OHAHLOTTE, O., APRIL IS, 1862 VOL, 11. TOO, 2. HRS. T. J. BOLTON xsiiasss and raopRHTcsa. . TERMS: ThaNortb-CareliaaWhig willbaffordedteaub ,srs at TWO DOLLARS in advance ; TWO : .MhVendof th.ye.r. N.p.p.r will be disc..-' tlBVed aitiltll arrearagee ere paid .except tithe cwb ef the Editer. j AdvertiaeroeutsinserledtlOneUoilirpersouare (16 line er less.thissised type) for the nrslinser- .... and 9.5 eenle for eae neon tin aeiice. Courted-, and SbenrT'eSale. charged 23 w; .nthi-her; and a deduction of33i per com. win it mate from the rej nlr riee,for edtertiBert 07 , the year. Aorerinemeiiie lnecrwa piou.j eaarierly . at II per .quax. fer each time. Semi. v 75 cantaoer aauareforeacbliiue. " ' ... Bll't ourdmrly. lypatmaatersiraauthorixedteettaaagents 9k iJ sr r , r Th. Wandtrar'a Eetura. Aia Olb ViaoiiiT'e Sanaa. T.s day was gone, the night was dark, Aad lho howtiag winds went by, Aaj the binding sleet tell thick sod fast. From s Wn sad storaiy sky, Wacn a .oarBful mti, through the ruihmg c'-. Waa heard at the cottage door Os! carry me back ! Oi! carry me Uek To my mother's home once mure Tas a yeuth who had left Ms nw untem Lome, Aad I ad wandered far and lang J lie hid Jrjin.d the goblet's fiery tide, At the fealal midnight throng., B jt a drti of home earn o'er b ia heart, A be crept to the eottige djor Oh ! carry me back ! Oh ! earry me back Tj my mother's home onee more, I hvj left the ha.l ef the tempter's powor And the revel wild and high Taev card at in their recaleas sair'h If I wandered alone te die, &A'n the fire stillborn oa tbe honebo!d bajrth By the elm tree near tee d.r f , 1.. . . L.xMlhlnrrl ma kick Ua ! earry m baea ! On : earry me Baca Te my mother's hutae ore more. I. .te the weary bird that hae wandered long. I w.ii aeek say monaUia neat, Aad lay this sebiog bead enee mere Un sy gentle mother's breast. Or, a more will I seek tbe hoaaehold hearth. By the e'.aa tree near the dew. On : earry me back ! On ! earry m back Ta my mother's home onee more. Flowers. Tr.e flowers, the geiiiSe flowere, H w trtnaient ia their stay, A momoiit in their bowers Tney t.o)m, thea fads away. U it t iauh tne fluw'rett die, Beneath the chilling wind, Tney paaa net tracsleee by ; Toe tiiorn is left behind. 'Ta thus with all tbe flowers, T:..t this dear life adura, Tney faJe with youth's bright hoars, 'J i.ey fade, but leave the there. L.ke reaea of ibe Spring, l,3i- and aiwhition fiee, L. 1'it't, leave t'nir atiag, 7 'ie li,or of Mtiory. UJisccHancoiiSe T II K CAItAL BOY. hi HUM. M. J. CNCLUbhD. lur;fr.; "fh." :oPttZr i.to th. boiling wave. .he rem ,b.rea ' !t will be inserted until forbid aod charged ae-i what be told her ta da and so gained the Jennie wa the last to wake, and aitting tJ blanket ehawl aud throwing it abaat pin bed ahe gaxd vacantly at the 1 art J him, be planned tbreugh th tutloeaticg eol 1 ght itreaming through her window, wen- inn aad laid hie bead on Jennie jutt a. taring the while whence cam. th. deafen- ... t tag .ou.l whi.b rc.t the air. Then it J"' bV",J' .J4,0'u,.i t.rat upon ber, and with a wild ery ef ago- Jo "d will. I mund.d to do ail th. y .he l..P.d from br pillow, burst open.""- V' 'lh . Ur do.r, and ru.hing madly through th. I. The ..., ... to, great and for an .krickiag multitude found herself, .he If"1"1"!; dli . B.m. a jt bew.oa th. very .pet wb.r. Robert' wonder, hew I knew her nan. had told hi. talc of love, affering to die f.r ' -.- " bUi'"8 lu ! " l kwr. and -her. be now itood faking with " " V'J'y D.V .'ar'.and.eami.gly ..mindful .f ber pre- ' ? I TTtlh Wtilt. V .mar -. I'orgeuieg all her maidtnly re.erve I She did aot fjacstion hi. ward .be '.s aoaudher arm. eonvolsively around : theag'al of bim rather a a apirii cent ta i neck, aad cried, ".are me, Robert, tave hr from dstractioa, and with a plain t's me. loa ean.wim. Yeu .aid yoa live cry of joy, (he followed whither be id Ust night. Oh, Rhrt, Robert, yoa t dtssrt tne now !" Aod the tnoa. be a pitcoat wail, as she caw tbe b.i tut; apau his face, and felt him patting ' ii.) oiek her clinging arcut. t 41 Jeinie, liiUi to ma. I aaa bat an ia- i different ewimmer and if I take yen with me we (ball both be lost. Do compote your- ilf. 'You alruggl fraatieallj that yoa deprive me of all aemo." , Will yea leave ma then, to die alone I , . j hl..V flashed ddoi the eoward- "N-n., lol exactly. Ill ec.e back fr jou. er ask tome body ta cave yoa. Th. captain may be. Leok. He ia fatten- ,Bg j,, preserver. BCW to the .creaming w. B drp,iB ,nf m everbetrd. Look," , , . r, . . j N P'" W he aeiaair log at reacuiag tne suere, was mg II ka cBl J insure lh. safety of hit era Many a timid, aervout worn. a grew '.Uteuiug ta hi. eheeril ; Warda, ..... I land akin hia krim vcuair anua tronnad friendly .bore where with willies bi.ndi .he 1 j0 WOrked to .at. the other.. This in the captain's employment wbe. Rebm bade event which happened laog age amid the Jennie leok, bat Jeaaie paid no he.d ; shot meaetaini at home. only knew ibat Robert wa. lvie; her toi Neither persuaaieo nor entreaty could in die alone. Uneoaseiousne. alole irer ber J daee Jtanie to leaTe hiu. Sba ahea d stay and when .he woke again there aeented to 1 with hiss noli! tea crisis, she .aid, and her he a wall ef fire betweaa herself aod every friead. eeald ga their way wiikoet her. pr jliting thing. Chair., ttaols, table, aad aet- ticuiarly R hurt who ra.eived .a uitoy Use. were Soaliag like .peck, upoa the wa- j eold rebuffs that be at Ust .aid te hr iwoek ... ik.m i,1!,.1 1. u v-,. .J'm K... n. ..t Iband. elatehed together ia a viae like grasp j a. if tie fainting fortta b.ne&ta kaew that) thia waa their enlr hoae. Kren the taate ef the esptaia's veies had ceased, aed li.-, ten a. .he alight .he coald eaten no seaud ' are tbe angry dashing a; the wave, aud the rearing of the flames which cams each aaemeat Bearer. " They arc all goac," she cried, ' aad I am left aloae. Oh, I d id at thia k I should die ce teen aod te awfully. I aw to young1 and tbe world wa. .0 bright forme. Oh, iathsriaahaln?'1 andtsoeriricrOQeh- (J opoB fljar jB hlf -ttl mMler,. I I With the door ef death stauiisg thus jsr, Jennie's thought ran ever the wb.-le ' 0f j,r p,it tf0 au4 Bany aa iucidsct lor,g! fergottsa eacue back agaia with painful die- 'tinclaea. liven tbe lonesome grave on Ui , Bank ef the eaaal was remembered shui- I dcriogly she thoeght bew uaeh rather she ' j would lie there with Willie than eieep in tbe aeknewn eavera of the Lake wuo no J eompanieas save the uncofjmed bones ef the ; ether aaf-rusaia ones ahe bad gone down 1 before ber. Thea abe iheught of Keherl and while tke hat bloed stained cr hi;hr- te marble fice aod neck ib wrerced tbe iditmood from ber finger and hurling it a- ; cress the waiars, laughed a ba.f dei.riejs laugh a. she saw it eiaappear l"rsi vinw. ! Jatt thea a correal of hot air aept a cros. ber chsek, and turniur roand she ,1W B sioijic tongue of flame dart l.ke light- 1( tbreeirh a crevice ia the beat (hn il wae withdraaa aad sueeeedtd by a areata af mke, which rase in Ptany a grtctfel curve ateve her neau, aaa neai.y ui u- f it tlack.r volume ertepiog jreuad tbe eoror. j "Ii a come ! 'she cried, as the ry loagae waa agaiu iuium i jiii lecg black carls, aud scorching tne lace irudeaaf ber night dre. "I caaaet be ' retttet! alive ; I would rather drown a thea- tend timet, hat I hop I shall be d sad w a a I inke the water. ' I Oae le I ait fascwell lek at th r.eoa- lit sky above one hurried, sickening ! glance at the toasiog watrt beiew, and Jea- ni' bead wa on th railing, bar fvot up- on the bcaoh, while even then tbere fiaied across Ler brain tne theeebt, bat made tbe capttin forget we I f7hy don't he eave me, loo? ' j Foor, poor Jennie ! Ntver for a memitnl licet Ibe firtt alarm bad tbe been absent : from tbe captaia a min i He knew her ttate- room; be taw the gbest-lik figure rucbieg 'ce wildly past hiin, and essayed te stop her avca thtf, but she eladed hit gratp and e- eaped to a part of the boat where he knew .be wa. .are for a time. She could net re turn withoet hi. kaewing it, and se he work ed with might and wain lo save the othsr. firtt, .till wat.hing vigilantly the haul ef the white robe which flattered in the night wind, and temsliiats even descrying the outliee of the little naked feet which beat the floor ae aerveualy. Lie bad mattered w'th bra eye the distaace lo the shore i be knew be eeu.d swim with her so far, aad net eve. the horrors around him eeald pre- vent a thrill of delight a be thought of folding her .light form fer a manual le his bosom. " 1 here (hall nel eae hair ef her bauti - ful head be harmed," he aaid, bal in Ihi he calculated wrong, for the flame of fire were already reaching cut their d4ly arm taward hr. lia .aw it indue time, bat he wa. net JiiBiiad Catolilor fraiu the flour a haa- led It wa. a detpcratc tra?g'. for life and might have b.a e.sueo:ral bat fer the timely aid ef the little teal sr.it cut ieque.t ef the drewniaj. Cerifully they laid tbe two nearly aaeoa.eiou. bodiea apoa tlia beach, while there went np a load, exul- tant cry af joy aa the people reeegaixed their Captain and kaew that ha who had aaved to many was saved himself at laet. But few were leit, and Ibeie were pereeat who weuld aot keed bit iuetruetioot. Reb art wat among the t.rviveri, bat fran biiu Jeaaie reaelately taraed away, refasing ta lieten while ka tald ber baw ha did mean ta eema bask far her, but tba fire hart him ia badly. lie " wai aaarr'd for life now," ha aaid, and ha bade her leak at the blittered weend npaa bia aeok, but Jennie had aa eyei far hia ber .ympatbic. ware all iu the darkened reem where far weeks the yoathful Captain lay, grappling with what threatened ta prate a mightier 10a maa toe danger ha had eeeaped. .Madly the fever- ad .load ...r.ed tbreugh hi. ...II.. ...., while ike hp which had .0 Iauly .pake. word, of cheer ta the trembling wretehe. around him, new murmured incoherently ef te. aod I -ais yeu den't "Of eejrse 1 da not," she anewered, proudlr. "I hate a eoward, who would leave hi. hsirathed ef three heur. te die alo. I lb raw yoar ring ibte the Lake and I eat yea off as lightly. lUbsrt caald do nothing bat saVruil te the indignant lady's dseree, aad half with- iag the haaJaome sapiaiu would die he left to ieo ef an heuii.ittion and wsaded his a. ,ck to his home. In spite of Robert's aishrs tbe hanJteiae ii.iin i d ajl die. aad duriathe davaof j, iB.M b patient watcher betide him ' learned a straoc story of a love eoin- lucoeed year aad years bsfore, aben she was a lillle girl and lasthed st Ibe boy with palohs en both katrs (sat bay wa there before her now he eariear of bar lif. , He wat not dead asshe had hag suppoaad ; 4Bd whsn the fever left biiu he to. I ber it i sia tB( abarsr oi his Isbora, Werreo, , aj,o ht4 di J aa i esn btrieJ eo lie banks ef tbe sai.al HjiL bai 1 waa I'.)' Bo'era, au i he, W1U14 Waror bad tai'ta J. j they said, ef Jeaoie Jehaaoo but U4 ia .ucry apared hi life aai lock that of his ; eooitiaawa Tfan nauie were iii.r au l , lB, mutate a very astural eae, ia aa much cs the mti who reported th news rroivd it seeoad handed frera eoe who left tbe bett ( far her, aad asked her te give biiu aoetbar i Jeobie Johntoa ia pife of the cbsrisJ j black hulk titUnj igooiwiaio'jit'y en th waJer jait i sight of bia eh itl er win Je And Jeaaia aatwered tbal she wai l provided be promised aever atia to sail (Bt tretebereat Lake, either at eapta.u er ,,bordio.t. They woald hulld a ame af ihuir own, she said, c. Ibe very spot where tBt ttoa sshoel heue used te sttbd, All mere, inaeru, in aamaia , . (tilj uiaaioo rose, the future home, 'twas i,i,j 0f Ctptain Warner an 1 hi bride, aod 1 teo lt ea'iy if ring bloose ere lart ! iBg into hstaiy aud the tir!s were tinging J 0f b sorur.r amior, Wi.lie went lacre t0 1Te ,,10 JeDai:, who was never se bap pj and proud at when liitentng la the prai ( of the eautl bay with palobet ea btb , Kn,((. Tux raaaiDaK r a Kkumm. Oa yetter day tne l'reaiieul viaitsd the wauaded eel- diert, and expreaaed warm tympatby f jr tbe unforiunate t9rert. Addreiu4 the thtr soldiers, he said be inteudei le share their faU e. vhe next bail! field come et r Woe, h woald be wiia l!tem aiii nbatever miLv betide, wUetaer victory or defeat amued. af ene lbior he altered Ihsm " lbs caue is safo ; aa will cos jysr in the end." The addrsas was vry brief, bal Ih elect wa iuagial ; puttiug th sol diers, ahe were omeht depresstd by th acsident, ia glorious spirit. Ye ehrooicln tins issiJ.nt with iucxpii cable pieasare. Ileratef.re the fre-idenl hat not exhibited that warn) Hainan iju natbv which .0 become, the leader af a i greal cause iu a dark hour, a ,d which wins ihe beait and inspires the cura;e of the (u(d;ar B( nothing cite dots. One loueh ,f Batare make the whole world kiu. let I tb I'residcDt shew hiuovelf a man of feei- ! ja( e( hiui viail the hospital, Ut hnu, ou all proper occasions, eaeoursje the men a U b u eur htulvi, aud he will qjnily hoceuie what he euht ail along to hi been, aad 'th b nored chief ef a ala ! rio'is cause and a treat people. I Rirlunon I Whig, Clh. An aldurma. wa. heard the ether day i gelling off the following ape.imv. of what may be called ''corporation" logic : "Ail liaussa thing are hollow 5 I'm human thing, therefore I'm he' low. It it eantemptihlc to be bellow, therefore 1 11 stuff mylf as full a. I'm able. "la it pottible, Ui., thai yeu doa't kaow tbe tiamel af tame of our next friend. ?" "Certainly I da not knew etea wbal my own may be in a year from thia time." One pedant cp.akiag of aaoth.r tyi "lie can't bear a natural fool ;" wht -eupon tbe ether replies, "Unferfenalely your mo th.r eoald." HI LOVE. I fell ia love wb.a I wa. pas.iag a aum m.r at Saratoga. She, tbe woaaan I ador ed, I mesa, wa. fair eneagb te plead my exause for tbe troth. She bad .oft bair, which ahe wore, ta tbe most glossy of braid., wound roaod a a!l, exquisitely shaped h.ad i the bad large black eye., makiDg a most hewitohiog coutrast to the light bair, and a elear pale complexion, white a. .aow blaok eyebreiv. aod lashes completed the piejoant eontraat. Ibe waa neither tall nor peiaa just about the aiae thai it the aao.t t'-nptidg for the carestea of a tall man just tail eaeugb for the head to lay eeei- ingiy agaiau any shirt froat, and the lip ta be witbia ki.sable distance by slight bend ef asy bead. Mr. Urahaia. allow me te introduce you to my eoasia, who joined ear party this morning." "Thank yea for tke offer." And I bent my arm to aoeoiaaiodatc the tiny band ef auey little bruaette, with whom I had bteu carrying an a desperate flirlatiea for three weeks. "What is ber name, Mis. Stanley ?" I inquired. Kluabeth Stanley ; but a. .he 1. fair anl aleader, we call bar Lily." Lily Stanley I it waa a Basse to fall in 1 -l r ..1 . ..j U1 1 FELL heart was gone. I dittiaetly fell the void I I rose " Uoed morning, Jlis StaflHy." it left, when it sprang fioui under my vest j A sereaui, a daub for tbe d;r. darkn iaU Miss Staaley's peisattieu I doa't ' eame again over the parlor, and 1 wta a n kaew abai the were bat her fir faee aa 1 I fell ul of lave as rapidly as I h-d f -.1- slsudtr throat rate above eleuJ ef oofijlee into it, and lock my wh.te suit ai.d white Saee There wrre pearls here aad blasted haps oat of the f.'4iit .our. - Ib iro: asJ, altojether, if I had fallea at Lick is delighted, vows 1 aiu as thorouti hsr fl, ! thould have only ef.ed eat my a lua.aes man aa himself, aud i bar sattativo. h hiok iuup-o tbis-rspturoat ! mgtt rooived to rela.u him aa my otiiy dram lo hear my first flame, Mus iiiaaley, j ptrier through life. y, . . . i "the Kedeaa, lam engaged t3 tspl . U.wl.y.a.d h.;. he come. Ca"a,? WH0 l,W T KH Did I ask her te dsate ! I am cure I : Johnston. The Riehmood corre.ondeut dsa't kaew. I rsce'.leel only that five auie- j 0f the Charlcilon t'utnrr relates the foil w otes later, we were gliJdmg Is.ily, through ; jc. ,BiCdoie af 9en. Jaseph E. Joh.ton : a ti.y .kit. glae.d hand iu i... and tawbd J , MtU fc siv laai waa cei ids seiruaai loraa aue uoi-i . , r . . v , . eJ, by e'siDia rey aria reual a suoatao by e.aioia lial waist a aieaJer, aad graceful waist rtill snade af flesh tod btjioi, liaeaise oitk, atleboo aod Is3t. 1 wiabed ta h ome next day bat I e.ald not do it. Leave .Saratoga'. . 1 Litve tbe carauus that couiainad lay an- ... r. . . ta'taer wrote the mail apaliieg letter, isreaMBiag laakrupcy, raia, a. I sils af ' , 1 . , . r . . ,. , 1 fc rrer, if I d,d net appear immedittsly 10 ., - J , , ... 1. tbe eot;ag room, hut I wrote savagely , . " ,, 7 .ak Ibtt ra;n wat Heaven eomrared to , , ) , BU. 4 . t'fa the earrn; s;ttd lor me to take my sr gtl to ride. Diet f sii Jrrei over the blank, hut can i.Jera l 1 raotl he eagtged ia some apOi i.wau aol wrete warning letters aseording 1'iok, silk and teses, blue ai.k and fer gat me nets, hues of the v alley 'ia a w hue Lonntl, and etbee tursst.ecs loa aumsreu tj ineauoa, sueeetded ih while lacs ; aad i "00! at my leases earn slewly back to me, aad ' J . . 1 had vs fer dettilt. I was charmed ilh Wllh il.. ...ic... r mx.rm .lr.. Iram the r:a - ... the it braids to the tier slipper. Th auk are deiicisaaiy fresh ; the lace alwtys saow- whit ; lie akirls aod at ski.gs, eemetimet di.pltyed by Ibe rt.a.ng af a drete, ware ' 1 .1 .. away to pure, s ins, aad stuvoib, that .ea, d.y Lad m. -or. deep!, in lev.. l'artiag tune eaiue al Iaal. Miss fl sa le f went 10 viail heraunt ia Keaten I found oat that wc both lived in Philadelphia an! I rataraed t the ceeeting beute and 11, t (ii"'omoiate partatr. A moath of eeparaiieo fanatd the flame tse menlh ef ioturcoursa had lighted betrt. Ibe face wat in ail my dieamt kow with droopiag Mi, falling from th. toft brsidt, now ttt in tba fine lace of the in t bewiteheriDg blue bonnet, new wreath cd with pale piak rate budt, now under the thtdowof the dreepiagjwhiie plumet ef ber riding-hat. Walking down Walnut trl one lovly September mcrniag, 1 saw a Jady step int the ears. One glance al the neatly -gloved baud tent the bioad lo my heart ; the little gaiter made it give a sudds, boaad, and llita a fair (see made it palpitate till 1 Br!y choked. Hbe wa at home. I iheald hear again the aeft, lew voice, whose .very modula tion told of hsr angtlio temper. I Khould sue the tweet aunt thtl always grtld ma, aad agtin he iu h'ljtum. Ah me I I could not call until th folleniag worn iag; the. I le ft Dick greaniog aver .ejec ted Weiteni euilemer. aod wnt heme, donnod my white suil af linen, with a Bar ren, black neek lio, smoothed my fitifl over my broad elssl drew ou my nat iuteutfl pair af pels buffkids, scl a beooiu iug straw hat over nicely arraaged curia, and sallied forth. I no lightly up the etep of 1017 alrol and rang the bell, gave my .aid to the girl who cuiri.-d the deor, and wut 'ate the pa.ier. It wa ia that .emjdark .tat, laibioiabiu in the wartn meuthe, and ion ing in from the glaring .uuiight I eould tee nothing I groped my way to a ..at. , 'T tay i wea l." Aabnil barah voice i. the next room gtve forth tin eniac with aa angry ve hemence that ttartlod me. 1 A lew, aweet vii aawered ; 1 "Lily, my dear 1" I "Your dearl I doa't want to be oeat cd," aatwered the firtt voice. " I will, go, 1 ted there', the cad of it," "But yon bate bein away ell sumtaer, 1 and Jennie ha. not left heme at all.'i "Jennie I What doea a great uly red faced thing like ber want at a watering! niece ?" ! " She ia yeur .later." " " Wall, let ber wait till I'm married, and tbea she can rule here. I hare! set tay b.art en ((oing to aunt Nell', and I'm gcia " The folding door, wore thrown vivluutly back, and 1 .aw into the nsxt room. Upon the .of by a palo, dclieute-lonk- ; iog lady, evidently an invalid. Near ber stood a tall rather ugly girl, with a hijjb j eelor, probably Jenuie," but tbe most j prominent figure stood iu the opsniag she , bad made by leriig lo' dor. A faded calico wrapper, tora nr be:- j arms, fell uneven folds to 8oor, a rtnt l:e and there making an uugraarful festonj tbe pretty feet ware tburst inti old slipp.'r.,, j and tke atoekings were were -il. t'u-; word will out they wero d.nj '. Lnty atockiag. oa a lady! Faugh 1 The liU hair I had se much admired til jrouc i-x- , cept a little kaot at the b-tik ef 1" r bc& .i, which was ULilltJ, aud had a dead, cry) look j the glossy br.Us prLaLly ijo ii upon her drretia glass. -.Lu did not 'e me a. I .at iu a dark eoraxr ; awd, the room, she hit ber foet on a iol. " ConfsnuJ th laieg !" t h r IjJjiika exela m alien, aud a u.iuti kick ssui luc M jvi .. ...... 1 l.. fl ,r . j 1 .1 t imcaeuiate, atsssted him pUasantiy a.. . .. , . . ' , merntags hum. I3el lite uenerai soowieu. himself, aod never rseoguiatd the eouiph ment. lbs unfortaasi man felt net oi.iy alighted but humiiiaud. lie aeLt te Ma- kM- ...tr ' , V . 7 ' " , sin y tratestsd that he kuew not how . . . . ,v eou d have ctTendsd bis tucerior olio U.baer hour Lavicg eexe eur pio.tj fned ". , " , ., ,. 1 iKiuired (iea Jeanaioa. " 11 s morlih d .. ,. , l. 1 l .. . and atilicted by the t.ubt whieb you jut ' , r, aaoa him this mer.iag " Me slight hiui : "P" D,m . , exclaiiaed the General. " I bave aot!! waa not at the meet. " nbere is mlod.y." An expl.n.tie. endued; the ' . r . , . . 1 ... lerueer wsa seni tor, iouoan vikia led, and rsace was agaiu retlortd to lte iiotota af a loyal aad aaitive toiu.er. Mena after, however, while paeiug ia aaa ef thete moodt by ibe,der of his rsa.d. aa officer, auk a sadJta on his ta--k,m qaired of another, his toper, or ia rank, if he knew where 10 direct bim to a thetwa- kef. ' There it ene, wat the waggith an J-. V. .I, Jn. ; ' r 'a linn Bhi ail llllt:llll I J1IPI. I'tlWard : . , . , , , e iiTMna im Biirrntriiar ill nw mi. ii'i iu alter, lie then threw aowrn lue saiai', aad looking steraly at the Urtfrsl, wi.h hit band; ia hit pnekelt, gave the word of tun maad, " That tiddlc taat bt ready ia ent ; . hear, nr. Jle Ihea , ' ... . ; .Vr' h .i" ile Ihea larned ti riepsrl. aston. " Wbai did yoa d htvc that aidd.e ready in aa boar," retpeaded Captaia Ob (icperon. ' Do yea kaew wha I am!" ri! you ar a shoemaker, I watt yu to bnrrv op. tool" ",l em ien JchuMen, j sir," skoal'ed th aommaiidsr. Ia an Iff 1 . lB. ..iit ... r.icked np. aud ths y;r8r.tain ia retreat. "Uall'.' fhotittd the General who told yu I wa a thoerua ker!" " An orii'er, ir 1 dor.t know im nttne." "Then !v the .addle auJ rt lura ia aa hoar preeitely." II leaid a ,1 be byd. In at.e hoar lha eadiif was mended and in hi pootet-im. ".V-r, Cptin," (aid tin 0nrl, "eu.leavor t rv your country a I have, et, lesvr- ! to ahliga you. aad J.p.rt." Su.-h a man makca heroes and patriots of our acidic rs. A Singular l'aui-ator. The foiiawtr.--aircumstanos reot-nily oecarre 1 at lV::uo la, aad its Irush it voaehed for hj a .1 lie offieor iu the aimy : A soldier i. the Confederate rcrvire 1, , into a lon aad profound sl.-ep, frm wn-.o 1 At lasi he woke ap hi;u-lf. H H " ' led that he should ibe nxt ul tern-.-ii aW4 e'elaek, hit eowraiot imsIj to aroui" him, for it wat o rvc iii.l 1 mi .1 ia kit dream. lie tid in tba lat o. the monih of April would he f-nihl ti.e grealeat and bluodual hauls of inoiain liaies, and that esriy in Msy p ae w i i'i break upon the laud more an !!, ly 'i-l uaexpeoledly than the War bad ion iu 1 i htginaiag. I he firtt pari of th pi opnci in dream ha. beta realicd, far Ibe mildn t ! died next day al 4 a'eiaak 1. M. Will il.r rett be in April a. 4 May I lel licnav: ia dreamt wait aad toe. MabiU lunulas TUE PLAItTERS HaK, of StVariBah, baa furaitbed near five baadred pound of lead to the Ordiasase oiiecr, i.sludi.g all the weights lo the Back windew. and the block, on which they have beea aco.uomao to eauoel, check, Ac, There are many etb liabmeats tbal eeald de a. well, if the pro prieter. would .sly take the treble te think and aet. AN'OTUHR FUEAIC OF MO 116 AN, THK KfalNTUCKif PARTISAN. 'lho MeispLia AjijmmI j;ivt tho folioaiag aooouet of the latst exploit of the galled CapiainJaek Morgan ; Tha beroiu yuung KenLuokian it as fall of atran--em as he i of dariag. fie dis-gui-.L- l hiuiNelf a ountryuian and took a Jt'4!i leiJ of u.f.ul taNnahville tl. other day Dtivibg Dtrlght to the St. Could Hold, Li Itlt hi viniiu at the door in charge of a tr-.i-.ty f'iower, and went into the uil.,ii;K ro iui 'A ih Lorel uboet dinner, wlure Lo aat ujk oipo-iu to Uea. Ms Co ,k 0- .''. Mj: V, I pto-,"' aaid the d"v:ii;- .I j. b ...1.' a..r. tba table. -r.-a -tj ttt.sir,'' a aid .MtCook, "that is my Iia-Jio.'' "'iV.;i, j,iiK.ra!, if tutrj's nu .eoesher. ab.ut, 1 ig-t .j-.'.:ii.:-c0' t i-A'. you right :j. ,J, tLe f;er.ral requeued ,luu ta j.rocecd witu vrhtt !.! 11. "V .1, t ;, t:l, I livj up here cloie hy JtarV'x uii::i, r;.-i.t in the uiiast of a neat Mi i.'i :i--: nc.Htri, aiiJ they war yojr ,.j'i i :,. u.i i Lavs a ptuk of iLt&i if thoy i. .v, u rr:.i- i . 1 1; tut, giiiural, I,u a;. ;, ti.e f n-, tbcoh I don't have 1uu.11 1 - iv a', -.t it at hou.e, and so I got u iaai . of ueal rourid, aad I ve triii,;; u ci'.wu here toJay j and it', out ti. r iu tn aad jou caa hv it if 101 i:.t ii ' tJiii. Mc''' :k vrss L'gLl)- dtlihted, x rtr'd l r.-ta'ita 1 to the pUia looking eoui.li MJ.au 1 Jt Lit k:ud.'.CS, traisd bis I j a!: j t 1 "t Jtv u.14 ai erdrrt J th im t- uiif-.ir y :f h.J 1 J 1 ; U ii 1 j t Lb coin- aU'l puld ' r in ga.d t ii J til-,-, r. Ilh lr.ri?nr:;.n ao.-omf .:ah ird, li.t! c. a.i'.-if-,-.t wtonir again ri- -i:?d t(,,-n .') lwlr-nru-fj, wLufi-, uf- ter r 'j t'.-,:i. a stria'! f- rr'vsfa ii.trv:e'.v, I til the ,vii.t-ril" tUit if he woui J t-n 1 cat on'' hunuri .1 and C'ty taen t-t foL a p te '' t in iu..h a bf ijtiL jtii ; jJ in liii C0UL!V. If -'.i.i-' li.ll!l tijLt itiw till 'ne.tct 'ei. r i'l trti:;." fcl.erjtney lnil,l "hii'' a ar?f! cjuai.'.ity of tLeai aiid I ht r "0 'ilrabajil of war," hemJet a nan ler of li s wort T . I I ' ti.st tver aite-l in "! .l-ti'j ep" li.in "ii) l';a " Gcu. MeOoek fni MitJ i' t' " y fail ing off a I '!" n ' si' j r''iiui.oary, ar r ii, j-eLi.'-'.i weiii ma le ana t;u.c iui plies i.'tt.-l '.pfl !r fj.i &d li'i:..i-cd ana fl'iy Kt'iorai aa.-'- r.- t w:! tl.eir lruty unide. Mcf'u-jla uf-tii'i: Ml tf ISO uitn kept the at ftrtmifct ts;t;ifu! y. ai.d of eourae '.'apt M',;ib, r;j 1 )!r .di.'u.cd, wa"i ll.ere lo !..:t Iu'Uj ; lei r..' 1 ; j r, s - y tr li.tiu he wai I'jl u : f !e lii 1 M.tc.i.lt t u ii ' e r 'f .!: am-- i ,-r. .iu:i t) capture tuo W u g Jl:. s . Ytt'.c t jroa :t'.cut firing a a t-j (Lou. .j i y, and ttnl y " 1 j tL ita-, to Le exchaa : tK'tf ' j... i ut ot.e, and efii i.u r . ' a i n 1 t :!r, sod bad. l 1.'. '1 i . i!h tte com- I 1 -a r torn t . p iiii iit c i L wi.o iiai I U c 1 the M. tioud a .. ac.jiaiijlai.ee i. .. i : !..u!fj' him al :;:, of tL 2 4th ul- r i- ahcut to astern al t urt luiirtisi fjr -pi.--r jtitSitbert, aid atii oirn . . ,.r c infw-rtnatioa . : :, ii i iiiovpment. !.uut C., ; i'r.M , Stouc, : , v ,:k , ..i.' . .1, i li -.a- Co , 1 ' -' are ... i.,vc i ,,-;i r.r:r ii.: A vivi' ii, u v. m i.:c!i La i ar tirr.o. e.j. : 'Ih- S.crti..r l!o in th - . '! ti; trial of mm w tiu, 11 ii a.i. . fart to t:.i- ff.i, tt ti th-! :-. af t:..- i . ... ik. of '.Ik- HM 1 1 1 I lli.. - t,t ( . el t:.v j.l,:.. uri t :. ; . . (. J t 1 1. ii of the a 1 1 ' 3 ehar, fc.i i tr iJ, .: L. 1 . - i . . ! 1,.- 1 r t t r Ti- t ? Aij--i-,-. The Wush- v! iii. Now York . oi i!.g aUanier ii hr re- v. r .r -1 t f tt ti. .S .i. i. r ', 1 n lis- i '''- '::-'' P- : t I'. i'.CD- 4D 1'jHert ,. Th lufgiisi;- 1 -! return of a utmi- 1. 1 t .H ir auu 1 i t ," l . .! ,1 1 iv ,; '1 .. .ii m 'j'e car ovi : .-1 ui the it- V 4 i sn-i b ill iro j. 1 r ! v 111 'I rcat Hi I- . t , .ui ior a?i'. 1 : . ti, i.-'-- ' -'.'i' t.ua u.i I iiini ... t.iu. U WITH a ! I A,L - -V.o I, .V- hint th it 1 . i 1 1 n ..-, hircrv 'tt' t h S " : 1 1. spediiy tc n. jiP ' H- . torticc w i.l !) iiUi, 1 It ia unriie. ?.';.' u-. more tLnii k! 5k ;l 1 easily tnd out I r iu lafollll!! n. ' ' ' warm, po-.-ieij i.uv ol inlor.rl II I II O H ( P ;roa m: 11 li; j various n . thiarrl will , riii.i tii at their f r i' migrated. (i ,i ., to cay i! ;.i.i'. d will ;.-i7 S ir iurther n. r it -utinj ; ..itLi r u ifunds nu ,; .x ir-ions u I it in y t a t ,ha above pi 1 n tot ! to a litt'o colder c'.iuiam that thov liiir-dr.be iTr"' I l0t, . Svi i'Uk J'

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