THE GLEANER. GRAHAM, N. C., OCT. 28, 1875. Local, State and General. W. T. JOHNSON. EDITOR. ■ ■ i.f • ■ 1 Dir. J*ha C. R*V«rlMri| •( Coinpatfjr Mhcpi, ia *ar authorised a«mi ts rr eeire aabarripfl#tfil, receipt far the .. » With a view to curtailing expenses, •We learn that, the baggage master* on the X. C. 11. It. h.ive been removed. The Chl'futimi Advocate suggests that tne Methodist of this State celebrate their Cciitenuiill, which will be next March. The first organized work of the Methodist church ill thisdtnte wiw be" gun March 177(1,' Herbert Bragg, a son of flic late Gov, Bragg died in Raleigh week before last, nltey A ■lc'kti'Cs* of only two days., lie leaves a yoUilg wife, Mid numerous rel atives and friends to Itlouru their loss. He wasiti the 27th year of his age. lit. Rev Thomas Atkinson, Bish of the Diocese of North Carolina, •sslstid by the Rev. Mr. llughos, held •erVi:-e in this place last Thursday, both in the forenoon and evening. Like ituto almost everybody else, we Went to the circu* in tne day time, but we went to church ut ifglit " just liketr. good little iitan.'*4 We have some information to the ef fect that the challenge of our trieud, S. B. Holt, contained iuonr last Will be accepted, That's right, we'll have a county fall- yet,and if we do S. B. Holt Ulriil have started It. Who else has some thing in the agricnltural line, good enough to base a challenge upon? Let us have a little fair yet this year. Our countyman, T» M. Holt, was bupnimously re-elected President of the North Caro'ina Agricultural Society. No uian could have given more ttui* Versa! satisfaction than he has done. No stronger evidence, of a Jttst appre ciation of his labors, could have been gircn than was evidenced iu his uuani* tnous re-election. ' THE S»IKIT OF TUE tiegj lected to uoticc. last week, the reappear. ajic« ot this paper. It is the organ of the order ofGood Templars in the state and should be well supported by it. ; JU iftft good family paper, and should find patronage outside of the order, whose interest it is its clncf aim to pro mote. It is cheap, only SI,OO a year. We all went to Coles circus at the Shops last Thursday. The circus was good, the clowns poor and the collec tion of animals small, bul good. The lemonade and candy stands took in mori ev by snatching and all sorts of ways, and the three eard raontc men did well One of our lady friends inquired the name of the game she saw going on and fonnd out. She tells her neighbors that they were playing "Three Trick Mollie." Some of our people took lessons—some to the amount ox seventy dollars and others less. They couldn't watch and trace picture card so well as they supposed. It was easy enough toclo, but then they didn't happen to do it as well as they thought they could. Every thing pawed off quietly, and those who attended are we suppose, at this wri ting, (Saturday) at home or at least have had time to get there. We hope they are a>l satisfied. We are and can patiently wait for the next show. SUDDEN DEATH. —At his home, near this place, en Wednesday evening last. Greene Andrews suddenly died. He Was well known throughout the couuty, .having been, constable and deputy Sheriff for a number of years, after* wards a magistrate in his township and at the time of liis death a mqjnber of the Board of County Commissioners • tor the county. Just previous to his death he had eaten a hearty supper, and after rising from the table, as was his custom be lighted his pipe, and sat down Jor his eveniug smoke. lie remarked, to some members of his family that he felt a Jfuttcring about tbe heart, and feared be was going to have one'" of bis "spells" and got op and took a seat on the bed, which stood in the room. In a few miuutes lie fell to the floor aud dkd almost instantly. He had had at tacks of what he supposed was heart disease before; upou one occasion, at least being stricken down by it, and it was doubtless to this be referred, when be said be feared be was going to have one of liis spells. He was some sixty-five years of age we suppose. He had raised a large ftiUly of children, mostly boys, whom be had settled around him, forming quite a little village. (Green Andrews was an industrious, bard working man and be raised his children to follow tbeir fathers example—such people build np a state aud make it great. He left surviving him aud to mourn bis loss, a wife, the mother of bis large fam ily of children, who bad been the part ner of his joys and sorrows torso long a time, seven children and some thirty grand-children. ' A GREAT OUTRAGE.— On last Tburs* day night, a negro by the name of Toby Foy, effected an entrance into the bed. room of one of the most highly respect able young ladies of our village. We have taken the pains to get the facts from the father of the young lady and know them to be true. The negro irisj and had been for some time in the em ploy of the father, and was in the habit of coming into the home in tnc morning to gel the keys to feed the stock. We mention this to show his familiarly with the premises. On the night in question, the father of the young lady had left home, as this negro supposed to begone "II "ight, or at least to a late hour. The young ladv its she thought, heard it noise in her room, and struck a light, thinking that she would find a (tog or cat, which had been accidentally shut up in there, but she discovered nothing. She was snOcring from head ache, and resth ss and she laid a couple of matches where she could reach them without rising trom the bed. Soon after this, about l i o'elook at niglifj she heard a noise which as .lie was, this time, satisfied was in the room.' She struck a match the light of which revealed this negr*. upon his a 1 Moiil's Hear the bed. She recognised him at once, and screamed at him to get out of there. Sho struck the second match, the first having gone out. the negro by this time having got upon his feet, She then ran screaming to her father's room, he had returned and gone to bed, the negro, discovering that he was at home, ran, making Ins egress from the room lil the same man ner he had made his ingress, through a window which he had raised and propt with a shingle. There can be 110 doubt of the horri ble crime this negro intended commit, ting. It is shocking to think of. The next morning, Alter an unsuccessful search during the night) a warrant wan issued for him, but he has eluded the officers. In this connection we wish to say this to the negroes: Crimes of the character, evidently contemplated by this Toby Foy are of frequent occur rence. Attempts to comthit them are also frequeut. The negroes can if tlioy Wish secure the arrest of all such crimi nals. They owe it to justice do it, and especially do they owe it to themselves as a class. The tiegt'O who aids Tobv Foy to escape) is thus endorsing his couduct, and encouraging such on the part of others, whether heso intends or not. And the nAgro who fails to lodge any information as to his Whereabouts, of which bj may be in possession, is likewise endorsing and encouraging this outrageous act of his. Negroes must get rid of the idea that because a criminal is a negro he is entitled to their sympathy, and Aid in escaping the consequences of his acts. The.v are citi zens and should act as such; and it they ever expect to rise in the estimation of mankind they will hasten to do so. Let them put their condemnation upon crime by whoever committed, and es pecially does the welfare of their own race demand this. .RECEIPTS FROM TIIK CIRCUSES.—' The tax upon circus exhibitons is SIOO bc lore the show opens and ten per cent, upon the gross receipts—five per cent, fjr State. Sheriff Alexander from thc|two circuses which were hero last week, re ceived for the State and eqnal amount lor the county, Cole paid $205 and Hows $319. The city recicved 1125 in tax from each of these shows, so that the total amount received by the city, county and State, from the two was s774 .—Charlotte Observer. We copy the above to Institute a com parison. Cole showed here twice to good houses, yet he only paid Deputy Sheriff McCulloch sl45 —$45 oil gross receipts.—lt would be hard to make us believe the gross receipts did not exceed $450. The city only charges s2o— the total amount paid in this county for taxes was only sl6f. This ten per cent, clause does net work. Better change it.—Greensboro Patriot. We copy the above to institute a com parison also. TVis same circus showed twice at Company Shops, ou the 21st, in the day to a full house and at night to very few. The statement of gross receipts was made out for the sheriff at 600,03, but the sberifl required the statement to be sworn to, and upon hesitation hinted at the possibility of de taining the whole thing, spotted ponies and all, whereupon, it was amended and sworn to at the figure of $944,50 the manager declaring that ours was the on ly sheriff in the State who hod re qnired the statement of gross receipts sworn to. So we beat Greensboro and near ly equaled Charlotte. Recently at Chicago, while the Mayor and others were toasting the President, Mayor Col Tin rose and proposed Grant's health, remarking that it would be probably the last time toey would bare the pleasure of drinking with Gen. Grant as president. This was a cool sockdolager to tbird term aspirations. But the President replied that as his term did no* expire until 1877, and he always visits Chicago once a year, be would meet them again, thus neatly dodging tbe is ma.—Morning Star. The Morning Star, learns that there is a report iii circulation to the effect that, in Richmond county, the father and mother of A family of four children, left them in charge of a negro woman, during a temporary absence, and upon their return fonnd all four of the ehid ren dead. The negro woman protes:ed her entire ignorance of any knowledge of what occasioned their deaths. She said she had boiled citbbagc for dinner of which the children site heartily and then sichatlcd and dfcdi shc was ask ed ifshe would eat of the cabbage, and declared her entire wlliugtiess to do 60. Whercupcrishe a»e heartily, and Very *oon she diedi Upon examination it was found that a small rattlestake had been cooked with the cabbage, which had been cooked without splitting, The snake had burrowed in the Cabbage doubtless. We regard the riimoi*u3 entirely im probable, as it has been demonstrated' if we mistake not, that the virus of 4he most poisonous reptiles may be swal* lowed by any healthy, sound person, without harm, We suppose ifti tie the facts authenticated will very sootl njJ= pear. The Stntesville Landmark says I Some officious intcrmeddlcr tried to bave Judge Cloud indicted at Yadkin Court for appearing on the bench in a state of intoxication—just as it a Judge did'nt have u right to g«t drunk. We Understand the Judge is very much troubled about a suit threatened by the administrator de bonis non* of his grand father's estate. It seems that he is a lawyer by bequest. A legacy mas be queathed to him by his grandfather up on condition that ho studied law and became a successful lawyer. In due time the legacy was turned over to him by the eJtcctltor. 2'he administrator de bonis non now steps in and asks the Judge to" step down and out"—that tbc condition upon which the legacy was bequeathed has never happened— in other words, that Judge Cloud is not a lawyer) and that payment of the legacy was gross lachesi STOCKHOLDERS MKETII*O."=TIIC ad journed meetieg of the stockholders of the A. ft N. C. It. Iti took place in the old Court House yesterday, E. It. Stantly, EsQ., presiding. A full rep resentation of the stock was present and after many propositions and speeches the Stockholders resolved to chaiigc the guage of the road to conform to that of, the N. C. It. It. and to extern) the track down South Front street to 6ome convenient point With Trent river, the objective point being left with the Di rectors which will no doubt be at the foot of Craven Street. The meeting was iu session' during the entire day and many citizens as well as stockhold* ers were in attendance.— Nut Shell. BONDS FOHWARDED. —The worth of W.N. C. It. It. bonds nec essary io relieve that road of all obli gations, under the recent purchase n ade by the State, were on Monday forwarded to Treasurer D. A. Jenkins at Charlotte, Trustee of the road, to be used in liquidating the debt of the road aud enabling the present uyiiiagenieiit to go ahead with the double work be fore them. The issuing of these bonds in the place of the present floating debt of the road will place that road upon a financial basis that it has not hitherto occupied.—.Raleigh Newt of the 20th. CONVICTS SENT TO THE }V. N. C. It. R.—On Monday evning 87 con victs of the State Peuitentiry, under Legislative enactment, . shipped to the Western Railroad, and will nt once be placed at wcrk at the mouth of the tunnel- Just west of Old Fort. It is intended that these men shall build a stockade for the security of the huu dreds who are to be set to work upon tlie tunnel with a view of completing the road through the mountains. Ital> eigb News ot last Wendesday, THE CAROLINA PARK RACES.'— These races will come off, at the Carolina Park, Charlotte, on the 17th, 18th and 19th of November. The Central Hotel will add S3OO to the parse for the second day's races. Here is a chance for thos 0 having fast horses, bot we guess they would have to be very fast to afiord much of a chance after all, as there will doubtless be fast stock un the tarfl dur ing those days. ' TTPE WHITING ia THE MAILS.— The Postmaster General decides that " mat ter printed or written with a type-wri ter,' is matter to which no specific rate of postage is assigned, and as such is subject to letter-rates of postage. It is also decided that subscribers to news papers should remove their names from the margins of such papers before mail ing to other parties, otherwise tbey be come subject to letter-postage. Tyre Glenn, a highly reepectiMe citi zen of Yadkin county, died suddenly, on the 7th of this month. lie was In his seventy sixth year. He seemed in his usual health when be arose from his bed that morning, and, after dressing, he walked about as usual. He com plained of a pain in bis throat and in fifteen minutes died. ITliaaiaaippi Affair*. MEMPHIS, Oct. 19.—1n a so-called treaty of peace between Gov. Ames and the Democratic State Executive Com mittee at Jackson, Miss., whereby the militia was discharged, the eommittee assured tho Governor that there was no other desire among the whites than that peecc should be preserved, the laws enforced and a fair election had» and tltnt the leading whites would do all in their power to this end. The Governor responded that in view of this assurance he would meet their views ns lurus (rfissihlp, and would or der all the tuilitlu com pa ires to disperse and return to their homes. ' It wag agreed that the at'ms ot these compa nies should be deposited in the depots in the neighborhood in which the com panies were raised, ttltd be guarded by United l*tntfs troops, mid to be ro movedonlvby order oftli-j Governor. The HI ins would not be delivered tj the militia except in case ot a riot or insurrection, Which cottld not be sup press! by the civil authorities. A STAtt r/fTK »*■ LfcK.=A statuette of Geiierul It. E Leo by V. Dubcrl. the car. ver who cut Valentine's recumbent stat uej WHS deposited in tliC State Libtlry on SaturdM/ 1 . The flgui-Q is iti plaster, about two feet high, and represents Lee, standing beside the stump of a tree, dressed in full uniform, with his Cloak thrown over his shoulder. The left leg is slightly bent, and the lelt boot rests oil a rock, his arm folded, his right hand grasping his guantlet, and resting on thejiilt of his sword. The head is bare, with his face turned to the left. His raddle and trapping rest on a dismount ed cannon. The likeness is, perhaps, not very striking,, but otherwise the statuette is pronounced 6y artists to posesg a high order of merit.—llich mond dispatch. From the Daily Sentinel, wo learn, that Capt. A. D. Andrews, for eight years past, the superintendent of the Haicgli & Gaston railroad, has resigned his position, to accept a simelar position ou the North Carolina road. We had supposed, and saw it so stated in some one of our exchanges, that Capt. W. 11. Green bad been promoted to this posi tion; which we thotttfbi he had justly earned. Of course it is none of our business, and Capt. Audrew* is doubt less a good sclcctiou; being universally acknowledged lo be an efficient/ expe rienced, energetic railroad man; but all this can bo said with equal truth of Capti Green, and it occurs to usj from his past ooimeetion with the Nofth Car olina rujlt-ondj that he was justly en titled to the place* Capt. Greene of tlic Mnanier North State, plying between Favettevillc and Wilmington, in tlio gallant man, who tied up his boat, aud walked seven miles, over ditzlies, and fence* to see a young lady passenger to the house ot a relative. The opportunity for this display of gallantry, was afforded by the non-appearance of persons who were to have met the young lady at the landing. We suppose the Capt. almtch clor and the lady handsome,and may bo rich. If it should turn out that either the Capt. is married or the iady ugly than his gallantry ia perhaps unequalcci in modern times. IIOUUIBI.K OUTBADE.—A negr> man, Johnson Balden, attempted to commit aii outrage upon a little girl, daughter ot Mrs. Briggs in Orange county. The child is only elcvcu years old, aud the shocking crime was attempted about three miles from Uillsboro. The screams of the intended victim of this fiend were heard by a man bear by, whose appearance saved the little girl. The negro has been arrested and lodged in Jail. Of this occurrence we learn trom the Tobacco' Plant. William Dulan of Cabarrns county went to Charlotte ou business on Mon day, the 18th aud left there about night, in an intoxicated condition. He was thrown from bis horse, upon the centre 5f the track, at a crossing near Sugar Creek, just ahead of an approaching train. It being dark, this and another parsing over him horribly mangled his body: There was found tfpon his body •boot #7OO. lie was about thfrtyflve years, old and a respectable well-to-do tanner. GUESTS or THE STATE AMD Crrf.— During the inauguration of the English memorial statu* of Jackson the widow and daughter of the Illustrious hero will be the guests of the Commonwealth aud of Richmond city \ and tbey have accept ed the hospitalities of the Governor at the Executive Mansion.— Richmond Enquirer 16 th. ST. Charles, ARE.—A white and black man taken from the sheriff by masked men, who tied them together and shot them. The negro was instantly killed. The prisoners were go tog to Monroe county tor trial for a capital offence under a change of venue. The President has offereft the Secre taryship of the Interior Department to ex-Senaier Chandler. IIVDIC IB D FOR IJBBL. Some of the Board of Commissioners ot Robesou county have indicted W. P. Cannaday, editor and proprietor ol the Wilmington Pout, J. J. Cassidey, late associate editor of the same,in the superior Court for that coiltity, for libel. The indictment, we suppose, of course, is founded oil the comments of that pa per upon the course the majority of said Board saw proper to pursue in grant ing itertittoate* to the democratic candi dates for seat* lit tho late Constitutional Convention. Tho capias was received by Sheriff Manning yesterday, and serv ed >n the parties, when bonds wore giv en in the sum of SSOO each for their ap~ pcarancc at the next term ot the Supe rior Wilmington Star. Five years ago Coudtictol' Mi-Kinney, of the Hartford and New IlavWi rail road was given a thousand dollar bill by a sleepy passenger for tare, lie took it into the burgage car to change it, and upon returning the passenger de nied having given it to him, claiming to have handed him a ticket, McKimiey ptlt the money in a savings bank, where it still fetnalli*, The story has often been told in the newspapers; yet no Claimant has bcClt discovered. The republican press, which not long ago was fierce iu denunciation of Air. Schurz, now welcomes him back to the party, but he declare* himself in an in dependent attitude, free to co-operate with any prrty inthe Presidential elec tion. It depends entirely bow the fence is built as to which side he guts (town on, and therefore the radicalf would be wisq to look to the timber of which it is constructed. Ilere is a full report of Grant'; ad dress to un admiring herd, from a wes tern hotel balcony the other night: •'My friends, I have got a bad cold and sore throat. I don't think this cool air will do ine any good. I'IH going in anyhow. 1 will be liere in a few days, and you can sec me tben." UlafAer •( m Sheriff- CHICAGO* Oct. 20.—A week ago, Sheriff Baker, of Portage county, Illi nois, was killed by two brothers Court- Wright, whom the Sheriff attempted to eject from the building. Forty masked men took the CotfrtWriglifs from the Stevens Point jail) and huug them. William Flcrfltfilng is a Massachusetts Enoch Arden; lie iccently came home after a mysterious absence of two years, and, when he found ids wife had not married again, lie swore like a pirate. Tliia is What the Daily " Ne\fs" learns about iiiin. tlie Sheriff of liladeu county brought two negroes to tbe penitentiary, hw l week, sentenced to three years eat!h tor larceny, wltose unmet are George WuslMiigtoti Ilttftfber, uiki Dcnjamin Franklin Eagle. names a pen itentiary ! The New York Commercial Arit'er titer, a republican paper, says: " There is uo necessity lor the Republicans of Ohio to protest tliut lliey did not use money to influence the election. 7'he Democrats of New York sent euough money to Ohio to defeat Allen." Col. Fred. Grant was called upon at Des Moines for a speech aud ho said: lam sorry not to be able to mako a speech to*ufght, but as father has made a speech tonight, I have hopes of doing so some time." Clark RdtnomisofT, the nigger ootrager ot a white woman In Fayette coauty, Georgia, was hanged by a mob last Sunday night, to the same limb from which his brother dangled a week ngo for the saiae crime. Ex-dcnator Zack Chandler lias been appointed Secretary of the Interior to fill tbe vacancy occasioned by the res ignation of Delano. He was inducted into oflce on the 19th of this mouth. An accident on the R. & A. A. L. R. U. t between -Sanford and Camerou, oc cassioued by the train running over a cow, resulted in the killing of a negro man, one of the train bands. Mr*. Armstrong was knocked sense* less on the street in Wilmington, last Saturday nfgbt by a nigger ruffian,who escaped before the strong ana of the law esutd nab him. Unee nemo* ions (ramps around Char lotte enter bouses and give the startled inmates Just fifteen minutes to get them up a good square meal. Hon. A. M. Waddell delivered his lectnre on this jawbreaklng sub ject, "Hvitramannaland," to a large awttaaeain Wadesboro, yesterday eve ______ Rev. Dr. Ralston,, of Philadelphia, is ID Eastern Carolina collecting spec imens of wood tor the Centennial.- The Philadelphia Union League re fuses to endorse four oi the Rad nomi nees for city offices. —=* ADVERTISEMENTS. PKOCRRDIIVe* OF TUB VONTBN 'HON C«KDINH». ADVERTISEMENTS, HOHK EMTBBPMI»I - _ —:o: THJEI *?& YE* MA NUKACTUKED BY MKKUKANT * MeCAKMiV/ UKXKXSHOUO, X. 0. Thwc Stove* are vastly superior to the s;ra t majority of Stoves bought of Northern Manu factures. The Wist of material is used in (be manufacture,and they have never failed to give entire satisfaction. lii addition to the great ex cellence of these Stoves th«re Is irreat advan tage to those wh.i iniv, M living nfer the fae t iry, from WtktniXf M replace any vessel a.* short notice that should Le uccideutly broken, Price No. 8 #3O, No. 7 *a«. P. R. Harden «fc Bro., Graham, are agent* for the sale of the above named stove. F. JOXES k SONS, GRAHAM, N. C., Buggy and Carriage Makers, Are preparer! to MI at the shortest notice ; all orders in their line. Repairing promptly ; and neatly doue, at 9ffOoßß.tTfe IMTRR. They afeo keep constantly ott hand for sale at their shop, an assortment of lAa, Nalb, flalirial, PtspaH ti Palslii »f all eslsra, Plea (ha, aa4 Any style o4 coffin furnished at two hoar* notice. All fc(nds of produwe taken at market price*. We are ifiailfcftff tor pas I patronage, and hope to merit Its tfnrttltitMMt'r f«t 16-Sm •... I 1875. 1875, Spring and Summer GOODS!! Tlie very latest 9tyfliß and Chea)). DRV O f I.AbIRH tftIHMRD HAM, UaOiKMIKH, RARBffARI CRACHKRV WtaDKff. WARS. Every thin" usually fonod lM R Ketafl Store will Sold a.' ' • ... r CHEAP A 8 THE CHEAPEST. When you come to town call and see my slock—l am sure it will pay yon. J. L. SCOTT apr27-2in Graham, N. C. JJOUSTON & CAUSEY, WHOLESALE AND RXTAL KBOeSKI, GRE ESS JiOR 0, JIT. C., Have now In store, and arc daily receiving, a large stock of GROCERIES, which tliev will sell to village and Country Merchant* on better terms U-an they can buy elsewhere—which will enable them to aell at a better per cant, than purchasing North. We give our attention e*rJu*lv*4y to Grocer ies. Orders solicited, which shall have prompt attention. apra&3m. Q.RAHAM lIIGII SCHOOL*. GRAHAM, N, C. REV. I). A. LONO, A. M REV. W, W. BTALEVV A. B. BENJ. r. LO»G, A. M. MRS. G. r. 8.V40X, Ir.vtnKtreas hi Mask-. Opeas August Mk, an cloaca the h*H Fri day la May, IM Board W to #lO, and Tuition #9 tar *4 pa. month. roipiaiL R. FX) It BIS A BROTHER, (under the 3enbow Hall,) GREENSBORO, N. ?„ keep constantlyO* hand a Complete assert ment of PUKNffCBK» Repairing of ever/ description, ioeltiding Upholstering neatly done. Their stock eonaists of CHAMRRR IRTR, ranging in price from B2&00, te> #500 .09 ■" •flee, Dlslsfßssa, Parisr aaißki isa Chain, Barsaas, W'arirstis ■ aalaaaa Mik*, HsRKCHta, Cnc 4lssaa4 Traal» Rafc fsrihs Hule IMka IRaMraass aaa Rfriaa Rtli mi w» va rMyaat "*yl*. Hat-racks and any and everything in the furniture line. Their stock is the largest an* moat complete ever offered in thta portion at the State. They defy competition In quality or prieei aptW.Sm BKOUQHTON k CO, RALEIGH, N. C.

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