of L!reekiuri!ge aiil Dot ent wi.l be resorted to. Wa are no advo-j catea for mob law, but the burdeu of whieb j we ccitplaiu, eatzojt be borne. Fometbiiifc' ' eJ(Ll to he (lii.t, and I List cji'.ca'y N'KTH ('AtoI.lNA SlAllt ln.HTIAL IN PalKKsuK(i i.i. lr,- bia hlin,., cspstz.e izf n'-fiii. ui.jji'ri; 2-JJ13 i! I I Mck.is so a-aily i-hi-. I that snout a U'Z n of Cji H.noiu's Cavalry reiaaeiit sera received in it on Fuday U-t. It is said 10 he the iLOi-t eomrnii-iit in-tilutiou of the kind iu the f'au b It wi.i Le undr tne g.-n.ra. InaUH.'eilielit l,d .p.lail of t ll - GaVer- or cf N zrtn (.'m a. ,t,i, tj... car. au General of the S'ie, l)r. t'i.aa. p J.jhic atou. The iiiiiii. disla ait. n l i,. ri; ; Poter K lime-, Piincipai urjzn, H.r vey L Mm. ., and P. M. Ii.z Jvrou, Aa .. laiit Sut-ciaS Mis C. G K. rme.ay has L'i-n af pointed matron, to b aiUtd by two a.-si-tants. " t"i e'"h'l.uau has been much bel-1 KSea tba eit pa5a far iuSaraatiLj.art.-red witniu a few days past, and that be I... a.d other ua.ttar wt ;tU iiaizruiii,-. j Tne Times' uorresponaeni. Mr- correspondent of tbe London Times, e xpressoe the opinion, in his last letter to that journal, that the North will be able to whip tba South without any crtat difficulty. How be baa arrived at this sate coiiclusion is more than we can 1 tell. We do not think, however, that Mr. j Kut'i'l! is a competent judge. Ho may be a n inn cf fine acquirements, but we think the publio are generally disappointed with bis It item. There are tbousaude in the Southern Confederaay who caa write a bet ter letter than any that haa yet ameuat.-d from his ptn sinoe his advent into this country. Mr. Russell ia an enemy to the institutions of the South, and to that extent, ;r n i, .:.i:.,,l ..;.. This pnjudice baa abown itself mora thani i ' , . L , , . , w nc " U8 aays, in a. tu. on. j I meal that be had eat in thi eouutry, was fiee Stite." There he let the eat' Icleau out of the bag. He had not eveu lih fonil kr n-( la keen fl'lift. but must 'needs make an unnecessary fl nj at the j"peu!iar iiistituiim of the South,' as be and others have seen proper to term it. I And a'l thi after be hud enjoyed tho uo J bounded hospitality of its people. Since that cceurrence we have had no great rev- Itrence either for Mr. Kusell or hi lettera i . i e care not whether this Aids was madj ! to au it the peouliar tate of the reader of 'he fuilowiu' : ! hi letters at boms, or whether it was the! "Th recent deelarationa of B. itiah jour ! prompting of his own heart, it was an act n' statesmen iu faver of a permanent 1 i... !..,i.j. , ,i. .f : division of the Uuited State iato two Coo r! .l,f f..i,,,. r.r r. . i M , i 1 ,1 tc - e. - -.. vu.j uo.o been gul'.ty of. Ha opinion of Mr. Uisst-ll do Dot dia- 1 turb our fTTuatiiruv in the least. H Can think and write what be please in refer j ence to our dileuities. Ik is as HaLie to 'Ie mi-taken as atiyhody else. Lat wh . u ; he talks alout the North evercomin2 aud. subluing ti.e Sou'b, lie is reckoning with out i.u host. Haluve feea no symptoms r . .... i, ...;,.'..:. 1 .t, .. r .... . 1 . . vi Nim.iiivi idit kiii tun in. ujr , " . . the future, at fir ai ein bj seta t this --wi J....0,- ,t ,.h . .,,a....;. Tk. r.u.'r - w.mv.,... ... J.t,,. , L1C liuth are wiiiiDg to ri.-k it at ail events. .. ..b ..... ....... hfa "' predicted event oceurs, however, . we uol'e - e' l 1U is ... .K;BJ ,.,'t r " . connection with this watti r, and that is,' the r.anderi..- of oar aa.r,:. to aueh men' peepie to such men' a forsooth, the, bap ' Thi. is a praraiho, on. that ou -bl not tA It ia a'a.r.n as Mr. Huaseil, beeau p(g to be foreigners. iu in tl... -,uiK . r,ri longer to be tolerated. It is a stran 'e ihit. r . , nm iLi ..r.,', .'. l I. , . io iijj urrrK to ma COI'IO. aoere Ibe peO pie have ever manifested such a apint of independence. The fact stares us iu .the face however, and the soonu-r the practice j, dobe awsy i;b, the be'ter it will be for she 0";rJ- Wearo willing to extend ali due 'innties to a strainer, no mater from whence he coxes, but are utterly and cntir. - iy opposed to making damt-god out of every straggling foreigner whom cbanae or caprice hrin.-s to our shores John C. Breckinridge If there existed in tbe minis of th people of th's or any oCier Sjuthern State, a doult in regard to the loyalty of John C. Breekiriride to the .South, we hope it ha- been removed by Li recent coble and mairy letter to the people of Kentucky, and his brave and heroic eonduct in resist), in;; his place in tne United States Senate for aix years, ai.d ahouldering bis musket and entering the ranks of the Confederate army as a private soldier What r-a-on impelled Li in to aiaod ' a ooffronil.e cau-a at the out-et wa are n-iv le to di.ioa. Hi has ever been loyal to the So itli. as his cm iuot on the fl or of UJnre.aurmg tne trying stru-.Me through wnscu ne hive been passing aQird abun- dant evidence. We do not think that Mr. L eckinridge wiil remain lonj in the rLks. We expect soon to see him leading a Regiment of Kz-otnekians. Give hiru but one week i be found warning. A Full Vote The New Orleans I Pee ; , , very apj.iopriai.-.y uv' (hit :bo Sou'h,,. . . . , I. i . , 1 ve a la , vote t t.Jt I re-. i. i.t.a, tl. ct.ji. .Nmuiucr, hi 'aru-r to Ui-nrova iii IU. i put eau aisi-iiin Ihst more thau half toe .i.ali; mint rn t"" ' I I"'-" " auv.c- Ct ro in.Jepeadence. It is however, to disabuse the I o.oie unpartant, minus ol L.-op ahroad. ano imv have: p-op been (iz-cz-ived upon tnis auhject, and wh i may conciuis, if there he aot a fuil vote, t ..t ti.ase wLo stay from the p ail are in d.Jl iitzt or hostile to the Government. Let every l ay wi son of tne Sauih, then, make it a point to deposits his vole at the approaching Presidential eieutiou in Novem ber. Ot' I he lliuLtuond pn'jiirer of the 19.h iHstai t, ia truly g l a i to aiaoounee that ien Mr. Soward's Letter. I What has Become of Them? The latter of Mr. Seward, which we'. What has become of Ueenan, Mornssey, publish in another ooluran, Bbows evident and the thousand and one other lesser symptoms of alarm. Somalia) ha trans, pired which baa waked the up rotten old Government at Washington. The editor of ' beard of one of them moo the commence tho New York Herald eodeavora tasmootb i went of the present war. Hire they all the matter over, but the whole artiole, both 'gono into caves and holes, or what has be in toue and spirit, shows that it is ill at come of them ? We should have thought ease. Indeed, it comes out boldly and the Vandal would hare had them mar aduiiti that England ia aiding with the Con- shalled bnttle array" long a'o. What federacy. Listen to the old rebel : are th. y thinking of ? They would make. "Tot na innuire how it ia that this letter baa nrodjcerj euoh remarkable effects. It I is beesuso tbe publio mind was in a I. " j ish state, susceptible of excitement. T" ' news come, to u upon tho very bveU of , . tho anuouneemeut that tho steamer N a'i- I ;!! hs efT'ded her escana throu.'h th. liiecKaUinc nvei at maneMon, arm j on her way to Europe, having on board Kx Senator blldell. as Minister to r rauce, and j Kx-Snator Mason, aa Minister to Kuglaiid , ' from the Confederate Government to W''J diplomatiats, wail adapt.-. 1 for the mi- atoii ou which tbty bava been aeut. ; "The mora) effect, indeed, of a rebel L v .....u AJUC , vM,al ot war eon.ey.ug tnes. Poteu- I litnes to Lurope, m tbe teeth ot a block- j .dIOlf fq.idron, will b? rery great, farnish- j ing a it does powerful eviduuo to duau- ni ma iucuiuii; numijcat ii. lid.ty of tb.b.ocka...' Tn.nJ... ,.a f a . i e k Mr. Seward was called for by taa exigen- t .k..;m.. ,K. ., .1.1..-.. i . ' . " " .,. .r s.r Janjnj run'uaaon. An In ttiR ; n by the Glas.-o, which we published yesterday, it was stated that Mr. Lindsay, M 1' t . mi ,; n.,.1.1 .... n s.m .n.i.d '.':. r. . ana that in cod v. q mnce o tho in.poibilty of procuring: a present supply of Coitou -Uewbcre tnau in tbe Southern Stales, -b " &,?le' " . hri'i.b Cati- considered it the duty of the duee the Inderal Gov- Bet 10 ";t""- to iu ernnieut, ia the cause of b juiaiiiij to re move tbe blockade Considering tba bold fcUod U11,le bj ,h. Confederates, and the -. . 1. . :. . j . ... l 1 . .1 .... :. .1 . tiiuiiiu vi mi; cjum, u tujuui u iiuiuh ... , , ., . -ft. . .t i- t is 1 j iwor-bippaj at her siirio wuh uioro tuan tune that the tjorertuienti of tt:ijlauj and. France (bought of reeojniziti tae inde- n.nd.oe. f . auraaroa. m kd . f " r r.-. ,. . ,, , , , lha fo bi n. are tne aonnnpnti af tut - " asbinton correspondent ot tbe a respondent of tbe miua PPr. on r.iary oewara a circular,; .bieb are taken from tl.H n.r.r nf .h. i paper, on Secretary Seward's circular, r-r 1-th : -The letter of Secretary 5.ard to Gov ernor Morgan points wub'r.a; ai.mficnc. to a eon.empl.ted war nth EU1 mu. ,f it t.ot fr tba f .at that it ba. been .eot to he governor ot all other Stat.. ba. in ..T-. I- t! . , pj ,-,, , ' ii j t. ,, i. i . i.v i i iv ... ,. , cmv. uuinim iu.uiiij wiui i.uc mi-i, 'uc B"r ' '" "J u.-. . """" t.o,-' hour, .hen the Goverumeut U .ir. glm i;o fjc withiu." Tb'S L.ter f Mr. Seward areated the wildest excitement in the city of New York, ,Dd especially in Wall street. Stoek m-M down lo a mere son, and thousand have been utterly ruined by it. There is no n-.-ed ef attempting to conceal the fsot, the No. th is alartasd. The attempt to lay the blt'iie upon Ssward, by g;vinj out the report th it be hat cot been aoler since the batti - ot Manassas, wiii avail them nothing. Mr Saward ia but the tool of Lincoln, ani he dare not promulgate such a document as this without orders from bis master. N'SW IGLA.SD AND Bit TrOOM Thi Standard in speaaing of .New hngland, fjr L'stle 'ha following faeta and figure in re.;jn the l'rtcrs.,ur, Kxpress from H.v Jau,r, i.uou to mat uoa-iuraaiiao section : i n Nortbara papers are "blowiu,; csuai Jer- : jn ,,1,, Halifax County, N. C. about the number of troop "bieiij,, w,i,.i1 . nno-iaces the r.-ceipt of'a t.uiu. Massachusetts, Couueetiaut, Maine, Kboiu J,. of u.tfu artioies f jf o ,r ir,opi fr,n Uiand, Vermont, aad Xa Hampshire La;,t(, J.dies aad -.ulaaisn o: i,t aection . "J wuo.a uv.. . .,... " vuj am .u asaacouaei.s, "n twice tne while population of orto Caro liua, baa 1? regiments, while tba latter i,a iifi ; and Tenuesaee, with a white pop.tU- 1100 01 ?s,''' has 4.J regiment, aijsiu-t 40 from ail New Knriana. with a whn population of more than thrse Diiilions ! lniaaam Ma.-ach isetts, during tbe war of 1 S 1 i, sent some of Ler troop towards Canada, bit they refused to cron ibj line 1 UH to Dbt lb Ilriti-h, and left tnia woik ou'that foreign soil to he done by Southern troop Put the cUimed pay for these same militia, . .. ana we behave was still claiming it at the " hand of tne Government when the oid , Luioo was brotao un tbus showing that r h I aiiKee great ai anucn str'ioer than .. 6 . " '"' u" ',l"u "i "'i-j"ul V.. .!.. ..... Tl.. .....U . . la New York, and the North westsru States are beating tbs brunt of this war against j , , ' ' " ' " ''liU' eU to froSt bJr lb "bicU ' , unngi'iS ' KaarTt.. t :.. 1 ' . s .:- er say. .hath revenue to the Iar,ii,hi;av y ,e revenuo to ernment from the American Tobacco crop, laat yssr, wa, tbirly million dollars, and to France twenty -five mi.iioui of d aiiar. ; The greater part of thi, v.,1 sour,, of reve-j enue, tbat jiurnal say., i, shipped at New' Oriaaiis. Pise hundred bo '.heads of tbe ' we-sd, we u'iticc, belongiu to li linout, tbe I New Vork banker, w aa Se-j ictraled at ' P.ichmood. lived aud fat We hive j.ot uice lleginieiif, one that would more truly represent ibem and their eauso lhau 1 any they have i.i the bvld Uy all means nn;t up the bruiser ; 'tis piiy that ihey tf F.rliaps too, the ever- J - r Hiecber could be induced to tuk coin in ami 01 inem, aim men me v coiiin oe bruisers who have ao ion ' tened upon Northern soil! supplied with imtamern, and could havcjur f,0, destruction, and abe truly rl,1Qn tr.cu..l Lll ih,.,,, thev did lo . i i L'"' ' ibeo tbey would ; be ready to enter upon their work of iu- icendiaryism au butchery. There haa (bean some overi-ht in thi mailer which , ,d hoM jok , be Herald man s.hould look into aud have '. ,e"ed"ed. What has fa'.her Grel.y been doing that be has not had this attended to? , i ,tll( iwo wortiii... win nave a ternt'le account, render to the Vandal f,r their ! 1 kk I hUntv, Oct. 19, 161. U ,w; ,v.i a,..lGn.P II. Il.il, I'ol. C C. Lee. aad J.me. I. .. , . . , ,1 should isue Ins procla nation immediate! y. J....I ... .1..... ..U....... cou.e to time." The Fashions e know of no c!aa of our ciliiitis who -v. .. r ... a.u .1U l lilt uiuot M.lo tl .n n,,r 1.1 . lr,.,..U l, , ' , , i, . r ' 01 "e 1 ar" -i.i-jiu. hi wiuuui iit inn ie r: iii-i ...... 1 l uriui. nor )l fi we prt;euiriy sal ; If. however it lull m,u our dau-hterato le.ro a little gjod. hard com j , i'"30 CU,t' We CaD J 'ht we are truly .lad lor years past, ts a goodly number the Fusiiiou plates hive been of mor tere.-t t1: household duiiei. They have au EastiTQ devotion, and, wa are ajrry to ; a t. U tt.a a tuot utter Mrln.i.n nf .'.I aay it, to tna , . - ... mental culture, rel tin; aimot eLtirelv 00 , . - j ; dre.s and ornament to nas, ih.m thro,. -K . " ;ilii t)g, , . W tb " uf . " l ' 01 inis aouil by K-tier of i ' "' ' ' j c',nc,',u1J -nay he, every wb.n, and ... Pr,c- of of " ' f tna royal faruily in.in,- dud ... France, ail d re-,es and bonn.-t, which the ladie, l' " eoi,.,,,ei 10 Ij.;o , u n- ar mail oe.-ds be d.rk, cr tri.um! wita som.thiu, of lii.t ..!, ...;t .... l - - - - r-- i-.-o-j. 1 .,,i. u.m uy , , )0 ismy . it y ju i,t ui 1 tho vo!rij ul la.iiijii her. We h ;pe a new era has dawned, an i that hereafter, reaou an I not bund inlinct may do our ladira iu t be initu-r of dre-s If it is nee.-ary that w- ahould have a chan of fsiiiotjs, Ut tlfiit establish t tj -1 r U l'oarJ ' home, or eUe Kl Mem dj as they d 1 J 1 11 t u a ' 1 o, l r cb oti dre-s ash taste d ctstes. and hr :iuli lly, h- fssb tneaos ..ill permit We onf-ai, 1 ti al we wou.il ir t desire U .re t iou of a buolr d vers a- revived, hut an -hin, sooner than the bind ailiesijo birli has ao U11.J heeiii;ivii to lor. 111 K.. hioiM. J b-e are plain truths, an 1! ihey are nit reiiabeJ, the faali iiu nit at our djor. A Goi.D KlAMPi.g We ohaervd a ca-d . L. Fh ,u u..th.Aitt ,:,. Btatlorie, i (B(j (iiJ ,,.hfePt.a , h "' 1" to,)e ' ,rib Carolin - - - - -, Virginia, a designated by lbs donor Miniaiers who ate not chaplains can iu no bitter way promote the war, in canfunniiy wi.b thiir eecl-sisstical vows, than in fjj. loain this ex t lent exau.p'e. I'ztALtlzfcT As D NtWJiiillN TJ tit At- jA, Kll, jf, oruiatiou has he n received by Ln'7 tiov. Ciark, to the eff-cl fl -t had sall.rd on M.uday ! from New V.ark f ,r tho h,,.r.n. r - i hj, lJrl,lfur, a,. .,,, . ' . . . .. . , 'r u'j .s.-anero Ana ai.o that . ri , r . ... a Beet or over twenty veaels had arrived : n... ,, i, , .... , iin Hampton Loads Ibe emz n of the ...... ., .... eouotiea on the coa.t should he tirepared ,l , . . - w.th every available weanon to u.arpb ,. - r . any pemt at a rnment a Lotica. uaoisiU rt tIL. lhe UllHiiucton Journal aays that some energetic citizens of ilmirii'toa have arran.zi n.i t.ia in to into the mahin of ml from ground i peaa. We are j;iad to hear it. Sevira I iiKj iirii s from the interior of lhe State bavi been made of us on the suhj.-ct. ' f, T" V f. " , '" " , , , J f'rol"'J' of these unchristian u I ne North (,ro!ina Journal of K 1-,""' ! and tbey u bestow aoibiur from UC.,10I1 fr A,)(,,hl 0 our ubu T.(:.he bu k of ,l,eirre.t wealth f,r IbVpra K.li.ors . .,,p(.al to the teacher, ,wt Ucl"Jt' ll" r r.-Oa.s i,srf. If lhe le ,0 et , r,c,mei,t of lhe time, tu -ro ' K'H !l ucb "H" '-l'tU l'-l all lh.-,r .ttr,H,on to .he liect of" ,h., .'T': ., j,JUrlJ.L ,...:. i IfaTSteretary Mem,0i,1?er has anriounc- ed ihat the ell,ire fifteen million of the Couf.derate loaa i. tak.a. Tho First North Carolina Regiment Tribute to Female Patriotism. Wa olip (be following from (he ltiuhmond Dispatch: "We subjoin a letter written by a Virjiiuia lady, acknowledging tho re ception of a testimonial fiom the First Kei mcnt North Carolinn Volunteers. Mra. Tunntll resided near Hampton, and the Federalists, in their attempt to surprise our littlo army at 11 -the on the lOtb of June, arrested hr husband, with every one else whom they could, in order to prevent the news of their advance reaohing tbe Goofed- i crato fjroe. Mr. Tunnell nnnajfed to , '"d them, aud in the darkuesi of the : night ni idj her way through the woods, ! Performed an a.-t of devoid pat.bliam . . , , i i ui i c which proved an incalculable benefit : " rf - 1 deserve tbe tribute accorded her by the i ,, , v ,t nur ;. I) rri,l cf ; gll,nl 'or, aroiiuians. u. pnveu I nrr r " ","l, ",,u u'i" 'r"' ' ll0,"a J tbe ruM.ica mvanrrs, n a uope- ! ful!J look f"1"'1 10 be daJ won a com- ,lluuiph 0f SuUllieru ,rn ,h,,i re . i a....t. . .. i w,ru ul ur p"i' '"'."' ; Pulli" ,he outra-e of a :oke4 and uo ; f v r " 11. Lane, and lumber, of the l.t Hegi . , v n v.u . ueiuieiiien .- in aearowie'i(.'ine tna re- ; " mura impuriauce mau ii.oo uctujul ee pliou of your kind favor, I scaro know (by the peraous euaed in ih ,.. f how to thank joa. To have contributed , cdueilidll) ,j . einot . " tt.a buinhUst acrncs to your eaiunl ttdt s , rn.nl iu their glorious achiw.n.cnl at ll. lhel , our " will ha fu ly itapre-ed ,.,b would ever have given me the m --t intense , aenea ef their ohliati.s, n,J , , pralificitioo. but U havt won the approval dignity of thu cri.i iu wliib ttr i-t of brave inea--lo be de-med hv thctu oot!i,i. j un worthy this g.i.rous evidence of their iinaiie wi.i a vs t.e t. me m aomcj oi j y iui rein'uioraice. wnien l aoail etier- i ' nrou.-h life, aud ,I h.p 00 , w iib ia.t pride. b.ij.jath as ao inhtnt.nee te my c L 1 1 i 1 rj May it he l lorm an incentive j lo ;,,. J0llr pulr,on.m ,,1 ,,. M kind 1'ioviii. nee ever " si, slur your head in the day cf ban!," Mjy ecb of you he the rre piciita of tbe rar.l due to dia liuui.l rd valor aud instil. Yours, tiuiy and aincereiy, Hawaii Ti'mil l!iLir Mii.lii)sS. Tbe Story of H.lly I ..: 1 i j .-.p.v.ay, .. il:i;an, a rand rbapaoly, i goiu the rUu... rr-l 01 ne capture 01 a cer - I lain ( oloiiitl M ,i i nn and hi Cr..s I Lexintr.. M i Tha ilnrv in ;,.tin a.t. for m in liob if not clas-ical hro2ue. bo . fa"b io " ' j the aforesaid .MulH-an. called Hiily, earn. ff 0Ill T,f per.r, to a-.... Lin.ola and be a " ber a. d break heads and drin. whi.k,. fntorluoalel y for lha trawmUanr, of the ! .tore, the L.xiiu-lon m - n is named J.u,,. i j . ,. , .. ... .. ... isuunni. -i i.iiiiu .'lymin. anuuauianoi t,ni,i iroin I ipperary tui from th interior 0f New ork. and be does aot d itk aha it other "perrit" o it is sai l. ('O'.rtbtttATi CiM.;8SIoiks The Con f i-rt Coaj:ni.ioiit;r lo Eijlanl and Frano.'. Mtti. Maaon aud Stilail Aut ailed fiom Charle.too, bave passed tbe blockading fl-et ao 1 are "ail right," but the sieauiship Nliviii has r.ot sai'e 1 ! So iiiich f)r a "reliable souree' from whieii o tinny of our exhban.'e bi ro ived p-)-mve inform itioo of tu-i Commissioners . in tho Na-hvii!. If Mr. 'Tl;. table In liti luii" and Mr I!, iiabie S'ojrec" were butti lion.', or su-pru led at li-a.t, the news co.ill he b'-tter drpendrd oa Thsre ia s 111 111 ;rj of ans ltf; in iankvedjiu. Amon ihia nu,t uuiuli r of euolce spirits who-e minda have not been overibrowii by hat., anl ra,'e, ia the Wash, in Ctou c-rrip.i. dcut of 1 he Cmcinuati Ga t .tti;. '1 he extensive forrifieationa at Arliaton si."'ted to thu writer tbeae seoaib'e rc f! c'wi.: Is it r, 't liuuiiliatiD to tiiirik that, wiib the po .era and resources of ,h . 1 ivfriifi..iiL r,,l f. f...,r 1.-' preparations. It sbould aoddeolv La se.i,d wuh a fnarful p-tnic, and inobly yuldini preiuaey, with the energy of desperation rush inio fortifying itaelf agaimi the k'i;res tons zf a poer wbo.B treason it Laa uu dert.k-n tocrj.l, o-at! Wast a cu.-w.n : wili,e.nes present iu tbe futum. Sai'e (.r .Sroct. At a Kale of Waahin .. ton & Mai.ehei.ler Kniirna.l .sii ...t ...l. ... Tu.a ,. M M U ... . : lJ .'i. not, i , ranged from sixty five ' . - . . . Ptr nare, dividend inciu . , to seventy dollars ...U.l .......I.. . f,0!U fifty fit to aixtyoi.a diviieoJ off i ,, , , , , I he sales were far cash. GonD Lisc.i.M Man. A gentleman who : ' proasc to know, ha informed us that tne re are residing in tiie vicinity of States- u.u vni us, .zwuing iu mo aggregate' s.'llt) .lives, have not, all iDwsther. iavo ' ' wre tnau 83 lor the benefit of ibe soldier ! Bu.u.e. .Now, the ladies of the town aud oouiiiv ar wuriH.n-.i a r ' ou-iniy are w. ariug oU the cud of their Cnj. rs aeuiiitr in .bt and dav f.,r ih. .,.!,. ; leers bo bavs arooa forth to nr.,l..i ik. . cer''ul And Lt. ! roast thoin too, Ibe dirly ra.eai. be dou'i be on 'ht lo. If fr They have au eatabiisbiaetit for the tuauufaature of drums ia Greuiboto. State Educational Association of North 1'uroliua. The Annual Meeting of the State eational Aaaociation of North Carolina the aurreut year, will be bvld iu Qr('(I horo, oa Tuesday the lUth of NovUlb at aeveu o'cock, P. M. ' Uelegatea will be panod over the loads at half, fare and entertained duib the mretii g frea of coht. It is batdl. J cesaary to ay that the unsettled tonuiii'i of tbe country baa prevented au earlier meeting, aud that the Executive Cunimiiti" ia 6xmg the tiiua and plaae, Lave ,!,.' ored to conault tbe eouvanience of tle lf ger number of tba members of the Acti lioo. The ensuing meeting ia one of gresl ;0. portance, tbe ailualiou and hop,-, 0f country demanding tbe most aciiv. M,.r. lioua ou the part of all who hold po.j,,' ef responsibility toward tba puiilic-aaj never was there a time when leaibir m thora, and friend of education ,bo,i,j u. bar with bettor prospt ot of ituintd iate uie- talueak to the Slate. We are now in a country tL at l.asj,,,, commenced ita career of natioualitv n,j I ih. .i i , , OoJ ,1 a 5 ! dP" d- chr.c.r ,hJ f, ur dllDy of 'bi ioung Uepu,lc. c,..,,:,.i. . . ,, ' '"I k UOM We are happy to annooi ut ,n irf r..rl nf mir A.i-inlixi. ... . , r - " 1 tr, and that by the Lies. in-of I'iov , ,B, dillieulliei of lha t in . hate 1.. d ita powtr of uaefultiei. c 1'. II. Wii.tr, .-up I'wi .v., LU. Com ? J D Cahi hu.l, in .(. f t". t'. (; I K, Cor. .sf . Oataber L'.'tid, l-il. Acknowlodgomenta. The following articiea hava betu fer.Til !iaaa Ca!ii and Julia Oral, ,'; M,...i M K ,U1 t W.i- . - frr I ittf. - ; - . r T(lolll... )n , .1 . ...u- i .1 j... H l.l r,!"' - '7 W.BV.,V'l , r V Ml jj.iii, rbri-trahnr,, 1 p.,, ,.f . .: Mrs David S.o.o. I p. of 11.:..-. ' Pir a,eka. 1 pillow and aa.e; Mrs h A 'a;'.ail. V pair bla..kts, 2 p.-r . 1 pillow atjieas.; (.. tr.iidrnn Ad. yui J" mu' . I i. ir-r'Il A ell r, 3 pair sock-; Mis Natey Harry, I p r ,.' aoek; Mi-s II Alxuler, i j Mas M ary V AUxauJer. V? j pair 1; ov.; lii rusan It Hi,.'. - i blanket.; I.tao S 1 1 nderon. , ' Prof W C Kerr, of favid.on t.'..... car box of aeieetad NI deal ft iota f -r t'; N;n Car-jlioa II )pital at I'etrbjr,' We have b.eo relies:! bt I, aj:.-.u: . J (),t(., 0f fapt. 11 arrno it c r fl, aay that bis company wiM ia a f-e h ealUJ ii,. Tu ,1 ifd of blaoksta W b?r a. :t," ho have oot yet cootrihuts J, wi.i cJ 11 tbeir blankets imm.-d ia.riy. J. L. JUows, A,-. I 'flie altiinataa cr 'Turtlo ' The McU.pLi Iclu. An n; .1 (." tbs fo.ioniiii le-cnpt ion of ?-. s -i ruu into the Vitccune at tbs i'au.nea; New DrUarzs. I he " Tu'.tle," it ia laid, fl; J a . 1 euti n, and has proved a c -n.; " '' Mm biuir rrii.r. 11a aci'taibi-d . - ' p-eu iar czt.struction, but a. I. is t has seen aad fell her I'. ere n r j 1 p ty in deaerihin her. Sue n et.ri. z irao ao mcu thick, and n aue 1 aJ ' ' proof. Her constructiou n very '''3 aud ayiumetiical. In fruit i"'"1 t:l ...I... ..... 1 l.,i m 11 a i.l. - ..... v -,. n.i eti 11 . ' ., , , ., ,te ba "Turtle lo.ks ' " hail of a atsainboat, L-Ji'.'iu h oval shsps from tbe Wi'tr lm uf ! u;, of fcUlll .oull j,),l)Ce U, ' ll baa but one aperture, and taa' -J " ' j a tea inch booitr iu frjut. :a i rang-, tjis, which is jist lare enoJ.''" fjf the muiaie of the gun. m opu"! s,!4 lioaiixer tii-cbrgd. lbs rccai '1 ,aJ' cient to permit the "duor" or "hate " fall, which II does of .'.- -:r i:." presents the ssme iinperviouu ;j ' And abeli as tbe remain ler o! the structuie. Its compi. te surtoes ueun."'r' I. a ll,.. f.nl that it IS OlliV BeCe-l' J 'laru her loose" to deiuoiub ls - ; Lincoln", navy. 7. c KlzOXCOMUE CoU.NTf. The peup i old Pdeiiouiba are deliiuz'ht'1 ll"' i , , .1 . . m ibs war f" brave boya who have gone to tna I ' 11, lit.w I thai CouutJ abali nol aoU.r. Caii..a.iitwa oisa notice that tey ! puicha.a or receive as a gift, i""" I"" I 1 ,, 1 (lOU L:n;, bM 8 l0UU t" J0' ' V, ei,ib 'J l.'"jU" J"d of 0oJ '" I ''"bla for pauta. ! Ma... It a .'.'.;.. a ilac1.l.-A "-" . 4 . ,d tl lhe Po.t Office at Auguta, t.so .nd (itll"00' mail carrier between Augusta title, H. O , have be.u caught iu . robbing tba mails, by au aent of b paituiaat. .1 . .fl v