[From the .Southern Piaster and Farmer,] nJt'B* TO 'TOHACI'O l*f,A«T Uliiis III' I'MlfK. A KEMEDY. [The fallowing ;irtic]c appeared iu this JoUTnalln IS'tl, and at the to qu£st. of a frieit'f" we reproduce it. SVe have a.t ranged to have n series of ar ticles, by the best tobacco growers iu Virginia, on t!»e cultivation of tobacco from the j'lajit bed to its delivery to market. Ed.] "The ravages of the liy.on the tobac co plant be J;t,of Eastern Virginia have. MO ntueh increased of late years us to call for a itj'drC certain preventive or remedy tlipu any heretofore suggested. A fir.it ar.d sometimes a second series of !_. plants is devoured by the insects, an-1 before a third can attain a growth suf ficient for transplantation, the early seasons have passed. The losses occa sioned by the delay alone in. planting must havejbeeu immense; and during the present year many growers of to bacco •wholly failed in occupying a part .of their hills made for that purpose. "During a recent visit to the county of Amherst, I met with Mr. Jame.s W. Phillips, an intelligent citizen and plan ter of that county, with whom I con versed at largo on the best modes of rearing and managing tobacco, From him I learned that he was in possession of a remedy againa# the _fly, which he had tried with unvarying Bcwcess for thirteen years past, with the exception of one year,when no flies appeared. He had not divulged it before, but is will ing that it should be made public now; and as it is both simple and cheap, J send for pnblication in the Planter a copy of what was written down from his dictation. " 'As soon as the cattle are taken in . 0 * from grazing and put up for winter feoding, as we may be certain that their manure will be free from grass seed, a quantity of this is collected and stored In several barrels. Old flour or lime barrels will answer the purpose. Over •ach layer of eight or ten inches thiok. ness, pour water until it is moistnred through and then sprinkle a handful or two of slaked lime. About four or five handfuls geneally suffice for a bar rel. These are either to be kept under shelter or covered during wot weather These are either as the fly tnukes its appearance—whiob is generally from the last week in March to the middle of April—sprinkle the mixture, which will be now thoroughly pulverized, over the beds so as nearly to cover the plants. The flics will cease to trouble them and the manure will stimulate their growth as well or better than any other ho has ever tried. - "Mr. P. covers his beds with brush, as in the general custom, and rather thicker than usua/; but never removes it entirely until shortly before the the plants aro drawn. He thinks it better to have two layers of brush, one across the other, as in caso the plants are too much shaded, the second may be removed Without disturbing the first and thuH injuring the plant*. TUo remedy bore proposed may not be as new te all your readers us it was to myself; but I doubt if it bo general ly known, and Mr. Phillips assures me that, as thus compounded, it is original t with him. 1 have heard of liquid ma nure, or a weak solution of guano, or brine o{ fiuli being poured over the 'Wis —of lime or plastor of Faria, either ,;«ingly or successively, sprinkled over the plants—but not with uniform re, suite. It has been said that if brush ■ fires bo kindled at the leeward of the beds the flies will be attracted by the flames. Recent observers of the h&bits of these insects also tell us that they rarely or nerer rise more three feet from the ground, and that beds enclosed by a tight plank fence of that height will keep them out. Of the efficacy of either of theso modes I know nothing; but the first, I suppose, would lw but temporary, and the other both troublesome and expensive. Mr. P's. continued sucoess was attested by several of his neighbors, and bis prepa ration may be considered worthy of trial by many others during the coming season, JJhould it prove equally effican. cious under a variety of circumstances, lie will have entitled himself to the thank* of our planters generally, and perhaps to some more solid testimonial of their obligations. "N. F. CABELL." Nelson, Dec. 7, 1853. . At the late session in Charleston the South Carolina Annual Conference passed a resolution forbidding Method- ADVERTISEMENTS. A Florence Sewing Machine, "Will make a stich slik* on both sides, It has a rcvcrsable feed. It is made of fine case hardened steel. It has no cogs, cams or wire springs to get out of order, has a self-regulat ing tension. It will sew from light to heavy fabric, end is adapted to all familv sewing. It is the prettiest machine made, and runs very light—is almost noii-eiees, and is just what every housekeeper ought to have The use of it can be learned front the book accompanying each machine. And it can be hart on monthly in&tallweuts if desired. We (fcleo have a new 9tA!*tFACTU RI !*« Ji AtIHIJIB Mr Ttrr heavy w*rk, which can also be used on fine work. Thl machine will make 2852 niches per minute. Manufacturer* will do well to order a Florence B. at once. • , The hundreds of the Florence now m use in North Carolina prove its merits, and that our people appreciate a good thing. Needles, oil, thread and silk constantly on han4 for all machines and sent by mail to any part of the State. H'e are also agent for the BICKFORD ■ rik I t f *wt n+»t * » ♦ * * «-• upon which 30.000 dtiches may tx knit per minute, and from thirty to forty ]>air« of socka may be knit per dar, comply without seam, and perfect hoel an J toe. Hoods, Glove*, Shawls Brarfs, Headings. &c., may be knit upon the " Woman's Help," and the price is less than half the common knitters, only SHO. Correspondence solicited in relation to either the Knitter or Sewing Machiuf and samples of work sent when requested. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention. And machines shipped to any part of tbo Sute. Agent want r„ »»«.,, General Agent. Greensboro, N. C lit TOBMIPEBI SB CSBBTi Alaasaaca Csaalf Edmund Graham and otaers ex parte. It appearing to the sactlsfaction of thn court that William Graham John Graham Thoa. Gra ham and the heir* at law of Jumes Graham deceased are non residence of this State, and that they are the parties to be effected by and have an interest in tha proposed motion, of which the following is a notice, it ia order ed. That service of said notice upoii said pai ties be wade by publication thereof iu the "ALA MANCKGLEANER" tor six weeks.. IX IMB BVPBBIVB CSVBTi A lanaaace Ctaaiv, To William Graham. John Graham, Thom as Graham, and the heirs at law of James Qra il Rin deceased uainea and members unknown loillnake notice: That at the Spring term 187® of Alamance Sbpeyior Court, to be held a' the courthouse la Graham, oa the second Mot day befone the first Monday in March 1879, motion will be made in a proceeding now de pending in said court, and entitled upon tU docket thereof "Edmund Graham others JSx pane for an order directing the clerk of sai" court to collect the monlet* due for the pu chase of lauds described in the petetlou lv sold proceeding and to pay over the same to fhe following named parties to said proceeding exclusive of the o/her parties thereto »tx. To Fanny Braxton one third part of said mouice. To Jane Dixon oue third part of aald mo nies. To the heirs at law of Mary Ann Maliete de ceased a one third part of said monies. Affidavit for aald order filed in Clek's office Dec. 17th. 1875. E. 8. PAiJKER, Attorney. King Alfonso is giving the Carlists ft lively time, ftad B. TATE & CO., at the old stand of Murray A Tate, In Graham, are giving all wbotrr to uoierMll them a lively time. Alfonso and Tate 4 Co.,are both bound to succeed. Tate & Co. will buy at the highest price* all you have to tell, aud at the lowest dice* tell JOB all yon want to bay. 1875. 1875. Spring and Summer GOODS!! The TerjT latest Styles wt/k Cheap. »BV UOODS,I>«TI*NS,CI.*THIIia, LAMKS TRIMHBD Hill, CROCIKIBS, IAIDWABI ' CKSCKKRT WMDBR. WAM. Krery thiar anally found In a Retail Store will bi sold us CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. When yon come to town ca!l aud see my stock—l am sure U will pay yon. J. L. Scott. Graham N. C. wifcrapi. yy R. FORBIB & BROTHER (tinder the Benbow HftU,) GREENSBORO, N. C„ Keep con»Untly on hand a complete assort Upholstering neatly done. Their stock consists of CHAMRKB SBTS, ranging In price from •85.00, to 1800.00; •Stea. BlaiirßMSi. Patler aa Bft iijj 'Vi l«"r SCIfCMM SM , m v ADVERTISEMENTS. DANIEL WORTH, Company Shops, N. C., Thanks hi» friends and the public for tlie very liberal patronage be has heretofore en joyed; and to introduce to tbeir inspect ion the KA H« KMT ma* yi»MT C'O.liri.KTK AMD VAHIEB STOCK OF GOODS eyer brought to Alamance County. He h«i just returned from the Northern cities where lie purchased and has received a..d and "is r* eoivng hi* nrHi.\» AMD xcnneit uoooi His stock consists of DRY-GOODS, fi m com mon to the tiucst erer ottered in this m rkct. READY-MADE CLOT III A 9, of every description, ■I ATM, BOOT# AND Mil 08. « of till varieties to the bust hand-made, stock of (iOODM, IIARDWAKF CIITI.KRT, QIKItSS-WABE, TKIIH KM snd VAi.IHKM, TIN-WADE. CMIL. OKKKI)' HATH, largest assortment at the lowest prices, a full stock' FAMILY GROCERIES, urrEii AND SOLE LEATHER, Fertilizers, In a word, he has everything of any quality that you will want to buy, and he will buy at the highest prices all, and anything ypu have to sell. All he ask. is for you to call/ and sec for yourself. If yon don't see what you want you just a«k for it,and then see if it isn't found. Sijrcook Stove* of every variety, in prlc e from 117,50. up. inavll-6ui HOLESALE AND RET AIL. We Jteep "constantly on hand a large and varied stock of GROCERIES, HARD-WARE DRY - GOODS, of all sorts, NOTIENA, HAT*; CAPO, BOOT*, ARB IHOBS, BKADV-MABE CLBTHINO, Carpetings MATTINGS of *ll grata, from the lowest prlcos up made a specialty. VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS are tnvftod to inspect our stock and hear our prices before buying elsewhere. They can examine and aelect for themselves, and we guarantee that we can soli them their entire stock or any part of it on such terms as will enable them to sell their goods at a larger proit to themselves than they could do by uur chwing, by order, from a distance. We are Agents for, and sell at manufacture# 1 price* tbe following goodi, via : Cedar Falls and Deep River Sheetings, Yarns and Seamless Bags. Holt's and Randle- Plaids, Fries' " Salem" Jeans, Charlottesville Caasimsrs and Erkenbieecher's Starch. ODELL, RAGEN & CO,, apr tO-lj Greensboro, N. C. gCOTT k DON NELL". GRAHAM, N. 0., Bny and Belt COTTON, COKN, FI.OI'R, BACON I,AMD. AND Aljl KIND* OF CO UNTBI PRODUCE, feb. 10-3 m rpHE LOST CAUSE. -.■ A magnificent picture 14x 18 Inches In lire. represents a confederate soldier after th» war returning to his borne, which he ftndi lonely and desolate. In front of the ruined cottage, telling a sad tale of the miseries a! war, are two graves with rude crosses, on on of which some friendly hand has hung a gar land. To tiie right the calm river ana ris'in* moon indicate peace and rest. The stars, seai between the twes, represent the Southern Cross. It is a picture that will touch «vry Southern heart, and should find 'a place in every Southern home. Sent by mall, mount ed on a roller, and post paid, on receipt of 25 cents, or three for fifty cents. Address Southern Picture Co.. Nashville, Tenß, IT WON'T PAY ! You know it won't pay to make your pur chases from old stock, alread} picked aver. Our Mr. Gant has jnst returned froit the North, where be personally selected and pur chased a large stock of Drr*a«s«lii Grsccrica, UilUw.Wtro, Willsw-War*. Hardware, together with a well assorted stock of BBABT>HADI CLOTUIIIG, and the most complete line of NOTIONS ever offered to the people.Of this county. Boots and Shoes of every variety, including the best hand made. We make a specialty of Boots and Shoes, and we a»k an exanuntilon of our stock. Look and Judge for tourself. We defy competition In prices or quality. We will sell you the best calicoes, for 10 ceuts. We can sell you a good suit clothes for #lO. tat We wish, especially, to nil yonr atten lon to the great decline In prices iu the North ern markets. We bought at time reduced pri ces. Our customers shaO have all the advantage of the good bargains we made. Ulghcst prices apld for all kinds of produce. Come to see J. Q, GANT, A CO. Company Shops, Nor. tod, 1875, nov.S-tf HIGH BCHOOL. GRAHAM, K, C. JUT. D. A. LONG. A. M. W. W. BTALET, A. B. BEN J. F. LONG, A. B. MIVBC. HDNTEKBOUTHGATE, Instrnc tress la Music. *Boajrd M to iio, and Taltion II to K per ADVERTISEMENTS. IIOJIE eXTEItI'BIMG :o : . f" li 4i TWWL»* C QtiUKQi ST OjVk MANL'PACTX'KEI) BT. • KRQBAIVT «fc .VeC AVt. EV . GKEENSHOKO, N. C. ! - ■ Hh tygjoS /JKK EBhN;! v" 1 v ■* These Stoves are vastly superior to the grei majority of Stoves bought of Northern Manu fuctuvca. The best of material is used in.thi manufacture, and they have never failed to givi entire satisfaction. In addition to the great ex ccllence of these Stoves, there is great advan tagc to those who buy, in living-near the fat tory, from whence to replace any vessel at short notice that should be accidently broken .P-ri«c-.JiJi. jB-83Q f _ _ _ , No. 7 426. P. R. Harden & Bro., Oraham, are agents for the sale of the above named stove. IJ\ II E SUNNY SOU TH, The Lar|CM and HandaoineatXiterai Paper in America, j ' ■ BRILLIANT AIVNODNCEinKNTR FREE.^n _ She following new stories will be com menced, and will be the most intensely thrill ing of any romances yet published in an Amer ican journal. RILLA HOSCOEI OR NORTH AND SOUTH. A Thrilling National Romance, Based Upon tli c Administrations of Presidents Liu- coin and Johnson, and the Ex ecution of Mrs. Surratt in 1866. WAITTBM BT A DLBTINODIBP«D BTATKBVAH WRITTEN IN BI'OOB i OR THE 11118-NIGHT PLBBCSB. A diary or the l.sal Napoleon'a Reign Br M. QUAD OF THE MICHIGAN Panes. FIGHTING AGAINST FATE ; OR jfliONE IN THE WORLD. AJBrilliaiit Serial, now Running by Mrs. Ma E.,Bryan, who it the Finest Story Writer of the Ago. EDITII HA IVTHANK I •r The Ttmptatien* of a Factery Girl Br A POPULAR NOVBLIST. REMINISCENCES OF THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT. By Col. 11. D. Capers, Chief Clark of Treasury under Mr. Memmimger. (ty This will be a deeply interesting series of sketches giving the early trials, disadvan tages, and many amusing incidents of our peo ple in their efforts to establish an independent Government. A number of unusually brilliant short stories appear in each issue, with a great vari ety of speaking subjects. Sabacriplion, 9.380 a Vear. Clubs of 4 and upwards, $2.50 each. " 2,25 " Extra copy FREE, one year, for a club of sat #3.00. * Address J. H. SEALS, Atlanta, Ga. GREAT TASK MADE EASY. By the use of the VICTORIOUS WISNER IMPROVED Hay Rake, Manufactured by JOHN DODDS & CO., Dayton, Ohio. • Thie la ihia ralr Perfect Self-Operating , RAKE ever offered to tne public. Any little girl or boy that can drive a gentle horse, can rake the hay as well as the strongest mad. > Circulars sent free on application. GEO. A. CURTIS, Agent. Graham, N. C. ■J^OTICE. The firm of Holt, Newlin Jfc 00., was dis solved o;i the Ist of October last. E. M. Holt having puechaaed the interest of James New -1 liu said firm. ' All persons indebted to the concern will plea»c come forward aud settle their accounts, as it is drsirable'to close all accounts due the old firm. The business will be conducted in future by Holt, White A Williamson, who are authorised to collect and receipt for all due to the said firm. E. M. HOLT. JAMES NEWLIN rrHE GREENSBORO PATRIOT Published weekly la Greensboro. N. C. by Duffy A Albright, at $3.10 per year in advance —postage included. It is Democratic-Conservative In politics and labors tealously for the material prosperity of the South generally and IJprth Carolina particularly. Ey North Carolinians abroad should not be without it. QEORGjp W. LONG, M. D., PHYBICIAH BBd SrBCEOK Graham, N. c., Tenders'his professional services to the pub lic. Office and residence at the " Graham High Scuool buildings where he may be found, night or day, ready to attend all calls, unless professionally engaged. fat.O.l « offk-r or ■ - ■■*>££&?%. r- * .■ v. '■ " -lr '* • ■*-\* y I ' J§'" i ■■ r • | V- , - /•$-. • ■•"•. y— - Alamance Gleaner, * C- ; ■ '«• § ' 'V»'" •' ••' • ■ Wo call the ntUntion of tbt public U.the appearance of «K --•«*».; * - ' : : j&gf THE GLKANER. • ' •;■: CI- V... _' . It will be fnrnlshed to lubicriberf, until further notice, at the low rate of —•• "rr:: v3r • >«._ .r. - j ■ ■ |PP »A.O« P«r AUIM, THE PUBLIBHKHS PAYING ALL POST AGS. ■ A ' ; i« I * •Payable in Advance. ■*» j»j4. *" • Oir aim will be to make the OuiRM '' ' J \ ' > — > • . * .•%••• ' ' ' * ' ; -•* >' ! v * •& „ ■ ■* A FIRST CLASS FAMILY PAPER la rvery rmpetl. ' It wil. contain all the Local News of the County, State News, the most Important Tele graphic News of the week and Carefully Se ected Miscellaneous Matter. , It will be a paper which no family in Ala mance County can afford to be without. ' jjb *' * O « THE GLEANER will alio prove of particular interest to former residents in this section, now living in other part* of the coun try, and to all such it will b« N«ile«l W Mr >Ur«M receipt •r eaboeription priea. We would call especial attention to. the value of the • . j '> * , .. GLEANER *. —AS— • : ' ' t. : ..: ; •» _J • _ • ' -t I % AM ABverssalag Htdiaa, ' • V THE GLEANER has a rapidly growing circu ation in the finest Tobacco and grain growing - • ... . _ * • - —fv.k'-, —-s. HCVIM Of Til STATU. f PUT your money where it %nU cto the most good and subscribe at once to 1 the GLEANER. PARKER * JOHNSON, Paliabera, I ADVERTISEMENTS. A I,AMA.\C:H COUNT V HQ In thr fiupn iov Court Wm. Patterson Guardian of) Martha Jane; Shoffner, Daniel | lseley and wife Elizabeth, I I Plaint if*. I Bi7m»iOksf>r Again ii ft | »_ Joel ShoffiKT rrr.d wife ' ICalic. | William fchoffner, Miltonisc ley and wife Barbara, George | j Sl'uffuor, Jno. T. Fogleman ] Speciai, ! and wli.e Francis of full ago and George Ingle, Siddic Iu- Proeitfiliiigtr. j £le, Jno. Amiek, c>arah Am-| lck and Jane Auiick, J)c/indanl». 1 J - State ofXorth Carolintt, K To the Sheriff of Alamance Cotlnly — G iieetin® | You arc hereby Commanded to summon the defendants above named,if they be found with— hi your County to appear at the. office, of the j .Clerk el the Superior Court for the- County of ; Alamance within twenty-five days after the service of this summons 011 therh exclusive of ; the day of such service, and answer the com-' plaint which will be deposited in the uflice oto said leik within ten days from Hic dato or this summons:. And let said defendants take 1 notft'e that if they fail to answer the complaint i within that time the plaintiffs will apply, to the Court lor the relief demanded iir the coin plaint. 1,.,. Herein fail not and of tliis summons j make due return. I Given under niv hand and me seal of said ourt. W. A, ALBRfGHT|,'. 8. C. • „ A 1 imai.ee Oo.iinv This 15tli day of October 1575. In the above entitled -action it appearing' to the satisfaction of th# court that the d'oftnef ants, Milton Iseley and wife. Barbara me prop er parties to this ac tion and tlmil, they are boa V residents of the state" it is ordered: That "in Lieu of personal service of the summons upon 1 them; publication be, macie for sis? successive weeks in the Alamanck Gjxanek a- newspa- Ser published weekly' in AJaiaaiwc county, forth Carolina. • ' v ' ' " W. A. ALBB!IGHT f C. S. C. «• Alamance vyountj. Done at office in Graham';) , ' .this the 15th day of Oc- >" ' tober 1875 J,* ""T . ■ ■ - ■ * SUPERIOR COURT. _j._ ** . Alamance County. John S. Shaw as adllir. of Ed-") w ' ward Howell Deed, Y&- Summons I OB Freeman . Howell and .John * Howell* Alexander Howell Drurv Howell John Howell Relief. •Tames Howell Folly Howell Martha Howell Elizabeth Howell Alexander Howell Elizabeth Fane, James How Special ell, ManjaretHowell, heirs at law Of John Howell, deed, heirs at law of ».James How Proeet mgr. ell, heirs at law of Judy Cpubins deed., Mary Ann Hart, Defendant». State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Alamance county— kbkt IHG You are hereby commanded to mmmon Freeman Howell John Howell and others, the defendants above nntned if they be foundw .th in your county to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior the co*»ty of Alamance within twenty-one day* after the service of this summons on them exclm jve of the day of such Bcrvicc, and answer tl.e com plaint which will be deposited in the ofl oc of said Clerk within ten days from thedate this of summons: And let said defendants take notice that if they fail to answer the complaint with in that time thc plUintiffa will apply to .he Court for the relief demanded in tRe com plaint. Herein-fail not end of this summons make due return. Given under my .hand and the seal of aiu Court. This 26th day of October 1675. W. A. ALBRIGHT, C. 8. C. Alamance Countr. In the above entitled action it appearing to the court that, TheHeiis at law of John How ell, the heirs at law of James Howell, the heirs at law of Judy Cousins and Mary Ann Hart are all proper parties to this action, and that thev are non-residencc of this state, and that their names and numbers are unknown and af ter, eqnuiry cannot be ascertained, save Maiy Ann Hart. It is therefore ordained, that in lieu of personal service of summons upon them publication be made in the Alamance Gleaner, a newspaper publisheh weekly in Graham, Alamance County North Carolin'a W. A. ALBRIGHT, C, S. C. t Alamance County, for six successive weeks,. Done at office in Graham) this the 26th day of Oc- > tober 1875. ) A I. A !T1 INCH COCWTVi In the Superior Conn. George W. Swepson, ] Summons tor Against \ James Gibbs, John Pent- [ Reliof. land, and A. J. Jones. j State of Norlh Carolina, To thffSlierift of Alamance County— Gkhrt- IXC: You are hereby commanded to summon James G. Gibbs John Pcntland the Defendants above named, if they be found within your County, to bo and appear before the of our Superior Court; at a eourt to be held for the County of Alamance at the Court House in Graham on the 2nd Monday before the first Monday of March 1873 and answer the com plaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Said Coun ty within first three days of said term and let thh said defendants take notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will applp to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof foil not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal "of said Court, this 28th day of October 1872. W. A. ALBRIGHT, Clerk Superior Court Alamance County. In the above action it appearing to the satis f action of the Court that the defendants J. G Gibb* and John Pentland are non residents of the state. It is ordered that the summons in this action be published once a week for six succassive weeks in the Alamancp. Gleaner in lieu of personal service of the summons on said defendants. , JOHN KERR. Judge, Superior. Court. 7tli Judicial Dist. JJEADQUARTERS GROCERIES ! HOUSTON St CAUSEY, VHOLESJILB GRO C E B M GREENSBORO,. N. C M Have now and always keep on .hand, one of the largest stocks of €RO€lEllSt to be found in the State. Buying from manu facturers in large quantities, enables them to sell largely at manufacturer's prices, and some goods less than their prices. Handling grocer ies exclusively is another advantage they have ever general merchants. Orders sollclted.filled promptly and at low est prices. DWAKDS, BROUGHTON & CO Prtatcra * Bind ers, RALEIGH, V. a

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