-'"$e iirqe it Bod io yotj QoqiQlSry, i$ to gjiify.1 VOli. 11 MO, 13, as MRS. T.; J: HOLTON, ami rasas asd paopftiiraG. TERMS: fUSofiti.CarofiniVVbif wil!befforddtoub' Icribtta ai two HIAin .dvine.iTVV;, hoiJi turning, but there wee none DOLLAR AN D FIFTY ceSTS if p., j ; elti lbB fittmBei. tf.avedforlbrernooths;andTHREEDOLL,AKS . , . , ,, , , ilhaaiidof the year. Nopaper will be drSfon.j .HI(1 hum in irrairiffBI erf pbiu.cjivcvi..i'v,c, auu uivii viiewtn-aiousvis uuy su option of the fcdttor. , froaebed ; tuey aounded like tbe trampling ,ertismen"ainerUdetOne Dwllarpef qurj 0f eteedii Soon the raitling of tworda (161ieaorleaa,tliiBiitediyp)rorlhfiretiMr.:eoo,d ke heard, and oceaiiooally a ihout t.on.a.d l;f;rMr'"lJf l'aSs ; !of encouragement from the swift horses. rnVrS.2 the B,edowD rsti h!eb P"d t made from the rejuUr prioca.for adaertiaeraey : ou the aide of a hill, and lend thundered tba year. Aderiieii?'n n""" v r.,i aaeh time. Barm ianeriv, aa vi par monthly 75 cents per square fer eacb time. Pcrwine whrn sending n their sdvertlaarniKit niait mark the number of insertion oeir'-u ihcy will be in.crted until forbid aad charged ac ordinly. , ll-Ptmter rantborid in ac t a a gen .t 2S 'Trut m God. nd Persevere. Brothrr, ia thy life's moaning clouded, il iho caul ght ced I atiiae t la the erla ia a'lrkarta aaroadad, Wuldt t thy Ut repine T C.iaer p, troll'ir, Ul imM lywa akuia. Ma I iibl ia ner, Suan ill coma Ilia next Iraaitlian, Tal inti-Ml, and perere." B(ollir,fe-ia lia'a boaa rccjdrJ, lliat Iboa aaajlit ila jnys in TaiuT fnttkit emved fl hm.mo.l!y nedtd, l'oa rcjuiemg at thy pia f Chacr bcelhcr, llicie'a a li.aitjif MV'tinf for tsce narr feaf, f'oaa f(fiTn, na ear g, " 7st in tid. d prriartre." Ilwlhrr.'sll things rUhd are eri"g Witit amUd T'e, " be Strang !" Tuoogh lha wiiga af aaflh ba gllif. They mt loaa Ibeir aUaeg'M ef long, Ya. wy braihar, tbiagh life's traublts Urua th ar to dar dpair, fvxjn 'lill esiinh like a baatita, "Treat ia tiod, and peractere." Ila, frum hia high I'.fone ia H.-avan, Watrnaa ary ilrp yau Ue. Ila will era card latter r.tii. Wnictt yaor fs i angai maka ; 'brer a p, broliier, ba ha p-'war To dry p tbe e.urr tear. And tlioagb drkeat trinpaal lawer, Trait n t A and paraeaere." C.'olbar, llira' a e,iiirl alumbr Wasting lor uicem tba graaaj U' otiK?, IHare's a g.urtoua a umber ( hrtat m mrc braigna ioarc; Wail, Ihva. tiil llfa'a qo. atan 'luasea raunJ Ibe, ealn ari aiear, And till ealied Irom eCi lieaTsn, Trot ia Gd, and pcreeaera " IVliscfllancfiiiSa ViDM America's Owe. THE A HE K1 CAN TI.UOl'ER. 8T JiMKI Il MILL!. CHAPTER I. It was night spon tbe Hudson, and tbe darkens waa rendered aoltmn Ly the still taa which rleJ arowod on every hand. Tbe atara ahone gently in tbe sky above.; where not a cloud wae seen, notbiog out, tbe pale streak forui.d by the lohg line ot h! P milk J The dark cliffs rose ! grandly a.'ev.r from out the river, who..) ' . . . i i u . blaek -0)1 rolli. on Leneatn now oroaw against tbe solid roca, auu imu lntf 00, disappeared round some prrjeetions Trees, which crowasd the crett ef tbe riv er'a roeky shores, catt upon tbe scene a deeper, a more solemn gloom. Here arose tbe dark ir tree with its eeuabre shade there the towering piuo stretched ila migh ty arms alafl. litre extended the loritf lines of oaken trees, their leaves rustling quietly ia the brecls lbre might bo seen the datk shadows ef groves aud orchards, which surroandud some country dwelling. How different was all this from the stalo ef the land where it lay 1 For war and dasolatijn was riding triumphant every where. The rod of the tyraut bad beau laid heavily upon the people, and they had risen te fighl le eaorifiae thair alt te yield their lives for freedom. Yet though far away tba sound of tumult and battle was rising, here it was as yet eohsard, and the Hudson flowe4 on siwultaucouslj peseefully. gooa amid tbe quietness and stillness low seands were heard, far away, which feerued te approach gradually noarer. Yet they were so far off that they could soareely be istingitisbed. Amid the darknesa might aire be see a tend light flashing tlietmni ly against the gloomy lit j. It eanie froth a large dwelling upon tbceuwuiit of a hill, lud had long been buruing aud (till it bias ad, jet witb the glow of a dying Are. No people were near oo caUle could be aeon j D0 tinkling of belli or lowing of berda- " iw sounas became grauuauy iouu tne looisiepi or me uoraes as tuey pastea over a bridge wb eb crossed a gully at tee Lotto hi : they creased and aoon began to strand towarda tliB aummit There were fifty meu ia a troop, yet their musculir forms and tbe streegth of their bar I U, villain more accurst! and vile borsea might well cause fear iu an enemy than any fiend. Wheu you see me you will of double their number. Their leader wua eee your death. Mu'by's landing. Mar a young man of not more than twenty-five. , ray, where is that 1" lie rode a spirited bone with admirable " Five milea down." .r. l.ia lan an Kold and darinir. and, " Tbev are there. It ia the place they hie whole beariDg proud aud chivalrous. At vtt tbev were too far down tbe bill to aee tbe buruing h. use upoa the top, but tbe j " Just tbe plaee for them. It iieeret, redness of iho akj attracted ibeir gsxe and and bi'lden by lofty bills and treea." riteUed their attentiou. j Jjo yoe know" tbe road !'' " Murray," ii the leader to hia com-1 As well as I know my own home, ma panioo, "do you seo bow red the sky is jor. And I will lead yoa there aa quickly over fsLford'a boue." and straight aa jou can deaire." - " Ha ! what ! thunder and guns, Caston I j "It is ten utiles." wbatosn iibt I' How intensely red it is !" Ms)bs tbe forest ia on lire far away." " It is too near, though. It nut be beavros! I treuille to think of it." " &ee, see !" exolaimed Murrsy, as wind- itig around a p ruction into the road, they c .j in full view of the biasing ruini Ah! good Leavcu's 1 Ssndford's house. There it lay before theut almost eonu mad to tie t-rjtid . Sim'ke was stream. . tog from one Mde as though there the flames hsd lax-n partly f r'iriguiahcd. From the olier a lur.d glare sscended, blazing forth fitfu.'Iy festfu'ly Iisrt, lay io ruioa a-j round ; heaps of furniture, Hi'l smouidering, I h m.-.n Ci i.iu Kn nn IA ! horse and gmtd on, ss if be were suddrnly ' turned to uisi hie. Hal hi heart oest Drrce- I ly wiil.iu Lis bres.'t, aud si the fire shor.o j upo his face, it stf. a'ad pale as death, j aed from it bis ayra gleamed beneath hi j frowning Irows like ceala tf fir, while his i teeth wtre tightly pttftd spint tsia blood tleishps. A mouieLt he taud there, aod :tLfO laahing aud rpurriig Lis Lour, i.e jrufutd towards thebisiing houec, while all I the troopers loiiowed fttr. tie p vox a woiu, uut uiMuuiiicu, ard with Murray at hs Mde wslked around If the sci o had bteo overw brlmin; to Liui a he viewed it at a !itanee, it was bow tenfold niore so Pictures and curtain lay trastif led oo iho ground, or half burnt by saiouidcrin euibers, Orusments sud sostly works ol art, such as tbeu couid sel do ti. be seen id America, lay broken and leattarad oo every side. All ws eoofu sion, and wild, waiitou ruin and deroUtiuo " Hj all lb it ia serd V enrd Htr ray, vabeuirinly, who ever did this shall pay dear. Vhe scoesdrels ! the irfsmoas vil lains!" Catoo spoke not a word aut walked on. " Major, w hat do you think 1 How many were in tbi bou'e !" " Hut hi : li e old man and Celia, with ; the four servants. " W here arc they now T Good heavens I Ibow eauie this to pas ?'' A groan I urt from Cstnn He clench led Lie It sud lonelier, and Li w hole frame trembled with irreprcksiLle emotion, t " O God! O Celia!'' be groaned ioa boars voice. "Gone! dead ! and I rot near! 'lia too. ruchl'' e !. t .-to. s ,d Murray, .o.tb- ,og!y. I his cou.J net have been done n.nr- I n n i. n haar tt twO Bines. WliO mere tuan ao noar or two since, m uo eould bate done it ? ' I eauuot irasgine. - The British .' j "How eould they have done it I o British soldiers are about here j they are all in Ne w lork now. , ; Catou rrplied not, but walked on in ti Ucce. Walking on together, the two , , "lj and earncfy, bop.ag. to bnd a " then, of this hot- rid scone, hoping the, scare, ly knew why, i h.l r,-rrl. ihph I Wea nnulit find the anhan- I . . ....! f,...l "I,.. ...i,r J . mi.l .mi. t - ----- - o r v . , '. 1 i 1 .1. ulstaut about a uuuurvu varus lriuu iun bouse, and atatted upon entering, for a sound of low moans became audible. I " Hat listen, Marray ! do you bear ?" 1 and Caston pressed eagerly forward to see whence the souui caaie. A red coat met his ee among the bushes, and a moment . r. . ' 1, . 1..., u . i.,t t?,i;uv. i lojjjer " Wreteb who are vou T how came vou ' here T t?pak I t 1 t..j.rA T miA0 nAlk!a untiin T am not an'.nemy. I'll turn. 1 11 bo an Ameri- j " CaMon-Henr jbe wiil be there soon Cl0 ,.., !and find us goue. " Peace 1 Ppeak and answer me. Who1 "If be bad come to-day it would not are you I'' , have been so. O, if I had seen his gallant "A wounded soldiar, noble sir, bat " troop. If . I could have heard their ery, '' How canio yotijhere ?" then all Would bare been well, for ibis I came dowu tho river with my dstseh-' would have been prevented, aad the inla ier,t." moaa Grober, tbe murderer and bypoerite, "Down? Ycu lie, villain I No soiJiem ; wou'd " have come down tbe river." j " Ah, ba, you pleasant old gentleman, so " O, pardon me, I came op from New you are here, are you I" cried a mocking York aud" I voiee. "When!" " This noon " " This noon. Woo led you T" ' Colwoel Greber " " Grober! Grober! Heavens end earta J n..k.. i ..:,! M..i-r.. ii Wht .the .. ...'vinill. K ihem in New York who was to friendly, so O, if I Baad meet him now." , i' KnK tall ma 1ml ami lannnd rel. or A,n r;.A n. .ion in f?ri- Toieo. ho did that?" We tfid it,, Grober led ui here. Tbe old man implored merey. lie would give none. He earned botn away, tie oraer- ed tue to seise the girl.. I attempted to do it, and tbe old man ebot abot ihot me. O, air, it it a dreadful wound." C8lon emlUA with rage. "Where hare they gone T" . ay Doais uowu m i'iuj landing ana wua a aeep groan, ua 0111 artioulated words, his hiad fell nervously back, and all was orer. " How long T but ba be ie flearl. Gro have chosen in which to -past the eight, suppose." " Oulv nine by land. e oan go it in a 'very littie time, lor the road is better than it v-as where we have travelled to aay. I Murrav. it maddena me to think of Grober after receiving such kindBess ol , ' this family, to do this deed of villainy. O, Murray, old friend 1 you know why 1 tel iiiua. "I know well," he replied, grasping the haodof CaMoo. " I know wcil.aud llsliaii go bard with tns if 1 shall not see you soon face to face with this scoundrel." Hy tbia limo they bad returned to the troop "Mount! mount 1 ride like the wind to Moby'a lending I" cried Cation, io a voice f iimnrlrr. " Do iou eee 'bat ruin ? The British did that ! The murderers sre be- fore ui 1 Ub Loud aroe the wild ebrer from the en Ibuaisotie. td eidted soldiers. "Down iL. .ur.ifr. ! ' their m v : sal Caston with all M men folioaiug after, j 1 be fair young girl tremmeu ana ooweu tne 0en rscg again for retreat, the Coa rode like the wind dawo the hill Again her head in an agony of aorro. Tbe old ; federates ret eating iu good order. The the bors-s be.ol struak sgaiust tbe rocky j man seemed overw helmed by come blow, j Federals sent to Louiowlle for reinforee cround Agaio they thondered over the I " Never," be gasped, ' jever. Fool, do meuts. Henderson and the adjoining oouu bridire; then tbe sounds died away iu tbe you think I would beg my life ? No! I ; ties are in a blaze. Msi. McGlossou's cav- distanee, and ail wat still aa before. CHAPTER II. The bills, all rocky, rose high above the plaee called "Mu'bya landing It was formed by a small projection into the river, nd tbe little spot ot grouue wtnen iy cere, . bullion av the ucij hbor te bilU. waa scarce ly iible to tboe coming'down the river. 1 For its stereey if was cboaets at times lor j an encampment. Fioru the him above sea trice couid descry ao approaching foe, and when any alarm as gircu the can.p could , instantly he broifo up, ana strongly ta trerched among tbe Lills. Here U7 a small encampment at the time. A large fire bl:td ; the foot of a rock, the tents were near it, arms were filed, boms put to rest, and all was r;dv for the tiiht By the glare of tbe firo the forms of a few soldiers could be seen as they walked Bp and down without tueasur cd strps. Guar!? were placed at one tent which stood aearer the fire than the others. With- this tect tbo li:ht sbuue md disclosed the form of a young pirl, who sat upon the (ground, her head bowed weeping bitter!,. . yll9 was ., .nd Tery beautiful, her fea- torcs posseijl0g delicacy and gracefulness j v.... ..m ri.! mtli w i r m n r a nd vu ber eves were rea witu weeping, ana ucr bair wis distorted. ., Father! father:" she cried, "where arj . Au beaveD, it is litter for mr o tndure bttl how n)uch more ,0 ,or you, so old and feeble !" "t;elia, saiu a voice near y Father," she cried io surprise, as dark form crept into the tent. O. God! yoa are alive. " Yes, Ctlia, my child," said he, embra oinc her. " But I did not. know what had become of you. I thought they cad ki:Nd 5"U 1 thought that even cow tbe lorm 01 niv daughter lav lv with thone of mv mur - - dered servants." " 0, it might have been better for me had it been so " ' Py not so, my daughter. Bay no o. O, Heaven, look down upon us and save m protect my daughter, from this murder er 1 Save her 1 O, save her T " They came 10 suddenly, father." " And the eight of Grober-Grobertrars- I forraed to a villain- -was too much. Where was Caston then 1' " How very free yon are with my name, to be sure." " Grober 1" nttered both, while the old tnap, making aa effort aseape, sudds! recollected inn ne b k . e- maioed atill u Not so fast, tot aged friend"," criecV leil Grower, aiming in, " not quilt to fast You are to await here ewbile, since job are here. What do you suppose I stormed vour castle fcr ! What I don't kn-ow I Keally." Kotir remained ailent. Grober laid aside hU toffe ef mockery, and went on, ' Why wan it T It waa betaaae you were rebel, Saudford a rebel, an infamooa traitor to your kiug " " 'Tii falae tou know that 1 em ftri old man, and deairoee of peace. What can I doT" ' " You bad money, and could help the frete!." 'Did I cerer help a royalitlt Did I oarer lend thousanda of pounda to a hypo crite to a certain Grober t" " Ha 1 you, my prisoner, dare to talk thus to me f" cried Grober, io a fuy, drawing n his hope form to ila full height. " By the Lord , air, I won't atiBd it, ao do not be prteumptsoui. 1 took you prisoner because were a traitor, eld man, ' di death of one." ana deserved ITon eanaot believe sd. You are speak ing falsely," aaid Sandford, ealOily. VVbet's tbatt Do yo luean td sy that 1 lie r roared Grober. Verj ell the noose is waiting for you, ana wilt not leog be empty. Do your worst-there is one that avenge me. " lour daughter ? True, she can- "I did not speak of Celia. I spoke- V ery well, una can ssi es., ..UBo you, but she can do more She can save. your life old man." u, tnen i ane cnea '1"S " M, ie , .Colon! Grober, i you are a man ana ";haT9 otto becreUd. . . . . " " i i !in you any puy, puj ui i ey oo Bia gray nairs. opara una i w, spare my father 4 You are Lsautiful," he cried," as yot j kneel there. 1 can spare him far your take, i There is oue condition." Fh sbrauk back. I "lie mine, Celia band lord. Am 1 Dot good enough for you T Be mine, aud your , father'a iile shall bo spared. Yoer borne i shall be restored to you, or rather, a Dw one shall be given you. Speafc. What! Silent ? ' would rather die a thousand deaths than j live 00 such terms. Scoundrel ! can I, who sece.-.sionit, and was foreod to retire be bve fought a hundred battles in my youth, ' fore the foroesof Capt. John T. Williams, fear death or bow to ycu ? Kiil Uic, bang i of "West, Liberty, who is suecesafuiiy ro u.0 ! General Sandford cannot far death, i taliating ou the Yankees. But there are those who wiil bear of this. 'U9re tre friends of mine io both armies ei0,e frieudi, and my gray bairs sball not rautouly dishonored." Poob, man ! said Grober, bat he seetn- somewhat effected by what General Sandterd had f aid. You were a general, sistanco tbey can. lut you have soid out. You arc a rebel,' The contemplated raid into Kentucky of and leerve a double -ixa'.h. But all sba;l the rebel forces at Pound Gap, wat confi be forgiven if your lovely daughter shall , ddtlj believed would be successful. In be mine" j Morgan Couuty, the Yankee .Judge as " Who will forgive roe on tbue terms ?". compelled to adjourn his court t y The se 1. j , cessiocists, and in Wolfe County Union men " You? you, a eolonel of a small detach aant of horse. You forgive for treason? By whit right!" I will kt yc: eo." " And do you not knoC that if am sus ptcti d I tan again be ivied for tn fime ! ' " lou wiil not coudemQeu. . " And do you not know, fool aud vil- laiu 1 ' cried sandford, more fiercely, " I bet . can turo ou you for robbing as ro-li:st, 1 ud rriug bin. off, (hus proving you to j be 4 lr,uor , iUh 1 old man-I arc master now.- ' c 1. ..,... .... I, i . .); '' Speak to your daughter or die. " ever 1 eua, win you n. mine t ueef(j eDft iinpreS,iou U, taat ano " O. niT father ! fcbe cried, weeping, and .. f i ;" i, ,- ",.K.,. , .1 . cUpinj bim in ber anus " Celia my life shall not be saved thus. 1 would not aak you. I would die first.- .k'elia, scorn bim aud let me die. ' l nen, Uliss oauuiom, you wi.i aiTD oue Lour io which to think. I will return then and know. If you do not deoide, 1 will hang your father. Hang him ! do you hear that? and do pou know what it is to have a friend bung 1 " Perhaps the day may come, "said Sand ford, in a low and hollow voice, " when you will know what it it is to die thus." " Peace, old man !" said Grober ; but, as if seised with superstitious terror, be trt ru bied at tbe bodinj; words, and after a time he left the tout with au oath. Suddenly he cartie baek. " I will leave yon together, Talk over this. 01d ruao, jour lif maybe saved. Girl, you may save your father's life. And recollect, both of you, aud you particularly, Miss Saudford, that if you refuse, aud thus kill yoi? father, you wiil yet be io my power." ' " Wretch 1" she cried, suddenly bowing up her form lo her full height, while the tears had all departed from her flj.hing ye. ''Dj jour worst. You will know me better if you try to overoome me !" Grober stood, for a moment astonished, and theu departed. " D) not yield to Liin, Celia. Show a spirit as you did but now, and you will do well. As for roe, I can ali. But you can never break your vows, to Custoa. It would be a base wrong to bim, and I would rather die the. all,v U V firm , baaa are tbe times to try the souL but be firm, jj I Save (hia with whioh to defend my. Said tha fair ri rl and aha draw i it,. f;r irt a .v.. ,, . mall d. I k ,1. V.. A "illls plunged into his heart if be offera vnfl(Sand if a,j tlje M h aball enter m, nJ tQf m9 froa 0 life of misery. "Alaslmy Celia-.lugb,.r Concluded nen u,ee Mcmphis IntiLlioSnci. Fea. le is being severely felt in Memphis. Waij formation that the order of tbe prevoh. marshall, directing tbe relatives of all con nected with tke Confederate eervies to be removed from tbe eity, bas bean revoked, lint such is not tbe case. That order re ma'ns unrecsiled. Referring to the barring of eottoD, tie Bulletin says : Cotten burbicg is 'still praeticed withio tse Federal lines, and, indeed, almost wkb- i in eight of Mcrrpia. A geutleraary who! reaehed the city, last night, informs us j that the Confederate cavalry Were vester- ! day in the neighborhood of Union depot end j ! hu A '.q tber Dcfarioui work Ju ; ,s f . ,..,.., ,. HaUb:s river, about twelve runes fro lit ax- guisin themselves a cotton buyers, for th : rpoM of ,soertliaing whtfe te coWon ia j aecreted, and then they oome in force and burn w h R ;. fa tcr(J In faet tbere is scarcely - - . .,, . Tenng,see tuit ti,v haT0 ) not visited and destroyed the cotton. They sometimes arrest those Bui-pected of having cotton aud retain theciiu ibeir custody nn- hi inev lew iuem iub ujuic) oi ail ho OCTBRBAX OF SlCISStON IS KeSTUCKV. Xhe Louisville Express, of the 2J inst., gT,4 ,Q aceount of a xu3rp skirmish be- tween a company of ' Partizao Hangers' and the forces under the Provoet Marshal, t Henderson, Ky , in which Lieut. Tyler WM billed. Captain Dally, Lieut. Dally ,D(i a number of privates on the Fulurui s,de were wouudod. It a Kaid that ou ef cbureh lells was ran at 1 1 P. M., a 3 aienal to make the atuok. aud that at li airy (Federal) failed to arrest the lesdiur Aootbe outbread bad ocourcd at liaz:! Green. William and Andy Martin, of (he voutedcrate army, having killed Jame Gilmore and badly wounded Lis son William, A number of Humphrey Marshall's, men lo in Kentucky, .rendering all the as- were bung In I'ike Ceuaty the most bitter aud re- lentless war had broken out since the Fed-. that the Confederate! wou;d dictate pjuce eral forces had left, so that it would turn at aa early day iu Va.biuj:t3n city. The that Kentucky is fully ripe for revolution, ' uniq litou Jacksoa was uioineutariiy ex and is only waiting for arms. , pect.d cms the Arlington Heights. ; This fui'.tcat;ja of reinforceaieuts to Ma- FlRB Is fB Camp. Parties from below . h . . u ,e firfl ,i)e Cluit of Berkeley where lil-i'iei'an's He BiaQ . j '.noan.pcdV ou Sartrda n oL.e;tioM Bs coul bm4jc on ,,lif jid(J of ,ile ri?er co ,e .... '. r ay eould d with the fact that repeated explosion.-, of guos or kegs of powder, were distinctly tuer of Liuoolu's gunboats hav beeu do stroyed. The reflection of tbe iiht isiu-1 Uiiustcd the south bank of the river for be- j veral miles, and email objects were plainly j visible. We suppose late papers by tho 1 next fli of truce wi'l throw ad Jitional t U on the matter. By the way, the guubottj known as tbe Maratatza, which get agrcuuu j in tbe Appomattox .some three week.t a' J, ' and was Ruined by the enemy, wan wluciii bas never been permitted to ti'.id its way into ihe Northern papers. Tue ureek ot the Maratansa is stui 10 be seen. t'c.ers buTg Lipitss. Tll TROrvcE Loan. We learn th-it the governmenthas determined to req rli e suberibcrs of cotton tnd money to the loan to comply immediately with the terms cf their subscription. Heretofore the pay ments of this loan bas been at tho option of the subscriber tho suspension of the collec tion being allowed by the department in couseq'ieuoe of tbe low prices of produce and a desire to facilitate the interest of both too subscriber and government. N further iudulgnnce WiJ he grait.'d, an I subscriber will be reqiired to pnfji n obligations whieli thoy have assumed. Richmond Hcarnintr. THt Fknch Army. Target shooting is ! now praotieal universally in the French ; army; not only the troops ob foot, and mounted, who are ar.ned with musket!, ta!A nirti in the exercise, but also the oiv- airy rogimtuts, arwedwitb pisrola only, aon' aKr Uo"" i THE LATE GEN. DAVID E TWIGGS The telegraph has announced tbe death of General David E. Twiggs, C. S A. He was bom in Richmond coanly, Georgia, about the year 1789. Io 1912 ,he entered the army of tie United States, and on the l'-itb of March of that year received tbe appointment of Csptain in the 6th Infantry. On tbe.SOtb of Juoal810, be was appoin. ted Brigadier General, and on the 23d of September of tba same year was breveted Major-Gtnersl. Ha served jwitb dist'rne tioa in the Indian wars in Alabama, and a'ac in the war with Mexico, bi gal lautry being moet conspicuous in the battle cfCerro Gordo; and when the latter war ,'s closed, the hsppy compliment was paid J,t""f btitg "the hero of all the battles n' -me of the letters." .'"".nanoe of his devotion to bis tate, 'V ntioned that duriag tbe dif. ficult.es Letweeuj; ;t ,be6 Federtl Government nn... . .. Adniiristratioo of J resident Adam", lj m t . mat lie uncut it, i,uh u fn .s.. hi. 4 native State, tendered t. . . r resitnation to the UevernuJent a anfomcti jj 8. army. Bo high4wastbe eiteem lk.j,j8j' In was hold, however, Lis resignation , n.'t accepted, bat he was transferred to an other department Again, in 1S60, wheo Georgin 'reeded from the Union, he resol- ' ved to Kiv, biv service to the South, and : sar-oTjfiered hu command in Texas to the Confederate authorities. For this act he was, of courfe, denounced by tbe Federal GjvernmeDt aud people; but it was approv ed by the Confederate Government, and the old hero was placed in command of the military department of New Orleans j but Ago ana feebie health toon compslled him Ij resign; and very recently he came to this eity tiresids with his relatives. Here, -ftB11J 'lU'SS udu rt'iaiiye?, uianpiriv ucpar jted, and Le was "gathered to his fathers." McCi-ELLAX'S REINFORCEMENTS -TlIK YANKEES FRIGHTENED. 1 he lnoumond Enquirer o! The pirade ujide by the reiufjrc--mct.'H reeoBtly scut to MeClellan- wittj tour .brigades atout iu,uwu Luen-5-from the w;upi of North Carolina. This, biii-ve, to Lava bs.vu the ooly reinforce n:cut that rchcuci tiio army of taa Po totcao, tha Y -rk, ths Chitka'aoaiuy and Uie Jurncs. Ttie uames of the rivers which 1 hn army Ua conhoed Useit aud lrom n.uc of Muicu it hai ever dared to move, wili sujfbt the eviient want of conSdenee that .McCis'Uu Las in Lis men No acioniit of reiLlotet meets from tne rivers of North Carolina ui.le', ir muke MoCiellan's army nouettuks a'iy land expetiitioo. To ct-p ui'.-a cue baik? of the James, eli.'ft tu.C' r nur of bis ''Bboats, will be bis tit-xt cumpHiu. lie iav oocuny both banks and approach the city oo the north aud soath tau.s. If so, he will fad his injtob on both Lasts, auu wos to bis army il defo-itcd vihil-t ditiJeJ. Tbo C. II recent which cavalry foray toward Orac burnt tbe railroad bri'lge.orer tbe Rapidan rivtjj boui'I iu'i'Cite tot a purpoe to ad vaeo ou Rlrtitt. :t;d, but an elljrt to pre vent cr d'.lay our a-ivacoe oa Washingtoa city. Tl-'ri exists dovn i.-. Washington city a panic almost equal to that wt.iei; prevailed aiur tha bs'. io r-f Manassas. Already Yankee carrc-rJndet.t.T t:v t'aat nt McClel- Ian' Leauuuai ters the opinion was held CiviUti and this buruiu; of the Rap;d-D t ri'i-e, nre but efforts, tne n t s-1 to deter us from and t:u .sfeond to prevent our ap proa:hin WRhiu-iton city. H jili are me !?". Wsrr. Lien. Lee dctormisr? ou a in 3 ve me nt, neither rriafjrce iu en ts nor bridge burnin;; will prevcut him from aecoaipiith iug his purpose. M organ's Tbe Kuoxvil Exploit in Kentucky.- t Regisrer learostbe foiiowiog' I'ne Y'ankee force altaskct ave companies, 270 men, of m Irakis regiment, comuaaa- pa-1 nii.-'.e-l or a 7th Pen' ,ie I M aj. Jorfi ,sa, whom Capt. Bennett '"0 unt wiui Li ui as prisoner, and bas hau.i'.'d huii over to hua.iquarters here. Cel. Morgan surprised tl.tm while they ft.' preparing breakfast, killing 31, woun liing over 40, and eapturiug 3u prisoners. I'ne n."t '' skedaadied. " Ui Cel. Morgan's force none acre killed, and only two slight ly wo'.niiel. The result of tho victory as, thit i'u hole camp and store9 fell ii;t- ar hat !, on.-itin of tents, 10J head if m.."t', h-rfs and tnuivs. ? wagons aud i haincss, 1 Hinbu.ar.eu and harness, 1 10 ! c l.ii.ts and r; 8 a fine 1 t of side arms, i ui. 1 a Ur.M) tia .i.ty of anim'tottioo a Gas ! lot of prvl;ors, e.othing, &t. t.) Ain,' t 1 lie .ooihty, Col. Morgan was ' cort ! '. bu-n a Urge portion of hi !-t'n, s, e ia-:.-iin z -i il t ii c wagons but one, a i h-i ' Mis, ant "7i ne yankee uuifoims the fore having beenvewiy equipped, l ut in: yt Ltwnj ui'l iiuie lo dou tbeir UtV 1 i'. e fjfee has lately been mv hei ress and 0v''itju counties, mi in y tieor'lati.-n and ot- ovinia t: u S'jLLiie.i's Letts '-s ted in the rat-- of p-.-tt ff-ct 01 the di tuu.u-., our ,i - -.-. The riivile' I'je ulian- effao 1, v;ne;i weut IMO d -t a Jt apply to e 21 en ihem r- msio jo siio ai ijO tlio rinttro oj siu

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