' r Tiu:rsiAYiuT LAW. 1 Tho limitation over he Susidaj Rest Law in thv last tngre, ww fur more reiiehm " iI,uueM,cl than in its effects. Those who ho j earnestly press the mutter are fully aware that hostility to a still and Mmet Sabbath, is one of the main planks in the platform of the per sonal lilwrty alitor, Hence they commenced the agitation at the center, the Xati.mal Capitol, and liefnre the National Congress. Thus thev made that b . ly a great pulpit and" hustings from which their arguments may permeate every nook and corner of this vast Republic. Of necessity, every species of legislation in Congress, must pro ceed slowly, but beside that the American Congress rarely eyer msses any bill untiUfter thorougn discussion and most searching in vestigation. Tl... snone of the Sunday rest law bill, should it become taw, would only apply to all territory under the control of Cougress, and all em ployees, whether civil, military or naval. It is distinctly recognized as to the Chief Magistrate in that pro vision of the National Constitution which gives the President ten d-tvs in which to return a bill with or without his siiinatuae, the Sundays bei u g excepted. So every bill which reaches the President on a baturday, may rest in the Executive Mansion for twelve calendar days. That the Sunday rest law bil Mirht to become a law, will hardly be denied bv a!l Christians; and we think that the other element slioul be educated up to this view by ltrwl:itioii. buch an UUICW"v "3 enactment by the General Govern nient, would hive a most wholesome influence: and soon that influence would lead all the States to pass laws on this subject. The readers of the Hecormeh need no argument for the observance of the Sabbath as usually demanded by Christians. he no half crop on the Spears : ...,.. ' (woiUcforf-io. conirlmutoiijlgd7wliowtth. I I W J ., By virtue of a m rtgage executed to N. M. Jo 'Dson, by Ben Otora and wife and duly recorded, I will Mil lor .&h t tlH Court Hous-o tor in Uur ham at 12 o'clock M., on he l6ihdy f May loo, a tract 01 laou cod tuning tw.i acres lying near ne Wooden Mill in Durham county For particulars apply o m n. n. DUVMS, Attorney for Mortgagee. April 3, '88 Notice- IS ?S ' vnviaaipr inwTTW mill' CATALOGUI 07 AMERICA. g guwa (WW tW TTO. "W."JE.T.RK . fcon,l.nl. KvOT MffMHI who OWM R0 01 (-.I m. Mil.lrafM a rl.ii. for IS cuu worth et S1 ihe Largest aLd Most Complete Estabislv merit in the City. - Stly rfvisod and Improved. Contm mortv.nei lh.ii ny oiher w'J"" I "w.i .copy. Pri a vk-kvowi f ';i;1''t; lEEfV I 1872. 1889. GOING WEST. All Dirties troin? to Western or South w tem "States would fiud it to i heir advantage to first commuuicate with d A. ivkhwjjii;, District I'ansenger Agt. E. T. V. and G. R'y. feb 6 II Asheville. N. C. Lumber, Lumber. I am prepared to furnish, at short notice, House Dins, uompieie, Shinsrles. &c. as low as the lowest. Give ineyour order and be convinced. HOWELL & UO. Office opposite A. M. Rigsbee's mar 13. WAXTF.a , ! Tratulino Kn.l InOal Ula DlDd for Agrioal.ural n& Ma.jhi-'erjr Spec l I to II to ini iraae. a-ie a;e. r lerenon amxut expected fir i lary and cxdm .OD'eXUIUA, Address, Masey A Co. Us 1M -uiiam, X. C, April 27, 89. Tbf l.miks this week huvelievn jrooJ, ut not so heavy an the hith-r i.art of the previous weeK The Iniven have followed the MuUiWk and the bidding hai lweuniort' animated. Thequality of the tobacco is about an aver W of what has Ueu broushtfor who, time. The rapi-rsuppLV -ins to le exhaustHil ; one and a while there arestnallpito which approach clody to Wrapper, i'l icM rvinain high on all tolory t.Kh's. Our inaiiufucturers are lcivinir an exwptionalLv goo trade. In fact tin- U-st they have vt liad. Th" new tobar firm. Mmir Ou-iian. CorU-tt Sl 'o.. are making preparations to start t heir big plug factory by the 10th. of May. This is a strong firm. Co!iios.-d of W. J. Christian, .!. F. (VirUtt, .1. W. Carlton and It. M. Join. They have leased th Jiiianunoth J. W. (Slack well brick factory. Mr. P.obt. Haskilis has been visiting the Virginia markets. VW ! .idv sympathise with Mr. K. C. Curt on in the loss of hisson bv drowning. '.Mr. .S. W. Wis r-turnl from JtichmoiKl, Va., last night. From the best information we can get there will be alout!M)er cent, of a crop of tobacco lie iihuited this venr in the wrtion known as the P.right Tobomj IS. H. AUmt one half of the crop has !ii sold. A Monster Plant Bed of White Curley. The (iipley lU f (iSrown Ooun tv. tells of the following luoiictcr Tob.iceo plant led, an if any large iHiinlf-r ot planters of ISrown county are n enthus- iastie us Mr S-ars. a very large rop iiiiiv li'extectel froii Ohio iij "J. M. Sjiears, of Hunt- ingt"M Township, has laid out tli largest 1 ibaci:olsrl on ri-on in this locality. It is 40 rod or WH feet long and 12 feet wide eoiitaininu T,'.-'i) feet, or HHU Mj'itire iiiirds. If there is nny bol in this part of Ohio or Ken tm k.v that ciuiU-utthistiieHsur;. meitt. let them come forward with t he tin iin-s and name. There will in uhnHiiiro lull l lormatinn ktwuit A. " " " - . . - the cause ami cure of Bl d P"ion, w...nla ami rofiilnls Swpllilwg. L'lu T. Sores, Khetmatisui, Ktfner tompUin:. CaUrrb, rU-., c !nr by in'l, fia copy uf oar 32-p ire Illustrated ilouk ot Won'lent; nlled witb 'be mot otntrfnl and startling vt-oi tvtt More known Addre. Kirf'ou caui x.. au nis, AFTEU TWENTY YEARS. It.T.ToinitiL Anril 20. 1S87. For over twenty years I have been troubled with grew rery Wrak aid tl.in irom conHtant of b'0l. i nave aea irar nottiea 01 B. B. and Lave guinea 14 onndi iq weight, and feel brtter In general health than I ha lor ten yars. I irenmmend our B. B. B as the be 4 nw'icine ,a e eer naed. and owe my improve meut to tlib n e ot Botanie Blood Balm Kcuexics A. Smith. 318 Exeter St. UTTEKLY SURPRISED! Mrmtititf. miu.. loir 12. 1HS7. Vnt nnii.lr i.f mn I hava tattered ubtold agony from the eff tit of blood poiMoa. I bad my caite treated LJ mt. i nmifint thitu-iiuitL tint reotived but little. If any, relief. I retorted to all orU f patent medicines, apeuding large amount Ol monrj, uut jn ireiunH n hotter. M atUftliou u att acted br the cores said to hate been affected bv B. B. B and I commenced taking it mrl aa an eXDrriment havinc but little faith in the resniu. To my otter .nrr.Tl-a I hod comnienced to imorovet and dtm n.ylf to day ft wi 11 and hearty ter n au umg to me excellent qnan- i .J R R K. I lanrwit mmuivnil I wo highly to thuse tuffe'lnglroni bl.jod l rainmao jtu a . s. n. A Womau's Discovery "Another wonderful ditcoverv has been made sod that by a lady in this county. DiseM fastened its clutch m unon her and fir seven vesrs the -1 - - t V i WUUIWW1 IH acvcicnh inn, uui ucr viul organs were nndermined and death seemed eminent. For three tnnntha ah Miutrhed inoesanntl and could not sleep. Hhe bought of us a t. ... i . . t it. v.. lor f !inaumntifin and was So mncli relieved rn taking first dose that be a aa . a a . sirDt ail tiMDi aoa wim one Dome Las been miraculously cured. Her t.sireis Mrs. Luther LuU." Thus write W. C. H-miick & Co , of Shel by, . u uei a iree trial bottle at Black nails & Sons. dAw Music House Ipihlilw.Ei. (Successor! joI. L. STOE,) nDrr.arciD9 -5e Steiiiway, Kranicli & Bacii t546 & 1 438 MAIN AND 22 GOVERNOR 8TREKTS , BRANCH HOUSE AT HENDERSON, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. -FINE LINE OF CMer suit M Parlor W CHa irs k. Mattresios, Pillows and Beddingoi every de WK AURTIIK FOR THE AUTOMATIC BCHOOL DESK THE liKST IN THK WUKIiUJ ljrL ii amuui PUBU U SCI I0O1 5 A NT) OOLLTG ES IN TH R COUN TRY. SAVPl.KSOF RAMKCAN BEPEEN ANn EXAMINED AT MV HOUSE fto.TCO T HENDERSON, N. C , OR ANY OF MY PLACES OF BUSINESS Factory, Nos. 16, 18 & 20 H. 15th St. Eichmond, Va. 5 ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. fa If F1WSC0 FLOUR 1 1 muitinn JT "(lew Home" Sewing Emerson, ' Miller New England, Bridgeport fall n fan2 Raleigh, N. C. I rT-ir. - 1 ' w . if k RAuamri urn m VLiJAMSRilll. .fiC! ; t a! AmMUI Our Patent Roller Flours, Art manntsetur-xl fr m the Ch ioe4 VH O u inthls. B l tirnore U nd pre-eminent in mis counirr a a marsri i-r rnnre wnat, ana me so periontr ot thee Flours fir Uuif rui tr. Strength n,l Unap- 1 . a a a a a X at froarhabie flavor. Dss I'mj ncen srsnowisageo- ASK YOUR GRO0ER FOR PATAPS(0 SUPEKLATIVE PATENT, ROLANDO Cff.ilCE PA TENT, PATAPSCO FAMILY PATENT OKA XOE OROVK EXTRA BALDWIN FAMILY. MArl.KiON FAMILY C. A. GAMBRILL MANF'G CO.. nrflo 914 rVmmcrr Kt .. Haiti m .r M . fUrr.amr KtMORHAV CARK. Dnrhaxt. N (T n10 R J rnnTos, Pr W. T. Reo 4 -c F- W. KKEtr, Trc. ton FOR TORPID LIVER. a a al it... iBaM k tkalaiBta Sick Hcadactto, Dysoeosia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. rk..a atj vmb Mir for I k imhm fatra ! nil, MSXrtal will rrte,S3. Sold verxwnere lew Dra I beg leate to call ti e public aiti n'.inn to the fail that I hs?e recently TPllA I)lllini11 II II tlt I tf Il'A W f iT Pa fitted up on the Corner f CHURCH snl MAIN sireeu, under Schoil ot lilt Jllllllulll rlllsllllUlt ilJL I i j)9 U.1.10 nn .f iK t,rMtit I)Uf !( K I'ORKH in tha Hta. I liavs sUirkaH WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALKRS IN ALL KIND Parlor, Chaiiiljar. DiDins-Roomanil Kitchen FURNITURE, CLOCKS, : PICTURES AND : MATTRESSES Muiie, one of the prettiest LRUU H TORE-i io the Hta'e. I have sUicked - i i; . e .1 uu a inn line i i Fresh Drugs, Patient Medicines, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Everything gn rait found in a FIRST-CLASS DRUO hTORK 1 Id A ItQEPtOf Lom Kijerience. We Maie a SpeniaHy of Physichn's PRESCRIPTIONS. w. ..1. ik. r.vn... rM aft uii.n In r.ll.wliile la Durham, ami ... HTfirk' an.l I'lUf'KH. We can sell ton tonds at IKJTTOM smsi eswaik I ss ! - ( Cll l f ft 'JJjq UriVOZ1 JtLOUSO I rKIUt.'. tJMers irom tmntry jiertnauw wm vs unci au.i . iiwe l)t KHAM. N. M. L- KIRKMAN, rsioraitT. We are prepared to accommodate the traveling public in the most com f.rii-le manner, both )iies &od irinileff en. 1 erms reason bie. IsiIerswsntet. Ieb.27 I feb.13. R. F. Wliitoliurst. uruggisi. CORN EH CHURCH AND MAIN STREETS. DURHAM, N, C. Matalic Cakest Bsurial cases. and coffins A GENERA LINE OF UNDERTAKING