THE GLEANER. GRAHAM, N. C., MAR. 16th, 1875 Local, State and General. "i —■ — % "YV. T. JOHNSON, EDITOR. ITlr. John C. Robertson, of Compnnj- Nhopx, in our authorized njciil to re ceive gubHcription*, mid receipt for the Gov. Hendricks, ol Indiana has called an extra session of the Legislature. The State Grange Patrons of Hus bandry, will meet in Greensboro next time—a year hence. The contract for hcatmg the Capitol in Raleigh is to bo let to" the lowest bidder. Chicago; k«s about forty German Protestant churches, and among them are fourteen of the Lutheran contcss- E. R. Stanley, of New Berne, former President of the A. & N. C. 11. It. has become a citizen of Rahway, New Jersey. An oration over the tomb of Robert E. Lee at Lexington, Va., is to be deliv ered by Jefferson Davis, in October next. An English Jntlgc defines." 'gent loman" as a term which includes everybody who lias nothing to do and is outside of the work-house. A young lady advertises 111 a Paris newspaper that is an orphan, nine teen years old, worth fourteen million francs, and wants to marry a French Prince. The question is, whether it is better when the ground is sleety, to be a fat man aud come down heavy, or to be a lean man and have nothing to break the fall. Take sides and debate it next time. General Frank P. Blair, a Maj. Gen eral during the war in the Federal Army, and subsequently a candidate for Vice- President, 011 the demcratic ticket with Seymour, is hoplessly afllicted with paralys and is sinking very rapidly. Theeld Alamance Presbyterian church is being rebuilt, with a tablet to the memory of the Rev. Eli W. Caruthers, D. D., placed in the vestibule suitably inscribed. f'Dr.Caruthers was pastor of this chuych lor forty years—from 1821 to 1861." He died in November, IBGO, was born in October, 1793. Our Sheriff found in his turnip patch, a few nights ago, one shoe, one hat, .and one package of refreshments. The owner can get the shoe and hat and the package, hut the refreshments arc claimed as salvage by the Sheriff. The rescue of the articles was during the late excessive rains. We learn that on Saturday night last, the store of L. 11. Murray, about eight miles from this place, caught lire, and was entirely consumed. As there was no one in the store when it took lire, iind no fire had been left inii. Mr. Murray can only account for the conflagation by the rats gnawing the matches, or by spontaneous combustion. No insurance upon either house or goods. Loss about three thousand dollars. Nelson Tapscot, colored, formerly the slave ot ex-Sheriff Tapscot of this county, was brought to jail last week for confinement and safe keeping. He is'another unfortunate, —a raving ma* iliac* We understand his insanity is o about two months standing. It is of a very violent type. The jail is the best that can bo done for him. We lmpe accommodation sufficient for all this unfortunate class will soon be provided. Henry Thomas Freeland, colored, familiarly known as Ilank Frceland, t* fond ot chickens. 11. M. Hay, Esq., had some nice ones, fat and plump. Hank went for them oue wight, without asking permission to do so, and brought them off. Esquire Hay objected to this disregard of the rights of personal property.' P. It. Harden Esq., heard the case and Hank is now in jail medi tating, i t may "be, upcui the evil conse quences of night suppers,—when made off chickens the title of which is in question. t . / CATCH TIIE THIEF!!— Last Tuesday Whife the l&mily of Col. Jerry Holt were at dinner, the dining-room being some dozen yards from the residence, a negro man by the Same ofWim Gibsort weut into the house and rifled £ trunk of nearly one hundred dollars, the prop erty of Mesrs. .George and Sidney B. Holt, and got oft safely with the money. He has been heard from several times, bat at last accounts had not been cap. tared." We understand he invested a considerable portion of the money in clothing at Gibsonville, and that, when last heard from, he was well dressed. We have not been furnished with a description of his person.- We under- has been teen in the neighbor hood of Patterson's mill in this county, making in the direction ef Chatham, j. LliGtSLATiyE. —Thomas Foulkc, of New York City, wrote the Governor a letter which was enclosed in a special message by the Governor to the Senate. Mr. Foulke savs lie lias eighty-seven State bonds, of one thousand dollars each, 110 special tax bond among tliem, and that some of them had a pledge 011 their back for ten shares of stock in the North Carolina railroad to secure their payment, lie said the proposed plan of the Legislature to settle and compro mise the public debt' was rediculous and absurd. The letter was considered disrespectful to the Senate, and was laid on the table. The machinery bill has passed the Senate. It was amended to exempt twenty-live dollars worth of personal property.from taxation. It goes to the House for concurrence in this, amend ment. Resofcition adopted by the llouso to adjourn sinp die on the 22nd of this month. A law requiring all oilicersef a coun ty to make returns of all public monies that conic into their hands, has been enacted. The bill calling a Convention of the people, 011 the 6th September, 1870, to amend the Constitution has passed its third reading in the Senate. Various amendments and substitutes were of fered, all of which were lost, and the bill passed in its original form. A bill giving soldiers, maimed in the late war, artificial limbs and one hundred dollars to those who lost' both eyes, passed the House. 011 Thursday by a unanimous vote. The Legislature, by enactment of this session, amended the charter of the city ot AVilmington. The charter as amend ed, so arranges the government of the city as to place the control of its .affairs in the hands of those interested An a wholesome economical city govern ment, This did not suit the radicals, so they put forward the names of two negroes, who in tfteir own names, for themselves and all others, applied to Ju.lge Bond for an injunction to pre vent the approaching city election, un der the new charter. Judge Bond heard their petition and refused their prayer. It is a fact that the negro looks to a Federal Court for anything he wants, and expects to get it, right or wrong, law or 110 law. Why is this so? They will learn better after a while. Mayor Twitty, the negro that took supper with the white passengers at Morrisville, and at Durham declared he was 011 his way to hell, did not stop in Greensboro to enjoy the best room at the Beubow House as ho declared his intention to do. The Patriot says, that being pressed to stop he smolt a mouse, aud passed on in the direction of Salisbury. His friends are expecting to hear of his ar rival at his journey's end. Mr. Mills, Superintendent 6f Hie Ox ford Orphan Asylum, has sent back to the managers of the Wilson lottery SSOO, forwarded to the Asylum as pro ceeds of the recent drawing in that town. Brother Mills don't want to en courage gambling. Good church mem bers engage in it up here. AVe- were always unlucky, so we've passed in our cheeks —as regards gambling. The Battlcboro Grange, I*. cf If. has pffcrsd premiums to its members for the largest yield of products at the least txpopse. We should consider this prop er and beneficial. Other Granges should do likewise. If our Grange will oiler premiums we'll on uncle John Klapp, if he can get undo Billy (we be lieve its Billy,) Clendeniilg's land, and Ned Taply to work it. ( J An honest old deacon inspected a brother of stealing his and said so. The matter was taken up by the church and the deacon being unable to substantiate his charge was adjudged to make an apology to his injured brother, which he did in this wise, " Brother A, I accused you of stealing my wood, I can't prove it and am sorry for it. , In Wilmington there is a yanked chap making- a fortune out of saw dust. This is how he does it. lie gets the saw dust from the steam mills, and wets it up with melted rosin, makes little bijek out of the mortar, and ships them north where they sell for fivo cents a piece, to kindle fires with. Andy Johnson declares, as reported* by a reporter, that he shall be entirely independent, that hjp has no wrongs to avenge, but comes to Congress with tho olive branch in one hand and the Con stitution in the other, aud (drawing himself up to his full height) said " I with balm from Gilead. The State Agricultural Journal is the organ of the Patrons of Husbandly, by authority of the State Grange; and Mr. C. F. Harris, of the Concord Sun, was appointed Associate Editor of that Journal, under an agreement between Ctpt. Foghorn and the Grange. of the United States is in extra session. It is making Federal officers by the score. Morton is stilj trying to seat Pinchback, the negro from Louisiana. Our Senator Merrimon is engaging in the discussion. He of course opposes l'inchback's claims. The several committees havebeen appointed. We give the chairman of each: Vice-President Wilson being absent, Ferry rcceivcjl 3'J and Thurman 25 rotes for President pro (ctn. | The Standing Committees announced show the following changes of chair meu: Conkling, Commerce, vico Chan dler; Ilamlin, Post Office and Post Roads, vico Ramsey; Oglcsbv, Public Lands, vice Sprague; Itigall, Pensions, vice Pratt; Sargent, of Minnesota, Mining, vice Hamlin; Boutwcll, Revis ion of Laws, vice Conkling; Patterson, Education and Labor, vice Flannegap; Clayton, Civil Service and Retrejich inent, vico Wright. The chairmanship of two committees are given to the Democrats, Thurman, Private Land Claims, and Stevenson, Revolutionary Claims. ' The election for Governor, members of the Legislature and members of Congress came off in New Hampshire on this day a week dgo. For Governor there wore three candidates in the field Cheney Republican. Roberts democrat and White prohibitionist. No one of these got a majority of the whole vote cast, hence there was no election by tho people. The Legislature will have to elect. Both parties claim a majority in the Legislature. There arc three Congressional districts in the state; Jones, democrat is certainly elected in the first, Blair, republican is certainly elected in the third, and the second dis trict is claimed U* both parties. Nothing more deflinite than the above up to the time we write. The Supreme Court of Maine, accord ing to the Boston Transcript, granted during the past year, tour hundred and eighty-seven decrees for divorce. Now all these women are turned loose upon society, with no one to control them. Wo just knew something bad would happen to those Maine people for being such radicals. They'll hardly be warn-, ed; and that ice berg of a Stato is just as apt to go radical again as not. Well let them go ahead; and then we hope the courts will just turn loose upon them,? all the women that want to get rid of their husbands up there, and then they'll see what'll become of them. BI.OODV AND FATAL AKR.YY—Alex andria. Va., March 9—The (iazctte has a report from Fauquier county Va., that on Saturday last a colored man, named Haines, went to the house of his Mistress, between Mark ham and Piedmont, and seizing a hatchet made a murderous assault upon the inmates, the woman and her two children, cut ting and si as 1 ting them terribly. Tho woman resisted him, and fought him from the house to a straw rick, near by, where it was e::ded by ner splitting his head open with an ax, and stretcthing him dead at her feet. The woman too was hurt seriously, and the children so badly that they will probably die. The Western North Carolina Rail-" road will be sold at auction in May \ % * next, under decree ol theFderal Court. iGov. Brogdcn, President Arn field of the Senate and Speaker Robinson of tho House, have been appointed Com missioners, by the Legislature, to pur chase this road for the State. Afler the purchase, it is proposed to fiuish it to Paint Rock, with convict labor. The Commissioners arc limited in price to eight hundred and fifty thousaud dol lars. Hie Commissioners arc protected against all chances of trickery And fraud, on the part of sharpers. > A negro man and three negro women marched into the Senate Chamber, one day last week, while the Senate was in session, and made for tho privileged scats. The Sergcaut-at-arms told the nice little party that there were seats up stairs in the gallery where they could rest and, may be, nod. These negroes gaid they had a right to go where they Something was said about -forcible ejectment and the negroes re tired in high dudgeon. Congressman Lamar of Mississipi, and Senator Gordon of Georgia engaged in the late canvass in New Hampshire on the democratic side. The Marshfield club of DLsiples of Daniel Webster, of Boston, tendered them a dinner. .' Forty-two millions of passengers car ried over the railroads ot Massachusetts iu a year and only one killed. So says GOT. Gaston's message. Wives whose husbands are insured advise them to travel on other roads, as a matter of business. Samuel S. Jackson, a prominent law yer of Randolph county, died on the sth instant, at the residence of his brother, Dr. Isaac Jackson, at White villc, Columbus county. Malt Carpenter stepped into the U.S. Senate the very day that Andy Johnson stepped out of the White-Honse; and now, Andy Johnson has stepped into the Senate and Matt stepped off to Wis-, cousin, the same clay. They wou't stay in Washington together it seems IT IS USELESS TO ATMHT to cleanse a stream while the fountain is impure. Dyspepsia, complaints of the liver or, kidneys, eruptions of the skin, scrofula, headaches} and all diseases arising from impure blood, are at once removed; by Dr. WALKER'S. CALIFORNIA VINEGAK BITTERS, purifier ot the blood and ren ovator of the system. It Hasnever been known to fail. hn ~~ COMMERCI AL " Graham Market. COIiIlEC?EI) "WEEKLY BY 8C0TT.,.4 DONNVLI., Tuesday, Mar. IC, 1875., Apples, V lb B@lQ green, V bushel, 1.50 Bcan«, t bu5h........ 1.25(3)1.50 butter V lb..J 25(&30 Beeswax f th 25 Bacon sides V lb 12^(®15 " shoulders, «1 lb 10(3)12,!^ " hams *1 15(3)10 Beef V il> 1 - S@6 Black berries, dried, 7(38 Bark, sasafras roots V lb 4a5 Castings, old ?! lb 1 Cloth, tow and cotton, V yd 20a25 Com Vbush....- 90(3)1.00 Chickens each 20g>25 Cotton, lint, V'lb 14@14)^ •' yin'eeed 04 Clover seed, V bushel 8.00(3)9.00' , Ducks V pair BllB>so Kggs V doz. 30 | Flour,'faititfy. V bbl 7.00(3*7.50 i " snpr t' bbl .0.50(3)7.00 Feathers'f! lb 303>50 Furs, rabbit, V dozen, 25(330 " opossum, each, 05(310 " muskrat " . 10@15 " mink " 50@2.50 •' coon " 25(a>30 •' fox " 20(3)80 " hoitae eat " 05(310 " otter : . 3.00a5.00 nay 11 100 lb 50a60 Hides, greecn, V lt> 05ffi00 •' dry, Vlb 12@15 Lard V 1b..,. . 10@30 Meal, corn, t 1 lb 2a2K Oats, seed l* bu511....... 75@80 Onions ¥ bush 75@1.00 " sets- V quart 00@10 PcasV bush 1.0K&1.25 Potatoes, iriah Vbush....' 1.00(5)1.25 " . sweet " 75f®1.00 Pork fit!) 08(5)10 Peaches; dried, peeled, 15®20 '.' " Unpccled, 00a 08 Rags V U> 02(a.'JJ^ Shingles V thousand .2.50®5.00 Tallow "P lb 08(8)10 Wood "0 cord 2.00@2,50 Compnny Mhop» Jlurhet. COUIIECTEB WEEKLY BY J. Q. QANT & CO; . Tuesday, Mar. IC, 1875. Apples, dried, V lt> 9(®11 ' green, V bushel 1.28(3)1.50 Beans 'c' bushel. 1.00@1.25 Butter ¥IbTT7~ ........77...7 25 Beeswax 1! lb 25 Bacon, sides, V lb 12^(015 !' shoulders 10fa)l2U " hams, 15/fcl 7 Beef f lb 5(3 0 Blackbcrriese "el lb 7(38 Corn "J! bushel, 90(5J1.00 Chickens, each, ' 15ff25 Cabbage, V head , 2(3)7 Cotton, lint, 13J^@14, Clover seed t ! bushel .......... 8.00(a ').(X) Ducks 'ji pair Eggs, f! doz 13 a 20 Flour, family, 1' barrel 6.75 " super. " 0..'»0 Feathers, new, V lb 00 Furs, rabbit, V doz. U5 '• oppossum, each, salo *' muskrat " 10al5 '• mink " 20a2.50 " ciK.n " 25 " fox " 20a25 Hides, green, per lb !la!X dry, " 12a 15 Lard per li» 15a17 Onions per bushel 75a80 " setts per bushel.. . 2.00 Oats per bushel 75a90 Peas per buahel 1.00 Potatoes, Irish, per bushel ..... I.ooa 125 " sweet, per bushel 75a1.00. v Peaches, dried, per lb peeled... 15a20 " " " unpeclcd, 8 Pork per th Baß>^ Tallow per lb 8a 10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AND FIXTURES FOR BALJS. I wish to change my business, and will sell cheap, my Bar and Fixture*, consisting of all necessary furniture for a complete Bar. ALso one Bagatelle Table, one set of oyster plates, with alcohol lamps. My license will be out the Ist of April, t wish to sell before then. I will also sell cheap a pair of flue heavy Wagon Horses; together with an excellent two-horse wagon and good harness. Until 1 effect a sale I may be found at my old stand, on the Court House square, just the same. JOHN HUTCnrsOw. . Graham, N. C. . The undersigned, having closed his Hotel in Graham, desires to return his thanks for the libera) patrorjage he received while landlord. He parts with his guests with pleasant recol lections of past associations, and hopes to meet them often, and to learn of their over continued welfare ; though his relation to them, may never, be that of landlord again. He wishes to inform the public that he has opened a PRiUYOE mmwm HMSE in the building formerly used as a hotel at Company Shops, where he will be glad to see his old friends, and where those heretofore In the habit of stopping with him, can find accom modation . At his Boarding house, meals and lodging can be obtained when it suits the pro i prietor to furnish them, at terms to be regula ted by special contract In each case. JOHN H. KLAPP. March 16th,-1875. ~ «-- v tf ■^"OTICE. Application will be made, at the office of the North Carolina Rail Road Company In thirty days from date, for the isseu of a duplicate of certificate No. 1507 dated, May 11th, 1860, for two Bhares of Stock'in said Company, the original being lost or mislaid, this March 9th, 18?5 ' GRIFFIN SELLERS. JUST RECEIVED. Two Hogshead* old fashioned Cuban Mo- IMW*. Now crop. W. Ht AIdHiGIIT. ADN ERTISEM ENTS. W. F. JONES & SONS, GRAIIAM, 1 X. C., Buggy and Carnage Makers, Arc prepared to'fill at the shortest notice all orders in their line. Repairing promptly and neatly done, at mOOKRATG RATES. They alstf keep constantly on hand for sale at their bhop, an assortment of Iron, IV'niU, Bngfiy ITlnlcrial, Prepar ed Pninta of nil rolori, Ploughs, nud Cofllnit. Any style of coffin furnished at two hours notice. All kinds of produce taken at market prices. We are thankful for past patronage, and hope to merit its continuance. fob 10-2ui New Drug Store. DR. J. 8. MURPHY Respectfully notifies the public that he has. opened a compute and well filled DRUG STROE at * Company Shops, where anything kept in a well ordered Drug Store may be found. The physicians of the county and the public generally, arc invited to patronize this new enterprise. An experienced drmrgist—a regu lar graduate in pharmacy, is in charge, so tnat physician* and the public may rest assttt-cd that all presciptions and'orders will bo cor rectly and carefully filled. Prices as reasonable as can be afforded, fob 10-2 m Pumps! Pumps!! ~ :o: 0 THOMAS S. ROBERTSON, Company Shops, N~. C., is manufacturing and selling the- best and CIIEAPKMT PIMI'N ever offered to the people of this Btate. These pumps are as durable as wooden pumps can be made. They are easy us any one wauling water could wish. 1 hey are sold as cheap as any one .who proposes to buy could ask. l'umps delivered any where on short notice. Each pump warranted. The manufacturer refers to every pump of his iu use. Not one has ever failed. fob 23-ly ■: ] P. R. HARDEN, i Graham > N. C., DEALEK IN Dry- Goods Groceries, IIABDWARK, Drugs, Medicine*, Paints, Oil.*, Dye-Staffs, Clothing; llats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubber*. Tobacco, Ciiiarn, Need*, Ten*, KEROSENE OIL, CROCKERY, Et rthen ware, Glassware, Coffees, Spices Grain, Flour, Farming Implements, fob IG-ly AT THE HUNTER OLT) STATIST 13> Keep constantly on hand D R V-U OODN, (. UO « i: It IH H , «|IJKE.\N WARE. ROOTS, AND HHOL'M, PIECE UOODB, ScC. All of which wo will sell as low as can be had elsewhere, for Cash or Barter. All kinds of produce wanted. Look at our stock, compare with*,others and buy if you wiU. a W. .G. HARDEN & CO. feb O-Kin Q.EORG&W. LONG, M. D., PIIIMICIAN andMUIGEOX, „ Graham, N. c., Tenderers professional services to the nub ile. Olllcc and residence at the " Graham High Scnool buildings where lie may l>c found, night or day, ready to attend all calls, unless professionally engaged. I feb 9-1 y New Goods. W.R. ALBRIGHT, (at Bason's ohl at awl,) GRAHAM, N.C., Denier in DRV.VOODN, IVOTIO.'VN, IIATN HIIOCM, GROI'IIRIEM, UARD.WARE, QVBKNM*WARR, 4t. Having bought goods on favorable terms I will sell cheap for cash or barter. Polite and attentive clerks to wait on customers and show goods to all. Qaick Isles MSI BMII Profits will make money. Call and examine if you - do not bur. It can do no harm. ' feb 23-3 m PERSONS Having claims against the County of Ala mance are "requested to present them to the Register of Deeds before the first Monday in Mar, 1875. By order of the Board of Commissioner* T. G. McLEAN, Clerk. feb 9-3 m JjnUSSH AND JUST RECEIVED. A large lot of Garden Seed, of all kinds. ■ Also a lot of Flower Seed, feb l«Wtn ~ PR. HARDEN. Q.RAIIAM HIGH SCHOOL. REV. D. A. LONG, A. M., Principal . BENJ. P. LONG, A. 8., REV. WM. W. STALET, A. 8., legs, WAT T.rR BOYD. Session openod August 24th, 1874; closes May 27th, lOTS. Board $8 to *lO per month, (everything furnished.) V Tuition and incidental expenses, #3.50 to W. 50 PW montt. ADVERTISEMENTS. iMn'VM f.W.luir» Dr. J. Walker's California Yln- Cgar Bitters arc a purely Vegetabl® preparation, made cbielly from'the na—• tive herbs found on tbo lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tbo medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tbo usa of Alcohol. Tbo question is almost daily asked, " What is tbo cause of tba unparalleled success of VIITEGAR BIT TERS 1" Our answer is, that they removo the causo of diseaso, and tbo patient re covers his health. They are the great! blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tbo system. Nover before in tho history of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkabla qualities of YIKBOAR BITTERS in healing tho sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentlo Purgative as w6ll as a Tonic, relioving Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver anu Visoeral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Tho properties of DR. WALKER'S VINEOAR BITTKRS are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, biuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera tivo, and Anti-Bilious. H. H. MCDONALD A CO., Druggists and Gen. Agta., San Francisco, California, and oor. of Washington and Chariton Sti., N. T. Bold by all DraggUU and Dcalen. 7 ¥OTTOE^ —:o : "IN pursuance of an order of tho Superior Court of Alamauco county, I will, on Tuesday, April 20th, 1875, at Jerry LEE's store, 'in Caswell county, scl[ tho following real property, to wit : . « One tract of land in Caswell county adjoin ing the land* of Jerry Lee, Wood Covington and others, containing one hundred acres. One other tract of land in Caswell county ad joining the lands of L. Borland and others, ' containing twenty-three and one-half acres. AND at the late residence of Jacob Summers, de ceased, in Alamance county, on TIIGKDAT, APRIL 2Ttb, ISTS - will sell onq tract of land in Alamance coun ty, on the waters of Travis Creek, adjoining the lauds of Daniel Tickcl and others, contain ing one hundred and seventy-live acres. The above described real property was in the division of the lauds of Jacob Bunimcrs,dccea3 ed, allotted to the heirs of Andrew Summers. TERMS 'Ten per cent cash, balance of purchase money secured, by bond with until cieut surety, payable at six months. E. 8. PARKER, - mar 9-tf Commissioner. Land Sale. :o: On Saturday, April the 10th, 1875, I will sel} at the Court itoi|?C door in Graham, to the highest bidder, for cash, ouc tract of hind in the county of Alamance, on the waters of Rock Creek, adjoining tbo lands of William Webster, Milton Loy, William Sharpc ant others, containing: one hundred and seventy acre*. It is known us the Brower tract, and is tho same conveyed by Levi Isely to Julian lecly, and by him conveyed to the undersigned. No doubt about the title. JAMES E. BOYI). March sth, 1875. " If .. _* RATIONAL HOTEL, Delightfully situated, next to Capitol S'juaro BALKICILF, Pf.'C. I A NJE^riIOUSK, Fine Rooms,. well Furnished aijd Fitted up in tho Best' Style: C. 8. BROWN, Proprietor. Loirsr c> Attorney & Counsellor at Law, YkNCETVJLLE , AT. U. . GRAIIAM & GRAHAM, Associate Counsel, TJ U O S P E (J TUB. —THE— AMERICAN [PATRON Publi.brd a*. Findlr, Ohio. THE AMERICA* PATHOS is the leading paper published in the interest of the Order of FATRO*S OF ni'SBANDBT. r~ * * THE AMERICA!* PATROK is a Live Literary Journal for the Fanner's Fireside, teeming with INTERESTING reading MATTER LOR every mem ber T>f the hous'hold. ' » +■/ : „ i." TNE AMERICA* PATRON has An ably con ducted Editorial Department, dealing each week strong blows at monopoly in every form, clearly elucidating the great principles wlaeli underlie the agitation known AS tho - . " "" -v -,t Farmers Movement^ THB AMERICA* PATBOK is a large eight page page paper, containing forty broad col umns of elegant reading matter. The Agricul tural Department la made up of original and select matter of general Interest to the fanner. This paper is not the rehash of a dally paper but all matter Is carefully selected and prepar ed for this edition alone. ' I • THMt v' "OneCopyone year....... •••••*? 05 Two Copiies one year, each .*•• •R®\' Three, or more, copies one year, each 1 S3 .Onecopy three months W " Important LAD uccmeatei to Oranges Specimen copiss sent free.Oß application. Address all counmunieations to til A**«UC #