VHIIKBP lII'KBANIIKr. READ nr D. 'k. MONTGOMKRT, ESQ., BKFOKK THE STATE GRANGE. North Carolina with lier great waters f wver lorniiiudftitturfMg purposes, with il l' lirenil bottoms fof Agricultural pur pute*. her rich hills of (fiousnnds ol acres l\p sheep \yjalks, slionid rank nmong (he first of ttfc' wool growing Males. the has thousands of acres still unoc* en phut. - it has (hint wo«L . gowing in t north, with JOIIJJ, cold «int rs, has lieOu proffiftbld, nnd why not be equally prnfiianlc in North .Cmio\ lins, which has netNier Uic ejflremc cold oMho north, uo>' tire intense liout of the south. It it nmiiotbo niadepfofitnbln In North Carolina, I should think it useless I J at. * twn|.l ii in any oilier locality. . >4 , Sheep hushitudry xv:is uniting (ho first jircoesilii") oi the early settlers, who w ere edfithied to tliij re so u rco for tho greater part of their wearing and household ap parel. Iso other branch of rural e/iono> niv whs so well suited lo their comforta ble hrbits. The sheep required almost no care, so fur as food and sho'ter were concerned,, bnt from the migrator}' hub its ol the animal, scattering and straying, i lie depredations of wild miiniiils, -HIHI jasth sheep killing dog*, werfl (he causes v hich prevented their flocks from assiiin lug dimensions. .. Hut those days are of the past. As the fotintry has improved those obtfacjes have (jeeii overcome; we are more thick'* ly settled; neighbors ca'i keep an c"Ve on CKCII other's flocks: tho wild animtlahsvc i i-arly.'all been killed, and nothing is needed now lo make sheep husbandry a success in The Stale but the enactment ol a stringent law lor rheir protection. The whole number of sheep iu the Uuited States as per census ol iB7O was about twenty nine millions. According to the Auditors report we bad on Ujje 80th of September, 1877, 370,808 sheep in the State, valued at $467,871, susceptible of producing one million arid a halt pounds of wool, worth ut 40 cents per pound, $601,V84; deduct■» iug 60 cents per h«a«Mur keeping them, say slß7,Stoo, leaving a profit of over four hundred thousand dollars from IlieiV fleece alone, to say nothing of tho increase in numbers, which would amount to 80, 40 or 60 per cent, annually, Tliht Would be an average of 4,000 sheep tp each county. Why should we not have five times thai number? Chatr lmin has 17,600, the largest number ot nuy county in the State. Randolph is - next on thtj list, and has 15,368. Only ten coiivljQS number over 10,000. Much attention is.being given to. the improved and favorite breeds— the Merluo, Saxons, t_'.»t6wo!d and Sonthdowu". lii view of tho high rates of transpor tation by railroads to northern nia>:Kcfs, where both wool and' mutton command a high price, wool should be our main ohiflot, mattote'being merely incidental. I honety will be but a short time till all onrchetip and linofccripled lauds will be made K> resound with the bleating of sheep. instead of tho howling of dogs. The monii North S?; 1 ha vo paicj our Chief object in raising sheep be /or tiie wool, bat the question At raising them for their meat is not an ounimportfeutoue. With the growth of our coUntty the consumptioujof eatables * and that wirioh brings the highest price is latijlb, and wKi> an increasing intere-t in It,aMJie most wholesome and pnlatas ole of all mogtlft It is already getting so scarce ftnif'mSti lliilt it lias to bojpurchas od onlyas* luxnry by those who can aft ford it. riiek value to the larm is not poriftiptf ffnly uudanatiod. lit it ait, old proverb "wherever tljp foot of tho sheep touches tho laud is turned .into gold." It u said Uial shcop will enrich land faster than tiny other animal. On the mountain pasiares and in our fields they are valuable in cleaning up the land, keeping itl'rojr. weeds and briars and bringing it to clover and iiuti'itiouegrass- PB. easily raised and cared lor bolh sitrpuVer and winter, in qjjoj-t sjteep husbandry lias a value iolnake the laud more profitable, more productive, at a less expenditure than any oilier animal kopt on the farm. Another consideration of great aud intonso moment connected with woei growing wbrfeh has awakened, heretofore scarcely a thought is thut all important item in this increasingly populous nation |erpitd ."aHmeutftj-y." _A Govtrtun'onf fir State thtft falls to adopt a system of political Iconomy that provides for the obtaining of food and clothing for it* subjects can scarcely be recognized as within the pale of civiliza* tion. AjUOi.ieot the best, cheapest, most healhrtil and quickest proauced tends of * animal food rtrutton stands pre-eminent. In vtew of the wonderful increase ot fostered ! God fofbid th#Ahrough longer negligence and want of foresight by our branch of industry. Our interest in sheep i* greatly enhnnc • ed in view or ol ihc niibonnded facilities lor producing bolh wool and in niton. 'Hie capacity ot our country. i» ; foV ' ft • ufl We IISTT, purchased and are no* lecelrlrfg and offering at • • ~ .nut, low figures for cash both by wholesale and retail, at otirl LARGE, SEW BRICK 8TOBE t :on SouthEhu ft., oppo-v »lte Odell ifagan. ACo, every 'ffaafflptlgn 61 .if oode to bo (ouua It) a first class j w? 'b JUia fvit Grocery Store. Wc ask all to ca3l and examine, as we arc sure can tnak* It to their lnteres' to bay oi as. l)ee. 34th 1878. FIELDS A CAUSETr » I NEW GOODS', ' fzh, FCAW S A «T'; '• J* 1.. •> •. ■-J? * Psflj A HDMi i * HM Jnst received a new and well selected "tot* »r ■ /. Ladies dress goods "lloh as +lfcck and white Alpaecas, Snitinea, Linucns, Piques, Calico's, bleached and brown ShectlnifH, Scarfs, Haadkerchiets, Bktrt Ele vators, cambric and hamharg Edgings and In serUngs,'Shawls end. Cloaks, dress Buttons, hall Fringe, jlunen Collars, Cloves and a full line of Hosiery. Also rehdy made clothing and meni wc»r, consisting oif clptlis, all wool casimers, tsalcm aad Kentucky /.uns, One dress shirts and wool ttpdershlrts and drawers, Collar and CnfWw Boats, Shoes, Bats and Cajis, Ladies Zciglef moroceo and«U»th O'alteni. ;A ine assortment; ol yanlware.tti a Catij-ny, sole, harness and unper.LeatJliij Bncgv namess. Bailies, Brldli. Halters, Hamb-Striag», Collars, buguy Whips,' aud Nfiw O*loans Bacooj Lirdy "± 3 MB, «s » Btu«B,.Oki;lies, Cakes, canned Oysters, Fine Aptijes, Strawberries, Sardines, otcwing and sni6kir.g v Tdbac«), Cigars, a fail line of Laun dry and Toilet Bdap», Extracts and Perfhrnerr,. and Ayera-Pateai Medicines, Bochees German Byrup and (Jreens August Flower. Planters Prrac Oow and Plow'CaeUhgs." I Cmebiry, Wa*s and Ear them ware. exceedingly cheap for cash or country produce: , VWf wIM r»eke Btp yonr iMefasst te caU.aa* EX Octo n a9th r 18^ k bo£orc P urct)ftßln *f X I i S*l ..-mrf c? »■: Wi .•?* J,.' *=• „• 0. ■ J ,4 4l 3 J ■ .» ' , v> y» At tho meeting of the Board of County Com missioners, ot AlaniHiiee comity, lield on , the 6th day Ol Jauuarj 1879, it was prdcred: That hereafter no aeconnt for making cJ)fßn for a"ny onq othor thMj a recognised pauper, will be ■al lowed, unless the. work is authojized by. the written direction of a member of the Board. ' * , , ,T. a. MoLRAN Jany 14th 1810.' l'mo. Clerk bf Board , > "»/ ' ' S'f « AKAI' LIB «ATK*. , The lssir S*s|k> m«lThe «l sser Ar ' o>ly &i.Z» For $3.56 we will send Tne OI.EANP.B and tho BusNy SOUTH one year, prepaid, toarfy' address. As everybody knows, the BUHST SODTH is our beautiful and;popular Southern Illustrated Family Weekly, and should be taken at once by every family. Over BU> good Writers arc contributors to 1W coluiiu*. aud it oontaias a wonderful variety of reading matter, coh slstlng of iritis, Lsaaysj Howust Editorials on all Subjects, Chess, Puzzles, Problems, Sorief.y Gossip, General Hews, Dramatic Notes, "TCr 80nAl Items, llumor, Health Notes, Answers to Correspondents, etc., etc. j itJiw It has recently been made the official orgaa the Qeorgia Teachers Association, and of the State School Commissioner and every teacher, shimld subscribe at onee. Qrand now stories arc beglolnyfn itetei-y few weeds end one of the v*ry jinest lswow running enii^sd-'JRW, GBNTILK ANDtfIBBITI w ORTHECUfiSE OF MONEY—A STUDY' OF CHKKDS." Tlie reßul r suhscriptlen prijo is t3. • year, or two subscribers for $5. Any one seeding two for $5.00 will receive a larjje ;uul SOUTH, r done at our house action. We have » on hand fot manufaeturing or sale by the yard ~ cheap xassltAerec,satinets and a variety of cloths f for mens and bovs wear from 25cis per yarq .. upward. Also Shirts, Collars, Ties, um-> r brellars .fee. 8 SSmptes of goods nnd directions for soMtneaa . uHfemftuffScnt bv maH upon application. " M • F*r etoth a»i elotlilncno «a. U, . > F. O. CARtLAND * 880., • tinder Benbow Hall, o, »' §.> , ji" •: :« '->k " ur ■ • *i t ~ A 1.«» tli* "SWfT tn ' **« • '> y ■** i td* ,#rt.*«» «#i ! tt m** " jnE NEYVY (IRK Weekly Atlas r* • . • -I ' , .i f i J I'll • Send Seveito-Flve Cents and j, , w »'* fmlfT t| .Rsrtn Tn* « Receive It f#r> iwST u« J&fefa column j*p* r . KMffiISIMM a va»t'iinjunt of literary matter, conij[>rttiu£ , )rICM*Uf «l AGUICULTUItE, MfNltfG MASONIC NEWS, FASHION ami SOCrETt GOS.SIP, ft , MAKKET KEPOIiTS,«tOi, making it essentially the Journal for the Ut>ME AND. Fj&fcsijDE „"L2 )' ■ ■ I \ \ The Asrlenllnral Department V >IH_XV. ) XT I *l-1 ....-■ is a spf#al,featare,prMlds over Jy> «Wf>, experienced ugricuTtnri.t, araeng the farming coidAnnlty/ Wd hie are valUßbla fc>she millions of fillers ofttfeAMl W this large country. > f il,\ Ifhe Diasonjc DEpartment . M".^ is an intcrestinir 'ft>atn(fi to the fraternity, wti' 4 In ntany instanceddesire trt know wh»t in on outside their own neighborhood of UtenA t® Masoiww Th# !• tN> ««li ift« l»4i 1 . ;i» Market Reports ,„ ii4 ■ jsiiyni; f.ii/ t:* nix; irk >#» i» ;m»il j*-,. .... »,• .i 1 u* In which almost all persons are interested, ire reliable, and ftyniijh, va~s Jnfcjrwttipn to-the producer *i well as to the cohsttoirf. » , .3 lUWM Mrl tO «/i, TIIE ST.QHIKS , ' w J - Ki many of them Illustrates, art from the pens of our best authors, aud arfci good reading for all membere family. ami, Willie treatise fearlessly all subjects of interest,, notliiug will be published calculated•- to wound the frelink of anv class of /readers. The *ircul»tH>u enables ns to place the prhttf witliiwthe reaoh of everv family 111' (he U.S. TUe arifescriptiou taay liegin at aa* time—counting, from sending »f the first number %I&H*t' U ,» •'!» 'toVGtf/NHf. I Qftly 75 centj a year , »> '♦...•»# » *X;'k'f i Ikhij 't'luA >">Jl* s»*- -l-nl v,« without it. iin* \o :■ . . an inducement for a,« >tl ! • H»M. SC ttlcc J.l'4© Post Masters .: >T «•» te* &»h km- 3}fcti>H zMtliMf B M fdfliMKttiH \J IrjtW ii. u,«'l .a.wji itffc :uu» ■#» »••* and others to get up clubs, we make the follow luic Htoeral offer— Awjf person -eencfiag.» ehib M TenWrfittrt Mr* one > ea ( cenla, ■!»©«& sub sc iption remitine to us 50 cents for name a " d *«?PT gj tlje paper wili be sent weekly U. all of Bald aubscrit)erß, postage paid, for one yrfar ptt-t «tn!t»(iT iti lo Ijt »i.i pi 0 r.a'lit Ulv t• til Lfiju .fmipivrtvht It 1b not neoe6«try for all. thi names to" b addressed to the same office. ' • * ij i>- •*»! f«.. ♦.« . Asents; .1 ii' * ihvj, •, j,»I nut tf :. i -•!!' w s -v »ti >-hj jUia. fc' *' Yoo cannot do better canvass Ibr i I ' : VI ■»!•• «*♦* I Drill THE NEW YORK is *»:t ln:a ,;«• If >■ Weekly Atlas •«. f ■■» *■ f i i inijß ISTHK.SEASOF... ~, Do.iNo®M WAirr H iA »|t*♦i'Mikit'j J'jflJiiU'#. C :i COMMENCE AT ONCE!?' 4 llffV-MI": it Remit bj Post. Offloe^ Order or Registered ' IKK TITIVT YQW 1 Weekly Atlas 0 Spruce St. N. f. /r .^ '' — : * J — 1 ' " " : .TO Traveling Public 1 " 8 "" p, "" lc I tttfiiAfiWy IJ|| W t-witm.w , 4 btn law to »*> jw • -n r : ■. {{ « Hotel - fi ' at Graham, N. C. lam no# *aylogilie lKJl»- ; ing», rooms and prcmlw. thoroughly repaired I and renovated and Hiß my purpose to Keep a j bouse be in every llrti claw. •' u,c Bcp " ™ "*• aopt. 1711. I«7S. F. P. PUGH, sin«W;i"« «*Tf jpil Fropr. *wai -O* . i ii.i' -iih' ~ til j. *»/ - m ttrnimi ,ii# SINGER • rajjiiiy flarety AhraJ la Halea. •/ all > CaM)Millt«r«. ' i.a 1 vktMWaA mII MMKMWI »I(T THOBE WHG USE >wlnrx* Modi 7 . f fHM4triWe«M prepared,to eett on 1 for country produce, good notes or Irw prld*. Ms may be» i-uit »he tHirehsw-r J»u not buy a awing maoUne until fy>a have (ri4 ttei AAVKHH. i - Singer Sewing MaehtaK Co'. , > (JiHseimUofj). N C» Get The Best M : ,1 tr4l » »?!»»(» / I '«jSBW m-.. umn#bt.url)i*\>W^iur• ': stt r. *u vSyXft #uooD FAMILY reuqdus N SJOSBthe "«=•»' «'•« t l-tttl l»A .«n*rl j» «U. *f» ••••:. th,« OifiiUa«»wserrcr ► : • '■:•. • ii .« »«W I'HW rflit f t !j i •« i IQUIVVmEi K. ,Yv- «».»!.. ' ' 'l'Mi'riiti *»»4# u lit Bi., r ill " j It OLOKST reUgloua aawspsper in. this L , hiwa larger cireuiation tban any othefJi eligioun , thiMi aiiy dttUy.yapsr .with a. llie* rtWr*hf (Mkr f«!.cr oflts kind! ' Hubscriptibn p»ica t8 o&'a year. ' Specimen comesstHit on roceipt-of postage swoop. -x. t. T^o^lf'Uiart IIMJ "»«l .) !♦. T 1W —! ''» i n ; r-r r.'- — ri"ji'm' if ;i! rr , T>ALACIi. JKWELIiY . STOKE X- u . ( ; kIM '# w#»{ nil H> j ~| Will !#♦*«W OHTICIAW, WATC!I»-I«AK* " «%> »a ANV JEWELER, AND :#fl! -U. »l. . '•• • •|:inr*'"> «»1 'fiOiM >KP. DEALEK iK HAT«HH JKWKS.nV Kings, WjOking, Caues, ' ...>i| )m. ;#«»«!r 4.' ' • ■'fHiiit '' . i, j tTklfb will ■ _■ _ U.'- ... )., ' • 4 i !Mii errft tp ' lio ai'i zt ->, ii fs-j /. Tv( { ttrutfri mitl# .»ii? r l|iCs Bead I ;• t ..i.u/, '!»« -A * llif if' ;,. .~, [ deal in American and Italian • ■!««*,.** ,ti mti tAmtntii-* n BarMs Itnands ancl.HqadstQnes i ■ . ;.,'m o*M •►.*« .»!•, •' *'■" «PA. «- a. , era - (would inform the public that I arp pro * . pared todo, work as .f . 1 I l(> m IM| V7|».' lUiJe -* 1 Cheap as any yard in '"•1 j* •' '■'•lW.iS "v ' 'Hi !•» ,(: • 1 -i«w • :*.! •«» i . 9ii*ii •». i j/, i »• ./ • the State, > J • I"••»'.*■Mil akmi :»ri (kl> val -'itr' ANt>;:tSUAi{A.NTEEWKFECX •■(iiKt ?hiji 'Parties living at a distance wiU save money . :by spLdiugJo me for PRtCE LIST and DRaWImJS. To persons making top rlub bf Six or iliore, I offer the-'' M» *- • t •«' ''»••«! * ; ll * '• 'i lift. •. Most liberal v induce* ments, , M .it -tilt 4*i- n- fcr t!j* ' ■,; r and ****& kc,, or VibH tnem m peisoa 1 * • Any Itilid of marketable produce taken in exchange for work. ;! 8. C. ROBERTSON, r'M I I •> URRBNSBORO; ». C.« .■.— - 1 ATTOBNBV AN® COBNSE 1.1.0R 5 ' ,;!! «• :-il' >•* »*«• -'* i» ii. iMb.'V' ■ •?!; % .J ... ibh-i; tu*VJJ#*** tWf (i ' t» i Si -»ju>nwt»7);i tn'titUfa-k VT'st' ** 4 ' AthebdfafT N". C- * 1 M ' l - *i. ■■' ■■■' • t/rt li«i ' SCOTT A CALDWELL, . • .*U.*V -« V - •■>■#**>»■ i'i «■=•« niiww >i*« a' Associate Counsel. 1 Practices in the courts of' Raldolph and and adjoining comities. , Spetdal attention fiven to the celjec •IWlft. sitoxm ttffT ►*9f • T^ r I " £ £ 2' - JtS-A.' ' «*W W i'liH.' » •»J fc. 11l Ml ; M Jlnt'fci "'■ iMt'-j"* • Ur t .ft i'jr i' , .. « wf «♦. V ! **J ' * " At LAST . , .a There Js a tobacco market in this county. «:| Mir Smith. . | 'jit ai'c> a*m Ifi »iIJ. i 4 &&}*>: t» 4 i»i4 -» >f l>t\* "tsi ' "And *Ur> TUwKJOas, for which pay the higheet prlecs. *-' J -n* *U\ith I' •} VrnfrMf »'3* lit. .»'* 's*■■ >' y !'rft .fia 1 j ti! 'r » f"iii \» tlie Jhn More oW store hguse, and .is fiUcd » with h tliey wili self fts rflenp as anybody. \T] 11iea-k00i» exweyll**;)avl' bay. evervthlngs fe - paXroi)4gt*. r Th«s are Jhsr starting In tmrtuess. and they hope l# •ncoeed, by. at net attcntioa ond fair dt alinji- They, ask the people to try ' them arid thch" of courec they call judge for ' themselves. « ; Notwithstanding they, a specialty of ; ' . L . L Hiff HmtJ \tM *i .ft&'tfj ' j ttm f iu i§nu viu tbml"?*saut dttiM if f w? " Ibbfrcco land linio*hide# '« •» t'| IkiKtllMU Hi '* P" ,'!»► 5» Wi;..(n' f. '. ■ >« ♦♦.»*( -s •',• .T ' ii 1 ret I hey bn y all kinds of corni try prod nee.. i . TUey *ish ajl to jjxueuibwr that while they ,J fcro specially anxions to.'buy Raw-hides and Tobdrco, yet tlfey desire id friy /U kinds ! of l> rod uce.' "'JFliasr intend by rrequffiT orffar ~t6 ; fc & fiUp Oct. 16 1877. Iy. ■ . A '■* ' • • ,•* • ... : scHoo3q,"v;'rv i | iMS Ii iwiiuL a».J Ji .jj ! | &• I f .-i i » VMT '„f v Vs rti .ol " H. C. TEA.GUE, Principal. .... t ———— '• .... -; ,s- j The sixth session of th{a Sf'Tiool will rearer on 'flie Btb dajf «ifl!ariua'ry 1879, arid cou'tiiure twenty Tuition frouu®s to ao dolarr i»e information, ndtlrcsi the Principal,' Kock-Creek '■ B) '' : r "''' -v' v LI. W. 'Glenii & Son '• si *V> iii*t 'U'' ''h*SH Ifj Keep constantly on hand at their store In he House, a full stock of &rass, T»Slet Articles • TT >B»> • i sal* f ; vn itV.Pt Ui.iii |»ru 1 Paints, Glass, Olieniicals, £ i.»; • 1 . in •/ aX- tc ii£u»a'j4jv»^**i TRUSSES AND SUP?MEBjv ' ' ' V .. 1 . and everything. ioUnd in a fisst class Drtg Store, .11 IK4* A 4 TAV • Atw:.'V- '4nS^WTS*9SSF7Sr? FRESH AND CHEAP. , A i. i. .lift i • ,v t.^'Uj i ; j --■?»•'!' -fa- r art , ; I ,i illnge nnd i'snsirr fab r ' •« 1 N.lice. _ "'i■ j- mi Higtiost Award at The Cen tenuiftl.UK i(M i-Ok.-.ith f»rta r. . •!.. v J Diploma of Honor and Meda i'l ; of Merit, to. • I. . Grand, Upright & Square ot!»b »n* "X-' N* .•*«> j J'iD'i/ ii.iijW'-ti'. '7 f''.a;lV'l PIANOS. cstAsnsg? of tone with gteaV o/ foweft throusrhout the entite. schie, fsultless .ndtiOn. unsurpassed durability, t aatl, unexcelled ;;rsntfc». " ,|M ui wll - yl ' .* It* ti!" I t, »»tJ ar'J*?nl oa* at "t| A.Targe Variety of Second-hand "Pianos, *' . of fcii makers," ceSnH4n«y i* stohj, and rang !' T oih L&tri. 4atAm I [ 1. ■! ttgta t>ncerffrdift •« ttt MOO. [.. l> i- . *»■«: mluTf -U) jk »••«) • .iM >i t!> .* - * t. • { We are also Sole Agents for the SbHthern I )|WM ( A, > iif.r. oil States ol f»iil». yj ,1 i ■»;iu n V iWrf*' Tff* -ill (►'VHI la MiUcifa" f, | " I'i-* s;j> #j Organs, 1 4lit iu tiV-fM? ;«• K'iNfllF ■ The Best now made, 11' f»aHn )Q[ - nvawia ai. "i-' - .teiil* M , A MR supply of every styJeconstantly la ro[ n^. a^™axa u cm.oS?i.. Pianos-and Organs, address I CMAS. M. BTJEFP, No 9 N. Liberty Street, BALTIMORE, MO. ■w' lv stwil "va it? i' Wb' ' * "P* ' 1 - &&'* , . it* i . 4 a- - ' A" "* •»!* t*-J . ? #4? Ini»' Cheap! cheap!! As Asslflmees of Qaniel Worth, bankrupt, we we now selling his large Stock of Goods |. J I** 0-.-'A9- VW?W'> « );> r I at prices so low that all fhtrst be induced to buy. H These goods Must be Sold i i „ _£■ r ST; ! and turned into money ai once, -without regard to their cotf. The stock is and consists of almost everything usually found in a general store. It will pay all I•> examine for themselves and get such articles -*h they may need while I thoy liavo an opportunity, to do so at the low ; prices now put upqg them. Cash Down i ■'rti i\A 'J 'n ii . * ■ '■j 1 11 ■ f frxAhlmirT - ■ • Is the necessary terms. The entire stock mail f be closed' out. >. , ~ _ . " Heady-made Clothing, Drt Goods, Hardware, Boots and Shdei, Hats, notions, -Crockery, 4, Ladies flats, and very many other articles, ail put d'owri to prices' ; that wfll sell them right away. . ' *- J*Jd. WORTH . July 10th 1878. J. A. McCAULET. ' , ; Assignees , I propose to furnish the Graham ftnd Com pany Shops market with nice .fresh beef at WjKS * Seef seil will do well to Tct me know. *rf- I will be at Compakt Shops on Monday and Friday -'•ittcjt ink*)! flsti -ifj > l'i t • , venlngs of each weok, and at Giuiiaii on Ot.fqM M4* IvyjfUWi V.l ; wis .»)»•»»*■ '•>#» -» ,in,iif:.» TUESDAY AND SATURDAY I ""l u> xfi wm* trr-utT . rjj ... , • '»•»« ,ji%# Jtmt ,U»,tfiiimrj *m- mornings of e&efc-week* oertetn, A. A. ANDREWS' June 4. if. -nUtYb-wp-iii [• m Farmer Friend Plows at SCOTT & DON NELL'S. {if , i Do yon know where to.huy made mad* clothing? Why. at Company Shops, from ' •3. Q. CANT & CO. - the ffi W lO ^ 8? U ° t0 J. Q, GANT A CO. Wa-atiobuc jour wife a dress? You can find anything-you wantgdUig to, .^^ Thi i is the time to fix for cantilbg frtilt. ' bavn t'gol Wb'jars and cane. You can get wjwtjjm WMtftop ■ « rtAlh . &co Toolfe ar* seeded fh>- darpeliterio£ and work on the farm. I'ou «au he suppUM by Bound to have shoes iid*o ? them wheie thev are cheapest aud° best. Go S fo the*ydlow stftre ai (Jo . ! 6h6b&/*" J. 4: GANT & CO. family groceries area cof fee ana wolassqs can t.fce doue without. Ceu eernlng these art.cles enju tei Can you spare anythlrjg off the farm? Take I to the Shops to ' ii J Q. GANT A 00. 1 ....I >l. .in ■ 11.4) m . r»iiII..VI jm.inrt »N 1 UEi'IIOBITKCOtItT, •I'liMi r ,b ,Vf j*f£ nnitZt fi», ■ * U sill /tl m*fc£ .1 Alamance Cn.l r j, - ' . ifitljsspli A Jk »W' k % • ') : iiill'i iJi r ' : * ■ln the maUw ckf the last win) mm/to and fastament of Win. M'ells. f caveat to will i. In this matter It appearing to the satisfaction , df the court that Solottfoff Wells one of th«* ajafsMgmwiiR «SAU. notice of this > caeiKtfJbd mkde npop the faht ■ Graham, wetttrtyfoivAix sutewWve weeks. And tl>at he a"puau and . show cause why mid will:; expiratirtn- ofsaid'tlnss judgment shall be had pro cpyyfrssoms to Done at office this 24thi •Tune 1878. C. B .C.WMii.X Scoll & Donnell fi-hn- -f* **' t 4tuU-tC 1 .f -mfe i''in sJwifli''t >*/y l *ie w> ■xt n . •»« i i Graham N C 'ihfio at .'••1 iJJxi * . «.'i •>» i>«W»wfft# b I-rl ha >-iy§tfK - iiv. i Mii w nt ah* 'I fej^oc*»iif tx ?' :r XoV; I » -ll' NAi.-r, TIOI AS- ' .*« IM . i ti,'.' .-W r% * v m Stiff P &€> AO. II } i) /'* {} i) * > 'inij Alitntaac© Cmmm y ~; Joseph Tatei Rufffß F. Mitchell wd wife Martraret and others. ««'f vs , Willjam TeUy James Tate, Heirs at law of , James Tate, names,numbers, sexes snd r dence unknown, heirs at la\V ofQriffith Tate , , nrflffw, ntrtibers, sexes and residence unknown and there W who are entitled under the wfll of-Joseph Tate who described in petition for partition. The real property Mas been sold and the comaiteioner has made hie repprt, and • motion tor confir mat ion is now pending: and if objection thereto [ Lin ill thi'ngs be confirmed; and title directly t t 1.. ~, t r» ilin niirfhfliiT .Umm) aI nfUita low IHBUB »v inffpirwiMir. viucc in Graham this the Bth of J ££l A 4*.# Off ** Ml -ApK. &"*& - >-■ j:v -M gM*. *4? T-•. . ™ x '"" * T - - wis* 1*» t ,di si *W:, WW-"

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