.NO. 28 ;iighet of all in Lotvening Power. f - is Hi mzzm El ABSOLUTELY PURS i The city of J acksonville, Fla., protects catfish ia the river as scavengers. It is a five dollar find to catch one of them, and the fish seem to know it. The I river is full of them, and they vary in size from a baby to a ) 2u0-pound man. Monroe En Iquirer. - W. A.SLATER &C0. I NEW FIRM NEW GOODS. ! FiRST In The Field WE HAVE JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF FIXE CLOTHING, FURNISHING ' HOOPS, HATS. I Our line neck-wear is the prettiest you ever saw, and our line I of HATS in all shapes will be sure to plsas you. Remember you have a speH tl invitation to examine 'ur stock. I We trust bv fair dealing ta n Tit a share cf your patronage. I Bj certain to give us a call when you come to Durham. 1 W. A- SLATER & CO- WRIGHT BUILDING, FARTHING & DUKE. WHOLESALE Dealers in GroG3riBs, Dry Gco3s. Notions, Clothing, etc I We carry li stot cterj-ihiiijir yu I -a.it find in any general Hr. I Wo carry large stock of I W.L.DOUGLASS I Shoes, Satter & Lewis & Co.'s I , Shoes. I OLD HICKORY I s nd Piedmont Wag- una U.UI' AVUttU VstUVS Obcr'a Fertilizer The 'a tionalsnl Durham Ball Fer tilizer. Th moat rtU dtr the leiat mine? PAMHISfl L DUKE. D0H14U. v. 0 for Infants CmMmHmm9mBmAmfmr4ttAinthm 1 raanwiwaiMl aaatvparWapariy 0I.mt kwntow" 8. A aWIU, M. D 111 So. OXo tt BntUra, , T "Th aa r4 ' raatai ' ! marilTaraal and fU marita (! ti that l w lit iaiaawwUin an aaatnltn II Vim ara Hi lal-IMcaal family vlaa u aut Ur Caaloraa iUa aaaraatb " . Caavot Mitm .V fl, rT'HTf. LaU FaMof WUllfd fcXiBaal taurofc. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Thb New ' Orleans Times Democrat Is anxious that the United States "should acquire possession of Cuba, by purchase from the Spanish government. It thinks that under American ownership the island would pro duce ten times as much as it now does. Nextdoor toPostOffic. Itch on human and horses' a 'id all animals cured in 30 min utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by N. M. Johnson & Co., Drug gist, Durham, N. C. ap 8 tf SltUwn m, nervous prostration flU, St, Vitus dance, nerroifue, hysteria, heartache, hot fliwhen, uer ou dvNtwfMMt wnfnhion, are cure by Dr. M.W' Nervine. Trial bot tl and fine books free at Yearly ' drugstore or adJrrM Dr. Miles' Jkled adicul Iki., Elkhhart lad. IA mh my .- for W. I Itaatlaa Miam. 1 aat far aula la tr alar, mmk )aar -alrr Ift wb4 far raialaaa. ft-care lb tr..ri mn4 rf taan tar m. ITTAtLU 0 fl HTITlTE..4l WHY IS THE V. L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE crutfcV IW BEST Stf OK M INC otB (01 IHt Willt ft la -mit-m Mm, with no tarn or wai lhrat ft ban mm. aw.ta rt tha we Una rmll, attll .M -a., ami hrtti m aw mwk mum ahum vf this mrmAr r.,a Mf rr mmnfi4 mrrr, H iKatt) baad. m'nmt ah'inwiit.f fr.nn 14 ) h r. 'ft CC aaaaatar Ilaa4-arwr4, Uvtnralf W J khM rvr riflcrrd f ('.( aiual, praadi 1'np.irtM .h. m w hU't. mi tmt " ' Ui U-tK S A Ilaa4-Mwni Mall baa, Una falf, aPv a;j.b.ffnf'rtltaaltiira4l. Tnabrai at.na avar affirm at tbt ; aBHta graft, a eia l m aiat lt.v mattti. fnun fA UtftMK C O I'allra Miwt .naar, Hiifid Ma aPaa ami litr rrtnail aartaam; Haarair, aata aaya lnMv R-af tar auaja, alaa aiWn, ( taa uaf. a ill tt r fa. p i In. airt aah.narl.aaralfarala ai.a l&U rrt'--: trial a III natlM IftM a I- want a!.'1 tt (i tf.rt anl arnica. CO HI na !. WarklaaaM' K aPaaa ara rv rr-1.. anil iluraitW. TlhaaT tatKl Clara llwm a trial will wrar air.Mtiarmaka, Caaal aa4 I 1 ah.4 ara vJO i.fit It. N." rvrTTwtwra: iarf aaU a larir martta, a. ifc- u.r.la aalra alnm. t-QQIC8 l.'..la. t, .l,llh. rqualarSlMHa lir.aatarf l atatM r lU it J flf-ftl MA lit U .ia.iT la I aw ft .- itai . I lrtit.u.' hum m4 Wk 19 tUURMNl fMt l Um f rmrh "Kiej, FOR 8 A LB HY FAUTHINd & DUKK, Dl'HIIAM, X. C. end Children. falrl latmi ffn"A (Vaalpatot. rVir HLaaara, liUrrhiM. tnanauon, lUai mm, firta alarp, 44 frvaMlai oT- For aaaaaal fan t h) faaowwaliilaj SW ' Oaabviav ' and ah ill alwaya cnnUBial M ""a It ba U.atW prwtuca ImaaMaJ t.iii. n Rri f, Pimtria, K. 0 1 On Wiatkrup," Itk luaat 4 Ttfe A, KaTorkClia'. v 1 Tn CnrTtir CoVTAirT, tf Mimiuf Itaaat, Raw Tuna. Note and Comments. A leading English paper seri ously asks the question, is mar riage decaying? " (Jn the contra ry it is doubling the world over, The motto of a new paper in Georgia, printed in black type on us first page, is this: "If you don't like it pour it back in the jug." President Harrison is quite a walker and is very fond of such exercise. Just now, however. he's probably more interested m Knowing whether he 11 be called on to run. A stalwart Republican jour nal says the party in Ohio "will array itself against the farm ers." That's what the Republi can party has been persistently doing for the past thirty years, and lying about it. An exchange says: ."it is painfully astonishing how the soft yellow gold in a sweet heart's hair gets mixed into a peculiar red alloy in a wife's hair." That fellow evidently has a redheaded wife. A gentleman gave a group of by-standers an example for them to solve in sheep trading. ; He said: "I bought a lot of sheep at $2,30 a head, and sold them at f 2,22 and made $54 in the operation." After they had all given it up he continued: "I sheared them before I sold them." -Watauga Democrat. In Halifax county on the 5th Wm. Thomas, a colored man, caught Harriet Carter, a colored girl, and held her while he put a pistol to her breast and shot her dad. They had had no disturbance, and Thomas's on ly excuse for the act is that he thought he was pulling on an empty chamber of the revolver. The colored people were with difficulty restrained from lynch ing him. He is in jail. The average man is at loss to know why his wife cannot swing in a hammock three-quarters of the time, keep him posted on what is being printed in the daily paper and always smile when he gets home. One man has discoved that his helpmate has to lay oat and prepare 1. ki5 meals in a year; cook 305 dinners and washes dishes 1793 times. She gets the baby to sleep 140 times in 12 months, and gets up three nights in the week with it. She does the family mending, the sweeping, the house cleaning, and is ex pected besides to make 300 calls, attend all religious meetings, do fancy work enough to keep up the fashion, and to have a smile for her husband whenever he looks her way. This jieems to show why the hammock is empty, and appears to indicate that a man has more to make him smile than a woman has. A htkollixu surveyor hap pened along to a certain farm house in Illinois and offered to run the farm lines for $3. He was put to work, and he found the lines all wrong and got seven farmers into fights and law suits before the county survey or came along and discovered that the stroller couldn't run a straight line for twenty rods to save his neck. Then he strolled again. It is always best to patronize your home people and those you are well acquainted with. A Solointi Mnmeata After the bridal party partook of a sumptuous banquet, young er brother of the bride got up and said, solemnly, raising his glass: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have to propose a toast, which, however, must be drunk stand ing. Please take your glasses and rise up." The guests, although some what bewildered, did so. "Now," aid the young scapo grace,"if vou will remain stand ing for a few minutes I'll find out who has been sitting on my new stovepipe hat. ltocuester Times. Disi'atches from North Texas and the southern part of the Indian territory state that the prospects for crops, especially corn and cotton, have never been better. Corn is in fact made, and the yield will be from 40 to 50 bushels per acre. Wheat is yiold'ng 30 bushels to the acre. The smallest child ever born in Greensbary. Pa., is now liv ing and is as lively as a cricket. She is eight months old and weights six and one-half pounds. An ordinary finger-ring would go on either of ber legs. The Inter-Srnte K position. The Inter-State Exposition at Kaleigh, from October 1st to November 1st, 1891, promises to be a complete success. All the States, of the South will be represented. We trust that Virginia will bring to it her finest tobacco, South Carolina her bent rice, Kentucky, " her fluent horses, Alabama, her richest ores, and the South at large, .her-fairest women all to be eclipsed by North Carolina. Wishing good to all, it is no evil to wish the best for the Old North State. The exposition will attract thousands of people from all parts of the United States, and we need not be surprised if Eu rope aud South America are represented.- .-'' ) ' i The very able' and most ex cellent State Chronicle says: "The chief need of the Exposi tion is to learn the world some thing about North Carolina. That is all." Is not our distinguished con temporary mistaken in saving "that is all?" We would have the world know us as we are, but we would much prefer for our own people to know the marvelous resources of our God given South, and feel the inspiration of conscious power. We will be gla to see that the Exposition attracts im migrationbut, we had a thous and times rather see it stimulate our own young men to Jtugh re solves' and noble deeds. The idea has bwome too com mon that there are other places more attractive to our young men than our blessed . South land. It has been said that North Carolina is no place for a North Carolina boy to acquire fortune and fame. Away with the delusion! Let the Exposi tion teach our own people the priceless value of their inher itance. This lesson learned, and the work of education goes on to the development of a higher ap preciation of life, and a grander conception of its possibilities We advocate , no stinting ot North Carolina" generosity-and hospitality, but we want our people to awake to an appreci ation of their country and them selves. Newbern Journal. ' A UoimI Mnve. In speakingof the move made by Asheville the Wilmington Star says: I he board of alder men of the city of Asheville had an eye to business when a few weeks ago they appointed a com mittee to visit St. Paul, Minn., and invite the National Press Association to hold its next an nual meeting in the capital city of Skyland. The committee ap pointed, for certain reasons aid not go, but other citizens who had business in the Northwest volunteered to be the bearers of the city's invitation. It is not yet known whether the invita tion has been accepted or not, but if it should be it will prove one of the best advertisements Asheville has ever had. The members of this Association re presents most of the leading papers of the country, North and South, and through the re ports of its proceedings and the letters that many ot the mem bers would write to their papers, Asheville would be brought prominently to the front before thousands of readers and thus would become better k nown than ever. It was a capital idea and we houe the invitation will be, if it has not already been ac cepted. Thk New York Journal of Commerce regrets the recent de feat in the Legifilature of tint State, of a bill strongly advo cated by Gov, Hill, providing for spending ten millions of dollars for the improvement of public roads in rew iont. it uivi Mint such "an otitlav would be the best possible investment the jieople of the Commonwealth could make. It would add teu times its amount to the salable value of its real property. Good roads are the sorest need in ev ery county. H would pay the people to assess themselves and spend the money lor wis pur pose in any locality." The Journal of Commerce it ritrht W ara Hurtirised to find many ieople so indifferent to the condition 01 we ptiuiic ntgn ways, and opposed to spending mnnnv tn imnrove them when money spent for this purpose is always a uutiuk imi.-oiii-ii. . , - . . . . . Kiifi mmni nm iniuritiiin Lit uiit locality, and good roads are highly benonctai. "An unicept highway ii? worse than a plague to uctcr investors in rurui homes." Keen Competition. There never was a time in the history of New York journal ism wlieu competition was so koea as at the present. The big uowspapers are spending money with a lavish hand, and what is known as "circus journalism" KeeM3 to be more in vogue than ever. About a year ago the Herald, which had been moving along m a conservative way, shook out a reef or two and be gan printing pictures. The Sun, once a model of condensation, took t ten and twelve page ed itions, and even the conserva tive old Evening Post caught the padding fever aud swelled itselt to stupid proportions. Last December the editor of the World formally abdicated, gave up all control of his newspaper and returned to his European home. ; t Kecently the competi tion became so keen that he re tnrned to New York and in creased his news expenditures and salaries something like $350,000 a year. The blanket sheet business now goes on more actively than ever, and the pub lic is fairly groaning under its load of stuffing in the way of reading matter and cheap ad vertising. All of this is good for the printers and the news mongers. We know of report ers who were plodding along on $15 a week less than six months ago who are now commanding f 60 and even $75. Reporters swing like pendulums from one newspaper to another in search of gilt edged" honoraiums, and the men who have "idees" to sell that is, something bizarre in the way of pictures, voting schemes, colorea cartoons, hide ous headlines, or catch-penny guessing matches are looked upon as tne apostles or tne pro fession. A large contingent of writers has been called in from the country, and the probabil ities are that before many months there will be an intel lectual glut in the metropolis. There are signs that the public is growing weary of the ponder ous newspaper, and a reaction may be looked for. Krilsttu'a iritiiiiili. Judge Wallace's decision ren dered in N. Y., finds Mr. Edi son the invent r of the incan descent electric lamp. The first form of electric il lumination was the arc light, made by the passage of a cur rent through carbon points. While suited to large areas this form was unfitted to house or desk lighting, and the problem which Mr. Edison solved was the production of a smaller and much less powerful electric lamp. The idea, roughly stat ed, is that an electric current of small force passes into a thread of carbonized bamboo confined in an hermetically sealed glass bulb reduced to a vacuum. But for the fact that no absolutely, perfect vacuum is producible by art lamp would practically last forever, but as it is has a long duration called its "life," in the course of which it yields a Rub tantially perfect illuminations of much less intensity than the are. - The full commercial value of his invention did not occur to Mr. Edison for some years, but in those years others saw fur ther into the future, and their use of his discovery, without challenge from him, bore sev erely against him when he wak ed to the necessity of asserting his rights. Justice ha very clearlybeen done by the decision Tub Census Office has issued a bulletin on paupers in alms houses in ;:. Tables are giv en showing the number of pau- Cera by race and nativity and y States anil Territories, the distribution of male and female paupers in almshouse in m by ratio with the relative in crease or decrease. The num ber of inmate in 1830 was 73, 043, an increase of 3,42 over the past decade. Of this num ber, 37,3j7 were white males and 3.3-H colored males, the to tal number of males being 40, 711. 'The number of females is given as 32,304. of which 2M91 were white and 3,113 colored. A Rhopk Island paper lias had to pay a man $l,oo) for stating that fie was "tired" from a po sition, when he was simply told that owing to lack of business his scrvjees were no longer needed. The jury held that "fired" meant to bounce to kicko&t togHrKTof a suspi cious unsatisfactory employee. The firt of metinj that were bojcun at tlm SNNimt ltaptiHt cliurvh wvornl nights ago are still carried on Prohibition In Nortlir.iniiton. We learn that the Board of Commissioners of Northampton has officially refused to grant any license to retail liquor in the county. After the expira tion of license now in force pro hibition will prevail unless the board reconsiders its action. This law says the commission ers shall grant licenses upon compliance with the proper re quirements, but the Supreme Court, we believe, has con structed the law to give com missioners larger discretion than the baro language of the act would imply, Roanoke ews. The Charlotte News Bays the excitement over the Motz trag edy at Lincolnton "has died down somewhat, but 'feuds are being formed that may yet give trouble." Feud-forming is a bout the lowest business man can engage m. A feud is hate, bitter and lasting, transmitted from father to Bon, with the idea of keeping all the under takers in the county busy. If any such develishness is con templated in Lincolton there is an opportunity for the Btrong arm of the law. Asheville Cit izen. ' A Float! n jr Uock. A floating rock is one of the wonMers of Corea. It stands, or scsms to stand, in front of palace erected in its honor. It appears to be resting on the ground, free from support on all sides, but strange to say, two men on opposite eds of a rope may pass it under the stone without encountering any ob stacles. Florida's Tobacco Culture. The census office has made public the tobacco statistics of Florida. The tota! number of planters in the State during the census year was 629; total area devoted to tobacro 1,109 acres; tHal product 407,293 pounds, and value of crop to producers, estimated on a basis of actual sales, f 108,631. . K I LLEO It Y AvTo MAX'S BITE Singular rate fa Yoii'-ff Pen tint Who Tom lied a Molar, New Yokk, July 17. A den tist killed by a woman's bite has presented a case unique at No. 14 East Eighty third street. Francis M. Baab was the roan, and he died at his home there yesterday. He was 21 years old, and on April 19, in his -father's absence, he set out to re lieve from pain a lady who came into the office with her face swollen and inflamed from an aching tooth. To locate the tooth he asked her to open her mouth wide. She did so. He touched it with his finger- In the agony of the touch the woman shrieked and snapped her jaws together, bit ing Baab's finger. He went on and pulled the tooth, and thought little of the accideut until the blood poison ing set in, of which he died. From the opinion very gen erally entertained in the medical rogrestive, the Examiner, o! .ellefortaine Ohio, has assert ed ft very signifi nnt fact when it states that "Pretty nearly nine out of ever ten women are suffering Borne bodily ailment, and nine out of every ton have brought on alllictiou by tight lacing." Thb World building, New York, is one of the finest and costliest structures of its char acter in the world. It was erect ed by Joseph Pulitzer, owner of the World newspaper, and tands upon the ite of the "Old French Hotel," so-called, from which, it is said, Mr. Pulitzer was once ejected for lack of money to pay his bill. Hekrkrt Spexcrr spoke the truth: Logical demonstrations ami deductions are wanted upon 95 jht cent of. allegedly en lighUiHnl humanity. Aa rule, men will cling to their preju dices ami believe only what they wish to, despite all oppns ing'formsof ratim'ination. They are but built that way. "'Tis true.'tia pity, and pity His 'tis true." aa . knlnhla of l-lblM. Clriuul llmnwlliir Jn.i. M. KIht wutt, of tfcili ijih. cnm." up Krid.if and in-ttalhil the following olll- fom of Durham l1tfl No. 31, K. of v.. Tor ih immnnit vnn: 8uin1 Krann r. V- C. J. Hctrtt .lurch, X.1H. E. 8. Thomm, Pn-late, W. II. Bolyn, M. of F. Jno. C. Curch, M. of E. U O. IVK K. of R. mi.1 H. -K. K. liiHluin, M. at A. A. E. Lloyd, District Deputy. JEHRY SIMPSON IS UEOR. GIA. Extract from Ins Speech at II o fraiiNVtlle. Takaa fr.im Atlanta Conitltntto. Mr. Simpson was ' handed a note asking him to touch oh the force bill. "On that force bill," said he, "we felt in Kansas that we. could not afford to have a Unit ed States marshal at the polls to dictate to your people. We feel that the intelligent people of the south know how to manage their own local affairs, and if you don't it is time you were learning, and there ia no way to learn but by experience. "No man takes an interest in his government who has no ; Eroperty or no home to defend. ob Ingersoll said that no man will take up arms in defense of his boarding house.-., We have, a mass of voters who go to the : Vitlla Anil ma!. ItlrA aViil PUllO VUbCI 1! B.U tatbiu, UUU have as much voice in the gov ernment as if they paid taxes. The alliance legislature in Kan sas instructed their representa tives in congress to vote against that infamous force bill. There was a law on the statute books that declared that a rebel sol dier should not vote. It waa a j: . 1 1 j . . i ii . uusgrace to me state, aua me alliance legislature repealed it. ' Too long we have traveled that road, and we will move wrth ; you people until we bury this old tenling so deep it never will be resurrected. . "We are determined to fill up the bloody chasm and to begin with Ingalls. He filled a large space in that chasm. This fall, with your help, with a little contribution of campaign funds, President Polk thinks will cap- at i.L 1 A. . m tureims last sirongnoia. xnai will be glory enough for one day." Mr. Simpson then told the sto ry. "They are moving h 1 and the first load has just gone by." Ingalls was the first load, and McKinley and Sherman, in Ohio, would make a good second. "I want to finsh that chasm f .a uusiness. lou people m the south may have a few carcass-' es you can spare. Throw them in and it will help fill up," said he. "I want to say to you, ladies and gentlemen, that you have captured Kansas. I believe you are better alliancemen than in Kansas. I know your posi tion here and I appreciate it. This movement will do good to everybody, and let everybody join and help it along." Halt a Dozen state Item. Oxford Day: There is about forty thousand dollars' worth of houses in course of erection in uxford, and there are sever al important precincts yet to hear from. Washington Gazette: Mr. II. F. Hancock, one of the oldest citizens and much respected for his gentlemanly bearinir. his industry and intelligence, died on Friday last. He was 74 years old. Goldsboro Arcus: Mr. "Bud" the Goldslmro Furnitue Factory and a skilled workman, had the misfortune to get three fingers badly cut in one of the machines ednesday afternoon. New Berne Journal: New houses are going up in all part of the city and old building are being renovated, and yet the demand for houses is not natis- fled. Plans are now beintr considered for the erection and equipment of a very large and elfgant hotel' With the com- glt-tion of such a one as is con template New Berne ought to become a popular resort. Iss'T it somewhat presump tuous for individuals to assert that the sentiment of the people in the State in which thev re side i for this or that Presiden tial candidate, when they have had no opportunity of ascer taining what the sentiment realljr is? Person frequently imagine that the views which they entertain are shared by the masse of their fellow-cit izens. When a test is made, lwit-u Vn. tl,r a.tii.itti.. .lid. cover their error. Urtolwr th Tltnis The ? xcHitive cotnr.MtW ofTrin tty i'fllfjfo met in linlinVh Friday. Dm. Yataw and Orwell, of this place, were pmwnt. It was decided to ni the eolUw. at it new hotn Uurliatii on the I at of October. A Rl! London bank ha failed the English Bank of River Plade. It capital stock was seven and a half million dol lar. The dilliculty was due to locking up of South American securities.