MM voii. ii. OHARtiOTTB, 33". O., Jk3PLIH. 22, 1862, KTO. S. - MRS. T. J. HOLTOW, ". IwlTftKSS AND PROPRIETRESS. ,, . TERMS: ThNorth.CarollneWHig willbeaffurd.d to.ub eribere at TWO DOLLAR in advao. (TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if payment be delayed for thre montba;and THREE DOLLAH8 at Hie end af tba year. Nopaper will ba diacoa tiaa.d unliUi! arrearag a ara paid, except at the 'optima of the Editor. AdrtiementinrledalOnDollarperquar (t6lineorle,thirsiaed tjpa) for the liou.and 35 cent for each eon tmoaiice. Coo r tad ortiacmuDla and 8liniT' Sale charged Ui per cant big hr ; nd a deduction of 33J per cent, will ba made from the regular price, for adertiaera oy the jeer. Advertisement inserted monthly or a, uarterly, at tl per square for each time. Semi monthly 75 cent per aquar.for.afbtini. Person when eending in their ajrertieemente aval anark the Bomber of insertion da.irud or they will ha isserl.d until forbid and charged ac ordiwfl. tTPoatmtatera re authorised Inset a agent WnA'f A FAEMER WANT. A faranar waata a atabU mind, A parpoae aare and tUady, To patient industry inclined For kaatiieea always rdy. God careful babita well iaBied, A jadgmnt acting elearly,. Ta eift ear truth, with errnf mud, Tttough it trKjale eoat himdaarly. He waau a poaetraliog eye, Tbat he aaay quire 4 nearer. If any bannaae gona awav Thalhc'a preaioiog over. II wanta a mind tbtt'a wid. awake, A aaxknai of intention. Abounding oiuakin tbougbll'ul care And prudent circvmapoetiea . U wanta a Mat and prudent wife, Wh, wbrn be ea, ta, can save it Who kindly aoMhea the aarea of life. (Bel gilt of II im whJjaa it ) a wiata a aeug and tidy farm. Ami lie.iln aad atrcnglh tnftthrr, A boute and barn to keep all waraa And dry in rainy weather. Hraiaa'e bUaaiega then moat craw a the whole. Or sH hi bnpea are blaated. Hut wiib thia reating en hia ecu I, The pureal jy. are Ueled. Hr lkn enjeya a kle unknown V ilien the wond call, gra.teat ; Kaonn only ta the go. d alon. The rli.l and the laleal. I Lot tbe Night. I lava tha Bight whan tha moon atrtatas bright, Oa li.m that drink the dtw. When eaaeadea about aa tha .tare pp out From bouodlta. nrld.afblua; Bat dearer far tMaa mnaa of .tar Or llnwera of gaady hu. Or bubbling trill ef BiooaLie ril!a I lo., I love, lova vot ! I lor t .tray, at tha elo. of day, Through grovea of liaden Ir.ra. Whan wrabl.d notes from aoag birde throat. Ara vonal ia Ih Hm. I lov Ih. night, the glanou aigwl, Wba hurt beat waraa and trwa, Bat f.i above tha night, I ra I lov., I lot, love voc ! iUlfOUS. From th Darlington Hontktrntr. HERCnAST'S CLERK. TELirSEAIIGE STOKT. BY MISS I. B. C. The day wat dark aid rainy, wbea I took, my umbrella and wendsd my way to tbe miserable house ia Wilmol street, whsre in a neat, but poverty stricken room, resi ded two poor women, upon whose clouded days I had strivsn to throw a little sun shine. My cxperienee among the poor, indeed among most all for whom I nave done a kind act, or lo whom t have spoken words ef CDooursgsment and ebeor, differs from bat of many others. Gratitude has been y pleasant reward, if not always acted all aventa. aookab 1 and I bava seldom hen made to feel that hindoees can he l wn away. Kind acts, kind words fall "se prscious balm upon hearts that nssd than, aod even though the giver of them y aever kaow it, they are treasured p and eoBDted as precious jewels by the re cipients. My experience lesebes me that there ia a chord ia ln heart of every one rich and poor, high and low, tbat i isponda to the loach of kindness, and ingratitude is not the widely practiced sin which some represeot it. There may be an ungrateful too and to tha tett.r b.lonaVd th two nr Bnman T .:.;; . . . ' . . . As X wended my way up tbe dark:, sar- row stairway and kaeeked at the door : St waa opened by one of my poor friends. tier counteaance brlgbUned when she saw ma. How delighted," she eaid, "sister will be toaeeyouj aba has been oat wishing for yoo to cheer ber up with words of strong consolation." I entered tbe homely room 5 tbe sister, a hopeless invalid, was lying on L. u-j '1..-:.' i.,. u:u. Til:- tuo peg, viaaping air jioi wuu ucr iuib fingers. She laid it aside and grasped my hand .m.ili ai.H in Krnk.n tm.. mr. pressed fcr joy at seeing me. I sat down whaoee my sorrew earns, that I became dying breath Ella Carrington charged me and although the stations have been uie . . larido wa eitoiied by every oue Its no heside ber aud lirtened patiently aod sym- content to recci. e them." to giro you this message. " If you erer see grapbed, nothing had siDo been heard . l" comuiandrr won lor biiineU a name patbisiogly to a recital of her bodily ail- Ha abhed. I thall never gain that Charles Rushton, tell him that I lived and from them up to 2 o'clock p. in. "bush cat. never -ferwli. All our people menu. Aid truly, one could not be gen enviable state, Elleu. My miseries are died troe to tbe one love of my life." You Altogether this h one o( the most eitrnor- , ' . ' n"ulu" u-uv u ex ile aod kind, and pityiog to tbu patient aud doubled by knowing that I myself waa the ' were the object upon whom the pure warm diosry affairs we have yet beard of. If ; peeled hut the belir-i was tbat tne entne a-"... i:- : r .k I .l..k. t,..- t.. ... f.t;,,.,. f . ;-. h..rt ..r. U.i.h.d the intention ia robberv. which U the na i krDiy 'htf enemy could be captured, with erty and suffering, yet seyi.,, it is tbe Lord ; let him do wbataeemMh biiu good " We spoke of tbe aorrows and trials of thia life how they eao endure but for season z . j .l . . j tbeo we turned our thoughts to heaven and dfell upon thee pUasures which are at tba right band of God." Sn fancied tbat my words gave her strength to bear ber woea. but indeed, it was she who imparted streagth to re, and in this bemblehomcof aunuren ot povtrtj those lessons cf faitb. bon children ef poverty! have learned etsons cf faitb, bope and enduranoc, which all tbe glittering maraioaa ef sfllu- eoee have yet failed to teaeb me. Whilst thus conversing, a low, hollow couch, croeeedina from the room below.: frequently broke upon my ear. Tbat la Mr. Hu.h.on eougbin-.-'-said the sick woman tioiiaiijir m ri.niiirin, look i W O iui joiij i ua.o ..Su. jv.. " lie is so low that the puyician ssjs he ! With the asialaoee of bin mother I rais wilt nuver leave bis bed aain.'' d bitu up. oh, how filuliy weak be wi, " Mr Ite.btea 1 ' I started. " Hy father and ba gratefully reci-ived the proff.-red nee bad a alerk " I aaid, " named Charles 1 delicacy. "When I took my leave of him iiuDioa,aniigaaaoe aaconii'ialtel youoc 1 mil ; bat tbat we many years ago I nave lost sight of bitn now.' " Tbi gentleman is earned Charles Rush ton," waa tbe reply. " Hut sere it easncl be the same," was my anawer. The Charl.a Haabton of whom I apeak, from bis t.leata and address ou;ht to be ia a very different position from that which the ledger of tbe room below must occupy. What sort of a looking person is this Cbarlea Re.bton !" " Very tall,'' waa .be reply. " His oir, I Uck and gloaay ; i streaked with crar, be has Itcn haedtome, but iotsn perauoe and ill beaitb have deprived biiu of his eood look." My father's clerk, Cbarlei RatLton, aa swered tb the description. Tall, with an elegant carriage and winotog address t have rarely seen se bsndsome and fascinating a jooog hit. Rut surely the miserabls wretch, abe seemed coaching away hi. life in poverty and lonelinias, could not be the Cha Ua Ku.hton h wa ono to sought after aod admired for is tsleiit and ae eoroplit'umeiils. Who dors the geutieman bclew live with ? " I a.ked. His o'd mother," was tbe rsply. She is agsd aud infirm, but devotes bsrself to the ear of ber sen. With asaddeoed heart I wended my way borne I. pondered long en the history I had just heard, and received lo assure my self wbetber Ibis was my fstbers old snd confidential clerk, the once elegant Charles Ra.btoa. Accordingly the next day, la- king sach delicacies with mo a. I kntw would be acceptable to ao invalid, I again dt wsy so tae 01 a oouso. cut mis tini. I did not eo up .lairs, I stopn.d at tba .,, , 6 , , , .r , ill man e room, aaa knocked at tbe door. Atone I recognised in the tall .lately old , woman who answered my knoek a lueneae to tbeCb.rl..lU.hion Iso well rememb.r- ed. 1 tufmuied her that hearing from my f.iAftfla in 1 1. ,nn knw Af tl. .1 n( I . ... I i. . i . iT . . , .. . , . . aciioeoiea, aou wunierer oiotr hit en a m mw!.lm u. t. -;.h;- my voice. " Who is there I" bs said. I vcotered to look into tb room, hoping from bim au invitation to eutvr, aud I was not disappointed " Will yon come in 1" be said. His mother opened the door, and I enter ed. One glance sufficed to assure me tbat iiwwi .ih.wi. viiiuig uf via uie waa , none other than tbe baud-otne Chare . . .i j mi . i . Kusbton of other days." I approached tb j j . . i . . ; . , had and took hi thin hand n m.iia It gated long and ears.stly al me, did my face awake dim memories of the past T memo ries of bope, of love, of joy. I know not, bat a slight quiver passed over hia face, his hand trembled, but he spoke uot. . . . i ,. , 1 Charles Rushton," I said ia a voice that was full of emotion, I hare come to is you for the sske of other dsys." He covered bis fsce, theu low aobs burst IrOlll bIS bCSrt. Alssl" be said, Ellen Carrington, that you should meet me thus; oh, this mis.ry 1" Missry indeed 1 my heart was too full to reply j tbe scalding lesrs gathered in my eyes, and oourssd silently down tuy check, For an instant neither ef at spoke; memo- ry was busy with tbl past; then be said, Do yea remember when we laat mlT" "Tec, at the grand birthday ball my fath - er gave to Ella." Us shuddered. "lie well I remember it ! tha nillara cf tha niaria wraathed with I flowers, the ehsadeliers Iwiasd with th ' nn,t tba bind of music, tb 1ot1j happy etood tbe meaning of the indifference which Eytraordinart Affair. We have to j Tub Battle of Shiloh. Ao intelli girle, and lovelieet of all, sweet Ella !a h.r she had always cringed lo th numerous record to d ay either one of tbe moft dar g.nt tIieillbtr 0f 'fhe 5.1, Texas Regiment imp dress of white. sneh thing, arc a- -gentlemen, who attracted by bar 1ot.1jq.ii, lag robberies orrnaddest pranks that ba; f , f h who h.,. moojr tba pare, bright memories of mj coal j thronged .round her. er fallen uo,er our notice, and that is : ot .' ' ' . rm 0 ' tha '!- "bo WM h,r I would not part With thea for worldi.-. One night, it was the last of his life, I sat , the carrying off the engine, tender a,,.) :0" Ir'Ja 8'8bt. "iade : Tou were a child tbeo, Ellen." . beside tb bed of Cbarlei Rushton. Since raaij an express ears of the 4 o'clock pa j He passed drinth ou Tuesday morning, " Tci, I wti fifteen." Our first meeting we bad not spoken of El- senger train on the Westoro and Atlantic j rid while stopping an hour, collected thia "It ia fifteen years ago, to day bow itrin.a that am ahonld kein Ella'a birth - J.. . .V... v.. ... ... nlrl . ' . . . 1 , , isillen I bow pale ana sad you loot. ieu to neoome my wne, it waa my me a oream, ha?e known aorraw ..nee we last saw each, bat wbea that fearful iee took poses.ion other at tbat glitteriog ball." lef me, I fell it woald be wrooging her to " Yea, Charles Ru.hton," w-.f my reply, invite her to share my wretched fate. No, "I hate known many and deep woea and no, I lored ber loo well for that, and I have I have had to wade through dark and ator-'tbe consolation of knowing tbat bowerer my water before my feet could gaia tbe dark tbe shadows I hare thrown upon the tranquil atream of peace and content." ' pathway of others, I nerer did augbt to '"And haregained them ?" he a.ked. cloud ber brilliant youag life. She lo.d v.. l... U .u.t, l,..Ur,- r.r V.ii. i li o t T Inn. acq, u uvi wmiuui vi mu j ri ui. and hard fought battle, and it was not un- til I lifted mvavaa ahnva and saw from but for myself I might have been a rv.pee table and bapppy man. Peace aud content , can never be my portion." ; " I trunt that even for you there may yet i ...... :.. .kt. 1.1 n....!.... be peace and content iu this aorld, Charles Rushton." 'This world why I am fast parsing a- way from it sunshine and it stormi, its I plssaures and pains. Elleu Look at this band," be said, holding up hi thin fiug-rs "aud you never beard me cough, why, there is scarcely any life left in me wben! tbe spell is over. Ah, not this life for roe , is done; the intoxicating bowl, Elien, has brought me to despair and the grave." VW.ll ;,.A mi. IV .Knut it nnw " I replied, noticing tbe inerraain e leiietuent 0f hi. manner, " but try aud eat some of .1.:.. :.n. I l... u.... .l. ., I ha .!, - alien, you mu.t cow ana. ei-mc every day. I have not long to live Do not tell aoy one tbat you have found Charles Ru.h-!fora too; let not my memory be again revived among those who knew 01s 10 otbsr daya. world." I promised him, he cla.ped my band ,rmly, and we parted When I reached tny home I wept bitterly wept over the tbe sad wreck that 1 had juit seen, the ouee elegant Chrrle Ku.htjn, brought to the prav aa bo himself .aid, and to the pit of despair by the fatal vice of iulemper anee. in next a ay 1 vwiiea mm again. 11s was evidently weeaer, put weicotnea me gladly, and bade me sit close to bun where : be could talk to m. He spoke of bis was- . wru me, ma w.Siea i.-.m. .ou "i'F"u" , nities i " Few young men," be ssid, " eomraoneed life with as fair propec:s as uiiu, and few have so completely, a utterly bla-tcj tbcm When your father retired from buaiuess, I ! had saved enough from tho generous sale- rv he allowed me to enter into business, for myself. For two yeara I was eminently ssceSIal j inrn lue accursea aemoo 01 drink took possession of me; little by little the monster dragged me dowr tbe f. arful abyss until every hope was lost, and I found my.elf io a position from which escape was impo.sible. I left the city, sod determined to beuin a new life elsewhere. At first. I ;fc , resulsit.on, then I yielded 'to 1 j tept,i00 ,nd u,,er ruj0 ,,nd degradation Ln,e(i tu:- ...... l . j i . j . ' .k:i;,. . . ijnoney waa gone, my respectability, mv , . .n .1,.; ' .,1. 1;.,' . r relurDed bcre t0 die. , m. B hr wuh , Uit, wboS(J doo wffe ,0Jed ber degraded .00. Hut h , f bur ao(J t0 durj .... C less, despsiring, ob, what a w retched hie I l - I J ..:n .. i - :i . i have lad, still struggling, vainly struggling J "" in the graap of tbe monster upon whose dark altar I bare a.erificed my hopes and my life Ob, Kllen, Ellen, if there is one man in whom ydu take an interest, warn him, as you love biiu, against indulging in tbo fearful vice that has brought me to ruiu snd degradation." For three weeks, I daily visited Charles Rushioo in bis miserable room ot Mckuc-s . . . n , , , , and poverty. His couh lucreaspd and he ' , , ' , , grcw hourly weoker. but be seemed caitiut a i a i , v. hum iua ucsuairiUE as li ui-areu ma eau . . r o . noes of the irrsV. I read to him, prayed with him, and the tears would course si- leatly down bis thin ebaek. me with tbe most grateful are aa angel of goodness, as I leant over him to admiaister his nour i.U.t Tha aniria f nur Ia rn. ..m. : ed ever hovering ever us, and when 1 mio- (istarad to tha ill man n anl f. ...e.. ed to look smilingly upou us. Ouo ye ar h.fnr. thia I had r...u,.u.l hoP ..,r.l. Kllen,' abe said to me iu the deep still raes of the night .ha died, ' draw close, dear .inter, and let me reveal to you my heart accret. Before tbe dust of tba grave settles upon my lip, let me tall you ho my whole life weut forth in oue wild.iutox j ioatiog dream of love. was my I fl ,0T "d DOt b lovd ' i 'f )'oa !'"' Cbarlea Rushton tell bim tbat I (lived aud dietl true to the one love of tuy j1'1"4" Fcr an answer I StOOned and kissed her pale brew, aad fer the first lime I aadsr- la, bat now, be told me o: hu love lor cer, 1 be dwelt UDon her beauty, her loelr qual - litin tn.1 h .aid " I intended to ask her , l:f J wv, . u u . ui.iuj, . " - " " - j ed her " . "Charles RltuhtOO." I said. " with her and I know that through ber whole life abo never ceanrd hoping for your returning foot- steps which alas ! for ber never came again, Believe me the love of such au oue as Eila I'.,,;.. .. i;..i.,i, nnr .iik Carrington is not given lightly nor with drawn tai!y. Yes, the love that sprung into being in early life endured faithfully until that lifu tuolf bad ceased to be He groaned aloud. " My cup of misery is brimming over," be said " this last bitter drop ha cau!d it to overflow. The next morning when I called Charles Rushton was as dead I stood a moment and the pale sad face, what a flood fwept over me at tLe :eht. I looked at of bitterness could stand it oo longer sod quretly clooing the I?01".' 1 ''ce'Je lhed,r.k " ,ow ' be ! "bked tbe Duad. God bive mercy upffn the soul," she fervently, "of the miserable t-tcrtm """v p.,,n ,,, i.- ,l. i . r li, k (M of Lieut. Jett. Ed. Smilb Qttt of lhU ficillit htd 8erftnt B c boy name Dick, be-' J(j in f 0J- -steea)ej fH0 uw-citizeu. Tbo gBllh( goiog iat0 bat.;witb these marauders, and thai their spec- ! lie, the boys, not wishing to be robbed by ! ii 11 i.e. .11 iv.;, in the bands of Dick aa tbeir banker, j mJ ordered bim ,0 t wUh th rfar d and baggage. The battle raged ?ng, and 1) ck bec jine very uneasy about bis mess !n -. n,; their regular mea!s, in the midt o! such i-harii exerci-e. At Ieqlb he load ed hiui-clf nuh provision, and went to take ibrni tbeir diouer He fell into tha bands f b(J encul-( ,,ud fouad bimsslf a prison-; er Di,k ,ffeoted to be delighted with tbe rircarnin0tl( ,rid ,0Id then) that be was a Unloa man 4nd bei0.jcd , 0f b(ll Union men in the world, "old man Smith," ,1,,,., ,..,. mila. nff Tba )ii.tnoa i. 2.'ni miles ) They kept Dick along, how- ever, without searching bim, and at Ron- jonvilit. oue uijji't, ltok saw his ebaDge and "vamoosed ' He came into tbe mess with tho money all safe, and with a fine ovurcoat for himself, which he "found" just on,laviug. Washington (Ark.) Ttlt- grapn. Good tor the Thirsty Socdwr. Ex tretne ,nirst ' 0De of lbe nMt severe trials tee acuvu .o.uier una u euouuiri. ia- ularco anl on lue tttlu 01 ,ouS contented battle, be is often al- mot 0k,,rcome with fatigue and thirst. An old frontiersman, wbo has bad tuucb exper- ieoce on be Western borders aad on the nlains. suecests the following as tbe beat remedy and preventive of Ibir.t that has over beeu diocovered ; After a meal take the coffee crouods. boll tbem over aaaio. and pour it off into your cauteen, aud let it co .l for your next march. It is not only nutritive aud stuuulatin,;, but it will qiench w u,ore effectually than water. It wiil go two or tbree times as tar a-, wator I .1 .1. ..a.. J. .1... I..: i'0 JUB F"". . o ,,bu U4ed- dr-J tbem ud, l,em ,D ?0.ur pocket, aod chew them st intervals on tbo march, or during any arduous servioc, and they will repress thirst, aud satiate greatly tbo cravim-s of buD;er. Tbia course has been tried nuh the most gratifying results, aud is worthy of a trial by every soldier in the service. V A MVs. t.t-M Anion,; tne mean acts late ly perpetrated by tne laukeesin Moore fie'd, Hardy couuty, Va , was tbe deseera- "ou ot b resting place ot itic jauiuy oi ek. He clung lo eo. C. Harness, dee'd These vandal.. ul regard " you j wt,l ia tue caietery and destroyed a beau-1 s,"be would eay.f-i aionuiiieiit treated k, 1.11... the son cf Mr. Geo. Haroesa. It bore the simple inscription, " Oar Father snd Mo j lh r," yet tb' eu.sugb to cause its de- .struotioo. as it covered tbe remaius of th parent ol a child w ho is true to hi cauntry aud lo tbe instincts of patriotism. a u v vo i . ..i.'invr for the protccwon of white laborer.- ... '. ... ...i d.ersmsrch to b.tile, uot tu the sptril which , would leaJ them, if victorious, to say, with Cmsar: "1 cam, I saw, I conquered;" but iu the spirit which led John Sobicski, I... over the Turks, to aa . I " I cam.), I saw. Godoonquercd." Eouie ! FhtSaJelphi. The dulnet of the gentle truat in chaiiots, and some in hordes, butjiuau by whom tbe bill was read is p.nte we will remember the name of the Lord uiarly tainted wsth our colored friemis. our God." "Our fathers trustsiia thse, haunt Bedford, South and n.tgbbonug aad thoa didst deliver thm, thoroaghfar. nauroau. iue iaoi oi vuB case, so i,r a 1 wo can ascertain, are tuene : it .nn ' while the conductor. enyiue r anti o; i . ,! ., : ,U . ,4 ,.t, ymi.ra -.!.. im ui,.wj.. - ting tbe train to Chattnnooga, were ai. m the breakfast bouse at Bijr febanty re-aln.g tbemnelres on coffee, hot biscuit and other etceteras pertaining to that meal, and ln' thos ooiiifortabiy employed, hoi,,- p-r.ou or persons, unknown to us, and unkuowo to erery one else, (for wc believe no one . the operalion performed.) detached the en .in-. tndr aud mail ani PxnreM earK from r. 1 ' I the remainder of the train, nd it-ftai; 1 "doubleqjick" 00 the rojd trnrd liuitau,: tural conclusion, it far surpas-e the bol - dent exploit of ' Jack Sheppard-' in 1)1 - mie-t d ay. Atlanta Comntomre-ilth, 1 -i'Ji About a mil- below Kin " li r,0 S-.'ur-! . . '. oay aneruoon, too m.-nig engine was touuu on tbe the track uninjured, and out of wopl and water, while the robbers had taktu to -. heam ..enral hv the citizen, of the couutr. jjuriDg tbeir progress over the ;road,the bridge-burners bad tried every meaI)1'they could to impede the progress of ,beir purtuer,. TheT cut tfce teie,,r8pi wire( UD00D !ed a car and )eft it 00 tbl traok( tlirew QUt cros8 tiv- acro,B tlie ,rack &fl bu lbeae obstructi00, avaiUd but lit tle. Ont rfaturuav mornini;, eiht of the parif were arrestea, aaa eiier neing sounu-1 In r hit-tit ted awtnrpsnefi tiiixt tliAV hari hrpn ....... from Shelhu.iUa hv the Federal. igU fef ti- purp0M of burniDg ,be bridges ; and tearing up tbe track ot tbe raiiroaa so j as to provent reinforcements being sent on to our army st Conrintb. They state that 109 Pr;7 twenty to. lbetl, lance were atiil at large, but would I proba- blJ be crested in a snort timo. We here b'lho Government will make quick work d tDd "og- pubishment will strike terror to the hearts of all snies and tractors w among t.Augutta Constitution alist, 15th. j Ths N'evti from Hampton Road t'r to 3 O'CLOCK, ON TUB llTH '.Monitor, t which from its defeat of the rebel irot, mou- c ster. we take to be tbe most perf ct tuoicl of this kind of vessel afioaf" JSexoiork Herald, Silarcfi litt. . Such was the assumption of tbe 11-ia'l such the declaration ot all the Northern nress. With one voice thev claimed n vie- tory 'at onee brilliant and deci.-ivo. What, theu, trill the world say, when it i ir.f rui ci that, od the lllb day of April, iu t: year of Grace 1?6, tbe irini.-i, in pr-- seuce of French and English i-tiips of war, went off Old Point aud bully-r.ixtj tiu famous " Monitor," wbo, like au uuaruse and veritable " cheese box." lay in shia; water without accepting the g ot cim bat I And, under her veiy cut :.ti r, Capt. Barney, in tne " J ainc.-ioti. rsii in tnd broUKht off three prizes, hich were t0(rca Up by the Uii;u anon-. O C CCi , Lieut. Alexander delivering bii p.ini. 1-. thirteen iu number, attbo N ivy li returniug. Xoifo k Leu Loji. MVSTERIOOS Disappearance. Ti Chronicle aud SenUnel, of ye r.: .1 1... aU'-aiDai a person eat.iuir m J. M- R Rutied ot tu I".; has mysteriously dissppeaiod f.oai t! city Tuesday la-t. He was steppiug at t UiuDo Hotel, tto ieu t-ouic i back ot envelopes, seetn t that be bad attomptid u t :. - in nor..., .! b,,,:, -i . ! ri n he b ave w a j l l n- a u or temporary insanity , i .. .m... scriptioa of bis person is -;iven, in the that it may possibly lead to his di-.-c Ha was between 'o and 30 years of hope about S feet 8 or III inches in b eiitbiug, perhaps, 15U pounds ; light and Bond cotn;...i lion, ratbur tyiu faeij aud pro.u inent nose without inoutaebs or beard liht hair, and sotrewhat l al I Ha w.-.s quiet ain1'uinU!iiit.'.' v '.s ui a:.-. in. I was evidently w i-1 ; eJucatid His tt! eti are now in t'i hands ot Mr Ma! ara1 y, ot lh G'obo Hotel . August Co.nituut.j't gro Labor in Fiulai.ii. ruiA A despatch dated Ilarriaburg, Fa , 1 3d tost , says : The i;..rreseuttive in tb H mse fr.jtu tto d ti ict bouu ied by Sout Chi l-ta:i and Broad streets aud tbe river D .If ware, j Mr. Josephs, bas introduced in ail provid-: against negro competition'. It i oue of a . - . if.,,, t,,j. introduced, but hss bsea drawn up with more care than j tbe others, aod .is d signed lo effect not, only negroes who may enter the Mate bere after, but those who reside at prescut .in ".a.iou ; no naa capiurca o.uuu r N .v Orleans, a r -N Oricins, and a portion to MeoiDb'ts. 1 e 111 111 hK if HUH' U:L J n... I.. . - - -- - , informed, were what remained of l'"''i d bo was lold by the j g-iar.l wl o i. ibem in charge, that they ,; J n 'J 0 tad captured, be ; ' , c-.nnon. and tat the enemy j n-fl n-ccvre i ou y ior o tiuro I -'" "" oteveral regimania was : ",0 0 P'-;'- M eouio not recoL ' h'ir tiiu.;-. i.'it otic of tbe lenticssee 'iiMii'. Ii.i'l !iiifl-rfd tiirt hevercly of all, d the Kfi, lucky reiuint of Gen. Hreck- t all tbeir boats. JiU-rica had been ereet.d oa th j nver Mb,otl woa cl Prcvcnt tbsir es. , ear e ; 30 W' , 8 itv 1 r I c , w as approaching:. .... .r 6. j..,,, t,tcr e2CC(U..t, t,M, ihe ,bove, were - br3U;!lit hy tho Uoo Mr Tib,) of tb, wnii-(l "'(,rrt.onta.fiv, ,1,,, irn,,,4 ; ! 3 V, UB,-"UJ- "U.0,,V"7 i , , ;F, ? ,'7."' ".t rv at Jhiioh aro tae njr; li atif vitiir tbat we have ri'uii or beard. t3te codQ- difinly tl;attiii- n i uiiier of pt i.-ocers taken i-i no: than 'i ,fi 1 , and thu etictnj's loss 'li ti e b.iit.ff ot au l MoDdyl in kti.ed and woundvi by their own admis fioo, reachen 1-0. nt'!J. Mr. T. alo states tbat t.eariy the wiiol-: of the amiiiutiition iore C3ptured t, v our 8r(1) ou Sunday. nd wbicti Uen. lit-aurcru bau to leave beeu behind him when he i cured to Corinth," had caved by t!j- j.iuiil .10 J indciatiza- bio Morgan, whcio vry natf.o is a ttrror 10 t' e f't.t TuV l'i ! Tr.- rich J'ruts alniot icealcul'ib perhsf - tr.i. m-j.-t 11 a r- Ori : . -J IJ 1 1 f. ti.i t'.ort'.iin fi;ht are t;, and thu blow ttfliattd i'.:- i..' which tbe tiiemy 1: . .1 tii of tea war. . The Yank nr..-.' !':::;r s;,n. the Alm:j:: TV i'l'Li.AK It ? Yutkcej t.ave ptraiis aion from Mr. Line. 'a "t trade with the rccovcrc 1 f-'t-it.'s." Acc;r':;n?'v .be Secre tary of tile Tteaury has ieued instructions tjt:.L' trt-s a:y i:-.-ui, co.;cctor aad sar- tvi"r' i 'i !' j and Jii.i.sissippi rivers, 1::-; ';:i ;.r i-it: ui to tbe Jrccrctary an! authorized the th .ii.i-t.1 oi toods not intended tor aid to the Jrvbs-iiion, to all places cccapied by the rai f in too ahey btates. of iustr actioQs .tae Sa Iri hi" rcc-nt ictto cr' -" :".v v"" : Y r. i't.--r ccj-c c;,.e;!in any r t (or j.,.niiimt. the tran . : j ; ..f fi-riM m.i-i bvtweea ' .i i j;, it :jt-i a:.. ! t:it) loj I i .ii .try ..ecti.ns of I tie : 1 1 i or cotitroiiea by lue for ! i States, other thaa tbe o! taitty rcn:s for each per ca at. 'ii x for Maided from any yi :at'? ta auotuer in tbe :ate, nor ,1-itrcise aud super- per c !;.. , u, r 0 .: c. - . lih t r piaca ii ;i ovi r ti o tra ic bit en such Statts, rt auc'i at n:ay ta nec.-s-ary to pre s i;.j- i of :.tiy tie?ri.tiju Ocing tur- d to t i : ..-.j It, is furthermore .-( t t 'lt i j permits be :r ii.te J l r aoy . i,. f.aviiii ty l::e tiii.itary authari . t ; t.-xti-p -rltd Jinto ttie territory oa- j I v iL j fjic.s of the Uutted States. Vriit ia 1' at XL 3 debt of Lin ! i. vi-t tin; the Yankees admit !. -s i;. . can C 't .j j-.t aud r.b tbe n f. s pi ...j, by Ja.y it will reach ii rt..1 .' I i te people have an -i . r" t .'iai I it was in ... i r J ;i"(l rjity dollars t : .. r I -j I 'ur tui.iions of e i s" i t j. ihjjsjnd tons oi two r.! t ,i .-i 1- each It in si ver, at a i- t " i i i : . ir w.i aid bj ixty two u h tli ii. i ,i-v.t ' p iun-1!-. It carried rass, t!i,-i-:n) i pounds oti each dray, lid take P'.'.St'.l dr.ij to carry it ie a per.-ou could count d irireacH ,,l i work s:x hours eacu day, tlaen i i ;-.'.;o 0"e buod'.ed aad twenty , ! i' M t.i'; of rif dol n" 1 . t . th ? !t;c li. H would piaks i' o,a LI 1 ." (j Lt-ih. or n I -aid down !; t, e .c;i 3:' V ch C -'-s, it wcu'.d be a pi , feai:y I l'eopl, 1 v o 1 ! l: i i e e t! e Hi a ILJ ? U U t say tbat Tne R m an .Sim - Vi u Totupeii a Ji's.r. e i. ;..ei wie many buried IQ c tu'tis i I ' t who wire alter arus fojod lit Th. iff - SOID if v i.aJ been St. l'bere eii iuilers ; but a hi s titinel : the oily gate, ; tl.a war wea ..i i by his cap I oavi i.s threat i e la a sireaul pv."t, and tiiire, i i.a-sid aaay, tcmpt'i..; t f.r.l-,.1 hey tit. wteio did t Thev foui.a with ins hand pon, wture he ta.a ; enei ro'ei. at: r . was ! stan 1 d atv l.j . t' ..r'st.iius learu to nhu-h th-y Snd tbeir o tl o .'-t ni .upport aud jtiu them