Goldsbdro Messenger. J. A. BONI2 EcHtbr; GOLDSBOrtO THURSDAY,- FEBRUARY 13, 7. The Goldsbord 3Iessenge ESTABLISHED IN 1867. Published Every Monday and TAtirtday. cMCKirnoir : One Year. iV Six Months. $4 00 00 fayabft i Advance. .. - ADTKBTisnro K atx :-PerHq nar e tir nch ipmc) $i lag nrsL and M centi for each suose- auent Insertion. Ufceial discount to large adver- tlsers anyeanrcBtracts. jTheTKAHtcBrrrAWO MissiirQKLahand- ome 84-oolama weerffftaa cheapest and largest .n.i.l nanjiv nnhlLhad In . North UtTWlSt. " aisapi .nhiUhart fr-MB the MEassseBB press. bnD- scrlptlon, $2 per annum; 1 for six months. The TaaJinOBirr aid MiBsasoaa, has the largest iMnl&tlAB af tka noutlol. capers in- Carolina. OUR NORTH CAROLINA SEA- AnffM that we are at a loss bow lo.l reconcilethe attitude of the Raleigh" Olrt $erxer, relative tq the Raleigh & Augusta Air Lino question, with the .North Caro lina theory and system, ' ' bo ably presented and advocated bV our esteemed cdtempo1 rarrlt in' its several excellent articles! Droduced in this paper.' ' But the follow-- Vsvn ?ta w-vlnma nf xrAstArrlav stlOWS no thWal advantages iof our wn pprtsjxewardei .This is fraud triumphant . o , A,iifta mkAvMhtr .1 ancfraropant. -..if l -aw. lur vuuiiucivc au uuvuiuuj , a HH.wjjVt so linjery, that we copy H with mathan, ordinary pleasure. The Obenier hits th6' nail : square on the ; head when it siys fv "The dangers of our ci 'are magnified byihe ignprant and paraded by interests antogonistic to the State." ' Our cotem- porary adds : . ' '. ,-,t: -." - "The capacity of the port of Wilming ton has been too' well understood by .the trade and commerce of the country,'(for the best part of two ; past centuries, and its facilities for improvement too much appreciated by the engineering science of the age, for the ridicule of any jival in terest to affect its progress and 'develop ment, destined as it is to be, at no far dis tant day, one of the most important of the South Atlantic ports. "Of Beaufort Harbor, it ought not to be necessary to speak to any intelligent man of this generation. But since the enemies , of the North Carolina System have invested it with the dangers of Cape Hatteras, it is, perhaps, ' necessary to state that It is situated nearly seventy miles South of the great maritime scare crow of pur coast " Beaufort or Old Top-! sail inlet is located on the. least dangerous 'portion of the. North Carolina seacbast, fronting an open sea.; - A survey made by jLawson; in Trl718,n gaye eighteen ' feet of water on the har at mean Iqw water. Wimble in 1738 verified Lawson, and found the same depth, of water. During the' Revolutionary war, an English cruiser drawing twenty-two feet came into Beau fort, and the Coast Survey report of Professor Bache in 1851 represents ' the bar as having seventeen feet at mean low Water. The report on the Coast Survey, made to Congress in 1851, stated that "a khip drawing twenty feet water can leave at any state of the tide, with almost any wind, and discharge her. pilot at sea in "rom thirty to forty-five minutes after weighing anchor.'' "A resident pilot reports that on the first of January, of last year, he took out the schooner, E. J. Congleton, drawing eleven feet with her centre-board down eight, making a draft of nineteen feet; and casting the lead on frequent occasions he has never found less than eighteen or nineteen feet of water on the bar : mean rise and fall of the tide on the bar at Beau 'fort, two feet eight inches; ordinary mean rise and tall ot spring tide, three feet three inches; mean rise and fall of neap ides, two feet two inches." "With such a harbor as Beaufort,' he Observer concludes, "North Carolina has the capacity and the facilities for deve loping a commerce scarcely second to any State of the Union, except New York Nature has here invited the commerce of an empire and it only wants a North Carolina System to establish and develop it." Then let us have it. GOV. TILDEN SHO WS A CLEAN BILL At his earnest request iGov. Tilden has been permitted to testify before the Pot ter sub-committee, and he declares that lie never saw or heard of or suspected the cipher dispatches by the Tribune until their publication; that no negotiations for the 'vote of Florida or South Carolina were undertaken with his authority, sane tion or knowledge; that the first he heard of the South Carolina transaction was Mr. Cooper s communication to him of Pelton's dispatch from Baltimore asking foa $60,000 or $80,000, and that he then immediately ordered that proceeding stop ped and Pel ton home. He knew nothing of the . proffer of Florida s vote till the whole matter was long past, when Mr. Marble mentioned it as a bygone affair that there had been such, a 'proffer and - that it had been declined. "I believe,'' he said, "I declare beforet God and my country it Is my' entire' belief that -the vote and the certificates of South Caro- . Una, of Florida and of Louisiana, were bought; that the Presidency was bought .Pelton'g act was an inchoate offense, but on the other side the act which was done was a completed and consummated fraud, and the possession of the Presidency of the United States was given to a man who was not elected." The examination lasted two hours and a half. .'- The testimony fills up considerable Bpace in the Northern daily papers,' and there is no doubt that the examination of Gov. Tilden was conducted with much force and rigor, Commenting on the evidence the Philadelphia (JkrvntcUIIerald says : j" Weed, ' Pelton and Marble chief co-. " parcener--preceded , Mr. Tilden on ' the stand; they absolved him absolutely from au guuiy Knowieage.ana. gave to tne purity of his character testinjony which only needed to 'come from "a pure source to be the -very highest encomium. ' The material point 4s that they all , agreed in this :1 that Mr.rTSden had no part in and did not authorize ; any corrupt negotia tions, :and when ; it 'waa suggested to him that yoteiwerfbr-sale, he declared that tie would scorn to win -by any means not absolutely honorabl. "Now Mr. Tilden has spoken for him sell, ile nas denied witn indignation that he was a party to any bargain. The man- ner and the matter of his declaration are just what we' would expect from an honest man. v His manner was intensefonearnest, J and, we- venture to iy tnere waraow u if ibaVtoom, ilafelis farty rjJudicestiwhiid not'jbelieve Mr.1 den'ij prUestations'of xk jnnocencejThe cMntryjcamiofc refuse to believe him. ? AH evidence tnt rW&Mpthe poiott all feorrjjbprlttes him Thefe is not a word to thrwt the balance against him. We may think him unfortunate to have about him men who are willing to bribe sharpers "to do right, but we cannot, on that ac count, think him renal Unless evidence shall be brought out to prove that Mr. Tilden did know and did abet, we are bound trrbelievlf brmTn? ed by inspicion.fctK.'n lAo iT "There can be noufl'aiiiat), iiased-by party prejudice but he will rejoice that no spot blemishes the i fair? fameof xiis- tingoished citizen who came' so very near 1 I being 'the President . of this Republic. Four . millions of voters had endorsed that man's fitness for the highest office; it re lieves our 'national -reputation! of 'a staid to have the assurance that so large a con fidence wa& not misplaeciL-iw iuJtaw' "It ia enough to! have the -reverse.of this picture to look at; it is enough to i know that the man who was not chosen by the . people did get the . huckstered t votes. Perhaps he did not know how they coma -'Well all the great Ihievea .have ane: ram pant THE PRICE OF NEWSPAPERS. : A ' friend - ask why is that the 'price of newspapers does not drop with thi price of clothing -and 'provisions? 'It is a rea sonable uesliob,' and we find it frtnkly answered by the Hai tford Currant. The newspapers t of T the 'first-class are better now than they were a few years ago, and the cost of producing them i is more, while ; their receipts' for advertising are much less .than formerly.? The newspapers have shared to the full exten t the hardness of the times, v Few of them have made much money since 1873 ; many of the most im portant newspapers have been published without profit,' some at a loss. Every daily paper m the country, so far as we know, is sold at much below its cost it depends wholly upon the advertising for making up the deficit. When business is poor the newspaper is the first to feel it. The failures in newspapers much exceed the successes. The fact is that the cheap est thing that a man buys or takes into his house is a good newspaper. The "modern journal with ' the news of all the world freshly gathered is indeed a marvel of cheapness. ; THE DECLINE -IN THE PRICE OF COTTON. ' A report from the agricultural depart ment just issued among other items gives the prices of the cotton crop? concerning which it is said : We are guided by the prices received by the plagter, which have ruled excessively low this winter, the aver age fot" the whole country- being about 8 cents per pound- f The great value of this crop 13 founded on the demand for export. Prior to the war, in 1859 and 1860, the amount imported into Great Britain from the United States was four-fifths their whole importation. During the war it fell off to less than 2 per cent. Starting in 1866 at 37 per cent we find that m 1878 we had regained the position we held prior to 1861, and that four-fifths of the cotton used and manufactured in Great Britain came from the United States. The proportion of our total crop exported to foreign ports was 3,340,000 bales out of a crop of 4,750,000 bales during the year endiug September 1, 1878.' The production of this great staple seems to be too large, and the result is shown in glutted markets and low prices, the larger crop of 1878 being worth less than that of the preceding year. Basing the calcula tion of prices on that received by the pro ducer, we find the value of j the crop of 1878 to be $194,700,000. -and for 1877 $240,000,000, while the number of bales was 4,750,000 in 1877 and 5,200,000 for 1878. THE LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' Friday, Feb. 7, In the Senate, the bill to incorporate the Kinston Fire Com pany No. 1, in the town of Kinston. Ex empts members from jury and militia duty and from work on the public high way. A bill passed its readings to provide for the better proofs of deeds beyond the limits of the State. "Any Clerk of a Court of Record shall have full power as Commissioner of Affidavits and Deeds as is vested in regularly appointed Commis sioners of Affidavits and Deeds for this State. Bill punishing justices of the peace, magistrates, attorneys and other agents for abusing their trust, passed third reading. HotJSE. A bill was discussed at length to change the name of the Western Rail road Company, and to authorize its con solidation with' the MtD Airy Railroad. The bill in addition tothe"purposes set forth in its title gives 250 additional con victs to the road and allows towns, town ships and counties to take stock in it. Sev eral amendments Twere adopted, and bill passed its second reading. ;' - ' .'; ' Bill to amend the Constitution in rela tion to the support of deaf mutes, blind persons and the insane. This bill leaves it optional with the General Assembly to provide for indigent persons of the classes named. . It was discussed by Messrs. Clarke, Carroll, Lindsay, Norment Cooke, Blocker and Vaughan.The bill was finally postponed until Thursday at 1 1 o'clock. Saturday Feb. 8. In ; the Senate,' the bill to ianal Goshen Swamp, in Duplin county come up" for - consideration. The bill allows fifty convicts.. Senators Dortch and Bryan spoke in : favor of the bill, which passed its' snd Veadingl 'The bill to repeal an act concerning an application for the .gale of spirituous iiquors and pro hibitory laws in the State, which repeals the clause giving the thirty days' notice, failed to paWifa ihira feZ$&l 'This bill brought out a long discussion rshnilar . to one reported a few days-since. - - - - .House. '1 he House again considered Ihe : biILtoi alIow: the -Western Railroad Company to change its name, 'a' The bill drewlput'VJenghy;l'4iscussbn,; but finally passed its readings. Monday, Feb.,10.. In the Senate, the. bill to provide for holding the Superior jQeurts, when the Judge fails , to attend, passed." It provides that when the Judge j fails to make his appearance by 5 o'clock of the first day of the term, the sheriff shall adjourn the court to tne nret won- da after thelterms of Jbe courts, pfthe 'finisliidfl! IK m ar dUtrl'finislilp $i? m Sbi'japhyr in relatioii to he!iuties'dT the !biU requires tie treasurer to post .an ac count oJTiha status of county affairs every months to call onfall persons having county money every month, and to sub mit his books every quarter, and provides that for failure to comply, the treasurer shall be removed. It was passed and fhaving previously passed "the "House is jnowlaw. ( y i J House. A bill to protect holders of policies in firfiinstQrance"c6mpanies in the State, requires $10,000 deposit in United States bonds in the Treasury, and opbn failure to settle losses after 90 days, the fund sot deposited 'shall be. used to settle such losses.' .This-law not to apply -to those companies which invest all their as sets in this State. Mr. Berhard spoke of thepropriety of the bill as a protection to jhonte people and home companies. The bill passed. A bill passed for the' protec tion of wild fowl ini Carteret county and the Waters of Pamlico Sound and its tributaries. r-; " THE STA TE DEM SENA TOR i i NICHOLSONS BILL. The Rateigh kflserver says in his re- bort of January Y, 1879, .Treastlrer Worth fate the debt (eclusive of special-tax )bonds,) principal and interest, at $27,120,-227-85. He divides the debt into five classes, as follows : ". ' i. Bonds issued before - the war, known as "old" bonds, Interest due on same, $ 8,371,400 00 . 5;007,585 50 $13,378,98050 Bonds issued since the war by author ity of acts before the war,...- , Iuterest due on same, 1,774,000 00 1,015,890 00 $2,789,890 00 Bonds ' issued . since ; the war, by author ity of Ordinances of the Convention and acts of the General Assembly, r passed since the war...... Interest due on same, $ 2,012,045 00 1,160,773 35 $ 3,172,818 33 Bonds issued under Funding Acts of March 10,1866, and , August 20, .1868:. Funding Act' of 1866, $2,231,000; interest due on same, $1.310,262, ,.. Funding Act ot 1868, $1657,600.00; interest due on - - same, $990,987.00, $ 3,541,262 00 2,648,587 00 $ 6,189,849 00 Bonds issued during the war, by author ity of acts passed before the war, for , internal improve ment purposes, to ..which are .added $215,600, .issued for Chatham Rail Toad under Ordin ance of Convention of January 30, 1862 Interest due on same, $ 914,000 00 674,690 00 $ 1,588,690 00 Total principal of debt, exclusive of special tax bonds $16,960,045 00 Total amount of interest due....... 10,160,182 85 Total amount of princi pal and interest,... $27,120,227 85 We are also indebted to the Observer for the following copy of Senator Nichol son's bill. It has been printed and refer red to the committee on the public debt; and we prefer to give it in full rather than to print a synopsis. It is annexed : V Section 1. That as soon as holders of the- bonds of the State of North Carolina I signify a willingness to sell bonds to mount of ten thousand dollars or more. all be the duty of the Public Treas- the btate of North Carolina to teres t bearing fractional bonds to amount of one million of dollars, and with said issue to purchase out-standing bonds of the State of North Carolina to the full amount of the said interest bear ing fractional bonds so issued, and pay to the holders of such bonds at the following rates : For the principal only at rate of forty cents on the dollar for all bonds is sued before the warand called "old bonds" (under class one) by the Treasurer of the State in his report, and for all bonds in class two of the report of the Treasurer of State, issued since the" war. nnder acts 'passed before the war, twenty-five cents on the dollar, of the principal only, and for all bonds under classes three and four of the Treasurer's report, ten cents on the dollar, for the principal only, of said bonds. JSec. 2. That the interest bearing Frac tional Bonds to be issued by the Treasurer shall be in the denominations of one, two, three, four, five, ten, twenty and fifty dol lar bonds, in quantities as follows, to wit : twenty thousand in one dollar bonds; forty thousand in two dollar bonds; forty thou sand in three dollar bonds; two hundred thousand in five dollar bonds; three hun dred thousand in ten ' dollar bonds; two hundred and forty thousand in twenty dollar bonds; one hundred thousand in fifty dollars bonds. Sec. 3.k That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the State to have said inter est beanne fractional bonds Dnnted on good bank note paper, with a suitable de sign. Said bonds shall bear, interest at the rate of one-fourth of one per cent, per annum, and may be received for one third of all public dues. Said bonds to be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by Secretary of State. Sec. 4. That any person or persons who shall counterfeit or attempt to counterfeit any of the above named interest bearing fractional bonds shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to all the pains and penalties that is imposed by the United States Gov ernment for the crime of counterfeiting! Sec 5. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to depreciate or at tempt to buy or sell for money, or in any other way, for any less than the face value of said interest bearing fractional bonds, and any person or persons violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and UDon conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned or both at the discretion of the court ;l ;" '"r;i' Ssc. 6. That upon application to the Treasurer of the State of any person or persons: who have in hand the aforesaid interest' bearing fractional bonds to the amount of ten thousand dollars, who may be desirous to fund the same in coupon bonds of the State, it shall be the duty of the; Treasurer of the State to have pre pared coupon bonds of the State bearing interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, to be paid semi-annually, in said interest bearing fractional bonds, and in the denominations of one hundred, five hundred and one thousand dollars, and snch person or persons desiring to fund said interest bearing fractional bonds may aMl urMot 18 the do so by exchanging with the Treasurer of the Statean vamount of interest bearin fractional bonds equal to the coupon bonds , An ifc be the duty of tfce Treasurer; as fast as said : interest 'bearink fracdonal bonds shall come into his hands, from lieing funded into coupon bonds as aforesaid, to( again pay out said interest "bearing fractional bonds in the purchase of other old outstanding bonds of the State, until all tho old bonds of the State of the classes and at the prices as provided for in the first section of this act are purchased; Provided, however, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to any bonds of the State denominated in the Treasurer's report as special tax bonds. ; r -w w . - - - - t w . y - . x our me is in danger wnen yon allow a I m veraouch or cold Uo- go oachecked Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup is a cheap, harm- less nuu reuauio rciucuj. ft-t .r; Li wisi2 bfUcoit. " Deacon Wilder. I wait to fo Ull 70a kept yoorwlf and faml r eo well tae -part season, when all the reat of u snare been tick to much, and have had tbe doctera ronaiax to as so long" "Bro. Taylor, the aaiwer la yery easy. I aaed Hop Bitten in time and kept my family well and saved Urge doctor bills. Turee do Mara1 worth of It kept ns air well and able to work all the time, and I will warrant it has eost yon and most of the neighbors one to two hundred dollars apiece to keep sick the same time. I sraesa you'll taka my medicine hereafter." See other column. tfewAdveru$emeau. FOR SALE I 1 A beautiful thoroughhread MORGAN STALLION, Mahogany bay, 6 yeara old, smooth and sound, 15i hands high, weighs 1,100 pounds; has taken fourHrst pre miums at State Fair, 1' WilUe'Vnp 8 years time, by installments, for 4560, Notes bearing interest. First class paper re quired B. H. TYSON. febl3-w;lm . - .WilsoB, N. C. iutolic School IN otice The County Board of Education will meet in the Court House on 18th inst. All persons having business pertaining to the Public Schools are hereby notified to attend R. W. EDGERTON. Register. . Clerk Board Education. Feb. 13, 1879 -td NOTICE. I have a lot of splendid quality Plumb trees to give away to anybody that will come after them soon. I have also a fine lot of English Mulberry Sprouts for sale at 10 Cents each. CURTIS P. MOORE, feb!3 tf GoldsboTo, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned will sell for cash, at the residence of the late Tirzah Uzzell.on Thursday, the 6th day of March, 1879, the following articles of personal property : 500 bushels of Cotton Seed. 50 barrels of Corn. 9 stacks of Fodder, 10 head of Cattle, 80 Hogs, 1,000 pounds of Pork, 1 Wagon, 4 Carts, general household and kitchen Furniture and farming Imple ments, &C., Ac 1 Also two Horses and one Mule, for cash or on time with good security. O. K. UZZELL. febl3-td Adm'r of Tirzah UzzelL STATEMENT Of Condition of Bank of New Hanover, tncfuding JSranehef, February In, 1879. KESOUECES i Loans and Discounts Cash In New York. Phila .. 049,673 62 delphia, Boston and Bal timore Banks 221,927 .3 Currency and 5epecie on hand 126,136 C4 Checks on other Banks on hand ,37S 67 360,483 09 Due from other Banks not included above ,T0l 83 Real Estate 7tt.3l 54 Office Furniture and Safes ' 6,664 97 Bonds and Stocks 8.480 33 Checks and Drafts In transit. 6.277 41 Check Books on hand 198 88 11,168,786 97 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock 300,000 00 Due Depositors 745,eM 96 irae otner Bancs ana Bankers &a n Bills Payable 35,ooo Surplus Fund 44,840 $1,153,786 97 DIRECTORS : C. M. Stedman. President. D. R. M urchin son, S. R. Brideers, J. W. Atkinson. Joha Dawson, Bxnald MeRae, Jas. A. Leak. . B. Borden. Isaac Bates, Vice-President. H. Toilers. B. F. Battle. S. D. Wallace, Cashier, Wilmington, -.' R. P. Howell, Cashier. Ooldsboro. J. A. Leak, Jr.. Cashier, Wadesboro. febl3-St Just Received ! OR Tubs Ollt Edge and Tory Fancy Aldernay ureamery nutter. JQ Choice Cream Cheese. fZ( Bbls. Early Rose Irish Potatoes, for seed. (SIS 75 50 Bushels Field Seed Peas, on consignment ana selling very low. Bbls. Fresh Haxall Flour. Family Extra Super. ftfk Buthels White and Black Seed Spring MV vats, tuusi proor.j Boxes Fresh Lemon Crackers- very low. TO ARRIVE! Q Boxes Schultz tt Co.'fc celebrated Soaps, gQ Boxes Bon Ton Gloss Starch. At Reduced Prices. GOELET & SCOn. Feb. 13, '79.-tf BEST GOOBS ! ; . AND I Lowest Prices! D. 8. Sides and Shoulders. New Crop Cuba Molasses. Fresh Ground Flour all grades. Pare Seed Early Rose, Peach Blow, j . AND THE : ' , Old Yellow Potato t bo mucn sonat after tbe last few season Sugar all grades, r " ' ' -V Coffees from 12i centi up. - The above Goods hare been bought it tne very lowest cash figures end will be soia accordingly. , lC7Call before buying. ' .n0; TB.F0OTTOL1E. ' . Feb: 13, !879.-tf , i.-v THE WOB.KJNGMAN'S ntlXXD. in these days of political trickery, a true sys of po time ofn iriena in tne time or need, u a friend Indeed: and such a friend la DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM for the LUNGS. It is a sure cure for " ' CONSUMPTION, COUGHS. COLDS. " i A8HTMA, BBONCHrriS. ' HOAJtSKNESS, and all diseases of the Lungs, Chest and Throat. This well known remedy has been used tor thirty years and has cured thousands of eases many of which were rlren up as hopeless. civ eaae, nowerer ooaunate, eaa resist Che aam for the Lungs. Trial Bottles will be fur nished aratultoualy te all who are afflicted ucaiinir proDenies or at. w m. Ukii'a ri. wiu inn ana peetorai aiseaaea. - - - Remember that it is the nenUUnt ma ntl vaa saisam tnat cures ua worst eases. JOHN F. HENRY, CUR RAN &CO..I 8ole Proprietors, j, SCOLLEGK PLACE, HEW YOBK. For sale by Dxs. Kn Eiu, Ooldsboro, N. C feblS-eowSml HE Celebrated LATA PCTT3, KIRBY St HILL'S. Try them. New Advertisements So the mkm Wape sil SirniHjliHi'.CGties ! HAVING SOLD by far the largest amount of Landreth's Extra Early Peas erer sold in one year in this county, I now offer k large assortment of his FJev Crop of Beano, V ONION SBTS1 - and other Garden Seeds at ONE HALF THE PKICB of former Peas. - I also ktep D. M. Ferry's and Briggs t Bra's Garden and Flower Feeds lor sale. ! WARRANTED M ail Genuine Collard Seei ! ,j j in great abundance. I am constantly receiving fresh and reliable Drugs. Medicines and other goods usually kept in Drug Stores to meet the want) of the public all of wbi ;h will be sold at prices to suit the tiroes. Physicians and County Merchants ac commodated at special rates. Orders from a distance solicited with the promise of the promptest attention. . CJ Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night by an expa rienced and ccmpetent Druggist. : : h -:t J. F. MILLER. GolcUboro,N.C Feb. 12, 187S. Town Tax Payers I TAKE NOTICE! The Town Taxes on Real Estate, Per sonal Property and Poll for the year 187fr are now due, and in my hands f r collec tion, and I hereby give notice to all per sons interested, that, if thece Taxes are not paid by the first of March, 1879, all delinquents will be required to pay cost after that date. All Tax Payers are once more requested to come forward and set tle immediately and save trouble and cost. Offices in the Court House. B. A. WRIGHT, ja!9 tf Tax Collector. IN STORE! car load Land Plaster, White Corn, OO Bbls. Heavy Mess Pork, Boxes C. R. Sides, 1 OO Bbls. Flour, all grades, 200 Bus. Spring Seed Oats, 20 Bbls. Sugar, 1 5 Sacks Coffee, 200 Bbls. Lime, (4 Cement, tOO lbs Plasterers Hair, Plaster, t OO Sacks Liverpool Salt, Marshall's Bbls. E. K. Potatoes, 1 OO Bales Timothy Hay, 1 O Bbls. Cuba Molasses, Cigars, Tobacco, Cotton Yarns, Sheetings, Soap, Lye, Potash, &t. At B. LI. PRIVETT & CO.'S. Ooldsboro, N, C, Feb. 10. 18TS. BARBER SHOP ! ARTHUR PREMPERT Wishes to inform' his friends and patrons that he has again located in tbe city and may be found at Bonifz's New Hotel, i l , Corkkb Orncx. Recognising tbe baid times and scarcity of money, his prices nare been redaeed ac cordinglj. jan23-lm For Your Gartens ! COLL.ARD SEED, fresh and genuine guaranteed irom raircloth stock. ONION SETTS, cheaper than ert-r SEED POTATOES, Earlj Ruvf, s-cerirss cK.reaen mow. A fine lot of N C FLOUR, rnarant eqnal to the best. Do not bay your Seeds a a til voa learn my prices: . ftbo-tf j. GEO T. JONES. ?4 FOR REN i . A Splendid Track Farm half a mile from town. Ten acres well set In trw berries in fine condition. A rare chance for a good man to make money. ; Appiy to - ; GEO L SIR BY. M. D. !a-tf ntsceilaneons. Just Received ! t A lni-ffw aaanrtrnrnt nf TIarahnrff Ed lngs and InsertinBS. - Samples sent by mau. f; ' M. E. CASTEX at UO. - Truckerybr Attention 100 pu,be1' L8drth i1 Extr Er,j 50 Batbels Balst's Extra Earl Pbas Consalt yonr interest and get our prices before yon boy KIRBV k HILL. 6EHT8 F0MM115 GOODS ! A beautiful line, Cn(T, Hand kerchiefs, Half Rose, Ties, Scarfs, Kid Glores, Sus penJers , Underwear, kc, at M. E. CASTEX k CO. .W. T. FAjacLOTH. F. IX. Simioss. FAincLOTH a 8iur.ioiis, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OOLDSBORO, N. C. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts Ja 17-waawlm FOR RENT, The corner store lately owned by Greg ory. Galloway A Co. Apply to WILT. DORTCH t SON. febS-tf " . Attorneys. "STILL THEY C0HE." Another large let of the celebrated Cosmopolitan Shirts last arrlred Price $100, at Ieb6-tf M. E. CASTEX & CO.'S. Lumber ! Lumber I Orders pr mptly attended to, and fl- or Ing and weather boarding dressed to suit porchssers. Yellow pine sawed laths always on hand. All cheap for cash, at our Mill, at Mount (Mire, N. C. feb6-3m V. W. LAND dk BRO. New Harness Shop. At my new Harness Shop on John St, opposite the Baptist Church, (R. E. JoneV old stand.) you can have made new, or repaired, Erery Description of Il&rness, and at prices to suit the hard times Being a practical workman, of many years' experience, I guarantee entire sat isfaction in regard to styles, prices, etc All my work being hand-made Is. of course, superior to northern make. Orders executed with neatness and dis patch. Come and see me. Very respectfully, jan23-2m A. ED WARDS & CO. Still they Corne l I would respectfully inform my Mends and the public that I hare opened a Car riage business in Mr. R. E. Jones' old shops, opposite the Baptist Church, and haying served my apprenticeship at the business, I can fully guarantee good work to all who want anything in my line. As I can "shove the Jack-plane" myself, I can afford to do your repairing Cheap No Boss to stand around and wait for pro fits. Come and see me, and if I fail to give satisfaction, you need not come but once. LEE BAKER. jn20-lm Great Bargains! In Ladies' Kid Gloves, Silk Ties. Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Toilet Bet Vases, and Toys, at feb6 tf M. E. CASTEX & CO.'3. Tbs Place to tot Yonr Luter ! The undersigned have established a FIRST-CLAPS MIf,L, On the lands of N. W. Best, within three miles of Ooldsboro, where they are pre pared to fill all orders and furnish first class Lumber on shortest notice and at low price. t All orders must be addressed to " Best & Parch all" to receive prompt attention Orders may be left with Free man & Blackley, or through the Poet Ufflce. N. W. BEST, Feb. 6-lrn R. L. PASCH ALL. We are Now Receiving A Car Load each ot NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES ! AND Early Rose nautili Potatoes ! which will be sold T3ry low. Our stock of other Goods is large. HENRY LEE & CO. Whoaesalb Gbockbs. February 6, 1879.-tf EMPIRE HOUSE, WHmlnffton, IV. C. I. Lu DOLBY, .... Proprietor. BOARD 9 PER DAY, FOR RENT. The Fair Ground Property, containing about 22 acres of land, suitable for Truck Farming. The Allen Wooten Property, consisting of a comfortable and nicely located Dwell ing and about 15 acres of Good Land, also suitable for Truck Farming, situated on William Street, in the Town of Oolds boro. The Store House now occupied ty L. Edwards under Bonitz's Hotel, will be rented from January 1st, 1879. The Store House on West-centre St, next to L. D. Giddens' Jewelry Store and formerly occupied by Powell & Son. All of the above named Property will be rented on reasonable terms. .For par ticulars, Apply to ' d lttt II YEll & DROS. Oysters! Oysters! MEALS AT ALL HOURS! I would respectfully inform my country friends that 1 hare not abandoned my an ' am i rnared to serve Ideals at nil ll.ur mii I the best fresh IVrfollc Oyir iu any style desired, at RES UUIU.VT PRICES. Choice Win, Laquors and Cigars. . 3BTFUEHH LAUE t BEER a specialty. Oaiiat w .B0!flrZ3E0TEL. THE VICTOR BOCK DBTJLLj . Well Borer and Prospector. Hut JHflowf and Prix Mtdal award. d it at tba "OanUnalal " la 1S7S. TuHty-ix As hand mmekinti 0rdtn4 i tUy. SyOoad mm CIt AcmiU m lr Slllsw Adictt W. WKAYKR, PboenliTllle, Pa. JaSl THE rlESSEMCER , Mb ' MB I. Boots, PampWets, Circulars, Bill Heafls, Cards, Hand-bills, Invitations, 1 And nil sorts of Priming. Small as well as large jobs, done with promptness ami dispatcl', at lowest prices. Orders solicited. MGTIGE I Being under the necessify of clo sing our Books indebteil! o us, either by note or account, to settle the same during this month and save us the uimleas ant duty of having our claims col lected by the hands of officers. i iriespecu Lixiy, H. WEiL & mios. January 9, 1879. tf ESTABLISHED, I80O. Clough Sf Warren Orfans ! HAVINO not only reci-lred Plplnma of Honor and MeUl of Iliichet Merit at tbe l otted Ruts Cantennlal International fc-xhlbltlon, but hsrlng been nnanimonsly pronounced, by the world's best lodges, as inppi lor to all others. In those qualities which go to make Perfection"; thus deservedljr placing these Unrivaled Instrmncnts at the head of the highest rank of Kccd Instru ments manufactured In the World. While the competitors or the L'locqh & Waebkn have been accredited with producing Smoothness Evecncrs or Tone, Ac.. It remained for tbe C'lnukh A War ren alone to receive the Crowninic lion- r of irolDcInc. in a pre-eminent deirree, (to ue the exact werda of the Jndger' report.) WInme wi. h 1'urltjr ot Tone, havlnz the character of tbe Diapason In the ordinary (Pipe) Oran." distinction bepeakln)c the ll'Khest Hensibie Marlcal QaatlUes ; the deslderatnm eagerly aspired to, bat not attained by other manufacturers. Add to this tbe re maining distinctive clause of the Judges' report, as bavis of Awaid, to wit: " because ol certain mechanical arrangement, which facilitate the working or tbe Instruments, totcetber with neat ness of design and ornament, combined with simplicity or construction," and you have the descrip tion of an Instrument, deservedly leading the first rank, in the ctttlcsl ju !m nt orjhe MuMral World. Clough li Warren Organ Co., by the Introduction of SCRIBNER'S PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, (.For which tt hare the txdutice control for the Vnlttd SlaUt Are enabled to Impart to a Keed,' la addition to all ordinary desirable qualities, tbe paramount characteristic, pronounced by the World's best Judges, an that of the lJlapaoon Stop In 1'lpe Or gans ;thus confirming our pre-existing claim to Equality to Pipe Oreans ot same rapacity. AH late Improvements for Oichestral, and Utanu Organ effects will be lonud In Organs mann. factored by this flm. among which may be mentioned our celebrated Vox Celeste," Vox Hu mana," " Wlloox Patent Octave Coupler." and churmlnj "Cello" or "Clarionet" Mops, "Ut-ras Horn," " Cremona," " Vox Angelet.'f " Viola Etheria." uOor Anglls," " Viola Dulctt,"' tc. pro ducing all the varied harmonies, and shades or tone color, imaginable. All Instruments accompanied by a written guarantee tor 6 or 7 years. Fifty Different Style. Quality and Volume of Tone Unequalled. for the Parlor and the Church, The lieat Material and Workmanship. Prices, $50 to $i,soo. Factory and Wareroomt, cornerSlxth and Congress St., OETROlTi Mich. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. These unrlvaljed Instruments were awarded the First Premium at the N. O. State Fairs ll77-'78. 1 or Sale at the Messenger Book Store noT28-tf j - GREAT REDUCTION I : . . in i j . SEWUfG MACHINE DEEDLES! Singer... .... 35c per dot. weed....-...; r.............40a ; " i Howe. 40c. " j aalUVlltUeiMtttt a tWa Home 8hnttle 40c Grover k. Baker 40c Floreooc ; :.....bOo. Wheeler & Wilson, curvel.,.50c " Btraight-50c. , Victor.................. 45c. 1 fAny of the above sent bv mall on receipt of price. ! M. K. CASTEX & CO.! for the year 1878, BEST IN THE WORLD, 1077. and by W. L. Q SAVES, viv;ugi)i sigvu! viuis Ala V Mrs. Hargrave's School IS" SNOW HILL ' will be rc-crf neJ the 2d Monday la Janr a f ar Tret llargraYcwlll devoto ermohoura daily to the ecbool. - Instruction mill be lvcn In all the or dinary EnglUli Uranthes, ard In Latin, Greek, French, Music Ac, Ac Lessons in Vocal Mvtic to the wholo ichool FRK orcnAtQE. Jan3-tf SITUATION WANTED. Ayounglaly of experience desires a situation as Teacher, rho can give tha best of reference. A pply at this office. dec5 tf