THE GLEANER. GRAHAM, N. C., JUNE 29, 1875. Local, State and General. W. T. JOHNSON, EDITOR. Jlr. Jtha C. Kobertqpn, of Company Shops, is our authorised agent to re ceive subscriptions, and receipt for the ■•me. lit?AD AND BIIBBCKIBE ! "We propese to send the GLEANER as a campaign paper to subscribers till the first day of September, 1875,f0r the srnalj Bum of T WENT Y-FiyE CENTS. We intend it to be a live campaign paper, and we extend the time to the Ist of September in order that we may give the returns of the election from the va rious counties to all our campaign sub scribers. All sums under two dollars may be scut by mail at our risk, all over, at our expense in registered letter. Everybody wants to keep up during the campaign any way. No one, cer tainly, can grumble at the price. Send lis iu clubs friends. It is of conse quence that the issues be discussed. Your campaign subscription will commence, just us soon as we get your name and the money, and will end the first of September. Don't delay. We all have an imperative duty to perform. We intend faithfully trying to do ours in this campaign, and w*ut you to help us. We onglit to get a thousand cam paign subscribers, and can, if our friends will interest themselves for us. Wc are waiting to hear from you. Go about it to-day. PARKER & JOHNSON, Editors & Publishers. "Wilmington and Charlotte are having water-mellons. Judje Bynuiu ot the Supreme Court has filed a dissenting opinion in the case of the State ngainst the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company. "We learn from the News: Two en. gines, belonging to the Petersburg road were attached, at Weldon, for debts due the employees. Maj. "William Patterson requests us to announce his name as a candidate before the mass-convention, to be held on the 3rd of July, to nominate a dele gate to the Constitutional Convention. It is said that at the recent term of Forsythe Court th« Gripudjttry found a true bill agaiust Judge Cloud for as saulting a negro for singing a religious song! The Judge is nervous, you know. A son of Mrs. Ilnske of Hillsboro, while out squirrel hunting on last Fri day a week ago, accidentally shot his hand, while about loading ouc barrel of his gun,in a shocking manuer; the load tearing through the base of the thumb and lodging in the wrist. This we leatu from the Recorder. Mr. Willie Mills, a native ot Salisbury, but a citizen of Raleigh, died suddenly last Sunday evening a week fg >. H& was well up to ten minutes of bis death, lie was sitting on the steps when taken with hemorrhage, which produced death in a few minutes. Gov. Vance a short time ago delivered his lecture. ''The scattered Nation" in Raleigh,for the benefg of the young men wounded at t«ie Centennial at Charlotte. The Jewish citizens of that city present ed the Governor a handsomt gold watch and chain, in token of the ir ap preciation. Judge Mitchell has resigned. He was the only Judge in tbe State, of demo, cratic politics, up to the election last August. Old age and bad health led to his resignation. He has an unblemish ed reputation for high integrity* It is understood that Mr. Furchee, a republican, will be his successor. Mr. Furches is said to pos ess tbe requisite legal learning, and in every respect isas little objectionable as any of his party. Ou Thursday evening last, a little &f --ter sun down, the young mhn, Mr.j Trollitiger,in charge of the Jail, went in to look after the the prisoners. Two of them, William Gibson, a negro charged with stealing money from Col. J. Holt* and bis sons, Mud another negro, named Hank Freeland, charged, with stealing chickens from H. M. Ray, Esq., had gotten oat of the cage in which they were confined, and wnen Mr. Trollin ger walked aronnd the cage, they ran out at the door, through which he had entered, and hurriedly shutting it tl>ey bolted it on the outride, and—the Jailor was a prisoner. The two negroes then j ran down stairs into the lower part of the jail, and unfastened the back door, which waa secured by a bar and in the dusk ot the evening made good their escape, They have not been captured. The jailor raised a pit tiful cry of dis tress, which alter awhile was heard and he was released, but too late to give successful pursuit to the escaped ne groes. All that is to be done now is to settle some six months board bill for these two sovereigns. At the recent term of Halifax Court, Judge Watts left the Court to go to make a speech, at Nashville. He gave a capital case to the jury on Friday evening and left. The jury agreed, and were ready to render their verdict cn the same night, but there was 110 Judge, and the jury had to stay until Monday more than two days—to await His Honors return. The office holders are going crazy over the Constitutional Con vention. They fear for their interests. Why are the office holders so afraid of a Convention ot the people? Have they no higher leeling than to live off ot the people, and hold place and power for ever? No use " kicking against the pricks." At the sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad, at Salisbury, on the 22ud of this month, as advertised, Hon. A. S. Merriraon became the purchaser for his clie'nts at the sum ot eight hun dred and twenty-five thousand dollars. He transferred his bid to the Commis sioners tor the State of North Carolina and she will be the owner of the road. As soon as the sale is confirmed and the title perfected steps will be taken to push the road through to Asheville. Wo learn from the Nut Shell that an affray occured in Newborn last week •in which a white man by the name ot Watson was dangerously, and it is fear ed,mortally wounded b) a nesrro named Roberts. The white man was trying to quell a difficulty between the negro and a white boy, when he became involved, and received the feared f&tal blow from a bar of iron in the hands of Rob erts. The commissioner of the Land office at Washington is taking measures to dispose of the great number of land patentc in his office which have been ac cumulating since the days of President Monroe, and now number more than tnree hundred thousand. They will bo properly classified and sent to the differ ent land offices throughout the country for delivery to those for whomthey are intended. t 70 ~ A gold-headed cane disposed of in Raleigh, at 25 cents a ticket, each ticket holder to depositone vote for some minister in the city, aud the one getting the highest number ot votes to have the cane. The proceeds tlius realized are to be given to the relief fund tor the benefit of Messrs. Williams and Bing ham, the disabled artillerymen. So says the News. - . John Patterson, Express Agent at Rcidsviile, was arrested last week in Richmond, charged with embezzlement of funds t>f the Company. Patterson says that he is a few hundred dollars short but that he lent the money to friends, and they failed to return it, as they were to do, and hence his embar rassment. Hd is a young man of good family* At a general meeting of the stockhol der* of the Fayettevillo and tiold&boro Railway held in Fayettevilie June 17th the following officers were elected: Maj. IX G. Mcßae President, E. A. Bizzle Treasury, J. H. Myrover Secre tary, and Thomas J. Robinson Chief Engineer. This we learn from the Ral eigh News. At the recent term oi Halifax Supe rior Court, a negro member of the Board of County Commissioners was found guilty of forgery, Jndge Watts 6et aside the verdict. He was discharged Irom his place as commissioner. This we learn from the Raleigh Ifetoa. Paul, Hayne the distinguished Southern poet and writer will contribute month ly articles to the Morning Star, Wil mington, N, C. No more able paper comes to our office than the Star, aud this addition to its attraction and inter est will make it shine all the more brightly. It*s astonishing, says the New Orleans Bulletin, to see how little there is of some ladies iu these days of contracted skirts. And it is equally astonishing to see bow much there is of some oth ers. The Raleigh Sentinel says.—A negro convict at the Rock Quarry this morn ing knocked down tbe guard, a man named Best from Wayne county, seized the gun oat of his band, ran the bayo net tbroagh him, and off he Wfent. Tbe Professors of tbe University are religeously divided as follows: "Rev. Mr. Phillips and Mr. Graves are Praa- ; byterians; Mr Hooper and Mr. Kimb- . erly, Episcopalians; Mr Mangnm a Methodist; Mr. Redd a Babtist. Everybody would have one hundred and seventy-five dollars if all the prop erty in this country were to be equally divided. Itisnottobe divided, how ever, until there is enough to give every one Ave hundrd dollars. An admirably executed counterfeit five dollar note on the First Nation al Bank of Pax ton, 111., is being freely circulated along tbe liue of the Georgia Railroad. Skillful experts have been deceived by tliem. - THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 1859-'6O —The surviving members of the gradu ating class 1859-'6O of the University of North Carolina are requested to meet at th« Atlantic Hotel, in Beaufort,N.C., on Tuesday, the 3rd day of August 1860. This is in lieu of our appointed reunion at Chapel Hill, in June, 1865 that beiug prevented by the war. Let us do something for our Alma Mater W. H. Borden, Goldsboro, N, C. Norflcet Smith, Scotland Neck, N. C. Jus. A. Graham, Graham' N. C. Committee. "We learn that a woman by the name of Jane Archer was killed at Greens boro Friday morning by the eustern bound train. She was hanging around the depot, and was first struck by an engine on the Richmond & Danville railroad, and then she ran across on the North Carolina road where she was ruu over and horribly mangled. She died instantly. .1 „ • A GRANGE COLLEGE.— The Battlebo ro (N. C.) Grange of Patrons ot Hus bandry are agitating the subject of hav ing iu the State au Agricultural College where farmiug may be studied both as a science and an aqt. THE SOUTHERN ROAD TO INDEPEND ENCE. —The Vicksbnrg Herald estimates that the wheat crop of Mississippi this year will be equal to the crops of the last ten years combined. The speeches have closed, tho Judge has delivered his charge aud the jury have retired in the Beecher case. The ted Shepard Leffler for Governor, and E. W. Woodard for Lieut Governor. TBI/KGBAPHIC NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK, CONDENSED. The Southern soldiers aud citizens at tending the Bunker Ilill celebration were everywhere, shown the greatest kindness and hospitality. Speeches were made from which it would seem that all ill feeling is forgotton, and re concilliation full and complete is every where taking place. An American Spiritualist who pro fessed to take the likeness of persons dead, has been convicted in Paris of swindling and seutenced to six mouths imprisonment. Train from Cinsiuuatti thrown from track by misplaced switch. The fireman Jas. Kirkup was killed. Reports from Kansas say that crops prospect in that state are better than ever before. Apprehensions are felt of serious complications between the United States and Mexico, on account of dep redations by Mexicans, on the Mexican bolder of Texas. The Mexican gov ernment is unable to exercise control over its citizens on The border. The United Stutes army will act promptly in the protection of American citizens. Genl. Ord has command. The strike of the coal miners in Penn sylvania is said to be over at last, and everything quiet. The men have all gone to work at a reduction of ten per cent in the prices formerly paid. A Steamer, lyiug at the wharf in Oiiivinnatti, was struck by lightning. W. M. Tweed, under the ruling of the court Appeals of Sew York, which we noticed some time since,, has been released from the peuitcntiary. Imme diately upon ids release he was arrested on other indictmcnts and held to bail in the aggregate amount of four mill ion dollars; this he gave, whereupon he was arrested in a civil action and held to bail in the sum of three millions dollars which he ffciled to give, and was lodged in jail. Terrible storm in Kansas. Houses unroofed and struck by lightning. The storm covered an area of flity miles. Five railroad bridges washed away and six cars ditched. The King of Burmab has apologized to the British government, and there will be no war. A gang of counterfeiters in Pennsyl vania, headed by Dr. Milton H. Frank, a practicing physician, has been broken op and tbe leader aud others arrested. Twenty thousand dollar* ot counterfeit money found. Heavy failure* in England continue Col. B. Y. Sare Supt. ot the Atunia and Richmond Air Line R. R. found dead in his bed in Atlanta. The special correspondent with the | Black Hills expedition report* gold in abundance in Custer's Gulch in tbe Black Hills. - The peoples Independent State Con vention of California nominated Genl. Bidwell tor Governor, aud tbe present Lieut. Governor Paebies for Lieut, j Governor. Resolutions again&lfionop olies were adopted. Spotted Tail has gone borne and kick ed up a war. Three large war parties are on tbe war path. It i* thought that a gigantic Indian war i* about to be in augurated. At Company Bhopa, N. C., on tbe IMb In stant Ve.da Liudaay, daugnttrof Cbarlea M. and Laura M. Cramp, aped 1 year 8 month* and 3 days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stonewall Springs. This celebrated watering place is now open for the reception of visitors. GOOD BOARD AND ROOMS for the low price of $25. per month. Address F. W. FONVILLE & SON. BIE FALLS, Alamance Co. N. C. ■N THE PROBATE COURTi ilaaasM ( «■■■;. George W. Foster, and James Foster, as Ad ministrators of John Foster, Against Alfred Rike and wife Susan, Elisabeth Walker, W. R, Fos/er, John W. Foster. A. J, Foster, Thomas J. Foster, E. A. Foster, A. P. Fos ter, Julia A. Foster, James Matlock and wife Sarah, Geo O. Rike and wife Mary. The parties to tuls action are hereby notified that plaintiffs have -filed their final account with the estate of their intestate, and that un less exceptions are filed thereto within the time Prescribed by law, a decree in said action will B made, ana Administrators will bo discharged from liability upou the settlement as set forth In their owu account, filed. W A, ALBRIGHT, C. S. ?.; and Probate Judge. DKORATR CORIITi Alinain Ctaaty. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Cour* that Alfred Rike and wife Susan, A. J. Foster' Julia A. Foster, George O. Rike and wife Mary, parties to the above action are non-resi dents of the State, it is therefore ordered that service of this notice upon them be had by a publication thereof for six sucoesslve weeks, In the ALAMANCE GLEANER, a newspaper pub lished weekly at Graham. Alamance County, N. C. C. 3. C. and Probate Judge. Done at offlee in Graham, thin tlie 10th day June. 1876. W. A- A I. BLIGHT, DANIEL WORTH, Company Shops, N. G., Thanks hU friends and the pnbllc for the very liberal patronage he has heretofore en joyed ; unci begs to introduce to their inspect ion the LABOBST mm* MOST COMPLETE AND VARIED STOCK OF GOODS ever brought to Alamance County. He has lust returned from the Northern cities where he purchased and has received aud and is re celvng his SPBINtt AND NV3IBBB WOODS, His stock consists of DRY-GOODS, from com* mon to the finest ever ottered In this market, READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every description, HATS, DOOTS AND SHOES of all varieties to the best hand-inade. A full stock of .i niIt.ViINBBY WOODS, HABDWABE CVTI.KBV, ' QI'EKNS-WAUE, TBVNKS sMI VALISES, TIN.WABB, IHIL DBENS* HATS,; the best assortment at the lowest prices. A full stock FAMILY GROCERIES, UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, !' Fertilizers, In a word, he has everything of ary quality that you #lll want to buy, and he will buy at the highest prices all, and anything you have to sell. All he aslu is for you to call and sec for yourself. If you don't see what you want you Just ask for It, and then see if it Isn't found. mavll-6m 1875. 1873. Spring and Summer © © 3® § a Pretty and Cheaplll ARRIVED AND CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. We would respectfully inform oar custo mers, friends and the public, that we are re ceiving » large, complete and well (elected stock of Spring and Bummer Good*. We (elected ourselves, paid the cash, and can afford to, and will self a* cheap aa the came good* can be bonglit in the State. When you come to the Shops don't fail to come to the " Yellow House" where every one cornea to get cheap, pretty, durable goods, atttie very Cheapest Prices. Come in and look at them, they will Mtonlsh yon. So pretty and so cheap! " JOHN Q OAST A CO., Company Shops, N. C. SOUTHERN ILLLSTRAMED AGEI Belslfb, B.C. The only illustrated weekly la the South Eight pages. Forty columns. Containing more reading matter than any weekly published in the Southern States. _ The first number of the SOUTHERN IL LUSTRATED AGE wiQ be Issued on SsiarAqr, OSlfc 4my sf Jsas, I ST#. The pubflaher Intends making It aa Illustra ted record of the times. It will treat of every topic. Political, historical, literary and Scien tific, which Is of current Merest, and rive ihe best Illustrations that can be obtained, origi nal or foreign. The Southern Illustrated Age will be print ed otr new type, and heavy book paper. On its list of contributors will be found the names of many of the bast writers in the South. Serial and short stories, poems and sketches, and well conducted editorial departments, giving the latest personal, literary, SetentlSc, political, religions aud commercial Intelligence, will fundyb every week an amount of reading matter unsurpassed by other papers, In excel lence and variety. It is intended to make the Southern Illustrated Age u Journal for the fire side ; several eoitanns will be specially dtvo> ted to all subjects pertaining and social life. No family should be without it. Subscription price only #3 per annum. Post* "* er " e * R.T. FULO mo EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND GUARDIANS. The law requires annual returns from all Executors, Admiuietrators, and guardians. Many do not comply with this law. They are notified to do so and aave cost to; themselves. W. A. ALBRIGHT, iuly 6-lm. - C. 8. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. t IVPEBIOB I'OIBX i UkMIM Cculr. GABRIEL M. LEA, WILLIAM] A. LEA, MAKIA L. MOORE GEORGIA LKA, AND JAKE Plaintiffs E»r Relief. Against MORA LEA, SpecialProceod- Dqfendant. in 9*- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of Alamance ' eonnty—Greet- You are hereby commanded to summon Nora Lea, the detendant abovenamed if she be found within your County to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Alamance within twenty-six days after the service of this summons on her exclusive of the day of service, and answer the complaint whioh will be deposited in the office of said clerk withii ten days from the datf of this summons t And let said defendant take notice that if she fall to answer the con plaint within that timejtheplaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the con plaint. Herein fail not and of this suamon* make due return. Given under mp hand and seal of said Court, This Ist dayof May, 1875. W. A. ALBRIGHT, Clerk of the Superior Court Alamance County. Attorney for Plaintiffs. In the above entitled action it appearing to the satlfaction of the Court that the defend ant is a non-resident of this State ; It Is order ed that service of summons be had upon her by publication in the ALAMANCE GLEANER a newspaper published weekly in this County, once a week for six successive weeks. Doue in office at Graham, 1 on the 6th day of May,}- 1875. j W. A. ALBRIGHT, C. 8. C. Alamance County. gCOTT & DONNELL, Graham, N. C., DEALERS IN Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, IXIOIV, ITHL.MA(.T,inOI.*aSB OILS, DVB-STOm. DBIIOR, SIBDICINEI, LAID, BACON, *C.. *C. Terms Cash or Barter. , fob lft-Sm Pumps! Pumps.!! .. » J • °: THOMAS 8. ROBERTSON, Company Shops, N. C., Is manufacturing and selling the beat and CBBAPBW PUMPS ever offered to the people of this State. These pumps are as durable as wooden pumps can be made. They are easy as any one wanting water could wl»h. They are sold as cheap as ny one who proposes to buy could ask. a Pumps delivered anywhere on short notice. Each pump warranted. The manufacturer refers to every pump of his In use. Not one has ever failed. ' feb 23-1 v New Drug Store. DR. J. S. MURPHY Respectfully notifies the public that be has opened a complete and well filled DRUG STROE at Company Shops, where anything kept in a well ordered Drug Store may be fouua. The physicians of the county and the public generally, are invited to patronise this new enterprise. An experienced driurgist—a regu lar graduate in pharmacy, is In charge, so that physicians and the public may rest assured that all presciptions and orders will be cor rectly and carefully filled. Prices as reasonable as can be afforded, feb 16-2 m ( TASK MADE EASY, J By the use of tho Hay llakc, Manufactured by JOHN DODDS K CO., Dayton, Ohio. Tula la iMa Mir Perfect Mf-Ofmlisß ■ABB ever offered to tae pnbllc. Any little girl or boy that can drive a gentle bone, can rake the bay as well aa the strongest man. Circulars sent frae on application. GEO. A CURTIS, Agent. Graham, N. C. MHE GREENSBORO PATRIOT ' ESTABLISHED AMI! Published weekly In Greensboro. N. C. by Duffy * Albright, at 03.10 per year !* advance fTu^s«mocrat£vConservative In politics and labors sealonsly fcr the maltffal prosperity of the South generally and North Carolina particularly. OrNorth Carolinians abroad should not be without it. Specimen copies fins*. QUTTING AND MAKING . Robert A. Noell, v Offers bis services aa a Tailor, to the public His shop Is at his residence, la OBAHAH. H. C. His work warranted, la fit and finish. feblfi-Iy / CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL, •*.. SCHOOL. Jambs T. Cbockek, Principal. The sixth seaslos of this school will eom menceou Monday, 10th day of July, 1875, and continue (or 90 weeks. Tuition from 910J0 to tS&fiO per seakm Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. For further particulars addrase the Principal at Graham, H. C. J L. SCOTT, Graham, N. JU 3 Agent for the Celebrated STIEFF PIANOS AND ORGANS Send for illustrated catalogue and price ltoi. apnß-tf ADNERTISEMENTB. , Drugs, Faints, L A 8 8 & C . We keep constantly on hand a good assort* ment of KBBSH VBV6B AND CHIBICALS, different brands of White Lead, a Urge stock of WINDOW GLASS, which we are now selling? for less money than they have ever been sola for in this section. We will supply Village & Country Merchants a better article than they buy North for the same money. Also we have a large stock of TRUSSEB AND SUPPORTERS, together with a fall and complete line of TOILET AMD FANCY ARTICLES. Come and see as, inspect oar stock and satifsy yourself of Ihe truth of what we say. The Be* nior member of the Arm has resumed practice and can always be found at the Drug Store when not professionally engaged. RWTGLENN A SON., ■ In the Benbow House, Greensboro, N. O. "yy/" HOLES ALE AND RETAIL. We keep constantly on hand a large and varied stock 6f 1 GROCERIES, HARD-WARS DRY-GOODS, of all aorta, NtflONl, HATS, CAPS, MOTS, AND SHOES, BBADrHABB CI.OTHINn, Carpetings AND lIITTIi\«S of all grades, from the lowest prices up made a specialty. VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to Inspect our stock and hear our prices before buying elsewhere. They can examine and select for themselves, and we guarantee that we can sell them their entire stock or any part of It on such terms as will enable them to sell their gnoda at a larger profit to themselves than they could do by pur chasing, by order, from a distance. We are Agents for, and sell at manufactures prices the following goods, via: Cedar Falls and Deep River Sheetings, Yarns and Seamless Bags, Holt'a and Handle man's Plaids, Fries' " Salem" Jeans, Charlottesville Cassimers and Erkenbieeeher's Starch. ODELL, RAOEN FC CO,, apr 80-1 y v r Greensboro, N. C. B. FARRAK, OPTICIAN, fTATCB-BIAKKB, AND JEWELER, I ... . . ' t r-J- ■ AND DEALER IK » WATCBBB, CI.9CEB, JIWILBT Silver Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid Kings, Walking Canes, Gold Itouß, Ac. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which will he Nil cheap hi Vaah. W Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Ma chtues, and Pistols repaired cheap and on short notice An assorted stock of Guns, Pis* toll, Cartridges, Ae., always on hand apr 30-ly New Goods. _«o: W. It. ALBRIGHT, (at Baton'* old Maud,) GRAHAM, N. C\, . mm** —■ MT4IMta, NOTIONS, ■!« •HOC*. OBOCMIIS, RAHD-VfABK, QVBIHS-WABB, See. Having bought good* on favorable terms I will sell clicaj) for cash or barter. Polite and attentive clerk* to wait on customers and show goods to all. «akk lalM and taall Fitlb win make money. Call and examine If yon do not bay. It can do bo barm. lab n Sm F. JONES * SOWS, GRAHAM, S. C., Buggy and Carriage Makers* Are prepared to" fill at the shortest notice all order* In their Una. Repairing promptly and neatly done, at ■OMiAtl RATI*. They also keep constantly on band for sal* at their »hop, an assortment of INS, Italia, Baggr Waisrlal, Vtspai* • v sd Palansf sllsslsn, Pl*s|b, Msd Cmmrnrn. Any style of co«n furnished at two ho mn notice. All kinds of produce takea at market prion. We are thankful for past patronage, and Hope to merit Its continuance. _ _ ~~ 1876' Spring and Summer GOODS!! The very latest Styles and Cheep. Mt eoe»Menoß>oTauia. la as nimi ■A*e, QBOCIMia, HAMWAO OMCKIBV WOOBKH win. Every thins usually found in a Retail Store will be sold CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. When yon come to town call and sea my rfock-lamaureitwfflwjon.^^ api97-2m Graham, N. C. i r •* !

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