I aHIi fiir n nv,1 fl tUMfl charlotte: Tups day, September 2, 1862. -K p. W.ktSo-.ti.E.q., of Lenoir, h cn. ,,.,,1,-otoicl.naa:. our ..-:I...riifd Hcnt. He . .,.(e 0-,'rr for ihe Whig, blank or vcr b'mrnu. receipt for the.ini.. Any i j :cr: cr:;.:I;jr WOO i-iV lO Hint Wlimn " icriive tne Vmj for two dollar. U "IfWl W t ezchaf ;or i',e mi9. i .. 7- j V-i .--.v....' tnrto' ;.nf ii in the mur Wif friend! who intend TLc?e ef oar crj1,t;c,DS jn vrood. will paving their pC.a us triDgiD it in as ictftr aVtb'e. Th. Prcsider.t"s Mesaagt ' Te real th a sveop-i of the Presi M5?a -p, ia anotL?r co'.ansn. V. bar 'kti t hare putliLtid the wh however we Siveu. most important t :t, ct it. ; has bijea liuca, al various, l'rerl.ieut I 'a vis and tie Gov- . : T perOLa was se3i9l to think , vutiiu ef tiitir country dtpend- ' ii cnt cf viitrust ia the ability : j cf ta- i.'jftrtiusst il-ij ooald 1 ia:; c:tst.;ii mliis. Every .i:uJ, aud t'uat tktir Las been ire s U ! t i i , rv u::5:wr;:jiie to cur ru Lave, beta traced, by tLxso c jasuv-fcfcvcrs, diiectly i.;-r.fj ki,d Loa-kb .y of oar 113 bead. .lr. '.; j as U3 te ! it tuiclcat te ask these vi . tun.. -ii -.vtia. tL?j are aiu-mg at! Com pti Ikt. i'jvls ij resii? Uvertbrow the OBvir.iu-.-Lit: Abj ct t'ueee wea'are? weu'!, at t..i t::ae. ruin oar caaie, destroy our tcci&i ajti ; ....! ifjiicii: as a nation, a-,-.! j i'.ee us ttira tbe wor'.l as a people u-at xi "cve.-n or.-elvts. Eat wlo ia Mr. - cf West the ca Visia, a Col zui Secretary cf s in 'CiC, Le has L. Army et:.'b:;:.i Lime'.f lefero tho .: i . j.iLl Mi'utary CLieftan. j..r- a ti-tiii'r c tiie U. S l.r of tse cjataern Suks lecjil orator, j ti.e 1 ua , prn ..lui....ia wi ii-e Li t'jre abaiQ, L wui wi-.a t::te I .n Lj t'te pe.r les uuity, aud t'..e cj -t u:.at,iu.0ij vc:e i rp:cs r.ia'.-.Tt5, at :s rit.as'i ' y tts ( tbi people, a: t L-x. as the Civf Magiauato of vcc-rucy. 4 no:y has be jastt- t'ao te. Iu i'.-s taan two year, be rmr i . rmH,t w.tb iu rn-cy i'tprt::.,-n-. orgiiizeaonri otaive- f . i :i.t' ca a ieii-fcj'tainiBg baU, placed oar C':L6iai iSmt, ou a firm footinu, orga- ;-i oar arui'... u t our tceruies and j.-a we Lave u.it .th occaticiLial rcver- ta?m to C.ht: acd but tie Dscesiiicsff the times and the great ' kr9tljor) the eampaaioos of their child- purpose of facilitating tran.'portaUoii to i press of the United State, fc.rs.ty cf paper, ba. cs'npelleri -us to re-1 d . . d 4 fc j and from this depot. j Knquirie. have been made of tho Com- , te ueh a :xe as torn- - . , , . ' Half a doien small tenements ereetnd , r6anJea.iQChief ef tbe armies of the United V, nu a-ief many Ion- article- ; t"ir!tn" "or. bids th.m, -Bt to dr. j cpon tbo West eiJ cf the old road, as h: Sut, whether tbe atroeio.s eondnet of t L' . - - . a ' ' it witheat a eause. nor sheat it with dis- now runs, must have an outltit. That road . st.. of thsic uuiU&p tnitinimliti mt tha .u.j . a, extra-scvsicB cf The Committee of Kefortn is appointed rj "fj " 'Vn a', 0Vou''! !-'lf0 1 tha ""P"0 rPlioa b. Lin-I-r.M, to t!em a victorieus ' aad in'veited wi'.h full powers to bring all ' ,at;Cj'f,r" i,crttse,j"' puiia eitpen Ht'uw! : c'J,a ' sttiiaping tbo Westorn part L La fully fchwn Lev toer tb fa'a LaSor tkem. tbe matter is now or dania-'ee to nrivat Drorertv. tiit the cf iriula aaina the war and ia favor of ryf.t 10 r.lif'j L': i :!...:r co o; -ritioa .:. iird y ::;. r-fclf, and aika tf : J -t oi f.r v iii tu voice of t fro u ULi'er its J to t fr'.e caD Lh ia Mr. I'lvia v. oti!d Lave ju er Uav Peta maJe, Lav le , .ve, aui u ou. more U re-"-'-cl- - J ' i: ai ;or ; if Le, tL ex- ' i'-f:::, l- Pf-'l ,.e aii hhi counsel of iLtri, clril ii.il miiitary, -- J. . i! ail tue fi.ts be .. ..'.; nors. a Ler j is tLe i:i bia Lad awi say, bt f . it r ' T wautd not :i!ft r a -'tat nau, . . ! .1 i.e.' a it ai.iic,ir '. ii ... j l jt te ot ' - . : i-.I in. je acd ,1 Lit ee'intry n notorizes 1 oi .1 It , oy ft-;.. I- c r i to i no.d op. a- ;.itiLi :l:r, d " le.irrs" it.f i j, iLainif oafi- -miud.ia their a. ,R.n.nt and iu head, iastead cf this, wield. "their influene. oly forth. FP" ,f "u9; : .lU.eu.t. thiT T MBBllttlli Pouiiei f. .,. wind. U reap l-ii-d- This i. t th. time .h.n suck a coor.. ought t. b. pursued k, toy of our people, for, in tin language of oar President, "itimij "3 o.s aa well a. icaleas aetion that a govern ment aew . asberei into existsnce a th. very .to of a great war, and an AA wit., the material neee.earj f.r r i. an .ondneting. hostilities on so fas. a ... fa,aiU.d,tie., Uat, after the great test of el J,,, Davis, defeated ..11 a .f fc- . the great " KoMi CL. ' . of oar ...A In aahiavLa? f . . '.1 od1 will cot only country, call him vigbt maa in the right plaee," .in (he time-aenored title of the of tie eoantry." '..The ..r.flttr.io, .ad close medical u .... th. lives of' ,m" " r i s. ., , , , ,,. . .... ,lJ s.sk and wouad.d sold.ers, involves the ' existence ef ear esantry," resaarked I ear very their country V .aits., by infusing a gentleman, the other day, and it ia trae. I waste of tiaie and money, to opn new routes an J armiug slaves. Another has been To rally promptly to jour country's aV to be equally complained of. fouuj of iustincts so brutal as to iuvit. th. fence, in its ho.r of Bd, is th. duty of dfP of, t1.,WT,ilminSt0' Charlotte,, vioitnoo 0f bis soldiery against th. women ' ., , , . , . and Uatherford Kail Road being ea a clay 0f a ,8pturd city. lt the rebuke of civ- every maa o:.paI. .f bean.g areas, but ..j jD a deep cat, near the eutlet of nnmer- ii;Ied man has failed to .voke from th. ao hcB this is done when the Toad mother, 0us serins, any pablio road leading to it,; thorities of tbe United States one mark of heedless ef th. fact-that the boy eke is i -;koB... vhtn th foaellj loved wife, lead-, to her husband points to , ., - '.; , i strixe ler tiis nonie, . i lag nor mue oaes ; them aad bid him . bis wit. and his .hiidrea ; when we hav. thus parted with oir mothers, sisters and wives, left all we bold mest dear on earth, j... ... f.u ' 3 . , . ' est extent, have BiCt oar ce.ntry s lees, is atrwiisa down oa tbe battle Laid or ia the sickly treLchee. we have a right, oar dear ouss at bom. have a r?h,, te ask, that we , ,, - ,, v. , t f -' . in t)i.lil atlfntiaii bit rr. n. tkin 1( ;aTOiTi tjja Tir tI;,teaea of our .. . . leauiraim? for the fray, is the oalv one God ne,llt 01 "3ass. unless piauiea or pavea , ac, reason to eappote that th. ooaUuet of dent's j, . i:" ilpr vi... ! nJ "a?1 ,n 6ood r dr- Uence, numer-j Reuj. F. liutler has failed ta seearo from ssheaid! e--- a i eus applications, said to fe made to t:,e , his Oovernment tho sanctieu and applause I titty ard bid. him ' ?0 and UO deedS WOr- I Tn.n rnntmlctlnncra In nr.n on, I arlnnJ : . U !. :L :. 1 L I ' ' ! thy of his sires i" shea sisters take their i Tryon-street, were ofered with the osten. te j ty a publio meotinir and portion, of the eouEtry. itai cur goTcromsnt, through. ........ ,. , , . , , . , . a straitit hue anr it was u"Ud en a us msdual departmect, has attempted to , . r. r ' r crooeU eat, was pr3ntel to tbe Xown give ear sick aad wounded soldiers ail ns.-1 Commissi doom saveral years a,;o ai.1 sue ee33ary atteatien, we believe; that oar pri- oe!a'.ly rej'.sJ. Tate eltistas have deae mach to relieve' " &.ntures.d Frosho! Urs," from Its - . , , . , . Vj taut parts of tae Iowa were tue a invited tueir sofennga we know, but wUe we be-. . rj-;,.. .ninr tl.. r u,.in. Have thi-;, we also kBow that much has beea ln andone that mi'ht have been dec; we are tbsrefora glad tj see' that air.', of Kentacky, Las called the att.n- ' " .... tion-cf Congress to the matter, m tae fol- lewitg resolution, whioh was adoptsd : ! r , , .f.- c .... LesOi'ie'i, i bat in the opinion of Ue aate . i . i tae general complaint made by tbe siei au4 ;ai,eJ, i laaUiotion aad neg.eet on ike, . , , , nr j , ; ' part of tbe medical eirs, ahase duty it is to provide for tLeir eoa.f jrt and necesii-. r . i , ti, justify the apprehes'ien that such com-! ' ",, ij , . ruiro al haads of Congress anearoest aaa speeJy iavestigatiou, with such reform in tue wuo.e system at wiai iu isiute pre vent tn:e abt:j and securs to tbe sicx. au wounded sue. p'oxpt at'.ention as their soLdaiea way require; and to this end a ,6U-UMe of tnr.. bo appointed by . tno rrosid.nt of tut body to investigate other oouplaioto; t have proof, if deemed aeccisary, and W cfer with lb. Se.rrtary of War and the heads ef the Medical Ie- ?tmtIll iD Mder that sacb reforms may be adopted as the exigeaeiea cf the caso uy require. Ths President appointed Jfetsrt. SiWMS, IIiLL and CLAY to escstitate tbe Special Ciuimittee. Ln tLeir hands TLe country exseets of ' to carry forward them, nay demands such action a will ia uitill we, bavin; sure tbe welfare ef our siek and wounded '., c:y plant it soldiers in the futuru. :'icny land, there; VTe are requeslHl by the CLarjh Council, cf the L'utherau CLureh, at this place, t eta'.e that triidcLie vo'is hoys have Leeo breaking the lower window? f that charob, with rocks ; and that they earnestly .,.. ,.,i;,r, , r- t their authority i. rt.trainin their children from ocrmmlttin. dej relations of this kind. jara is iiripoiL; to Le Lad at present, aaj jt j. the refer, of imp jrtaaoe t'.at tb-: aiudows ef the church should remain no- distarbed. Tlik 'J L UtliNATOEIA L Kf.aVCTION. C-ii. . li. Vane Las been tleeted loverLi ef a Mat.. The f.Uoaia. is the result of e b.l.nt.t .M..r.ly To. V.r,.., lU.IAJ. .- f J e . Morgan ha i"iej bia prje lauiation dee!ar:n his iute'itioo of put'.in " the law of retai.aiiQB in force, iiite tiie Yatkee w !l net permit Lis i'areles t be rccogo t4 JST The British stcs,ship, Alicb, for merly the Matauorda, arrived at Mobile on Thorsday morning from Havana. Shu breaght 50,000 pound, of powder, 20,000 pouads saltpetre, and .an assorted eargo. She passe d the bleeltatfer wuumi i slightest difficulty 5T A n.w weelly jourBal, to be tjled fht Southrrn Illustrated Xcws," if to b. itsaed i Bichmead, about the 1st of Sep Umbr..' Th. firit auniber will .ontaio a likea.si of " StoLewall Jackson." (r General Price is said to hate com menced his forward movement from Tupelo. Where be is going and or, wnat route, ke ; ; knows himself, and lias sot told th. public, j , r, .... ,m -o. I Isth.StraightmnBof Tryon-Stroot R.- qurred for Pubho Convenience ? , Ediirh. Ciiarloxtb Tymiq : Tb. avenue tbroj;h Charlotte kuowa j as Tryen-sreet, U a great publio thoroagh-j fare, opened at the first settleman of the ceanty, and .arv.d at aa extrtmiijr, as . it leaves the town. On tho h'orth siJe, a j hill has been gradually out down to an eaby j g"d'. in 2roPr repair,, i suuioient for all purposes of general trav-1 id triBfp9rUiBt UlltM ,och o;j J joj, are put jn condition, it seem useless' specially ia winter, mast necessarily be dif- cannot be vacated. ThTe is certainly on' Pablia B,:eS8ity f"r t&e street auJ tha road both. The plan asuaiiy pursuoJ, of which t!irt 4re unjerou, iBuaaci is to vacate luere are numerous iotiauc? is to one of two coutigujus rouWs. 1 If Tryon-atreet be straightened to please ae ce7 ,,me nei.?hborig hdU.e'uolJer, t "ill run nearly parallel J close to the paili. road, which Mjat ba k.pt in rpair y,ila tha town liaiite. TLe act will also leave a narrow strip of valuable Uiid aloug- s;Ue of the cx.ru etieet, oau,.a ue:tes iuja- 7 ,0 durable builaing lots, tirouih whioh 'tbe pub,:o roal a.rwady pa.-vj, fjr the; deeds ot tbe proprietors, tun ir tue nesi . . I - f . 1. r .-.,' r.,,.. 'Ir.n r.f Ir.i.ir land. 'I L., t,:., ( 1-,.-nn ..tr.t K. ioas. These gentleman uc'..ue l to reeom- meud soeh an usolots undertaking. Ja that occrabion, tLe hto Jeau Irin " - -VV,1'" w tl. street ea.led "'vo.icje Street, i.n'. ot TfJJB trttt . p,sri.s a better lv,l, more firrun's ef soil, aid leads dir.e-.;y to "roaae curebaaed by the Kail Itoid Com-- J. paay fir tc cauvemei.ee ol their u.-pet; r j ' T s. wtT, or iijtr'i'Jiu o tstructivcly apon pri- . . 1 r r r ' , i ' j Jhispian may now properly be urvad ,r, 3 f i- and fivorod a a j-adicious aui iudi.ip.-ns a. Appiiettion, wc le&rt.', l. been mad to tbe Court of I'leaa aad Quarter Se-'ions to arpuiut eoinrsiaiiorjers to as. linn- a.'s to the owner of two Iowd lot about tote seriouiiy iojurl by tbe pr.po5e. "igt lin I'roj' c Aooord.nj to tllO reo a!retu.-nt cf the ii9tn S9Ct:enof tue ammended Charter, '-fiv.; d'.intercted frehoMsr" muit be t'.'e-t. Soti.e pertr.s howvar miy p i-iLiy be iiarued to tLe Curt a a Jury, f -r -lueli purpiie, wto are uotorily 'Urtclhj tn'frtH- cU, to reduce tLa hum cf lii.media'e 1 aru - ' . , . e . .! a 'C:H. in or Jcr to fan:i:tata an pD' i not recuired for tbe publio rvice, butat tbe! same time, to prcvcr.t tho crteusii'i of a, oau "-" " Twn C mitri.i.-icr.f rs wJifij ull par''.' in- I'rri'eii j-( i i.na, tiji ih '.j may Ijtc tue Leu'Ct on the rules of common law a;id j is-' tieo, as vrc'ii a to cura frejhrjl lcrs annat obvious tiiiadvaLtucs fi.n saciet combi-, nations and manngument. A Tax Farta. 1 HxArr r-foyEMKMT a'jainut Vkksucro. Vittatbur., Mi., ia ag.in- threat-nied tueir retreat tha enfray attemptert to burn Tbe gauboat fieet Lai not only returned, the. Kanawha Halt Worke, bot failed. but is accompanied by a land fjree, sup-' TLe citizens of NortbwestsrB Virginia pound to Le I'-iAikjO btron. The C if e t- , i . ,i , j Y ' " , are noc' .u taitward to 101a the Confeder- J ; ate army. Iti kivrpvcd fust thi- is Curtis', army,! Tbe iitws from th. seat of war io Vir arrl t'uat it i t Le importa nt m-iv which w j,iu;I( ,4 far reetircd, coutiaue to be harj beard v about to be undertaken by.j ebterin. that army. Whether tbo ilmoonitration is ( - to be rc trie a-nirj,t Vik.bur. is not known, l JiOJ TII Iu 3 A r.li AND0AH VALLEY, a 'id iy fTno mu'.-b aioubt.- i. Vibafcver,. , . . ., . ,, , . J . . v , . ti I edneiday lt, Lapt. Jjylor s eoinpaov, tha i:uporta'it mora may bl u probably ,, i , j l n V xr 1 . . , . , - , 1 uonn duly iu the aheeaudoah V alley, V., re developed hi a Iiv davs. 1. is a0 said . .. i v i i i . ,i . i iii-". , . captired a lankeo railroad traiu on tae thnt con-d-rabln ak,r;nu)nnir va beard to u 1 , . . ,, , .. . , i, . . i . . , H i:ibe.ter aiid I'otomae ri road. Tbe r !i 1. ehinoal ret-jrdiy. I ney have , , , t t 'ifB.'Mlil, rbl artii ry and irjfiutrv. aud are ov rru.mi. tbo country like a swarm ' r.f locate. 1 l.i.din, of th,., troop. no do'ibt BeeBt. lor Oir not bavin? any' intoliir,uc from M.liikeu's h. ml i fc Dm? a-i) In. vi; aid Hi C D l.rn tf ' TloM TI.e fk.xI eetnion uf thia limitation, :i.i Cyinii,e;me in HaL.'ih, on Monday the i 1-t of S-ft.nber. i'areuli and guardians, ur eirntttly r'i'i':tled t oad ia the p'J-i r :!s tt tbe beniiuia of tii i-eiKiea. 1 he)' are ui-o advi.ed to fortius tt,e pupiis ,J,een eeudoed in Uiohmond, write to tbe t'ueir winter eiotki-i at heme at far as fceatou Cburifr that Ik isaae Bew i wheth P''Li er Kiebmead er TV asbiagtoo shall fall. MICSS AGK OF PR12SIDENT DAVIS. 1 Wo eupy the following ayitepii from th. Charleston Courier : The President oomplimints th. troop, for their gallantry and good .oaduet, illa. trated on hard fought field., and utarked hy by exhibitioDa of individual prowesa which oau find but few parallels in anoient or modern history. The seal and unanim ity of the great body of the peoplo iv assMraBoe to the fri.nds of .enstitutional liberty of our fiual triaoiph. Th. fast army whioh threatened tbe Capital of th. Ooufederaey has been defeated, aod the enemy are now seekiog to raise n.w armies on a scale, auoh as modern history does not record, to effect t'uat subjugation of the South so ol'tea preolaimud as ou th. er. of I accomplishment. Our enemies ar. beooof dil j rraaidfulof th. ussue. of .if ilized war aud dictaU. of hunanilj. The wanton uettruotion of private property, th. murder of captives, and orders of banian- ,gllilwt,p0.V., ar. com. of h by tiiMJt iof 4der iQ ci.froe the ubmiioQ of a fr. peopl. to a foreign .way. . The President refers in this .oone.tion to the Confiscation Uills, the forgery of mouied obligations of tb. Confederates by the ciiiiens ef the Uui'.ed States, and . the apparent complicity ef that Government ia lbcM eriinM Two, at least, ef the Generals of tb. Uni- ted Su'Ua f c'ug.a, unchecked by their (loverpuint.in exciting servile insurrection disapprobation of bis set. Nor i. there uuntarv nacclion of that Uevernmeut. The answer l.is been evaded on the pretext that the in q.jiry ml iu.uliitg. h' method remains for the recreation of tbeto eaormities but lor the repression sach retritutivo justice a it may k. found possible to execute. Vengeance will not be wrecked cu unarmed men, on women, or children, but c'.ein and exemplary punish- mout eau and must be lotted out to the murusrvrs and felons, who, disgraeiog the profusion of aims, seek to make of public war an o coaion for the eomUutfon of ''he mon,tro. .rim... The Preiideat refers t tbe reports from thu Leads of ttio eeveral iepartuente. I;.; approves the reoinuieoiaUoa of the feveretary of tbe i reasury for au ineteased Utue of i'reaiary Nots, eonveitibii int pc-r Cent, bonus. He invites UvoraMe cn;iJeralion to tho reo jiuBJOtidatiou of the Storetrj of Wr.r the opinion liit it may be neeestary, here- af'.er, to exu-bJ tu proviaiou ef thai law, to a etnb.-iC) reraon between the aeoe of I thirly - hvo and t'jriy nve. 1m vi.- jr and a Uinu-uev of our nreaant fjr. - inspire ibe bii-f that no further o- - ' I rd.llaetil will Le iH'aaary. But WHO fjre- y't-flA rtjviires that mean atuaid exist for eaiiiuiiauen add.-.icnal. f-rs is the field,! without awamnj tie r .0li0o of Con- fc'reei. 'i'hs l'reideut statrs that in spite both j of tho biauii'hment aod threat .ted ia j profa.tioa ny tu' seuta of tb liorernmentt of tLe L tilted Stales, Indian ttrbea witUta tiv ("out.; dor jo j have remaiued firm in their ioyaity, aud aietdfani id tae observance ef tbir tieaty eiigigvuient van'a tuit (iovern meiit. i lie Prfs.Jtut eoueludes; "We have never wwu caiae to be gfateful for tbe Uvor witn iiL.cu joJ bait protected our mint Couk-iio raey, and it becomes ui vereutiy to return jur thauki, aud bumbly t-j aak of bis bouutt-ousaees (bat wiadom hinri M ii-edful lor lu.; nrfnrmi.o of tkia tih '.ruttj witn n'mcn we are charged. ' laws. ,. . ,, . lion thi Western Democrat. Jr'IXOM VIRGINIA. Ki.mmo.nd, August 3il.--'fbe Lynebborg it.ntiteaa .aye mas vatuaio, tse repre- the !juth. At Clarkburjr Ue said be wae no longer in favor of tbi war, but with the South a;iiua.t the anri lavery party, and that it wav fully to til's; aboat subjecting tbo Booth. It is rpretcbted that the enemy Lav. evaeuaud KauswLa VAlley, a,ud that in . v , ' i , ' t "i. . I ,ol.'J,'" 00 lo.rd' 10 ,bV"ab'' f ' i'rl9l"ir" tue pr...i. was men """V'm ' ?f fM" hundred thoial dollar io ledcral treas ury note, extracted, together with sevSral uibur artinlr' of value. The U. I. mail v,m hecirod, wbich e-yiittined important of fieial depattli' from 3b. 1'opo. Tbe traiu was the. ict on fire aod destroyed. A released Yaakse pri.eoer, who bad FllOM Till PENINSULA. It was yesterday stated on th. street, that th. enemy's picket shad been advanced a few nauet tbi. std. ol Willi austurgv---Whethsr this ia an indi.ati.a of another change of baa. by McUlellan, or whether it wa. intended to forae. and pillage in th. ad jacent eountry.is not known. It is not at all likely that the young ixapoieoa contem plate, another advane. on lUehmoad. FROM TUB SOUTUWEJT. Mobili, Aug. 26. A special dispatch to tbe Advertiser and Rejiiter, dated Tupelo, 2dth, say. : " Colonel f aulkn.r, with three Hundred Confederate guerillas, attaoked a Yankee scouting party oa Tuesday, near Iticaxi, driving them taok into their oawp, wnere Colonel Faulkner's .ommmaod wa. met by a large fore, of Yankee infantry and eaval- . . , . XT ry who drove them oaoa in suru. ne es timate of th. loae on either .id. ha. been received." I.NTiaTiHTios. The Havana Correspon dent of tbe Charleston Couriert ys t " A report was ia circulation at Havana that Russia weald seen take strone erounds between the North and South ia favor of peace. . Report .ays only on. month will b. allowed the North to aoeept the mediation, and if refused, an armed fore, will bo brought to effect the same. Kngland and France will sustain Russia." DIED. In thu place of Dratherteon the Wth Augaat, Ll'LA. daughter of Charlet and Srh Fraaier, aged eleven ;ere ane monlh and Dim daye. UUi'J are t! pare ia heart lot tbey elial' eee tiod." ritarlotlt) natrkel, 9crTtaiaaa, 1, IS 64. Flout it telling fer 113 tu $40 j Core) II 00 to ft Hi with a downward Uadeacv J Wheat 13 60 ta 13 95 j Cotton 15 to 17 ct; Bacon 30 to 33 ct ; Duller 35 els demand good. (Notice. A PPLICATIO.V will U made for the Renew. j ml ( Jfloce CerU6ete N: 4a3 fur thirUea Snarra 8lok in the Charlwltc it So, t. It. R. Co the properly of Ik Ratal of Thoa. J. Hoi ton. E. NYE irUTCHlSON, Eaeeutor. Charlotte, Auguat 30, lCVi. TUB SUUTtlERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. (XXV VOLt'Mt ) A Rri.gioui Family Newpaprt And an organ of l METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN TNI OlTHI COnr (DIB1L I puklialitd al AUaUSTA, GEORGIA, AT TWO UU I. LAWS PEU AN. N I'M, i.TttitiLT m '. Any peron xadmg Te!rt Domjm for eak. pliona ia enUlied U a e..py wiDwot ckarge ,ne .f. , 1. Jl V fcliii. Editor. en for one tavnrrstl lloilttl ?tn. 9t. . 31. ) (I.aTS Moot. NurlT4L Ricmhom. Va.. Aovaat S3. IB63 lljirg re.-eiiea many tettcre from wooadad florth I'arulm rj!iiif. who were dirahargad from Una ll.ipiul. nakinr aa a I tana ion of loa of t-cne. I think it aror to iuir. that . jtitniaaiur laaru g a lluapital on furlough, pa ,,,,m "' J ""''. t mat n " .( ,.i . 1 1 1 ... IH,.r .1 lha ilinidiiia T iki Ijal I fur wkirh lea of aVieuce wae eranled. to repotl to the Captain of hie onipaay , nioer in fttua by hurgou'a ecriiUcaia. The latur ahouid ' ath o,.f.e a Magi.ir.i.. Surgeon m th.rge. Augu.l 2, IfeM. , It li" N. C. paper will plaa eopy aad forward t to thi H.ui. aWniinistrator's Notice. All prraone indektad U the late Or. Joe. W. Caldwell mdnirt jt llf or a a ruenkr of tlie firm of P. C, av J. W. Caldwell, are rr tnN to mk imatedial. pavi-ul, ana Ikoa bating claim agaiuat kia eat la ar rtqoealed to prant Ikent wi.hia ti tuna pracnbcd ky law, or tine notice will he pleaded in hr of their r.er jr. . P. CALDWELL, AdmV. AugiMt.13, leSl." if Charlotte Female Institute, 'gilt- Vt,ntcr Sa.in will Wgin oa Moaday Jn. th lat of rieplembar. Ternt per aeieioa of iiteen wt eka aa ohaw ; lurd and 1 uitioa . . . !OOO0 Meaie on Piano or Guilar . SC UO t a of Itiatratncnt lor praeliee 4 00 V.kt.I M.j.ie . . . ... li OJ Oil Painting tfe 00 Drawing pencil or crayon 10 OO '(. en Latin rarh ... 10 00 KnUrouiery, on tilk or veliet 4 00 Tuition of 4f ae.lHar . . 18 ( Tii .Uuaical Oepartniant Wkil be nnilnr lb I elurge cf Miai IlaniuiarikuU. On half of knard and tuilina te payable in ad. I vanee enH the rnaaindajr el th end ef the eeeaioa er wlwa the popil laremo.td from Iheacbool. In- lefcal will be, crrgtt ow all arrounla nut attllcd t tk cloac ef the aeaaion. No dedoetiott mad for abaie unlet in caeee of eeriua anal protrac tad aieknea. AogaatU', 41 VINEGAR & CIDER, CAKKS & It li 1 3 It. AT EAR THE DEPOT. ' CIIAULOTTE, N. C. Aoguat 12, f Schod Notice. - TISS SAf.LlR (Ul.VARD will r.aarn th - eerrre of her tscbool on the lit of Sep. tembe-r, roa. Augaat II, it(;a. 20lf w iciTinci paii:h. AnvlSer etijiply of Conuncreitl, Nate end LcU ter Paper juat received, and for ele by J. II. HTKVEN3 k CO., lppoit I'oal OITki. June 17, 1 Kt2. ' If II ,i vi: i.o -: 1 1 . i:."4Vi;loii;vi fiOO.OuO Envelope on hand and being manufae. la.'ed, lur le hy J. II. STEVENS A CO., Jpptit PoalOllie. Jane 17, 18C3. If NEW. MILLINERY. Great and Glorious News for the Ladies. rvr'IUE MISSES PFEIL hiY. JL ooBinienced the Milliner, and Mantua making but'inese lor Uiemuelvea in Irwtti'i Cor. tier. Immediately otbi the Medi cat Office of Dl. C. J. Fox. They are prepared to iecme work in their line to pleae every tatte, in ever aty Is and faaliion, on the moat moderate tc'mt for CASH, keeping aoiiatantly on band all aorta of material for this porpeae i anil as tliey eap;ct to deserve, they hope to receive a large and libera patronage from the ladie of thia tec linn. May 13, 1863. j ... , 6tf BL ANTON DUNCAN, Columbia, S, '., (Terwerly ef Ivantucky) it prepared to fill ordfr. Is any eatint in Eurravirj( and Printing BANK NOTKS, Kills ef tichange, 4ie, Kngravin,.. pon Steel or Stane. . Large supplies of Bank Note and oth( puftt will be kept. Angoet &, 1863. . I in rpilE largeat etock of WALL PAPER WIN. 1. xW MIAULS, CORDS, TA;EIj3, yc., in the State, tuuat be aoJd in 90 day a, to make room for oilier -kiumcne. Alt tlioM wanting bargaina bad better eallaoen. Thoe in the Wade Will do wU by calling un. W, II. SCHUTT, March 18, 18G1. if . Oyjwwile Pot Office. CilAKLOITE 110TLL . BY , -.' a Bl BOW 1 BIK E , t llAULtrntU . f. TU HE Proprietor of tin I'iuMh' JL etiH at hi poet retdr u, lu 1 fli theduueeof mine hint " 1 j u, ilrarelling public and olhcra mpj may call oa limi.and he flaltera himavti "that I onmfortakle quarters can be foond with bim n eny wr.are in Ihi vicinity. lining ilutrij i,t,r ly in (Ha cantre ef Charlotte, fcumm i .c ,; bod t hi Hotel mot aunvenicat and iu.irbl location. II baa been engaged la In bumnt at tht aland nearly eighteen yer,nd in that litue ha ha mail atvwal auCiltua tu iii :'..rm.r bo, eaO it ka baae g really roUrgrd and iai. pd,prntiBg in foo I e two atorj V f.h A ;iMI ImI in latigU ky 'i f. tl in width, bantitoaif ;; eu!d ky treaa on theait'e-waik, (!'.. niiRj a j.,ti. a a I promeeade at all lio ra of the day. The tlouee ha kaoathoroagkly fareielird ihro owl, and in every part ef tl creatare MtMn art abuwdart and taagibla.eapeeiailir m tbe DIMM; ROOM, where (ke "inner man'1' I "rfr.ta.ii" day by day. Onaaclc with tkia ifolel are irt" .riin j f.Mn for 11H) bora, abondaaily farjiaMca :tn gram and pov-d-, tiKd ky laiDiiil at4 . bilging kotlr. t The Proprtotor frekeoSdrnlthaiviih hn'. ( espcrieneeaad many aaw adrantag eaaddee In h i ( de.ire t piraae, be ia prepared to etfrr hi intu. ! and Ihe "rat ol mankind." aa many com for l i.J 'aa moch good rhter aa will ke foand ahtr, good rhter aa will be foand atiji pvtkap a lit lie taor s. JTAtany rale tae the tharloti Ifoul. J li.KEHR Oclaiar 13. If.'. " 3!f WiJwingttn, I'bariotte and Huliirr ford Kail o;i(l. O' V aod after Monoa Ibo lilb m.uiil, iha l'uHN(ti and Mail Train will be ran - lliia Koad Uauy (oaje a a'.e(.if j it t.OI.Nt IVIT, La. 1 M A. M. 1 44 9 14 8 9 - Atiitt- 7 43 A. t 31 - (liar lot le, TlllUKJH, tWtie, Milf.iO, Line.ilnloo, COl .NO EAaT. Lean. Aaxi'S- ill 00 A. M LiacolaUin, ii.roo. It WA V, Brevard, II 4 - Tnekaaegee, li IJ P. V II 33 -II SO " li P. M Lbariotu. I id " Ey order, . V. A. McUJSK. Acting Maaler ef Tranapor utiun. l..ne..Uian, April 4, 1161. 3 -If I S PHILLIPS M I A V I locale if M MrhaflotU, rtepeettlll. It kwlicila a ahara ! pubnC trewage. A wniplele lawrtmral f Clothe, Caaaimtret n Veatinge alwaya on hand, which will be nud lo or der at Ihe horll nolle, aflat Ihe lateat fi Hhop thru dor of la Maoaiun li'iiuae. FAKNt'II MILL1XERV. f Bill undertigned takeathi inrlhad l notify M. the Ladm of Ch-rl'itlo. and th. ri.ind. ing eounlry, llral they hare .K-f M r Hrown to lako full eharge of thrir Mlla.it'K' ilWAIITtll-T. aad we wnpld lla mat j liar reee.t.d apl.ndid lot of LA DIE I' .MitaW luf tue ae.ann. .,.,,.. ak.,.t.ng of I'itl'.NCI All rii CI laSi a superior inoiol Hnnt. -.utwi". ilWtWnnela of y variety. Sir . SUiim- ln, lrk. and ! Buimel .bade. Iliund frfce, Jlouehea.and I'Uid &e.. 1 MLSM BKOWN will k oloted t wi 'F all w.Vt may .ll ypon Mr, and will lin entire alialarlmn. in ir.luc' " ,f f.ahion frnm Pan, and A'l t -r' 'u, W would alxi retnrn our he.rllelt th"1" all who bv faeoured a with their pir"r and w will do our s'iikmI '" e' n,0l) nane, aod enoal eritiaily inile fiM'"' atnltger tovi.it out a!blihii't b'"rc ' ing elaewher. ,,,a KAUNWEILLKU A lH.Ua June 10, IBu'i, 11 ThcCornerDRUB Store, ill tltl.OTTi:, I ;. V K 1 1 ITTCII 1 SO.N t () Ur ould reapeelfully !' l,n of th pubiie to I"" s'fd and comiI.;t Hlorii now bif for Ihe Spring Trad., l)f.... Mrdmine. fjhnmicala. Prrfunirry, Articlea.tlil, Tomertins, llunim? r1'.u' .VnW hoi. Iur,Me.lieal Wine. n Hrndiel Tee. Field aud li.rden rkewe. .., . January 17, 1BW. 4JU If' M 1

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