mm V$e flrue fo 6od, to uoqlr Gounfrjj, to your gqfy." VOL. XX, charijOtte, n. c.? vjx.j&rsr is, ises. UBS, T. J. HOLTON, ElMTlleS AND PaOPaiBTBCSg, ,' -TEKM8: . Ydi"i(orth.Cr(jiWhie willbeafTordedtflaub J wbiskersjie could by iudualrioue .having, ' 'i TVlrvV .if;"Vil!l"d "orM f MwiMir, eed to mount r,,;.d i the.end ef the year. Nopaper will be diacon. imued ontilall arrearage, are paid .eicept at the opti)n of the Kdimr. Advertiaement.inaerledatOne Dollar per aquart line, or Uaa.thia ailed type) for the firatinaer i.on.ind 85ceuteforeacheontinuaiice. Court ad. trrtiacmenla and Sliertff'e Salea charged 25 per ant bif her J and dedueliuu of 33J per cent. will be made from the regular price, Tor adertire oj li rr. Adverlirni:nta Inserted monthly mt ,airterly, at f 1 per ee,uare for each time. Semi moMBly TOeeBieperaqoareiortiaiH n P . k. ...,(..,. i. H,ir u-, mark Ih. wombat wi inart...o. dea.rcd r tj. j til be maerted BBlil forbid and charged ac ofdingly. trPatmaatera are a mhoi'iaee) toaclaa agent MY" BROTHER SLEEPS. m oaeixsa. . V T Srol' elerpe I" O, wake him nnt, The miple beeghe (till o'er him bBlirig ; . And Bifhl'j. " biejlifchen meund, The hreoe 0 eir batav.esl dewa ere e-rtdlag H' era ny pride, niy only jo,"; '.i-i eielsr h I, father, ,' A:' lhee. and more than thee to lue tic waa my gentle brvtliar. A J Say. lumjk fureets wild be went, At Bigbl at alapl, fat arm cmbrariaf i Anil Boa in draania, the pattia he trod. My caplirt apir.t atiil m lf-io((. T .e, lor him, aem duMy der ; T'.a einca wore cloae the, oaaa are tw.uin ; 1 aa ery l'e Biore calaaly elfpe lictrath t a aura an kioa ahiauiaf. !!, i;irit hrat!ma tn cry ;gh,, II. a (vtm I id ff aautiuo j voice ta heard la every a. That aareepe ll land, aoii atira the ocean. Tea roe aa aol mora fleet of fat, M ra y the rd bad of the aauuBlain ; 1 :ic muiil aoaatrr of lu emce, ' Tiib Sinf brook, or jaahmj fuunUin. i!ilaieatae atole epon tua ahaek, AnrtJh ! he eiJ, "I am a-weary !" Aod hea tka Ulal momeot rania. It irf, n Tf Ion and irery." A I dy he .en-! ttpoa my arm, Ail Bight, I gaied upon bm weeping , At m-rn he wlueprred, Mbritiier deir," And Boar beneath yon thtec he'a aleepirg. Niw. ate, ma. Ht l V O. how a at, Ti.e maple boogba In a bed adorning ( IIk aiuaabera never w ll be brokf , (. jlil the teaarrectioa. lisccllaiuous. . on tiii: PERI LB OF nOUSEKEEPlNO. Wbaa a journeeipW ia Mew Tork ebeeae t brirj tbeir loee affaire te tbe reeogni tiea of tbe minieter or magietrale, and be come taao aad wife, aoeordiag te tbe ate III taade and provided, heaaakeeping deea aot follow aa a aeeeeiarj eeaaequanee. Thej lire with tbe "Old Folka," or 6oJ a raetu ia a "geoteal baardiag haaa ;" or, if able, lake aparlatnta at aeme faabioaaaie r amiiy natal. , Had the eeuatry at large keen suppuca , - ; b. ------ . with these eeav.oieneos for young caaples,' Aflar. bowers eenee eunahioe, and this oue ear heroine wild have ."voided, and we cleared off. The Duolor laid aside his dig heald aot bare reoorded, the cf ty, and helped wash the diehe. : and then keua. keening iP ' uor,, ,b S toak the Mis. Charlotte Jonee was the daughter new saddle bags, aad drove off fariously, fa wartby aad enterprising carpenter, , to see aome imaginary p-.iients, till dmuer aha Milling ia a thriving village, b.earoe, time, while Darling Letty blocked cat a in dae lime a, builder, aeutraotor, aod a; worsted parroqnet, that bid fair to be tbe fere-banded roan Uia wife was as icdaa-1 wonder ef her next winter'c partial. But trioue as bimaelf, aad mors ambition. ; hi, like) all pleasure., come to an cad, for a.d among their other ble.aing. they had , there wac dinner to git, and that dianar tc oac fair daughter, Mi. Charlotte, whojwae make up for the breakfast. The Doetcr a. pr.tty, as amiable, a. charming, ia deed ' liked a aiee dish of bailed v ietaala so she as was Bc'aessery tc make the saiarla.t and made a fire, and peeled the patatoea, beets, cleverest young man in the place fall ia love j carrots, turnips, parsnips, and put them will bar wbi.b be did. I rr" rib r fr,sh Pork ,Bi0 lhe Uf oaric be did. He was a madieal j kettle, aad set the in to boiling. There was tad. at io the do.tor'.eaee right opposite, a reusing fire; tbe water boiled fanoasly, Aa be sat there .tudying auatomy or mak J and she went up .lair, tc pat a few stit.b ng pill., be could aec Miaa Charlotte in tbe , into the parroquet. Fraliy saoa .b. be ,.,., ,. .,,l-n lia ooald hear bar eaine ccnaciaus of and aapleasant odor; P'.ay cn the piaao-forta, aad siag; hajeould ee her doing all sorts af woaderful wer.t.d aad crotehel werk ; aad ha came ta tbiak that parlar. one af tbe moat Ueligutlal pla te, ia the world. Wall U was a love affair, all mutual and plaaaaat; calls and meoasbine, muiia, bil I'ta, blush.., boq'iet", loug Sunday evenings, and finally, "Aek Pa!" aad-.tban a waa diog but of eaur.e the diplciaa came fir.t, I aid tat petted child ef luo sueoeisful car penter because Mri. Deeter Simmons. And Dr. Sinmens, who had received the i honors ef tnediecl collage ratbtr young, and wbo thought it aeedfu! to raise all the of r-peeucle., to make him look aid enough, bad decided to com mence business ta asmall but growing Tillage in a neighboring eoanly ) where, aa it hap pened, Mr. Jenes owned a Deal cottage, of which, with ita acra garden lot, b made bia daughter a marriage present ; and tbero, ob tbe tenbinatieB of tbe wedding tour, they ieek ap the residence. Tbe goed Mr. Jeaaa had pat evetything "to righta." It was ia the meat exquisite "apple pie ordar j" " J"" "'""'"b "'. . nJ better filed Mra. Jotiei, good aoul, bad always done bar ewa work. Hlj waa dreadful brother. Charlotte bad been carefully educated She eould do.eTerjtbingj that ia, rjtbioj that ia, erer taught to veuog ladiea. She eeald do all kiade of faiiej work. Her wanted eati, and waxflewera were waa derful ; to ware her water-color drawing, aad bar itieao-ebromatie -ekatcbea were "bigb art. Keerjbodj aaid a. - . Hut, aamebaw, Mra Jonea, from tbe ha bit of dciug eTerytkin berelf, had not gieen Miaa Chariot a afairebaace io kiteb e and laundry, tsd in other baaaekaepiog accompliahmeiaa j while Charlotte bad a vague idea that all thoae eouaioa thiaga were perfectly eaay, and aa they were aot laaghl at tcbool, f be eooeladed that they caaie by citare. to aba comineBced ber heaat kerpisg ia a dreatu af bliaaaful aati eipatioai. 1'bey took poirica of their awn nice little bouae oua fine aura more eveuiair ' Mra. Jov ite ilitm ail properly fixed, aad ! bad gone baai. They wakened with the early lirdi. jlr. immaaa dreamed ibat ao-aebody wa jthonderiBg on the daor, to eall him ap to iiee a patient. It waa tua berae, pawiuj lo I jbeftd. I J "Well, Lolly dear,"' aaid tbe grate Doc tor, wbo wan id bia twenty-third year, to j , ni wne oi tereoteen, "nDau we mini a i beginning low; rtie early, and aUaad to' : bu'iriesa I"1 ' "IJ, by all meaoi 1 I'll jatop wp, aad get 'braakfaat " I "Aud I 'll feed Fonop. and weed tbe gar dap." i 1 tie the Doctor watered and fad bia horse, aad heed hie patatoea a little, and took a peep into the neat little kiteht n, lo ice bow the "Dafliurf Laity" aa getii-ig on with breekfaat. Her faoe Waa eery red, anJ bar baada very black; bar bairwaapew dcred with atbea. It waa plaia that aba bad trouble butebeereke pleaaaat'y, far ail ibat, when aha aaid ; "Do go way, Charles, that's a dear, till 'you bear the ball nag. Ureakfaat will aeeu be ready." Well, be waited. H read, then be whis tled, ll.en be figetled, l ieu be wauid up bia ioloek, tbea be leaked at bia new cane of in atruaieuta, aod wondered bow soon be ahould eat off hie first leg j then he very hue gry, and at Iat Sa beli did rirg, aud he i weal to Lreakfaat, I The Darling I.otty waa leekiog a little j batter, but atill rather aoxiaaa. "Hare yea bad a bardftiae, darling?" 'inquired the Do lar, "O, aot rery. li"" rt did aot kiadle' well at Crat, and the atove aojoked." I "Did yoa open the damper !" ! "Damper? why aa. lie it jet a dam per? Weil, I II remember next tiaie. Now : bare eenie eoffae1' I The Daetor took hie cap, atirred it about, looked rather bard at it ; aad then at Dar ; ling Lotty. i "Well, what ia it ? I'm aura I don't know ' what atake it full of ikoee opeeka, I bilad, j aad boiled it "let, it don't aeeua to be aetilai. Did yea put in aot Hah akin ? No, I ferg. O "No matter ; it willdo aery well. Now, Darling Lolly, i !' tite an ejg. Why ! ita aa hard aa a brickbat." "Hard I Mow, baw oaa bard, when thoy wertj beihug all the tiaie I waa waking the cofea aud the toaat?" 'Ah I toaat; let ua try that. A little barnea, bat eery good; there, dea't ery, darling it'll ka all nrkt next lime." she snuffud, aad wondered, and then put ia the aye of the parroqnet. Mat the as anaaaana uuwi uui.. - - - ahe thought proper to go ia the direction it teemed to come from ; aad that happened tt be the kitoh.u. The atove was red-hot ; aa wa. Ike kettle of bailed victual ; aad a uice asaotber waa ri.iog from it. Th. Dar ling Lotty dashed a dipper af water iato tbe kettle; bang 1 aad aa.b a cloud cf steam! The kettle was eraeked, but the Doctor had jaat come home hungry, the ta ble was attend tbe dinner was aeon dialled. Tbe Darling Lotty took her place at the bead of the table. She was flushed, and nerroue, and ready for a fit of "hysterica ; bnt the Doctor waa . so cheerful, and tender, tbatuhe begat to feel quite happy. But the poor dinner. It did not eraell exactly rigi ; it seemed lo have caught ou the bot tom of tbe kettle, the Doctor aaid ; then the potatoes were boilod into a pulp ) while the beeta aad tarnipa were quite bard, Tbe fret-h pork ratber waDted aaltiag. "Charlea, dear I" aaid Lotty eery sadly. "Wel, Lotty Darling, what is it?" "I'm afraid the dinner ia not ery-oice." "Well, it ia a little aoortobed ; and not exactly managed all regular, and all that aorl of thing, you know ; bat what signifies I We'll try tb deseert." "O 1" "Well, dar'ing, want's the trouble T" Lotty ran into the kiteben, and there was ber poor, forgotten plumb-pudding in the atovo oeen, juat burnt to a einder. It waa aa black aa coal ; a fiac carboaa cioue apeeimen, aa the Doctor learnedly re marked, ae be iaiabed or ratber made bis dinaer oa aome bread and batter. Tbe Darling Lotty moarnod over ber diaaatera but taok oomfert ia the brilliant of ber parroqaat, wbiab Dr. Siaa mona could net auSciently admire. She waa also comforted ' with the thought that tbe next meal waa tea, wbich aba felt sure she could accomplish. Aod when tbe hour draw nigh, aha made ap a fire ; and by thia time ahc bad learned bow to manage that. Tbea ahc took aome floor and milk, aud butter, with plenty of aaleratus, to make them light, aud mixed up aoiiie nice bia euita, and pat them in the oet-n, then ahe made tua, and when all waa ready ate ratig the bell with ereat euipua.i. And, trutii t say tbe table waa very richly arranged, j ... J .1 -fi .t 1.1 W.nJ,. ' i I)e Sim-AO. am.eVad Lia lioa with Preat I guate. Ha took a eake, and tried te break for a guerrilla war. Tbe etaumy it. bat it did uot aeem to break readily. ! raust be conquered ; and any method by Tbea be tried his knife. It cut like eheee ; v;ca wt oaQ honorably do it mast be re else, it was very yellow.and await, and g3rted to. Thia is tho kind of ipirit which tasted rather atreugly, tbe Doctor aaid, of we waut t0 gce tr8Uied amoBg our people, free alkalia. Sail did, in f-.ot for there j With thia spirit, they will never be subdued, bad been ao acid to neetreliee ,thej sclera- : dri,eB frotn tUe plains, they will retreat taa, and act free ita carbenic acid, and of eaaraa nothing to make tbe cakaa rue i ii a iiDeior ezBiaiaea n an eerv leerueuii : i ,i l,. f.i, ,i, ,v . :n nf km u mli, mm n .v. v. . j , - - - ( - tea, of which he waa very fond. Bat he ana a wrv ic Lotty waei. coast.ra.tion. "Is not the teerij-bl? Utrtust be. I put in a great deal, and boiled it ever t long, I'm sura, j in tMtf 8eCoUJ place, we must guard .a if it ha.a't got the .treagtb it soau will!,,., aj:aiast cherishing a temper of pre have My darling Lotty, to. ia a delie.t. and ' but GoJ-, . d if wg e... iw iai. ql contempt the hol.est tustincts of our od.rif.rou. plant; and .hould be prepared ' ortauee only iu aeoideutal relation to our- j '" ,00' . ldTL ' ' as an infa.ion, and nota a deeoeiion. I Bring m. little tea, darli.g, and seme hot wate? , and I will soon make a goad cup of ' l. .r.l k rilrf Tbe poor ''ailing Lotty. It took all the eodearuieula oi a teauer uu-tanu iu mi honey auaoo, to keep her from down right j0B X b i Gr.eks aud Uomaua never veu datpaii. Bui tho day'a lei.oa had not baea ture(l Kp9a arj)j important enterprise frith loat, and tbe bad determined to have sueb ! eut e jHaulting their gods. They felt that a i iec breakfast aw should make up for all. kijty weri vafa oaj aJ they were perauad- Morwiag came; and our young doctor gallantly offered lo assist ia getting tho Mat), though limited in space, limited in ka light of them. They are ser.ous uiarain ; but uo, Lott, was deter- ; knowledge, is great, when he is link- j tb-7 - disastrous. The whole end of mined to da her own work, be mixed ber ' ,d to the Infinite as the means of coom-, Prondence m any dispensation it were pre-; cakes accordiag to the learned augg.stioBS ' pli.hio lastiag ends. To be God's serf ant, sumptuous for any one, independently of a cfthe evening pr.vious. he boiled the that is bis highest destiny, bis aublimest special revelation, to venture to deeper, affca three minute, by the clock. The cof. cal'iin.. Naticnn are under the pupilage of re tendencies wuich he upon the fee was clear -greaia.tcauifort of all. She . Frov.u.t ca ; they are in training them- surfaoe, and these obvious tendeueie.- are raa the bell, aud sat down in trinmpb. aelve, that they way be the iustrumeats designed for and i.r-truc-.on. The doetor broke a bieuil-it was caPi- cf furthering tbe pr.grs. of tui buman I tbe present case, wa may humbly believe tal. The agg was jut right. The, lie tas-iraee. that 0Be PBrP" &l,u,iJ " L39 be.,l" li ledthecaffee-nnditeameoutof his month I I'dybiue, the historian, traces tbe secret bukc oar eeufidence and our pride. e aa soon as it was ia. Aad auch a face 1 I of Kon gr.atno:! to the profound sense bad begui to our euemy and to Doctor, are aot squeamish-young deeters ,f religion which constituted a striking prophecy safety without much haxairt. W particularly. Tbey know what bad taste, of tbe uatioaal character. Ha calls it, ex- had laughed at his cowardice and boasted and bad smellsare i but this-", ibe firmest pillar of the Hainan, f oar superior piowess and .kill. Is it -Wh. Charlev !" .tied th. J.rlin, Lot- Lot- . " ,w b,l ty, "what is the matter with taa conee "That is what I would like to kuo l. . 5V" V" Z V l what did vou put iu the coffee?" wtiai ai you pu iu m oue . iiVk. I'kir it tnn awl it must hewa fi'.'h.akin t .title it: and th. ml. fish iu the bouse i. .om. herrings, a. 1 .kin., nod two of them, and put the ski. ia the ..ft.. !" and noor Lottv burst into a oar- cxvsu af tears But there came sunshine soon, that made it all pleasant weather. Lotty Lotty bad invited an aid sehocl friend to visit ber. She came soon after breakfast, aud aa it happened, her hausa keeping .education had. not bean nagleetod. She absoluioly kuew everythin g. Mrs. Hale, Mias Leslie, even Mrs. Glass, or Mr. Kuudell could 'not excel her. She was a walkingeook-book, aud a lively little treatise on domestic economy. Never waa a visitor more welcome, and bow tbe darling Lotiy learned every possi ble thing to wash and mend, and bake, and cook everything; and became the ni cest little hoasekerper extaut, while the Dater, by the aid of his venerable appear ance, and rapid dririog ia the aulky, rode iBto an extensive practioe, and never was IBIO an exiensiT" practice, .uu uevrr waa . . . .L '. .. . , tir.a 01 o, in,exo...eni oooaer,, ot his darling , i.otty. - . ia RoMI is Satk Wc leara by paeseugsr n the Slate train tbat we have driven the enemy from Hantffille, Tasoumbia and Decatar, and that our forces arc in full parauit af them towards Nashville. Rata, aad banco Atlanta, nuay be eon siderod safe. Atlanta C"nonwtaUh. OUR DANGER AND . OUU DUTY; BY Rev. J. II. TIIOKNWELL D. I. (Continued from last week ) Pubho apint will aet have reached the!. height wbich tbe exigency demanda, antil we, Qi)d Tf lh G()TerDnient U Hi .hall b.vorelinqu.ah.d all faat.d.ou. aot.ons J ,o HiBBlruiI1,Dt. of niluarj ettquette and hare come to the) o A Jerve nim pemt of expelling Ibe enemy by any ",., unwhed or deBled hands. W. we not for "J J J LirtU9. W. mu6t bounce all personal and are fighting forborne and for a nat.on.l mu9t rebBk exiaumee. Woare not aiming to display .t,,. leBj. to d.nrava our .kill io etie. and genera sbip ; we, are ., to .how our ..Ira. a free people ; wariay P. . loatitutiona of cur falbera. Vi hat aignibes loatitutiona or cur laluern. bat aigniDes it to us bow tbe foe is vanquished, provid ed it is done T Becaaae we have not wea pons of tbe most approved workmanship, are we to ait atill and sea our soil overran, and oar wives and children driven from their homes, while we have in our banda other weaporjs thatoan equally do tbe work of death ? Are we to perish if wo cannot ctnquer by the technical rales of scientific warlare ? Are we to aaerifice our country lo military punctilio ? The thought is men-' atrous. We must be prepared te extem porise expedients. We must cease to be chary, either about our weapons or tho meana of using them. Tbe end ia to drive back eur foes. If we cannot procure the beet riflts, let as put up with the common guas of tbe oountry ; if they cannot be bad, ., . ' ' ,' . -;i with pikce, and axes, and toruabawa-s ; if . .1 . -,i i . i , , , ,! an effective inatruuient in a brave man's . . ii- i .it . i ,i . ...i.. uiuu. it e fqouiu oa rciu y lur iu u'iuui battle or the partisan akiruiUh. If we are . i . . . . . : I c u i Tl e .i u.. open ueia, we ciu wajiaji iui iuc. ouij uni- L ...1 . ' k!m W. ...r. e mouataiiia ; if Woaten in the field,! they will iiide in awam j i j jps and marahea, and : r , ,- I ro least expectiug ll, .k it, ' .k. ik,. nnni in .i n j .1 . ,1'iAutuor hdc source of justice IIIBT Will UOBHCU UOWU IIBOL lOaill IU IH3 I . , ., - f ,l I;, dtbil, ?fWni f . slater, a Marioa, j " dtroy the firmest secanty of pubh . . - . ' . '!rrtar In nnnvrl htisrtv n.tJ license, and iid a luvia. it i ouiv wnen we nave;. reMDB j ,hig point that public spirit U com-j Ul0niurate with the danger (BiuBtuous confidence, iue cauae ia uot BliT w, uao be suffeied to perish for 0 ide. iNo' natioD er ,et achieved I Lg great that did uot regard hftlf .1. . . . r u. Tl., jT j, ... , , c. , , , u&tiui: inL.iration of ofty patriotism and r i h e v had courage is tue inspiration of relig- tl r l l' , ed that they were ia alliance wits beaven. i -u i and he does not hesitate to denounce, Bia . and he does not hesitate to denounce, las eaeiuiea lo publia order and prosperity, tbo-e af bia own eu.nporaries who aought ta aaderniine the saoreduess of the courie- Napoleon .uaui..d bis vaul- I tin ambition by a mysterious eo.ueciiou j I Willi me inviaioie V. oriu. u ant mium ! deiio v. It is the relalioB ta God, and His providential training of the race, that im - par,, tru. dignity to our struggle ; and w, mast raooguit. oarselve, as God's s.rvants, 1 working cut Hie glarious ends, or wc shall infallibly be left to stumble upon the dark ui inntains of error. Uur' ntis liini man b the real spring of eur Leroic resolution aua aire-ij.'"- to conquer or to die. A sentiment cf boo- Thj second cud maybe oua of t. i tl ; cr, a meuieiitary ntbusiam may prompt, God has placed as iu circamstautf-:s iu wbis't , and sustain spasmodic exertions of au extra- if wa show that wo are eqaai to the .-uier-i ardiuary character; but a steady valor, a ' gaucy, all will aokne!e .! ur right tot'iCj '.f denying patriotism, protracted patience,1 world what manner of .-pii'u we are ef. If! a readiness tc da, and dare, aud suffer, ' our couraga and faith tisesupxrior to tho i tnrough a generation or an ago, this comes danger, we s'ltll not only nuaceud, bat we j ou!y from a sublime faith in God. Tbe 'shall aueceed with a moral in fl none 1 wor.t symplem that auy peopleoan manifest,' character that shall render our succes-.; is that af pride. With natious, as with in- doubly valuable. Prjvideuoe seem to be j dividual., it goes before a fall Let us'agaiuat us disaster upon disaster h .s ; ; guard againat it. Let us rise to tbe true tended our anus the enemy is in u-i' ; grandeur of eur ealliug, and go foTlh as siou of threo States, and beleaguers us iu j rervauts of the Most High, to execute His all our caasts. His resources and arina-j rurnosea. In thi spirit we are safe. l?v ; incut" are imiueuse, aud his eiieigj an J iej-; . , 111 1 this smnt our Brmciples are enuobleJ. aud oiuse ,rsn;laljd' t9U uariQ ta heaven. An overweeuing coufidenoe in the righteous uesi f anr cause, as if tbat aloac were suf - I hcient ta iusuro oik suooess, betray grass 1 and tho protection aud alliai.oo ot a just ! iuattentioo. to the Divine dealing with com- i tiod. Cn we look the dapgor-uiilliuouiug. i ...j s:...u In ik.. w,.. vtwIvtM. In f.,. And calmlv resolve to nuet L..r 1-... . K. fni from blame; but there may be otner re I a pee t a io whieh we have provoked the judg I meals, of Heaven, and nhere may be alb 'ar groaads ob which Nod has a ceutrever sy with ua, and the swords of nur enemies may be His choaea instruments to execute His wrath. Ua may first use them as a rod, and tbea punirh them in other forms for tbeir own iniquitice. Hence it behooves as aot ODly to have a righteous cause, but to be a righteous people. We must aban- 'don all our fins, aud p'lt ourselves hearti ly and io carneat on tbe aide cf Providence. Henoe,this dependence upon Providence , ... , ,,OBr :9 and Pg Tfa, 8am0 r, ybi,1Sf t0 , j rferre(li trae,9 tho . . , . ,- -l. w influence of tbe religiaas sentimeBt at Rome in producing faithful and iucorrrnptible mavistraiea. wbo were strangers alike to bribery and favor ia executing tbe Una and dispensing the trusts of tbe state, ana tbat hib tone of gublie faith wbioh made an oath aa absolute security for f.iULfuimss. This stern simplicity of mat) sera wo tnuit cherinh, if we bope to succeed. Bribery, corruption, favoritism, electioneering, flat tery, and every species of double-d -alitig ; drunkeDneas, pr jfanerjes-i, debauohtry , fell' isbness, avarice, and extortion ; all base ma terial ends niurt be banished by a stera in tegrity, if we would beeome the fit intru meat, of a holy Providenae ia a boly eaue. Sin is a reproaoh to any peoplo. It is weak- nesa ; it ia sure, though it may be slaw, de car i r ai'h io tiott toat is tue watenwora ' , . . c . martvrs, whether in tbe cause of truth or f J''er,y sanetifies. TLat alone ennobles ttnd " All other nation," exoept the French, as nurxe nas Bljuinoaniiv reuiarnea, in i- latio to the memorable revolution wbicti , . , ., . dooti to fa.lure ID COnseqteOOQ this capital omi!ion, " have beguu the fa- j brio of a new Government, or tbe reforaia- j tion of an old, Wy establishing originally, or , by enforcing with greater exactness, fome j rites or other of religion. All other people j havo laid the foundations of civil freedom 1 in severer manuers, and a system of a more ! auitere and uiasouliue morality.'' To ab- aolve tbe State, which is tho society el ' . ' . -w,. ,v,a rights, from a striot responsibility to the .6 , ' , e - . a t 1.- 1 Author and Source of justice aud of law,: . . . . ., 10 P"8n '"VT', I- J 3. decay. Frauce faiKd, bscause France for-i got fcod ; and if we tread in the footateps of that infatuated peoplo, and treat wilU1 ""u "e0,u "'"'"8 "u";"' "7" ' of a11 'te f- w' f n A " Vi"?!?' .k 'T s He be angry, and ye perish from the way . ,,. 3 ' . 7,rJ, . ' when Ilia wratb is kindled but a little. ... , ... , ... , H.essed are all they who put their trust ia J 1 Hi Ia tho third place, let us endeavor right ly to interpret tbe reverses whieh have re cently attended our aruii' It is idle to "rang, tun, wdu. nauiging .u o arrange inr, wnua niaiu.g.u-u-u u.t l., ourselves cfaoi'4 be made to turn our backs, and to become a jest te thosa wom bad jeered ? e had grown licentious intemperate, and profane vis it Mr.nge.bat, m "d't of our security U,i anoa.a tan ua ib&t ntn is a rerroaeu to aiiV re- . ' ' P'o Is it strange that Ha should remiud ; " of lb. moral aiiicne i " - , 1. we are .nth o"d ! ho? tor u.oe.s Th. first lesson, therefore ,s one .t rebuke and repentance, tt is a our sin. by nghtcuiacsn, It is a eall to break oli and to turn our national security )' 1 .- 1 : lution desperate. ins nuiuiiors aw 3' umi-.i 1 superior, that w. are like a l ck ot : before bim. Wa have nothing to Maud ou ! but tbe eternaKirinoiiiks t' truta uu i nnht. an.l au.tuo it ? 0u wa in reliance nnon Frovideuce, that, wera his nutubors and roseuroes a thousand fold greater, the interests at Make are so momeutovts, that we will net be conquered? Dj w feel the moral power of courage, of resolution, of heroic will, rising and swelling withiB us, until it towers above all the smoke and dust of the invasion! Thou wo are ia a condi tion to do (.-reat ded. We are in the con dition of (Jrercs whenXirxes bung upon the borders of Allies with an array of five niiilioue that Lid sever, been conquered, ai.d to which State after State of Northern Greece had yielded in its progress. Little Atlur.s was the-objfcet af bis Vengeance. L'onida has fallen four days more would bring the destroyer to the walls of tbe de voted city. ''lcre the people were, a mere handful. Their first step hd been to con sult tho gods, and tbe abounding reply wlncli tiity rtCoiveu from Delphi would, have driven any other people io despair. " retched men . nam 'he oracle, which they believed to bo infallible, " why sit ye J there ? tuit your land and eity, and flee ! afar ! Head, body, feet, and hands are j aiike rotten ; fire and sword, ia tbe train of the Syrian chariot, nball overwhelm you ; uor only your city, but other cities also, aa well as mary even of the temples of the god's which are now sweating and trem bling with fear, and fore.liado, by diop. of blood on their roofs, tbe bard calamities impending. Get ye away from the sanctu ary, with your sonls steeped in Borrow. ' We have bad reverses, bat no such oricie ho this. It was afterwards modified aa to give a ray of bepe, in au ambigaoos al lusion to wooden walls. Bat tbe seel of the liret-k rose with danger, and wa have a succus.-ion of e rents, from the deeertioa of Athens to the txpuUion of tbe invader, which make tbat little spot of earth im jior tal Li t'u? imitate, in Christian faith, ihis sub'itne exaniy.le. Lot our spirit bo loft cr tnau that of 12j patrau Greek, and wc oan succeed in making every pass a Ther rnopyht', evory ttrait a Salami, and every plain a Marathon. We cud conquer, and ' we must We must not suffer any other thought to enter our minds. If we are overrun, wc cats at least die ; and if oar enemies g( t pots.-ioD of our land, wo oaa ieav it a LowlLg ileert. l'ut, under God, w shall uot fail. If wc arc true to Him, and true to ourselves, a glorious future is before U4. We occupy a Bubliaic position. Tho ejei of the world are upon us ; we are a spectacle to God, to angels, and to men. Can our hearts grow faint, or our hands fijoSle, ia a oau-c like this ? Tbe spirits of our fathers call to us from tbeir graves. Tue heroes of other aes aud other cous in, a ur0 beekouirj.' us on !o glory. Let us sciz-j the opportunity, aud Luake'te ourselves an immortal ran).-, while we redeem a laud fiom bondage, and a continent from ruin. MviTEaioL's. W find tie following paragraph in the local column of the Vicks barg Whig, 0f Turiday : " Two brothers, uaaiod Tift, were arres ted here on Suuday, at the instance cf the lrovo?t Marshal of New Orleans, charged with burning tbe ram Mis-i.ippi. They were sent out to J ickson yesterday, to Gov ernor Feitus." Cilice the above was received we leara that Mr. Tift, one of the gentleiuau refer rod to in the ahovc paragraph, arrived in tuis city, yesterday, baviuq been dischar ged from custody by the Court of Examin ation before which Ih was taken. Mr. Lift was tin1 contractor for the 31isi.-ippi, upd applied the torch when only it was found that it was necessary to save ber frGm the euemy. 'ihis statement is corroborated by other gHn'i'.cuieu from Now Orleaus, and it led to Mr. T.t't's discharge from arrest ia Mis-i-sipj i. Wt further leara tbat on tho night previous tron' efforts wore made to tow her to a place of safety. Un?tag boat waa attacimd but was not strong enou:h to hull be-r against the cjrreut of the river, as sbfl fell dovn streaiu about a mile, when another tug was procured, but with bath together could only get her back to the old position. It aba could cot be saved, of course it was wisdom to burn her rather thau prmit tho etifiuy to ottaiu such a va'.'.iA'Ie piiz v -1i .'"..'c iiVii.'fr. I'hs EvAci ArroN- or Noufolk It ill b.1 seen by refer: u?e to an extract fro:n lha Kichn;;id (Va ) Ih'imficr, of May 5, which we publish this morning, that our troops are evacuating Norfolk There is nothing diahearteuing or discoaraing in this movement. On tlie cotitary, tho pi licy whi;:h has dictated it is a wie one, as it withdraw our forces from the water-corn-uiand. rt t, oouc."i;rate tbtm in mere de-tVii-ii.lo .int-s. 'I he loss of our seaboard cities is a evcre blow to us, but it is only iu the nature of a ci'ancoiis af tVction; 'he body ii still iu a strong coudi !, .-. 1 4',iH'0 iiicu are in fii id, and antil every oue of th--?v ii dc.-troyed. there cat) be uo uii,' a subjtg'itiou and bi Ti"fsiy tor ar-y dcpoiid-noy. All inde fcr.sible' j lints sl,-u!d he ev.i.it0d, and the civmy b fjr.'Cu to Q;1 us away frmi bis jjf: '. Mis, vi 1 upon croaud cf cur own il:"-:g. I 'hs Si-.ivs !o be th-' po:iey of ,nir tJ-ivri-MTi'i'iif . I should meet with the surp"rt fi our pfej.lo An&n'ti Cvnstiiu- i'uii. .m MiLii'AitY Seavu-K. Tb Uic!.;)'i.l Kn.juir.-r ucd.-r-tands tbat an order has been ma io by th) Fie-i l.-nt. to to bo observed ia a"! the Daptrttm a:s of civs! s.-rvicj, t ii .it no future appurm-'nt sba.l be an tuii of auy citii-n between tho a;iii of cii' and thirty gve, who is alia to perform miiitiry duty. The counlrj wi.l app! id such a atop.

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