llDrifrCarDlmaMbig.; HA CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, .April '2), 186.2. '-,a U K. f! . VVAkrfield, Hm)., l" f.enoi , ha con. ; arnira In so;, and it our mi ihor ; i.rii spent. 11 Ml receive eiders fnr ilic Wiuo, bunks or saver- j I'm inrnts. and rrrrtpt for theisme. A -i ? ne. yons 1 ....r.r..nr . i.v io h.m ,ih. three month, i il! runu the ;ii j for two doll - ; Eenirraber, That trt it.ut nil ktas of country pro. ' the Ti. Eg, liutiir, jMid, Ltticktntt in Jact anything lut.t is in !he r-iufktt. Wood. Thoe of our country fiicmis ul.i ictecd paying their s ubscripti ci.s iu w c ;! , will eorifer a favor upon u by bringicj itiu as soon as jossibiv. Ih tii'Te ai y ar...: u- abo will try to claim prouctioD r.cu. Utcat Lri'.taia, if so uouid it Lot le t!i for tiie 'ii'.ac:e Coin- lu.tteo to see tL.-t :Lcy are .:. rig-.t, iba ' hey LjTer vct.d aui L::ve b.H-a ai they Co til try to le ica'.Iy &ri truly tbe suljccts of Grtat b'r.ttaia. V"e Lire Leard it rcmaik ed tbat tLore were to:ue cf tbis class, in our midst sosc who i Lave everjr reason to believe hive trucWed ail fbe Tiviieges: frra:,ted tq relive Icru's, lock sharp f ettre ' fctu perhaps before jci jet the pro-tteti-n you di-sira yoi way be fscitig the lueiuj .1 ur usx,rT itj us r.gn juu were aliased forty days, to Jeate the Con- federieT vcu Lsve remiLrJ ItLibd ho.i yon mut take all the cbanecs cf toutL-.m bora cii.Z'-ns iii.e LTisc-ct C:ty. , The fall of New Orleans. a:thoi:?h it has' , ,i ,-.C?",8'"7 r greatest ca.em-.no Uat i,as bef.aet! us- this eivc tlo f-.i-v t coLtrol of the f rest va..ey c tu-; Wis ts-ir?!, and divide ojr Confe'ltriey, I is, I.c-'-.i-a 1: greil v','.-. y tLi.i to cfca new,.":. which has Lure le ; avieg .'ii-so Texs.:. UtLe V,'u ,e Dcea ca: i, Arkaa , .f tha: iC e&eOJj, ra fi'talt-s 'v elated triluit th r. etd wl'tb Ls leth very dtt r:riitLti to tt.-s ia-i.es ttrci.iigi iad'.t.f c -r t:'.l Lut ti.i. Li Bieats .v..uj; tit. 5.a-.L. t- .id ty so, have Issg ksjar. t iit til, i: toate and ' . acy,:i:. ;uUeC;:-: cr uw, calii .-.-.r'. i i. j i variably giria the h.r' , r-.-. - 'r.-...:;, r.L-a e . ;r t i.i art g JaLt certais, armour, coirs .v.eee's tru-! ar.i O.i Duty. ojt prti3.it po.!.';:o a -.li.u!at-'i ij dicjuraj io'.t't.-.i j tie fears c .ioD? Leen pro:.e to i-. tks (.:e-p-:d :lg, t .''-e v. ho i. ave sp:r " ' ' . I; trui, Las- dealt us a heavy e;'.arc of oar largest eity, and :, ' L; merer We LaJ rf-paration tbat ' r. j.;-r; js Ltavy 1 j. ., i t'l.-j eneour. ' '-'' -'''';: :. ti it t.t rjta.y . Law Irtu iLista .ate u.jt t;a reap- j fc'..p',i- tf 1 i art uofii y f tUey and :r '.:;:.. I :t 1 oi :.briy ar.J ' ote ( f ! i Tv a U i ' ..- l.-.:-t f try .' b .::. a. tuvte is a wau 10 m a r 5e, or u :-t suba.it t j he the veu. -t hrrfi fiat tr . a i t f; tailb. i ai.kce llearcu dif'i.d us li.'ci a r !.!. ".ioi;. We "si.nt COttr-'iipint r , , ". I 1 cl lira eoni'Mt ti.: i. iac;.. i..t-i):Li;.4 bold dear iu i.f -.i! that COUld Uia.i .- r. :. t.j ; tne stru.ic . i .-. 1 invbived i ;'.-r or pti IIjtlSv s !. j a.i Ibtt'l s:.. . r -;!.,. tue It- n jl.kVi jt . '. .'i ',. ii,( .K'i . .. A.ivjiSZi -.I'ivSi- T tivi ' Bell." to the Confederate Gov O'CV ! MHiurj purposes. It is with pi Chabloti X, C. April loth lSG'-. Col. JGckoas, Vhrif vf OrtiinaMc. Kh iimo.sd Va. Pt.au Sir : At a meeting of the Oilixene of this plsre held on the 1 just.. It was unanimously Kesoh'ttl, Tbt tin Mayor Town Clock Government for easnre that I bow tuiko the leader as instructed. Tbe Dell wticbe 1565 lbs. The vsiiousdenomi Btuor.s of tbe town bare also, UesohrJ, k(i.imoM7y, to offer their ' Cbureb Bells," 1 . ,. , - for tbe same purpose making a total of bout 2o00 Us, and as this is thought to be i j sufficient bell Metal for tbt construction of good Battery I request that if accepted it be marked the" Chaflotte Bell Battery," and as Capt. lire in ef tbis plsce is now is ,,. , , .lit . ...... -ebond, OD the look out for guus to re- place tboat lesi in tbe fight at Newberu, it1 would be rery gratifying to our bare the Battery placed L.s obarge, be ; liertog as we do tbat be w.;i always gire a, ' ! good report from it whenever a!d upon by bis country. I am sir Very Respectfully, 1 UOBT. V. DAYIDSON. j Mayor. ORDINANCE OFFICE. IIiciimo.nd, April '2'iaii 1 S0 . j IUr. F. Pavikson, j Mayor of Charlotte. J I) LAV. Six : Please accept tbo thanks oft this Department for your patriotic offer of Town and Church Dell which is aseepted ; Tbe work will be put in hand immediate- j ly end the guns will be marked Tje " Char-1 - BtUtr " l4 PUeed C0M wand ot 'Captain Br em. Very Iutpectful'.y Year Obedient Sertskt. Smith Streukbury, dpt. Assist, to Ordk.ee. Bureau. A.soTiixa Plot or Villainy Thru Men Killed Another cae, sbowiu'tbe ur'cLt ntsessity of strict vijilaus and nromnt tkcmrei bcin? taken for the dales ti.1B0I (Dies Sod Su.picious ticularly on our iines of railro Sui.nsy morninj oa tbe Railroad, and, we regret to attended nuh loss of life. tienaea nuti loss ot lire. i Trie dona nitbt tra.n, which left Colaa-1 k:. c.....j. .: .... . u. ...', .. -'"- -......- lbXi eli-' l",u- 1 ' woruiug. . S'onie Ueud, who had no uoukl planned ill beforeaaud. forced the lever of the swUch, : Lerfcby throwing from the track a tender,: a car ear.ta;Lin" catt.e, a box ear and two . . . .. . 1 Mr. alat Ske.. nf akia aitr. ins Hr.J.'.i . . . " .... ji- a J t inem oil 01 iue:r sirunU o.'ls. Jijt we Cau Abrsns, a brother of Mr. C. D. Abrons, 1 do it at(1 not ha;f trJ ,bJ . lLitlk Mc.b ; aise of Ibis eity, were tnstankiy ka.eu. ,u Ter. near p!irefl 0, ju t(lasec-ion of 5Jr. John Spain., farmer, wh, li hort , (iit t0JDt V,. u dVserUr. "miu" in .istaDee from the for' s ef the King Strest etUi? dsv, aud a poorer s't of IUad, was mortaliv isjared, both f kiiim J ... t'. r... rL. i 1. :.- It;1 beiag mar. led, te.idei sustaining ether - - . "J""' ''- us uieu ae. ore toe traia rsacn- ine cuy, as iu..s p. these thrse passes-era bad got ea beard, ti-e train , at Kc.s Station. Desiring not w -mur IQ5.I wko were t.eapjug iu 'Je eara,iMj toox a ssa; ocwi-: ea tne p.at-. iorai. Aa the other passengers .traiiloiiii!j Mped witbaut injury, fie ear. eie car contaioioj the horses anJ olLtr a it:', a was t'liiiad orar. taJ. &ia- 'jUib. :-hout injury to any ef the eatt.e. We bops the villain who cemmitted tbe deed will be spsedi'.y caught. LfcrUti'jn Courier. It is gDera,ly behevoe that tne ). au.ees tave eva. a jl.J Tybee, and that they are en- ' rig to p'.mt batteries to com war. .1 deavoriti: '-Jf ner ueitutta U e uaderttaad that tee enemy have landed a cobsiderablu f ;ree on Ulba Ialand,' i ir i-e purpose, ujuh, 01 piauimg Lai-1 teries tbere. The steamer Saranoab i re-: ported t bare gono dwo je'terday afir-' b jou to shll them off tbe island. It U to be heped that the Yankees will not b per-, u.i. iej ij kcujj iL.e isiauus w;:um reacu of oar troops, and iltliberately erect bat-' tines to couiiuand oar river alienees. The steaKsr .St. John's reports ods g'in boat, a Lermnphro lite brie aod one steam tr at 'idus' r'o.i.t, aud tbat there ire live or iix TfcMeli ia i'y ksslUads. One tbo n er wasiyin at tne birf nar Fort Pu laski. oSiitniK 4 -Vcui, I'jih inst. lo ..Kjt-r hopes, jUJ Attacking New Orleash ' !r-' Pr-' Official despatches received Lere .tat e .'d l of Cbsr'eston, at lb1; mortar fleet of the enemy is bom Lii'iin the work just bele tbe sity of - i,:. the , t. i. to.Nc,7 , i . ... ..... f .. b'juiiiaruriient has centinacd for I -P ' 3 thr'.e diys. Yesterday, henever, the ire '' '-1 1 '. was L'.-Leral, a:,d rsed, tcrriLly darisr l .0 1 ;. r,-i'- of .the : the tut re day. At fort. Jscit'iQ arrl I'Liiip Gen J. M LJulcsu is in eoiiimsnd; be is said to be the nj'-t acconipusbed artii.erut in tbe service, iid ntrong hopos are cbtcrtained cf tbe re- ' p .i.-e 'A ine eiiiuy. if tic forts !ioi.!d be redeced tbe irun-: el-.il boat, tie Loui.iana, which is said to be u;rior to t!.e 'irgii.ia, is expected lo een r:tut.' to ;Le di.f:bte of tie oily. IJcun- . ii' iil iuve as jrphnof not les than t..i' i i.iii.iorii 'A bu-be. of wheat tbis year, as w-,i as nar ten mi. lion buahels of corn,' if to'.Liog breaks up tl, proaptct Hacou1 i i i. f iir text wii.i r to le almt.daiit si uijctiit, and yet if the bloe". de eontia-1 tl- people of New Orleans mil bun t; ry Why P,ceaue they are riM sbarp et.o-i.'h ai.d ri':b CLO'i'b to toild a r.riirio raiii'jad about '4'i miles Hi length. W.:,l. if tn-y aie n,t, we i-i.a.l bate to let them Haive S't wiil fsrni.h the food, and Lave built the road half way. It is our bare It.m'-m ' A""'" I TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. TkELOAR Halt., , i Charlotte, April 31, 1662. . j The eitixeus baving assembled according to previous notice, On motion, Dr. John II. Gibbon , was called to the Chair, and K. Nye LIutohison requested to act as Secretary. Capt. Wiu. Lec Davidson explained the object of tbe meeting. Messrs. Vui. Le. Davidson, M. M. Orr and H. L. Alexauder were appointed ' ' . ,j , . , , . . , . ' , bearing ef tbo death of Col. RoitnaT M. ., v n T . , . . 1 tee,) presented tbo followiug which were auanimeusly adopted ; Wuebras, This eommunity bis learned with deep regret tbe death of Col. Robert j M. M Kin.nkv, ia cofcuiaud of iho 15th i nci'juirui. Gloria uaro..-! irnnna mna rnr. i VioUiiot c.roliu. J ( , ; Umlieil. That wa Lear teMtimanr to Liijder and evacuated that ailv ith kin imam 1 Tl,.t w. f;.,n. i ).;.!J.ra ......i.j .k. ,Kiakie disposition ; to his exteuie cien , tiSie and litarary attaiumcnts, while his glorious death is tbe lest evidence of his devotion to the welfare aud honor of his country. litseht i, Tbat we len ler to the family and friends cf the deceased our sincere sympathy in their irreparable bereavement. ': lUsohetf, Tbat the chairman of this! meetibg forward a copy of these Koolutuus- te the family. UrsoUeJ. That the Bauer of tki oiti I requested to pet lish the preceediugs of this nictliag. JOHN H. GIUKOX, Chiirman. K. Nvs llcrcutsos, Secy. f How THEY FtLT.-V'e are iJ.-lu-J i I private Halbert, of the Waabin 'too Artil- i i lerv. of AuffUSta. for a letter takn fram . . uoay ot a deaa federal solaier at Pluloj, (to one of his aprarwctiv nuu.erous fliiue ; Tbe writer sins hian. it' Track l.ke, ai.d says he was a private in com pity i, ('apt. ' J. f Nelson, Cist Kcimetit liiiuois Voiuo : teers. Ha Mf rites on the .i'l uiU.. aoJ ! scribes tbe situation of affiirs as follows ; , We are ou iLc Tennessee llivtr, about e !.B nVr.nl, r!lr ' 2-"' Siy"uh st place eala-J ia persons, par-. Pittsburg Laud.n.', aud our n-'.uieut i' u- ilro.d, occurred , lioae(J oat 4 mtles from t'e'riVc? in ill South C.r,!1Ba;beriWbii, tb,re ,rtf rellIKttJ .f W;6r, ' o stste, was at-; for miles around. Our camp is about U miles from Corinth, where toe main arn.y of tb rcUls. is .tatiomJ 'i'L-r k.v . . J 1 ... , J ... ' ard wn,e the Imon army b.sloO,. .and Oeo Pu.li is coming to joio ; 0,000 uieo. So you s-e we will x?aurvgard Ooo u.a ul L,7e 0 m the fi-ld.Vd .e c" ,0 haT 80aie hxri S ktJ da ; , on t:m f.iv vKia ; a . i i and it wiil f.k ems Lard i tti.r u drive w.m . U... ... nut,, iuci J4& is 1 they ca:. me ever to our lines to cet som ttlltP to eat. It wn.i.J K., ar. lv sueh poor devils in a bait!,- nut a, 1 . tme 0Tcr t, our li(ies aui k(.h thee'sc, I say kt tLeui stay: but it ti eljii't theotly rmsJv is to "iva tLtfu V ket pi:!s, v,liei, i. ,JRJe 0f pow.l.r lead li ;, . .-'.,r.j;.i J.,... ... ...... ... .i tfctJ cUts: ki:i Cure Ve jjD t a,i:ill!. ilter tbeni , ,ut lL ,.u( fcE0-j-h ef fecesj.'' i " - 1.. ...... M,B ,Jtvi,s wo j'.J -et Litu and kls l.iur too Mcon J'f.'t t Lira pi A ilAUTIFtL In. ibgjiT. We learn from' th N vs, that a i.o:ij of the Confoii-rate ' : troef i were wiiehiug through Freder.eks ' burg, with brisii'Dg bayonets aud rumbiiu artillery, a fair la Jy appeared oa the steps of a dari; brown iuauiori, her arras fi..e.5 Wl.U J tciasaHrits, V.L1CI1 with graeioui i r.cs aad gpnt'e coariwsy, the iiitribuu tbe parsing soldiers, ihe eagereai in I d to mitti -;n w r.if.a iney were rcevived, tuo pr tbronr, the outstretobed kiod,lu aariK-'t tnanki, the uu.?okeii ble-ains upon the giver, thus di'-ptn-iug the word of Li: t tlo aitr.id n.uititisde to whom deatb iti.'bt Cviiie any rnoioeijt ail wade ui l picture as bcaunfol 11s any tLat ever i.on" aiuui tbe dark realities of wu. As a tuu.'h Texan said, " If it was not for the la-iii s, God lliis theni, there would to ne use g l.tro;' " By a private letter frm tbe West, we kani thai S ai. II.cea.u ia in Pittsburg. w.th Gen iiiesi's army. We siuecrelv hopu that iieate'fd "ay catch him It O'lld do more to Lrin things to a fuel- tinu any other event. Catch hiiu, boys, caiflb Li iu ! Aujmlu Cut miidt. .MILITAUV OHDEK. "rxcui. Uxbra so. 3 J ttlu Qe.arr.aa ?-j.i ILxt-. '. ,M , ( iMku'i rr, A; r.i U-i, 1'bJ. To '""""' "" nn yu ,fe .,-,,. l(, H,,i,'r , ,'. n.usi'ned otte on Tu. :iy .1 M.y. ..i 1 iil Jill.Mlt 1 I 'ne ( au.i, t .. niiiiiasioneii ofB - i .ilura.y ind " " ' P--t.dii M-.iKT.iy, t 10 oi.. .,ci, . M , C A ii'.'im. i.'.jI , -,rt M .rtil r dull. ml.le on l uesdjy cyriim lor tbe lri .1 of . i ( ,.. . n.. y '.e i."Mint b -jr. il. Motifs ot .ictn! (:t in- i .,.ri n. , i;iri:ii on jlurdiy, l ,; Utn, if'-r r. I. Hj ord r L S WILLIAMS. o'on. I r,iL u Job F.okw U.l,, A ijatai.t. Apr;. .t'J, f '.UU .inrnt. WA.NTKI). purr . I.all.r ii .I.M.K''0 dl.Hj'. ll till it.! ol f.a.ai.nijf. e.n M 15. TAYLOR. I " 1MB WS. From the Wtstem Democrat. v The Foil of New Orleans. v. . Mobile, April 24. Tbe eiemy eassed Fort Jackson at fqur o'clock yesterday morning. Wbea tbe news rcaohed New Orleans the exoitemeBt was boundless. Msriial law was put in full force, and business was entirely suspended. AH cotiou and all steamboats excepting such as were necessary te transport corn and arAwunitien, ware destroyed. At 1 o'clock to day the telegraph operator bade us good bye, saying the enemy had appear ed before tbe city. Later. Kk hmo.nd, April 37. An official dispatch received Lere this' uvrn p? Hiaie idi run intniTi sin an. pr0Mhed New 0rtin j dtM.D(1,4 .l";;;': - .Q iirr.B. Ju! UZ.j.Z f.liing b.ck to camp Meore, on the Jack-1 son Uailroad, after destroying all cotton and public property which he wsa aeable to remove. The new iron clad steamer Mississippi was burnt te. prevent her fall ing into possession ef the enemy. Nothing is said abont tbe steamer Louisiana. From ihe West. , KxozviLLt, April iO.-A prisoosr wbe ; esciped from Lexio jtoa, Ky., says that 10,. ; Oi)U Federals have ooaeectrated at Lexiog. tonko make a descent en the Cumberland Gap. 1 De ,lu" .,nini5 tf"J rt KwotuoUy, ia eaucq acsscen of the wari.u lit mr.A isiuimiintimu i.Wma r --.w. - l'rtun ihv IN'orili. Oa Suuda night we received ky tele- graph a long batch of Noriberu aeirs. We ,Ula tte ""'''ar.ce of it. Ibc Fieuch .Miois-.er, on his return from 1 Ritmo.d, haJ a long interview witn Secy a . . i l- i , T- ' BI - Government is soo. t be rati fjr uppresing the slave triple, i ts wh'.eb the mutual right of search is acknow d. fiiow lw tbe vankees wili de- icena to eur'y favor witb hna and no oca - ea uU 1 U "- lort, bcosr f)r."ns were abaudoncd about the 4UV N--W Vor dates of theUtlh slate ... tail tjU.Jd ii sailing at i'JJ CetitS. Large 'v.eu,e.. ... sent to , .. r t .-j '; itnin"" nnw m exieasive prrpar- IU4klu ftfr ,Mtk,r b.uU oe.r Cor. . t l i "!.?, 1 "f bae passed a toaB.cmng southern prop.rty. News from Mexico atataa that tka kraa.K . . -.1 some .ibeve re.wlved to march oa the City ef Mix. ! ... .1 i .( t s.vol.,,.., act a.snme tne eon.eq isuees. 1 be I hnaii-ih and f-Danifh treona am Laaii nr. A.r.i r,.wtv., C . L J dt-reil DISK to era (. rul A lunuaalar. standing ltl-tn ihu allies sesnss to Lave ! occurred Tb. liir 1 and ti;ps. CLarl. rjitii r Sa.kviila is rrnarliJ In 1 . I jaw ....... . una iiiiif ii ou. (i-r Living isiade an at- (.1 d to run th bloskade at k r.M8 -TLcjiickesttiuieye.. by tae tt:i;JerrfiouuJ ri!roJ between Uieh- nod anl Ah-xan Iria, was made by Messrs Samuel T. H-aeb aud Theodore d. Wst, t o refnge.-. -no arrived here in safety on I Monday a'tfru'on, having eeeupied but) luirty six b juts in the trso.it Th gD'- tsemeii bring confiruiati ms of the hie rs- Don, of movement, ol in. en.o,. in i r ' , niassea t4Wrua tne PeuiimuU. The Van- ki e p pers were gloating over j;rand vie nry at l.ei mtb, nut Ike defeat o( lie a ore- . ... No 10, and anaerl that they captured 2.-1 o'JO of lift gar:iou. JiuhmonU Lnmrtt. It is stated by Member ef Ceuress frcm Iliiriois that cotton will be very extensive ly planted ia tbat Slate this ass. on. The; sxperiiuent has been bvguo by tbe Illinois ( Lentral Railroad Coupany, pr'-pariog 2,000 acres for tbis purpo.e. Other laud owners! ara luakiag arraageaaents te plant large i (.iac.iitif.. nf i:r,i.k -ftn..i. . ! 1 WANTED.' A BATTALIOX INDEPENDENT SKIRMISHERS. El I. K M I 1 ( l.N l..i. been granted Ca pi . VV M. l.r.K V VI IJSi. l., rai.e Ike above coron. i.rn-rai ';. .ii 111..JJCI iui t.if iiuil I I... ting .de. i.r.uimiawi at- I 1 brce Coiiipaiiies of ! above oeirnplion ara ct.ve I ii. n oi.e wlio.a regiment of reju - I cirri. 'I on in the rovululion. I,. I us haraisaudl 5 ni.oy Hie enei.y in the roar. One more appeal ' I" 'jld Mecklenburg and tuo enrrounding Counties. 1 be ouacriplion net requiring all; I l" -twetn IT ,.ud Jo ye.ra ol agr, lo enlrr llie 'rvice, liua p '. '''be last appr. Hi" Conlederslu Conereia ia iii.i le to all wiilim ii.ee agrs pond lo ll.ia eall. KM eiallv of i l"'l" ' ; our owr Icar county li t it be .aid Many h.ye I. I.I. t III i; UCI. lm.,l." (Ir..,. de.f vrn.1.. I IM imni.U.t-ly. rlt your (.lin ers, arm wilk j shut guns and to tl.e livid. Al-iu !IJ. UW. 31 JfK.itll I.Xir.a. I uncord Fiae .nj M.I..U.. W'al'-hnia Dj.y tl.ree tune.. . . NORTH STAIJ. 'I VII K I "at,..,i,.., flor.e N..ari Hi.a," w.ll , JS at ine sl.bl-s l Dr. J. M-Strong during the Spring' aiiueo. T.imi, Irn and Ullrrn dollars GRIKR, SH'HONG A HART. , A(.r.l a.'. Ir CJ. H DIED. On the 34lh init.,af Pncemonia, CALLULA VIKCE, infant diughur of U. L. and l; M. Koa aged 16 inwiitb. " 8oflV.r little children to come uiilo nie and frb.d them not fur of such is the kingdom of heaveu." l; . I The Markets. . CORRXCTKD BT VTILLIAMii & OATK9. CHARLOTTE, APRIL 38, 8fi3. BACOM, Hams, nw Sides, ' Hoy; roauu, Shoulders, Bagjriaf.Uuany, ... ....lb ....lb lb ....lb.... 2$ 2i S5 20 35 10 St UO" z::K:::::: lb....... .......lb ..-builiel,.. f.l Ib. ...... Ik lb. . Beef, Butler, ...... .. Beeswai, Bean, Brirtiay, Apple, " , t'tach,.. Cotton, aV, Kiw,'....'.. ' Jr, .... 30 ,,( 35 25 6i 88 ...,-7a te ItU .....300 ('00 ,-tiO (aj' t0 . 7 O ...-J5 (a, " 00 (,,, to 00 (a- ' 00 Candles, Adamantine,' ...lb. Sperm., ..... .. lb ...... ....Ib..... ...buahe'.... ....builiel.... ....-sack....- yard.... .....yard..,. ,...iiSen ... kbl , ......bag!.... lb .. ..-lb l'altow, . - U S, ..-so 0 30 " c- to i " nw KUur Sou (. 4 Keatuers , llidei, Uiits, Urr.-.- L,rd. Mutton Msckerel Mvaii, N.U...- W.l Mc.l , .......30 C M .-,.-35 ..... i ...lb lb lb bbl.No 9...- 00 (-v -Kittav.... 4jU (at 00 .-(il 120 12a .tal. -.... ..ro t. to 8uiici....ioo (.. to Mulleli(Wiliniii(Un)...bbl.M J , f, Nails, Northern, lb. 00 " Sanlliarn, -lb..... OaU,.....J..........-buaUl. 00 00 00 0 80 00 00 00 Jj Oil 00 3 l0 I3i 116 rork Pcai l otaloea, Iriih, Sweet,... Rie ujir.Lual',....,., , Urua nr rli.iie-War, Ib. -1)0 (m, ..butUal.... ! ...kunliil l.iU (rt ...kuabel 1SU . .-kuiliel. ....... Si t.u lb .....00 (. lb JJO ( ...j.l -10 , ...-rk .Tl8 ; lb Vj ( ..-bu.hcl ..140 .i . .k.l.cl I.i I- 1 1 ' tV heat, while, ...... ( Wlilkrjr,.orlin:rn -l-.... i ' " .N. ("ifulioi,.. (.'. 75 j Wol,vbij 'jcorjuj waliad ....5-1 (- Vrh .,. ..iiiu 'a. lAI'VT HI 1 1 I ' I ' t U L J 1 111 lUts I 1 T!'E E""'U "'V"' " U ; l'!tZXn '.L i o Ii GKIKK, 81 KONG k HART. April 22. IH2. 41 ... .... " prnintuauc at ali iura i.. ey "T(H KIIOLUKHS .UKIITING'.; T,. ll....,l,a. br,nih..,.,.hif ...rJ. ; ,E s.,,, ; M,t ,u Gurt 'out. ..d ,. ever, p, of i JL r !. am reijut-.trj i 0l,tl ,1 Court bu ..iai.t and i.n-ii ii-.f-pr-uiiy ln :i , t h.rl..lte on Mnlj lh W'Hth in.Unl, i to iurm a pencet rfams.lroo uoi'ar lb Chtrlrr, : anu ail.pt the nrcaar bje hti .o4 othor trgu. 1.1 out. A lull aticn.iai.etr, e.iber ia k,--.o or , ; by prmy.ie i.p raliyaly reoutrrd lo b reacal. I . . ' - . '. ' 1 .7 ! 11 e'ery Holder enai er eretl nia pr.tiy. DAVID M. LEK, One of u.. 8ukb..la a. j charlotte, N. C , Apm 14, letiJ. 4, j . " ". "j CS () I llT7 . r 'vllK MAULS IRATM.f M - - lJ " reouealed le atlrn Apr. I ounly lourt ... ai, .. ihi i!IK MAULS IRATM.f Mrriltnkar, attrno on T ere boa.naa ef 1 unpurUneu te ke atirn-irrf it JOHN WALKElt, Chim'n. : t . April li, IbGi. 2if -Tailors Wanteds I '1W' OR THREE Journey nen Taitnre can nt bv a;,,..,, Ku, Citatlotie, 1 jbjl riad coa.lanl ' A. Caluwcll, Mi en.pif.ymi I ."'(KiMga A,.nl 15. I'C: J A. CALDWELL. j 1 1 -i nt mP,.,,,,. Ar ( ). If flf riv.i.' ( J ' vv w ' " " i rttjrij JffiVzz (V-rl JX- frr4 Tstsa (tries A. T. k O. R K.Co . I i t-t.ay..ite, M.reh 17. tSi. A luat'llmrKt uf Suaca aubw-rii-.l m '""'"i e"uniy, ia Due on ll. Wl.l of April. 1 " h,ut.h"'"" le'pe.Ud lo ...... j imirwuiaie payment. , 'nlraetore bae C.ll.l.illy prrfonnrd Iheir da - 1 " f" mu oi J Tne am .ut 1. due frm """" me i.twjio. 1 as . r o n ' your ecrl.ficatca. I M. L. WKISTOS, Trees. 4t M.reh 2.1 iff.. The Corner DRUG Store - i cim it 1.0 1 1 1:, r c. li-.NVi: IILTC'lllSd.N AtC O. oule rrapcl(ully call the alien lion ot Hie pubue lo lii. ir larre hi amt cnitinlrla Kl ....a. ......... .,....., f.ir the Hpnnf Trailr, consul. n I Irog, l.d.einee, (lieinicals, IVrfumery, f ancy I Artieire.uii, lurperunc, riorniiif fluid, Alc-j- i hoi. I'uri Mfiiicl Wmif end Brand iss tan toil Tea. Field and (harden Seeile, ie., Ajc, Janmry 17, lfuO. 43tf . . Delinquent Taxpayers! ARE you .ye, ... ... .... V.. JwL you expect me lo pay thru, for you, I in ! am lurr.a.r.i willi claims srainat the County,' and anlr.s you pay up your honral dues iu a ' abort tiino I .l.ail prorccu tn e-ill. at them accor. ( dm,; to law, I mu.t have money or pruperly to' make it nul of, your duty to your conatrv aa 1 honeel men ought to prompt you lo pay jour W. W. GUIKIt, Sheriff. M .rcli 4, If CX 2tHf ... j 'AW I all 11 Vl'llMI'Il O WANT to purcha.e b,-gq quunlity of Ian M. wrk line Meason and will na v Kiea Ii.ill.r. per rnr. Urliyered at the Tim Yard or Four IK.I. ali l,H I,,S 1 i;...n j ; any diaUuce not acceding 4l miles. I j jj TAYLOR j M.reh I, 180.'. ' ' 4S-3.U i;ii.iai, oi l'. I rIIK large.! alo. k of WAf.l. PAPKK W I X 1 LMiV MIADhS. CllKM, TAjSKI.S, 4.o. in the State, mu.t be sold in 9') daye, to liMke (o .hi lor other hu.iiieee. All liio wanting bargains lud hrll.'r c ill oorl. Tlto.s in the trade w.ll do wall by rilling un. W. II. 8UWU1T, M-rrh H, .(i. f 0,'tfail I'oit Ulfn e. VALUAItlsi: M ali i Tor Salt. I BY virtue of a Deed of Truil loi e, on Hie 6lli of Feb'v, I860, bv Joi. n fur certain purpiea Uien in uienU.,(0 rf proceed to aril t t, Court llnuaelooi 'l 1 own or I liarlutte, on Tueadav of Vrri (it birr tne 9:li ay of the month, iita l.lallklw NUDUM . ""u "'""i and one cln'd. I JOHN A. YOUNG, "ruml Hy M L. Wrihto. Attl Apiil b. 1662 41. I To the Poeplc of it "Carolina. X T THK REQUEST OK I itEsirKN i .. VIS, 1 have unucrtaken to collect ! , arm now in bat, of private cit.iei.. ,'. or that purmiac I have inteaUd wilkaul to borrow, pun-iiaae, or, if neee...,., tlicin. 1 am Mtisficd that it will never be ..ry tore.rt ta, tl use of the I i.t n.,1Kll Palriote of North. Carolina, our toil la ii,t,, IhoufU we have men cnouek in rxnel iu.'. deit.uur mug tr, mtKit nuloailUee h... eioaa in eul ltoo ; theao arnn should c! trd and placed in the hanue 0f our iiublo dnW None bnl.u.vtoor Ui.loyul ciliaen will, lo eamply with llna nqiiiaiiion. I w,n ,M1I at. ljr appoint SU.Ul.lc aruta logo Uireu, , county in the ISute, cmpowtrtd u, ehaae, or, if iiecciiary, Imprex arms ; but ii, ini aniima iv uie eiureai all Wue patriot. ,, in all uf their niuakcla, riflei and doobic.l hut (una (j;ood, bud or indiflVreut,) iu (, of the diffeieul ei.uiiliee whom I j ,t,tk, ll.iui. In . - .1 -. f . . l .... .v,.uu,v, priera, ina araW , tor th ainooi I ueecfiary. tut (ood rifles and muaketa, 113 an. .SJ - - . , ..'.'n . ai ut j oil, and parts ol anua according lo viloaiiun ,1 bve alao bean rtquealud lo pU(r, eiup iron, whrtht r C.al or wroujbi.an - rj ior ine ij;,CI cenia pr poune ; ivir llie Utter, i ccnia. April a, jbi,-. 3, Ali II. r p.p-r, tB ihe St.. la enpv three I u,r, Kud Itilla to Maj. W. . A.hr, Kicimioa I, . ciiAUOHif nun; BY I' s .0 a SWata JMkv C K , I IIAltUil n, , S . fB J! K Proprietor vfibi. i, L I '"""'H puonc aau ol. Cri may cah ou littu, and be UaUra bunu : i coualurlable tuartera can be luund Will I. any wliari in li.it ntnuij. H.inj 1110,,; y in Ihe ventre of I liarlntle, Ituaiucaa Mr n..o inia iioiei a 1.101 tuntcni.nl and . . Lacatutu. IU ha bB enf a(d ia n. iuil, J al ibiaeUaa (tear) ei(ble jeara, an.: n, 1 lime ne uaa Hiaoa aerv-rai adniliuoa lo li.. k.'i if faouec. and it hi keen amil j ai.Lrrc,: . I pruvl,pri entiri in front 1 twa,r V i k A . tjt .iu ii in lenflu y 11 in wirtih, l.r.i haCrd br Ireea on the ide-r.!i,, a(T.irdir( t , K .M . nete II. c "1n1.11 mat: il bj 4y. .11 lire Im' a 1 Ii. lb ia II.. lei art iStaSir lu"i.i ("t 0J kurara abon.Uiiilr iurm i f' "d provendar. atienueri bj U.l bt:f iBf h'tlef. 'I'i.e Propriitr Ire I. eon b-fr n I I n. I 1, 1, . t .rino a'ul many n. acly.nl. j jd... 1 1 e.aire u pieaae, he le prvircu t utcr Im f.-.n, ane ihe rr.i of inankin.l," u,.u y e.n ..-, , as n.Btk fiie.il eA-ff at yril." ke fiund anywnt pcrsiap a little innre eo IT AIjsj rata tir the ( harlutlr II .ir J ft. KF.UR Cri-nr . Ist. J.-u GOIiDGOLD GOLD!!! l-'iVK iiUMiti:n OTJisrcEis WANTI.O AT 2'0'TLSH'S Jcvrclrj Store, Ojijwisitc Kur'ii Ho!- i. N. 15. Tin.- In;!it't i!i jitice : a: I .i.'ui stivrr. J.mu itv Jt, lvO ! " " ' " .. . ' .. . Ml I U IsTll ID JtOil. ( ll Q TlOt 1 1 3DU IkOlhtT' ford Kail I load Wl.s'IUiN MVIlo.. S ad iflrr M..ii.!.v the liih in.Unl. lb. o Paanengar and Mail f run toill be r.n a I In. It oa d iiaiiy (uallay en .-ptrj) ae loli... 1 . (.Ol.SCr W l"T. Inn. Aaa - 1 i i 7 UU A. M. Charlotte, 'I U'.aeeegre, Ilrry.rU, hi. iron, I.mc.'lntnu, OOI.NU KAfiT. 7 43 ID A M I 7- 1 J of.8 U ' I.n.rl. (,o A.M. ( 1 1 x3 In sa j,8"rM- I V,J 0tilT Aaiiri. I.il.cnlnlon, Sh.ron. JO A. M. ltrTrd, II 45 Tucaaaegee. 12 15 P. V t. li irlollc. I 00 " V. A. McllKK. Acting M i.i.r of Transportalmn. " I.inr .lnt.m, April 4, S6I. 8 tf J. S PHILLIPS .7 Mi It MM. M T M lit A) ., W 9 II AVI N(J loe.t-.i in I 'harlot tr, ie.1"-! Iful- V aolieite a altera ul public Iron.ge. A complete aawrliiirnt of Clolha, Caaaiiiierrs and V..lnti. w'trny. on li.nd, which will be made lo or der at III. liuftr.t notice, alter llie lati at fueuion Shop lliri-c (lMra Pull tit nf th. Mansion ll.iu.e. 29tf . j A LL peieone in.hi.tril I. Ihs catate of I. K. ' i ikndetson. dre'd.. will m.k. payinml. f And all peraona n.t H.g elaima .g.iu.a! the elle w.lt nri.ri.l tlnin duly aul htn lira led the tune 1 preernbod by law or II. le notice will be plod i br of their retoVKi y . I). M IIKNDKRSON, D. JIIiNDEUSON. MreU 1, 1S tf I