KADIC'AIi FBOGBAMJW. The following resolutions shoW so plainly the necessity of Is6s>ttWiiaii tcndcrs> and their intuition to ittistead nnd deceive the peoi>»6>if tW6yv*n> th*t we shall keep them standing for a while, as an evidence of their desperation to regain supremacy in this State. The Civil Rights bill is not Wrong, the Usu ry bill must not be honestly discussed) nnd republicans must never do anything to defeat the payment of tlrfc bonds, With which they fraudulently Saddled the people> by ajjte of tbe two, and only two legislative boilivs ovCf which they Over had control. The people have about concluded that they arc not at all nble, rior very willing to pay these bonds. Head their prograttltfttt) Mid then ask yourself-, if upon the evidence of their own re sol re S they are intitled to confidence! NULLIFICATION. liesaltA 1, That it is deemed by this asso ciation good policy for Republicans to support none for Delegates to Convention but those who will pledge themselves to advocate an immediate adjournment of that body, in this manner, dofeatitbj the purpose of those who compelled this eail for Convention Contrary to U« wishes of a large majority of the vottre of North Carolina, and saving a vast outlay of inoucy to the people. COXRPUtAOr BETWEEN THE J.EADEHS AND THE J'KESS. Revolted S, That the State Executive Com' biittee is hereby respectfully requested, hy an address or otherwise, to recommend this policy to the voters opposed to Convention ; and that the Newspapers connected with the association will heartily uphold the policy J herein indicated and use every endeavor to' disseminate this idea among the people. Resolved 3, That there is no more effectual guide to political sentiment than an out- j spoken and independent press, and that it is , incumbent upon office-holders who are pecu- | niarily benefitted by the SUM>SH of their . means, to the sustenance of their party pa- i pcrs. ° Kelp J»E cessions OR i SINK! Jiesoloetl 4 That the Chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee of each Congressional District of North Carol.na be requested to so licit the office-holders of the District, Both State and Federal, to subscribe for a greater or less number of the Republican journals of liis District to furnish tbe Post-office address and names to the Editor, wHh a view of cir culating such newspapers among the people. The Secretary Is Instructed to seud a copy of this resolution to the Chairman of each Dis trict Executive Committee. lietolved 5, That this Association Will oppose the appointment to office of men who are unwilling to contribute to the support of Re publican and under proper cir cumstances, will use* Its intlueno. to oust offico-holders who show such illiberal spirit. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS ! Resoleeri 6, That the Association condemns the employment in Federal offices of those who are unwilling to vote the Republican ticket, and that the employment of such per sons will be deemed a sufficient cause, when ascertained, to Impel tills association to use its hiHucnc'e for tlie removal Of the heads of ftfttflfers who thus abuse tlie confidence Of the Republican party. THE USVBY LAW TO BE USED FOB THE AD VANCEMENT Or TUB BEPUBLICAN PABTT. Jlenotved 7, That the passage of the Usury Law is of doubtful fftlliiy and that it is likely to cause much distress to the people t and that While it is not recommended that the Repub lican Press shall take decided grounds for, or against it, It Is deemed advisable to take such advantage of an unpopular law as will etiure to the advantage of the Republican party. MUM O* Itßt'lflUATtuW, liexo lve>l 8, That no true Republican onto to to advocate repudiation of tbe State debt but it is deemed most fitting that Repnblican Newspapers should not at preseM discuss the question. CITIL iftutfrs A L*YIKG issfcfc/ ResoJwrf #, That at extended discussion of tbe Civil Rights Bill is deemed unad visible, but that the Republicans should nevft intimate that the bill Is wrong in principal, or' that it. Will be disastrous in its operations, and N is believed time will show the people that no evl need be apprehended from its enactment. Re*>feed 10, That the attacks Certain Democratic Newspapers upon tbe Judges of tlie Supreme Court because of the gauge de cision, is Infamous and ought to be condemned without quaHdcation, by Republican News papers. 4 RAILROAD POLICY (OH» tft THE CON HPIHATORSj-A »AIL ATTORNEY.) Reno Iced 11, That Republicans are In favor of Consolidation and that Uiey do not regard a Change of gauge detrimental to that project Imt believe if carried out lit good faith in its fell scope, that it would materially assist in building up- the North Carolina System from Morcheaa City to the Tennessee llue. syums Altfy POP Oi'NSV Resolved 13, That pungent paragraphs and rtiort articles are recommended- to our News papera. OCRS ARE TIIEFt.AI?S Of PAIR I>SLfG#T KUL PEACE." RroofoedM, Tbat the Republican Newspapers rfcprcscntctf In this Assocfatibto, whether by letter or by personal represen&tftm, wW co oj>erute so fa*' as possible in maObrs Of opln- I lon, and that they will especially refrain from disagreements add quarrels with each other, and so far aa is consistent with right and truth they agree to stand by one another. iftJLP ME. AOAIN. Ursolved 14, That this Association appeals ttf the Chairman of tha Executive Committee to urge upon the Chairman of District Commit tors ami office-holders tbe urgent necessity of sustaining the Repnblican Press of tlie Slate, leaving the matter of solicitation to- hU judg ment. ■ Rejoiced 15, That copies of these resolutions lie forwarded by tha Secretary, together with tbe proceedings of this meeting to every Re publican Newspaper here represented, and to every editor who has respouded to the rdll'by letter ; and Hit understood that these proceed ings are not to be piMshedt, but the resulutions art for the use and guidance of he editors concerned. KlLLine A MOUSE. A Keokuk lady, while engaged in th pursuit of her domestic duties, cncoun tered a mouse in the flour barrel. Nov most ladies under similar circumstance! ■would have ottered a few femiuim shrieks, and then sought safety in tb garret. Hut this one possessed mor than the ordinary degree of femiuim courage. She summoned the hired mai and told him to get tin shot-gun, eal tho bull-dog, and station himself at i convenient distance. Then she etfmbe half way up stairs, and commenced u punch the flour-barrel vigorously witl a po|e.- Presently the moose made it appearance, and started acros* the floor The dog at once went in pursuit. Tit man fired, and'the dog dropped dead The lady fainted and foil down stairs, oud the hired man, thinking that sh Was killed, and fearing that be wouh •nd has notbeeu seen "since. T^emous« 4V ACT TO CAM, € t'oHVfeNi'iiN OF TUB PEOPLE OF MOUTH i'AKOMNA. Below wtt publish the act of the late Legislature calling a Convention, of the people of the State. For conven ient reference we shall fcttep it standing until the election. As the election draws neai% disputes as to its provision will uatnrtdlv arise, and besides, people will take greater interest and desire ill informing themselves accurately as to wbatit Italy contains. WHEBEAS, The present Constitution ®F North Carolina in, in inAiiy important par ticulars, unsuited to the want* and condition of our people ; aiu l whereas, In the judgment of this General Assembly a convention of the peopfce ta tiift-oniy sure, and is besides tlie most economical mode of altering or amending it, and believing the fend in view utterly Impracti cable by legislative on account of the great number of discordant and conflicting provisions of the Constitution as It now is, now therefore. SECTION 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, (two-thirds of all mem bers of e w ch House concurring,) That a Con* vention of the people of North Carolina, toe and the same is hereby called, to MtJCt In the Hall oft the Holise of Representatives in the city of Raleigh, on Monday, 6th day of Sep tember. A. D. 1875, for the purpose of consid ering atid adopting mick amendments to the Constitution as they may dgem necessary arid expedient, subject only to the restriction here inafter provided. Sec 2. Tlic said Convention shall cotoSist of one hundred and twenty BeWgatei, and each I county shall be entitled to the same number of delegate that it has members of the House | of-Representatives under the present appor i t ion men t, and the said delegates shall natb j flie qualification required of members of the 1 House of Representatives, of which qualiftca [ tions the convention shall be the jildge. I Sec 3. On the Ist THusday of August, 1875, the sheriffs Of tlx* State shall open polls for the election of delegates to the fcald (SonVcnthm from their respective counties, and Ihe election aforesaid, and the registration fbr the same, shall be held and conducted ; the officers thereof, including registrars and judges of election, appointed ; tne votes counted and compared , result proclaimed, and certificates issued in the sanlC-manner as is provided by law for the election of members of tlic House of Representatives of the General Assembly. Sec 4. The said delegates shall be. called to order at IS o'clock on the day fixed therefor, by the Chief Justice or one of the Associate Justices of the Bupreme Court or Secretary of State, who, if there be not a Quorum, shall adjourn, them to the saint! piaffe, and frtftn Say toAlay, until a quorum shall appear i and on the appearance of a quorum be shall adminis ter to each of them the following oath: "You, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the delegate elect' shall choose,) that you will faithfully maintain and support,, the con» stitution of the United States ami several amendments' thereto, including the 13th,. 14th and 15th amendments ; aud that you will neither directly uor Indirectly evade or disre gard the duties enjoined nor the restriction im posed upon the convention by the act of the General Assembly authorising your election. So help you Go#." • Aud no delegate shall be permitted to sit or be entitled to a seat in said convention, or ac as a delegate thereto, until he shall have sub scribed the above oath or affirmation ; and as sooto as a majority of the delegates elcet shall have llrtM appeared been sworn in, they ■ball (hen proceed to elect their own presiding officer, and sutli other OfHteft and servants as ♦hey, from time to time, shall find neeessary ; and if vacancies shall occur, they sfraH be fill ed in the same manner as the like vacancies are Ailed by law in the cdfee of vacancies In the General Assembly. Said convention shaft have nd power to consider, debate, adopt or propose any amendment to the existing Con stitution 6t ordinance upon the following sub jects : The Itouißstcad and Personal Property B*- emptions, the mechanics' and laboVer*' lteir. and the rights of married women, as now se cured by law, nor to alter or amend section 8 or 5, article V, of eald constitution, nor change the ratio between the poll and property tax as therein established; nor ihal> the said conven tion have power to prApose or adopt any anyndinent or ordinance vacating any office or term of office now existing and filled 1 or held by virtue of any election or appointment under the existing constitution and laws, until the same shall be vacated or expired under exist ing laws ; but the «aid convention may recom' mend the abolishment of any office when the • present term therein shall expire or vacancies docur, aud they may provide for filling such vacancies, otherwise than- as now, and limiting the terms thereof. Nor xhaH'tlie convention adopt or to propoaa any plan or amendment o. i scheme of compensation to the owners of emancipated slaves, nor for the payment of liability or debt incurred wholly or in"part in aid of the lark" war between the States, nor M the restoration of Imprisonment for debt; nor shall they require or propose any educational' or property qualification for office or voting; nor shall said convention pass any ordiauccs legislative In their character, except such as are necessary to submit the amended constitu tion to the people for thel rratificatlon or rejec tion, and to convene the tiencral Assemby. Sec. 5. The constitution, a amended, shall be submitted to the people for ratification or rejection, and shall not be binding until the same shall have been ratified* by the qualified voters of the Stale, and' the eonvantion thai prescribe the mode whereby the seme of-the people therein stall be taken and recorded; Bee. ft. There shall'be printed-immediately ten topics of this act for cadi member of the General Aaaemoly, and one hnndred copies within thirty days after ratification for each board of conutv commissioners; ahdtbe t*e of the registrars and Judges of election in thdlr respective counties; and this act shall be in force and take effect from and alter lis ratlflca i tion. , Ratified thelOth day of March, A. D. 18T5. rnmm I'OLMED VOTER IN MOITII CAROLINA. The Columbia Union Herald, Bfr publican, says ot-the colored electors of Sooth Carolina: "Ifit wore certain that they are to remain lor any considerable time as ignorant as they are to-day, there would not bo a shadow of a party lin the United States favorable to the universalsuffrage experiment. It is the hope of a speedy improvement in their qualification that makes their existence as political factors tolerable to the mass es of the whites.- It is with sorrow, then, that we are'obliged to believe that th&v are in a great degree respon sible for the existence of sogreßtanevil as incompetent teachers in our public schools.'-' ADVERTISEMENTS. SUPERIOR COIRTi Aluaauce Couulfi OABKIETSL. LEA, A. LEA, MARIA L. Mrto*E GEORGIA LEX, xvt> JlsiE Numniom Plaintiffs ' For Relief. NOUA'LKA. Special Prooecd ftefendaht.) lu 4*- STATE OF NOHTH AKOMNA, To the Sheriff of Alamance connty—Greet- You arehcreby feonunanded to summon Nora Lea, the defendant abovenamed if she betound within your County to appear at the office of he clerk of the Superior Court for the County )f Alamance within twenty-six days after the icrvitte of tbls s«himYtoft Vjnhcrtexciiteive of the lay of service, and answer the complaint vhleh will be deposited in the office of said :lerk withii ten days from the date of this summon*: And let said defendant take notice hat if she fail to answer the complaint., within hat tlmejthepttdntms willl api*vltf WcCourt or the relief demanded lit Mic t-omplamt. Herein fail liot and of tliis summons make luo retdrn. „ ; ' .. ~ Mven under mp hand and seal of said Court. Clerk of the Superior Coiirt Alamaucb County. tTAMES E. BOYD; Attorney for Plaintiffs. • In the above entitled action it appeaijiiig to he satifaetion of the Court that the defend mt is a non-resident of this State; i .It is order ed that service of summonfe be had upon her >y publication in tliii ALAMANCE CII-EANEK a lewspaper pdblished weekly in this County, incc a wfeelt for eix weefah » >one in office at Graham, I Wn the Bth day of May, J -18*5. ■ ) W: A. ALBRITLHT, C. S. C. Alamance COuilty. - oHtham, N. £>, tIEAI.EHS IS Dry-Goods; Groceries ttardw&re, NROIV, HTEEL. HALT.MOI'ASIB OIL.*. VVE'STDPFR. BBUSSI MKDICINGH) LARD. l»AC©lf, A-tt. Set. Terms Cash or Barter. , feb 15-2 m Pumps! Pumps!! THOMAS S. ROBERTSON, Company Shops ; i\T. C-., I manufacturing and selling {lie best and tnEAPEtri* PBJIPS ver offered to the people of this State. Tiifcse limps arc as durable as wooden pumps Can be iftdij. I'hey are easy as any one wanting atcr fc'tniM w'lsh. They arc sold as cheap as ly one who proposes to buy could asu. Pumps delivered anywhere on short notice, iach pump warranted. The mauufactijrer ufers to every pump of Ills in use. Not one as ever failed.- .. ... ... f6b &-ly Vew Drug Store. TTI" Tl" 7^ t>R. S_. |IURPtIY Respectfully notifies th«'public that lie has pened a complete and well filled DRUG TROE at Company Shops^ rhere anytlrhfg kept in a well ordered Drug fore may be' found. The physicians of the county and the.pubilc enerally, are invited to patron lee this new nterprise. An experienced drinrgist—a resju ir graduate In pharmacy, is in cliarge, so that hysiclans an# the public may rest assured liat all presections aud or*tftrs wHI be cor eWHv audi carefully filled. ' Prides as reasonable as i'an be afforded, feb 16-2 m TASK MADE tJASf, 1 By the use of the 'HflravMea #IBNER iifpiofifi Hay Rake, Marfrtfatturfid by J()lfN & CO./ V Dayton, Ohib. hit* la IHa nlf Pfrfrct Rclf-Qfcralirfll ItXKK v«r offered to Uie public. Any 11WW girl of oy that can drive a gentle' horse, can rake the av as well as the strongest man. Circular* sent free on application. GEO. A. CURTIS, Agent. Graham, N. C. JlfcE GREENSBORO PATRIOT BATABIiIMIIIID 1891! Published weekly in Greensboro, N. C. by )uity & Albright, at #4.10 per year in advance -postage liicludcd. .. It is Democratic-Conservative in politics and tbors zealously fcr the material prosperity >f the South generally and North Carolina particularly, v ifHotftli Cafolfathtis abi'oad shbtild uot be without it. Specimen copies free. 7^ OHTTHIG AND MAKING. Robert A. soelly Offcrs bis services as a Tailor, to the Ills shop is at his residence, in lwUhm*m. It. t: . Hi* work Warranted, in iff and flhiali. " QLASBICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. JAMBS T. CBQCKBR-, Principal,- . The sixth session of this school will com mcnce on Monday, 10th day Of July, 1875, art continue for SO week*. Tuition from *IO.BO to *20.50 per sestoft Board can be obtlined at reasonable rates For further particulars addrw* the Princips at Graham, N. C. j. A#- SCOTT, Gtuham, 2f. C., AFCEAT far the i'drkraM STLEFF PIANOS AND OfiGAN, Send for illustrated catalogue and price lis ADVERTISEENTS. fJIfO VALUABLE FAItMS For Sale. Having, a large quantity of land, I wish Vrt dispose of tli'O following described plantations: First:—Tlie farm-known a* tlie RutHn Quar ter place, situated in Alamance county on the waters of Haw river and Big Alamance, con taining » Two Hundred and Seventy 'u* Acrdsj one third timber, tlie balance In a flqe state of cultUmion Upon Wis fMttai wfcfch is tionVß niently aud healthfully Mfcated, Mro mile? south of Graham,' the coiinU seat, is a fin« young orchard consisting of WOO younirfrolt trees, of choice varieties, cartjßllly solecral; r .'ood dweliilg-hotise and all necessary Ov' houses for cropers," tenants, or laborers. —lu every way a djrstrftble farm. Becond i—lw. faWB knbwn as the B'Jba place containing Two Hundred and Seventy* Three Acres* ~ lying Wtif miles south of Company Shops, BB tM 3*ters of Big Alamanfce Within a tew hun ired yardS »f Alamance Factory. . Of this FafTh aMiUt ode half is VleiitVd, and In d fine itate (If tiilttvatlßH, the balance in original 'rowtU. Upttol H. are two homesteads, both of illicit are comfortable and conveuieutly loca ;ed. These farms arc adapted to the growth of 'rain of all kinds, tobacco, clover and grasses. Jpon each are large meadows, in good contli ion, I also wish to sell A - Valuable Water pbWfer iii ItaW. river, attached to which are about orty acres of land ; or as mu6h as may be lesired. This valuable property is on both ides of Haw river eight miles from Mebanes ille, on the N. C. Railroad, and is improved j the following extent: - ' . There is an excellent dam, recently and sub taiitiaUy built, affordfilg a heart of water, rifalling, and sufficient to run any quautity nd quality of machinery. Eligible sites on oth sides of the river. Thre is a grist aud aw mill In operation, a good store house, Mlr ?r'e house,and some shanties. , Terms made easy. For particulars audres.B ither myself, or B. 8, Parker, attorney at law, iraham P. 0., Alaiil&fifcfe Cbuttty, ,N, C; W. R. ALBIGHT. If the above described water power is ntft uon sold I would like a partner, or partners rith some capital, to engage in manufactur ig. W. R. 3. raHXSSI®. R: FORBIS & BROTHER; (under the 3ei)bow Ilall,) GREENSBORO, N. C„ eep eoustintly on' hand a KotnplCte ttsso'ft-* lCrtt of FURNITURE: Repairing Of efery escription, including Upholstering neatly dotie. Theif stock consists of CKIAffILBBB SETS, anging in price from $25.00, to $500.00 ; tfflcr, Dining-Boam, Parlar and Rock tug Chain, Barenai, Warifriskr?, Btfliaem D«ilm, Mafc«,Cribs, Cra dles and Trandle-Bedtt Tar the little Talks, fflattresses ana Hprinf Bed* of every va ttrtf Attit Hat>rftcks and any and everything in the nfnitUre line. Their stock is tlie largest and lost complete ever offered in this portion of lie State. They defy competition in quality r price.- tfpiw.'Sfn Valuable Book. I am the authorized agent f6fr fiie CottWtW'f f Atamauce and Orange, for the sale of the fe, travels, adventures, experiences and .ihicveinents, of Kit: fitltf fiITINGBTOKE, in the UtfAtr If AfWca. This work contains over eight hifntfred pagetf nd is illustrated with over otrts huntfiW etf ravings. The prlfcs of the Book is eiceeding f loW. 1 Will visit each family in the two 20,2 m Company Shops, N. 0. 3 C. ROBERTSON,' DEAtE# (3-rave StofieS ANI) MONUMENTS. (jflteKSsAoiwy it. . DISTILLEY FOB SALE. Capacity sftjhty gallons per day. Also* ;A*ntT*BYe babels ptrre C«hf Whiskey, made ' iMfctffcoli ft CO; Address W. R. ALBRIGHT, feb 23 Graham, N. C. --i.vv-j .y.v \ . "" ; JUST RECEIVED. Two Hogsheads old fashioned Cuban Mo- UMs. Hfe* crdp. * . W Ifr. AtBRIGHf. QDELL, ItAGAN & CO., WHOLATALK E A ITERS flfr General Merchandise,' Kt> lOUtl FOB Dedar Falb aad Dm#' Biter Shwtiajit Tawii aad leaakn Bap, Haiti aad Baadlwaaa*! Plaids, Vrk** ** Salens" JTeaas. VlUe Cdbsiaaeifa and Krkea-' hieecher'a Stank. GREENSBORO, N.C. aprSO-yl L . ' ■ II I** 4 -!.! I JgDWARDS, BROUGHTON & CO. .lytatero * TOIMfH*, RALEIGH, N. C. , ■ , •PFICK OF Tfafe ■. ; . Alamance Gleaner* % WefcaiHlV* MetttJfef W bMh'c to ihe ippteaHulcte (if * ,iJ *~j ■ , ']' . vtv- • ~ t wiU be fhttilslied to Bubserlbers,Untll further lotlce, dt the WAt rate df 9iiM Per ArfritfM, ( . ' 1 "HE PUBLISHERS PA TlKil ALL POST AGE. tttyafcfe ill Act Vance. Ouf aim Will be to ift'ak# the G(EEANER K~FIRST- LASS FAMILY MRTFT \ (ff trirf w»#Wl.' It contain iftl the Local Nfews of the bounty, State News, the most Important Telt raphic News of the week and Carefully Sc.- cted Miscellaneous Matter. , ■• **. • It will be a paper which no family in Ala dtttftfie Coiihty (!au afford" to be without. TIIE aWA prove of •articular interest to former residents in this ection, now living iu other parts of the coun ty, aha to all such it will be V Hallii «/ «ar ii#»i «r MkMriflicri' prlci. O 4 We the value if cne . ,i• . - . v-' ' wk' ,; ' " : A* jMfaniWflf HcSdAl'. . • . »•■ . AcflA •# M NTATH. WIJT your moiicy ibflere it vnll'db the mod good and subtcribe at once to the GLEANER. 7 BARKER & JOHNSON, Publishers,' _ APPRAISEMENTS. Hi Pr. J. Wafer's California Yin feghr 11 jtterS hre & purely Vegetable preparation, hiade from tho na* live herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sibrra Novada mountains of Califor- ' uia, the miedicinal properties of whicli are extracted therefrom without the uso of Alcohol. The . question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of tho unparalleled Buccess of VINEGAR BIT T TKRST" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re? fcoveri hia healthy .'they are the great blood purifier and a lite-giving principle; a perfect Renovator a,ud InvigofAtor of the system. Never before ill the history of tho world has & medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable* qualities of V INEOAB BITTERS in healing the Sck of every disease man is heir to. They Is a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Biliooi V of DR. WALKBRM VINEGAR BITTERS are Aperient, Diaphoretio; Carminative, Nutrition?, Laxative, Diuretic; Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sndorific, Altera tive, MA AnUßllious. , Grateful Thousands proclaim Yi»- feGAR BiTTKRS the most wonderful In-, vigorint that ever sustained the sinking system; . N Q Person cftn take these Bittersi afcC{Jlh|lllg tb .djtebtions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by qiineral poison or other c||aDjs; and vital organs beyond Bilious; Itemittent arid Inter mittent Feyers, Which are so preva lent in tbO valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States* especially .those of the Mississippi! Illinois, Tennessee, Citmberland, Arkan sas, sed, Colontdb, Brazos, Kio Grande, Pqarl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, With their vftfV tributaries, thVoughput our Entire fcb'aritry durirtg the Sutler and Autumn, and remarkably so wiring sca 6ote of unusual heat and dryness, aro by extensive de rangfeifienta of the and liver,, and other abdominal viss&r&' In their treatment, a purgative, ciertibg h pow tyful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially uofcessaryi Thero is no cathartic for the purpose equal to SR. J. WALKER'S YIXEGAR a® they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid mattCf* with which tho, bowels are loaded, at tho saruo timd Stimulating the secretions of the liver; ftnd generally restoring the h'6alth.y fatictfofiS' of the digestive organs' , Fortify, the body against diseiisiA. fcy purifying all its fluidt} with ViJiEGAiC BriTEiisf:.Ko epidemic can fafid hold of $ system' fhus forg-armed.' .. „ llysp'epsia or Indige4ioriJlte.au ttfche, Pain in tho Shoulders, gorighs* Tightness of tho Chest, DUzinbss, Bout, EruCtatiortS of tho llad TastO hi tho Mouth, Bilious AttatkSj Pal pit A', ration Of tho Heart, Inflammation of thO LutigSj Pain in tho region of the Kid • ftoysj and a hundred otjier painful dVmp fomsy arO tho Offsprmgtfbf One bottle will prov6 i' bettor guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise • 0 -j,. • .. 1 ~Scrofrila, or Khig's 1 Evil, WCIFd Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores/ Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. IQ fbese, as ia all other constitutional Dis eases, WALKER'S .VrtfftjA* BITTERS have, snowil jSuritive powers in the mou obstffiAte and mtrifctablo cases 4 • ..For Inflammatory And Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the' Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder," these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases arocaused liy Vitiated Blood. Mechanical ft fiseases.— Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as' Clumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as the* advance in life, are subject] to paralysis of the Bewels. To guard against this, take a dose of WALKER'S YIX EOAR BITTERS" ocysionally. For SKin meases, fiftiptiOtfe,Tet ter, Ejifltßheum, iMOtfc'Hes.Spots, Pimples,' Pustulik; Boils, CafrbuiiclSL Ring-worms,' Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch,' Scurfs,' Discoloration* of the. Skin," Humors tind Diseases of thfc Sldn of whatever name or nature, are literally dog op and carried; ont of the system in a short time by the Use of these Bitters. _ . Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of*so many thpnsands, are effectually destroyed ahd remoVfed. No furstem of medicine, po," vermifuges, no an-' taelminitics will free the system from worms' like these Bitters. . JFor Female Complaints, in young OT dlm manried or single, ai the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soob perceptible, .Cleanse the' Vitiated Bloogvrtien-; ev«r yon find its impurities bnrstmg through w skin in Pimplm* or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstrhcted and waggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is ffltu; your ft»lirij& will : tell you when. Keeg, fte blood pure,'and the Health of the systtin IHU foUow.' H. H. McBoHALb A CO.. SrogKUU and Gen. A»rt«.. San Frmnciaeo, California and car. of Washington and CharitiHi Su., N. V. Sold by all I>ru*«l«*» aad Dcaltn. ATIONAL' lIbTEL, Delightfully situated, next to capitol Square BAtEIUH, nr. c. A NEW IIOUSB. Fine Booms, weU Tarnished and Fitted op in the Best Btvle. • , . C. S. BROWN, Proprietor.

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