- VOLS® mmmL ~ PUIILISHKI) "WEEKLY BY ■ '• Mq 1 K. J3U. PARKER oJlq esifona* (Drahaw, N. C, - Jii. Hale* oj Subscription. Po*trye raid : IpastM^W^ j? Ti»r»o Months 8® ' ft & f|| dcriber* with thv ein>h. entitle? himself to one ««3pv free, for the leugb of Jliue for which the cfiib is made up. Payer* sent t;o differeut office* *» «i 44*36. fltog4M«»iv .**>J JVo Departure from the Cash System .earns f a —*" Trtnwlmt mivr.rtiit'itipi'nts pitvitiile In advance: ylSfly iitdVertisement# qifartdrty Iff ftdvftnee. "~*l iU^-., 2 _«v. 3l »-i *j?M 1 ~ 1 "- i>r Transient advertisements $1 per square j f»r he first, and fifty cents for each snhsc quentinsertion. |g.gfc. I>V SC OTT A DONN'RHP" —H i. " twi» j-...u»J* >*u.»n,r R GKAHAM, Opens Aiiirust 26tU 1878, and closes the last Friday in M?y, 1879 Board *8 to «10 and Tuition J3 to 54.50 month. E 137 f . £ Under the abov#dltme « „, u&& S3£ »S3|R» Thnrfj|a| lUoriiiiu; Ocl»t»«r l*th IS7S. The Son' will lie pubfisheil by&he SttaJjLssociA TWN, from the PHn •R.tor«Cthi unilor liiore auspi' -iuus cir cufosuiwwe,' Tb*j&M:b*ujtsiftiS Jiftt>if uA SUFFICIENT CAPITAL for all Us purposes, and tt-will -n«o its inioraiy' on all dUbjwts o Current Mttrest! Above 1 all things it will be a N£WbE ! £* gtf .'Jc Industrials commercial, syelrf awl Hterarary—win rec«a\e particular attention. The SuVWtll be a Carolina NEwsrAPEi!. -4:-* SUBSCRIPTION. MT*A MI" The wflTbn ftirnfsfied to Bnbscri|wrsM»t tfcq fe>Ujt>Hrgi>r and For ou* yiwSNs* Cents'[' Fqr throe months 1115 " •• tconth.Bs L i? „U -8«® I " twelve " 700 At these rates the Sun will be mailed to any Sg- *&*we®.nt«K!s 9m» . ADVERTISING. o-v. mii/m \ One oti*ri;fte« IWeWolie time, tl «0 ; two times, one montli. #9 00; three months. #3O 00; six months, s3# 90. CORRESTONDENCE. P d9 PC f soljgi& , . .t%: , >■. r. times mm * - . J I Jpmrt mp> #.*" * MjK IMfKItTK».\ES«, j Carolina h> enact: That wlion itnv Ualfiftl' or persons, hoMiiur tuy^wii •{ iNorin Carolina, lssiieflni puremnico of , w «v act of passcil at nuy tiuift ». lielinif Hicf.2dMi ilny of Xl iy, 18GI; or Jn l>tir.«naiißc of tlio act oftlin General As-> -WmMy-, |»«KF6V!rt' tt*«p(NWi#tH"«4lß9', ; iT 'ftrHi pnrfnitffb'HTnfi acrp*s?lr by the it ohapier tifiy-syc of tlio !jiwe of 1322' fi( (lie convention of 1868, it being chapter iiinelefn. befei# bouds 'Wf illls (iAnfhaWrßattrimd coinjiiiny; or Tu.' ( purkitant'c ot an oritiiianco of the pnnM* conveiuioii, cliaptei' t\VeiTfy/fIV6Bo tji.if tor the payment of (he Siai« : ttTP Trnr. ,i lOtli rlay of-Marcii, 18G6i; vm*w ptiiwi , mice of an autjllcnl Man nf,t to , pron vide for (muling tlic inatnrpii interest on the public ilebt," ratified the 10th day. ol August, A. I). 1568"; or anv rnyfstered pen bonds ot (lie of fifty atlf' wrd'tme tj be iiuinber^d ( ./iftjnone tVards, in ffccti'rdance' will) the order of. r iftne. They shall ife signed by llioiiow W* oi a»# VSW9- A" J scaled with (he >i;r«vU sciil .Hie coupons I ihcron may be signed t*y the (reasurer alone, or have : \Jac simile ol his tlire printed, en»raved or lidiographed (hereon. ■ 4 ) * •• t ii»e said bonds Shrill be ex em pi trim allJSlafe or-coooty or corporate tax alion or aHsessn'ienl, direct oV fn general or special, whether imposed' for the puqioses yt general rftenuo or o(h --erwise. said coupotvs sii all bo res ceivable iff-paymfliit of any mid all State taxes, same shall be expressed on the face ofveach coupon; (he coupons shall bear the*?ar^e,as the bonds to whichthey are attacned. and in addi; t ion be from i«, aecorUii'jldo'wliu date Uy ed for the old wonds of the State, men tioned in the first section of thid act, at 'the following rates: 1 ;'■*»»'b#»- Class I. For the bonds issued before , tlio 20th f!av of May, 1861, 40 per cenl. of the principal of' the bond or bonds so am , Wandered. , UJva.ll> For tjip js Sll ; (lie close of the war, by authority ol acts ipassed before the war to nid in the cou> :struction of the Western Noi-th Oaroliiiii 'Railroad, and (lie bonds issued in pursu- act of Assembly 1865, chaptei ihree, anil act of Assembly 1567, L chapter fi£( v-»hr, and the said (3hathMn> jßnilroad -bonds issned in porsnancet>f arr ordinance ot,- *lir J ooa*t»iii»« if 1868. chapter niiTfefWtrJ Williams sloitjvid'liukftioijailroad jMuetf in pursuarne of (in ordinance ot tlfo cons }ventfßn ol 18G8, IHe bbnd*' Issued Octo ber first, and 1861, chapter 137-, for Western (Coals field},Ji»j!rP 8 $ M'f 4/o|4» if-snedr Ocfoj ber llrst, 18G1, by act of 18d4 -'65, chapter 228. scad?* thirty-five, and re«oluisl)ii September 12th, 1861, and the ;B«id registered x«rtificatßß.«rf4toe literary ?furid, 25 cer cent, of tbo principal of the bonds or cartificatea so surrendered, j Claß3 111. For |lio bonds issued Jrffy Ist, 1862, by anlhority of act ot 1860-'61 f chapter 148, fbr the construction of Hie Wilmington, & Rutherford Railroad, and those issuer! in pursuance jDf the said funding acts of Maich 10th, 1866, and August 20th, 1868, fifteen per bent, oftfie principal of the bond or bonds fo surrendered, '?v'le Sf.c. 5. The bonds bo to be issned-shall be in the n«naj form of bonds of this 8t ate. except as modified and provided by this act, and shall have printed on Sj - 1 * " v 77~r !: • - . , GRAIIA.M, N. C-, TPfeSDM" MARCH 111870 1.-« fw . » j.iit«a («p I (he fftoe of ilio saoaji tbo word*, "is ß ue/l ill pursuance of an act entitled sik act lo nhit -fha State detir,*'rftiified the "tiny r>! - r A k w» Iprgo rpiil ¥ im% "'tfir ciwitehliiliipd dobf of lha- , Mt»«e»"ji v , «^^-TIS«l 4 IWISf«lp. 1 Sf«lp. faxes jev'ed an/»= i-ollceted from trades, JiV y»iiios,ineiicliantSydoalers in, rlgaivj,,Ri/d, tjirae »»«rlh« f>t all (he t>-XP9 cidle«!ed Hon, wlKile-tle frn-l ir(»il drnlers h.' and, malt (iquo'rs, shall j|»o held and inpi>4iodH«( the pavment of (he inferest nu said Imnds. and the 'pmviss ioiis of this s'M-(ioi) Vhall be 'lreinr 1 '! and in\eu Io be a material pari of the con-id- I shall or mav;bc surron 'cred. , > SKC f 7'. Tiihf If Vh'e Whole frtiid rai«ed ' 1)" reqnirnl (o pay such acertiii(r inler esf, then and in tint shall bar the ditfv of the treasurer, wirli the sanction 'St.flhp fj/ivern.ir and the nndi'or, fo buy [ wikii tlio »uj;plus biich ot the consolidated bonds a« ln>ean buy at fb« lowest price after (liirty (lays advcrlM'itiefnt in at Icrtst two - and he shall forthwith cancel any such bonds so pnrohased; i SEC. 8. That ihe-TreftsitTei 1 *»tinll pro vide a substantial boun I' Kooli for (lie piirpofa, in ' wbich ho siiali make a correct descriptive list of the bonds so surrendered, which lUt shall' einbracfr Jie number, d;rte hud amount of each, t|ie tinrpose for which (lie same w|f« ifisned, when thi« can be ascerluined, a,ul the ing (hevsiiHift,i;u»4 aftcft B*-li list shall be made, dWotf sni*eaf|Jered bonds beinj; Represent, shall bo cOn* stiined by-flrd in the pvesttne#- of *th« Gofern'or, flic Trcasuer the Auditor, t tie Secretary of Stale and ilejitio/" t*nUUci. InatißctlouV who shaH each certify under bis hand • respectively in such, book that he saw fettcl/ described bonds so consumed anil defrayed. SKC. 9. That the Treasurer shall pro i ville a well-bound book in which shall be accduiit list, of (he new bonds to be issued, and such descriptive list tJliaij s erubrnoe tl»e dide; nnuiber aiut ntaouot of sne.h boiul >r bonds, for wltjefi (he sifine issued an,l liie name of. the person to wViyjijC .4^/ SEC. 10. That it shall be »»l«tvful i for anv ftily executor. adminlsfHitdt','' dian, trustee. ifj?c^tbrfet'luYy coppralion, and .«iid, 9thorr fQtfuflh ifl 'a fiduciary capiwityj f holding bonds of I he' State* to mtike tlin exchange pro- VHm hi this act,'and ' bo f-fyj solved from all liability, ou ol [Haiti exchange. . SKC. 11. The provisions of for and'issue of bonds shall continue in force until the l»t day pf .January, A. t>., 1882. , ' > r.- Htc. 52. That aiß fnriher'proVislon lot the purpose of paying the interest on 'hese said new bonds, if the taxes for any «nc year upon the subjects lof taxu tiiin herein!,efore mentioned, -snail M to pay such - then | audio that case the i'liblic Treasurer shall be aulhorizod tf> ,apply any funds in the treasury not othßiwlsft appros yj-fattd to that purpose. (s rnfl Bpc. 13i Th(kt, in Iho. event: that the taxes oollectod Hi any One 'year,''upon the aforesaid subjects of taxation, nnd tho funds licit in tbq .treaiury, when / added together should bo Siiadoqhafo - toi''pay said ' Inffej-csf, tnen and in that case, and in order '» provide for tho deficiency, i'V« PuWwTreaswer, bo and ho; is heroby authorfocdito issttc coupon bonds of this Slate' Of'ititi dcnomlnafion offiVrf fihndrcd dollars, bearjbg tlate 6f ibp rfrst day of itOotobpr or Apnl of the year-oftbo issue Said bonds shall be payable tori* l years afwr' datc, but redeemable after "jen" year, rit tlio option of fhe State, with bonds sjtall bear iH>on their faoel in red letters, the Wortfs, "Contingent' Bonds, v a "ft na rob,cred frpra' oiio up-j wat-da in accordance with the order cf j their issne. They shall be sf£B*dby the > Governor and Treasurer and sealed' with the great soaLof ilio State; but the coupons thereon inay bo signpil by the Treasurer alone, or have a Jao. simile of of JN sigHatttra. engrttved litliogmplied there«m. T*e said bonds and coupoiu. shall bfl- exempt - irott ait Stalev«>Bnty or corporate taxation or asMMnmnt* direct or Indirect, gerieral or IpMIAI whether fotfiosed for prrrpoßes of general revenue or otherwise, and they shall be lawful investments by all executors, administrator, and ««uciarics generally. The coupons on saitl bonds shall bear tho same number as the bonds to tfl'ricfi aud shall in addition be numbered from «« k\4 :.a ■ -t" rl -oa/an-M,, .*, f 9" *■ #»JUI -'*t % ,1 if f*( s • y'ftt rt|ffna«p«n rd» In 'abeottmfifce Wl Hi tlio , of their nikitiuiiy, aiid tl«v v shall l>a, r |^uctttHdtafe that nitt , tnrity in payment of all taxes, debts, .deio^ofismid,«Jm*,to.Mm Statu,sf «m I nauire ami Wnd tahtltsOewt V'm--i « SITE.' HT'-MT-(119 Public Tivrsiim (■ Be'apilJi) 9. ,.n»»py ..JJf" I sßHJ.iioiiii, atipikr/ns wspaaaru i*iSifo; provide (or the defiriatHMes hUart!- |« 4*UW I>mtHh(t: hatbcvei\ Tfeilt liic'T'ifflr • li,: , s)/ail nut. issue and sell . in the a Hi; recite mqre limn six htind.el I nf.fliese hou,'U. • twe;- "•»!' ni S ((HiiiMW Im '■ Tlmt rtlf the provisions of this • Xr c J^C("f'-ewt,,oll |)»a .. soCdate'l bauds shall apply «s >y,eW ,fo 1 Iho |«vmoi(t ot th 9 1 uterest on tlieSe ■ 'haid tsouAni^iifli'oth^.' ''• '' •' -* l ' ' * SP'C. 16. Tllat fir the p'urposo.of rn'r. , ryina opt tho pr ivlsions of (his act in 1 relation to 'the of proper '4DALI»«.-4KJKKF#^AT|HH|T|, J, TV PuWd 'ri-ensuier is imthorij'.ed with the ap proval of the (iovei-Mor, fo use any funds i /•tllot'WUd . appro;)rinietl in fhc nOt tha«ma of fire j thousand d illai-S. SKC. 17. That (lie Public Treasurer is . aulhoriaed to give public notice .«f- this , pan for a selllwnent r>f the 1 'StirftPlj ! ,f dehtcdne93 by advcrt'rsinjin sucli uewA l ipaltterJ a s he'inly ' '' MVc. IS. Tliis act shall be in force .from.at.d after "sratj^^D,. i. v m j Tlife fool i*af!* oii>y iA the stoVm* " 'I tm life is rtu dc««-tH. O-rekt/ hwirts, ItiTtf tJceaus/ heVer con . gwtfc » ■ •- •■> ■ | J ttiaiir atit.il y'ou hatb Wood in" *>bia place. ,>;v. . .... ! A'*lr«igh« iiae"i^ , *tiei i hortest'lu I' al» MS Well mBiu » tmltheiimti'ds *"« ' ' •1 i HrfHt vipWtt consists in integrity of and Joving yoiir neijjlifeot-jtti y dif^- Return equity and justice fot 'Wtt Uor*? to \ 0-1, and pay goodness by g66d uesiT ''f f ' * 1 ' *"' t * f ' \ >!,t '• *' l llfhik-not of funlts in- the I jiait wiiou one ijjii rlloi iW>d**%itf tWfA-* 1 .jliuet. * ' [■ « Wlmt r d»^n ( »%aVbtf»iet% should» not I 'lio'lUr m 6 I 1 cqjually'dwrifo-ndt Wild 1 for' '• llieftt # -ft* *'"*■ '• li:; •'« Without the virtue of homilify one " "pan neitliee ba'lloifeHß'ib udr eoii f. ifi '* '4 Till) wealth of a niun i» tltf number of > .liiAtfij that lie ItfVrife «Mid-"blesHes, (hat 'he 1 is ' Evil is like a night ihHre—thH'instanlf you beg Til to*tttrfW wfth fl>' t'o bestir you'f-seif, it is already «iided it» • *U.i -• If. • ' f */U I t : How great, one s virtue is. bpst appears by occasiunof adversity- for. occa»jons . do not make a man (Vail, but show what he is. If you liava huilt ens ties ifi aif yonV Word'nen-J not lOStj lliaCi* where they should be. Naw put foUndatiou under then. YieltF onyWA % cir cunwtitnces, but , prove ypurwU' their maatorv, then ai**!!' circninsWnseS do >»er i vice imto you. *ViWi mei)-ftrtt l f.Hk«4 dvr opinjon and • then aft'erward seek (or reasons for it, , they .nust be coUjleiVted.wityfiucli as tho ,i *b»ui3ttxof it will al low. 1 1 >; '-* * ' , Tlio fef ?reel!lirgis l pnrely » ieal |n Its natures. Thei» is, in" addition 1 •lo (Uis. a chemical clianye iu fho plant I'M an, importni't bf/arihg on the • rcstOf. The expansion (of the flnids In I the pWut) rtirMjs wafer into' ceilsorrfes. seisintended on>y ton air; and bii the ' otliqi* hiind, air is minctod with watpr in tells wMe it s presence is deleterious. ; These deicfeiiouj iesulfs follow more , iaurelV and seVerelv il the plant is exposed to light and wnrinth before thawing has been acuoipplislied, and . the internhl had fiine to readjust themselves. "The eneefs of the freezing depend 'argely Oil flic cTrcnnislances tin*. «hr whi/ili thawing takes pfasa. In , prtler to avoid ill effirels, the k»lloifing, ~ plan *hoiil|t be adopted: As soon; as the, plan! js know to be frosted it should bg,>, ivKxn where the tempej-a. i, u is but una or two, decrees above (tho. > treeiing, J Thw dartffCßf! .will prevent injurious that wofljd insult from the presence of tltp jpvv tumps . wiU cuas# the thawing to faHo [ placa very sjowly. . lirunurMun h». water ( raisetl toone or two ab,»yo .free?-. , ing, wiW,of|#n expact the iiq»| fr without »'»y *wjswwu» when, to (Jw> ordinary .CflUiiso ,of nature, Iho l»l«¥rtJF-iU be deatipysd, I« caso of utes, or plantsd|m^,.ii w jjbpwerw»g of., water just as.tlia falls »h» them will often preyplit.all injqripuft A smoke mauo t« pass ix'tff.caii; 1 reps and ♦iieaßaj to-lMtercepitiiarfya, wiu. ofipy prevent any ill consequences.—£. J\ , m Scmt>Jb.A)m ican. «wb»v,iopa j0,... iMif „koa tin)Cecils,piap. "Ue uotlt ing at thiA tune of the |tear," r«pli«d the ,youiapwifeiJ7' iMaihe,.B-pauper?" asked Ifie- eensu» than. ■ Bha blushed sflaflet to the ears, "lift* nof» she somewhat ihdignmtly, ain't been ni»rritjtl uioty u»»!( wtreks.'* ' 1 " • 1 * W d:-'CCg t-'4 Vt&t oHni#** nco trft-frft-iri ovVxio** i $i *tW4 bct iyrt #w .mm. | *«n l" off the— und ii c.aae that i»»iul fail* id ho ill WrtdtfißofWiltc, nfl.f the bmdcriobneed VMticMMatf and IHWiliVO' ',r n«ai"«rt tl>p intoreue of : M t*. t*. ilnciiim (if i !»» icliaisc >t irnii lot otioplola ife»>«i*taifc» »r ft »inv* b«Pit lnVp«>tf ijfHljfl iiVflils WeillVf. If bt»injrrtjolißvr ifc#y Hit signtf* t hat tlie ohjftO of Hi«Ul| fore# U?e mwfi* Wfll'" lik vo 11 1 he ' dfe* -aired pHeor. No Ua vet MKiriM I? f Mltrtt _ft J »-4-. ■:,■■•. Dll f ol »tci»ihj« FOITMK RBROB*, !ih Wf itP h, • . . * "T lie ffiS® Tii IwlWfe I Mat tt»»'rrtb«s h»r cWi»i (tii nimlv the filMer thev will leitrnL.-'To tfotiotwio. Ih.il it exercise. is good. #ipP«iK hour tjninrtd. ftt»a«*»§ti tM>reWWty*W4 f lliMrMMiMpillioot iwomiil 4ie. hdnW.i* tJjige onongli to .vfhatevcr remedy .caraea ona_ to feci lfei mediately b(!|ttt*iag»xt»ftHfiilie svatem "Without regard to more nlterior effect. To eiit wiibofiK*)! appetite, oi>tt*ooMimu> !:?«» rs^« *npi>eriAfr thr (luring Uw.bmf lim H (be throat nt I lie expense of a whole uisrht of dlattfrher! steep und a irtght>6f MWf xvidihig.ia ti|B;in®rtuiiig. *tt*l *di m* tktotf* " ■ an*l «|IM -In.common with the rest 'woild Dr.ii——. all WW ifcht ch rtV fjfrWSfwHmTf «tirtiiits "viikedurrtiei.jfyrj*. «*W M Horn* M.ouW- ,W .me tropolis an liTslynftn canio/rnnniiijfto.lilm on fft* VP i) oei I ipr Wrr~- M JlvW! JH'Q> i f^THi -*• MtWinttk: r**u ho*j do .yio ioni* to 101 l >■«"/-The doctor c ,h|i»'tlip*ahMli#f. am|wn«i bv Hie iri^p. t^j }v I W w inline on votir nnilnolla. " »*» ♦ "L. at •4Cr(Mj Las One ia never e.nseieV|i (5u??&? nctloii - bnly th'c lookei -on tl'iP -'ft cant' Bciwcej«riw br..i ,li « .* t ma, m mmVi ,j Hifblfc|w**ihle.v Wo wonrt a 'tliMHd {fJUSP ca *W(?* , «in ' • ■'• tf, 7;- *»-.» j ~i mail's own g"od breeding is Mie best soedifty nguffiit other iftfcpfo'a 111 liew. ; Small norvlco>l»t«ao«eM(W -wfcile It ,|aat|i. Qi .^uwpyor, scorn not one. J baiwiodJ A ids Q$ iI l' io . b ,cm iism ,gpt rid of by complaining and sooiiiTiik Mnfldcence. mm ?, n t The heart is like irimiSTcal instrument -of many strings, all Hie. oofdr of \VhicH ■ require pnMiiig iu harmony*M . ff one treat SWo«vWW woil«H>o 1 renWBKl iKy l 't»en»;' ; he iHll not fail i(«*r Ui(s. *A .ill if his martib fctaAipeJ bti 50^00^,(?06 tooth pickaj v ' '* •» .•••"11 '»*K4J -,) ■ pd U mui' Iwn.i| 'w*X> •effyd; rt i&'ceraild reilecmvßM ugly i smim* we, k 'wtei. tb,t asinires'to jfVeßtrt»W f «r liliA iWHfofo itt the hope of g»ttiiHr rirtofk*. fe Hlte onß who throws hi intp a> Mtu«MW> to shivering ot an ague, An «*rhange pofjw Bays *i*)i»ft»*n«arv qd Iww Intabind of ataving taut da«a ual nigjit by gomg *o the door wkett be eft in e aft* whj«)f ring through:; 4wy hoKi .♦'Js that yon, Willie?" Her, 4ui»»tian,4>, ifame is loljn, and he stavs home every. •if rfhz,' ».•« *ri h st; anybody has liard work of ifci to ple Wv ifci* Bn,r*l»tor. If, he oiuits anything, speaks, 9filw« they g^t. Wit j4 j °hS»ji a ho does, hi htdnlfeea 1 ift^jlters ttla«bgir#W».-; If ba'dbfta hot,«*t# i^po^h' dull t««* dw« M?- g* Uiero aie muuieuts yon knosv of».; ■nfrhen m ntau dun't oaro« two «*«4a » fo|>| *4biaMß(!,iaod vvlwa'he ia going to pla*t k'iswßaarfcrtra they bldftg, tf the *f health are torfttfroitf • AlpM'Ho 1 SBee^' jiieba. " * /. w' ll»l'OH Tr+'i.'-j'* V v*jj? «4T ~f . A r ,# ici rr # - hvr ' i '> "4 iff tt'dfcT L&ii&u' I .a* -".ftt 90 s»J**d 1 ' ii ' > . ' ***** ~ * «•«■ _ ~ || a ,r tnu'ti>» '*•*» «f» in {»{ »rfT .y«|.-.** j..;. *y §^ ,w, »' •CT^^MaaeC • ( K«r *0 Urtf+tltforia^ ■;« b>tM } ' i*6 *■> to ««innlmt »iIT ,«arMMf>|.|io and purchased what I cliyUq. ui ( ..tfio. . _»• - .WM**«»« *« ffMA " ,rt fltoafc vf svod&' "* >* , v 4 |U>*&»wfCTH" fc—j ltt »4t4^ ** ■ *•* iwil * itf «** ««f? 11 J - *** t*rt jj| »tn#« -^j #,«»' ? falrf->M4NKJM» .-W4WI,, .'.; !r ,'i ~ *«««'. UKA*>VIMM , oi a n tlin Uert SHOES irt tow-, ?ooiffifce of ifcOG&N *mt PLtW fiHOHI>( ' * . :u>^• .jtt "Hair nc• of ail Icin'cts. nn.l overt article fefce 'fdnnrf in a Getttft*Mftbr*!*.Z'g»: Mn..|f« trfffT vJjUp*^ „1 bought these goods cheap and will Jm tliem cheap. AUiUuda C 9 at the hlgheiFflill-ltSl price. w'hh tHauka Mr the patror.ugo hlMttf I beg to Invite an Inspection of raymiw stock. AuHmim, Whm+m, * . 61 * s ,rf *» ;T l frw nii-iif.»-■»» ' - »MM# ai TlMMin TIT 7 «,«! _ jffi>aCT*H£pQdcs, 'iftt,' SJ? ■rr saaiw-A'a igtate; they are notified to appear at thejfcJSWin'J W the Clerk of t^ M n|f»rtf>r Minrt q| Airnnnn"" vCOunty within after the of v,&J « «* ■ r « - w rtfWPi ll'ttilf ttMtftttt thdt ls. p jsb: u .r '***" le ? .VPTwBSir '{4 vino «h AndfewiJ. iGwn ftnd wife Jnekp net ,an 4 ot^ejrs. iJStt.aKvf^'s 8 45®egraKffiW«£ &"•» • the fllltrg rtrthe «rWJ 'aUd tU« J wi«i trio aitolMh o| *«,?•'« Sb«MiM «f»W v>H»w • Art Wafte *lhmm Hi ••• U , K DOMIKJVBXI'Ibii it-Mil wfr *"« ,- » 1 IM**loq W*#h:- ; Dress.Mscte^gr: J\ «t Q»*«, wren mfu «4! i:jw .nv^nwrr? *«,*; WW nn «i C*w9my{Bl*r*t Jt*ov . • - ' LtoMftvaad alway* OIL a t *feand, and work done at reasonable prkfitu., ~ Wm also make penUemeii'a ' fcnd mstke boys strfts. W iwfc first c ass In ittle and flnlMlW—■a>liafriatfljkn»liL:; . reb. 10th 187». " __ *y»»fa ■», liri «ti II "iril ?wa»'|ni' i! wm **T ■btfZfiur'**-- *i jwit.rf? >1 '*« ■ Practice In Alamance and M«nh>v «ontfe«, j * wSwWt i ;' fa a £ Mitt m# »•»« r -* rf «-t tj.-.- f -- C'i' tind flfme 'in '..-x--*• •••:. j.'.s .■ ' ,