4 VOILji. IX. CHAK.LiOTTEI, 3Xr. C, SEPTHSMB 2, 1S62. 28, Id R 8. T. J. HOLTON, 'TERMS:' .' ti.. North. Carolina Whir willbeaffordea1 loaub .Ikpri at TWO DOLLARS in advance) TWO viILAKS ANU nnx IMPISH payment wt . . i j ri n i.'i' r.i lT a u lived lor inrea roonine , inn i uaciCi uulijarj t tbe f lh Tef Nupaper will be diecun. niied nntiUH arrearages art paid.ejoepl at the ?u.s of the Editor. ij.trtnenie oil inner ted ilOni Dollar par aquara Kjlinesorleee.thieeiied type) for tha firstineer- ,od K5 cents foreach continuance, louriaa. rtieinom ana onerin a Daice cnargeu yi nthifher ; and deduction or33 per cent. will mide from th tig olrprieca,rradertiaaraoy iiji ear. Adverllaeroeuis insenea roonwnj wr 4ifierly , at per aquere for each lime. Saini- tonihly li eenle per aquaraior eats lime. rfrtnnewhea sendior in tbeir advertiaamenta s,il niark tba number of iaecrtione denirod or will be inaerted until lorbid and cnargea a c t finely- tTPJtnaaterarea nthoriard ta act aa agen The Sunlight coon will pierce tha Cloud j Tit -ouliflil 'n will fierce tba eloude Tint roantl nr dark horixon If wer, a Ihe vrnnf heart's deaartcd wuU ., Refresh witta soul-reviving ahow'ra ( llopc'e f.dinf Jnw're thit meakly bow " llruealb dtapair'a rtlrn'lt tread, 5aall oetn 'aeatb that cheering raw, Aud I hroogh tba baait their irafrenceenvd. Tba darieat eland will eoan disarm , The (ball'Mif .tempeala abort!; flee, Aad lacid sunlight Liai tba wave. That rudely ria on lie'e dark aa Tata shrink net, tlineffo thy ek d'fsr, Aad baoaa onca fond by f:ief b nv'n, A bribur boar f"t Hire ia near Illumined by ihe lil.l of lli-at'al Our old Hoof Tr. IVr liaHowrd ahda t thy name rcct'.le jtcal (limpMeaf the amanaleee ebarma OTfuldcn boHra, when I rcpoaod fWaralh thy kindly ehsltarini arms. A viaien of a ar, afl band Lain an my bead in aaeta raraaat And lainj ey, wioe d'plUa revralei Hitii wclia af buly lendera-as. AH ma ! tHne Istiaf ayrs are dim Uoneath iha ViHy'a driftms; le.reai Aad (lmm and darkaaae fold tbeir wm8 Around tbe meaay, bieoding etea. Ytl this still hour ha ligbt ot J'trt Claims lhfuh the abadowy W na of even. And rld any dear old Edan baaaa Tpa of any ("iter bama in tleaven. ' PiscfllaiuoiiSa FBOM A LAWYER'S OTE-BOOK. ut sTtvAsca cohb, ja. I satin my office, one oaol, damp after-: ' .j . j. ,ki,... f ran. booc in prii, eoiagcd in nothing er con- . .e.S . ii- ssquesee. I think 1 nl neen looking over ; a volume of old reports, and bad closed the of "our bank; and I lurtbermore anew took, and was riflecting upon scac of the (bat Mark Warton was a very storn, reli legal pointc raised io the work before me, gie, and strict man. His bouse joined I remember that I waa just pulling cut my be bank, both buildiugs in one block, cigar ease, wbea the doer waa opened, aad j Ttr Charles Degrand bad told me all a joang man presented bimaelf. 1 recog-! a jJt j tiJ ttjj t tnilt ti,6f I informed bim a ud bim at osee. His name was Charles h(t i wouid hc)p 0IM u 1 eould. He' ak Dcgrsnd, and be waa the pajing taller of t(J rofl if j t b o u b t I could clear him. 1 told ear bank. And be it remembered, that-fcjw ,0 keep tlMf tnj ,rost ,0 IB, Mo went "ear bank" waseoc of the best in tbo coun-j wy wi,1 ome o0pt( but very far fro m try. At all evtata.se it waa considered fcc- u4ppy. Hf an bour afterwards, by "our people." A mat, who examined a , p,jr. ariI Wr.rtoo oame in, lie was a tall, bill of 7'A Vallty Dank' ere be took it; gWtttt etero-featurcd man, viry precise io as set dewo at once as excessively greea ; kjj fcis ,ntTenicnt, and seeming ta trust no aad sbaa'id ba cbaucc to refer ta the "Bank i on IJe )00keal upon $ bia tellaws as so Note List" to test iu gennioeue, he "eeiIU1T embryo thieves, who needed only the sare to be asked where be came from. fln)j,f4lioo to lead tbeiu astray. He wish Not to knew the aiotlmg worth of the ooteaj na (0 n)tka out the neonssary documents of"! he allev JSank, ot , , wna , prove one a aeifnoknowo. However, young Degrand came in, and took a aeat. . He looked pale and wan, and there waa a ceriooa twitebiag about tbe j Ijcc which betrayed great uticasiuess. j "Wbat is it!" I asked, se'iB that bs was at a lose bow to commence. - i " I'm ia a bad fix, sir," ba replied, spas modically. "Well go on." "First, air," be 'laid, with an energy which at once convinced me of his sinceri ty, "let mc assure yea that I am wholly, entirely innocent of any charge laid agaiust ae. I am, air, as true as there is a God above tin, who beara wbat I say, aud who reads my inmost thought !" "I believe yoa," I told bim. as I saw that be wished ta knew wbat impression be bad made. Ue seemed very grateful, and thsn pro ceeded "Upon an cxssaiaatioa into the affairs f the bank, yesterday, sir, there were found t bs missing come twenty thousand dollari, end "probably mere I My book wars all Knight, and niy fouobers all at bard ; but I am inspected of having takeu tba money.' Aye mora than that I am accused of it !" ' " But what proof eao tba j bring against yoa T" 1 asked. 11 Ah I there a. tba tronble, air," tar visi tor answered, with a dabioaa ahake of the bead." "I have Dearly fifteen thousand dollar ia iny possession, and the Direetora bare just discovered it. " Can't you.aeeount for the possession of thia money I .'If they would only bl!ave ma. tor the lat fiva jeara 1 Lave been very fortu- bate ia speculation. I claarn t fiva thou- aud dollar in the aale of those lota on Warren Hill." " But Graaby sold thore," said I. " Yes, air but be sold them for me He only acted as my agent, 1 did not wish io be known in the matter, aa I had raaioat for keeping the amount of my pot aoaaioua to rujsulf. ' I gaied ioto the young man's fade, and La probably thought I w iuereduloaa, for be quickly aaded "Hinoe I seek year aid, air, I will tell yea all. You wonder why I abould with ta keep my wealth, or a knowledge of it, to Lmyaelf. Yon may aniile, aud yoa may j think ma foolish; bat I'll tell you why it was: I bav been looking upon a certaiu tnaideu, in the hope that ale might some day baeoma my wife. I have aeon mueb of tnisary io married life, having bad tba misfortune to board with two tounj oouplea jwbo Lad b0 sadly rniuitfld, I dteraa Jiued to be eart-ful. ! kcew that a young man like mj '' 11a a hauiUoiue, and I raadily pardon ed the lielit vanity of the alluiion. ' a a young man potsessiog fifteen tkouiand dwl:ar might Le aeeeptad fur a batband by one who would have beitatd had she ihoaffbt him paunilasa. Tuat was j my aole reason, sir," "And a very good reaain it was sir. 1 aid ; "though I fael cat lent that it Mary Allen bteouiKS your wile, you iu ho uo oi'aasieo far regret. " You know her, then?'' said Degrand, i eagerly. " " Yes. AuJ I kaow her far a noble, vir- j taova maiden." j Cbarloa waa cralefal i but in n woman W wore, a cloud aama uter Li Uca, and ailh.strsoge emotions (epitn; ovr me. i nas 'adecpsipb be said, J about to startle the town. Aye starve; j " Alas when she hears cf this she will j tbe who! bcMaass comanuuity. I had held i tarn from me!-' curious suipicia for a long while. Three! t "I wouldn't aonJsmn her without a menth lutore No it mast have been ; bearing,'' 1 returned. " Bat let ttiat pa.s. more than that, for the now wj deep aud ! Ca$ ytu not prove by the men who have . criip then I had occasion to pas the baiik traded for yoa bow your money Ins very Utaooa night--or, I should say, very 'cornel' early ia tho morning ; for it was near one " Grauby has done it all, sir. l ive years ago, when 1 had laid up a thousand dollars, I g)t him te take it, and let it for me ; aud j frew that lime to tbe present, he bss dono ail my buiiota. I Rot bim to buy up five thousand dollars' worth ef the notes el' the ! A I tn,,n kr.l- !la pot them fur about j fifty cent oo tbe collar, aud 1 got tbe lace i of them. But Grenbv ba gone ta Austra lis, and where he it now it ii impossibio ta f.!l - j' I ramembered, now, that Grauby bad jgone, though 1' had forgotten it. j Degrand ciplainecl to me, as Dearly as ! be eoald, bow the uionry ruut bsve been ! taken thai t, at wbat times, and in how ! large sums. He said no great amount had ! been takeu at any one time, but, io all pro- bability, it had been taken at intervals dur ing the last year. It was only airano that the less bad nat beatt detected before. I I asked who bad the charge of overlook- He tuld me ;.v,t. i. w., ui Ann, it II was tbaljuit approachiuij tho house for the fourth JWleul of the bank, and lived "right close j v. by. . . . . iu . : I knew tbat warx anon was prc.Mueuv , ...... cf CharUa De'rraud. lnleal- cd a presc of busiucss, and urged bim to j scek elsewhere. He bowed stiffly, aud went awav. As soon aa Wartou was goue, I sent my ' bey for Mr. Lane, and ere loug, that gen tleman made bia appearauco. , Honry Lane waa a deputy sheriff, and one of the moot shrewd aud etHeieut otliaer I ever knew. ' I just met Mr. Warton," he said, after he had takeu a seat, "aud be told me he should have a job for m before ni-bt " ' He mean tto have Charles Degraud arrested," said I " Chirks Degrand 1" repeated Lane, iu astonishment. "Yau dou't meau tba teller in the batik 1" , ye, 0Hr Charley." And thereupou I explainid ta him all that I bad learned from Degrand. .Lane was indignaut. He knew that Char ley Degrand aever teok a penny that was act honestly his; and be aaid be wished be ceald say the came of Mark Warlen, " 0ocn'l Warton go to the eity to-mor row !" I asked. I think he does," retimed Laao. "Ue is making preparation for a grand teur with bia family." I was aware of this, for I had beard War- ton say, only a few days before, that he was coioB Went UDon a summer 'a iaunt We eonversad a while longer, and then I bad Laiis go first and put Degrand apoa bia gaard, and then go and get a teareb war rant. Undar the oireumetanoes, I did not wish to grant the warraat myself, bat I told the offisQr I was willing to swear aa a wit ness, if he couldn't find another whom be wished to trust. He said be would d the best he eould, and so left me. I did not wait Degrand arrested. I knew be was not frailty j and I knew, too, that an arms would be apt to leave a ating wbieb would gall hioi for a long lima. Cut I would not bavo taken this ooarse, had I not hoped to be able, within six and thirty botfrs, to prove wh?re tho real leak in the Bank vault was. Jail at dark, aa I sat aloia In my office, my boy having gone home to bia supper, my door was opened, and a young lady made her appearance. 1 reeegnised Mary Allen. She sank into a aeat, and then removed her vail. She( attempted te Ipeak, but bar courage failed bar, and ahw began te weap. "I know the object of vour visit," aaid I. " You have eome to ask ue if C arias i Degraad is guilty." " Wbat, sir I" she cried, starting up in an instant. " To ask you if ba ia guilty! , No, no, no I Oh I God kaowe he is inno- j cant! I came to ask you to sate birn.- lie told me you ware bia friend. Oh 1 you know Le is ianoaent I They cannet harm him I" I " Yea toeed not fear, Miss Allen," I said j " I have bis interests at heart, and shall do all I ean." " Acd joa ean save fcitu from this falsa ebarge ?'' " I hope to sate bitn from any evil re auhs. But I can tell joa uoro to-morrow, at thia hour. When she arosa to take her leave, she; mada ine promiae that I wauld not tall Charles of, .her visit to my otHce. I prom i'el, and she went away with far mor of hope tiiati she bad when she entered. 'io n a beautiful girl, and as good as she was beautiful. 1 Aa io!ala of irUm , ' o aloe!:. 1 cam up tae strost, passing iud , bank Grt, and then pacing Wartou's bouse As I rescind be ooroer of the fnce which , separated the yard of tbe dwel.inj, freoi tba other, I saw the flicker 'of a ligat upou the eelUr window of the former. It was from a licnt witbia tbe cellar. I rcasnea point from which I could gaze iu, and I was jast in time te aeo a luau disappear through tbe wail of tbe cellar through tbe wall next the bank I could see that he bad to stoop 'very low iu order ta pats through. ! I don't know wby I should have bad such a curiosity just then, but 1 did have it, aud 1 it ralud my movements. Might not some ; burglar have fouud his way into tbe bank ?! iuto eur bank, where I bad fiverll thou- j aud dollars on deposit! 1 resolved ta wait 1 and satisfy myself. - j I walked across the ftrfst, and then cp . a little war ; and then back aain ; and uo ' I killed time far over half au hour. I was: time wh.n I saw tbo light upon the cellar windows. I bastcotd ap, and saw a man . . i .i rnma thrnunh mrt nl cnuare Lola in tba - --e. ' .L u fi wall, lis put his lautcru through hrst, and then followed it. A chance gleam up ou his face revealed ta me tbe features of Mr. Mark Warton, Of course, be had a riglt there, and, telling myself that I bad made a fool of thia individual, I started for home at a brisk trot ; aad from that time I bad thought little of tke circumttance, uu til tho present occurrence. Ou tbe fallowing morning I jaw Mr. War ton depart far the city. He had seen Lane, and rvqucsted, or, rather ordered, bim to arrant Degrand that day. At nine o'clock, tha Deputy Sheriff was in my office. We conversed a few minutes, and then went out, and called upau the ser vants of Mr. Warton. lite wife had gono with him. We told them that we bad bufi- neis there, auJ, as they knew us, they were very anxious ta accommodate. Lane Call d for a lauteru, aud we then asked to be shown the cellar, at the same tunc reques ting the hostler ta accompany as. We desocuded to an excellent cellar, the bottom of which was cemented, und the walls laid up with neatly xpiit stone, aad thoroughly pointed with mortar. " Is there a door anywhere about here !" I asked, poiuting to the wall next ta tho bauk. " Why no, sir," returned the groem, gaxiug iuto my face as though ho would as tmre himself that I was sane. And I usut say that I bsgae to doubt the evidence of my sight on that cold Win ter's night. I could not see anything tlat looked like a place of passage. Tbe wall wa, ta all appearauce, firm and solid, " Who built this wall !" I asked. " Master did most of it himself," said lb a servant, " He ased to be a mason, and be said be eeuld cave a good sum by dcing f ' . 1. J I.... Il Jnn. In llllt kt'm nis own noil, nuu uie v , . if ' I felt aas'tnd again. I took a stout ebia- el froaa Lane, and comraeneed to tkamp on the atones of the wall. The Irst three sounded solid and sharp ; but the fourth one bad a different sound. It waa dull ..a i,n t ., ,!;.,! i, in iha mortar eut; but iastead ef breaking off, abort and erisp, as nsartar generally doea, it not only clung together, but the whole loni line, from-one end of the rook to the other came easy out. I examined it, and found it to ba a neatly fashioned strip of wood, whb the outer edge thoroughly eoe- ted with lime mortar. Here was aclue. - Lane thumped away, and aoon found anoth- er strip like mine, about two feet above it. We next tried tbe perpendicular strips, op- n the ecds of the rook, and they were like those already taken out. This left a large stone, two feet high by about three Jong, free from mortar. We workod upon it a while, but eould not move it. I went up into the streut, nd stood as near to where I had stood when I saw Warton pass he sat down. . other persou.s. Ibo horse which La s- through as I oould remember. I looked "You have the young culprit here, I see," from Mr. Jossap waa reeovered ly a pr through tbe wfudow. and tbe atone against i he said. ty who puruo t him, but the rogue eseai ed. which Lane held the lantern was sarely just But no one answerjd him. 'We uro also informed t hat tbi said Turuor where I had seen the open way. " I not Charles Doraad und er arrest !" endeavors to excite- sympa? by by reporting I wesit back and told my companion that be asked, quite pompously, turning to Laue. hiaj.-.elf to bj a refugee froi North- western must be the plaee. We tried again, aad "And why not? Did I not place tho Virginia," and a most devoted Southern presently the atone moved. L pushed in, warrant in your hands ?'' man, and oiTulatiH? nufouuded and lying and aecnjud to awing on regular hiogea. It " Very true, air," returned Lane, with a reports ou variou-i ciuz;u3 of the eoubtry, was quite thin, and when we had got it o- corioua leer ; but since then we have found pretending to implicate them as nutrue to pen, we found it bung upon stout iron pin- another o'.ue." our cause. Tho publio aro cautioned a- tie. They were drilled io and wedged " Another clue a what do you mean zairj?t him as a mo unmitigated oonn with lead. The serving wan opened his! sir!" - drel, and are warned no, to put any reli eves j and as soon as ha oould eommand I looked towards Richards, and he nod- ' auc ,u his atatftiwout ; aud ood oitiaDs are bis upeech.he said he begau to eee where ded. Then I looked back apon Lane, and requited t arrcit and cM.uaa hfui, so that all tbetu tilasfuv noises sscd to oome from." nodded in turn. The deputy toak the iukt ne mar ,.. p.n,ib';daj le .hsvms. W Daascd through and fouud ourselves1 in ciote, narrow plaee, not over three j " Well, Mr. Warton, if you wish to un fcet bq'iar,tbealls of which were of bro- j dertand tbe mattor I can explain." ken styne laid in cement. A small ladder The President turned pale as d.sath bo formt d by two pieees of joint with strips of Death Laue's glance but quickly recaverud board nailed aeross far tbe steps, stood a-j himself. gainst one side. I "When yoa hahdud me tbe order for " This must b the foundation of the . Degrand'e arrest, I already held a search Bank Vault," said Laos, warrant authorising me ta search tbe I saw it as soon as he spoko. ! premises adjoining the bank building.- But oae of u could o up at a time, and Yesterday, ia eompany with my legal friend, t . . . .5 ' .i.. .1-- c- r ,., I.a ! ant! tiic msii'.t i uaue my coiupsniou io uiskb iuo uie iriai ; so 09 too: ino lanieru sou nui uy. If. f.,.,nl t.. ri, Kim t b t,rod flage of 2oe, bard, blue granite laid upon sage to jouder vault. We made our own transverse sleepers cf wrought iron. j way to this plaee from said cellar, through - .l--,tjK.. . i.r, uj thara in the oorrhe wail 1" uer i ne r.axeu. . I looked, and saw a stout "pruoe stiek. ! tuero was no occasiorj, lor ni lor wnoe " Just pass it up here," lie sai i. i benefit it was spoken seemed past under- I reached cp one end of it, and when standing. For some Momenta Warton bad he bad placed it against the inner edge of kept bia countenance, but gradually bis ono of tbe (lass, ha bade me lift. 1 laid strength failed bim, and he sank upou tho bold upon it and lifted with ail uiy might, ; floor. I do not think he was insensible. I and as I lifted, tbe flag gave way. Up, up, think be fully realii2d that aU was dUcev up it Went, until at lensth it stood on edge, ersd, and ba feigned inseusibility iu order Itbalaooed itself tbera"a moment, and then to esoape questioning befere so many, fell over upou sotue bags ; and at the same ; However, be was taken to his own house, moment 1 beard a quick cry from over- and ere long he sent for the cashier. Rich head. ( erds went iu, and to him he made a fell cu- Lace want' up, and I quiokly followed feisiou, and offered to give up all he owned bim, and in a moment more we both stood if tbey would lot him off, and mako bo fur within tbe vault of tbe bank 1 '1 he door ther movement in tbe matter. The oashier was opto, and the cashier and his subordi- wa authoriaed to grant this request, and natow gaind upon us with astonishment. , he did so at onoe. Fottuuatcly the bank was not open forbusi Wartoa acknowledged that ho had taken ness. so do one saw us save tba employees 1 o?er terty thousand dollars. Ho said ho of tbe iuetitution. "Good iiiorninc. gentlemen," said I, bow- e. c. y ' .i ing very csay ai 1 steppea irom tne vault to the space behind thlon2 counter. j " In mrrer'i name " castcd the cashier, what dces'thia nnau!!' j "It means, sir, that wo have aclue ta the wan who has been robbing the bank," j Irepiitd. tio opened bis eyes wonderfully. Ha gased first upon me, and then upau thoup-jed turned C 1 " Where does that lead from!" ho final ly asked. " From the private cellar of AHrk War ton, Inquire, president cf the Valley Hank," I returned Tho'ca-bitr bezan to seo through it, and ere len ' wo all sat down and talked thej who were fortunate enough to claim 'mauey mattoi cVinly over. The clerks and tel- from the bank ; and before the Summer w as Urs wera called, and they promised to ' goae he came to me for a marriage certifi keep ileut for ibo present. I erplaiued , catc, as 1 had th&c'orlane to have been elco to them all about how Dcgraud came by j ted Town Clerk. 1 put his name to tho iu k;. ..,,1 nlsn tald iheni whv he had ' ttrument. aud wheu 1 aakd far the other keDt it to himse f. Tney all lovod the gen- t rous, Laudoiu8 youth, and I could see that they wera very happy wheu tba mat was tnus explained. Th ' cashier had never liked Warton, far tbe h.tter was not ouly overbearing, but be bad ere n dared to exercise, at times, a sort of Furvtillaiioo over bis cashier, as though he f arid there uiiht ba a lack of bouesty on the turt ot tuo latter. This bad out M. Kiohards the oashier ta the quick,; aud be could not target it Kiehards went down with us, through , the vault, into Mr. Wartoo'a cellar, aud ba-t fora bim we drew back tba stone, aud fix- . ., . r .. .:. ;.. .1...;. .1,.., . ed tne ia:a binps.iu iucu jn.uo., v 1, Well I should never mistrust tuat, be said, as ha stood and gaied upon the rock, which now looked like its mates. Wo talked with tu graoai, aua ne prom- l us mat 110 wou.u v.j M l!j.lu.rouliaad . tBa ,-oroe, 0f Gen. Saul Nona of the other servants bad veutureU . . U10uliuiu a dan, though it was neee.aary that lbey .G 0Vcr , w,.ek .inc0) have gained t ah-uld becautioued. bo we went up and . J' (Jm m (.g af; AtUuoou called them together, aud intimated ta , . , ..,,..,;,, them that we should havo to arrest tbem U tbey whispered a ward of our having beon tiieie. IlllS was cuoigU. iar uc very thought of arrest by a sbeuiff was terrifying. On the following morning, Mr. Richards called upon me, and informed mc that a ui.-ctinff of the direotara had been called, aad that the had concluded if Mr. War- j ton would make a full aud fair restitution, I (l IaI ' .t l i ment woa Tbey thought hispunub - ceeding gl P wi'hoQ f"tber P" them, and, at k1!'"?-, 1 fullJ agr"d Wltn pauied them to tW srequcsl accom Degrand, and the yeif; "M n .,ouni1 When we reached tba'-er want with, us. most of the directors there.1, wo found Degrand kindly by the kand.-T 411 ellook direeted to resume his-station n, ne was desk. The outer door' was locked; own lacked nearly two hours yet of the tiim . eommeBcii business. At the end of half an hour after our ar- rival, the green door was opened, and Mark Warton, Esq., entered, lie started as he saw tbe unusual number aasemblod ; but wljen bis eye finally rested upon tbe tra- duced teller, who had left bis desk and waa talking with the book-keeper, he seemed to comprehend it, fer he stiffly advanced, and said: . " Good morning, gentlemen." Several of the direatora nodded ; and "hen the president oame within the railing, end, at oute proeeedel : uw i --, u, w,m u -'- iViuina this buiidir:,?. we foaui a secret pos- i, "- fixed his cellar wall on purpose for robbin the bank, aud that be had intended hen I... L.J -!.-- -II I. .-J .!. u" uau u j wauieu, j itm " pintles from the rock, aud cement it iu its place. Out ef regard for the President's wife and three grownup daughters, his crime was kept as secret as possible, until alter he bad gone. Ho paid baok'all that be had , taken, with good interest, and then basteu - away iuto the Western country, where nis crime was noi khowu, wuero ins " u exterior probably passed off the whole mun for a high-minded, honorable geutieiu n. ibe foundation of the litua au.t was filled up, and the adjoiuiog cellar-wall 111 ad j solid. Charles Dearaud ouocmore filled his ;o!d statiuu ta the aooeptauca of aii tba he said, " Mary Allen. Railroad Cj"vt,M'toN. li. K. Cuyier. Esq., President of tbe Central Kaiiroal anl iiauki'' Company, has issued a circu lar inviting a meeting of all the 11 rc d Fresideuts and Superintendents in the Con federate States, at Columbia. t. C , 011 Thursday, September 4tb, for the purpose of oousiderio tho present cou htiou of ! be roads aud roliiuij stock, and the means ne cessary 10 ac auapicu u m.-,. fcctivc operation ; also, to regulate t.ia tare ud frioghla to tbe ohiujed eouumou 01 lu coumrv and far other t)urpaes. Luiuft u AFFAIRS AT CUMBhlUL AN L GA1V At letter from Marrisiawn, Kat leuties see, states that tba Federals havu betn lnv en baelt to tba Gap, an 1 ara now entiie'.y provisious. The wruer be n u jr wr- 1U of ;,,,., 1 , n lv in front of tiiu U ai. uud battle immediately iu front ot tau u ap, uu tk.t . inunnr 11, bjdriv eXDeOlud ta L t i ;a tidiug of CapituUtlJU. It is raportt-d that armed org viizatious exist ia Indiana aud Iiliuaia te reit the I draft , ! Irom tho Raleieli Stundard. ' CATGLI THE HOG UK 1 A yoaoj; wan aallin3 Li tlf Turner d prejfeSain!, t Wi0h, t0 z parently about twenty or twr,ty-oue year9 0f ag0) about fiya Ua uint or tea iucb(js ;q hei-'ht. with aot reiuambered,) has bteu Vaauiiu through the country stealing horesi, aua otligr thiu, uder a pretence of impring them far public) used. The said Turner, who rual - ame seem to be Heard, was arrested at 0) Airy, bui ry county, X. (J., ou a cuaro Ji jply taking a horna belonging to ouo clearly p.; and although tLg effotice was eount ot a" npou u.:n, 1,3 read on ac- on account 1 ")ial legal exception, and oft-repeated prou:outU and poaitive aod jn gemce, peruiittoct'o rtjcia i.is cumpauy eognizanec to appear a?, on Lis own re- Court. This occured in ..next 6 iptriar Siiioo tbat tiuie, we have Itc.r Juno. foriued that' Le has Etolen -acJ. -Vij ju- frou, Jesiup, and otbr prop;rtj horsa J. t. !iKA i-.s, W. 1!. iioLLlNWOllTlaf, II. V. ALl-'UfcD. ' WILLIAM 1LAWLKY, . W. A. MUOKE, S 1 MUOKH. T. F. PK AT II EH, liUiiT. S. GIL.Mi- a. Ait. Airy. j.V. C, Auut iii, 1?03. Statu papers plca-ccpy. 1 t'i-tm' 1 t1 ;, . " 0 are '"''-'3 u's ioud Dis- pmtch for the fDllo-vinj News Items : j A reiiaale goatl-:iiian wLo has reoently Jeafiped lrotu Kiuiucky reports that the jtTrannv :u tuut Stv.o u al tTranny tu tuut itv.o u ai.iio.-; iusud; en able . Hh own houjij was surrounded nitu Federal soldi-rs for the purpj.'ot caplur in'g Lim, and Le cluu i 'itui with Jiiliculty. II.j says that a gv-n.:-uiiii tK-ar Louioviile, (Ky..) hcaritj firii; iu Lis and ljund a qu-vd ct Fe 1 guns at cue cf his iit'.lj n taken rci'u.'n teLia 1 a tret1 yard, rttLt out, rals Mriu tiisir j.'TJe-, v. iio bad wi.ca was rid- died with tuu buiis. Oa Lis utaranoa '.Ley fired at him, tha ball pa siarj between himself and Lis v.ii'o, and lo.:giLg ia the front door. All the re.-rsctablo eitizens of Lj ii.-viila ara sotttacru iu sympathy, nu-l &ia iu their expression of iudimtiju a.-.ia.-t thi j.re- vailiug tyranny. It is statiid that the dijin jra'.izatioa in tho .ratseo army is iivat, tl. j -.njoii fj.irir.j to euter upon battl captured au 1 subjBt;cd to Ue t ran : ni.-!. t ill ,t j r . i -.r f :..-:. i' natory j " " aud that tno ir j, 03 acjiuu: ardie of t.ic ameers, fweri t:;at tliat evu5 tlw at tLey ;vmu!-.I ij examrdj of , not R;ht. but wu.d fa iow jtue-r superur. aua raa U3. ; t n;i (.! yjcral (H- l.rs'' of the army of . tj,e e,t wi..uever cceasiiu i-. Lad ta ra tftr t0 lu0 -tfrthi.rij army, lhj ..Ab :u;:i army of 1 vLd auJ t'jo per- m 'warj tineai : r 1 0 :i !.iei::' 'l'edcr'll,' i:i-:e:i 1 cf usia chic ;c is very Th. Captain Fratk Il'-ichatjan lias bcin made Ad;uir:ii iu the C.ui'dcrjta avy taj hi.'hesi cake iu iha srvic-.i f sr his uitia-guisl.ed- ssrv;ccsi:i tbe roat eu ;,.nut with the Morima?, ia Ii rnptoa' ra ids. Five cci;ts rc-vard has been off: red far loiiir Joan Vi.it'vvoit.i celebrities to." ik-caui; avoid t!ie drait. IV jiii Ci. 1 ted arm; is u?,v 1 bei t cm ..a 1 ,j an uiy. e 1 re paa uuts tau: t::e Lvai'ii o! G :u lu iarij.at'd Las teea i-J'iy ttici'-ijcd, au:i iaat he wi.i ropart .U a lg aas fji' vlatj ia tun tij'.d a,aiu. ill'. (iU-Je'd i:-'CCil. '1 .10 W i.jn.ii-1 an . . 11 la lis tuitoiial C amine j: on Mi. VauccJ late i-peccii ut IU.?: .:ii, - : A'e are suini. 1 t learu '.'nat Mr a'.ea taak strvii i.i I u.ci le i ioi;.a ia lavar of c;: extent n a . t.ie 1 .- - v . : . - --. I S:i:. ana ot iha CaiifVder.i: y. vV'a ue-tr -.1 alli ed, or u jrin tne e.i:w 1 .- c l ie i iu qaesti u, Mr. ViaJjs J.- !'. . . . . .a. :.i. '. a ( -. i" i i Lu L as tu a : p. ....vie. .. j ... . k ., j 1 te MK ii'- a P.,' ji'T. f. . -a.i.- on mi 1 e ;: i in ta : lie. .-.r, su j. 1 be La ti,f u .in.-.' t e irj uiii..-,- '. oar i ...... vl . 1 eoa .. i 1 audal , ..1 -ad .:.' ara 1 1-' u 1; ;.'..ie ot 1:.. , ,1 ..,,.1 -. :. . t ji;;js i . . I ,ii 'br -.:.: a; 0! ti.j C ot. led.- . iweartMWi.lii; Hil a .1 . . t u a:t- !....! U' ' uj v i' se i 1 s - - wi.i I ; j .-1 aiij vi tu i.-a -i-' 1 ' " t u; piiii. d iii.u ' j tlLSEnlL F.a..- . s At.M - - a a. Ir-Ue' 1 ta t-j 1 - i- 1 a: a fiui 1