flrue to: -'6o8; io jjo'qV fiolirjj, .41) d (0 ijoqrqfy." OH:AR.1jiOTTE3, 3NT. O., Jk.TJ&-Ty&J? 5, 1862. VOL. 11. NO, 19. MRS. T. J. HOLTON, iDixasds amd paoPiirtraiia. TEKMS: The Sorth.f!irolio Whip will be afforded to eub criber. at TWO DOLLARS in advance; TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if payment he delayed for three month. ; and THREE DOLLARS tt the end of the year. Nopnper will be dieoon Untied untilall arrearage ere paid .except at the option of the Editor. AdreflienientiierlelalOne Dollar per.fiuar (16 lineeor Icee.lhie.iaed tjpe) fur the bretineer. tiott.and 25 ceil l for eeeh continuance. Court ad. ertiaemeota and Sheriff' Sulci charged ii5 per cent higher I end a deduction of 33 J per cent, will be niadu from the rc-uUr privt,for advertise oy the year,, A-vf tiem-ul inerted inuulhly or ruartefly, et II per square for each time. 8ini uionlhly 74 eeote per )ore for eech time. P.ruina whrn aendinir is their adverlieeruenl . .. t. .t . i r tBirrrd or I they will be iu.rted until forbid and charged ao cordingly. ITPjtioterere.Btlioricd tnectae egen A Oennroua Deed. T ItKtll LtOH. Aioalh traj.-et troubled ahor Tm lone' Mimis lUeoi, And eaJly fie on the wreck That et.ee; the baUind lie aurrowao'cr hi ruiniM hope. And brraltit nioornlol prayer Wheu, break a wave o hie let I, And lcrf Irfiinif iHcre. Willi y.j up. a Uie he i.Aj, Itiee) g-raape Ui welcome fi.a, And in the pl" of life once mure -Th- light of linnt'l lie. Aa ' niong the dual of cenlurit A traveller grofxa hi way, fV rel.e of iota-! oUcn liiu, 7lil l"lJ ' paed away, hcrchaiie a ihi-ohlluiiy he lorne 1 lie I enteral agt-W year, Amid l thifig of i.'.I'e uri!i, A VjIW ir aprtar V iili keen dchgbl be ki It o'er. And J-y lo know it pg Wiil Mnd a fund of lihl athwart Some dark but gulden age. Ri, whan th ahorc of time iha atlci m'mtiiioir b.t. And -. ghl but irta Imr, Ur around '1 tin ii.-ut-Se J ty e-" i"rt I ! '1 lie ery cial mmtf ui iile. In n.ele iiipiring ai.u.i V iicn lu ! the bill pari, d ! A If. turf on tii ii1; A generoua utad lurjf bond deep WiH.in it Silent brraat, Fran) out in U lin water cornea. To bid th wunderer ral So 'rnong the f!in hop of yuth Tbe tirit gmpea i la) way. For Uaena of the lie paet, lochecr it ana decay. A nobl art ( irg. tien lng. I.p forth to c'id tii ifc,lit. And ahjde apon the gloom of year - A calm and holy light, Th (lumber claf it to hie Mart, And in trial hour of ?ccd. Mure wurth thau aU the wealth of earth raal be that gencroue dred. lisccKancous ' Frem Amine 'e Own. THE AMERICAN TUOOPEU. eee ct James m milli. CHATTER III. Nearly an hear had parsed and still the u" ""B" ; ' with a beating heart aud dexpairmg r-oul, j Ibiakiog oa his ooming death ou his igoo-1 miny on the fiendi.h exallatiou of Grober, , ,,. i r,- t be trembling with appreheusiou for be fu- ture fate of his child. 1 he hour wouM soon ; le up. Its last moments were passing swift- j y away, hi minute of existence were nuui- j r.ik.. i ..i in tho tent. ahe. V.r.A ttnn lim. -ou d beat an end w th ' They sat silent, for not a word was spo ken by either, bat cash sat involved in sad- deal expectation. Farewell, farewell, my poor ehild I" he , exclaimed at Un-rth. " I heir tjrober n , vu.ee. I heard bim order hi. men to be i ready. I. i, coming and my fate will too- , be sealed. Put. Celia, keep up your spirit,, .ii ii i . i ... ani do not yield o my murderer. . " Never, oever I" cried Celia, with a toioo eaoely audible. "Now," cried Grober, entering, "old wn, your time is up. Are you prepared o )ild, Celia, or will you die ?" " I am nady lead nte to death." "I 'poke Bot to yea, but to ber who eau save you, Answer, Celia -shall jour fatb.. er die, or not!" "II shall I" ilia answered, io astern and steady voioo. " lla shall die but there is another world. there ia a God a Love, Qrobcr, and remember there i. a Lcll. " Pshaw. ' Soldiers, approach, lead this traitor to the gallow.. Ab, you going? Well, then; come, Iclo on your father his lnih ma anftpn ou." All was still as Saudferd was borne on. with blinded eye, and hands bound beLind Hessian cavalry wbich England had sent hini. All was still, and tbay approached out yielded themselves prisoners, and put the fatal eord which bung from the branch ting their horses to rent, of a gigantic tree, whose stately form rose From' the rock.abovo Celia had seen all beneath the bill. ' bad seen her lover triumphant, and now ' Mien Simdford, there Is your father." sitting te seal tbe doom of her enemy. In She spoke not, .be made no sign, but stantly tbe old man and bis daughter went liased her father, and the last words of down to meet their deliverer. farewell were spoken j Suddenly ebe at trted. Her quick ears detected a sound far away, gradually in- ! eressing, gredue'ly approaching .be treru- I bled, her heart beat quickly once more, ' hope revived, for well she knew thesouud. Such sounds always announces, tue coining I of Canton. I t the alone seemed to notioc it, for ' Grober, heedless of ail things else, gave or Jdera fjr gaui'otd'a death. " Piaoe tie nooee arooriu the traitors neck and be rea- dy, men, to pull biou up between earth and heaven." I Tbe eord wax fattened around that ven erable bead, hone lips moved a though too late tt save him." 9 I breathing a praytf. J H was a rebel, and therefore I sailed j Unfe more, Miss Sandfotd, .peak." 'bira." ' j She folded her arms and anacercd not a I " VVa. his daughter a rebel ? Why did I word. , i you stixe her ?" J "Tour father in Bve minutes shall die, j for particular purposes." , and you try not to save bim. . Unnatural ( "Why did vou destroy bis house, plun . girl ! you it U jou who are his debtroyer." ' der jtt murder the aervants, and the tcner ! Still not a word. She beard tbe soundsjkDQ man who befriended you? Answer, I coming nearer. The other oldiers beard , rejoined Canton, indignantly, tleoi tbey looked fearfully toward. Uro- I mil answer tboaa who have a right to 1 tr-r. ' question uic. Take care oi me until I stand ' " Ihof him m!l him up." y-!led Gro-' k.fore vour commander." ber, fuiioualy, to bis men. "l'ool., obey , . ! .. t' . . 1. -V ... I ( what are you stariug at? i One of them pointed at the hill ajid .aid, I "the rebels !" The eound of coming hor I sea was beard rising loudly through tbo air ! the loud thuuder of llair tramp over a 1 rocky road ; they were closo at hand. ! ' Hang this ftllow first, and then meet be rebel.. Woi ! Ab, fury ! ' i He rushed to ward, tbe samp eryitg, To arm ! up, aol iier ! tbe rebels !" aud i a'l through I h f eaiop we:t tbe slartlinj cry at, the ri'ttia !'' And now came tbe trumpet's noted loud ly, wilJij, piercluly through tbe air, and i tho ruhiri(t of the e atuing foes was heard, ! ih '...kt iusiau.ly atiied iLi ir arm aod poured forth to meet ihem. 1 broujjh I tbe gloom little could be seer and Celt, ffinJ'ug all foil of excitement and bcrelf j UBiiosicoJ, lvvi i.i.d hir fitber, aud stjle I faat and .ar aay up the rotVy Li. I Hcaeh . iojr; a ru.-td height, the stopped to let her ! lather r-t, and th-a they both looked 'dowo. Hy the biasing fire tbey could see tail. j The Uritiah tildicr haatily leaped upon : tbeir alieJs ai,d seilud tbi ir arms. Trum ' ptti nouiified, and the voice of Grobtr wa beard as be curbed hi. soldiers aiid gave them bis coinmau it. j L'own same the troop upon them diwn 'they ruahed from tbe bilis with the speed and furyof a whirlwind. The long and iroujf,b road, the former fatigue of the day, jail were fjrjjotien aud nothing remained (but iho un.j lenchable ardor of battle and fierce thiret lor vr.n,;eanee. I them aud by bis tide, assisting bim, was Lit.ei ty ! Doo with tho king ! Death j0clu u joy,JB;i beautiful, like some an to the Bniiih J" eei gud(leulv come from ou hiifh. How 'lli.! shout rrte ebri'ly on djigh as the I Americaus came oo. ame oo. There rode the flow- ( savairy there Celia eoulJ Ji- . r,,b!e form of CaMou.and sou, ! ' er of thtir eav j tincuinh the I hear hi voiei it deep toucs cncU out, .."Un upon them '." God save the kin, and down with the 'rebels'." u the cry of W rehire baud they Mood to meet the enemy. This was I but for a moment. Oo came tho bortes, and then amid long volleys ot musketry, and dut and ntnoko, hu k ot agony ana shouts of iriumrh. clashing of arm., and i.iLino af furious horses, the troot'S clos- d. ' For a while njthiiiir ejuld be seen but a wild coulu.-iou ot soldiers and lures noth- iug was beard bufcouo vast outcry. J-'1"! biues and pus oauld no lonjir be loaded ( they fought wiitj ords aud gum used as lobs. n ...i.. t. im ..h.i i ; .v ... "'"-'' 'i. u,uu' ' Furies 1" ho sorcamed. "Down Willi them V ' "i men. panic-Mricken by the fi.rjo- nms of tho Americans, whom they bad t to 0,erpower. cd bj tuoir judividual stretigth began to wtTer. Then tho mou of Caston grew fiercer still, meirsworus uatu-u qjicaiy auu .i..j I ui.... .i. ,., mi. .nnihnp ivuau, i u www -uv... i they rushed more furiously into the bro-1 ken rank, of the UritUh. " Fly," cried they, as, terrifiod they be- bcl.1 the Americans once- more r.u ng vm- ,"uuu' .v, .,... , , i ""'" . u. 'S the hottest of the uht, searehmg lor iiro H. , tremulous than before. He sought n,,, out and catno up, sword in hand. !i pe c ?' . - hair in wdd 'iisordcr-his eatupresscd and colorless lips, his Mating ryes, made him appear like some spirit, .ome demon. " Grobor, I have found you. Die !" " Why figbt louger ? lyitl l. but had I true britws instead ol thuse Hossiins, no Amerioan oould withstand me," and Grober threw down his sword. "Coward," oried Ca.toD, with a hoarse Toice. " You fear me." " I do not ) but I ask for quarter, re bel 1." " What ! will you insult m I" oried Cas toa and flinging away his aword be seised Grober, and with bereulean strength uuri- ed bim from bis norse to tne eartn. ' All conflict bad oeased. The British, or rather Hessians for this was a troop of "' " Grober," said Caston, easing sternly Up0n biui, " do you know who I am T fjeutl for noes but a fiend baa such a gjauce, or stretgth." U0 wary bow you answer. Do not tempt me. l'our life. bangs on too brittle . thread. ' "Mvhfe! How?" " You shall be hung as a murderer of the innocent." "W'batl Dare you speak thus to a Brit ish officer? Hang " " Where ia Mr. Suodford T" " I know not." " You have murdered bim. I have, eome . r U-ll " I wii; take care oi you oue uu uyui, and theu a greater Beiu,; thall judge you."; What? -Is the rope ready, Murray ?" "There ia one upon yonder large tree, with r. weighs attached, all ready. Tbe villains have u&ed it.oo poor Saudford." Cation's eyes flashed moie terribly bis face wore a more despairing look bis voico was hollow. " Where is Cclia?" tiroLcr, wle did aajja l4 would dare to put an English olLaer to death began to tremble. Tell me wnere Celia is before you die." " " Will you sun'.y kill me ?" " I will." " By haoeing?'' " Yes. Where is Celia Sandford ?'' " I know sot 1 swear I know not i" re plied liroLer, ouppucaiiiiy. " Scoundrel ! murderer 1" cried C us ton, overcome with rage and bitter anguish and Bfiiing Grober, be held him by the wrist with a grasp like that of a vice. She she escaped she did truly." ' Where has sbe uone ?" " I kuow not. Bo'b have escaped. I do not upou my honor 1 do not know." " Your honor," cried Caaton, bitterly. " What is" " Cafton Ca?ton there they are by j thunder!'' cried Murray, in a tone that j made t'astou torn swiftly ro'ind. Ah! w'j'.t ; j Ucs-ptatr to joy, from anguish to bliss! U.fai;rd wM D8 oid B,auawalking tewards . wl.r Ah, what a sudden revulsion from could the transport ot joy waico rusnea tbrooga Caston' bosom be described ? tho ; tbrlil of Ispture with which ue agaiu wel- j d ('elia t0 Li. arms 1 j tVlia 1 Irm the dead you ap-J 'pear to come, for I have mourned you as j dead, and there was no hope no hope for I ujc, CUa." ' " Ah, Henry, death I feared not. 1 be j Litt.rofss of death wuh me was p as.se d j Uen tho rope was put round my father's Deck." "What? Does he come from the dead, .,'' ! " lie ba suffered more paiu from Grober than death could "ive." "Grober! Soe , thero he "tands.'' i 'fhe wretched man nw siw there was ag fof mcro,noso hom a short' ho L.id M cruellj used 1Ie ...mi!,! i,r lr fiir mcrcv his tontrue (eeiu- ! v v"' " - . . j cd iueapab'.c of aoiion. t Hurry away, Celia, I lavo a duty to perforra." Celia and ber father departed then Cas- ton Moko : Vretclicd mir! yon Uave five Uliuu,es t0 prepare. I am your judge here. For murder you are to be huug I (jroler spoke jiot. kle leoked round, or vni WUU uiiu i oaiu vaaiuu. Ul;nutej are up." . v.r l ! m rv... ' The five Two years passed away, and again it was beautiful eveniug on the Hudson, but ; i ,i ... .i.. peacu reiuni an ui iu " war was en TL(J ,ual)8 . built, aud . ded and Amenta was free. mansiou ot ?ir. sauuiora was re- tood proudly ou the summit of the bill. A bright light gleamed from it, but net the light oi a conflagration. It was ! the glaro of lamps which illuminated the jhall, iu which five hundred guest'witne scd ' the espousals of lhtory Castoo and Cilia Ssadford. INCIDENTS OFTIIE BATTLE OF MUU - IBKEaifOttU. ' ' Aa Tol. Forrest's command were march ing through Cannon County, an tbtr way to Murfreesboro, the citiaens crowded the thoroughfare, cheering our gallant men with every demonstration oi joy, j.ne hi dies everywhere were particularly entbusi. abtio. Some of tbe citiions of Cannon had been arrested and were oonfined in prison at Murfreesboro. The ladiee besought our men with tears in their eyes to rescue tLeir buabands aud fathers from the hands of the tyrant. One little girl ran up to that old patriot and soldier, Capt. Haney, of the 1st Georgia Cavalry, and wringirg ber bands implored bim to bring her fath er back to her again. The old man turned to her with bis whole sou! beaming in his face, and exclaimed, while tbe manly tear btarted to, his eye "I wiil, my daughter 1 I will!''' Tbe result pToved the truth of bis words. The Captain was the first to enter the Court House when the prisoner?! were confined and that child's heart has been made glad by the safe return of the father to the household roof. Aa our little army went dashing into Murfreesboro, awaking the esboea by the rattling of tbeir horses' hoof ' o'er the stony streets," the whole population were to tbeir windows, balooutes and vanandabs . . .;sued b ffie U past tLree ty was soou overeome-a vessel was pur w.tb every demonstration of delrght. La-! ' .!Trada suonlied at fifty ceru ed-, sent to the Crime, and the can- dies could be seen kneeling in posture, of thankfulness to Heaven for tho day of their deliverance. A. the ixicrniug advanced .. fi.hi h;ln,,l th aame fiir .... .... in .h .rr.or. .nit., of th whis- uv "n " " ' " ' v " v " " ' -- -r--- ----- . tiiog oi nans mu riu ui is, "hi- lug to the want ot eur soiuiers, niaug taeirj pr( postage on eaeh ona hundred dol- , canteens with waior, and tbeir haveraaoks , JaM ordered.f' A Daring Feat Tuk Bcrino of a aith au abuudauce of provisions. Uuheed- jD pre8j, arid will have out dur- j Fedibal Vessel At one o'clock, oa Satin-the shots from tbe euemy's guns, they ! j lhe weekj tbe ol), buudred dollar re-j urday morning last. Corporal Coeke, Tho tbougbt only of the comfort of their gallant lg, UQtes Address as above." j riias Martin, Wm. Daniel, Alexander Dime- champions. One lady received a ball J who is in himself an inignifioan? try and Wm. Williams, members of the through her dros, whilat another bad er j lookicg individual, and who is, doubtless, ' Princo George Cavalry, having proeured a parasoal shot from her band, the ball P"-j lbe dupo ef others, was committed to the ; boat, left Cojr -in's Point, on the South side n,g within two inches ol her jeweled tng.rs.j(,onftjdcfat8 gtategprison. Such heroism has uever beefl knowu iu the aunals of war, and will illuminate to the remotest generation of the history of our glorious land. A company of Federals were in posses sion of the Court House, and were shooting our scldieti in all directions from the win dows above. Col. Morrison (1st Georgia) dumoutrted three of hit companies and or dered them to charge the building, wbicb they !! in non gallant etjle, rushing through the pub.ic iriuaro to the very deors, or the editioe, under a most gailing tire of I gbowi thst it ig paTt 0f tht general plan, mur-ketry. Ctnoious that tbe loss of lHicimond Examiner, 26th. to our men woeia ne terrioie oy attempting to pats up tbe stairway, tbe building was immediately set on fire, when the Yankees above bawled out lustily for quarters. The fire v. s extinguished, the whole company surrt'U J -red, and our imprisoned fetiow-cuu-, lens were barpiiy released. Old Capt. j Haney was me urn man to enter tne v ourij Uoue ani to receive in bis arms the liber- aud captives. , Late iu the day Col. Morruoi was sur- priced to see the old hero rushing towards bim frantic with joy, and exclaiming, Col- onci, I il be d d if I h.aveu't taken Gen. Crittenden and all bis staff!" " J'ou don't ' say so, Captain," answered the Colonel. " If I bavn't there's no h 111" exclaimed tbe oid man, and passed on to new deeds ot heroism anu or-glory. ;y is near sixty years of aee, to apprise our men oi' their apprjicb. , , 6 Is a company from Floyd and C.pl. Leeper and 48 of his men are repor- . the army during McCW.au s masterly re s.iu Georgia. His men love ted killed, aod a large number wounded. , treat, and saved every cue of 'Jem The i. :. - . t -.Jti,. .v,i n, i. ,.. Tim rolipl suns were nlaced ia posiiun oa five differ- VH,"l. luuej is uci Bia.ijr jc.n ui of i and couimaudu Polk Counties. ... - c.i . II. ; . . :.i. : .k-M.-. k- he! ce ! rs ''' ised goes, with his genial and benignant face, and his paternal fondness for the "boys,'' be is greeted uith enthusiasm, and blessed with tho heart-offerings of those to whom he is so dear. Knot vibe Rrguter 23l. j AirI'.ans ih Washington. A corree- pond'.'.it oj Ciociunati paper, in deson- f. , ,i . ( ij . i . biuii the Government African Hotel it Wahi..gton,says : , Tho poor devils ignorant and mdoient put over mem. iney couie luiic-e a usy, taste Ur labor of both saxes aud of evry forcP. re-entered Jonesviile ; and fiudiug ! r, '' ''V'"JU-' "uu' I ...I :.i:..;..,;.,.i .,i,. . .-. c.j ' , k I I lederate . oluotsers, Lteut, Col. Lu -ene a'"1"" -.vow-. ---n"'i UO pjonuaj crui ii-, iuc , ... . , wr - U,.I nno.r f I hn.l.tkt .nj Hill .v ) - . .. t., 1, F.l , t T 01 ,-,.-'', k,, u "vi, i;s ait uunutu iL-inuimiiiaiuj "n ' our people leaving u, uieu yju tut.u . . u . ,t ., i , i. ,u- ..i. i. , ..,1' ., u:., til! I . n,l tr iu couiaut jiu, at.d tne i irst Kegiiucut and female -apart. There is no restraint maoy t!tkeU Pri,oar,. Shortly after en.pt Missoait tava.ry, Col. L.uua bates com- i ' mi t : . . . .1 . - . ' . .. . .. . . . -i i lunmiiii. tor tho relief of their sick una . tljc aiiimais do, tor their food Govern-1 ,tld bur.ic l it up. as is soppocd. Jlvery ui ut rations, bad meat and bard bread Southern la.uiiy th tt cau gt't away are en -aud having disposed of it, retire to sleep deavoring to make their esoap from Lee. an ay the rent of the day in indolence. , Talk to them, and some fanatical abolition-, A in'rudes and engages in toe convert 1 ', ,'.'.. ' . ,. ' l v, l and abolition,,!, retire, from the re-, Ii,-Lister says it is thought that Gen. Pope is iu search of him. We hope he may sue coed iu findiug him, as his friends around here are auxious to hear from him. LUch- mod Whig. vj.t.ug scene. . 'thts-thev took advantage of a dark and i cut on oy our patt.-au ! stormy hour, aud when the rait., as they J '-be eo.utry. Ou two ether baud toe ene- i W-Geo. Stonewall Ja.kson is lost saPposod, had ur.St the guns of the fua, d j '"V 'VlT.s to llllZ a- iin. He keep. iau.piug about from one for service. I hey were discovered, Low- I -u - "-, , Iplace to anotherand, ti the Mr . ever, and fired upon but, without sevious j , ur ; - - j ho .Lan's flea," when you p.a your linger upoQ;cff,ct. One of, beta ''"J" ,mi - ha tin I llt.' 1 lid liOC SlOfl O am . 1 1 9 CS u U" e iiv iiwuui i i ""v.., . . Cannon. Twenty-two pieces of artillery . .iPart of tc euhty tdeeea taken by the tug- The Wounded Iankies. It has bees ,,.. , .,,. i..,.t!.. of In. deoiued to parolo immediately twenty-live . jjerui.lUf 4nd promoted to tho Cout'cdcr sey hundred of the Yaukecs whose wounds aiey bcitish meiohants, (brought over iu t;.e the most severe. A descriptive list of theu! Nashville,) have arrived at Macou. They m U now being made out, and, wbeu comply .n,l .hr..! -.,an fd th-il be aairnc'. some down J ame. ' ' ' river and others ky the York River railroad ,be Wbit, Hous, t Anotheh Thievi.no Yankeb Plot Ex.- -"'" A young. man, wno gave ine namo day fror'3i eu 7n- ? pay iron, Elizabeth City; North Carolina, m charge M Mr. Henry Coleman, charged with the aer'uMu orime of uttering and cir- Culating CeuntetVv, ,,l fiynn of tbo Confederate State , 0M of tho Cor- porationlof V trgiuia. M , cent issue ot tne atate;oi rjaj-ojina. Above seven bundreujana u 1 rlnllam f the bogus issue was found oa .persorj) besides sixty dollars in bogus gou tn(j other ininortantfDapcrs. Tbe .accused , ., taken before William F. Watson, Esq ,.Cou federate States Commissioner, raiiliUD street,. where an examination was-nan. Among tbe witoefses who appeared was Gen. Winder, the Military Commandant of the eitj. '' ' Tbe examiaation resulted in Lee being sent on to await his trail at the next term of theConfederate Court. Amoofc- the papers.itounu on tna accussu was tho following circular, which we copy verbatim, issued by tbe enterprising Yan kee finaneier. "$. C. Upbam, No. 403 Cbes nut street, Philadelphia, to whom ail or ders may be jaddreed." "Twenty dollar ('nnfedftrata Bonds ! I I have this day-is sued, in fac simile, twcntyidollar Lnfeder- j uoiiar twui'i j Luodred) or four dollars per 1,000, fhd All orders by mail or express ltTv Ltld" 7 r . J , . l v :i i. " All orders to bo sent by mail mu6t be , , :., a..:t ' .... : jaceompaoiea Kiinjeuieeuiivuw m teenceui9iu posiagu tth above prices, to, stamps, t addition to tthe atove prices, to The countcrf'-it money is held la the pos. session of Mr. .Watson. It is a good imi- tation of the original, as well excouted as Yankee ingenuity was capable of, and al- together likely to deceive the unsuspecting. The whole case, takiuij it throughout, de- velopt a deep-Uid scheme on the part of the thieving, oounterfeitingjNortb, through iudividuals, with the.connivanee of the Yau- kee Government, to undermioe the Con- fodera curreucv ; and tho fact of the ..... :rftui,. v.pinrr issued fso rjubliclv. Grkbnvillb. Mo.. Captured by Con federates A DesPERATK Fiaar. The J Northern papers publish tho fo'lovsin de- epatcb, dated M. Jouis, J uiy i : A merchant of Fredericktown has arri- veu oere, auu rtpuna man mifi.... haa umn place M urcenvnie, i, ayue gjuu- , u..n (U pett,rsbufiT ui achooner tyr Mo., between a band of guerulas and . .. two companies of State militia stationed t;sjx thr l0Rj burden; gba wag ,oadeJ that place The m.lit.a ttnaer the com- and was valued mand of Capta.n Leeper, were surprised . tIj.Jiaud JjU exclasiva 0f ber by tie guerillas, who were under tbe torn- car,,0c mand of Captafn Leeper, were surprised by . ' the guerillas, who were under the com-j mand of a man named Beeves. The gue-. The SiE'iK Glns. Major Trumbull, of rillas made the attack at daylight, rJ l'tUu First Connecticut Artillery, states tbat ,buiueu.y uu uc.w.,, u v - --..-w ' ----- -rr Th rl-iil ia not known. Tha reLels ' aa1t r.AMAssiAn of the town. took possession of the town. Greenville is a post villanc and capital Wayne county. It is .dtuated on the St. Fraucii river, abcut 150 miles Siuth-east from Jefferson-City. The Knemy in ' Souiu-wEsrEus Vir . r -,. t", t' im.,,' troops in Lee Couuty, f,. i oa Jjristai j f . . - , ' Advocate, of tho lath, as it went a press,; j gin a There are about 12.000 Federal' received tbe following report : . tentr' J on.'Hi.lo, tti?y st nre iJ tuo p:ace Anotue;1 KsCArK 0P pIj0sRs.-Siv. Bora of lhe pilHtieili pri,onrfI c,od:led here etf.'oted tlioir I esoapej list iuur.-Uay . fc( As io las f,rmer insta.ee, so i;i thee thanjhat two of them were wounJe.t ' by the guard-one in the hand and the other in the breast. Salisbury ate man, 2lst. I , ItSU ft VIM IHO iVUoJiau. Sin ' w bear evidence ol having eeu eriee. i,u 7l Zr spk ! , .. ., ... . ki.,i,U nr.i; i lor lueruieio, u " n--j Uolo. Some thirty-eight pieces mere are -jpfo'od at ,h. S.ma paoe. More About those Tribthkm Batter. IES.Tbe Aucusta Constitutionalist, has tbe Womug in regard to the report that b r tbe Ihomas L. ragg had recent- ly run the bloekado, briugiog, as a part of V,..r i.ran thlrlren VittriP . r,F..i.i,t frm mtrchanta ia Eoglatd to the Confederate ! 6 States : Perhaps this may be a different version of a somewhat similar statement recently made us, or may be an entirely different thiuor. The statemeut that we received was - - v this effect : i reutleman now in Glasgow. Sootland. t"J a brother' residing in Richmond 'jaDlJ ''-arning tbat there wore 60 pieces of artiilcrj., tbf) yriuea Bgiongiog to En gland, and tu. h offered for t at tue pr.ecof ,m conoeived the ide, of purebasmg theu, u , Bres4nti them t0 tbe Southern Confc-uera-. Is order to carry out , t called upon the merchants of ,SJrJoff wno traae whb unariesion, uu in u . n(, his subsoription list filled and the rV.e( amouiit eomplote the first name on t list being a gentleman ninety-three years of age, who gave jt'2,000 ! Having thus raised tbe retired amount, it was found . , Li , ,Urll,. . .....I to ira to ;? obUlDea ana Pniea to tne von- j led'ray- .. tl t, We have tb.s statement frem a gentle- man who assures us mat it is rename, x ne act is one whicti shouiu ne remeinoerea in , ,. , , . , . . , . tho dlsPoial of trade Uvors la the fu,ur- ; of james ri,t.r, and pulled to a schooner ving in a fleet of vessels ani gun boats. about half a mile from the shore. As tbe boatne'ared tho vessel a dog on board gave the alarm ; but the boat was made fast, and Mr. Mania .apratg on deck, followed by the rest of tiie p irty, jest as tbe captain of the schooner made bis appearanee from the cabin. Mr. Martin informed the cap- . tain be tad ccme, by order of General Mo- Clthau, Ij anest L m and earry him to headquarters. The captain was according- K- l.inorarl intrt t. hn,r. nnrl . .ir9. in the oibia of the schooner bavins been ripped open aud fired, our adventurers pul led tcr tbe southern shore. Just as they were safely landed, the flames burst ou at aboard tho Te-scI, anJ, in an iostant after, she was iu a sheet of flame from stem to Hern, the lijht illuminating the river and i.s backs for liii'.e?. The piiiouers is os.ertained to be Cap- u;a ( L.Q Jones of New York. He corns hid har-e of all the siege guns of ?l 'eQt occasions during tbe retreat, and the advancing ooiumns ot the enemy thereby held in cheea. u.r.,1 tue pasition whieh t he ' Commauutng Ceueral designed U secure oocasious during tbo retreat, and the were siin'cd. The ARiir or Gen. Piucs and Woun- i ncr. .a- l!niiiinvn XT a hull nLicnr. 1 , . ' . Jo'uu 11. I'.'Uue; t, tbo Captain ot tne oi Brigade of tue urmy o Geu. Price, who is uo.T ou las way to ikionmoua, as toe Dear- wounded tellow soldiers at Richmond. Mihtomcry AU.) Adv., July 16. lioseucrarj i: said to bo nanble to get his ujpiif by transports on tho Tennessee river, owing to the lowueas of water, and .!,. n ho has attempted to haul them io wi2-i! from Memphis, hi? trains have been -V-twi.er j u r- j j i ho Nt Vi k Wj A r marks : Impor- j tcrs are boiidered with the rapid rie in , the pi ice: oi 11 and exvbai-e. lh.-y ci.n..t tell the co-t of ttcir good, one dy 1 1'-ovi ! ihev bave- advanced rncestrom . - - i J . hve to thirty per oect. ou sfi.ie mircuau- in.', Ue-.o.ar tia i.i.J na ron-.-a -" " gau,l'ing ateba. io wLich lhf impor.er uhadi!.a?e a mi-take and re von aflr be hi sjceeeded in i etl bis cod or eontraetod to deliver , e thm at .n , xoritaut aHvauce on pru . w,.,li ba.e be-u tsate -0

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