THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. Y OX, e| THE GLEANER! PUBLISHED KY K S. yP ARK E R I'Sl lift 111, IV. c, Halnt of Subscription. I'ostaye Paid One Year ;-. fV [ %IJSO Six Months .75 Tnreo otoliths i —So Every person q S a, tfub of ten Mibseribcrs with the cash, entitles himself to one copy free, for the length qf f.ime for .vhich tlie club i$ made up. Papers sent to lifferent offices. A'o Departure from the Cash System H.ite« ol ailrcrii«iiig Transient (iqverasemenis payable in ad vance; yearly advertiscmets qeriy in ' advance. :} m. j3 ni. jS-m. jom. |l2 in. - quare |4s2 00j®3 oojs4 Po© 600 I.slo 00 " I 8 001 4 501 6 00! io 00 i 15 CO Transient advertisements $1 per square for he first, and fifty cents for cachsubscrib auent insertion. r I THIS PAPER IS OK FUJB xnxp Where A&wnfUtng Contracts «w b« ma4W k. ■ - National Hotel Raleigh J\\ C. BOABD 'MI. PER DAY U & lirown, Proprie * tor. The table is surpassed by no house in the State. .If you wish to be pleasantly and comfortable located, stop at the National, fronting the Capitol Square, The National is located'within fifty yards of the State House, it is the most convenient, attractive and pleasant headquarters for members of the Legislature' in the city. Terms are low to suit the times, fare utisur passeu, attention and accommodations the best. Saloon and Billiards * V - nbaseraent. Two of the best Tables In 'he . Citv, for tl'ie use At guests, free of' yburge. l«ee. 12th. 1876. " u JOHN CHAMBERLAIN GftEENSBiOBO, N. C., PRACTICAL K B WATCfp AND JEWELLER -• *f>%* * f 4 f " * 0 W DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, " Sterling Silver, and Plated- Ware, ..| « and everything else in my luie. Special attention given to tlwj repairing and timing of Fiue Watches and Regulators. I offer you every possible guarantee that whatever you may buy of me shall be genu lne and ;ust as represented, and you shall pay no more for it than a fair advance on the wholesale cost, Goods ordered shall be fur nished as low as if pnrciiuefd in person at my counter. I have made in tlic handbomeat manner, Mnir Chain*, (lair Jewelry. (Minuend «**«•• nil kind* of Fntf Jewelry, C«ld and* Silver Wm'ch CBH», 7 etc,, etc. V ' /> My machinery aftd apnUatices for making the different parts of Watches, is .ptsrhpnp the trtoHt extensive in the State, con sequently I cau guarantee that any part of a watch or clock can be replaced with the ut most facility, ®* 1 guarantee my work will com pare favorably in efficiency and finish with any in the land. " * 1 ' » t Watch VakerandJeweler," Greensboro, K. , ISTOTIOE. « . £V' Having qualified as administrator upon the estate ftf 0. Albright; 1 hereby notify ay perse na having claims' against said estate to present them to me, on or before tha lst'day of July 1878, or thisno tjee will besteaded in bar of their recovery. All jxirabna indebted to said estate will payment and save costs, * •- JOHN O. ALBJEtIHT, - Adms. of VVm. O. Abright. .Graham V. C, June 11th 1577 ■ -j*X> ,1#.,. ißaetrjr. e||X riwo IKODKU, They are sittinic around upon barrel's nl chairs. Discussing ilmir own and their neighbor's affairs, And the look of content tljat is seen on each face Set-ins Jo say, t' l have found iny appro l'fiate pince." ' I Sitting around. Tn bar rooms and groceries faintly they sit,. And sertnely chew borrowed tobacco, end spit, ' W While the stories tliey tell, and the jokes | that ihey crack, 1 Show their hearts have grown hard and undoubtedly black, While sitting around. The "sitter around" is a man of no means. And bis face wouldn't pass for a quart ol white beans, Yet he somehow or other contrives to exist, And ia frequently seen with a drink in his fist, While sitting around. The loungers they toil not, nor yet do the) aipin. Unless it be yarns," whjle enjoying their gin. They pre people of leisure,' yet often, 'tis true, They allude J-o the jy.qrk thov re intending to do, While sittli g around. They've a habit of talking of other men's wives, As they whittle up sticks with their horu liandled knives— They're a scaly old set, and wherever yon li" You'lllind them in groups oj; strung out in a row, ' * W bile sifting around. [Detroit Free Press.] JACK BIiLLEIK BRQKKN , * i>pRT. A Inquired inen were digging for gold, amj had named the piac.s VJoe \Vliite's Dream." * Singular mure, bill they were sins gnlar men—brawny, rough, mizzled. and.|guj£ of tiiem wicked- They were men Iroiu (he del ving in a sort of frenzy, fpr the golds eu wealth of California. On this day all work had ceased. The mtn formed in a circle on the gras?, and in the center was Jack Bnllet. IJib hand 9 were tied behind him. there was an old blood slain on his face, and from his woifhh eyes he sent murderous glances from one iacc to another, aiid a' lust called out: "I wjsli I had knifed sonic ot ye!'' 'i.. None of the men replied. /Some of the men were pale, others »e» VOHS; ami some seemed to relish the busl ness on haftd.tvhich was thV hanging ot -Tack BilileU i Bysand-b/ a ilieqk and humblblwlfing man named Eld er Graves I>v4m boys, cfKered the circle, and sending vPitli one hand on the prißonei ,, B*iß6ulder he began: f VJa#k this is a ao}pio)i morning tfy us alli! Here is the rope —-there is Uie ffliib*—and we are all gathered foul You oame to Joe weens ago, poor hungry. arid ill. YV-tNed and nursed you, and when you were well enough to work, a full,claim was staked out for you. J low repaid us, Jack rialUfVoiron .Imye stbhjij dust | from broygty djscord and I jealousies among us, excited and riots, and last night you were detected when about to murder yoiy partner and 6teal his few hundred dollars. We try to be white in this camp and use all inen right, but we can not turn you loose to prey upon some pjUfr party. The men are go ing ty hang j ou!" J "Let'em baDg— l can't die but I Ojuce!" sulkily replied the pria^nQ^. "Jack IJ\il!et," said the Elder, '.'l am a praying man, and I want to pray with yon before .you ewingr. } am sorry, for you are a strong and yoti arc to die like f dog. ~ Maybe you have a mother in the East, or you may have wife and children. Gyd help them!" The Elder sank down on hU knees before the prisoner and prayed such a prayer as t bedrocks have never echoed again. Before he bad finished there were tears in the eyes of halt the men, and Big Sam beut over to Cqrly Jim and whispered.: •?Now that's what I call rcliginm— real old bang up reUgluni aoch as we used to git way back in Ifew Hamp shire." ■m en the pi aver bad euded a new spirit came to the men. Tfcey scan tied Jack Bullet's face and saw it had softened, |n J as Elder Graves steps • • A , GRAHAM, N- C„ JULY 3 1877 ped asiijo thg president or tho camp cut Jack's bonds and said:' . "We don't want your blood tljotigh you sought ours. You ape free to go, Jack Bullet, but don't you ever cuter t/oe \Vbite's Dreain again.'* , Tho reprieved mail moved away without a v'ord", nor did be" look back as long as bo was in view, lie had disappeared from sight the min ers returned to their work, cticli uno 1 so busj with his thoughts that but i few wordß were spoken." That day I two weeks a man caino up from | "Cardboard City" and reported that J«ck Bullet bad beeu eaten up by a grissily. Every niau in camp felt glad that his town had escaped die disgrace ot u banging, atid in the af ternoon we saw Elder Graves should er a spade t»nd turn down into a lit tle valley. It was a beatitul spot, al« ways lull of tl,o mellowest sunshine and the prettiest flowers. IFhen the beys had knocked of! work for the day they all descended into the place, lor what reason no one knew, but by a sort ot common cptfsent. In the center ot the valloy the earth bad bee if heaped up like a grave. At its head was a board—at its f >ot a wild rose. On the board Elder Graves had cut wit It his knife: JACK BULLET. AGED FQKTY. Men may not give him a chance, BUT GOD WILL! You jvoijldtj't think these rough men in their hearty, butihey saw through the Elder's mos lives in an instant, and the roughest ujen ijj tho lot stooped down and carefully re-arranged one of the sods. Three wecKs more went by, an 3 one evening Jack Bullet came into Joe White's Dream, alive and well. lie stood on the little square in the cen> ter of the town, and si id not a word till the wondering men gathered about him. Then he pointed to the grave in the valley, his eyes filled with tears, and said: "JJoys, I sneaked back here this morning to kill some one in revenge, but I cum across that—that grave down—thai*, and—and !" lie held out his hands to the men and the tears blinded him so that he could not see a face. Elder Graves went down on his knees again, every with him. and there tears and a prayer so beautiful and tender and true that Jack Bullet sobtyetj like a child. Ilis heart was broken, and all the Satan in his nature was driven ,Out in a moment. Joe White's Dream w as a mining camp tor many months after that,and Jack Bullet was one of the best men in it. The headboard grew gray as the rain beat down and the sun shone, and tiie wild rose grew till it covered all the grave, but no one disturbed a sod. The \yp p sign—tftaacon light, as it were, and perhaps^the miners were right when they said of our town; •' had .a reyiyol up Jhay, an' they are the best chaps an' hardest Workers on the slope."— M. Quad. FIMII R1 OpiKS, ,'Bro. Lafferty, of the Richmond Advocate and his Presiding Elder, Peterson, on their way to a Sunday School celebration, "spun yarns" on Pamunky River boat. The former say»: "The Fumunky reminded roe of a fish story. So I told it to Bro. Po terson. It Went this wav : A shark * . came up that J liver. A citizen saw it, took a sturgeon harpoon, went out in & canoe, sent the steel barb into the shark. The ehark darted. Tho cord .to .the harpoon hung in the bow of the boat, and that end of the ca noa started under the water. The man jumped to the st.rn and leanef back over the rudder to keep the boat front from dipping. The shark was doing Uis best, making (say roughly) fifty miles an hoar. The fisherman could not go forward to unhitch the cord, for the boat would go right under like a mole in a plowed field) but quicker.—§o the man had to 'rare' back, like he was driving a fast home iu a sulkey before his sweets heart's house. Hie neignbors hailed him from the banks, but he hadn't time to talk. They went 110910 and told their wives, and wondered.— fhe boatmen on the river shouted at hint as he skeeted by. He was going too fast to answer. The shark turns Ed out of. the Pampnky into the York —Capsized in a river three miles wide, hijil a in id shark close fov was u gb' thought. The man wished lie had been from home the (}ay the shark name by his house,' and was {regret* fjl' generally, 'i he bharjf yjadu a wide circle in the York, and returned up the Paiuniiky, and, nearly oppo» site the starting point, suddenly stopjied, rose to the top —dead. 'Hip liiHii was glad. Kow, this is not aflrnaij jstory. It is of the Centennial Krtipp tiun Cali bre. I watched Bro. Peterson. He (UU'nt seem to give way under it as i liked. He took a fresh bito of tobacco, and said : 'I know a bigger one. 1 Tell it.' 'I will. »In Charles ton harbor a fish swallowed the anchor of a. schooner put out and dragged the vessel under.' 'Oh, : said I, 'that's Vpochryphal,—Mine was a true story, jDr. Leroy M. Lee vouch ej for it.' Bro. Peterson shewed briskly a second or so, and said: 'I heard Bishop Wightnian say that he knew mine wt\a tme.' A schooner against a canoe, a Bishop aginst a Presiding Elder, the odds were too great worse than the 8 to 7;' it was no use 'to attempt Gibralter with a pocket pistol.' As at appouiattox 'yielding to superior numbers and overwhelming resources.' I quit."— Christian A.dvocat»». TBIBS TO I.KABp '>" MOMitTHINfI, " The other day Bilkins was reading his paper, and he came across the fdo lowing: FACTS WOKTH KKMEUBEKING. A geueranon is thirty years. Two persons dio every second.' Tliero are 1,760 languages. Four thousand eight hundred and nine feet on each side make ft square milo with an inch. ... A barrel of llonr weighs 1% lbs.; a barrel of pork, 200; a barrel of pow der, twentystivc ; a firkin of butter, lifty»six; a iu!j oi butter, eighty* iouj. ' A standing aymy in Prussia, in war times, numbers 1,200.000 men; France 1,900,000* Russia, 1,000,000/ Austria, 825,000; Italy, 200.000; Spain, 100,s 000; Belgium,9s,ooo ;Eugland, 75,000; United States, 25,000, 'Yes,' said Bilking, 'those are facts worth remembering, and. by Jove, I'll learn ' in, so J can say 'eui as straight as a string: it's high tiuje I began lo learn soiqjething.' So Bilking started in, l]irityul fills ed with golden visions of ultimately becoming a walking encyclopedia to yvhom every tyody go wlienov er they wantel to find out any thing. About an hour later his wife happen ed into the room, and Bilkiqs .'My dear, I've been learning some lacts worth remembering. Its very astonishing how one can acquire in a short time.' 'Pin Very glad you have,' she replied, 'you never did know much, tell me what you've learnt.' .'All right,'said Blkins, "1 will. A generation is thirty second*; two persons die every year; 1,750 feet on each side, m.ike a snare nrle in 4,809 languages. A barrel of flour, in war times, numbers 1,200,000 i»unds; a a .tub of butter in the Unitsd States 25,000; jii Austria, 825,000; a standing army in a barrel of pork is 1,000,000; ill Italy, 200.000.' "Why, Bilking, what do you mean ?" "Well, perhaps that i*n't exactly right, litn it's near enough for all practical purposes; and., anyhow, 4j -809 feel on a side make a standard •i my in Belgium, and a barrel of powder will kill twobersons in a sec ond, and spread 'cm over a square mile witliin au Inch/ i 'Now, John, yoa stop; get ting excited.' 'No I ain't, either; you let me jilone, I'm all right now? A barrel of flour weighs 196 pound to the square mile; two persons die every 'second' in England in war times, and a tub yf butter eighty-four year old has a generation every thirty second.' 'John,'l'm going to seud lor the , policeyou're crrfzy ?' f Well, you may "; but I'm going to learn this straight, U I never learn anything again, before I go to my own funeral. And the benighted man began over again and got as far as "Spain, 200,- 000 firkins of butter, 4,809 on each siito o( a square would make two persons die every thirty years within an inch of 1,750 languages everv second,', when he saw on his front walk, coming up with his wife, a man wearing it brass coat with blue buttons, or something like it, so Bilkins jamqped his hat cjowii over his ears'and 'started foj- the office., muttering, '/another half day gone, and nothing really fixed in my mind yet. just because my wifo woujd not let mo alone. I'll bo eteraily ding blasted jt ever I try to learn any thing tigain.' X* u "OJVA pniCACQ (iIRL FIXED N mnf, "Will yop do something to oblige me?,'shyly asked a beautiful young woman ot a timed gentleman whose acquaintance she had just made at a small social gathering on West Adams street the other evening. "Anything that I cau in honor, Miss," he replied, blushing, "Well," said she, "come into the back parlor, where it is dark, and sit on the sofa with me, and let me rest my head on your shoulder, and yon pretend to whisper in my car—only don't blow because that tickles and I can't laugh, lor this new dress is very tig't—and when anybody looks you cau draw your arm away—l forgot to say I wanted yo# tt> put it"round iny waist—and I'll prateud to blush." "But, my gracious, honored Miss," stammered thfltyomig man, aftef has tily dividing 4 into 1g74 and finding that it wasn't leap year; "iny good*, '■ess, before all these people—and I am already engaged—and yonr father must weigh-—-—" "Hush, 1 know what I'm up io," replied the artless girl. "I am en gaged, too, to that young man talk* ing to the waxen-laced thing with somebody else's hair over there. I want to stir him up—to bring him down to business— make hio? come UD toh/s tljat'd all." V The young man said that a load had been lifted rrom his bosom, and aided her to the best of his ability, 80 well indeed, that in three quarters ot an hour the true betrothed got his girl ?nto the library, demanded an expla> nation of her Hliameless couduot, was softened by her tears, called himrelt a brtite, and asked if she could ever forgive him, and promised to behave bettei iu the future. And how did the young girl reward the young man who had helped her to this happiness? Why, she never said a word to him all the cyeiiiiig. in fact nipvei; men tioned him except to say to her res conciled lover, :«Alonzo, could you havo been so stupid as to tliink I could see anything to admire in such a mutton-headed olam as tiiat?" (), women, hours ot e^.—Chi cago Tribune. KESOI.IITIOM RBU.IRDINO V. », iriNITIAD, JUF.EXSROBO, N. C., June 23, 1877. To the Editor of the News: Sin: At a meeting of the citizens of Greensboro, lieKl in the court house 011 the 21st of June, 1877, Charles G. Yates, Esq., was called to tho chair and 1 Dr. R. K. Gregory requested to act as secretary. The chairman explained the object of the me meeting to he to give ex pression to our views aud withes in Regard to Colonel fc. s! Winstead, the collector of internal revenue in this the fifth district, after which Mr. Jesse H. Liudsiiy moved that a committee of (5) he appointed to preacnt suitable resolutions. The chairman appointed Jesse H. Lindsay, Thomas McMubon, Robert M. Sloan, John \V. Paj ne and J, \f. Scott, who thiough the chairman reported the following resolutions", viz: WIIEBKAS, We the residents of Greensboro, have heard with regret that possibly % change of officers in this collection district may bo made, therefore, be it Jletoh-ed, I. *rtiat we, irrespective of regard tbo present inca'ai* bent, Colonel C. Sf- Winstead, as a gentleman of ibe highest character both as a citizen and officer. 11. That he has discharged the duties of his office impartially and satisfactorily to * all concerned, and that he holds the confideiice and esteem of all with whom be comes in coutact. 111. That we pray bis Excellency, the President ot the United States, to coutinue (Joi-p;S' \y instead in his piesent position by 'so doing be will bat express the sentiments and and feelings of all parties and classes in thfe section of our §ta(e. IV. That our yportliy Itepresetila tive, Gon. A. B|.Scales, be rcqncsto to present to hjs txcellency, ibo President, this expression of o« r business community. , , . ' It was ordered that the proceedings of this piceting ue published in the Italcigh and Greensboro papets with the request that copv. C. G. YATES. President * IT. K.GRKGOUT, Secretary .—Kalcigh New». - r - " - SATUBDAV N|«IIT. llow many £kiss has been gjych \ how many a curse; bow many a ca ress; how many a kind word; how many a promise has been broken; how many a heart lias been wrecked; how many loved ones have been lows ered jj»to the narrow chamber; how many a babe has gone from eai'tli to heaven; how many a cradle or crib stands silent, which last Saturday night hHd (he rarest ot all the treas«. urea ot' the heart. A week is a Hie; a week is a histo ry ; a week makes sorrow or jriad • liess. " Go homo to thy family, man of bu siness; go Jjoart-teuring wan derer; go home to cheer w|iat awaits you, wronged waif of lite "a breaker: go home to those von loVe, and giv£ one night to the joys' anil coprfofdjfl fast flying by. Feavo'your booki with Complex figures, your dirty worktop, yojir bl»sy store; rest with those you love, for God only knows what the next Saturday night - may bring.* 0 Forget tho world of care aud (ho baltlo of life, which have furrowed the week, and draw close around the family hearth. Saturday iiigtit has awaited your coming with the bitter est tears and silence. Go hozae to those whom you Jove; and as you bask in the loved presence and meet to return the loved em* brace of yoqr heart's pets, strive to Do a bett6r man, and to bless Gcd tor® giving jus weary children so dear a stepping stone in the river to the eternal Saturday night. SAND. AM6AXOB CHILDREN, [Wilmington Review.] From a very reliable source wg learn of one or rather two of tl»o most singular phenomena of the «ge. Near Yalrlonta, Ga., are two chilv dren, known aa tbe "Alligator Children." Tbe upper of their bodies is ia every respect hu man, while the lower part has the appearance of an alligator. Tbey have never been known to assume an upright position though they are between the agea of 23 and 26. Strange to say tbey are Dot twin childrep, and like tho alligator tbeir habits arte amphibious. The last time >Kol>in*on's cfreus was through fhat'ctnntjfttOld saw theui and ments to the pui nnra^M the parents who are in very d circumstances and obscure origin. Tbe ' Alligator Children" are idiots and when seen by RoMnsoh were lying in a pool of water. ' t facts have been furnished us by a gentleman in this city who was recently at Valdosta and who himself saw these strange .creatures. PLANTING WHITK SKIN ON A BLACK MAN.— There ia a coal black negro man iu onr vicinty who will s6on have a stomach covered with as whke Democratic skin as ever grew in Edgefield. This is no doubt ; sounds ridiealomr and alarming, but we yiH explain. Some weeks ago Dr. Walser Hill aiid W Wallace Blaud cut from the stomal of thu negro a huge tiijnor weighing many pounds, and upon the large bare spot lelt by the operation they have plant* ®d numberless lit Je stars of >ekin n-.pped from their own arms. These stars have taken root and are fast spreading Meet each other, so that the black man will soon have a white stomach outside. Skin is about all the radicnlß and negroes bave left ■£ us, and to be thus generous with it is csrtainly very magnanimous.— Abbe ville [B. C.] Medium. '* . ' NO, 18

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