THE U L.E AN ER. GRAHAM. NTC., JAW. », 188». Ha»p«Qlnri at Home. Mr. David Bell spent a taw days In town last week. A brisk bail storm visited as last Thursday afternoon. • r. R. HARDEN Sz SEN have on hand A line lot of Abingles for sale. A preemptible increase of waler in the wells fa one of the results at the late raius. There has been a (toartii of amusement generally Incident to the holiday season. Dr. Geo. W. Long returned from Bal* tfinoro last week. We learn that his health is poor. .., ■„ .. , . vi Mr. J. I While's excellent school at Hawflelds, wilT open for the Spring; term on the 9tb inst. r^.;;' The new organ for the Presbylfcrlau church has arrived- It la a fine one and pos sesses excellent tone anPpower. Mr. Geo. W. VV hit sett and Misses lone Parker and haggle Hunter oame home from college to spend the holldaj $. ALWAYS HF.FKF.SIJINO. —A delicious odor fa imparted by Fioreston Cologne, which fa al> ways refreshing, no matter how freely used. * Mr. Clins. Tjtlball has closed his school here and gone home. Ho doss not Intend re. turning, We learn that ho has secured a place elsewhere. # I Brother Brad»liaw of the Asliboro Courier, has taken to iiiipself a wlfn. He was married In Grsansboro to Miss Lou. McCullQOb. We wish him all happiness. ..... ■ v » The Connty Superintendent will ex amine white appllnants for teaohcr*s certificates at tb« Court Hcuse on Thursday tho 12th lust., and colored applicants on Friday 18th. The new year wn* ushered in with a snow storm. The snow began falling before daylight and continued falling most of tlie morning. The prospect fa that mora may be expected. After a long silence occasioned by sicVness, our western correspondent favors us with another Interesting letter. It 1s to be hoped that he will keep we'l hereafter and write often. P The Fall tefm of Graham Norma) College was a success in every way. The Spring term will open to-morrow. It gives us pleas ure to note the prosperity of the Institution. Mr. T. H. Coleman, laid of Greensboro, has opened an establishment at Oant & Davidson's Mills, lor the manufacture of furni ture, mattresses anfl coffins. We bespeak for him a share of the public patronage. TJbere is n very bad hole in the road a short distance below Mr. C. P. Albright's residence. We saw a horse ani boggy stack fast there one day last week. It might be well.-for our town authorltleo to look after It. Ycnrjrnn, Prltv & 00, have received a necond supply of ladies' cloaks. The handsom est cloak*, for tho price in the State. Mr. TLo*. T-. White is connected with the house. He will take especial pleasure filling orders from this County. All p?r*on* indebted to the 6rm of J. J. Long & On. aro respectfully invited to come forward and settle their at accounts once, all claims BRnlnsi the firm will be paid when pre sented. Tliey are still selling at cost, : come soon and buy goods cheap, as they will Close out in about ten days. * Ml*. T. B. Moselv, formerly connected with the Banner Warehouse, is now witb Parrlsh & Blackwell. We don't know much about the tobacco business ourselves; but Mr. Mjsely does. Ze will make use of bis knowl edge for the benefit of all who earry their to baeco to the brick warehouse, and give satis faction to planters If anybody can. lloads that were worked jnst before the bad weather set in, are In a very bad condi tion. It appears to be the policy -of overseers to do road work when they can do nothing else. Ibts should not be 00. We would like to see another (rand jnry with some curiosity •bout .the road laws. A few cases properly prosecuted would bavea wholesome effect. All appropriate present tor the child 'l ren. and one that will last all the year round fa subscription to 6OE LITTLB ONES. January if nober fa equal to any that has preceded it. Tus reading mutter is cholco and interesting to tile youngest children, and the illustratlors are attract** Jt is published by the Rassell Pub. lisblng Co., Boi-ton Mass., at #l.lO per year. Yeargan, Petty ft Co, ofler to famish suits, costumes, party and wedding dresses to order. If tlie lady maklag an order, will give eolor, quality and kind of fabric wanted, also measurement and the price she wants to pay, they guarantee an onlfit as fashionable and cheap as MM be gotten ap anywhere in the United States, Send orders to N. C. A WORD to MOTHERS. —Mothers should remember it fa a most Important daty at this season to look after the health of their families and cleanse the malaria ant imparity from tfcetr systems, and that nothing will tone op the stomach and llyer, regulate the bowels aad ' Urify the feloud so perfectly as Parker's Ginger "eolc, advertised In onr columns—Post. See other eolumn. f Youa YKRT LAST CHARC*.—The De cember or Christmas namber of the Scmtktm Musical Journal Is on oar table. It was the last' with whieh the shoemaker ei Seville killed Us wife, and with this, expires In glory, the old feriesof the Journal. January a new rolsme with anew series, but the dollar's worth mt Premium Sheet Music, which has hitherto been presented each subscriber, will not be longer (Men. The Publishers offer one lad chance to secure this Premium, and will extend it yet to all who subscribe before January 16th, 1883. Remit $1.25 at once, and the Journal for 1883, with Its tU.OO worth of mtisie bound in It, and «1.00 worth of Premium Sheet Music at your own selection, will be yours. This Christ mas naraber has three Music Gems. 'He flhreth His Beloved Bleep,* The Celebrated Chop Walts,' and ' Blue Bird Echo Polka., Send yopr subscription to LCDDZN A BATES, Southern Music House, Savannah, Oa. - * -V'' • • '■ ' HI Sen IOIL. XiiJtefltti» Emiih * Mitiadta Rrli,L muMam r n " "■ — ll ■■ ■rw ar^ —» — ll i - -—'» -»■ 1 - lIIKO. L HOLT.—Dr, f. A. HOLT, formerly, a resident of this town,died In Jacksonville, Florida,on the evening of 91st UU. • Dr; 1 Holt will be re> membered by many of the citizens o| this sec tion of country. He did a large practice In this before tne war, and ad in tuta taped comfort and aid t$ many a wounded soldier daring the war on the battle fields of Virginia Vut now Ufa work fa done, %nd his loss wil( be felt and moaned by many. U-1* ■ - 1 V S FV HARBIBD. FAIJCETT—TURNER. -On tho 34, at the resldeuee of the bride's father, by J. I White J. p., Mr. John W. FJLCC*t* to Mfas {Jakcj C, Tdbnkb, daughter of David Tumor, ail of Melville Township. OANT COVINGTON.—On the 87th Inst., at the residence of the bride's parent, by Rev. J . H. Vernon, Mr. W. F. GAWT of Graham- to Mfas FANKIB COVINGTON, daughter of Mr* Coylngton, of Caswell County. May much joy be theirs. PETTIGREW—CHEEK.—In Hillsboro, on Wednesday, January 31st, In' the Baptist Chur;b, by Rev. Wright. Mr. WILLIAM J. PSTTIQHEW, of Company Shops, to Mi** Mabi B. Cvh, daughter oi John Cheek Eeq., of Hillsboro: The following-named ladies and gentlemen were attendants; Mr. E. D. Cheek, of Hillsboro. and Miss Tbenle Pettlgrew, of Me baneville; Mr. Frank Lynch, of Company Shops, and Miss Fftgnie Fan :ette, of HUlsboro; Mr. W. E, Cheek, of Hillsboro, and Mfas Sophie Cresswell, Of Mebantrille. Miss Lilly Laws pressed at the organ. —Hillsboro Obstruer. EXTRACT FROM A r,rtier frem Prsfewsr liapHS. It was my priilege to be present at (he closing exercises of Oakdule Acide my, June 9th, 188].. The school room Iras supplied wllh all kinds ot educational helps, Ueading, Charts, Color Charts, Phonetic Charts, Maps, Instructive Matters, &c. Mr. Thompson is a wido-awake teacher, sya- in his habits, earnest iu his work, and oi good moral character. « 'B. SIMPSON. I told you that I was coining, and not to forgot it. Now lam in your midst and I find many have taken my advice and gone to P. R. Harden A Sou's and laid In a food sijpl ply of Clothing, Ac. But some are a chattering their teeth, and there fa no excuse for such, but as there is still plenty of ibe comforts ef life at P. R. Haraen Jt Sou's, I will give an extension of a few days to those who have not availed ; themselves of the favorable opportunities be-> fore I begin to stir the dry bones. v. - Trnly I am, • JACK F#OST. A lot oi Cabbage, Chest tints. Apples, i Buckwheat Flour and Christmas tricks just re ceived at J. W HABDBH'S. M. Strauss, at the Benbow House, Greensboro, keeps a large stock of Dry>-goods, [ Hats, Boots au4 81)pes, Ac. * For firbt-class goods at low prices, go to Cheap John at the Eeubow House, Greens boro. * - Santn Ctaui will make headqnarters at J J L>ko A CO'S with a fine lot of Christmas Toy s, Fire Works Ac. Come sll ye little folks . buy your Toys at bottom prices. Don't forget to go to see Strauss when you go to Greensboro. He will make it to your c I interest to buy from him. * 1 NOTICE.—A large and desirable lot ot ! Boots and Shoes just received at J. J. LONO A Co's all of which will be sold at rockbottom c prices. • Monetf saved is money made, Buv your goods of J, J. LONG A Co. They are still selling at bottom prices. * , UON'I'OO.ItPf.AIKt OF IURD TIHIS, 1 YOI'JN'O HAN, When you cm ro to J. W. IIABDES'S and get a pair of Socks for 10 cents, a good pair of Shoes for $l5O, a Hat for 50 cents and a good Suit of'Cfcthea fer f1.60, a Pocket Handker chief for 5 oi iits, anice Cravat fur 5 cents, and if you Want something fine you can be accom odated at any prion. I have always on hand for Ladies a full line of Bbawla, Oloaks, Scarfs, Hose, Hocp Skirts, Underskirts, Chemises, Balmoral Bkifts, and as food a line of Dress Go"ds ss ever came to town, a full assortment of Zeigler Shoes and American Seiribg Ma chines. Foa ma FARMBB MAM, I have a good stock of Farmers' Friend Plows, *ll sisse, Doable Shovel Plows, Plow Irons and Bolts, Wheet Drills. Evaporator with boiler and fnraees. Mattocks, Sprouting Hoes, Picks, Shovels and Forks. In fact anything the Farmer may want; aiso a fall line of Carpenters' Tools and Build er's Hardware, I pay the highest laarlwt pries tor all Mads of Coutry Produce. I keep on band the largest assortment of Furniture in town. . J. W. HABDEff. ? I 1 1 \ I Ml ■ I The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUCH SYRUP over allother cough remedies is attested by the imwenr.c popular demand for that old established remedy. [ i javaTiTH'll 1 ■A~ W ■ h - ; Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Broji- D chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient I Consumption and for tlie reliaf of I consumptive persons in advanced I , stages of the Disease. For Sale I 1 Clothing and Hats —Pos — ißi Largest Stock in the State, LOWEST PBIOEI BENTS' SHOESjt SPECIALTY I 'Save money by examining our BTOCK and prices before buying elsewhere. B. B.ANDBE VS*(J«., jan, 3, 48—tf. .'.J RALEIQH, N. C. ' % Sale of Bonds." T3T v'rtue of an order of tbe Superior Court Jj of &lao>ance County, in the case of Alvis King and others against W. J., and A. Murray and others. I will offer for ssJe at the Ceur't House door in Greensboro, N. C.-, at public auc» tio4 for cash, on Monday tbe Ath day of Feb. ruary 1884 at 19 o'clock M., eight (8) bonds of the County of Carteret, Issued Februaiy 30th iB6O, each for SSOO, and due February 20th 1880. to each of which bonds coupons are attached for Interest at 0 per peqt from February aoui 18T5. -» F Parties iesiring further Information can ad-> dress mj Attorney, James Jfi. Boyd, Greensbo ro, N. C, J. A. McCAULBY, Jan, 3, 'B3, 43—tds. Reoriver. Examination of Teachers. I—. At the Court House in Grahsm on Tbnts day the 13th of January while applicants will be examined. 2—r. At the same place on Friday the ISth of January colored applicants will be examined. The examination will promptly at 0 o'clock A, M„ and It will take the full day to complete tliea. Remember there are no prlyate examinations and all who desire certificates must come to the regular examinations. J ' Let all white applicants be present on Thurs day and all colored applicants on Friday. vr. w. STACET, Jan. 3, 'B3, 43—It. Co. Superintendent. tOR SALE t •• l4 ' For sale bv the Bbl, or Gallon, 40 Bbli. pore old Copper Distilled Corn Whiskey. CLKM 0. CURTIS, Dec. 19—43, 4w. —... Graham, N.C. "gIBS R LOWEST PRICES POWELL'S PREPARED CHEWICFTLS , # 1 a Farmer can buy a FORMULA I F«r *pi4Zi (5201bs)of POWELL'B • PREPARED CHEMICALS i This .when mixed at home, makes One Ton of SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE, equal in plant-life and as certain of IUCCCWM crop- ' production as cuoy high priced Phosphates. - MA EXTRA /No trouble to mix- , INVJEXPENSE.I Full directions. 1 Powau's CHEMICALS have been thoroughly Wed, give universal satisfaction, and we offer leading farmers in every State ae reference. Scad tot Pamphlet. Beware of Imitations. Brown Chemical Co SOLE PROPRIETORS, - * - ■- * Bavnuoaa, Mn. Powell'* Tip Top Bon* Fertil izer. Price only $35 a cash. Bone Meal. Dissolved Bone. Potash. Ammonia. And all Fextiiuiag Material*. COTTON L mm TOBACCOMGETABLESI OWIPXANDRETH &SOWS. PHIIA- Just Received. tleeuine Termers Friend Plows, all nnm Piow Pol its, Land Bides, Monld Boards, Bolts aed Clevfass. BCOTJ * DONNRJJ#. tBAHAM 1 Graham« N- C. THE ll'Xt Teem (t>e*Mon 1881 and *82,) will open Tuesday, 3d inst„ and continue until the last Friday hi May. For additional infor mation, applr to D. A- LONG. Jwn. S, 43-tf. «l*h»m, N. 5.- I REVENUE SALE I UNITBD STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, 1 Colbctor's Owict, sth District, N. C , > Winston, Dec. 80tU, 1881. ) THE following property stored In Graham, N. 1 C., riZ!—lß barrels containing; about 39ft gallons Whiskey, S Copper dtilif, 2 Copper SOU Cape and 2 Copper Still Worms Seised for violation o| Internal Revenue law from lno, P. Albright on the 15th day' of November, 1881. having been declared forfeited to the United States according to law, will be sold to the liirhest bidder in the to*n of Graham on the 13(d day of January, 1888. Bale to QommoaM at 11 A. M. GEO. B EVERITT, . Collector sth DUt. «, XJ. Jan. % ta-at. COFFINS! Plain amf Ornomeßtal, -mrrOV Vip— Made To Order r-AT SHORT NOTICE.— J. H. Coleman, Gant 4 Davidson's Mill*. Jaa. «, 48-flw. , The People I ' 4 7 i it ,1,,,,- - H . *,'i> Oj ,»**? !*.*» : n ■*- f 111*3*1 —or— • ALAMANOE are invited to sail and examine the large Stock of Good* at i , .... ■ JOHN 1. MATS, GREENSBORO, H. 0. He has recently returned from Philadelphia and New Tork where pqrobftae# bis Stock, consisting ef Dry-Goods, HATS, B««ti and Skoeii £©. His stock is well Selected. and he will sell at low prices. JOHN H. MAT* i Nov. 1, 86— tf. T r . FARM FOIC IXLE! DtaORIPTIONf rls a mile and a half South of Bingham School, and the *ame distance from Me~ banevill, immediately on the line between Ala man ee and Orange Counties, a very small por tion being in Ortnge, contains Two Hundred atid Sixty four Acres, has upon it a good dwelling bonne, barn, kitchen and all neceesary outbuildings, ail in first class condition, a young orchard of select trees Just beginning to bear: the watar excellent, tj)e location beautiful and healthy, the land good, and adapted to the giowth of grain, trasses, tobacco and cotton, with plenty of timber upon the tract. It ia on the headwaters of Haw Creek, and Is in all re spects iu good repair. It is only once in a great while such a farm is offered. ■itlAltO tIBHI, , ThU el*gan£ farm will be sold at public out cry, at the Court House door in Graham on lAToo4T,|lb*sr«fMa., 18 Mi for cash. TM PfVH T« •■E.g. t This sale will be mad*in the exercise of the powers conferred In two mortgages, both ex* ecuted by C-apt. James Creswell to the under signed, one dated March Slst, 1877, and the other dated April 19th, 1878, and registered in A lam anoe and Orange Counties. The title is IIWHti WCapt James Craawell, who llvea upon the premise*, will take pleasar* ia showing the farm. J. •. SCOTT, W. C. DON NELL. E. 8. Putin, Atty, Graham, N. C., Dec. tl, 'SI. [Jan S-tdf, TwKsl HAW BALSAM. A perfect****- sfsste lot. Kcnova dandruff, r*ori ntfiiral color and Pfevfntsbaldnes* SS mu aa* *1 TLOBESTON COLOGNE. An nqaMul, hm mat MrfaaM yrlU I mmivm* PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Am l*vif oratlH MtUdu that Sever latMdcatm This delicious combination of Ginger. Buchu, Mandrake, Stillingia. and many othes of the best vegetable remedies known, cures all disorders of the bowels, stomach, liver,kidneys #nd lungs, An The Serf aid S*ftt| Coajfc Can Cwr ttssd. If you are suflerinc from Female Cony hints. Nervousness, Wakefulness, klieiimatiem Dyspep sia, age or any disease pf jnfirmhyt take Parker s Ginger Tonk. It wil) strengthen Imuu and body and five yon new life »i(l rifor. 100 DOLLARS Paid for anything injurious feund in Ginger Teak or for a failure K>he!p pr cure. I0e.a»t«l I—»»»*t—Wrtaa ' $1 afar, iwl larrimilar lo Hikv>t U„ KSWahSfc.M.T. Santa Glaus! . for Chrlalnus Trkiu i* . - '■ .*•« r 1 . ■ ■■■■ -•; • ■» •"* * • Hwjmi • . * »J|H m*! i'ij ■' I) (.j i »* I ;l*,' • i hi.-' -Company Shops,- Gifts suitable for old and young, consisting of VASES, TOILET SETS, SHELL WORK BOXES, AC. Toy* for the children, con listing ol ROCK ING HORBE3. DOLLS, DOLL CARRIAGES and W AGONS, TOY CEADLKS. TEA SETS, .MP to GRKA * and VARICT*. Call at ooea and make ready for tb* holiday * ■ ' •! ALAMANCE CO.—ln Superior Court, Nanoy E. Haaall 1 Plaintiff. Aoaintt . Gomelia Rooey. Al* fredHaiXo. IT ; Hasell, Margaret Sumaaona for Relief. Maynard, W. J, 3 ' Murray and Mary ■ ProoeeMmft J., hi* wife, John Haaell, J. M Tap- Petttloa for Dowar. •cott aad Claudia bta wife, Robert Fauceti, Cornelia Fauoett and M. 0. Uaaell, a minor, BT£TE OF NOBTH CARPI,UA. To th* Sheriff of Alamano* CowUf Greeting: Henry 1 Iffit J. j Murray aad l(ary J.. hit wife, John HaUtO, 1. M. Tapacott aad CUmdl* hie wW*. Robert Faucet t, Cornelia Faucett aad M. O. Hasell, » minor, the defendant* above named if be found within year oounty to appe*r at the of fice of the Clerk of the Beberior Opart for th* county of Alemaao* within twenty day* after the acrviee af tbiaetnamoas *« them ex clusive of the day of auch service, and answer the compUjii *hM& will be deooaitad I*. the office of MM Clerk within tea day* fraaa the date of tVk wamoaK And let *aid d*fn»- danta taks notice that if they iail te an ewer the coraplalat within that time the plaintiff will apply to the Court far the rellel awr.aaJ ad la the eemplaiat Hereto fail not and of thi* *timmop| make dae retarc. Gives und*r my bead aad eeal of aaid Court, Thla sth day pf Dao*mber 1881. A.TATg, 0.M.0.•€ Qnbtm 4 largestYcrsapest —STOCK QF— HARDWARE ever offered In Piedmont N. C„ 1* for a&.by Harris & Flipped, G keiiiboio, N. 0., ■ Those wising low**t price* Will do W*ll by calling on u*. In addition to a varied and exlenalve line of other Hardware, we have lor sale TC Vs*. AXII at Af.lj PBICBS, 1.000 lk*. IreaMOß IVAIIiK. l.eno •• Bsrse •• •• 13.000 •• Steal 100 Das. H VftGAMIAIV IfAVf.H. M Orsri tEhl SBIIW at Tl* »W Or Ma. W. June 20, ISBI, 81-ly. • PBttiONSffissssaswi m Brakaa lUrkrt. comascTiD wuoi Bf J. W. HißPiy, vl' 1 Apple*, dried, 9 8k.... Btoß « green » bushel, ... l.fO to 3.08 Sean* Mixed V - White* ft £io Battel * ,•• *,•••• II Beeewax V f, f «0 Bacon *Mep?lb, Uk «» ♦ B> 10 " hMtr If to 15 BeefV» «•» Black tjerrlee. dried,.. • Bark, s«*air** root* » B> T M«| Candle* Adamant M# CJottjjilow m»d cotton, Vyd. .. IMNO Corn »bu*h.. I.o* Chickon* Frying )P#U Chicken* gr0wn............ SO Cotton Inunt, VS. 10 Cotton la aaed.... r I Clover seed V lb ISW g»S $ X&rS#:W~.7?:: ■ ■ '..S 3 LardVfe 14 Moiaaea Cuba 9 gal. Hftt Meal, corn,J fc . .A • ».S " set* V bu*h.... S.OO Pea* V bush 1.00 Fotatoe*, iri ih 9 bnah.......... ,1.00 " swe*t " . 75 pSwhesfdMei) "peeied, 10&U " «• unp**l*d, 10 Rag* 9 B> IK Aster Oil 9 gal. 40 Salt line y *ack.lfM ' courM I.l* Wheat BUoah. | «0 Cabbage » ! «•-.:# y»n «! I»- ■* ' ■ .'!•* }' t Go To jrrnT'™u'i * • * * 1 . ;u H >> 'I. i.3 U»I -l-*vD HOLT. mm fi mi. j k-v fT rT *•»»?.•' • • M"**' it» .•/ • t- ——F^lt—~ '•» • •■• Dry^oods, •"I i„; v >., • r: , , • il It J • * • ■ l.i t>J* M»vV >■«;"**# * • *!& b« IB 3 3 f' I-U,-? -■■ri'lt, • r •- • >• .»f"# v. i .rstaso ij.a.i'ii j N" OT I O N s. s im« «■***•* * jc . / ' • BOOTS aKJ?SRO)E« , •-> / . i * *T*! i. m ' ■ • i. * i - *• v.. J TRUNKS ■ ril' I ••-"Aipt-r- I p -.«■ '• '• * I "V"*- ~ '* T A LIB B 9 life. f ■ - r , f • : qoijoli ©lfi£ HMBWMI, MMfiiMWIppHBHHHByp :! if ■•£••.•» a :T * • .t'oi&A ,TT :'v?/T HJt ■ -i> —♦. J!f". .ifl ,v*V-.'^ WWipjWAR^ \m&±- - ►. v.-st/'* .* •- •• la&ajEffi '■■ I * ' ,1,: "'• ?r,t • " '' " ' l .«•« *. . _ -*■. -■{*4© T ' .V. GlasswarE, .00110 rl PT Li a €Sf a vi Their ftfocfc {f k«pt full Ifaf amvals ercty ftw daj% i. c " -■ KT«rytkinf ffp|4 »t R#f* SfitUfiMiftt jpiWr»«Md. OMIPAKT fUIOM, K, 0.

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