TKE (JLEiNEE GRAHAM N. C. April 1 lß '9 -"■■r 1 A. 1 E. S. PARKER, Editor. CONFIRKK*. » V Notliinir beyond the organieatwwi of the two Houses ha* yet been done. A J>.;mocr«ttio committee of the tw® Houses *«■ N|>|nii«ikd ill the order of business, v U reportWaTemocratic caucus. ' lse i . port lias been made IA(1 it is under- Hood that the discission of the Dquw rrats in CHUCUS assembled is to the effect that there shall be tacked MI to the ftp prop*ia ion bills amendments rfcpeutinp: the teat oatli for jurors in Federal Courts, to preveu& the nre of troops at " the polls and to modify Federal election Jaws so that there can be no avrftol* luaio l>y Surper visors or Deputy Mar th«U t and that the Supervisors s'jall .\>v (.lie of each party, and simply l»e pre scut iind witness at the ballot Vexes. And furtlier j that thpse two S>«|»eiviserß may 1>« appointed for, any voting precinct, and not be con6tied to town and cfcie* of 20,000 inhabitants Mr now. It has farther +trwti that the legislation of tho extra teMtot. be limited to the appropriation l ui. wiik ibfataiud amendi»»eaU. The ] sufficiently strong in both Houses to p*ssTthe bills, but cannot pass them over Republican opposition knd the *eto. So it becomes a matter of chief int6rc«t whether the President will veto thfeJe bills with their political }io should then there will be ft dead-look and ei titer J the Democrats of Congress or the President will have to reAede, ot there will be no appropriate na to carry ©u the government. As} to the Preside its j rotable action there Is plenty of news both wayp, bnt very much doubt whether -any of it is authorized. We hardly conclude* that the President, would be guilty of so gross an impropriety as to declare liiß intejy tions,concerning a measure before it Is acted upon by Congress, eepeeUUy to threaten its defeat by a veto. Only ot|e of the appropriation bills has as yet oeen introduced. Whether thert wilf be a dead lock, and, if so, what will be the ultimate result, are questions "which a very short time will solve, aud about which it is useless to speculate now. NBW LAVS ARB tJHAROB® WW. We could write nothing morft interest* Jng to our readers tliuu to give "them some idea of tlie work of tlie la»o ; latnre in clinngiug aftd making laws.; and especially so with regard to l(he rev« cnue law. In Vhe Observer of last Thurs day we find valuable information an the subject, ai(d give it lor the be no tit ot those whose good torljuyf) it |s up I to we that valuable paper and Who. may,, see ours: The act to raise revenuo makes > soma changes, a note as to which may he m£re easily understood than tho. whole Jaw woaldb*. The poll taxis redaeed from $9 to 72 cents, i That on real and personal prop- Crty, moneys, credits, investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock qawpftnjqs or otherwise, is reduced irona 39| to 24 cents, to be applied as follows; 12 instead of 14| cents to the genera)-fund; 6 in place of 9 cents to the lusano and Deaf and Dumb aud Blind Asylums; 6 cents as heretofore to the Penitentiary. * The lax on billiard saloons it as here tofore S2O on each table, but hereafter every place where liquor is sold is con sidered a billiard sa|oon. lieiui! liquor dealers are to pay a monthly license tax of $5.90 instead of $3.00, as now; and retailers of malt !!«■ qnors only 93.00 instead6f $1.60, as now. And "any grocer, druggist, dealer or otlier person who shall sell spiritous or xnalt liquors, wines or cordials, iu any quantity, if the fame or any pprtion thereof shall at any lime be drunk appu tho premises w hero »»oh liquors, wiiiatf or cordials are sold, shall hi considered to tie a retail dealer within the meaning of this section." The merchants' "privilege tM" if changed bv repeal of the $6.00 item. Every person or company running sleeping: cars upon any railroad in this State is to pay SBO yearly for every oat" bo rnn. and shall tnake returns and pay to tho State Treasurer. Penalty fbt* non compliance, $2,000. Tobacco warehousemen, instead of a license tax ol SSO, are to pay sls and 1 per cipit. on gross amount of their com mission* on »H sales of iu exces^ I||oo,ooo pound*. Any merchant, dealer or agent selling sewing uiacl'iines ahull pay a tax. x>f $lO in eachiCt'Uiiiy, but the payment of a lis ceusc tax S2OO to the Stata. will enable any person, company or mans utactn. er oi sewing machines to peddle tnetn in any county. eiupl?yi>g any nttio lfQt 0 [ agents. fYcc of county or municipal kU Jlßte ' : * 1 " «• rfL . Hv j tux. j A peildktrs' license tnx here.-, pM' r y f JI aAear „|nsJouß of *iij | 1 n f Drummers me to pay SIQQ aiiiinnlly instead of SOO. The liquor dealers' drum mers aro to pay S2OO. A}** 1 Marriage license are reduMdt Iron $1 yvmmr ■ ■ 1 On February 27, »79 v enacted Hint 11)3 cliihtMii of colered parents IK.HI at a-i>- firtie before Hie fii'st day of Jiuttrs arVV 1863"of |>crsoiiß riving '(^et'iief' ap! man and wile, «re legitimate children «4 such parents or either one of them, with all the rights 0/ lnSirs-ftt-litw next kin,.with rccpcct to the estate or csUtos ot any such parents, or cither one of them. From the same H bns been lawful for any clerk ot a court of record in any other StfUe lo nct njß a commissioner of afllavits and deed*, exercising llie same powers ns heretofore granted to regularly appointed commissioners for the State. It Is Alleged In Cue preamble to an act to regalale marriageable kinship, that '-many persons in this 8 a o, iu eilimat ing what degree of kinship is nearer than "fink hall-blood AE being only hall' BO noar as tlie same degree of kiusliipby the whole blood;";- Wherefore, on February 27, 1879, it was enacted that "hereafter, w this State, #l>encver the degree-of, kin-_ ship sliail be eetiiriiftled with the view to artcOHatn the right'of lUtispeople to mar ry, the hall-blood shall be counted a,s tyc whole blood: 'Provided,, Thai nothing,herein contained sltaU be socoil> •Irued as to inValldato any marriage heretofore contracted in case where by countiug the luitt-blood as the wholq* blow 1 the persons contracting such mar ri»M kl.l ,y.« a ,«!« cousins; lint 111 every such case the ki.i ship shall be ascertained by counting relations of the half Wood as beingoidy half so near kiii at flto«e ef the same de» gree ff tlie whole blood." §in>o February SB, 1873. fine or im prisonment al the discretion ot tho court, or fliteen years in the penitentiary, lias beeh tli« penalty for abducting or induc ing lo leave, or conspiring With anodicr to abduct or induce to leave, any- child under fourteen fears residing with fath er, or mother, or uncle, or aunt, or broths, or elder sister, or i>t school, or guardian. The only exemption Is ,toHhe abductor or inducer who iney be ot nearor kin than the abductce to the -,a»Tl '•!. , iil /•.'[ »>J »»»•♦* .Hi. /-4 übuuetad. , «/ An Mt to provide for keeping in re ysSi the public toadij of tlie State makes the Justices in each' body ' corporate etvled t|e "Boaid oflSupervis ors of public roads." The first meeting it to be held oe the first Moudny in May for eloction of a chairman, to sel-ve udtil I the first Monday in February,j 1880, the time fpr subsequent, annual elections. The board is to, meet on the first Mons day of Febroaryj May, August and No vember, to the roads, having in the preceding «rfeek goiip over an 4. personally examined "jthw ewi. AntUeiiay meetings overseers shall be appointed for aectltns then laid off, and hands allotted to them and their field of wdrt assigned. The overseer 1 I • , ,1 iii'ijiiii, may iesignaiter one year s service U he has don*goofimrvice, and piny vyoi-k in stead of oversee work! Si r two years thettmftef. Throe days of work in each yeat is the portion of efery able bodied man betweeh 18 and 45, the supervisors excepted. A day's wofk is not leas than 7 nor more than 10 ho urn > One dollar a day or an able-bodied substitute Will excuse ser vice. Failure to work or pay is a misde meanor which will cost |2 to $5 or five days imprisonment, tine and im». prisonment as the court may direct. The overseers s/re to Jiake quatWHy reports under oath to the Boards of the' condition pf wprlfin'g, number failing to,work and \yhether their dollar} to work pay to -be at once warrant ed and tried. : At the Febrftai-y meetings of the Boards, the overseers are to muke report of all moneys collected and file Statement* pf -uianue* of expenditure. Failing to discbargß tlieso .duties is v a misdemeanor, for which overfeMts are to be warrantoi and fined s7,' which and the costs not fife HaJ-if im | priaonwent results. ll( (^j ThoauperviMts are. lay Mut and disoootinae cartways; the coun ty commissioners to lay ottt and discon , tin tie public roads, under except that BO mora thun five jurors may be summoned to asasSa damage |e 1 pvepv >, arty. The supervisors, ttto to Make annual ai the fii-st term of the i4>Attgu«t,,eflUi«wndUie» of the VoMk a«il at to the dMcharge of the duties assigned. Failure to do *> is a uTsdemeanor, and the penary Sk fine dt imprisonment or both, as the' Obtrirt pltaao. , * > j? x ;. / | fcThu, law as ratified on March 11 BJ> • WlieeJtO the Steto, excejaiog the counties nydftwhe, AleluudeC, Wauta- JKH al MecwbUtirg. , Tm E R V WASHINGTON T). C.) March 25 1870. $ \ The »l4aj»W*le V»nt spirited cons J . tflll IIIIMrtMK Mflllllriir«3 l i c C;»>g>oss,„cn as i« iho "order c»r bo-IncST' aMIiM session. Wliat the effi »il rc|K»W call J a majority Yavorx the paosago of ilic two ap|>ropi ia lion bills, with the amendments made by 4«he th6 l««i geMfon. tun}, ads jourirment. What the frame authority call* llifcaiiiiorMy general legUln nbm. AU«iw «»icr questions now «IU -1 cussed, no trailer what space they take in t:,c ltte IKUn tlionjjht of in coiiiparUwn with litis. It is a mutter of importance. Tlie best men iu (Jut Honse and Sennlc are giving it close als ie«iion. The prospect now, as it vVas Jft wiejc ago, Is that t life session will c-vpiinue iiffvthei*iniincr,"MMl that, besides The snporvinor MM! test oath repeals, ami the forbidding of troops at (he polls, "gener* ul legisialion" will be entered oh. l 1>« ftidk i(*: eiUiQ.,4lJ>vtiou so /ar innde iathat the'finances ot the country will probably be cottsidered, and tliat that willintfti'lere with business. This I cannot help'iieJievilijg, is in argument borrrowed from Republican campaign documents. Evehbody kuowe, of ought to know, that no ilnanci.'il legislation is now possi ble wliicli Will materially change values, iiiit thoro are numberless changes ptosis bid in the law which will result in nlti* 111410 i;ellet to ti|e people--cliunges wliicb have been demanded by H u;illtd De . inoctaov for tlie IMt dozen yetrrs—itwd thews way projierly b6 made. Tlicf first Deiiwcriuic Congress in almost a gener ation, sliottld n irltly; declare, ill eflect, llnk il rtblhlng lb remedy In the con dition of a to tip try controlled so long by the radicals, and wlyph is, in truth, iu a deplorable stale,in many respects. Tjieve has beeii much talk in the past lew -tlays 61 an agreement between Democratic Congressmen and Mr. Ila>es f - by whitih aii adjournment should be hnd all erf lie passAge of the appropriation bills, the test oath repeal, a bill for biddihg the nroience of tro&ps at the poll®, and a bhfllnnting tlie number and atVilirt'rty of FeWfenil officials at elections. There has been expressed tmich stalwart indignation tit the supposed agreetiSeiit • of Mr. llaycs io coipjkle any thing to Ihe repleeeiiiatlvCH ot the -people. Despite denials, 1 have no donbt a lew officious Ueinocrats, acting authority, htive been negotiating on the fttlbject with rtayes and rnertibers of the Cabinet. 'llVey ought to remember what •the result iiaslbeen enerv time that any -Democrat,' no'matter whit the occasion, has put failh in made' by the, same parties. SOLON. - «• ' ABOUT FENCES— CosT.~"It would seem ■ that few,farmer* understand Ibd great expense of fences. A forty acre piece of land, it square, will require 320 rods (one mile) o/leuce toejiclo.sfl it; it not square but longer one fray, it will cosl still inure leuce to surround it. At the very least, fence will cost $1 per rod, making a cost ■ 0f.#320.t0 enclose forty acref} of ground; J then If it be cut into four lots, with a feuce across it each way (the shortest that can be done)) ICO rods mpre, adding $l6O to the cost ot the small farm fence; in all, f4BO, or-f 12 per acre—-certainly a serious expense—a that would be 'much belter expended in manure or" tevlilizer/B. This.expense for teucea c»n be nearly all saved' by having a law fo>» .quiring all owners to kee\) Up or fake care of their stock, which would be a ofiei'Ation than fencing against all che stock of"the community. In 3ome States people are required to keep up their stock, and after trying it, they fouyd It desirable; and when an cfioVt was made to have the law repealed ,j the people rose and petitioned iu such , fonte against it that the efloi't failed and was obahdoiied, and ■where tne measure is Hndersfbbd It will be approved. lii "many instances, the fence® of fie farina ' cosf more than the land is worth wliich they enclose." ,J We pribt the abore ttt Iho request ot one oj the enterprising citizeus of our county. Tjiosabjectof which it treats may possibly come before our ' people. We say,possibly,because it requires a pe tition of Que fifth ot the voters to hayean election ordered, and we doubt whether ' such petition will be presented. Should 'it become aWrtsne before our people, our bolumns will be opcu for.its discussion, to those who differ, as well as 10 those who may agree with us in opinion . cerulng the matter; and we shall likely take a hand ourself. That tlio stock law us it is called, will not be for the best , interest ol cur people wo feel certain, ; but those of a contrary opinion shall have a hearing through the GLEANER, if tbey I u*i#!>. |i I • ' From the Chatham Record we learn that the case of Josiah Turner against ' W. 'W. Holden cfctn'e to a trial last week ' inClmthani Superior Court., and rosnltud > iu.a.Verdict in favor of Turner tor the [ sum of eight thousand dollars. This was an action begun soon after the Kirk war and was &r damages sustained by Mr. Turner for his arrest and confinement by ' K.Lvk's men. - Id. Q. Waddell E«q. ap . peared tor Mr. Turner and J. H. Head , en Eaqr. lor Gov. Holdeu. Notice of ■ appeal was given by defendant. i - i i Aahevillo Jom mli Lieutenant Henry Williams, ot Gieen Castle, Ind., and s brothar ot oar towiismim, Gen. W. Wil- B liams. lost his speech ten years ago. by L sickness, and on Wednesday of last week while standing by his horse in the stall s Hie animal became excited and jumped i back sjftdto'nTy.'Violently squeezing the fc ttLs6tijiißiitV cntikt, which to his great A. T. B»®wart passed fhrongh r ChaVlotte last week on Iter way from 6'Plbi'fthi. >Bll6 autf her party wvro iu a F palace car. * ORNATK tOnntTTEKI. Tlie following Is a list of the coiainitteea of i |lic SenaU of Itie Forty-sixth Cuntfess apt .pointed; ** 7 Jr rrivSl'jjes and pepttpns—3Bnl*bj#yi Chaimjj m«n; Mi:l ol (Jeorgia, Ksnno, fcolut' lfiou«tqJr ' ; VaoCH, CameioH of Wjtfcußair., liMar «i"l fugalls. . f Relations—Ea'on, CtiairmaD; J«>lia "«Ton, Morgan, Hill of-Georgia. Puodleton,, Coaklirtg, Kirk wood and Car^jen tert J / Ui \ Finance—Bayard, Oliairman; •» Kpnim, 1 Wallace, Voorhees, Beck, Morrill, Jones of Nevad*, and Allison. Appropriations—Da 61 West Virginia, Chtirtifc; Witlierß. Beck, Wallace, K.»toa. , .... •joinmerce—tinraun, Chairman; Rangom, Rainlolph. Ilertf ird, Coke. o>>nkliiig, McMillan Jones ol Ncvarla, and Ufiandler. Manuf.tulur'—'Jrrovi;r, Ohairmtn; Mc- PIUTSOII, Williams, Rollins and Danes. Agriculture—3 dniston, Chairman; iWii' of West. Virginia, blalcr, J'aUdoclc, Bhi re i a id lloar. Military Affairs— McWtorson, Chairman; Whyte, J ines of Florida, VanCO, Parley', Ai tlimy; iUairvc, Cameron of f'euusytvuont, an Chandler. . Judiciary—-T'lUlman; Cliairnian; Bayard, Cartrtnil, Lsmar, D.tvii of I'llhioiW, I Kdmunds, Conkling and Carpenter. I'oat Ofti ;es and P.ift Konlrf—M«xey, Cjtair man; Saulebury, Ba 1 y, Honstou. Far.ry, Gr.iome, Ferry, llamli" Slid Kirk wood. Pulilie Banda«—-McJlonald, Cliairinar; Jooef of Florijla. Oliver, McPherson, Walker, I'lumb, Paddock, U >oth. Hill of Colorado. 'Private Land Claims- 1 -Editliwds, Dliairttianj' Allison, Windoiu, Davis of and Jones. Indian Affairs—Coke, Ciap-man; Pendleton, Walker, Slater, Wililums,- AHe^n,' Itrgtallr, ' Sannders nnd Ixigan -tli 11 Pension®—Withers, Chairman; McPhcraon; . Groome, Call, Farley, logslls, Kellogg aoj Hatt. - " Revolutionary Claims—Anthony, ChairmS' , Daw.e', McMillan, Jones of Florida, ami Hi.Jul Georgia. Claims—Cockrell, Chairman: H-t-eford, Harris, Groome, Houston, McMillan Cani ron of Wisconsin, Teller and H.*ir. .iin- li' District of Columbia—Harris, Chairiniyt; Whyte, Withers. Butler, Vance, I 'galls,' Rol lins, Dawes and McMillan. Patents—K-rnan. chuicmaa; Cuke,, Slater, Call, Booth, lloar and Plntt. Public Buildings and Grounds —Jones of Florida, chairman; Saulsbury, Dawes and Morrill. ' Territories —Garland, chairman; Builej, V»st, Slater, Saunders, Kellogg and L ig'afi. Railroads—Ransom, ch'tn'n; Lamar, Ewton, Grover, Williams, Pendleton, Joues, Tidier, Saunders and Windom. v . Mines and Milling—-Hereford, "ehaimian ftordon, McDonald, Farley, Cameron of Penn ay'ivania, Plumb, and Hill of Colorado. Revision of Laws—Wallace, chairman, Ker nan, Davis of Illhiois, Hoar, and McMillan,. Education and Labor—Bailey, Chairman Gordon, Maxev, Randolph, Burnside, Morrill Bruce s»d Sharon. Civil St i vice and Retrenchment—Bauer, chnirmsTi; Whyte?' Beck, Wallace, T«ller, Chandler and Roliin. To Audit and control tie Contingent Ex penses of the Senate—Hill of Geoigm; chair man; Dnvis of' West and Jones ot 1 Novadu. |i IV , -it it,, Printing—Whyte, chairman; Ransom anfi , .Anthony. Library—-Voorbees, chairman; Ramsom and Edtnuuds . I' .vj vii i.«iv * Rules —Morgan, chairman;. Cockrell and Blame. Enrolled ■ Rills —C inkling,' chairman, Jones of N«vada and Wii hers. Engrossed Bills —Vance, chairman, Call and Rollins. On Improvement, of the M'weisim>F Hirer and its Tributaries—Lamar, j Ohtlrinan; Cockrell, Hanes, Jonas, Blaitie and Kellogg. ; • Transportation Routes to the Seubord— Beck, chairm-tn; Johiuton. Voorhees, Hamp ton, Cameron of Wisconsin, Cauierou of Peso iiHj lvania, and JL . . To Examine the Several Brwcnef of Cml Service—Vest, Chairman; Eaton, Gordon, . (Logan and Ilamlin. • . FALSE PRLTENCfEH I. A IV. AN ACT TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO DE FINE THE ME4NIKU PIT FALSE -PUETENCJS. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: SECTION 1. That if any person shall, obtain any advanced in money, pro visions, goods, wares, or merchandise e'i any description, from any oilier person in this state, upon any represeltfajidfi that the satd person so obtaining has n'ny article ot produce or other properly of whatever ualure, which,px the proceeds of which the said party will apply to the discharge of said debt created for advances were obtained, or thto'proeoodfe thereof, cl' shall dispose of the same iu any other jnaniier by the parties to the transactioi| ( the sitid party so fulling or disposing sliiill be deemed guilty of obtaining goods- tiiider' false pretence, the saino wlietlier the. party so obtaining did or did not have, the produce or other property Bo repre sented. Section 2. All laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. v i Section 3. This act shallj bo iu Ibrce from and alter its ratification. * AMENDMENT. The following is an amendment to the above Act. > i The General Assembly of HorlhiCaro- Una do enact: SECTION 1. That no person' shall be indicted or punished lor violating- any of the provisions ot an Act lo define the false pretence, ratified lltli day March, A. D.. 1979, unless the .represen tation upon which the credit was given, or the advances obtained, shall be in 'writing and signed by the party nitikiug such representation. Nor shall any pci-jou be punished for failing to apply the property upon wliich he shall have obtained advances iu the manner -so agreed up iii, unless such failure shull bo willfuh Section 2. This Act shall be in iorQo from iis ralification. The Observer says: Total reaefpfs of bonds lor exchange up to date $99,200. Of this ainpuut one half co«es from holders residing in the State. Tenders have been made ofs3oo,oo© «iu * addition to this amount. The town of Oxford voted last Wedy nesday on the proposition for th^ : towh to subscribesßo,ooo to the Oxford and Henderson ljUilroad, under the provis ions of ti recent net of the Legislature. The vote stood for the proposition 172, Btidagaiiißt It only ofie. Cyrus Johnston, ft bar-keeper, ofCori. rord r.btnmitted suicide by taking mor phine. | JNO. O. REDD, « T. N. JORDAN; JOHN JO|INSTON, Co., N. C. G» SlHiatasJiew brickwarebouse Farmers { !9ite To thr F.irm.'rs and Pfantcrß The as te propne ffAItMEItS NEW BRICK WASEfIOIfSE Iteg. 10 caU aHeutioii, to it% superior, advantages of _ f location,salesroom, liglits, & accommodations^ for both ncn and teiiins; and for coftifort snd convenience generally. The proprietors are experten. d-warehousemen, esprcially our Mr, ltcdd, and our aaslrtauW are all protielcnts in tlieir \ ttevoraJ, tit artnienta. , . . I We (To pt ely and .tHfctiy a Warehouse business, and our whole time and attention is devoted to the -later. pur pauon#. ««»,»..»•,! - „ . f especially for fine (jrfcdes. (ruarantred. We do not*«peenlnte la toliaccn. and pledging onrfclve* to look, i, yto the and to handle carcfufly any toh»cco sent us, Or taken o*u | ors'ihay'reet.iiitfiirfcd'that tftelr Interest will not suffer in our hands. Promptness aud fidelity our ctisto)iioila'4nay deimiid upon.. ~ j „ «_ W nsxzx*. t-REHOUSE, when youeogie ». • ' if > m—v-:—'.-i ....—t—i LET IT .vmmi TO Siiig" wMM& . DAVID YARBORO, R. B. YARBOROUOH, ; r iAveraged $61,00 Avemafd IIENRY ANDERSON W. H. & IASPER BOWLING Averaged $47,00 ; ' Averaged 60,00 The fanners need not have any fearso'fbrlngin'g along gpod Tobac co. My brakes have been heavy for a few Hundred Thousand pomids does Hot effect prices at Warehouse, I give you a list of Sales below, m:ijle oa the Closing of the Rush which I think will satisfy you tliat Reams hvs special demand for * hir"e»qu«ntitieA of Good Wrappers, , Fauuy Smokers and Good Fillers .and a liberal set of buyers, and is entitled to say, who can .■password „Let no one deceive you, but bring your Htl «I fei%ht by und for Mannfftctttrers. *•*» utf mh m n .t -'itH f">r?tr.*i J. .l.'H! t .'•(jlrtoih ■ ANDKHSON, ''f Prm»oirr & GATES, JI Ri^LpcK, one lot, sls 60 oiio lot, JW", 10 O o ai 00 1h .... . 60 00 SII CANNADY, :: -.••• *.-..BB,,,J„r roUl&G^w^!to^; a * w Avcrafffi sl7 00. '' - f W M«O 3UT 15 25 Gko; ELLIOTT, PJSXWPOKT & Jos«». " 24 si «e zwiromj&juji ' Tirk-wv fiv\'TßV ,J 3o 50 pnejot 83 00 one £** WW «M„ n , , -WP.S > , r . B - """ B: ft. I .W H •BowWW ii y S^ourfl !15 50 osa*"!! at^- w Tsss-v F E.iAr J]•• » one-lot .. .. 1500 . . 76 00 0( > » 49 00 , "V IG'50 1 " * , 66U0 to .«ii-HSuOO Averasro $49 00 J T CASH, ' MOSES GARNER, THOMAS .BKOACII, oi>o jot, 17 Oa one lot *" i ' 28 50 one let . .47 OQ " 27 00 "* 37 00 t« 13 00 JASPER BOWLINCL 49 69 JoHn'-MHk&e*.' oue4ot, - teiiromtOLtHurr,; ouo lotj 1 ■ • 16 00k , 67 00 one lot 27 00 it . i..,, 26UU is' d 4 -ur c n 1 « 4400 V ' ' U( »> onclot Car " ,er^l KW J J DI*ON, 0 L one lot, J '' one lot *l3 75 " B. H- WEST, "" GAURETT & Qne lot Hon, 2S ° :ie SIlUAiiRErr, ißs ° „, |ot O * . Jno D CLATTON, duo lot, 1 -1:2() .. 63 00 oncUtl, 2100 ' Robt. Horner, 25 00 , ' 4UOO one ] (> t 25 (K> Lrf- , . 48 50 J M MUHPHt WaQONER, «• 71 17 59 one lot, 4® S lot> ' 2O 00 '' v one lot 40 00 ' 2100 DxvlD YARBOBOITOH, *. " -40 50 i -H J S RUE, " 07(10 RT Pabd, one lot, : -«i*3flo ; 4 ' -»«•• • 1001,0 one lot 18 75 NOiGAsn,. , oßc'lot, 14-2S - rusMTTa C LFKV Ono .« iOt ' iroo • , nSflffi l riA Y- 85 one lot ' 20 50 t I?S2 i t W lUxs, j H HCOBES, I T m , T 16 60 onc I lot OBelot 40 50 J T MITCHELL, 9 _ • G G BLROH, one Jot, 1 ; 24,60 „ one lot SO 00 2GW JNUMSTEAOJ : GCPucct, I* JNO SMITrf, one lot 15 00 Obrl«t 55 00 one lot, 30 00 « ! ;JAME» Ewans J W CASH, " 4»50 I>acl«t 24 50 n '•- SS n *io. «00 firth HBNBT UMSTEAD, " mitm VT -5500 « s™ »»■.."» gs -■ ss fl JACOBS, .. 2100 WM RORERSOK, one lot, 23 00 JAMES PTOCTOR, one lot 20 50 ■V .« .5W60 one Jot ' % 18 00 J\V „„c,O, wL Po ° l ' , JM ' wds™, SS l-KTIIKOEIft CifES, OB#lot JJ JJ OllOilttt, i: 19 00 • (40 00 " .IU/ 'j ~i\ 84 60 «« 36 00 42m HA LAWRENCE IB *S 14 00 " W one lot 24 00 Jff LAVRiSCE u rp-™.- WPBrOWI^NO one lot 70 00 JioBX. TILMAR. One lot 19 00 LAUSONCHAVOS. one lot -. 255 ° " r , 19 75 one lot 18 00 R B BOWEN, Ei MO GATES, JG LUNSFORD, melOt Si 50 ondlol 19 00 one lot 80 00 i w G HaYM ' CBCLEGG. JT cates ' Qnatot ' n SO 00 one lot ' 2000 J 1 CATES, W T BACoar,: 11 C UMSTEAD, one lot 23 00 on^ lot 23 50 one lot- .1 54 00 ' I! mm Zsch MaGee, ' ** Dt-D ÜB4iAN, on ®, lot ,, , °»eW 23 00 one U} 20 50 % 40 50 If ycu wish the highest average, give Reams the selling of one barn of good, and ! am sure you Will sell with hira again. Bay your Fer tilizers ofß«am». Ke^pectfully, -i ttvif rfm , '■>«;' H. A. REAMS. Proprietor. ? Marc'i., 2 7th, 1879. Uearns' Warehuuse, X)urliam, N. C.