THE GLEANER. | GRAHAM, N. €., APRIL 15, 1875. Local, State and General. W. T. JOHNSON, EDITOR. Jlr. iaba C. Rabertm, «f Company Shapa, is aathariscd ageat to rc nir* •■keriplirai, nad receipt far the ■aw*. -~w_ We acknowledge the receipt of valu able public documents, from our dis tinguished Senator, the Hon. A. S. Merrimon. The proceedings of the Board'of Coun ty Commissioners, at their hist meeting, the first Monday in this mouth, will appear in full in our next issue. Messrs Ferrell and Ncal, the contrac tors, are moving right along in build ing (he bridge across Haw River at Saxapahaw. . . Married on Thursday, the Bth of this month, at the residence, of John Tapscott, Esq., in this county, by the Rev. Mr. Webb, Dr. J, G. Pinnix and Miss Adaliue Tapscott, daughter of John Tapscott. May life's choicest blessings always attend the happy pair. We thank Hon. J. M. Leach for a copy of his able speech, "on the Louis iana question and. the general political situation of allairs in the country," de livered in the House of Representatives of the U. S. Congress, on March Ist, 1875. The official figures show that there is no election for Governor in New Hamp shire, while two Democratic Congress men are elected—again of one member. Tha result iu New Hampshire, as a Re publican victory, does uotpan out well. Ex., One night last week some hnugry and evil disposed individual or individuals, dug under the smoke-house of Mr. Willis Sellars, uear Co'mpauy Shops, and stole therefrom about sixty dollars worth 9t bacon. Neither the thief, nor the stolen bacon has been found. During the past week Ma). S. M. Lanier,Agent of this State for the "Life Association of America" was in our town. The Maj. is a clever inteligent gentleman, wears his title by virtue of rank in the Confederate Aimy, and represents a Company, indorsed by our leading business men in the State. . - vj We return thauks for an invitation to be present on the 20th of May, at the celebration of the Centennial of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence. Whether we rre able to be there in person or not, we shall, iu feeling and sympathy, in the commemora tion of an event that is the pride of every North Carolinian, and should be of every American. John Q. Gant, of the firm of J. Q. Gant &Co, of Company Shops, has jnst returned from the Northern cities, where he has been for the last twelve or fifteen days, selecting and purcha sing for his firm its Spring stock of j£oods. In our next issue he will tell the people what he has to sell, what he wants to buy, aud the bargains he can offer them. Sid Scott, of the firm of Scott & Don* nell, of this place, has gone North, and is now in New York buying the Spring stock for the firm. If he don't buy hia goods as cheap as anybody it will not be for want of his attention. He goes, and looks and selects, and brings back such goods as his long experience tells him will suit his many customers. The firm will let you know about it. Our Living and Our Dead. —The April number of this excellent, and strictly North Carolina magazine has been received. No family should be. without it. Its worth as a periodical pride in a State publication, and respect for the memory of Confederate soldiers, appeal to all to aid in sustaining it. Send three dollars to Col. S. D. Pool at Baleigh and get it for ayear. It is worth the money and it is yourduty to doit. William Braxton, Sr., of Hadley's township, Chatham county, committed suicide, on Monday night, the 6th inst. The circumstance, as detailed to us, are •a follows: He went to the house of Aaron Andrew, on Monday evening. Nothing unusual in hia conduct or health bad been disoovered. He re mained at Mr. Andrew's for the night. During the night be was reatless, going out of the house several times. Noth ing was thought of this. Just before day he went out and did not return. When Mr. Andrew went out and found him hanging to the Joist of the flaws, hia knees nearly touching the floor, he was quite dead. He had pro eursda rope from about the kitchen. He was perhapa, fifty yean old, and had always been a man of weak mind. He leaves a grown son and daughter, the only fiunily. | INFANTICIDE. —A case of infanticide has just come to a light near Hillsboro. A young negro woman and her mother, living on the premises of Major Geo. Collins, the son-in-law of Mr. Paul Cameron, were the guilty parlies. The Sentinel of the 7th gives the Jbltowing particulars of this crime: "A young negro wpman was found In her cabin, her neck tied with a rope to the bed post, and the only words she said were, Take me out quick, or mam my will kill me." She died soon after she was removed, but her death is thought to have occured more from the effects of childbirth than from strangu lation. M&jor Collins immediately had search made to fiud the child, the wo man's mother declaring there had been no child born, and there was no use in looking for it. A barrel of ashes stood at the door witbA hen's nest on top and three eggs in tbihest, and as the party approached it the old negro woman sung out-, "eofne away from my heu's nest, don't bother along with it 1" and this excited their suspicion and they searched in the ashes for the child, the wuman all the time making a great to do about it, but no child did they find, until Major Collins resolved to empty the barrel, and turning it over the dead uegro baby rolled out from the bottom and its aim and neck were found both broken. The woman was carried to HHlsboro, and is now in jail. THE COLORED BRANCH INSANE AST MMf. —The Board of Directors of the Insane Asylum met in this city yester day. in response to a speeial call, to con sider the matter, of establishing 'the branch colored Asylum at the Marine Hospital, Wilmington, in accordance with the recent act of the Legislature. We learn that the board was unable to accomplish anything, because of the fact that the parties having control of the Marine Hospital refuse to allow tbem to have the use of the said build ing. There is something behind this that we do not understand, as the build ing was tendered the Legislature through Senator Cantwell, aud the act was passed upon this ground. The Board adjourned without any action, being unable to carry out the provisions of the bill. Raleigh News. Miss ANNA DICKINSON'S LECTURE. — i This lady delivered her celebrated lec- ] tare ou the life, services and character of Joan of Arc, to a large audience, at Tncker Hall, in Raleigh, ou Thursday Stight, the Bth inst. The Raleigh News Wtys of it: "We think we speak a com- i fmoa sentiment, when we say that noth ing ot the kind here has ever given tlie lame degree ot pleasure to those who ■d the good fortune to be present.'' %'lic papers everywhere, and without MKeption that we have seen, speak in fn highest terms of praise of Miss Dick inson. Her youthful beauty, her clear well modulated voice, her graceful easy manner, her lady-like deportment, her powers of delineation, her eloquence, ju-c the themes of universal commcnda and praise wherever she goes. Kbij. Wood, ot the Faxton House in Bjjjjiville, was kind to a young man North who bad no money. He i cartiHpr him, liked him and made him The Maj's. confidence was He scut his new clerk out to oqjfect bills that were due, and his clerk abused the confidence repos- PQ in him. He collected the bills, but forgot to return to his benefactor, or send in the money. This was presum- I iug too far upon the Maj.'s kindness. Xki telegraph caught the destitute fjLg man. Never be kind to one who moo money. NKS'S MISHAPS.— A sort of March seems to possess editors this ye^^PA Virginia journalist has been tfcKied. In New Jersey one has bad of lead pat into his brain. A Mississippi brother was killed in a duel with an actor last week, ami at West ftbLia the same State, two rival ed itor* Mde targets of one another, until one of them was perforated by four bulleta. of all, the editor of the Chicago IK has been sent to jail for contempt And yet (here are j fond parenttVho encourage their sons to becomeSor*. Wil. Star. The last iMK erer written by Gen eral is in the po*. session of Historical Socie ty. It was addlKri to Gen. Lee under date of May 2, reads as fol lows: "General: The enemy has made a stand at which is about two miles from Cbancellorsville. I hope as soon as ftfhetlcable to attack. I trust that an ever-kind Providence wiil blesa us with success. We call attention to the Act, concern, tag the indebtedness of the different conn ties,and toin* of the State, published on the outride of this paper- It will be found to be of general impor tance. Joseph D. Elliot, who was serving a term in the penitentiary for shooting and killing Tbos. C. Neal, in States ville, more than a year ago, has been pardoned.* . The Federal. Court is iu session at Grcesboro, Judge Dick presiding. The Patroit sayß the charge of the Judge was elaborate, aud the Civil liights Bill fully expounded. No opinion was . expressed of its constitutionality. The same construction , was given as by the Judges in Ohio and else where' hofding that the colored man had no new lights that he did not posess under the old statute law, with the exception ot trial before the Federal Courts if ho so elect. He held that the law applied only to railroads, steainooats, hotels aud thea tres, and did not necessarily place whites and negroes, together in these, only requiring the same accommodation lor the negro, if he could afford it, as was given the white man. Separate apartmeuts and coaches could be desig nated for each race, and neither could infringe upon the rights of the other. There arc one on the docket.9l criminal and six civil cases. The Raleigh News says:—Solomon Pool, late Prcsidcnt(l) of the Universi ty, has brought suit against the Trustees for salary since .the institution broke doAvn under his management up to the time of the decision of the Supreme Court determiitMig hi» existence. This is as cool a piece of impiulence as can wcl) be conceived of. He has, during the yeare lor which he claimed his pay, sat likg a nightmare upon the institution until he stifled the very life out of it. In the meantime "he was industriously engaged in buying all the real estate he could lav his haifds upon at the depreciated prices, reduced to their low rates by his very presence, watching for this time when the revival of the In stitution would make him a million aire. In this suit Solomon will go after wool aud come homo shorn. Some time in Man-h the depot a* Barksdale, on the Richmond & Danville railroad was robbed of a considerable quantity of freights, belonging to differ ent persons, consisting of a bag of cof fee, a bag of clover seed, two bags gu ano, and other articles. The matter was kept secret, and detectives from Rich mond were employed to ferret out the rogues aud recover the goods. They have made several arrest but have failed in finding the stolen property. This we learn from the Milton Chronicle. Just as the train started out on the Great Western railroad in Detroit, the other day, a woman leaned forward and called to her husband, who was ten feet away. Say, Simon, did you wash feet and change your socks?" "No, by swam I—forgot all about it," he re plied. "Well," said aha, as she leaned back, "I feel it in my bones thatfhere's going to be a smash-up afore we got to London, and it you are killed I'll just purtend I didn't know yel" A TAX ON BACHELORS.—A bill has been made a special order iu the State Sen ate of Tennessee which contains the fol lowing section: "That bachelorism is hereby declared a privilege, and every male inhabitant of this State over thirty years of age, being of sqund mind and enjoying good bodily health, remaining unmarried after the first day of May, 1875, shall pay a fine ot ten dollars aunually. Says the Patroii: —Hod gin Fentress a highly respected citizen of Randolph county, living near Cedar Falls, aged about 65 years acckieutlly shot himself in the back of the Lead and died instant ly on last Friday week, by carelessly handling a pistol, lie was getting some papers lrom a drawer, preparing to go to Asbeboro, and let the pistol lall. No one was in the room with him at the time. i■i F'T W ' 'I ■* "X The Bureau'of Health, at Washington City, announces the probable prevail ance of Yellow fever, on the Atlantic Coast, during the summer, and urges the importance of preparing for it. This fearful disease has already made its appearance at Key West Florida, and the news is that it is raging to an I alarming extent in Havana. We trust the scourge may be stayed. j OK Drr.-—That the much* talked of " Benbow House" will not be included in the Drawing of the Greensboro Lot tery. We hope this report is untrue, as we have a friend who bought a few tickets expressly to get that building. We give only as report, not vouching for its truth, but if true the public ought to know it.— Chronicle. A Montana editor says be can't see any sense in all this noise about Beech er. "Why," he says, "right out bete is Bill Casey. Ha went iato a family married one girl, spoiled another, and has run away with the third; and yet Here is no trial no statements, no noth ing, only jnat the old man with a rifle looking around after Bill." The oonvoeadon of Raleigb(of the Episcopal Church) will meet at St. Mathews Church, HQlsboro, to morrow, and hold its session morning and eve ning lor three days. All are invited to attend. GOOD TEMPLARS HEADQUARTERS. — The Good Templars of this city have rented the old Standard Building, on Fayetteville street, which will hereafter be known Good Templar's Head quarters, as it will be \tsed by the Grand Lodge of the State. A public State Temperance Library will be placed in one of the front rooms on the lower floor. Mr. S. J. Fall, G. W. Sec., will reside in the bnilding and will have the office of the Order on the lower floor. Raleigh ISews. Mr. Fab. 11. Busbee, delivered a lec ture, on Satnrday evening, the 3d of last month, in the Hall of the Masonic Lodge in Hillsboro, before the young ladies of the Misses Nash and MisaKel lock's school and a large audience of citizens. The subject was the immor tality of force. The effort gave sat isfaction. So says the Recorder. Young man in Cabarrus county in wretched health, Doctors couldn't agree as to what was the matter—Nothing did him any good—Old woman came along—Gave him a teaspoonfulprhite sand three times a day—Yptffig man took it,—Got well in two weeks So learns the Charlotte Observer. " In the Hillsboro Recorder we notice a call of the democratic Executive com mittee for the citizens of Orange to assemble, in the Court nouse, on the 27th day of this month, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Con-J vection. Are voii not a early, j and is not court a bad time?' W ? J To THE PRESS.— The third Annua' Session ot the North Carolina Press Association will assemble, in the oityof Wilmington, on Tuesday the 11th day ot May, 1875. Joseph A. Englchard, of the Wilmington Journal, is President of this association and B. T. Fulghum of the Agricultural Journal is secretary. They desire a fall attendance. The court ot claims baa decided that pardon and amnesty, granted to per sons for all acts done in the late war, does not enable those persons to reoov er the proceeds of their property, which had been oonfiscated and sold. There is a painful rumor from Wash ington that Colonel Grant, son of the President, meaitg to resign from the army. General Sherman, however, will still remain in command.— N. T. Her ald. Walter McDonald, a son of John A. McDonald of Chatham county leaves his native State to take charge of a position on Cheeks line of steamers, between Memphis and Vicksbarg. ,i t On the site of a burnt dwelling la Charlotte, a bold spring of water has gushed out ot the ground, in three-spots as large as a man's arm. The water is as cold as ice and tastes of sulphur. George Price of Danville, aged seven, ty eight years, recently married Miss Florence Faulkner of that place aged nineteen. House of Col. F. M. Parker, (of 88th N. C., Regiment) was burned near Enfield. A new Baptist Church, costing from thirty to forty thousand dollars is to be boiit in Raleigh. _ I Goldsboro is getting ready for the municipal election. Col. Jesse J. Ba ker is spoken of for Mayor. ■.t ■ « . ADTICI T« T«VNfI fABXIBS. Let oar young farmers ikrow their novels to the dags, and All their beads with facta. Let them get ap debating societies, agricultara and things adapted to their locality, and encourage their latent talent in the place to show itself. There is ao reason why a farm er should aot bo a well inform** man, and be aMe to speak or write ta sack a manner aa to demand attention. He has, or might haws, more leiaure time thaa mea in any other pro fnssirra. and Instead ot stttihg down and com plaining that the Government la administered or the benefit of the Idle at the expense of the worker, sad that be does not gat bis share of the offices, let him first At himself forthe per formance of legislative duties. An bUeOigeat fanner, who Is able to draw his own conclusions, and form Us opinloaa, and give hto teas on for them, ia a clear concise and logieal manner, «fH bav« ssore influence in any legtmltare ever assembled to the State, than any lawyer, because it ft bo ,fievad to be the rwcuHar art of a lawyer to make the worse appear the better eaaae. We have been eye-witness to enongh, in less tM i of i century, !• Afcwwiw thftft lbs aM »ab Us ssasad bsaor, Is Ma dlasatp Med thaa with bm finrt. How Is It? " Fat,', who baa aever beea hoaored at aB, baa pota toea to eat tbrea time# a day," aad a dollar to boat la bay tiaae,* is aboot the most ebeerfnl aad the riAestmaa after SB. The secret of al uatsigilis, research aad psieeisiswa. ls>sbilrrT* tafiaiii ii He who labors to excel in any poeL tjoa, meetly for the "name of the thing," sssks to gratify the mset esrUly part of bis roes fv to prove that we are la reality, ga worthy of much that a willfal smhtti™ ob tains for as. .jftgayz&y It la not oftea that thoss mofa uuiafitait aad worthy.oecupy the highest positions, as the world now goes; for they have aeaaeaad soul enough, to shriak fiwaao greatarespon sibuity. mm We would not hint that genius if, or ought to be, a rare tbing in this world; far from it, .bat .we are led to believe that it exists in qridntity and quality which might be likened to' Jewelry. Bat such is the cunning of the workman that even, the best judges often get •' Bold," and the most guttering articles trove to be nndesirablebrass , —what little genuine is made now-a-dajs, is mostly for private indi vidu&ln; so that the " true metal" exists chiefly in the unpretending, old-fashioned pieces, that few know at, save the posscsors. This world is about half "bogus" anyway Gold and glory are resident humbugs, that most young men fall in love .with, and if they do not get bittpff, it is more good luck than management. The spirit of a real mind Is plainly sensible, inony work to which he dirqeta hit attention. No labor is degrading to the true heart, for there is no excellence without labor; and the consciousness of a will to do, and the powsr to succeed wherever fortune places us, is far more satisfaction than all the world can say about us. The excellencies of agrioultnre are chiefly found H the progressive farmer; almost the only man who can be said to grow richer by farming, and consequently the only good fanapr. . Guided by judgment, we find him a reading, thinking man, who understands true ecouomy, and with sense enough, if hernias* raise a smalt crop, not to go over a large field to do it. High farming consists in high manuring, systematic labor and continued careful experi ments, making discoveries, and gaining more light. Pureeing this coarse the young farmer can very soon fill hla pocket and become a ben cfactor to iris race. |~ — t.~ "T" The folly of the day is, that the yonug men I of the present age have a dreadful ambition for being " gen teed." They keep up apfwaranccs too often at the expense of honor; and though they may not [ be rich, yet they must seem' to be though la the meanest sense, — in mere vulgar thou). They have not the courage to go- pa tiently around in that eoodltlon of life, in which it has pleased God to call them. The) make a constant straggle and pressors for front seats, la the social amphitheater. What waste, what misery, what bankruptcy comes from all this ambition, to dasale others with the glare ot apparent worldly success, we need not describe. Often in their desperate dashes at fortune failure comes, for which the pity is not so ■smell for thus* who fall, as for the hundreds of innocent families who are so often involved in their ruin, M. Howell Giange, Co, Shope, N. C. April 12th. 1875. To TB* AFFLICT*©.—NO matter under what form of sickness vou labor, there is one great truth yon should keep in mind: all disease originate in an Impure cot ditlon of the blood. Purify that, and the disease most depart; bnt yon cannot purify the blood by the use of pois onous drugs, and exhaustive stimulants. The best JM ood l'uryfier cr#t discovered is Dr. Wuxn's famous Vmseaa Birraas, com pounded of simple. 4w ADNEBTISEMENTB. P. R. HARDEN, • Graham, Jf. C.. , I F • MMR ' Dry-Goods Groceries, tIARDWARK, Drug*, MmHehm, PtdmU, OUi, Dy-atmfa Clothing; Hata, Caps, Boot*, Shoes, ■■Mm. Clean, •»>*«. Toao, KEROSENE OIL, CBOCKKKX, Earthenware, GUuneare, Coffees, Bpieet Grain, Floor, Farming Implement*. feb 19-1 j ' Pomps! Pumps!! —:o: THOMAS 8. BOBEKTBON, Company Shape, N. C n Is manufacturing and aeUlngthe bet and cuiPMT wvmrm ever offered to the people of Ikli State- Tbeee pomps are aa durable aa wooden pnmpe can be made. They are eamr aa any one wanting water could tbk. lticyaraaoid aa cheap aa any one whopropoaea to bay could aak. Pumps delivered anywhere on abort notice. Each pump warranted. The manufacturer refer* to e«ry pump of Ms hi use. IN one baa ever failed. febtt-ly New Goods. W. R. ALBRIGHT, (at Baeon't old ttand,) GRAHAM, N. C-, ■—law fas MT4IMM. MAT 9 •mil, fIKMHIM H4ID-WAKE, *«• Having bought gooda on favorable terms I willsellcheapforcashor barter. Polite and attentivecients to watt oacaetomera aad show goods to aIL . «alik «al« art Basalt *»•«« will make money. Call sad examine if yon do not buy. It can do no harm. Mn4m F. JONES * 80BF8, GRAHAM, N. C., Boggy and Carriage Makers, and neatly done, at also on hand Cor aaie ; msagki, aad CsttM. •' * noUM. rt AU?indT?f n at nuiS et P We are thankful for past patronage, and ADVERTISEMENTS! • I t ,»' » New Drug Store. DR. J. 8. MURPHY' Respectfully notifies the public that bo hm S?KOK ft t complete aud weU DWS Company Shops, ~ where anything kept in • well ordered Dn% Store mar be found, .v., ->.j The physicians of the ronnty and U* puMfc - ' generally, are Invited to patronise ? tWs' new lar graduate in pharmacy, is in charge, so that physicians and Hie public may rtst assured 1 that all preadptkma and order* will be mat feb 16-2 m - •. • - . *. ' , - King Alfonso is giving the Carlists a lively time, nd B. TATE A CO., at the old stand of Marray* Tate, InGrsfw, are giving all who try to undersell them a lively time. Uonno and Tate A Co.,are both boaqd to succeed. Tate & Co. will hay at the highest prices all von have to Sill, aud at the kmfft prices sell yon all yon want to boy. gCOTT * DONNELL. GRAHAM, N. C., Bay rad sell ■/., ' w -'-" •* COTTOIf, COUlf, VMVB, BiCM "ttiiii&SXSSS ,« feb. IMS) ALL PEBsoro I L ■ t: •t' ■ Having claims against the County'of Ala mance are to present them to the Deeds before the first Monday in "% «*"*>» »~g M>9Sm • • ■ ■ - 1 , ■ * 11 J JA- LONG. Attorney & Counsellor at Law? YAJfCKYVILLX, X. O. *tyr- , 4 ip*\ '* *»>.-••$ • . * ' i) r p-ji GRAHAM A GRAHAM, Associate Counsel, Q.RAHAM HIGH SCHOOL. REV. D. A. LONG, K. M., Principal. BBNJ. I. LOSG. A 8., REV. WM. W. OTALEY, A. 8., MBS. BALLDS BOTD. ***. jsss. arMsw ♦♦.Bo per month. E S. PARKER, "—~-r'* - t. * r v togaa 7*"* * —* Attorney at Law, . "«'"*• GRAHAM, N. C. RATIONAL HOTEL, Delightfully sitaated, not to Capitol Sqnars BAtIMB, W, C. A REITfIOrSB, Fine Booms, well Tarnished awl fitted «p "c. Fiupitetes. - T MURRAY'S OLD STAJSTIX Keep conitniitly on hand kiium WAN. BMM. AR» f ' .. Y* - - \ ■j 1 4 _ •®»» few . All of which we will mO u km M cu bo ** Cash*or Baiter. ABkMioCfniM wnM. Look ttaor »ux k, compare with other* and buy if joa "ID. we HAHDKN MHi Land Sale., lilrtrrt TT"' * —' » «f land in IST* is tlx- urn conTefad 19 lm\ My to '**•«» ■■ ■ ' —. .U-Jf ym.'WP gAB AND FIXTUBKB FOE SALE. Xfc MCMifj fttitfltorc foe ft MBfMA a Wagon Horses, .:,-yi i _ ' • ' -i&' * a : *!* }'■ r*-W '