iiUi GRAHAM N. C. M-rc'.i 27 1877 E. S. PARKER, Editor. KiIIiUUIAI, t'OKKtal'O.li- VKtNCK. rnT&uolco' March 20|Ji. We arrived at this ancient Borough on \e*terday (Monday) about twelve • iVlo-ik, and took possession o - our old quarters ».t the only hotel in town, and now kept by Mrs. IE 11. l>Ulkl. S»he certainly keeps anexce lei t hotel. 'I here was quite a crowd already gath ered, bit' il was tinders.ood that Ihe Judge would nut get. he e before Tuesituv inorniun'. Mi'- Solicitor titiudwiik we found a'ready 0:1 hand. Mi'. J no. M. Moiing. one 1 f the mem bcrsof the House ot heprcseutativ es irotn this county, availed himselt ot the opportunity afforded by the Judges absence, to render his constituents an acCiw+il ot his stewardship. lie spoke for about an hour, gi\ ing to his people an outline of the more important acts passed V the hue General As.-einblv. lie is quite pop ular with his people. and has made himself quite a reputation as a legUla mr, lie has been a member c-l three legislatures,and he declares the last to l ave been the most indus rious one of the three, and yet its members work ed for smaller wages. After lie con* c/uded. James Powell Esq., his col league in the Ilou«e was called for, but not being«p resent., ot course did not respond. W. G. Albiight, the Senator from this county wc have no! been here. The Judge arrived hist night and this. morning opened court. His charge to the grand jury was q> prop* crone, and everybody seems veil pleased with the new Judge. The Statu docket is quite large, there being nearly seventy ca«os upon it. Quite a number were disposed of to-day,and the whole docket will probably be disposed >f by llutrsdaj night. There was a call of the civil ssue docket to-day and quite a num ber of cases were announced as ready for trial at this term, so the ptobnbili ties are that the term will go well into the second week. There are no capi tal cl 'irics, and no civil cases ot interest to try. Besides the Local b.-.r, consist Jug of Messrs Jackson, Waddell, llowze, Manning, Moling, Loudon. Woinaek Rencber. and \i>rk. there are present Mes rs A. W. Gn ham and S. 11. Webb of Orungc, J 11 llcadcn Esq, of Kaleiyh, Mr. Worthamof Warren and E. S. I'urker ol Alatntim-c. At the recess ol the court to-day it was announced that tho Hon. Kemp i'. Battle, President of tho Uiiiversio ty wculd address the people upon the rolnti -n of the University to the agri* cultural interest ot tiie State. We did not hear tlie address but | hear :t highly spoken of. He ad dressed himself to the great advanta ges of intelligent farming over the Vrcsent system, and to poinlitur out the folly ot the idea that edutfitiou and menial training aro rccesoary only to the boys who propose ti enter the learned proflesxions as I hey arc gttueru'lv termed. We ot course can not attempt even an imperfect outline ol what, so far as we l ave heard, is pronounced a very admirable aiN dress. There is a here, as is generally the case, a complaint ot hard :imes and a scarcity ot money. * The crowd was unusually large to-. day ihe largest such on any court day tor years, llorse swapping, in in the evening was the order of the day; and quite a crowd seemed en gaged in it. It we had had some thing of the horso kind to have stal led vvkh wc think wo conkl havr fnade expenses, but as we had nothing from which to moke a star', we had to con tent ourse'.f with being a spectator siui ply. "We noficed the venerable Gov. Reneher in the bar for a short time to-day. Ho looks well, and assured us that with the exception ol a rheu matic affection of his feet and legs, his health was uuexcepiionably good, lie inust bo quite an old man. We see no evidence of improvement in the old town, and the older inhabi tants of the place sadly remark, that St is not what it once was. A quarter of a century a*o r thare was perhaps no place in the Slate where bounteous hospitality was more liberally dispeuscd, and social inter, course more fully enjoyed I hat. Pills boro. There has been a very woii" derful decay of private fortunes, and hence a great falling of! of that gay and happy life for which the old town was once noted. Though no more clever people are now to be found than those ot Chatham. TVe forgot to mention that Co). L. C. Edwards ot Granville, one of the YiftiUng members of this tnr, was taken quite sick at Dr. Smith's 111 Haywood, while on hi* way to this •ovurt last Bandar, and ao we miss bis ur • :i. We have hear! iio pjlui'■ talked, and we heiieve i "• j"pl* ntthis enmi ty have quit gi.ing tln-ir time to the oon-id« r ttiuii nt' «»ii11• r 111111«»•*-• limn (hcitr bu i ie—. au*l have e n elude-i In wait till n«-xt time I" Liivc the IM lic.iW *.l .1 iiMtiil.' as Will Hot 1(0 ileil il'il. We hail ail about a* well iuiitu'.J tliein. IIAIIUI ) i It H i IT K«:*t «!>'». A l.rlicr *:*|> ii*nluv wl > li«- Winliin lo >.r Hi I i«'» ft'» Was iiv::i )N, M. r Ii i. Hon. Allium i-'. licsvit thi- exet.im, '"resign ed hies position as eoairtuaii of the Democratic National Committee. In a letter of consider ille length, in which after reciting that -ho lu-t ufikiil act of the Kx-reutivo (.0:1111- - tee was tl«e announc-emeu: that Samuel J. Tildeu Was elected lVesi dent, aiel Thomas A. Hendricks \icesl'ritsident, ami that this was followed liy a scurrilous |>r uiuiicsa men to from the National Ueji ihlicaii Committee dunning the eleciiou o! Ila\e«and Wheeler, he proceeded to assert that ihe result of the ele. t_.ral bid has disappointed the hopes of every lover of the country, and that the L'lievuirs has been peri >•- O ji " 11 trated of awarding the presidency to a candidate who has 110 just ti tlt-: to' its honors. Mr. Hewitt defends. his "action ujion that bill, an 1 regard ii g his assent, to the comple'ion of tiiu cjunt says, as ati honorable 1111111, no* other course was o| en to liitu ; hut if honor had perm.tted otherwise his judgment was that it was the wisest course for) the country, as well as !or t'lo Democratic party, 10 procaed in uvcordance widi tlir law to the orderly completion of the count, 1 although they knew fliul.it would insult in the installation ol liaye;. Continuing, he recit.s his opinion tnat disastrous consequences .vould have resulted in a defeat of the count, resulting event ually in civil war, an:l to him ap peared 011 one sice anarchy and civil war, and the other peace and order ; "Under the circumstrnces I could not hesitate as to my course. I lelt that as a patroit and a trusted ts&r vant of Democracy 110 Oilier oourse was left open to me, and i feel sure that its wisdom will be via-" dica'ed by the early and triumphant sacceoß of the Democratic party, standing as it does upon the rock of justice and patroitism, from which no amount of passion or provocation lias been able to move it." He continues: For myself I feci that I have now completed the duty j which was assigned to nie at St. Louis. The result of the campaign was the unquestionable election ol , o«r candidates. That they and the people have been defrauded of their | rights is true; but for this result. I j do not. hold myself any more respon. | hiblo than any other member cf Conr gress upon whom rested the duty of counting and declaring the vote. In the course of mv very brief public experience I have already found that my usefulness as a representative in C'jugress has bean seriously iiupiired by my position as chairman of this committee, and I had long since de termined to ask to l.e permitted to 'rathe from it as soon as the result of the election was definitely ascer tained. ihe unforeseen commutations which arosj have uccessarily com uelle.l me to postpone the evecutiou of this intention until ths present time. Now, however, that all im ped.menus to it y retirement are re moved, 1 beg to bo relieved from further service as chairman. Wilmington Star: We learn thai n cole red iiuiii, Ijving in Favctteville, who i.u* the reputation of being some what ot a somnambulist, was on hi* •way home tVou. this cily, a lew night* ago, on a FaVi'ttcvil o boat, am) had dropped t * s'eep, when he suddenly fprang to his leol, gathered up his handle, containing purchases he had made in thin city, and walked delib* emately overboad before anyone ha . divined hU iut'-mioii. The night being dark, nud the boat moving forward pretty rai idly, nothing more was seen of the man, and it became the settle co ivictiou among those on board that ho had gone to join the goodly in.mher who had previously found a winding sheet in the treacher ous waters of tlie Capo Fear. Ureal was their astonishment, therotorc, upon npprc aching the landing at Fays e'teville, come homs afterwards, to tiud the sup|K)BCil drowned man stand ing on the wharf smilingly Awaiting the arrival of the boat, lie had swam a shore and taken another boat. A notorious real name of John P Willis, but go» ing under the assumed name of Henry Williams, has been arrested in Ca barus county, and is now confined in Concotd jail. t 4*. hill «»«»»•» w-Sii» a Negro .'1 .tii. For spuif linn p»-t a man named I evi Milton has lj! ' eM iivin« >n the farm'of (.'«>!. Myers. ahotu a mil''. East sif the i(\. Iff came from ir-l*-H --•iiid had ui tsM i'-rl -i woman from iu ar (.;oii.«liol-.-, in li'i> > M-llon i" an imliixliioii- laboring Mian, while !ii> u 1!" l.rtl I'OMK! mi I'tceilc.il ell silaril I Jli tin- i-jH.-lil'oliiooil. The two wore li\injj !lu-r. a.- tin; lIII> l> .ml «av- OIIJ.V-' »li.ic:.!i!i! ami |i!i h nr.?- 'fini-. each In a 1n• 11> iiivi Il" ! ''i otlirr. I: i- even r;l>i'e..l thiil on »i,ii' ocia-iiii wTn'li tiir !• u -I,and iva« !ki'ii (f"Wii with (lie fever ami lav fur a iorif iiine unaliie to work, in'.' w iii- went t > (lie lii-hi and labored hi'i'M'ii iii order to s,,ve ti.e eroji. 1 ol \vi I lotandi ,'i; ail 1111 -. the i■ >' left him on Monday alien.on under eirennistanees whi h werei I lie* mo.-I diijrraee.iil an.l ui>!ie»> eharaeU'r to the nntoi"ttiial" man. I' mmmiis that he h s iia i two nfen—one while and the tin t' a 1111111 Ito -working with him a id staying a'u >rtt "lie prem ises. On Mood y aiternoou the wile came i:i f o t'.'Wii 1.0 pur hast; some ar ticles t"i' hoiiieli Id use. Mot ing'bv ('ark, the iir.sbai d grew un easy, and eaiite into town in search ot her. lJe vv.u told thai >he was .seen yoinjr in the direeiion ol ihe depot, and wore a shawl, W le. ), Irom the ilc-rriplion he Uiiew to he one owned by the negro. The tint 1 began to d.iWii upon hint. The negro had left the place that sa.ne afternoon Tlie.i he remembered to have heard a voice, which seemed tamiiiar at the time,call to him as the out going train passed him on his way to r«wii in search of his wife. The painful tact, that she had eloped with the negro and the two had 101 lon the train forced itself upon him. On his return home lie discovered that ail of I is clothing had been taken, and S7OO in money. Upon questioning the while man, who had been world..g daily with the negro, he 'ascertained the fact that whenever be (Milt mi) left the place the negro woiild'leuve his work, and go to the house. The 'unfortunate husband is at a loss to know what to do. Thus far lie has heard nothing whatever ol the couple. As before mentioned the negro is a mulatto of ordinary bright ness, wkile ttie woman is about the medium size, has auburn hair, blue eyes and fair complexion, and, i., good looking.— Chariot tec Observ er. The Dunbury lleportev, says: A very sad occurrence - transpired in our county last Saturday. A lit;lc son of Alex. Reid, about live years of age, unobseived by sny member ol' the family, Sound a bottle of wbukcy in I lie cupboard, Irom which lie drank vcrv fre el/. No one knew anything ol the circumstance until about o'clock, when the HUle fellow's ab sence wax noticed. A servant was dispatched to look him up, who re* ported that the child was asleep and cook! not be aroused.. Upon cjauiU nation the boy was found to be per* iectly numb and unconscious. Two nhysiciaiis were immediately sum moned. but their efforts to relieve the l.ttlo suflurer were of no avail and'he died Sunday morning. 'J'HE KALKIGH TF.MPI.E QV HONOR AND TEMPKUANCE. —A new order 01 Temperance in this city by the above name, was organized on \Vcis nesday night by »/X Stearns, M, \V. 0. T., a well known publisher and and Corresponding Secretary ot the National l'ein peril in. e' Publication Society. The Temple was organized with eighteen charter members, and «ives good promise ot future success. Quite a number ot applications for Membershipli'iveahead, been bands ed in. : This temperance order, we learn, works on an entirelv different plan troinaiiv othe«* in exisieiicc. It does not ilabbKj in what is known as the missionary work, and has more of the beneficiary element in its composition j tlmh any other order ol its character. [ \Ve*'i>ii the movement great success. —Raleigh Observer. A HORRIBLE DEATlL— lleiulersoi> Simmons, a well-known well digger of this city, met with a horrible death yesterday evening. lie was engaged in digj:in«r a well 011 a lot adjoining the premises ofjnilge W 11 Cox, and he aiifi his SOM were at the bottom ot the well, and had just commenced walling. A tub of rock \va- being sent down by the rope give way. and the tub and contents were precipitin ted lielow, killing the old man iTW stantly and seriously wounding tl.o son. Yomig Sir»m»>ir» was taken oot at once, ami medical aid sent for, but it i« thought Unit lie will not recover. —lla'.eigh Observer. THR LATE BUANDV Cnor —For the past season I here were in operation iii this, the 4th Congressional district,. 325 brandy distilleries, and the nmonnt of the tax paid to the- United States government 011 the brandy tnaitnlaclured amounted to $24,243.70. Similes ot Whitakerand Ramsey! here is food for a two hour's temperance speech.—Raleigh Odjertxr. tutt S HEED THE * ILM TUTT'B IlXjijW Ann PILLS Isll Words of Advice, eI! _ PILLS TUTT'B "R ESPECTFIJIiLY offered by ILLLB TUTT'B Tutt, M.D.j for many p|T» *4 ttttt'si v j ars I)«M»oi»strator of Anatomy iii r> r , , « TTTTT'rt the Medical College ol* (irorKia. PI i r s >rl a Thirty year*' experltMirc In the £{;'['£ Tf TT S practice of medicine, toother with PILLS TUTT'B flit pen years' tent of Tutt's Pills. PILLS TUTT'Sand the thousand? of tcstlmonlalK PI LI,S TUTT'rf Kivon of their efllcftey, warrant me PILLS TUTT'S that they w ill positively pjf,| s 'Tf'TTN c,,re oU diseases tHat result from a pr* •pit't'T'u diseased liver. They are not rec- n ,lY* omineinled for all the Ills that afflict 'J, J* , . £ * huinanlly, l«itfoi'J>V«;i>ei)sla. «Jani»- * ILLS TIJTT'S dice. Constipation. Piles, Skin 1)13- VfLLS TUTT'S eas«B, Hllious Colic, Rheumatism, PILLS Tl'TT'S Palpltation of the tleart, KUlncy FILLS TUTT'S directions. Female Complaint*, Ac., PILLS TITTT ,fi ? °* result from a derange- p IT 1 « , r ,' T T'a nient of the Liver, lias rih.ii,,!; ever proven so Kiu*re«sfnl n* l>R. ft!J , r fl TCrrSTI'TT-S VEUET.VI4LK I.IVEII f"' l s TUTT'BI'I U.S. PILLS TBTT'S : PII LS I'VTVM • TUTT'S PU.LS t; PILT.S TUTT'S ; CCRK SICK HEADACHE, S PILLS T-UTT'S : : PILLS I'UTT'3 ; : PILLS TUTT'S : TFTT'S PIM.H : PILLS TUTT'S i KEQUIKE No OF PILLS TUTT'S • 1)IET. : PILI-S TUTT'B : : PILLS TUTT'S • PILLS TUTT'S • 1 Tf'TT'S P11.1.S : PILLS TUTT'S -ARE PL UELY VEGETABLE.! PILLS TUTT'S PILLS TUTT'S PILL:! TIJTT'S • TUTT'S K'II.I.W • PILLS TUTT'S • KEVER GltlPE OR NAUSE- : PILLS TUTT'S : , ATE. > i PILLS TUTT'S ; .raj, : PILLS TUTT'S - : PILLS TUTT'S • THE DEMAND FOR TUTT'S: PILLS TUTT'S -PILLS is not confined to this; PILLS TUTT'S -country, but exteuda to ail parts j PILLS TUTT'S -of tlio woi'ld. : PILLS TUTT'S • PILLS TUTT'S • : PILLS TUTT'S • A CLEAR HEAD,elnstic limbn,! PILLS TUTT'S -cood digeftion, sound ntfep,. PILLS TUTT'S : buoyant spirits, fine npp»tit«, • VILLB TUT'I"S -aro nom« of tlio rpsulta of tlioj PILLS TUTT'S" lusfi of TUTT'S PILLS. : PILLS TUTT'S • • PILLS TUTT'S : : PILLS TUTT'S : AS A FAMILY IIEDICINK : PILLS TUTT'S - TUTT'S PILLS AUK THE - PILLS TUTT'S : BBST—PERFECTLY HARM- : PILLS TUTT'S I LESS. : PILLS TUTT'S : : PILLS TUTT'S : \ PILLS TUTT'S : SOLD EVERYWHERE. | PILLS TUTT'S • PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CTS. i PILLS TUTT'S : • TILLS TUTT'S ! i PILLS TUTT'S : PRINCIPAL OFFICE : PILLS TUTT'S 18 91VRKAT NTRKET, • PILLS TUTT'S : NEW YOIIH. • TILLS TUTT'S I PILLS DR. TUTT'S EXPECTORANT. This unrivaled preparation has per formed some of the most astonishing cures that are recorded in the annals of history. Patients suffering for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, after trying different remedies, spending thou' sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. "WON'T GO TO FLORIDA." New York, August 30,1872. D 3. TUTT: Bear Sir When in Aiken, laot wintor, I itaed yout Expectorant for my cough, and realized more l oneflt from it than anything I ever took. lam BO well that I will not go to Florida next winter as I intended. Send mo one dozen bottles, by express, for somo friends. ALFRED CTJSHING, 123 West Thirty-flrst Street. Boston, January 11,1874. This certifies that I have recommended the use of Dr. Tutt's Expectorant for diseases of the lungs for tho past two years, and to my knowledge many bottles have been used by my patients with tho hap piest results. In two cases where it was thought con firmed consumption hadrtaken place tho Expectorant effected a cure. H. H. SPRAGUE, M.D. " We can not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt's Ex pectorant, and for the sake of Buffering humanity hope it may become more generally known."—Cubis* TIAN ADVOCATE. , Sold by Druggists. Frioe SI.OO THE NEW SewiiMie Vv'AS AWAKDUD TIIE FIRST PREMIUM! At the Centennial Txliibition, 1ST!?, nr.rl hr..i always carriel TFLF tlio highest IJOIIOI J wherever exhibited. A COMPACT, SIMM*. PCBABIE, .Light KunninK and EFFICIENT • LOCK STITCH" MACHINE. AlJAl*TEl> to tho WANTS of EVEIIYBODY. The HOME SEWING MACHINE was Perfected cifrlit fears since by the aid of the bett irventivo talent nnd Mechanical bklll. I*. CoiilUM B all the K«*entui Farts of a Plfif-T CLAPS MACHINE, ia SIMPLE hi CON B*I RUCTION, BUrnHU>R in Strength ami Beauty, contains less Working Parts"™* Capablo Of DOING a tciitnr rnhyn oflPorlrUian o;hir Sewing Machines. It will BUN forytan without COSN so ONE CENT for It' PAIRS. In the HaDßfMture of this MACHINE the "Very Best Materials are USED. The WEARING PASTS are HARDENED, and the Mechanism baa been X»STRCCTEI» with the speriai floe of producing air E'i*y Hunninc, DURAIILE, and almost NOISELESS MACHINE, adapted KQUAI.LT WELL for «otm or fine THREAD. COT' TON, BILK or LINEN, SEWINU from the J.ifjhtrxt Muslins to Jiraver Cln-U and Warranted for Flv£ Tears. LIVE AGENTS wanted in localities where we ure 201 represented. Send for prices, and samples of work done on the HOME, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSON, CLARK ft Co., CO Union Square, Hew York. 664 Washington Btreet, Boston, Has*. Uli Second Are., Pittsburgh, Pa, 141 State Street, Chicago, 111. . 21 South 6th Street, St. Lonia, Mo. 17 law Montgomery St., 8M Fiwdaw, OaL NEIF AD V FKT tH EMENT. '" ' | Tobacco sales. 3 shall resume public' sal'.* at t!iC| w?ll knowrl Dur ham Warehoue.'i HMD If MB» » • JE*r all grades. - Bright Smokers in great demnad ifti I w inted at good figures. 1 am dcttrfli in ;■! to spar.! no olfirts to please' Al-1. wlitf favor me with their patronage. Reinon be you will find me at BLACIvWELL'.-t I) IT It II .' AI V, WAKEHCrtfSHS th;; le.uling warhoiise of the Stirt*.. With many th inks for the imtrotfnge.' given me from Ai.tiuane'e airtf other tobacco growing sictioi's oi tii«; Siiite. I "am yours, truly K J. FAUKI.SU* 7 i mo. TRADE WITH US. IV e will make it to roua advantage IF YOU WILL vou will ft ml as at the Hunter Old Stand Where we constantly keep DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS ANI» CAPS, NOTIONS, CROCKERY and TIN WARE &C, AC, Well we cm han.l, aul will constantly keep, such a stock of FURNITURE a* will this maiket. We,tell y)U tint we are s lling Low lioWM, (rut we don't a k you to take our «ord for it, but come and see (or yourself, anil if you don't find it true, why, don't trade wi>h us, that id a'l. Grahaui. frVby 20. 1877. T. W. VINCENT itßro. 2 m. K A'NOELL T a i I or. Cutting and making done in the latent fashions and most desirable maimer. SS"He keeps constantly on hand Sample* of latest styie goods for gentlemen* wear; and will order according to selcsttea ol :i»stomers. — Also agent for the safe ol tlio Singer sewing Machine. Slrop in the old postolnce buildiug. Graham X. C | WAIT FOR THE WAGOS. lam now running a comfortable vchiefe r «gularly, between tlie ». DEPOT and GRAHAM, »► No old broken down animal and worse ver hiele. I meet all passenger trains, and will see tbat my customers are never left. MAWTIJfVANBUREN. tftafum if. C. BUKCH &COMPION. Steam Saw Mill 3 milts East of Vincent'* store ALL KINDS ROUGH LUMBER CHEAP. In the midst of good pine timber. Address, Cedar Grove Orange County. N. C. ' Feby 37th. 1 mo. jjf/ Mercantile, Railroad, ffi Bank, Book and Pamphlet it Printing or Binding of any kind, Bend VI if your orders to {»j 11 EDWABDH, BROUUHTON 4: CO., DO M Raleigh, N. C. I,J l In quality of work. Low Price* and uTW DispatoU nil f \\ "L They leful the Stute. Wil VV \ Record BlKli " 1 ' I J \ Legal \ Blank;, \] /f Ledgi r*, f/ J Bill and !f*r ,» \ Letter Heads. U \ Envelopes, 1 Statements // \ and all \ Printing at // . \ Northern Pricca // HOLES ALE AND IIkTAIL. VV»- k•!•«» •• • ns'tfrnly t'tf h' in \ a larjge Ar\ a i icd sl'» k an o c/:n //■;,§. Ha it i>- nin 1: I) It V • GO O I) » *«fTIO"N*. ll.* TM, CAI'S, UOOlrf * !*» > lIO.CS, UK ID .'■!! V» ■£ X BK.tl'Tll'l'l' IDK.t. ■ • , Carp e t i u g •* ! A XL) n all gradbs, from tlu lowest prices up ll> »u«f j. a specialty. Village .v.vd coi.yiky merchants are invited to inspect our stock and hear our prices before buying elsewhere. They ean examine and stiect for the useh s' and we guarantee that we can sell tlieui the/' entire stock or any part of it on such terms u will ena'- hem to s 11 their goods at a lart f profit t themselves than they eonld do by' wn>c.l> by oWl'er, from a distance W j are Agents for, and sell at m»nufacl' tire price.) the following goods, viz : C dar Falls and Deep River Sheetings, Yarn* and Se unless lings, I [oil's a id R.ndic man's Plaids. Fries' "Salem" .leans, Charlottesville Cassimore.B arid Erkenbicecher's Starchy ODELL, RAGEN CO,, apr Greenuboro, JS. DANL. WORTH. Company Shops, y. C., Thanks his friends and the public for t1.%- vcry liberal patronage he has heretofoic ui joyed: and begs t» Introduce to their inspect on the liAIKiEDT nnd JIOOT CO.fIPI.KT AND VAKIED STOCK OF GOODS evea brought to Alamance, County. He iiae j. st returned from the Northern cities win re he purchased and has received a-d and is re ceivng his PAMi AND WINTfcIC tiOODt His stock consists of DRY-GOODS, fi iff e'ommou to the finest ever ottered in tl f in rkct, READY-MADE CLOTIIIA 'i of every description. HATS, BOOTH AND KllOh ' of all varieties to the best hand-madr. stock of 1 4*- . . MII.I.IIVKRT COOUM. II Apt WARFC(JTI,KKV, QI'RKNM WAKK, TRI'RKR aad TAI.IMKM, TIN. WARE, CUil.. WRIiIMH HATH. argest assortment at the lowest prices, a full stock FAMILY GROCERIES, Ul'l ftm i AND SOLE LEATHER, Fertilizers, n a Wotd'lKe everything of kt, qt m that you will want to'buy, and he will bay the highest prices all, and anything y>v have to sell. All he asks is for you to c.vi and see ftr yourself. IT you doat see v 11- you want you just atk for U, aadcui see if it isnt found. Stoves of cyery variety, I prices from #17,50. up. ma 11-flm #ARAHAM HIGH SCHOOL. * • " GRAHAM, N, C. . REV. D. A. LONG, A. M. ' REV. W. W. STALEY, A. B. REV. W. 8. LONG, A. B. MISS C. HUNTER 80UTHGATE, In tructress In Music. Opens August 28th, and closes the last Fr day in May, HOT. Board $8 to 910, and Tuition $8 to 50f* mouth

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