II a - in ass ig ii ii it .1 1. rou, io, r- 2IRS. T. J. HOLTON, IDiVllH AD PftOPKIirtliS. , . ; . TERMS: The!iVlh.CrliBWhigwillknorddt.k en DiJljlif All V (1(11 VKP IO II W 3 ,l lh..ed af th. year. Napaper will k dieeaa. KeOt.n bad participated is lit stagala Iiaa.d nlilall trr.aragee ar. paid , ipl at the try struggl bad fought gallantly almost i' h Editor. side bj aid witb Ltfiyett wb tbr. Ir.t Adfrliemeat.ineerledalOn Dellar p.r aau.r. j kia awned In Jala (,l,aeeari..,thi..i.dtype . mt .- i. r.MM4 ..rli.ementa and Sheriff'. Sale, charge 3 Pr nthirhr' an a doeii of 334 pr c.C. will ke from tha rf ular pe.,fr drtiara ay mrk tk Mumkr of inarrtiena ird or thry will ke inacrtad antil forkid aad ekargad ae-j aardingly. CTPjtimaatara art inthoriitd to art "' THINff JNP OF 'PIIE SOLDIERS. W are eatwag .round the table, Jt a night or twa gs In iha little euay pirtor, Wilk th lampligrtl kurmng law, A"d the win'ow kliodt hi If 0M-nd, Y' tha auntinar 1f lo Omt, And tkaptibltd eurUin. mutiag, L.k. a kay pendulum, 0 ! tlx euahun. n the aafa, Ad tka pictar.a u It. wall. And the glhnnag at eomforta, la lUa old familiar lull, Aad the wagging of Iha (MimUr, lounging u)y kf tie Jour, And ll 8 rf Ik. aliatluwa rroia tii. ceiling to t flur. O ! Ihry w.kraed in my .pint, Lite Iba uiitl in art, flack a ka.y. kmy thiakx'g Pueh a dr.ntioJ af harV, That I eat among the thaddvw Wile nay apirii all a.tr.y, Thinkii) only lliiaking anly Ol Ike auUiera far aw.y t Of the teat. laalk lli. moonlght, Ol ll. aurriag utt-ia'a awooii, Uftlraauldiar la ki.klanli.t. la hia blanket on tb. gruuod 01 Hi. tj wmt.r eoaiii.g, Uf In CuU hUaa wiuda that tluw. And Iha ald.r I bia klankat, la bia klaak.t un th anow ! Of inn high Ufa. the heallwr. An the froat pwn the krfJ. Aad Iba wkiatiiag, win.lliog .vcr. And tha oav.r, acr anil Of tha tittle la.lirU lalliag. With Mi ewecteat, aadilaat aeoad Aa Iha eoldirr-k ! tbt aoleier, la kie blanket urn lU gruuod t Tii. I lingered ie iny dr.jwiing la my dreaming lafaway, Till the apifit. p4iiUig Seemed aa iiu aa tha i'J A' tle niuiioiljhl f.ded .efdy Fram tha window opened wtile, Axi th faithful, UrJiial cintr Nr.tUd lar fcy tuf aide. An-4 I Intf that Vilb. tha itnrliCht Thii' Iha chilly fral. may fall Tual Ilia a.Jatirr wiil be dreaming. Dr.. miag ofltn vf a. all Si I (?. aty epiiit. painting Juat . hra'hing ol a mon.J Far tk. dreaming, dreaming ealdirr, lo In. alnaibar ou Ik grunndl lisccllancmis. A CHITICAL IIOLIEKT. 4-1 I.NC1PSMT I! TII Lira" Of -A EXVCLW- tiwNAar PAtaior. Oa tb. 11th of Sapuib.r, ys ao Li. trial work which 1 bar ju.t bea peru sing, lb Uriti.b army adiaovad, oroe.vd tb Jlraodywio at difl.r.nt point, and at tacked lb auata imy of tb Amri.u, Wa suiiaio.d tb a.saalt witb intrepidity I.r aome time, But at teagta gave way. Utiial Waabtngtou ff eid a rtra wiib bia artillery aad baggage to Cbet.r, wb.r b. baited, wiibiu rgbt mile of lb iiriti.b iraiy, till next aaoraiag, when he retreated to ibiladalpbia. A littl iacideal wbih traaspircd oa tb night rlrrd to will form tb aahjeet of Ihia pptr, tbt firl af bj Fo aud Ink Pietur.. B.in Cbttr aad tbt point where th battle of laraady wiu wa foa.kt, about ually diataut from lb mping ground I boib armies, aad sim.wkal out of iba faaeb of tha maia road, ibart ridd ia a '"'all, aatiqua farm bua a mil aam.d - Jeahaa Keutoa. K.atoo wa aa taraet fauiot aad a brart nan tat of lb.t wbt th year.-Aru.rn.B.a iD..r.- ,t-rd ki home, aad eoafiowied bu aoj -.-.i - t ui Minn fat uch inn. oemi- . . . ..... B,h.75e..t.p.ra.r.f.r..eht.W. -.bur-.ll b.- f.lj. p.rJna.h.n ...ding in the.r ad,.rti..m.U 1 S.f. bu.O.ad I er.ed b.a a,f. j ,,fu. wcr ever r.adj to sacrifice pfprj or lift is carrying out ih prin.ipl. wlieh waa a part aad parcl af tbeir aa'ures. Th. battle af Brandywiaa had bta fought -lb. Anuritaa bad retreated to Cb.aier bth armiea war ea. roped for i I .oaii and bi- ,0 fcu fa,.,. fv lb. .ng.g.me.l ... rnd.d. Uetared with lb aeeat, and daat, and ' Olood of lb batila, tb rallabt patriot bad i -pnagiag tuto aia ar. ; - laaua nua i Ub I llbr, I am ao glad to ae you 'agaial ao glad J" Riurmared bia wtepiag daunklar, aa the next motutat aba toe waa folded to the patriot a bu.out in a feud, pa tcrnal eaibraee. "And ike battle, basbaad t" ioquira4 Mra Keaiou, eagarly. It w.a a' bard lou?bt laid, wife, re rpondrd ib patriot, and tb army i now r.treatiag to Ckeater, where WaLinjtn erably deadened by plaoiug a paa partially intend, lo rucaiup lor iba night, and wbero lover it. Tb door between lb room bad 1 akait rejoin my countrymen before day aia been oloaed, and erery precaution ta ligbt. Tie au of liberty baa need of ken lo prevent diea?ry. every true man in the land, and Joshua " Hut, mother, tba maybe friend at Kruien would not aland ia ike baek ground 'the doer after ail 1" laid tbo daughter, evea to ear bia tirek Iretu tb halter ' meaoiinie. Honor, love of country, patriottam every "It may bo ao, my child," wit Mr, thing fortjd.it. But 1 tu faint and era- ; Kenloo'e rply ; bat iu ueb time aa ry," be added; " jjt aua a little .omrtliiug lo rat, and let Ui bave a few hour. r.t te raer-iii ui rxnaualad eurrgiea C'ou'lori able lood waa at eu placed be - ! fore M Ki-uton, and alter be hail Oarta- kru ot .ouie rr'rc-bint ni, be ratiird to t avk room and floa bum-lf ou a bed lew uioaurtila be waa la-l anUep. Ilia abtiaua wii ud d.ugbtcr kct wMb by Lie aid. Miil father go aay aaia T" the lat ter, att'i gicu aaut waa .Marlaa, at leugtb tnojairad. " !(., obild, rrjiia.d Mr. Kenton, briefly aad aadiy. " I aj aorry," added Martha, ia drjeoted, touwe. do am I, my obild," aaid ber tuother ; bat year latbr ia iba too la.-t aiku iifiu lo d.'rrl b',a coaatry'a flag " "Father la good aad brave. I know aad it i right tkal be abould felit ! r ai. ooubtry kat, oh 1 moliiar, il fc aju.d ba killed i' lr. Kenton etatted piiufui.y. " Via p.k of it, ix) ebiid, doa't rpeak of it !" ab ened, ia agokii.d lea.s At that moment a.r.r.l loud rapt fall eaicki po iba front doer. Ike mother aud daughter startrd fre tbnr cbatra, and the patriot aaddetily Itaji od Iroiu bia eo.eb. Tb brrt mttMnt f Mr Kenton wa t blow oat tb tight, aad aiuiucl iukLu-taoeoaj-ly witb th taock. tb room en veloped ia deep darkuo.a. M Wbat ia it, w( !'' d.maad.J lb pat riot, bardly yet awak. " iJooi oa. i rappiug laedly at tk freot door," responded at wife, witb a sbakiog voic. "ladeadl Some of lb picket ba foaad aa oat I aupp., bat wbatber frieada or lo. remain lu b mi. It i a likely la ka una aa tha uLhae for wa are about a avar lb latter a Iba forw.r. It wa H.r. ly prudent to remain ber juat nw, and I maat kav beau raly not to reiueiu- ker tbat brfor Aaia th rap. fall apo th door " Vv hat akall a oa, ba.baud !'' laquir.d Mr. K-biao, aux ouaiy. tao tbui, be tby friend or foea 1 ' rrjomrd the pairiol. ateruly, at the earn ai utile ill re9iuiely taking up bia gua. '' I It. ad lb aeil of my baiiv laud am ar rayed ia aa buua.i and rijjlit.ou. cauae, ad bar uorianoo to fear any man oa anb ; aud, a. la Laid tmeib, Ido not !'' kaa, ye, ba.baud I but will it b pru d'Bt aill it b pi udtnl ?" dvmaudod kiSier " Come, (jiv ma a kua 1" b added, wile excitedly Mr Kenton did not reply, for th word of hia ml recalled him lu a taller aease of bia dautr. "Fur my aake, ba-band for lb aak of our hiid ! ' and Mia. Keaiou clapped ber baud, tutor tier liuab.ud " do Uot b rak. ll Ibeau ar E.iln-b aold'cra at our door, ibei may ba a u-uiuer of lliiu, aud ttiea apiurr, i laaat would ba rtto. " ltui wbat "'tier oour.a i. left me ?'' d mandrd Mr. Kenton, auxioj-ly. " Hid vouraeif till tli.y vo away !" r- 'P""iJ "' '63 . " VVher. tbat ihey m4y not arh !" " I ll iud a pla, ll you will ouly coo eiit." Aad if I abould coasent, what will b- ,,, 0, ,u4 Matty!' demudd tu ptliui To Lord will tak car of ua, buibaa 1, and a will tra.t tu ntm 1' repoudd tii. wife, with nrou. auxi.ty. Mr. Kenteo.ull ba.itat.d. Llekatw uot wbat to do. " li.id., buabaod, yoa will be a.ar t aid u if any dauger tor.ai.a. 1' aidJ tb paiufdlly auxioai woman. " liat for lb aak ot your family, tilt men bid your ..if." Th patriot gav. way, for b. eoulf not but ckuol.dg lb juainea of U.a wiU'a po.itioa. "i ll bido m. by your wih, wife," b aid relustaaily, " lbogb it g agaiunt my nature to btda away lik a skuiliog orimiual." ' Uk I tkiak sol of that, bat only taiak of wbat ia for tht bast!" rtaponded Mra. j The Kag1im ' beaijat.d J ' moment, KoDtoe, earnestly. - 'and tbu on tried out, a be daabad at All tbi. conversation bad beto tarried ooMr. Keutoq, -. quickly, only tonsuming a few miuutea time Meaawbilt lb per.oe or persona eutnide 1. rl haDimrrinir ifil at tha door in iK.n,..!!.,..!;.,.! i,,..n.f In tbo baek room, or aleepio apartment, 1 tbr wa a large clo,t, r eloth' pr, ; ia wbieb the inorber and daughter kept tbeir weertag appnrel. Too eloihea, of . iiniu Kan auxBcndad from naila. aad I bv a little arr. a, e.n.nl of the artieloe Mr. -i n -I - Kantoa waa ao well 'oiianaleJ bebiud tbeoa j tual do one would bare deuettd tb hioiog place witboal a particular exawiuation. i iVViib a awrlling boaoui the bigh bearted patriot felleaod the diraetioua of bia aux jiou wife. To be prrpared for any euier- ; geaey, aowerer, no atpt aia guu vj ma aide. At length the door of tb eloaet waa eloa- 'ad. Mra Keaton and ber daughter tbo latter following the direction, at tke former tbaa dive'tad tbemtalrea of a portion f : their clothiu, ao aa to make it appear that tbey bad j itt gotten out of bed. lo accompli. n all tbi. the candle bad to ba liihibd, but lb glar bad been eou.id tbe.e it,ia wall rnougb to be aiwaya pro pared for tk womt. At tbt lima, epe j cuily, aitb tke oruisb ao near u, we o an- : aot be too eanlioua. lijt uee let ua aee iba knock. '' : Kp 1 rap ! rap 1 fell upon their ar. Mr. K meu took up Ilia eaJ , aud fol- lo.l by ncr daughter, repaired to lb trout apariiiieni. 1 " Who kaoek ?" aiie rlemaoJe ateppiug about ib ornir. of tne room. Ipco the doer aud you'll aae V waa! th-coaraa aud iu.oleut atmwei. 1 " It ia iat fr uap:otrid frasale to ' epea their bju '. ' rrj. aed Mra K--ul.n " Opt a the door, or aaliballeradoabl " In a morui-ut, autitniea " ' H J iicM, if jwa'd your liaa l '." Mr.. Keaiou. baud m aa upou lue bj ha her a.u.ht.r ex.ianuid, " l'iieu are iiriluh, meihar 1' Ye. ! " o I belp u 1 ' " Aiueu ! ' " Moat we let tbam io, mother ?'' " Vou aee, my cbiid, o m jt ' Open tl doer tticro 1" was shouted from il eutai'l, aaeoupauied by a aueoc atu of k'avy ran Mra K'bion took dowa tbe bar, and th fieii uiouiciil ba room aa anarmiug wttu Lnli-U aiiai. r ' i'uu'd btllcr kept ua waiting all tiiht 1 wralbtuiiy eri.d lb iffieer lu liemmabd a tergeaul I Mra. Keuion. " rt were a M'd, and tlid not bear you," repudd Mr. Keaton, tsildly. " Vu'r a liar 1" abound back tb s.r gm, " aad if yoa tell m any mor uoh lalea, I'll knock you deau " The brut drew back bia muscular arm. " Ob I for (jod sake, dou I burl tuy mother I" suddenly critd Malty, epringing forward, and kaxi-chin.'l elaaDioa- bur L.nda bafore the airgaaut. lbyouug girl was pretty yes, ah was , mar than tbat aba waa realty bautlful, aud af au age about eibieen to b partiaularly tutereatiug Tbe dergeant waa ooaraa, aeuaual, brutal per.ou, aud, aa 1 natural cenarqicitca, the i(bt ( Malty a j pretty face iudauicd bia wor.t pasaiona j la a moaueul h forget Mr. Keutoa and b augr aooiber Uallug uw iwayvd bia btiy heart. lit fjllowars rested on their guus and gased at tk acn ia ailenc. " VN'eil, I'll not hurt b.r a bit, my pret ty one, provuliag you're kind 2'' li taid with alret.uiog out bi. baud.. 'Iba yoaug girl ahraok back, trerr.bling froui bead to loot. Tne aergvaut ad leut.d. " Com a kiaa, beauty." H mad a euud.u bound, and oaight th young girl ia bi arm. Martha gave a loud aeraatu, aud elrugUd to releaJ ber.elf. ib aergeant laughed, and pre. ed bi. a.naual lip. to bar ruby obeek. (Jjiok a a fl tab the assauli bad bean mau, and lb kit ravt-bed from tho lair girl Almo-l luatautaiieously, however, tk lood report of a iudsk't reverberated tbroagb tua bous. Tne sergeant ul'aieii a whd cry of pern, loaaed bis arm in the air, aad tell dead. Tbt wildest excitement folio. d, au 1 e ry e) w. tui ami iu lQ direotiou fro u bioh lue shot bad toait. In tbe door way, bctwe.it th. front an I back room, atood r K.utou, witu m gau upiittt d iu a 'i attiiu i of defeue.. tl. ryaa ete flasuiug liutuiug giaueea, a.ii ilia booiw waa swulllug uu iu. deepest P,,tuu- Wife, daughter, this way-tijick 1" be J tried, aimo.i iu a breath Mr K.uton ud M artha spraag for tho door, au I aately panad tarouU Iuio lu Oaok apartiuo.it. l it tuiiaot aroused the Kulisli l dler, aud, wiiu loud our.e, ib.y darned after Ib.ui. Boldly Mr. Keutoa interpos.d kis fonu " Jck, villain. 1' ha cried, io ateutoriau ta. " I'll batter tb brain, out of the first auaa wbt attempt to pa.t tbi door I" Jur. IVeuloo, ,1 j " iJowu with tb blood; rebel ! abow bim ' no quarter." i ' Never another wrH did the Englishman utter, for the m-xt momeni the ui.fliachinr patriot kuoekad oat kia braia witb the butt end of biaguti. . Maaly euragdr the aoldiera rushed for- Ward io a body. " Kdl'U ad aud Kins Georre 1" Toeifera- - ted loudly "mrrioa aad Liberty I" jbouted baek ' ... . .... Hr.'KeuiOii, and bi ?eio rang out olear and di.iiott above erery other aound. The Britixb ih crowded on bim olo.cly, and d blowa upoa them witb the bail be abower.d blowa uooa tid of bia ga. Dowo, down, went the aa- aaultrra one after auother. In a band to band conflict with the pow- erful. resolute oatriot. tbo Eouli.boieM did not aae much chance of makinit aimbioe. laid drew off for the purpo.e of trying aoaiaibing mora eifectua 'Shoot lb cursed rebel! aboot hint 1" wa. the general cry. At that moment the aound of two voice aro. from the batk apartment, and lb word that war uttered were "01 Lord, preaerve my husband V " 0 1 God, av my lather 1" Tb Kag'.iabuva loaded tbeir pieces, and oried " Kagland and King George 1" ' America and Liberty !" rerpoaded tb patriot, wit audauuted firoioeia. " AuotiCA aud LibkktvI'' The shout came from iba ouuid ol the kou.e, and tn uixt mottieut a hq tad of AmenoaD sol- ui. t d-bed iuio tke room. licaildered at the eight, the Eoglithmao loaded tbeir piecui. ' Couutrymn, you aro juat in titno to aave uie auU my miue !'' cried Mr. K.uton, w ii u a glow ot j jy . " Tbe.e bell bouuda wou.d bait iiiurderel us lu eold blood, aud tu. y deei re no mercy. Charge upou tbo wlitu I" In couieat waa brief but bloody. Tb Kiiii,i,imou louht eil, as they usually j ou. lut t!iey wre no matob for the exas- I prad American.. In that moaieol Ken- ,tuu bim J an tqual to any bait cozen I luru A few uiibuies fighting aatiaSed the 'll-U picadt Ulura, auu wbat were kit 01 ttielil lor qi.ute.ra. Loug before mar- . l,. :i.ey ere iu oieae conauainvui m the A iiuno-ij line., j tr Keuiou lucked up bia house, and ta ' Kug u a ai.u iiaugnier aioug wun biui, iii piic t lor Cietr iuOsqivutiy , Mr. ;K.'U on iil Manila r.'.urj-J ui.iif lioiue. j 1 U L;jiiii)t patriot, bowever, aeut witb tbo nuit, mil uu many a bard fought field did ' on n tuci bru.-atb th waving iotd ot Uur Country s i'la ;.'"joiii Hie Suuitiern Homo Journal. J 11 c Sliiii niSBIR'ti buRPniSiiiD. A TALK OF TUE MEXICAN WAH. b t bio ccr. Readrr, let m iutroduo you to a camp- fira tb Texan frontier when the war b i ten our on belov.d country and Mexi c w.is raging with th barbarity on th , 0f our opponenta, aud frensied fury on he p4r, 0f tu American soldiery wbich j CB,risltrixed that ucceasful campaign. It was when tbo sun bad clothed lb wea tern.ky wiiu a goiaen light, taat a com- paoyot Ranger belonging lo the Amerieaa army had baited oa lb bauK ol a boautt ful atr.am, that rau through a ptec of wood thai ekirteil the vast pr.trie. Tbeir bors ere immediately stalled out to grali, aud every appearance iudioated that tuis ground WOU.U 11 B reanug (lleui iai ui lines tired ui of whoa b party w. e..upo. ed lor the nikl. Immediately alter tli.y bad baited, l ie captaiu ot tut brav litU baud qimlly approached au individual who was bualiy euaged iu broilm; a piec of betfowr a auiail fire b bad kindled, aud softly whispered in his ear, " 6 alio tbat q ilc it, filler, aud com dawn to tbe atream io got as iu water," and departed ia tbe di rection ludieated. Tilter wa. a celebrated scout, rnd could mire walb luu eaio and uoiseiass facility of a cat, aud w.ll koew by the coutidential tone of Ins CJiumiuJer, tuat lie bad eouie thing important to c Jiuiuuuieat. ti aviug iii-Lo-d ot his piece of beef, wh.eh was by tui.s tuue uto.ly cookud, I'liter lost no lime iu prouvud.uj in the direo.ton pointed out, ; uiul witb biui bia .up to aviod suspicion It lound the ospiaio bdthrug hi. tiaods auJ-liuo, aud ukiag a po-lliou very liear i "i". uo-u.ueucid the same operation. The i w on broken, by lb captain' 1 ll'i : ' "Tntcr, did you notice th. M.xicaa that 'j iucd ua a lew m lea back V I "l racon I did, Cjp'n, aud I've baan wan-; Llll- tJ ,.,uch ufMrMi Uioi ; for it looks luunly r-lraugo to aeo a tailor iraeeli u aioue lit re iiiiivi-, ithuu bdl.vixt Gderi'las aud t'jui iiins ,tiu iij.it kuo bow soon bu m l ins top knot is a goiu' lo part o:upa- " y '' ' . , "We.l, Tilter, yoa hv the same idea nii oiyaeif, ouiy I nli miue i. uiua ti liat'd in reiaiioii io his bu-iuss; tor 1 ta ,iove in it ti j is a pT, and tual it' he is al io 1 lo leave us, bjfo-. auoilier a J I ri-. wo will liar a vteit from ft party of Jioxi- cans-that U, if tbey bv. got about twice the number ti men that w bate." . ! "L'apn you're about right, I'ni a thinkio', wp yoa re anout rigm, l u l tuinnin , ao bow what's the word I" "My plan ia, and I had nearly matured it before you came don, and I have now determined upon it, for yon to follow hi when he learan oaiup, wbieh. if my cooj.-o tur.a r.gbt, be will aoon ao uoaer aome pre- text or other, if he baa not already gooe, aud e if be don't bar. aometbing more tbaa trafelioz ou band, before be baa gone . ., . r kt . tea uiiiiiBi rwnuw mm irnj !., - Jaaat, if ooear.on reqyireo ana i ieay. u o . j r i :. your jugnieiit now wavu miner. -w - gatbr i-otno wood for a OmoO upon our eosi neaa, aid we'll go baek to the camp " "Ain't we right, Cap't !" exoUituad Til- ter, aa they neared the camp. "There goes tk blunted taller bide aoamp now," and he pointed lathe Mexican atore nieutioucd, a. be wa aeen ridiuir off over the green roll- ini p-airie exactly oppuoaite the direction from wIicdc tb Uangera bad arrivea Yo bad better take my borao, an he i stronger and oan bear more fatigue than youre, ' remarked tbo OaptaiQ, as . Alitor I wa preparing to start. j "That my be, Cap'n, but your h"0 don't know my aij;u like old Witvher." "Do aa you think bet, but bo ctrcful, and don't fail to find out tliat felioft'a buii- oeaa, especially if it concerns us." When yo baar of my fai.io', Cap'o, you may make a present of my solp look to the Bret Oaaiaoche you meet who ia ablo to take it-" Tilter kmw that b was safe there, for nta name was so vnae ipreaa, iu uo two Indiancould be found who would attack bnu in a fair beltl ' "I am not afraid but you will do all tbati 'bamanpoercau aeoompliah in such a oase, so bo off uow," replied the aapt.io. The soout i no on the trail of tha ab-' acoodiog Mexican, and reader, if you have DO objretioa w will follow the frill ia itnij-! inatiou with bim. Ho ha not travelled more than three miiea, before we ee b in outer a valley whioh lesds directly bask to-' wards tbe a in p and ao low i. lb laua mac - a person riding therein would bo er.tire.yi oouoealed from th view of aoy ou only a fw nundred yards ciatant. This was followed until he had parsed tbe Eng-'oamp, and five miles farther be etitaiatUe aame rout thai w&a traveieu by tiio Uiu- er. two hour, ao I; w i liIi'-, b it tbat lead, little or DO different.; "h I:. ter, lor hie hori was too wt-li ti in 1 :j the ba.-iues. to ailow tho tra ! to t" aud ba only dismounted ojei- .' '-" mako aure that he was right. i'jr i.i . tarther back he suddenly enters a n.i; v.i non or ravine, aud two tniiea doa t :!'. i a , via. b. suddenly halted aud umtertd to biaiaeif: j , Well, if it bar'nt been far tbat feller's bright lanco sliitiin' ahead of mo thorn, i dou t know if the Comaucbes wouia'ut ba' been fooled at to geltin' uy top knot by them taroal greaser. Now W'hctier, stand ttill an hour or ao, and I'll be mighty apt o find out what that o'uap rode ao far rouui and cam. down her. for. ' saying, b. diiituauotcd, aad leading hi bora Lack a huudrud or two jarda, dropped th bridle .ipen the ground, and; thau took a circuitous route around tbe side of tbo ravine to gain a more covered posi tion. 11 aoou came in sight of tbe camp of a party of Mexican lancurs, aud couidj easily ae thal.ome wovemeni of losportauoe oa tbeir part was about to take plaoe . Prooeediag father round until he had gain-! ed the oppo.it aid of their camp, wtiere, the horses belonging to them wero elaked, be ascertained tbe cumber of men by ooun-, ting th bor.es, and waa iu tb act ot rc urimiii when ha ua men atiDrouchiUr. . i-buv wera djrec,iy between oim a.,;i bis 0u noMe 80 tt,: t it wa. imposMble for l.i.n 1 10 wlbout Wuig ,eell And uow j whst uJe j daMj W()r,0( , llorle na,l R0, , j jo solU)( au j WJ4 ,iro!i,.,4 direo 1 ! . , tii n.i. .hurt h.. atojJ. The j borf(J UJW got oppo,lte uim- ud wa. ! b concealed, when its oner! nu.uiQLf tbe leaves iroin lue uusu neiiiuu aDoroaebad. as he came arouu.. to the ho-.' head to bridie him. Tilter drew bi. keen, heavy lieia knile aud taking deii-1 derate aim, if.it the mau hack wa. turued) i he severed bis head f. om his shoulders, aud tbe poor ieiio sank to th ground without a gr.iia. Inter then burned t;iu bor awav, lor he well knew tbat it' lie' left bim nijro il would be discovered, so he rau aloug for a oou.id.rable ilitauca as it tryiug to .atch biui, lb darkue.s of the uigbt pruveutiug tho enemy from seuiuj; what he had dona. A soon a. ! wa i out 0f Mght aud heartily ot the .Huxicaus,! i wao were ail bu-iiy employed tu bridiii:;, i ailj (addiiug tbeir .tecds, bo cuugbt mis j bor.e, aud again UMOg his hoAie, laid hliu j dead upou tbe grass. Ui'aiuing bisoul bor.e, be hurriedly l.apcd lutj toe aadd.e j aud was off iu ta direciuu of uis ou camp. II bad procooded bcaiCfly L '. . f a! uiila b-tore b hard the foi b a iin i fit j uu .purs to bi. her.e, tie gaiuc i tii? ca i;. a distauc of el.v.u Luiios, iu ins uu; baur. ! I "Well, Cap'n, gi j jur ord.-r i:i i ii .r j 'y. -"' U.j'U bt her a heap i.iu of'etn will gtl away,' cried liner a h euterdd lb atnp. " I'.i-re's j i-t a iiuu dred and eieveu of tuom two apieoo aa I , tie ever ao 1 one o' luam is Ma in' bac.i youdor at lueir camp a huuiiu' tr biM bead." 1 in. optaia ciiled Ins m-.-u aroj.id wi.ii J and gi tn following order : i "Every man get hi blanket and st .i.i-' and pal it wbut h iutud.d sleeping I aigbt, lay hit t o.r it lo inak tbe pt-.j resemble a sleeping hunutj as near aa pos sible and ruturti again in fiie minut- 1" "Hrfore the urn a lnd eUped wIicq the captain had given them to execute LU com mand, all had returucl a n i were aoaiiiu further order. lie theo -t n tt-rl what af nxpected, and the order to 'itihpect ariiM," waa a ueeleas one with thi company, for tbey always b;ld tliem-telrs ready to fiht or feait without a tnoniviit's warning nud it can acarcely be determined wliioli t hy prefered, as it in a well eUbiixlind fact, that after following t'uia life a tew jeuia, fighting breoniua almost a t-coud ntture itb them The men wi re tlien mar'bvj out aud potted around behind the camp, bebiud treva, and the order a- gi i-u itifiu for none to fire until tne M.-xiums bad un charged their piece, aud ru-hed upon bat they would lupposa to ba liie ni.rping fie. Th Rangers had bera alationed hut a ft-w momouta, when, uot wiii.stai,.liu tnc c;rcat care taken by tho enemy to muuiaio silt-uc and srerooy, thy wero hisrd moving oiu- 'tiouKly towards wbat tbey intended abould be another scanee of the maroileas barbari ty., Tbey approa;bed within seventy five yard, aud 6nu' at the otj-ct aroiud th omp 6'e, o!iar;ed with fearful xhouts. A moment after, tho voice of the captain was heard above tho yella of the Mexicans, giving tho command. ".No a boy, let 'tu hit your lead !" Then from every tree around the surpri sed and bewildered foe aeemed to dart iorth one or more of tboae flying meen i;r. of death, 'i hey atrempted to eecape, but on every aide they were met by tha deadly revolvers with wbieb lb limbers wore armed. The woik of death waa com pleted almost litnaltanvou-ly with its b 'vin uing; io fact, so iniUntaiie.im wn ttuir defeat, that ouly t.vanty-l'iiree hi I a ehanoo to aurreti'icr. 'i'he fpy who had hit ua and guided tbe ouvrny 1 our c i ; p . av i amoa; tho ru'obcr cspturad, anl tu m uunied.ataiy Lung. Tne only ioes eip.-r-ienesd by the ii infers, vea, ine nt;-,t .nj tica of a ie timir cnti'eotis, i;is. r i -iiiong tse iun-iie. o: c ;i of j lo diioeii'e tbo Mx::-i;'. Tntsii.vj t 1 ' 'V v' . j atifl uecked, pautauict uietiiUo vf uuor i.t'j tk aiy etiiuji i -.u ta tb-? bciii ru vi rli, :. - . J '. t;i m :sI.:-ian,!s, wiio i . t i it j' .'-.i yjjr e.'uji u.j.-i.f cj - ji to tabor oo tbe L rd ' boiy day ?' "On, i;o, 3hi; Scranjor; uiy nn'i i goodtutri; begin nii'f.r far c(ianoe Lib biui g.rdiu' fur bi.scif Dis a 1 iuiih ! ' looking arouaJ nth unp.-:'U jjo upjn lis littl. pi-.-'jiorty. "iVoraeaud wards'. ' exclaiued theoihsr, rolling" p hii ey. " 1' ti i.'nors,iioi of Ejvpi.au bjaiiau 1 Has be ijiar Uiit jo i lua siuluiutfsa of working ou tUa 3aU batii !" "Wall, yousa, Jfasta Stranger, I cab bar know fore 'twas aio fur uier hoe hi oo later 'Sunday," said Cujj, rcratja iug hia head. "A great ji, my eolorad brother; he can you expect tbe Lord to bins, yoj, if Ibu break bi oouimaaUmouts ! ' "What uiger jjwine to do for 'taters, dea !'' asked Cudjo, aomewtiat pnii e l. "Trust to Prevideuce, J my uufortua&tt friend " "Iar ! dar! you done uiudo ini-tik dt time, Msa Sir iner. D it I'fivi iritct is da lizitsl uiggtr ui dis plui'ition; lie don t cler koi fits uioil t.ilei p U.'i . i"u't y th ! yak ! I'tuUi'imce, en ! ' The tuis.-ionary rode off ia disgu-t, th more promptly, pernio-", that ji-t tUf.i h espied aome genlicineo coming don the road who he did uot care lo bavo tee biui tampering null luo negro. The Makkiaje Ct:tiM5.Y An nc dote is rclsted by Mr. 11 jie, of .No Hamp shire, to this e'J ct : A coup!e came o jio thein in wedlock. I cou-euifd to peifoitu the csrouiouy, aud naiil o tlu i..iu : "Jjj you tako this women to b? your wad ded wne T" "Certainly," he replied. "lo you takd this mau to be your lawful husband V ' Yes, 1 do." "Ttien tm ar- man sr.d wifV- that's all " Kith looked wiib great as:ouiumeiil, aud the Inuy -kcii : "U that ail ! ' "Well." ehc r-mirktd, taint "uch mighty a J'jir slit r mi." Jfif At a ca up incetin a cumber of U r!( -a cjattn u-t atafd.n so ti.u t:ru-:.os :i jt- 1 .-! ao.ic A r.vc.K-l.-d C!.t f ...iia, i.oUi for i.i b.t.i..r. no-e.etd .! : i : I,- iiO'i-s "'tew tho!is-t ir s;Cj it4 i ottv w vi I I ;t do-" -i ' t i.'s (( mi i.- ' - ' I ii'.-n ws au iij ' '' 1 U,J . its. -t vi ' !- rT ' -r tin "U i i - i- .-'"; :