', 1 .s i (VMf Iwong your friends de all for bun you can.1 " " ! honor, bo! enly lo hrseself but t State A,iQ5V I" lom,,a t9i ib tinae, "qair man of sound judgment and Wm. Johnston ' -V.stW & $3 iv y !ef Mecklenhurg h the man, vote for John- Wf- Yl. tS-"? ' aa do 11 job e for Johnston, JSJgJ ! trow -II r.rty prejudice awsy end rote V $VF, V H'lT for Johnston, let soch a majority as never -1?v' Y'lfM rd of he given for Johnston, wo say -.-dyi&Mz. EKS we know the man rot for Jouw- i Sion, l Tr j voaer ,., CHARLOTTE: Tnesdaj, Jnlj 22, l$)2. Awake, iwako, Oh, Pota aster Awake. We of late have brd y loud oom plaints in referew to ths manner in wbicb tLn Postal business is earn on it w r CTR. R. WakefieU. Esq., of Unoir, hat eon. j ujnj a ot eoneero, we yesterdsy receiv- nta to act, anri ! our authorised agent. He j J f,m Potara. - II rec.te erotn for the Wmo, blank, or .er. j d . iotter only fifteen days from Felers-tiem-nin. and receipt for thetame. Any pertone k-rg, it wtt t Utter which required iconic- b.er.h.rel.oj,lon,i wnnin .. Ku. BO j, ,00 J... ter prepared to meet their fate than eome of ns wonld hare been. Theugh they eleep far sway from you we wish peaoo to their as ti.& and happiness to their immortal souls. All tout one, sergeant Steele, was killed in slantly, and from the manner in wbieh he had a note written to mo concerning bis private affairs fhows he was remarkably sool. Apart from business bis note was farewell, tell my wife good bye, also for her to pray to meet me in heaven, where the roaring of cannon and the sound of musketry is aol besrd, to walk the golden streets,. Very Respectfully, John S. Wituerspoon, Captain Company K. NEWS. ' From the Western Democrat. Good News From the West Special dispatches from KnoxviHe state that Wurfrecsboro, Tenn., wis recaptured by the Confederates on Sunday the 13th. Northern papers of the 14th and 15th re port the same thing. They say that 3000 Confederate oaval'ry attacked Mmreebo ro and oapUred one or two jenkee regi ments together with Brig. Gen. Crittenden, Brig. Gen. Dumeld, and many others of ficers. It is said that great eonsternation pre vailed among tbe federals at Nashville, who feared an attack from tbe rebels. Col. Mor gan is also making the feds tremble in Ken tucky. The day of reckoning is fast sp un v to him within thre imintnt .m ti.e n,r two dollar. iate attention, . - friend also Mseived two one of them 17 FOR GOVEBXOn W3I. jojlsSTOX, OF MV"kEN BURG. Announcement. nulworii;l to annouce thai Co). B. V . ,iJCAM':R is a Candidate for the county of Jit - i.burf at Senator, tt llie nrxt election. '? Jl NE 10 16C2, tse (TP The friends of John L. Plim S nnoniiice linn t cinaidate to repre tent Mucfcieiibur moo ol t tie tLi Kiection on the first Thurs.:y in Aug utt. June 17, Iff;!. t:e days from Columbia, S. C, the other one Fost Msstsr General to put somebody there that can. Meeting of the Randalsburg Hiflea. At a meeting of the Randalsburg Kifles, company B, 13th N. C. Troops, held at samp near Kiebmond, Va., May 30th, 1S62, J. Logan McLean was called to the Chair, Address of Gen. McClellan to the Arm of the Potomac. Washi.nuio.n Jcly 6 Advices from tbe Ann? of tbe , ProachinS Potomac,' up to Saturday uigbf, indicate The "bern acoounte say thai the anfa that all is quiet aud the army in good TOrble froiu Tennessee depressed the - I stock market and advsnoed tbe price of & dtjg from tbe same plaee, now who is to j Headqcartkbs Armt or the Potomac, 6 ' blame, if tbe men havingeharge are unable I Camp near Harrison's Landing. July 4, 1801. Atlanta, July lS.-Merfreesboro, Tean., ) to attend to their business, we call upon the SeWtevi of the Army ot the I otmnae . j was oaptured on Sunday morning last, from acnieTcraeuis i in?p h-b uajvtbe Federals, Uy Gen. Ferreets eommsnd have illustrated the vslor and endurance ! , t e , . . , . f tK- tm;. .r,l,i;,.r Att,V. K .,. U4 vBitri. iroops. woo ar- I perior foroes and Without hope of rciuforce- ments, you have succeeded in changing your bae of operations by a flank move ment, always regarded as the most baiard ous of military operations. You hare saved all your guns, except a few' lost in battle, ttkinu in r(iirn cnn anil eo'.ori from tht r ci-uuiyin lite H mte of t om-j nd on Motion of M J. Walker, Charles S. i euemy. xi c.Le.ji AniJiy or -Nurl1' j juiUDfl.nj4i wa, kppoitd Secretary, audi Upon your march you have ben assail- ! tbe fallowing resolutions were unanimously I d day Jiftuj day, with desperate fury by t(j0Btej . en of the same raee and natiod, skillfully ',,, , " . massed and led. L'nder every didran- 1 rusolved 1st. That we tender o sincere , of number tuJ Decessrily of position """V ' .;; .7 ..' " al Kemenber, That t'. c t.-.'.e ait ki'uis of eduntry jro- Creek, Sharon, Pleasant Hill rived t Chattauooga Wednesday night, re ports these faots : That Gen. Forrest at tacked tbe Federals in Murfrecsboro on Sunday morning, killing some 200 of then, and csptaring the baiaaee of (he garrison, numbering some 1J00or 1,5C0, including equipage sou stores. Our loss wss men killed. N wounded reported. : DIED. In this town, en the 17th inat., Kt tbe residence of hit ton.in.ltw 3obF Smith Mr. PAN ALKX AN DEK, In tbt Slat year ( hit age.. He was sue of the oldest and moat worthy citixenc of Meek. leubury; county. Alto, i a thit pltoe, on the 90th ieat, WIL LIAM RICHARD, infant aon of Lemuel and Eliiibetli Smith. Slate of North Carolina, . Kxecutivi Diartmemt, i Rleigh June 26th, 1802. In portaacce of an Ordinance of the Conven tlou f thit State, 1, Henry T. t lark, Governor of North Carolina, do hereby nuke known that all oNeers and toldiort in th service of the State or of the Confederate Slatee who are of the g, of twentj.onu yenrs and who are citiirnt of ihn Mute, or wno, it witnin tne cute, tlmli be abit-nt ..1 UiTk7wiV7 j-T :.. - .l.r;r! frow '"i- here.r. ill neat tlto late Dr. Wnt. Johiiaton, aged 31 yeara la Ihia town, on the 15th in it., VT I LLIE, ton nf Dr. J. M. and Eugenia A. Miller, aged 3 yet re 9 m on tut. Notice VHOSflTAL having been eettbli.hcd in thia place tor the care tranaciewt aick and woon. Wed toldiere, all tuch will report lo K. KIDDER tilt EtiORY, Act. Aa'l. Surgeon C. 8. A., in charge of the HoapiUI at t'hatlutte, N. (. P.8. Ladiet in town and turroundiag ooun try are rcqueeted ta tend bendigea, tilt, and old liiirnat large aatntitiaa are aeceaiary. July 15, I8tii. It m:IjLKu oi i rpilE largett ttock f WALL PAPER WIS. 1 DOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, A.C, in the State, mutt be aold in 90 dtya, to make room far other buinett. All tlioae wanting bargains had belter Call toon. Those in the trade w.U do well by calling on. W. 1I.SCUUTT, March 18, 1861. tf Opposite PoetUtBee. Charlotte Female Institute. ffllHK cierciaee of thit inrtitiilioa will be re. JL turned m the tt dit of S; '.amber ttndrr j tbe dtreeliea of Mr. aud Mrs. Bar , aided by ' com pe ten I tcacbera, ia all the brantibet. The j acbeiaatiO fear Will be divided iala tarn ataiiaaa. five UeSet of artiilirv. a:', the snaniv'a arun i ane of an lean and lli.nlS.f riaiiia four at..k. I , l 4 r, - - - - . '. . . i wiw i viuoo ar three weeks at chrtatmee. . 'for circulars coalaimag full nartleuUra, ae ta i terms, aleteat Re. It. iturwell, CWIotle. N. 1'. tlU....,l ....IUI, I. no, ico. - . 4W keu, after severe figbtiog, with considerable eatctneiet cf the ahull permit, ahali be entitled ta vote fur fhurifl's, Cleds of the Coun. ty acd Baparior Courts and members of the Crn. eral Assembly in their respective counties; alH also for Governor of the State, Electore (or Fre.u dent and Vko Prttident of the ConlcJcralo !Sl end meinbert of tlia Coufedcrsta I'ongrtaa i,,r their respective pltlrictt, whuncver tuch elictnui it required by law. Aud I da hereby farther make known, tint three fret holders of their respective company, niter the direction of the comuiaud.ng orlicetiuf the Regimentt to which they belong, thai! upa pollt u Thurtdtv fur holdin elecliont in n,,, State being the 31tl day of July for this par ted ,hal said electioue shall be condurltd ,n ,'( lespectt Becoming to Ilia la we of this iSttte. 1'ha three frecholdvre afuretud ti.ll prepare a fair Copy ef the voles polled and thai! Iranannt the taint, with theTlist et vatcrt, to the ahenrl'a ef of their repeclive coantite tnd where oHiceri and soldier t of the tame carupaniea shall vale in dif. terent coantiet or diflferent Coiif ie tiunat Dmtrieti tht said frecholdeia shall auecily aceurdiuglv IR(j' take returns to tbe sherd's ol the diltcruut sn. ties above referred to, woo shall cnunt the vultt f the said t Dice i e and soldiers if rcceitej ,u,n twevi.ly days after tUr jr are catt nn the d4y of elcrtiun as aforesaid. 'l'i olottioiifor taia yer are fur t;nvrmor Meinbere ot the Ueaeral AaaiuiUlv and for biitnfta of the respK live counties. Dune at Utlire, in the city ofRaliig!., tl,e tl. aud year afo tttaid. IIKXRT T. CLAltK. C1IAKL0TTK llOJIh, sr UUm lek SIC IS K satv , l Alt LOT. , . ( . f 1HE Proprietor of thit H u!,. JL ttiM al his post ready I. iu' 6 1 the du tire of mine hnl " i i IravcUing public tad et'ura v aure in ti-;Ka if fur the Whig. Eggs, I'ffcr, JLud, Chickens, in fact anything l;. .;t tt it the market. V.'ood. Ttoee of our ccuctrj friends who intecd paying tbeir subscriptions in wood, will touftr a favor opoa us by bringing it in as socn as j c;?ilie. land, for their very liberal oontributioas the eompany in this their time tleioived -ia. ibat the me so. tou have tin every eonniet beaten back ; k,t, m,nj. Tk u.. r... ' Inthr V nlnra nl Al .r-L- ii.nltnrfr TO "" and nook ls- vnur fllt, with f-noruiom alanohtor I .-.-.... - " --v....b , Mt co ,lM1,t, ,,, (,,,),, ;, la i Year condact ranks vou amonz the eele- fCnUU moo lba P"nere taken."- i Coilllty. b''V'iu' efneed-, I brated armies of hitorv. None will now he tore9t 00 bolb 'dM wr nerlJ L SouVw . ,f f,,,M V"""? " l tbe centre of n..rhtt.. Bu.,nf .. .Vw.,;' mbersof thWBU.irtn ...v of ,v w:,.l,i afaei tisaiei of th rec.ntnra. W. U.rn I ?.'7 . " . ' ' . V . find lh,t Hotol a mo.1 convemel and d,..,. I""'". i nriiN la iiie a u . 1. 1 a company will ,ays gratefully remember , ide , aySi belonged to the Army of the j howeve r, that there has been an uprising ' I lt week publi-'hrd ..,d d.chning. u . this kinkness. whether m eamv. on the: ... . .. v. l . v.l.j .i.:. ' ""'....-. ...i .i . ;........ . march, or on the bloodstained battle field, I 'm Ict.T or Inis..nd m f f 1 I . t t in lnd nea:i tigUkrtn TTr, ami hi I: i rctioa, and at t'e soiirilalioai ai autnirooa I .111' 1 sttoa 01 .Middle Ten- ,... 1 oclud.d to o.,.. . e.,a.d.u.. " y'1 0'" ;...r tolari-tlv add to the ' U.elre .nr.ouoc. my.lf a. a raad.dale r , " " h- 1'"1,'J' 'J ' V.' -to tartly .UJ to the .f..' f u 'fj1 vi.Ram.a and that the reraembianae of tbu geoerous nessee, wLich bids fair nairAil in cnirit. I r iifniv miv at ane " . V ume tuact yoj wo are preparoa ti mct namoers cicur torees. eral Astrmbly of Nknh farolma. In eider that I Vu"jV . 1 V I , " ' ' nerve their bearU when meeung the tnva-)them I baT9 personally ctalli.hed your T , , ,. ! my r.,tinn be un.lrael.MKl 1 will state thai 1 ' , , 'h" Uerot oursoa. , ,iBei Let them come, jnd ere will convert Setmetnan aireei irom .uur-i . u, cl. Wm. Joha.ton for ' TheTloa.. Rust'tc 3d Thai tta Tlaada shore IL flea- . ., . . fr,k, .... ,i,., L. iimu tsvor of oroaecatinr the wsr until our indroea. 1 ..a" troagniy lurnn.ie., - - i tneir repulse mto a nnai aeieat. am, .l u.it.a.iu. ., y0(jr (j eTert ,1)9Dt neanto tnroo, aiana a uv.ng carrier 1 ;,h tbe resources " -r tv.1: . i -..v: .s i . . ik nf n .n.il nt ik l.l tie. i mtit . uw.ku.uj UJn ..1 ,aw.H ... v. -.. . juis, cur naticn ".T-r." Vrfiwar.f h has been tr&tt ones at oome. ao asm tuey ueepiv ue-; A. r. mh. ... arouli to find out something new, but of!?10" .tba lo" ( 9 . n,,D?. f. lbe'.1' br,fe I "ts of maokind, that this army shall erter ! bi Ure nn,bcr of prisoners captured lo me. .... . ......,. -,vww ,,'ubl,eh. If n frllo....a.a. r f'UI tl -.( olnk,,M!, is streBBtltfiiioj you ; cavalry, entered that place on Sun lay last, ! M.cklenbure orooer to .it ... I .ill ;bo" ) tngib.e.s.ciaiij 1D th. DIMM; of a preat people. )b!,i5i. m. Th. fi,ht U,i.d fi.. hr. I to t... best .f , ,b.t.i. KOOM. wr.f. tht -.p.,r u..n birthday, we declsre te ( . .... ... . v...v ,.:" j ! . It. L. DEARMOM. Dt with tht. IL.tcl tr. 8i.Me..ir .K..Ia fh Inf. p. -"- .....u,i u.j a, ico. , 1u, t.J ... , Tin! friends of Dr. J. B. Alex- 'irlt::"''4 hj u,lhu ' CC Tie wcailc-r Las been for tie past two cr thr-.B. days r?t ra:e for ths farmers, ud e V.of e thit it will cause breadstuffs to fiii, aid lie Vac'-ces ai?o. PW" Jctms " wzi'.i iLform th good peo- j p'.e cf tl:s t.'.ty that ia a f.w days we will ; Live a us i'.attrj n ope: v.'.:a, it is to be j eoLvi acted vy a gvLtlcma wha ULlcuunds J tue lusr c aiii ii 'ally competent to ear- ty it ca ia in Tariouj IraccLci and Jeeru " woaU r-;coxmcn4 Lim to or try comraaes at tbe battie at lUiamsbarj' on ,l .A ...i.j r.,f4,... , j c, k p. ,,. ,i -.t. i i in. iriiuus m nr. j. bi,.l0. hwti.rs. I tbe memorable 5lh of May, they assure i .l,. ..il.r.l (Vii.iiii.ii.a .V.. 1 rr..il ! n i . , , . "I ANPKK aaoouare him ss s cen-iidate to repre. The Proprietor rriser.rdattbttwi'h ! their friends at Lome that the eraelLvaderl V' ! !V f . P- ( 0ar lo" " ,bo'Jt 25 k,,,,d ni some V.t M-ck; -b,-r eo.y .. tk. HouM .f . 'esper.enee .nd m..y w.w .dM.f,. ..i,,., , i . - 1 auia iiiii idi lliiou. a Liuu can ni'ue lunuro i . . i never snau rcacn teem anieei it it over their prostrate bodies. ieiolied 4th. That these resolutions be published io the North Carolina Whiu H'eUern Democrat and Cxlauiu Journal, Charlotte, A. C. . J. Logan McI jlx, Chairman, j C. S. LCBIBMASft, Secy. J i' I V . i i Bioti ol the neil Ucneral Aaaenblv of fteflti l'ra. draira tu niriaa. be is urraarcd I.. i.SVr Ii-i r I lateroal-peace anJ external security to eseu i ... r ( im. tad the retot oiatikiud," a many con.f .ii.. i ! Stat, mun tad shall be t re-erved. co: -u. ai.eir trams; aiso, Jwa-i what it may in time, treasure. JulrllHwS tda gon, tli laden With Stored. He also burn- I aowaMaasMaaawBWMaaaaaiMaaaaaaw td the depot. wLicb ws filled with oouiiais- j 4 lutrlatli- .TJiai ke-l, itn 31, Mi. j tary store, io., anJ captured 43 males' Corruu ia not otfr..ig ffitly, and but I. ilia if Tribute of Respect Camp Niar Bicemqnd, Vs., Joly 15th, 1662. tid blcod lita B. McCLKLLAN. Major-tjtftKrsl Coaimaadinj. I s bd b jre ; sl.o, a battery of four LraM i nj " f"' " W '" lb"aed lie successfal shelling of ue Vsnice ! piCWi. The Yaakee soidiers were paroll ' st f. W t li cent.. trauporU on Jau.es Kiter, below C varies ,i Tt-r-.. a . t i . 1 i-o.a ii i demand, and Ut bve been made at . ,, Mil. eJ- 1 "C oaieers have been sent til Lhatta. , j ,.,., Lity toutt liauae, ou Moaday last, under, 7 to Is per sac t I'Ji) !, coTcr i ' t'ueir putiboita, mutt have a mark i o Wucal offcrm a wno!d brmg abont U tt mo el. goo r hrer is .11 ne r-iuiii initu per ha pa s little tunic to 17" At any rt vav the ('hard tir H 1 i H. KKIUl Ottvttr IS. IHH. J ji ed tlLct eu ilelcUn'd army. We learu that in this scout, eonuusud by T- " .!:. s.u cf it : iiDj! t.p. L'.-ir Treairy tj for ofcs cl lact-o, to At s msttlBg of to. JUtb Ugt...U; Smart, ;n rear cf tb9 enemy's Hue a, Cu Troops, Cspt. John O. VVitberspoon was' tain Squires, of tbe VVMbioioo ArLu.ury, called to the chair and Lt. W. J2. Ardrey 1 d Captain Uo&". of tho London bt:cry, 4 c..,., . ( succeeded in shelling a fl:fct cl traLpor:-i containiog rciuforcem:cU and supples fjr tbe army at WeMovcr. AULougi. Hersvly asaiid by thcaankee ginLoss, our artii.eri.its in'ik one of their was requested to act as Seeretsry. Tbe objeet of tbe meetiog having been explain ed by the Chairman, l Lt. W. E. Ardrey. Vt. Orr an4 11. ..'.. tri.d to ihy, tLe rel ;-r Tihicco lex Leeds 51- irapj. ei " r.ary red " in tba j tbi:,k it dTi64U ; Kifk Uk wer, ,ppoiaU(1 dr,f reeota.! transports and disabled tbt others, show- iv! lions. After some deliberations the follow,"? lu" Biost'. vi a i t oogenous " la tbe eyes oi our peof.ie laaiiu.a- , ; i, , l. ... . d., I . Mt'DlLC, July 19 A special despatch j I oaa te le resdily atl8j. H (her rt-ort. to tbe Tiibute, dated Grenada, 18th, says' pi4 ' leu, til it U taot . i, F'iea will line in View Uie lo4 croup pruw. ltrnuation L beesrteciwtd by Ucn, Jtff.' pecu. Toupaou ilia moriiiu, that Curtis crossed ( 1'aeon 31 eenla. lrd 39eU. tbe Musissippi Hirer yesterday with 4,l)U0 nun, to a point opposite Helena, ana that it ia ruppo-td tin; rcl of Lie command had ilmioslon. Cbarlollr and I'uiLrr fort Hail ii oiid. O' Wr-MI KN tl l-lo.N. inn after M'-ridar the i.U " J R IcauU by Ihia time. A i-j.eci.il derpdiuh lo tbe advertiser and gittcr, dal.d Jsckson, lUth, says thathiAfOA,fiams,i..w.; tbe ebemy'are c nniiiijou!y shelling Vicki burij. Will oou hve another Leavy fiht or Scdadii.e. Tiie J'tibooe bt private despatches in ;h) morning, I , our miiiX ,nd oa tt, kaU;8 jpwI(), of lU way disable soy crew they may tnpport; with with d.t. . trow Vickabarg of tbe ljtb, iL-pre.uoi. uu ...iui.DB .era eiinmis- w . a,,,cktfd bv o-jr tided lmv led and oBanimoslr idooted. i .k.iif..'). ,..r..i ... i; t l.,l girtr iini "J"" n-ffie upon it alsoj WH2tt It las been the wise dispen-f Series, by taking proper portion witbin the -ivcr -pj3 ;t. ftriJ .! tp to the "orSce'1! d f - hl God ta cut dawn in too c':oe range for thoe cutiloats, cso at- au It t.'-: 8.. J i'iet dara you to to it, who doit be baeivtr.1 ptii'.iiiti lun Ihif nn . . . . ... . . Bod WC HO DC IU11 VTOQUT atCcntieU Will UC i ..I - .1 .. .r . . . ... ... 7lb jBMMa .,..,,,,. 0 uagen.al; ,if,nlt ' t . : tb u far. ra.os,, ,s ne.ug re- sena it n 'til r j,-. ,a t-v. u a u ? . r. ., . , , nairtd. and wiii mni l. r. r. ... nc.a ei j v.iw. j Comrades and fe'.iow soldiers Serj. A. F.j ther ose of ur artillery ia this diw j Steel, 8erg. Sidney Tedder, Privates A. I5.I service. I Vood. G. W. Davis and J. K. Robinson iu! u" nmies appreeuw tae daDeri re 5" The L-.-!i,j Live.bcen very kind to the co.o:trs tins wttic ovisg to the ststs ot . tbe weatLer sid dark tights, tiers was not j acl a lirge loaj of thaai at the Depot,! and tVf r Kit not half the numbtr of wo ro- j . I,. . i and brave soldiers, who were faithful to otd 5o.i!er3 eo:ii.Li' ia es tUere waa tbe. every trust, kind and eoecuooate to all. -None knew them bat t love. And their metaerory the Xwtlowin? rseoletious; . . .. o - !, v- ,, , ,ir-(rr.o&ilLTit tn were passed. tLt kew iorit Tr,buae, wbo in a Nte letter Resolve'! 1st. Thst we do deeply d. j eays that tbe arraugemeat of batU riee s j as plore the loss of tho.e noble characters! tneereopi tuo navigation o. vrctk prev:r.'ij. ice City Marshall was on accotaHiodatlBg as ever, III I alii i' t? juy Lt live a high toned moral character was slways an L' aodttii rernala happen, to bare the as-1 "aB,Pl8 10 th,ir feliow A"0"01 0i Sol wort'nv ctntieuian and! "r .u'j. inn wi ug (imireij sympaiuwe " Jetrn : .CC! of tl Ltrtby n'.:i.itate Lira fr tie Legis-i.- .! j-'i all wLt 13 do what is Kill:.s;rj fr tie ttxt Gks. IIuoer. We understabd that tbis officer has been relieved of bis command in tho army and assigned to duty ia Kicn mond, ai lnptctor of Orduaoeo. Hi di vision hat been turned over to Ken. R. H. tbe river i 1 is compotto or torac of the would be lariair direct aictre to MeCUiUn ut" l"0, ,n lne scrfiee Kiri,ioirf Llis- position, and would puce UiS' army iq critieti petition KtcAmwiii fuamiutr. patch. Snow is jcnb. Yesterdsy afternoon.it j K.ti.'ZVr!".io'!r eommenccd suowiog in tbis city, feebly ; it' llioea, (.rVe,'.....T.!."''.'.lb". is true, but neverth.les really ttiowing. It wss cold enough all day or overcoats and firs out doors, and for coat CretwitLio; Y3T " Jecass tio-j t'.e ".l.-.r r;: Xii ti.6 uf j t.r er. j psl, bc:.nr.? !orr tt 1 it t.r, f.jr.i :' i. re n'. tLe . :. :n lit " v.'v. If'iE on & t&'.r of inspte- Sieoz or VtcKibcaa. Among tbe inoi dents of this interesting contest we are pleased to record tbe following ; TU n.imnll Kflini n,i J 1, I. n . n ,. t, ' K .. I .1.- . L 1. I. . . with th. bereaved families and fried. .f BorU,ri dctch fr e0Bl. a. ' J0" ."t.. i. se;;rw, .;;;dn7X those trae patneu. And we assure them work, when three Mipr-fieocrals took ' time ef tbe year, when, secording to sll that we do confidently believe that they are j tbtir places tc l worked tie pieco Major- ; standard almanacs, this should be near Utters. sa Uorn, MectitinJge and Lo- laidiutnmer, a novelty and cariosity. It 'L . J continued extremely cold op to a Ute hour TbU bears glorious evidence of tbe spirit! last nibt, (,'hicago Journal, June 19. perra'iiDg tue cruire &oay oi our army, from the Liglirft in rank to tie lowest pri vate The above incideut occurred on tie day wben tie Yankeo fleet t,".t:d tbe bat teries, but tt tbe coaat of one of tboir lar dow at rent in the Lome cf tbe blett. td. As tttir grav are not frequea- Lt ;nirj"ed u get as far ui "eaewea w.U the tears ot Mothers c f lie .V C. Ii. Iload Du- : Sisters, we feel that Celestial -. Ttrj te masic. we bun- ! AoEe' d lUn!l d rejio over them. ;t mi i " trsr.erip sjer 4th. That a copy of these resolutions saeitg for dear U " to lU Cbrlo Bulletin, Democrat! geat fVigates, surpo-ed to bo tie I'.iobmond, i'j. 'i tiriwi::" 0'it c -'-J soli's but " Jcetus ;uld eal HiU- .e orful lib, L at latt drawed oat one t, vLlch set l.'. yta crying lie erowd ij " .i . " t!. r.'.l t l trick (Lotoaio . l' l.iii L'u U y..ir, bid tae f i:.g alcit to smash up so 'J't:.i ilitliir tj SaTg Li bi-Con left bat he ,aJ "Dd " 90P7 ct llli e be tent tlat t0 bereaved family. Jon.t O. WiTBcserooN, CLm'n W. E. Akiirit, Sec y. Camp mr IU'.hmo.vd, July 17ih, Fresh Medicines. which suril in rouudin? tbe poiiit above! the city. Mobile I'sgiiter, J!h instant. Gxt. Puke it Sooth Cakoli. Tbe great Weeteru h;ro, we are iad to learn, s evcrywbsre ebtbueianticaily c.;ived io bis recent parage aerois Soutn Carolina. .- It - 4 ! ' 1 -.1 i k:. t ai'i d o th. lr,.n.U nf ,1. f v ! 10 CIS rcjnl Pfc y " At Uraagcburg Lo was welcomed by a Lirrt, ..V C. 7'., thte(l in the late ' large assemblage of ladies, who turnned j L'ittl'.ss j out tn mane on bearing of Li approach. II is with mssh rsgrat that we have been ABC,f''? ot,,er t!-iBSH said tbat he bad ' J- f " i;',od luck to' unable to send Lome tie remain, ot those! 1" '",m,u"."t ttU. ,WS bJ ,rl . , . crsgg, who t-leirjaphid to Liw liiat he ex- ; ; i.-. -. tit J ,U too cf Uat were met desr to you. Although i peet.d a battle ia n. or six daj..Buw. i. j L-i .? a.i that can be lifeleis, it woald Lsve been a gratiCeation ' A Mormng Att i, y 1. .-ij- i u v;ry rfpect fvr you to receive their remair., but the) . ;dai: to tU sk and ntc.ity of tbe cau was stoh that we could j Gen. Lwvii.l. We are iafrnicd that r.,n delayiug tbe t. alo net even pay them the respect tbat was'' Cicneral Lovch ras been ordered lo this ci- U.ir t.rae lor tbe So.- due tltm. Two of them fell almost touch- ty. where, it is supposed, a coast of icoi- op.ui'.i. be h th man ing tue, and notwit bstandiog that you sod ' ry asked for bv Lim wiH ir.-t; . ... n.. .;, Of'IL'M.Ckloaiel, Rlue Matt. Morphine. Cat. tor Oil, CattiU Soap, Old Urown Wind tor Hi.ir.k Tea, Nitrate of H.lver, lioda, (eook. I'e) French Brandy Oid Port Wine, Lemon I.,'u;i rljieoiii Slts, Hnl pliar, Ate. K NTK HUTCH ISOX & CO. ir ti if gists w Charlotte, i,lr 15, HC2, IJlSS M. K. KltWAIlT Scl'"l Monday Auftttt 112. rill returns the ei. Tuition per StiOS of Twenty weeks. July U2, I3U. Sw ThrTlnrlat-U. 7 m aM. . ccekecteo sr williams 4 oatks. ; j " i ciiAKUi-rrK, jcly m ! to..... SM (,i. 30 , . j 4ict. ...H. 33 u, (g " j Hr ronriu, :....!. ..... .. so 1. ut 111 00 A. M. ....-lb ...30 (, 3i j II '3 " .... y a 3. (.. 00 1 i i" ..-is.. 5 Bj jli IT P.M. lb 30 (J 33 j is...?. its , we I lit order, jti.l, 7i H o j I!.. 3C0 (l,y 00 I ... fl- -liO (a, U(J 10 j .-I fVr, UU ; 10 (, HO ..W (a UV ..-60 (, (0 -f , 8M ill fi 3!H W 1 J I I EV I '1 y i j ib ii i. uo : . j AV(emer 7 , 1 85'J . -a. j j 4w rater tM Nil I ram will I mi, ; this KoaS Sai.y (tlaaatays tioia) at (nil i OUl.NU nl. A.. ? 41 t 1 I iiaet. H"; ronriu Doulaert, Heel - . tiuttrr bufiaii, tll'MMS ... ..... ii '"j , A fle, ' feach,-......, t'.ilUn .b t otlee, K:,.... -lb Java Jb.. 'aiiiliaa, Adamautint, ...-lb.... Ouerni., , lb Tallow, lb Corn - -bushel... hw .baabal... Cluck, na,.. -acU. CiotM,i ;peras,.. yard... " l.musey ....-yaru... I'-Kg ...iloicii .. Hour bb.... baft.. Charlotte, Tut ka.rjt. lirrvard, Miiafon, I.tno- Intun. I.ineoietsn, Kra. II 3) A M lirrvard, li 4j 1 atiiuci, i: ij P. a I bariuitr, I 1 i ' V. A. M.-UKK. Atlirif Matter of Tranafiuri.ti a. Inrniaton, A,.nl 4, - tl iJtl TU IMI Aioil'i.r supply of Coin mere 11 1, MtU sad 11 ter I'aper j'itt received, and f.ir a.le by J. tit STEVEN .j A CO.. OpputiU Foil (Jtice. June 17, ItCS. tf IS PHILLIPS .itr.it it. t.vr i 1 1 10 nA VI .N. Lf.i.J 1. t'h.rli.tl'. rrp I'u .. It sohciit a tnmt l ; ui c .atronagc. A eompirlc rlni.rl f ( lotha, aaainirrra in! Vratinna alwrv. on I S l' j If y J whirh will be m wr ti 'ir nf J I r " d"' ' ,l" "",u" ""' " f ltf I li 1 sltertle latrat N . . ' L I tl J 'lw' '"" "'" " "" ul" t 4aiMj5Acj of th Mantion I! f FftEaM'll JIILl.kKI.V. f ll K uu'lereigntd takes III it nit t!i.i I" M. I" I.ada of t h-r.otu, and 1 0.4ltr Ik f.r i.1. anr' we Lave to tnoern their los., we can say , cuui.toc;s ntuuJlug tLe capture of New tuey wore amotjj tbe most p.ous tul fcet- j Ontu.U..h,o,U Luammtr. UIKLE SOCIKTY MEETING. VMKKTJ.N'r; nflln Mrcklahur county Bi bit S..ciajr will be held tl Jltbron Church, n..i.r tue p'unp, nn H.turday the 2nd of Au;ntt t llo'tiu- K. it 1, ,ad tiiat Uie orticera ai.d mcn.b'.re will t. n. r!lv atlrnd. E N iK ll(m;UISONT, I'rcs. M 1). JoiiNKxaiN, Cor. Sec. I anljr li .mla rn find iimnrditla employment by ap;ljfiiig .t I i,n Knvliw. M .ii.ifaclor y to. J. II. HI'KVEN.4 k CO. . Oppaite ti.e Tost Orlice, June J7, l'Ci, ' j3t LI ftU0,C''0 Knvelopes or bandsnd beinf maao.ae. tared, fur sale by J. II. STEVEN8 & CO., Opposite PostUliice. June 17. ieC2. ,f JA rtiu;s, .tiitciii;. MATCHES Tor sale, wlioletnle and retail by J. IJ. STEVENS & CO., Oppoiilo the Fost OJlice. Junal7,lCi. tf NEW MILLINERY, (ireut and Glorious News for the Ladies, riSrrilHB MtoSHi ffKlL bee. Jl. commenced tba Milliaerj ind Manlua tnakiHg butineas fur Itieinslves in Irwin's Cur ler, iinnicdially over the Medi. eal Ollir, of ji. C. J. tot. They ar pruparad to riccui ' work iii their line tn visas every taste, in avery a'yie sac Million, so the moat moderate tc'ins lor CASH, keeping constantly on hand sll sorts of material Tor tins purpoae ( and ss they etpict to dearv, they hopo to rroeive a large and liberal patronage from the ladies f Una section. May 13, IHiii. (,1 I 1 mt ine eonntry, that they have rug l ' llrown la lake lull charge nf tl.eir .VI 1 I.I.I Hi Uhl'AUTMK.NT. slid we wou d tl..le l.nl halt rrecivtil s spieuniii lot of X. - 11 i-.-i , ' aaitalile for llie r..n. i oiia.at.nf of 'Ji:C AKTIlT' C 'I A .S. upmor niv.'ineol H"" ' aiao II .nrwls l every V irit'ly, Mrw. "1""'; t4ii, Drab, snd lllar lloimct Matu'" ' ' abailrt, Hionil I.ai r., Kuuthae, alio 1'iaid M ar , Ac Mlv-t BKllWN will he pleased lo - sll who may till upon her, and wi.l !''. five entire salislactiuo, in producing I"' Nthiiwis from Paris, end A'la t.'onli-d-raU We wu!d ala.j return our hrart'elt ll. a.'l wio have fsvnured as with their p'" and ws will do our 11 ininl In nirrit a ' uance, and nioal oordially invite iiit i ttrangi'r In viail our eat. bliahmcii I I" '"" if I ciaewhers. KAUNWEILLHH A UHOa .Irtt .III" I, III- The Corner DRUG Store, tlleltl.OTTi:, .V '. J ;. . V i : 1 1 L'TC'l 1 1 SOS V ( 7 ould rrtpeettully cH lb tU'"' w V and complete Stock now Im i"K "I" for Hi Mpring Trudu, r:..na..l'"i: " i, :..i. ..;. n iv,r,..,i.rr. r Articlra.Oil, Ton.ertinp, flurniii? hoi. I'nra M..I.C.I Wims sm! I(rtii.n Teat. Field and Warden ';';dn, C, r. fiiii.l, A '"' i.lioa UnliU January 17, JEhU. JU

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