TfTnWfr lir?! rrrftnn ?.?,iY iVt Hvu)iiv V.V. V K - TuPfday October 29, ISC I. WAR NEWS. JJATTMC OF LEK&JJURG. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS -THE H I IMKM.1 KNTi A(jKI) TF.UHI. I n.iiiTntn .,.,.,.. ' J I j ri r I'l 1 1 I 1., ij l.tiiWI'IiKIKKII I (K TI1K KNliM V RR WKRY OF Ol'R ! i rmilN te ' We are enabled to lay before our readers 1 ,op.i interesting particular, of the crwt ' nir I ...Iiiiph r....;.,A r. , iVuinn who wan in the iuunediate vicinity of the ght. Thee statement, it will t,o rrmeiubi red, embody observation made on the evening of the 21st , before the full tjtitit of our victory was ascertained. The tattle commenced early Monday morning, and lFtd li.rougl rut the day. The Van. I. pi crossed the I'otriuao the previous mght, nd continued to come over io large lun. l eu as the fight propria.-.! d. uLiiil from i;htto ten thousand were landed ou the Virginia Tl.ry wire met by the for em under Oen Evans, is : the Wth rcci- n.ct.t, Col. Hiii.tcn ; the 13 b Mississippi, : Colonel LarUsdale ; tlio 17th Mia-issippi, t'ulnnel Fcatbcrston, and the 1 Si b MiM- I ti pi, Colonel Htm. Tlio eaa.'einenl very J q.ii bi-eame geueral and tha li.'htin ws ; Mrit'lo on both sides, the Yakec biinj; i prot. ett'd by a heavy fore-t and han'iij; tbo tcivtiitse in ground and position. 'They trie routed three dixtluct times at tbo point ! cf II. r b.iyoni-t, and as o'ten heavily rein- i I .reed In one charge the. "?lh 'ir)iiiia rat.lurrd a Mirndid bra.. battery, and nut iu u.en lo ii.glotious fiht. The enemy j tle ' fteif,i iie fi-.isliy uruii to tke riers brink,) l''WU'-o t i f i. tt hi iMisbltr to r cross with fcili'y , t:,-y madii a dcpirsfe tisul, but their il..oni ws staled Our l.'aie volunteers tl.ared lb- iu and oitTi d liiem like leave" U ti, iinis and wateis. Ugr int'otmant Mates that they were cut all to p ece, at.d I! it the ballie-field Was It.iekt) Mn-wn with lij.iriiiii sod wounled The prisoner, ! I. in a pteat i.nn b'r sue lakt o, said iui ut h i-it aiiuti that our gallant iruo'i ' l.u.hl like d il.-' The )us upon our side had not been as certained wuh accuracy on Mendsy even 1 , ibouv'h our leleraptiu adtievs bsve reporieJ it at threw hundred in killed kt i KOunJcd. Tiis, hixieviT, is not cam r arat le to the lost ( f the f eemy. We hve at this tune no ( articular, tin pt that Col liurt, of li s lth Miiippi, was bad y cuuiivd, and Col. (of what rcl n.i t.t is ii.'t ft tnl . ) aitghily. Our inlor n atil raw :(iHt Yei.'stfe prisoners maroliin kj. aud upwards tf !l'D tunre capured. 'itue 11 1 11 11 1 cited that at leaal Ui 0 of iLur camradea ae.i dro lied Biie Uipt it to reeros the 1'ulomao. Our trocpt fought under rcst diadvan 'fn. Ih'y umJrtweiil a heavy uiaich en II. e tevioii day, ut lut two m-a.a ; en thtir aim in the ciien air ail i.i 't.t, and miit 11 to battle on M:tiday morning with lilt an Sfolory fur a breakfast. They f 11,: l.t all day. aithuu: refresl.uiet.l of anv t 'it, and without iciiifoioi iii'nt", against a u-t'y tjp'riar fice, lo which constant ai:itiou wire made from the Maryland time. Truly, I'rotidt-iice ha once more j' .tred our caue. Our vidory is p'o ri' u and con.j. r :e. Not one man 00 our aide exhibited any ai'iia of fear, but all foj.l.t desjerately and lrvely; adopt the ianguaa rf our inforinsbl " as oi.iy I ! '.t laen Can fiL-ht.-' '1 he olj'et of lhi movement of the Fi d rra!i' si Hius to hate L - n to omflank our ,h. I.f. M ,C . 1 1 . n '. . for an advance upon our linas. I he ir-ult was so disastrous that the aspiring fi deral s neral may have to draw largely' l r j, bis etrairgie in li e aiJcttion of sou. a method ; or possibly be may be sn-; p rstdtd iu coiim (jieiioe cf tins great rs 1 vn-e at the ousel of bis career. ! Other verlial aceounts of the battle on M ii'lay rt r. sent that the teene at the riv r, i l.i n il. e tiiiuiy'd to recross,! wis fearful 'Ibe ri'tlc ol tnu-kctry, and t i.e siiai p crack of the M issls-ip j i r i (!, min g' d wuh sluieks rf drwoliing men, an I the anie was scarcely lias widespread ihan tni'l of tiie Vlst of Jniy, jiist three months 1-foie. Th Fideral prisoners, tiuinberiiig were under guard on the battle bald cf Manassas yesterdav morning. i LA IKK Anion the casualties en oar side were the lullo ing ; : Lieut It i j in, in (J Carter, th 'irgiuia.l !'g tly Pnvaies llalrht r and l'"nl,ne. ( the same regiment, ail, led b clou Martin and liioek, tnoiiht to be of, I anly wounded. Col Knit's wound, though severe, is U't cin-iuei ei nioiisl. Col. Itbts is Lieut. Col of the th irgiiiis. ! The Fitst Comp my of Hewiti-rs were not jtl the tight, no aillllery having been. vi. gaged on our side. j Lairsi From Alioini. 1 ( j V. N PHit KS Fi KCK Wt) K.MK.NT3 OF tilvN. FKKMONT-H'.KMO.N I S JiKMOVAL AM) 1118 M'CCKSS"K-. A rKIKMIall ON IRON MoL'N 1 1 AN, ic. j Sr. I,oi;is, Oct. 'JO. A roessener fiom! Geo Fiemoiit'a hesdquarlers at Warsaw reached Syrsouss, Mo., on the 17th iust., aud reported that tie n. Pnco had made a stand in Adair county, uiiies from Os- I crola, with ii.'i .((( well armed and di-ci- phued troops, and a large force ol iiniilia. , (.eo. Fremont had beguu preparations to lay a pontoon bridge .cross the Osage river, and it ,i. supposed bis army would cross on the nibt ol the 16th inst. II. intended o pUsnb forward and force Geo. Price to . C-ht or retreat A dispatch from Ironton, dated on the' being k. pt for reBning; that all the infer Hill inst., says that no other bridge than i'T u.olas-as be converted into rum, as kat on the Rig river has beeii interfered ! domestic spirit wiil be a paying arlieW; that ilb on tbe Iron Mountain railway. j only three-fifths of the crop be sent to No rebels are known lo be near tbe rail- maiket, the rcmaiuder heing held over; y, but are reported to be iu largo force j ih.l sh.ppinenH be made early to anticipate miles below Iruuton. Nothing deliu.te, any hostile interruptioB, and that other hoever, is kuonu as to tUir number of 1 commercial depots be .lablisbud outside ! a 1ip',?,h t0 1,18 ,Kpp.uHica.n' d,t"i 1 1 J""""", "io., on me isth inst., states mai u sn rnee hag sn Priee hag arouircd new hone from ihe prospect of large reinforcements. It is eipc'ctfd that he will defeat (Jen. Fremont's 1 army, H i vido his forcei, and take St. Louis ai d Jf flVraon t?ity . J he Kepubllcsn learns that the work on I lie fortifications around St. Louis in to le I suspended. (Jims, however, are to le mounted and everything completed within eid' d"?"' , ,. , ,. ., ' u - I".'""" repor.s a sairnnsQ 'Inn the Imn Mnniiiiin imi il 1 ? r 1. I.,., ' ., ' " oulu8r,jer8 driven hack withbeavy Ion. : lii'WLto HpEr.N Kr , Oct 24. The Cin- T"" ConI,.m,,r,si"1. f ,,h 10,11 ". i"rBS o V? " ''"""n "'0'd ? ' i lost. 0 e ii . 1 1 u u ter is to ucce d (Jen. Freniont. The Cincinnati Gar tte says that Gen j Fremont has been removed by the positive order of President Lincolu. Latest From Kentucky. KURNINO OF MAYFIKLD 15Y THIi YANKKKS -ADVANt EOF I'HKFKU K H A L K K 1 1 ! M I S 1 1 K l 3 - A P P 1 ) I N T . MKN'T OF A FEDERAL JUDUK SiC. NAfllVII.I.E, Oct 21. A private dipnfeh from Paris, Tenti., says that MatGi-ld, Ky., vias burnt ou the iJ.'d itmt , by 5,O0U Fed erals. Km'XVILI.K, Tctili , Oct, i!3 The AVf.v. ttrt of this luorniii, reporls that the Fed crat forces at Camp Dick I'obinson had ad vanced wiihin ii'1.1 miles of Gen Z ulic if ftr's c h ri p and that theie bad Lieu some skii mishiiitf Kci 1. mi the nickels, with a los to the enemy of three kiU- d, aud a few pri soner. One of the rnoners states that the Federal foice is 3,UUu. Ao early bat- ttitN, Det. 21 The corros- pindi nt of the N a-h vilie Union and Amfii can say that a eiillcaiao who left Louis viilu ou .Saiuiday last reports tuatlhe Fed eral troop h'toeeii Louivil!o and Noliu number atmi;: 1 b tllltl nioiiU' (Jen l!oseaus force was mainly from Onio and ludisna. and among whetn consi lerable nisatifia tinn exits, oin' to the iuii 1 ff. rence mani-ft-aU-d to their succi S IsMaaI'i.lis;. (let 1 7. Di-pstohes re- nere announce .uai more iroops arc moving into Kentucky ' 11 . . . .1. . It is id that tic Federal Government his been ' some lien Young ill Young ha vt ind ied o it of abo'i (5.1,1101). by rascalities MllroHuCet by Col. the purchase of horses. Col. hem put in tail iu Indiauapous. lie is connected nh thi Kentucky cavalry L0IIS1VILI.E. Ky., Oct i.i Judge Ral ard bas be. n appointed V ii District Judge of Kentucky, in the plaee f Judgo Monroe, removed NoETft CaiioLI.nA Iuos On Tuesday we had the pleasure of eein the first en- ripnn.ent of a lot of Pig Iron from that amst'tigiy rioti property, t)re II:, I, on I'e llivr, in Chatham county. It oame do t'bvthe railroa I ou Monday, KiHOiba, for one ol the louuuties 111 iiimugteti. 1 be property is owned and worked by a Chat ham ouinpany, f r )ileh Hueh W . lhxou is Agent, anJ Col. Uablungtou J'liperin'eti'lcut. Mr, ! I in writes us that they are niw ma- con-nieratt on to the subject ol tue iiupro-e-kii. filieen tons M r ti k. and will be able mctit au i perlecliou of tne defeuees of tha to maae more il.iU double t lat quantity, fctid nnjirove the ij mity, in a few weeks, after getting in their '' Hot li.a-t." Tti ioiMieinc deposite of iron ore, of the brown hematite speeses, has been often da- cr.bed, and U3 oil has ever seen it with out biiug amaiaj that it was sj lon lie g'.icted. When e visited it a few years ,'fi. ther as an excavation, where or l . j 1 . .. . . 1 I r I..:.... ,1... u .1 .. , ;.. ,K a i iniKhJ I I perhaps one After the li. .tu part of the w no.e. lion, l he propi i( turs h ad 1 been Content '.oirpeudoii hiigland first and the Yankees afterward, fr' their hoi- low-ware, tliuh inferior in .j la'.ity lo that I made at hoiii.', nod ttioag'i the Ireubt ttioag'i the Irelbt a;one to say noihitiK of dulie, charges and profits, aould have been and will br, a Urge prolu on tuo in a nu'sctu r e We understand that trie ci'tinjj of bol low ware tas been resumed, after the iup-e of eighty years' sod that it is purchased as fast as ma le Thc casting ol i, however, an! he thu princ pal business of the woiks 1 his i,t i n it to be cnuii found ed wuh the Tyaor propetty, at which Mr t'oivi ie is inasing, or is pre;.ariu to make bar i'Oii We have not heard reer.-'tly of iln? cpeiaiiousat this po.nt luij Ihvilie ( iLtt i tr. Oi d San J.tiTn and hib N Y )Rli IUkaLU Kx (i.itertior ilu-ioii, of IVns, in the Ijalvest ui ('iCi,iiii a Some ht leiijthy i oiii'iinnicition, d signed as a ol a s. ri. s id lie- III the N. . llnull nf the Ililh. cbar.Miiir buu with still entertaining Union sent. mi nis, aid quietly enter.-..,...,. Unou, ...u qiie. y ...,,g .,r a good ehance to pubi c y avow then, by a change of the pub!,.; p0.,c, bich the ifitdd i ii? place (iov. Ilou n s.vs: "Ifthere l oru Ha V ii is any I union seii'itueni lu leias, i am imi apprised oi tt. midline minions w. i ci i Winn the millions ot Per j iu vailed tin-ece, the t-pe.ians were not more united in dclencn of their country and lihci ties t liau is Texas united iu sup port of the tioulbein Cnufeders s . All the fallacies of uewspapcra with ail the art which can be devised will never bo able to coulruvert oue of these statements.'' TlIK Sluaii AVD MotASSAS CoRP Tiie propect ol the sugar crop, whieh is expac- led. lo exceed 600,0110 hogsheads, being by ; lar the largest ever produced, is causing omo quealion among planters and dealers a. to wn.t course will t..o,t conduce to tho intcre.t of .11 panics coneerned. An ad- dress to the planters, io Ihe New Orleans suggests that only the best sugars he thrown ou the itilerior qualities of New Orleans. important circular from sec KKTAKY 8KWARD. The following important circular bas een Bellt ,0 t!ernor Morgan, and similar ones to the Governors of all the States on the seabords and lakes at the North 1 Dkpartmknt fT State, ) Washington, Out 14, 1801. To his Ezctllenr.y the Governor of Airm York: Sih: The present inurrection had not even revealed itelf in arms w ben disloval : ' ' i i r I eiiucns hastened to foreign countries to in-j voke their intervention lor the overthrow ' el the t jovemmetit and Ibe destruction of the 1'ederal Union. 1 bene agents are I known to have made their appeals to some of the more important States without sue-, teas. It is not likely, however, that they rill remain conl'Mit with such rifusals. Ii n anderstood that they are iudus- tnously eudeavorlne to auacniplish that di-loyal purpose by degrees aud by indi- r,"c,'on- '1 aking advantage of the embarrassments of agriculture, maimfacturc, and com meree iu foreign countries, resulting from the insurrection they have inaugurat. d al home, they seek to involve our common country iu controversies uiih States wiih which every publio interest, and every in terest of 111 .in ii 11 'I, require that it shall re main iu relations ol puace, amity, aud friendship. I am able to ftato for your satisfaction that the prospect of any such disturbance is now leas Etrious lhau it has been at any previous period duriug the course of th lusuireclmn. It 1 nevertheless necessary now, as it has hitherto been, lo take every piec-.uiion that is po-sihle to arrest the evils of a foreign war to he superinduced upon those of c : v i I co muotiou wnich we are endeavoring to cure. One of the most ob i viou of such prroauiions is, that our ports and harbors ou the sea and lakes should be put iu a condition of complete defence; f r any naiioti may be said to voluntarily danger In tempestuous reasons wh.-n it fails to show that it nan sheltered itself on every side Iroin which the storm mibt possibly eou.a. I he measures which I lie Fxecutive cau adopt iu this eiii-rgrncy are sui-h only as Cougrtss has aanciii tied, and lor nhich it has piovnled. J he I'rt sMeiit is putting ,-onb ,,,, ffi,,st aliut .flirts to eiecute tbese measures, aud we have the L'reat sat- 1 isfiieiit.ii i.f sHi-iiw that thi-re t fT Jl ts. seeond- 1 . ,h ( j ,u,)0rt 0f . I0. al . .11 .,;,;, n,,. ,ri.-i.. w ,he military and naval r .1. . f... .1 .k 1.; .I..... state of efficiency. Rut Cougress was c'uiiSy al soiled during its rec nt rxtra lC!,sl whb ,,,,,, meil,ure,, aud did not provide as amply as could be wished for the fortification of our sea .slid laka coasts. In previous wars loyal States have applied themst.vei by independent and Separate activity to support and aid ttie fed UoverLUieiit in Us ardjou rcspon-ibiii The same disno-ition has bean manifested in a decree rmineiitiy honorable by all tho loy ai Stales d uriiijt the prenent insurrection lu viewol this tact, ana reivm " iuei esse and coo tinu tucy ol tlio same dis position ou the part of the loyal States, the President has directed me lo iuvite your Plate over whicn yoi preside, an I to you to submit the sulj-ct to tho consider- tion of the Legislature when it sbail hsve assembled. Saeh proceeding by the State wou.d itqnir. only a temporary use of its lij( iinJ ' Tbe' eiceodit. ires ought to be made the suiiect of confer, tic. with the Federal (Joveii.ui.ut. thus made with the i-m surruiisa n! 1 he I i t v r r ii me n t for ieiieral defence, there ts everv reason to be iev tbat Congress Id aanctiou wnat the M ate should do, and wouid roviue for lis reimbursement. Snouid these suggestions be accepted, the Pie-ident will the proper agents of the Federal Government to oouler wuh you, and to superintend, direct, and couduol the . , f ...,, ni ti,,o. f...V.-. ..V 'J -s of your 'ate. 1 have the houor I t be your obd't eerv't. WM. II. Si liY A UU, Secretary ol Mate. The Way Thky Fiuiit A person who ' was in the battle of Lexington, Mo., relaies the fillowing: I I saw one case that shows tha Coufeuer-! at. style of fighting. An old l, dress- , ed tu liuc skill ana ai mcu wnu loug ride, used to go up lo tne works ever nitig ahoul seven o clock, carrying his buck skill and ai med wuti a long dlliner HI a till pall. taalnga goouposl- tin.., ho banged away at tin till' noon; tneti au Iwur, ate i.u dinner, after which ho u-suiued .t;s ti.l six, P.M., wh. u be returned liou.o to supper aud a "'si1'1 p. Tne next day, a Hide before (,bi a,1m.r aij nfle , huj ,fe ( , , bi- K J-J f - ue j " " J I'll 'he surrenlcr. TLB Of Lh X I NO TON 1 be Herald pubi,,bed at Fort SMiittb, gives Dub,,,hed at Fort isinith, gives a correct .,..,...., r ,,e loss sustaiued bv the Yau kecs at the battle of Lexington, Missouri. That paper teils us that oue hundred aud ..... I..r I Ineoliiilea uer.- kiii,-,l and two huudred aud thirty wounded. Uu ou r side forty-two were killed and thirty seven I wounded. We iaptured three thousand Ifive hundred musket rifles; twelve hundred pistols; seventy eight abarpea carbiuss; live caution; two twelve pound uowniur.-; one hundred and twenty-six wagons and , naruess; eigu .uu .u uo. so-, ; three hundred and seventy eight tents; btly j five thousand dollars, effects from ateaui boat.-; niuo hundred and thousand dollars, cash obtained Iron, men iu battle; I alsi) look three thousausl four hundred aud i eeveuty-cigni prisoners A 7ar Pun. T)u reading the telegram on the bulleliu board, yesterday, announ cing that Gen Wool would supersede Wooly Horse l ouiout, iu the command ol Federal army iu the West, a puuster dry ly rmnarked, We II set a If ice on tnat ! ilW." A bystandei responded, "Why, I eertainly." htchmomi Whig. I Thc Enemy in thb Virginia Moun TAI!S -The campaign io the Virginia mountains has been one of great discom fort aud Buffering to both armies. A cor respondent of tuu Cincinnati timet give terrible pioture of the suffcrine- in ib rsortni'rn camp, particularly ou the bight o, the 20 b of Si. r, when a teinhlt rain 0 to i in burnt uupn the army. Two regiments were exposed to it without any shelter. "Tim meti fell complete lv exhausted bv the rain and blsstiuu ids. Hundreds were atruck down by tbe ol.iiu. 'h fori ml .11 i h rlit.U . r 0f BiClter were tilled with the sick. The borne ul.-red fully as badly as tbo meu "The weather grew colder during the. Iffht. niht -A nutiibor of strapt'len were found on,blo to walk, and wre brought into Oaiop. wished that the whole country could look down unan tint nvnn U.i ni.ii iurl fee the piercing winds as they eliivered the butt oiothed almost dyiu troops. Scores perish here, not by the bullets of lue enemy, but by tuj mismanagement of the War Depiiriment, em exeuaa tbo ruthlhe negligeuee of those at home, "Only oua duatn is koou. Collie teu or fifteen horses were fouad dead this morning, and others in a dying c jiidi lion. "The road dowa the mountain is badly cut by the torrents, and the telegraph is prostrated. The sick and there are many of them ate immediately attended to. ''Day before yesterday, the 12th Indiana and Gin Ohio marched towards Leea oamp ur tne purpose of making a recouuoissauoe, but alter they had left, the norm I have dstirihvii m-t in yi.rl il,u hi 1 ik; viithout overcoats, and many with ragged J breeches, 1 fear they have suifured severely." Ni'RTH'iT ESTERS VlROINM. The new State (ioveruiuout in North western Vir ginia is said to be carrying matters with a nigh band (..'arlilc, Pierpont, Jaokson, liariison, !c (Jo., are playing Lincoln on a small scale, but iu a spirit of trtisuleuce and cruelty nhich even that ferocious ty rant might envy. Large numbers of true berte4 Virgiuans have been dragged from their homes and imprisoned in the Ohio Priiileuliary , iu Columbus, whilst hundreds have been indicted for treason before a Federal Court, under the au-piccs of John J. Jackou, of Purkersburg. who styles himself Judeo. The Jf iner states that l.ur-ds of good oitifeus ia Westero Vi'. ginia have been sulzud aud manacled and some even put to death in the most barba rous manner by the armed hands from "'o and th- 01 her States. Besides these in dividual sull-rings, it is said that the ob- nai;ei thus preseuted ; the collection of the State's revenue wiil lose the rum of lour hundred thousand dollars to our Guan- j cs the present j ear, unless the enemy shall nc expeiicu irom .a oriu western Virginia. i A Camp Intidisnt. The Fairfax corres nondeiit ol the llicninond Dispatch rwlaies Last week au Iri.shuian 1 " .1 is 1 1 11 on puUt duty, and cauie into our lines lie ssys he has long desired 10 escape, but has m ver before had an oppottuuity. His brother is io t lie Confederate army, and army li-he: to j mi him ; but where he was, or ' " !"a ;t''te i,e e"1"'-"0 '"eserter uiJ ,l0t kuow' He p't' "' lhu u't'r"' 'U"1 ue to examine ' b" c-e, aud 10 the meautiu-e. he w.i scut to Mannaaaa. U11 arriving there, be wa 'lt,u 10 ,b,, hoUH' ud lbe first that met his eye way bis brother ly- i" n lul fljor. lecpmg of druuken Spree timer, causea nts arrest, ue was not loo uruna io reoni.uis oro.uer, anu fur ,la:f u uaur old building resounded with t'.ur 'he gorras aud 'ariohs, and fairly ii-mblod at the violence of their bands y.aamg. lluth men are now on dai ly iu our r.ibks. NoHrH&a.N SuireKivo raoxt Southern OPt'ttK sihm. I ne (.Irleau Delta re- eords in? Uct that among tne prominent victims ot the barbarous resort of o.ack Republic. u authorities io coufi-oalicg the properly ot Southerners, is Win. 1). Astor t bo u the t tier of n hundred shares of the stoik of tho bank of Louisiana, worth aifwl t ,.r Jura. And the Delta adds: i(lgl.aUf Georgtf 0pdike, wbo made ad lhal he is worth in this city, baa . his lots and houaos, which will pass into the hands of men. We think the g- gregate vaiuo 01 property wnicn win tuus gregaie vaiuo j..vt..v be ipfropnated, wiil exceed the estimate geurraiy made of fifteen millions of dollars, i DeRow's mortality statistics, compiled from the last census, show tbat the people ol the United States, as they theu stood, are the healthiest ou tho globe. Tbe deaths are d-'ii.uOO per year, or one and ball pr ceUt, 0I tne population. h is near two pe ,u Fl auofl uear three per c per c-ut , aud cent. irgiuia ud North Ciitoliu are the healthiest ot tne Mates, and have inhabitants above IU0 year of ao. ir K dispatch dated Washington, Ooto her IU says the following order bas been ssiicd frouitbe Army Ueauij.iarters : ' Lui- " u ',,,u .-oiuins ' " " " rebels, having been released ou taking au i o'" - "- P rul4 --l. ne Ooverumet.t bas ordered an, equal i'uinber Ot pilsouers, uow ouuuoou iu iuia c.ty and elsewhere, to be released ou tak ing tho prescribed oa'h of allcgiauoe or au oath not to bear arms agaiusl tbe Uni ted States." DIED. In tins cnuntv, ol pneuin inia, on the 15th inst ils II AUK IK I' U S IT I'l'i wile of W. 1'. titiil, td 41 yeais -nd S muutiis. TAKE xNOTIGK. f i' i V1K acc.i and holes dil l .Mr. Ill ie Lsw. in i ti y li mils fur eo taction and prrsiia in leb.ed will please a.itllo tuu anna without Uu y. J. LIUK-NBICUN. inent. A.l come lor ward an Oct. 29, Jtjlil 4t. jjiVotice. A " Election will be liidd at the several Elec. ! IWL turn Preclude in .tfuckloiiburi l.ouulv nil liie firal Weuneailay in Nueiub-r, (tilli day) dir. Twelve tlecu.r. I., vulu iiif PrrHuciit anil V.ce. i'ru,tlent ul Ino t'ouleilerutB Sl.ilea. and nl-o a iKinbirol tu represent tin- 81I1 ruiigrte. iial District in Hie ntll I on I'c Jt rn tn f..nt res. '1 lie lolLiwiiiK jr' '"1' i" -11 will Imlu Hie fcl. t tiun lr Frtsinent ,,,111 V.ce.fresid nt, and (nr u mem. Dcr ul t ii(ru., .1 n r,u-cnve FriCiu-ta, """ly ! PliESIDENTlAL COX. Oharl.ife.C Overman, J P, Jhn L rings, v ii.ih 1 .)rii t,ce normenl btcrc, Wm Meana, J P, M M M.rc. A FS.iiler. Lnriif reck, J. ,,i luweee'.,T y Sparrow, J P, Thus E Putt. i filuaii. ' I Hill's, R L Denrinond, JP.WH Slintun, An. I uriiw uuiner llirriat.urir, J Sample Dvia. J P. Tlioa M Al. i- Ii v,. : Hart's A C Flow. J P. John It Morn.. ,np. M il'uinb. I Ilia's. Juliii M Pymn, J P, A G Reid, Clark Weiiintnii. Pruvidei.ce. W M Mills, J P, W N McKee, 1 J ,. A l alowoll. I Meel Crees, Th.s B Price, J P, J Starr Ncely. Alexander Query. CON'UIIESSIONAL BOX. Charlotte, J P ftoss, J P, T M Brewi, H G Sunrgs. Nuriiionl'a Slur, W S Nurment, J P, jSarnuel L-m nij;, K S Mt-Utte. lumg Cn-ek, A M Bjrry, J P, n.-bl Ilender aon. Ii U W hitley. Drweear's K B D Slonn, J P, Samuel , W ithers, V !S Pi.tls. Hill's, B II Garrison, J P, Aimer Hunter, D F Dixon. II .rr.burf . Sam'l W Calilwell.'J P, S A Stew, art, William Hulchisun, II irl'., Robt Mi Kwen, J P, W illiam Bain, Z Mnrria. Rea's. Arthur Gr er J P. J S Reid, T A Mr- Providence. W M Mathews. J P. W' T Stilt, Steel Creek, Gen W H Keal. J P. Alex Grier. J Lee Grier. Tne number of votes given mut be written in wonts, not figures, anu Hie Scroll . containing- 'he number ot vulu must be leturned to me nelure 4 u'cluck Hie next dnv. V. W. CRIKR, Sheriff. October 29, H-Cl. 3ltf E W ES TA I5IJSII M EXT. Miss E, K, Williams, m-w(ii OL'LD int'inn the public 7' ?0' -V' si.iillie.ladica particular. wnra in me .nunnery line in the best manner and on the most re'isonable term. Sne liopt s by punctuality and (iispnieh to re. ccive s librrnl share of public pnlroniire. She can be found st the residence nt M Andrew Spri.igs, on .'he street leading lo the Ollriie. OcloSer 2a. If 6 1 . I ni IIUTTOX & FKEUGIPS ) 0 U I M C V U j'X I 0UI UlU s- TERMS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. One Cnyner year 3 fO ., ft) To Conies, tu uiie address or Post Dili :e Kieven Copies, do. do 25 00 Twenty one Copies, do. do 45 00 ITIn ordering be particular" Sir fV,,.i.. io iln 1 i na sub-enbe.-s. Post Ohice and Stale, distinct and clear. AiJress HUTTON & FKKLIGFf, MrsiPHis, Tins. ANNOUNCEMENT. f 1 E ire suth irizcd to announce thrt W'lL. f LlA.M LANDC't. KsQ , ol Lincolnton, N.C ,is a Can did. ile t represent tbe Sl'i l.'onpres. aionui District la Hie first Congress ol the Con feuerate States. Oct. 6 tde Granite Mill Stones FROM TUE CLOUD CRKKK Q U A R HIES KllGEt ILLU DIsThlur, S. C. MlIESE'ock are peculiarly adapted for Mill purposes, being soper'orto tbe Frencti Burr for f rinding csraj'.nd Chester tud in ire easily -pt lit r. pur. 1 lie au acriber is prepareil lo furnish i few set of ti.e ubi ve rock, ol ai y di;l- ren if ordera are sent immcui itely. Beinir hiiosoll' a pmcticil Miller, ( t preaent , r;.,,,,,,,,, ,d hnw,e what is wanted, he fB,, enntident he will be sbiet.i61 alloiusrs w ith entire sjliaiacuon. Will deliver tnem at 'lh"V' ihe l"'t"Jl "'IT "r. "NU' . . j w o J1 a,.--...., . COttOIl WtU'CllOUSC! .,.,.,.., . ft tllTl ce.vedi ch.reine interest in the numey on received, chanting interest in the money j go ,j,nced, and i5c per bale for lue lat month, and 10c per bile for each subsequent month, ana j October 15, 1 8n 1-131. Brogans ! ,.,-v-':V'V wtaaRiiK '.Miitusa? A Largo .Slock of NKGRO nnnn TC HOOTS AM) SHOES, 1 A FIN E .ASsoU I'M EN T OF GENTLEMEN'S BOOT'S & SHOES, A1.SH Laities acd Childrens thne. For sale by JAMlirf 11 A It! Y. Charlotte, Oct. 1 . 161. 6w fOH PRI.N 1'lNti of all ainos will bu ne t j no aatxjiiiuuusiy aisniae l l" lar oima Wbij i llnn I lie Alrl.ei. ORR Et'IID BY OATES Si WILLI, rlH. BAt'ON l'IlAnl.O'i "''K, Ot 1Ul;fc.R iS, lf-61. , 111 . ...1I1. . 20 . 1 ,..k0 ..13 . 3'J . 4 ' " 'o-:; " H"C rmilii. " Snouieere. Bu j(if ifjt , l uiuiy , ... Hee . butter liccwax S5 vd 10) fcj 1-2 j 6 10 (0 00 10 iio 00 50 lo !C fill U' o i.'..0 j j i IU la 1 iieuiia, Urauuj, Auie, ! l'..ji-ti. . ...I.W in. ..IUu (, ij, cotton ..; U ..CO .40 Javu Cai nl'iea, Auuniunti bcrin., ... Talluw,... Ur. (r, to to Ib .... bushel. .. ....Imsli.l... -O"1-' - van ... ilny.en . Mil.... lb , Corn ' ... L finest! tloti'.i: Li '-g ii(.en.i msey , r lour Keathei limes, Grei ii Lry Lara M ull'in MhCserel, M.liissea, iN . O ..... W.l .Mulletn W iluiii.l Nails, Northern,. .. ' Soutliera Oats, I'ork lea r'olutues, Irish, ' Sweet (iice ....i-j 10 u 0 ...llllsll. Id., Ib. SHigar.Loai Lrnw 11 istnne-W a re, Suit, Tea Wheal, white, " red, Whiskey, .S.iflhern N.Carol, Won I, ( ben t Uooryia lb.. ...I.jsln .I.'.' (' i 0 j II) ....I) U HO ...4') . luO 1 !() KK.M.t li h'S. COTTON. The dsnnnd fir cotton is jc!u aiveiy eonlineu to nianuluelories. Supply nut equal to ins COM il HI A .M A li K KT. June 29, Si; I. (ilk lit c rmu.rd COTTON Tl only 'JO bints, pi 11 BACON, hog round it., f.f. 13 Cl'K.N II1.1 K llll PLAS $1 in (., 00 MAJ'fs . bi ('. to i LOCK ii -IJ CllARLKSToN MAKKLI'. "luatrsTON June H, Is6l. ..n.ii.i t bus li 1 11 ul a si. lid ( o'l tun ' he is vttiK. W t 111 tins Vpl tin ve uu 1 ,iii tu ri j i ii 111 e 1 tin r t llllotl. or I. on SOiL'SLa.'S VVSJ 'alaissi : CHARLOTTE, li. . A Reliable House for Pure CHOICE- .-LSD LLEGAXT PER- FL ME 11 1 EX. Hair, Xuil and 'l)uiii I'mshes of the I iuct Quality. For 3It(iical l'urposes. ILS, Faints, FIM SO WH2iHJ KKKOSENE. KEROSENE LAMPS. Apnl 3 1 tf W, C, & 11. MAIL ROAD CO. MOtlilHtl.DI lis M i L II Mi fti:i: KLtiL'LA.'i A.N.NL'AL MI-XTINti JL .Sloe K i. ..! lei. of tne V ,ui.i..-.eii. ( ,,..riol of tts 4 i:u.i';on Cnl K-.i.' C..m ny will he held in the of t harl..ite on tne ! lirtH eu:.i. day iii Oet.ifer fejt, tne s.uiie he inn Hie Ulin oay lh rnuiilh. t'ouniv Ag.-nta uou.ut: to .itinol siioulu nut tali to have t;.i C in iv .Slo.-u n s. led by proxy to insine a n'e ruin. Tm is n s mere nt-cess iry as very !n:::.y ot our m-h-i, iinlci r,, t'ave entered tne aniiv aim v. ui tie mctss. riiy au ii. t. 11 W. (jL'IuN, rns C. llll Sept. 2 i, lbbl. noui' i'ci.i:s. " STAXES AND COED WOOD. AN IT l at .Ail U.S. t li.VKI.OT 1 K STEAM JUUN WILKES. To I Sire. inter has a good cool, III llll. Ml si.tlii'le hist r 'le tie.u 11,1 Country , Ull'll llo L'a'ui. lo lure in Ins iy next. Apply al Aiiuti ti, ICtil. 3 I I LOW'S I I K.HKA l tl i:i K- MVlM. cans, a, oiller. nt - in, a TAYLOK'S Haiiivarc Start, 7esi(n ;'asis fiuase. l.JJLi.

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