THE GLEANER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY - . v» =, v. aLji.. PARKER & JOHNS UJN fimbniu, !V. C. 7 - .-r - '' 3" ' Ualfi of (iubfci-ipHon. Poxtayr Faut: One Year t..'.."..'.!:). J. Six M ontlis 75 Three Mouths 50 . Every person sendimr u« a club of ten fubscribera with the cash, entitles himself to oue copy free, for the length of time for whteb tlie ctiib Is made tlp. Papers cent to different otllces. No Departure from Ike Cash System. MM •r AsT*ii.iu«, Trannlent'adsffartisements payable In ad vance ; yearly aavertlsemente quarterly in advance- . j-'j _ " j2 tn. )6uuj 12 m. 3 1. [ 3 001 » sole Ot" 10 .001 i?J» 0 Tra advertise tii for the first, and fifty ceuts for emh|fubsc pub^M^unaToi^^eS^SSroarged accordingly. ■' __ ft .4 11 advertisements eonsifierrd due from latter than two squares, terms Jwasonfcble as ean be af forded. according 9 special eontraet. based «pon the rates above specially set forth, '•k—— GRAHAM, N. C , FEB, 15 ,1876. Local, State and Utneral. W. T. JOHNSON. EDITOR. Mr. Jska C. RskcrlM*. •» Cssi|i»r Sk*lM. in MSr islktrUrS ssrst •• rr cfirc iikMrlpllfai, ■« rrCTtpl fmr ■HF HFLME. ' 'i . /, •! A M\a*triCßST Orrea—A very liberal contract with tho Weed Sewing Machine Company will enable us, we hope, U> place their celebrated Machines in tn&nj f* iuilies bo line an opportunity tb secure a first class sesrtng m:ldom wfrnrtri May we not expect our friends, and all interested iu oar work, to make an earqeft, iiqitad ef fort to extend onr circulation and thereby increase our influence? Cannot the reader form a club tn his or her neighborhood aud secure this sewing machine as a premium? A few honrs of well-directed effort will obtain it. Are jon a postmaster in a county town or vilHage? With a little thought a"d effort you can easily sei.d u fltty hauies. Pass the subscription paper. Fifty names at *1,90 each will secure tlfty copies of this paper for one year*aad a ♦fio sewing ma chine. In forming such a club you will help us 'III onr work, benefit your neigh bors by placing in their families good read ing, and at the same time make your own or some other family happy lu the posesiou of a great labor saving machine, warranted to pererfectly new, of the l*tes£iinproved con struction tand in perfect order. * MAnßinD.f-iOo the lOtb inst, by Rev. 8. adherer at tho rMidmee ot Mr* Livle Garrlnger JtfcotT't.' MaX and Rachel Garringer, the patties of Guiltbrd aud Alamance coim ties. • i ;iii i 1 ~n -j.; j n ■ In addition to the leap year party given by the young ladies of Company Ahopn, on Friday night last, tliey gave a aumptuoii* supper, tlie of which were simply superb. DB: J. K. RuyFiN.-i-Tbia gentle man with his family, left our tOfru last week, for the larger and more thriving town of Wilson, where the Doctor had already made his arrange ments to locate. * Our people reluct autly gave up the Doctor and his interesting family. Their departure wiJU be sadly felt*, yi our village society and the professional vacanoy thus created will be hard to fill, in the es timation of many canuot be filled. As a physician Br. Ruffin enjoyed tie fullest confidence of our people, both for his professional learning, and his te ndcr care and solicitude for hi* pa tienta. We donbt not hi will' vefry' .soon establish himself as firmly in the confidence and esteem of those in whose midst he has gone; and we know the people of Wilson will ap preciate the addition made to the pop ulation of their flourishing town, both professionally and socially, by the coming among them of the Dr. itnd his family. Wo trust themiccers of the Dr., ih his new field, mat equal his fnerit*. • .nil, # Ira Hinshaw's (of Chatham coun ty) two boys went out to haul wood, the older abont grown, the younger abont fourteen. The older brother started off driving the wagon' when the younger attempted, with an axe in hi* band, to get into tHe wagon from the rear. In his effort* to do so, or just as he had got on the wag on, the handle of the axe was struck by a spoke hrthe wheel, and, by some means, ths blade of the axe (truck young Hinshaw in the neck inlicting a ghastly and fatal wound. Dr. Albright who lived only about a mile away was sent for in great haste and > ewijMf bp£, ootdd do nothing. The un fortunate youth died in aboflt two hour*. This sad occurrence took an , d j h ° ul , d be a warning to all having edged tool* in their bands* Ownna an offensive disease in the nose, which &*t* away the partition bone, destroy* the sense of smrll, pro duce* green or yellowish scabs, the shap* ot the noetril — sometimes flat, often tainted with blood iM (natter; eaowe weight and dtril aching over themes, headache, |o*s ef' memory, giddiness, **. Hits disease Is often caused by negleited eold*. byl sop the throat, producing Hoarseness, Bronchitis and consumption It is .j» Tertiary form of Ltencer. I>e«rov ing the No«e and threat when allowed to mn on. Dr. lone* is the only Phy sician In the United States who thow oughly nndtretends oaring fbt* Dan gerous and oflensisre disease. He destroys the offensive smell in Ave minutes, «nd relieves the suflcrer in every wrty at once, and caiftflie dis. ease in a short time. Dr. Jones is now healing the afflict ed at the MeAdoo Hou*e, Gteensbr.», N.V. Where he rsmains a short time Uo get cured or «eiid for cffcttla*** for yourself and afflicted neighbors which gives von particulars ot this great ' -r*mrrr roimisrainn, 1 .111 »" I»> l-M) At a meeting of the Board on the fir«t Monday of this month, all the meiuvws being p>.ese»u except JT JM Holt, the following business was done: , k —Jerry Hurdle colored was released frotn paring polJ tax, he being under twenty one years old when listed. Jas. E. Home was appointed school committeeman iu Pleasant Grove towrvshij} to>flll vaoancypecassion ed by the removal to another county of i hos. B. Smith. Danl. Worth authorized to furnish James M. Hughes with four dollars worth provissions for one month. Peter Boon was appointed constable in Mortons TowHship. Helt, White & Williamson were authorized to furuish James Turner witn $4,00 worth of provisions "a mouth tor two month*. Albert Murray authorized to take charge of the old lumber taken from the bridge across Stoney Creek at Big Falls, and that be let Ja«: 11. llolt have what he wants to put on the bridge across Haw river, and that he sell the remainder and report the same to the Board. S. P. Holt authorized to furnish Richard Wood with two dollar* worth of provisions a month for three months. B. F. Fonville, W. A. Blanchard,* Dr. J. G. Pinnix appointed a commit tee to examine the bridge on Haw rlfver near Big Falls and report what repairs are necessary on the first Monday in next month. Asa Isely, William Dickey and W. F. Ireland appointed a ".ommittee to examine the bridge across Haw river at Ireland* mill' stnd' "report What repairs are necessary by the first Monday in March. \ The county purchased from Joseph S. Vincent 2000 lb of bacon sides and shoulders at 16| cts a pound with freight added from Saletu to Company Shops, say 30 cents per 100 tb. W. A. Patterson. Frederick. Graves and Jacob Huffman were appointed a committee to select and lay ofi a suitable site for school house for the white race in district no. 3 in Cobles township, and assess the damages and make report to the Board, the first Monday in March. Tho following claims were allowed Jno. Q. Gant &Co. for furnishing Randolph Mitchell $9,01. Joseph McAdani9 for repairing bridge on Stony Creek at Big Falls $168,60. W. A. Hall Comity Commissiouer per diem and mileage $6,20."* E. M. Sutton for services at poor house $6,06 Freeland Sutton Superiutendant ot poor iu part ef salary $33,33 W.R Albright for stationery furnished C. S. C. $3,00. Dr.. G. K. Foiut removing rat! from Alamance bridge $4,00, Dr. G. K. Foust as Commiss ioner for per diem and mileage sll,- 60 P R. Harden A brother supplies for poor house $32,75. W. F. Jones for iron for poor house ' 2 8 cents. Dr. Jno. A. Moore accouijl meuioal service# to. pauper ss> 00. W. A. Blanchard furnishing Susan McLean pauper $2,00 D. IP. Andrews Jur supplies to p>or htyute $2,90. Geo. W. Crawford juror $2,20; J. B. Pugh jailor $«5,60; J. T. Hunter f«r • auiouut paid tor bacon Ac, for p6df house $162,69. T. G. McLean was oidered te be paid $25,00 out of the gphool fund tor services as secretary ot the Board of Education. ~,»nT Rev. A. Cuirie was ordered to he paid $6.00 out of the school fund tor services as examiuer ef teachers, Also a like amount out of same fund to B. F. Long for like services. The schooUuud. W4B ordered to be ap portioned ainoug tlie sevcraf' town ships. according to the school ccitE^sjj« on file, one dollar to each chiln J between the ages of"si** and twenty one. The apportionment was as follows: Patterson's Towuship, white, $256 " " col'd B Coble's " " white '274 " " col'd 68 Boon Station " white 888 » O col'd Morton's " whtt» 206 «. " col'd 109 Fancett's " white .AM, « " col'd | 11$ Graham " white • " col'd 41? Albrights " white j 164 » " cord 83 Newlin's " white 288 jpf's* '' col'd i 76 ThompHMM /ft 218 " *• f ' ' 1 col'd Melville M ' white 297 " " col'd Pleasabt Grove " white 197 " " od'd 187 W. A. Patterson, J. It. Gai rett and S. F. Ve*tal committee to locate die far eetooliioaee fi>r dis*«4ct No. 1* in Coble township reported thai tlie committee had located said schooj boose site on the Unjl of MoOjr Isely and asMMed the daiitage The report was approved. ' .iIU Dawnson Allison, a Wilson oouDty negrn, Mi avirwKimt*and she went to church with an other negro, thereby flighting I lawn-1 son, who grew jealous and tarloas, so phmted hi mself behind a tree with an old shot gnn, ahdas hi* lady-love, with bar new beau, came sanntrri g and chatting home from church he ponreda load of smaJl shot into their love-making. Thfe/we»t to the Qui ,or and Pawneon went to jail. If™ ": "WASHUtom, Tt-'&mt ./j February 9,187 C £ , Special Correspondence. , Tho work of reducing the estimate* and expenditure# goes bravely on. Each one of tlie subcommittee* having charge of department expenditures' finds large reductions can be made ,notog)y in the number of the clerioa force, but in die salaries-paid, wLil many of tho "useless bureau#" can be lopped off, as the rotton branches are taken from fruit trees, not only with out Injury, but with actual benefit. During the ascendency of Radicalism there has beeu built up bere a privil eged class consisting of overpaid, non working clerks, who are pensioned upon the people for services performed to some of the politicians, and the dirtier the work done the better the pay given. It is the intention of the I louse to destroy this class, HOOT AND BRANCH, and net have more clerks in the de> pertinents than are necessary to per form the labor, nor td give more than a fair compensation for that labor. The radicals are resisting every effort of this kind, but the discipline of tho democratic majority has been improved by experience aud they will pas* their measures, throw iug the re sensibility ot defeating tbese re orma should they be defeated, upon the lie publican Senate. THE INEVITABLE PINCHBACK once more comes to the from in tho Senate. litis gropm and trainer, Sen. ator Morton, trotted him out this week but seems to be afraid to force a vote, dertou weilded the party Whip aiid made the lash crack over the backs of the calcitrant Senators, telling them that if Pinchback was not seated, a democrat must be. but some of the republicans refuse to he lashed intojthe injustice of putting thte grumbling negro barbed Into the Senate. The notorious Spencer begins to feel un« easy. The spirit displayed by some republican Senators in the Pinchbur.k case make* hiin fear that when " the bottom facts" are known as to the mantfer in which he was elected, I ha) he will be Invited "to step down and out," and the Senatorial places which cow know him, will know hiin no more forever., A greater disgrace to the Senate than this fellow Spei)cer> never cxised, and (lie State of Ala bama is doing all that can be done to rid herself ot the stigma of his represen tat ion. Even the repuilicaus of that State have cast him off, and a large delegation of them will be here this week to aid in ttnaeattog him. '* , , , , IN THJS HOUSE. ' Mr.' £oxV of "New Ybrk, ha* intro duced * hill tor the reform of the civil service. It provides for a board ot four commissioner*, whoso duty it is to hold public examinations at leaat tour times a year, in Washington city, and by sub committees of two, at leaat twice a year in the Eastern, Middle, , Western, and Southern States, at | which times any |«cr»oiisofgood moral character may apply to be examined, and, if the examination proves satis* t*:tory ,1s entitled to a certificate. All , new appointments are to be made from person* |U>ld)ng these certificates. The , Uouse Committee on Pacific Kailroads , will report In favor of , ' THE TEXAS AND f ACrriC BILL. « , introduced by M>\ Atkius, of Ttnnes- , see. Tips bill provides that the| , Government shall guarantee the ( interest on the bonds oi the road, at j the rate of thirty five thousand dollars , per mile. Ample guards are thrown , round this guarantee to protect the ( Government from any possible loss. A first mortgage is reserved on the >6ad, and all moneys due from the ' United States tor the transportation of troops, supplies, mails, Ac., is tn be retained in the Treasury to meet the ' Erest. The amoant thus retained ' willJae than sutfi- I Clo pay tlrt Interest, imd the i passage of the bill will de more than , any other measure to revive the , drooping trade of the country, as it' > would place uearly 9100.000,000 in circitlatioii- in a short time. Cot. iWrSeotti president of the company 1 and ex-irovernor John C. Brown, ol ' Tennessee, vice president, are lief*, before the committees have convinced a majority 1 of the members that this work ie national in its character, and is abso lutely needed to break down the grinding monpoly of the Unit u and Contral Pacific. THE DEMOCRATIC EToCL'TIVE COMMIT T*a 0 faive-Qipdhed fo#tsr AO f, street, with Major A. D. Banks, secretary in charge. From this political centra, dnmiMats of -all kind* will be distributed throughout the country and the campaign be conducted, Alt communications should b* addressed to Major dank*. declaration with which Bo wen cl«se* Hi letter m Beecher is the subject of universal comment, It is certainly strong enough to command attention, tie savs: "Now, being summoned bere to speak the trnth, tlie whole truth, and notning but the troth, t Solemnly give it as my unwavering opinion, in view of *ll the facto arid eviJence presented to me, that the ' Uev. Henry Wa«d Beecher, withMtj even the shadow of donbt to my wind | IsguMty of the ewftit crimen ot adni 4ery, peijury, Bnd hypocrisy. This, ; | say again, and before the bar of thte ' oUtmftCM, Is nty deliberate opinion \ and I uwr he permitted to affirm that : I give It"calmlyi wfthont malice, and 1 With no other than a sincere desire to ' do my duty faithfoll) to God and to t. man, to the church and to the Tblt forces the reopening: of the great scandal, and we are to be flooded witn it* filth for an Indefinite period. THE KOKKIOX NF.WS, begins to take a more deli.iite shape. Long protracted war in Spain seems to be drawing to a close. The Carlists have been driven from tlntfr most important positions, ami the few IcfT are now confined to a mountainous region incapable of supporting an «rmN The; Turkish rebellion still continues,Ntrtd it will be a difficult matter for the feeble force of that effete empire to suppress' (lie hardy mountaineers, who are fightiog for liberty and treedom of coucience. F&rfirio Diaz has "proclaimed" a 1 revo'ution in Mexico, and as lie is one 1 of the ablest, as well as most popnttu 1 2eneral« in Mexico, he may succeed in driving Lerdo de T?jada from th« presidency. The cuban war is stil ' progressing; the new Captain Genera ' Jovellar., not only having fa?led t 1 sappreas it, but having to witness th • destruction by the insurgents of hi ' magnificent sugar plantation, ! lldefonso. 1 I>KM. „ BI»W> Dr. Jtnra 1 | ! n|rrniil Hue it,-.- AnoiKer Dtlitale Srrflri 1 nptrillM, ( J*'f' For twenty-five years my eyes bav been deformed ami very crooked, came to Dr. Jones, yesterday, who b a delicate, but very skillful, operatior has made my eyes straight and pcrfec ■ I feel very grateful to him and reconr : mend him a? a skillful and reliabi surgeon. SIMON FLEISHMAN. . lam a cferk with S. Cohen, jeari merchant it> Amoricus, Gn. I was present at this opjration, an testify the truth of the abjve stat> mcut. CHAS WATCH KI., Clothing merchant in Brown's Hot £le«.k, Macon tta. Dr Jones it ctn4nr the oAided an operating on the deformed at tli McAdoo. House,G eei»btro, If Di J. treats diseases ot the throat, lios and old complaint! ot both sexes. II cures diseases of the throat'bv inlutla tion giving immediate relief and certain que in a sWbrt time. SFITI foj- circular which will give you pai ticulars. The negro drayman and the negr porter of J. P. Gully's store in Ral nigh planned to rob it. The draymai waft togwt under the bed in the POOD where the clerk* slept, and, whei they all got to aleep, he was to get th store key and come down and unlocl and they were to help themselves Well', ftie drayman in waiting for tin clerks to get to aleep, got to slee| himself, and didn't wake till near da] when he got the k«y any| went dowc to meet his pal, but in so doing b made a noise, the clerks missed tlx key, antelled a mice, got'np, surround edtbe Ktorc, fettnd the negroes insid and how they are in jail. That negn porter is mad with that negro dray man no doubt. A negro swore «y" ■_ nyirrari against Stephen A. Edmundson o Robeson eotinty, before (Jutted Slate CoijimlsfiQpcr'CftMidy in IFllmingfoi charging said Edmuudson with de straying the poll books in Britti township in Robeson comity las summer. It will be reccollcoted tha the radicals have mart* a |ilt fas ever this township. After a lul hearing, there being no evldonce t sustain the eharge Mr, Edmnndsoa IK was discharged. The faets we ge from the Morning Star. ' i * r. A destructive fir« on Rroadw a New York, destroying five largi buildings and their oqntents. Som« of them contained over a half millior dollars worth ot gooda. The loss will foot up millions, but then * portion ol it i'« oov*ffd by insurance, and a good excuse offefad foe tha owners to break, which they were about to do any way, unleaa they were different trim, almost every one eke. Th* losa isoatiinated at two reUiiona and three firemen kilted:' "»:• ■ _ 1 '-■» it, .artf There is now lnjallhere a deaf and dumb negro man, who stand# charged with haviug committed a rape upon a woman of hie own color. After com mitting the deed be raa away and -emained for a while. Upon Ids re tarn to his former neighborhood be w*a arretted and lodged in Jail. It is said that lie resitted the officer who went to make hit arret, evlden'ly | understanding something at fl»e enor mity of the crime he hud committed. He will probably be tried next week. Tbe Bafefeh papers are calling air tenlioatqM" that many deeds arete the Office of Ik* Probate Judge, unregistered for went of the pay meat of Met. Soak it the cat* beta and it woald be wtflt for people »• lot k to the registration of their deeds, unlets tbey want to pay lawyers Mg feet, be vastly troubled and perhaps loose tbeii land hereafter. Firing at a widow. Ifadeabora 1 Herald : The residence of Mrs 1 known persoa or persona, on astur - day eight hat Two pistol sboti , were fired, on* shot patting directly . (Over the bead of one of the inmates . of the booae aad entering a bed-pott wUMb * . I Tbey are holding meetings in Ral , eigb« looking to the aid of the North , Carolina Agrieidtaral Society, and its > State Fair. We will notice asore fnll i-y seat' week. . - . • J'.H.l .8 yd bev-.'V'rw i~4 -t A |f HI MMMMMM Hanover and adjoining counties pre poee wlebnititig the centennial of the battle of Moore* jreek on the 26th of this month. ' The battll* was fought a hundred years ago on Ihe 27 th but (hat falling on Sunday, the 26th will be obsurved a* the Jar. The total saving by the bill report ed by the military committe in the House of Representatives last week, fqr reducing the pay of the army, is uearly $700,000 a.year. More Dew. ooratlc " cowardly" retrenchment. In New York yesterday Justice Dykeman remanded Edward Stokes, tins slayer of JimFlsk, to Sing Sing to serve out the remainder of hi« twin. Bill of exceptions was taken for an Appeal to general term of the Supreme Court of the Stale. Landis, who shot a ball into thi brtins at Carrutb, a New Jeffte; editor some year or more ago, fron the effects ot which he died, has jus been acquitted on the plea of in sanity, Landis it very rich- From the Raleigh Sentinel we lean that there is to be established iu Ral eigh a new weekly Democratic papei That it to ba red hot for the cam paign and then to continne as a famil and political paper. No intbrmatio given aa to tbe proprietors. The Democratic caucus has decide that the roauraption act must be n pealed, and a more senaible proviaio made for the resumpsion of aped payment. The Governor o f\\ reinia offered t pardon a felon on condition that b would nevor drink ardent spirit. '•You're a giod un," replied th convict, ''but I think I'll serve m termoat." •»»» •• * Two women In Chicago, engage in a walking match, three hundre miles the distance, aud the one com ing ont ahead the winner. One them lit down at two thirty odd. an the other only hobbled on three mik father, when she caved. Tbe Recorder proclaims th* g'a tiding*; Orange county i* complete! out of debt. Orange is a democrat! county. Find t radical couat\, e one even sqnlntlag that way that ca say as much. Some one threw a rook into tk mail oar en C. g. K. Just bt yond Salisbury, and broke the wit dow, filling the faoe of rente ager Tiirrentine with broken glaas, »( doing him no damage. . ' Annt Mary* an old colored wemai died in Wilmington at the aye ef or hundred and tan. Of course *he ret ollecled all about tbe doing of th British soldiers during th* revola ti in. The Senate and House of Repn sent*tires of Albania adopted raac lotions extending courtesies to Hon 0. H. Pendleton en route home fron Florida. Cept. 8. M.Link, for* long tlmi •ouuty surveyor for Orange conntj died in that oonntr at the residenoe o Dr. W. K. Hughe* on the 24th of la* ■onth. A colored member of the Misaiaaij ri I/egislatiire has introduced a bit providing for whipping a* a .pnuihl nout for certain crimes. At a recent term of the Snperloi Court New Hanover county. Jndgi WcKoy sent seven to the penitentiary tor terms varying from two to tei rear*. In New York the piana and orgac nanti fact urea formed a protective a* lociation againat tbe sale of bogus in' itrumenta of material. The Senate of JTentncky (leaned, >ut the Houae unexpectedly rejected he bill appropriating ten thouaend lollars for the Centennial. Steel ifll* for the, Wilmington, Co umbla and Augusta railroad are be ng unloaded from vessel* in Wllming ou. * In Bau Francisco, silver money goes it a discount of 8 to & percent., and It is believed the discount rate will ba greater unless an outlet I* found. Christlanev, U. S. Senator from Michigan, I* aixtv Ave year* old and rasa widower. Uaasarrkd a trees try clerkcits, Mis* Llllio Tiigcubeel 4xtoeuyeaeauld. Tbe old follow I* vorth several million*. , ' "t * r——J Billings was confirmed a* District ludge tor L»ui*ana. About aa well mve let I>urrell hold on. nrraaiaa c*ibt *ls—ll Csssir lodrcw Murray as AdialaU tratot John Albert, PtninAJ Rrsaunl Ayotttt i tofaert J. Albert, William H. ! rue Bauer Albert, and Martha J, Albert f ftarah K. Albert, Joaaph T. Sptrld Prs> miSBS& State of North Carolina, Tntm Hkrrtfuf AUmmet Osily «vaav- IMQ . 4 . , 4 . Yen are herchy Cniiiiapnlsd to Muamon Robert J Albert, MlUUu* B. Albert, aa* Martha J. Albert, flerah E. Albert, Joseph * Albert, Jaovs 1 Albert, and C4dte Albert, Ike laat flvu iataaia wlthoat guardian the KFCH-U abo*e aaand It IFIQR be found «kUs Mar Ca—Sf ta ami at the »OU* of th« Cter* of the taeiler Cmrt tor the Coaat* & AlaaweWta WNnty one dsys after the servlee el IMB naa «>» oa them exclusive of the day o# each senrtaa, aud aosarcr the eoteplalat which trill be ***>+> ed la the Mt» of said Clerk within tea «lay from the dale ef ttria mmmom: And fcl said del adaata take aatfae thai If they fail to aaawer the eocapUlat within that time tbe ptalatlff win apply la thenars for Un relief detnaaded la the sosaalslat- Hentn fall aot aad ef Ml easamane a>ah dec return. Otvea aadecaf haodaed theeealof said Court. This « toy el Tebeary WW. »• A AW»rHMC.>a Afoaiaeee toaaty. Ia tha above entitled proetiedlag It appear lac to tbe setiafactioo ot Um eratrt that Bofe art J* Albert Is a proper party thereto «ni tbatbeieaana-iwltUtf It I*.ordered thai pul>llcalfoa fo» Wat be ssede ta T*a Ata naaca Ot-samta for sis weeks lu Ilea ot perwieat servtee ef saataons. Graham Mai ket. J 4 COKKKCTEI) WEKKI.r 11V ) *l'#TT tno.XNtM.f . > Tuesday, J"cb. 16, i#76. I ipple*, dried, ¥ lt> BM}O fcreeu ¥ bushel, l.OOsjf.So kiaiiH, V tinitii 75a1.00 hitter V lb 3.V»1|0 JceswaK-V Ih aUuM Jaeon sides ¥H» , " sliiiuldetn, V " o • m* Beef ¥ lb i..,v. '(§( - Black berries dried, o#B Bark, sarafrai! rwU V Iti 4*5 Castings, old V Ih.. 1 Ulotli, tow aud cotton, V yd 30a25 Corn ¥ bush.. fiHptU Chickeus each 199tt Cotton, lint. ¥lb 12018 •' in seed Clover seed, V bushel 8 00(a Uixi Duck* each '.s 15Sfr&) Kgg* V dox i.V»ao Flour, family V bbi S.T.Vtffl.'iy Feather* ¥ lb 80$>5 Pur*, Mink, each, 25a2 Muskrat •• 10a ', oposom " '• coon' " 15a " rabbit " Hay ¥ lUO It VhiflO Hlm, «reen. ¥ lb - 05fcOS » w Lard * #> * itfai Meal, corn, V lb | Oats, seed V bu*h sG£6o Onion* V bush 40fi\"i0 " lets V quart 06/felO Pea* ¥ bush.. liOi^l.OO Potatoes, Irish Vbusli. T-.,n sweet " .....Jf 50®IS Pork V Ih 08#10 Peaches; dried, (iceled, 15A20 " " " unpoeled, oe@>lo Rngs¥tb oa^esy^ Shingles 9 th0u5and............ S.tio&r, Oil Tallow ¥ 1b..,....... ~... 08aio Wood ¥ cord...' 2.005g,50 Durham Tobacco Maikct, COIXICTID BT 1. 1 I'AKISII, PAitMßß'* ' WABEBOCIB. Receipts Tcry good. Great oaal of wet to bacco on the market : would urge planters not to put their tobacco oo the market unless in good order. It-.,. ,r KA»K. Lug, new, Common to Good 3:00*5.00*. Common, old - • - • 10a12 Medium " ... 12a14 Good " - 14ai8 NIXBHS. Common, old - - - - 10al2 Medium, " - 12»15 Good to Fancy, old r. 3thiJo BKIOIIT WRAPrEKS. Common to Medium, old • 20a27 Good - - - " - • 80a40 Pine, ..." . 4Onflo Extra - - - - 65a80 Large orders at my bouse for all grade*, both aew and old. J. T. CROCKER, ATTOriNBV AN 16 AT I. AW. Almeboro, 2. r . C'., SCOTT A CALDWELL, Oheensiioko,', A stueiate Conn tel. Practice* in tne Court* of ltaldolph and and adjoining counties. tST Spwial atteutlon given to the coilce lon of claim*. IT WON'T PAY"! Ton know It won't |»y to make your pur- I chase* from old Mock, nlrendj picked over. Our Mr. Gant ha* )n*t returned from the North, where he personally selected and pu'- t'hancd a large stock of Brr-OMMb, UrsrfrlM, Q*rn»tr*r*, Ware, WiliswWarr, ■aHwir*. together with a well assorted stock of •«A»V-*A»B IMTmsm, and tlie most complete Hue of NOTIONS ver offered to the people of this county. Boots and Shoes of every variety, Including the best bond made. We make a specially of Hoots aud Shoes, and w* ask an examination of our -lock. Look and )i|dye lor yourself. We defy competition luprlees or iiualltv. We will Mil you the boat calicoes, for 10 cent*. We can sell you a food suit clothes for *lO. ( We wish, especially, to caU your attention to the great decline In prices In the Northeru markets. We bought at these reduced price* Our customers shall have all the advantage of the good liargains we made. Highest prices lis ill for all kinds of produee. Come to ' see us J Q. GANT, * CO. Company Kbops, Nor. Sad. IB7\ nov.9-tf Q HAH AM lIIUH SCHOOL. i - GRAHAM. N. C. BEV. D. A. LONG. A. M. REV. W. W. STALKY, A. B. HKNJ. V. U»G, A. B. ! MI.SH C. JIL NTEB UOI'TIIr.ATE, Ir.- struetress in Mush*. Opens August Mtb, and closes the last Fri day in May, 187 ft. board Mto #lO, and Tuition $3 to ft p«. Moatk. || EAPQIUKIKBS FOR GROCERIE-S* HOUSTON k CAL'SEY, w M 0 LIIAIiI ORRKXIIHOHO, X. C. t Have now and alwav* kcep-oti hand, one of the largest stock* of «BOCBRIEB, to be found In the 8t ile Buying fnmi wsnu- , farturura In large quantities, enables IMM f> . sell Untely »t mnmifsrturer's price*, ami { •ome goods l-«" thsn llieir price*. Handling gnieetlt* axchuively Is anther advauuge they have over general merchants. Orders solicited Blled promptly and at low MtWMM. ' (tested proposals for mtking and barn ins JiUO.UOU) two hundred thousaad good brick at or (far Ma). Jaiues W. Leas store, for the purpose ol building a church at Cross H>ad» i Mamanee wiunty. N. t'., wW be received t»y , the oa'ldtmc ,«»ce tUt 1 o chwk V M , of the Ist Monday ol March, at which flaw and place, the contract wIH he awarded. Wood water awl D»«nk fw eoeeriuß. hack. ac4 klinr with privilege af a go«»d yard furni-bcl cd to hand. The brick arc to be made a* soon la the seasoa "|*n»- Hie c«ay was te» »d bv the Ute John Berry and pronounced by hiut to be eoual lu any in tbc oute. «»f (be brick mad# by him can I* seen In Mte Chimneys at Maj Lux Water -an lie turnc«l on the etay hy mean* ef tro'ighs a llhont lifting. Au approved bond of eue thousand fi\s uuodred do«lars will ac required for the faithful performance of the-contract. Adii«a« A. MI'RBAT, w Pleasant Grove Atamanee Co Jamm Mtiut.r ex Sheriff. Axpllw Muuiiat £sq. W. F. Uabxwkll Esq. CArr- 11. r. Wnmt. Maj. Jas. W. Lfa. Kookrt A. Hodge. W.J. WACKEK. . Cotnmitlee. Bnw. F. White. Sw. Jan. 22 UJ7«. . Company Shops, K. C, - * •■*••• -r-' --£ ' 4 » Thank* Itiii friend* and the public for the I vary liberal paiionage he ban heretofore en joyed; and begs to introduce to their iuspect ion the IABUB»T«n«inD*T I'«Mri.KTK jW» varirb STOCK OF GOODS ever brought to AtamaiN* C'onutv. Ilr iii't returned from tin' Northern cities whifT i • •urcbased and lia» received aud and U >«- cuivug liia ■ PBINM AND NIHJIKH Hhi stuck consist* of DRY-UOOIM, fi >m common to the finest ever oflerert 1., this in rket, 11EA D Y-MA DE CLOT lit A of ever* description.,,, . HATH, MOTN AND NHOi of ail varieties to the best baud-wade. stock of MII.I.INKBY «••••, HAND* WAKR CI'TI.KRV. tICBKNI*. VAIK, TBVNKW Mi VAI.IHBa, TIN. HAH, CM!!.. IsHKNM HATH, I largest assortment at the lowest prices. a full stock FAMILY GROCERIES, UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Fertilizers, In a word, be lias everything of ary quulitv tlint you rill want to buy, and he will buy at the highest prices all, and aimhitiif yon Imte to sell. All lie »sk. is for you to call anil *ee ! for yourself. If you don't see what vou w.ut you just u»k for it, and theu see it it i»u°t found. o~Cook Stoves of every vsrkty, lu pi ice from £17,80. up. ■uavl 1-flni 59'"" T"~ ~ - I - V ; AND JKETAII. We keep constantly ou baud a large and ( varied stock of GROCERIES, HARD- WARE ! DRY - GOODS, , * of all sorts, j NOTIONS, MAT*. CAPM, BOOT*, AND NIIOKM. BKADY-.WADK ' A BKACTIVt'Ii I DBA. : Car pet i ngs 5 . AMD M VTTIi\GS of all erades. from th« lowest prices up mail* a specially. VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS arc Invited to ln*|>ect our stock and bear our prices before buying elsewhere. They can examine and select for themeelv's and we guarantee that we can sell them thr.r c.itire stock or any part of It on in & tanws as tvlll enable them to sell their goods at a largrr p: oflt to them selves than they con Id do by nr;>e4iaatnif, by onler, from • distance. >Ve are Agent* for, and sell at manufact ures prices the following good*. *l* : Cedar Fall* and Hasp Klver Bheetiru*, Tarn, ami Seamless ling*. Holt's and Randie man's Plaids, Rrtea' "Salem" Jeans, Charlottesville Casalmers and Rrkcfihieecher'* Starch. ODELL, RAGE* A CO.. Apr 30-ly ' Greensboro, W C k DON NELL. GRAHAM, N. C„ Iluy mill sell COTTON. t'tllN, M.OCB, BACON ■ARVi AND Alii, UNM DP ('•I'NTBV PRVDICB, . fab. lft-9iu ' Pumps! Pumps!! THOMAS 8. ROBERTSON, Company Shops, X. C., is manufacturing and seffiog the best aad riiRAPBUT prar* ever offered to the people of this State. The* pump* are as durable a* wooden pmwr- ran be made. They are eaay aa any one want ing water could wl.h. They are sold as cheap a* any one who propose* to bay could a»k. , 5 Pump* delivered anywhere on short notice. Each pump warranted. The nanafactnrr refers to everv pnuip of his in uae. Not ono baa ever failed. V fell 23-It " QUITTING AND MAKING Robert A. Xoell, Offer* bl* *erric«* as a Tailor, to the pah' If. II i* *hop i* at his reaidence. la CBtUAK. N. C. Hi* work warranted, in &t and Bnish. 7 feb lMy Carriage and Cabinet MAKING' I have moved my Shop* from Big Nh l» my residence, two miles north ; where 1 in prepared U> do all carriage aad baggy work in a workman-like manner. I also ' i~ '-"75; PIBNITTBB of a.'l style*. Any rtylc of cofla made to or -1 der apon the *tu»rt«at notien. My price* are inncraia. lamob%ed for paM patrons?*, a* a* a j^WjJGER. MgFaU*. North Carolwa. JONBB, GRAHAM. N. C-. Boggy and Carriage Maker#, Are prepared to All at the shortest notlf* all order* In th*trboe Ri.|iahiag proaipuy and neatly dooe, at ■••■BATB R*™* *4PalaM*fail »•*»• 111 n* aa4 liißn \MJ style of c«n funilahed at two howra aoih*.AM kiuda at produce takaa at »t»ka» price*. ' j is We are thankful foe part patronage, •»» j , coattananoe. 1&

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