r :> ] ■ ;j Ji > . : "■ „. tfr Jito* ■ n^crr. f-K PV.' ,K»e»« r if' J' i iWfeD. v * - r HV vc:. >. Ktr» ♦ft" »eat, V tos A. li.ndric^s. \L ELE'JTOifca- For riecaora at : ». HE!- «■ FOWLE, ol Wake, -ran"-, M GEATtt, of r«rideo /Msukt Enactor*. takDlatr. -LU'TI? C. ! ATHA*. u -JOM il' v.'JoTKH. jtd u - *•'' UeitAE, 4S •• iih " -MCftNK C KOBUI>*S t »S « -BO' TT P WARING, ftl «. —CUtSS. Ic> -■— A. C. AVEhi ■ -»"• d»- • «T vrz T!0«I. Wt ■ (Jo eraor ■ |3«LM V VAACB. UckJeab. rg. TV Ueatenaut ',ov-,ruor. »■>■ ta V JA»n* 1..t. 1 Far e#ht.'». *o«ra A. rtomv -■* „al New P-!>•'»• |c :*hWk Auditor, uaaikk « l 43»" FecTi-sit-- tree, a*. *"»«TSB. iolpt Attotae/ General, as a « vt a •***. cf ink .t. #er Bar fWnWk teetratlea. j 9, c. atAttMMtaa it Jt istae. IO:; CO* iREc*. Tint l>'iMi!ct, tT««, at n«th' L Tail J i)l«tr:-t, Airaia ta. v ava, of k*w jjrer Fourth l/Mrict, M^rftjaina; •flrani i. FittL Di-> .let, M. *. ac*«.*a ftta IIIILMJ.UA Sixth 1> suiat, VMTRIt I. •ntSLS. cf " ctano.-l Se aaih T)mtk(| viunaa Mwww. wi I tJgUtk M tnct, . BOBPTI ■ TAMT, W lain aa. ■•• • OOUHTT Tlf JCr i For tba fcam Mth DMd ilt: II? i. SCALES THOMAM X. HOLT fkar tfta Tf«on ol Kapnaaatauvat DASiiT Far Sharif /AMR TJIUI-TF!: For aTT e4 TK >MAB 6. MaI.ICAX foot Ooa tjr Tnaaaiar JD IW ItrTWOON KH>w CUKtXtil W. Lo> ft Far g >t nyar 4- EL F>\ t. maty f>.ntT»H«?owe a. Janitor » ..-in WILLI «I_ SiK FmUt • VtiOJAil SfTAKv'RD .t VJIb3 A.T CUlWSItyi wiu»*y «ed «acad«.:eal, Ifta w>i i-i-. art. »ho>tt t . 9ta»e aad •• —■W * hapertAut N •* , itet aof aaolKarv ' U tfta «• .writiaa ft i. aryl rjat •ivar*. 11 k Ibr ?':o ftarefii ai« tr cfttMrrai vi Ifca w«l»Wfta■adept* W ,paa «,■«> *■■■'* aoftoa'- • "i~i I Talloa. T« i raiHa-'ia. „ . —— ■■ ■■■■ T* **.«, TiJeaaauct i-eat-iJtnplr • tor the M* rtafaaav: aw ral'r »*da, at-: f»n«D»kes tftipna J V i i>«. •* i* kiL. *Tt • a vantkM. #r " *1 'M lfaoav*jea. Uaa i at • a. Vela for t. Tft .jt] *a» rfid fjaa fta aa-ad ta ■ f-; • 'j&S- . -Sat *'''»?'* J iatK• *rr AR4 iwirca. i; > «*. it line been the boMi of the *o*caU« e independent c.*> odidate* that tbty V«T» 1.1 ought ont by no eaaetu. L*L 'i>. how (lull *«. That tuc red: ■! .•cus iet •>■»(»« the first Swviav i>i Sc,.:cn»uer, and natted a ticket is » own here, and too well known far ai/ one to at'.caipt a •Venial. That the ticket tl a r?..»ed i» i.i tlfl Itld no» aoder the name of ickf cannot be denied. Thft> r vlb it j exception of one uaat k *trict>y t; le. a* we hare no t«abt r batiftbaii: ■;c ivtMa im tiMkl tjbaeqaeat at ents pwwt i r beyond eftr pnesl hilitV off taestioai Ai.er tfta uu. vaaa la Iks north part flat oMMtT M closed, aad the cat* diilaie* wen> iboat patting through lo tba «Mth pari a change ef randi* ta'e* far ibe House af Representatives it apjrpears bad bean agread epnn. Dr. Pianix «ai to ba takaa od.and another man pot an. For what MM on this »«il«be dona ie Ml sollci vi. I* rvell known to doc lata. A latter wa« written by • wty republican at Ub lava aad ouiiv/ed bf a republican Jeea Troßtinant. tba parpoaa ot which waa ta ratira IM Doctor. On Monday j . bca tba Dr. got bare oa hi* way ta C idataaraahip to declare bimaeltaad iadeiieadaat cuadidate, be feaad hiae* aeir of the track. It waa doaa bera at 1' '*ahaak r aad no democrat aaa coa- Iprncd. Tba Dr. raoogi.izad hlaalf off the trick, aad spoke for a ride back V-jiM. Another proodaeat radical told hiai to go on—and ho a eat. Thaa he waa twitched oft tlie iaack by oae protr'neut >adi ]' aad switched back on by a«K>:^ur.. Tbaeeaoe fteti, and- ftr. Flanix c.ta't dta» them —or if ha doee it will be , ring the no aeeb a thing . to ae.cral ttdiridaaie wboee vetoahe expect!.- 7Wa waa a inaiag aeatmi efiadicala bera. aad dw Dr. (■went oa u» Grave*,and Ida aa%ft - liar with whoiu be engagad a eeai / I back twat, rode back by Uaadt They gat to .t> and thiee ea tfta >ianp, ia the praeaaee of Ifta mM> Di. Faua told the people tftat the reaaot ».iy he waa net | randl date lor the legilaetore hbaeetfc waa because, tie ladical caocaa had do> tided bet reen bit claima aad thaao mf Or. Pine x. and liad dcdM la Fta nixa'a ta\«r. Dr. PIBHIZ daply all lkt>li n* aw wtJnttHd it, bol what '&* enderfttandinf was about it, IK tliii aoi explain. Ha bad km tao recently pat tack oa the track to baTe ww-.b ta aay aboot it. Dr. Paeat bad to hi ibi. priTatcly, fa tba aoath part of tV eounty. Will it be daniad that aletter waa written by the MM •fing radic.»of thiatown,tbeparpooe of «IM waa to take Dr. Flaaix of the track and pot aaotber an oaf Will Dr. Pißßix daujr that bo tar a wti'» abandoned hie caaJtdaey tad aad apoke lor a way to ride baA bonrr. when be got bear oa hta way to r>ed Grama'f Will be daay that be VH» reitrtated on tbe traiak by radical »(this town f Democrat* whoa yoa an iked •* vote for flaaix re* Du yaitUalo b» t iiiiiw>,ii4 art »■« fotrig b> ba Med by lb* radk «■ Au'erpcfthte town. Tift dM . ilutui clique! Talk »f bri«| kit* pm.rieiHl Ok, t»w*e radical liaiin ihwuit'JiwiKKW. Thejr wait mi \ *» dmdre deoMcraU. I ttidtbeybedeeeivedby tbea* If yea atiocse ta foneke yaar party aad Flfllai! by the two nil Albright* Maary Kay aad Bayd It ia yaar right t«» do *a, bat da aot while yaa aaaaa doing cad yoareett a daaaa> crat. Ranaiber the paet aad da aot, Ol ftalap 'a be a Da n« let it be aald that ihie r adbaal arww eoaimaadx aad ooatrala deaaa etaia. i>.-nL Think t What a* aaa •boat to do. era raaaiatrca raa aan ta 'K. Mdaf efaol paai we For wft-w Wii: va aalaf That ia '"*• Far fliapm we ha«a OaaL J ~ * *** F*a whiaa thai aa aafct Wa loth at be part political enraar af the two JMB. luiwiathaE Chad. Scalaa [W «wee betrayed aftriaad. Ha km [aKyahew^hi—if to ft. what he ttiaiMei. He ma anvcr dawd Ll " • Ma. It .jd, VH yoarmHlili fcrtha homeoT Baa jar atatiii*ea la IffM. KHft Kaa bera - n | TL ' «la#M«u waa la *• Wh »the A«W* HMrt ~ ■ Jaa. ft Boyd a«|ail t*y> *- -Vtj aai/ripd** ferhie aamcw m aitorw*',-ftyat (fcar j mmf -a.^ V»«r. n-rt*!Tl2 "r». Mta. k , Mr. B»»o, waa aaanuM ln j - - - *»le«aday. What dtf he 6,.- ty. wa hadMe.-vW ua aanU " V«. eaythaagC *" *• 'aad he ia afraid ft* afaeydfdhadmw G .ap.iA,ea»an»hH«| ni__ ap^Kl [SUB9sr m '^^ I lieu iirirT* ra uiuc *•». Ho/£«iDr.ri»aix eifHl loj* elected? Allowing that he expert* to he elected At all bow ha eoald possi bly expect it, bau perhaps pnxxtoff • good mit. That on own poopie who are not perfectly obedient to the radical cfyaai Graham are art go ing to Tutelar biai is certain, and ov er) bod/ known H. Whasever My have bean their feelings of Crieedebip for the man, they now ana through hie pretensions and cannot—will net Mpport him. Bnt he expect* to be electod—eo he save- and how do yoa eoppoea. Why. by importing negro voter* from other conntiee. This he hna awe wad ia the preaonco ut tratb* r«l no*, lie Dr P.nttix ia to he eteet not only by negro nba, bnt by fsnadaieat voles theee brought | bt-refci the purpoeo. Tb«* a what be himself haa declar ed, and we learn it front peasoea who heard thrDr. aay it, and will not go backea what tbey deelem. Whan a man got* Mixed up wiih the radical* than iawa totiing what hewfll do or •f- Ufa, Doctor do yon claim to- he I Jemucrat, and yet try to i*My per> pie that yonr election depend* npon fooodnlsot negro rote*? Shame! Shame!! How can ron Dee. tor? Boa man. It you are a radicals eay eo,—ll yen aw a democrat—yea- Don't quibble. Why don't yon tall tor wham yen will veto? Ok, Doctor where have yon wandered? "itetara Oh, weademr^retum." Thie one of the proposed amend* aaenta, vacates, at the pleuat* of the legiaintnre, all the seetfeao of article amn of the cooatitntion except eeo» 'Hone sevea, nine and thirteen. Them mctisoi that am eo preserved entirely invoilnte am ae fellows. BK. 7. No county, city, town, or ether municipal corporation ehall con tract nay debt, pledge iu faith, a* toaafoe credit, aor sba'l aay tax be levied, ot collected by any oOcem of the smae, except aor the aiomorv oxpoaoos thereot, nnteae by a vote of a weforhyof fbegaaliSed voter* therein Sac.*. AB team levied by any eaaaty, cSy.er tow*, at township. shall ha aaUtoat aaff ad valorem, sp> aa aH property ia the seam, except property «sra|t«i hy this Censtitu tioa. Sac. IS. Noeeeety, ehy, town or other maaidpai carporadoa aboil as. seam or pay, aor shall any tax be to, vied or collected for the payment af aay debt, or the iatecert upoa aay debt, contracted directly or indirectly to aid or sapport af tha rebellion. Kow r them soctfuna peaeerved, the saannar ot levying taaoa, nnd protect iag the eoaaty, dty r or town agniaat taxee lor anything ether thaa aecees faaHted voters la saeh eoaaty city or towii,** decide, at aotae regatoriy apfasaMM elesSse to appropriate eeaaey to cease parpueo which ie det Safoely lakadtlsd la them. This «fo eshniut meet of their fom^ig tor- taeat meea? Why It amaaa simply this ead aothiag more. Ifthieaamad maat Is sdiflsd, Ihea the eoaatygov^ pioeod ia the haade'ofths hgWatere They la* ef a lea estop syetom. while the tratb ie we have ao towaahipeyo torn aew. The prmeat eaaoHtaltoa weald miom to give ao each asyatom, bat the eapreaM ooart, the airiidllesoflhe ssstore maallse, baa by he I ill I iffma—y ehul. Itosl rtsijltong Hka aftewaship sye- IA - h *' " | ■■TfUl ■■■ Tb«M|Mtnur> of tWa bwm 1|», together with the drrka,a«w wim tl» propertr •Tttie lowMtiip* m d ifiipiml the imJcvww i»w. urn* b*y—d tkhHmrik, Mtb hi,m Thra ymm ■WMlvblblki MoMait) tor tkk Vrtf.fcbtl*. hillH twr MMMMMMie.miNiwin. *y a> «—trrt «r ntgrrm Ifci MM vamlfej p *- T ** with UM Myrow «•! nW iat* «Uv« - ZSTm . ZJJJ **■» •■« «*» w—* *»• mum« k. r« >—H ««J U i—«». % dw« MC Irnmi'mJ *" K ' JMIr ""** - slavery to negroes. by negro boards >/ conaty comniiiistoacrs. Lock at -the Jonee connty cam. Takefbe picture of tbeir proceedings than, and nhaarvt the three negrf commissioner* and their two while alKefc, sitting with their cigar* while the poor white* are king bid o« by negro mootera. If yon fovoreuch ae thia vote ageiaat thp amendments, if yea eo aot vote for (hem. There ie no eocnp*.' Whea fh vote against the amendmeata yea vote for white penpl* toteg *ohl To aegooee. The only hope they haee to ia the taM» tiaa ot the sioi elm lots. It ia their only ch*ar*. Are yea goiag to cat thia off? Pat yownaNaad your neighbors ia the place of them poor anforteaoie*. Look at Bertie county, aad there see aa keeper ef the poor, not only a ne gro hat aa w-peaHenilary oonviet. Think of the poor and nntortanato white of that ceaaty being aande the absolute alave of thi* black convict, aad haiag mate to do menial eervice for Idm, and hie family. Think of them thing* aad them go and vote agaiast the eoootf tat tonal nmeadmeate if yaaean. White mea vaw to eaa* ■iga yoarowa race to negro taaatera, boenam they are poor, if yea eaa. To wta against the aawadmeuta mana* •ha* aad aothing elm. There ie ao .'ftdag aroaad U. There hao dodg* iag K. Yea tnaal by your vote take the ens site or tha ether. Look at the focts aad coesidder the effect of yoarvote. If yea vote against the eaeeadamnfs, you vote for iirmpoaai ble oonaty governments in the east aad lbs eoatiaaed slavery of white people to negroes • If you vote tori them, yon vote to give., a remedy to Hsuee entering people. Veto ratifica tion. mivn mssiLtaaa. How deceitful men are. How psene to deceive they ta, eopecially thoee of Utem who am ao blinded aa to belsag to the radical party. The moment they aaaume the roll of load era they amnme the roll of Msilsss and deceives* CM. Holtoa fovore bly jmprsmsl ax Tha devil fovora bly tinpi sound the woman when ho weal aoout the eternal dcati nction of man. CoL Holtoa told onr people firet that ha acquired his education by fire light after tha days work waa over. That ia aad waa uatrao. He went to college, and aome of hi* chums are in this county. He also told Our people he waa a great union man, —that he fought secession from the start. That ia not so. He waa one amoag the aaoot enthusiastic war spsakuo ia his part of the county, xt the eommeacooneat of the war. Thia • ie a fort aad we are aorry to kaow it s (or we do hate to be deceived ia a f aaaa, aad we have r tekea a foacy to kiax. ■ , ETesy eakatoatielg fort that U»L k Hohoa doctored of kimsilf hao tented i oat to he aatrae. It haa datojwd 1 oar coafideaoo ia the man. WU ' dachetobaaof hia eaa ore believe? Why dtf he attempt to mieieod ead ' doesave the feed people ef Alamaace? m>y did be not tell them the treth •hoot hie earn individual poet, or if he fanred that why did he not keep eilout ahoat it. Ofeoarre we refor to that portioa of hie hietery which to esaaastod with tomeslf m a pahlie esnn. Hie private arte ere hia owa, erat leaet aot pakkc propeitv, ead oe for m we haow ar have hamd taey are ell Smy Aoald have beea. We mv this lost aa mighl he eomoadbr etooi Ua ia before the pabfie aad vWtant tn U» m « -.At:. inaniea preyrn matter to he talked of to the pahlie. Why did ha art to! ear people that at the start he wae a vary deeid. iag a company for the Ooafodereto army? V. cloa't think the lem of him for thie, but wa do thing tha Ism of a asaa who oattortabm to deeeive ead ansaJL Ofa, Oot Holtoa, we kaow year pi mi at eoamo ia vtohmee ta i our better aatera.—lt mart he. Oomo out from ateeagtHees. tokf Mat. Thataaettoa eaa, article elovaa. at theCeastkattoe ef thts Stole, hi amaaded by adding at the ead efaeid eectiea, m toitorta: Sac.-. AB msirisges botaaoa a kwtolspsrsoaeada pereaaaf aop-a doscoat te the third gemraltoa aeto e«vo, eta hereby foi ever prohibited. kai they eay k ie aealeto Tlmmmno kew thet smnte. aaff Stotr reemd aft iataraaurviago a#Jksjaaee,aad paem SSHStt This to a weM kasaa imt. Da"thosa tM y lmk ** ##M»*etr,' aea perty ware appoead » tlm totormer^ did they asoke Hood, the afg,* preaahsr. who amrried (he white awn Tboraton to the negiO woman, chair- ( man ot their ccnregion? Oh, the way* efthoa| radica|a are past flading ***** fortnaa have to look to t > eaaaty for sapport. to aagta-aaasten? Do yaa appoee the adxingaf white children . ia the same school? Da Mfoate - the iaterasaanago of whltea mil blacks? t lTyaa sppsee theee iMngi Pat yocrmffea record Toar act aa elect! aa day will eh her he a soareeof pluasant recoßeettoa to. yea, or It will banal you to the day of year death. Be ye not deceived Lhte* not to radical folsehoods. ftH yon ho f>lm Iv tod forever? Yote fatlikatioa, aml* ever he proud of if- THE STATEMENT W KIT. G. T. BAILBT CONFIRMED. ■f% * ■* ■'+ L wmo nun titiutl (from tea BaMgb Bowi,l Bev. TVaa. If. Bebb, of UatesT ' county, the aathor el the following | | card fii eaa of the amet briUfoat aad | Bapttoteaf Eastera NartlTcarnlißa. | iabed repatatiua aad ewe (f the amet pepaier af all the mhdstere off the l Chowan for .the totgast | aad aeet laSaeatial body of Bopttots | ia the State. Afow amaths ago ha was called to pastorate of the Baptist church ia Newberae, bat was aaabla to accept. The Rev. Mr. Boiley kaews aothiag of the pabHcatioa of this card, being aboeat torn the city. Mr. Babb gives it to the patois • ia the internet of (notice and tratb. Here is what Mr. Bebh eays: Editor qf tk* Map! JTems: I waa liitoadesoil to Set. Holden ae the ears botweoa Eatoigb aad Fayetteville, aa my way to the Bap* ' list Btate Coaveatiea, (Nov. Wi,) and bed a eery pleasaai conversation i with Um. I waa pleased with Mm 1 aadj.be eeeamd to with ' ase. Dariag the eeestoa af the Coo veatioa he iavitod Me te diao with t ' hka at Jadge Baxtoa'a, which I did. r Wo walked from the uherth to Judge : Baxtoa's rmideoce took dfamer aad , i returned in a carrige to tha charek. i During meet of th'eiisao tha topic , of caavereatioa was the politics re> • ( cord el tier. Hol toa, af whjfii he j apoke freely, aad 1 tksaght frtokly. 1 " *— J L - ~| — —- 1 'r~ hkiig ' allowed the iatermte el Me pdftty to 1 sway his better jadgmowt. ami do • clared that be was£forever dank with , r politics. He mid that the Kite war I . was fiaeed upoa himby eawpmaad i aad nniadl eaaaaolers; that Mirk waa ' ae the|| be *>uld do 1 aothiag hut apptdat htos to jibe coas maad af the 11 ami tail af this troot*; that the whale thiag wee egisinst hu bettor jedgamat, aad he rag vetted that he hod actod as'a parthaa faud net aa a Christina. I ■esatdthsaHteterofStiepbeas waa i for pofiOcal efltot, aad his/ aimtewse were theaght to be ef-hls lowa party. He spoke el the npe fmiud oa the •adiagef theceii warn /which to cat m Skoly to eteit owidonee aora vatable to part joprhoX ere sappond , Betoeilfle.M.OoLjit, tm. Thia |.sf mil. s ii lnmt,pmrjdm i tha* Ae wHto tUHaa aad Mask t the pahlie eehseia. / Ase fla art la I fovoe of this? fete sgaiast the i as to fovar ff «£d ocheefo. The npeliitei fasten aot, aad will | aot declare hmMt agmart Mm civil' J eghto MIL Ihi pmmidm he miaod \ ink I lis. The i#hiillimi a liteto i it wae pewdaa* /to any aothiag nhoat the avfl-rightS4. hill, hat Utot In ao ' cam ware they, taoppeae sL Siaoe 1 *hea they havfo mid aothiag aheatitT Are yoa to foivor of «|viMg)kto a* ffe> ladkj thia i|jiU—perfect a*frneqaet ityf If yaa eaa go, aad veto epdnrt yoaawte^*ml veto foe thor' # | WUCHjCSAUCAND Biff AIL. ' nd * I * rge oitQcgni £B, HARD-WARE fit - GOODS IIVtMM, un, CAN, M«t« tW» Mill, HA»f4U»I [*i * ~ *m% • -l't\ r. t , 4 . A Munm IMA, t! rpeli«f« IIP ' IWITTUGS - / • * diOcniW, from the lowr«t prloea up mli aapaclafty. VILL4GR ATOCOCMTRT MRRCHANTB ai h»i to Immcl oar atock and bear ear art«9M«Ca*a taqa^daawkera. B4«m ii—aalcrtfart—Ni aad we fnarantee that wt eaa aell them their oatfr«ftoek or aar part uf it on such toai aa sSs^aranK^fi'Sxi artaepaafac, hy or*4ff, from a dlataadfe Wfr areAgeaU far, aad mO at anaaailH ai^prleaathafcdhialaA fooda. rU s Ca#r FaHa> aad Deep Brer Sfceatiaga, Ykeaa | ■nl -—•-p- *-f 1 aaa'a "Salem" Jmm. Charlotte* Tille ODELL, RAGKN A CO., fpr 04f Greenaboro. K. C JJXADqCAKTXKS TDK G«U«ERH» HOUSTON * CAUSER, aigrjr fMtlllia •■•CttStk; •UmlOK, R. C, •(***:•> »! •«*. 4 il Bawaaa aad ahrara keep as kaad, at of Uka fecgieet etoeka at BMCIUBS. ' " rr-: ZTTT^T~ —* VI : f ' a b. loMdlhttaMatk BajrtacfrMi Man fa«iure» fchu*e taaiKUte*, eaaMa tbca to *0 hqpfra* r ituKi la aaothci aßwM^|^ tl » bare trrri K iaerai lau i haaM 4d*™eoßelledMledpro»S«J «a nrtoea T .X, Cheap Fenccf l ... ) UK for aaka MUW **"* "W. £nsr# r. k. alrsig w . «. W ~Ap Bl«b. WTK ■*«*.» g 50TT * DOSNKU GRAHAM, 5. C-, Boy »d **ll C-tW. CMR. »M»ft ■.abam* **-*■ •* liefl SCHOOL. GRAHAM, Jf, C. RRV. Ik A. LONG, A. M. REV. W. W. STALET, A. ft. ST*R*V)DTB«ATR, I. aneMl* Marie. «■■#»•. ■ -« . «> ALARAMI MCRTr, la the BMtUr of the EateU at W. W. WO- 1 whaler W M W. Wkktao -i ii ■ -" miTniiTwwY *— l ' *—*— " - 1 - 1" eiecat la e» tar aa appeal* by aeeoaat, wSlMhr. T.IUaNIT, Tbe abore aotlce la ordered to be pahk* tlkßaikMW CWiaiiwtar all weeka. Da«aata«aalßGntaa Ma 9Uk }+U W. A. Alhr^ht, AaaaaaaZalaoto i»r aR a^^ ».ft"ajr 1875. ' IS and Winter Slock. »»**«. >i - I * *• M,B *- "* rr * rT> - ■ U IW-*S*«MW•■••■» Heady-Made Clofhmg, Ac., Ai 9Nffc W fc'.« *«ll** , TO. * ' • v r * J" , ~ j IABIMB D R M 8 8 GOODS \" ',' ■ >*>'* , n. ■»—' "* "** "" '■''-'' '"V m.iLMi«" KbyblDX* pßumxclTfco manufacturers or PrintiDg Inks, Book and New Ufa, i. m Speciality , i•» . 4 ? . 116 North Third Street, PafUMRMti, Tk, Oarlaka are of »tfj*r)or a ßi]ltT w ■wadafi ii the beat tefrtrfimu «|J' . ' lAe personal auperrMon of * pran, * | tar a*4 prawmaa. therefore »» wm I«V4Umi irm rorat Ottmt sou ta>t«»a«anil., Jkt y* aatnnni, f m AW Maa O**" •rtfnt N ka •• ssaur lak» ■aaufactarcd >. ». for * Addreaa, ■■■mm nikt.,«« n « e 135 North Third Street, ! rn vi ;nii i^llMDtUßll - Casritn ah» varhb STOCK or GOODS erei* drooy&r to Alaaanee County. n,J hyua M parehaaed ted baa raeeited , eairaf hta "* ; ••» »■!«« A!«» «« «t .t|Ka U#M| ®^S^22" kto 01 *>KT-tJooi».b, to ® I"*"* «**f o»e« , t 0 TRIS >] ofait rarMiea la*. **^4^ " Tf". WARS, CIIL. MM* ■ATM, Fertilizers, *> • w»rd, ha haa avuythiaf of aa; qatiJ tbatTO* «ill vaat to buy, and lie vill i«n «ha MKhaat priaaa aR, aad aaythiuc k«1« •aacRT AR haaafc* la lar you to (ail ud, foryoaneH. Ujwadaa'taee what v.w n j»*fra»t aak f«h, aad thaa ace if it ia aarlMa IVewDrugSl orJ D*. J. s. JIIWHY r« apt at (ally aanoancoa to tie paMr ( aarae into hia jf e » Drag Ink haa aiuaUy uaorvved hia att ek of Dia* bat oa •aeoaat of Ik h WELL VERY LOW. Ahaopt eferethTng ia kepi aattKr I phyatciaaa or the public u»u>Olr rail f* tbe llaa of dnan. aaedleiuea. chamicU I atuß\ rll ifaaiaiv. *r. Pr. J. A Maipbr will hia prM ; ka paaiipßoai, urdera au4 a ' Thauuraaafe Of the pnklie hawaii partfaDr aoUcßed. No paiua •hall be ip* th kaap m» >aa RraaA uxl jm« awrxiM FARMRRB voaa aeod KRAfTM ( MOWRRd, aad yaai Mod lha BEST ail latTHRRRKT haearttßato fatthe CHAMPION 1 •» aafiM Tmm af ■ ***" " ta * fl- GROCERIES aad COKFECTIOI - flwiii lajii "" ' * of dOont doKriptloaa Roystert Candy, Wa aok fom * U 1 FOR RENT

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