al-SSCfh- t-ikw mitotic "1 Jrue io Sod, f o jtoulr fioqgfHi, io ijw. 'j)qf 1 VOJCjb. XX, MRS. T. J. HOLTON, iditmjj asd paopauraisa. "TERMS: Tbe North -Carolina Whit willbeafTurdedtuaub, TJ'JliliprivaUer now lay was shut in from the sc. ! , ',..m.,n..!.,iTiiREEiH)l.LAR8 i tlx cod of the rear. Nopaper will be diecon- met! unlilill arreararee are paid .except at the oplnn of the Editor. . tdecrtieenieattinaerted alOnc Dollar per equare (li linea or leee.thie tiled type) fur the firel inter, don, and 2j cents forcaeh continuance. Courted, ferliaemeat and Sheriff'! Salee charged U5 per can! higher i and a deduction of 33 per cent. will fee made ffom the regular price, for edvertieertoy the rear. Advertieementa lneerled monthly or quarterly, at $1 per aquare for each time. (Somi Boolhly 75 centapcraqaareforearhlime. Peraona when aendinf In their advertisement nuil mark (he nam her of ineerlione deaircd or ihey will be inecrled until forbid and charged ae -urdingly. ITPjatmaeterf are a n thorite d to act a e agea (from the Kooth Carolinian J Tbo Youthful Warrior. sv aav norrrvi.. The gerr baitie had began, t cnfu.u tig'd li'roufh the Bcld, la Uianiji r luoct t!ir taton al'd, Weil brig nil; iIukm the ua i And men art clred far and rJf I'jr fig and dead were mingled there. There, ua iheldty i.fbi j4jr alri'e, A jroullifu! arartior lV alone, Weuoded and dying, and li e near gone, Willi ait l!-at thirme a morn.Bg iifV lie did not iiec Uart ariuog i;gl, tot iuaer taugiit him Uo to e. Thtl gentle yooth waa lely fair, With earnrat tjf of roogiC hate, And fu'.: of hope aia like g K 6owmg rtngteU nintted K i The mnrial woand l him araa giv'n, lictiv'd l.ii bupca of baa in llctar'u. Tne tun amking la .h ky, tihadta of the eaening gither'd fut- The liiaoa'i rol had eeaa'd to lat- Oar boatt bad wan the Tielory I Wbra from thai breaa yootha' lipa there came Paet eraiaea to hie Mii' nau.e. )u: then sa apaeda awar hia biaath. Appeared a hi roaf the ln!, Aniioae to aT the I'-v "J unc'a life. Hat aa (e near approach of dit He lode a Bible near hit band A wother'a gift, threa Wou's loinmtnd. thott(bl ! to tisd triua gite? ! Tmt be fill MtSrr'e ke, ied helJ tbe He'd of Him abate Fji oernating joy had alrien The golden leaaei nf holy irntli Trepar'd lor death that nolle youth, Triumphant on Manaaaae' plaine. In pruce be brah'd ate life away, Kra t,ea eioa'd the light of day. And bow in Joo aurally rmgna l Iit not a tear for l.t j. The rhnadan aud tbe gallant dead. Lou'Mau, aVptember t. 1861. UJiscdlantouSe IH A TRAP; OR IKS FRIVATEEK'S HU2. RT AN OLD HAN. The schooner ' Fair Sister a rnug lit tl eraft of some hundred and fifty tons burden, dropped donn one of tho small streams tbsfetnply tho waters of llsine in to the Atlantic, and came to arobor in the Dirrow basin at its mouth. It was in tue 'print; of 1013, and the war was going on with England. The war vestals of the one my were upon our eoast, blockading every Urbor where they supposed a Yankee faro a io raserv. The Fiir Sitter bad been fitted up by a party of enterprising rtiou, and hrr anna aieiit was enmplct. ijh carried eiht uus twelvs pouadtrs and had fifty-four men, ith small arms io ahundanca. Her com mfindcr'a name was Hack Alanson Duck a good seaman, aud a brave, soeompliah d mso. Uis vessel was ready for sea, and le was anxious to be out upon tho broad Atlantic, among the merchant vessels and 'ore ship of the enemy. Yet he bad il fear that ha might 'find trouble in i-un-"eg out. At a small settlement not far up the riv r he had learned that a Bruiso brig of was lying off and on upon the eoast, mat tbs commander had gained tntel Knce of the fael that a arivateer was be- lng filled out op tbe stream. He site learo- ed that there was a spy sotuewhero about the plieo. ' Back's first movement, upon reaching tbe mouth of tbo rirer, was to send a man up 6o to tho headland to look out for the English brig. The little bar in which the ,o '- east by promontory wbicb ran out from the mainland to the southward. This promontory waa not over a quarter of a mile wide, and oearlj three quarter of a mile in length. Up on thia hfgh poiut the look-out made bis way, and when be reach- ed the top be had a clear sweep of the sea as far as tho eve cculd reach. Tn lii'f in haur tin aaeua itflvn hdah th ran. and a boat was toot for Liu imuis- diatelv. m WUi ;. 'vr.M.T" .1 , aked. "The brig is rijjht off the headland, to the norr d an' east'rd. not inore'u four mile diataut, and hcadia' riizht iu tor the bay.' " Then sbe'a got intelligence of our where aboats," aaid luck, uocusilj. " " hhe mast," resumed V alien. "She was Ijiu' to light in behind the 'Spider,' au 1 in euro I saw a boat pulled up to her What was to be done! The privateer bad come dSwn the river wiih fair wjud, ' Km .1.. .n,.l,t ... t..l, , -r,l f In run mil I. . I.....M I.. .!., a , I as for baviug the cntmy take the scheouer, jjest as the was all ready for work, that eauld nst be thought of for a mocieiit. " What cum we do V the eaptain cried, pacing the deck bervouily. "Could it be a bsndtohaud Cht I'd run the risk, though I s'nosc the bri'a trot eiizhtv or ninety meu ; tut if sho comes in here she'll : blow u out o' wattr !'' " Look, Cap'nj" spoke Kstkiel Dodd, a tail, sandy bsirnl Yankee of tho genuine blood and stamp," and w bo was know n to ) be as keen aud 'cute as fuy man aboar'd, " I've cot an idea. That 'tarnal bn'll be in here a sure .is fate. Niot jet jcou iMen : There's room enoogh for every one on jtou to bide iu the hold. Kf je 11 all hide there, at.' then run the boats all ashore, I'll bet a dollar 'at we'll wool Vm. !' s'pose ihtm ire chapa seed jtr, Pete, when i je was on the hradlaud ! They mut bave seen me if ttey were J lookiu'," replied Yldcn. l'heo it'll le at easy as grease,'' cried Zeke, ail eieiumeot. " Ixl t run the boats righ arbor an' leave em en tho rand, I en iheu ail ye bide oiJy rue. 1 11 perteni to be sleepm , ye see, an to we'll f, ax 'em rito rout." Zeke explained his pln fully, and the oieo fell in with it t wncc. 1 hey saw no i other way ofaaiiug the achoorur. " bat do you say, Luke i tbo esptain asked of bis mate. " I like i, and I say put it in operation at qairkly as poille.'' It was now late iu the afternoon, and the brig, tf the came at ail, would be ia very sbortly io les than half an hour. The three boats were fulled ashore ss quickly as potibie, atd 'Leu a lot of tracks were hurriedly made over the narrow belt of tend. After thi tho m n swam back to I the schooner, and then the crrw descended i Id the hold, a her ti e) hid themselves be ! bind the water-cask and boxes. It hap pened very fortunately that there w:re plen ly of good hiding place, and ere long the men were so completely concealed that no one could have detected them without cree ping over the cak and buu:iog earefuliy. Kacb man was armed with a cutlass aud braee of pito!, but it was most earnct ly enjoined upon th-m that thoy should not use the fire arm save in a eaa whera it was absolutely necessary to mi a life. j very near close-hauled upon the larboard This work had hardly beeti completed tsok. Tba lieutotiaut stood by the bioua when tho Dullish brig hove in aight around tie, giviug tbe helmsman some directions the poiut. the went abnat and atooa into the bay, and when within a cable' len -th of the tchooni-r h hove to, ao I lowered a boat. From her movement' she seemed to sutpect that tho crew of tbe privateer had fled, as the boats were sieu on the ebor. Tbo KnlioLinan's boat earns alongside, and the acbooner wa hailed several times,, but of court without tn anawer ; an! short ly after waida au Kuglith licuteuaet, follow ed by a doi.-n men, came' over the tide, and at tbe tame moment Zeke Dodd came op from below rubbing his nyes, and yawn ing. He was in his r-liirt sud drawers, and had apparently Just got out of his ham mock. . " Dod rod it to all tbuud-ration I"' lu exclaimed, csi'ti stupidly aronnd, " what'n the 'tarnation's tew paynaow! Where's Cap'itrVUuck I Who'n thunder bo yew ?'' " I'm ao Knglish oflic., my fine fellow,'' tbe lieutenant relumed. " And now where sre your erew !" " Wal may I bo everlastingly kerfismux- d f here ain't a pooty Ox 1" exclaimed Zeke, in terror. " Why in thunder didn't they tell we what was a "oin' en? UlaM ther' ogly pieturs, they Oeiai au' gin ma a shave, au' ssid as bcow't they was noin' off, but the 'tarnation ret 'em--thov nev er said a word 'baout a ousssd lirittisher's coiuiq'! Mister officer, I keu swim ashore Kf ye'll let me go I II Cud the rest of aour 'ia Uiuiit De ours 1 She wauted us, and shur couuty, ou a charge of cutting tele orew au' I'll briiiti 'eta all back tew ve I 'i0 ln'"s '10 has got us; but we'll astou-' graph wires in the Yankee army. Wheu will, 1 swan to man, a will 1 ' " How'll you bring them i" the English man asked, with a grin. ' I'll tell 'em thar ain't do liiuishera with in forty null) o' the ekewncr. I will I swau te g"sb, I will I" Dutsuppc.e we wouldu't let you go!" "Why veou doaut mean a heow't yew would take ms a prisouer, Captiug 1 On 1 Jyew won't I I know yeou w ju'i !" How long hare the crew bees gone ?" , " Not more'n fifteen minutes, Capting. By the jumpin' Jerewsaluni, I'll bate I ken ketah 'em rite on. By thunder, Capting, jes' yeou let me go. an' I awar I'll fetch 'em back in lesa'n a barf u hour 1 I will I awar I will 1" The lieutenant turned to a passed-mid- shipman who bad accompanied bu, and held a abort consultation, all of which Zeke overheard. The result of it was, that the orcw of tho privateer had fled, leaving this poor fellow asleep on board ; and tby also concluded that to follow the fugitives into tha aarn'a Anunlrv vrnuld hn madnnaa The? then went below, and at the end of ten minutes returned. ' ii n ..,4. I... k..J the lieutenant asked of Zeke. "By jingo! We've get tbe all firedest' lot veou ever did see. (jot jest eicbt ton ! " And I suLDOse most ot tbe small arms are gone!'' " Small arms I repeated Zekc, stapidly. ics swords, and pistols, aud mus-l kets." i O ha sk vpra T iindortand . did take a pooty good slat on 'em off," "Never mind," seid the oflioer, turning in kii Wii'.a . .cImuVJ. ..a r1-..!. .ibnn .V . a nr,'.. in .noa Tl, .nnnnor .n her armament are valuable, and then we i deprive the enemy of a poweiful weapon. ; ,ne. must have a crew pat on boar J, aud ran this craft right out. I'll go aboard and report, and you may remain, with one or two men, to lookout for the prize aud tho prisoner." - " I'rttoner !" eried Zeke, in terror. "Oh, Captitg, yeou doant mean to keep ' me a prisoner ! ' "Yes." i " Oh, jeoa muBtu't, Capting 1 I've got a wife, and aix yoang 'una! Po'ly Ange- line 11 cry her eves clean eTut vif her head 'if je carry me off I wasn't a privateer, ' Caption I swear I wasn't ono on 'em! I j was only a paeoger, a goin' to Pawdunk j rter some stuff for Poily Aoseline an the 1 gatif' u-m diea-es. Uu, Capting ! jest ' imagiu my dear Polly Atigeiine a erjio' her jociy eyes clean eout, acitiae her hua- band a toos away ! 1 shau t go I leou wont take me !" " Never mind that now, Hut the lieutenant only lau.-ned at the'jour men come aboard, it was kind o , tbe poor fellow's misery, ind went away light on the berth deck, so we went -i-nto ' w tuout LMVing tiiin.aiiv aiaKr. In the court of some fifteen minutes, the lieutenant relumed in a larger boat, and mth him came tweuty tiv luen. J'hey rowad ashore, and got the privateer's boats, ao l laviiiit pulied e urnrnide the tchoouer. they had them run up ami 'properly k, put ve altogether once moro." ; The tffieer bad reported lo the captain of the brig that the crew of the privateer, nilh the exception of " oue poor wretch," who hl been left behind aaleep, had fled iirfo the country, liat the prito was a rich onj, neverthelest. Aeeordinily Ireny- i five men were detailed to go with him, aud he was instructed to run direct for Jit. Johns with the prixe, the b ri intending to lead the way, as she needed her men, and also forenoon, amid the loud huzzas of the de-, anions his supporters ail of tbe fierce and , tbe r.-atest misoUiet, ivf t.u r -wanted some slight repairs. 1 lighted people. j fanatical enemies of slavery on the continent, it his alreaiy beea executed ujot Poor Z;ke was put in irons, de.-pite bis T " Capting," said Zeke Dodd, as the Eoi-1 several of these independent titatca which four tilths of iuoe sjt.js.-e: t) v. entreaties, and fail wa. oon made on the schooner the anchor stowed and her nose : turned toward tbe oceau. It w as very bear yeou ever come" to Pawdunk, jeou 11 stop destroy them. e, iu .North Carolina, at- i; u uu "urc x-.'.-i: - ii ! sundown when the two vessels left the little ; to our house, wou't jej Polly Angeliue , ter fair debate, resolved to wait and seo-: bis couutry's good-Lt h bay. i 'd be delighted to seo ye.'' land to trust yet awhile loqger to the safe, nece.-sity , l.ieu til te All pajsod in very well for a few hours. was many months ere Zske guards of the Coustitatiou. In the meaa-, would re;.-ier ii a eh At fiiht o'clock thirteen of tho men were saw Polly Angeline himself, for he sailed ; time, we implored the North to cfl'er na vio- Witliiu tivo v. -k, tl sent below to their bammoeks, the remain-' in the Fatr Sister, and jhe followed up leuce, but to allow the people to resist se- oue huudred au-l inv der bein on the fir.-t watch. At ten o'clock ' ! the career, thus nobly beua, by doin siz . oession by tho only o-'nstitut ional means ' trained a'r.l viei.-.riou-. i the brig was on the weather bow, a qaar - ter of a mila distant, both vessels Leiui' ' being preparatory to retiring Halle WUat's that?" ho cried, tar- ling back from the bmnaole. u iio called ' IgDCo ot pe rear. j proportionate share ot t lio troops was tho other watch at this time ?'' I At alui ist any sacriiice this eall should demanded of North Carolina, who wore Put ho soon found out that it wasn't "tho j 6 promptly complied with. We need not ' thus required, iu fiaLce of the first pri-.ict-nther watch." Up from the berth-deck tho ! upt tJ di-gui?e tho fact that the enemy j pc4 ef liberty, to step.across the Statu iiue, dark formi of armed men came pouriuc in a tteady stream, and ere tbe prize captain could comprebond wbat had happeued, he was abruptly iufotmed that he miht sur rruelcr Or bT hia bead takou olf, just as he pleased. Whit could he do!1 .A nine handful of unarmed men against tuuh a host 1 lie very ijuiekly decided upou the only tLiug left lor him lo do, aud he did it surren dered 1 " I say, Capting,'' oried Zeke, coming np at this momtrt, "didn't I awe-- 'at I'd fetch em back to ye T Here lheybe,evo- ry one ou em. Neow yeou ktn jest take the 'larnal Yankee crew, au' make ruince- meat onem 1 ' 15ut tbere was no time for bantering Uaptaiu Jtuok bad determined to turn ibe ,at,!os completely ou the brig. 1 had tho P"u P"' ' irons, and stowed awa s 'Icttijr ai possible, auei thcu bis crew well cslled aft. " My urea he saiJ. we mast have that brig!' She hasn't got more'n fifty meu left, I'm sure, and half of them are turned-; iu and sound asleep. liy tho Yaukee flaif, ' tin eiu t ii no ciorious rrise lor me first essay of the Fair Siilrr .'" tire wires, and said that tho wo ild do so Ths meu were iu extaeiis. Lut how a.-aiti if set at liberty, at the amo time re could. tuey get alongside without exciiiug fusing to take tho oath of Yankee servitude, sutpiciou ? One end of the wire cut was found stuck iu " I'll show you'retuuei liuek : "Lay the ground several inches, and when asked aloft, and unfurl the loreions'l and t,in...l. eiliv slm did that ln ret lied (!i:it a nin-i l,D- .V ' lu a short lime the sails were set. and the scheouer began to overhaul the brig rapidly. " Eiig a-boy 1" shouted Buok, through bis trumpet, as ha same within hailing dis tance. There was na mean, but the heavens were clear, and the stars bright. " lialio 1" returned the offioer of the watch on broad the Englishman. ' Heave-to, quick! There's" mutiny aboard 1 Some of the men want to take tbe ssiooner and make a pirate of bar ! I've got e m in irona I" . Thii had the desired effect. The En flishn.-an did not fullv undiretand what was siua, but ne eemea,to reai ae mai mere was ti'ublee, for tbe boatswain's call of "ill hinds" mm hoard, andber main-top- sail wis iaid to th wast. The sohoonor. instead of eominf? t. as ItU k,nni;.l,r...n ..,n,.J ii rn i directly pliufis into i moments his men I bright eutlasses gleaming in tbe star-light, leaped on board tbe brig. Surrender I the i ankee eaptaio thun dered. i " 'I o al.niTit'1 rrnariRi thfl lji itiah Mm. ' shirt and drawers, ! "To tbe Yankee Privateer, Fair Sis. ler I" roliirnarl Hunlr "Anrl vnu wnn 'i. by the board, and tbrew her grap- the Helm during tnis great etorm to man-; vaaufii., -iiac i j i Ujit.pAs the main rigging ; and in. a few ! go our mcreasing puhlio liat'ilitms io.wdum leave, iul-.. c. u eaj of pi.-ace, more Alanson Busk, followed by searen out the talent ana worm or ice coun-; aua-uc, u ,wa u-wj .u. a ijer;ao ot in a thickly peurin.T crowd, with try, and bring it into tbe service of the , 'juration . is lucre jet j '--uks of mib-, h.i nmnann iianr in hialtiriOn lllfl tunic wlLfl I rc 111 D 11 n (. WOUIU Ul L a A I nn c tn nnwi lUr ! " But before tbe Englishman could answer a fight commenced at tbe gangway, some of the watch on deck having armed themselves with boarding-pikes, aud attempted to drive the Yankees off. But they had not cn - suited tbe oot Ihey wera driven back ia a very short time, aud several of them cut down. "You bad better speak pretty soon if you want to ave your life," said buek, " for my men are aimed to. the teeth, and if they draw their pistols there won't be many left to ttll who took 'era !'' Tho Knglish commander saw plainly bow he wss situated, and he knew that he could , do. nothing at resistance. His men were unarmed, and opposed by an equl number ' of etout, fu.i-armed, bold meu. ; I rurrender V bo said, with paiu and mortification. "But tell mo, he added, how did you get the schooner ?'' , Uuo, ' answered JJuck, laughing, " ws . happened to be below taking a snooze when . me noia : ana when we come on deck at ten o'clock, may I be blessed if we didu't find our schoouer at sea and some of your men in charge. I thought 'twas a pity to separate eucb a good crew as yours seem- ed te be, so, 1 jui-t mad sail, and have come The Kuglishmaa understood it ail, aud thoagh it gailed Lin' bitterly to be thus ta-j ken by a paltry Yankee schooner, yet he ' kept his tongue to Limselfaud sabmitted, without further remark. ' The prisoners were secured; the erewa arranged; and theu the Yankee Privateer, Fair ."mrr turned her head towards Portsmouth, where she arrived the uext li'h lieutenant, who had takeu him ptiso-! ner and ironed him, went over the side, " ef . nel service for ber country atitil the boon j of Peace once more blessed the nation ! Oeneral Ciin.-mac calis for one fifth of tho ablehodied male slaves in this District,1 to complete the works ueeessary for the de - ' eertaiu to make a series ot determined ouu rornii'iaoiO auacas upou our cuasi jusi j ns sopn at the active campaign in the field j closes. Wo nocd not flatter ourselves with; the idea that we are to enpy an immuuity from attack. e may fi-, but we do not b.;li.'e anything of the kind certainly wej have no aasurauce of it, tho kuowo fact i that arms and munitions of war have fouud monstrous propjsition, with a wjn-.lrous uu their way iuto this port, will not teud tjj annuity, cam-: forward to resist tfij desp-i-render the cuemy more lenient to U3. jtioatep 1 ne d.ilrg.ites uf her peoiie iu The planters in this sectiou must know j convention assembled, with out otio dissi-n-th it tho Cape Fear lliver,at.d, iooideutally, un foice, ordaiued our separatiou fro;;i a ilmingtou is tho key lo this whole sectiou ; go.-ernmeut 'which had thu at cuj blow of N jrth Carolina. They must know that j subverted the chief tads- of i's creaiion ; in providing for the defence of tha Cape ud even before this 'thousands of our citi Fesr and the coast, they are, indeed-, pro- j feus had seised their arms an 1 were) tur'j viding for the defence of their own bonus j iUg tothc border to mako ol the p u t r io aud hearth-stones as directly, aud more el-1 tio resolve. uViently, thsn :hey can do iu anjother way. I This is a brief history ofo-ir seperu.i mi n'ttii)itn Journal. from the government ot the United States. ; J It was njt a whim or sj idcti freak, but tl. i , ..... A',tlK5r F A locsa A0 ' : rei u a young lady iu one of tho j northwestern oouuties in Virginia, was ar-i rested and put iu jail iu Buckhannon. Up imerr 'ateii, sue eouicssea sue liaJ ea: mMy Yankees had been ki.led.and asthat wire, pi ioted the way they bad rone it would doubtless be used to kno if there was room for any more 5J (JURAL ADDRESS OF .ltt VANCE, ,.4 ertemherhe Capitol, iu Ral- ttgn, September e.. n . 9(12- . JBELLOW- UITJzariB : v.; of the people of North Cal by the voice unauimity iinparaleled in tbo i, with an.erali aud brave eo'ui-rr.H hive undoubtedly State, to assume tbe powers oi ui.or our istrate io the midst of revolution aulag- I can but feel oppressed by a sense ot u i i!ie weigu i icapuumunnj I oatha of office just administered by our res - peeted Chief Justice, impose. Indeed, there neh before roe, and the path of my da tv must lead through any thing but plpa i aar.t fielda and hesida still waters. To hold ' State cloth?, equipanlorganiseour troop rirl tn rla intir to merit on the field. might well appall the statebiaaa with hair crown white in tho nubiio service. To con- fess my inability, and to say that I enter I be a customary affectation, bur the simple ,: that av.iit u.- if var.qai.-Lcd, bj tiie i man- ! truth. But, you will bear we witness that.urin whtc-u our -u.-:cs,are waging thuwur. i I SOUt'ht Dot tho nOaitioa. I Broferred t h U t a S t ill V 3 V , " .'Or thiCUlCIl 13 it Has. aud ! tllafla in OUT arillicS W hie h I he'.d . SS th OUO j in which I could probably best serve my , country. I could but sayt howevor, thit . , i weuiU ne content vim tue pecpie s .i:i, and would serve where vi-r their voice should ' sign ne and here have I bei-u as.i n.;d. in return lor tins t'reut expression ot eon- hlence, 1 can promise only that ibnuj wiii aud determination to tho perfoi mnce of my duties which no one can surpass. Fellow citizens, wo b3ve but the or.o, great and ailabsorbiu theme. The war , whioh we are fighting for our liberties aud independence, is indeed the sea which re- ceives our every stream of thoubt. 1'ow it was produced, whether it could safely have been avoided, and upou wi,o;e sLoui - ders rests tba blame, it were worse .ha:i idle now to enquira. At the proper tiaie it was uiaeuased, aud evry argument. -t:9 and con, was given to the people, jjullico it to say, that it irasforecd upoo us by a doiiimant ana encroaching majority, au i is evidently but tue pent up fires of fanatical uatrea .which have Deen accumulating in the North for forty jears. Ttaw government oi me umtea oiat.:s was a preai caieaera- tion of independent communities, held to- getherjby a written compict called the eon- titution. Ot' this instrument the very lif- aui Eoul was the great ax'uiu "thai u.l eovertimcnts'derive their just powers from the consent of the eoverned.'1 J'o this tlu ancestors of thoio who now are sheddiug our blood, jtogelhor with your forefathers, asseutedon the 4th of July, 177G, aud tho instrument in which U:ey set it forth aud pledged "their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor ' to maintain it, hts reu dered their names immortal. When Abraham Lincoln was elected by the votes ofjthe Noijh only, embracing were slave-holding, refused their "cousent to an administration which threatened to given them discussion and putlio opinion, Many Southern States followed cur exam ple. hue thus honestly enactl, the masK was thrown on, ana our souls, were sickened with a proclamation' from th President, caliing for ?3,U0J men toeiau-h tCr our Southern States into a eoueut. ' ami, baud in hand' with the scum of North- urn Clt 8 au-1 ttie reM-e OI Ui'ra-i ation, 1 3 cut thw throats of our kiudred.anl i". :: :-. 1 Then and net till then, did controversy cease in North-Carolin. llcr sens Hi d her daughters, of ail shales of political opinion, from the lire jnt-.iiu tops to ti:c e'. - r- lastiug tides of the sea, shocked by the deliberate judnii'tit of our people. Aui other course would have involve.! tho d,e- pest degradation, tho vilest dishonor, a-.d the dire.-t calamity. Wo also aceei t u witu toe act aa oi us inevitable oi.- lieu oes, a Kng an I bloody war. We were tut deceived either by the idea of "pcaeea' i seee-ioa," or by vain and unmanly in; -. -of foreign protection. We were wid.- i .me to all tho results, aud jralUutly, .-iori j-aly have our people nut taem. For seveuteen ni7inhs has this uu.fjii w ar piogresied ; the many agai.i-.-i tlie Ss.v, the powerl'a! ag-tin.-l me weak ; an I yet army after aimv, as tha sauds of ti;e sua iu number", led by vauuti-d ' Napoleons, aud armed from the workshops of Karope, have been hailed bsjk ftvui oar Capital with ' slaughter aud disgrao?, by troops, in many v""i BMSl;"i nareiootcU, auu armed with the condemned muskotsr of the old govern meutl According to tli.-ir own n-norts , "ur.0" -." ur borders, desperate. with iauaueisui and Inst-firod bv ..... i: .- l ..i . " .gijuLMiwouiiinsj iwrj are tticy now: . have we beaten tbeuj ban!: ? Skillful Gen- fought our Laities, but can wo Lot rccoffuiz too the special favour of lltivau iu our great dehvcrsijCe ; iiiO bn.'u ha-i indeed ...,m ..v, uu ..t jiumrj, ae. 1 . o( ihc preeuce of tlis Living Uod. , 0. J u-Caiolina has sctit forth ucar 50,- - , there wsyitj as bora many mor i' Are ;.m who fuit or de-pair T - tn, my co i luidsL w ho Lave taut t.t.-torie iiate .vi.j : t01) lUiutudcd l!i lOnllCll UOUIIS . ' miciiful of Hie' claims ef Lis Oj -.'i 1 not to Liar ilc gret lions m!.:cL ar. ing the coa.tiuur, for him aud Lis cbii ,11 CJ, iv.i uic.uii ui ui;n i. J J i - . i iui. n v tilC Cv lii ICUt i 0 11 S it i ? L:t Liiu heboid t-t-- wourcfal proce.-sivriu of -ray-Lair.-d ;?.;u. v. jiiicu and ittilo children, iu our sis ttrttutj of Viriiii:i, iLrust out of tLeir, because tLoy would Lot take tLa ' o'l'.uo; aileyiaajc, tfi'i 1 rin' witli weary list !U..t bkeuiiii: i.cUits into ho;iitlf.s es ilo ; i.t Li:u sji' tue buruiu ' aonus ani le in h:.: ; o-it , sol a:- d Hcl of their 'Ml'.J, JUS, ! ar-ni'. ' a u J , i U.rea: Ui.ui ; j! ;.-:1v b.n.- ; the ssity if our Msiers ,-, Al a-i:':i-.-.i-.ieated ie:i ia L :;1 ; and i.'iUfui: Uatly, tl i hi brigades cf Afri i.i -rlio-e haaas our j Can i.avca aiict u , -''r sua si?urs , ,,t,it',;US;( 0 ' s-Lou.d Ui! u ai ju-j t:..u it.-l.ei u u ,uiiue, and Uc-af to L ucT IU- .1 ctis Ui t I: -;ti:. : iu iju i tuertl our ' ' - 0i io uo. ujj mi-ii.s ji uj - 5 V1 l5!,tt- ,: tsl !: t i.i -re, :j ia wur i,cii .ords j j-- -, j j cv- ..d 1 wliieh i-'iiCi e-.,r. J.-t aud w'uili :-c? ii - '.Lai 1 io u - uo iu 1 1 o ior ' i li: :l ; i til;..- pi ac ;, ;-. a:' 1 us Oj-sj I U.l -i.'t of iLiie bjUi-:j usa, L-'t.vojj ti.j ve ii-.i are ..-nro.l-iV :!.:.:; :Kii...:i 1, i', j,ii'l i :.: Liot. ; u j i a i aud it, . oat o ir cout.'.ry j Ooare!), iu Apr!, ' co .scnpiloti, wh-.Tt by with ceiuiu ei t.-. of eighteen ..ud t.,i. ed fvf mi.iury duty. . bar.- ml iiPV 01 i-.-l ci.; io St-.p h tail, i a', least II JiVeVsir ocjectioii-..i)to fi us c i--.t lis "least, be just au: i -atic-u. Lio ms r ot ;Ud in', an nee. tit w J 4.d h been di.-baude-: ;.u 1 tos; Aui this uuriii' tl e. :r.-l ,- d. 1)S u the history ot ts.y .a uviue uu i... OVti-ivlKunii;! : e l by a v-t ;1 prjsiii iu1. o ii tua C :l U li i : cf M !':. ;, in, as .4 ti,;. r, iii . Lis suee .-s U yi r.i b)..; ed , spri; ,d t; .i- c.i uu t ir.j; i '.; Lie ei, v w a s I: : . ; .iss nj had i.t' tl lr..:;-. Iv r I l-iw. he.l ti .i'v. t...y 1 J A 1 !l:i-.-:', f i:i 1,1 ';M t ti l-il A:i been . m.i.t 1 i i.-:u: i.U-:l I tucm i l:;e u e ed I) t, tils' IU II even t-i-sd I'D ,r 1. i Hi- t. e) a. le . j . u L . n vu . iiac y,r; any in our iral-