VOL. 11, MO0 XV. II R S. T. J.HOLTOW,' KOIT!lK(H AND FROPRfirBHH. TKHMB: TtUriu.OBroliniWhifwillb.afriirile(Huul Hli!' JaUlthri.uionU.;udTtlUEElJOLl-KS at the end or i.ia year. napiMi win n . ... ,. , imutd untilll rrrag r paid ,ecept at Uie optwn of I lie r.uiior. df rtiaemr ntafnaerted it On llUrtr square (IS lines or leas, t Ma aissd type) for the first inaar. lon.ona 23 rrnuiurcicn rem ti nuance . uurmu. Utiaement. and Sheriff'! Sale, charged K4 j.tr nt highrr i nJ odHciion nf33J per rent, will t made uim the rrfuUr priCtj.for miver tia-ra oj the year. Adrrrt mrr, u ioarrted mm.tl.ly or '::ilXrr. ii . ., . F-rn wlirn aenriiiig in their Hverlnmrni mu.i inark it.. numUr f ina. rti.-M nrir-jd or ihry wit: be iiiTicd until furbid auU tlnrgcd v- ifimrl v. i rp.atn-atpra ar a aiWicf1 hiiiutirn From tht Rehmo. NVliij. ASllBY. Io br iirf ail hu.tkif rrnff, W,i. ye ik f Jfe! Wit ; i ii iinr iBfs aH'i mi t . . hjina.oh ')i'd ijuxsb 1 tVt-i i B'iJ of t''y. 1 Ilr-i fii Tot lotif '! ''"'f, t..tt ou' L'U Wt . ii. V. .1 (hr Urnti, wtoM hm. he alam km B'rf, I D'.'t'tll' f ' Sifcf loUfl I WH'l M,. I.OI I'ijliif.: ftoda l T aj,'iln I 'A 'h a r im l-nr l.ih J J .o. mi i'ic li'.r-t- M -a;riy at VV, n L r .lu. at kiii. !irfrrm rt , al ! JV.ra Jiim 'r .n 1 hiifrtil! 1 a.ti' h'ttifltt. riilnilril hia labour; lili J Ina mania Urcaal ; V.: r r a rt I naiuit-'a t..rr.fis 'I ,,.f Nui,an4 t.,if .' n:ai4 na . No iia Uli-i li.amai. T . l' , l . t ail tuu a. i liaCU U-.unii L m, l.nlij ai k i c 1) 1. J.t luirmgly aroLDa) lnui, l.if nl of djinf aij s,-'. r t'ii! tha aamntrr b ram aa I bri-a m nf tht d tf M . uic iaiu ti ( i jr. 1 ''tr, I iron'iut trtcom.nj ajea, U'lim Ina wui i fut A v; f,n (l,'e.;t m cli'a , M n-i ul o tirr Waal, - ) V.r. n , U.q,ihh 1 iw'y V'.A I c-!aa i I nal korp ab-.aa ha dual ! Jx". E. Tiimfaoa. It c iuuond, JuO 3, liCI. itlisccllanfous. Ffj'ii ti.a M4)llya-r. . - J a.a t vI not a great field for .a woman like you j " And just for tliat reason it is that meu ! 'y. a0(1 Florence was at his side, hvery , - There is no time ofiife in which joun? Florei cf, in your infHonc over yojr ansa- Lf hig ,cqUaintance caunot do any thing wittt ' one " hu-J n laughing and talking,! era are ao thoroughly selfish as from fif- eiatee ! With your talents for converse-, Lilu Kut wht arc you women made with rounJ. and nobody saw the sudden stars. j0, Las. W. C. rty, of Blooming-u-a to twenty,' said Edward Ahton, de- '.ions, your tact, a..d sell" po.session, an I l-1 ,0 much tact and power of charming for, it n-'h that these words produced V 0U) N, 0. bus invented a lathe to turn ?hoe l.tx-ratelv. ai hi laid down a book bo had dy-lik-gift tf jing any thing you cboosc, U D0t to do these things that we otnnot do !! '1,ot boked earnestly in thelady s . . lasts, aud is now engaged in manufacturing ltn rcadin anJ Uud over the centre- arc you not responsible, in some wise, for jt i( delicate u.aiter-true ; and has not I "ba smihd and pointed playfully to the tbij usefui ia)pieUJeBt industry, at the You .insulting fallow I' replied a tall, tr..itant looking creature, who was bung- i jf cd an eitoniaa bsrJ by, over one o: l'ick. n's lat w.jrl 'Truth cot, br all that,' sail the get.tle- in, itli the air cf one who ti.taus to pro--ke a di.-.fii-iun. 'Now, Edward, this i just one of your ?hol. galo . rclarati'jus, fr Lothiug ouly ttt ;.., . .:;.,., .au vou know.' fpiied the lady. ' th ur oensoteaee, aow iif yUvi kavo one,) is it no so V ' My ton eiiiocc feel quito easy, cousin, in subscribing to that sentiment as my con ii-iionof faith," replied tho gettk-uiao, with trovokinir m? Jtot'l. l'shaw! it'soueofyourftt'.tyoKlLeei.s. r notions. Sec what come., tww.oT your ...log to jour time of 1,U without . wib- -Vc?.or these,, and all that. Ke.lly. voun, your symptoms are gcu.ug ...n..-( N.. Cnuain Florence.' said Ed-1 ..j, . , , i, ' you are a girl of moderately good e with all your nonson.e. Now don't " (I know you do) thiuk just ao, too!' i sard ICDIC jon (i know you 'Think just so, tool da you bear the I "ture I' renlied Florence. ' No, sir ; you . . ... . . .. ... i cn it eak for vourielf In tnis matter, niH i ! s her time in as amusing a way aa she 1 Where will yoa 6nd one between fif ''a b3 tweaty that bas any eerioM re- tog Uave to enter my protest wlieu you . you womcu u ' , a foolish man into doing a wise thing -is.kforme.toe ' ' If"""!', ."J iloU? I"ev. Florence smiled archly, but ins . .:n"'.0"-r. .v, inRdei he thoughtful. . cufll, e;r i " : i z ; -.a . ; ;. with whom . w.u, ...., i -m. u .-uiu aa D ISaiolO. t 1.3 luniri'Vi " " Jgard for the improvement and best welfare of those with whom she is oooaect.d at all, or that modifies her conduct, in the 'feast, with reference to It! Now, cousin, in very serious earnest, tou Lsre about as muet real character, a niuoh earnestness depth of feeling, and a.mL.h good sense, when one can get at it, s any youug! l.. I. f .1 .11. .... .... , ; vi im-iu an, auu v:i,vujuur oou dcicuon, can you tf that you live with any 1 sort of reference to any body's good, or any '( lling but your own amusement aud gratifi- ',aliuV - : . . . . U bst beekng adjuration !' replied the lady )' prefaced, too, by a three? story compliment, -Well, being so adjured, I mu,i think to the best of mi ability. And . . 'h I do.", see a, I am selGfb. I do ail that I have occasion to do for au j body . 1 ou know that we have .etvaiits to j every Thing that is oeoeasa- rv tl.ojt lha house, no that thera in am oil. 1 f . .1 . ,, - .1 . I . - f I, ,. . ; . . ry tixcclluuce. And I wait oo miiou, i; ' eU has he.daobe, and hand pa his slip. ' pi-rs and new.'papors, and find uncle John's 'sf.ctscles for hiiu twenty times a day, (Ha , 'mn rustttr, that,) aud then " i Hot, after ail, what is the object and purpoae of jour lif-; !' ' iV by, I faavent' any.- I don't see how I cu have any that i., as I am made. babvtndinA herb tea makinj recoinmen - . daiiona of aunt ily, and divers otbi-n of mm? u.-ii. common. yea, , u-piul icuceo, ' to tell tl.e truth, I think uful persons aro 'comiuaii'.y raiUr fuasy t.J stupid. They ,r just Uk.tko bonenot, aod hoarbound, aiid ettiiip very icesary to be raided ' ...... i.., i '. ..i . . L . I - I .. -.11.1 I 1J iut.tiU.v, . .Vhd yoi charminjr young ladies, who1 fhi!ouutnz in Lid '.iocii and French ; ;.r.fes.rrtnrfo:ipar,3Msesrcrjcliar.j ii.! ii.: and delvhtfji, tod swea, but UUorjcnce. 1 Lere is another w no can ao it Let - nothing on tario tut parlor ornamnt.- W .Lfut.a aregood io their Weil, -hi if tuae cuavc wail t or ym- uie in tho family I ,' ,! Fbrvi.ce, fih- rrula and are aiuiab dou'l know at:i rJ it IC, ' I hare often had aurt of v ue idea of sorji-tiiia higher than e tuiL: lecmie ; tit. diii), what more th ia thin is expec ' !d of u ! what c!-o can '.f e Ii !' 4 1 vjid to read iu oil fj-Vni! U4vets 'about !adia visiting the iek and poor,' re j ll.d Edaard ' ion reluiUibcr Cui'ebl in t. Search of a Wife C : , Ves, truly, that is tj say, I remember t'us story, part cf it, and the low fceoes ; lul as lor ail t'ioo everlasting eonvcua-l-ns ef I'r. Uir!o, Mr. Stanly, and no body kuts who ie. I skipped those, cf eoar-c. Ujt rcaily, this visiting and ten ding tbe poor, and all that, iei-ins very Will io a story, wh-re the lady goes int-j a pie tdreaciue jt!yc, half ovtrjtrown w'ub Lu cy suekla, aud Cudi an imsciit. l, but aiili bcaunful sonilii popped tip by pillow.. but eoaie to the dew might matter uf fact of poking about in all thee vile, dirty alley, aud entering little dark rooms atnid troops cf grinning children, and smelling codfi-L aud ouion, aud nobody knows what dear me, my buevoience aUay evaporates be foro 1 gr tlirouh. I'd rather pay any body fivs dollars a day to do it for me than t do it mystlf. The fact is, that I have neither Iulcj or nerves for this kiud of tbinj.' ' Well, granting, then, that you can do nothing lor voir leilow creatures unlets you ..... .i. i . l -,...f,t.l.l- i ar a... ..a f. Y"' anil tncture.-fiiv minr ioibl, i there ' tnc it H ji i ee vou i xf-rt over tno-e ny wuom you are surrounded ? I ucver thought of that, replied Flor- Now, you rememb.-r lha remarks that Mr. Fvrte:que made to.' tether evening on tbe reli'iou services at chureh !" ' Yea, I d j aud I thrjht then ho was too bail ' And I do notuppse there was one of vou ladUs in the loom that did not thiuk ti too; but yet lha matter was all passed oir with smiles, aui with not a single in siuuition that he ha 1 said anything uu-plea-ing or disaj r :ablo ' Wril what cvuld wo do ! One does not want to bs . rune, you Know. Ui ? Cou d tou not. t lorenee. you whu ' v wuis josauy sea..,,.. have, always taken lbo lead In society, ana who h.v, bee. noted for always being able to say an to do w at yo, ft-' , J, .i,,,,,, ,OJ ere unpicasuig to joa .V C'"J" J"' certainly would havo done if they h U IO- i .... .t .i. .i. r lated to the character of your father or brother ? To my mind, a woman of true moral feeling should consider herself as mucu miuiteu wuen nor rri.iou .. - witu oontempt was "sown - ";'. . . .. 1. ik. Mia.r aahieh IS eivan to yu i . ul..'..b..,.a..iai.j......i. ml, I a r lor cruan way,' i J ibe yoaii lly, oo.oiiug, aod , angry ; a person, comm. wnom i uave ueara . iy uo ocimc i pura in eomeiuigg whu ; jxu ... ,u; . red f-rtu" bead3 of all dicing a little vcd. , her io -ajtr mouiouw say that she kuew this Elliot ) aud yet, how dare I try I' : this subject.' , . , 1 u-h by tu Ya-.ie G j'vcru-n-Lt they has- ' ' J yu :;tt up the f olnt, tbec, i-sid how to gay anything she pleaded niiLoat' Now, my good readers, if you are ami' 'lhen said Florence, do cot shrink Je."e j c'-' aa I wLi'c 1: ' was n'-t cxinet 'th Stnli-mo, tl.at y -iris krs jo;d far ! cC n linir nuy body.' . cif.atig a lve story, we must basten to from doinr what is safe and necessary, and J j, ;rat lv 'eve-4u heai'f ora bis '-j..t to acs jcaia,hf. amuse oilers,! ' EJtH, saM FSor?DCC, cMorinjj put in our disclaimer ; yov are rjuite mis- ri?ht for you to do, because you have onco ! .J ",'j"' carr"j;Vit hfiimoh to obtain look potty, and be egr-cablo.' ' td j not bring up my foolish speeches a. . takeu in the ease. Our fir, bril.iaut he- said jca would net do it. - You understand . J ' r"cw'arj ' C-iiiifien' :s unne- tU JrtKa-rrr1 and jet I Lave never thought of it before, I Will I am determined to begin, aftej this to live with some better purpose than I hava done.' ' And let me tell you, Florence, ia star- ting a now course, as in learning to- walk, taking the first step is evjry thing. New, I hare a first step to propose to you.' Well, cousin Well, vou know. I .appose, that strong your train of adorer? you Dumber Colonel Elliot !', Florence smiled. ' . . i i . , t. . And perhaps you do not know, what is certainly true, that, among the most disoer. niug and eool part of bis friends, Elliot is coDBidercd as a lost tn-tn.' Good Heavens 1 Kdward, wb.t do mean! . . . , . , ,, . . , ... ftimply tbis : that with ail his bnU you liant ingi, i not talents, his amiable snd geaerous fceli and hU aueeess in societv. Elliot baa if tni in rini M KxnminT eon6rmed in intemperate babits.'. I uevcr rreamed of this,' replied Flor- encc ' I knew that he was spirited and free, fond of society," afid excitibie ) but never fupctcd anything teyoid.' ' ' Elliot has tet enoagb never to- appear h Udio's society heh be is not io a fit state fof it replied Edwa d j ' but it is so.' ' He stands jmt on the vergJ, FlcrrcOJe j i-nt where a word fitly spoken might turn I : ... II.:. . ..II. . .. .r.l nu. n i. . uuum c.e.iae, . " its of fine impulses and feelings ; the on- , However, that is nothing to our present ly son of a mother who does on him, tho purpose we-mun return to our fair he- idolii-d brother cf nitter who love him as,roi,e, whom we left standing at the close of you love your brother, Florence and ho the last eonversitiou, standing in deep re- . ...... ,i . iv il,. V, , lr' . I, ih aind a of the right kind might savu him. And "why, then, da you not speak to him !' said Florence. . U-jcuse i am not I lie Deal person, nor-, .ter: ono wnom uc ..uuirci, wus eui.m iu ,a position which wculJ torbit bis !eel:ng i i;aio-t mo at. 1 not ope.k as if 1 ought : to intrfee in thi? matter, for indeed I caa- Jtot di it. I jirrTr eotuJ ia the world, I am Certain I oouM not.' AM .j,' siu uiw.ro, -you, wnom i hate heard say so many tkiut's which no one else could ay, or dared to y-yco, who have gone oniib your Uughiu as-' ura i. co' iu jour own powers of p'esng, i.brink from trying that powr when a uo- Lle'and generous heart might i9 saved by it You kave been aillicg t venture 1 . . . i r b is treat deal for tbe sake of amusing yourself and vinning admira-ion ; but you dare not aay a word for any high or noble pur-! pose. I o you not ace bow you confirm Y . .J , 7 , ' , I what I raid of the selfishness of you wo- ; men" I 'Bulo-B.nst remember, Edward, this - , . ', ' : . . . . . . t ... IS a matter Ot great uelicacy. ' Tl.at mrA. .l.-l.r i. . I'harn.inv 1 erall.in all these casta, Florence. Now, ! i..:. - . -i.u .;,..,! .,.. m. ! see him ra to destruolion. because vou have 1 I too much i delicacy to make the effort-like 1 the man who would help bis neighbor out , of the water because he had never bad the ,' honor of an Wtrtxiuction: "away from lis mother iod Meters, away ; out his hand lor the ring. 'Know tnD,' " '"'.' jraua. f ;1 . from any family friend who might care for said abe, 'if youjt.ke this pledge that you bad no eng.genjcnt .iL him, tempted, betrayed, almost to ruin, and mast obey whatever commands I lay upon eonunuett tor ttiree uouri between the t a.- ,., d ; 'I a few worda from' you, said as a woman ' you in it, name' , tery and the beder.l fleet, ,b,ehconM,ted he cr P i,a;a . - ; knows how to say them, might became bis ' I ,w,ar 1' said Edward, in the ..ock he-, two iron-clad gunboats, one wooden pun- - ",V'.;,'. , - c t L salvation. Hut you will coldly look on and ' roio, anJ placed the ring on bis finger. . i t ?, and three transports, wtth l.t y.t.'i ZuU , ne'd of i, . ii i- i 1 refreshment uitli a fiass of wine in his 0De iron claa ooat mown ep. anotner gun I5ut. Edward, consider, how neeuhar v reireanoiL-its, uu a glass oi wiuejn pia r .... ' . . - r. 'Ihanr! f tV.rhi, t : th run a no soncd ' ta.na.ous r.niot is-uow je.ious oi any at- ...,, ,a .,.. u and cuije b m.' Heaven cncu you a fine touch and a fine ; . for iuat aueh delicate matters? Have J0U uol ,c.en, a thousand times, that what ' might be resented an an impertinent inter- ferenco on the part of man, oomes to us . Haltering expression of luteiest from taej,. lips of a woman I I ",s u01 vu uv pl'" " r ' W't II, but, cousiu, what would you have ' Prc l ma to do ? How would vou have me to do ! ' " possible that I am suspeete-d-that ;t sa sajj p;orcnctt eaCnestly auw m.i raan.vo, ,u,u.u u...y wrong turns, and so many ansurp ones, nasi v...D guw. v,uc, uv .., uv. . feshionable thing to sign the temperance . pledge. Elliot himself would be glad to do it, but he foolishly committed himself . . , fa d f ; , . h . , . . . . ,. ' ,, . . ... , i 1 to stand to bis oninion. He has. too. been ! ,pog. J H under.t.ud the peculiar poiJt. of his char- aoter ; iu snort, t am afraid tuat he will; fccl bound to eo to destruction for tbe sako , , . ...... u M . of ot supporiiiig ui own opinion. .ow, ii i should undertake with him, he might shoot but I hardly thiuk there is any thing j the sort to be apprehended in your case your euolwutiuents ; yeu have bewitched wise men into doing foolish things . n. betore now t try, now, it you can t oewiton tanlly y Though test of j pow f..k.f. I. b.. l....i..k J..r B.,. .l,.......lJ...k..M.r.ra.l.....b... . one of the wealtbit families in- highly educated and accomplished, idolised by her parents and brothers, the had en- tered the world as one born to command. j With nauen native nobleness and niagnani- wily of oharacter, with wsrru and iuipal- rive feelings, and capability of every ttucg nigh or great, stre uaoy nitirerio nveu for her own amusement,' and looked on the whole brilliant circle by which she was surrounded, with all its various actors, j as something got up for her special diver- jsicu. T be idea of rnfluenciog any one, for . l .i l j j be;5er or worse, by any thing she ever sbid j or did, had never occurred to ' ber. The , crowd of admirers of the other sei, who", as J a matter ot course, were always about ber, she regarded as so many sources ,of diver sion i but the idea of feeling any sympathy , with ihem 8B human boiogs, or of ruaking .' use of her power over them for tiieir im - proveinent, was one that had never entered hpr head iawara Astitou was en;oia Daoneior cou- j sin of Floreuo's who, having earned luo ti - i tie of oddity, in general society, availed j bimtelf of it to exercise, turn for telling j the truth to the various youp" ladies of bis i acquaintance, eopccially to bis fiir cousin Fierenee. We remark, by the' by, that these privileged truth tellers arequite a necessary of life to oun ladies in the full ', wouid be worthwhile for evary dozen of , tbcw to unite to keop a persou of this kind nna.lr fn.r nM a sin. , i! a more man nan irue, ene said io herself -more than half, litre 1 am, tweuty years old, and bavel'never tbouaht of any iuiul', nerer q.h ay irMog, eioept to 1 nue auu fcrauiy myaeiij uo purpose, no vij..un uumni; .wriu u-mj iw i vuij parlor ornament neijin bo I y eil, I real- rome was, at this time of sfeakiug, as heart- whole a the diamond on her bosoul, which reflected the light in too many spatkiing ras erer to atiaorb it. Hb had, to bo I.-.- . i.if .urC , er.ru,-, u... J9.i : mainiaiu. ed a bai'tnni". phtoiiio sort ot fm-ndsfiip with tJei-rge Elliot. She had danced, rid- den, eung, and sketched with him; but so bad she with twenty other young men ; and as to enu,ing to any thing tender with such a quick, brilliant, restless creature, Elliot would e soon have undertaken to senti-, .v i r i . ivj rcenta, o over a glass of soda water, ho ; there .... decidedly no love in th. case ? j MV hat a curious tiling u is ! said Elliot j to bsr, a day or two after, as tbey were ,. ' . ' J reading t aether. ' I is knight's ring.' said she plsyfullv,1 as she tlrew it off and pointed t a cOr'al ... .u u .l- .j "Cbv sci ia mc gum, n ring ui mo itu-; eroae kr.i.bu. Come. now. I've a irreat ' mind to b:od you to my serv.ee with it.' j !).-. f-,;,' a.i.l Eiliat. atrete.hin An cveniuc or two -iter. Elliot attended Florence to a party at Mrs. li s. Every thing that was gay and brilliant, and there was do lack either ef wit or wine. Elliot 1 was statin in a little aloove, spread with j ----- ", " ; hi" ' " " ' d "icu. ,saiaa vnee m bis ear. lie turnea qun.it- "u6 ' uut "ller ' ,u.ro. . . D expression oi ag.iauou i.uu iu s bich sbe coul repress, and Elliot felt, i "( r pieytui .n4ur, iu.v ... ... , w '" od she glided away in tbo ; ' u u u a' I ; tliere are lining sail oi me as ii i were iu ' dater ? were tho first thoughts that oasn ed ,uroa h his j. How a.range that a maa may ppear lloomcJ( fiivou up, and I t0 cyo q CTery looker-on, before I Le legio- espeol biin8olf j This was' the first time that any deGued appreben sion of loss of character bad occurred to lliot, and he was startled as if from a V ... ul . fc M hU '"l j .oumt . n,, Mias Elmore eut you !' said another. (lon.e, man, have a glass,' said a third. Let him alone he's bewitched,' said a fourth. 'I saw the spell laid on bim. Nono of us 04n iaJ bu, our turn mJ 00me j next. j An hour later, that evening, Florenee, was talking with her usual apint to group; who wore collected around bar. when, .ud-1 denly bokiug up, sho saw Elliot, standing ; in an abstracted manner, atone of the win dows that locked out into the baleony. He is offxnded, I dare say,' she thought; but what da I ears I For onee in my life I have tried to do a rigb thing a good ' i . . . it... -l.i. . hi i .: obvious tir? piiair" voir. An luexoraole . her into the balceny which "oT b9 d"w . m. . .i,:.:r"ung the Ej .i .i . : t'bt y, and everything without, id its placid 1; -', . . i ;.r, krr'.i. .f.n. .ithin. Miss Elmore,' said 'Elliot, abruptly, may I ask you, sincerely, bad you any design in a remark you made to mo in the early part ol the evening I' ' Yes, Mr. Elliot ; I must confess that I bad.' ' AuoT is it pof!ib!e, tbc-n that yoa have 1 .1 .!.:.. i ' I have heard. Mr. Elliot, that wfu'eb makes mo tremble for you, and for those 1 whoie lifj, I know, is bound up in you j and j tell me, were it well or friendly in, mc to ! kuow that such thin vi were said, that such aanper exisie-i, ann ooi 10 warn jou 01 u. j 1 Elliot stood f r a few maru?3t3 in si-1 lence, . i ' Have I offended I Have I tiken loo. great a liberty !' said Florence gently. j i llitlierto Iviiot had ot.ly BCf n in K orciice, the ntlf-j,osehsod, assured, liLt-l.enrted j woman of fashion ; b'it the re was a reality j i aud depth of feeling in the few words she openod to him entirely a new view in bur character. I - ' ,M I mum 1 rpSji.Kt Id imrnii) .1 - -- "'",-''! aftet some pause ; I may be pained off-n- ded thoughtless excited, darkled ; m3"''P';r-' H, nat-nally buoyant, have carried me, of- ten too far; and lately I have painfully J ; piir)ceted iiiv own DDwers of rt'itance. 1 1 rea.ij ien uiai, i ueuuea t.cip, m have been too proud to confess, even to myself, that I ueeded it. You, Mis3 El- -k, .c m u , ui nare uuuo. mu g..n-, Un . v. .u tne isicji uay 01 my ine. i am rea -i j u me.' 'P shall Precisely,' replied Elliot ; and you be obeyed. I an not more than a week before lha . . . i..j.t... n i.-i u, itu B eyU JCUr. M. l'H uad signed tho pledge cf lcmpcracce. There was much wondering at this sudden turu among theje who had knowu bis utter repugnance to any measure of tho-kind, and 'be extent to whioh be had yielded tj temp- tation ; bat few knew bow fioevand de.icatj bad been the touch to which his pride haJ i j yielded. , , ; , j Land Battksik vs. Gunboat. -TLe oflleial runort of fisn T'indmin owe T,n oniciai report or uen. l-inaman gives tuo particulars of our recent victory on bhe river, Arkansas, and goes far to destroy' th rl.lu.vi.in of th in.innihil.t cf V.rU --- -j ---- - guuboats. At St. Cbarlos, where the fi -ht occurreu on toe 1 1 to u.tiino, we u au . . . tery two 22 pounders and four fi;-ld pieoes. "ol iuu luiantry uur nauery as abandoned with tr.fliug Ios-the cue. m3 """ euecu a lauumg .roru n.c.r tr "sports, lie result of the conflict be- lwetf.B lno, ""erJ a tu gno" was ' uisaoieu, a tv.napori reporvuu ei iuus- ; ly injured, an a confessed loss of 1SJ men. j ,..'. ..... rate of about f.trfy pair per day ; thev are . b . ,: , ..ivancol from tboo or Yankee lasts iu days of yore. We gtye nolice jn th(, r,triot Mme tsveve mon,hs ,g0 0f a machiDfl" for cutting shoe PeK tBVeuted by .nr. 1 etty, au-i u;cq proved to be a eompleto success. Hicrns. boro Patriot. Gts. Fuuo's Comma.no. We learu, gy8 the Kichmond Whin, tU the com- mand of this gallant old veteran, is in sn:h state of forwardness as wiii enab e h ta take the field as soon as bis foroes c be gathered from the different camps. The head quaiters of the couimau! are nr- at Bristol, Virginia. The Yaukee Government has establi.-he.l a P.'partment cf Agriculture, to go iuto im med ati operation, with Isaao Newton, of Pennsylvania, as Commissioner, and U. -h-ard C. MuCortuick, cf New York, as Chiof Clerk. Tho department is in accordance ith. lLe recommendation of tha Frsidcut j tt PromotioV. Tbe peon'.e of the CjnfcJ- raia gtjkteg w.n ,ifieJ t0 ie0 t!t e . . ,. . and offered hw"' B,I'ot PP'8"'" Tbey walked up al 0t promenade. talking volubly, and he0!!11 tL." """' h no. till at leutrtb. as if b, e,w",n6 J03.80'1 gnished services, bas conferred upon " Old j Stonewall" the rank of full General, the i " highest knowu to tbe Con.ederate service Kumars prevailed in Wnsriluj ?n, jo ins This it a title richly merited by an oLt- I CTih, that Erl lius.-eil had sent euinmuui ar aaka has shown himself at all time a ! eatioo to CH'irJ, trit'Sluu ac.inst 'be active, vigilant, and tki'lful Rich-0'td Diipiit'h. 1 ; The Dkath or LrRn Cassiso. Tha j lala foreign arrival Win;;, , intelligence of ! ,h Won, of Ch.rle, John i -"nolu?.; the third sou of th celebrated Ueor? cB"n8; "dJK Snow f prominent oCio'.al of the lintish liovern )n as a. 'jovernment. Ifa wbi born in 112. m London. In 1RU6 , fi . . . ' 1U 1 -00 he fira appeared in pub ic hfc as membei public life as member - 'ff Par.iaiuent tor arwiek.h.re, and in the whowng. jear' thl3 of nis niotber, .runea tue nue uuring her lite, suo- of L ocerage.and entered the House rds in 1341, BppX. er Sir llobert Peel, he was, lPP'j--j ir...i. c . , it- ,u uiiuer orcreiary ot jea:. After ibr',.The litioal life, he wai, iB l.Jeu,eu? lrQ, P"' inaster-Ueneral by Lord ABr'nMa f"1" Prime Minister,) ret iimrr' the veD.(tueQ ! uer Lord ralmcrston, snU creaticg . ,ersj j reforms in the postal department. In leJ ' Lord Daihousio, Governor General of 16 : da. died, and Canninj; vna, through the in- ujcuv w xaiuieraw, apyiu i iuc vacant pofftion ono of the most lucrative and mniCcent in the gift of the British Government. February 195(7, Lord Can- n:ng began bis reign in India, and it was during his administration that the great Sopoy rebellion took pUce. I,SINfj g,.0UT Ve quetion if j . , anna'u of civilized warfare or savage bnrbarism can present the counterpart of J r authentic tale has ktely come to eur krowle(joe ve' faJ to congrin tVe aeAion Charles Dillon of company f Jr J wiieu 'tta'tioned at Ma- 'ass was'B.'mmtcr of a comtan'-'formed " r out one day in q'lest of the enemy, was rsortailv wou'iii'jd through the lungs by a fj'ind cf Yankee cavulry. After robbing f a, t,je valtaatlc anI psapers. j tliey proceeded to Alexandria. Bui when : tije cached t3 latter tlace tbey found ; - Dillon was ! sccut and as a pronn i cessyy. lu hmowl Dispa'c'i. The Want or Tobacco i.v Efr&pi. xj,. aamo ansietv which tLe American war ... , ,0fTirs m LttroFc 0D lbo EUPF'3r of cotton, extends also to the supply of tobacco. We extract from the Ojnn ,n X.tionale the f00v remarta : " , . . , e, n a.D' Futc ,09 r0.m. 'f , uie States alout fi ty tnoasnud hocsheads, on wHch sh i-r-es a d-ty of live millions a F;i)CJ a, out tWtct , , v , ,. , ' . : . h 1 y 1 V''"" .v tatns a re ve nuc cf rj Dro t h ia f our m:lll0D3 . .. " 00 .is" - t, An irnportaut .t uo.t iu tua suj-y ot w- bacc-i y.A ereit grave euiS.urasajtctS f . ,.,. c, ,. y ,T-, Km -r a-' .Jv ," .,"'".'".'"." "! n I1 T . i ', . "f , b- ihrn-'n-W l? 6e 1"r'; ' t"',.J-t-wt Y r"a"D? ' tLe tobticjo ot the I L!--:.l ivates, and they have not eiiu'u fjr their own couuuiption. The question tf tobacco is. then, the order of tho uay, 3L.vl rcq-iiris a solution uo less prcSiicg tiia:i theottin question. Tests of C vhace We have not yet seen r.ite made of the sulking and gratify iuy fict that no iii-tauee has occurred du ring the war in which tuj enemy have charged and eij turcd a Southern rield bat tery. Ail the i.UG they haTe taken have been those which wtf abandoned in eonse cjuenee of their being dismounted, or the horses bcin killed, or which have been surrendered with a capitulating foere. It i-; a iact that the enemy have never charg ed ar.d enftured a Southern battery in po sition. Ou the other hand, the capture of the enemy's battel ice in position is a f.-at of constant re etitKU. If the enemy advauce a bntterv in line duriu a battle, tbe chan- Cts are than even that they wiii be "our iruns "in aboit the length ot time necessa ry for our dashing luUntry to pass tbe in tervening space at the puss u'c charge. It was so at Mauaas, at siiiloh, at Williams burg, at Seven Pines, at Cross Keys, at KlhSiorn, at lak Hills, at Yaivcrde. In each ai.i all of ttiese t iree conflics oar uu u ciiarged aud took nearly every bat tel y 'Lt s- isced iu l.ue as if it vrero a tro'.ic, takiu the itoci L ail of the guns u their taces, up to tha very juuzilcs, and killing, capturiug or rout:ng the gun ners. tKOMnrKW Lieut. Col Ed. Crahaui Hiyo.d, of the ih N. C. Troops, has l.-eii piomoted to the t'oloueljy cf that gai- but re.-im.ut, u S I the vucaucy eeeas on e i l'" li'tb of the brave, lamented Col lU-npbell. A well-men. ed rerd. 1 1 eoad.i.'t f R it'ar t nrd tL ' 1 rla- f No- w ii nr

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