j-T-ie"HrVi;,ifcrri-i-,e von.; 11. isro. is. 2IKS, T J. HOLT ON, ; XDITlEili AHD tAQftllfiTtitia. ' TEttMS i The North. Carolina Whig willfceaffordec! toaotr .criber. at TWO DOLLARS ii usance ; TWO DOLLARS AN U nr VI l &H IB II payment 1 Hci4edr.irlhr.m..ntln;andTIIRH1;DH.LAftS it the end of the year. Nopuper will te discm. DOLLAR? AND I IHY CENTS if payment l. tuiuvd ualilall arrearage, are paid ,e Seep t at the 0ti jn of tlie Editor. ..tdvarliaemenlsinaerled at One Dollar per square (Iti lines ur lstt,t hia aisctl type) for the t'"u"f friends, yon dTcaerv. to tear your sorrows U pondered bin ad Condition, and vainly Uon,d2ocentfureachnontinueiice. LourlaL i ' r . , J .ert.Mment. and bl,nO-. bale, charred W Pr.a!-. - . - attended to devise a remedy. II must ecn bightr and deduction fS4 per esnt. will .?!a$etie af silent' do ouieibing. tie eould not even pay bis be inane from the ref ular pric.,foradverlieereoy J ' M TfoCf will go to tbl tonfirt, P?r. Cl?f- week's board, wbe i il should become tTu8. the year. Advertiacmenle inserted monthly or ' f()rj ... !mmedite aetion Was necary. quarterly , at $1 per aquare for each time. einl- . I cgDDof -Auathly 75 eeata per aquarefor eae blime. .... . Per Jr. -he. send.n, , their edv.rtiaemeM. I '' J" . Cfl APTKiV II.' . iu k.. ,.r ..,i.,.. ..,.1 or, J be young' lawier was in detp (hoijb!. thry will to iDMrted aalil forbid and eliarged ae .'..rtiin(ly. . . . irPj.tiiiaaUra sreaatlioriard lo.elaaagtntj " pddl your ova Caooe." fi.yajer mpan l.f' atv, 'Vu funnel! be tree. And where' let iuy ke, PidJIe yeiif n new. .Niv.r, Ik af It tlie inU ny te,- fr.ilrr, nor hiek ; Iljt a, n tle J.ii't vara L.-4VS a aax-in Vtr.. l.i tt j wt litl fc'tra j aa To the iilml thnre, t ram ill auaay auaree hi. (oai To relera aa mere. Then let uul a hour' dciaf (brty9afy.areae; C il, h le It ia eil?d today, I'jdJlc Tiur o tin ic. I! yHt hirtta Jc;-y jam Kc.lK, L.jrtr til and pown, f !unrl fjm aai l.ardy hcilia Are a betur . Sat if tiir.e wi'l mt aofBee, (.iu'dea gam pi'ot ; And l(na tne fl,ttc.o prii TaJdle yvnt yuur own eimw. Ni'th.a; (Till il I'ji'lty w, Nuthir.f Han i 5frrf j -d il" J, eohly dar.e, Wi'l iij t'-ie eul. to llr, . ha u.'.e trytt, All you will to da ; Djiii'rn xieeti"i, ya met Piaii n y ur un ('. VlisccllaiKous. OB, TIIE BELLE OF BOSTON. BI T. ASIILKI WOUUmOtOK. CHAPTKR I T0 YOtJNfJ LAWYER. " Tbis IS JulieOS last nijjht ; you "ill j il - .,..n " t...l th. tirau. vrii.iuij tu .us .vwv.-, - ----- tiful Helen Ashley, to Kogeco tnBora, a jouog linyer of U ston. I do cot ktion ; I don't think I can go.' replied tb.joung man. L .. . ........ Jheni was a Mu.u opon ui.cure. ue , spoke, and be looked sad and eoulueu m tnl Hot I sisb vou to l'o. Mr Clifford," aaid the lady, gaily rallying biui. " I should La glad to obey yoar com mands, but'' Tbe young lawyer stopped short aod buog down bia bead. " Hut what F " I do out think I can." Eujreto brsitated " Ho gloomy you are, Mr. CliUord 1 Your long face, is uot ery complimentary to tbe ladv ia whose presence jou are." ' Fardon me, I am saJ," repiwid Eugfoo attempting to smile. Helen Asaley a br.gt.tcouuien.oco ,or . moment wore an eipre.on ol sj.i.pa t.y, ana .he looa.a almost .. ..... uo liut, as if conscious tU.t aueu an PP-, auce oo her part was bctraviug a stronger . int.re.lin bi.u than abeoaredTto she blu.hed at the thought, aod resumeu bcr cheerful counwnauee. ....... .l-..i I I . ...I Inn era , liy mouiu j - j young, jon ought to be gay ; you bate uo; sorrotvs, you ougut to no cuecv.u.. , 'Nsy, Mi-s Asley, 1 nave sorrows turned Eugene, who-o quick eye bad not failed to detect tha blush aud the expres sioo of sympathy on the part of bis com- P,bcn' t ...nno. Laughed eert sorrows, I suppose, Aughe.i i'iflrJi l 1 Uitford bowea. - UM .2r- " Not in lote. bot sad I What b ttBosfr- iy r . " , . " You must not question me." " Yes, I will!" I -Must ndt answer, iter.' " Do as you please," said tuo lady, end ;t was sufficiently evident that bcr confer- 1 . , . , . ,"".0' " becoming embarrassing Io biro, j " by are jou eo sa4 " 1 dare not tell you. " " "0 7 Why, we have beerr friends' from childhood, aod rf you cannot confide in jur sad apparently fuueli .t'Halcii by tbe htu dea eiuotious of bis be-o I lll then He rrpfte'i i isff, ait a S3Q- den appearancp cf d. ipftnirtaticn. hug. ne t.iffjrd look ht learo of tbe teril ugeoe' effiee on tbe fallowing morn : beaulllul ac t r I one of tbe fairest ard wear- jnj,, , llict of the iaidi.ns of ljo4too-s( fair " Vo I!" replied Eugeef attempting O ' that she bad long reigned ae " J'be iieWt of tmt. " . iBoiou." Are jou ?ck ? ! Fixing bis gale upon tha (rroand ' !ba Js'o." youn,' lawyer returned wittt peniiro step t Lis office. On bis arrival at, tbe little, , ii!f furnished spsriui'-ut wherein hi had ( for ctcial acets vainly waited ibe appear- snee of a eluiit, he tbrew bim-lf into chair, and mih a heavy aigb covered bis face tth bo. b hit bauds. " I'overtr !"' elimcd be, with a pesture of inipaOFbee a he ror-e from bis chair and etlkd veral t iui ri) aeroa the cQi'-c. " I aas tbe victim! Oh, God, ahy hast thou coc.-aki n tun . Agajri Je threw l.'me'.( iftta the chair, inii 4 i.a r. ui : iitl v w run jr (tout i. is tout . Itearl by Mie oicra he lining pressure of '. wor. iiJ don Lis cbci k 1 uii iroei liporkl a pait moucaie, lir) r't arced it fjr oeje mouii'Sls with pain 'fat cmoOoa. Yheii iiely opemue it, be ook out a bai.k tuM. and unfolded it. j Ona slaliarl Only a dollar, and my ' f.AUT dollar," a.iid h-, in a 4epring toiie, "and 1 Lauar nvt where tbe UiXt oue is to 'oni tiaa.'' ' iiui. t;eiitly tpen the bill, be sat iu j 'tunefied KXr-t Ue was h lone wilb Jlei. u A'liiry. lie laved her, the rieb and (io'i " liclie M fixton "he, a poor laar. jrr, ri hiri eat at n Crt client J '1 fi-j pas-ion sreuird like undue' to birn, au-J iuor! lfca eiww b LJ received ts go 00 mote ifiie ber prowMi. 1 Ah, It f ay rcsa',-S, but the re0 ! luttoti was traced in nod. He had not tbe airmail to reaiit the allurctucD! of bti g'otious leaJtj. j Hon ofieu a ho bad thou-l.t of ter in the) I outline ot lit deserted ofiiee. had be ! wished h bad been u bear; ay, a beg i(!r, that he iifiht woo nd ia her in her !rag! .Sue e rich, and ber a'.l'u was 1 an iuuioiouutab'.e barrier to their future iuniou. I And jrUbe m a kind to him She treat ed biui with even cvo more cotisi deration, tbao th gay throng bo crodd around Ler, anJ vied with each other for the boon c-f a in:le unr She blushed when he 'cauie ; he njected tie locieiy of the rich aud the fnircui for his; tbe ace. pting his baud alter the bad n fused that of a dcten others. j What more could a bver desire of bis ;mitrras? What Hror;er evidence of tbe condition of bcr heait could she render, j even had be been more exacting than he jwaa? They had been friends . from their childhood, and be had loved her with a do i notion that knesr no limits for ears. Uji ' be had never ken A love, never uttered 'teU a word I hat li.ibt be coo'tr ued lulo a declaration or a touti-sMoii. ll lgr ue luerchal.t Cuff ird s father was a wea thy in former )ears, but ben the 1 fc ifW,ai U ,.rofr,MO. I,; mdies, u.isfoitume wituok bim, an I j bo died iurOive.nl Eugene -aa kit . i.bout a , e..y , and w;,s for a tiiu eomnell. d . at.aiMioti his .iu It. s, r tj ' to otl,lu , MVrll lid retort to teaching to otl-.lu Lood. Ibe bnl T rireau. of f.iture difino lion still haunted his i -ntliusiastio soul The It gal prole"loii as I tin highway to wealth aud famo and be ha'i i-l bis heait upon beceming a law)cr. l'o Mich a mind as his, to iil as to do, aud by the most determined energy and a If cucnuae, and the practice of a rigid economy, he saved moory euougn to Qiiistt li s couioc. lie was oi'iiiiiie.i 1U.111U Dm, vp"v.. haoflce. His lunds were then dwindled ., , . v ,, , , down to bu appa.lnu condition; but hope burned bii-ht in bis bo-oui. and he patient- 'l Iv awaited the appearance of the clients who I 1 .... r. . . . . -. . i. . : i. iney cauie . hXifVtu,e. ul uio,ov was all , . . .... , a Um1 frifI1(!. ,:,,,,,, ,ullW hU ailuation - , Uhl dollar!" aaid ho pl6omily; oo m y cou . , , , ,- O"' out , ,ixpt ,10a iut pocket, to sit . , j s 0 briliiDt performance of Julien, uu,r tlvulioi oflb3 beauty ,We, 'could not make bim entirely fJ bls penniless oouduiou. lie was sad f " " "P'l of '''''lf' .t .f uU (o Ml an ice cream after tbe couoert," thought he. Tbo thought was appalling. He could not :,trt a.dl,rwas Jo proud and too noble to ,., b. bad Uf. b t bcino, or lost it, or t ase any lying" subccf fuge. Fortunately bis friend, Efefl Westly a married coiiin of Helen was with ber, and bad secured a damage. After the concert was over, be banded lifer to bcr seat. As she took bis Land Eugene felt, or fan . , . , ... cied be felt, a slight pressure, His heart leaped wha emotion bct.be had not a dollar iu tlie world, and tbe bcau- tiful heiress was out of the question, Seeking bis bumbls lodeing, be gtotrin- '"" r f, Cliffjrd, bow sober you' look f 7'0n u,y 0ul your face is as long as a coun- tt. prnon," said Lei Wemley, aN be en " Loot a ease I " Never had 'one to loose." This was a mortifying conf?ssioff to te'e .Ltah piriteri jouri: man; but he bad ar rived at that deplorable condition whn fi0e words ere ot no avail ts nemfy the I despairici; miud. Kh ! I supposed you were doir.g a rush- ing busiuirfs," said WestleT, i'h apparent Surpriac. Vht iiiide you think to T"' I I dnn t know unie.-s it be that NVil aavs ! tuU will one day fc'1 preidtfit of the United j &late. She flitters me ' ' i here it, Eugene ! aid lien, sudden- y( t4 he slapped the young lawyer oo the bould "What!" " Vou are in love !" K iireoo tried to laugh, hut be '.juld not You are iu love with ray pretty con-in I bave bcu a dolt lhat.l never thought! of if before ' ' In love Hiih Helen Asbly, tbo heiress I", tain i.iigrii.-, ru a nu, 4 Why not "' " Jbn," aa'.d Cojine, w th sudden aud tertlit. eo-pha. -t-, "l "t a"Titr I" "Hilt' Sj 'a uy grcit gr and mot he r . I have uot von a riollar in tte arorld." J.l bat eay pa u-ed 10 tell me, when I kuew he dad tiiou-atids in bank I" ' I am not jei-ting ; it is the truth." i esi.ey nm .i ... ...... ...... a r lor a uion.i u. as thouch be doubted . . 1 tbe trutu of bis i-tateuieuts. . . , i It is a fact. 1 , . . , . 1 "No! and ,lkna eyes atuck out like iso lt'.U ciS'llci Iron a new cheese. j f. , . . , ' ,'iou ID (ovo, 100, ik'D, uere tie i uiseriea in tbe same breath, either of which is enough to arup uie ; for love and pee- erty cannot ride the same donkey," replied Eugene, trying to be pbilopuieal. . " Then v-ou il ) love Nell." ' With ail :v oul ; but I mean to lesvo the eity, and never more tru-t myself iu her pretence " Keseiie, voa arc a tool ! "C-uI, who have not a penny in tbo world. oo the liello of I5iston ! ' ' (Vrtaiiilv vou can niv dear fellow. To - j my ir.iuking you .ie - -e , ........ h lorn, aud worthy to take tbe hand of Ne.l. "Thank you, lli-u ; kbe would laugh at me, perhaps d.'-pi-e mo, 1: auu anew oi my utter rle-tituiiou." Not she; you do not understand her. Ujt "Kelle,'l bajf forgot that I came ou bu-lness.'" "Uusinessl'' said Eugene, biigbteniog up. "Just so j if you never bal a eai I nball have the p i a-ure of giving ycu tho first one. nut, UtAecnyou ana ale, it ts a hsrd one to manage. " I will Ho my best " " Anl it you g t it, it will pay well ' What i it." " Y'ou rjiiiember I old a fatm ou WatetloAli about to years mice !'l said lieu, fixing his gId with agreat deal cf ear nestness ou the ouug lawyer. " I do." " I sold it for four thousand, and the purchaser paid me oue thousand, down, and he has riuco paid me five hundred more. " "Just so ; the fellow insulted mo when ,i-i IT. " a J sworn to be revenged ou bun. Eugene looked m aurpriso at bis friend H did not souud like bim to peax ot re- .......... 1..., I,,- oi In fiu.l. a ii l in A I 7 ice, and he .aw iu earnest " What do you propo-e to doT" I mean to (ii-possess bim of the farm, "id Westley, ui.l.jr.i.ntly " How can you do it! ' "Look at the papers," continued West ,roaintf m buUli;e of documents uPn .. ..n, .. yn ,h., hu l.i. PJre- j way, These pspera are n.n worth a straw, A u ,iM w tic,e of esjdeuoo l0 fh0w tho payment of the fifteen hundred dob .rs." . Eu?ene looked at the papers aud acqui- f,e.d io tbe position of hi Srieod. " y "e0 1 L" Liin' donl Jou T ' "ld Wcst)ey miA 88TBge ,mile, .. do " I want you to commence a suit to eject bin. from the farm. Yoa can go out .h. and ,P,ke a b-gmnieg to day Tbema.ba. acted rrgcotl faith, bu " No ; I went out to get my interest, and be was not ready. 1 told came on pur pose for it, whereupon he abused me, told me I half cheated bin), aud more of tbe same sort, wbTob 1 wMI not endure from an)litian ' 'fSurely, Ben, you would not take ad vanjle of such a trivial pretext to ruin bi"t . . . . - . " I will ; I don't mind toe diodey ; but I will (each hiui better manners." " i'ou are tot hard, lien." II V. .. I HL . tl.o Rr. V.frJA ' Wlit'.i you get huu out. . fiiiecn nuoarea aonarsi t nai a sum for bim in bU prencoi necensity ! It would pUcu Inn) beyrrti" te reach of einbarram hi en t. Jt enubli) him to gH a Bri foot bold in his profession. " Aud, Kuirene, I will pay you ifvo ban- dred now, as yoir ere rtor!." Five hundred! his heart leaped at tbe thought I Jiut tbe servioe be was called to was fired after a short interval, wb'-n smoke j proclaimed by tuo President, for the pur render wsw wesu and contemptible. To was perceived to burst through tbe port j Pe of reimbursing tbe loyal citizens of ake advantage of an oversbt in drawing ' up tbe piftrs to ruin a man on a mere body of flame. T.Ho sbp was en fire saw state ir.ay direct ; ana cm lourth ebai! legal qu'bble beias-ie be eould" not prove, i rfs soon as the Ere was observed, the Stork I al' e pui orcr to said Stato a a fuud a payment which Westlcy con fesstH lad "lipped her mooring, steamed up to tlie ! colonization or emigration from, ceisi doly made. 11 is soul revolted from ' head of the Uudaunted, end eit the Cre'saiJ Stito of any frco person of Afrioan tb mesniiess, and he could not become a , cnginu to work. S'ignaS wcri aNo made j descent who may dtrsire to remove tbero party to il, poor, peunilees, trtarving, s lie j to send a body of nren fros the Excellent , from to Ilayti, Liberia, or any other tropi m as .' I to man the uoatin fire cngiue, acd f the ' cal Stato or colony. National Intelli- " lli-rc is the five hundred !"' said Kon. J Verne t Government tug. to tow up with all dg"C r- taking the amount from bis pocket. '"Put h aate to the rescue. Suc!i, however, was ! ' .i.. .... .i . u- ...." tha ,i.y ;.. r ...','.,n ;rnn ,i...l IUG .Lg iUTu-L, r., jv iTc.tley st-emed to tnke it for grsrted ( ready i prriurii nie m'.iiiuj. " H n. I am poo, . Lrr-r.. but I cannot ; Ho ihi-h.-' said Kuer.e. "I cun'ot btl-ve ' i. t .i- :.. that you really mean o do u:U a 00 ward 1 Heed," , he lip of ieti-y curled with contempt. , " Not do it I returned he, ec dly f "very , ,, , . . ,, ' i we . there are ethers who uul." ! ,. , , ..... , ,. 1 . 1 cannon .uio., utu, 1 jeu,:"-...3 "'; "UU-M!U 01 I uauus, poyreu ions anu ions 01 wilier upou ' r.baw ! l'ou'li make yoJ fortune one !the burning tiir.l-era, and io twenty iiii i:e! of ti tan day," cueered Deu. J'hefire waseiiblued. It is impossible to " I can oie poor, but honest tlferj.'' . ! attach too nuch importa-iceTo this undoub ' You are a - fool !" replied West-; ted proof, of wfjat a nun boat, Sited out ley, as hs lurnod upon his bee!, and left ! the office, apparently in a violent pas-ion. i . lie l a I lost lefi West'ev, ofce whom ha had aiayi esteemed and honored. He h d madi Lis ion, and perhaps with Lim, : i...t io.t Helen Ashley. "No no .' 5be ro jld i.err coontenanre such a i Uinous act. She would respect him ail the more that he refused to bicome the acuomplico of nueh a ph ce of treachery. Du: lose Den Wcstley, lo-e 1 lei mi A l,.y . i ; ,, " " V . i IT iu ibe future, he could Dot etmu Lis vriiti .. . - , . pettnyand crime. 11 . 1 r... t .,,,, 1 ,i lis. I an hour after boa returned, and . , ... ,n , ' tried to pnrsuade him to accept tbo case Evidently he hd reflected thit lie bad be- , . 1 j . ,,. irayeo ins aecrei, tun mauc awi tuow- lednieut that mi.'bt be used agaiust bim. : liat all bis entreaties and threat were una- Ivailiu; Eugene would uot take tbe ease. j c'iitiord watched him as he left the office, j and s bim cross the streit and enter the rooms of a notorious pettifogger, who he doubud not, would gladly undertake the ' esse. cO.NCLUDtD I.N OUR NEXf. Vir.itrv fA UTiru la R. Lawvera ra somftunes very particular, i he otbej day !Que tf tlli?e itfariie,j and -amiable gentle- ll(el, Aa- wailed upou by a young man who wi.ca 1.1s ad nee, ana negau nrgan Dy say !in I ly f.ither died and made a wili ' . , it pt sMble I never beard of such a tLiug, ajswered tbo lawyer. 'I thought it happened every day, said 'tlie young man ; 'but if there is to be any dilEcu'ty about it, 1 bad better give you a fec. i0 attend to the business. 'i'iio fee was given, and tbe lawyer obscr- Oh I think I k.-ow what you mean " You mean t:iat you'father made a will and !dicd. uati i'es yes; that mu.t be it V KlD and CimiDnRATS. ' Widow Mouintui, whit on it i r t li are you thiukuig about V 'Noihiiig iu the world but my (lfi'uited busbaud. Ho was such a devo ted m .. i ; always briniuj; homo his little kindiies.-es to me. I cool Iu I heip think ing, no w, wiit ii I heard Mrs Brown's, ss.iges Mztliug, about what poor Mr. Mournful used io do to me. He kuowucd , I was fond of sassies, and be hardly ever- . souiedever come homo iu bis life without fetching me sassigvs iu his pocket. He was ton J ot eg.s hiin-elf, an I woi d eckatioil ally fetch a few of them for himself. Bit! he was sure never to forget tbe sassiges ; and aouietiiiies I'd ask, 'Simon; '.them's j your e'u's!' J i' as lia as uot he'd been ; a sitting on 'em V , Tux Ikisiiman and the Hill Ao Irishman was tfoiog along tho road, nbcii au angry bull rushed dowu upon Ii:m, aud i : u a. l .,v. f..i, ! ... ... f i- r-i., Tbe Irishman recovering from bis fail, up - oo looking up a the bull pawing and tear - iu:? uo the around, f ts is the custom ot .! ...i.nul!, bereou Fat. suiilios at him. , . a said. If it was not for your bowing and scraping, and yoar bumble apologies, you L. .. t .-..,4 .hlV .1... . hi.t oruie, isia, ni-t -- j ibrewo ase er tais leooe on purpose I A MWw.-F.r .,, .k.. i-J.V. a aa '"0 PaP". movement, of tb k. k'P' LUf'n thelf. diT' a in tha -ur. -ctiooary dis- der to the Ercelleut, C iett the out uaco for firinz shot with ni'ilteu in,. , C. li. We stated aomj. ,T , 1 "',," c':r,1,1n ,;a8e, ,or 'u . . 'me mice thati this purpose. Whero owners hate aban- Stork screw oun bo:t tenu c,. ,i i .i i i , 1,1 " ,D 11 . c . u i ' wa4 fittiii,! doned their-land to engage in tbe rebellion at Portsmouth, i,njjlaui, f r , , . " . ' , . r- . i , -aod I the Lnitcd States at vendue, the Cotun. . e . i i 'LfiODS pTopesod to be appointed may lease plates of Bjcn thick m;-,, , i . u i . , , . , '"s same under such regulations as will se- roof against 6"J pound c., , " , , , ti- i , . fjroper and rca.iouaMe cmn ovment. that the Uudaunteri prepared with iron plates aa to render her proo shot at 400 varda' range.. Ou Wedue.vUy erening, tbe Stork went up the harbor an ! moored oo frorr? tbe etar btari ssae ot the unuauntea vvv yarus. . a. inue m.oio i. uuon, ane uumcu im oem- oiso piacej on ooara me m,i,' - " JUMr,u'!1 the State whero- warn all Dot oil. At 1'2 :.), the first hollow sht, filled with mdteu frcn was cVnohar-jt; fro.D-tbe fftork and weut through both iron plates and wood into the body of the ship, about four feet above water lifles. A setoud !!ct holee and hatchway, a.i'l in a few minutes - r..v.. u. lu., tbo i doomed vessel was soon ene fe!id mass I I. ...... , -...,.! - ...i ,:i. .l. i..hi. r4).tUiCu, iu n.u.11.. -u c.ua uiu ohip. This was accordingly done. After firiu,; sis rounds irto her between wiu(? and a!er, down tiif went at moor- :ng, leaving only the topskil of hc-r forccas- tie deck aud poop visible. Tha wind being fresh from the South east caused the toon . . 1 e u .u .1 . .i 01 to take Ere, but by this tune the powerful, a l 1 j 1 like the Stork, can do ag-iinst tbe eiyemy's lie-of battle ships. I ' j E.nory li i'cj in that city. I Things Abroad. t sec thai there seems , Ww have taken steps to ferret out tbo I to be a geueral imprtsiiou iu tLe United ' couti.irei, and ia tlie meau'i ne would iState that the recent overhe':u ng au." 'jruard the public a-aiot the swindler. cesses of the federal arms, tbe taking of duVunnui Uepablicun. New Orleans, and the opening of certain of ' the Southern ports, would effectually des- A gjo.l story is toid of the U'. Dr. Mul trov tlie idea of inter Vi-n; inn on ihn tun ln ... 11 r 1 - - j , r- - 01 rrance aua r..n4iaua. mose wi.o ttiiUli eo would be undeceived by an hours re-i- . . 3 . . denee in Fans, and an opportunity of cou- . . ' . rK 3 versing during that time with the partisan-' , , , r ' of tbe South ; end they forget, too, the as- ' . . r , , , tiou, seems to bave teen made .m ids tie- gining by tbe governments of Europe iu regard to our war; and that is that it must inevitably end in seperation. Now, the Southern parti-ans say, is the very time to interfere. The North has sbowu its power and the government has Sustained its bo.) or, and the Sjuth gii'n evidence of their determination to fi.-ht the North O.i'.ki -tee ; and, in accordance with our original axio:u, a separation must eusue. Iu tbe interest j of cotton first aod humanity afterwards, let us, then, interfere. This is common conversation here, and Slidell and bis aids Mr 6till workin y JlerulJ. like beavers. J'arts for. Mrs. Tod s Wish. A late number of tbe Cincinnati Commercial roia'ei the fo' iowing of Mrs. Tod, ibe alepmotber of Mrs. Liucola : Mrs. Tod, resident in Kentucky, was present, with a female friend, at ibo Horti cultural Rooms, on Saturday, aud a con versation there aroe between be'seif and several other persons, among whom was an elderly gentleman, formerly weiUcqianted with the Morgan family -that of whicn the notorious Col. .orgauis a limb aud ihj oonvertion turning upou Col. Moao, abhorrence of his villanies was cxnre-ftd by one of the party, when Mrs. Tod spoke up, vehemently, " I wish there were a tiiou aaiid like Johu Morgou!'' These are her precise words, as given by a getitleiiiiu ac qmiuted with all the parti,. s, ad to whuu th. y were, as one of the group above allu ded to, addressed. Fatal Accident We regret io learn that, on I'M Jay liiortiing, t L I . -s i i!i.: iJ.x Hangers were un ier iii-.ec:iou oy Col. W a; , ker, at fjieeu Fon 1 S-aihn, Co irleslon au i , Sivaiiuah lliiiroad, a fatal ..ccideut o:car , red. resulting ic thii death of a member of i that company. It seems mat the company were uudergoiug an inspectiju of arm-, an i private Liureno- K ivnaagli's carbine be ing loaded, although tlu cip u r i imie J . ibe piece bcoitue STineho eutaiii ed in th." rein and was dirr);ed, the sll p.issiti,' through tie bead of nrivalj f. W. C.4et:, aut a-iiitn him lusUutiy. t-'iJ"",-,'i Mticay 1 LittlbGiri.. 'Fa, didnt you whip mc , 1 ppa 'Yes, my child, you hurt him very : much 1' L ttlo Girl -'Well.' then. P. ysu ur hi; " P " , ' - I-WtVi V.! d t k w it hjrl her. beotuse alio put ! I i . - " . , I hi. n.l tr..l to nhli.l i un, tum .wu -v-.- i i Cou.kct.on of Taxe i, Insukrectio- i ary i)i3tuicts. The Uill for tbo collection ts has become It p-rovides for I at nroper and reasonable employment. J Mich p or upon flu of tbe crop, of a aui tiuniioi aj miy be re- V.. 1 I I'L J i uiing upon ,re t0 v,e .j ,nt0 th ' " "'.f whio to be paid ar' sll or ,j3 aut,,r. ! ized a;:ent, when such mfuru ,-QQ sj4 btf I put down, and the peop!o tuM cject a - L-?-is!stu-o and State officers, wu jfa take an cath to support the' Constitute tbs United dtates, and uoh fact shall u. "a;" tie, or lor sucn oiuer purposes as Beware u? a Pcr,.TvmiF.r, W f,.r ,iav8 i1Ijoeentl been n)aJe (he iostrcintn cf a gross i:iipoition and sirindla on a por tion of our readers. Sjuio weeks ago, war received and published an advertisement puipjrtijw to ci'iu from one II L. Emory, a merchant of Wilmington, N. C., and of fering fir sale pool thread, an artrcle in reut demand. For five dollars, forwarded , . . , ' . letter, lue aii vertiser engaged to furntah 11.. , itirouli the .t2pre.-s a certain amount of tlio com.nodil v. Th lady of one of our ciz--us forwarded that sum. and after wait i:rg for' a considerable time, no thread came. She wrote to the advertiser, but no answer came. Finally, she wrote to a mercantile; , ' , ' ' ", . iiv'impoJd ou lor uo such man as li. L.' '1 -",'. o -i-'i n .- j ii (.'js.ur 01 01. r.imcn s v-uuicij 111 .iew ur.eans. tie was Known to be a bitter se';essi)nisi ia feclio". and on account cf Ins well known bluutness of speed, many of his friends feared that he w&ui 1 Le one ot tbe tir.t consigned by Bat ler to a dungeon. Soon after the occupa tion of th-' city bv the enemv. ho w is sent for by a Yankee officer to perform the bu rial perv;c3 over oue of the Northern- soldiers ho had died. To this request Dr Mullen aceeeie). Tbo serrico be'ng over, the Yankee ctEcer was profue in his 'x; re;sion cf thanks. The reverend gen tleiii ni, h3Aever, cut the conversation suort by hi ait ily iuormiug him that tb.'ro was 1.0 obiig4ti-3u it all in tbe matter, aud that Le "wo i;d, if rccj tired, tike pleasure iu bu rying the entire 1'ankeo garrisou." Frcm FittDESirKSBURG. A gentleman rccetrly from Fredericksburg informs us that on Wellies lay, week ago, the liri.isb flag waving over tbe Vice Consul's bouso was torn don by i"aukee otBers. What tbe ciuso for this outraga was our infor mant was unab e to learo, but immoliatf !y up it Mr. Goodriok, tl.e Yioa Consul, Uenninde 1 a pis to go to Washisgtcn, al.ich was refu-ed. Ou Thursday he was put uuJer arrest, and fent to Washington in that minner. .This high har.de-1 act oo the run of the Yankees was strongly pro- tested ajaiost by Mr. .5odri:k, aud in all probability it will arouse tbe temper of John JJull. Uyumoiul Dupa'ch, 2Ua. A Dmrisii Was Steamer in tub Iiar Bon (l' t-'iiAiiLLbio.t. Ou Siturday even in', the 15ri. i-h Mcam sloop-f war Uacer, C.ipf. L)u!i, crossed t!u liir, au I steamed past For: Sumter into the Harbor of Char leston: S:c no v lies at anchor eff tie Hi' terj, a siiott distance l'ro:n tuo city whar ves I: iscu.retriy reortel aud believed th.t a F.c leh urn, of w.ir is eut-ide, and will, likewise, pi-tsei.tly enter the harbor. While entering the pirt. a shot wis throm :ierosj tho bows rf ;h, K..cer from the l!.:iui' I lottery. She displayed her Col.-rs, a-i I was p T'U tted to proceed, in ae.1 r,l .nee with or ! ts issued, aod w i'h out si'utin oir fort' lie at'ious W. arc iti formed that, by app'icution of tho Fritish ("oi,.! ae.-ici tid to tie Uoi'ed States (ijiinui'ti.t, the t'.nfi derate Covernmcrit his a--e:,!til to her iugres and egres , as 111 IT prove r?in' ijier.t, it ll.nl t t he e tiqueU J cf reeo.'ii t our aithoiity in ourowu ;n ttrs. Mi i'ti ii. F,i AN-.-; ami Mtxiro. We luva it fro n a Jiiu Jiico tha! alter t'io -'iieok at Fae bli. thu Treoeli ar:uv bad j a-i.0r eucoao- ter v. it'll the M.X ea:i-, :id wore Cjoip.eie- ,jr i . . . T T.. ' V xi " , , , . ... J il lUJ "e, Wt. bul sUtt disiauce from tha eapital 1 ' - -. muii uaiU UCVU DUUUft OU VQ

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