THE GLEANER. GRAHAM, N. C., DEC 14, 1875. Local, State and General. W. T. JOHNSON, EDITOR. nr. J*bn C. Roberta**, at Cmpaar gkapa. ia *ar authorised scent to re. ceirc lakicriptiaaa, and receipt for the ■tame. .• • - v. '■ ' Cotton in Raleigh active at 124. We are glad to hear that the little girl of our countyinan,Thomas C. Foust, that was so painfully burned week be fore last, is getting better and hopes of her recovery are entertained. It was a most shocking burn and the little inno cent sufferer has endured inexpressible pain. At a meeting of Graham Grange, No. 135, it was determined to have an ag ricultural fair and an invitation is here by extended to all other Granges in the couuty to send up a representation to the next meeting, When all arrange ments for said fair will be made. Those de iring to compete will see that they are represented at Graham on Satur day, betore the 2nd Sunday in Janua ry. By order of Grange. J. N. H. Clendeunin, Master. The Ilev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard, of Raleigh, will on next Thursday night, the 16th inst., deliver, in the court house iu 11ii* place lii-i famous lecture on " The Literary Attractions of the Bible." Ihe proceeds of the lecture to be devoted to aid in the building of a Baptist Church in this place. It is sel dom tb:it the people ol this placo, or other email tow HP, have the opportunity of hearing at home a lecturer so dis tinguishea. 2*l*6 Dr. as a speaker stands justly high and those who fail to hear him will have themselves to blame for missing a rare literary treat. The streets of our town have been undergoing repairs for some weeks, and last week the improvement-of the side walks began. These improvements have long been much needed. The side walks are being bordered with stone and graveled,so that on them we will be out of the mud, no matter how bad the weather. The Messrs Andrews, and R. M. Stockard have taken the contract and they are pushing the work rapidly We will soon have dry pleasant jjide walks for pedestrians, and better streets for vehicles. Our town is improving, and after the neW work gets solid there will be no necessity for young, wen loosing thier shoes in the mud any more. Mr. J. M. Chaffee, of Norwich Conn. f is iu our midst, selling, by subscription, a valuable book for our young people, and old one* as well. It is "The Young Peoplos Bible History," eoutairing a simple and attractive account of the great events, mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, written in short stories, suitable to the understanding and comprehension of all, and yet so connected as to form a continuous and complete history. The book is well and plainly printed aud elegantly bound. It is sold only by subscription. The same gentleman will also furnish family Bibles of any style. He represents 'he Henry Bill Publishing Company of Nor wich Conn. • BBOKE IN. —On last Wednesday night, about twelve o'clock, a young man of onr town named Jones, descovered a light in the store , room occupied* by James R. Fonville. He went aud in. formed Mr. Fonville and the two return, ed, and unlocked the door, walked iu, struck a light,looked under the counter, and fouud one John Siter, black, and opposed to the ratification of the pro posed constitutional, amendments con cealed there. Now this store room is used by Mr. Fonville as a boot and shoe mak ers sbop, and also as a store for tne sale of oonfections, clocks, watches, jewelry Ac. This opposer of the constitutional amendments procured au auger, by means ot Which be effected an entrance. On the inside he proceed to empty the contents of the cash drawer, consisting of nicklesand cents left for change, iuto his pocket. Then the secured a lot of jewelry, and cakes/ aud might have doubtless made off wi'h his booty but for a lot of ground-peas. He espied these and deliberately then aud there set in for a "good bait." This gratification prov* ed the snare of his ruin. He most, trom the quantity of Hulls upon the floor, have muuebed about a half gallon. Well, Sill Joues and uncle Jtamy Fonville just collared that negro, and him did they safely keep until the Sheriff arrived. Esquire T. J. Turner issued his war rant the next morning, and a hearing was bad, the result of which was the binding over ot tlds ground-pea eater, and constitutional amendment opposer, to the next term of the bnperior Court. In default of two hundred and fifty dollar bail, he now enjoys the hospital ities of the county. The negro was a stranger hereabouts, and doubtless bad an accomplice. The plot to break In and steal did not originate with him. DESTEICT CONTENTION I. O. of G. T. —Th'sbody, for the fifth congressional district, assembled iu Good Templars Hall in Graham on last Thursday. Notwithstanding the exceeding inclem ency of the weather, just before, there wiis quite a respectable number of dele gates present from many of the various lodges iu the district. The convention was organized at ten o'clock, and an election of officers of the convention had. The programme of business as | heretofore published was then taken up. Much said and done calculated to bene fit the order, and as a consequence those not of the order as well. On Thursday night, the convention, together with other members of the order, proceeded from the Hall, clothed iu regalia, to the Presbyterian church where was already assembled a goodly number of citizens of this place, of Company Shops and the surrounding country. Here the large audience was addressed, first, by W. 8. Ball Esq. tor about an boar, in a very forcible sensible and argumentative manner. He wasfollowedby Dr. Boothe of Granville in a stirring speech of a half an hour in length. The proceedings interspersed with music, booth instru mental aud vocal. G. \V. C. T., N.B. Kroughton of Raleigh, was present duriug tho entire convention, and con tributed much t» its interest. The ses sion lasted two days, Thursday and Fri day. There were several iniatioo* luwithe ordei* during the t|me. The success of this, the second district convention cal>- ed for this district, was highly eucour. aging and flattering to the friends of the order. The reports from the vari ous Lodges showed, with a very few exceptions, the order to be in a flourish ing condition. That it has done a vas 1 deal of good none can deny, and that it will do much more almost equally certain. There were large numbers in attendance from the lodge at Compa ny Shops. Those whose opportunity for judging has been good say tnat the lodges at this place and Company Shops, all things considered, are among the best in the Stole. The membership of the two lodges is very considerably over two hundred. The District Depu" ty will designate the time and place for holding the nest district conven tion. , THE ORPHAN ASTlCM.—Superinten dent Mills, reported the condition of these institutions to the Grand Lodge o 1 Masons, recently in session at Raleigh. This report shows that the contributions to the Oxford Asylum, from December Ist, 1874, to November 30th, 1875, amounted to $13,095.98. Disbursements for same period 912*540.37. These figures include receipts and disburse ments for the Mars Hill A»ylum until September Ist. According to last report there were 132 orphans at Oxford; admitted since that report 30; dis charged 57; died 2; ran away 3; expell ed 2; leaving 105 inmates ai present. From September Ist, to November 30, total contributions lor Mars Hi 11,9353.21 cash. One mule sold for 9100 and 9110, received from Oxtord making 9563.34, Disbursements for the time 9548.30. To this asylum have been admitted 85; expelled 1; ranaway 2; discharged 3; leaving 29 there at present. We have had very unfavorable weath er for farmers work, for so early a period in the season, aud as a conse quence our farmers are much behind hand with their work. Many of them are not done seeding wheat aud much that would, if we had bad ordinarily good weather, hare been sown will no* be seeded at all. Winter appears to have fairly set in, and the earth U fall of water. It will take some days of sunehiue to put the ground in condition to plow at all. We regret the hindrance of our farm labor, for upon it all classes? are dependent. At the term just closed of the Federaj Court in Raleigh, in the owe of August I Belmont against the Auditor of the State, (in the matter of the special tax bonds, being an effort to compel the Auditor to levy a tax to pay the interest on these special tax bonds) there was an order made remanding this snit back to the State Court, where it bad origi nally been brought, and from which it bad been removed on the application of the plaintiff. ' Miss Betty Ives a widow ot forty five years standing, and one hundred years of age was married, InNewbern, to John P. Ives an ex-revolutionary soldier niuety-six years old. We dido' make statement. The Duly Hut Shell is our authority. -***- - _______ A shocking tragedy in Wadesboro, last week, resulting in the death of a man named Jowers at the bands of a man named Birmingham. Birmingham escaped. Fetner the engineer charged-with causing the recent accident on the C. C. and A. R. R. has been delivered to the authorities of S. C. on requisition of the Governor. They steal hitching-posts for wood In Wilmington. \ °■- n ELECTION OF GRAND OFFICERS— At their session last evening the masonic grand lodge, now in session in this citv, elected grand officers for the ensuing masonic year. This is the list: Geo. W. Blount, grand master; Horace H.Muu son, Seuiorgratid warden; R. V. Black stock, junior grand warden; W. E. Anderson, grand treasurer; Donald W. Bain, grand secretary. The iustal. lation of the grand officers elect wil| take place this evening, and the new room of W. G. Hill lodge, in which the grand lodge is now sitting, will also be dedicated this evening with appropriate ceremonies. J.H. Mills has been unani mously re-elected snpqrinteqilcnt of the orphan asylum at Oxford, a post which he has heretofore filled in the most ac ceptable manner.— Sentinel 9the. The Wilmington Journal, in its issue of the is: of this month, deplores the decliue in the rice culture in that itn. mediate section. It shows that iu the immediate vincity of Wilmington there were before the war raised about 200, 000 bushels cr 9,000,000, lbs rice, as against less than ten thousand now. It further shows that the lands upon which this crop was raised, has been suffered to become almost if not quite useless. It says "The fields are desolate, the dikes are wearing down, and a desola tion of weeds and grass has taken the place of the bending golden grain." The "Western Sejitinel goes forjudge Cloud for his conduct in censuring sheriff Hill, at the late term of Porysy the Court f»%not punctually ringing the Cou Hon so bell, by which a half hour of the peoples tinw yro& lost, and afterwards during the same term to adlourn court early in tb« the day to listen to a hand organ and play with the pet monkey. The Sentiuel says he did those things. Ex cuso the old man. Monkeys can't whis tle, and the Judge can feel easy in their company. Columbus Jones, white, killed Har. vey James, colored, at Hickory week before last, under circumstances, which if correctly reported, make Jones guilty of murder. Jones was drunk, provok ed the difficulty, followed the negro up and stabbed him to death with a knife. Jane's uncle also assaulted the negro. The murderer escaped. Austin Hill, negro, was tohav6 been hanged last Friday at Jackson in North ampton comity, for his share in the cold blooded outrageous murder o f Presson, the bridge watchman at Wel don, some time ago. Our tender hearted Governor on the day before commuted his sentence to imprisonment for life. The Eastern Medical Association of this State was in session in Wilmington last week. From the reports ot pro ceedings in the Wilmington papers, the M. D's. of the east had a profitable and pleasant session. This association is auxiliary to and co-operative with the State Medical Society. R. Y. McAden, of Charlotte applied for the twenty convicts recently made at Charlotte to be sect directlv to work on the railroad, but Gov. Brogden said they must pass through the penitentiary and the Charlotte Observer wants to know what tor that expense. Judge Cloud recomended a special term of the Superior Court for Davidson The bar and the county lOinmissionere objected and the governor declined to order it. The same state ox affairs exists in Forsythe county. The senate yesterday confirmed the appoinment of secretary of the interior, Pierrepont as a.torney generai, New as treasurer, and J. C. Smith as commissioner of Indian af fairs. i ———————————— The ladies of Greentboro have form, ed "An Orphan Aid Association" for the purpose of raising funds during the winter for the orphans at Oxford and Mara Bill. So we learn from the Fa triot. At the recent Conference of theM. E. Cbnrcb, In Wilmington. Steps were taken, looking to the celebration, In ft becoming manner, of the oentenial of Methodism in K. C. t which occurs next year. The joint committee of the Arkansas legislature, appointed to investigate charges of bribery sad corruption ■gainst Senator Dorsey, hare snbmit ted a report exonerating that gentle" man. The Conference of the Methodist Pro testant Cbnrcb was beli at Union Chap el in Granville county oommendng on the gnJoftblsiyonth. ♦ Judge Jones, of Arkanaas, was elected Grand Master of the National Grange at its late session in Louis ville. - A drove of 125 turkeys.from Patrick county Virginia, were driven to Salem in this State. A GOOD MONTH'S WOBK.—Daring the month of November Superinten dent Mills, of the Oxford Orphan Asy lum travelled through Eastern Caro lina with nine of tLe Orphans giving concerto for the benefit ot the Asylum. During the month he traveled 315 miles by private conveyance, at a total cost of all expenses of $11.50, and obtained from contribution f 1,200. Daring this time he travelled on five different steamers, on the Cape Fear, Tar River, without co3t. This mouth's work placed the Asylum ahead of all indebtness for past mouthy. — News. A. D. Royster & Bro. Candy Manu. factors in Raleigh, keep constantly-oil haud a great variety ot very flue stick candies, drcps, kisses, lumps, chocolet cream, cocoannt crtain' Almond, wal nut, peanut, fig and fruit candy, cream taffy, and, in fact, even-thing in the candy Hue. Send and get your Christ mas stock from them, and do not set] adulterated caudies then. " The Baltimore Gazette of 9th says: "One hundred and sixty-one painters were engaged abont two hours Satur day afternoon on one ef the most beau tiful 'signs' that has been seen in the Hall of the Lower House at Washington in many a year. It will be fat in its place to-day, and will bear the follow ing inscription: "NO SUBSIDIES GRANTED HEM." Rev. Dr. C. F. Deems, who for some years past has been the Pastor of the Church ot the Strangers in New York city, wrote a letter to the Conference of his Chnrch lately assembled in. Wil mington asking to be located at the Church of the Strangers. His roqatfev was complied with. The New York papers are ttnsparing in their denunciation of the ..offikers that allowed or connived at tho escape of Tweed. The sheriff will Vfeheld responsible to the full exteud of the law. As heretofore noticed, Woodson, late of the Raleigh Newt, has takei charge of the columns of that sterling Democratic paper, the Wilson Advance. General Henderson, special counsel to prosecute the whiskey frands, has been discharged for reflections upon tbe President made in the course of a pro fessional talk to the conrt or Jury. Genl. Babcock, tho Presidents pri vate and confidential friend has been indicted for participation in the wbiskey frauds. The News says the whole State tax has been paid, the last Sheriff J>as fet tled and no forfeitures or penalties In curred. The first time since the adven of Radicalism. Howard was tried at Statesville week betore last for the killing of a negro while stealing chickens. He %as acquit ted as we learn from the Charlotte Ob- S6TVGV* The daily Bent!nel says: A deer wekrhinging 864 pounds was reoently killed in Bladen county by "W. £. At kinson. Some things need proving; this is one of them. Negroes at Rolling Fork Miss, at tempted to rescue an arrested criminal, when a riot ensued which resulted in t he killing of seven negroes. Awfully cold np north, river* and canals blockaded with ioe. Well,we had a spell of weather last week and week before The Grand Jury of Mecklenburg county, at the recent term of the Supe rior Coort, presented Court bouse as a nuisance. Negro woman in Newborn killed her new-born child and tried to conceal ite birth. B>und over and sent to Jail. The Board of Trustees of the Univer" sity will meet ia Raleigh next Thurs >*y. A whiskey distiller named Friaxie shot and killed a man named Buchanan in Jackson county week before last. Send to A. D. Royster k Bro. of Rai" eigh for their candy circular. Gen. Shermans' report shows the army of the U. 8. to oouaist of 24,081 men and 1,640 officers. * 1 Josh Billings is U> lecture In Raleigh 23 rd February. . _ New Hanover county has a whit* woman with acoal black husband. ■abbibb, On the find of this month, at BtnddMM of the bride * mother, in this eonaty, Mr. Wla field W Ilk Ins to Miss Annie Rogers. On the oth of this mootlLsl the resldenos of the bride's mother, Mr. John Burke to Mlas MoUle Wkltly. All the parties of Alamance county. The Rer. A laeley officiating, JJEADQUARTERS FOR GROCKRIXBII HOUSTON k CAUSEY, WB4LIIALB BBf «B Bfi, GREEWSBOBO, K. C., Have now and alwaya keep on hand, one of the largest stocks of [6BOCBBIBS, to be found In the State., Bnytaa from maaa facturers In large quantities, ana bits them to •ell Urnlf it manufacturer'# price#, and some ,modal£sthan their prices, ftandlln* grocer- La exclusively Is another advantage they have | ever general merchants. Omm solid ted filled promptly and at low- I est prices. ADVERTISEMENTS. DANIEL WORTH, Company Shops, U". C., ,«• . ' . Thanks his friend* and the nnblic for the very liberal patronage he has heretofore en ioyed; and beg* to introduce to their Inspect ion the lABGIST m 4 HAST COMPLETE AND VARIED t . STOCK OF GOODS t \ - ~ '■ ;' * V ' ■- 1 ever brought to Alamance County. He ha* just returned from the Northern cities where he purchased and has received aid and i* re eel vug hi* , ■ IPRINU AND MVMHBK WOODS, Hi* stock consists of DRY-GOODS, ft >m com mon to the finest ever oflered in this m rket, READY-MADE CLVTHI* % of every deeoriptlou, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOE * of all varieties to the beat hand-made, stock of MllililNEßY GOODS, SAMWABE ODTIiEBT, 4PEENS.WABI, TRUNKS mm* TALESBS, TIN.WABE, CHIL. DBECNS* MATS, largest assortment at the lowest price*. A roll stock FAMILY GROCERIES, UPPER AND BOLE LEATHER, Fertilizers, In a word, he everything of ary quality that you will want to buy, and he will buy at the highest price* all, and anything' yon have to sell. All os ask4l* for you to call and see for yourself. If you don't aee what you want you just auk for It, and then see If It Isn't found. lE3"Cook Stove* of every variety, in price from «17,50. up. mavll-0m HOLEBALE AND RETAIL. We keep constantly on hand a largo and varied *tock of GROCERIES, HARD-WARE DRY-GOODS, •' j, t « of all aorta, NOTEONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, A! % SHOES, EEiSV-HABE V* ' CLOTHING, Carpetings ABO •' • ? ' B.ITTIIVG!) of all grades, from the lowest pfioes up mads a specialty. VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS P'Vf- r ■' *i ! il, j H ~ an invited to Inspect our atock and bear our price* before buying elaewhere. They cati examine and select for themselvea, ami we guarantee that wa can sell them their entire stock or any part of It on such terms a* will enable them to *Oll their goods at a larger proflt to tbemaahroo than they could |o by pur chasing, by order, from a distance. We are Agents for, and *sil at manufacture* price* the folio win* goods, vis t Cedar Pall* and Deep River Bbeetings, Yarns and Seamle** Bag*. Holt's and Kaadl*. Cassimers and Erkenbi eecher's Starch. ODJELL, RAGEN & CO,, -j apr 20-ly flreehsboro, N. C. W, F. JONES k SONS, GRAHAM, X. C., "-. ' i Baggy and Carriage Makers, Are prepared to. All at the shortest notice allfirdcrs la their line. Repairing promptly and neatly doee, at ■•■■■ATl BATBS. Tbev also keep constantly on band for sal at their •hop, an assortmsnt of Irta, Naibt Biur RimHil, Pi«rat> •4 Patau mf all nl«n, - Plcafh, aa4 Cafln. Aay itrle of coffin furnished at two hoar* nodes. AH kinds of .luce taken ft market prices. We are thankful for past patronage, and hope to merit 1U continuance. feb IMb gCOTT k DON SELL. GRAHAM, N. U., Boy and sell csttsh. c»un f wvvm, bac«n LAM ARB ALL URM •» cavNTBT rat*»re«, —— fab. 16-tai rjIHE LOST CAUSE. A magnificent picture 14* 18 Inches In alse. It represents a confederate soldier after the war returning to Us hone, which be find* lonely and desolate. In iront of the rained cottage, telling a and tale of the mlaerlea of war, are two graves with rude crosses, on one of which some friendly hand has hung agar-1 land. To the right the calm riwWaMtimg mooa Indicate peace aad rest. The stars, seen 1 between the trees, represent the Southern Cfbas. It is a picture that will touch every Southern be«JaSd should find a place In every Southern bona. Sent by inelL moant ed on a roller, and poet paid, oa receipt of » KaabviUe, Tens, ■■ —J| gUTTIHG AID MAKING Robert A. Noell, Offers bis servlcee as a lUlor, to the pnbHe His shop Is at Ms residues, ta GRAHAM. K. C. His work warranted, In fit and finish. fcblfi-Iy I " " i. a' QRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL. GRAHAM, H, a REV. P. A. LONG, A. M. RKV. W. W. STALKY, A B. KENJ. V. LONG, A. B. MBS. G. F. BASON, Instructress In Music. Opens August 24th, and doses the last Fri d and Tuition $S to H pe* month. ADVERTISEMENTS. B. FARRAR, OPTICIAN, fTATCH-HAKKB, AND JEWELER, AND ENGRAVER, AMD DEALER IN WATCHRI, CI.OCKS, JBWRLIV Silver Ware; Bridal Present*, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold Pens, See. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which will be mU cheap fa* t'aah. tST Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines, and Pistols repaired cheap and on short notice An assorted stock of Guns, Pis tols, Cartridges, Ac., always on hand apr 20-1 y PKOBATIC COURT. Alasuiac* Csaaqri James A Turrentine as Ad- Y minlstrator of JobnS Tur rentine, Samson *oa Flaw/, Against RILIKV. G D Cobb and wife Catherine E, Joseph Fix and wife to rah J. Turrentine and Special Fro- Joseph D Turrentine, Defendant*. qpedlngs. ' State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Alamance County-Greet ing: Ton A hereby commanded to summon G. D. Cobb and wife Catherine E., Joe. Fix and wife Sarah J., W. H. Turrentine and Joseph D. Tnr.entine the defendants above named if they be fonnd within your county to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Alamanee wihttn twenty days after the service of this summons on them ex clusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of said Clerk within ten days from the date of this summons: And let sala defendants lake notice that if they faHtq answer the com plaint within that time the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Herein fall not and of this summons make due return, Given under my hand and the seal of said Court. This 27 day of Nov. 1878. W. A. ALBB T «WT. C. 8. C. Alamanx County. In the above proceeding, u appearing to the satisfaction of the eoort, thai Joseph D. Tur rentine is a party thereto, and that he is a nonresident of the State, it is ordered that publication be made in the Alamance Gleaner for six successive weeks in lien of personal service of summons upon said Joseph D. Tur reutlne W. A. ALBRIGHT, C. 8. C. Alamanee County. Done at office In Graham I this 27th Nov. 1875. f liillpiiT R. FORBLS k BROTHER,» (under tbe 3eubow Hall,) GREENSBORO, N. C„ keep constantly on hand a complete aseort ment of FUKNITURE. Repairing of every description, including Upholstering neatly done. Their stook consists of CHARIM IBTS, ranging In price from $25.00, to tSOO.OO; OSSce, Blalafßssai, Pari ar mm* B laa Chain. Bareass, Wardrsk Haaiaeaa Bstks, Mafea.Crlhs, Cra l lea aad Traafl«-Brd> fas-(ha Mule Calks. IKallrr»r. ami •prlsi Bad* a* every »a rlely sa4 style, y ' Hat-racks and any and everything in the furniture line. Their stock is the largeet and most complete ever offered In this portion of tbe State. They defy competition in quality or price. aprw.Hm ~~ ; . • . A Florence Sewing Machine, mil make a stich alike on both sides. It has a reversabie feed. It Is made of fine ease steel. It has po cogs, cams or wire spring* to get oat of order, baa a self-regulat ing tension. It will sew from light to heavy fanrie, and la adapted to all family sewing. It Is tbe prettiest machine made, and runs very light—ls almost noiseless, and is lost what I every housekeeper ought to have The use of . It can be learned from tbe book accompanying __ 1 each machine. And it can be had on monthly i installments if desired. We also have a new BAnmcTvuita bavbiri tar vary heaij warfc, which can also be need on tne work. This machine wU make 288» sttcbes per minute. Mannfaetnrers will do well to order a Florence B. si once. J " The hundreds of the Florence now In use In North Carolina prove Its merits, and that oar people appreciate a good-thing. Needles, oiL thread and silk constantly on hand for all iMdhiiMis and sent by mail to any pert of tlm State. We are also agent for the BICEFOBD Vaallr Kstlilaf ■asbias, - upon which 80,000 stichee may be knit per minute, and from thirty to forty pairs o socks may be knit per day, complete without seam, ana perfect bod and toe. _ , Hoods, Gloves, Shawls Scarfs, Headings. Ae_ may be knit upon tbe " Woman's Help, and the price is less than half the common • Correspondence solicited in relation to either tbe Knitter or towing Machine and samples sent when requested. All orders by mall win receive prompt attention. And machines shipped to any part of the State. Agent want ed every county. Audr^^ General Agent V Greensboro, N. C.

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