THE GLEANER. GRAHAM, N. G~AUGIST .% 1873. Local, State and General. W. T. JOLINSOX, EDITOR, Tlr. John f!. ICoberlNo'ii, of Company Nlio|»«, IM our anlhorizeil HKnit in rr »iib»erii>lioii«,Pu«l rt;ccsi»l for tho Kumr, * I 1 FOII 4 o\Vi:>lio\: E. 8. PARKER. On last Sunday UKl: timing in fhts nlace, a'_ 't •! a nrief illness, died liule Laura, infant daughter of James 11. and Laura Holt, "" The Corporrtnrs ortlicf l?kcip Kfvef ' haw and Dayviile K,;ii lioad Company mot In tliis place last Saturday. Full proceedings of ti!« nwet'uig shall appear np«t week. v We are ' sorry that we cannot get tliem i.j this week. " 1 >ied, at the residence of her father Col. •Jesse liant, iu this motility on' ttie SOth of -last 'nimtli, Miss CiiHßie (hint. She was in the l.lomi of womanhood, with life before her, but thus it is, in the midst of our fondest hopes and brightest prog]-cot* we are cut down. The trTqgrnph Iwings us rl>e nev s;?-* the sad-.- doffdeutli of Andrew Johnson, cx-I'rjjsidont of the Ciiiteii Stauifoud 'tit the tHnc' of d jath I hi ted States Senator from Tennessee, He wa« stricken with paralysis oil' last YVediiea d y,,aud died on Saturday, lie never spoke after the strokj. He I 'died at his daughter's :n Tejiie'itiue. ' . • •••• -. • Diidin connty at his residence an the List of .July, Mr, F. It. Freeman. The Doctor was well knpwn in the eoun'y, and had many w.u'ln liitn ;.s. lie was at the time of his d'Tilth of the Hoard of County I Cluuiissioiicis He was, as a physician much beloved, and as a man he was sociable and genUi. His loss wil 1 be more deeply felt by those who knew him best. '-*■ Dog days begin to-inoi'roW and close on the l-'lli. During this time occurs the heated term uf the blood. Iti'iiM'iiibrr j oirr li«tr. JVFM Thurm'n ever? true man i«rx|HTlCii(o volts There are live cotton factories iti op. peration in this connly, two more being built; one of which, the diuicii ions are filly by two-hundred fec>t> DEATH .—Mrs. 1 tcbecca Harden rSftct of John Harden, departed this life on 'the 2Gth ulto., Mrs. Harden led a"n ex emplary and christian life and died at the advanced age of 81 years, | Mr. Ed. F. fin ill, tl.e popular photograph • arlist will pitch his tent on tl c court house yard, cmirt week, and alf.jrd to those \vantiug pictures of, tliemsi Ives and families a:i oppor. , t mity of getting tl.em. His work is sufficient evidence his qualification as being a good artist. At the last regular meeting of Gra ham Lodge No. 23, f. O. G. T., the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: J. T. Crocker W. C. T. ; Miss. Ame lia Longest, W. V.. T.; S. G. McLean, Secretary: George Williamson, F. S ; Miss Kate Klapp, Treasurer; A. B! Tate, Chaplain; Junius Harden Mar shal; Miss Jinnie Albright, I. G.: W. T. Johnson, Sentinel; Miss- —— A. S.; Mies Ada Denny, D M.; Miss SallieT)euny, li. H. S.; SHss Mary- Albright, L. il. 8. Unnarrafl ice Ihm crrrj man in jr»«r ■o wnnhipxoti* l*o tbo palla an next Thar*, ■lay aud voir. LIGHTNING. —Wo have thought it strange that there is so mi ch more property destroyed, and so many more lives lost by lightning than was in form er years. Wc don't know how it is, but certainly it is so. We have noticed explanations from scientific men. They say that destructions of both life and prbperty from this cause will continue to increase, unless there is precaution taken to prevent it. We kuow that almost every day, as we notice from onr exchanges, there is damage done by lightning, either lives lost, or property burnt up and destroyed. There is not a county, nor scarcely a neighborhood | that has not suffered in that way. It becomes us all to do whatever we ifeay to protect our lives and our property. We areglad to know that we can do this with no trouble and very little ex pense to ourselves. Our couuty-mau J. M. Elder is ready to put up for you the atest improved lightning-rod which is n sure protection. Like everything else, there are a few who dou't believe in 'them, but then, the fact remains that whenever they are put up both life and property has ever lieen sale. No accident has occured to cither life or property where they have been. Mr Elder is a proficient in his Business. His jobs on both the Benbow, and McAdoo House in Grceusboro are said to be uu. surpassed, lie is doing a great deal of work in dttr county. Prudent peopl e are everywhere taking the precaution to protect their lives and property. It is too late aflcr your barn or house is destroyed, or some number of your family killed. All you have to do is to notify Mr. Elder and he will protect you against lightning. He will wait on yon at once. Obtain his services and r feel easy and sale. That these rods arc a protection is evidenced by the fact that no honse protected by them has * 'ever been struck. SEUIOUS STAISIHNG APFUA* AT FOB KSTVII.LE.-A serious stabbing aflVnv oc curred yesterday at Forestville, in which Mr. Samuel Merrill, of this city, was seriously stabbed in the lteft breast in the region of the heart, by a man by tbe name of Richard Thompson, it I appears that Thompson "was in debted to Mr. Merrill for groceries which he purchased while living in this' city about eighteen months ago, and that the dispute, which resulted in the cutting, arose from Mr. Merrill's re questing the'settlement of the account. • Immediately ftfter the sad occurrence a telegram was sent to Dt'. Alston, his family physician, requesting him to go to Forestville at once, who, accompan ied by Mrs. Merrill and seven:! Others, took a special at, i> o'clock last night to render medical aid to the sufferer. When they arrived it waS thought he could not possibly survive, but in a short time the wounded man com menced tdfehow signs of improvement, "and by tS o'clock his condition Was such as to justify ait attempt, to bring him home. lie arrived home about two o'clock, and we are gratified to learn from his physician that he is now thought to be out of danger, ami -high hopes arc atfiertained for his rcc D verr.— Coiisl itu- Won. -..." * FLEEING FUOM TEAH'TATIOX.—A mem 0K of the colored church was the other ..evening conversing earnestly with ah acquaintance, and seeking to have him changed into better paths, but the friend said that he was too often tempted to permit him to becoiiHJ a Christian. Whar's your backbone,' dat ye can't rose up stands teuitalion! ! exclaim ed the good man. 'I was dat way my self oitfifc. Kight in this here town I had a chance to steal a pair ot boots —mighty idee ones too. Nebodv was da'r'to see me, and I reached out my hand and de debbil said take 'eiu- Don a good spin-it whispered fur me let dem boots alone.' '•Aii' you didn't take em?' "No, sah—not much. I took a pa'r o' cheap shoes offde shelf ah' left dem boots alone!"- —Vicksburg Herald. . "" ' Only twoduiNlo «vork for llir MUCCOMN of the conservative ' , Says the Greenville lleyister concern ing the crop prospects in Pitt county: "A few days ago we were in the coun try as far as Farmville by the way of Marlboro. As far as can bo judged by an out side looking oyer the fence, Pitt county never had a fairer prospect for a large corn and cotton yield. A great many of the farmers have laid by thteir ' com and have turned their attention to their cotton. We learn the wheat crop was very good this year, avid we hope ur fanners will plant more corn and tvlicat and buy less flour and pork: when this is done our country will be prosperous."- „ The Boston/W reports that a Euro pean lady recently sold a kiss for $2 , 000, while a lady passenger who sued a Western conductor forkissiug her got only $1,000; and the latter suui the iW/ thinks is contemptible compared with, the lormer. This is certainly so; hut \f. is still more contemptible compared with the profits of kissing among reli gious people in Brooklyn. Nothing like the sum there realized by kjising was ever before heard of in the world. VANCE ON THE HOM^STEA^. —"The Radicals say that if we'get a majority iu the Convention, we will overthrow the Homestead law, ho that sayeth so is a tool or a liar. For would wc destroy the law that gives ns our homd, where our children have becri born and reared —where they have died and been car ried forth to their last resting place. I say no, we'will yot, and he that sayeth so, is both a fool and a liar."—Senti nel. ltev. Dr. Burkhead Elder of the Shel_ : by District, wiff succeed Rev. Mr. Mau_ j gum iu Edenton street M. E. church. { Dr. B, i? an eloquent and noble Chris- j tian Minister, and wiirmake our friends of Edenton street church rejoice at his j coming, though they lament the depar ture of tteir well-beloved and gifted pastor, who goes to another high sphere of usefulness.. Dr. B. will be welcom ed back to Raleigh.— Sentinel. We learn that ffie first sale of goods j by the Wilmington Cotton Mills was 1 made yesterday. This, we understand j is the fir: t sal - ot the same quality of : goods south of Mason and , Dixon's hue. We are glad tochroniclo this fact, as furnishing an indication of a still further tfaridc in the march o* commercial improvement and prosperi ty.—Star. . SOJTB EGG. —Mr. Harry Reed showed na a hen's egg yesterday which meas ures seven and a half inches in circum ference one way, six inches the otlier, and weighs three and a quarter ounces. The hen is of medium size, aud goes right along laying this sort every- day.— Patriot. _ Dortch and Cox are actively canvass ing Wayne county. The Goldsboro 'M'issenrjcr says the county is sure for the Democrats by 200 majority. Hie Grcmsboro Patriot of the 28th ulto says: Thefe was a full jail delive ry last night, ' Lydia Cruthis, being unwell, was allowed- the privilege of the passage, upon which the cells open anil she by means unknown procured a case knife which had been converted in to a nice little saw—with this she sawed (lie lock ot the cell in which King and Durham were, who being freed them selves did similar services for the bal ance of the prisoners. Nine escaped, two returning of their own accord this morning. t:till at large are, Jo sepli King, U. prisoner, on charge of counterfeiting; Thos. Andrews, biga. my 5 James Graves, (CKI.) burglary; JuntosDurhaln, (sentenced to be hung, and to be re-sentenced) for rape ; licwis' LJrown, (col.) rape; James Devaultand Lydia Cruthis, larceuv. Somebody in St. Louis has come across a letter written nearly eighty years ago, and sent with a wedding gift ot a handkerchief to a young lady on the eve ot her marriage. The letter says; "I send youi dear girl atj eu chanted handkerchief. If you hold it tight to your mouth when you feel, some hundred ye/us hence, (after the honeymoon) like finding fault with your husband, it will have a very good eilcct. 1 have used one fur twenty years, and found'it always eflectual?'—-.Ei'- chfthge. The oIU lady might as well have saved hor handkerchief and her good advice also, bal verily, vSrily the lat ter win not be followed. 'lf yo'utag Wo men were deprived of the privilege and relief of finding fault with their hus bands, tjie wprld would be draped in funeral coious t'Oi them, and life itself would be Uut A shadowy cave.—HeuHt. A CASE'OF SUXSTROKE.^-Yesterday morning between 10 and 11 o,clock a youiig son ot'ilr. Barnes Whituker, o f this county, wliile standing by a load of wood which he had broWghtto town, foil in front ot Pepper's Saloon, Wil mington street, Iromthc effects of the heat of the sun. ilo was removed to Mr. Pepper's eating Saloon and his head bathed in ice-water and a small quantity of water and whiskey admin istered to him, which served resuscitate him. Dr. Little was called in, and in the course of a couple of hours the young man wassuflijicntly recovered to be carried home.— jS r ews The says: In all this section the corn crop promises an unprecedented yield aiid throghout the South the corn crop present year bids fair to be tl)e best since the war, and as good as any within tlierec_ olleotion of the very oldest planter. Cotton is very-promising in every seel ion oi North Carolina. Hon W. A. Graham left Here on Sat. urelay morning to attend the meeting of the Boundary Commission of Virginia and Maryland which meets at Saratogo on (he 30th inst. Jle was accompanied by/Mrs. Graham and son Mr. A. W. yraham. — Recorder. / A teacher in the Port Jervis public schools was last week explaining to the children tlmt usually all words ending with let'' meant something ktuall, as streamlet, rivulet, hamlet, etc. W hereupon a smart boy asked if hamlet meant a small ham. Prof. Donaldson, who went up in a balloon, and was supposed to be drown ed in one of the lakes, has been heard from between South Haven and Nau gatuefc. He was exhausted, and re quired medical aid, which was sent him from South Haven. "How old is your m&mlha?" asked a |ove-smittcii old bachelor jf the daugh ter of the widow who had enchanted ftvm. "I dou't kuow sir; ma's age va ries Irom lorty-threc to twenty-five," was the artless reply, and the bachelor was disenchanted. One of (he objeets the Civil Bights bill was to put tbo poor white child by the side of the negro. The Radicals will force this upon us if they coutrol the Convention. Mr. C. W. Malone has become asso ciated iu (he editorial management of the Asheville Expositor. r • - - * ■f Wilted sliirt collars ami palmetto fans are the most fashionable articles for the street promenade now. Thirtv-one mills have closed at Dim dec. Twelve thousand persons are out of employment. Neither emidoyers or operatives will yield. (Jen. Sewall, successor of Long Per ry, will remove his Revenue hcadqnar. tcrs to Richmond. A large shark was captured 111 Nor folk some days ago. On Saturday the 24th, there were five cases of sunstroke iu C'iacifinatti. The dog tar in Tennessee, for the coming year, is estimated at #300,000. • The people of London are agitating the subject of a statue to Lord lJyrbn. i Hon. A. M Waddell is doing yeoman service in the east. The Homestead is in no danger The solemn oath of the delegates who sit in the Comentiou, and the restrictionsim" posed by the Legislature, makes itim. possible for that question to be touched in any way whatever, Remember that the Conservative candidates in this county have already publicly pledged themselves on the stump to take the oath and observe the restrictions.— Sen. " Amen! amorfT shouteuaCed-ir Rapid* .parson,' :it the c[eg;uit *cniarKs .of :i st ang\ at hi camp-meeting. Sudd l h* the parson turned 1 his- eyes on the man and jumped up screamed, "Catch him, brothers, catch l.iin! He's the three card montc man that get my last month's salary," This is the fact, and the inonte man is now in jail at Cedar Rapids. The Coroner's jury in the case of Thomas Crawford, the colored convict from the Penitentiary who was shot and killed at the work-house in New ' Hanover a few days since whiie attemp ting to escape, returned a verdict jas tifyiHg the guard Ibr killing him. The Citizen brings from over tli'e mountain. The Radical speakers are catching tartars 911 every hand. - Wherever these officeholders are followed up by Democratic speakers they fly the track. A half dozen of their speakers have been driven from tire field. —«• . . When a bry falls and peels the skin ofl his noso, the first thing ho does is to get up »nd yell. When ,'a'girl tumbles and hurts herself badly, the first thing she does is to get up and look at her dress. Remember that the majority cf the Radical politicians of North Carolina arc committed to the Civil Rights bill, and that the controlling elements iu said prrly have openly avowed them* selves iu favor ol the faw. ' Raleigh lias recently enacted a law by-which persons are fined who treat unmercifully, or otherwise maltreat any horse, mule or ox or any animal within the corporate limits. It is agood laV. Remember that the work of the. Con ventiou is to be submitted to every vo ter in State before )t R bocomes the law qf the land. Tlie Constitution must and will bif submitted to the people for ratification or rejection. The Receiver of tlio Great Western Telegraph Company has been granted permission to sell that. corporation at auction 011 the first of October. Says the-rsCharlotte Qjjterosr: The people of the StatcMglle District are still wondering why Gov. BnJklcu dues riot give them a Judge. Judge .Mit&ell resigned nearly two mouths aud the vacancy remains. The pcoplo of thu District are beginning to wUh that his ex cellency would "let up" on learning verses for the present and give them a Judge." 1 ' Texas not only now raises enough grain for her own consumption hut call spare some for her less fortunate neighbors, and instead of seeing the wharves..of Uijivctilou filled with huge quantities of grain, imported .from abroad at .immense cost, is utiw heard the shrill wnistie of the locomotive as it draws loaded trains of grains to vessels tor export. Prof. Janney telegraphs to the Secretary of the Interior that he has fouml gold in paying quantities in the Block llili, and a good head of water amply suflicicnt for washing purpo ses.. lie reports miners pouring into the liills from all dirtx-lious. A terrible earthquake iu Soutn America. U - gether With the eruption of a new volcano, has destroyed several towus, much property and a large dtirnlKfr of people. Tlio i>ti|ilm Record suys in all tiuU | section thu com crops promiicb au lui- , rjIUE LOST CAUSE. A magnificent picture 14x 18 inches In •lee. It represents a confederate soldier after the war returuiug to hi* home, which he lituU lonely aud desolate. Iu froul of the ruined cottage, tailing a sad tale of the miseries of war, are two grave# with rude crosses, on one of which aotue friendly 4 hand baa hung a gar land. To the right the c*hn river and rising moon indicate peace aad rest. The *tars, seen between the trees, roprfeseat the Southern cross. Iv is a picture that will touch every Southern heart, and 'ihonld Uud a place in every Southern hodic. Sent by liiall, mount ed on a roller, andpuxt paid, on receipt of 36 cents, or three for fifty cents. Address Southern Picture Co.. Nashville, Tcnn. QDEL.L, ItAGAN k (Xfc, • ,* S&'J '' . ...jUwi'. llt* .. - W HOhESALE KAI.KR.-j IN , > " General Merchandise, f '' NO AOENTS roR . I'nlar Valla aa Deep Hirer ilkrsdajs l Yarns, aad (kaailns Rag*, Haiti aad Uaadleasaa'* Plaid*, Frits' " Nalsa" lemma. CharUl Ms. Tilla Caaaiasers aad Erk^a • 'Z£"" krrrrhrr'a Mlarrt. CIIELN.SBOIiO. N. C. v, ' i , COMMERCIAL. Graham Market. . * CORRECTED WEEKLY 1 •COTT A DONIVIfLI,, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 1875. Apples, dried, .V |t> 8(&10 " green, V bushel, 1.00 Beans, I* busii .1.25(5) 1.50 Butter ¥lt>.. i ' we 33 Beeswax V tb ; 20m25 Bacon sides V tt> 18(a) 15 (•boulders, ¥'lt> 10(3>12>^ " hams ' . 15(5)18 Beef¥tb 5(S>6 Blackberries, dried,... .... Bark, snsafras rocts V tb . 4a5 Castings, old Vtb % i 1 Cloth, tow and coMrfn, ¥ yd...... . 90a25 Corn ¥ bush 1.00®1.10 * Chickens eaeb 25(53H0 Cotton, tint, ¥tb indeed ; .0* ' Clover seed, ¥ bushel ...... 1)0 ? Ducks ¥ pair i;... ' 30(5)50 J Eggs V. dor. f Flour, fainilv. ¥ bbl 6.50@7.00 supr"?bbl ...8.60(5)7.00 Feathers.V lb 30&50 Furs, fubblt, ¥ dozen, 25@30 " opossum, each, 05(5)10 " muskrat " ... 10(g) 15 •' coon " .......... jJjMttO 11 " house eat " ..V 05(4)10 otter 3.00a5.00 Ifay V UK) tb «M 0 Hides, gf-cfeen, V tb 0.W06 •'.fry, ¥th r 13 3>K Ltf&ytb...: 16@30 Meal, th B§4M Oats, seed ¥ bush ..;. i'7s@ao. . Onions ¥ bush , 75fi)l.W " sets ¥ quart..„... v ...... QMro ' Peas IP bush. j ~100(5)1.25 Potatoes, Irish V bush ....,. .1.00@1.25 " sweet " .* 75(5)1.00 ' Pork V tt> 08(S)10 Peaches; dried, peeled,.. 15@20 ■ " " unpceled, 06(5)08 Rags ¥ lb 025)2>£ Shingles V th0u5and............ 2.50(5)5.00 Tallow T tb 08(5)10 Wood V cofd.. .„ 3.00(|)2,50 • 4 ' C«itt|ittnjr MhopN Market. » CORRECTED WEEKLY BY j. Q. GANT & CO. ,' , Tuesday, Jbn£ 27, 1875. Apples, dried, V lt> ..*..... 9(5)11 green. ¥ bu5he1.1.36(8)1.50 Beans ¥ bushel 1.00(5)135 Butter ¥ tb ..; ;Sh Beeswax ¥ lt» 4 35 Bacon, sides, ¥ lb ,t.......... 12W(»1.1 i' shoulders, 10(5)12^ " hams, 15»lt , Beef ¥ It* .V 5;« Blacklwrrtese ¥ tb... •ftjw} Corn ¥ bushel,...; 90(81.00 Chickens, each 15(6 25 Cabbage. ¥ head i 2(5)7 Cotton, lint, ' tM3i(S.I4 Ctftver seed ¥ bushel 8.00(®9.00 Ducks ¥ pair • 80(5)40 Eggs, ¥ dor. lW [ Flour, faintly, ¥ barre1........ TTO " super. " MJO Fcathom. new. #.#>.. „ 60 Furs, rabbit, ¥ doz..*. 25 " oupossuir, each,../. .7 . snlo "muskrat .J..' 10aJ5 mink '• 20a2.50 " coon' ' " '... 25 fox " 20a25 Hides, green, per tb Katlk' " dry, " 13a 15 , Lard per n> ..... 15a 18 Onions per bushel 75*80 " setts per bushel 3.00 , Oats per bu5he1........ 75a90 Peas per bushel 1.00 Potatoes, Irish, jK!r bushel 1.00a125 ". sweet, per bushel..... 75*1.00 Peaches, dried, per tt> peeled .1 . 15«30 " " Snpeelod, , Drugs, Paints. GLASS & C. We keep constantly on hand a good asaort ment of KBBNH DRI'CSN AND tIIKJIICALM, different brands of White Lead, atargo stockof 'WINDO W GLASS, whir h we arc now selling for lesa money tluui they Itavo ever been sold for In "this section Wo will supply *■ Village & COllll try Merchants a better article than they buy North for tlie same money. Also we have a largo stock Of TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS, x. together with a full and complete line of TOILET AND FANCY Come and see us, inspect our stock and sailfiy yourself of the truth of what we sat. The He nlor member of tlie Ann hi* rcsurood practice and ran always im fottrid it the Drag Store whan udt professionally engaged. n. w. nckNN k,sox., ; In the BenboW House, Greensboro, N. 0. J % L- SCQ%t, 1 Graham, W. C., A scat far Iks Celebrated STIEFF riANOS AND OHGA2TS Send for fll uetratdtl catalogue Aid price list ILLUbTRAMED AGE! Rftlrlcb, iv. c. The only 01 nitrated weekly in the Sooth Eight pages* Forty columns Containing more reading matter than any weekly published in th? Southern States. • The first ntimt*r of the SOUTHERN IL LUSTRATED AGE will be issued on « Maiarday. Blk day W Jaa«. UTS. The publisher intends making it an iilastra ted record of the timas. lx win treat of every topic. Political, historical, litenuy and Scien tific, which to of enrrent interest, and give the i>e*t illustrations that can be obtained, origl- I nal or foreign. . . • ' . The Southern Illtutfiteft Age will be print ed on new type, and heavy book pap«r. j£ • On its list of contributor* wUI ♦» found (he name* of many of the beat writers in the South. Serial and short stories, poetna and sketches, and well conducted editorial departments, giVitMf the latest personal, literary, Scientific, political, religiousaud commercial intelligence, will furnish every week an amOantof reading matter unsurpassed .by other papers, in excel lence and.variety. . It is intended to make the .Southern Illustrated Age a journal for the fire side ; several colufnus will be specially devo ted to ail subject* pertaining tc domestic and social life. No family should be .without it. Subscription price only #2 per anuurn. Post, age free. It. T. FULGIIUM. Editor. "• Raleigh, N. C. OFI III! OF I IIi; I A." ' * . ' : .• - * v"'. ' -Allkihahce dlearie*, »..4*. We call tlic attention of the public to tfie appearance of *-*. i>A ■ - • rfir •'-if-r ■ -- - ' -• * THE ' (it£ANE'h, 'ijk *7> ft" •'• •*• .*• r- v. ' v'-'s : ' '* v ' wy otTS& U.wlU be tarnished to tar&hr notice, at the low rate of HI W§> " **• " f * • _ I^, .' /.', f''.' v '■' Z>l JV.* . . > - THE I'UBLISBKKS PA YIKO ALL POST * AGJt. . ;■ Jg'. ?' : jsf, . ' l"a y'rilW lh' AU Vance. T)ur almVYtl&c'to maSre tbe btEiVA A FIKST CLASS FAMILY PAPE& , • *J»* • ;- k . { ' t.« " " % V -V ~ ' * •Sr . > .-• iy>. *" fa every respect. : ;• t - # • • » It wil. contain aU tbe Local New* of the County, State Now*, the most Important Tele graphic New* of the week and Carefully Be ccted Miscellaneous Matter. It will be » papor which no family in AU manc« County can afford to b* 'without. *¥>-\ " r * t* ' ' T • • ' . . THE GLEANER will also prove St particular interest to former residents in this section, now living In other part* of- the coun try, aud to all sucn it will be y. v .aS ' > »»?#' /#• __* .; • 'Jt.j- » - • V ' t Tluiltrf tm *ay address ifM receipt mf MAwrlyiiSa pric*. v . *# v fiJfeiT We would call especial attention to the nIU of tbe ' f,f V > , ■ --* IZ> .. *. - GLEAHER : v'- .?? V ./x' v*«. ST r j . *z >r - # y *> As Aivtrmrai HtHdi. •» Taw »*A«. ■-- ,4 *: •,*, „••••.' • • 5 ■ : *•■ • a -■ " . *-i - *- PUTywr money where it wtUm> the mott good and subscribe at oket & the GLEANER. . .^2*ti r "•:«•• i ----- "MpMM ,111 . ,•"*•• v - : '" I'AKKEIi & JOHNSON, lit ila* 2 riHMcn '?*' ?-' ''v&v; 'V'