imotfjiaisoii swisu on snxi.iMo HATCH Professor Swing, of Caic.igo, beirj'g in vited to attend a spel'ing match, not con tent with simply declining the invitation, saw lit to cast the following foul and gratuitous aspersions oa his and our verna cular :—- DEAR SIB :— I shall be oilt of the city ori evening, and shall not be able to the spoiling tragedy of that even ing. Could I be present, my remarks would bo of a melaneh >ly nature, V' hen I look out upon the outiugeoui conduct of the voWtds and consonants tjhat make up our English. the scene is "s:iJ and dreary, and would not live always." The Eng lish language should be abolished. No doul.t intemperance will pass away, the "ourees of the Nile will be approached by ra lway will be decorated with a depot aiid a restiurant, a bis'inp will lw agreed upon for our diocese, the North Branch will abound with l>ro>k trout; but the man WIKI shall look out upon tTmt happy age, will sit down at his tabic and mourn as he tries to spell out a simple letter to his grandmother, and the lunatic asylum will U: full of those who went crazy over an eff". lto stand up l.ut in spelling school. Willi incxpreosible grief, yours, DAVID SWING. tftiK rtnvfci: oi' i>kY sand. .te;ord:il,' to 15 ,'aiideinoulin, if a qnan tit y*i>, (try sand be placjd in a box of thin ■ -iroa, or even in a cailvas bag, and •!i,j. .ted to a slight compression, it forms t in.r.s ciipible of resisting a pressure of plons, without breaking or even strain v.u£ the envelope: Tiie sand, however, ro luains perfectly divisible, so that if a small It be nude in the boX or bag it will U«>w :,lowly, and with 80 little l'oi'CJ . that even a small piece of paper pasted over the erpeuiisg AviH-eheek the llow, even with, tl 1 sixty tous weight upon it. M. iieau demoiilin thinLs this discovery may bo util ized for building purposes, since the filled b' ixjs need merely be held in place by a frame-work j while being very thick, they o would form a protection for dwellings against variations of temperature. Suc'.i wails, moreover, would bo lire-proof. It is also suggested that for lowering heavy buddings, or even entire buildings, which by iv change of street uvels, luive been loft too high above tfi'e roadway, the sand-bags could bo placed bene.,tli, and their con t His alKnvod gr iJu illy to escapa, thus Kitting the'load slowly Bottle down. 11IK McCLI.LLANS IX KOVPT. Mrs. Gen. McClcllau writes many pages to her mother, Mrs. Gen. Marcy, about lier winter on the Nile. The Khedive bus been most polite aud attentive to Gen. McClel- Liu and family. He gave.theni permits to visit his wonderful- gardens on tho Nile Gen. and Mrs-. McClcßan have two inter esting ehildrod—May, aged thirteen, and Max, aged nine. The purty has consisted of the parents, children, iVv governess,- and the Arabs who have been g»ides as well us servants. The party liave the Nile us far as ordinary boats penetrate. They have enjoyed unrnterrnpfeed good health and perfect happiness and ; content. On a former occasion they lived- in Europe four years. EL'foro going to .Egypt, Gen. and Mrs. McUlellau wero entertained at Florence by tho Count ami Countess Piziuo, who own one of the finest places in Italy. The house is eight hundred feet liug and iva many wide. The frescoing was executed by Tintoretto and other fa mous painter*' MELANCHOLY FATKOf AN KLBPirAKT. At' Hamburg* the keepers of the Zoo thought that it would be more economical to give the elephant a stone floor as the woo len oue had to be replaced too often. One was laid, but the elephant would not lla down upon it to sleep. Something told liitu that if ho did he could not get up again, llence ho slept standing, or lean ing against the wall. But the othor night bis feet slipped when-doling, and he camo down. He could not get up in fact, and twenty men with ropes, pulleys, and inl - contrivances worked all dty trying i to get him up. He w.tfl flually raised un til his feet wore four inch-'S übave tho iloor, when tho h'.nler ropes broke, leaving the poor bcivst hanging by the neck. Ho give one piteous roar and was dead. SUK MAY MOT lIAVK LUVEDIIIM. A woman never quit® forgets the man who h:u> one® loved her. She njay not have loved him; she may, indeed, have given him the "no" instead of the "jrcs" lie ho]>od for; but the remembrance that htf desired a "yes" alwajs soften* her thoughts of bint, and would make him, were he reminded of it, a friend forever. Therj may bo girls who make a jest of dis* carded suitors j but- they are generally very, voting, and the wooing has been some, thing tliat did not betoken much depth of tenderness. * There are mercenary offers, too. that ouly awaken scorn nud hate in the woman wooed tor money and not for herself; but, really, to have tuiched a man's heart is something, net to-be for gotten while she lives. -— THS difference between the actios'of sea air and tho action of mountain air on ihe human system hse-recently been explained by Professor Bsneke, of Marburg. Sea air, he says, is beneficial for persons who are overworked, but whose digestive organs are good. A mountain atmosphere, on the other hand, renders tho bodily movements easier by reasou of the diminished pressure, and increaaesjjthe activity of respiration. Brofessor Beneke thinks that irritable, nervous, excitable perrons will find theiu •sires better in mountainous districts.' Ai>VEUTIBEMENTS iSgIjp®.- "Yy R. FOIiHIS & BROTHER, ; 5 1 (under the Ilcnbow Ilall.) GREENSBORO, N C„ I keep ('msf.ntly on hand a complete assort ment of FUKNITI'RE. Repairing of every description, inuluding Upholstering' - - neatly done. -1 heir *t«ck consists i f ■ (iitiiniiit xkt*. iirnr >nr in |>rice from £23 00, to &500.00 : OAirr. l»i:iiti#-ISoom, I*arlor rtud Ro,' iiii; t'lui i r*. Hurrnu*! Wni-drolMx | UupiniM l»i«li«, Niifi'«,'ribpi, l'ra dlrM mid Ti-iindl--H-ri.-» for flic little folk*. Tl»itlrr»»r* mitt NllriHK Ifnln at every » a rii'trnllA' «lylfi I Ilal-rafks and any and everything in the ' furniture line. Their stock is the largest and ' most complete ever offered in this portion of I the State. They defy competition in quality 1 or price. | JOI'STON & CjVUSEV, WnOLELALE AND RETAI, i (iEOOKRfjj QUE E XSB Ol{ O, X. C-, Have now in store, and are daily receiving, a uirge stock of GROCERIES, which they will sell to village and Country Merchants oil better terms tl an they can buy elsewhere —which will enable them to sell at a better per cent, than purchasing North. We give our attention exclusively to Groee - ies. Orders solicited, which shall have prompt attention. apr27-3ni CCOTT & donxell. GRAHAM, N. C., Buy and sell , L ottos, i ok.\, fi.oib, bacon l,\l£l>,A\l> AM, KINDS OF coini iti' PRODice, fet». 16-2 m J A.- LONG, Attorney & Counsellor at Law YXNCEYVILLE, X. C, GRAHAM cfc GRAHAM, Associate Counsel, (i. F, BASON, ~ Attorney at Law. GKAIIAM, N. C. QEOIfGE W. LONG, M. D., PHIHII AI uiidNIIK. i:o.\ Graham, ]\ r . c., Tenders his professional services to tho pub lic. Olilee iukl residence at the Graham High Scnool buildings where he may be found, . night or day, ready to attend all calls, unless professionally engaged, feb 9-1 y . ■ - • - Q.IIAUAM IHGII SCHOOL ; GRAHAM, N, C. REV. n. A. LONG, A. M. HKV. W. W. STALEY, A. 11. HENJ. F. LONG, A. B. MRS. G. ¥. BASON, Instructress in Music. )|>ens August 24'tli, and closes th«wlast Fri day in May, 1876; Board $8 to ?10, and Tuition $3 to pe. month. QDELL, It AG AN & CO., W HOLKSALfi EALEKS IN* General Merchandise, AND AQENTB FOR CMir Falla n«il Drrp Rirrr Mh ri ling Vnrm, and McainlcN* Bn(a, lloli'a mnl Hnitdlrninn'n Plai«U, Frict> " Malaat" Jrana. Chnrlsiio villr Cauimcra and Krkrn bmchcr'a SMrrh. GREENSBORO, N. C. «pr2o-yl New Drug Store. Oil. J. 8;- ItUHPHY Respectfully notifies the public* that he has opened a complete uud well filled DRUG STROE at ' Company Shops, where anything kept in a well- ordered Drug Store may t>o found. The physicians of the county and the public generally, aro invited to patronize tills new enterprise. An experienced druirgist—a regu lar graduate in pharuiact, Is in charge, so that physicians and the public may rest assured that all prescriptions and orders will be cor . rectiv and carefully tilled. Prices as reasonable as cftn be afforded, feb 18-2 m, -• f "• T ' m. ■ I I Pumps! Pomps !! | • ' :o:—■- J THOMAS S. UOBEUTSON, Company Shoj», N. C., Is roaaufacrutiiig and selling the best 'and UUAVMT PIMP* ever offered to the people of this Btate. These pumps sro as dnrable as wooden pumps can be 'made. Thsy arc\jasy as any one wanting water conkt wish; They are sold as cheap as n v one who proposes to buy could ask. a Pumps delivered anywhere on short notice. Each pnmp warranted. The manufacturer refers to every pump of his in use. Not one has ever failedv * . feb 28-ly iir.SUI.LVY FOR SALE. * Capaelty eighty gallons per day. Also barrels pure Coru Whiskey, made from coru malt. HUTCHISON &. CO. Address W. R. ALBRIGHT, feb cs s ' Graham. N. C» ~ Ar>VEKTISI:MEXTS-. TT Ml \ I Dr. J. Walker's California Vin egar liitters aro a purely Vegetable* preparation, made cliielly from tbe na tive-berbs found on the lower ranges of tbo Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of VINEGAR BIT TERS?" Our answer is, that they remove tbo cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle; a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of tbo world has a medicino been Compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of VINKGAK BITTERS in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. The properties of DR." WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS aro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative,. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim VIN EGAR BITTERS the most wonderful IN vigoiant that eTer sustained the sinking' system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other; means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers j which are so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke', James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our 'entife country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, ana other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a .pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VIXEGAR BITTERS, as they will speedily removo tho dark colored viscid matter "frith which tho bowels aro loaded 1 ,• tho saino time stimulating tho secr&tious of the liver, and generally restoring tho hoaltliy functions of thV digestive organs. Fortify tho body against dispaso. by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus fore-ai;med.- mm sia or Indigestion, Head ache, Tain in tbo Shouldors, Coughs. Tightness of- the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tbo Mouth, Bilious Attacks, I'alpita tation of tbo Heart, Inflammation of tliC- Lungs, Pain in the region of tbo Kid heys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia Ono bottlo will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise rnent. * Scrofula, or King's Evil, yvhiw Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, ScrofuTous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these; as in all other constitutional Dis eases, WALKER'S" VINEGAR BITTERS have shown their great curative powers in the most ol>stin«Ae and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout> Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.— Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-boaters, an® Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bewels. To guard against this, tako a dose of WALKER'S VIX EUAR BITTERS occasionally. . ~ „ For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, llistulei, Boils, CaVbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of wnatevcr .name ; or naturo, aro literally dug np and carried out of the system ia a short time by the use of these BittSrs. « Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tho system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and remoVed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelmintics will free, the system from worms like Ujeso Bitters; , For Female Complaints, in young pr old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood,-or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated, Blood when- I ever yon find its impurities burning through the skin it Pimples, Ennrtiertfs, or Sores: cleanse it when you find it obstructed anil sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and-tho health of'the system will follow. . - H. 11. NeDORALD & CO.. X>rug>rUU ontlGen. Apt*.. Snti Knuiciwxt,California and cor. of Washington and Charlton SU . N'. Y. Sold by all Uni)jal«l« »«! lValrr«. RATIONAL IIOTEL, Delightfully situated, next to capitol Square KALEIGH, N, C. A NEW HOIJBK. Fhieltooms, well Furnished and Fitted up in _ , f v the Best Stvle. ~ C.B. BROWS, Proprietor. APVEHTISEENTSs --••• DANIEL WORTH, Company Shopsj C., Thanks his friends and the public for the very liberal patronage be has heretofore en i joyed ; aud begs to introduce to their inppect ! ion the , , .. . ■ ;AI«;CMT and 7IOKT COJIPI-ETH AND VARIED STOCK OF GOODS ever brought to -Alamance County. He has just returned from the Northern cities where be purchased aud has received aud and is re ceive g his MPKINK AN l> NIMIJIER WOODS, His stock consists of DRY-GOODS, from com mon to the finest ever oflered in this market, RE AI) I-JfA VIC CL O THING, of every description, II ATM, BOOTS AMD HIIOEC of all varieties to the best hJlnd-tnatle. stock of iiiu.I.INRRY odooil, HARDWARE « S TI.ICKI, I i: i: M- \v t itic, " THV»H« rind VAI.ISEM, TI\.HAKi:| llll.- DRENS' HATS, tUe est assortment at thel bwfest prices. A full stock 1 FA MIL ¥ GROCERIES, UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Fertilizers, In a word, lfl>s everything of ary quality that you will want to buy, and he will buy at the highest prices all, and anything you have to sell. All be aski is for you to call and sec for yourself. If you don't see' What. y6u want you just a«k tor It, and then see if ifr isn't found. mayll-6iu 1875. 1875 ----- a Spring and Slimmer -©©© 1 I b Pretty and Cheap U! ! ARRIVED AND CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. We would respectfully inform our custo mers, friends aud the public, that we are re ceiving a large, complete and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Goods, We selected ourselves, paid the cash, anc can afford to, and will sell as cheap as th( same goods can be bought in the State. Whet you eouie to the Shops don't fail to come ti the "Yellow House" where every one comet to get cheap, pretty, durable goods, at the ver.^ Cheapest Prices. Come in and look at tlicyn, tl.ty w astonish you. So pretty and so cheap ! JOHN Q GAIN l & CO., Company Shops, N. C. F - JONES & SONS, GRAHAM, N. C., •Buggy and Can'iage Makers. Are prepared to[ fill at the shortest notiC' all orders in, their" jiue. Repairing promptl and' neatly dojiej at MODERATE RATES. They also keep constantly on hand for sc e at- their an' assortment of Irtfir, Nail), Ihtjiur material. Prepar ed Pairiln of all color*, dTri'd Cofflus. Any style of coffin furnished at two hour notice. Alt' Kinds of produce taken at niarke priced. We are' thankful for past patronage, anc hope tb merit Its c'oritinuance. « feb 16-2 m Stontwall Springs. This celebrated watering place is now oper r the reception of v is itoi s. GWOto HOARD AND ROOMS for the low price of #25. per month.' Address F. W. PONVILLE & SON. FALLS, Alamance Co. N. C. F. R. HARDEN, Graham,- N. G\. DKAI.EK IN Dry' Goods Groceries, _ (iARVtVAKi:. D rugs, MeHicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Shijff Clothing; Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubber*. Tobnfcco, Cignra, Steta, Teas, KEROSENE OIL, CROCKERY, Ear theme are, Glass ware, Coffees, Spic Grain, Flour, Farming Implements. feb ltt-ly rjnllE GREENSBORO PATRIOT BBTABLIHHKB 1831! Published weekly in Greensboro. N. C. by Duffy A Albright, at $2.10 per year in advance —Hostage included. It is Democratic-Conservative in politics and labors zealously fcr the material prosperity of the South generally and North Carolina particularly. CP'*North Carolinians abroad Should not bo without it. fJlO' BXEtftTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND GUARDIANS. *fhe laW reqnircj annual retnrns from all Executors, Administrators, and guardians. Many do not comply with this law: They are notified to do 00 ancf* save cost to themselves. W. Jt. ALBRIGHT, july Mm. C. 8. C. J L. SCOTT, Graham, N. Of A(CSI hr the Celebrated 8 TIEFF PIANOS AND ORGANS Send for illuetratcd catalogue and price list apr2tf ... OFFICE OF TW" . Alamance Gleaner, We call the attontioil Of the public to the appfearance Of THE CILEAN Mill It will be fnrnisliett trt Btil>stirltjers,untii fiiitlier notice, tit the loti- i-ate tff - / ~ti>. ■ ■—/ ~t j 92.U0 P*f ilirium, ♦ , « - l ' f THE PTHLISHKIIA PA rika ALL POST \ - AGE. 4 Pfiyabc in Aiivititc: : »je Our aim will bfc to Hiakti the A FIRST CLASS sAl&hjY PAPER 4a ( , f) I ■ '. I in ciery tmpfcl. Itwii. contain all the Local News of the Jounty, State News, the rnOst Important Tele craphic News of the week atad Carefully Se eted Miscellaneous Matter. It will be a paper which no family in Ala jaance County can afford to be without. * THE GLEANER will al»ifS' prove of >articular interest to former residents in this ection, now living in other pftVfc of the coun ,ry, and to all such It will'bfS • • i I. \ . " ■ v tlnilcrf It «»r »a«lre»ii •r Mibxcriptioii price. We wbuld tb'tiits Vfcldi of the » * " ' p ***" I v. c *' . , J i I • : ' 1 >- ! i Hps I ' - *'"*•' f . A aV*VI>HI>V vtttflna. ♦ ' « . ' r , * I' i &r* >" !'' '? 1 y• ■ THE GLEANER has a rapidly groWing clffc'u ation in the ffbest "Tobacco andgrain growing OF IMR r* : ■ PUTydiir moneji'icliere it iHtl ad the most good and subscribe at cfricc to the GLEANER. PARKER & JOUNSON, riMithen ADVERTISEMENTS; !V . W. B. FARRAR, OPTICIAN, H'ATt'II-IIAIIEK, AND JEWELER, ANt> ENCxIIA VER, AND UI-ALKn ix. crOCKK, JEWEI.KV Silver AVat-c; Bridal Presents, Solid Walking C&iifes; Gold Peus, &c. GREENSfiORO, N. C. Wliith will be nolit cheap fot C'onh> ftiT' Watches. ClJJbksi Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines, and Pistols repaired .epeap and on short notice An of (itlim, Pis tols, Cartridges, &e., allvays on hafld apr 20-ly - New Goods; —:o i W- R- ALBRi&MT^ (it Hason's old stand,) GRAHAM, N. C., in I Dict-uotfirft, HATfI SHOES, oKO(I:UIRH, QiifciiN^wAiti;, Having bought geods on favorablfe f,ernis I will sel(. Cheap for cash or barter.. Polite and attentive clerks to wait oil customers anc[ show goods to all. Quictii *hlc» nnd Small I'rofiln ' . ' will make money. CaH and examine if you do not buy. It can do no harm. fob 3d-3m AND liifiTAit; • •' ' j We Rfcep constantly on hand a large; and varied stock of GROCERIES; iIARD- WAIIE IfliiY - GOODS/ ,' - of all sorts, Nd'TlOnS, HATS, CAPM, BOOTS,' AlVff SHOES, ftlSAt'v-WAWi: CIiOTIIIKG, Carpeti rigs AND' 1 II of all grades, from the lowest prices ttj» madd a specialty. VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to inspect our stock and hear our prices before buying elsewhere. They can examine and select for themselves, and we guarantee that we can their entire stock or arty of It such terms as! will eiiidble them to sell their goods at a larger profit to themselves than they eoyld do by nur chaeing, by order, from a distance, W.O are Ageptg for, and sell at manufactures prices the following goods, viz : Cedar Falls and Deep River Sheetings, Yarns' dtad' Seamless 15^,.-H.o It's and n ni'an's Plaids, Fries',„".Saloin" , . Jeans, Charlottesville i CdasihierS and Starch. ODEtI,; A CO,, apr 20-ly ' Greensboro, N. C. J, P. (iIXLEY, Aetaileu anxs JOBItEII OF Drt-G Clothings NATIONS.' BURT'S HAND-MAl>s 'Boots & Gaiters ■VAT'S fSID C%fV. TAIiISKS, TBVNK9,WJHITE GOODS, AC., Ac. ( South'(for. EayetleviUc St., anil Exchange Place RALEfeH. N. C. " 1875.' Spbing diid Sltmftier GOODS ! f 1 Trie very latest Styles and (Jtaeap. 6KV OOODS,MOTIONS,CIOtHINO, IjAltlES li A'lS, 6BOCBKIEI, lIABDWABE liverythini usually in a ifcetaif Store 1 bC CHEAP JCfe. fHE' CfiEAPEB'f. When you cbtpe to town call and see iny slock— l aui sure it wilt pay youl »pr37-2m J dtattm^lr'c. • ' , ' » . ♦ " _ 0 ' ' ii i jwii [J I J Mlmb J GRAND, SQUARE So UPWtfHT - PI Aiisros- Jjiavc 1 received upwards of fifty Jirst ?W . nins, and W among the Mat now made. Eve 4 instrhmem fuMy warranted for are years iTtees as loir in the exclusive art of the very. best materiata, and the most (bprotiAh work-, manship wil> pe'rtrtif. Tho principal pianlsU. and composers antfolfe phuio-purcliasing pub-' He, of the SouttL e?pecCaljj h anife in the unan tvferdict of ahpmority of the Stieff , 1 Tn6 of our instruments la.' established by over sixty .achooto and jea in tlie South, using over 800 of our Pianos. , , r Bole Agents for several of the. principal manufactures ot Cabinet and Parlor Organs, prices from f75 to S6OO. A liberal dls tfbntent to Clergymen and Sabbath Schools. A large assortment of second-hand Pianos, at prices ranging froai $75 to f3OO, always on Send' for Illustrated Catalogue, containing, the names of over 2,000 Southerners who have bought and are now using the SticS Piano. Cats. M. STIEEF, Warerooms, No. 9 North Liberty Btreet, Baltimore, If. D. Koctories, 84 4b 86 Cnnidcm Street,'and 45 St' 47 Perry Street.