--■ Mini, 1 • ,wn%l I'll feSSsa*^ ■•::: *••; **: * V:t #^ll9® 90 Ever§flpe»B* sondin ■ uft-A . Bcriherg, With, tjv»cwh entitles, himself to otid yearly in aavatieß * ii,* i^ ■ *t*B*b Transient artvcrtls'emenuJ ~ $1 per square msßf JBMqs 4 A * dWo nwS^si^ h 11 Your Own Use, for HOI,ID V,V, WEDDING, & other PRESESTS.I^ffI .ilßmnaeiic ii Oiitlny. Address RigWfxZJ' ,c»r. ;, * Bmbb 1 >* /iPTM KR&9IH| k ' Disease, like thieves attack the weak. Fortify your organization v ith the jriik reHiit«itMaffle alike the virus of epidemics auiL It is a piii e vegetable stimulant, a rare al terative and anti-billious medicine, and has not a harmful element anions i|t ra'hjHnarediopite.. ._, For^ale. ov. all 4ruggms T aiw TwpAfeßle' * ■ ! ' fteaiert gendraffy • "»'•«■ > -M-.- ' but, ui U2JI>It3SI/.Vniolxi'fi Scott &Donnell W •' •■>: . '■■ • f •T» .',,... ) Dealers BBV «30»0.«. liRSI'RKIK HARDWARE, HATH, BOOT ,* BTIJPV AC AC. J "' ' ' •"•..3 |J f.i■ . ;'• * :\, \ , ~ f* ■• *u, H'ff ■t«t> .1!: .•;>.) ■> 1 ' " ' ''if- . „„■ .-—___ , —: ■' ." • ' .-•■ ~.' ■•. -t t i-,„ ~.„ ,f„ mrudtM orlll health can^ Prices reduced :: '«"fe f" • kd.tr* i.-"t **•*• "*»•«•**•«»«*> ■ - - - 1 !U«it ( >r> u mrnia ifim 11 ii 111... orEEwntLy wci A wicsei*. , 'l'm rKJ'G Pur* er. 'l'wJjpan you. fur this throe IrebM. i» 'getting so rusty I'm asliamiu U Wedr it. Whon'd *f f fi:.)ir i: last night,' answered the\ little wo man, shaking out UmwlvMs of the fcrgP figured delaiuu before her. ' f *Theu yW Rift'iaA •limml the ilewB, ( maybe—about Parson Noble's ffiff youf asked Miss Betsy, with au ..all ot mystcrion#iij|l*»ltt#g?» ' , 'Not a woru except what I'saw in the, newspapers,- You see I've been Couisin Maria s youngest daughter was' married la6t Tuesday. How Will fad' ■hnVe your dress cut, Miss Marvin?','!',! ' 'You dont say! Well I never I Wha( off iior girJsj' man—she has such a habit of coloring **>» m.yMow i tell d straight*; j fonvira'srefy, -and i4t ffJfte touch it up ( toauit themselves. llow did you likj} Parson Noble, what you've heard of hiu», i 'Mlfcs Pwrtiyf" itv»]v , .(!(« >,?/ tV o j,j | 'He always pill fpei In JtyjlK # jtose men that St. lulls about *of wbai{j w . #*W>l4flwurthy,' answered tlipj dressmaker, measuring tMisq Marvin's, iffl/WMf lft f measure. 'Oh well! I s'poso most people wan fil ' al 5 maytie 'voriU *him^bVonrTmnd when you hoar about 1 the donation. I can't say but what he ' 'ttefli him, hnrt ' f al- W*yjTßou|ht he was a little loose in jitj, doct riue. I mist rusted irom the first that' like as nof lie pttjPlWSMWflpiwau't strong enough ' geology enough abonl.t ' it.' ■ ■ > m WfWfWrdai' Uning/'VuVlit ' seerriefl to UQfcjEHrelehed the gospel aud that " good-a*iong!i for ,, , ir |7 , J fifa thtirk ncwm very' •pltaal?' asked Miss Betsy, waving the "co»testow pniut.. —llifl'a-Jae&ii seen more'n a limes sliding down Dragon hill with the boys on their douM* • they call them. What do vou think of * that ? 'I think most Tit ely'ne thlj&yld it, and boysJid. I never say a' rain ground hi in—it was ' Vjjiss s4rvin\Jfjtfghed a low laugji' which haa in it neither inirth nor him ££»aß>T&Q|&|opin ion of him,' she Baiil, 'and I bate to do itj Umm I s'pose somebody elsfusjll tell you Vl&VmfpißWtere,, you know, they promised him s7bo is hard aud everything ischeap awrfhey thought, mobbe, this he'd 'se satisfied wltK six. SiJbdfy Jbut him* 2Wl h Bfl®#ff|£ , lpccms to me j?6b and the parsonage is a monstrous fjrice— what do you, think?' ■„„ ♦I suppose they have to have food and - 'I begin to think so myself, Miss Pur» dy, drqtfdJvVy huma^'sighed Miss Bet sy. ' Well, as I was saying they went to hlita— : th_Q cothmittee did—and kindly ed him if he would take six hundred thifj SPXJ aaid he would preacli for nothing. ' 'No, indeed ;«h* said -lie couldn't but just live on $7OO, and thought be ought making soon provision tfor the fu ture now, if ever. .Mrs. Chapin said she, r providence, btook-*. Hasn't the "Cord* Didn't he Elijah and the children of IsreaL? |A\l calculate if ministers is faithfuHh'e wbvwill lake care of 'em when they're P rea £tfj|tf > tne committee do Ihen?' Jt%f JP/ the 'WSMIfwW. jff 'de a I can telPywt; J ■fltfme was fur letting the parscyi go, buf Simmons got real riled up; he> said he 'didn't blame the minister. pne" to raise'* Wf salary Ihstead or *o#rerirtslj, and he'd bo willing tdgive 150.' The deacon meant bat befe unreasonable he said 'it was a poor plan to let minis-, f9>B hev their wit;. they »Meakl give Parson Noble «ev«u ! hundred this VWitW 'Kht bondred iOltt|ibiybe. ; rTbentkMueacon got un ,u,,r Ly ifiau on six hundred! Tblft' and thO deaf | con kuew ; ff, fot feufc LyCHhu toid around J N"C- v , year fnr haf-alothes and to (L'avel with, iiAd two Jlrl* Rndfl nmn tti take care di t r ,V tflli My •inyn re '"luityn i-^rr■ t eta' paid tpn dolla.lß minister's year -»-bat then '4Woii r JI d* M git |Ly 'ftrtkn toad, fnr he's '\Vol*h' 'm«iw a like Dcijcfiiii Siol mo,iifeo Jjis- Uftdfetiflnllars and give the minister a donation to make up the other hundred., •♦ ilhnt Miidei' pacified alKtoMid, vwdMheyi 'ngi-ecd |o ■meet nt flic - v«strV 'flic nbxl- TFlftrtdKy eVWBnt t l ho"> r »«liii«ci'' his «nr{ ( 'eVcrybiiiiy, old and 'a'fld* Wiien. H'r lU *1" "o»fli rtwo itara i. . . I hursday evening was a bio erovyd .I ,cn}i, _ .tell you. ( £pian 8 a l 9 eW'flHfl (iwst iW.^piot. ii® the i doorjwe.'ftli. couinienoeJ , to jflflig;' iGoU.iitVo*! whom all blessings ,iow'/:-M Mm 'I V ••: • u-\. .... 1 ;J , e 1 ' both came i(#Wwdobi',' , snidMliey rfidilowfc? -fetfuprlsed enough, h ut somehow they didA'FiodK so chaeffeiUf they tvn» liroaiJfwllj(»t Burprlsed tbey didn't btK W* "didii'ti an iMVilotiiVn,' hm kept' crowds 1 ffi 1 lAi'millWtci"and Bis wlfb l?ep> uiitjr ijito'ilcftftb 1 wasf 'lull'. .up' ifta¥j% W down, sqiirre LyuiAii'# ' Y# m !•« oi.t.tu •uih7n» -t wife and soipo othoi', went into the kitchen to Idok alter tlio victuals and and sucU. •*!' « /,f " " ,y ' • • df . tfi wiiijjiS/. 701 jjhj' ■ 1 if: , fi? s, a.;^Sq W rp fefpfiu a peck of oniops. Levi Norse brought a of porkS te l. .jrParson Noble or jo ,wifswwyt> i>6aw^4ii«tf»—4t showed . A4r„Fv.rßtfa good rtKlll. T^n,^rp f Pr«u^ ti« brought them a chromo of ». baren, girl picking ..Xotf,'J km M»*.'Noble preached «'Pennon l owe Snlt . M&'ftitftfuk' Lome atl^aijii^d, fort he clrildren—said they ought to have Woka.an4 pfctbros and all U4««». 'lVpowMrs. Preutiß: 'ttiotobt't Hwcnlflb plea^Vimj' think aW iva^.'^fery thoughtful dniill jmn ? >in»§|ia4|tAiK>ul{lit are fal ways appropriate to. give a ministav.'. Wiiaiiia;: rupted Mis Pr«4jr> Miss Botsy did iiib't 1 Mif l>»tT«>i.liiiueJ. and some-soft stum, four loaves of bread, a pati of doughnuts, u\u*vU»veß of cake, a couple of mince-pics, bf'gin, I The for everybody expects something (o AM' M am\w iiim on ® bad agreed-*N|m«,ia» mb isbMld think that ®ve*yb6dy, : thaf came must have l pi'p of listp It wlien wtrsaw Hhem. we helped ojy-selyos |o and su^flF , tißf ,, WiA little thingsi-we icuew .MVs; Noble feb nlsli *em; then nobodyiliengltt to any So we called Mrs. n , ble out andapciHier what we sjiould d-slui had a jar of quiiice jaiA have. Mjti Pierced it dut, she Bai£\ il. .Abe'^ betteVgeLkVo ok * but I tola lIfPJL more tl'ou-' ble, and no fatter if the chil^ dreu diditoget any, bo Wf nada it go a» f « r jtWOiiiriptitdJilloclßtinder sHM M" I » * W i rf. \W I JtfJfv Jieard oPapything e]ual to \ that l/ sloshing yawky bedbug tar as if she had' % X*Blesß|my «o6l! what are you dytyigj" Jil>s Betsy- You've spoiled, that get but ' nitte yards; 't^Rtdoito waste any. *W*e*l, as I was saving, we s'posed everybpqy tad tad something when Mra, Ly man eame/dut kid ttLlMieii Mdn't been a thing.passed ipobflt library. So wo * Joaf of bread t a' couple 6f Mfel ot- cdcOAiut calte, (l and spine pies that Mi s. Noble had baked up -»f»a*4p4nyt; inga minister to stay over Sundtfy'. 'lWas real unfortunate, for she _,«mglV. imtJiave had anything in tliQ house but 1 for that; kitd all U& ulxt day to iij.W) wcibjWfbt il wouldn't Mpp hurt to take iti Mis. Jones said that she found a pan of seed cakes afterwards that Mrs. Noble had ; hid away. We' cakes you .fripw; and Mrs. Jones said that she thought it looked pretty small wben we was givin' ; 'em sudh a donation. But maybe 'twas' iust as well, for some of the boys threw' cake a'Wrf - it , g , n i trod iiHo the carpet at times, aud 1 don't believe in having things wasted. Use np the the pieces if you can, Miss Pnr(|y and ' " i /WaSBaCBS|>A¥:- DECiESiKER MrK-! Kii.j «,„■*! ft Tt01.1.1, i»Trr~ the'lmH ptoo* to* up* «fcßVjv,ru M , " 1 '-fYlirtty^V admfc .thittg , f "frda- Wpm*d stairs and knocked over a «• ■ wrKl apity4oM.\Ui Wf » «•» vtf'i&k'bAAtf.bbr &e* Mrei.-Btablwhad (jkven, ,p«u.*iLMy..lw*>#r *ald .rtf. Ibtffcdd Wtft trtiftl. •'SUirinai*' exanspl».*o ept 'lifc/jnrc i£Kll^M(ra,'V'tob«Mt*> I i :^te^i»r#wss»n -(fellowllisa Bindy* tr .,, vt , m „,, , ( JJ - ' , HfJ ! \jWidfcM , fW' oliiltlicn is jU. Ikjiiic BaJ«ih«" , dv9Mtha*er. JSE. • ' " *.»«*• WoJI wasanxjwflrsof (I.an Mx Lurn did? lie >wne leaning 01/ the terfiery'and die.'ghat broke i* a. nrrffitfW/" Btit'Hwir, Adomienla will hap, j>ni;'«in#Wtrf dfiaiemt-tookja a dona .Mutt j >v i '' 'Ofcaurso,'acquiesced the littledws-' 1 Artuw. '*it »i !•• >n i *«.>• : ~ • -| ► ' Miss Betsy, 'the way they worked it. Tfoif'We lf»e miiifstera folk»fcoibouie real' ¥wPl>J"-b»iug certain,. »i theught weiiroiild fdllow thek «tutmpl©,, tstfl law . attwe no'; wby.-»4»jb»®il we got with: eating. - the .(tilings I MWfdv"' «# d art irwjMrW Jf ti '1 ' t ! lieii'yoii ihdd all lbOMiieh£s_,U> TWnirj pat in Mrs. Purdy. .tnxmu* rm -I • -'Bftlkfe )HJfil noj;ifaro. had; at tenanted to,J itttshriiedivlteA-I knoiW'iMnew.Nai)lo would llhve-stoppect ue, ant) "besides.; tit would half tlie .and' of Butias I« sayhtgyttmj kopt aidying, a«4 H, Whs pabt'midnight* beibqe they.latt'.igqt ajVaf. »'W ;»7i |u t*iuii uisit.) *iiun ,> ■ * ' W«M ? 4ho'ne»i Sufoda? uraaJl .thought tM'UfeMor- wtfuld Jw*o nil qcUTO- eer«on'> aiid'iittke tha .donation besidevftaud Of coursrf :«verv „ mtemm'i 'i. wuiw,,^rffc jaair idi».. Mr way. When we got most there,.-JUalisM :i 'UtbpMfcodUwt »3« +* rWhat o rtJ , earth hf fh«. mttiiorf -*Wl»*?'«a*&vl-- f'd*fatbiV'lk Meshy eW,baiki'inoiLced.a/i\- tMfttfl-'n4>Wkt'ybo'i»qe(!!Basa t site, pVtitf body. »tdp» a.tid(look® at tha panson titftofit M'totntethiiig was the waMerj' ,tjie*e , is crape on Itim*i»aa4i!sW«Ui«ra. l huiiil9d festooi glielcaiugfi in. the iuduixl. bul sarsajJßsj-Unk on •Is tf,*iftWbHJ?'«*clalnibd »Wie dfesss att'dvW Wlthlftnghthr. )•., , U *?f* i r pardon,totoy ( h could MoKJxalp laughing• U,. » nmj: •' laughable. Mjss PdR dy; e»Ri;it tytjdy was imliglaaht aW'doultf be. Of course it wbf Oone, us. Pttnton Noble's/sera,tut been m Week for all the> good iit do«»i| aiiybdpGF- • > •'»> 'Y«NI»,IMi did, andigoilt too by a4inaft>' OTons voter An«l what do you suppose' & told ? r tie ftMd hi hi lie W one fire.'**- And thut'%.tß-SJOwj& MM do \o« think ot Pamun, , Npblfl, rthw J think we wel)> ißd*. of I'ijm but I tell yon wy.fuilh.iu.nunkters is. Here-are a few extracts Troija' ''Don* s " t * .u- in " modest afl{fe ,«cawQiU alia distance; neiihdt*'tf6fh one burn cqme not too close to them. " . "Keep your mouth shut and your ejtgf fMI 4(nd fear every illj ** SWt^brawe.doureciatps, ' "All woiriSir, let thetp-be everw homaw ' 10/fe 1 pleased'to hear' themselvii oel«s brated for their beauty. • 'i MC j Squirts and kni^H»»-enfant tndln luck. ' Llfeerhlftl urny &tt 1 (Jafrjed 100- far in 'fhosfr vVlio : hftVe 1 (Shßdefe 1 to inherit trota Eve4"y CncT Is the son of his bwn works. ™ 6dong t0 jnSenfu nd bpok so bad but that some* m& fwi* Hay m bb in It. , pot Ibe lieu lifiJ, thbugh it be' with * VV'q cdu noi all'be friars, and. various wp Gdd conducts the .gootftoheaveu. Cov6(oUßiies bursts the bag. . 5(8 .% ~ i %'« W applicable to all ranks; whdover is Ignortut hr Vulgar. . D ?f fiti'eet? bt "BV-and-By" oue ar rives at the h6dsQ ot • Never." Between the yes and no of a woman L pwtyild hor undertake to thrust the point plaplii. Patience and alinflle the cards. • ...| Hi f" w ants drfeeMHy borne. A bad coVers,a gwo^drinker. Pray devoptly and hammer oh stouts ly,* ... .•'•••• •>»'«! .• i h b " OI,CO beguu Jb almoßt ' l»ay i bridge ot silyer for a flying one my. The jest that gives palu Is no jest. ■ 000 »H •ntr-rnf ~M lA |x!XfyH\er Humboldt says in ins pos fftmifous bMnfMiV: ) ' ,l# f Was not bom 'M ofd****>dUiarWlrtr;»{ a iAp 1 • •si. jmaflMMwc "VWlfofi tifltfNfe *tHi mofj :ia#Bm»r ) l!wb*. laJM nnpn biujpelf ll4 U>« ijpkeunf jntuTinffo-r-a fool ' because lie , i hereby* IHroWS aWay hls'fi%C(hsftT, • vifh* ] a *iiiiw\b«oa#Me hs.g-iyes lite to children - jflyPt able to give them the eer- TaMTv ofliffppi'nc«M ''l tfe«pl»e humanity in itli its atratu. 1 foresee that our .ladly will.be far mare unhappy than we are; anil should I not he a-sftitter If, in • 1, slioplti take Oare; 10 leave a-posterity-ot unhappy beings pi..Jj|e Js, ti^c ' JB 'ocf fdlflitmy cdtVTesfr I hat lief ha* 'MrKieti for iibthtur oat nothing, ~pid ' 'we iat MMti>Nfer&W.W wliy'iwo in. ' lAWIriKV' W I jCut. t«» tho thinker" ev.Hry ,thing Is and remains a riddle, AM "'flie l iO'that of being born a 1 4 bfcc«Udlfl'.«'(tr » ■-! j (: , a rinonUi ■ ti 'OWs eaoviotioiuq thfc iffttty al XQnse T , »«a« lims wltnftm being btaGod. 1 it WIT udM nbbletfJ purpas&iotMrt' '♦bat uion§pTt Wtfte OT*ftdtMWfct!Mtot-ofjßOQWledge»! life wotHAba-: distil ti(%>of, oU^er fc 4^fcyity, ,, v e y ' 9 k'« Bttitp*. ' -•» ■*'" •« ol biaiLjiiji,. , 4 'j [ u (Me from bayo lieard of for spine time was related to ire re e'enify by auentll'mkh 'tobd 1 wai'Jw- tlie Ifwhi ocewrad.'i , ii ,: ' ] A lad*aiMhtna«bildieu w.erann wuta l *m6> ¥**"*- * Jl v whileTtamotner wasttalevp*H;tirepcoaete. open window, )eancd qiiite.y* )di»tonco . out. A wddon jar of the Lcain happening ' at the tiaj*sam»bUfc» fly out of the win dow unobserved by any of the passejU* iHe imirwira'near JW*koi§**frg MM tlicj Ltlmmf ain.-tUri hanpo-«iyg to" ipyff ftkfi. f.tnrn\?nt V'tAr discovered, b«ei loss, anct ft searcn thrdfigh tfee "WiV fdfliug,. •ftf^eV^HrtfW'int'art iibe- becaind .frauiiu with grief. .The,pq»M|Hg;wi fh Jha s«areb t and surmising that Ibe baby ,Wt lalien Mittthe HittFVm itfatantiy' BY(rt/ped and a largo crowd retraced, the liffle*', t«H(fat -the distanoa.ot.at leMl i>aLt ftimUe'disoovered the letft oije.. on 011 ' mtf asMaUtg , Ui§Ue 4 leiirs'fo ©yds of 'WSSJfes®* •Upon Huso eKainitiailoaiiifio Ittaa found n rttan tM obild was totally uniitjlired/ ! i with of a bruise (ai ; (I t>mtoel|eaVni . '4 twiy H iMrWbWadHpfeiiu Wheeling ymvdj* 1 LmM&j* '' ,% 1 ' "•« nv*ii>aibi\» j ( .| yo-wtai.a.jjj, >• ,1-,' I Atti. •>MTt>Bi I*l (#TAdKS ./ i rf« eno»iittn«)ra et: t*irm-Q>tulri%- . . il' A wbaeU tl^a.ltalians' , havfroliaractei'iuud '.'.jrain j(ofifrid« ai^fifiaob.truo, .uH ft-oni St. VtjWerailtit^.?' Lady Duffeciu .afjant io ilflour*4ai'bß prtHteute4.,to ,QiarihaJ iOa«friving ifrilie Hfrown-rafo an thought, • where an-aged lady, u wb?m;,/the took to baUa natt*flßßcof the ceremonies, waS seated oa an ottoman. lady roo-i her to a place besjdtj her> and ien L ' tered into conv«matioo r but iu a frigid ttnaaian atyleu; Tha ; woman with tha HaouHoav Wood in jhet l vteus hao a littb.prida of bar own, u kaJ ! thinkiag the Muacovibe was rather patronizing to .the wile oi an ambassador, aatumed aj standoff" air on bter aida. 'l'b® ceremonious ■ dame be ) capio. fporai ceremonious and almost s baugbty.. Atilengthsh* aaked. 1 ,, ■ I ,MHa*e yon seen my daughter, late>y?''' " !il'Jo|rtWon mey madame," said Lady ' .Dutferm, ''l fancy we do nob move ig, 4be aatnacircle. Piay, who way your I daughter. Pe?" The anawer led. tip tofa tableau. > "The of Jidinburg," *aid the ■ stately old female, who none other., tbaji, ' the empress of Russia herself. / f ¥*"*"' ■ 1 i-i 1 I ■ Ti« Bmtlmi,' Talletl, a*d Oldraf flea. \ I , > | -»■ ■■ Mi .).!%«tallest mfin of whom record is I] nryjde were a German nhined Ijaus BaF and a Hungarian soldier, name not given •tfho>TfVed severaitjeirttines a«fel each ot them being eleven feet high; tUeir weight k not known. Tl»e heaviest man 1 of Wtiom record is ma ie is lklilos giant, who was qfreii, and halt leet high and weighed over one pounds; he died in 1857. Dans iel Lambert, tire English "Mass of flesh" #aS fhriß fleet and eleven inches high, find weigited 739 pounds.—lu 1566 there was buried: ftt Bengal, ludla, a rpan uaraeni Cugua, who Claimed to be 350 years ot ■ age. l'he oldest person "W'hd died dUr iirg the ' ceirtnry was ' a Jfreiidhmeii In Parts, m'med Jean (loL etnbeski. wiio was 126 years old. A' mail named David Kurnison, died in Chicago in 1851, who claimed to be 116 ! years old. Ole Bull's beloved yjoliptjire* dred and sixteen years old and was once the treasure of Tagauini. Kl ' * .J„ il ot* .^3o6: vj li.g, T 4dl "' frt 'fH^OWftd satos 6,W,W'W fßWfifertV'" " •'" ' Chicago kill* six h'oga "fof 6rirv tfiftiv win swi u sw 9 i*h lho T y r *' l L * ~,» * h An lumi mwfm ■ iMyLiffbi »kVW*" 4>a*pJiH)fe to*,u£o Ijijn of cbewing tobac ■?•«• 4SOr T „ ,t u ,,™£: * MJ>fink- (ipi4/o|a #cc Goppcl' said on :^TOpfe.w®^, Ycarrhl*v«riE • been- a church membe*paaid,iHii*wt .cystine as many eeppera.' . 'Muvihe Lorn for-. &VAVMVS atWM9HU Pffach -ol*A n-'ul 1 l, V^l f -' '" l \ »" J \" '"" vl! «A small, bpji &fcked Jjif. w ther) a eer thin wotti»j f*Jy ©kj-tki* tCpa, „$j God mm, Wfr thty, Jie. mW m^Rer wjw,to£«»§ KOTffiS complain to tuo which hp did thut: lil liavo been abnseci'Sp sdirie ♦as cul* of this I have came to ac quaint you of 4t r a»-1 understand you »#ef Mfo'pVittcipaMft -4 )wf? Im» i>| -j He camd tiiMflKfioif ißUiero "Wfts drt t'bne> ffttfro' I vrtoo Mvonid i help m pcMwau.hMMst toaM^/rJW^ -out |ttißS®aa£ fliS fdMy reply, that tfleareiWasno dan.. may bo set»oWtoM4lgiml;icsit£i*falave a poor uoy-flvo aoitU,' replied the hope ful. *ftiitfct*«Mia«*i§i»tr, and char itv is always light. Ho was an orphan • P^jgnSS v ;.r yd) Ru)iuJtslnv.liim „«,» §eei,i f»«£ a "'fehllfefoan, ."here.is an iJiA't'ri(ib , fij"'Al ,, bhA' efine I li'avrf'iw dth'■ awftiHytUf' tbte' ft v— '%ifej W#««*a»d; ho stflif/ gtrri*Xj, got -away." T^ J^, tlr6 I My'oh*jr , 'ti(jJ*lad.;»his l ithe ! fWWfc. V l'lie+fef«rtiub ftfg iiftfhafidnMotU a grab at-the offender, and, Ming suc cessful Spatted it co Uirow th# ; iqsept from JllutyiWhutt jjgjtst lie exclaim i«di if fafatism 1 1 Thih M toM'in' Baltimore: A bad Ml«U4Mfvraß)iidili(i so 4 woman's mark- d#y , »o4 out, WgaJJl k?y r ta», been run over aud filled, up by (he ' City ''O'i,!,,oh ! , heavens—oh !'^—she came'up on tli'^omet 1 sfde, aud ( sUrted lo wiow tlvo bdr>-.' A'Ror going amd all of a sudden N*Hlf%Bdj * What a goose I amhwhy I ain't evjn m vrriedi 'lt Is os(tr3aftld'that 50,0^0" aud wttW6» are ohtp»oy«d in PWladerlpfcia in i ttora*nufi|«tapa.M cUUbingv aud ip ,000,- ooq ay its are. made there every year. Cut liiig flmtiitg their al! ot (lid imyg» JKMnmfMtaring .the City. The machines have a capability of citlfng fieirty 1 eigh teen htnfdred garments in aday twelve * haura, *• resnlta of meu- Butt9n holes also can bo worKfed T>y trtacliiiibry at theiaile bf one h«iidMd'atidi«glitjfcp»iP houri i while by hand U uke tl,e paino p&iiod to •' complete three lufcij. By''life cutting ' miclihias- fbld? pt>, thickness eui»«> oasiljr em through. , A# instance ( jof,tbe valueof njachitery ii|. expediting afforacd In tho ftict that the establishment whero otitiing and but-. ,40* te>iV4Mijniajout one , hundred suua ready for wear inside of ' -mmhonMl-mt'l* Wetkty-3 ■> ' ll nK/f»*(rr. MAW. • "There is a man," said his neighbor, ( .mefk/qg done mprfigmlj realltTelfefrf, in thia community ihtm any other i>erson who "ever liyed;vn it, talk very well in a prayer meeting wd he .loesn't ofteu try. He isn't worth two thousand dollaVs, brid Kb Veif little h>> can pufc down on; sabsorifitinn papers for any i i JtufcawiWK.&MJwly.nevar moves I tjVat he does not find j thpni and give theui a neighborly wel- I come and offer any httle he oan ? render. lie is usually on tKe lookout to * give atraogers a seat Ja his pew at | obiiNfc. H® is alwaya ready; ,|o watch | a.sijtsk neighbor and look after his 1 affairs fdr hint, and I've thought he and hiii wif« kej/t louse- W plants k» jna# (ot the sake of bet] iivg aWe to aeml Mule bouquets to inva-fl lids, lie fiuds time for.aplmwnt word J forgery child he fleets, and you'll aeqfl them climbing into his one-horse wagodl when tie has no other Wd. He seems to hare a genius for helping iolkifl sopts ot eoiuujon way«,ud it me yood every day just to meet him q9

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