VTOBIOORAPIIV Olf A OHEKIY* 1 WHS born in a paper mill and sent nated to the ftth^r.—' When t'uis ftinet ionary received me I vu an emb«diiMeiifc,nfpurity, without ppeck or blemish. mvm pfira child of frags- Jtfy value \rUJome friction tT & farthing, but by e reign puqtei- the d^' Warty «> jjft set to clothe lu&Vitn *Obes of such ingeitiou4 design as to defy iiaittt tion. This was done. Afterward there w» printed across my fiee a bold super scription, *'ii ONK DOLLAR, and there was added a pledge that who ever should briu| rnc back to the pub. lie treasury should be paid one dollar on demand. lucompany with millions of other plecfb er hke myself I WM, tbep ae*»t out |io the word a rcprpffiii- cheat maker pledged ids sovereign Won! AQtrl was, worth a hun dred tientsytynd issued hirprefecript mak ing inc ;i legal tender for one hundred cents throughout Ms Ujritory. | first fell into the fronds of a soldiw, who, full of ptfriotic desire to serve his country, had volunteered to rarrv a gun in its defense for thirteen dollart :a' month. He had quit an occupation te t assume this duty l»fH!vhich ho turned twice that amount ofxponcy. auuvjpgj seemed to be a grim sense of an unfair advantage taken crammed me in his pockft. next day, when he smoothed ine lift' sent me, bright crisp and new, to -nis wife, in a letter tilled with precious lovfis and longings which I shall never-dis close, I began to tcel the importance ot j my mission in the world. This leeling was nothing abated when the soldier's wife paid me to her land lord, who received me by virtue of my I had stood the good woman instead of a dollar iu spite of the prejudice of her creditor. I was evidently destined for an active life.. JVIy new owner was slow to take me. He paiJ me to his butdher, the butcher .tended me to a farmer. The farmer kept me formenths ai a matter ot curiosity. • He told his wire 1 was n government bill. Finally ho exchanged mo for mer chandisc.Thomerchant wlip received me ttiok me t bank. The bank made a wry face abofrtlt. The merchant kWed the bank a ftiousaud dollars aad be paid his date with a thousand legal tenders. As the merphautyk*d ouljr given the farmer slaty cent* "worth of muslins in exchange lor me I could not understand dia, which had taken on board a cargo sl merchandise to be delivered at Hew York. The captain being a cautious man, and informed of the terrible war xaging in the United SUtea, and of the wper tokens which had usurped the place of gold aftd silver in that uiiortu* tiate country, ftipnlated il Ids (hartctf til at the consignees should'pay him his freights *'ln gold dollars," and made his voyage nothing doubting. I was one of th 3 dollars the poor captain was obliged to take instead of gold after going to law aboot if. He received me on the of bis consignee, and sold me again over the counter of the bank that paid me oat to him for lea than one-half of my appa rent value. The objurgations of that weather-beaten skipper as he received his co|m«otiviuock"P» MnUwWWd cir culatfog fraud, opd that «the promise aeeoa my foco wks a lie. HTo « gov ernment," auid he, "can make a bit of paper equivalent to a doUirl worth of silver, or gold, or Wheat or pork, unless it is ready to redeem,the paper at all times in silver; gold, wheat or pork, WDiding to t&trise." 110 went his way an angry and a ruined man. Y The banker sent mo westward tAay; for eorn. The AmafN paid me toibe merchants, and when tbo merchants be begati to gelU for wrs scut Eastward again/o pay merchan dise. 1 became nj#cd traveler, Some times in a llM -a deeenj iliflersut owners. , at the outset, no I*4riosiq value. my ex trhislc worth waslbe spfcrt at circum stance-' A Whusfag-batrlc «™a»r 8 U'! taiuJaith lb ms. their Iwlnt^ wop pulled out at another. All busi. ness was 6onductoft With wide margins of distract caused by the haraid otmy capricious I JT** the life ef sweudlkto answer the dimension of Un ex change, and all the fools were rink Sbmetimes when a railroad company Srtiiiotimcs when sovereign .states toek advantageof inyiyfng pr>ndse o cheat tlieiiUionest cro&tors, I have ft It'the accumulated disgrace whichcomee'm>n>.. an act a million moii partici pate. I have been com cllcd to imo late a dead man's ars in the hands of bis thieving Maxtor and hold my peace. I .bwc flsdeemed debts of bonor with the dkhonest option of the Ipw. I have robbed sll helpless people f #hfßrilirfdlQ contracts. | tint in aI) my wftuderitigs mv groat dat gidcf lias been to the hear * Mt vjcigijof lfts[w|tcl|pmy flctitiouc' J>araetbrSitap| mtifU&e at last tm he bewne h? laboring wmbmS OtlMr inoa tliti AtWf excliyeM of caminodftics than J shreevdl/toJcvy their intfncdisfe tribute ou the shifting values of the thii'igs in which they deal. But the man who has nothing but his labor tif exchange, and is a consumer almost or quite to the ' extent of his earnings, has a commodity tUe price of be cannno^ The nees stand upon one tide of him and the fellowrmen upon the other. If wise government and stable jaws have men to profi 1 by the skill and lad ustryCf labor, it will be in demand and wilt be requited. 1' unwise laws and unthrifty government hare rendered enterprise unsifc and bu~ » ness unproductive labor must pay, the penalty or suffer. L( Lme illustrate. Jti my wanderings I have frequently returned to the bands ofQjf-maker.an payment of. taxes. 1 was one of many which,» lil a by lew-to destruction. But so terrible is the fa tuity of wickedness that I was agyj). thrust in circulation. Chance difected | inejto the pockets of'a statesman, ffe- 1 received me with placidity, having tak en precaution to double his salary, there-, by recompensing himself in quautity for the bad quality of his pay. rJHf/r»» atjfo leisure time to LulillMlunAlM brick ¥ kucture for his horses and to give an oversight to the mixing of the inortar, the rearing of the walls and all the curious detail of the totted me close to bis capacious person work, lie was a man of brains, and but in the suHry heat of June our commu nication was tbo closest. I was thrust forth and withdrawn with every breath he drew, and tQ some degree with his intellectual sperm. He agreed with the mason not to lay his brcks at the inflation rate of wages until prices had advanced to correspond )||th axheapened onrrent ey. but for the wage* which are paid when labor begins the task of contraction and redemptina. The statesman was, if anything, aore quick to see his oW« advantage than the eoun tryZ| advantage which was what be Was palld tor. He hired his mason for two dollars per day, and paid him oue Joi lar and fifty cents, or two. paper dol lars worth seventy-five oents apiece. When the last brick was laid aud 1 was placed in the honest jpaaon's hand he exchauged me for a feunday shirt *The shirt dealer handed me to a seam- Wresi. Tbk poqg creature owned a 'tread 1 inill*bf her own—sewing ma chine. She got r-even cents apiece— the famine wages of the city—for mak ing shirts. Surely it was a cursed in vention which enabled any man to take the price ot three shirts out of every-fonrteen this woman made atsev touts apiece. Yet out ot every dollar she earned so much went to increase "the aggregate wealth ot the country." When, with misgivings, -thie poor creature parted with if I were her last friend instead of fo#r arthfenemy Chicago or sunk In the salt unp, never to renew the acquaintance otttbnyer of Seller, .j ! ; 'My comie is now'iieai-ly rnn. rT lam ragged and dirty. Ttw rt ihe United States will pay" Is a lego I'd of my youth no longer trancenble npo* my tnoe except by the'eye of flaltb. Some good I fc»ave done, X have h*o my share in those ona-olded exchanges which heaven is to repay foufotd. 1 leave the hnesdon, wWOtr my aetnhl ei£nonrtnal Value will be qAadrufiled, to the mefapliysiciaus. I was tlie first dojier a journeyman blacksmith had earned after he had learned his trade, andjiapded me to' his waiting sweet- I havo been the "bottom dollar "of PMjr a joNvdhg. i have spread sad ■ in t0 ' )^er oncß - 1 have .MM breadJoiM kaagry and to ■tk* heaHfon. «Beggare and beanttes S^SCTISS Pfce,; ; J have aped from wicked haunt« and hands { carryng mssshgbs of oaiu- I6udtd hmphteM. '' • !i '' _*J ' ;-V fy now, which 4 bavelong bad fri. cwwfriaplettaa, be cause I consider my financial nenihe i' ended. I have come into the poeeedon ot an owaer who is too wiee to be de- government promise, and • puts rfytroeand criginal value upon i me. He wNarct'oSer me in exchange r that ho «a%hi loon get silver for M«- . ,He doeent jart, my 'robin //«» riiburff ft* "tof. * . BKCSPTIOK OV TBI JACKSON itiTm. RICHMOND, va, September 23.—Fo ley'§ statue oi General Thomas J. (»tone wall) Jackson, presented to Virginia by Bcresford Hope, H. P. and another English gentleman, which arrived here ' last evening from Baltimore, was forcn i ally^vefctftaylffavjbfi. i TlM#pe|J>le*tunied pit fen inane t6 wit ness the reception, the streets pjpeseiitiqg a holiday appearance. At 3.:50 p. u. tne l, First Regiment Vi rginia Volunteers and ,• the Veterans of the eld First Virginia ' and the Richmond Howitaei-s; proceed ed to the wharfofthePowhatan Steam ' boat Company, where the ctse, con > tainiug the statue, awaited transporta ! tion to the Capitol. It had been placed upon a wagon and -covered, with flags " ot Great Britain' nnri Virginia. Long ropes were attached to the wagon, and, . at tne word of command, the veterans s of the old First Regiment, together with > a large r of citizens, took hold > and, With i' portion of f)e present First ' llegiqpent at the bead of the column I took up tho line of inarch,the remainder ' of the rf giment and the Howitzers bring ing np the rear. Upoit reaching Cap!* toi square the wagon was drawn to the footofthe stops of the Capitol where Col onel Bradley T. Johnson, Command ant of the First, formally delivered the statue to Governor Kemper ,iu a briet speech, referring in feeling tho tin>6; twelve years ago, whon be com manded the funeral of the true and gal lant soldier who was now being honor, gentlemen of Gre,at Britain. ' Governor Kemper re ceiving the status itt the name of the people of Virginia and thanking the soldiers and citizens for the spontane ous honor-which had been done the memory of u true a hero as ever trod the earth. In doing this they had done much also to testify to the gratitude o? Virginians to the nobk friends on the other tide of the Atlautic who bad sent this great tribute of admiration and sympathy from the Old World to the New—from Great Britain to Virginia Governor Kemper then in the name ot Virginia took possession of the gift, re ceiving it not more as a great sculptor's work of art than a work ot English af fection tor Vitginia and ber immortaj son. In response to lonii calls from the im mense throng present Mayoi'fceilly also a speech. The ease was then 'placed in the basoment of the Capitol* where it will remain until the pedestaj in Capitol square is ready, The statue will be unveiled the latter part of Octo ber during the State Fair week. ' rKIILOVS BALLOOmnO Professor Stone gave his promised balloon ascension at Syracuse before a large crewd of people. The work of in flation was commenced soon after din ner, and by half-past two tne aerial ship "Jupiter'was ready for the sail. The course taken was directly over the Erie canal till the buildings were cleared tyhen the balloon took a northeasterly current, and everybody considered it a good ascension. After reaching an alti tude of about one and a half miles the balloon seemed to come to a dead halt, in which it remained several seconds, after which a still farther rise was inade. Soon, however, there was a commotion and the balloon was seen to descend rap idly* Wa understand that just before the inflation began a bole of some eight j inches in length was accidentally made .in the MtooPOb, which' wassromptly pa tched and sewed np. But when the bal loon bad risen to its highest—something two and three miles—it bnrst the threads, and a hole as big as bar rel was Irfstahtiljr made. The professor immediately opened both valves to havefiwbaHootrturn paratihfiW W as to let.him down easily, but in this, it failed, and came down With great ve locity. He happened to alight in a corn field, about four miles out, and his only ,te|rastUty is a scratched wrist add a pre. fvt severe Jarring of his body. He went u|with only sirty potffids of ballast *itl eighteen thousand feet of ggs. knother aiMcdete jkoot the late Judge Grover: Once when practicing hefore a petty judge, be deekred that tra won#iKtt|ive a peck of potatoes clatfng that it be had s^hlhSbtiib^ he never would have take it back. ' Beast Butler has been giving re newed expression to hie views on pol itics. He says be witttake no patt in the Massachusetts campaign, and does not care is nominated t>r Governor. He predicts the triumph of (be infla tionistsin Cougress. 1 '' T" • —— | M ' I The three richeet men in the British i lleose of Commons are seir-made men, , with noflunily arms. One is BlrGeorm Elliott, who made $2,880,000 last vear; i I each. I * . . Why isa newspaper like a toothbrush? Because every one should have one of ! his own, and not he borrowing his , neighbor's. - . : ADVERTISEMENTS. V v ■i. ~i - t HOHB BHTSBPBI9S. TOl "lftkftPlGl" COjOjfPKG MAWUKACTCBKD BV SBBQKJLNT * McCAtII.KV. ? GKKKNSBOBO, N. C. ■ fl HI ■ A r r ■ H " Those otov'L-s are vastly superior to the great majority of Stoves bought of Northern Manu- Ifa itnres. The best of material is used in their m nnfacture.and they have never failed to give eutire satisfaction, lu addition to the greaUev. cellence of these Stoves, therein, great advan tage to those who buy, in living near thejfac tory, from whence to replace any vessel at suort notice that should be accidently broken. Price No. 8 4s3Q, No. 7 #» Tfl B. FARRAR, OPTICIAN, WATCII-IIAKER, AND JEWELER, AND ENGRAVER, AND DEALER IN WATCNUE, CLOCKS, JBWBLBY Silver Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold Peii3/&c. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which wilt be Mil cheap fat Cash. Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines, and Pistols repaired cheap and on short notice An assorted stock of Guns, Pis tols, Cartridges, Ac., always on hand apr 30-1 y EHIB3 GRAND, SQUARE A UPRIGHT PIANOS Have received upwards of Fifty First Preroi ums, and are among the best now made. Eve ry instrument fully warranted for Are years Prices as low as the exclusive use of the very best materials, and the most thorough work manship will permit. The principal pianists and composers and the piano-purchasing pub lic, of the Bouth, especially, unite in the unan imous verdict of the superiority of the Stieff Piano. The durability of our instruments is fully established by over sixty school; and Colleges in the South, using over 800 of our Piano* Sole Wholesale Agents for several of the principal manufactures ot Cabinet and Parlor Organs, pricey from $75 to WOO. A liberal dis content to Clergymen and Sabbath Schools. A large assortment of second-hand Pianos, at prices ranging from $75 to S3OO, always on hand. Qend for Illustrated Catalogue, containing the names of over 2,000 Southerners who have bought knd are now using the Stieff Piano. CHAS. M. STIKBV, War*rooms, No. 0 North Liberty Street, . 3 Baltimore, M. D. Factories, 84 A 86 Camdem Street, and-S5 & erry Street. jj 1 , * New Drug Store. ■'; ii-) -ii-.i. —♦ DR. J. S. MURPHY Bnspeetfnlly nnSlSas tfca public that be has Company Shops, n where anything kept in a well ordered Drag Btore may t>e round- The physicians of the eounty and Uie public generally, .are ipvlted to patronise this isSvi enterprise. An experienced dnwglst—a r so lar graduate in pharmacy, 1* In charge, so hat sTr si 1 reetly and earefnlly filled. Prices as reasonable aa e«abe afforded. > t feblMm V THOMAS "ir d BOBERTBoW J ' ■ Company Shop,, N. ( , Is mjLfartmtot and selling the best and m&i. J wmrnAjmrnß-r nin 'l ,v I - . . * ever offered to the peofde of this State. These ' pMnpean as durable as wooden pump* can be made. Tbey are aa any one wanting wster «M*i wWh. they are sold aa cheap aa ssjronewhoproMaesto boy could ask. Panips delivered anywhere on abort notice. Kacfe pnmp warranted. The manufacturer refers to every pnmp of hla in use. Not one hyaerer failed. feb 23-ly DHffiLUCT FOR BALS. (anaeitv .eiebty nUons per daj. Also * HUTCHISON A CO. Address W. R- ALBRIGHT, febS Graham, N. C. ADVEREETISNTS. v DA|IE| WORTH, Coanpanp Shops, C., ThtinkAis friends and the pubtfc fo>. the very liberal patronage he has heretofore en joyed ; and begs to introduce to their inspect- UHEIST JHOST CSIHPI.BTB i M 11 VAB,B I w | mojzmoF GOODS > > brought to Alamance Crtftnty. He has just returned from the Northern"Nsitles where he purchased and has received and is rfe celvug his SWING AND Nlinnßß tiSOOS, His stock consists of DRY-GOODS, from com mon to the finest ever oflered in this market, READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every description, ~ ■ATS, BOOTS AND srfoßS of ail varieties to the best hand-made. stock of nn.LiitnßrHoops, DABDVARC CUTI.KBV, QVRRIVS.WARR, TRUNKS »a 4 VALISBS, TIN-WABK, CHIL. VRBitS' HATS, largest assortment at the lowest prices. A full stock * FAMILY GROOM Hit#. UPPER AND SOLE LIEATBER, . Fertilizers, 4|i In a word, he has etery thing of ary quality that you will want to buy, and he will buy at the highest prices all, and anything yon have to sell. All he is for you to call and sec for yourself. If you don't see what you want you just ask for it, and then see if it isn't found. •« mavll-6in » - ft j " I 'i/i' L fc ( ' 1875. 5 "t ' 1876 I and Summer I ■ ©©© ®i a i Pretty and Chedptjl ARRIVED. AND CONSTANTL Y ARRIVING. We would respectfully inform our custo mers, friends and the public, that we are re ceiving a large, complete and well selected' stock of Bpriug and Summer Goods. We* selected ourselves, paid the cash, and can afford to, and will sell as cheap as the same goods can be bought In the State. Whet you come to the Shops don't fail to come to the " Yellow House" where every one comes to get cheap, pretty, durable goods, at the very Cheapest Prices. Come in and look at them, they w astonish you. So pretty and so cheap 1 JOHN Q GAN l A; CO., Company Bhops, N. C. F. JONES A SONS, GRAHAM, N. C., Buggy and Carriage Maters, Are prepared to ftl at the shortest notice all orders in their line. Repairing promptly and neatly done, at neVBRATI BATES. * They also keep constantly on hand for sale at their bhop, an assortment of ■rms, IValla, Maggr Material, Prepar ed Paiata mt all ealara, Plaafha, aid Coffin*. Any style of coffin furnished at two -hours notice. All kinds of produce taken at market prices. We are thankful for past patronage, and hope to merit its continuance. • feb 16-3 m P. R. HARDEN, Graham, N. C.. DEALER 111 Dry-Goods Groceries UAROHTARR, Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuff Clothing; Hate, Caps, Boete, Shoes, Bakkcr*. Tahacea. Cifan, Seeaa, Teas, KEROSENE OIL, CROCKERY, Earthenware, Glassware, Coffees, Spice ' Grain, Flour, Fanning Implements. feblMy • ' T. —T ! ; ' 1 Drugs, Paints, G L A S S k fJ . .We keep constantly on hand a good asort mentof ~ *«BSB nnres ARB CNHICAIS, different brand* of h iteLead, a large stock ot P i ( J WINDO W . GLASS, which we are now selling for less money thaa they hare ever been sold for in this sedUoo. wewillßu ? Bly V , a better article tlfan Jf&ttt for the same money. Also we have a large stock of emisEs&KCOPiSfctgfc? together with a line of TOILET ARTICLES, hi Mlb) wlwn not professionailvengaged. 7 RTV. GLFENN A SON., LA the Beabow House, Greensboro, N. C. King Alfonso s giving the Carlists a lively time, and B. TATE k CO., ** »T«d df Murray A Tate, in Graham, » "HOTRV to undersell them a lively TTB *e- AI ' ON I? > MD *ATE * Co., are BOTH bound to aaeoeed. Tate A Co. wtll tmy at the highest prices AN yon have to aell, and at the Iveest prices seH yon all yon want to boy. AND RISTAIL. ' Wakeep constantly on hand a large and varied atock of j ; GROCERIES, HARD- WAIIJ& DBY-S^PI, I E J; S NOTIONS, BOOT*, |RD Moll, READr-MADK ci.oTmte, ' 5 Car pe tings AND iVJITTIAGS of all grades, from the lowest price* up made a specialty. VILLAGE ANb COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to inspect oar stock and bear our prices before baying elsewhere. They can examine and select for themselves, and we guarantee that we can sefythein their entire stock or any part of it on such, terms as will enable them to sell thefr-goodrat 1 a larger profit to themselves than they could de-byitor chasing, by order, from a distance, ■*T ' We are Agents for; and sett at manufactures prices the following goods, viz Cedar Fails and Deop Riv«r Sheetings, Tarn* and Seamless Bags, Holt's and Rtiullc mauVPlaids, Fries' ''SaIMBV I * Jeans, Charlottesville Cassimers and Erkcn bi etcher's . ODILL, RAOEN & co> apr 20-ly Greensboro, N. C.„ j- mispiSo I R. FORBis & BROTIUSR, (under the 3eiil>ow Hall,) GREENSBORO, N. C„ f >; -,Ar-' |T 1 11 kegp toilguntly_6n hand a complete assort ment of FURNIJURK. Repairing of every ■ description, ilcliphng Upholstering neatly done. Their stock consists' of CHAMBBR SETS; ranging in price from $25.00, to $500.00 ; Office, BlalncßMm, Parl*ra*d (to, iiiK Chain, Bareaas, tt'ardrabm Barinem Desks, Saffcs.Cribs, Crn le« *a«t Truudlc-«e«ls f®r ibe little talks, fflaftrauM aa*, Syrian Beds mt every va-*. rlety aad style, ITat-r&cks and any and everything ,ta the fnrnitare line. Their stock is the largest and most complete ever offered in this the State. They defy competition is quHtty or price. aprßo.Jhn j_£OUSHt)N & CAIJSEY, }'¥ Wholbxajle ASD RKTAL I JC O ? J0 » « , QRgKXBBOKO, , IT. 7., Have now in stow, and are dally receiving, a •arge stock af GROCERIES, which they will •til to village and Country Merchants on better terms ttan they can boy elsewhere—which will eqable them to sell at a better per cent, than purchasing North. We give onr attention exclusively to Grocer - fes. Orders solicited, whiah shall have prompt. attention. apriff-Sm Q RAH AM HIGH SCHOOL. GRAHAM, N, C. REV. 1> A. LONG, A; M. RKV. W. W. BTALET, A. B. BENJ. F. LONG, A. B. MRS. G. F. BASON, Instructress iu Music. , Opens Angost 24th, and closes the last Fri day in May, 187 R. Board $8 to 910, and Tuition $3 to $4 per month. 1875. \ 1875. Spring and Summer GOODS!! The rery latest Style/and DRV LAbIBS TBllilnßß VAIR, GROCIBIKR, BARBV&BB (JKOCKBRV WOODEN. KVerytWh* usually found in a Retail Store Will be Sold aft . CHEAP A# THE LBRATEST. When yon come to town call and see iny •lock—l am sure it will pay you. AL. SCOTT. apr37-2m wabam, N. C. JUPORT ANT SALE. If ' Intending to change my business I shall pro ceed on the 27th day of October, 1875 at my residence In Alamance, tooellta the highest bidder for cash all of my houaefcoift and kitch en-furniture consisting of Bodsand furniture, and everything kept, or niiwpw about a house. Also my stock of .Horses, Cattle and Hog« one l>plej|jdßHnamlly Horse, seven ar eight bead id Cattle; amongst this uumber one extra No I Milch Cow, fine for , milk and butter, the othem flue sfeek and in excellent condition. One »cf of Blacksmith toola, Fanning tools of ©vefy dkcrip&o that is nsuaUy kept upon aa Impwtad and highly cumvated aT Sept. 20th lOTk, ?HnJP CIUWnmD - Carriage and ■J my north ; wfferef l am prepared to do all carriage and buggy work, In a also ■ a ■ p" f FVBIfITCKB \ of aJUityles. Any made to obder uporf the ihorteat notiee. Jky price* are mbd erale. lam obligedfcft- Mi patronage, afcd —— Big Fails, North Carolina. OCOTT * I GRAHAM, N. C., J Bay and sell / COTTON. COBB, TLOVB, BAMN IABD, AIWB ALL KINDS aff CBUHTB* FBBBVCB/ feb. l«-2m v ,