THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, VOL 5 THE GLEANER RC/NMSHED WKKKLY BF E. s. PARKER Urahaw, N. ®, Jtate'i of Subscription, Postaye Paid : One Year ... >sn Pi* Months Three Months "17!*!!!. Every pereon sending us a club of ten sub scribers with tli-j cash, entitles himself to one »v>py free, for tiielenifh of time for which the ftlnh is made np. Paper* sent to different offices Departure from the (Junk fry ultra Rale* mf Advertising Transient advertisements payable in advance: yearly advertisements quarterly in advance. - |2 in. 3,m. fl m. |lßm. * I quare I*2 Ooj*3 Op 84 00 $ 6 00',$10 00 a ~ •. - 3 QOl 4G" * :Hi. 10 001 IS 00 - Transient advertisements SI per square for he first, and fifty cents for each -aubsc - ■ l ~ . ■ North Carolina College The animal session of this Institution begins the first Monday in August, and continues 40 Weeks. The course of instruction is thorough the location is healthy: the community tirf>ral; and board low. For furthor particulars address * SEC. OF THE FACULTY, 4t 7.16.79. Mt. Pleasant, N. C Established to 1543. will FSSLBM SPECIMENOFIHEWK^RA AMEuicAN A^rlcvßltairls^Mß- Equal to 141 Magulne Pnpcs, jMßfaßr with 251 EN«K A ff^^k Voar Own Vac, for IIOMOA Y, AYEDDING, ft other >onMte., and How to icadlljr (M - 4i^Sßn" btnl " " lcm i w '" ,oul 9i Outlay. Addrcu' CPA H f ' New Tori 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER FILLS, FOR THE CURE OF Hepati-tis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HBADACHB. Symptoms of a Diseased Livfer. T3AIN in the right side, under the V edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm* The stomach is affected with loss of appe tite and sickness*; 'the bowels in gen eral are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There is generally a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a; painful sen sation of having 'left undone some* thing which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility: he is easily startled, his feet art cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exef cise would be beneficial to liim { yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them ex isted, yet examination of body, after death, has shown the LIVER to have been extensively deranged. .AGUE AND FEVER. DR. C. MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS, IN CASES OF AGUE AND FEVER, when taken with Quinine,art productive of the v most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a *AIR TRIAL. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are unequaled. BEWARE or IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the with the Impression Dm. MCLANE'S LIVKR PII-LS. The genuine MCLANE'S LIVER PLLLS bear the signatures of C. MCLANX and FLXMIMO BROS, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine D*. CI MCLANE'S LIVER PILLS, prepared by Flem *ng Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market beiM rail of imitations of the name McLatUS., -celled differently bat "r*?* pronunciation. GRAHAM, NO, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12 1879 WHBIV THE NIIII> COMBS IN, A sweet laced woman and a sweet faced child are wandering among the shipping docks of the great city. The womau is plainly dressed, hut evidently in her best itttire, and there is a touch of gentility in bcr finery, in the real lace collar, relics of better days, perhaps; the pearl earrings and the neat gloves. The child is neat-, ly dressed, too, and, as she clasps the woman's hands, looks love at her guar dian. But the woman's face is not at its best now ; a careworn look, and a taint wrinkle upou the pale forehead that ages her and lessens tho charm ot her fea tures. She is inquiring of the dockmcn, of the stevedore, of the loungers about the wharves, whether the brig Good Luck ha* como in. She always "receives the same reply io her eagoi questions, for the brig Good Luck has be.Mi lust a month ago. dashed on a lee shore and ground to pieces by the sea, and will never come in—never—never more. If they told her she wouldn't believe thein. for the woman and her child have supreme faith that (he brig Good Luck will come in soon withjeargo and crew, though they have been asking tho same question and same prayer for many and many a day. Then she goes across the street and winds her way along the hales and boxes and passing carts, and through all the hubbub and bustle df the , and cliirhs a flight of stairs to where the brig owners have their office, i'l'bey are used to seeing her They smite sadly] when she enters with the child, and looksiguiN icantly atone another, as much as to say: 'Poor thing! she's mad. Mo wonder, no Mad. Yes, she is mad with'hope de fer red.' with anxiety to meet her bus baud, Culeb Shelter, master of tbe brig Good Luck; to meet the master of the brig, her husband and the father ot her child. Why does he stay away from her so long? 'ls the Good Luck iu yet?' she asks of a clerk. •Not yeit,ma'am.'. 'She is expected, of course, to-day?' •Ot course.' 'There's a vessel coming in now. 1 see the tall masts. Look! Look pointing out of the offlcj window to the river front. 'Maybe that's it I' Ellie, dear, look! there's father's vessel, with lather ou board!' The child clasps her little hands at the sight. '' ■'U '• - ■ •Sorry to say that ain't it, ma'am.' says the cieik, relapsing into his calculations and paying no more attention to the wo* mini.- • « She stares out of an opeu window at the approaching vessel drawn by a tujr, and then with a blank look upou her lace, and a tnoan that is heartrending, says: r*.\ A ■Noj Nellie, no I That is not the Good Luck. I 6ee the figure head. The figs lire head of Good Lncli is an angel; a white and gold angel. No, no, that isu'i U •But papa will soon come home, won > he, mamma?' whispered the child. Old Mr. Tawman, who is the head of the establishment here, now comes from behind his desk, and approaching the woman, says In a kindly tone:, . 'Mrs. Shelter, sit down; make yourself as comfortable as you can in a dingy office like this. Here, little one, come here, give me a kiss. A bright, pretty little dear, Mrs. Shelter.' 'She looks pale,' said the mother. 'She is tired; she has been walking too u>n«V f ftlfi r*fiw| I The old gentleman sfts dewn and lifts the little girl owhis knees and kisses her. She winds bet arms about bis neck and exclaims: •You'H tell my papa to come soon, wotn'tydol' . 4| |» It was the habit ot this firm to pay a sort of pension monthly to the widows ot captains who were lost in thefr service. It was not mnch o! a stipend, being only half pay, but It was certainly a blessing In very many cases. Sirs. Shelter had aN ways received her husband's money here, while be was at sea. or It was sent to her when she was sick or the weather was bad. 'Ah, Mr. Tawman, I'm snre the Good Luck will be in to-day.' •Certainly it will. What's to hinder it?' he answers. He pat the child down and goes over to bis desk, and unlocking his drawer he tskes out an account book and begins writing a receipt. Then gees'over iuto the cashier's room. While be Is there the telegraph clerk'calls him over. Click, clickity click! goes the magic instrument repeating its dot and dash message. ' 'Wear that?' says the operator. 'That's news for you I' The proprietor could rood every word by its sound. •It's like a message from God,' soys Mr. Tawinan, reverently, 'I uiust not tell her. K • lie comes back to where tho woman is silling. liis face is Hushed with emotion; some strange excitement. lie throws into her lap a bundle of bank notes. 'There, Mrs. Shelter, now go home. Take a car at tiio door.' 'Oh, I'm not tiicd. And I should like to be here when iiio brig comes in. Rut 1 thank you so much, so much.' 'Here, little one,' says the good heart ed Tnwmaii, 'here's something lor you to buy candies with.' lie puts into her tiny outstretched hand a bright quarter of a dollar, and laughs at die wonder and delight of the little recipient. 'l'll keep this for my papa.' Poor little thing, she is weary unto sleep. She cuddles herself in the big chuir and sinks into slumber in au ins stant. , Sow. Mrs. Shelter, you've had uodin nor,' says Tawmau. • '•Oh, yes, sir.' 'Ycsturdav, perhaps, buf I' mean to day. Go down with Mr. Pelton, there, our young man, and get something ' to eat. You see we have arrangements for the comforts ot our clerks. We give thcin a Ixot dinner, and a good one,too. There's nobody there.' 'Go down there ai.d ask tho waiter, George,' addressing Mr. Pellon, whom he bad summoned, to giye this good la dy a cup of lea and a piece of toast, some chicken, and all tbat. Then pans ing a moment, as if propriety and (phil anthropy, ire struggling ffiFiniafery f» •No, no, George. Tell Henderson to send the dinner up into the room here, that's better!' Tho young man leaves the room. Then Mr. Tawman enters the office again aud cousults the telegraph operator. 'Send this message at once, Mr, Lind say if you please.' He writes something and tbe operator clicks it off at once. It's a long a, very long message indeed; but the presidents message itselt is not halt so important, so interesting to those whom it concerns. Then by the time tbe messago is sent, the dinner is ready in Mr. Taw man's private office, when Mrs. Shelter partakes ot it, but does not think proper to waken the weary child that she may eat also. Then Mr. Tawman sAys: Now you had better go. I'll seo to the child; 111 bring the little girl Up with me to night. 'No, no I' exclaims the mother. 1 must have my little Ellie with me always sir. You are so very good, .hough, sir; so very good 1 And is there no news of the Good Luck ?' •Not a word, I'm sorry to say.' 'lt can't be possible. The brig must come in to day.' 'l'm sure I hope so 7 with all ay heart and soul, Mrs. Shelter,' 'I know you do,' she responded with a sigh. . ; • • •Now go." I'm sorry you have to wa key the child, but I suppose you can't help It. 'Come, Elbe,' says the mother, touch ing her lightly on the shoulber. The child with a start awakens and cries, 'ls it my papa? Dear, dear, papa. Then- seeing her disappointment. Jshc burst into tears. 'Don't cry, dear, don't cry. The brig will come in. Don't eryl' The good old man speaks soothingly to the sobbing child; and the mother catching her hand walks slowly and sadly away, followed by Mr. Tawman, who lifts the Hule girl dotfn stairs and helps both her and her mother into a car. The next morning the women is again loitering about the wharves with the san|ft agonizing ipquii y. She again puts the question to the wharfinen, and again only receives the same answer. Then,as before she seeks the office of the brig owners, still accompanied by her little girl and asks: •Has the brig Good Luck come in yet?' I •Not yet, ma'ari.' She sighs and looks out of the window atlbe shipping. She says she will wait lor Mr. Tawman and sits down. •I'm sorry the brig is'nt in yet I' •Will it be in o*day?' • •I hope so.' And he goes behind his desk and looks over his letters. Ho has not loug been engaged in his correspond dence when a scream fiom the woman startles blm. tt She bM risen and is pointing excitedly oat sf the window. 'Here is a ship coming in, look I lock!. 'That's not it,' say* a elerk that is a schooner. 'Oh, no I' adds Mr. Tawman,thats uot the Good Lock/ 'lt is! It it»l She dart* from the office dragging the child after her, ran* across the bustling wharf out to tho very edge of lite water. Mr. Tawman rtmhes to tho window, opens it and calls to her. To no purpose, however. All the clerks clutter about tho window to catch her. 'Tho woman is inpd says one. Sbc is going to drowu herself.' Tawinan says Quietly to the telegraph operator: 'lt is the Mary.' The schooner is being towed np the river by a tug. She ii making prepara* (ions to anchor in. the stream opposite the wharf. All this lime Mrs. Shelter ia standing in the midst of tho crowd of ex cited people waving her handkerchief, and >he littlo girl is waring hers. 'Look! look there 1 There is a man overboard! cried one of tbe clerks. A cry of alarm goes up from tbe wharf. 'Heavens!'exclaimed Mr. Tawman, thoroughly aroused. 'What does that mean ?' ■He is swimming like • - fish,' says a e'erk. •He has landed' Uark at the cheer*!' 'Look! look shouted the operator. She is hugging him: so is the little girl. It is Captain Shelter I' 'Thank God!' exclaimed Tawman, and pray heaven she may not sink under the shock. Poor won;an. How sbe clings to tbe drenched mail. Dear! dear!' Then he puts on bis hat and runs down the steps like a boy, and dart* over t J where husband and wife and child are united and happy. 'AhI he exclaimed, shaking the cap*, tain by tlie hand, and not caring for. the gaping and wondering crowd all around I nek, if' Did yft mi telegraijtp. ..v : When tbe inau can speak ho answer*) | *Yds. r : ! 'I planned it all!' chatters oid Taw man. You see I got a dispatch yesterday from the Breakwater, saying tbat Capt. Shelter had been picked up on a raft by the schooner Mary. I told her in the car yesterday, tbat the brig would come in, aud come in it did. Oyer to the office every one of yon, and after dinner aud dry clcthes, cap. we'll have • talk about business. Gome ou STATVJtKIIT OF TUB HIIIMIH JBOBTe [From The Observer.] My lume Is Robert Bosweil. I am about 32 or S3 years old. I was born mid rallied in Caswell comity, North Csroli na. I was the slave of Mr. Thorn. Bos» well. After the surrender I worked four or live years for various citizens of Cast well county/ among others Mr. Mlnyard. Mr. Jeremiah Lea, Mr. Oliesley Turner aud Mr. William Turner. 1 then caine to Orange county and worked fop Mrs. Green a short while, and then,; lor Mr. James R. Blackwell. I lived on Mr. Blackwell's place nearly all the time 1 stayed about Durham. I first met Nan nie Blackwell while wol'klng for Chesley Turner; she was living there at that time. I then began to treat her as my wife, although we were never married, and when 1 came to Orange county I brought her with me. We told people we were married in order to keep from, being indicted. Bhrrtly after 1 jvent to Durham 1 got acquainted with Rcbacca Ann Lyon. We both went U live on Mr. Blackwell's land about the same time. About eight or nine months afterwards we began to have to do with each oth«r. Matters went on in that way tor about six months, when I began to go' to her house and slay whenever hef husband, Ned Lyon, was away from home; Site did my cooking and washing most of the time. I suppose we must have lived In that manner four or five years, though I lived with Nannie Blackwell part of the time. Whenever I staid with Beck, Nannie would complain and quarrel with me. *ud Beck would complain with' me when 1 staid with Nannie; so they kept me in a fnss nearly ail the lime. About a year before Ned Lyon died. Bcek told me if he and Nannie were out of the way, we might get mauled, and said if I. would kill Naiiulc, she would pnt old Ned out of the way. I agreed to do it. Some lime afterwards she bought a bottle of Crton oil aud gave bim some iu his dinner. It made him very sick, but did not kill him. She gave it to bim several times afterwards but did not succeed. She then bought a box of rat poison from Mr. Ab. Tinnev at Lyon ACarr'a drug store. Ned was then working at Mr. Blackwell's factory, lie would not go hame at 12 o'olock, but she frequently carried his dinner to bim. Site mixed a dose ot the rat poison in bis dinner one day and carried it to bim. He ate it aud was made mighty sick, and Harry Sparkman had to hauT him home in a wagon She appeared to be very sorry for Ned and sent aud got sorno medicine for him. Bnt when she gave it to him sbo would mix some ot the poison with it. Ned lived for several days. The day before Ned died I weut after Dr. Thomas, but lie could not go, bnt setir some medicine and Beck mixed some of the poison with it aYid gave it to him. Ned told Bcek the day before be died that she was tbe cause of bis death, and it was the truth, tho' those standing around did know It. Beck Lyon showed tne the box containing the poison. The r>ison was of a sort ot pinkish color, but did nftt get a good look at it m some body was comiug and she pat the box back In her pocket? very qnickly. Ned died on Sunday, some time tu Mav, about two ami a bait years ago. The night alter Ned died Beck sent lor me and I staid all night with her. She then told me (hat she had done what she agreed to do, and killed old Ned, and ! had to do ray purl and kill Nannie. ] agreed to i», bat put it oil. She kept on alter 109, and she and Nannie kept quar relling so much mat 1 concluded to go away. I went to Raleigh and worked for Mr. Jeff Fisher about a raotrfh and returnod to Durham and tried to get Beck to go back'Wlth ipo, btti she reins* ed, and said site would havo nothing to do with me unless 1 did what I said 1 would, and kill Nannie. 1 refused and then went back to Raleigh. I wrote to Beck time and again to oome to Kaleigh, but she would not. In August of the same ttoere was a big cauip meeting about two miles west of Ilillsboro, and, as there Was to be an excursion to it, Irom Kaleigh, I determined to go, hoping to see Beck. When 1 got to Durham site got 011 ihe train with Jim Cozart and others. She would not have anything to do with mo on Ihe train, bat alter we got to HiHsboro; w Hie the preaching wits going on, site and I went to (lie spring and walkod some distance into the woods and sat. down ou the aide of the hill. She then began to abuse me About the way I bad douo iier, and said 1 had not stood ifb to my promise; that kho had put old Ned out of tue way, and now I bad ran away and lejt her; Him she and her cldldrou were sick and willing. After abasing me awhile, 1 tokfhQr I did not want to do it, but as I had agreed to it, 1 would stick to it. She then proposed that 1 should poison her, but I told iter that could not be doue, that the best way was to kill her. Site told me 1 had bets ter mind, that a rope would be put my neck. We then agreed I should go back to Raleigh and come up 10 Durham next Saturday night. She told me to eoine to ber bouse and let her kuow be fore 1 did it, and I told her j would. We then went back to wliere the preaching was going on. When we got on the train, we talked about it agaiu be fore; we reached Durham. 1 went to Kaleigh, and 011 tbe next Saturday somo lituo at' ter dinner, 1 left Raleigh aud walked up to Durham, reaching there about one or two o'dock-at night. Instead of going to Beck's bouse. I went to Nanny's and knocked at the door; she asked who watthere, I told her Tom Bailey; she then said, 'Rob is away trom home and I don't let anyone in alter I have laid down.' After talking awhile I told her who I was, she let me in. I sat dowu and talked with her awhile, she then got up and walked out into tho yard aud brought in some cjotbes that were hangs lug on the.fence and put them in a cor ner. As she stooped dowu I struck her with and old axe 1 had found iu the yard aud knocked her dowa, 1 then cut her ibroat with the knife Beck had giyon me wliicb used to belong to Nod Lyon. 1 then cot started away and had gotten near to the old well aud saw Nanny com ing out of the house, sbe got to the saw dust pile» when I caught nor and finished her and picked her up and carried her to the bouse and laid her iu it. My oldest had waked up by this time aud tcld me Nanny was bleeding, 1 picked bim up aud carried him to Beck's house. I went to the back door, laud walked in. The light was burning, aud Beck was lying 011 the bed partly dressed; 1 waked ht>r up and told hof I iiad killed Nanny, as I bad promised, and I wauted ber to take care of my boy. She said! "You old fool Why did you not come hero first and let me kuow about it, as you promised. You will certainly be hung.' 1 then ask ed her agaiu if sbo would tako caro of my boy. She saidt 'No, take bim away from here. I have enough children to take caro of myselt." I then said bo fore thev should stay by themselves i would stiek fire to the house and burn tltem dp, Sbe then told me to go away, and she would let me know when times got better. She thou kissed me, and 1 iott. I took the boy Dack to the house and put him in it and shut tho door. I then set the house on fire and started back to Raleigh, and reached Mr. Fish er's farm about 1 o'clock Sunday. 1 staid there till Tuesday, when 1 was told that a woman And children had,been murder ed at Durham, and I was thought to be tbe one that did it, and had better leave. I did to and went to Wilsoii county, aud Iheu set in to work for M. Winstcad; 1 then worked for Mr. Wells until 1 was arrested aud brought to Hillsboro. ills RoBT. X BOSWELL. Mark. Te6t: 11. A. Reams, S. F. Tomlinson. ■AIM OV THK Bl.ttß AND CtBAY. [OOD*B OWN frLAO OF TRUCE] fiY YAKOLEY T. BROWH. (from the Charlotte Obteftier-) [The public remenbers that a Confed erate soldier named Payne was involved with John Wilkes Booth, in 1865, in the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempt upon the life of Secre tary Seward, nor does any one need to be told of the height to which public indig nation reached iu Washington City at that time, At this particular period MqJ. W. F Halleck, of the Uuited States service, having in charge two hun dred Con fade t a tea prisoners, in tVa«h- iugton City, was set upon by amob who 1 demanded of him the body of one of : these, Qenl. Payne, of the late Confed eracy, who. it was believed by the.popu lace, *« the person who bad stabbed Seward. M*j. Ualleek's guard consisted of not more than fifty. He appealed iu vain to the mob, assuring it that the Payne who was then his prisoner was not the Payne who had stabbed the Secretary. He was not believed aud the fury of the crowd increased aud its determination to have the prisoner t ecame manifest. Or* dering his men to Lad and prepare for N0,36 work, Maj. Hal leek defiantly proclaimed to the mob tltHt those were hi* piisoner, add it WHS his purpose to die right there with them before he would surrender one of them into its hands. Hie gi.ard was prepared to execute his orders, and the orders were upon his lips, ready to b«» given the moment the occasion arose. The mob saw the officers determination, retired, and abandoned Us pin pose. After the war Muj. Halleck and Uenl. Payne became near neighhors and friend*. A child of each dying at the same time, the two were interred in the name gravu and it is of this circumstance that the fol lowing is wtitter. M»j. Halleck, it is hard* ly necessary to say, is identical with the gallant Federal soldier of the same name who delivered the patriotic s|ieech at tbe soldiejs! re union in Salisbury, N. C., uu the 23rd iust.:] What matters it now if they meet here below, From the iVorth and the and the Gray— On fields that were awful with carnage and gore, 'Mid the roaring and strife ol that terrible fn»j ? Ah, little they heeded the dying and dead, For hard was the heart then, and flashing the oye| But now they are Weeping o'er one little bed. Where two little darlings so peacefully lie — 'Under the sod and the dew,' Close to each other they lay; One Is the babe of the Blue, The other, the babe of tbe Grey. What matters it now, if they led to the fight. The men who are sleeping beneath tLe green sod, Or what does it matter, which fought for the right? For, "Judgment W—mine," said our me-eiful Ood Ayel bravely they fought here, but dying, forgave; * And clasping each other, lay dead on the plain | Thus, bowing in sympathy over the gram, These warrior hearts are united lu pain. 'Under the sod and the dew,' . Fair as twin lillies tlity lay— v Beautiful babe of the Blue, Beautlfnl babe of the Grey. What matters it gow, if this tall, waving grass Is higher, and ranker, and greener to-day, Because of it drinking that red flood, alas! Tbe blood ol the Bine and the blood of the Gray? While yet it was warm from the hearts of tii* brave, * It met ahd united In one purple tide; So mingle the tears o'er this little twin grave Of the treasures now buried here, each side by kidei 'Under tbo sod and the dew,' Sleeping together for aye—- Sweet little bal>e'of the Bine, Dear little babe of the Gray. Whit matter* It DOW? but question them not; Enough that they suffer a tether * keen woe— The past is forgiven—perchance ia forgot; And true are the tears that in sympathy flow, Through which they behold on that "beautiful shore,' 1 Two little twin ftttgels in.garments of white. ... Whose wee dimpled Angers now beck in them o'er The dark-flowing flter, they're taken their flight. Up from the sod and the dew, Leading and showing the Way-*=- Pure angel babo of the Blue! Fnre angel babe of the Oray. [Correspondence of the Observer ] b alisbouy, Oct. 24. Editor "Observer" j—From vustei ilsy'i issue \vu were obliged to omit several of tbo speeches iniwle Thursday at Salis bury, today we give the reports of tlictn. (Jen, A. M. Settles Followed Maj Mfr . rill, of Mississippi, lie expressed Inm sqf glad o meet so many. It was an in dication tbnt tbo hearts of his henters were all right. Whwt was lite loiimla llon static of the government? A Icairito to resist oppression. Our forefathers entered into a legue of comradeship. That is what underlies the constitution. Tliat alone will maintain it. lie said lie was iu the war atid Was (rue to it, and was now ready to clasp hands across the {bloody chasm.' When conquered we expected nothing but the doom of the conquered. The.i llornoo Urccly caine forward and signed On vis' bond, lie said he bad a warm place In his heart tor evei'v man who bore a mus ket— had no apologies to make or to '—let us forget the past ami remeuil»er that we have one country, lie related a beaulilul incident that occurred iu Wash' ingtou Cilv cemctary at the close of die war. But lew ol the Soutlieru dead are buried there. Some of then have lor an epitaph nothing but ''North Carolina," yet this !s all they would have asked. It had been' Memorial day' and the graves of the Federals were without ex* ception beautifully decorated, but up tt the resting place of • lie Confederates no fljwers had been placed. A wind aro«e and blew many of (lie flowers from the graves ofjbe Federal* upon those of thu Confederates. Thus Providcnco decora ted both. So we are taught by the trawl ers of the constitution, taught bv the fighters for, it, taught by Providence that we are one. - The South resisted the united North lor five years! Oh what a country theu must It not be! Ilow mighty, how graml that union wbioh unites both in one! Let us do our duty, rembcr our principles! honor the flag that floats over us and our dead. The latter have im» monument, but their memory is eusbrined in our heart of hearts. 1 Duriug the last two years some 3,000 English larojqrs with their families have emigrated to T«Xaa. Th ;y are all reported as prospering They devote themselves principally to thu raising of of cattle aud sheep.

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