s. . . . v , . M ... . f HnmiwiiHwiitMi warn' aaamnwi u2e llruc to 6od to tioulr Goirolh, Vo U goqr is, VOIi. XX. ., JfiruJrU-Xji'39 IS6S, Wen IIR S. T. J. HOLT ON, EBITftKiJ AND PROPKIBTKCM. never wra red Imao! freolct aad calfskia shoes to school j . Barer riddea dewa hill it a boy's Up and ea a boy's sled1, helping bim draw il up again ana feeltsg a rery flight twinge ef melbiag jra didn't TERMS: TheNorlh.Carolina Whie willbeaffordedtoaub acribere at TWO DOLLARS in advance; TWO , . ' u.u. L, .,..4 Loe. n.-i I APS in FIFTY CENTS if navment ba w Btw WBCH BB m nuJ d.layedfnrthreenionths-andTHREEDOLLAHS Brown to ride with him BCXt time aad Jtt at the end of th.ye.r. NPP"Ti"Bf(,f? left there aleae, wandering what made the tinued untilall arrearage! are paid .except al tne , option of the Editor. j cold Decern ber mad draw aueh big drops Nat tr weat ehes- AdVertieementsiiieerledatOneDollarpersquare f ,-. from vaaravaa (IB uneaarieas.iniseiaeu ijrpcy mi in "--- pa, aid tailing him that enly ia Hira 'li wae af law birth aad thii Baa il a weuld ba kaaw wnai Be Ben Been to aer. . u gtaueaiau, x m in, tiuj uma id Through drift of enow, bigb piled upon tbe frozen earth, Ibey made bar humhla med the utranger from har mind, and 1U grata, and Willie, tka aalj mourner, stood i ill at point to aatitfiotiea, aha alaa dia- d with rery prattj coquetry te tka ailly betid it, hi slender farm eaveloped 10 th--. Bluing. Robert Jlaynard poured uto ktr dear old shawl ale a-ied to wr, not to Veep him warai, bat ta kid from view tka patohea eabeth kaeae, for .'Squire John sen's carriage had followed ia the proec sioo, aad from it wiadew Jouuie band tome faoa leaked out be neatk a jaeuty piak aatia hoed i 1 1 : . - ml iv biif i utf A mA a,.II .1 J uon.ouu 4juii i vi -' -"- ---- lUpidlv tbe spring nays isueu ima " 6. eertisemeiie and anerin anei cmrit. r l,uej Crews ana tell eaiaa Bey, wao, ia i i m ki'k ; u k,r iil eeautf cat 0,1'" waaerve Her praise, for eanthiKhari and . K.tbcriB1t tk " ' '"""l tH,df "P" ,b -'ill-Jh o.e a'altrj M whotha.d.j trod tho a made ifom the regular priotJ, for adterliwiraBj guf,riBK 'M--, were tkera, and 1 Aegaat ill tltf wntae t-.. f - -r --.7galr Auveru.e.i.cnt. inaartcet moiitW-Br , i i.:. . " Lirl. .r.iiu. kn..tk tka Mania, tbat ft 11. 1 iib. ia eeatleae. diVuity montmt cent, per iquareior eaen lime. PerioiK when (ending in their advertixsruanta areuad hir neck aad k idled Lor childinh -..- tbetuaf- .-iordingl;. : terwarda, ataading at the altar -aye, and CTPoetmaator areauthoriied toactaaaeent jug M afl igled kea, too, ea teal dreary I autumnal day, wken the Noveaiber raia wept with hiaa for the early dead, AH tklt, I lay yeu bar aerer ezperiea jeed, and o fartooth, I mast tell yea what a apelTiBg leaoel m well it ti wbea the jicholari af a certain diitriot meet together jtome winter eteeiag aataaaibly to cbo.ie 'idea aad ee wbieh can outipell the other, j bat really to give the bey a obauea fori i going heaae with tba girle after it ia ail erer,' I and tke giru tao eatiiifaetioa af layiag bo, ,if tke right one doc not fir. I tav explanation ed'ifiaicatly oloar ? , I will beaten baek to my atory tui tell iri. O Carry If a Back! 0 carry me bark to my cliildhood'e home, Where the Oecan aurea roll, Where the billowe daah upon the rock-bound coast, And mourn forever mure. 1 am pining away in a itranjtr'a land. Beneath the elrauger'a eye ; O, carry me home, U carry me home, O currjr me homo to die. Ji aijh in vin for my native hiila, 1'he meet and balmy air Wnuld waft away from my jraulhful brow, Lach trace of gloomy earc. I a.gli to breathe (he air of home, To g.mc on the aUrry eky 0 carry me home, O earrj me hoina, O carry me nuine to die. 1 lo:j to ec- my mither again, Ai.-i hear hr aereelly eay. "Come weary uove, thie le thy borne. Then fold thy wiaga andatay. 'Twuuid caae eay pain to hear her voice Whca tieat! had darkened my eye ; O carry me home, O carry aae home, O e irry me home to die. Then let me reat in a peaceful grave. Beeide tl.e lured an dead. Far tue quiet earth ia I he euly place To rest my weary head. I'd eet!y eleep if you'd burry me there, eucal!) the aouthera aky ; O carry me home, O earry ine borne, O carry me borne to die. PART SECOND, fter supper, however, the aaw Iba oap everal tiatea at be pained her and then ilJaever failed to remark opoB hi gentle- the yeutlifal amon the ; deck of bii r, nUb'h Wr. ... J. .J Ila had di.d itk ahn. B.lif TirtBCI. UVIDJ f bll OWB eXertiOOl lerao the itory ran and bea baried ! vbe kindnei of a triend he had receif by a raning breok en the banki of tke ea-! beral edueation, bet bad whoieo the nal. Another iteaa, t.o, was added, wkieh If fa.baat captain ia preference ta aay mum iL.t .u. th. Uki nr..t , ik. one.f b( profesjiooi. Tki wai kia ie- penpiration kad stood upon bii lipa like ' ooaifrip reund tha lake, bt ia so sbrt a beaded drop of water, be bad. talked of l'' b kad won tke love of kie band, aad Jenaie Jahnien aad the patcbei oa both - aded th retpeat af all who eaine an knee. j ; , Jer.ie bad forgottca the idle ipeeeh, aad 'Afi r party ba wai partiealarly these about her wko retaemhered it were ' Pr'o, area thongh bii lipe did pale and tea uereiful te ealighiea her when they I hi 'Hat ibake uerfoulj wbB ba road saw bow bar tears fall like rain te Ike Biem- i 'g the rendered oaaies that of Jennie ery poor Willie. Jennie' keart waa aa- I Jotvtu. Of hor naovementa ba never tarally a kind, laving one, and all tbreugk lou ! aigbt, and wbea at iaet the sub the remaining summer day aad ta aaiaia ; 'H do?B aad tha Aagait Bioot aaaae ap autumn b talked ef Willie Warr, wan- M 'be blue water, be found hitnlf ry deriag why be (keuld Ihiuk of her, aad if n kr a ka iat alone with Robert tkere were any flower plauted en kis Use- ' ''luinard ia a part of tha beat retired from ! rea ).. .a. .,. ie.J tka knU ebW-a.in. Ui rd i;,nle was W turn bow oa a fity Jaa jart nivkl tb aebelar ! areiaet ef rar.c;nir the leaih ef the oanal "1.vi by eerlain Buiaiatakable igBa be of Diatrict Hi. 5 were aiseuilled in an eld until be found that grave, but a ihi plan tliefr tbeaae Ik old, ana istoae bees ruaay Mile to the eaitward would neoenarily involve a runaway fre.a but tba eead ef a sauio eaugbt bii ear andjual where tke ikadow of a meuaitia j kerne it wai given up, and a lb years su riveted bim to ipat. XI was wrap ia aa early twilight eviry object near j went ea, tke lonely gtave wai ferguit.a " talkiBjj and the word be said enougk to eeaae witbia its iaflaeuee. by etkera Ikaa Jennie J.knaon, who, ia tke weietbeje: Jeaaie Jahaaoa, the patted eb,i!d of fhe! eieiteneut of beio a belie, a beaaty, aad ; " ' 1' t ' Jeauie, wbea my prefer- wealtbital uaa in tawn, kad tbe pri j au beireia, bad ao tiui to v. aate ea memo- e? f"r 'jit began. Il was twelve year vilege ef ebeoiing firat and tbengb she i riei of the paat, when ibe waa a retnpisg f a, 'tbk'jt of ibe apellioj; aeboel wbea knew tkat Willie .Warner waa by far the girl aad eboeie eidei at tke aplliiag leboel. J911 boe iti iaitad of tbat Willie WarBer, better (poller, bo wai nothing but a "eanalj Ske wsi a youag lady, aaw, of tweaty ef0" 'boiga yea koow I wai likely te spell driver," and so she scornfully paiaed kim ! two aad inker travellitg drsns of browa I baker with a a, i a k." by, aad took ia bis stead Robert Mayard, stead aa tha platform of the depot, imeotb- j " 0r Wiiiie.i' Jeauie saaruiu'ed, and a laieotb faced, ceaeeited boy wh, wai : ing aoker seatly fittiag gaantlet, tappiag ' lB j'g ko altera J mad the young cap spending tbe winter wiib bis mater al aae- her fairy little jailer ageim! tke pile ef l', H finger tin!e evoa to their very tij.i. ther. Mr. Field. Jeaaia'a voice wae lead k.ffraee scattered at her feet, and ahattinir i " T tf iile I never knew tiil be was aad elear, ai.d br laantiig word fell with cailv with tbe ( reao of friead wb tarted . f 0B"' ba:f hew good he wa to ki sick , f wiu regtcl upui ,i,eui uo u,, oruel dietinetaes apen the ear of tbe Ct- Ub ker tbat laterBiag for a lo fitauiov " rr b.r. aa tenderly aad evei. gri0i bat j;ifa ikeu eredit lr foliowiag nalbey, who quiekiy tamed bii faoe from op the Lakes. No remoiobranees aew of wt' " 'S paut with patebee an both hg atjJ ; of lucif m9i-amtt f -y0 tke light, so thai etiris. wko heard t-eii. Willi- Vau. tuoM-s r.r el,. I c ; k7 "fi" :ai-ftt have tuo luanei j r hie waa a .la, a!ci,.'r boy, tall and '. tim( e'ran parallel for ma-y a day. All was" talitro, i should take bin. grst." Tbe Manhe.1 !. WHICH TUB Yask Ea jbeyead bin years, for be aueaberid hut fif- hopeful and bright to thai auerry party, and j "Uaahah" iaterpoied Robert, putting wbkb UaoOBB N Kdibtu. A correapeu- ten a. In the expeneaeo of lifo, however, is the aoft blaek eyes ef Jennie a sew light ap his band. " I thought I heard footetepi LeBl if(Js as the following with regard to Cast, John II. .Mo,- fus ninhiug thuni, di:rK!r' suuh abundant n '.(; I . paragraplig uud isitr.rt- . A Bbavi Giri..-TL Colambas (Geo) CAPT. JOHN H. Mu Times aays the fellowing extraol frew a Thk Most Dari letter f a Savsanab airl, (net all nakaown ' newspaper t'rattruit y o.v, to fame) is toe rood to be immersed in the ! P-'atituda to ihui ! a 1. 1 private portfolio for wbieh it waa intended : Do you believe tbat iuatead of fueling frigbleaed I feol quite brave, and I thick if I osly bad the strength of my heart in many dashiur cip my band I would make a little hero eiuiiui; Ue ia iucePautlv on !': : thia war, On tbe day that tke engagement suddenly and unctp' r tt was going ao at Port Royal, aad every- and within tho licit t... my thiag arosad aa was onewid seene of con- ai suddenly uu i u-esucirtt . faiiea for fear of aa attack ea Savannah, place merj ihni a I seated myself in tho aiidnt of all, and Ilo ii per" o'. ri jr 1 1 :'. made a Confederate flag, for h-aspras fce inspired th. m mi'i .-r he a Ihv lluM.Tr jri; -I-"' i ..I. ... iJ-.y ft(fi n ji (,,;,.! y If ik fiaiik- nnon Hii Ii 'and, the f will u' i :i! U -i nfl ,.:."' .t Cava to pasa bi very door, aad in it cf . mo.-t Jatui ua i .- . OTarytbiBg bat chxins, I intend to waru tuy reci rd -d. banner. I intend to be the first Savannah Sunday tin 10 1 girl to etaro them, and to show iheru the with fjiiy ci ; tioutb baijnet ouly brave men, bat brave at ;al!atii), Tu.n , -weaiea also. How il inakei my blood hail of Xasb.vi.ic. l i whoa I bear ef a cowardly aet doue by men iu tba p... bdj B Baaritg tbe nam f man I There guard houM-, were some ia Savannah who, during tho l'e-leral uniwtm j fight t Port Hoyal, beeauio alarmed for &ffica at tl.el' i . i fear their ooorage might be put U the ttat, tance froin tho .j.-u. ad as they weald inueb ruber run than tho follow iu cm . : fgbt, and ooald set do so well if tuoy wore twa tapt. -'""-"n a bat and boot., preferred tba more nodest cpc raior, a attire of feinalea, aad took ta bonnats and Orpt. Mo alienors. Sineo then I have oausiderei ear uaiforru disgraced forever, if we da not prove' te the world that all who wear thia mod est disguise are not coaanl. Ta aet tha rest of the gentler sex aa ex ample, I bare volanteerod to sxehango my "hat and sHppera for tbe baote and breeches of the next iaaa wbo bad ralber run than fight, a promise, too, tbat I oarer will dis graee it by cowardly eooduet. If tbe nj?u prove oowerds at a time ii kc thii it ia Li.h lime far the woman to show what they eau do; aad if they caariOt ditpauJ on them for protection, ihew them that they hare bra very enough to meet them at tkeir oa doors, if tbey aauaot follow thorn to the battle field. I think that every woman ihou'id prorc a tree Spartan te tke oaoa of liberty, aad when hitory ehall bear reeord ef tbe aleede i AN AGAIN. at Y::. Tho ii.-uvy dcU of rf 12 i ti leader, ivrr-'i'icky, for i i in on: hs, ' ;wy tvi.e-.i s ,y nil li.tf V-i: ;:-es. n-f, h j.oi.rii, -'. ti...- f jiii , ;r ho-.i s (j lit, ; : t "'-uu her c- (li.-taut. ' V . .I: -, M;-l ' r i-.ir than ''::1 t hue yt 'V.r.t. M r;'f n, ... : i . - T'-'i !h '0, -iv a hole t'..r plcii-aut Whiie a ft:. ; i i -t J .. .. id II 4 . lll!.lt !tl ( IS U " I y.ia 1. niarkni Cact. be was a niaa, far alwoit ainee he could re- kindled by yeang RubariMayaard, tbe brut member, a sick and widowed mether had leaned on bim, kar only ekild, far cen.fort and support. A distant relation, aad the proprietor of a liae of bean wbieh .an ou ibe (Jaaal near by, eiTered hieu tbe situation af driver, and as tbe reiuuaeraUea far ex ceeded what he ceald eara is hia owo vil- hoen of the ipeiiiug mhool, aad mow the male leader of Ibe ton. lie wai not il1 of Jeeaie's bra l it'll, bat, beau ideal she rafleeted, riutrd only ia imagiaatea, and ko she accrptrd (in marked atleatione and tkougki her friend i wera nrakaklt cjmnl arbes tnev hinted of lage, Willi, gladly aeoepted the p.-t, nor ,ra0f;i fl0e; ,Bd bn.iii v.u' K'othieg but tbe oitid," aaiwered Jea- v.', and while with buraiag ebeek and bcatitg heart tke captain erepl away the laidrn liaieaed te tba tale cf love, which Home Again, av Jirr THoyrso. My dear wife -aiu my eojiog, My cluldren liap my name, A.a i.nd friei.da bid m welcome, Ta my own home again. My father's grare lies on Ilia kill, My boye sleep ia th va.'e ; I leva each rota, and muraiurmg nil, Kacu inuu.itain hill and dale. Heme again ! I'll suffer haidrliipa, teile and pain. For Hie goed time ture to come ; I'll butlu long that I may gain My freedom and ray home. I wilt return though foes may ataod, Diaputing every rod J My own dear horse, nay satire land, I'll win you yet by God ! Home agaia ! IJlisccKanfDUSe deemed himself a degraded being that ear iy aad (lata, tbreugk sanshiae aad starm, w be plodded along tbe -'taw path,' wbiailiag sJ "r( as no m.ui, auu iniuaing p.eaptaai inoeguta of the mother, wiaoe eouataHt prayer in bis bshaif, kept him from teniptatiea. Other thoughts, too sometime. fiitld a eross bis wtad tkoubte of tba eteue seboel-houea beneath tbe naple trees ef the desk ia tke earner, which bad held hie books for so sua ay seasons, aud of a eertaia black eyed curly baircd girl, aurery Il wa ueaiiy tea uo.ocit el tke aeeoud wsee tbe kertv reached lbs station aad after a haty dtaasr repaired to tb , , . " ... ... . . r . . aha had beaa taaghl to tkiak of kim i boat which had beeu aeUetnd by aa ao , , , , . , , , . .... i bar future huebaad, end she accepted hi qaaietanoe fer tar tr 8at.0at haaae. It was . , , . n . .ii . . now a .uek, siririair hard le think tki a large, baadioma crali and a it lay wiib it wbil sides tipiittud ts tin- wmu iiiilis''ii il looked like some beautiful bird, o light ly sat tipaa Ibe water aud ae aitae.-fuliy il beat le tbe paaeia brem. B it ut of tta y mmetrieal proportion, nnr y i ol u uiag aitude did ea of the party letiu, oa abor the esptare of Taakee picket lait baturday, ea Hdisto Ilssd : God Evans is fend of a joke, aud boar- Robert Mayaard had broaghl her there le ; ing tkat a goed body of the van tail were tet- I petted as an advance guard at a eertain lJigbor aad higher rose ihe mooa sad as ' point aa Little Edisto, be determined to her silvery beam fell apon Jsanie'a hands pay bis respeote to them ia person. Fer taey ekoaa apea'a eingie eosily diaraead, j ttas purpose, Nelson's bsttalioa; Moor s tbe seal of iter esgagemeat with oae to whom Battalion, a parties of the Heloorube Le her wWjie kiarl wai ael gives. Lie did net ' giou,,and Lieat. Salvo's detainment of tbe satisfy ker quit but from her ehildhoed j Waahtagtoa Artillery all oa !er the ini- as ; midiale commaad .of Cai. P. b. 8taveni abeuv lis p. m., of the 28ih, seen a Lard le tatax Ikal . moving forward Iroui tbeir diSerent camps, be wai nappy. " I aouid willingly die for yea,'' be ex exeUiosed, as be braaehed off late a tirade of warns, which meaat nothiog, and when Jennie said la him, playfully "Suppose whistling in high glee, iu expectation of fuu ahead. About twevle o'clock the advan cing foroa bad safely crossed from Pine berry is the island over a bridge of beats. The Gsaerals remained with a resirvo at . . . ii iifL . t bed were ibey with the nmr wtiit-n ia haIa Irani I h . dhnip n f H.aa What if - , . . , . .. bold letters upon it -ide, J .ta J as yi she never bad spakea te htm or bo- ,r. r . . ... ' . . . tttiH " 1 hv raad it al u i. & Oi-s. itieed htm in any wey she might do so next ... J . . , 1 , I J f I 1 'J I iV L " J ' ' TerlU,,l Jeaui winter, and if she shoaid, why then, ho really did not knew what then ; but when the beat stopped next at Lockpert; aad he saw apea the deck a little girl wiib eyes aad hair like Jetmie's be kissed hie baad te bar while bis great brown eyes danced with raised inquiringly le the faeea of her oa.u pauiaus ai if seeking there a solution of ibe mystery. " I kive it," cried loquacious Lettie Mowe, " Mr. Mayuard bai lesue very weal- this vei beat were ea fire, aad joa bad Ipineberry, while another rsierve wss held iba okoice of saving yearislf or me, wbieh I at Bear's Island. Col. Stevens led Ins at uld il he,'' be affeoted te be indignant Ueekiag force, and at tbe Urst gray p..e; of at ma absurdity of ihe question. j day came upon the t'uotuy, who ,were w Mi " )'e4, of course. I shoaid count my 1 posted in, a dene copse. One of tbe V...t life ai aoihiug, ia aonipariaon with yours." ! kee senlinels bawled out "Wbo comes " 1 half wish I could have a cbaace to! there I "irieodsi was tbo reply, wbea lu nun , , . , U.... ..J . srritncot beueatb the riai of his palm leaf ,m , , , ,, , , , Kia ir.au.il.. ll... lis. h.n a. Uu Far J.n. that as tie iadinaui maidea exclaimed, "Tbe vile, impudent hey S" aever dreaming that not to herself hut to eae like her was : paid this tribute ef admiration. I With many ether youths ef fifteen he worshipped Jeaaie Johnson, and worship jped her the mere became shs was so far above bim. ''If shs would ealy look al ,tue only shew that she knew tkere wae nie. I kriew il is so I see it tu your te I try yeu, ea.-wered Jeuaia, as rieiag le her feat she prepared te rejoin ba cempanioae, who wera laerrelliug al h.r preiraetcd ab sence. Rash, thoasbtlcss girl! How little she realised what she said, or dreamed bow tale face," aad she glanced rogui-blv aliBr "a tbe fearful tail Robert, who, feeling intuitively that (be! Two Lwun went by, and throughout tke fair Jennie would nol think lire of him if boat, lattiy io full of life, lilence reigaed be supposed Louie i ineiinaioB true, wise- j broken euly by the ripple af the wave or ly kept lileal, aad thui laffored tlieio to : tha dipping of the mammoth wheel. It believe that ba wai ia realilv the eririya-, was miUm-ht! aud the weary traveler tor of the name I am infinitely obliged to yoa fur this T II E A3cAL BOY, BT Mil. M. J. wkish he had patched himself with his sick mether looking on, aad commending his baady effort, fie bad brought beiue mea ey enoegh for a aew pair, had area ask ed the price at tbe village eUthing store, PART P1R3T. - ", '8"S"'.B"7 " ,u" 'ia th.m. and hew in tba ssrine when he Pshaw ! kc's uotuicg but a canal dri-WCDt ,ack to his work be d give the old er with patches oa betb knee 1 I guess j eld sees te Billy Warren, a bey smallsr I shaa'l choose bim -t all," and pretty Job aneh a kaiao-." ha thaukt. until al last his wish was gratified, aad ba kuew she was surpriaa, sun saw ,or anarcr eq i ..aiaoea aet uDcoasctons ef the "eaual driver with ! lta mJ Pre"J naiueske,'' .aid Jennie, patches on both knees;" those were bertr'Pf"D ''.'"'J uf "k Bd U,"B5 very words, and they entered like iron ie ' p'reutte like the gay, light heaued crcatarc to his seal, causing kim to shed bitter tears b ever tbe fat. which made him a despised comfortably aver ihe cxiitcmeat canal boy, aad eve. tbeadbare paataleem eiariiag. uispoae OI aeir oaggaga , on aie JahmoB toned back her thick, black earls, aad flashed ber lauey blaek eyes quite iadigaantly apea tha oompaaion who had saggeited tkil ' Willie Warner " be ketea first of ail tba eager group assem bled ia tbe old stoae scboel bouse on Ihe igbl of that ion anticipated ipelling ichoul. Aad, yea my dear city reader, do net t dare say, kaaw what a spelling sebeel U,just bseaase yon bare lived all your life imraarcd in bricks aad tnerlar have never dtjlsd a gable reefed heme your boa and peercr tbaa himself ; but when be law hew hii mether bad failed liaoe the previous May, and heard thai wine would do her so much goed, bis brave heart caid, "I'll ge without the elelbci, and mother shall have thewine." Ab, little did lohelarc of District, No. 5 knew of tbe noble (acrifiee mado by Willi Warner, cor yet how keea a pang tke thooghties Jennie word Jaflicled, aad wbea from tbat sight forth be etin ne mere among them, they did net guen il wai beeauaebe weald net come with "paloh ai. oa both knee," but thought bo staid away because of bii mother' health wbioh failed day after day, until at last one eold March night h died, blei'inj her Willi cun tbe merits of t;:: c:r reut state reomi, and coaiall with eaeb other ai ta wbal they had better wear, fully occupied tha girls for the entire afterneea--aud the lupper bell raag juet al Jennie Johnston, blooming ai a roiebud aud attired ia ber favorite dren of white, wai ready with the othcri to take ber seat at the table. " Jeaaie, Jeaaie," wbiipered Lettie j ant after the clatter of koivac aad speeds had cemmeaeed, " do pray seo the oaptaia. Mia eyec fairly blazed when they first fell epon yea aad be has stared al yeu ever since. Will yeu look? Up tkere at the bead ef the tablei" aad abc nodded towards ihe spot where tha youthful captain sat, not eating aad appearentiy not thinking ef auy thing live lb beautiful girl, whose black eye fell keaoslh ihe burning gaze riveted apaa her. Ho c splendid, isn't he ?" Jennie wbiipir ed back- " fray what ii bii name !" "Warner! Warner !" ihe repeated to hericlf, a a geatlcmai opposite aaswered ber lait queition. " I tvendor if be'a at all related le poor Willi. Of eeune not, for ware ia tbe midst of their first seuad sleep, wbea ia the bold below, there was a slight eoufa-iuu; tie murmur of exotted but sup pruned voices in earaeat consultation ; tbe hastening to and fro of in aay feel the rat tling of the water backet, while the still, white fae ef the captain appeared every where "peeking calm orJ of courage and looking wiiufully over tbe waters teward tha loi'J, dark line which marked the dis tant fhure. " Tara the lest that way, er we are lost," he "aid, as a billow, lei ef waler, but a fjerer, deadlier, element lifted its serpen lino head iu clone proiimiiy lo the tusiu Machinery. lie was obeyed, and (keg, eh, then, there broke upon tbe startled ear ef the miiluiht aleeper a terr.kle, terrible cry, gurdiiog tbeir wry blood, aad miking tbeir heart taud rtiil with mortal fetr. " Fibe Fir a Fttta I How like a yll of a dcxpair, il rolled frim boat's-end to boats end ; echoing ihrougb the lower deck ecboiui; acresa tba uppef deck, penetra ting to tbe narrow berths, entering the wider state reams, and floating atross tho waters even to the far o.T hills, wtiok eaubl up and seat back that ery of bnpeleaa auguisb Fiaal Final Fire! jT boat is on fire ? And terrified worue knelt at the feet of their commander, Isggtag bim to I save tbem from the horrible death comiag so fast npea thorn. (ConeUded aett Week ) one of ear aatainkiBi simplicity, cried ',rlhey are not friends they art Vahkttt and the Ysakees "smefled a ueuito," fired, and tho filit com menced. Il was vigerensy kert ap for a half hour er so, when the Vi.ukcts gave way and retreated in wild disorder through the woods. Oa of 'tho enemy wae kiiind, one moitally, and another se7eii-ly wounded, aud counting tko cms severely wouudx.l, aioeleeu prisoners were taken. It ia pro bable other were wounded, for the rifle, cracked sharply and eonlinueualy for aeo-U half an hear. Our foroos returned yester day without tho lore of a man and hii1i ,u any acoideot wertoy t'f nolo. Cn-u Ui'i.ii Mercury, " V K OH R li B A C K W A U VA . 1 1 ' in L. t i, h i t the Liaeolnites al N ,vbera having m id. theiuiulvtj at home io Mr. Pcunirji u oflloe and fr with hi properly, er a nv publishing the Progress aim: weekly. Our pickets kava captured some of the Yl.in pickets and hsvs thai obtain :d a sight of th precious doaumeut. It iuu"t Lr cuinci ing far Mr. Penoingtoa and Mr. Vestal to ha coolly iuformed by mrsk of the t y p - pnper and other niatonals justly bu- , md isaging to th. former, that the pr.wit di lor, whoso name a friend who aaw the af- fair dee net recollect, hi totally changed I the politic of the paper that the turner; editor was a vile toeiionit, sb.1 other ; ibiugs more numerous than eeuiplimeetnry , 1 whereas tha present one is all aetts of a: fellow. fc j The editor anneaaaes that at seou at ba can gel soma deoenl paper from Now k'ork be will publiih the J'rognss daily, ht with what bo has aow be must oonhuo himself I la a semi-wctkly. It i bard euouob to; a man oi nia lanasr wiuii uisihe nc i style of the eurreaey. Wilmington Jor- ( C0HPl'r P-' "vii.r- ria. Le uii'iu iut3 t'itiu , ver.atbu. i " I h'i'' li.-t ti. : i " I ... i .b. that . i: Ml. 111 all. ! A l li.ria . .. I . U.l I l r iur ip ... i, t , Hue II or. ii.. I.rrt -. ; I A ft. .- th J ti -I : covers i.sm.-v-it I required l.it:i t t. ., -. ; I to Louisvi.h-, am . . -I tier, o; tne .) a . 1 1. h.s '-.ej't -,!. i VI. III. 1 I. I i . " s as a p-: t . r. i .).: BW.V if I II..' il l ;v.:. i . i . ii:;j G.'.:n ,t : a ....... Iu d .. Iiissl t;.,' i. ( . ia - . t . Mor 'in :.t t.i . takitg fere Ircdn ..! . U -.-rs . eBgrts au 1 ti e eiif' u n- ...t oaete lit- lursa-id t j (; an:, t . r ;.! .. . ; . . COIlsol ! ,"! i' !l .' il i.ili'M naJ : .ci ; : i .. .. . . Htfore i; iiid ms . . -t.t accuiiiui'itio'i t: t-: r-, : i t i ;.. shiveiini; ll .: !..; . Morgan tcan irt.u plteOTier-i ai.'l l.i-l'ti.' I , '.''. Com. uerato arn: . . . Tho briJi; . Bo - l.n ; ' . ' . ud tho ;' sn.l "no ir-i : . . : u . r h .-: i ' .1 i-hvit.e. i .. ii rc ii ttie Fi .l -i my l .i up rr.-i,.i . ;. .-Unii-kruai, A MlifHra'O T.!K ;1E - I i; He put .'.i'u'i, iu a it. o i ed lb- ir chii' i t ' ': - ' . the in it.o;: ; . , i ;s they i'.i.".' -ai .. i th r .ij'; their iiih : ; i i . , the di -tenders ; ', o- . -ciotha and ' -! sh- :a, s tli lo i i..sv . is ivi-rey h-.. f; ... . , Lvt-i-) ii. r : th- , ... itf)-. a ad ."A., i ,i t ) i. . : !.':.'.'. !' '.V :. ' -c ': , la n. : .'. , i : .i o! '. ir :. . : : ) " i i' our cm.-.' 1 .' , , . h . . il cy, l.if -i I -it '. , yr-t lu-o.ui-.-' i . a t.i . . -. ' I,.:, i i:i t: ..-n '.. . big'j.?r-Jr t.iu cfcttM-s ul .. ., l -.t.litj .i.-jisn.tt A j -, . ' Liiii-ii b. re li tu- liii. . . N. P., wiib I cu.-u o, .--..' ailiHtf nt 1. ')i!-.' i. m I . i heel' on V, v.i i.c ; :., i., : , s!eam uit'.'slt. '1 ut car," i :.i.y !u a-n.-'l got fF ii ptady a -n-t.!.!. . ! I hi- .-C.-I. -I :-, .. . -. isienty lue inui-s i.a-i , wa horlo.l oy t ic u:... -u v. r- pi t ...i i .: . :.. C .'i . r : .ii .. . ; ...i i .1 -1 .!.... .1. - ' . ' ;l i , I Cast. I I gUL.. NichrtN, The A I.